Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang An Yu: Shao Bei Sheng
Song Zu Er: Shen Zheng Yi
Fu Wei Lun: Qu Zhi
Li Hao Fei:: Zhu Le Le
Chinese Title

[Ep33] LXY returns to the Wind Chasers after turning down a spot on the rival team. Aww and the whole team had happy tears. Now with the full team back together they are ready to prepare for the big competition. Day of everyone from friends, family, and classmates are in the stands ready to cheer on SZY and LXY.
[Review & Rating]
Network: Youku
Recapper: beautifuljangmi
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3/5
First Impression: 3/5
Mini Recaps and Personal Tidbits
[Ep1] A lot happens for our leads in this first episode! It does a good job setting up the expectations for the episodes to come.
Ready to compete, their faces here really show their personalities well |
Leads meet and immediately dislike each other due to a misunderstanding. To see who can use the ice rink to teach their skating classes, they make a bet to race and SZY wins. She may or may not have cheated, semantics. Thinking they will not see each other again it is a big surprise for SZY to find that the person she has to go through to register for the professional speed skating team is none other than the guy she cheated at the rink, SBS. He does everything he can to keep her from being able to participate in the tryouts, however, his intentions aren’t all bad. He knows that SZY does not have the skill to be on a professional team as she has never been properly trained.
SZY does not make it onto the professional team (Wind Chasing team) but her name does mean fight for number one so I’m sure we will see her try again. Meanwhile, SZB loses his professional partner Liu Fei due to the fact she likes SBS and would rather be his partner in life than on the rink. And I know we are all wondering who could possibly be her replacement. I hope this isn’t that cliche but I guess we shall see!
[Ep2] A misunderstanding occurs due to SZY’s friend, Zhu Le Le (ZLL). Because of ZLL’s obsession with SBS, a ‘campus prince’, SBS now thinks that SZY was actually stalking him this entire time. Side note, friends backpack is Sailor Moon themed so she is now my new favorite character.
Coach Xiao wants SZY on the team and encourages her to practice more individually in hopes to become an official member.
The misunderstanding between SZY and SBS is also quickly resolved once he meets her friend ZLL and realizes she is the one who was obsessed, and not SZY. I liked how that was quickly worked out and not a prolonged misunderstanding. SBS is rightfully embarrassed and I would even say disappointed that it was not SZY who has a crush on him.
SBS practicing his ‘moves’ KILLS me (˃̣̣̥‿˂̣̣̥) the faces he makes are so exaggerated. Poor Liu Fei keeps trying so hard but I truly cannot see the appeal during these moments. SBS keeps trying to convince Liu Fei that they are better friends and to come back to training. He becomes desperate and tries saying he already has a girlfriend, but Liu Fei is relentless.
SZY begins to meet the other team members. Pillow Book is one of my all time favorites so anytime I see a character from that drama I get super excited! Yuan Yu Zuan (Cheng Yu from PB) plays Luo Xiao Yi (LXY). Not much about her character yet but I have a feeling our FL and her will be rivals?
Coach Zhuang (new head coach of the Wind Chasers) decides to take on SZY after all, if she can meet the standards required within a weeks time. She followed SBS’s advice and talked to her directly for a chance. We see there may be bad blood between Coach Zhuang and SBS and quickly come to find it’s his mom.
Coach Xiao who seems to be our second male lead, has a fear of water (friend or possibly brother drowned). When SZY jumps in the water to save a little kid the second Coach Xiao freezes. Thankfully, SBS comes in and saves the day. But oh no! When she wakes up she only sees our Coach Xiao and thinks he was the one who saved her. Gah. SBS is just as disappointed as the rest of us.
[Ep3] Guess who just became a fake couple! That is right, SBS and SZY. Liu Fei is still determined to date SBS but this time luck is on his side. A helpless SZY has no choice but to play along and pretend to be his girlfriend, shocking Liu Fei that there really is a girl SBS is dating.
[Ep4] Luo Xiao Yi (LXY) is clearly in love with Coach Xiao and does not accept his special attention towards SZY. We quickly learn they were childhood friends and she has liked Coach Xiao since she was little.
[Ep5] SBS tries to steal his coaches keys to the ice rink in hopes SZY could practice secretly. She was still banned from the ice due to her previous mistake. The plan fails and our female lead is ready to end their fake romance as well, but thankfully his second plan works and their relationship continues. It is so funny watching SBS go from stealing to blackmail in order to get what he wants. Not the usual behavior we see in our male leads who often only show perfect attitudes/behaviors.
We get to meet SBS’s new skating partner is, Xiao Qing (XQ). She is also Coach Xiao’s sister. But she doesn’t seem to be here for skating, I think she’s got SBS on her mind.
SBS is determined to keep up the ruse of him and SZY dating, if he only he can catch her lol. She isn’t a speed skater for nothing! Our FL is very serious compared to more recent dramas I’ve watched. While our ML is the goofy one! So far I’m enjoying the change up. SBS clearly has some explaining to do after his stunt. He finally tricks SZY into meeting with him and all he ended up doing was cause a bigger mess and misunderstanding of his character.
SBS-“I have an opportunity for you that most girls could only dream of….being my girlfriend” yes this is the way to a woman’s heart. Surprisingly (to no one but SBS), SZY turns him down.
SZY can join the Wind Chasers! Her teammates aren’t thrilled with the sudden addition but she is determined to do well and show them she has what it takes to be a professional speed skater.
I would like to take a moment and admit I was wrong in my assumption that our leads would become partners, and I’m very happy for this! While the fake romance is still cliche, I was sad to think she was going to change sports.
The new girls and veterans on the Wind Chasers are butting heads. The main point of their argument stems from the new girls, especially SZY, taking up LXY’s ‘special practice time’ with Coach Xiao. These girls are straight bullies, pulling juvenile tricks as well as resorting to physical violence if things aren’t going their way. And why they care if LXY has extra practice or not, who knows. Apparently she is the ‘best’ so everyone needs to ‘fall in line’. SBS was given a gold star for nicely lending SZY his coat when he caught her running outside in the cold and completely drenched, thanks to the mean girls throwing water in her face. And poor SBS caught a cold himself in the process of helping SZY. (๑•́ ‧̫•̀๑)
SZY causes an accident on the rink and though she doesn’t see it as her fault, it is. We also learn that Head Coach Zhuang was one of the girls in the very opening scene in ep 1 when we see someone getting injured during a competition. It is unclear whether or not she was the one who was hurt or the one who caused the accident, probably information for the future. Side note, our doctor helping the girls is none other than Love Scenery’s Sun Bin Yu (played by Hu Yun Hao) which is the other drama I recently did recaps for if anyone wants to check those out!
When SZY is punished for her reckless skating by Coach Zhuang, SBS does not miss a beat. He gets all his friends to come help his new girlfriend (wink wink) with cleaning the training area. He also convinced her to sign a contract for them to officially become a fake couple. Of course there is a contract, would it even be a fake relationship without one? Lol. SBS takes full advantage as well to their newly made deal. And has clearly lost his mind as he thinks a girlfriend should be bringing the boyfriend breakfast at 6:30 AM, I would have laughed into the phone and then gone back to sleep. He also has a bunch of other tasks and couple ‘to-dos’ that make it seem like he wishes this relationship was more than the fake one they started.
Look at the face he is making watching her sleep, can’t tell me he isn’t in love! |
Our leads lovey-dovey moment on the ice is interrupted by a furious Coach Zhuang. However, they become closer due to the upsetting encounter and we learn SZY’s mom was a speed track racer as well whose leg was injured (!) I spy a connection here.
Xiao Qing moves (on purpose) into SZY’s dorm room. She is also very kind to SZY, sticking up for her when bullies appear. Honestly, can’t tell how I should feel about this girl, but I get villain vibes.
Head Coach Zhuang has SZY coaching the junior team (little boys from ep 1 who we met with SBS). The coach is doing this in hopes it teaches SZY that speed racing is not just about speed. The Disney cast member in me keeps screaming SAFETY IS THE FIRST KEY whenever the Coach asks SZY what is most important and she keeps saying speed. Kills me. Coach Zhuang also beat out SBS who was also thinking of using the assistant coach position to get SZY back on the ice. Mother like son.
[Ep6] SBS takes the initiative to help SZY with her assistant coaching duties.
[Ep7] Xiao Qing wastes no time stating her claim on SBS once SZY confirms their relationship is fake. Meanwhile, ZLL let’s SBS have it for gifting the tickets SZY spent so much money and time getting for him. Both of our leads are now feeling down, but hopefully they can lift each others spirits together.
[Ep8] Coach Zhuang talks to all the girls on the team, except LZY it seems, and they all decide to return. She has real heart-to-hearts with each girl, discussing their journey with speed racing as well as how much more they can do in the future if they come together as a team.
[Ep9] SBS is blissfully unaware of how seriously his hand is injured. He even has the energy to joke/mess with SZY. He clearly wants her to take care of him and stay with him alone, but XQ continues to awkwardly intrude due to (being madly in love with SBS) feeling guilty over causing SBS’s injury. SZY may have invited her to stay but SBS clearly told her to go…Thankfully, never thought I’d say this, Coach Xiao comes just in time and takes her home with him. This in return made SBS very pleased that he finally had all of SZY’s attention and attentive care.
[Ep10] Coach Xiao meets with SBS privately hoping to convince him to push XQ to another team. I really don’t like his character. Everything he does is in private and shady. SBS afterwards goes off on his own to “decompress”. He ignores everyone’s calls and texts except for SZY, much to XQ’s dismay. Girl, you ruined his future career already because of your jealousy, it is time to move on.
[Ep12] SZY is ‘kidnapped’ by her mom from school and she forces SZY to participate in some family time. But SZY has to get to practice and tries to have ZLL come to her house in hopes that with a friend coming to get her, it would look less suspicious than her leaving alone. Mom still has no idea her daughter is speed skating so SZY is trying to think of any plan of escape that she can without raising suspicions. Plan changes last minute and SBS shows up instead. This causes them to be further delayed as they were then interrogated by the parents regarding their relationship (mainly dad who was not ready for his baby girl to have a boyfriend).
[Ep13] Our leads cute moment comes crashing down once SBS learns ZLL knows their relationship is fake.
[Ep14] Before the competition we see a childhood friend of SBS, who is also a skater, named Li Mi. His girlfriend is none other than the famous speed skater Yu Bing Ling. Infamous skater we have heard about all season that the girls on SZY’s team say is a shoe-in to win. However, SZY shocks them all by coming first! Everyone but Coach Zhuang is happy for her. The coach looked past her win and pointed out all of the safety precautions that SZY ignored to get that first place spot. In the end, her scores are disqualified. Though the coach also agrees with this decision, she feels conflicted on how to fight for SZY due to a similar issue that happened when she was coaching in the past.
[Ep15] Li Mi, SBS’s childhood friend, does a great job at his own competition. His girlfriend YBL was also there cheering him on (this couple is cute, I’m a fan). SBS realizes while watching the competition how much more he needs to train to catch up to his new competitors. However, time is not on his side as his teammate was injured during their event and now SBS is partaking in the current competition as his replacement. Our leads get to bond while SBS prepares. They are beginning to act like a real couple and for whatever reason continue being a fake one in front of people? This contract should have been long over guys, who are you acting for lol.
[Ep16] SBS gets drunk and almost kisses SZY, who instead punches him unconscious ☜(ˆ▿ˆc). In his drunken state he thinks the fist impact was actually a kiss (these two lol). SZY spends the night taking care of a hilariously delirious SBS that she doesn’t get to go back to her room on time. The next morning they are caught in the same hotel rooms by his teammates, who completely mistook the situation. Love it!
[Ep17] ZLL has a date to a science museum with the skate team crush. Cute boy from the bus who gave her chocolate. Qu Zhi intercepts and invites himself along as he fully admits to himself now that he likes ZLL. He tries to disguise his being there as “helping her” since science is his major and she knows nothing on the subject. (Side note, ZLL gives me Vanllope von Schweetz vibes with her look for this date lol). He truly stays with them throughout the entirety of the date, including walking her home. But Qu Zhi did more than just this, he knew that ZLL would be hungry after eating ‘daintily’ on her date so he waited to take her out again on his own clever boy.
[Ep18] Li Mi seems conflicted on how to help SBS and I can’t tell if it is out of respect for his friends boundaries, or if in the back of his mind he doesn’t want SBS to reach his level…jury is still out on this. But in the end he does help SBS push through his mental block.
[Ep19] SBS punches a guy from Li Mi’s team after hearing him bad talk both SZY and his mom. And in true drama fashion he refuses to tell anyone why he did what he did. That is until SZY pushes him to confess to her what happened. Thankfully, SZY is quick into action and helps clarify the situation to the other party which resolves the almost suspension for SBS. She carefully left out the fact Coach Zhuang is his mom and pretended this was strictly a boy protecting his girlfriend situation as SBS did not want his mom to know he did it for her as well.
[Ep21] SBS gets both the guy and girl skating clubs to help him set up an elaborate confession at the ice rink. This is going to go so badly, I can feel it in my bones. And without a doubt the confession is a total disaster. He accidentally confessed to XQ!!! Kill me now. The whole night ends with everyone in tears (XQ most of all) and all of the misunderstandings and miscommunications were still unsolved between our leads.
[Ep22] SZY is finally starting to see XQ’s true colors. As she begins to question XQ for lying, XQ throws back that SZY consistently states that SBS is only her friend. Crushed at that revelation, SBS leaves in tears and somehow managed to look really good doing it which just adds to his charm. Most people have ugly faces when crying.
[Ep23] SZY’s parents decide to visit the school, her mom wanting her to withdraw. Coach Xiao sets it up so he will be the one who meets them, not Coach Zhuang. He doesn’t want the big secret to be revealed and then it 100x harder for SZY to stay. Surprisingly, LXY is the one who comes to her rescue and SBS is the one who almost messes everything up. LXY gives a (surprisingly) genuine and kind speech to SZY’s mom about all the reasons she belongs on that team. I almost didn’t believe it was really her speaking but she states that because she is a gold medal status athlete she has the qualifications to say so. There’s the narcissism we’ve been seeing all season! Meanwhile, SBS calls his mom (having no idea the connection with SZY’s mom) thinking she can help. Fortunately, her mom had already left after agreeing to let her stay on the team!!
[Ep24] SBS and SZY share their first real kiss! However, the topic of discussion before the kiss was a bit heavy, with talks of SBS leaving to train in Russia. SZY fully supports him no matter what despite me shouting objections at my tv that he can’t go.
[Ep26] SBS gifts SZY a plant he grew specifically for her to remember him with while he’s away. ZLL tries to eat the fruit on the plant but SZY has declared it part of the dorm room family, complete with naming and talking to it like a person. Too adorkable lol
[Ep27] Our leads comfort and encourage each other, both being fully supportive of the other. I am so happy they aren’t having him go to Russia. I am loving their scenes together way too much!
[Ep28] ZLL has had enough of QZ’s attitude. And honestly so am I. What does he want her to do at this point? Beg? Fortunately, our leads are going strong with SBS deciding if you can’t beat em, join em! He trains with SZY and use that time together as dating and training (cuties). She also helps him come up with ideas for his jumps using speed skating skills.
[Ep29] Coach Zhuang and SZY’s mom finally come face to face. All secrets are revealed and SZY leaves angrily with her mom. We learn that Coach Zhuang had only increased her speed to block another opponent from passing, but was misunderstood as wanting to take the lead. This ended up causing SZY’s mom to speed up too soon, causing her to lose control and injure herself. That’s what I got from this at least, I apologize if I explained that poorly lol.
[Ep30] SZY gets locked in the bathroom and unlike other dramas, this time it was truly an accident (maintenance man thought everyone had left). Later when visiting her mom SZY blurts out what everyone has been thinking, that if her mom only trusted Coach Zhuang back then her accident may not have happened.
Zhu Le Le (ZLL) and Qu Zhi (QZ) are thrown together again when she is tricked into joining the drama club he is president of. ZLL thought it was a club full of gorgeous guys, but that’s what you get for believing a flier that used cartoons instead of real faces! However, karma is on her side as she canNOT act, causing them more problems.
Jealousy is in the air when SZY gets hurt and Coach Han carries her piggyback style to the infirmary. Both SBS and LXY see this happen. But SBS doesn’t let it keep him down (much). He rushes after her and carries her piggyback as well lol boys. He scolds her about proper etiquette for a girlfriend and that she shouldn’t so easily be accepting other guys help. Seems a bit serious as they aren’t really dating, but I’ll let it slide. She agrees and then also proceeds to confess she has finally learned it was him who saved her from drowning that day, and not Coach Han. I’m so happy she knows it’s him but her finding out he also gave her CPR is hysterical!
That night SZY dreams of her and SBS as figure skating partners. She wakes abruptly just as he was about to kiss her. Knowing that SBS gave her CPR is messing with her head and SZY becomes shy and embarrassed around him. In hopes to repay his kindness she spends a lot of time and effort into getting show tickets she thought SBS wanted, but turned out to be for Qu Zhi. Her disappointment leads Zhu Le Le to reach out to SBS herself.
The failed ticket scheme was also the final nail on the coffin for Xiao Qing who got SZY to admit her and SBS are not a real couple. Ooooh this girl gives me all the villain vibes. She even went so far as to say “don’t you trust me?” Let me think, no.
SBS takes SZY on a ‘date’ to a trampoline park. There’s an action figure he has been trying to win and uses SZY to do so. The challenge to get the action figure is slightly embarrassing so he’d rather she be the one who has to embarrass herself. They spend the day chasing each other and playing around. I want to go now makes me think of high school dates at Skyzone.
SZY was clearly not a fan, but SBS had a blast! |
ZLL has some depth to her! When working with Qu Zhi she admits that she is always afraid to truly love anything she does. She knows her skills will never be on par with the greats (whether art or sports) and that will cause people to constantly point out her struggles if she says it is something she truly likes. However, if she says she doesn’t like something, then people praise her for her performance. Sad but her words are very true and insightful to how society behaves towards people. I loved seeing this from a silly character! Normally, this type of character development happens way down the line so it is refreshing to see it early on as well.
LXY is the only team member from the original girls whose time is not improving but getting worse with the new Coach. She storms out of practice declaring she will not return until Coach Xiao is the one training her again. She plays a brat so well and it’s throwing me off because my love for her in Pillow Book is still present in my mind. I also can’t tell if she is actually serious about the sport at all, or simply wants Coach Xiao’s attention. Either way her behavior is childish and petty. To no ones surprise the older teammates (bullies) join in the boycott with LXY.
Coach Zhuang is blunt with Coach Xiao explaining perfectly why his style of coaching was both ineffective for competition, but also creates lazy players (let him have it!) But the teammates and him seem to disagree. SZY is the only one who shows up for practice. Really ZLL, right after I praise you!
The other new girls (and a hidden SBS) are inspired by both SZY’s and Coach Zhuang’s resilience to keep practicing without the rest of the team. SZY also improves immensely with the one on one time. Meanwhile, Coach Xiao continues to enable LZY and practices with her outside of school.
SZY is nervous for the competition when she hears about a wishing fountain at her school. Bumping into SBS, he joins her on her mission to find the fountain and make a wish. Poor SZY can’t throw her coins properly into the top part of the fountain which apparently is where it must land for the wish to come true. SBS uses the last coin and sinks it in with no problem. Our female lead was trying very hard not to be touched that SBS used his wish to help get hers instead, but fails miserably (adorably). He even brings her a cake before the competition for good luck! They are truly so cute together I can’t take it ᵔᴥᵔ) ♡
SZY WINS! (Her race). All the girls are a bit confused stating “it was only a few days!”. Because they only skipped practice for a short period they are astounded at how well SZY performed after her solo training. Her score qualified her for the competition. And ZLL as well!
XQ can see that SBS has real feelings for SZY, but she is determined to have him. This girl is going to be trouble…XQ is distracted by these thoughts during practice causing SBS to get cut by her blade and be sent to the hospital. The doctors believe he will not be able to continue figure skating as the lifts will not be possible with this new injury. The coach and his mom are not certain how to tell SBS the severity of his condition and the possible end to his career.
SBS is discharged from the hospital and he seems off (I think he knows about his hand). Suspicions are confirmed when SZY finds him and he admits she doesn’t need to act like everything is fine in front of him, he already knows the truth regarding his injury.
Our leads are able to bond and SBS really opens his heart to SZY, giving her a glimpse into his past. She also begins to take the initiative to see SBS and cheer him up. I really love our leads relationship. They easily understand each other and are both goofballs. So many dramas simply state “our leads like each other instantly”, but that is not the case for this drama. You get to see strangers becoming real friends and by their interactions you can tell they would make a good couple. Nothing feels forced, it is all very realistic college dating.
Everyone is discussing SBS’s impending retirement when he gathers them all together to announce his own plans for his future and how skating can still be involved in his life. When everyone is together at the ice rink, SBS surprises them all with a solo performance. He announces that his doubles career is over but he will continue to push forward in the singles devision! The Director is not certain about his ability to perform in the singles category but Coach Zhuang comes in to vouch for him, her son. Oooooh everyone now knows they are related. (•⌓• )
XQ is taking SBS’s decision very personally. Elsa is screaming Let It Go in my head any time this girl comes on the screen. At a celebration dinner for SBS, he constantly shows his affection for SZY; filling her drink, getting her food, etc. XQ can no longer watch and decides to leave, feeling rejected. SZY finally confesses to SBS that XQ knows everything (about their relationship being fake) and he is not pleased. Qu Zhi gives SBS a hard time about liking SZY, though he tries to adamantly deny it. Someone doth protest too much, methinks!
[Ep11] Delusional XQ is scolded by her brother for her decision to stay for a guy who already has a girlfriend. She then angrily admits they are not a real couple and it is her decision to make. Oy Coach Xiao seemed too excited about this. These siblings are quite a pair. She continues to follow SBS around the studio for ‘solo’ practice, despite both her brother and SBS’s objections.
SZY needs new skates or else she is not allowed back on the ice. SBS saves the day by personally buying her a fancy new pair of skates, but is hesitant to give them to her in fear she won’t accept a present that expensive. He comes up with a plan to sneakily sell her the skates as a used pair but before he is able to give them to her Coach Xiao intercepts with his own pair of skates for her. Nooooooo! I am so mad. Thankfully SBS feels the same as I do. ZLL feels conflicted about the situation and wants to tell SZY about what SBS had done for her, but is annoyingly talked out of it by Qu Zhi.
ZLL and Qu Zhi had been working on a play for their drama club that went off about as successfully as you’d expect. They tricked the audience into attending but most left before the play concluded. Then afterwards they ran into the band whose space they ‘stole’ for the play and got into an altercation. Our two sidekicks end up having another touching heart to heart (they always have the best serious talks) and Qu Zhi admits to thinking ZLL is special to him. Awww!!
[Ep12] SZY is ‘kidnapped’ by her mom from school and she forces SZY to participate in some family time. But SZY has to get to practice and tries to have ZLL come to her house in hopes that with a friend coming to get her, it would look less suspicious than her leaving alone. Mom still has no idea her daughter is speed skating so SZY is trying to think of any plan of escape that she can without raising suspicions. Plan changes last minute and SBS shows up instead. This causes them to be further delayed as they were then interrogated by the parents regarding their relationship (mainly dad who was not ready for his baby girl to have a boyfriend).
ZLL spills the beans regarding the skates SBS had tried gifting her secretly (finally!) but SZY says she doesn’t want the skates. Daft girl. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only secret spilled. QX tells ZLL that the relationship between our leads is fake (can she go away please?) and ZLL rightfully gets royally pissed. She goes to have it out with Qu Zhi for keeping the secret from her as well and making her look dumb, but while arguing she ran into a biker and gets injured. Qu Zhi quickly comes to her defense in the most amazingly dramatic way possible (QZ went so far as to say the biker ruined China’s chance at the olympics, I’m CRYING) so ZLL gets slightly less mad at him.
A very sad SZY sets up a scene that rivals most guys love confessions in other dramas for ZLL, to ask for forgiveness. And it works! Happy! XQ comes back and forgives both girls as well. Why everyone feels the need to apologize to this girl is beyond me but fine. XQ also brought gifts (bribes again) for the girls.
She was too shy to even look ZLL in the eye, my heart ! |
Our leads both desperately want to reach out to the other, but neither of them knows what to say first. SZY begins multiple messages to thank SBS for the skates, and unsends the one she sent by accident. Being petty SBS does the same, sending SZY a message but quickly unsends it before she can see what he wrote. Loving the pettiness it is too funny! But he can’t take the suspense for long and decides to call her to find out what it was she wanted to say to him.
XQ steals SZY’s private notebook filled with drawings of her brother as a unicorn? lol. She leaves it in the training room purposefully so her brother would see it. Meanwhile, SBS does everything in his power to help SZY find her book. He catches XQ tearing down his lost item posters and slyly turns the situation around. She also manages to reveal the books contents to SBS in the process. This girl is flawless when it comes to manipulating people.
There is little time for SBS to be concerned about this as SZY’s mom shows up the same day as her big competition. She even discovers SZY’s secret! SBS comes to rescue SZY and get her to the bus in time for the competition, despite her moms objections.
While SBS is comforting SZY after she was disqualified, ZLL comes in to save the day! She had a full recording of SZY’s match with a different angle from the judges cameras. They had believed when racing SZY had touched YBL, but really she hadn’t. SBS rushes into action taking the evidence and SZY to go talk to the judges again. This time, they overhear his mom defending SZY as well. They go in to help but the video evidence is still not enough for the judges to change their decision. They were clearly flustered and did not want to be proven wrong and have to make a correction. Thankfully, YBL is not another LXY and comes personally to testify to the judges that SZY had not broken any rules during the match and never touched her. She even went against her own coaches objections to do so (I like this girl, very cool).
Poor SBS overhears his teammates talking about him and how ill prepared he was for the team competition. They went as far as to say it would be more embarrassing with him joining than them missing a person, rude. But with SZY’s help he preservers and participates despite everyone’s concerns. He starts out strong but fumbles on his first big jump the biggest skill difference between pairs and singles. But he could hear SZY cheering him on and finishes strong. He even completed a triple axle! His team needed SBS to get a solo score of at least 88 points for them to win the overall, and he got over 92 surprising everyone but SZY who knew he had it in him.
SZY comes in second for her next competition. She performed safer/cleaner making it a win in everyone’s eyes, except Coach Xiao it seems but he’s always wrong so I’m ignoring him. We also learn that YBL was on the Wind Chasers team but was driven to leave due to Coach Xiao forcing her to always be support for LXY. Gross. Glad she left, he’s a jerk. SZY doesn’t want to believe that about her favorite Coach and crush.
On the bus back to the competition SBS shows off his affection by giving SZY chocolate after she says she’s hungry. But ZLL gets a whole box from one of the skating guys, you go girl! Sadly, SZY only has ending the contract relationship on her mind. Though she looks miserable about it. SBS tries to think of reasons why they can’t end things, and when that doesn’t work results in physically running away from her to avoid ‘breaking up’.
Side scene: Qu Zhi and Li Mi were the pair I didn’t know I needed. Love the bromance happening here!
His determined face is too funny! |
LXY has returned awkwardly to the team by the director’s decision. She makes it clear off the bat she is not sorry for her actions and she has returned because the director asked her and she will not change going forward. Thankfully her teammates (even the old bullies turned nice girls) aren’t having any of it. They pretend to ask for special treatment from the director to prove a point that everyone on the team should be treated equally and follow the same policies/rules. Meaning, LXY has to as well. YEAH YOU DO! The director agrees with the girls and Coach Zhuang and decides LXY cannot return after all unless she’s ready to be a team player (she’s not). Coach Xiao took matters into his own hands and accepted the punishment for LXY and gets suspended. Why is he acting like he doesn’t deserve to be suspended? He helped LXY after being kicked off the team, he was just as wrong in my mind. We also learn the boy who drowned with Coach Xiao was LXY’s brother, his childhood friend. It was for him he wants to help LXY become the champion her brother was not able to become.
SZY is finally allowed to return home! Her mom is finally warming up to her skating? Never mind, she wanted her home to tell her to quit again. This time with the argument that she started too late and can never catch up and whose fault would that be hmmmm. Her dad though, is still her number one fan and supporter.
Meanwhile, ZLL’s date seems to be getting cold feet (here’s your chance Qu Zhi!) and continues to avoid her. Once Qu Zhi hears of this he immediately jumps into action to lecture his friend about being better to ZLL as “on or off stage she is the best girl” (I love him).
SBS comes to SZY’s aid again and takes her out for some cheering up after her conversation with her mom. They have an adorable arcade date and played a claw machine that had dolls of their favorite anime. Only one type of doll only, and they got 10 of them because I guess that’s a thing to do.
Coach Xiao gets confirmation that it was Coach Zhuang who had the accident with SZY’s mom and looks way too happy about it.
ZLL is officially ‘dumped’ and the time for Qu Zhi has arrived! He confesses and she agrees to give him a chance! (It was so fast I almost missed it while typing). And they are having a secret relationship (why people, did your roommates teach you nothing about secret relationships?).
Coach Xiao gives SZY her moms old speed skating information, strategically leaving out the connection with Coach Zhuang this boy is always scheming. SZY’s mom biggest regret (according to the dad) was that she was only able to win silver before her chance at gold. SZY becomes determined to win gold not only for herself but for her mom as well.
SBS is an idiot being tutored in love by two other idiots (Li Mi and Qu Zhi). Right when we think SBS is finally going to confess he dramatically rips their contract and tells her he likes someone and leaves. Apparently, he wants to be ‘mysterious’ and pursue her with a big confession. But like any normal person would SZY thinks he means he likes someone else. And XQ is over the moon by the news thinking it must be her SBS likes. Honestly I am getting frustrated with SZY who is too innocent to recognize her feelings. But really, we all know when we have a crush on someone so I truly hope she can start expressing herself better as I hate when XQ looks more reasonable than her.
[Ep20] SBS and his mom are sort of brought together thanks to the help of SZY. She shows him a scrapbook she found that Coach Zhuang had made of SBS. However, there are two sides to every story. While SZY saw a mother’s love and encouragement from the scrapbook, SBS could only remember the story behind the pictures and that was his mother’s absence in all of them. However, SBS is given the chance to say everything pent up inside him regarding his childhood and both him and his mom have a good hug and cry. And maybe me too because that was a tearjerker. This is honestly one of the first dramas where an absentee parent who returns and is forgiven deserves it to me. Most dramas will show the absentee parent as someone who is almost indifferent to their kid but still expects respect and filial piety from them, and they usually succeed.
Qu Zhi and ZLL are an adorkably cute couple. I love their time together on screen, especially now as an official couple. However, our leads are growing farther apart though SBS remains blissfully unaware of what his actions have done. He is now starting to realize XQ’s crush on him and is trying to do everything he can to push her towards the other team she had declined while he was injured. It also helped him make up his mind to officially confess his feelings to SZY hopefully not too late.
[Ep21] SBS gets both the guy and girl skating clubs to help him set up an elaborate confession at the ice rink. This is going to go so badly, I can feel it in my bones. And without a doubt the confession is a total disaster. He accidentally confessed to XQ!!! Kill me now. The whole night ends with everyone in tears (XQ most of all) and all of the misunderstandings and miscommunications were still unsolved between our leads.
XQ is a little crazy. After having a complete meltdown at home she then pretends in the dorm that the confession was real. She went so far as to print out a picture of her and SBS at the confession and frame it on her desk! Right on the edge as well, we get it you want SZY to see it. Fortunately, SBS tired of all the nonsense doesn’t give up trying to explain what really happened to SZY. But XQ isn’t going down without a fight…
[Ep22] SZY is finally starting to see XQ’s true colors. As she begins to question XQ for lying, XQ throws back that SZY consistently states that SBS is only her friend. Crushed at that revelation, SBS leaves in tears and somehow managed to look really good doing it which just adds to his charm. Most people have ugly faces when crying.
XQ moves out of the dorms and continues her scheming from her brothers house. Meanwhile, ZLL and QZ sort-of help our leads get back on the right track. More like intervene and give completely opposite advice but it’s fine, it’s fine.
SZY and SBS’s true confession scene is now one of my all time favorites. Lots of tears, lots of hugging, everyone is happy and in love! (Well at least the four people in the drama I care about are and really that is all that matters). Our leads celebrate their first official day as a couple by getting all dressed up, and then dressed back down once they realized how silly and overboard they both were being. We also learn that XQ is officially leaving but she seems like she still has plans involving SBS.
Our leads as an official couple are (thankfully) exactly the same as when they were ‘friends’ because really, they were never just friends. They joke and tease one another and don’t shy around the fact neither has very much dating experience. They even try copying what other couples do to learn what they should be doing themselves I know that sounds silly but it was actually super adorable. I’ve never seen these actors before and had very low expectations, but I’m pleasantly surprised at how they each portray their characters. Especially in these last few episodes!
[Ep23] SZY’s parents decide to visit the school, her mom wanting her to withdraw. Coach Xiao sets it up so he will be the one who meets them, not Coach Zhuang. He doesn’t want the big secret to be revealed and then it 100x harder for SZY to stay. Surprisingly, LXY is the one who comes to her rescue and SBS is the one who almost messes everything up. LXY gives a (surprisingly) genuine and kind speech to SZY’s mom about all the reasons she belongs on that team. I almost didn’t believe it was really her speaking but she states that because she is a gold medal status athlete she has the qualifications to say so. There’s the narcissism we’ve been seeing all season! Meanwhile, SBS calls his mom (having no idea the connection with SZY’s mom) thinking she can help. Fortunately, her mom had already left after agreeing to let her stay on the team!!
ZLL struggles to find her place by SZY’s side on the speed track team after they decide to become partners. Everyone tells SZY to choose another partner more her speed. Yes Coach Xiao, we get it, you want her to partner with LXY. ZLL becomes conflicted and poor QZ takes the brunt of it and she breaks up with him. NOOOOOOO! Not allowed.
[Ep24] SBS and SZY share their first real kiss! However, the topic of discussion before the kiss was a bit heavy, with talks of SBS leaving to train in Russia. SZY fully supports him no matter what despite me shouting objections at my tv that he can’t go.
Both SZY and her older teammate (who is about to retire) will not be the ‘support’ during the race for the other. The support helps the other team member win. Each has their own reasons to go all out and to showcase their best selves. In the end, SZY let’s her teammate have her chance (it is potentially her last race EVER) and with SZY assisting her teammates bags gold and SZY qualifies for the finals as well! I’m guessing she got silver? LXY on the other hand doesn’t make it and fully blames ZLL as she was meant to be her support. Coach Xiao however has other opinions. He scolds LXY and tells her that her loss today is her own. He also bring up Coach. Zhuang and how she was right all along but the way he says it makes it sound like he puts the full blame on LXY and not himself, the adult, who encouraged her behavior.
The finals are here! The pacing of this drama is great so far. SZY’s mom is even excited for the event! But when Coach Xiao sees her in the crowd he immediately informs Coach Zhuang of the situation (now you tell her?!). Before the race, SZY and her teammate confirm with each other that SZY will be the support for today’s race. I love that SZY is doing what’s best for the team and her fellow player as she will be retiring the moment this match is done. However, during the race it is clear her teammate won’t win and instead pushes SZY to take the lead instead. And she did it! She wins gold!! (And the other girl got third place so it wasn’t a total loss for her last competition). SBS gives flowers to SZY but hides when her parents come around to look for her. When they leave he then wonders why he was hiding as now he missed a great opportunity to meet her parents officially. Yes, you did lol.
[Ep25] SBS picks up SZY from her team’s celebration dinner, causing everyone to tease and joke about how cute they are (because they are that adorable) and how much they want a boyfriend too. Coach Xiao was a lot less thrilled with the exchange.
ZLL finally admits to our leads that her and QZ were dating but have recently broke up. Now it is our leads turn to help their friends reconcile. Except they are smarter and only talk to them not set up grand schemes. Too bad QZ seems to be more angry than sad at the moment and is doing everything he can to irk ZLL. But SBS and SZY are stronger than ever. I haven’t seen such a great display of a simple/fun romance in a contemporary drama in awhile. If only the study abroad program for SBS wasn’t looming in the back of their minds.
Both SBS and SZY have big events as the Russian team arrives. Coach Zhuang’s former protege returns as well, wanting Coach Zhuang to coach her again. But when she refuses to leave her current team her pupil decides to compete against the Wind Chasers strongest competitor and somehow that turned into freshman SZY. Meanwhile, SBS has his own recruitment he has to focus on. (I love that both of the leads get to perform/compete with their idols). But wait, we have the return of XQ! She wasn’t signing up SBS to go to Russia, she was signing herself up. That’s cold.
SZY gets crushed by her idol, and SBS gets bested by XQ. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Thankfully they had their coaches to support them during their current set backs, helping them see their potential for a better tomorrow.
[Ep27] Our leads comfort and encourage each other, both being fully supportive of the other. I am so happy they aren’t having him go to Russia. I am loving their scenes together way too much!
Apparently, XQ is trying to change. Real funny way of showing it by taking SBS’s spot. On the other hand, LXY is still as conceded and self centered as ever, with Coach Xiao’s continued support. He knows in his heart SZY is the better choice for getting the gold in comparison to LXY, but he can’t drop the promise he has made to her brother. He tricks SZY into thinking she has to do extra endurance training even though Coach Zhuang already vetoed this plan as too risky.
SBS misses SZY due to her extra training. When studying she falls asleep at the table and he holds her head for her so she could sleep peacefully dawww too cute!
SZY was very excited for her friend to take action against QZ, look at her face! |
Coach Xiao and LXY have hit a new low and I am simply baffled. The training is starting to really hurt SZY, having her be scolded and punished for slacking off by Coach Zhuang. While the guilty ones say nothing in her defense. However, SBS soon visits his mom while waiting for SZY to be done her stamina training revealing what Coach Ciao had done behind her back. And Coach Zhuang looks mad! Finally, put Coach Xiao in his place. SBS then sees the picture of his mom with SZY’s and learns the truth. His mom did cause the accident (oy) but apparently theres more to the story and hopefully they share it with us soon. Coach Zhuang also asks SBS to keep it from SZY until after the national championship.
QZ finally realizes he has been too petty, as someone who is very petty I whole heartedly agree, and runs to make up with ZLL. Yay!! We now have two happy couples again just on time for winter break. SBS buys matching couples sweatshirts for himself and SZY, but her dad gets it first thinking it’s for him. It is then revealed they are a couple and now it is time for her parents personalities to flip-flop; mom is super supportive while dad is an angry wreck.
Our leads handle the situation surprisingly well, they were very mature. SBS and SZY make up quickly, understanding this type of situation is not about them but the adults. However the actual adult, Coach Xiao, handles it like a child. He uses this opportunity to try and become SZY’s full time coach in replace of Coach Zhuang to appease her mom. SZY can’t see that he is just using her to make LXY win (¬_¬)
SBS decides to try and appease SZY’s mom by following her around and pampering her as she goes; providing seating, water, anything he can think she may like to be more comfortable. It works and she lets him tag along.
LXY is wrongly accused of sabotaging SZY’s skates, causing SZY to get a sprain. Coach Xiao is extra harsh on LXY for this even though he knows it’s his trainings fault and nothing with the skates, forcing LXY to admit to something she did not do. She then states she will tell SZY everything, that the only reason Coach Xiao approached her was to help her become LXY’s assist. And her threat came to fruition sooner than she intended when she realized SZY heard everything they had said. I’m sorry SZY had to find out this way but she NEEDED to know how much Coach Xiao stinks. Also, SZY knows LXY did nothing to her skates as she had checked them thoroughly before entering the ice. But it is too late, LXY has already quit the team.
[Ep31] Coach Xiao reflects on himself (little late IMO) and realizes he has “always been a failure” as a coach. SZY was not the first he let down, but the first to help him realize his mistakes. But SZY is ready to get back on the ice and is hoping it can be with Coach Zhuang. Fortunately, her mom seems ready to meet her old teammate.
[Ep32] For reasons I truly can’t explain the Wind Chasers invite Coach Xiao to return. Why do characters always get a redemption without actually doing anything to deserve it? LXY calls Coach Xiao to talk as well and he sort of owns up to his behavior. But somehow manages to sound completely condescending in his apology. Idk, maybe I am too harsh on his character, let me know what you think!
When the moms meet face to face they finally sit and have a mature heart to heart. There wasn’t much to say about the past as they both clearly know what happened, however, they both feel sorry for their actions and attitude during that time. They even hug at the end and my heart is happy for them. SBS and SZY are watching from afar and are over the moon that their moms are friendly now.
The happiness is short lived when the speed skating team learns they will be disbanded if they do not place in the Asian Cup. Coach Zhuang gives a powerful speech that has all the girls crying. Everyone is feeling the pressure but no one is ready to give up on the Wind Chasing team. Meanwhile, SBS faces his own pressure to win at the Asian Cup. LM will also be competing, and SBS knows that he will be his biggest competitor.
Turns out SBS never returned the skates he got SZY and decides it is finally time to gift them to her! Again lol
Meanwhile, the rivalry between Li Min and SBS has finally come to a head. LM is feeling the pressure to win and SBS’s quick rise on the solo team puts LM’s future skating career in jeopardy. However, things quickly take a turn when SBS and another skater collide during the warmups before the competition. His head is injured but SBS only wants to compete and ignores everyone’s attempt to take him to the hospital. Stupid boy. He ends up going on stage, head still bleeding, but pulls off a stunning performance winning him first place. And then passes out on the ice.
Fortunately, SBS is fine! And him and LM reconcile as well. SZY was attempting to be mad at SBS for not listening and going to the doctor right away, but she was also very proud and happy for his win.
[Ep33] LXY returns to the Wind Chasers after turning down a spot on the rival team. Aww and the whole team had happy tears. Now with the full team back together they are ready to prepare for the big competition. Day of everyone from friends, family, and classmates are in the stands ready to cheer on SZY and LXY.
LM slightly calls out Coach Xiao and his last behavior. At least someone does! Meanwhile, LXY is injured but pleads to race anyway. Oy everyone is always being risky with their health.
The race is intense and LXY pushes herself to her breaking point in order to give SZY an edge. And it works! She wins!! Even beating Coach Zhuang’s obnoxious old player. Everyone was happy for her, crying and screaming with joy for her win.
Our leads get one final moment together, watching a meteor shower and wishing to spend their future together. My heart is happy ♡
by beautifuljangmi
[First Impression (Ep1-5)] This drama has an interesting take on the ‘Male Lead’ persona. Unlike the usual cold and stoic figures we are used to seeing in romance dramas, Shao Bei Sheng is a typical college guy in comparison; silly as well as slightly narcissistic. However, our female lead is is very similar to other drama leading ladies. I will say, I do like how she finds her prince very un-charming. Though that concept itself isn’t new, her indifference feels more realistic than others I have seen. The first 5 episodes are nothing spectacular but they did keep me engaged and by episode 3 I became genuinely curious about what was going to happen next. I feel as long as the drama continues on it’s current path (without adding too many ‘drama world’ cliches), this could potentially be a very nice/easy romance drama. Perfect for lazy afternoons when you want to relax and wind down without too much angst and suspense.
**side note, subbers keep going back and forth between Wind and Wing Chasers as the team name, I stayed with Wind
[Review & Rating]