May 12, 2021

Use for My Talent | Recap and Review

Use for My Talent
A girl cleans her way into the guy's heart. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Shen YueShi Shuang Jiao
Jasper Liu: Gu Ren Qi
Chinese Title
我親愛的 "小潔癖"
My Dear Neat Freak
Episodes: 24
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 3/5

[Cyn-opsis (Ep1&2)] Gu Ren Qi is an extremist when it comes to hygiene. He owns a cleaning company and much prefers automating cleaning and eliminating the human department (i.e. janitors). He promises his uncle three months time to improve the performance of the human department which coincidentally has a new employee: Shi Shuang Jiao. And what is a female lead without a forlorn life? After her mother died, her father, Shi Yin Hong, relies on booze and she is practically the sole supporter of her family which also includes her younger brother (Shi Jun Jie) who's just about to enter university. Her family's names are funny mostly because of their last name being 是 (shi) which means "is". Our female lead's name is 是双娇 which means "is doubly lovable". Her brother (是俊杰=) is a genius. Her father (是英雄=) is a hero.

Mini Recaps

[Ep2] Gu Ren Qi is so paranoid that Shi Shuang Jiao is approaching him to seduce him that he copiously observes her every move. Eventually, he ends up falling in love with her work ethics. He just doesn't know it yet. 

[Ep3] Shi Shuang Jiao is bullied by the senior she had a crush on in university. Seeing her visibly uncomfortable, Gu Ren Qi takes her wrist and pulls her away, saving her from that annoying guy. As they’re heading down the escalator, she falls over and they accidentally kiss. The wrist pull, the accidental kiss, it's all here and I find it cute
[Ep4] Gu Ren Qi’s germophobia isn’t just for show. He faints from the touch of Shi Shuang Jiao's lips. However, emotionally, he's really not that repulsive towards the kiss, especially when he stares at her pink lips. He’s going oulalala, our boy never kissed. On the other hand, Shi Shuang Jiao is very apologetic her kiss sent him to the ER. She prepares soup for his hospital stay and to his surprise, not only does he actually eat it, he loves it. Soup never tasted so good. 
Second Couple: Wang Qian Qian is the girl who Gu Ren Qi's mother is setting up her son with. Li Dong Xian is the bodyguard/security/henchman of Gu Ren Qi's. Wang Qian Qian is at the hospital and yapping quite a bit when Gu Ren Qi needs rest and so Li Dong Xian picks her up, while making sure his jacket is protecting her from showing any skin. Although he carried her rather spontaneously, she is touched by his chivalry. She’s about to leave when the elevator doors open but he gives her a sudden bidong to stop her from entering when the doors haven't completely opened. It's dangerous, he says in a very cool voice. With that, princess-carry and bidong, this second couple is set. I see a bit of Wang An Yu in this guy o.O 
Our band of misfits (Shi Shuang Jiao, Li Dong Xian, Wu Yu, and Hu You) try to help Gu Ren Qi win a bid for the project because he's stuck in the hospital. The four plan a presentation together but it falls through. Li Dong Xian has a criminal record and can’t enter the building. Hm. Hu You gets a random stomachache right before the bidding presentation and leaves to the washroom but when Wu Yu searches for Hu You, the washroom is closed for maintenance. Where did Hu You go? Anyway, Gu Ren Qi saves his own presentation.

An anonymous person pours a bucket of water over Gu Ren Qi. Shi Shuang Jiao reflexively blocks it for him and he naturally touches her as if his phobia was never there. 
[Ep5] Gu Ren Qi buys a new dress for Shi Shuang Jiao but because of his phobia, Li Dong Xian helps him physically pick out everything. The salesperson eyes the men holding each other's hand and asks which of them is trying on the dress. A very logical assumption, lol. Also at this angle, Li Dong Xian looks a bit like Wang Guan Yi (Lawrence Wong) o.O.

Gu Ren Qi begins to wonder if Shi Shuang Jiao is his exception, his immunity. She's the one person he finds that he's not disgusted at touching. I don't know whether that's considered low or high standards. He self-tests himself by stealing Shi Shuang Jiao's cup. When no one's looking he pours his water into her cup and drinks from it. No reaction. Except for that sweet smile of his. He's fine and breathing. She is his exception. But why does his psychologist tell him to stay away from the girl he thinks he’s immune to?  

Shi Shuang Jiao has an important person to meet: it's her mother at her grave on her birthday. Shi Shuang Jiao cries that she is really tired. This is the only time she allows herself to complain. Her brother, Shi Jun Jie is at the grave too and overhears; he feels an overwhelming guilt.
Third Couple: Zhu Yan is a friend of Shi Shuang Jiao who treats Shi Jun Jie like a younger brother. However, that seems to change when he fixes the light bulb and suddenly she sees a halo above his head. Will she see him as a man? Darn, guys are cute in this drama

[Ep6] Gu Ren Qi not only fails to admit he likes Shi Shuang Jiao when Li Dong Xian teases him, he goes to belittle Shi Shuang Jiao. She overhears it and stands up for herself. The next few days at the company, she begins her petty revenge, making him touch stinky socks and switching out his business cards with game cards. Gu Ren Qi wants her forgiveness but can't find the opportunity. He decides to use her favourite strawberry milk as an apology but he finds it back on his table. She rejected his apology! Actually, no. She bought him her favourite strawberry milk to apologize for all her petty antics. When they realize they’re each holding a bottle of milk, they smile. It’s a cute make up. 

[Ep7] Shi Shuang Jiao shares her dumplings with Gu Ren Qi. He actually takes it from the chopsticks she's feeding him with. She also eats with the same chopsticks. Somehow, rather naturally, the entire bento becomes his. 

Gu Ren Qi returns to his office and finds that someone was there and moved his chair, and touched his computer. Elsewhere, Lu Xian is being very suspicious. He's got a relationship chart with everyone who's involved with Gu Ren Qi. Lu Xian is Shi Shuang Jiao's tenant who just miraculously fell in love with her for reasons I don't quite know of

Gu Ren Qi makes a move on Shi Shuang Jiao. When she tells him she has to reduce her expenses such as saving on transportation and using bike share and how she has to wake up really early to be able to rent a bike, she was actually hoping for a raise but, no, he decides to hog a bike for her in the morning. 

It's a fail when Shi Shuang Jiao no longer uses the bike share because she uses her brother's bike. An awkward Gu Ren Qi stands there. Shi Shuang Jiao offers him a ride to work and he gladly sits at the back. Even though he basically has to help propel the bike from the back with his own feet, he quite enjoyed the experience and lies to Shi Shuang Jiao that his car needs repair and will probably need more rides from her. Then Li Dong Xian smoothly drives in with the car denying any sort of repair that was needed. 

Shi Shuang Jiao is at the convenience store and once again her favourite strawberry milk is for free. Shi Shuang Jiao wants to know why but the cashier tells her she should embrace the love from her boyfriend. Gu Ren Qi had bought all the milk for Shi Shuang Jiao and deposited it at the store for her whenever she wants one. 
Gu Ren Qi's company lost the bid. Someone leaked their project's detail. Shi Shuang Jiao barges into a karaoke to explain to that company's boss but Gu Ren Qi pulls her out of that and once again leads her by the wrist. She's admirably staring at his backside. A street cleaning vehicle drives by, spraying water at them. Shi Shuang Jiao quickly shields him again. Isn’t that romantic of her? 
Third Couple: Shi Jun Jie drunk kisses Zhu Yan but he is very serious about her. 

[Ep8] Lu Xian has another name: Daniel Lu. He is Gu Ren Qi's psychologist. He reveals his true identity and questions Gu Ren Qi whether he really likes Shi Shuang Jiao or just because she’s the first person he’s immune to. If he can't differentiate between these two states, then he will be hurting Shi Shuang Jiao. 

Gu Ren Qi suddenly has an urge to kiss Shi Shuang Jiao. He acts upon it. And then he just leaves her hanging. When Shi Shuang Jiao asks him what the heck was “that", he just answers that he kissed her because he doesn't hate her. Then Li Dong Xian walks in and Shi Shuang Jiao asks Gu Ren Qi if he would "that" Li Dong Xian. A very clueless Li Dong Xian is like "'Which 'that'" and then proceeds to ask Shi Shuang Jiao "He 'that' you?" still having no idea what "that" means. xD
Second Couple: Li Dong Xian follows Wang Qian Qian's live stream and a comment from an anti-fan makes him uneasy. He immediately goes to check up on her and lo and behold, there is a stalker. He saves her, but actually, she's rather feisty herself and can hold down the stalker. She also takes care of the wound Li Dong Xiao sustained for her. She asks him why he was nervous. He replies honestly that he was worried for her. She smiles at how cute he is and suggests for him to pick her up in the morning. He turns silent. Embarrassed, she takes back the offer but he quickly confirms he'll definitely be there tomorrow morning. Very cute, these two.

[Ep9] Gu Ren Qi sets up an opportunity for Li Dong Xian to meet with Wang Qian Qian but this is misunderstood by Li Dong Xian and Shi Shuang Jiao. They think Gu Ren Qi and Wang Qian Qian are dating. 

That's not it to the misunderstandings. Daddy Shi believes her daughter is dating Lu Xian. To prevent her career (as a janitor) from being exposed to her father, Shi Shuang Jiao plays along to the lie. Gu Ren Qi overhears and he too misunderstands Shi Shuang Jie is dating. 

The misunderstandings continue. Gu Ren Qi thinks Shi Shuang Jiao is in danger and rushes to find her. She's just singing at the top of her lung with questionable lyrics. What's important here is that Gu Ren Qi has improved from not just being able to touch Shi Shuang Jiao but also to touch anything related to her. He was so worried, he didn't even notice his hand brushed against a lock. There's a scratch on his hand. Shi Shuang Jiao notices the injury as he's driving. She tells him to pullover so that she can tend to his wound.
Second Couple: So about that opportunity Gu Ren Qi gave Li Dong Xian to see Wang Qian Qian, the idiot (Li Dong Xian) quickly returned from his errands and didn't even see Wang Qian Qian. But! Our girl takes advantage and calls Li Dong Xian to her place to ask him how half the cleaning products work. One of them is a smart robotic vacuum. She turns it on and it asks for its owner to say anything for voice recognition. Wang Qian Qian asks "Li Dong Xian" what to say. Li Dong Xian starts talking and then the robotic vacuum – the smart robotic vacuum – inputs their voices and greets its owners as Mr. Li and Mrs. Li. Wang Qian Qian smiles. Li Dong Xian wants to reset it but she takes it back. She likes her smart vacuum the way it is. Then she accidentally trips over the vacuum and topples him on the couch. The robotic vacuum must be her new best friend. Neither are quite willing to pull apart until a phone call rings them back to their senses.

[Ep10] The human department is terminated. Gu Ren Qi wants to keep Shi Shuang Jiao and offers her a new position but she refuses. If her team is disbanded, she won't ditch them. She packs her stuff to leave. Gu Ren Qi gives her a hug. It's to congratulate her on two things: to be able to leave an evil boss like him and for her getting a new boyfriend, Lu Xian. Shi Shuang Jiao clarifies, "I never thought you were a mean boss, as an employee, I like you." Gu Ren Qi perks right up. He asks her to repeat that line until she says "I like you" again. He smiles and replies "As a boss, I like you too." She looks up hopefully at him but he finishes his sentence with this line: "as an employee". The two also sort out all their misunderstanding about each other's dating status. But is too late? She's already not his employee. 

Maybe not too late! 

Mommy Gu is delighted there exists a human being who her son can actually touch . She offers Shi Shuang Jiao triple the salary to be Gu Ren Qi's live-in house-cleaner. Shi Shuang Jiao quickly packs her suitcase for this new job. Meanwhile Gu Ren Qi knows she's coming and he's looking for the perfect outfit to impress her with. 

P.S. The Gu Ren Qi meter switched from Shi Shuan Jiao to Lu Xian(?). 

[Ep11] Gu Ren Qi invites Shi Shuang Jiao in with a warm smile. Then she's disinfected from head to toe. I like the little focus on the slippers that are too big for her to wear. Also Gu Ren Qi isn't that weird especially in COVID-19 era. He wonders why she has so little luggage. Uh, because she doesn't think she'll live for that long. Gu Ren Qi disagrees. He doesn't see why this can't be a long term arrangement. He takes her around his gigantic home with who knows how many levels and gives her the extensive details on how to keep his stuff clean. . 

Gu Ren Qi can't help but stare at Shi Shuang Jiao as she's preparing a meal and when she looks up, he quickly pretends to be drinking except the cup is empty. Shi Shuang Jiao rubs her eyes to check if he's really drinking from an empty glass but burns her eye with the onion she was cutting. He gently checks on her and they engage in some romantic staring. Ah, Gu Ren Qi thinks she is in love with him. Add some onion peel confetti in the scene and, voila, it is perfect – until he realizes she was starring at the onion peel in his hair. 

They grocery shop together. A salesperson promotes couple pajamas to which Shi Shuan Jiao denies she's his girlfriend. The smart salesperson corrects herself, Ah, wife then. Gu Ren Qi approves of that and they buy couple pajamas. He also bought her slippers that fit. However, when she puts them on, Gu Ren Qi's internal sirens turn on because new stuff is so dirty. The entire area within a metre distance will have to be thoroughly disinfected. Shi Shuang Jiao doesn't look very impressed

Shi Shuang Jiao worries Li Dong Xian misunderstood she’s living in with Gu Ren Qi. But what is there to misunderstand? Gu Ren Qi hovers over her, reminding her that they are indeed living together. 

Lu Xian also discovers Shi Shuang Jiao’s real job which she lied to her family about and asks Lu Xian to keep it a secret. It’s a deal if he gets to live in too. He says it’s beneficial for Shi Shuang Jiao’s safety and Gu Ren Qi’s phobia. Gu Ren Qi reluctantly gives in. 
[Ep12] Gu Ren Qi reluctantly follows Lu Xian's treatment plan (flushing less than twice per use, shower under fifteen minutes, etc.). There’s one thing he’s willing to do without being forced to: hold Shi Shuang Jiao’s hand. She just finished washing dishes so her hands are considered filthy. As he holds onto her, he tells her this part of training. He bends down to her level and asks why her cheeks are flushed. Then Lu Xian slips right in between.

Li Dong Xian and Wang Qian Qian: Li Dong Xian phones Wang Qian Qian to ask her what brand of hand cream is good. Initially she was sweet on the phone but when she realizes the hand cream isn't for her but his boss's girl, she angrily hangs up on him. Although Li Dong Xian may not know why she's annoyed, he does know to apologize. The next day, he buys her hand cream plus face masks. He also invites her for dinner but it ends abruptly when there’s a call from the nursing home. His grandmother isn’t feeling well. Wang Qian Qian accompanies and sees his grandmother puke. She hands him napkins and quickly retracts just before he touches her. He senses she finds him dirty.

About the handcream: Gu Ren Qi bought it for Shi Shuang Jiao because she was washing dishes without gloves on. Shi Shuang Jiao smiles at his thoughtfulness. The better present is washing the dishes.

Shi Jun Jie and Zhu Yan: He's having fun making her jealous and she's at her max. Zhu Yan phones Shi Shuang Jiao for advice. Shi Shuang Jiao tells her that she would confess even if she faces rejection. Why is she not taking her own advice?

Gu Ren Qi's mom visits her son and asks him what he will do when his phobia is treated and he'll have no excuse to keep Shi Shuang Jiao. After work, Gu Ren Qi accelerates home mulling over the thought of Shi Shuang Jiao leaving. Then at home, he hears her crying. Lu Xian had bought her chestnut cake which reminded her of her mother. Gu Ren Qi holds her until she stops crying. She tells him how optimistic her mother was and he comforts her that her presence is like a sun to him too. Shi Shuang Jiao brightens up. 
Gu Ren Qi takes her small hand in his. She ask him if she’s practicing again. Slowly he takes her hand and puts it to his lips. He wants her to know he has feelings for her. She thinks she's being teased again. He doesn't mean to tease her; he's just never been in love. He's a little lost and admits to stealing her cup to check his own feelings. He properly confesses again. There must have been a silent signal from her because he pulls her in for a kiss and she reciprocates. 

Gu Ren Qi: I really like you. You? Do you like me?
Shi Shuang Jiao nods with a smile: I don’t hate you.
Gu Ren Qi: Only 'not hate'?

They kiss some more. 

Oh yes, Lu Xian was there the entire time.

[Ep13] Lu Xian leaves them be. The boot camp training is over. He's a tad heartbroken and it turns out he knew Shi Shuang Jiao when she was a kid. Oh, so he liked her from back then....
It's the first morning our couple is together. Shi Shuang Jiao has no more toothpaste and asks Gu Ren Qi for some. He lets her brush her teeth in his bathroom. Seeing her brushing all over the place, he personally shows her the correct angle in the art of teeth-brushing. He also sweetly dabs her mouth dry – no angle in that. 

Gu Ren Qi has a business trip for a day and he’s packing for what seems like days. He’s aware he’s a hassle. She doesn't mind. She promises she’ll help him overcome it. She looks around for what else he needs to pack and then finds his journal with all sorts of notes on romancing her. 

Li Dong Xian and Wang Qian Qian: Wang Qian Qian has a live streaming event where she’s asked about her ideal type. She doesn’t care too much about that; she just wants the person who loves her to courageously confess. After the broadcast, she sends Li Dong Xian a message that within ten minutes he needs to confess or she’ll change her mind. Li Dong Xian is all dressed and ready to leave his home but he’s stopped by the police at his door. They interview him about the fight at the bar when Wang Qian Qian was almost sexually assaulted by Jiang Wen Chi (the dude who's one agenda is to destroy Gu Ren Qi). Li Dong Xian has a criminal record and hence why he's getting this discriminating interrogation. He's arrested which means he doesn't make it in ten minutes to confess to Wang Qian Qian nor can he join Gu Ren Qi's business trip. 

Since Li Dong Xian can't go, Shi Shuang Jiao replaces him. It's a semi-date-semi-business trip with Gu Ren Qi. The drive begins with Beethoven Symphony No.5. Romantic. Then they park aside to eat fast food. It's his first time eating that stuff and eating with his bare hands. Summoning his courage, he takes a big bite. She smiles and shakes her head. He argues how much of a sacrifice he made to eat this burger that’s laden with sodium, MSG, and preservatives. Romantic. Their date runs longer than expected and so they stay at a hotel. After Gu Ren Qi completely disinfects the room he finds his bed unbearable. Shi Shuang Jiao had predicted this and cleaned her room to satisfy his insane requirements. Her entire suitcase was packed with cleaning supplies just in case for emergencies like this. Gu Ren Qi is once again apologetic but she tells him it's okay. When she leaves the room for him to rest, he pulls her back. He wants her to sleep here with him. 

[Ep14] They sleep together, whatever that means. I don't know if they slept together or just slept together. The date continues the next day at an aquarium with a couple tee and some mandatory couple selfies. I thought this was a business trip. They're finally back home and he changed his home password to her birthday – that way she won't forget. Oh hey, mom's inside. She got the password update already? Nope, she used a key. Shi Shuang Jiao braces herself for the worst but mom's just chilling around in the dark, acknowledges the couple tees and leaves. Bye, mom. Shi Shaung Jiao is relieved. Gu Ren Qi places his hands on either side of the table behind her, asking why she's nervous, The two get real close and the door suddenly opens again. Oh, hi again Mom. Mom happily approves. The obstacle is actually Grandpa Gu who thinks Shi Shuang Jiao is after his money. Gu Ren Qi isn't very happy after the talk with grandpa but he doesn't tell Shi Shuang Jiao – he just leaves her hanging in the dark. 

Gu Ren Qi visits Li Dong Xian in the detention centre. Oh, wow, actually detained... Gu Ren Qi wants his buddy to tell Wang Qian Qian the truth because she can be his witness. Gu Ren Qi believes Wang Qian Qian will accept him the way he is. Li Dong Xiao notes his boss has never said such heartfelt things like that before. Gu Ren Qi admits Shi Shuang Jiao has changed him a lot. He  also believes it is him who isn't worthy of her. 

Gu Ren Qi waits for Shi Shuang Jiao at her home with a bouquet. He knows she's upset at him. The flowers make her smile but really it's his attitude that's warming her heart. She has requirements of him before she can completely forgive him: when he's sad, he can't face it alone; when he's in a treatment, don't force himself when it's tough; lastly Shi Shuang Jiao wants flowers often. He happily agrees. There's one more last thing: to re-establish a new human department. Oh, she's using her CEO-girlfriend privileges already. There's one more last, last thing she asks of him which we'll know next episode. 

[Ep15] Shi Shuang Jiao wants Gu Ren Qi to keep their relationship a secret. She doesn’t want others in the company to treat her differently because she’s his girlfriend. He’ll agree but he wants a prize: a kiss to the cheek. 

Shi Shuang Jiao and Gu Ren Qi have a date at the amusement park. He looks like he’s touching things fine at this dirty, dirty rides. However, when he’s in the washroom, he repeatedly scrubs his hand until it’s all red and scratched. Shi Shuang Jiao notices and applies cream to his hand. 
Shi Jun Jie and Zhu Yan. He confesses and she accepts. They're official. 

Li Dong Xian and Wang Qian Qian: Li Dong Xian is released. He sees all the messages Wang Qian Qian sent him. She gave him one extension after another for him to confess to her. Then when he looked up from his phone, Wang Qian Qian is there waiting for him (Shi Shuang Jiao told her about him). He drops everything to hug her. She reciprocates. His love confession is a little late, but her deadline for him was indefinite. They kiss. 
Li Dong Xian and Wang Qian Qian go on their first date to a gym. He’s training her on boxing to protect herself (from jerks like Jiang Wen Chi). She accidentally punches Li Dong Xian and to make up for it, she kisses him on the cheek but he leans in to tell her that looking at her is enough to make him feel better. 

Someone starts snapping pictures of Wang Qian Qian. Then a crowd forms around her. In one swoop, he carries her away from the boxing rink. 

[Ep16Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian: Jiang Wen Chi leaks to the media that Wang Qian Qian is dating Li Dong Xian who has criminal record. It’s now a scandal, damaging Wang Qian Qian’s reputation. Li Dong Xian thinks he’s burdening her but Wang Qian Qian has decided on Li Dong Xian. She knocks on his door to get him to talk to her but he doesn’t want her to give up her career for him. He keeps the door shut between them. 

Lu Xian: Lu Xian visits Shi Shuang Jiao’s mother’s grave. Lu Xian knows of her mother because she  saved him from bullies when he was a kid. Shi Shuang Jiao overhears. His kindness towards her from the beginning finally makes sense now. His appearance wasn’t just random. There’s still the problem of his obsession with Gu Ren Qi, though

Shi Shuang Jiao and Gu Ren Qi: She takes him for a hotpot dinner. Oh dear, all that saliva mixing~ The hotpot gets too hot – spicy hot – that he kisses her to make it less hot or hotter? Shrugs
Shi Jun Jie and Zhu Yan: He wants to have a proper date with her but Zhu Yan can't refuse Shi Shuang Jiao. Zhu Yan brings Shi Shuang Jiao to dinner without alerting him and so the violin performance he  planned for her almost had them busted. Shi Shuang Jiao had thought they heard about her promotion and this is her celebration.She's almost fooled but Shi Jun Jie can't get his hands off of Zhu Yan, and Shi Suang Jiao isn't blind. To their happy surprise, she approves of the relationship and demands Shi Jun Jie to take care of Zhu Yan. 

[Ep17] Lu Xian notices Gu Ren Qi's peculiar behaviour. He's lying that his disorder is healed when it's the same as before. However, it's actually not the same, it's worse because he's suppressing his signs. Later, Lu Xian asks Shi Shuang Jiao about her mother's fatal car accident. The driver had offered her family a hefty sum but her father refused it. Lu Xian is puzzled at why a regular driver would have so much money.

Shi Shuang Jiao feels insecure about her relationship with Gu Ren Qi when her coworkers gossip his girlfriend must be amazing. Thus, Gu Ren Qi grandly declares to all his employees he fell in love with Shi Shuang Jiao first. 

The other problem is Grandpa Gu. He drives up to Daddy Shi's neighborhood and berates Shi Shuang Jiao to Daddy Shi. Although Dad yells back at the Grandpa, once Dad is home he actively prevents her daughter from meeting Gu Ren Qi. Thus, our couple resorts to creative methods to show their affection and it requires the help of Zhu Yan and Li Jun Jie. Shi Shuang Jiao bakes a cake to give Gu Ren Qi that Zhu Yan helps deliver. Gu Ren Qi has presents for Shi Shuang Jiao that he delivers via Shi Jun Jie. However, Dad confiscates everything Gu Ren Qi gave Shi Shuang Jiao – except one thing. Shi Jun Jie kept a recorder safe. It's Gu Ren Qi singing(?). Shi Jun Jie motivates his sister: Jiayou! 

Bromance: Gu Ren Qi and Li Dong Xian shop cosmetics together for all of Shi Shuang Jiao's present. Li Dong Xian is Gu Ren Qi's guinea pig for everything. 

Shi Jun Jie and Zhu Yan: Zhu Yan is having a case of insecurity too when girls swarm Shi Jun Jie. He is confident in his love for Zhu Yan and takes her hand to silence the squealing girls. 

Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian: Wang Qian Qian doesn't get through to Li Dong Xian, so she works her way around his grandmother. It doesn't work. Wang Qian Qian drinks at a bar that night and is so inebriated, she drunk calls him. He has no choice but to pick her up and bring her home. Thinking she's asleep, he tells her how he's always thinking of her. If he can hit Restart, he'd love her unconditionally. Wang Qian Qian wasn't asleep; she wraps her hand around his neck and pulls him down to bed with her. They sleep together. 

[Ep18] Lu Xian provides an opportunity for Shi Shuang Jiao and Gu Ren Qi to see each other. Our couple can finally have one date together. 

Bromance: Gu Ren Qi is learning weird things and folding stars is his next hobby. Upon folding each star he holds it to his forehead to make a wish of being with Shi Shuang Jiao again. He teaches Li Dong Xian to do the same and so the boys fold stars together in the middle of the night. Li Dong Xian wonders what to wish for. Gu Ren Qi eggs him to wish for Shi Shuang Jiao coming back. Li Dong Xian is like That's not right, Boss. The wish should be true to the beholder. Easy. Boss makes another wish: "I wish that all of Li Dng Xian's next wishes will turn to my wishes and hope they'll come true." 

Daddy Shi sees Gu Ren Qi's sincerity and permits Shi Shuang Jiao to return to work. Hm, the stars work

Shi Shuang Jiao invites Mom Gu to a lunch. She wants to learn about Gu Ren Qi's childhood. Mom Gu is willing to tell her. She and Gu Ren Qi's father broke up because of Grandap Gu. Later, Mom Gu realized she was pregnant and gave birth to Gu Ren Qi. From then on Grandpa Gu has these unrealistic expectations of Gu Ren Qi and to live up to them, Gu Ren Qi developed his current mysophobia. 

Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian: After they slept together, Wang Qian Qian ignores Li Dong Xian. It's her turn to make him pursue her after the heartbreak he put her through. But our Li Dong Xian is pretty dumb at guessing what she wants. 

[Ep19Bromance: Li Dong Xian and Gu Ren Qi are watching a romantic movie together. Then Li Dong Xian calls him "Gu Baby". He thinks that will make Gu Ren Qi happy... (:

Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian. Li Dong Xian sulkily tries on the suits for Wang Qian Qian. She's buying it for the man she likes. It's only until she tells him he can keep the suit on does he realize he's the man she likes. Such a goof. 

The proposal. Gu Ren Qi calls up a meeting with Li Dong Xian, Shi Jun Jie, and Zhu Yan to tell them he wants to propose to Shi Shuang Jiao. The latter two are shocked and have a ton of question like who's going to take care of the home, the baby, y'know the technical stuff of marriage. Li Dong Xian eagerly does the gatekeeping for his Boss and answers that, of course, his boss will do everything.

Wang Qian Qian is called to help with the proposal as well. It's pretty sunny, and I like how he puts his hand up to give her shade. She asks Li Dong Xian who she is to him that he can call her to help his friend propose. He rests his hand at her waist to send her backwards, but safely in his arms, "Because you are my Wang Baby" Oh dear, lol

The proposal event is a group dance from all their friends. The last to take the stage is Gu Ren Qi. 

[Ep20] Gu Ren Qi is down on one knee. Shi Shuang Jiao accepts but before he can slip the ring on her finger, Jiang Wen Chi brings a guy to testify the murderer of her mother is Grandpa Gu. This guy is the son of the driver who apparently took the blame for Grandpa Gu. Shi Shuang Jiao is led to believe that Gu Ren Qi knew all along and hid it from her. Depressingly, she walks away. Girl, let the guy explain himself! Lu Xian is waiting for her outside the venue. He tells her that there may be more to what it seems. 

Whether or not Gu Ren Qi purposely lied to her, it hurts Shi Shuang Jiao to be with Gu Ren Qi. Gu Ren Qi cries outside her home, "Don't leave me behind." Shi Shuang Jiao is crying too. 

Lu Xian's doing all kind of wonders(!). He motivates Shi Jun Jie that he needs to be the pillar to the family. His sister needs support. Then he asks Li Dong Xian on Gu Ren Qi's condition. He's right to be concerned because Gu Ren Qi's phobia is worsening. 

Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian. Li Dong Xian is beaten up by a bunch of thugs who know his past. He tries to hide his injuries from Wang Qian Qian but there's a bruise right on his face. She has to be blind to miss it. She blows at his wound on his mouth and then dabs at the bruise on his chest because we all know that's the cure-all method

[Ep21] Shi Shuang Jiao officially breaks up with Gu Ren Qi. It's too painful for her. Gu Ren Qi cries. If only one of them can be happy, then he wishes that person would be her. He will let her go. He wants her to promise that without him around, she needs to be happy. With tears in her eyes, she nods. Gu Ren Qi also leaves his CEO position so that Shi Shuang Jiao can continue her passion for cleaning. 

Gu Ren Qi is also receiving treatment for his disorder.

Shi Shuang Jiao secretly returns to Gu Ren Qi's home to clean his place while he's not there. His password is still her birthday. He knows she visited from the milk she left on his counter. 

Li Dong Xian needs to find his grandmother another nursing home because it's shutting down. The doctor is a cameo by Wang Yan Luo Rong (from Love Script). Shi Shuang Jiao has a way to save the home: provide free housing services for young individuals in exchange for working at the nursing home. That way, the nursing home can continue to operate while saving costs. The elders can also interact with youths. 

Gu Ren Qi might not be at work, but he's working from home. Shi Shuang Jiao proposal failed to pass the board but Gu Ren Qi might find a way.

[Ep22] Gu Ren Qi searches for the driver's wife to investigate the car crash. She lives and works at a landfill. Gu Ren Qi almost dies there. Lu Xiao (who's helping!) suggests to return another day.

Gu Ren Qi is much better the second time; he can pick up the cans that dropped on the floor. The lady confirms to Gu Ren Qi that it was her husband who crashed into Shi Shuang Jiao's mother. Grandpa Gu helped with the compensation. He is a nice man. The lady starts crying. Gu Ren Qi comforts her and pats her hand with his bare hands. 

Shi Shuang Jiao learns the truth too. She runs to the landfill to look for Gu Ren Qi. He uses the last of his energy to run to her and then he faints. This is when Shi Shuang Jiao realizes the adversity of his current condition since their breakup. 

Lu Xiao has a hypothesis: the root of Gu Ren Qi's disorder lies in his desire for his grandfather's recognition. Gee, really? His psychologist picked up on this only now? Shi Shuang Jiao is on board to mending the grandfather-grandson relationship. 

[Ep23] Gu Ren Qi hasn’t celebrated his birthdays in years. Shi Shuang Jiao organizes a birthday dinner with his family which is really an excuse for him to spend some quality time with gramps. Apparently, gramps bought birthday presents for him that he never sent out. Gu Ren Qi feels the love. Slowly, he can pick up the chopsticks at dinner and eat the food. Grandpa also gives his poached egg to Gu Ren Qi. Relationship mended! Grandpa being nice is too sudden for me. Grandpa also apologizes to Shi Shuang Jiao’s father.

Zhu Yan and Shi Jun Jie. Shi Jun Jie might go abroad to study. He promises her he will be back because the person he loves is here. 

Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian: She proudly takes Li Dong Xian to a public event as her boyfriend. With all the reporters surrounding them, Li Dong Xian vows to protect her forever. The media is no longer their obstacle.

[Ep24] Shi Shuang Jiao’s Dad accepts Gu Ren Qi as his daughter's boyfriend. During dinner, Dad gets another surprise: his son is dating too and it's Zhu Yan nonetheless. 

Back to Gu Ren Qi'a birthday. I thought it was over already. Shi Shuang Jiao has the real birthday. She decorated an entire bridge and prepared a birthday cake. He makes a wish: “I wish Shi Shuang Jiao forever happiness.” She stops him before he blows the candle, claiming he made his wish too fast, but really, she just doesn’t wanted to overwrite his wish. With her eyes closed, she silently wishes for Gu Ren Qi’s forever happiness. Then her eyes flutter open when his lips touch hers. The wish is sealed. Gu Ren Qi assures her that his wish will definitely come true. She also promises him she’ll celebrate his birthday every year and buy him lots of presents. The only present he needs is her, though.

Gu Ren Qi returns to work. He’s all recovered. But Li Dong Xian is quitting! He’s starting a new chapter in his life which obviously includes Wang Qian Qian. The bros give each other a goodbye hug. What was Li Dong Xian’s criminal record for? I think I missed that.

Li Dong Xian takes Wang Qian Qian horseback riding. He’s quitting to become an equestrian? He admits to being slow at romance but for her, he’s willing to learn. He’s quitting to become a professional romanticist?

Gu Ren Qi is successfully discharged and no longer Lu Xian's patient. Gu Ren Qi thanks him. Also, Lu Xian is packing his suitcase. He’s returning from wherever he came from. He reminds Shi Shuang Jiao that he will always be an option for her. (She doesn’t need it.)

Gu Ren Qi plans a surprise event for Shi Shuang Jiao. They’re in a very fake hot air balloon. He proposes. They’re clear of weird dudes barging in to this proposal. A-ha. That's why he’s proposing in the air! She accepts. They’re happily engaged.

The end.


[First Impression (Ep1-8)] Gu Ren Qi's severe case of germophobia seems to be a manifestation of his upbringing under his grandfather's constant scrutiny. Through various coincidental encounters, he eventually meets our FL, Shi Shuang Jiao who's your regular girl next door with your typical ho-hum background. 2021 is not the year I'm enjoying CEO dramas of this kind but, hey, I'm liking this. It's simple and soothingly cute. 

I had very low expectations of this drama – it's a remake of Clean With Passion For Now (KDrama) or an adaptation of the webtoon and I finished neither. Shen Yue has been locked into the same roles that she really needs to move on from (but I do recognize she may not have that many opportunities). I've seen Jasper Liu here and there but never finished any of his dramas in recent years. Regardless, I still think they're both very cute people. Unsurprisingly surprisingly when one cute thing is paired with another cute thing they make a wholesomely cute pair. No additives needed and they don’t overdo it. 

The drama adds cuteness elsewhere: the other couples! There's a bodyguard and a celebrity couple (to The Long Ballad watchers: we get another bodyguard! Maybe not yet close to Hao Du's level but this guy's cute too). There's also a jie-di relationship: older woman / younger man. The cherry on top of all this cute stuff is that everyone is pretty. 

I quite like the main couple. It starts off ironic in that Gu Ren Qi psyched himself into thinking Shi Shuang Jiao is out to seduce him and that's how he ends up falling in love with her. Then she becomes the one woman he's not disgusted at, and voila, it’s true love xD. Slowly, he accepts her physical proximity and he’s able to touch the world around her too. He's far from being a cold CEO; he's just aloof. His lack of normal human interaction makes him gullible. 

There's also a bit of cute bromance going on between Gu Ren Qi and his bodyguard/secretary, Li Dong Xian. On top of all the b/romances, there’s an underlying mystery involving Gu Ren Qi's psychologist. 

Essentially, what we have so far is a simple romcom with six likable characters and a dash of mystery all in 24-episodes. 

P.S. At the end of each episode, there's a metre bar of Gu Ren Qi's scumbag value – it's a sideways thermometer. Rather meaningless but fun to look at. 


[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy. 

I think I may have missed a few things. In Ep4, wasn't either Hu You or Wu Yu very suspicious as if one of them was a company espionage? Then in Ep7 when Gu Ren Qi went back to his office, didn't someone mess with his computer and sit in his chair? Also, what was Li Dong Xian's criminal record for? And what is planning to do after quitting? 

Final Review

[Review] This is a romcom that’s easy to slurp. Three couples; all eye candies. My favourite is Wang Qian Qian and Li Dong Xian. Why? Because they look good.

I don’t think the drama took proper advantage of its couples. All of them had chemistry but Drama didn’t generate enough content for our couples. By the end, the plot is watered down. I finished this because I could, not because I truly wanted to.

Overall, this is a cute one but a forgettable one. This did introduce me to some new actors who I would love to see more of. 

Random Recommendation: My Love, Enlighten Me