April 2, 2021

The Long Ballad | Recap and Review

The Long Ballad
A princess out for revenge and meets her protector. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Dilraba Dilmurat (Dilireba): Li Chang Ge
Wu LeiAshile Sun
Zhao Lu SiLi Le Yan
Fang Yi Lun: Wei Shu Yu
Liu Yu NingHao Du
Zhu Rui BinCheng Feng (assistant)
Chinese Title
Episodes: 49
Recap Grade: B→A
First Impression: 2.49/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] There’s an ancient football match but it’s more like a prelude to war. The teams are frenemies. Wei Shu Yu is fouled and sustains an injury (too bad there’s no referee). Thus, Li Chang Ge, our FL disguised as a male, takes his spot in the masked game of football against Ashile Sun’s team. Li Chang Ge’s military tactics leads her team to a victory. As a reward, she gets a precious knife. It’s not an entire loss of Ashile Sun, though. He was testing his opponents' skills (because, obviously, we all know football skills equal battle skills). To him, everyone is mediocre except Li Chang Ge. 

Also, a long time ago, apparently, the late Emperor had promised Ashile Sun a marriage. Chang Ge’s mother fears they’ll remember this promise and have her daughter marry him. However, it seems that she hears something from the Crown Prince (her husband/Chang Ge's father) that’s even more frightening. 

Li Shi Min, Chang Ge's Second Uncle, teaches Chang Ge the way of life: those who are strong can attack; those who are weak should protect. To Chang Ge, that stinks. He continues "If you’re weaker than your opponent, you wait until you grow stronger" then you attack. 

[Ep2] Chang Ge's mother deliberately sends Chang Ge away from the palace. She wants her daughter to promise to never bear hate in her heart. Chang Ge promises but adds an exception: if someone hurts her mother, she'll hate that person to death. Well. Her mother dies. The culprit in question is Li Shi Min. He has overthrown the Crown Prince (who is accused of treason) and in the process, slaughtered her entire family. 

Chang Ge regrets fighting with her mother. If she had known that farewell was their last, she would have called her "Mom" one last time.
[Ep3] Le Yan has a new Princess title now. Her father is appointed to be the new Crown Prince. Essentially, Le Yan has replaced Chang Ge; her father has replaced her father. What will happen to their friendship? 

Le Yan has a crush on Wei Shu Yu. Whether Wei Shu Yu likes anyone is up in the air. Wei Shu Yu pledges his allegiance to Du Ru Hui who's loyal to Li Shi Min. It seems Du Ru Hui is threatening Wei Shi Yu with his family. However, Wei Shu Yu is still loyal to Chang Ge and tries to help her escape but she doesn't need it. To her, he's a traitor too. Chang Ge steals his medallion (a fish) to enter the palace to kill Li Shi Min, the teacher she once admired. 

After Chang Ge's failed assassination of Li Shi Min, he lets her go but Du Ru Hui and Hao Du capture her. Li Shi Min doesn't look like a baddie.....  Oh and Chang Ge manages to steal the Crown Prince's Imperial Seal. 
Fang Xuan Ling teaches Le Yan how to help Chang Ge escape. He's obviously a foe but Le Yan believes he's helping Chang Ge and so Le Yan follows his plan. Chang Ge sees through Le Yan's act. Chang Ge doesn't want her help. They no longer can be friends (that's what Chang Ge says). Chang Ge hits Le Yan to make her unconscious and takes her clothes to escape the palace.

Note: I'm actually very confused for the actors of Du Ru Hui and Fang Xuan Ling. If no one mentions their name while they're talking, I have no idea who they are. Just a heads up for y'all if I confuse them in my recaps

[Ep4] Fang Xuan Ling's plan was to let Chang Ge escape under Du Ru Hui's watch so that Du Ru Hui loses his reputation. These two ministers are at each other's throat. Now Du Ru Hui wants to kill Chang Ge when Li Shi Min's orders were to capture her alive.

Ashile Sun helps Chang Ge escape the city even though she so rudely stole his horse the last time. Oh yes, he doesn't know she's a girl. He's only ever see her in male clothes. They part ways after they safely leave the gates but she's once again in dire situation. Hao Du and Wei Shu Yu have located her. Chang Ge takes her horse to jump across an impossible distance and now she's dangling onto a rope to survive. Her horse most definitely died. Poor thing. Hao Du pulls his bow ready to shoot her but Wei Shu Yu shoots first. I guess it's because if he shoots it, he'll make sure the arrow doesn't take her life and even if she falls five thousand metres into water, you know, she'll still have a chance at survival

[Ep5] Chang Ge survives. Her body floats right to Ashile Sun. As he's taking out the arrow from her chest, he flinches at the softness of her breast. Realizing she's a girl, he carries her to a room to tend to her wounds with his eyes blindfolded. Chang Ge regains consciousness and slaps him. "Pervert!" She yells. What does she want the guy to do? Let her die? He already put her chastity before her life and blindfolded himself. She asks him if he saw anything. He lies his way out of admitting he knows she's a girl. Chang Ge grits her teeth and pulls out the arrow herself. 

Wei Zhi (Wei Shu Yu's father) was against pledging allegiance to Lin Shi Min but a simple plate of vegetables convinces him. Wei Zhi despises the cruel way Lin Shi Min subverted the previous Crown Prince but deep down, he knows he's the better one. At the root of it all, they both want the best for the citizens of Da Tang, for the land of Da Tang. The plate of vegetables remind him of that. 

Chang Ge thanks Ashile Sun for saving her. To her, his name is “A'Zhun". She tells him her name is "Li Shi Si" (Li 14th). Both liars. His plans from here are to head north for revenge. Chang Ge grips tightly onto her drink restraining herself from admitting her desires for revenge too. Although their conversation has its tense moments, Ashile Sun's servant notes he's never see his master laugh this much. 

Le Yan is to marry one of the Ashile Princes but Li Shi Min saves her daughter from that marriage by sending her to Luo Yan claiming she has a severe disease. 

Chang Ge gets herself a disciple: A’Dou.

[Ep6] “Shi Si” and “A’Zhun” admire the moon together. She has big plans tomorrow and doesn’t know if she’ll make it out alive. She tells him to forget her. He won’t. Chang Ge accidentally rolls off the roof and Ashile Sun saves her from a bad fall. He catches her in his arms. He comments she needs to eat more. She’s too light. 

Le Yan overhears Hao Du has plans to kill Wei Shu Yu after they find Chang Ge. Thus, to keep her crush safe, Le Yan orders Hao Du to stick to her like glue to “protect her” but in reality, it's so he doesn't have a chance to kill Wei Shu Yu. Ou, yes please give me more Le Yan and Hao Du. She walks extra slow to stall time and he (with his extra long legs) can’t stand her. He picks up his pace making Le Yan chase after him. Instead of walking, he throws her over his horse and ride together. 

[Ep7] Li Chang Ge offers her allegiance to Li Yuan (her father’s brother and therefore her uncle) who’s oily with fishiness!! She gives him a forged edict with the Crown Prince’s Imperial Seal (that she stole) to allow Li Yuan to have reason to dethrone the current Crown Prince. 

Li Yuan knows the edict is fake! He splashes water onto the seal and the ink fades.  

Li Chang Ge is depressed she lost a friend’s loyalty (Wei Shu Yu’s). Ashile Sun cheers her up. He too lost a friend who then became his enemy. He tells her that some people are like water; they mix in well with anyone. Others are like fire; anyone who approaches them are burned and scathed. Chang Ge thinks she’s a fire too. Can these two “fires” be friends? Ashile Sun answers her, “Aren’t we already friends?” 
It’s late and Le Yan is still making Hao Du stay close. There’s nothing to do other than sit and face each other. Hao Du excuses himself and she orders him to stay. So stay he does. So obedient. And still so serious! Le Yan laughs. He’s not scary anymore. Filling in the silence, Le Yan tells him her rabbit sewing is special. Others sew their rabbits with red eyes but she sews them green. That’s because their eyes reflect the grass. To her, grass means freedom. She wishes she were free. Hao Du is’t replying. His eyes are fixed to the candle. Trying to stay awake ‘cause he’s bored to death? She continues to talk to him asking if he’s deaf or if smiles or if he treats his god-father (Du Ru Hui) like so. At the mention of Du Ru Hui, Hao Du clenches his fist, gets up and retires from the room. He doesn’t like his god-father?? Le Yan begins to whimper (so Zhao Lu Si!) to stop him from leaving. She cries that she’s never been away from home. Unnerved, Hao Du picks her up and blows out the candle. He forces her onto bed...! What creepy music! But it’s only to put her to sleep. He turns his back to her and kneels down. He’ll stay there as she falls asleep. Aw

Before Li Yuan can usurp anyone, General Wang wants his position. Chang Ge overhears General Wang colluding with Ashile She Er (Ashile Sun’s brother). Chang Ge saves Li Yuan and brings him to her hideout. That’s when she realizes she fell for his trap. Li Yuan’s ultimate purpose was to find her hideout to find the Imperial Seal. It’s the Ashile who want the Imperial Seal and Li Yuan is working for/with them. 

[Ep8] Ashile Sun keeps A’Dou safe. Chang Ge is imprisoned by Li Yuan. She won’t speak of where the Imperial Seal is. Thus, Li Yuan uses Wei Shu Yu to threaten her. Even if she’s skeptical of everyone and has lost trust in all souls, she doesn’t want Wei Shu Yu dead. 

Wei Shi Yu was supposed to meet up with Hao Du but now that he’s captured, Li Chang Ge takes on the rendez-vous herself, lying to Li Yuan that she’s meeting the person who has the Imperial Seal. She bargains with Li Yuan that she has to look normal or her “underling” (Hao Du) to hand over the seal. From one glance, Hao Du notices the trap ahead. He coolly takes down Li Yuan’s men. Hao Du is stealing the show for me! Now Li Chang Ge is in Hao Du’s hands. But! Ashile Sun has Le Yan hostage. Hao Du, our coldhearted killer, exchanges Chang Ge for Le Yan’s safety. Aw! 

Li Chang Ge has an offer to make Hao Du. She needs his help. Li Yuan is planning to hand over the city to the Ashiles. She wants to stop this but Hao Du doesn’t care. His only mission is bring her and the seal back to the Crown Prince. And thus, Li Chang Ge just gave herself up to be Hao Du's captive

A’Dou frees Chang Ge. She tries to notify another general (Shen Gu) to save the city by pretending to be Wei Shu Yu. 

[Ep9] At the lodge where Le Yan is staying, there are some creepy men with demonic voices who have set their dirty eyes on Le Yan. They kidnap her. 

Chang Ge and Shen Gu arrive at the city but General Wang has already killed Li Yuan to wipe his crimes clean but Shen Gu doesn’t believe his words. When General Wang informs Shen Gu that his informant is Li Chang Ge and not Wei Shu Yu, Shen Gu arrests him to shut him up. He’s deliberately saving Chang Ge because he was loyal to her father. Chang Ge asks him to leave with her. This land is already Ashile’s. Shen Gu stays. Although he is loyal to her father, he’s loyal to the country. He has to stay to protect this land. 

Chang Ge learns “A’Zhun” is from the Grass Land (Eastern Turk). She doesn’t know who he really is but he knows she’s Li Chang Ge, the princess of the executed Crown Prince. 

Li Shi Min gets his seal back. He orders Du Hu Rui to stop pursuing Li Chang Ge. Li Shi Min also learns his daughter is missing. 

Wei Shu Yu continues his search of Le Yan but he passes by her and doesn’t even know it. 

[Ep10] The girl who is kidnapped with Le Yan dies after failing to escape. 

Chang Ge mingles into Gong Sun Hen’s family. She meets Qin Lao (the pirate looking like man) and Xu Feng (the good looking fella). 

We also learn that Ashile Sun's injury would have been better off if Chang Ge never bandaged it because now it's infected. Mu Jin, his sidekick, was complaining all about it.

[Ep11] Gong Sun Heng conquers the Ashiles' feeble attempt to takeover the city (this attack was not Ashile Sun's orders). We get another manhua insertion to depict the battle scenes. Chang Ge notes that Gong Sun Heng is worth her trust. She shares her military tactics with him. Gong Sun Heng is impressed. She reminds him of someone: the current Crown Prince. 

Gong Sun Heng is detained by the higher-ups for summoning the army to protect the city against the Ashiles. Orders were to stay dormant even if the city is falling. Obviously, the higher-ups are colluding with the Ashiles. 

[Ep12] Chang Ge holds the fortress while Gong Sun Heng is detained. She lures the enemy into a trap (a flood to be specific) and they scramble away. Chang Ge is promoted. That’s a recognition of her skills but such high recognition for a runaway convict will only bring her trouble. Hao Du sniffs her out. Omg, Hao Du, you really ditched the search for Le Yan? 

[Ep13] Ashile Sun attacks on the front where Chang Ge just drew the soldiers away from. Ashile Sun has the clear advantage. Chang Ge manages to give the army a boost forcing Ashile Sun to shoot her down. Chang Ge also has her arrow aimed at him. The difference between the two: Ashile Sun knows he's aiming at her but she doesn't know he's “A’Zhun”. Ashile Sun's arrow hits bullseye but Chang Ge forces herself to stand up to give her soldiers confidence. Ashile Sun retreats. It's not smart to fight a army with momentum on their side. Chang Ge faints once Ashile Sun leaves her sight.

Hao Du attacks Chang Ge (who’s still recovering). Chang Ge is like Must you attack me now? I need protect the city. Hao Du doesn't give a crap. Haven't we already gone through this conversation, Chang Ge? Qin Lao saves her. He might have an inkling of who Chang Ge really is. 

Le Yan is still kidnapped. I don't know what these men want with her because I'm pretty sure she still has her chastity. During the chaos that the war brought, Le Yan is separated from her kidnappers. Le Yan is on the run with the other civilians but they're surrounded by the Ashile army (Tu Ka She’s). Everyone bows to them except Le Yan. She catches the enemy's attention and her life would have ended if Mu Jin hadn't saved her. Clearly there's multiple factions to the Ashile army and Ashile Sun is the good guy that won't hurt the innocent. 
[Ep14] A'Dou is caught by Tu Ka She. An emotional Chang Ge wants to run out to save him. However, her generals remind her they can't risk the entire city for one boy. Outside the gates. A'Dou gives his master three bows. Farewell bows. His last words to her is "I am someone who will become a great general!" Chang Ge understands the meaning behind his words. His idea of being a great general is to sacrifice himself to bring peace to this city. He shouts that there’s no aide coming to Chang Ge's army and the angry man behind him kills A’Dou. That was supposed to be Ashile’s secret plan. Farewell A'Dou. This kid's a good actor. He's also the only person who Chang Ge has come to trust and now she lost him too. This sacrifice propels Change Ge's army's will to avenge their loyal soldier. Despite Ashile Sun's army arriving in time (and dressed up as aide), they can't fight against an army that's this fired up. They retreat again. But before they retreat, Ashile Sun saves Chang Ge with his arrow. He struck his own soldier down to protect her (while she's obsessed with slashing the man who killed A'Dou). 

Ashile Sun and Gong Sun Heng have a secret rendez-vous. Gong Sun Heng is willing to handover the city to Ashile Sun because he knows Sun would protect the civilians. He's heard of Sun's reputation – the time when Mu Jin saved Le Yan and others. Gong Sun Heng admits this is a losing battle and the ones who will suffer the most are the civilians. The most Gong Sun Heng can do is protect the innocent and end this war. 

Gong Sun Heng gives Chang Ge – not Shi Si – but the Princess Li Chang Ge the seal to control his army. He knows she's a princess ever since Hao Du ambushed her. Gong Sun Heng will not only open the gates to Ashile Sun, but will also be giving his head to the Ashiles'. Only with his head can he appease the hate from Ashile's army from all these years of battle. Lastly, Gong Sung Hen asks Li Chang Ge to take care of his wife and daughter.

[Ep15] Gong Sun Heng ends his life. His wife cries but understands him. This isn’t a sacrifice; this is his glory. Then his wife dies with him. Their poor daughter is left alone in the world. Well, she’s left in Chang Ge’s care. 
Hao Du is still rabidly obsessed with killing Chang Ge but now that she’s carrying Great Tang on her shoulders, he lets her be. She convinces him that killing her after her the mission Gong Sun Hen left her wouldn't be too late.  

Chang Ge personally brings the head of Gong Sun Hen to Ashile Sun. Ashile Sun takes off his mask – dun dun dun – he’s her A’Zhun. The shock! I'm glad this whole double identity is over with. She will open the gates but she asks him to spare the citizens. He will on one condition: he wants her to be his “slave”. In a way it’s saving her because Gong Sun Hen is considered a traitor by surrendering and Chang Ge is loyal to Gong Sun Hen; by liaison, she’s a traitor too. For the citizens, Chang Ge obliges. A tear rolls down. 

Qin Lao and Xu Feng have taken Gong Sun Heng’s daughter somewhere safe. 

Chang Ge is tied up on a pole for the citizens to throw compost at for betraying the city. Mu Jin clarifies that it is because of Gong Sun Hen’s sacrifice that they don’t have to die. However, the contempt in their eyes for Chang Ge remains. Mu Jin asks Chang Ge if all this is worth it. Chang Ge: Yes. I like that camera focus on Chang Ge’s clenched fist that released when Mu Jin clarified for her which is then followed by Hao Du’s loosening grip on his sword. It’s a small symbol of how they both care for the country, for the people

[Ep16] Hao Du gets a report that Chang Ge died but it was Ashile Sun’s plan to fool Hao Du. Now Chang Ge can finally shake him off. When Wei Shu Yu learns of her death, he takes a knife to Hao Du’s neck thinking he was responsible. Hao Du is like When she was alive you didn’t protect her and now that she’s dead you want to avenge her? Bull. I said bull. Hao Du corrects him that he’s got his target wrong. It’s the Ashiles who killed her. 

Ashile Sun is deliberately cold to Chang Ge because he rather her hate him than hate herself. He also motivates her to live on by reminding her she has an unfinished revenge for Gong Sun Hen, for A’Dou, for herself. 

Le Yan is pick-pocketed. She chases the thief and only asks for her pouch back. Although it's ugly and it's worthless, the pouch was sewn by Chang Ge; it's invaluable. Le Yan also runs away from men searching for her. She thinks they're arresting her for impersonating the princess. No. It's Hao Du and Wei Shu Yu searching for her. Our men are furious at the minster who chased her away. It's kinda cute how Hao Du and Wei Shu Yu's words overlapped each others because they're worried for her.

[Ep17] Li Shi Min cries when he learns Chang Ge has died. 

Chang Ge is very much alive and is motivated to live. She strikes an offer with Ashile Sun. She’ll be his military strategist and complete three of his wishes. After those wishes, she wants to leave. But why would Ashile Sun need her help? Well, Chang Ge proves her intelligence: she has accurately deduced from their previous fights that the Lord (Khan) actually wants Ashile Sun to lose. Sun is an adopted son and Khan worries that Sun wants to overthrow him. Obviously Ashile Sun is loyal but Khan doesn’t know that. Impressed with the information she’s gathered, he accepts her but he won’t help her gain recognition from his soldiers. She has her condition too: don’t harm Da Tang. How does that work? He’s at war with Da Tang. He agrees. Ashile Sun doesn’t know his three wishes yet. It’s okay. She’ll wait until he’s thought of them and then she’ll complete them. Okay, Sun, hold onto that third wish forever and we’ve got ourselves a happy ending

Khan is here. It’s very bad because he’s here to put Ashile Sun on trial. Mu Jin is frantic for his master. In that state of frenzy, Mu Jin spills everything Ashile Sun did for Chang Ge. That arrow he shot miles and miles away was precisely aimed just inches from her heart to spare her life. 

Ashile She Er wanted General Wang to testify Ashile Sun’s embezzlement. Chang Ge to the rescue! She solves that for Ashile Sun. Mu Jin takes credit too because Chang Ge wouldn’t have helped if he didn’t tell Chang Ge every sweet little thing Ashile Sun did for her. Heh. To Mu Jin’s dismay, he’s not getting the praise he wanted from Ashile Sun. He gets an angry Ashile instead. Our boy is shy the girl he’s crushing on knows what he did for her

Chang Ge gains the recognition of Nu Er (a soldier/warrior). They get chummy. Then Ashile Sun gets jealous. He immediately orders Mu Jin to give Chang Ge her own tent. 

Wei Shu Yu is drunk; he’s sorrowful because of Li Chang Ge. He loved her but she never knew. Hao Du is spiteful. He thought Wei Shu Yu was worried about Le Yan. Hao Du, now you can worry about her exclusively! Also, Fang Yi Lun (Alen Fang) needs to stop liking the wrong girl. Wei Shu Yu also slurs about Hao Du being his god-father’s puppet. Our drunkie snoozes off. Our Hao Du is actually a softie and carries him back to his room. The next morning Hao Du is off to search for Le Yan on his own. Searching together with Wei Shu Yu is a waste of time.

[Ep18] Chang Ge saves Mimi Guli from being raped by other soldiers. She keeps her as a maid. Mimi Guli develops a crush on Chang Ge (aka Li Shi Si) but who is this “Bu Zhen” Mimi Guli mutters in her sleep? In the morning, Mu Jin barges in the room and sees them sleeping together (Mimi Guli was keeping a feverish Chang Ge warm). He quickly resigns from the tent. Mimi Guli follows him to ask him for more food for Chang Ge. When he blocks her path, she kicks him in the groin. And that my friend is how you seduce a man because shortly after Mu Jin falls in love with Mimi Guli. Too bad she belongs to “Li Shi Si” – that’s what Mu Jin thinks. 

Le Yan is working at a sewing factory. Our Princess has barely ever lifted a finger and now she’s creating a mess everywhere she goes. Le Yan succeeds at one thing: being the bane of her boss’s life. The boss begs her to create havoc elsewhere. Le Yan cries but the Boss says tears are useless. She might as well commit suicide. Le Yan, who’s very obedient goes to die. Fortunately, Boss comes back for her and takes her back. Le Yan and Boss scenes are fun to watch. Le Yan's green-eyed rabbit sewing has attracted a merchant. Will Hao Du find her because of her green eyed rabbits?

Ashile Sun roasts meat for Chang Ge. He reveals he knows she’s a Princess. Chang Ge turns skeptical: Was he keeping this information to use it against her? 

Ashile Sun: Yes I’m using you. I’m using you to torture myself. I saved you in Chang’an. I saved you in Youzhou. I saved you in Suzhou. Now that I’m in the grassland, I’m roasting lamb meat for you. I really like how everything is so easily cleared up.
He learns her name is Chang Ge and calls her by that. Then Chang Ge leans on his shoulder. He thought she was giving herself to him but she was having a bad case of menstrual cramps. Now Mimi Guli and Mu Jin know too. Mimi Guli whines to Chang Ge she had wanted to marry her. Mu Jin also teases Ashile Sun for knowing all along. Now that Chang Ge is out of the equation, our third couple (Mu Jia and Mimi Guli) can sail. 

Ashile Sun drapes a cape on Chang Ge to keep her warm. Our masculine Chang Ge doesn’t need it. At least she wears it at night when Ashile Sun takes her for a walk on his grass land. He’s showing her the fireflies. Apparently, they’re seasonal and so the next time they’ll get to see them is next year. Chang Ge sighs that a year later is too far to predict. Ashile Sun steadily promises her that as long as she wants to see it next year, she just needs to let him know. No matter where, he’ll deliver on that promise. Chang Ge indirectly rejects. It’s not him she doesn’t believe in, it’s herself. Where will she be in a year?

[Ep19] Mu Jin stepped on that rusty nail last episode and now he's infected. Mimi Guli takes care of him the entire night. In two episodes she took care of two feverish patients. First time she slept with someone; second time she made Mu Jin go naked. Third time...? (; Mu Jin is quite smitten with her in the morning. 

Hao Du is on the search for Le Yan. It's been 10 episodes! He uses the talisman that she dropped from way back in Ep1 like a coin, whichever side the pouch lands will determine which of the two paths she took. Aw! Hao Du kept it all along (even if it wasn't meant for him). Meanwhile Wei Shi Yu has stopped his search because he's promoted and ordered back in Chang'an. Wei Shu Yu kindly asks Hao Du to find Le Yan. To him, she’s like a "sister". 

Chang Ge sews an ugly rabbit pouch for Mimi Guli (just like the one Le Yan has). However, Mimi Guli loses it on her voyage to the city. Le Yan happens to be there selling fabric and Mimi Guli accuses Le Yan of stealing the pouch. It’s too late when Mimi Guli finds her own pouch; Le Yan has already left the market. 

Hao Du finds the green-eyed rabbit sewing but he’s too late. Le Yan is leaving the city. I’m also sad Le Yan is separated from the boss; they make a great pair.

It’s Mid-Autumn Festival, a holiday for families to gather. Chang Ge can no longer celebrate it but she’s got an Ashile Sun at her side. Ashile Sun gives her a present. It’s a glowing blue rock to remind her of the fireflies. It’s his reply to her that beautiful things, as long as she truly wants it, she can still attain them. If family is what she want, the grassland can be her home too. 

Mu Jin and Mimi Guli are celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival too (even if it’s not their holiday). They share a mooncake. Men seem to think alike under the moon. He too tells Mimi Guli the grassland can be her home. That reminds Mimi Guli of her family and she's once again in tears. 

Mimi Guli shows Chang Ge the two pouches. Chang Ge immediately heads out to search for Le Yan. 

[Ep20] Neither Chang Ge and Hao Du find Le Yan. They do find the place Le Yan worked at. Chang Ge is saddened she couldn’t see her. At the very least, she wanted to return Le Yan's pouch. The boss tells Chang Ge that Le Yan was weeping over her lost wallet because it was from her best friend. So Hao Du has Le Yan’s talisman and Chang Ge has Le Yan’s pouch. The real FL is Le Yan, lol. Her two pursuers are Chang Ge and Hao Du.

Ashile Sun is under orders to infiltrate Chang’an. Chang Ge sneaks into Li Shi Min’s camp, trying to help her country (even if it’s Li Shi Min she’s helping). Great Tang Army is practically an empty house compared to the Ashiles’. That is why Li Shi Min must lead the army himself to motivate his soldiers. Chang Ge can’t help but to admire her Second Uncle, her master, the man who taught her everything she knew.

Battle commences. Yes! We get more manhua scenes

[Ep21] Li Shi Min asks Khan for peace talks. Khan agrees but he’s secretly planning to assassinate him. Ashile Sun is ordered to participate in the assassination. Knowing Chang Ge overheard, Ashile Sun locks her up.  

The Peace Talks. Ashile Sun has his arrow ready to shoot Li Shi Min but leaves his position when he learns Chang Ge escaped again. Chang Ge infiltrates into Ashile She Er’s army and shoots first. She precisely aims for Li Shi Min’s teacup to sabotage Khan. Ah, not a bad idea. Now Khan is on the losing end of the bargaining table. To express sincerity in the peace talks, Khan has to retreat his army. 

Chang Ge is detained and claims he’s loyal to Ashile She Er’s faction (Wolf Army). She asks Khan for another chance to kill Li Shi Min whom she loathes. She’s not lying about this one. Ashile Sun smirks and plays along but grimaces when She Er slaps Chang Ge.

Le Yan meets the kid thief again. He has no name and calls himself Wu Ye (Master Five / Old Five). They’ve become close when she let him steal her food. In return, he kicked a man who stole her food. However, this man is back for revenge and brutally hits them. Le Yan throws herself over Wu Ye but her frail body can only handle one hit. Wu Ye takes the rest and asks the man to forgive him and her ‘sister’. Aw. The next morning, it seems like Wu Ye has a fever. He also coughs up blood. Le Yan stays behind to care for Wu Ye. Since he called her ‘sister’, she won’t ditch her brother. Wu Ye mutters that she’s taking advantage of him. But we all know he adores his new sister.

[Ep22] Ashile She Er duels Ashile Sun to a shooting game. The target is the apple on Chang Ge’s head. It’s three round. The first two rounds are a tie as they both strike the apple but the last round is a tiny apple. Ashile Sun looks desperate. I think Ashile Sun is confident in himself but not in Ashile She Er. He’s right to be afraid because Ashile She Er isn’t aiming at the apple; his target is Chang Ge’s head. Ashile Sun quickly shoots his arrow to deflect Ashile She Er’s. Chang Ge is safe with a small scratch on her forehead. Since neither men shot the apple, this sick game is a tie. Thus Ashile She Er keeps Chang Ge. Oh, but he’s looking ferocious when he sees Chang Ge and Mimi Guli being affectionate. Turns out she used to be his maid but Khan thought Ashile She Er was too in love with her and sent her away. When Mimi Guli asks Ashile She Er to spare her life, he agrees.

Ashile Sun sees an older woman from afar. She lovingly smiles at him but he stays frigid and clenches his fist. I think it’s a motherly smile but I find her creepy. Hm. Why did Khan adopt Ashile Sun again?

Chang Ge meets Luo Yi who’s held captive by Khan. Luo Yi is a general who is loyal to Chang Ge’s father and asks her to join his plans of taking down Li Shi Min by collaborating with the Ashiles’. Chang Ge refuses and begs Luo Yi to reconsider. Hating Li Shi Min is one thing but bringing down Da Tang, there’s no turning back. Luo Yi laughs. He was just testing her. He’s proud of her. Chang Ge wants to help him escape but his leg is limp. There’s no use.  

[Ep23] Chang Ge is caught leaving the tent that held Luo Yi captive. Fortunately, the weird lady (A’Yi'er) who kept smiling at Ashile Sun saves her and brings her to Khatun. She too is a Han descendant – Princess Yi Cheng. From one glance she can tell our Chang Ge is a girl. Khatun is a good one. She wants the best for Da Tang but there’s too little she can do. Although she is the queen, she's barely considered a human. The men have been passing her around like hot potato and the current Khan is her fourth husband! She’s also Ashile She Er’s mother. 

Ashile Sun doesn’t seem to like it that Chang Ge trusts Khantun. Also, he worries over Chang Ge’s plan on saving Luo Yi. Chang Ge has one request of him: don’t hold her back. In reply, Ashile Sun holds her tightly for a hug. 

Ashile Sun pats her back and whispers: Li Chang Ge. You better survive. 

Is our Chang Ge a little flustered? 

Ashile She Er discovers Chang Ge is a girl. During a party, he brings Chang Ge as his female companion (with half her face covered). Ashile Sun asks Khan for a favour: a duel with She Er. If Sun wins then he gets She Er's slave (aka Chang Ge). Ashile She Er agrees but if he wins, he wants Mimi Guli. Duel commences. With some blood, sweat, and tears (from the moms), Ashile Sun wins. Chang Ge is his again. She has to be flustered this time. He takes her hand but Chang Ge shakes him off. Hm. She runs to Khan and begs him to let her return to Ashile She Er’s camp because she’s loyal to him. Hmm. Ashile Sun probably knows she has plans (to save Luo Yi) so when Khan orders him to take back his prize, Ashile Sun declares he’s sick of her. Ashile Sun is doing as she requested: don’t hold her back

Interesting to note: Ashile Sun is a Han descendant too. When Ashile She Er lost to Ashile Sun, Khan was furious at She Er: Do you want to leave our land to a "Han descendant"? But technically, isn't Ashile She Er a half-Han. Khan is either passing his throne to a Han or a half-Han. 

An update on Le Yan. She and Wu Ye reminisce their family. Le Yan, your father ain’t thinking of you. He thinks of Chang Ge more.... And Wu Ye still has this persistent ominous cough.

[Ep24] Khan will make up to Ashile Sun’s lost prize. Sun asks for good alcohol. Yes, that’s what a heartbroken man needs. He gulps it down and then smashes the bowl. Khan has never seen his adopted son like this.

Chang Ge and Khatun collaborate to smuggle out Luo Yi but Ashile She Er it hot on their tails. Thinking death is ahead of him, Luo Yi assigns Luo Shi Ba (his daughter?) to Chang Ge and tells the girls to escape. Luo Yi dies but he buys time for Chang Ge. It's not enough, though. Ashile She Er has cornered her. But! Ashile Sun to the rescue! The right hand man of Ashile She Er’s persuades She Er to let Sun save Chang Ge. That way, they’re not suspicious to Khan anymore because in Khan’s eyes, Chang Ge belongs to his Wolf Army. Once Chang Ge is saved by Sun, they can blame Sun for everything. 

Ashile Sun receives A’Yi’er’s earring (it’s from Ashile She Er). He yells at Chang Ge for the mess she caused: Luo Yi’s death, his army’s involvement (and A’Yi’er’s detriment) An angry Chang Ge takes her horse and leaves. That is what Ashile Sun wanted – for her to leave safely. He orders Mu Jin to accompany Chang Ge home. Meanwhile Ashile Sun returns to save his god-mother on his own. She’s the reason Sun is loyal to Khan. When Chang Ge belatedly learns of A’Yi’er’s identity, she heads right back to save Ashile Sun. 

[Ep25] A’Yi’er commits suicide with the sword Ashile She Er was holding at her neck. She doesn’t want her son at the mercy of Ashile Shi Er. D:. Witnessing his mother's death, Ashile Sun goes on a rampage. He almost killed Ashile She Er had Khatun not block the arrow. Chang Ge arrives to take Ashile Sun away. However, he still isn’t in his right mind. He yells at her that everything is her fault. If it weren’t for her, his mother wouldn’t have died. Does Chang Ge realize how stupid she was? I think so. She hits Ashile Sun to make him unconscious in order to take him away. While Mu Jin carries Ashile Sun to a safe place, Chang Ge leads the rest of the men to lure Ashile She Er after her.

Ashile Sun wakes up. He bids farewell to his mother’s corpse. He regrets treating her so coldly. He thought that was protecting her. He promises his mother he won’t be brash anymore. He will do anything to protect the people he loves. That might be a little late because Chang Ge is shot down by She Er’s men. This makes me think back to what Chang Ge’s mother wanted for Chang Ge – to bear no hate

Oh! But a random swordsman saves Chang Ge. He’s Situ LanglangThese stupidly long names.  

Ashile She Er repents on A’Yi’er’s death and reflects on his life: just what is he fighting Ashile Sun for? It seems more like it’s his right-hand man who wants Ashile Sun dead. This man has to love Khatun. His lines are always Khatun this, Khatun that. The man convinces She Er to oust Sun in front of Khan but She Er remembers he owes A’Yi’er. All these years, she was the messenger between him and his mother. Can I expect some brotherly love? 

Khan summons Ashile Sun who is ready for his punishment but Ashile She Er had covered up his butt! She Er, I did not see that in you.  However, Sun asks to be let go of his Eagle Army duties. He wants to travel the places his mother yearned to visit. 

[Ep26] Khan disciplines Ashile She Er for killing A'Yi'er because now Khan has nothing to threaten Ashile Sun with. But even after that lecturing, Ashile She Er's heart stays golden. He never wanted to kill Ashile Sun. He tells Sun the last piece of news he has of Chang Ge. 

And now we have a search for Princess Li Chang Ge! The Long Ballad should be called The Lost Princesses. Chang Ge is alive but barely alive. She has no will to live especially after A'Yi'er's death. 

Mu Jin asks Ashile Sun if he loves Chang Ge. Yes, he does but he doesn't plan to tell her because it isn’t necessary. His actions will do all the speaking. 

Luo Shi Ba searches the city for her new master, Chang Ge. Xu Feng spots her and asks to see the portrait. It's a stick drawing. Hahaha. Xu Feng laughs but then goes Oh, she looks familiar! when he didn't even know if the portrait was a man or woman. Is he flirting? xD The amicable conversation ends when Luo Shi Ba tells him she's searching for Li Chang Ge. They both think of each other are enemies. But Xu Feng isn't her match. Under her sword, Xu Feng swears he's friends with Chang Ge. Luo Shi Ba quizzically asks, "What is a friend?” Ha. Then she meets Qin Lao who calmly explains they're on the same side. They've established a business "Yanxing Men" that can search for Chang Ge. It would be better than her portrait. Luo Shi Ba sternly asks, "Why?" Haha. I've been noticing Luo Shi Ba since her first appearance. She had little to no lines but a good amount screen presence just with her expression. This episode, she shines. They give her an upgraded version of Chang Ge's portrait and hopefully, she understands why hers is so lacking. 

Situ Langlang distracts Chang Ge's suicidal thoughts by fighting her. He tempts her with his top notch "Yue Nu Sword" technique that he's willing to teach her but immediately regrets it when he finds out she wants to learn it for revenge. Chang Ge promises she'll learn it well but Situ Langlang is certain she won't be able to master it. Oh, and they (including the doctor, Sun Si Miao) are also headed to Luoyan. 

Speaking of Luo Yan, time for a Le Yan update! Still lost. 

Luo Shi Ba continues her search for Chang Ge. In the process she meet Ashile Sun. They know each other! Hm! 

Oh, lookie, it's Hao Du! How du you du! Long time no see. He’s still searching. He’s still got that talisman.

Hao Du in thought: You've made it to Yunzhou so continue to survive. I will definitely find you. 

Back to Le Yan and Wu Ye. Le Yan keeps him alive by reminding him she's a princess. She will let him eat rice, something he's always dreamed of eating. 

Scene cut. Wei Shu Yu stopped his search for Le Yan to take care of a brat. He's the Crown Prince and he's complaining about the dingy carriage he has to take. Scene cut. Princess Li Le Yan is walking on foot carrying an almost dying Wu Ye. Luoyan is right ahead but it's too late. Wu Ye hears his mother calling him. Wu Ye passes away. The guards won't let Le Yan take a corpse in the city but Luo Yan refuses that Wu Ye has died. Then Hao Du appears! He's found our lost Princess!! With his medal, the soldiers scram. 
But Le Yan is too shaken from the passing of Wu Ye. 

Le Yan: Hao Du! If I could have walked faster just a bit then Xiao Wu wouldn't have died. Why, why! 

Le Yan faints from crying. Hao Du holds her in his arm. 

So sad about Wu Ye but so grateful Show reunited Hao Du and Le Yan. This is a good episode not just because of the emotions and the reunion but how everyone is converging onto Luoyan. There's new interesting characters (albeit a bit random). There's new dynamics (Luo Shi Ba and Xu Feng?).  A bit of mystery (Luo Shi Ba and Ashile Sun). The scene cuts between Le Yan and the bratty Crown Prince

[Ep27] Hao Du comforts Le Yan that Wu Ye was smiling in his death. Le Yan wants Hao Du to bring her to Wu Ye's memorial. 

Hao Du: Princess, are you not afraid of me anymore?
Le Yan: Throughout this long path, I wasn't even afraid of death, why would I be afraid of you?

Hao Du returns her talisman to her. She wonders how it fell into his hands. 

Hao Du: Long story short; it's destiny. He meant it without any romantic connotation but as audiences, of course we know this is supposed to be <3<3<3  
Le Yan: Since it's destiny, I'll leave it to you. Ahh~~ and now the talisman truly belongs to Hao Du. Aw (: I hope the little bit of magic it has left will still be effective on you. 

At the memorial, Le Yan remembers to bring Wu Ye a big bowl of rice – rows of them. "Brother Xiao Wu" is written on the grave. Hao Du gives her a bracelet (a memory of Wu Ye). He offers to perform another rite for him once they reach Chang'an but Le Yan knows Wu Ye wouldn't care for that. She wishes for Da Tang to be prosperous so children like Wu Ye wouldn't starve to death. She picks up the bowl or rice and eats it with him. She wishes he'll never be hungry on the other side. Blinking. Back. Tears

Le Yan just walked out of the shower. She's in the middle of adjusting her clothes when Hao Du walks in. Flustered, he quickly apologizes and turns his back away from her to explain he’s here to deliver the letter which details the Crown Prince will be here in two days. Le Yan kindly asks Hao Du to spend a few more days with her in Luoyan (since the Crown Prince will need a babysitter). Hao Du: Your Majesty, Of course! Hao Du notes how much she's changed because the old her would have wanted to run back home. Le Yan reflects on her journey and how she used to judge a book by its cover. 

Le Yan: There are people who look mean and are mean but there are also people who look cold outside  – peeks up at Hao Du – but who are warm inside just like you, Mr. Hao. 

Hearing that, there's a little smile on his face. 

Wei Shu Yu escorts Crown Prince to Luoyan but there are protestors blocking their path. Crown Prince is like Psh, protesters! Gu is Crown Prince. He gets off his carriage and proudly declares his title and the bigger riot erupts. The Crown Prince is a brat indeed but someone remind me why Wei Shu Yu is appointed this duty? He lost Princess Li Le Yan, then he lost Princess Li Chang Ge and now he gets to guard the Crown Prince?? 

Hearing the riot, Le Yan wants to go outside to pacify them. Hao Du worries for her safety but she's calm and reminds him, "Don't I have you?" Princess, you're causing a riot in Hao Du's heart. A messenger reports that the Crown Prince is right outside. Le Yan orders the doors to be open. The messenger hesitates but Hao Du backs her up. "Open the doors, I will protect the Princess." 

The doors open. Le Yan soothes the mob. Hao Du catches the man who's deliberately instigating the uproar. Our duo convince the crowd to calm. Then Le Yan meets Wei Shu Yu's eyes. They reunite. He tells her he has searched all over for her. Uh. O-kay. Our poor Hao Du can only look from afar in a corner. 

Wei Shu Yu exchanges a few words with Hao Du. 

Wei Shu Yu: If I wasn't called back for duty, the person who would have found Le Yan would have been me. 
Hao Du: Does it matter who found her first? Translation: Le Yan's safety is the priority
Wei Shu Yu: Between you and I, yes. 
Hao Du: You're holding a grudge on me for Li Chang Ge, aren't you? Focus on protecting the Crown Prince. Don't lose him too. I agree!
Wei Shu Yu: Hao Du, if it weren't for you insisting on killing Li Chang Ge, then Le Yan wouldn't have been alone at the lodge. 
Hao Du: Are you looking for someone to take the blame?
Wei Shu Yu: I'm not afraid of taking the responsibility. I'm telling you that if someone's obsessions run too deep then you'll lose your roots. 

Um. Although the conversation is about Le Yan but the underlying message is to warn Hao Du from obsessing over Li Chang Ge (who Hao Du still doesn't know is alive). And thus, Wei Shu Yu still cares more about Chang Ge

Other Updates
→ Chang Ge has set foot on Luoyan as well. Situ Langlang was right; she can't master his technique. Her heart bears hate. Also her new name is A'Li. Since she's a girl (finally!), she can't go by Li Shi Si.  
→ Luo Shi Ba brings Ashile Sun to meet Qin Lao and Xu Feng. Xu Feng’s on the fence but Qin Lao is welcoming. I'm pretty sure Qin Lao is perceptive enough to know Ashile Sun's feelings for Chang Ge

[Ep28] The daughter of Gong Sun Heng (Yuan Niang) takes a liking to Ashile Sun. Xu Feng abhors their interaction. To him, the reason Gong Sun Heng died was because of Ashile Sun. On the other hand, Qin Lao likes Ashile Sun for making Yuan Niang smile. Qin Lao wants Yuan Niang to grow up with love and not hate. We don't need a Chang Ge 2.0.
Le Yan falls asleep while reading. Hao Du sees her head dropping to his side and inches his shoulder to her. They have the tiniest skinship and that's it. She wakes up pretty quick and has to clean up the mess her younger brother caused. Or more like it's Hao Du cleaning it up. He catches the beggars who escalated the calmor. Wei Shu Yu! Crown Prince is your liability! Why is Hao Du doing everything for you? Hao Du was going to do his thing – kill – but he remembers Le Yan's words that these peasants are famished. They don't mean to stir a commotion. He lets them go. 
Our Princesses meet!!! Chang Ge no longer hates Le Yan. She asks for Le Yan to forgive her but Le Yan was never mad at her. Chang Ge also reveals she wanted to search for her but then she heard Hao Du went searching too so she stopped. She knew that Le Yan would be in good hands if it was with Hao Du. Our girl talk is interrupted when Hao Du is in the area. 
Hao Du catches a glimpse of Li Chang Ge but he isn't sure. He follows her but Le Yan clings onto him, complaining of a cramp. He calls for a doctor but Le Yan clarifies it's her period. Hao Du awkwardly freezes. As Le Yan limps away, Hao Du spins around to pick her up in his arms. Hao Du won't let his Princess walk in pain. Chang Ge watches them from afar and smiles as she sees hearts between them. 

Just when you think Xu Feng acknowledges Ashile Sun for finding the lost Yuan Niang, the boys declare a duel. It’s three against Ashile Sun. Luo Shi Ba anxiously watches them fight. I wonder who's she anxious for. Meanwhile Qin Lao is enjoying some tea and is in quite a jolly mood. The winner of the fight: Ashile Sun. The biggest loser: the lodge. Will Xu Feng finally accept Ashile Sun? 

[Ep29] Le Yan wants to visit Chang Ge again but her maid is afraid of lying Hao Du. Le Yan assures her Hao Do won’t eat her alive but then they both freeze when Hao Du appears. Hao Du has rendered the two girls to bobble heads who can’t seem to bobble at the same time. The maid lies to Hao Du that Princess wants him to go to the market with her. Le Yan’s expression hardens. That was not the plan. Hao Du starts walking and Le Yan glares at her maid. When Le Yan isn’t following, Hao Du asks if she’s going or not. Le Yan is back in bobble mode. A date it is! 

Le Yan spots a crowd buying a popular snack and asks Hao Du to buy some for her. A grumpy looking Hao Du obliges. Le Yan was just about to dash when Hao Du turns around. His grumpy face turns into a smile as he asks her what flavour she likes. She likes sweet. Once Hao Du enters the store, Le Yan runs off. Hao Du naturally has a resting grumpy face. He doesn't eat anyone.

Chang Ge and Le Yan secretly meet. Chang Ge is proud of Le Yan. She’s braver. Their talk is cut short as Le Yan remembers she forgot about Hao Du. 
Hao Du looks like a lost puppy as he listlessly wanders the streets thinking he lost Le Yan again. Relief hits him as he sees her standing right in front of him. She rambles about buying candy but he probably doesn’t hear her. All his senses are filled with the sight of her. He pulls her in for a hug forgetting she’s his Princess. The OST right here is sung by Liu Yi Ning (Hao Du)

Hao Du: I thought I lost you again. 

He awkwardly releases her and changes the topic to the bunny candy in her hand that she said she bought for him. 

Le Yan lights up: You’re not angry anymore? Hao Du, you’re actually not as scary as you look, right? 
Hao Du looks at her innocent and bright round eyes then looks away. 
Le Yan chases after him: Hao Du, where’s the dessert I asked you to buy for me? 
Hao Du: I ate it. 
Le Yan: You ate it! But I didn’t let you eat it. There’s not even one piece left? I’m asking you! Hao Du! Hao Du... Hao Du’s name is so good. It sticks

At night, Hao Du still kept the bunny candy. He’s thinking of his Princess. For the first time he called her “Le Yan” even if it’s just to himself. 

Ashile Sun is in the market as well. Yuan Niang showers him with extra love. Qin Lao knows that Yuan Niang is comforting Ashile Sun. After they’ve arrived at Luoyan, they’ve lost trace of Chang Ge. Xu Feng stares at Ashile Sun with contempt. Luo Shi Ba calls out his jealously. 

Xu Feng has information and he’s dying to share it but he wants to be asked so he stretches his leg in front of Luo Shi Ba to force her to focus on him. He insists his leg is tired. 
Luo Shi Ba has a solution. She swings her sword down right there near his groin. Reflexively, Xu Feng protects his manhood with both hands. Luo Shi Ba: "Cut it off, and you won’t be tired anymore." She meant his leg. Lol. One does not joke with Luo Shi Ba

[Ep30] The Imperial Astronomer (Li Chun Feng) predicts Luoyan will be engulfed in fire in three days. Is he fishy or is it just me? The Crown Prince is also engulfed in rumours that the fire is his punishment for only playing around instead of helping the village overcome their famine. Chang Ge is skeptical of the rumours. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Someone is circulating these rumours. But why? It probably has to do with the lady that was all over Khan. 

Li Chun Feng also gave Du Ru Hui a special message once he arrived in Luoyan. He's told to go a temple and, aha, he finds the legendary Dr. Sun Si Miao. He's the perfect person who can treat Du Ru Hui’s terminating disease. This is also the temple Chang Ge is staying at. Hm. Did Li Chun Feng send Du Ru Hui for a doctor or send Hao Du to catch Chang Ge? 

Dr. Sun Si Miao can’t cure Du Ru Hui but he can elongate his life from one year to three years. That’s enough for Du Ru Hui. It’s two more years he can accompany Li Shi Min to make the Great Land of Tang prosperous.

Ashile Sun hears the rumours. He and Li Jing separately follow one of the rumourmongers. Once they catch him, their questions overlap: Li Jing wants to know who’s spreading the rumours; Ashile Sun wants to know where the rumour starter is. That means Ashile Sun knows who the originator is. Ashile Sun thinks it’s Chang Ge (for her revenge) but she's not the one. Duh

The palace is blazing. It’s the kid who plays with the Crown Prince who dropped the key for his people to set fire to the palace. They wanted to capture the Crown Prince but he’s not in the his room as everyone had thought. Ah, and now we’ve got a Lost Prince

[Ep31] Chang Ge is blamed for the fire. News of Chang Ge stresses out Du Ru Hui and now he’s coughing up blood. Hao Du escorts him to the temple where the docs are and now they both see Chang Ge. Hao Du almost catches her had it not been for Le Yan distracting him. 

Hao Du knows Le Yan is helping Chang Ge. Du Ru Hui has a solution for Hao Du: use Le Yan to lure out Chang Ge. In actuality, Hao Du was willing to let go of Chang Ge because he knows that if the Crown Prince is in Chang Ge’s hands, he’d be safe. But Du Ru Rui is his god-father and his orders are laws. Hao Du uses Le Yan to lay a trap for Chang Ge but Ashile Sun is here to rescue his princess. And that's a wrap. Our princesses are found! 

Chang Ge: You don’t hate me anymore?
Ashile Sun: I hated you for leaving without a word. 

Chang Ge has a slight smile as Ashile Sun takes her hand to flee. Once they’re safe, he pulls her for an embrace. She returns the hug but she still feels guilty. Ashile Sun offers a solution: "Then don't leave again. Slowly pay me back.” He pours her a cup of alcohol; drinking it is the least she can do to show her gratitude. Chang Ge graciously takes it but Ashile Sun wants a love shot with her but in those days linking the arm for alcohol means marriage. 

Chang Ge: I am grateful, but I never said I was going to give you my body (marry you)
Ashile Sun: We don’t know who’s the one losing out (if we marry)
But he respects her and settles for clinking her cup instead of the love shot.  

Then the Crown Prince falls into their room. He wasn’t kidnapped, he sneaked out because he heard this place had fun games and pretty girls. Chang Ge casts a side-eye at Ashile Sun. Sun innocently shakes his head, he was just playing Go here with another fellow guy. 

Back where Le Yan is, she slaps Hao Du across the face without another word. Was it this scene in the BTS where Zhao Lu Si couldn't reach Liu Yu Ning (Hao Du) to slap him and so she was slapping air? xD

[Ep32] Le Yan is deeply disappointed in Hao Du. To her, everything he did from the beginning was to use her. She had thought he was only cold on the outside but he truly is emotionless, a puppet without thoughts. "Can your eyes not see?” Everything Li Chang Ge did was to save their country. Le Yan continues to ask, "Are your orders that important?" Hao Du can’t look her in the eye as her words pierce him in the heart. 

Hao Du ain’t having it easy with his god-father either. Du Ru Hui tells him to repent on this wavering thoughts on Chang Ge. He’s like How dare you question me
Ashile Sun thinks it's best if Chang Ge leaves Da Tang for her safety. He reminds her she needs to be alive because she still owes him three favours. Chang Ge had thought that debt between them was already cleared when she almost died. She's referring to the arc where she indirectly killed his god-mother. "Cleared" was not the word he wanted to hear from her. He makes her promise that their relationship can never be cleared. He doesn't even want to hear that word from her. As long as she's alive and he's alive, there's no such thing as clearing their relationship. Chang Ge agrees with a cute pinky-promise. Afterwards, she had to yank her finger out from under his because his grip wouldn't loosen. 

Chang Ge has needs to bid farewell to the priestess at the temple first. Ashile Sun wants to follow and she teases him for sticking to her like glue. She pats his head like a child. Ashile Sun is no kid. He’s a man and takes her hand in his. He’s not letting go. 

Ashile Sun: I don’t want to be without you anymore. That feeling...

Chang Ge doesn’t give him a chance to finish that line but his heart is crystal clear. 

The lady spreading malicious rumours (Jin Se) has seized the temple, including Du Ru Hui. She was about to behead Du Ru Hui but Chang Ge saves him, risking her own life. Situ Lang Lang gladly offers his help especially when Chang Ge calls him “shifu” for the first time. Chang Ge takes Du Ru Hui to safety and even takes an attack for him. Du Ru Hui sees Chang Ge in a new light. Chang Ge returns to the temple to save the others. Du Ru Hui orders Hao Du to save Chang Ge. 

Ashile Sun forfeits a chance to win a precious military book from Li Jing to save Chang Ge. I'd be disappointed if he stayed for a book but then again he wasn't certain Chang Ge was in danger to begin with. He launches a sword. striking Jin Se and saves Chang Ge.

[Ep33] Chang Ge and Ashile Sun are cornered. Li Jing is outside the temple and coordinates the arrows like it's a Go board, therefore allowing Ashile Sun to know exactly where the arrows will fall. Chang Ge and Ashile Sun safely escape. With a bit of impromptu teamwork between Situ Lang Lang  and Li Jing, they masquerade the fact that Chang Ge was back at the temple, preventing Du Ru Hui from chasing after her. 

Jin Se is captured by Du Ru Hui. Her real identity is Yang Su's daughter (Sui dynasty). She's out for revenge against Li Shi Min because he was part of Sui Dynasty's fall. (Guys, just wikipedia this)

The problem with Jin Se's infiltration in the city is that her men are disguised as civilians. Du Ru Hui doesn't know how to capture them. Le Yan has an idea: deliberately dirty the food. Those who are truly hungry will still eat the food. Those who don't are the spies. Hao Du exceptionally executes her plan but Le Yan won't give him a glance.

Chang Ge is safe. She's aware Hao Du let her off because if he didn't there's no way she could have escaped. 

Wei Shu Yu also notices Hao Du's changes. When Chang Ge sends a letter to notify Le Yan the whereabouts of the Crown Prince, Wei Shu Yu summons Hao Du to protect Le Yan because even he knows that Le Yan is safer with Hao Du's protection. 
A dying young boy has a message to Mimi Guli. Their "master" sent him to reminds her about her mission. Mimi Guli's fear turns her eyes hazy. She starts seeing her younger brother in this boy. Hmmmm. At this incredibly bad timing, Mu Jin confesses his love to Mimi Guli. The girl can't accept him because she's not worthy of him but Mu Jin thinks it's him who's not worthy of her. 

Khatun is the master! Mimi Guli is threatened by her and so is Jin Se. Khatun is Princess Yi Cheng (Sui Dynasty). It was Khatun's orders for Jin Se to ostracize her so that she can earn everyone else's pity. Now, Jin Se commits suicide in the prison to keep her Princess's plan confidential. The right hand man of Ashile She Er is Princess Yi Cheng's loyal dog too. She has plans to takeover Khan. 

Note: if you are to google some of the names, you will find that these characters existed. If you're not familiar with Chinese history (like me) you can spoil yourself by googling or you can follow the drama's journey and learn history together with the drama. I am not vouching for how accurate the portrayal is but I get a sense that Drama is doing its best to align itself with history.

[Ep34] The boy sent to Mimi Guli has a communicable disease. Is that Princess Yi Cheng's way of undermining Ashile Sun's Eagle Army – by infecting everyone? The boy dies and his corpse is discovered. Mimi Guli is to be burned to death for bringing the curse to the village. Mu Jin holds out long enough for Ashile Sun to arrive. He calms down the angry crowd and vows to solve this "curse". In this tough time, Chang Ge accompanies Ashile Sun. He didn't leave her when she as in danger, and neither will she. 

A grieving mother who lost her son to the "curse" lashes out at Mimi Guli but Mu Jin takes the sword of her. Not only that, he's infected. Fortunately, Sun Si Miao (our doctor who can cure anything) is here. Ah, what a convenient character. Him and Situ Lang Lang are random people saving the day. Sun Si Miao confirms it's not a curse but a disease that's curable. However, they're missing one ingredient for the medication. It's purple grass (or comrey or red root gromwell).

Le Yan is still giving Hao Du attitude but Wei Shu Yu tells her it was Hao Du who freed Chang Ge. 
[Ep35] Khan is very wasted. Khatun practically has control of the land so when Ashile Sun's underling is here to ask for the missing ingredient, she easily kills him without Khan knowing a thing. Using Khan's name, she sends a message to Ashile Sun denying him the ingredient with the motive of severing their fatherly-son relationship. Without a choice, Chang Ge has to venture out to find the ingredient while Ashile Sun stays to protect his comrades. Thus, Ashile Sun and Chang Ge are separated again. 

Li Shi Min is very proud of Le Yan. She wants to visit different cities to help alleviate poverty. Li Shi Min doesn't want to lose his daughter again and assigns Hao Du to be her bodyguard. As they depart, Hao Du keeps two meters apart from her, afraid she'd be upset at seeing him. A smile slips through Le Yan's lips but that quickly disappears when he explains he's only here because he was ordered to. Le Yan grumbles that he could leave. Our grumpy looking Hao Du obediently leaves. Now Le Yan orders him to freeze, she doesn't actually want him to leave. Pursing his lips, he gathers his courage and walks straight to Le Yan. Never has he said so much in one breath

Hao Du: I'm afraid of angering you but I don't know what I can do. No matter what I do it's wrong. Anything I do only makes you unhappy. I can only watch you from afar. As long as you're safe –a little pause– then I won’t have much to worry about. It felt like he wanted to say something else but held back

After blurting out his heart, he was going to leave but Le Yan holds him back. She thanks him for saving Chang Ge. Hao Du doesn't directly admit it but the answer is clear to Le Yan. She's smiling at him again and permits him to be her bodyguard. 

Le Yan asks Hao Du if he has someone he likes, would he tell that person. He would. Would he? Really? Le Yan is asking for herself. She wants to confess her love but she's afraid of rejection. Hao Du clenches his sword knowing who she loves. Later, he even invites Wei Shu Yu for Le Yan. She summons her courage but first she asks him if he still likes Chang Ge (oh, she knows). After confirming Wei Shu Yu is over Chang Ge (or so he says), Le Yan confesses. Wei Shu Yu is paying more attention to the petal in her hair than her confession and now he misses his chance to reject her. Le Yan thinks he's returning her feelings. Poor Hao Du who heard everything. He's totally the type to confess – rolls eyes  

Xu Feng and Luo Shi Ba Couple: Shi Ba is sent on a small mission for Chang Ge in the new city. Xu Feng remembers to save her extra food. Chang Ge knowingly smiles. Chang Ge sees everything & I can't wait to see what Shi Ba is like when she’s a couple with Xu Feng.

[Ep36] There's a way to get the ingredient! It's Mo Bei's (city) tradition to throw the plant at the exorcist when s/he performs. The better the performance, the more the plants. Thus, Chang Ge crashes the party pretending to be an exorcist and stealing all the spotlight from another exorcist who was there first. I don't care how many of you like the manhua insertion, but we all have to agree this was disappointing. Dilireba could have danced and Drama used animation for that? 
No, no, no ~ Sneeze in your elbow
On the other hand, I really like the original exorcist's performance by Wang Rui Chang (from In a Class of her Own). It's a hip hop tribute to COVID-19 lol. Dabbing =  Sneeze in your elbows, ha. 

Chang Ge got her plants but they're caught by the original exorcist: Yao Luo Ge Pu Sa, the ruler of Mo Bei. He's holding her up because he received orders from above (= Khan = Khatun). "Khan's" messenger also arrives to demand the leaders of Mo Bei and Mo Nan (cities) to fork up soldiers to battle and women they cherish (to be kept as hostages?). This messenger passes by Chang Ge and leaves without a word. Alarmed, Chang Ge immediately warns the leaders they need to form an alliance with her and Ashile Sun of the Eagle Army. 

[Ep37] Chang Ge reveals the necessity of their alliance: the fact that the messenger didn't say anything when he recognized her means he has already concluded there is an alliance between them and now he is going back to report the betrayal. Pu Sa has a different solution: offer Chang Ge to them. Chang Ge is like Sure, and hand over the women you cherish while you’re at it. Chang Ge wins that one. Pu Sa kills the messenger before he leaves the city but keeps Chang Ge as a hostage while her team returns to Eagle Army with the grass and to finalize the alliance. 

Princess Yi Cheng wants Mimi Guli to steal the purple grass by threatening her with Bu Zhen’s life (her brother). Mimi Guli wavers. However, she can't betray Mu Jin again. But is she too late? When she sees Mu Jin, his body is lifeless. The Doctor interrupts her from wailing anymore: “Don’t cry! He’s still got one last breath! Go and help your man get the medicine.” 

Mimi Guli has failed Princess Yi Cheng but the Princess will keep Bu Zhen alive for future uses just like how she's keeping Khan alive (and paralyzed). Next, she summons a general (Tukashe) into the tent and he's completely oblivious to Khan’s internal screams for help. How is it that the Ashiles are supposedly powerful when everyone's an idiot other than Ashile Sun? She orders him to launch an attack on Mo Bei and Mo Nan (= Mo Land in my recaps from now on). 
Luo Shi Ba and Xu Feng: She’s injured from the fight and Xu Feng bandages her. He also lets her sleep on his leg. After she wakes up, he’s limping around because he’s got cramp. 

Then when they’re back at the Eagle camp, she notices his injury is still open. She gently applies the medication. Xu Feng grips his knees not because of the pain but because he’s nervous she’s this close to him. Instead of shying away, he stares at her up close. He even inches closer to her until Luo Shi Ba notices. It’s her who’s shying away. She leaves him without bandaging him up. Xu Feng laughs at a timid Luo Shi Ba, a rare sight indeed . These two. So cute

[Ep38] A secret message arrives for Ashile Sun from Chang Ge. She wants to privately meet him. She's a hostage who can freely roam around. It's a secret message because Ashile Sun is with Tukashe. She can't let Tukashe know of their plans to revolt. Ashile Sun was going to reply with a boring "Read" message but Mu Jin tells him he needs to be more romantic. The message is then "I Miss You." When they meet, he shows he misses her with his actions: a hug. She hugs him back but when she's facing him, she can't meet his eyes. 
How do you all like the angles in the screenshots? I'm no expert but when I want to capture a pretty scene of Ashile Sun and Chang Ge, there's always these unpleasant angles or these long shots that I can't see who's who or some extra thing covering it in the front. I just want to see my couple at a level angle with both their faces visible and not the top of their heads. Please and thank you

Mimi Guli updates everyone that Tukashe is after Ashile Sun's army rather than Mo Land. Ashile Sun was hesitating on revolting but this news makes him reconsider. Mimi Guli also tells Mu Jin the truth: she's a spy from Khan's camp but she doesn't reveal her master is Princess Yi Cheng and they have her brother hostage. Our intuitive Chang Ge also figures out Mimi Guli's background. However, no one holds Mimi Guli accountable – they're supportive of her. 

Tukashe is defeated. Chang Ge's military tactic won and Ashile Sun gave the final blow to him. The next part of the plan: Mu Jin is to relay the death of Ashile Sun to "Khan" with none of them knowing Khan is just a puppet. Mimi Guli wants to go with him but it's too dangerous. She gives him a kiss which is returned with more kisses from Mu Jin. "Wait for me. Once I return, I won't leave you again." Please stay alive, Mu Jin

There's a "happy" reunion. Relief hits Chang Ge when she sees Ashile Sun safe and sound. She runs to meet him with a hug. Also, Ashile Sun has thought of his first wish.

Ashile Sun: Can you be like a girl more? 
Chang Ge sounds disappointed: Are you saying I'm not like a girl?

He's asking her to give him a chance to protect her. He knows she has no intention of being dependent but he wants her to not face everything herself. He wants to be with her, take the risks with her. Just saying that has nothing to do with being a girl or not. Oh, but an arrow from nowhere shoots him in the chest. Who!

[Ep39] The reaction to Ashile's fake death: Khatun refrains from celebrating because she needs to confirm it with her own men; Ashile She Er is sad and drunk. 

But how is the real Ashile Sun doing? He's unconscious. The shooter is Khatun's men. 

Li Chang Ge to Ashile Sun: Didn't you say that what I owe you I have to use my entire life to repay you. I, Li Chang Ge, promise you, I'll never leave you but you have to give me a chance. Wake up, ah Sun. 

Ashile Sun heard it. He wakes up the next day. Our main characters never die from an arrow

Ashile Sun and Chang Ge deduce it couldn't have been Khan who wanted him dead; it has to be Khatun, Princess Yi Cheng, who's pulling the strings. This actually reminds me that Ashile Sun never trusted Princess Yi Cheng all the way back from Ep23 when he told Chang Ge to be careful of her. The Mo leaders wonder how they can fight the Ashiles. Chang Ge proposes to form another alliance and this time with Da Tang. The Mo leaders are against this. Oh, and what a coincidence, Wei Shu Yu is here to offer an alliance. Oh, but it's not a coincidence. Chang Ge had sent an anonymous letter ahead of time to Da Tang promoting this alliance. Now the Mo leaders have to reply, but who will they send? Chang Ge offers herself. She confesses her identity as the ex-Princess Li Chang Ge to express her sincerity. They ask her what is her purpose. Peace is what she tells them. Pu Sa is like Is that it? Chang Ge replies, Is that not enough? Pu Sa trusts her and lets her take the identity of his sister to form the alliance. 

Chang Ge's team departs. Ashile Sun asks her if she's ready to return to Chang'an. Chang Ge is ready; she's at peace with herself (i.e. no longer seeking revenge). And what is there to worry about when she has Sun with her. Ashile Sun proudly nods at his girl.

[Ep40] Chang Ge is back in Chang’an. She takes Ashile Sun to visit her mother’s memorial. He grooms himself because he's gotta look good for the first impression. Once inside, he promises Chang Ge's mother that he’ll take care of Change Ge and love her lots and lots. Chang Ge is embarrassed but our Sun is very serious and very sincere. 

The romantic mood is spoiled when Li Shi Min arrives. He's the one who has been tending to the memorial all along. Although Chang Ge hasn't forgiven him, Li Shi Min trusts her. He knows Chang Ge won’t kill him. If she wanted to, she could have killed him with that arrow (Ep21)

Fang Xuan Ling (the guy who I couldn’t differentiate from Du Ru Hui) gives Chang Ge a new identity to live in Da Tang. It’s Li Shi Min’s orders. However, Chang Ge has no interest in erasing her existence as Li Chang Ge. She’s here for the Mo alliance. 

Fang Xuan Ling tells Chang Ge more of the story between her mother and Li Shi Min. It was Li Shi Min who had saved her mother in the past. They loved each other but Chang Ge’s father was drunk one day and raped her mother. When Li Shi Min came back from his battles, she was already pregnant with Chang Ge. However, even as a baby, Chang Ge would smile for Li Shi Min and not for her own father. Li Shi Min raised Chang Ge like his own daughter. Chang Ge should know that. And now Chang Ge wonders why a man who loves the both of them would kill her mother. To be continued
Chang Ge is overwhelmed from all the information. She asks Ashile Sun that after everything is over, if he would live with her far from the city in somewhere peaceful. Of course he will. Where she goes is where he’ll be. They kiss. And the drama blurs it. And I see birdies. AWESOME. Drama, if you don’t want to show the kiss, don’t even do it. 
Fortunately, there’s scenes of Hao Du to refresh my eyes. Hao Du safeguards Le Yan even when they’re back in Chang’an. No matter where, Hao Du will always be worried about her. He promises to keep a distance and won’t disrupt her meeting with “a friend”. He knows she’s searching for Chang Ge and Le Yan permits him to follow, trusting him to not hurt Chang Ge. The trust that she gives him makes him smile. 

Le Yan and Chang Ge reunite! However, this brings insecurity to the Mo citizens because the Ashiles are here too and if they find out Chang Ge (currently, a Mo Bei's Princess) is meeting Princess Le Yan, then the Mo citizens are in deep trouble. They create quite a commotion forcing Hao Du to reveal himself to protect the princesses (including Chang Ge!). Chang Ge tries to empower everyone that there’s nothing to be afraid of but then Ashile She Er appears and they quickly turn to cowards again. Oh but then Ashile Sun appears and Ashile She Er loses all his composure. Oh, but then Khatun appears and now the game has really changed. 

Khatun is here for a marriage alliance that Da Tang had promised the Ashiles from way, way back. Hao Du glances nervously at Le Yan. Chang Ge quietly tells Hao Du to take Le Yan away. Yes, because two people leaving the dinner when everyone else is sitting down is totally not a dead giveaway that Le Yan is a princess. 

[Ep41] Le Yan worries if her father would agree to Khatun’s marriage alliance. 

Hao Du: Princess, if you’re willing, I – 
Wei Shu Yu: Le Yan!  
What was Hao Du going to say? "I will marry you"??

Wei Shu Yu is here to comfort Le Yan, “I treat you like you’re my real sister’ Ah, comforting. Le Yan cries that this is his response when she thought he accepted her confession. Wei Shu Yu apologetically leaves. Hao Du stops him at the door and confronts him on what he plans to do. Wei Shu Yu can’t answer. And now Hao Du is furious. I believe that Hao Du thinks there is a simple solution: marry her or elope. Wei Shu Yu just needs to offer it

Hao Du drapes a shawl over Le Yan asking her if she’s disappointed he’s not Wei Shu Yu. If Wei Shu Yu is who she wants, Hao Du can tie him up, bring him to her, and have them elope. He’ll take all the punishments onto himself. Le Yan softly smiles. She won’t run away but she also won’t marry. She will fight for herself. 

Le Yan: Will you stand by my side?
Hao Du smiles: Mm!
Chang Ge also believes Wei Shu Yu should marry Le Yan. He even tells Chang Ge that Le Yan confessed to him. Chang Ge is like Perfect! What are you waiting for? Wei Shu Yu remains silent as he stares into Chang Ge’s eyes. Chang Ge casts her gaze down, knowing that look of his means he likes her. Wei Shu Yu can’t marry Le Yan because that’s just throwing her from one fire pit into another. I think the two fires are very, very different but hey, I don’t want Le Yan marrying Wei Shu Yu either. Chang Ge understands. There's still hope, though. She knows Li Shi Min won't sell her daughter. 

The court officials are discussing the marriage alliance. The ministers are supportive of the marriage. Then Le Yan takes the podium. The gist of her speech: If Da Tang can’t even protect her then how will Da Tang convince its people that the country can protect them. A sickly Du Ru Hui walks in with Hao Du and he is supportive of Le Yan's argument. They can’t just follow Ashiles’ demand. But, but, you guys promised ... No?? 

Khatun takes advantage of the rejection. If Da Tang can reject their promise with the Ashiles, then Da Tang can do the same with Mo territories. Da Tang has lost its credibility. Chang Ge saves that one: the marriage alliance can still be standing. However, instead of just the Ashiles, anyone here can fight for this marriage. ...because as long as the marriage is still active, Da Tang isn’t backing out of its words...? Well, that’s shameless, lol

Other updates
→ Ashile Sun confronts Ashile She Er if he really thinks Khan’s illness is natural. 
Ashile She Er: Don’t accuse my mother and I 
Ashile Sun: Don’t put yourself in there. Ashile Sun believes in his brother.
→ Mimi Guli has grown stronger with the trust she received from all her friends and especially Chang Ge, but will she stay strong when Princess Yi Cheng threatens her with her brother’s finger? She is given poison.

[Ep42] Chang Ge isn’t throwing Le Yan into another ditch. The rules of the fight is that anyone can participate which means Wei Shu Yu can too. Chang Ge! Did we not already establish Wei Shu Yu is another fire pit?? Why push Le Yan to him again? Chang Ge has the plan: Ashile Sun will win Ashile She Er and then lose to Wei Shu Yu. However, she forgot to consider Ashile Sun’s feelings. Ashlie Sun doesn’t want to win Le Yan’s hand (even for show) but neither does he want to lose to Wei Shu Yu of all people. Le Yan also doesn’t want to force anyone. If Wei Shu Yu wants her, he will think of a way. 

A very sick Du Ru Hui tells Hao Du that he can participate. If he doesn’t think he’s worthy then he can win Ashile She Er and then lose to someone representing Da Tang. But if wants to win to the end, Hao Du can do that too. Aw. Du Ru Hui has spent his entire life giving to his country. Hao Du doesn’t have to follow his path, he can follow his feelings.

Wei Shu Yu will also take the stage but he’s clear with Le Yan that if he does win, they don’t have to marry. Le Yan understands: if he won’t fight to marry her, then she doesn't need him to fight for her at all. She doesn’t need protection from him when there’s no love. 

The match is ending and no one is challenging Ashile She Er. Chang Ge begs Ashile Sun to take part but he won’t budge. The countdown is beginning and still no one is showing up for the fight. Ashile Sun was just about to volunteer but Hao Du takes the stage! Oh, but he’s not a match. He’s a punching bag to Ashile She Er. Le Yan cries for her bodyguard. She can’t bear to see him bleeding for her. Le Yan will surrender; she’ll accept her fate and marry Ashile She Er. 

Hao Du smiles despite all the pain: I will not surrender and you don’t need to accept your fate. 

Hao Du overcomes the losing battle. He rebounds with the force Ashile She Er attacked him with and holds She Er down. Hao Du wins! No one touches his princess without a fight from him. 

Le Yan asks how come he went on stage. His answer is unsatisfactory: to protect Da Tang’s reputation. Le Yan leaves after realizing he wasn’t fighting for her

Hao Du: No I actually – I don’t want you to be forced to marry someone you don’t love. 

Le Yan reminds him that she still has to marry the winner. 

Le Yan: Do you think – do you think you are the person I love. Why is this question so backwards? How does he even answer this? “Yes, it is I you love"
Hao Du: I know in Princess’s heart there’s someone else. Princess, you don’t need to worry. This competition doesn’t count. I will report to His Majesty. 
Le Yan: So you never thought of marrying me? 
Hao Du: I am merely a martial fighter, how can I even fathom that. 

Le Yan doesn’t understand why Hao Du would go to such extent for her.
Hao Du: Because you’re worth it. This he said with conviction.  But it’s me who’s not worthy of you.

Le Yan shares that initially she thought he was like ice. His face is cold; his heart is cold. Then when he hunted Chang Ge, she corrected herself: he has no heart. However, that all changed when he found her. 

Le Yan: I’ve become dependent on you, slowly felt that your heart was warm. 

Le Yan gradually learned of the real Hao Du. She knows he has a good heart but he’s always hiding his own feelings, always putting others before himself. When she saw him injured like that during the battle, she knew her true feelings for him. 

Le Yan: I really was scared because I thought I could never see you again. Once I think that I can’t see you, I – Le Yan stops, she couldn’t finish that sentence – I will ask you one last time. Why did you go on stage? 
Hao Du: Going on stage was because I didn’t want to see you sad and was for me to fight for myself 
Le Yan eagerly asks: Fight for what?
Hao Du: Princess, you once said you are a princess and I am to protect you. In the past I was a protecting you as a bodyguard but from now on...
Le Yan: From now on what? 
Hao Du: From now on – Hao Du clasps down on her shoulder, shocking Le Yan’s small body – I want to protect you as a husband. 

Le Yan is still shocked from his touch, and such a strong one too. Hao Du quickly releases his grip and apologizes. He asks Le Yan to pretend he never said anything, thinking his words bothered her too. 
Le Yan is shocked: Never said it?! You’re refusing to acknowledge it now? 
Hao Du is taken back: No! I just don’t want – winces from pain –
Le Yan: You need to be careful and take care of your body. Otherwise, how will you protect me? 

She sweetly smiles at him. He brightens up and once again he can’t hold back: he hugs her, his Princess, his fiancée.  
And then there are screenshots like this. Drama, just what is it that you want me to see? That glaring light?

Hao Du hugs Le Yan way too tight that Le Yan is grunting. She doesn’t understand how he can still be so strong when he’s this injured. It’s the strength of his love. She could barely breath under his embrace. He cites that her words have healed him. She smiles that if he’s all better, then accompany her somewhere (this city). Hao Du stretches out his hand and Le Yan takes it. He holds her precious hands in his and tells her no matter where she wants to go, he’ll be with her. 
Some girl time! Chang Ge asks if Le Yan really wants to marry Hao Du. Chang Ge won’t let Le Yan marry someone she doesn’t love. Le Yan admits she never realized her feelings for the person closest to her until she almost lost him in that battle.

[Ep43] Chang Ge is accused of ordering Mimi Guli to poison this Mo dude who’s always causing a ruckus. By sabotaging Chang Ge, it will ruin the Mo alliance with Da Tang. Ashile She Er recognizes the poisonous pill bottle and confesses the poison is his. He's protecting Mimi Guli. Wei Shu Yu knows it’s not Ashile She Er but for the alliance’s sake, he detains Ashile She Er.

Mu Jin confirms Khan is controlled by Khatun. He also finds Bu Zhen. Too bad Mu Jin is caught by Khatun’s right hand man (who has a name! Lei Meng. Lemon it is). One blow and Mu Jin is down.

Khatun knows Li Chang Ge is the ex-Princess thanks to that little boy who the Crown Prince thinks is his best friend. 

Hao Du and Le Yan go on their date. A farmer is carrying something heavy. Le Yan’s concerned expression tells Hao Du she wants to help this man and so he offers to carry the heavy stuff. The farmer refuses and comments Hao Du should just accompany his “wife". Our newly couple freeze. Taking advantage, Hao Du replies that his “wife’s" orders cannot be defied. And that’s how he gets to call her wifey

Le Yan and Hao Du pass the candy stall. Hao Du reveals he still has the candy she gave him last time. Le Yan smiles. He stops the carriage and buys a similar rabbit one for her but when he’s back, she’s gone! OMG. Phew, she was just sitting outside. He thought he lost her again. She’s just sitting down because she twisted her leg. He quickly touches her ankle but she has more to tell him. She got off the carriage to buy him a sword keychain or whatever you call that thing back then. Hao Du promises to never leave her even for a second. Le Yan cheerfully tells him she’s not afraid of being lost anymore, especially now since she has him. He comfortably picks her up in his arm.

Chang Ge sews a rabbit on a fan for Le Yan's wedding but she broods that it’s too ugly. Is this currently appropriate? The alliance is falling apart. Ashile Sun laughs and compliments it’s pretty. He puts the red sewing to her face wondering when he can marry her. However, talking about marriage reminds Chang Ge of her mother. 

The next day Ashile Sun visits Chang Ge's mother's memorial. He's here to ask for Chang Ge's hand. He tells Mom he wants to be with Chang Ge forever. He’s very serious, I don't why I find this funny but this is very sweet. It's even more sincere because he’s doing it all alone rather than as a show for Chang Ge. Near the tablet of Chang Ge's mother, he leaves a wedding proposal (in a red envelope).

[Ep44] Chang Ge is captured by Khatun. Ashile Sun barges into Khatun's room to search for Chang Ge but she's not there. Mimi Guli pretends to be back on Khatun’s side in order to approach Ashile She Er for information. Ashile She Er knows exactly what she wants and demands Mimi Guli to remove his clothes. He approaches her with sexual intentions and she permits it but she’s quivering and crying under him. Ashile She Er is furious Mimi Guli would go to such an extent for Chang Ge. To Mimi Guli, Chang Ge is worth it. 

Ashile She Er gets the information. Ashile Sun finds Chang Ge. Sun wants to kill the boy who kept Chang Ge hostage but Chang Ge warns him otherwise. Killing the boy will terminate the alliance because the boy technically belongs to the Crown Prince but the stupid boy makes a fuss, basically asking to be killed. Sun strikes the arrow. 

Once back in the haven of their room, Ashile Sun rips open Chang Ge’s sleeve to care for her wound. Sun promises Chang Ge he won’t let her injured again. He also asks her to believe in him when it comes to Princess Yi Cheng. What is he planning to do? He kisses her forehead softly and that’s all we get because Zhen Zhu interrupts to give Chang Ge her medicine.

The next day, Ashile Sun takes accountability for the dead boy but Sun claims he was under the order of Ashile She Er and now both brothers are imprisoned. Chang Ge ain’t liking this plan one bit.

Forming the alliance continues to be a struggle. There’s news of the Ashiles preparing for war against Da Tang and they’re after Mo territories too. The cowardly Mo people are peeing their pants before anything actually happens and decides to drop the alliance once and for all, hoping to stay on the good side of the Ashiles. Turns out the war news was fabricated by these certain Mo people who have been bought out by Khatun. There is no army after them. Them the guy who died pops out alive out of nowhere to confirm this to the rest of the Mo people.

How did he live? Chang Ge had noticed Mimi Guli’s peculiar behaviour and so the girls teamed up. Chang Ge warned the man that someone will poison him and in that case he can take this pseudo-poison that will give others the illusion that he has died and therefore Mimi Guli would look like she obeyed the orders.

[Ep45] Now that this dead-alive person is the living witness, Mo people regain faith in the alliance.

There’s some brotherly time between Sun and She Er in their individual prison cells. Ashile She Er is jealous Sun has someone he can risk everything for even if it means betraying the Ashiles. Sun reminds him that he (She Er) did the same for him. 

Chang Ge and Hao Du round up the Ashiles in the city for tampering with the alliance. I much prefer Chang Ge and Hao Du on the same side. However, this one man escaped and has Le Yan hostage; he wants the seal that will release his men. Hao Du will give up the seal immediately for Le Yan. It’s Chang Ge who’s hesitating and Le Yan who’s refusing. Chang Ge finally relents but she throws the seal in the air and in that moment of distraction, Le Yan scrambles away and flies to Chang Ge. Hao Du strikes at the man. Everyone is safe. 

Le Yan has an injury on her neck that Chang Ge was tending to but Hao Du intercepts. It’s slightly intimate and he’s so gentle with Le Yan that even Chang Ge is a little shy.
Du Ru Hui compliments Hao Du for summoning the army to capture the Ashiles. He tells Hao Du to kneel properly to his Du ancestors. Du Ru Hui is taking him in as a real son. He had wanted Hao Du to ascend the ranks with his own ability but now that he wants to marry the Princess, he’ll need status. AW. I was not expecting a touching fatherly son moment in this drama at all. Hao Du can call him “Ah Ye” now. So he’s Du Hao Du now?

Li Shi Min compliments Hao Du as well but mobilizing the army without proper order is punishable.

Li Shi Min: I will punish you, fuma. The emphasis: “fuma”. It means the Princess’s husband. Li Shi Min just approved of his son-in-law. Hao Du just got two fathers in a day!

Hao Du promises Li Shi Min he'll take good care of the Princess not because she's a princess but because she's (his) Le Yan. (:

Back to the alliance! Everyone is back to the tables but suddenly Mimi Guli switches side and exposes Chang Ge of her Da Tang Princess identity and that she’s actually looking for a chance to weaken Da Tang for her revenge. This whole alliance is a bogus! Yet again, another setback. Mimi Guli is backstabbing Chang Ge because Khatun has both her brother hostage and Mu Jin. The solution that’s floating around to save this alliance is to have Chang Ge killed. 

Everyone: No way. 

Li Shi Min knows Khatun just wants his son back from prison. She also promises to leave the place and not attack Da Tang for the next five years. However, she also wants Sun as a prisoner. 

Before Li Shi Min agrees to Khan's conditions, he offers Ashile Sun a new identity in Da Tang to live in peace with Chang Ge. Ashile Sun will not accept whatever Chang Ge denied. There's only the second option now. Cue scene skip – which means we don't get to know. Li Shi Min asks Ashile Sun if he wants to see one last person before he leaves Chang'an. 

Crown Prince had planned to secretly execute Ashile Sun but Ashile She Er and Wei Shu Yu save Sun. Oh, our boys are all on the same team for once. Crown Prince finally learns his best friend was using him all along, Wei Shu Yu asks the Crown Prince if he will still trust someone so easily again. He will but he'll be smarter about it. Chang Ge had once complimented the Crown Prince for his willingness to believe in the best in others. Wei Shu Yu has a partner! It's the Crown Prince.

[Ep46]  Ashile Sun returns to the prison and releases Ashile She Er. Sun confesses he didn't kill his wolf. Being accused by Khan for this was the one thing Sun cannot forgive Khan for. Khan wanted them to be enemies for the good of their tribe. Ashile She Er confronts Sun why he's telling the truth now. Just what is Sun risking that he sounds like he's saying his last words? 

The Ashiles leave. The alliance with Mo territories can proceed. A blood ritual takes place where every Mo member drops a bit of their blood into this bowl. When it comes to Li Shi Min he cuts deeply into his palm to express his sincerity. The alliance is confirmed. 

Li Shi Min wants Chang Ge to stay in Chang'an but she wants to be where Ashile Sun is. To convince her to stay, Li Shi Min reveals the truth of Chang Ge's mother's death. He was going to safely send her away but she wouldn't accept. Although she never loved Chang Ge's father, he treated her well. Onviously, raping her didn't count as something bad. She's guilty because of her betrayal (by writing that letter to inform Li Shi Min) which is why she used her life to repay him. She committed suicide with Li Shi Min's sword. 
Chang Ge believes Li Shi Min but she will still make the same decision: she will leave to save Ashile Sun. 

Li Shi MinErshu (Second Uncle) will wait for you. This will always be your home. 

Chang Ge walks away. Tears are in her eyes. She stops and turns to Li Shi Min

Chang GeErshu 
Li Shi Min reflexively answers: Eh! Lol
She has avoided calling him this entire time, not even by his title, just always "that" person and so this is significant. She has forgiven him. 
Chang Ge: You killed my father, that is real. You are my second uncle, that is true too. If ever there is one day you mistreat your citizens, I'll definitely come back to hold you accountable. 

Chang Ge visits her mother before she leaves the city. She finds the proposal letter at the table. Chang Ge kneels again and pours her mother three cups of tea wine. The first cup is to for her to marry (it’s a Chinese thing to give tea (or wine?) to parents when the child marries). The second cup, Chang Ge is pouring for Ashile Sun. The third cup is a wish for her “husband” – for him to be safe.

Ashile Sun is imprisoned. Princess Yi Cheng wants Sun to command his Eagle Army to obey her. She uses Mu Jin as her bargaining chip. Sun promises but he has two condition: heal Mu Jin and Khan. Yi Cheng promises to save Mu Jin but Khan will have to wait until war is victorious. Ashile She Er was listening in a hidden corner. He, who was in denial his mother could do such a thing to his father, can’t hide from the cruel truth anymore.

[Ep47] Ashile She Er wonders how Khatun can do this to the grasslands; it’s her home too. Sui has  already fallen. Khatun's home was always in Sui. As long as she’s alive, Sui Dynasty will never fall.

Wei Shu Yu gives Le Yan her wedding present from Chang Ge. It’s the rabbit fan Chang Ge was sewing. Wei Shu Yu teases Hao Du that if he doesn’t treat her well, he will take her away. In your dreams, man. Hao Du smiles, Not a chance.

Hao Du asks Le Yan for a favour. He’s afraid his father, Ah Ye, might not live to see their wedding. Le Yan suggests for a small wedding just for them. She also calls Du Ru Hui her "Ah Ye". He thanks her for her consideration. A small wedding like this is below her status and so he’s extra grateful for her.

Ashile Sun gives his orders to Mu Jin who's back alive from being half dead just an episode ago. Mu Jin will command the army on behalf on Ashile Sun. Princess Yi Cheng was never going to release Ashile Sun to lead the army. Sun knew that and neither was he letting his Eagle Army obey Princess Yi Cheng. Mu Jin is to save Khan and he succeeded. Unfortunately, that leaves Ashile Sun in Yi Cheng's prison without any value. Ashile Sun is to face death. His only regret is breaking his promise with Chang Ge; to spend the rest of his life with her. 
Hao Du and Le Yan marry! I teared up seeing Du Ru Hui's fatherly smile. They each cut a strand of their hair and tie them together. They promise their life together. Then he tells her he'll have to leave the next day. What happened to that promise that he'll never leave her again? Day0 of their marriage and he's already breaking promises. Du Ru Hui wants Hao Du to protect Chang Ge. Li Jing is already there. Y'know that Go dude who's actually a genius general
Omg. Their kiss is even worse! Director, are you an anti??? Purposely giving me weird angles, faded shots, blobs I can't differentiate, and kisses that aren't visible!! 

Mu Jin leaves Khan in the care of Li Jing. He needs to partake on another independent mission: save Ashile Sun.  Two other loyal soldiers predicted Mu Jin would do this and they join in. Aw! 

Chang Ge is also in the city to save Ashile Sun. She releases a lantern. It's a signal to Mimi Guli to buy a mooncake – a tradition that the Ashiles would never know and because of that, they won't know it's not even that time of the year for mooncakes and therefore Chang Ge will be the only one selling moooncakes on the street. Inside the mooncake there's a secret message to Mimi Guli. Chang Ge needs a map of the interior: where all the hostages are, the exits, etc. Ashile She Er will give the map. It's his way of repaying for his mother's sins. 

All of Chang Ge's friends gather to help save Ashile Sun too: Situ Lang Lang, Xu Feng, Wei Shu Yu, and Zhen Zhu. Luo Shi Ba is presumably somewhere nearby too ('cause why would Xu Feng not be where she is)

[Ep48Flashback: When Mimi Guli betrayed Chang Ge during the alliance talk, Chang Ge had actually encouraged her to do so. She wanted Mimi Guli to earn back Yi Cheng's trust so that she can be Chang Ge's informant. 

Ashile Sun is to be decapitated, but hold up, Chang Ge yells "Stop!". She's got Ashile She Er as hostage – a voluntary hostage but Yi Cheng doesn't know that. Chang Ge didn't recklessly barge in alone. Luo Shi Ba and Xu Feng have taken their stations on the roofs to shoot down anyone who makes a move. Meanwhile Wei Shu Yu and Situ Lang Lang are elsewhere in the palace saving Bu Zhen and the Xiao royals (Empress Xiao and her son are of Sui Dynasty). 

Chang Ge and Yi Cheng exchange their hostages. Ashile Sun is finally back to Chang Ge's side where he belongs. Then Ashile She Er aims a knife at Yi Cheng to demand her to let Sun go. Yi Cheng is bitter her own son turned on her. Sun and Chang Ge run but not for long; Lemon is hot on their tails. His arrow is aimed at Chang Ge. Mimi Guli takes the fatal shot for Chang Ge. For once an arrow can actually kill....but why must you do it now and to Mimi Gu Li? Team Chang Ge is outnumbered. Then Mu Jin charges in with his soldiers. He sees Mimi Guli on the floor. At least he got to see Mimi Guli one last time. Is that why Drama was so generous to give us their kisses? Because they weren't getting a happy ending? Gosh, Drama, take that kiss back, I don't want it no more. Mimi Guli asks him to take care of Bu Zhen but Mu Jin cries that he can't do it alone. She also asks for something sweet. She meant the candy that he gave her when he confessed his love to her. She kept that pouch of candy all along and returns the love confession. Mimi Guli dies. D: 

The fight is won but we all lost Mimi Guli. Chang Ge cries in Sun's arms. Ashile She Er wants to touch Mimi Guli but Mu Jin hollers at him. He doesn't deserve to touch her. Mimi Guli is dead because of his mother. Sun tells him it was Lemon who killed her. I don't like Lemon either, but c'mon he wasn't even aiming at Mimi Guli

Yi Cheng's grand plans to restore Sui Dynasty has crumbled. She orders Lemon to escort Ashile She Er to leave to the grasslands. She will stay and lure the enemies. Lemon didn't want to leave her but she cries and begs him. Lemon finally agrees. 

Ashile Sun visits Khan. He will recover but not to his health as before. Battling would be impossible. Sun asks him to give in for peace with Da Tang. Their soldiers have fought too long and too hard. Khan agrees 

Mu Jin puts Mimi Guli to rest. He will fulfill all his promises to her including buying sweets for her. 

Chang Ge gives a mission to Luo Shi Ba that she is to help Li Jing escort the Xiao royals back home. Luo Shi Ba asks what she is to do after that. Chang Ge looks blankly at her. Luo Shi Ba reminds her master she belongs to her for life. Xu Feng is dispirited. Chang Ge demands Luo Shi Ba to tell her what she truly wants to do. Luo Shi Ba thinks about it and answers monotonously that she wants to roam around freely with friends. She turns her head to look directly at Xu Feng and he smirks. A cutie! In fact, everyone's smiling. 

Situ Lang Lang will leave too. He has a new disciple: it's Yuan Niang! The little girl. Xu Feng claims Yuan Niang was scammed into being his disciple, though, haha
[Ep49] Chang Ge reveals to Sun she found his wedding proposal to her. He's curious of her answer. She replies she doesn’t need any of those complicated rites – having him is enough. Sun agrees! The proposal is a success. He pulls her in for a kiss. A real kiss?! Dream on. It's on the forehead.  

It's Chang Ge's turn to be curious. How did Sun contact Li Jing for help? It turns out Li Jing was the last person Ashile Sun requested to see before Sun left Chang’an. These two planned out on how to save Khan. Oh, and here I was only thinking about romance and thought it would have been Chang Ge he wanted to see. Also, I want to mention I kind of like the actor for Li Jing. He’s very into his role.  

Chang Ge apologizes to Sun that she may have to delay her promise of living together. She’s still worried about Da Tang. Sun's reply is actually to reveal his second wish. Chang Ge quickly retracts from him; she doesn’t want to hear it. She barely accomplished the first one ("being a girl") and then it ended with an an arrow to his heart. Ashile Sun calls her a wuss. His wish is simple: he doesn’t want her to say "Sorry" or "Thank you" anymore. Between them, these phrases are unnecessary. Hearing such a simple wish, she quickly asks for the third one. She might as well complete them all but Ashile Sun just smirks. He ain’t telling her. He's hanging onto that third wish forever. See I told you all! Now as long as she never completes that wish of his then they'll never be "cleared" of each other.

Ashile Sun and Mu Jin corner Ashile She Er and Lemon. Perfect for Mu Jin because now he can avenge for Mimi Guli. Lemon dies. As for Ashile She Er, he dares Sun for a one on one. Battle commences! Ashile Sun attacks but She Er is just standing there. He's atoning for his mother's sins with his death. She Er also wants to exchange his life for his soldiers. Ashile Sun isn’t that type of guy and releases She Er and his army. She Er orders his Wolf Pact to salute their saviors. Sun’s Eagle Army returns the salute. 

Our fuma, Hao Du has arrived. He’s here to protect the person Le Yan wants to protect: Chang Ge. He's leading another set of troops to locate Princess Yi Cheng but she isn’t where they all predicted her to be. Where could she be? Chang Ge knows. Yi Cheng never planned to flee. She was waiting in the lonely palace all along. Even if all the Sui royals have surrendered and even if she was away from her homeland for decades, her love for her country never swayed. Chang Ge gives her an option to return home, give up on revenge. It’s too late for Yi Cheng. She lives for revenge and will die for revenge. Yi Cheng sets fire to the palace. Am I late to realize Yi Cheng is the foil to Chang Ge? If Chang Ge insisted on hatred she’d be like Yi Cheng. The fire is unreal, in seconds the entire palace is engulfed in flames. Ashile Sun dashes in to save Chang Ge. 

Peace has arrived. 

Hao Du runs home. Du Ru Hui still has a breath left! Hao Du gets to see his Ah Ye and report to him of their triumph. Du Ru Hui is so sick he’s already lost his voice. He passes away as he places the hands of Hao Du and Le Yan together. Du Ru Hui, I’m so sorry I could not differentiate you from that other guy in the beginning

Li Jing reports to Li Shi Min of the tragic loss of Chang Ge! Li Shi Min cries. He asks Li Jing if she died in pain or if there was any last words. Li Jing relays that she’s grateful for Li Shi Min. Li Shi Min's tears slow down a bit as he probes Li Jing for more of her last words. Li Jing furrows his brows wondering what kind of lie he should spin now and settles for telling Li Shi Min that Chang Ge wanted him to burn her some books because she loves reading. Pft. Li Shi Min’s tears have dried up.  Reading? Chang Ge? What bogus. Li Jing drops to his knees to apologize but Li Shi Min is all smiles. 

Now we get the real version of events: Ashile Sun saves Chang Ge from this really fake fire. Chang Ge asks Li Jing to return to Chang’an without her. Let the fire consume her. Let her name be removed from the history books. Li Jing turns to Hao Du for some advice and Hao Du quickly replies, “I don’t know anything.” Lol, a sensible brother-in-law

Chang Ge and Ashile Sun live their days peacefully in the grasslands. I assume that’s what the last scene means. They're not actually together in one frame and I'm not really sure what the eagle means. Freedom?? Honestly, I was expecting a firefly scene.
I do like the last animation! It’s the drama returning to its manhua origins, closing its covers and ending its story

The end!


[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I don't know if I'm invested in this. We're still in setup phase of the drama. This hasn’t wow-ed me. In equal parts, I see its merits and its faults. Merits is obviously the cast and the overall idea behind the story. The faults are minor but nagging and gnawing. I'm not a fan of the manhua insertion in the actual drama. It waters down the moment especially in Ep4 when Chang Ge falls into the water. I guess it's tough to film those scenes....but still. Also, how many times is Drama going to make our leads accidentally bump into each other? There’s so many I already lost count by Ep3. 

For this drama, more than the leads, it’s the smaller roles who intrigue me. I’m really liking the moody Hao Du (actor: Liu Yu Ning). He looks like he has so much story. Then there's the juicy villain: Li Shi Min. He's rather grey. I don't see him as a villain. I see him as a means to an end type of guy. 
As for chemistry. I feel none of it between Chang Ge and Ashile Sun... However, I am liking Le Yan and Hao Du a lot. I think I just like moody men. 

[Actors/Actresses] I'm rather delighted Zhao Lu Si is in a different role. It’s a pleasant change. I just want to ask the Drama to not pit her character against Dilraba's. Can’t a girl stay loyal to another girl in a historical drama (without dying)? Is that too much to ask for? 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy! Mostly. Don't worry, the main couples are safe and mostly married.   

Chang Ge pretends to die in the fire with Princess Yi Cheng. Li Shi Min gets the fake death report and will erase Chang Ge from the history books as she wanted and that is why Chang Ge doesn't exist in history. I also quite like the contrast between Princess Yi Cheng who chose revenge and Chang Ge who chose peace. 

Couple Updates: 
  • Ashile Sun and Chang Ge are together. Many of you may not agree but I consider them married. They went through all the rites. Ashile Sun proposed – even if Chang Ge wasn’t actually there to hear it. The wedding wines were poured – even if Chang Ge did that all alone, xD. It’s actually quite romantic because these two don’t need anything trivial to prove their love.
  • Hao Du and Le Yan are married! Actually married. They held a small wedding in advance because Du Ru Hui (their Ah Ye!) was dying. They will still get a big wedding at some point in the future.
    • I had an ominous feeling about Le Yan dying in the beginning. Female friendships are hard to come by in serious historical dramas. They usually go down two routes: 1) The girl betrays our FL; 2) The girl never betrays but dies in the end. It seemed pretty obvious Le Yan wasn’t going to do #1 so then I became nervous about #2. Near the middle, I realize Le Yan is too important to have her dead so I let my guard down and neglected Mimi Guli! 
  • Mu Jin and Mimi Guli's love reciprocates but she dies to protect Chang Ge. Very sad. Mu Jin will probably still love Mimi Guli forever :( At least Mu Jin has Ashile Sun...
  • Wei Shu Yu gets no one unless you count the Crown Prince.
  • Luo Shi Ba and Xu Feng have an optimistic outlook. Luo Shi Ba needs just a little bit of warming up. 
P.S. Just wanted to give a small mention to the music in the end. For the last few episodes, most, if not all, of the OST changes to instrumentals and as much as I like the singers, I find the instrumental version much more moving and elevated certain scenes for me. 

Final Review

[ReviewThe Lost Princesses The Long Ballad is a grand story of Chang Ge's path to world peace but really I say it's a path of self discovery. It's not without its flaws and there's a colossal one: the plot holes. If anyone wants to argue with me how fallacious most of the story is, I will most probably stand by you. Despite all of it, I find this endearing, and highly entertaining because the drama was willing to go to great lengths to be grand. I hated the manhua insertions but if it’s because of saving the budget here and there that this drama is possible the way it is, then I say it was worth it, especially when the drama brought forth so many characters to admire, romances to love, and relationships to cherish.

[The Characters/Actors] The supporting characters are all so well developed! With popular actors such as Dilireba, Wu Lei, and Zhao Lu Si, I’m surprised the supporting cast got more than enough screen time to shine. Even minor characters are memorable: Du Ru Hui, Li Jing, Luo Shi Ba, Xu Feng, Situ Lang Lang, Pu Sha, Gong Sun Heng, A’Dou, Wu Ye, and even Lemon. These are just the minor ones. There’s also Mimi Guli, Mu Jin, and Li Shi Min. Then there’s my scene-stealer: Hao Du! I love seeing how his character changed for Le Yan. I also loved Le Yan’s growth from a timid princess to a brave leader. In fact, this drama is full of character growth, it was a treat to watch (a notable mention: Mimi Guli). 

The actor for Hao Du, Liu Yu Ning, soared to new popularity for this character and earned himself a new title: “Bodyguard of Love”. There’s a dual meaning: he’s our Princess’s forever bodyguard and he’s omnipresent in dramaland with his voice. He’s the man behind OSTs for dramas such as Word of Honour, Rattan, Love Scenery, You are My Hero, Octogenarian and the 90’s, Go Go Squid 2 and even Love and Redemption from last year, etc. He has always been here protecting our love for dramas. Recognize his voice, he’ll be around.

Dilireba has never been a terrible actress in my books. I feel her love for Chang Ge. However, I think it's a crime that the director and the stylist don't know how to capture her beauty. There's so many wasted scenes at weird angles that weren't flattering at all. Chang Ge is mostly in men clothes, and that's fine, but Drama just missed a chance to make her look stunningly handsome. So many missed opportunities from the staff. On the other hand, I think Dilireba opened more opportunities for herself in her acting career. I would love to see Dilireba challenge a darker character. I think she's got the eyes for it. 

[Romances] My favourite couple is Le Yan and Hao Du. They have the formula for success from the very beginning. Hao Du is a coldhearted bodyguard, his sole purpose is to protect his Princess but he loses her! Then he embarks on a journey to find her. Their limited screen time – at least in the beginning – served to their advantage because they made me crave to see them. 

The main couple is Chang Ge and Ashile Sun. They are each other’s equals, divine militarists of their country, constantly outwitting each other, enemies that shouldn’t have fallen in love but they did. Despite being at odds in their political standings, they have one dream: peace. It's the ideal romance with ideal characters. This drama tries its best to emulate this ideal love but I think it falls short. Chang Ge isn’t that smart (because of the plot). Wu Lei (Ashile Sun) doesn’t yet have those lovelorn eyes in his acting when his character needed it (sorry, Wu Lei fans!). There wasn’t enough of them outwitting each other to set up the romance. Their initial meetings relied too much on coincidences. Undeniably, Dilireba and Wu Lei had tall tasks to tackle: their characters are way too perfect. Their romance is way too ideal. There’s not a lot of wiggle room for their characters to grow when they're so amazing to begin with unlike Hao Du and Le Yan who had so much room for growth. Chang Ge mainly goes back and forth on choosing her morals or her hatred. She and Ashile Sun have the slower romance that when I was moved by their sincerity (mostly Ashile Sun towards Chang Ge), I got birds, and then the drama was coming to an end. 

Other couples: 
  • Mimi Guli & Mu Jin: I really like them. I – yes, I like them. 
  • Luo Shi Ba & Xu Feng: I find that these two are a reversal of Hao Du and Le Yan. Luo Shi Ba is like a Hao Du but she’s got the more serious case of robotic-ness. Xu Feng is the one who turns her human (; 
[Other Relationships] The relationship between the females are central to why I find this drama endearing. They're so loyal to one another! Then on top of the friendships, the drama teases out even more meaningful relationships: there's fatherly, brotherly, and even motherly ones. The kids are good too! [Spoilers!! Some relationships are better not known if you plan to watch this
  • SisterlyChang Ge & Le Yan: These two are the CP who can contend for the top couple in this drama. Zhao Lu Si and her team made a very smart move on choosing Le Yan to catapult her to another level. 
  • Sisterly. Chang Ge & Mimi Guli: The neglected girl-girl couple. Never doubt their loyalty to each other. Mimi Guli is a tough one. She suffered all her life and then met Mu Jin and Chang Ge who gave her unconditional trust. She saved her brother, she saved Mu Jin, she saved Chang Ge. She accomplished a lot. 
  • SisterlyChang Ge & Luo Shi Ba: They didn’t have a lot of screen time but Luo Shi Ba’s loyalty is also unwavering. I quite like the end where Chang Ge makes Luo Shi Ba choose her own life. 
  • SisterlyChang Ge to A'Dou and Le Yan to Wu'ye: Kids in these dramas don’t have it easy. Kudos to the child/teenage actors, both made me teary. 
  • MotherlyKhatun (Princess Yi Cheng) to Ashile She Er: Perhaps not your favourite pair but the sacrifices she made for him were commendable. Khatun is the foil to Chang Ge. If Chang Ge chose revenge she would have been another Khatun. 
  • BrotherlyAshile Sun & Ashile She Er 
  • BrotherlyAshile Sun & Mu Jin: These two were never superior and subordinate to each other. They are brothers. 
  • MentorSitu Lang Lang to Chang Ge
  • MentorSitu Lang Lang to Yuan Niang: This one was randomly funny.
  • MentorWei Shu Yu to Crown Prince: I'm not that fond of Wei Shu Yu but I thought I should at least mention him. 
  • FatherlyDu Ru Hui to Hao Du: Among the men relationship, I love these two the best. Very emotional, especially the "Ah Ye" parts
  • "Fatherly"Li Shi Min to Chang Ge: To really avoid major spoilers, I'll just say that I like Ep46 a lot, especially when she called him and how he replied her ("Eh!")
[Overall] The Long Ballad concedes to small details to cover a sweeping story with compelling romances and admirable characters, and still have plenty of time to celebrate female-hood. 

Random Recommendation: I don’t have anything similar to The Long Ballad to give but I want to redeem Fang Yi Lun (Alen Fang) just a bit (the actor for Wei Shu Yu). He has a good drama too: The Love By Hypnotic
