November 3, 2020

Everybody Standby Season 2 | Part 1 Episode 2 Recap

Cyn-opsis: Watch actors be ripped apart on live TV. 
Host: Dong Cheng Peng (Da Peng)
Chen Kai Ge
Er Dong Sheng (Derek Yee)
Guo Jing Ming (Edward Guo)
Zhao Wei (Vicki Zhao)
Li Cheng Ru
Chinese Title
Network: Tencent 

Part 1: List of Performances 
  1. Eternal Love vs. It Started with a Kiss [Ep1]
  2. Better Days
  3. My People, My Country
  4. The Bad Kids
  5. The Untamed [Ep2]
  6. Go Ahead vs. With You
  7. Dearest vs. Temptress Moon vs. Shoplifters
  8. Kim Ji Young, Born 1982
  9. The Stolen Years
  10. Tiny Times vs. Forever Enthralled [Ep3]
  11. Nothing but Thirty x3
  12. I am Somebody vs. Shou Yi Ren
  13. Winter Begonia 

5. Untamed

He Chang Xi: Wei Ying
Newbie (Only contestant without any dramas)
Part of UNINE (Idol)
Zhang Yi JieLan Zhan
Many supporting roles; actor of 15+ years (!); 21 years old
Directors’ Critique 
Short: FAIL

Guo Jing Ming: Did not feel their characters at all. Don't know the relationship between the two of them (they're supposed to be soulmates).
Chen Kai Ge: He makes He Chang Xi repeat Wei Ying's lines. He Chang Xi delivers. [Chen Kai Ge approves]. I also think the background music helped. Chen Kai Ge also asked the same of Zhang Yi Jie but he needed a lot more guidance. 
Er Dong Sheng
  • To Zhang Yi Jie. The umbrella was useless. Posture wasn't straight. 
  • To He Chang Yi. Hard to rate because you're so new. Lacks technique. Shouldn't blink that much. 
Zhao Wei: Didn't have a lot of hope in this. The sword looked really fake but as actors, you need to make it look real. 

He Chang Xi: B → S (Guo Jing Min)
Zhang Yi Jie: B → A

The Controversial S:
Zhang Yi Jie got three votes. Guo Jing Ming voted for He Chang Xi. Guo Jing Ming didn't like either of their acting but he chose He Chang Xi because he was immediately able to get Chen Kai Ge's lessons. Zhang Yi Jie is also supposed to be better than this. That's not all!! Before the contestants leave the stage, Guo Jing Ming calls them back and says he wants to give an S-card! To He Chang Xi!! Everyone, EVERYONE is stunned. He gave the S-card because to him S means Student, Seed, and Special. He Chang Xi is a student that has potential and is special. According to Guo Jing Ming and Guo Jing Ming only.  

Zhao Wei jokes: Because he thinks he and He Chang Xi looks the same! GJM has a type of actors he likes: men who are pretty. 
Chen Kai Ge: S means Surprise to me. Such Big Surprise. And then you can imagine everyone online giving their version of what S means

Other Highlights
He Chang Xi has no experience so he was really thankful for Zhang Yi Jie guiding him. Zhang Yi Jie is the veteran with his 15+ years in the industry who only had minor roles. And guess what? He’s younger than He Chang Xi! But experience is nothing on this stage because the person who got the S card is He Chang Xi. I feel a little bad for Zhang Yi Jie but he didn’t perform well at all especially with his level of experience.  

6a. Go Ahead

Ding Cheng Xin: He Zi Qiu
Part of TNT (Idol)
Dong Si Yi: Li Jian Jian
Twenty Your Life On as Duan Jia Bao
Wang QiangLing Xiao
Cross Fire as King
Directors’ Critique 
Short: Good (everyone liked it except Li Cheng Ru)

Li Cheng Ru: At the very least, actors should enunciate well. 
Guo Jing Ming: Disagrees with Li Cheng Ru. He was able to hear them clearly. Ou, the drama between these two directors begin.
Er Dong Sheng
  • To Dong Si Yi. Are you the older sister or the younger sister? Ding Cheng Xin is so young and because you're trying to act younger than him, your acting becomes stiff. 
  • To Ding Cheng Xi. You are very pretty. [Ding Cheng Xi had a funny reaction, he's like "Pretty? Okay, pretty."; Dong Si Yi and Wang Qiang nod to each other. They totally agree that this man is pretty.] Are your lips naturally red? Did you put makeup on your eyes? Makeup is not necessary for this role. Your makeup negatively affected my watching experience. 
  • To Wang Qiang. You have depth in your acting. 
Chen Kai Ge: You three aren't nervous. I like the dumpling idea because it shows that you're family. All three are very natural and it is that naturalness that moved the audience.  

Dong Si Yi's Courageous Question
Dong Si Yi addressed the elephant in the room. "What is y'all's criteria for S?" Wang Qiang is wiping his fake sweat that she dared ask this question. She's voicing everyone's curiosity on Guo Jing Ming's questionable S choices. Guo Jing Ming clearly answers that S means he wants to work with that actor. Chen Kai Ge says his S is to acknowledge the actor's acting ability. His is objective and critical. Zhao Wei turns it into a joke and a tiny attack on Guo Jing Ming that he sure has a consistent taste in men. Heh. Er Dong Sheng tries to back up his fellow director, "If I want to give it to whoever, then I will give it to whoever. It's not necessary to explain it." Summary: Chen Kai Ge is against the S Guo Jing Ming gave but he's indirect with his words. Zhao Wei and Er Dong Sheng are trying to pacify things.

And then it's finally time for Li Cheng Ru to speak. And the juicy drama begins! He finds it ridiculous, "My position here is to judge the actors but now I have to judge the directors and how they give S-cards. [See He Chang Xi's blank expression. Heh] One moment he (GJM) says he's picking him because he wants to cast him and then the next moment he says he's not picking him because he wants to cast him. Both these sentences are coming from the same person's mouth." 

At this point Guo Jing Ming wants to clarify. He wanted to say he would like to cast the "S person" in general and not immediately after the show kind of thing. BUT. He doesn't get to say it because Li Cheng Ru won't let him! DRAMA. Guo Jing Ming smiles and nods, "Yes, yes, yes. I'll let you finish and then I'll speak." And that's when Li Cheng Ru fires at him, "Such a young age, you need to know how to respect!" Er Dong Sheng had the cutest reaction. "The 8 S-cards are to recognize actors for their talent, it is not something to be handed out recklessly"

Guo Jing Ming has one last sentence to say about his beliefs and choices: "You can hate what you don't like, but please allow it to exist." I like this statement a lot but it escalated the tension even MORE. It's directed at Li Cheng Ru and he immediately straightens up from his seat and fires back. "I can't accept this. Just that it exists, it doesn't mean it's right. Guo Jing Ming had once said that 'existence means there's a reason' which also translates to 'existence means it's right' but that statement is wrong." Our poor emcee wants to save the scene and clarifies that Guo Jing Ming never said those exact words but Li Cheng Ru is like "Those are Guo Jing Ming's favourite words, he was about to say it but I cut him off so he couldn't say it." Da Peng is like, woah you can predict what he's saying too. Li Cheng Ru kind of has nowhere to go in this argument so he's like, "Yes!".LOL.

Dong Si Yi dug herself in a grave when she really didn't need to, lol

6b. With You

Fei Qi Ming: Yu Huai 
Went viral with Tiktok (Chinese version); Supporting roles
Ma Bo Qian (Victor Ma): Lu Xing He 
Popular rapper; TV personnel 
Zou Yuan QingGeng Geng 
Famous for being the daughter of a famous actress (Yan Ni)
Directors’ Critique 
Short: Bad (only Guo Jing Ming thought it was okay)

Li Cheng Ru: Compliments Ma Bo Qian and that's about it
Zhao Wei: This is probably the worst one I've seen today. Worse than Eternal Love. [See Chen You Wei and Wang Chu Ran drop their heads, aw] The content is awful and the actors don't help the story at all. 
Chen Kai Ge:I have no idea what happened to Yu Huai. He had such a pitiful story but nothing was revealed in your performance. Cannot see the relationship between Geng Geng and Yu Huai. 

Go Ahead Team wins unanimously
Ding Cheng Xin: A → S (Guo Jing Ming)*
Dong Si Yi: B → A
Wang Qiang: A → S (Zhao Wei and Er Dong Sheng)*

With You 
Fei Qi Ming: A → B
Ma Bo Qian: A → B 
Zou Yuan Qing: B → B

Both are Tan Song Yun dramas!

More Controversial S Cards
*Guo Jing Ming gives another controversial S card to Ding Cheng Xin. Zhao Wei is like hold up. If Ding Cheng Xin gets an S, Wang Qiang definitely deserves an S too. Zhao Wei and Er Dong Sheng do agree somewhat on Ding Cheng Xin receiving an S because he's able to capture the essence of acting at such a young age with next to zero experience. Chen Kai Ge doesn't agree with any of the S's. Ha. He's like, what just happened?

7a. Dearest

Wu Xing Er (Myolie Wu): Li Hong Qin
Triumph in the Skies as Zoe
TVB Hong Kong actress; Best Actress Award; Actress of 20+ years

Directors’ Critique 
Short: GOOD

Li Cheng Ru: First time watching you. You have different level of depth in your performance. There's explosion (an impact). 

Da Peng joins in on the praise of Myolie Wu's dingy appearance to act her character. He's the closest one to her and he can see the detail in her hair and her clothes, and the smell on her. LOL. Myolie Wu is embarrassed and moves away. The directors are like, that's just you man

Chen Kai Ge: Your performance reminds me of Ice and Fire. You know how to act every part of this. That is the "ice"part. But when you performed, you were "fire". You meld the two elements perfectly together. You are a good actor. 

7b. Temptress Moon

Huang Yi: Ru Yi
Actress of 15+ years, mother, and an ex-husband in jail

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Bad / Good 

Zhao Wei: Acknowledges Huang Yi's performance. 
Guo Jing Ming: I don't think it was okay. I don't think there was a balance between you and the male actor. There is a problem with the performance when you laughed twice. [Huang Yi doesn't look very happy at this point and asks where she laughed. Er Dong Sheng helps out and says it's when the male actor hugged her] Just looking at your own performance, it is merely okay, your performance didn't elevate near the end. And then once the male actor enters, it didn't meld. It was not okay at all. I agree with GJM.  
Er Dong Sheng: Agrees with Guo Jing Ming. But doesn't want to blame the male actor. I blame the male actor.
Chen Kai Ge: Supports the male actor, he is here to help, he is not responsible. Chen Kai Ge likes her performance. This is also his (Chen Kai Ge) movie that he directed

Huang Yi's Past
Her ex-husband is in jail. He's notorious for spreading malicious rumours about actors. Any information he gets is exposed so no one wants to hire Huang Yi because she's not safe. If she knows anything, then her husband knows. She divorced him but he's pretty much a parasite still. Through this show, Huang Yi wants to prove she's a) got skills b) she's cleared her past, she's safe. From hereon she wants to walk on a flower path.  

7c. Shoplifters

La Mu Yang Zi: Zhao Chun Yan 
Known for her comedy skits
Directors’ Critique 
Short: GOOD

Zhao Wei: Amazing. Versatile (can be emotional and be comedic). "God is blessing you"
Er Dong Sheng: I think you have a chance to win the Best Actress award
Guo Jing Ming: There were moments I thought I was watching a real jail clip. Very natural. 

Dearest vs. Temptress Moon vs. Shoplifters

Winner: Shoplifters (La Mu Yang Zi)
Myolie Wu: S → S (Chen Kai Ge)
Huang Yi: B → S (Er Dong Sheng)
La Mu Yang Zi: A  →  A

Is it fair La Mu Yan Zi didn't get an A?
Three votes went to La Mu Yang Zi. Chen Kai Ge chose Huang Yi but gave an S to Myolie Wu. Er Dong Sheng also gave an S but it's to Huang Yi. These guys did not give an S to the same person they voted for. Poor La Mu Yang Zi who won the votes but got zero S's. Did she really win then? When it comes time for the S contestants to give a handshake to the directors, La Mu Yang Yi is like, oh, I'll just stand here? That's fine. Hahaha.

8. Kim Ji Young, Born 1982

He Kai Lang: Kim Dae Hyun
New actor; minor role in Professional Single
Huang LuKim Ji Young
Movie actress with many notable projects 
Directors’ Critique 
Short: Fail

Zhao Wei: You chose this because you didn't have a choice, right? [Nope, both actors chose this. ZW is like, oh, okay. Hearing this, GJM is having a laughing fit]. I think both are pretty good. [GJM is like "Ha? Where do you think is good?"]

Guo Jing Ming: I don't think both of you know what you two are doing. 
  • To He Kai Lang. Don't force yourself to act out sad because if you do that, it'll be fake. [He Kai Lang has a line like this: "I am so sad! I want to cry but I can't cry!"] I'm not sure if you were expressing a line or your feelings at that moment because you really couldn't cry. It's like when someone is crying and saying "At this moment, I am sad!" Hahaha. [Even Zhao Wei laughs] It's also like if I'm killing someone and saying "At this moment, I am killing you!" +1
  • To Huang Lu. You were too sloppy when you first learned of your illness. +1
Chen Kai Ge
  • To He Kai Lang. Do you think you acted well? [Initially, He Kai Lang said "Probably not" but Chen Kai Ge wanted a definite answer from him and so he answers "No."] I am very disappointed. During your performance, only your eyebrows knotted together, you had no other expression. You were very far from your character. 
Er Dong Sheng: In his interview he thinks something must have happened to He Kai Lang for his lack of acting projects. With his looks, it shouldn't be that hard for him to get roles. 

He Kai Lang: B → B*
Huang Lu: S → A

Guo Jing Ming and Zhao Wei chose He Kai Lang. Zhao Wei's a pity/supporting vote to motivate He Kai Lang. Guo Jing Ming explains his reason, "He Kai Lang is bad but it's understandable why he's bad." LOL. There's no excuse for Huang Lu though. Guo Jing Ming is very consistent. He is harsher on actors that have the skills but aren't displaying it. Since it's a tie, the audience gets to vote. Huang Lu wins. 

Other Highlights
During practice, Huang Lu tried to suggest hugging to get familiar with each other since they are acting out as husband and wife. The guy is like "How about no?" Oh my. He's very introverted. He thinks he's wasting her time because of the difference in their abilities.

9. The Stolen Years

Liu Rui Lin (Wayne Liu): Xie Yu
Eternal Love as Zi Lan  
Actor of 10+ years
Zhang YueHe Man 
Nothing but Thirty as Lin You You 
New actress who got popular after one role

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Bad / Good 

Chen Kai Ge: Both are pretty good. A very successful performance. 
  • To Liu Rui Lin. I was moved by your tears after you closed your eyes.
Guo Jing Ming: Applauds Liu Rui Lin for his crying. For your role it was harder to gain the spotlight but you did well. 
  • To Zhang Yue. I absolutely don't believe you were at the end of your life.You sounded way too healthy. 
Er Dong Sheng
  • To Liu Rui Lin. I don't think male actor was in his character. When you first learned of her condition, you lost a chance to perform there. 
  • To Zhang Yue. I agree with Guo Jing Ming. [Chen Kai Ge doesn't agree, he thought the withered flowers in the scene highlighted her dying very well already. Plus is it more important to convince externally or internally that she is dying?] 
Zhao Wei: Agrees with Er Dong Sheng. I think the male actor is harder to act. I don't think you (Liu Rui Lin) acted your best. 

Liu Rui Lin: B → B
Zhang Yue: S → A 

Liu Rui Lin received two votes from GJM and EDS (very surprised by this when he didn't compliment him. I guess he was more turned off by Zhang Yue's performance)

Zhang Yue's Lin You You:
Zhang Yue is known for her one role as Lin You You in Nothing but Thirty. That drama took over China and her role is the most hated character in that drama. Everyone who watched it would want a piece of her. Da Peng wanted to apologize to Zhang Yue. When he saw Zhang Yue was voted to be in S, he thought she didn't fit. Just because she got a heated role that every Chinese netizen alive hated her guts, that shouldn't mean she's S-tier but seeing her performance today, Da Peng apologizes to her and recognizes her skill.

Zhang Yue is okay with the hate on her character but Da Peng asks why she turned off comments on her page. She clarifies that when there are comments about her family then she can't take it. She doesn't actually finish her sentence properly because she cries. Da Peng hands the baton to Guo Jing Ming and asks how he handles hate comments because he gets tons (LOL). GJM is the type to read every single one of them. [Sun Qian is too] GJM advises Zhang Yue to turn on her comments again because it's an attitude you're showing to let others know that you welcome their opinions because deep down you know what you're doing. Zhao Wei is the opposite. She doesn't read any of hers. 

Other Highlights
Zhang Yue is noted for her similarity to Bai Bai He in this role, the original actress.

[Episode Highlights] 

  • Controversial S’s 
  • Fight between directors 
  • S actors: 
    • He Cheng Xi (The Untamed)
    • Ding Cheng Xin (Go Ahead)
    • Wang Qiang (Go Ahead)
    • Myolie Wu (Dearest)
    • Huang Yi (Temptress Moon)
  • Ep1 S actors: Ren Min and Shi Bo Yu. 
  • Ep3 will have one last S 


[Guo Jing Ming vs Li Cheng Ru] Delicious drama. It was nail-biting when Li Cheng Ru went at Guo Jing Ming. Everybody Standby became a variety about directors attacking each other, heh. 

I don't agree with Guo Jing Ming's S choices (He Chang Xi and Ding Cheng Xin). I was like, man this guy has a type. But! I do like his critiques because they're detailed and accurate, most of them align with mine and he is consistent with his choices. In Kim Ji Young, Born in 1982, he voted for He Kai Lang, a newbie, over Huang Lu, a veteran because his expectations of Huang Lu are that much more. He has a personal preference for new talent over veterans who don't have freshness to them. I think his choices are very realistic. If the director sees potential then that's the end of the story. He Chang Xi and Ding Cheng Xin have market and that's his motivation behind his S. 

Interesting to note that He Chang Xi and Chen You Wei are both from UNINE and both have completely switched positions. He Chang Xi went from B to S and Chen You Wei went from S to B. 

[La Mu Yang Zi and her non-S] La Mu Yang Zi won with her performance but the reality is no director gave her an S instead they gave it to her competitors. That's the reality of showbiz. La Mu Yang Yi has the skills that all the directors praise but when it comes to casting actors they'd choose Myolie Wu or Huang Yi over her. To me, what Er Dong Sheng and Chen Kai Ge did to La Mu Yang Zi is similar to Guo Jing Ming choosing his favorites. They're both choosing the actors that are more likely to succeed. Of course Myolie Wu has the better acting skills (vs. Guo Jing Ming's candidates combined) but in terms of market value alone, Myolie Wu surpasses La Mu Yang Zi. 

[Er Dong Sheng and Zhao Wei] I don't like how these two are teaming up. They never go against each other’s opinions. That’s so boring. Why does the panel need both of them if they’re going to give the same opinion each time?

[Performances I did not like]
  • With You (6b). I don’t understand why no one criticized Zou Yuan Qing. Because of her famous mother?
  • Huang Yi’s (7c). I’m surprised she got an S. I’m even more surprised only Guo Jing Ming didn’t like her performance. I really wanted to turn off my screen. It was so difficult to watch. Of the entire Part 1, her performance is my least favourite. 
  • He Kai Lang’s “I can’t cry” (9) was more comedic than anything. Even if Huang Lu’s performance didn’t meet her usual standards, for her to tie with him is truly unjust. I completely agree with the director’s criticisms that he only knew how to knit his brows and force his sadness. But why didn’t their votes reflect their opinion? Because of looks?
[Wang Qiang] I like him!!!!! Ni Hong Jie is my female favourite. Wang Qiang is my male fave. Noticed him in Cross Fire. I think the directors are right about his potential but I don't think his Go Ahead performance was that good. In fact, I don’t think it was good enough for any of the actors to warrant an S –cough Ding Cheng Xin cough–