September 17, 2020

Sparkle Love | Reviews

A girl electrocutes a boy into loving her. 
Chinese Title
Episodes: 24

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Zhang Ling HeMai Si Chong
Ling Mei ShiMei Wei Wei


(Updated as of May 2022)
Don’t Leave After School
DirectorHuang Yuan Da 
 Don't Leave After School (2021)

ScriptwriterZhao Yue

ProducerChen Rong Yan
♠ To Get Her (2019)
♠ Accidentally in Love (2018)


Other Relationships:
Other GenresFantasy


Five (5/5)

Four (4/5)

Three (3/5)

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Sept 2021
Mai Si Chong, er... Zhang Ling He is adorable in this! He's a bit softer but immature in this than in FIT. (He basically has temper tantrums when he's jealous/angry here. 😆) All of his cute expressions need to be on constant replay. I'm dying from his cuteness. Swimming >> basketball scenes. 😉 (His father is Lu Dad in My Fated Boy. He's got that sweet dad role down pat.) He's gotta stop dragging MWW around though. 😒 It must be true love if he suddenly like durian candies. 😆 (I brought durian candies to a performance show once in a very small community theatre...)

Mei Wei Wei is cute, sweet and sassy. (She seriously reminds me of Fang Li from Always Will, Always Have. They both have that similar haircut. Thankfully, no octopus hair. Didn't realize she was in an upcoming series with Li Ge Yang until I saw your comment!) This dog has an owner. 😆

Peng Pai (Dai Yun Fan, everything I've seen him in) is a nuisance. He's always got some ulterior motive. Definitely typecasted for playing that ambiguous, mysterious guy. He never gets the girl. And he decides to confess his love to her on his own birthday? *scratches head*

Her best friend, Li Dai Xi, kind of annoys me. It starts with her wanting MWW to get Mai Si Chong to fall in love with her... and she gets upset at her when it fails. 🙄 Oh, dramaland rationale. Because she is entitled to her best friend's powers for her own gain.) I really like Ding Yi though. They're in couple clothes a lot... haha

Aww, E15 is every sweet, nervous moment between them and they finally say what they mean. And E16 is even sweeter!

Dramaland is smart here... many of their kissing scenes are seated so Mai Si Chong isn't always towering over Mei Wei Wei. E23, the one of them laying across from each other on the bed is my favorite though. Good editing with soft lines.

I thought Li Bai Kuang was very cute, innocent, enthusiastic and gentle. And has no sense with women, and becomes a nervous wreck around Zhang Yu Xin who is independent and self-reliant.

Xia Rui was petty and too envious of Mai Si Chong. (I like the actor, I remember him from Sunshine of My Life - although he's bulked up a lot since Sparkle Love.) I have no idea what's the deal with pairing him with Jun Jun (she's very pretty!). I feel that there were too many pairings in this series, and as such, they're a bit underdeveloped in character.

So we have no idea if MWW is cured of her electricity condition. Weird that they have it as the focal point in the first 15 eps, and then it becomes the biggest plot hole? Definitely didn't watch this series for a good storyline. 😆 To avoid being shocked, why hasn't anyone thought of grounding first before touching her? (If they know about her condition.) Although, I'm not sure how it works, because people can get struck by lightning. Enough of my mumblings.

I'm going to watch more of both leads' line of work now. 👍

Two (2/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn 
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
Sparkle Love is simply cute at its best. It doesn’t quite hit the sweet spot but it tries to be very, very sweet. I’d only recommend this if you’re a fan of the leads. However, even if you’re a fan, this isn’t their strongest drama. It’s a downgrade from Maiden Holmes for Zhang Ling He and from "Love by Hypnotic" for Ling Mei Shi. In fact, I barely recognize Ling Mei Shi. She’s unbelievably plain which is surprising because I liked her in Love By Hypnotic. If Zhang Ling He debuted with this drama, I don’t think I’d be a fan of his. I don’t think I’d even finish this drama.

Just to clarify, the drama isn’t disappointing; it just feels very cotton-y without the candy. Light without much substance and subjectively sweet. 

One (1/5)

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