November 20, 2024

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy | Details

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy
A bookworm couch queen reincarnates as an evil 2FL in a mediocre story.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yu Shu Xin: Ling Miao Miao
Ding Yu Xi: Mu Sheng
Wang Yi Xu (Stellar)
Chinese Title
Eternal Night Star River (Galaxy)
Year: 2024
Episodes: 32

In this post:
Ending! Spoilers!
Yang Shi Zhe (Yes! He has a section)

Recap & Review
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy


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[Zi Qi's bangles/swords] Zi Qi made the ring for Miao Miao from his bangle. After that, his bangles became uneven. Even one of his swords shortened.
Bangles are even in Ep1
Bangles are uneven
The shorter sword xD
Ding Yu Xi liked the bangles so much, he asked the crew to make a smaller version for him, which he can wear casually.

[Zi Qi's hairband and spear are all from (high school) Miao Miao] She really is his armour. His hairband is Miao Miao's lotus hair-tie. His spear is Miao Miao's favourite gel-ink pen.
Zi Qi's lotus hairband...
is the lotus hair tie Miao Miao wore at school
Her lotus becomes his symbol of strength.
Zi Qi's Chosen weapon... the pen Miao Miao loved
This Zhao Ruo Shi only has a hair tie because he's Zi Qi.

[Zhao Qin Ru has fun accessories too] She wears a palace/pavilion on her head, and the back of her head has the back of the pavilion.

[Accessories outside of the drama] Ding Yu Xi made a pindo 拼豆 (beaded cartoons) for Yu Shu Xin. It all started from their first live event (left image). Yu Shu Xin asked about his ZiQi-pindo, which he made a while ago. Then he thought about it for a second, and asked her if she wanted him to make one for her too. YES! (These two chitchat a lot when the microphone is there, lol). Then fans caught him actually making it and supposedly spent ~3 hours (right image).

Yu Shu Xin – being a great sport – shows off her MiaoMiao-pindo made by a very proud Ding Yu Xi. (This is their third live event)
DYX spent 3 hours probably making this one too.

Ding Yu Xi's Easter Eggs / Diaries

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These are titled "Zi Qi's Little Theatre". Ding Yu Xi recorded these "diaries" after filming wrapped. They're little romantic highlights. Total 14 clips. I translated the text uploaded by Ding Yu Xi (and not the ones by his studio)
被突然表白怎麼辦?? = What should I do if I am suddenly confessed to??
Caption: She said she likes me? I should have killed her (LOL)

[#2Ep6 Easter Egg
五子棋上有字是咋回事兒 = What’s the matter with the words on the wuziqi?
Caption: “Miaos’ (are written on his wuziqi)

[#3Ep5 Easter Egg
隨便變著玩的,沒什麼特別的意思… = It’s just for fun, it doesn’t have any special meaning…
Caption: 平安 (Miao Miao’s wish for everyone to be safe).

[#4Ep8 Easter Egg
前世今生都愛吃的小兔子蘋果 = Past or present, I still love to eat rabbit-cut apples.
Caption: Only I can have my jie's apples. From now on you (Miao Miao) can only have apples cut from me.

[#5Ep7 Easter Egg
居然敢不怕我 = [She’s] actually daring enough not to fear me. 
Caption when he’s smiling: She’s not afraid of me (:
Caption when he’s pretending to be offended: She’s actually not afraid of me *best grumpy face*

[#6Ep8 Easter Egg (No text from DYX)
Caption: She should be on the boat by now ):

誰還不會做香囊了 = Who doesn’t know how to make a pouch anymore

[#8Ep12 Easter Egg
一定是藥太苦了…對!就是藥苦! = The medicine must be too bitter...yes! It’s just bitter medicine! [And not that the sweetness comes from the heart ~~~]

[#9Ep13 Easter Egg
最討厭失控的東西,除了 = I hate things that can’t be controlled, except …. 

[#10Ep17 Easter Egg
某人胳膊肘又…又…向不知道哪裡拐了!!😡 = A certain someone's elbow... again... is taking a turn to I don’t know where!! 😡
Caption: Damn it Liu Fu Yi. I don’t want to have a good relationship with you. 

[#11Ep19 Easter Egg
還以為我也被愛了呢 = And here I thought I was loved (😢)
Caption: 你还真是不知好歹 You really don’t understand good from bad 

[#12Ep20 Clip (no Easter Egg): 
今天是個好日子,我也來替慕聲兒助助興🎁評論區按時間順序9、19、29…到99的樓層會有驚喜掉落哦😎 = Today's a good day. I (DYX) am here to help Mu Sheng'er celebrate 🎁 In the comment area, there will be surprise presents for the 9th, 19th, 29th, ... to 99th commenters.  9s for two reasons: 1) He's at 99% love, and 2) 999s are good numbers for couples because it means long long long = forever
是349%的喜歡 = It’s 349% love. Since he started at -250%, here's the math: 99-(-250) = 349
Caption: I like Miao Miao. I want to marry Miao Miao.  I love the detail that he also wrote it the modern way, with the A4 paper portrait!

[#14Last Easter Egg
Caption: What's wrong with you today? 
(He wrote Miao with the pieces)

[Bonus Sand Art] (Weibo link) It's by Ding Yu Xi! Well, just the beginning. Still impressive!

Moonlight References

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Love Game's Chinese title is 永夜星河, which is a romantic coincidence with Moonlight's plot, particularly in Ep10 (pasted from the recaps): "They arrive at 星河 Road (Galaxy Road) and there are couples everywhere. There’s a legend that if one walks with the opposite sex on this path then they will be together forever."
DYX and YSX carrying signs for 星河 Road during 永夜星河 promos

(Love Game filming)

(Moonlight filming)

Yang Shi Zhe

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[#1] During a live, Yang Shi Zhe misheard his nickname and so from being 人機柳大哥 Robotic Liu dage", he became 雞柳大哥 Chicken Tenders dage. Then he was offered a chicken endorsement! But he rejected it!! The others (Ding Yu Xi, Yu Shu Xin, and Zhu Xu Dan) mourned for their free chicken.
[#2] Yang Shi Zhe was asked why he didn't dance for their MV. He posted this gif and later on uploaded his rigid dance practice. (I love the bloopers)
[#3] After fans zooooomed in on his eating in Ep22, he posted this: 昨晚做了餓夢 = Last night, I had a nighthungry-mare
DYX is here to protect his bro xD
[#4] Yang Shi Zhe on his WB: "Firstly, I apologize for my indifference when I looked down at the ground. Secondly, I think I imitated very well – nothing abstract about it!"
In a BTS, Zhu Xu Dan had complained that she doesn't walk like this. Well. LOL.
ZXD's reply with the above pic: 媚眼拋給「瞎子」看哼!你就毛蛋半永久吧 = [I was] Throwing flirty glances at a “blind man,” hmph! Fine, you’ll just pair with your 毛蛋 mao-dan (his nickname; Balut egg) forever then. (She's telling him to CP with a dog instead of her)

[#5] Speaking of Liu Fu Yi's nickname, Balut-Egg 毛蛋, it happens to be Miao Miao's favourite!
"I love eating Mao Dan the most!"

Misc. Episode Notes/Pictures

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Not necessarily new findings.
Some of these are just fun to revisit.

Our CP did get a wedding ...xD
Yu Shu Xin commenting on CGI budget
[Ep5] The first "positive/neutral" score of 0% \o/. It's the first time he found her cute here:
"Wishing everyone 平安安 (safe) for the rest of their lives"
The world that young Zi Qi wished for: "Sky-Destroying Calamity"
The world our Zi Qi will love because he has learned to love himself.

[Ep6] Miao Miao teaches Mu Sheng to play wuziqi, which happens to sound like his name Mu Zi Qi.
Miao Miao complimented his hair band. Of course she likes it. It was actually from her.
Miao Miao told her father to dig up Goddess of Mei's temple, knowing there would be a fortune to uncover – that's actually Miao Miao's dowry from Zi Qi's mother (;
"There is a Goddess of Mei temple"
"There's a gold mine"
Should have been an NG. Dad Ling cracked what he thought was a hardboiled egg, but it was raw. Then he tried to hide it under the plate.
[Ep7] Ding Yu Xi had a really pretty way of describing this scene: 

世界在顛倒, 我們在相愛 
The world is turned upside down and [in that chaos] love we found. 
Zi Qi explains that reaching the highest rank of a daemon hunter might require defeating a level 9 daemon…..Is that why he died in Ep31 – he sacrificed himself by absorbing his level 9 demon-core in order to briefly become a powerful demon hunter capable of defeating Lady Resentment. 🤔

[Ep9] Miao Miao = Even the smallest light can pierce through the darkest skies = Mu Sheng
↑ Pouch (burned). ↑ Hand 🫰
He saved her. She saved him.
[Ep11The courage that Miao Miao gave Zi Qi always stayed with him – in his heart and in his mind – in the form of her lotus.
This is his heart, a lotus
The lotus ornament on his clothes burn up too. 
Miao Miao has always protected Zi Qi, whether in the past or the present, from the front or the back.
I thought Show forgot about the ring, but she does use it as a defibrillator and for her awesome puny b*tch-slaps
[Ep12] Zi Qi isn't using a kitchen knife, but his own (short) sword to cut the poor herb-men. That's why he's only wearing one bangle.
He ate her finger.
(She's so cute.)

[Ep13] I am now certain that the carving on the bamboo dragonfly (Ep20) is a 🍑+🌸 = 桃花 = period time's ❤️.
It's the episode Miao Miao first talks about 桃花劫 (love calamity), not knowing the real calamity was with her love.
It's the episode Miao Miao said "[About the controllable] we can only wish towards the wind [...] and maybe the dragonfly can return to our side (granting our wish)"
She carved her wish = Zi Qi + 🍑 + 🌸
Miao Miao's "dragonfly" granted her wish and brought Zi Qi back
Why did Miao Miao love the wind chime so much anyway?
Because the wind makes her think of someone...
...someone she uncontrollably loves.
Am I imagining it that the wind chime colours are like the colours he wore when he gave her the dragonfly ?
[Ep14] The person Consort Dowager Zhao found familiar among our team of four was Zi Qi because they once said that he looked more like his father than Zhao Ruo Shi. These brothers share the same father and inherited the same taste in women. They might actually have similar tacky taste in beauty (sorry Miao Miao LOL).
Mu Yao: "Before Mu Sheng would buy me makeup too. That colour of pink was frightening." (Ep3) 
I think I found the stall that Zi Qi bought all his flowers from: 
"Have you seen a silly, laughing, loud girl – who's actually kinda cute"
Have you seen a silly, laughing boy in love – who's actually really cute too?
[Ep16] Miao Miao – our love bodyguard – was going to protect Liu Fu Yi from the princess...but another love bodyguard pulls her back ~
Miao Miao (walking away): "I'm also not a Mu Family member"
Her hubby pulls her back right at this moment ~ She's definitely a Mu family member, lol (and his Mu Qian Shi)
Zi Qi's like why you going: "You can make the flowers bloom?"
Miao Miao, desperately, "I can!"
For her CP ship, Miao Miao can do anything, haha.
Miao Miao's admiration of Zhao Ruo Shi rejecting his marriage makes a certain someone competitive ~
"Isn't it just unyielding to a (forced) marriage?"
"I will also never obey orders..."
"...and marry a woman I don't love."
Her reaction is because in Ep1....↓↓
In Zi Qi's defence, he married for revenge.
The stare relay.
Ep17] Zi Qi knows what the swing looks like because...
[Ep18] For my sanity, I can't watch this episode again. Not sure which ep it started, but I did notice they fixed the grammar.
[Ep20] This failure of a dad/husband gave one son a bangle to steal his other son's wife. 
I wish they explained the bangle a bit more. Murong Er gave him the bangle. I can only assume that since it's her bangle, it's filled with her love (and not curse). She gave it to the dad, perhaps hoping that if he ever found someone else to love, the bangle would be like her silent blessing. But he never gave it to anyone else. She was selfless and he was devoted even if he couldn't remember.

In a way, the bangle was always meant for Miao Miao as Zi Qi's wife.
Without looking, she can write: "I love Zi Qi. I want to marry Zi Qi"
[Ep21Zi Qi knows who his father is. When they enter Consort Dowager Zhao's nightmares, Zi Qi (and Miao Miao) realize all the facts line up – the father fell in love with a daemon who lived in Qilin Mountain.
This "Zhao Ruo Shi" only has a hair tie because he's Zi Qi.
The father's death. Zi Qi never killed him. After Zi Qi injured him in the armpit, the father realized the boy was someone important to him. It seems like the father eventually died from chronic heartache (which was around the same time Murong Er died). If there was a murderer in his death, it's his sister, Consort Dowager Zhao – she's the reason his heart broke.

[Ep22] Zi Qi subconsciously recognizes the lotus on Miao Miao's forehead because she's his muse from high school. The lotus represents Miao Miao and the courage she inspired in him.
🪷 (lotus; lianhua) = Zi Qi's heart and the reflection of his nature.
Mu Qing Shi = Miao Miao + Mu Zi Qi. Mu Qing Shi has her face, and his hair-style. Her "Shi" (時) is also related to Time like Zi Qi's "Qi" (期).
🪷 Xiao Lian Hua = Xiao Lan Hua! Always bowing to the supremes. Always a flower.
[Ep23] Zi Qi reacted to Miao Miao's shadow because he's reminded of her – his #1 fan's – Weibo DP (the pigtails in front of the PC)
[Ep25] Miao Miao's mad because Zi Qi took her money to pay for the bill. Sly Zi Qi!
[Ep26] Ji Yue's warning to Miao Miao: "Floating life is but a dream. Between you and [Zi Qi], only one can awaken." In this case "awaken" means being conscious with memories. Between them, it was Zi Qi who woke up with memories (to finish the novel), and not Miao Miao. This was also her (second) consequence of using her lotus powers.

However, Mu Qing Shi also said this: "There exists no force that can ever make one forget their true love." This will be why Miao Miao will remember her true love at the very end.
"Floating life is but a dream. Between you and [Zi Qi], only one can awaken"
"There exists no force that can ever make one forget their true love."
"She will never forget me."
She remembers.
[Ep28Madam Liu's redemption. Miao Miao – in attempting to kill Madam Liu to protect Zi Qi – activated Murong Er's Golden Pearl. With Murong Er protecting her, Madam Liu cannot repay her by killing her son, and so she deactivated her silk. I surmise, it's also because of the fragments from the Golden Pearl. She saw how the father never betrayed Murong Er, resolving Madam Liu's misunderstanding..

[Ep29Mu Huai Jiang's crimes. He is the villain. Mu Yao's father was greedy for power and to ascend, he killed a Level 9 Daemon –> Murong Er. He used Lu Huai An's map to locate her. Then he used Nightmare Daemon's Meridian Life Absorbing Spell to trap/kill her as well as burn 400+ human lives. By "killing" Murong Er, however, he turned her into Lady Resentment. Fortunately, Murong Er left one more lock on Lady Resentment. She had to be "killed" (again) by the person she loves, and so Lady Resentment beguiled young Zi Qi into poisoning her. (Who the heck left the poison there anyway). [Btw, Zi Qi, who learned all this, still wanted to protect Mu Yao at all cost even if it meant sacrificing his life. Precious guy.]

Mu surname. I'd like to think that Mu Zi Qi's surname is from half of her mother's "Murong" instead of Mu Huai Jiang's Mu.

[Ep31Zi Qi's death. I believe Zi Qi used his (mother's) daemon core to kill himself to level up. This is also in line with Mu Huai Jiang's plan, which Zi Qi learned from Wen Xin: kill Level 9 Murong Er to become the Daemon Hunting Master. And so Zi Qi momentarily powered-up and died as his powers were exhausted. 
The core floating down into his heart...
(I'm not going to touch the other black holes in the ending, lol. There are some minor avoidable holes though. 1) Instead of mentioning that Miao Miao's seduction of Zi Qi reached 100%, they could have just said she completed her mission because the original instruction never specified a percentage. 2) When Zi Qi said "everyone forgot" Miao Miao, they could have included one scene of him asking Mu Yao who's still lying there instead of just Lin Yu.)

[Ep32The drama's very last line implies that this game wasn't just a dream

"This book is for the girl who saved my world twice." 

Which twice is Zi Qi (Fu Zhou) referring to? Mu Qing Shi answers below. The significance is the hidden inference that the second time, which was in the game, Zi Qi remembers. Miao Miao's "dream" isn't just a dream, and soon Miao Miao will remember too.
Mu Qing Shi: "Many years ago you already saved his world once, unintentionally."
Mu Qing Shi: "But this time, you're consciously choosing to save him."

The "first" time Miao Miao saved Zi Qi's world:
"Fu Zhou" wanted to die.
Miao Miao's presence healed him and then he created "Mu Qing Shi"

The "second" time Miao Miao saved Zi Qi's world:
Both times he had climbed to high heights....the meaning completely changed though.
To end his life.
To not end his life.
Both times Miao Miao inspired him to fight and fly higher. 
"900 years ago"
The blue light is Mu Qing Shi
(The first time Miao Miao inspired him)
The fireball is Zi Qi
(The second time Miao Miao inspired him).
Then we learn this whole time he was in surgery (no wonder things looked bloody). His vitals signs pop up, and it's stable. He won his fight.
Miao Miao saved him in both worlds, but in between she never stopped lighting his way.
Before his surgery.
"It's not just Mu Yao jiejie. There's also me. I also want you to be alive and well."
Zi Qi decides to do his surgery.
It wasn't just Miao Miao who saved Zi Qi. The Miao Miao in the real world lost her glow after her father's death. On her bookshelf, there's a book about 自卑 Low Self-Esteem. She always blamed herself for her father's death. It was being immersed in Zi Qi's books that she found solace and it is the game-Miao-Miao where she is happily herself.
自卑 Low Self-Esteem
Father Lin(g): "I know his last words. He's going to be worried about you. He blames himself for not taking care of his precious girl."
Father Lin(g): His heart is hurting for you, how could he ever blame you?
Miao Miao: "Really? He doesn't blame me?"
Father Lin(g): "Of course."

Deliberate spinning. The turning point.
Zi Qi's turning point;
Miao Miao never left his side,
Miao Miao's turning point;
Zi Qi finds her.