July 26, 2022

Love Like the Galaxy | Recap and Review

Love Like the Galaxy
An apprehensive girl who has been neglected all her life meets a general who will give her everything. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wu LeiLing Bu Yi / Ling Zi Sheng
Zhao Lu SiCheng Shao Shang / Niao Niao
Zou Yue (Author: Zheng Yi)
Chinese Title
星漢燦爛 The Milky Way Glitters
月升滄海 The Moon Rises to the Azure Sea
Episodes: 56
星漢燦爛 Part 1 [1-27]
月升滄海 Part 2 [28- 56]
Recap Grade: B (Ep23+)
First Impression: N/A

Mini Recaps

Part 1

“Come (and do it)”
Already entrusting his life to her
Cheng Shao Shang used a guqin string 少商弦 (shaoshang xian) to pull out the arrow. That string is the origin of her name (btw her twin brother’s name is the sixth string, shaogong). While she wasn’t looking, Ling Bu Yi kept her 少商弦 that’s now tainted with his blood. He kept the string!! I missed it the first time I watched it

While we’re at it, the origin from Ling Bu Yi’s 凌不疑 name comes from a poem To His Wife (留別妻 = Parting Gift for His Wife). It’s about a general (Su Wu) saying goodbye to his beloved wife before leaving. Su Wu is known in Chinese history for being vigorous and righteous, and deeply enamoured with his wife.

1. 結髮為夫妻,恩愛兩不疑
2. 歡娛在今夕,嬿婉及良時。
3. 征夫懷遠路,起視夜何其。
4. 參辰皆已沒,去去從此辭。
5. 行役在戰場,相見未有期。
6. 握手一長嘆,淚為生別滋。
7. 努力愛春華,莫忘歡樂時。
8. 生當復來歸,死當長相思。

The translated interpretation of the poem from Baidu

1. Since becoming married to you, I have never doubted loving you until I am old.
2. It’s a wonderful time to fall in love with you and revel in the happiness we have now. 
3. But tomorrow I have to travel far for my country and rise before the sun. 
4. When the stars are hidden in the sky, I have to say goodbye to you.
5. Because I have to go to the battlefield, I don't know when I can reunite with you.
6. Holding hands with you for a long time is also a form of happiness; shedding tears involuntarily because this may be the last of our time together. 
7. I cherish every minute and every second of happiness, and I will never forget when I fell in love with you, such a happy and wondrous time.
8. If I am lucky enough to be alive, I will definitely come back to you. If I die unfortunately, I will miss you forever...

The poem is romantic, and totally sounds like Ling Bu Yi, but it is a wee bit ominous... Su Wu, the general who wrote the poem returns home after being exiled to find his wife remarried to another man...> <. She thought he died


Paraphrased from previous comment: When Ling Bu Yi kept Niao Niao’s (嫋嫋) jade, he thought the words were “Weak Weak” (弱弱) because it’s missing the other (女) half. Tangiently, I’m slightly peeved at the word 嫋 niao. It’s so sexist! 嫋 means Delicate/Graceful, but look at the combination of the character: 女 (girl) + 弱 (weak).

[Ep23] Niao Niao, along with her father, visits Ling Bu Yi, to thank him for saving her. She curiously peeks around and wonders why there isn’t a single female in attendance. A strong yet gentle voice projects from behind her, “Aren’t you a female? [...] Having you alone is enough.” Translate: “You will be my one and only woman”. She jumps at the voice, settles her racing heart and then courteously wishes him well. He replies, “If I wanted to take care of my health, then I wouldn’t have saved you.” “For you are more important than my health and being!” 

The Cheng father and daughter conclude telepathically that Ling Bu Yi must dislike them. *Shakes Niao Niao* Child! He LOVES you. The mother and daughter keep the meeting short and excuse themselves. Not a typo. Father called himself Mother. However, the mother and daughter are stopped at the doors by Ling Bu Yi’s trusty lieutenants. Ling Bu Yi is making her stay by using her “Weak Weak” jade as ‘hostage’. As for Father Cheng, he’s challenged to a ‘friendly’ duel. That’s enough to make him ditch his own daughter in the hands of our menacingly hot general. Then he asks Niao Niao, “Are you so afraid of me that you can’t even meet me alone?” Ling Bu Yi, I can tell you love the girl, but your actions are undoubtedly threatening, hahaha. She changes the conversation and asks if he’s still in pain. He’s impassioned. How could someone care about his well-being and not his functionality? This guy. He has totally forgotten the Emperor and all the girls who are infatuated with him. Niao Niao could fart and he’d think it’s the cutest sound he’s ever heard.  

Liang Qiu Fei (the chubbier lieutenant) announces Princess Yuchang and Crown Prince's arrival. Ling Bu Yi clarifies to Niao Niao (when no one asked) that he isn’t close with the princess. Niao Niao doesn’t even care at this point, lol. When the royals enter, Niao Niao clarifies (when she was asked) that she’s here to visit Ling Bu Yi who saved her life. He’s like, “Indeed. It is because of her that I am injured.” This line is meant to be ambiguous in Chinese with romantic overtones. 我是為她而傷. I, for her, am hurt.  “She” becomes the one who does the hurting. It also sounds like I am willing to be hurt for her

I also love this episode for Zhao Lu Si’s impeccable bowing performance. She’s half a beat late for each sentence and each move. That’s skills

[Ep24] When Niao Niao is bullied by the princesses, Ling Bu Yi whisks her into his muscular arms. Then he stomps on the ceramic shards to express his seething anger and his intolerance for their insolence. And maybe because it hurts to see Niao Niao bullied, he declares he wants to marry her at the banquet for all the princes and princesses to hear. Niao Niao chokes. She asks him if he would still marry her despite all her flaws. The scene of Cheng mother (and father) publicly shaming their daughter has been expunged from the recaps for my sanity. OF COURSE HE IS! But first, he gloats about himself . He didn’t know he was that amazing in her eyes. Pft. In the same sense, she must not know how spectacular she is in his. There is no woman better than her in this world. Mother Dearest wants to speak, but do not interrupt our general! He sternly warns her to not interrupt. He hasn't finished proposing. He vows to not marry anyone but Niao Niao. She will be the one and only woman who will accompany him. 

Niao Niao accepts! They’re engaged! Except no one (other than the Emperor) is really celebrating. Niao Niao’s heart has been ripped to pieces by her parents. I think Ling Bu Yi recognizes her pain and so he’s not (that) happy either. It seems Mother Cheng is wary of Ling Bu Yi’s family. 

Niao Niao is an interesting name for Cheng Shao Shang. It means delicate and graceful and is the mother’s hope for her daughter, but Niao Niao is anything but niao niao. She’s always scolded by her mother but now she finds a man who embraces all of her non-niao-niao-ness.

[Ep25] Ling Bu Yi describes Cheng Shao Shang as extraordinary. He, who was convinced to live a lonely life, thinks it’s worth a try to reach out to love if the person accompanying him is her.  I love whoever is editing these flashbacks; it’s nicely timed to his monologue and then followed by the soft piano
Mother Cheng (warning: character induces whiplashes) doesn’t understand why Niao Niao hates/fears her more than Ling Bu Yi. Gee, really? Ah but there’s actually someone who envies Niao Niao for having such a brutal mother. It’s Yuan Shen whose mother willfully neglects him. Our leads all have mother issues

A wedding! Not our couple’s. It’s He Zhao Jun and Lou Yao’s quiet marriage, quiet because it’s the bride’s second. He Zhao Jun worries for Niao Niao because her fiancé is notoriously vicious. Can’t blame HZJ, she has a trauma. Niao Niao corrects her. Ling Bu Yi isn’t vicious (as in sinister on a daily basis), it's a murderous aura that’s appropriate for his profession. He Zhao Jun thinks it’s better that men are gentle, like Lou Yao, whom she will protect because he is now her precious family. Yes, keep A’Yao all to yourself. I like that NN is protective of A’Yao too, but only as a brother
Yuan Shen is doing his thing: annoying Ling Bu Yi. He says Niao Niao is narrow-minded, sharp-tongued, and virtueless. Then he’s like “I will 找你麻煩 (create trouble for you)” and then corrects himself “麻煩你” (trouble you (as if asking for a favour)). Same words, different order, different meaning. Clearly, he meant the former. Does Yuan Shen realize he likes Niao Niao? The boys then take turns to curse each other’s life expectancy. The only time they’re on the same page is when they’re shouting at Lou Yao who innocently compliments Niao Niao, except Ling Bu Yi says, “Of course!” and Yuan Shen says, “Shut up!”¹

Wang Yan Ji (Lou Yao’s kind SIL) cleverly hints to Ling Bu Yi that Niao Niao is bullied by the cocky chicks. He protects her with no grace to spare the Lou Family (the rude chamber). Mother Cheng is a tad smug that he’s breaking the rules for her daughter, but Niao Niao is still gloomy. 

[Ep26] The disparity in power upsets Niao Niao. A word from Ling Bu Yi and everyone is submissive, meanwhile a thousand words from Niao Niao will never be enough. He tells her that his powers will be hers. A married couple is one entity. My memories of Ming Lan ~ ~ But that's not how she wants her power. She sulks that when she marries him, she’ll have to live by his rules. She will no longer be the free (and wild) Cheng Shao Sheng. But then when he stops her from eating her food (for health reasons), she sets the rules: “If you want to marry me, then you have to tolerate me.” Girl, you were never planning to go by his rules anyway. However, Niao Niao doesn’t eat her bread even when he leaves the carriage. His words have gotten through to her. Niao Niao, stop resisting him for the sake of resisting him! 
The eyes in this picture. Grandma Cheng adores Ling Bu Yi ($$$) whereas Ling Bu Yi adores Niao Niao whereas Niao Niao probably just wants to eat the food on the table
Ling Bu Yi sends the family to the Arctic with his chilling threat joke. She scrunches up next to the “vicious” general, her future wallet

Grandma Cheng (to LBY)Ha ha ha ha ha. Aiyowei! Look at this. Eyebrows are eyebrows, eyes are eyes, nose is nose, mouth is mouth! Excellent and unrivalled (= beyond handsome)! Ha ha ha ha ha! LOL.  [...] Just one look and I know you and my Niao Niao, each with one nose and two eyes, are cut from the same cloth.” Therefore 夫妻相 = sharing common facial features of a predestined married couple. Last time I checked the mirror, I think I’m predestined for Ling Bu Yi too

Ling Bu Yi slurps up the compliment (LOL, this guy likes praises) and returns a compliments that she’s wise and farsighted. Ha ha ha ha ha! Grandma Cheng's laughter abruptly halts to ask “What does that mean?” Hahahaha! The whole time Niao Niao is silent. What are the odds that she might just be mad at him for not showing up to deliver the proposal

Princess Yuchang’s grandfather – repeat, grandfather! – is cute too

[Ep27] To impress the in-laws, Ling Bu Yi trains the Cheng family members, military-style. 
To impress the fiancée, Ling Bu Yi rolls her up in her blanket (when she’s still sleeping) to make her pot-balance. You can even hear her swearing swooning, haha. Also, Niao Niao is convinced that his “joke” from before was a threat to kill her entire family if she isn’t obedient. At night, she's drunk and complains about the man. Unlike Lou Yao who spoils her, Ling Bu Yi controls everything. She can’t eat when it’s past lunchtime. She can’t eat when the food has gone cold. She can’t eat when she already ate too much. Sounds like true love. Then the food-forbidding crusader, Ling Bu Yi appears. He piggybacks her home while she’s riding him like a horse.

In the morning, Ling Bu Yi asks Niao Niao why she’s still rejecting him. Unfortunately, that is how love works. Hang in there! He confesses that he’s not used to sharing/discussing his plans or interacting with family, but he’s learning and changing for her. However, to Niao Niao, his form of love is oppression. Instead of proposing to her, he went straight to the Emperor to force her to accept. He’s perturbed and asks what kind life she wants and he’ll give it. She blurts, “A life without you.” Oof. The moment she said it, she regretted it too. Afterwards, Mother Cheng asks Niao Niao whether she truly dislikes Ling Bu Yi. Oh now the mother is perceptive. O-kay
At night, Niao Niao recounts everything Ling Bu Yi has done for her since meeting him. Just last night, no one could stand her escapades except Ling Bu Yi. He also hunted a python in order to make shoes that won’t be too hot or too cold in case she walks barefooted again. She smiles at the thought of his cold jokes. I like how she remembers him smiling during that awkward breakfast. I can even tell his lieutenant is laughing at the back xD. Deep down Niao Niao knows that Ling Bu Yi will treat her well because she knows he loves her. She knows very well that it isn’t his intent to control her or oppress her
Niao Niao can finally answer her mother’s question. She runs out of her chamber. To Ling Bu Yi?! To her parents’ chamber and trips through the door. She declares that she will marry Ling Bu Yi, an answer that implies that she doesn’t dislike him. She is running to Ling Bu Yi, she’s running towards a future with him

Part 2

[Ep28] Third Princess bullies Niao Niao. Ling Bu Yi is here (with a slight limp that Niao Niao notices immediately). He tells the delusional princess, who for whatever reason has hope he can love her, this: 

子晟此生 / 除她以外 / 再無旁人 
In my life / except her / there will be no other
I really like the first line. In pinyin it's “Zi shèng ci shēng”. Note how the pair of words are similar. He’s saying “In Zi Sheng’s life” = “In my life”. He said the same line in Ep24: 子晟此生  非她不娶. In Zi Sheng’s life, I will only take [Niao Niao] as my wife.

As Ling Bu Yi leads Niao Niao away, she's worried about his leg. He questions her change in attitude. Yesterday, she didn’t care about him at all.  

Niao Niao (explains): You’re like a deity worshipped in the temple, revered, and now this godly being wants to marry me, and He even wants to eat with me and live with me. Won’t you permit me to hesitate just a little? 
Ling Bu Yi: Wise enough to refuse advice; articulate enough to conceal flaws. What he’s saying is that her words are enough to twist his logic. He was mad at her, but after she praised him like that, how could he? 

Niao Niao smiles at the compliment, her mother says that about her all the time, lol. It’s not really a compliment. He keeps his tone stern. Her flattery won’t work on him. He’s not cancelling the marriage. He’s set on her. Even if the Emperor is against it, he will still marry her. A tad oppressive here > <. Niao Niao innocently asks “Who is cancelling?” Not Niao Niao! She explains how she was never loved and therefore she doesn’t know how to love. A’Yao, don’t be offended.  Ling Bu Yi promises Niao Niao, “I will use all my power to protect you, and never to oppress you.” He also brings out bread from his clothes! If she wants to eat, she can eat all she wants. Niao Niao is grinning. Now this proposal speaks to Niao Niao. The way to her heart is through her stomach

Our silver-tongued Niao Niao reasons with the Emperor that she is the perfect match for Ling Bu Yi precisely because she is uneducated. Her reasoning: a general doesn’t like educated women, and she is the capital’s only uneducated woman. Yeah, Emperor signs her up for classes with the Empress. 

And wow,  I actually feel bad for Wang Ling. What kind of mother is this?! Wang Ling’s mother, Wen Xiu Jun, is from Qian’an Clan. She’s willing to send her daughter to Peng Kun for a marriage alliance. It seems this clan is preparing for a resurgence (??). She even slaps her daughter for embarrassing her. In fact, she despises this lowly Wang family. Wen Xiu Jun believes she should have been the Empress, it’s just too bad it would be considered incest. She’s high

[Ep29] We’re stargazing. More like eye-gazing ^^. (Oh and Niao Niao is still worried about his leg.)

Ling Bu Yi: Among these bright lights, it would be great if there is one glow of light (firefly) that truly belongs to me. “Firefly” (螢 ying) represents how small of a light that will make him happy. He said the word twice to emphasize its size. He dares not to wish for too much.
Niao Niao thinks that's easy. Ling Bu Yi doesn’t. It isn’t easy at all. Aw. Such a small light, and he never had it. Then he tells her of how he became a general. Btw, he called her Niao Niao! It’s for the Emperor, whom he’s grateful for, and the citizens of their country, who are like the stars covering the night sky. Niao Niao steps closer to admire this wonderful man and to stare at the stars he holds in his eyes. He stands even closer to let her see the brightest star in his eyes. Her. Part 1 is called 星漢燦爛, The Dazzling Milky Way. In Ling Bu Yi’s eyes, Cheng Shao Sang is his star and his galaxy. I wonder how drama will tie in 月升滄海 (Part 2)
As they’re standing face to face, guards are patrolling the area. He challenges the guards if they have seen anything. No Sir! He’s like Oh? Is that so? Swiftly, Ling Bu Yi kisses Niao Niao’s forehead in front of everyone. The shock sends the guards falling down like dominos. As for Niao Niao, she’s back home, hugging pillars (to keep her knees from buckling).

Wen Xiu Jun (cousin) barges into the Empress’s chamber and insults everyone including Ling Bu Yi, Niao Niao speaks up for her fiancé. “Zi Sheng earned his accomplishment and glory from the battlefields with one sword and one spear at a time.” (Ling Bu Yi hears this.) Niao Niao also protects the Empress and suffers a hand injury. It seems Wen Xiu Jun is manipulated by Marquis Yue (Third Princess’s uncle) who wants to install Consort Yue as the Empress).
[Ep30] Niao Niao is upset at Ling Bu Yi for telling her not to intervene in the Empress’s matter. She challenges him that just because the Empress is powerful, she still needs protection. Ling Bu Yi directs the same concern at her. How come the powerful Niao Niao doesn’t need his protection? When he drops her off home, he tells her of a Kunlun Cloud Ocean that floats between the sky and the mountain. It was 至真至纯 (zhi zhen zhi chun), just like Niao Niao, so real (真) and so pure (纯). The eloquence in his metaphor ~ So learned and so romantic ~ He compares her to an ocean that is inconceivably beautiful. Its existence is a miracle as she is to him. A beauty so abstract but so concrete (think Carina Nebula captured from James Webb telescope) that transfixed Ling Bu Yi. She is his glittering galaxy, an inconceivable beauty. That night at Hua County, Niao Niao penetrated his heart. 

Ling Bu Yi: You must remember, it is you who provoked me first. Geez xD. I’m not one to give my heart out easily, but once I do, I won’t look back, but if you can’t do the same and give me your heart, I’d rather take my heart back. You just said you won’t look back! Fickle man.  

Crown Princess Chu saves Niao Niao from the tyrannical Third Princess, also known as the Phoenix Who Dresses Like a Wild Chicken  – a diss from Mother Consort Yue, hahaha. Niao Niao learns from her that Ling Bu Yi was bullied more than her. His joy as a child was to gather the maids to share a meal, something he could never do with his family. 
Niao Niao grudgingly walks away from Ling Bu Yi, reminding him that he was taking his heart back. I don’t think this man is capable of taking his heart back. Ever. He can’t let her go. Seeing her injured hand pains him. He lifts her up to have her seated. He also wants her to keep a distance from Crown Princess Chu. 不! Niao Niao will not. He always told her she was his bride, but how can she be his bride if she refrains herself from court matters. They’re his matters, and now that their lives are bound together, she will navigate the palace to learn everything about him. Then she’s mischievously says it’s not for him. 
Consort Yue is fatal! If words could kill, she has slaughtered us all. She minces no words to the princes and princesses, and even the elders. Her own children aren’t spared either and I think precisely because she insulted her own daughter, she had the right to critique anyone. It’s the truth anyway

Let us count the casualty:

Princess of Ruyang grouses at Consort Yue’s for disrespecting her elders.
“More than my elder, you are His Majesty’s elder, why don’t you sit in His Majesty’s seat?” 

→ Third Princess is just sitting there. 
“[When we] take back all your food and servants, let’s see how you can still be arrogant in the future with no money and no power.” I don’t think this is directed at her daughter, who wasn’t misbehaving (at this moment). Consort Yue was speaking indirectly to Princess of Ruyang*Clap clap clap* 

→ Second Princess defends the Third Princess
“I will pray to the [goddess] to let you have a daughter as dumb as your third sister,” LOL.A double blow. And look at Niao Niao dodging to the side to avoid the damage. It’s actually unprovoked criticism for the Tyrannical Princess, but it’s show’s retribution for Niao Niao in an earlier scene. In here, really, she was just sitting (and smiling).  

→ Crown Princess Chu praises Consort Yue for her appropriate lecturing of the Third Princess. 
“I advise Consort Chu that you’re better off managing your own turf first. Then when you really become the Empress, the mother of the country, it won’t be too late for you to govern me, but don’t worry. I will definitely die first, sparing you the energy.” A warning to Crown Princess Chu that she’s overstepping her boundaries. I see why Ling Bu Yi is wary of her. She was taking shots at the Third Princess with her “kind” words. She’s not as nice as she seems, and potentially more underhanded than the Third Princess

→ Emperor is looking around at his food. Mm-mm-mm! So juicy. Delicious indeed! 

→ Princess of Ruyang defends the children. 
“Royal Aunt, are my expectations too high [for my children]? Oh right, your granddaughter (Princess of Yuchang) [........] ” 'Nuff said. She’s becoming a nun btw

→ Fifth Princess chirps in, ready to mock Niao Niao for being petite, but...
“How do you plan to marry into the Yue Family? I’m afraid the circular wedding fan won’t be able to hide your [fat] figure. From now on, you should spend your nights alone (without the maids), and take care of your body. Do you understand?” She means diet. Ouch, lol

→ Empress solemnly sets down her chopsticks. Time for a diet for mom too? xD

 Consort Yue compliments herself, “I am like this. Too soft-hearted and loves to pamper her children.” LOL. WhatPrincess of Ruyang disagrees and calls her harsh. Baited. Consort Yue reels in her net and reminds everyone the cruel one is Prince of Ruyang. She refused to lend money to the Emperor when the Elder Princess was sick. In the ice and snow, the Emperor went hunting. It was General Huo (Ling Bu Yi’s uncle) who helped the Emperor save his sister. 
“Good people don’t live long.” More than a praise to the late General Huo, it’s a shot at the evil Princess Ruyang who’s living a long life.  

→ Ling Bu Yi and Niao Niao are the only ones spared (other than the Emperor and the Empress). Consort Yue blesses Ling Bu Yi to continue the Huo lineage. 
“If anyone is picky with [Zi Sheng's] bride, then they are farting (talking rubbish)!” Scene cuts to Princess of Ruyang. A farter

[Ep31] If there is anyone else who threatens Ling Bu Yi to marry another woman (other than Niao Niao), then the Emperor will make her living days hell, and dying days worse. Ya hear that, Mrs. Farter.

The above is as romantic as the episode gets..

The rites continue for General Huo’s death anniversary. Niao Niao sees a striking resemblance between Ling Bu Yi and his late uncle. Later, when it’s Haughty Third Princess’s turn to pay her respect, Niao Niao gets her sweet revenge and sets the princess’s dress on fire. The wild chicken pretending to be a phoenix is exposed! It’s not just her sense of fashion that’s questionable, but also the source of her wealth. Third Prince reports that Third Princess has been using counterfeit currency. Although they’re siblings (same mother), they are first and foremost, the children of the country. 

It was Ling Bu Yi who machinated the Third Prince’s exposure of his sister's crime, but she’s only flogged, while the real mastermind, Marquis Yue, is spared. Ling Bu Yi wants revenge on Marquis Yue and Lord of Qian’an for General Huo’s death. Hm. So both Empress and Consort Yue’s relatives “murdered” General Huo by refusing to send troops to his aid. Before Ling Bu Yi can deal with the conniving Marquis Yue, there’s an imbecile in the way: Wen Xiu Jun. She’s determined to sacrifice her Wang family to help her brother (current Lord Qian’an) but doesn’t even wonder how her father (former Qian’an Ruler) inexplicably died. Implying that the brother/son killed the father? 

Ling Bu Yi’s machination numero deux! Ling Bu Yi reports to the Crown Prince that Wang Long (Wen Xiu Jun’s son) led an army without authorization to suppress the bandits and is now suppressed by the bandits. (Wang Long raided the bandits under his mother’s order to seize secret funds for Qian’an Clan.) Ling Bu Yi could have prevented this, but he just let the course of dumbness take its course of action. Ling Bu Yi’s goal is to have Wang Long and Wang Chun (Wang Long’s father, Wen Xiu Jun’s husband) resign before they create more problems for the Crown Prince and the Empress. 

The Crown Prince thinks it’s a swell idea to lead another unauthorized army to save (uncle) Wang Long. Anyway, the Crown Prince reports it to the Emperor, with the hope of defending the Wangs, which infuriates the Emperor. The Empress overhears the conversation and is brokenhearted. Her son is too kind, unsuitable to be the ruler to the country. Gotta get someone who is ruthless enough to betray his own sister à la Third Prince. The Empress wishes she was only a regular mother and that the Crown Prince is only a regular son. Her lines are setup for the future. If you want SPOILERS via historical records, here are wiki links to Guo Sheng Tong (the Empress’s character) and Yin Li Hua (Consort Yue’s character).

[Ep32] Niao Niao helps the Crown Prince make up with his father. She’s proud of herself until Ling Bu Yi reprimands her for making it worse for the Empress and Crown Prince because now the ministers will direct their hate at them for the Emperor’s leniency on the Wang Family (which will mostly like fuel talks to replace the Crown Prince/Empress). This makes Niao Niao upset. He says not to complicate herself in politics, but to her the most complicated person is Ling Bu Yi. “You said I don’t understand but you never let me understand.” How is Niao Niao supposed to avoid making a mess when she doesn’t even know what to avoid? 

[Ep33] Alas, the Crown Prince loses the Tiger Tally. He had trusted Crown Princess Chu’s relative to keep it safe when he knew they were incapable (?????). Ling Bu Yi challenges Crown Princess Chu to take the blame (after all it is her idea and her family who messed up, I don’t know why Ling Bu Yi doesn’t state the facts like so and makes Niao Niao think he’s bullying the Crown Princess?!). She’s got all her reasons not to while appearing like she is willing to. Niao Niao timely appeals (planned by the Crown Princess) and protects her, assuming she’s the meek and innocent one. Ling Bu Yi wants Niao Niao to dissociate with the Eastern Palace and particularly the Crown Princess, but Niao Niao disobeys and walks away from him. Dude, it’s high time we COMMUNICATE. Forget this protection nonsense!
The Tiger Tally is restored! But how? There’s a range of expressions among our audience: disappointed (Marquis Yue), relieved (Emperor), shocked (Crown Prince), and confused (Niao Niao). It was Ling Bu Yi who used General Huo’s Tiger Tally to replace the Emperor’s. There’s subtle differences in the pattern, but otherwise identical. Ling Bu Yi willingly traded the last of General Huo’s relics to conceal Niao Niao’s involvement (because suddenly she’s a blacksmith and can forge a tally). He had promised to protect her, and this time is no exception.
Song Qi Qi reminds Niao Niao of how Ling Bu Yi went through mountains of daggers and seas of blood to save her, and now she’s going to negate those because he made her sleep one less hour and drank two less bottles of liquour? After realizing the man loves her (for the nth time!) Niao Niao runs to him. Ling Bu Yi is already waiting for the woman who has consumed his heart. I love how the soldiers turned around military style. She knows he didn’t just wait for one night, he has always been waiting for her. 
Ling Bu Yi doesn’t know why she’s willing to make up with him but whether it’s from the bottom of her heart or out of courtesy, it doesn’t matter. He wants her to be happy and so he is here to make up with her first. He admits he was wrong too. ? Okay....

Ling Bu Yi: I clearly love the reckless and courageous you, but I kept restraining you. Niao Niao, in front of me, you don't need to lower yourself or imitate anyone. The one I love is you the way you are. 
Niao Niao: I also have two things to tell you. Firstly, I will exert all my energy to treat you well until you’re annoyed. Love Power Blast! Secondly, when we’re very, very old, old to the point that our hairs are white, and then when I recall all the times you were good to me, I will surely never forget today. Implying she wants to grow old with him
Ling Bu Yi: Shao Shang. Let’s marry sooner. How does that sound? 
Niao Niao smiles and nods

Ling Bu Yi is already finding time passing too slowly (it’s been a minute). He yearns to be engaged as soon as possible, but first he brings her to see his mother (whom he calls ‘aunt’ for the sake of her sanity, presumably). 
[Ep34] Niao Niao learns about General Cui who has always loved Huo Jun Hua (Mother Ling) and vows to stay single for her. Niao Niao admires his deep and affectionate love. But what's there to envy? Ling Bu Yi will cherish her the same and no less. 

True to her words, Niao Niao showers Ling Bu Yi with affection. From now on, she doesn’t need him escorting her to the palace (so that he can sleep more). He’s concerned, though. What will he do if he misses her? She suggests they meet in front of the palace even if that means she has to wake up earlier. Is Our Niao Niao willingly giving up sleep for a man!? Actually She plans to snooze during classes. He’s concerned again. He doesn’t think that’s a good idea. 

Niao Niao: 一心不能二用. My attention [read: heart] cannot be divided in two. Either I devote (撲) it to the Empress and court lessons, or I devote it to you. You pick which one. 一心二用 is an idiom that means ‘to divide one’s attention’. 心 is translated as ‘attention’, but in Chinese, it means heart, and so understand her line as ‘heart’ :D. Got it? Her next line has the word 撲 (pu) which means ‘to devote’ (emotionally), or ‘to throw oneself at’ (physically). In this context, I think the physical translation also matches Niao Niao's character/intention. She’s throwing her heart onto him, punching him with love. Catch, Ling Bu Yi!
Ling Bu Yi (serious tone): Then it’s better devoting it to me. Or ‘Then it’s better you throw [your heart] onto my body

Ling Bu Yi is so serious that I’m laughing instead

Niao Niao suggests that they can meet each other by having dinner at the palace or at her home. That’s the way to his heart. He yearns to have family meals. He’s even more impatient now. He can’t wait until they’re engaged, then he will be at ease. Not so fast. Niao Niao recalls that she and Lou Yao also had an engagement and look what happened. Ling Bu Yi gently glides in to seal her lips. If she continues to say unpleasant words, he’ll seal her lips again. 

Engagement party! Oh hello Yuan Shen! *Enthusiastically waves* My favourite grumpy guy! He, who doesn’t like to attend such banquets (should just stay home, right?), is here to ruin the engagement (to save the couple from the doom of marriage? Lol). Well someone beats him to it. It’s Princess of Ruyang. Has she not embarrassed herself enough? It’s a slap and fling show. In response to the maids who want to slap Niao Niao, she and Qi Qi fling one maid to the side, while Mother Cheng singlehandedly slams down the other. 

Niao Niao (to Ling Bu Yi’s stepmom): Shao Shang might be unlearned, but even I know shame, unlike some people who climbed into their (distant) brother’s bed. Niao Niao avenges Huo Jun Hua by shaming the stepmother. She was seducing Father Ling while Ling Bu Yi and his mother were stranded and lost. 

Outside is interesting too. Yuan Shen overhears the men gossiping about Niao Niao. He’s scowling (as I see it)

Yuan Shen: I thought the cabinet ministers were all righteous, but I didn’t expect they’re the same class as married women (excuse me) who love to gossip endlessly. Eating Cheng’s banquet and taunting Cheng’s daughter. I think it is your ancestors who should be the ones hiding in shame. Yuan Shen’s double standards xD. He can mock NN, but no one else can, hahaha.  
Back inside, we’re blessed with the presence of our favourite royals: Empress, Emperor, and our Queen of Savage: Consort Yue. No one is on Princess of Ruyang’s side, even her husband, or I should say especially her husband. When he misunderstands that she wanted to commit suicide to threaten the Emperor (to punish Niao Niao), the husband is the first one to jump in joy. “You want to die?! Oh, that’s too good!” LOL. Princess of Ruyang is like No, she’s going to make a scene and embarrass the royal family. Woman, your presence is humiliating enough. The husband is dejected (that she isn’t going to die...lol?). He wails that he wants to divorce her, but the Emperor had convinced him to only move out of the house. Even then it’s not enough. Consort Yue suggests sending Princess of Ruyang to the monastery. Following the steps of her granddaughter? Lol. Empress, in her velvety voice, immediately agrees. I love how the ladies smile at each other! In between the husband’s fake cries, he’s nodding to the Emperor. Taking the cue, the Emperor dramatically sighs and “reluctantly” upholds the punishment. Princess of Ruyang is dragged away in front of all the guests. 
Our couple is officially engaged. 
[Ep35] Look who we have here! Yuan Shen! He's grumpy (like always). He mocks Niao Nia's grooms, each being more inferior than the predecessor. Hahaha. Let’s not assess the validity of his statement, but remind ourselves, he’s probably next. And the most inferior of them all? xD. Niao Niao quizzically asks, “It can’t be that from the depths of your heart.... you are jealous of me?” Not you, sweetie. xD She also laughs at him for still being single at his age (compared to Ling Bu Yi).

General Wan is back in a jiffy. It was a cinch dealing with the bandits! Lol, is Wang Long that incompetent too? General Wan reports that Wang Long received orders from his father to deploy the soldiers. Wang Long really is that stupid to expose his own father?!?! I THINK I might actually pity Wen Xiu Jun. She’s surrounded by imbeciles. Urgently, the Crown Prince defends – shut up shut up shut up shut up! – the Wang family. Ling Bu Yi has evidence that Wen Xiu Jun is the mastermind, and that Wang Chun’s negligence should cost him his career too. Crown Prince is still defending the Wangs OH MY while Third Prince agrees with the punishment. This is a leader. The Emperor gives Crown Prince one last chance and asks for his opinion. Don’t blow it! Crown Prince insists that Wang Chun doesn’t know anything. He blows it.

Could Yuan Shen be jealous that Ling Bu Yi gets homemade food from Niao Niao? Ling Bu Yi is oblivious that there’s a jealous eavesdropper. Actually he’s oblivious to everyone other than his bento. 

Niao Niao helps Wang Ling save her mother (with food, so easy!) despite their previous disputes. As a result, Wen Xiu Jun’s sentence is lightened from execution to lifetime imprisonment (in her room). Wang Ling tells her mother it was the Empress (um, Niao Niao?) who helped her. Isn’t it ironic that the people she despised are the ones who saved her and the people she risked her life for are the ones who want her dead. Qian’an Clan was never on her side. Even then, Wen Xiu Jun is in denial. And now Wang Ling leaves her. The daughter has done everything she can. We can compare the relationship between Niao Niao and Wang Ling with the gracious Consort Yue and the jealous Huo Jun Hua. Even if Yue was bullied by Huo, Yue never held it against Huo in unrelated matters just like Niao Niao towards Wang Ling. Currently, the gentle Empress is nurturing Niao Niao, but Niao Niao, by nature, emulates Consort Yuu.  

The Empress englihtens Niao Niao that being married means they are one entity. Niao Niao seems to finally understand. Her husband is the sun whose light illuminates thousands of miles, and she is the vast sky full of stars glittering in the galaxy (Chinese title). It doesn’t matter who is above the other. Neither are dispensable. They coexist at the same time. Their accomplishments are shared. 
In the morning, Ling Bu Yi greets Cheng Family. He wants to bring Niao Niao a few items from her room so that the palace will feel more like home (as she’s staying over to plan for the Empress’s banquet). Father Cheng is like Go ahead. A few items right? But then soldiers march in. After a few eye-blinks, Ling Bu Yi has emptied out Niao Niao’s room! A collective shock takes over the family. Hahahaha. Grandma Cheng takes the prize for best reaction. I also like Dad Cheng’s reaction. He’s grumpy that his only daughter is being snatched from right under his nose

[Ep36] Fifth Princess’s cronies push Niao Niao into the pond, throw rocks at her, and drop a snake in to bite her. There are bystanders: a concerned(?) Lady Luo Ji Tong, and a carefree Fifth Prince. Fifth Princess isn’t worried about either of them exposing her because they’re both low born, even the prince. 
Ling Bu Yi misses Niao Niao and visits her at night. She smiles up at him, but quickly turns around. Her eyes are welling up. She stifles her cries, but when she can’t stop her whimpering from escaping her throat, she turns around to hug him, sobbing in his shoulders. “Tighter,” she tells him, and he grips her tighter. “Tighter.” He hugs her so tightly, she lets out a laugh that she can’t breathe. He loosens just a fraction. Niao Niao finally calms down in his embrace
Ling Bu Yi can tell Niao Niao is lying when she says she misses home. He doesn’t probe, and instead brushes aside her hair to press on her spine, an acupuncture point: 命門 Gate of Destiny. Google says it’s “regarded as one of the strongest acupuncture points to strengthen overall constitution”. What a sexy empowerment. Niao Niao wants to learn something else, like self-defence. Guys, don't blink. She wants to know how she can defend against someone from pushing her. You grab them by the waist and have them chest to chest... of course! 
What if someone wants to strangle you? You pull them to bed chest to chest. Duh! 
Niao Niao challenges Ling Bu Yi to use one hand only. Easy. With one arm, he compresses her chest (with her hands there). What about no hands? He uses his chest Oh to compress hers. Then he takes her hand to lead her to his Gate of Destiny. It’s now in her hands. Since 命門 translates directly to The Door () of Life (), he’s also saying the door to his life is hers. There’s another interpretation I like, which is relating to the acupuncture point, and that is how they give each other strength. Now Ling Bu Yi asks Niao Niao what really happened. Instead of answering, she asks him to promise her one thing. Of course. As long as she asks him about it. He could promise her a million

The next day, at the Empress’s birthday banquet, Ling Bu Yi graces everyone with his rare qin skills. The Emperor had asked him to play several times, but was always rejected. Who could make him play? Only Niao Niao! The promise ~ Awed by Ling Bu Yi’s magnificence, the Empress leans over to gush to the Emperor, but he's happily chatting with Consort Yue. Aw. The Empress is the birthday girl! 

Crown Princess royally messes up and emphasizes that her and the Crown Prince spent a lot of money for the present when the state is promoting frugality. Perfect duo, these two. Please stay together and ruin each other to save humanity. Niao Niao saves the hopeless pair (why!?) and emphasizes how economical they are blah blah blah. Yuan Shen is impressed and peeps a smile!  

Ling Bu Yi drinks the wine that Niao Niao fermented. It drips from his mouth. Niao Niao gently wipes his chin and his lips. He’s in bliss ~ We all know he’s suppressing his desires to cuddle her. He wonders why she isn’t drinking. Ling Bu Yi, she’s drunk in love with you already. She takes a sip, but from his bowl. Her alcohol in his bowl tastes better. One entity

Ling Bu Yi: Sweet? 
Niao Niao: Sweet. 
Ling Bu Yi: Is it the alcohol or the person? 
Niao Niao: Both. 
Yuan Shen watches bitterly and bites into his sour fruit. 

Niao Niao asks Ling Bu Yi about his injured finger. He stays silent, but she knows it’s from practicing qin all night. She’s touched he went to such great lengths for her and kisses his cheeks. Her first kiss to him. She runs off immediately, leaving Ling Bu Yi with a soft smile. 

Fifth Princess orders Fifth Prince to (sexually?) harass Niao Niao. Nimble Niao Niao applies Ling Bu Yi’s self-defence (not that kind) and avoids the prince who then falls into the water. The guy is taunted by Niao Niao and yet has the capacity to befriend her. Confirmed. Only Third Prince has a brain. Except now they’re being accused of having an affair.

[Ep37] In order to accuse Niao Niao of an affair, Fifth Princess will ruin her own mother’s birthday unlike Niao Niao who had waited until the celebrations were ruined over. She sets up an elaborate contraption to dump filthy water and coal on Fifth Princess. The now Filth Princess wants Niao Niao punished and asks her mother, the Empress, to support her. Oh so now that she needs help she remembers the Empress is her mother. As she gets increasingly aggravated, she ends up spilling all her sins on her own. Now Ling Bu Yi knows why Niao Niao wanted him to hug her tightly. 

Ling Bu Yi and Niao Niao argue! He had no doubt she didn’t cheat on him, he’s just heartbroken that she couldn’t trust him. Niao Niao doesn’t understand his anger. She could handle this matter on her own. She was always like this. She hasn’t ever changed, so why must she depend on him? And omg, we’re still talking about Cheng Shao Shang wanting to be Cheng Shao Shang! Why are we rehashing this! Ling Bu Yi walks away disappointedly. Niao Niao cries. 

Epiphany is Empress and through her, Niao Niao understands Ling Bu Yi’s feelings. 

Clarity is Consort Yue and she’s the only one who remembers Chun Tiao’s involvement in the ‘affair’. Lady Luo is rather harsh to her maid and will banish her without a second hesitation. 

Ling Bu Yi is our dreamy Ling Bu Yi. He may be doleful, but he avenges Niao Niao by “playing” with the cronies’ fathers/brothers. If girls play by “splashing” each other with water, then guys play beating the donkey. Sly Yuan Shen is on his side! Anything for Niao Niao ~ 

Filth Princess is imprisoned in her manor accompanied by the corpses of her gigolos. Oh, is this what Consort Yue was referring to in that savage episode?! The dark eye circles were because she was up all night ... I see. Marquis Yue thinks the punishment for the princess is a slap to his face because she’s his future daughter-in-law. Just cancel the marriage? 

Crown Airhead is snobby and thinks she can snub Filth Princess when she’s dirt low. Nope. Crown Prince lectures her and she snaps that he’s right, the person she should be holding a grudge is Qu Ling Jun, the woman her husband loves, and the reason (she thinks) her baby died.

[Ep38] Ling Bu Yi is disciplined for tormenting all eight cronies’ families. Niao Niao, who was frantic a second ago, is now smug and impressed by her groom’s efficiency. It took her days and it took him hours. He had no one to consider, even the Emperor. For Ling Bu Yi, Niao Niao is her priority. Her Ling Bu Yi isn’t wrong! It’s the Emperor who is unreasonable! The Emperor hears that and thunderously summons her inside. She whines that the doors aren’t soundproof at all. The Eunuch is like, The doors aren’t even closedLol. Eunuch is a scene stealer. Niao Niao begs the Emperor, but Ling Bu Yi says it’s his revenge and his punishment (i.e. it’s none of her business). Niao Niao misunderstands that he wants to cancel their marriage. Wrong! He wants to retire and find somewhere peaceful to live with her. The Emperor wants him to shut up, pft. Niao Niao makes an offer that if he’s exiled, she will leave with him. Third Prince says that’s too lenient for Ling Bu Yi. Third Prince looks hot, but can he not stand like that with his ribs jutting out D: There needs to be flogging, 100 of them! Oh no. Ling Bu Yi’s bumbum! But don’t worry. This is the Emperor’s (aka Director) 苦肉計 – feigning injuring to win Niao Niao's heart. Action! 
Look at the expressions on our royal triad!
I can hear the Emperor going “Muahahaha”. The Empress is upset. Consort Yue is smug. Empress grudgingly asks Consort Yue how she could have been childhood sweethearts with the Emperor. Consort Yue proudly replies she fell in love with his face. The Empress grumbles, “Right now he doesn’t have his face either,” meaning he knows no shame. 
Here comes Niao Niao’s dramatic confession~ First, she tells the Third Prince (who’s overseeing the flogging) to shut up when Niao Niao is the loudest. She flings away the guards and hollers at them to stop hitting Ling Bu Yi. Emperor is a happy director enabling his FL all the way. She promises Ling Bu Yi that she’ll share everything with him. She also confesses properly, “I already fell in love with you. How come you don’t know?” She tearfully hugs him. Third Prince amusingly watches the show. Only he inherited the right genes from the Emperor and Consort Yue.   

Niao Niao visits Ling Bu Yi (for once she disobeyed the Empress!). Chubby Lieutenant is kicked out when the poor guy risked castration to sneak inside. Once he leaves, Ling Bu Yi sits up despite his injuries. When she asks why he’s up, he replies, “You and I will do whatever you want to do.” Self defence? Niao Niao teases him that she knows this was his scheme to exchange for her 心疼 (xin teng). 心疼 means the heart (心) is in pain (疼), but the heart can only be in pain if one loves dearly. It’s an endearing term. Ling Bu Yi doesn’t quite deny her claims. “To have Shao Shang’s 心疼 is Zi Sheng’s blessing of three lifetimes.” She kisses his forehead, and he kisses her lips. Too bad, the rest will have to wait until after marriage. Which is when?!?!? My neck has grown 5ft waiting for this. Niao Niao mumbles that he stole her line. Sneaky Ling Bu Yi suggests they could kiss again so she can say it. She dodges and grins. 想得美 In your (sweet) dreams! 

Ling Bu Yi is enamoured with Niao Niao who's playing the flute for him. He remembers the first time he saw her. Lights decorated the festival, tides of people weaved in and out, but among the lights and people, he could only see her – dazzling. At that moment, he thought of the idiom 一眼萬年. One glance (一眼), and it felt like he loved her for thousands of years (萬年), for several lifetimes. Sounds poetic too: yi yan wan nian. But to him, that so called 一眼萬年 is nothing compared to love he felt upon seeing her. He wants her for more than a mere thousand years. He wants her forever, and only her. 

Mother Cheng misses Niao Niao who’s still not home since the banquet. Father Cheng notes that with Ling Bu Yi around, Niao Niao makes fewer mistakes. I disagree. Parents, are you two watching the wrong drama? Mother Cheng sighs. It seems true because Ling Bu Yi is crazier (more ruthless). 

[Ep39] Qu Ling Jun is the suspect in her husband’s (Liang Shang) murder. Crown Prince can be her alibi, but since it was a private meeting, he cannot testify or everyone would think it was a love affair. They met because the Crown Prince wanted to verify how the Crown Princess bullied and (indirectly) provoked Qu's husband to beat her. Crown Prince and Princess are ruining each other. *Clap clap clap* Garbage taking itself out. Ling Bu Yi and Niao Niao investigate for the sake of the Emperor and Empress. Then at Liang Manor, Niao Niao meets Madam Liang (Yuan Shen’s mother) who notices her son likes Niao Niao.  

[Ep40] Niao Niao is taken hostage by Liang Xia (the murderer) into a secret chamber. To find her, Ling Bu Yi is knocking down walls. Shaking, Liang Xia finally reveals himself. Yuan Shen’s soul is ready to jump out of his body to save Niao Niao, but of course, it’s Ling Bu Yi who throws the critical dagger. Niao Niao runs into the safety of Ling Bu Yi’s arms. Then they squabble like lovers do and Yuan Shen is at the side – watching, yearning, regretting. 

The Liang homicide is targeted at removing the Crown Prince. But who would want to do that? Ling Bu Yi is forcing the Emperor to name Marquis Yue, but the Emperor is so hesitant! Gosh. Emperor boy, don’t disappoint me when I’ve loved you for 40 episodes. I also don’t get Marquis Yue. In the previous episodes he just said that the Third Prince is useless (since he betrayed family), so why are we removing the Crown Prince right now? Consort Yue teams up with the Emperor and Ling Bu Yi to expose her brother.  Third Prince takes after our goddess. Marquis Yue admits he selfishly delayed his troops from helping the Huo Army in order to sabotage Xuan (Empress) Family. Consequently, it led to Lord Qian’an’s death. He was murdered by his subordinate Peng Kun, who then took over the army. Another reason the Huo Army fell was because Prince of Yong switched the armaments. 

The Emperor is merciful towards Marquis Yue. He’s only stripped of his title and banished to the borders. Even Consort Yue is shocked at the unfairness, so how would Ling Bu Yi feel? Don’t worry, he has Niao Niao to comfort him. He’s got her who prioritizes him. That’s all that matters to him.

Yuan Shen doesn’t want to marry after living through his parents’ failed marriage, which is so complicated: While married, his father loved another woman, and his mother loved her ex-husband who happens to be the father’s brother, i.e. Yuan Shen’s uncle. That’s messed up. He doesn’t want his next generation to be messed up too. He also understands his own feelings for Niao Niao. He isn’t satisfied with anyone but her, but it no longer matters now. One slow step, and he lost the entire game. This also means he’s happy to marry if it was Niao Niao?? 

[Ep41] Crown Prince and Airhead are divorced! Nooo. They were supposed to help us recycle. Niao Niao is surprised he married Liang Chou Mu instead of Qu Ling Jun, but either way, he’ll be a good husband. Meanwhile our couple are still only engaged... My neck is 6ft now.  Our Mighty General is slightly jealous that his fiancée is praising another man. Niao Niao pokes fun at him, but lovingly recounts how all her luck growing up must have been used to marry him. Ou. Niao Niao is so optimistic!!! O_O What a change! It only took 40 episodes.... 
According to Niao Niao, there are these delicious biscuits, they’re so good, it’ll even make his lips sweet! Ling Bu Yi is ready to buy them. By ready, we have guards in armour on standby. He’s tipping the umbrella all the way to her side. Niao Niao is intimated and squeezes Ling Bu Yi’s arm. When they arrive, he drops his money with a thud. It’s too much! He’s like it’s for everyone. “Give me two boxes of biscuits that will make the lips turn sweet.” LOL! Niao Niao apologizes on behalf of her embarrassing fiancé, “Everything about him is good, except sometimes he can be offensively conspicuous.” 
The Emperor, lol
Peng Kun is rebelling. Ling Bu Yi volunteers to lead the army to investigate General Huo’s death. The Emperor is against it and grumbles to Ling Bu Yi that he’ll have an earful once Niao Niao is here. And she’s here. With soup! She says it's for the Emperor, but the first person she gives it to is Ling Bu Yi, ofc.  “Hey, this fiancée, didn’t you say the soup was for me?” The Emperor grumbles some more. Haha. And he’s got more to complain about because Niao Niao supports Ling Bu Yi! It’s 2 vs. 1. The Emperor reluctantly relents and reminds them how impatient he is for their marriage. Emperor, I get you! He threatens Ling Bu Yi that if there’s another delay, he’ll bestow Niao Niao to someone else. Niao Niao refuses. She will only marry Ling Bu Yi. He promises to come back. Our love birds smile at each other. 

Emperor: Aiyah. Is the director not happy with his CP? xD Soup stays. You two, out! Go out and be lovey-dovey. 

Once outside, Niao Niao cups his face (rather forcefully). He thinks she wants a kiss. He misunderstood. She wants to remember him better. She’s worried for his safety, but supports him because she knows how much it means to him. If not for the Empress who’s depressed, she would go with him to the front line and fight his enemies together with him. “I will wait for you in the city, wait for you to marry me.” She so wants to kiss him, but it doesn’t happen
This looks like a Samurai scene but actually Niao Niao is sewing. It’s bloody, though. Father and Mother Cheng spy on their daughter. The dad is sad she’s poking her fingers for him because he’s in the army too. Oh dear, lol
Niao Niao stealthily invades Ling Bu Yi’s army camp! But Ling Bu Yi comes from behind, “Trespassers must be executed.” She knows it’s him and dares him to. But on a serious note, she’s worried about the security of his campsite. If she was an elite assassin, he would have been dead. No honey, it's you who would have died a million times by now. For this scene, I feel like our drama turned into a romcom. Guys, it’s war time! 
Ling Bu Yi points to afar, a land next to the campsite. He plans to make it their home where no one will ever blame and no one will ever abandon her. She’s quiet at his proposal. Her heart is overwhelmed. Then she finally kisses him, something she wanted to do since they parted at the palace.

Off to war! Ling Bu Yi thanks Niao Niao for the chicken shoulder pads. Uh, they're mandarin duck wings. It’s from him to remember he has someone waiting for him at home so he must return alive. The name for mandarin ducks is 鴛鴦 (yuanyang), which has an additional meaning of a happily married couple. The lieutenants have a constipated expression. Chubby thinks the wings are so embarrassing, he doesn’t even want to fight alongside the general anymore. Then Ling Bu Yi thanks her for the vest that has a little mouse sewn on it. Uh, it’s a rabbit, her zodiac. Pft. Give the guy points for loving it when he genuinely thought she gave him  chicken wings and a mouse vest. And Niao Niao thought HE was embarrassing, hahaha

The Emperor complains about the clingy couple. Consort Yue reminds him he was the same for her. Poor Empress on the side. Father Cheng is complaining too. He didn’t even get a sock from his daughter (who you abandoned for 15 years, just saying). Mother Cheng isn’t. She challenges her husband if she could be like Ling Bu Yi and wear something as shameful as those chicken wings in front of his soldiers. Father Cheng cannot. 

Ling Bu Yi has something for Niao Niao too. It’s his seal. He’s handing over his family (i.e. himself) to her. The Empress is awed. She beams at the Emperor, but he’s already sharing the moment with Consort Yue. Empress is surrounded by true love, but none of it is for her

Ending credits have Third Uncle&Aunt Cheng! I miss them

[Ep42] Mother Cheng is saddened that the Empress has prepared everything for Niao Niao’s marriage already. Niao Niao senses her mother’s recreance. I was happy to see Grandma Cheng though. And here is my second favourite character → Yuan Shen is so jealous and peeved by Niao Niao’s provocation (after he provoked her) and vows to marry before her. LOL. He orders his servant to find a lady who cannot be dumber than Niao Niao, cannot be more obedient than Niao Niao, cannot be uglier than Niao Niao. He also wants to marry on the same day as her. The servant thinks he’s gone crazy, haha

Father Cheng is accused of treason?!?! Yuan Shen believes in Father Cheng and promises Niao Niao he will do everything to defend him. Moreover, he is her father. Niao Niao doesn’t process that. I don’t blame her. The guy has been a prick. Niao Niao is exempted from the punishment because she can be considered a “Ling”. However, she stands with her family (oh and Yao Yao speaks up too!). Mother Cheng slaps Niao Niao across the face. Omo. Why so physical. Mother Cheng wants her to stay alive for the family. She’s the only one who can escape. Live for the family, live for Father Cheng. Mother Cheng is also aware of Yuan Shen’s feelings for Niao Niao. Is he that obvious? All the moms can tell

Niao Niao kneels in front of the Emperor’s chambers. He refuses to see her. The Crown Prince kneels with her. The Empress carries the umbrella for Niao Niao (and not her son, LOL. I will never understand the family dynamics in this drama). Consort Yue physically pushes the Emperor to meet Niao Niao.
[Ep43] Consort Yue and Empress share an ethereal moment. Consort Yue consoles the Empress that she’s not below her. The Emperor loves them both, it’s just his expression of love is different. She also values the Empress like her real sister. A beautiful friendship where I still sympathize with the Empress

The Empress helps Niao Niao escape even if it’s against the Emperor’s directive. However, Niao Niao took neither passes for the prison nor the city gates. She doesn’t want to burden the Empress and so she forges the passes. How does she just forge anything overnight? Niao Niao is on her way to see her family in prison (where Mother Cheng is forcing food down Grandma Cheng’s throat, lol). 
Ling Bu Yi sets a trap for General Liang Yi who then calls him cheap, wearing a chicken armour and pretending to be a general. Ling Bu Yi, with his best menacing tone, grumbles, “This is not a chicken. Clearly it’s a mandarin duck!” If you were following the recaps live, I made a correction in Ep41 regarding mandarin duck and its affectionate meaning. The plan is to wait until Peng Kun’s army collapses from food deprivation. Chubby is like Wait? How long is that? General, you still have to marry Lady Cheng! Well Lady Cheng is on her way. And that changes the plan. No time to wait! He brings forth General Liang Yi and asks him just one question while pointing to his feathers: Is this a chicken or a mandarin duck?” Liang Yi is like “Mandarin duck?” Released! And that’s the trap. Ling Bu Yi had snuck into the wagon and in the middle of the night, he takes Peng Kun hostage. Wang Ling is here. I forgot she married Peng Kun

At knifepoint, Peng Kun tempts Ling Bu Yi to exchange his life for the truth of General Huo’s death. It doesn’t work and so Peng Kun orders his soldiers that if Ling Bu Yi dares to step out of his turf, then kill them both. Fortunately, Ling Bu Yi’s battalion torpedos through. With his single sword against hundreds of soldiers and thousands of arrows, he opens the gates for his army. Niao Niao’s bunny vest also protects him. Right on the bunny⁵~

And now we’re off to find Niao Niao! Chicken wings are flying towards you ~ 

[Ep44] Ling Bu Yi finds Niao Niao in prison on Lou Ben domain. There was a fire, everyone died, but her. Ling Bu Yi treats her wound and scorns her for knowing pain now. But um, she doesn’t look like she feels pain at all? She had stolen two biscuits to be imprisoned to find clues to save her father. Through her investigation, she finds Lou Ben suspicious. She’s desperate to find her father, so desperate, she faints. The moment she wakes up, she wants to get on her feet again. Chubby is anguished for his general who barely rested after the battle. Skinny wants him to shut it but Chubby has to say it. Ling Bu Yi – waits until Chubby says everything important – tells him to stop talking too. Pft. Ling Bu Yi understands Niao Niao's resoluteness. All of Cheng family’s fate rests on her. For as long as he can remember, he is also Huo Family’s last member. Niao Niao hugs him. From now on, she promises he won’t be alone. She will always be with him and protect him. Ling Bu Yi softly confesses, “Shao Shang, I really need you.”  

General Wan dislocates Minister Zou’s shoulder for running his mouth on punishing Ling Bu Yi and Niao Niao. Emperor is like Good job. By the way, he’s the minister that Ling Bu Yi hung up to beat. Everyone, including Yuan Shen and even Minster Lou, refuses to testify for Minister Zou. There’s actually a lot of minor Yuan Shen (I know, my favourite guy, lol) scenes, but they’re all so unnecessary...

[Ep45] Cheng Song is the idiot who rejects Qi Qi, but she ignores the noble idiocy and kisses him between the bars. Then she strips! Omo. Underneath is a wedding dress! I’d feel more for this couple if the drama had spent time on them.... Cheng Shao Gong’s seer abilities have been proven. Grandma Cheng cries and agrees to the marriage, which will have Cheng Song marry into Wan Family. Amazing actress. How does she just make me cry with her. She also gives Qi Qi her hairpin. Our greedy Grandma Cheng is giving away her accessories! 
To Grandma Cheng's surprise, Mother Cheng is in agreement. Rejoice! 
Everyone’s delighted that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have resolved their differences. But! Grandma Cheng still wants the dowry! 

Lou Ben is caught by our couple (+ you betcha! Yuan Shen). Niao Niao’s seeker abilities – finding hidden rooms/storages – have been proven: she uncovered the evidence to arrest Lou Ben. His goal was to be promoted and to protect his loved ones from his oppressive uncle and aunt. I like how he yelled at Uncle Lou, but is that it for this pusillanimous bully? That’s so unfair. Lou Ben is pitiful

As Niao Niao asks Lou Ben for her father’s whereabouts, he suddenly has her at knifepoint?! What is this? The third, fourth time? But then he pushes Niao Niao away and commits suicide?! Why hold her hostage in the first place?? Dude, why you die so fast?! Your wife, Wang Yan Ji hasn’t even told him she’s pregnant yet! Oof. Can we rip that uncle to shreds yet?!?!!? Niao Niao deciphers Lou Ben’s hint and departs to find her father. 
Wang Yan Ji (our favourite Mo Lan) glares at Niao Niao (and Ling Bu Yi?).

[Ep46] Voila! (No, seriously, voila) Father Cheng is found. This whole Lou Ben and Father Cheng arc is so trimmed down, I can’t feel the impactDa Lang ah~ Da Lang ah~ Grandma Cheng is here to visit her baby son (once a baby, always a baby)! Poor Father Cheng barely survived (presumably), and now he has to suffer his mother's shrill voice, chest punches, and tear-drowning. And he doesn’t even have the support of his wife! The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have teamed up against outsiders (= son/husband). 

An update on Lou family. A’Yao and He Zhao Jun are off to Hua County. It’s safe there now. It looks like he’s still pure and she is very supportive of him. They don’t hate Niao Niao and Ling Bu Yi, but it’s hard to face them. As for Uncle Lou, he’s condemned by his father for hindering his nephew’s future, but this piece of turd blamed his wife, Aunt Lou and so she's exiled and separated from her children. Sounds like Uncle Lou took after his father...just keep punishing the woman. Wang Yan Ji joined her dead husband by drowning herself. Butoho!, there’s no corpse. 

From Uncle Cui, Niao Niao learns that Ling Bu Yi had a cousin (General Huo’s son, Huo Wu Shang) andoho!, they look almost identical. Their chat ends prematurely when Uncle Cui makes fun of her chicken armour. Niao Niao is like I think our relationship ends herePft. Not yet! She returns to clarify “That is a mandarin duck, not a chicken.” Not going to lie, but this baby got that name and that baby got this name confused the heck out of me. Anyway. Ling Bu Yi’s almond allergies make Niao Niao suspicious. It was Huo Wu Shang who couldn’t eat almonds. Ling Bu Yi is Huo Wu Shang, I think most of us have figured that out by now but I didn’t think he chose to live as his cousin..!? At that young age he made that decision already?! Is that right?! o.o It’s interesting that his name may be Wu Shang, but he was always meant to be Ling Bu Yi. Anyway, “Wu Shang” matches Niao Niao’s “Shao Shang”. Different characters but same pronunciation (shāng). His name means “no wounds”, and based on his name, hers can sound like “few wounds.” So he’s No Wounds and she’s Few Wounds. 

Ling Bu Yi tortures Peng Kun to have him confess. He suspects Ling Yi (Ling Bu Yi’s father) was a spy and part of the reason General Huo’s army fell. Wang Ling (married to Peng Kun) throws away her dignity to beg Niao Niao to spare her husband’s life; he’s the one person who cared about her all her life. Eh, I thought Wang Ling’s return would be to help Niao Niao (since she did her a favour)....

[Ep47] In the prison ward, Yuan Shen threatens Ling Bu Yi that if he brings trouble to Niao Niao, then Yuan Shen will replace him as her groom. 

In the palace, we’re discussing Ling Bu Yi’s heinous torture of Peng Kun and Niao Niao stuffing a handkerchief (a sock?) in Wang Ling’s mouth. Niao Niao is defending herself and her fiancé who’s currently absent. Let’s not question why Niao Niao can sit there with the likes of Third Prince, Crown Prince and the Emperor discussing politics and her sock. Third Prince is supportive of Ling Bu Yi. The Crown Prince has lost his screws (wait, they were never there, my bad) and defends Minister Zuo who’s condemning Ling Bu Yi?!?!? Crown Prince is trying to not pick sides and this is why he’s a failure as a leader. Actually, that makes a good politician. Whatever. He’s an insult to idiots. Ling Bu Yi strides in (like a king without being summoned by the king) and defends his fiancée, saying it’s not that she cannot insult officials, but she need not because he will. 

Niao Niao isn’t flattered by Ling Bu Yi’s protection. She’s offended because she knows everything he’s done (from Wang Ling). He’s been using her (Niao Niao) as a cover. Everyone thought he punished the Filth Princess’s cronies’ fathers/brothers for her, but it was to instigate Marquis Yue to remove the Crown Prince. Ling Bu Yi watched the Crown Prince and the Empress fall. But he has his reasons! He needed to remove the conniving ministers, surrounding the Crown Prince in order to protect the Crown Prince. Just remove the Crown Prince. Sheesh. But Niao Niao is still angry and it has now shifted to trust. Oh, it’s her turn now. Ling Bu Yi was mad about that a couple of eps ago. She asks if there is something (ahem, Huo Wu Shang!) that he hasn’t told her. She will believe whatever he says. He starts, “Actually I – ” And we’re interrupted by the idiot-insulting, Crown Prince. Even when he’s not on the screen, he’s annoying! New record! 

Peng Kun dies. Wang Ling is the second pregnant widow suffering (indirectly) at the hands of Ling Bu Yi. Yikes. Revenge is not pretty. Who killed Peng Kun? Ling Yi.  I just realized the “father” and “son’s” names are one character apart (and well, also different “Yi”, but that’s not the point). 不 Bu means ’No’. It’s in Ling Bu Yi's name to deny the existence of Ling Yi
Our Ling Bu Yi is in agony. Niao Niao stays by his side and comforts him. I’m getting a slight whiplash from her attitude. One minute she’s mad, one minute she’s understanding. I think I get her, but where’s the flow, show! Ling Bu Yi wants to tell Niao Niao his identity, but almighty dramagods forbids and we have another interruption. Huo Jun Hua is dying! In her last moments, she regains her senses. She orders Ling Bu Yi to come forth, and whispers to him to not forget their revenge. These two were a pact! In her very, very last moment, she calls out to ‘A’Li’, her real son’s original name. Then she dies. She must have seen him and is joining him. 
At the funeral, Ling Bu Yi asks Niao Niao what she would do if he commits an unthinkable crime. Niao Niao vows to his late mother that she will never leave him if he never abandons her. Technically, Huo Jun Hua isn’t his mother, but they’re in Huo Family Ancestral Hall. Ling Bu Yi’s birth mother is there, and Niao Niao knows, hence the focus on the Huo Family tablets. They bite each other’s arms as proof of their oath. The sound effects... Are they eating each other’s flesh too? Then Niao Niao asks him once more what he wanted to tell her. *Insert flashbacks of how she trusts him and will support him* BUT HE DOESN’T SAY IT! Show, give me back the seconds you wasted for those flashbacks. Ling Bu Yi, I never thought you would disappoint me.

[Ep48] Stepmom Ling never had it easy! Her hatred runs deep for her husband, Ling Yi. She suffered all the vitriol while her husband kept his dignity because everyone blamed her for crawling into his bed. That’s so true! How did I overlook that! She also lost her baby because of Huo Jun Hua. Wow. Huo Jun Hua is worse than the princesses combined. I guess she got her retribution... Uncle Cui, you good man, what do you love about her? And what is Stepmom Ling holding? Big fat evidence right there made of brass. 

Wedding is nearing! Preparations are haste because of Huo Jun Hua’s funeral. They have to marry before the mourning period is over or they’ll have to wait three years. The engaged couple are not allowed to meet until then or it will bring bad fortune, but Ling Bu Yi breaks the norm to see Niao Niao anyway. She asks him if he has anything to say to her. His expression says it all that he does, but his mouth is firmly shut, disappointing Niao Niao. Oh c’mon! Bringing bad fortune and not even bringing good news?! But then again, I don’t know how he was supposed to say it there even if he wanted to. Sigh. But! If he really wanted to say it, he could have, you know! 

At night, Father Cheng is sobbing and hiccuping, and wiping his snot all over Mother Cheng’s sleeves because their daughter will be someone’s wife in two days. But.... BUT >_> 
Ling Bu Yi is busy at Ling Yi’s place to wish him a happy birthday and may this be his death anniversary on behalf of every dead man murdered at Gu City. Welp, wedding is delayed. I forgot how long my neck was. Niao Niao knew. They are one mind. Ling Bu Yi makes the most sinister smile as he points the sword at the man who killed his entire family. What is that cape move at 25:15! How’d he throw those swords!
Niao Niao gallops on her horse, thinking she can break through the barricade. Her family (made of generals and soldiers!) clears the path for her. Seriously though, I don’t know what Niao Niao was planning to do with her single horse. And it must have been a slow horse too because Cheng Family is on foot, and have caught up to her already. Zhao Lu Si acted her part with conviction though

In a sea of blood, only Ling Bu Yi is standing as he speaks to his “father”. 

Ling Bu Yi: You killed A’Li a long time ago. It is you who opened the gate, allowing the enemies to infiltrate Gu City, and it is you who hung him on the walls. My Uncle! [...] I also know it was you who killed my father. 

Ling Bu Yi vowed to avenge his family, even if it meant execution. And this is why he didn't tell Niao Niao. To protect her. As Ling Bu Yi slowly, and gruesomely severs Ling Yi’s neck, he tells his uncle, “Remember, my surname isn’t Ling, it is Huo. My name is Huo Wu Shang.” 

Ling Huo Bu Yi laughs because he got his revenge and cries because he succumbed to his revenge. He’s the last man standing among the carnage. Niao Niao, in her wedding dress, flings open the door (to salvage his crying soul? Yes?)

Time to call Ling Bu Yi as Huo Bu Yi. I might as well change Niao Niao to Cheng Shao Shang as well because she’s grown up now and I hear less and less characters call her Niao Niao.
[Ep49] Among the bloodbath, Cheng Shao Shang asks, “Who are you? Ling Bu Yi or Huo Wu Shang?” It doesn’t matter who he is, he says, because his love for her will never change. For it is her that he had to exact revenge today. He can’t kill Ling Yi after the marriage because it would implicate her family. 
Huo Bu Yi walks towards the imperial soldiers, blatantly defying their orders. Is he seeking death? Not on Cheng Shao Shang’s watch! She gallops in on her horse. So do his lieutenants. They don’t have a horse, but they slam into a horse, knocking the general off his high horse. Father Cheng, who’s tied up with the rest of the Cheng Family, is proud of her daughter for saving Huo Bu Yi. *Resists questioning why this escape is even possible* They’re at a *cliff* now! Oh, hi Clifford. We meet again. And they’re surrounded by the imperial soldiers. Although they’re at a dead end, she will live with him and die with him. She swears that if he abandons her now, then she will never forgive him. Huo Bu Yi never expected her to forgive him. And he pushes off from the horse, ending their fate as he falls down the *cliff*. Don’t worry, he’s got Clifford! 

The Third Prince almost slaughters his way into Cheng Family to make Cheng Shao Shang testify to protect Huo Bu Yi. Oh wow. I actually undervalued 3rd Prince when I thought I already admired him enough. To her “disappointment”, Huo Bu Yi is alive (and still at the bottom of the cliff). They must have a telescope to know that the guy is alive all the way down there. From this, Cheng Shao Shang can confirm that Third Prince and Huo Bu Yi had a pact all along since childhood. This is surprising. She had seen the completed jade of her name (Niao Niao) on Huo Bu Yi. This means there was a third person at the meeting with Marquis Yue and Third Prince and that was Huo Bu Yi. Also, it was the Third Prince who saved Huo Bu Yi when he drowned as a child. 

Although Cheng Shao Shang refuses to forgive Huo Bu Yi, she will testify for him. Her speech has convinced me that she has every right to be angry. But I’m also very distracted by Third Prince’s pretty face. She reveals to everyone that Ling Bu Yi is Huo Wu Shang, shocking the Emperor and Third Prince. Huo Bu Yi killed Ling Yi to avenge his father, General Huo. Minister Zuo demands proof of Ling Yi’s crimes. Niao Niao finally realizes Huo Bu Yi's difficulties. Not only does he not have evidence that Ling Yi conspired with the enemy, but he also cannot prove who he is. Um. Last time I checked, my world needs proof to make such claims too..... As annoying as Minister Zuo is, he’s right.............. Oh, but there is a birthmark to prove that Ling Bu Yi is not Ling Bu Yi! Done! But Minister Zuo won’t shut up about the Tiger Tally... Uh oh. Huo Bu Yi is still in trouble along with the Crown Prince (and the Empress). 

[Ep50] Huo Bu Yi is saved by (Clifford and) Third Prince thanks to the tip from Cheng Shao Shang that there is a general who wants to kill him. Guys, cliffs are now supporting characters in my drama recaps. Please give Clifford a warm welcome. I look forward to his next appearance. Huo Bu Yi is safe but unconscious, but even then, he’s conscious enough to grip onto the string on his wrist so tightly that it’s almost etched into his skin. It’s Cheng Shao Shang's “Shao Shang” string that he kept all along, but the real Cheng Shao Shang is absent. However, the melody from her flute penetrates the palace and into his heart. When the song ends, Huo Bu Yi’s hand loosens. The physicians can finally treat his wounds. But will that cure his heart that’s broken like his fate with Cheng Shao Shang? 

The Empress is the most supportive mother Niao Niao can ever dream of having. She enables Cheng Shao Shang to investigate Huo Bu Yi’s past (while reflecting upon herself. Hm.). 

Cheng Shao Shang suspects Stepmom Ling knows Ling Yi’s weakness. How are we making these spontaneous deductions! By the way, she’s gone mad. Another crazy lady eh. Cheng Shao Shang reveals to Stepmom Ling the reason she’s infertile: Ling Yi has been feeding her infertility medication. He wanted her to be alone for the rest of her life so that she is of no threat to him. Cheng Shao Shang is deliberately provoking Stepmom Ling to drop her crazy act, but she doesn’t. Instead she spews nonsense, but it’s actually a hint for Cheng Shao Shang to find Princess of Ruyang who has the evidence. Oh do we still have to see this lady? Anyway, it’s interesting that Stepmom Ling’s retribution is to live as a madwoman (like Huo Jun Hua) for the rest of her life, though I do believe that Huo Jun Hua was actually mad. It even makes Stepmom Ling more pitiful. She’s perfectly sane but has to pretend she isn’t.  

Huo Bu Yi testifies that Ling Yi had killed General Huo because he wouldn’t surrender the city. He witnessed his father’s murder. A fire made him faint. When he woke up, he found his aunt, Huo Jun Hua. The rest of the family was hung on the city wall without their bodies, and only their severed heads. A’Li had replaced Huo Bu Yi. For two nights, the aunt and nephew hid under the corpses. Then for two years, they wandered and wandered until they finally found the Emperor. They both lied about Huo Bu Yi’s identity for they were too weak to seek revenge. Minister Zuo is like These are only Huo Bu Yi’s words, but Emperor is like Shut up! I don’t want to hear you! Lol. He wants this poor child to tell him his real name. 

Huo Bu Yi: I am Huo Wu Shang.

[Ep51] Emperor kicks Minister Zuo for wanting proof. Consort Yue kicks Minister Zuo for questioning her involvement in politics. This guy’s a potato sack. Everyone just wants to kick him. But I love being the party pooper and support Minister Zuo. His demands are justified. Women (back then) should not be in politics (even though CSS breaks that rule all the time). And we need proof! And tada! There is proof. Yuan Shen has it (which was from Stepmom Ling which was thanks to Cheng Shao Shang). However, the potato sack is unrelenting. What about the Tiger Tally? The Crown Prince and Huo Bu Yi should be punished. Third Prince interjects that Minister Zuo is colluding with a neighbouring country who wants Huo Bu Yi, the mighty general, dead. 

As for Huo Bu Yi, he could be forgiven for the murder but not replacing the tally. Makes a lot of sense with my modern brain, lol. In a private chamber, Huo Bu Yi and Third Prince reveal to the Emperor their pact. Neither of them think the Crown Prince is fitting to be the Emperor. Empress agrees! Her son is useless. LOL. Ouch.  Then she asks Huo Bu Yi about Cheng Shao Shang. Why did he involve her and then abandon her when he chose to avenge General Huo? Oh mothers. Oh dear. Your son is removed as the Crown Prince (which usually means death in history) and Dear Mother is questioning romance. Empress asks Huo Bu Yi if he regrets his actions. Huo Bu Yi does not. Cheng Shao Shang was listening. She also understands his actions, and his need for revenge. However, did he understand her? She’s done speaking with him and asks the Emperor to cancel the marriage. He made her love him, rely on him, and trust him. And then he abandoned her. Cheng Shao Shang fears abandonment the most. She once said that if he abandons her, then she will never forgive him. In her serene voice, she tells him to let her go. Merciless like he was heartless
The quotes from this emotional scene provided by Loving Cdrama⁶: 

Huo Bu Yi: I don’t expect your forgiveness but I believe in you. know you will understand (See, here is the arrogant man who thinks the woman will forgive him because she understands him).
Cheng Shao Shang: I understand. I understand you didn’t want to drag down Cheng Family and me. I also understand you can’t let this opportunity for revenge pass. I understand it all. But did you ever really understand me? (OMG ZLS acting here is fantabulous! So calm, so rational yet so sad). Emperor and Empress please make the decision for me and cancel this wedding..
Huo Bu Yi: Shao Shang, please listen to me.
Cheng Shao Shang (calmly): [No] This time, you listen to me…I have an unfortunate life and I never believed anyone would treat me sincerely…until I met you. You made me fall in love with you. I fell in love with you. You made me rely on you. I rely on you. You made me believe in you. I believe you. T_T. But what about you? I said before, if you ever dare to abandon me, I will never ever in this lifetime forgive you. Since you are heartless (無情), then I will be [merciless (do as I say)]. In remembrance of our old affection, please General Huo, let me go. *Bows* T_T. 

Empress begs the Emperor to remove her and the Crown Prince, and promote Consort Yue and Third Prince instead. If she sacrifices herself, then the Crown Prince can be a regular prince instead of being executed. She also gives the Emperor the reason to remove her and to imprison her in Changqiu Palace (Cold Palace): she lived with jealousy and resentment all her life; being the Empress, and watching the Emperor love another is torture; she could only pretend to be dignified and generous. The Emperor frees her. 

Cheng Shao Shang does not send Huo Bu Yi off to the borders even though he’s been waiting for six hours. She plans to stay with the Empress in the cold palace. Yang Yang and Mother Cheng urge her to stay at home. Cheng Shao Shang refuses.  
Mother Cheng realizes Cheng Shao Shang isn’t merely visiting the Empress in the cold palace, but she plans to lock herself there forever. She runs to her daughter. Hurry! But the gates are closing. Mother Cheng cries that she was wrong. It’s too late. It was late at birth. Cheng Shao Shang smiles at her mother, glazed. It’s only until this episode, do I realize how much abandonment means to Cheng Shao Shang. For abandonment cannot be forgiven in her heart. Now Mother Cheng knows. Oh so Show never wanted Cheng Shao Shang to forgive her mother

As for Huo Bu Yi, he should have known what he did to Cheng Shao Shang was unforgivable. 

I get Cheng Shao Shang. Or do I? I think it’s just a very tiring personality. A righteously stubborn person. She’s making it difficult for others, but most importantly, she’s making it painful for herself.

[Ep52] Everyone is married (Qi Qi and Cheng Song, Yang Yang and that smiley boy, Lian Fang and that male servant, Qing Cong and 2nd Cheng Uncle) except Cheng Shao Shang and Huo Bu Yi. How long is my neck again? And why must we marry off Qing Cong and 2nd Cheng Uncle??? Other updates: Qi Qi gives birth; Filth Princess is marrying; Lady Luo killed her husband so she can marry Huo Bu Yi?! We’re not done with delusional women yet?! AH. Do we have time for this! By the way, Huo Bu Yi is at Xibei, fighting for what feels like every waking minute. 

Five years later

Cheng Shao Shang, our once bright and mischievous child, spends her days serenely (and sombrely) with the Empress. She’s doing everything she loves like making the best wine, but she looks so doleful. She’s willing to take care of the Empress for the rest of her life with no intentions of marrying. The Empress is greedy for her though. She wants Cheng Shao Shang to be happy, to marry the person she loves and not just anyone like the Empress. Then the Empress faints. Her health is deteriorating. 

Yuan Shen has been waiting for Cheng Shao Shang for five years. He suggests to marry, take it like a performance to cheer up the Empress. He also calls her shortsighted for not seeing him all these years. Way to woo your crush, lol. Cheng Shao Shang is aware of his feelings. The Empress’s words ring in her ear. She considers his suggestion for the Empress’s sake. She’s clear with Yuan Shen that her heart may still have “him”. She barely finishes her sentence and he’s eager to tell her that he’s willing to wait for the day she can forget “him” and can turn around to see him (Yuan). 

Huo Bu Yi returns! The Emperor knows he secretly helped Cheng Song with his battle. He’s been absent for five years, but he’s always been there for Cheng Shao Shang. Huo Bu Yi also left capable soldiers in the city to protect Cheng Shao Shang and only took Chubby with him to Xibei. That’s why I didn’t see Skinny! Poor Chubby though! He was exiled with HBY for five years and now the Emperor is insulting him for being useless. Sheesh. Additionally, Huo Bu Yi helped Yuan Shen’s father. But why? Also, notice again that Chubby finishes saying everything important and then Huo Bu Yi tells him to shut up, lol. 

Then the Emperor drops the news that Cheng Shao Shang has left the palace for the first time in five years to finalize the engagement with Yuan Shen. The Third Prince (um, Crown Prince, but I will stick to 3rd because I don’t like ‘Crown Prince’ ) assures the Emperor that there’s a woman who’s interested in Huo Bu Yi: Lady Luo! Huo Bu Yi rejects. He will not marry. In this life, he doesn't have any more wishes. He doesn’t dare to. He had one small, very small wish, and look how miserable he is because he lost his star.
Huo Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang meet at the gates for the very first from what feels like ages. His small, small Niao Niao is here. She loses balance on her horse and he catches her by her foot. She remembers how it was him who taught her how to ride the horse. As he helps her strap on her saddle, she notices the injuries on his hands. Actually, it's not the injuries that she notices. It’s her ‘shaoshang” string that’s still on his wrist. Aw, so she's been absent in his life for five years, but no, she (shaoshang) was always there with him in every battle. He misunderstands and says his injuries are nothing. Then he looks away from her (and speaks to Yuan Shen?), advising her to be careful when she rides in the future*. With steely eyes, she thanks him but she won’t take his advice. She's no longer the same Shao Shang. Without a saddle, she can still ride her horse. Without him, she can still live on

*This scene is slightly confusing to me. I don’t know for sure who Huo Bu Yi was speaking to. It could be Cheng Shao Shang or Yuan Shen. I think he meant to speak to Yuan Shen to take care of Cheng Shao Shang. Cheng Shao Shang thought the same, meaning she thinks he’s handing her over to Yuan Shen (which he is). And so her reply is her rejection to his wishes. She will arrange her own life (she doesn’t need his saddle and she definitely doesn’t need him giving her to anyone). He may have just disappointed her with his “indifference”. 

Lady Luo boasts to Cheng Shao Shang that she will marry Huo Bu Yi. The Empress kicks her out, but not before a servant comes in to report that Huo Bu Yi has sent her dowry so that she can marry someone else and also a large copper mirror (= please look at your vain self and your ugly heart). Cheng Shao Shang smiles and repeats “copper mirror (銅鏡 tong jing)”. She seems to understand Huo Bu Yi’s meaning. After CSS repeated tong jing, I think it’s meant to be a homophone-ish with 同情 (tong qing). Lady Luo insists unilaterally that there is “emotion (qing)” between them and so Huo Bu Yi gives her a “mirror (qing)” to mean that the only emotion he has for her is “sympathy (同情)”. Huo Bu Yi rejects in such a classy way

Huo Bu Yi knows Lady Luo murdered her husband. He also tells her that even if Cheng Shao Shang didn’t exist, he’d never like her. 

[Ep53] The Empress tells Huo Bu Yi that Cheng Shao Shang isn’t engaged to Yuan Shen and she still likes him (Huo). He knows. And so he plans to use the rest of his life to atone. Oh stupidity has taken the form of Huo Bu Yi. Ah, but it seems Empress’s gentle words have gotten through to him and he’s ready to be open and honest with Cheng Shao Shang! Except she’s kidnapped by Lady Luo. 

Stuck in a high-speed carriage, Lady Luo tells Cheng Shao Shang that at Xibei, everyone fought to live, but Huo Bu Yi fought to die. He had a bite mark on his arm that he never treated and in fact, he made the marking even deeper. The girls are defying inertia in the carriage, lol. Huo Bu Yi catches up to the carriage. With his bare hands, he stops the knife from killing Cheng Shao Shang. Huo Bu Yi controls the horse and pulls the harness with his bleeding hands, but there’s too much acceleration. The carriage falls off the cliff. Oh hey Clifford. Huo Bu Yi defies gravity and flies in midair (it must be the abs!) with Cheng Shao Shang. He latches onto an edge, and with his other bleeding hand, he’s hanging onto Cheng Shao Shang. She wants him to let go and so she cruelly tells him that even if he saves her, she won’t forgive him. 

Huo Bu Yi (hollers in a strained voice): Without you, I will not live! 

He knows he doesn’t deserve her forgiveness. However, when they bonded with the bite, she was already his wife, and so if she lives, he lives, and if she dies, he dies. 
They’re saved by the lieutenants, but then they walk away like they didn’t just experience life and death together. I wished Drama fleshed out this scene more. This is the exact scenario as Ep49, except they switched roles. I want to know if Cheng Shao Shang can understand him for jumping off Clifford to save her in Ep49 just as she wants him to let her go so he can live. Similarly, I wonder if Huo Bu Yi can understand that when Cheng Shao Shang bit his arm, she was willing to live and die with him just as he won’t let go of her now. 
Empress dies. She told Huo Bu Yi to forgive himself and Cheng Shao Shang to not regret and look forward to her life. And she has such kind last words for Consort Yue too

Cheng Shao Shang faints from grieving. Huo Bu Yi carries her home. Mother Cheng and Father Cheng are respectively hostile and furious. When Huo Bu Yi left five years ago, Cheng Shao Shang was sick to the point that she almost died. Hearing this, he drops to his knees and promises to never bother them again. Ugh, no! Mother Cheng is offended too. She tells him that when he left Cheng Shao Shang for five years, they also lost their daughter for five years. She secluded herself in the palace because of him. 

Huo Bu Yi is still down on his knees and now he bows his head to the ground with a loud thud. He could never forgive himself. Omg, forgive yourself, man! At Xibei, he fought everyday hoping to die, but he couldn’t die, not with Cheng Shao Shang resenting him. Because he knows what it’s like to live with hatred, which means you make her forgive you, dude! He says he has no right to die (or to live...). The parents look like they want to cry for him. Mother Cheng doesn’t want him to die. They feel guilty for abandoning Cheng Shao Shang (too). They’re regretting it, and are paying for it. Whatever she wants, they won’t stop her. But Mother Cheng knows they both still love each other. 

[Ep54] Cheng Shao Shang wanted mutual love and trust. She wanted codependence like how the sun and stars coexist in the galaxy. But when she gave Huo Bu Yi her love, he returned it with lies. For five years, with great difficulty (萬不易) she has let it all go. 萬不易 (wan bu yi) = difficulty x 10,000 – I just liked the way this sounded. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it sounds like his name. But she can no longer extend her heart out, afraid she will be deceived again. Huo Bu Yi knows the pain he inflicted upon her particularly when he had known her fear. Like Cheng Parents, he apologizes, and whatever decision she makes, he will respect her. For twenty years he lived in hatred. To atone for her, he will live in regret for the rest of his life. Omg why such a sad life... If he can, he’d dig out his heart for her (give his life to her), but he knows he already lost his right to be next to her. He will return to Xibei, forever protecting the(ir) galaxy. He means the nation and her because she is also his galaxy.  However, Cheng Shao Shang wants him to live his life well. He says he will  (after he said he will always live in regret, but you know he wanted her to be at peace). He smiles at her with his eyes swimming in tears. Her smile is strained too. The Empress already died, are you two going to waste your life in agony and regret?! 

Mother Cheng tries really hard to be a mother to her daughter. She must be possessed by the Empress. She says she doesn’t know the difference between raising a daughter compared to the army and her sons. But she knows how to treat Yang Yang. She wouldn’t make the same decision of abandoning her if she had another chance. Grandma Cheng feels guilty too. The Empress possessed Grandma Cheng too! If she could go back in time, she wouldn’t listen to that evil auntie. If her granddaughter never wants to marry, then that’s okay. Cheng Shao Shang is overwhelmed with all this unfamiliar love. She tells herself that from now on instead of remembering those who hate her, she should be reminded of those who love her (like Huo Bu Yi?). That way, she has the will to live on. Is she on her way to forgiving? 

Cheng Shao Shang refuses Yuan Shen. She won’t marry him. He says he expected it while putting up a strong front with his eyes reddening. He tells her to leave first, and not to turn around or he would regret giving her to “him”. I’m not going to be snarky and say that she wasn’t even his to give.

Yuan Shen asks Huo Bu Yi why he helped his father and risked his own life. “Because in this city, I am the stranger who cares about you the most.” AW?! If Yuan Shen is not well, then Cheng Shao Shang won’t be at peace. Through this, Yuan Shen realizes Huo Bu Yi’s love is deeper and more foolish. He is more worthy of Cheng Shao Shang's love and she deserves the best man. 

Huo Bu Yi has replaced Father Cheng in leading a battalion to protect the Third Prince at Guo County for the sake of Cheng Shao Shang

Cheng Shao Shang is also on a trip to Hua County and coincidentally meets Lou Li (A’Yao’s cousin), who’s sweet and docile and everything nice. CSS, did you not learn your lesson with Lady Luo?! Like one episode ago. It seems Lou Li wants to poison her. Cheng Shao Shang can sense the enmity, and then she eyes an empty table (I believe it’s Wang Yan Ji’s seat). Cheng Shao Shang hesitates to drink the soup before her. Suddenly, He Zhao Jun is in labour. It’s premature. They take her to another room. When the door closes. Lou Li takes out her knife and strikes at Cheng Shao Shang. How many times again? 

[Ep55] Cheng Shao Shang catches Lou Li’s hand. They struggle with the knife. Cheng Shao Shang quickly instructs He Zhao Jun (who’s not part of the scheme) to find a way to open the secret chamber. Another one!? The girls escape from Lou Li. Someone else is in the chamber. It’s Yuan Shen! Lol, why’s he so useless. He’s chained and bruised. Cheng Shao Shang nimbly picks the lock and frees Yuan Shen because there is no contraption our genius FL cannot solve. Let’s ignore that she was lured here while being skeptical the whole way

Wang Yan Ji is the mastermind. As much as she hates Cheng Shao Shang and Huo Bu Yi, she despises Lou Li and her family more. She stabs Lou Li multiple times, wishing her a happy reunion with her family in death. Oh she killed the parents too. Scary woman. What happened to her child? 

Huo Bu Yi jumps into the secret chamber to save Cheng Shao Shang. She calls him stupid for doing so when he knew this was a trap. If he stayed safe, he could avenge her. Ya! Hello girl, that was his logic (maybe not the avenge part) from Ep49 too! For him, as long as she lives is all that matters. It would be meaningless if she dies. “After doing so many stupid things, it no longer feels stupid.” 

Wang Yan Ji applauds the romance. In this basement, she plans to die with everyone.Yuan Shen knows too much about the rebellion (with Tian Shuo). He Zhao Jun’s death will free A’Yao. Consider it a gift from a sister-in-law to a brother-in-law. Huo Bu Yi tries to convince Wang Yan Ji that Lou Ben isn’t worth her sacrifice. Wang Yan Ji slights him for insulting her husband when he (Huo) is no better.  Huo Bu Yi admits he should have married Cheng Shao Shang first. He regretted the moment he saw her after killing Ling Yi. He should have walked on a sunny path with her instead. 

Skinny and Chubby is here to save everyone! They send a ladder down. The last one up is Huo Bu Yi, but Wang Yan Ji pulls him down. As the door closes, Huo Bu Yi orders Chubby to take Cheng Shao Shang away. So.....abandoning her again? The place explodes. Niao Niao breaks down. Didn’t you say you regretted it? Didn’t you say you won’t let go? Didn’t you say you were going to treat me well every single day? She cries in her heart that she forgives him, begging him to answer her.  Did he hear heart cry? Because he’s here! How?! Forget it. He’s alive. I think he said something about luck. 
Cheng Shao Shang hugs Huo Bu Yi and he embraces her tightly. “Shao Shang, are you forgiving me? You cannot renege.”
A’Yao runs in and cries to a pile of concrete, thinking He Zhao Jun is underneath there. She’s not, but she finally knows that he has her in his heart. By the way, I’m glad her fetus held it together when she’s supposed to be in labour.  
Yuan Shen: Are you all done being lovey-dovey? The sun is up. Are you guys still planning to save the Crown (Third) Prince?
A picture of the prince because he’s looking hot. 
Our couple divide and conquer. Huo Bu Yi will save the Crown (Third) Prince. Cheng Shao Shang will protect Guo⁷ County’s citizens. Somehow. She’s out of the palace where her brain works again so I think she can do it! Cheng Shao Shag and Huo Bu Yi are finally fighting the enemy together! Well separately, but together.

[Ep56] Tian Shuo chastises Huo Bu Yi for ditching the citizens to save the prince. Crown (Third) Prince tells Huo Bu Yi to hurry back to Cheng Shao Shang. Rest assured. Huo Bu Yi is certain Cheng Shao Shang can direct a battalion! I would transfer the power to Skinny and Chubby, but FL needs to shine. Crown (Third) Prince is like that’s even more of a reason to leave or Cheng Shao Shang won’t forgive him for abandoning her. Yo, prince. Is there something wrong with the title of a “Crown Prince”. Is that really the priority right now? Huo Bu Yi believes in Cheng Shao Shang’s intelligence and bravery. It’s a trust that’s different from five years ago. This time she won’t hate him for ‘abandoning’ her. 
Where Cheng Shao Shang is, the city is falling but she’s supporting it! It’s because Huo Bu Yi believes her. And do not forget, her family is made of generals! Because they’re actually here. They do the fighting, she does the fire-extinguishing. 
Our couple wins! The family watches blissfully as Cheng Shao Shang is reunited with the man she loves. 
Chubby cries that he actually supported Lady Luo and Huo Bu Yi. The experienced Cheng Song promises Chubby and Skinny to teach them about women – if he’s not beaten up by Qi Qi that is. 
Huo Bu Yi visits a bedridden Yuan Shen who’s faking it. Huo Bu Yi never liked him, but for the past five years, he had his utmost gratitude for being at Cheng Shao Shang's side when she was depressed. But from now on, Huo Bu Yi will never give him that chance because Cheng Shao Shang will never be unhappy. 
Cheng Shao Shang teases Huo Bu Yi that he was so late to save her. He says he trusted her. She smiles. “Isn’t that too much trust?” She loved that trust
Emperor and Consort Yue (um Empress?) see a shooting star. That’s an auspicious sign. The Emperor muses that if Empress Xuan was here, she would be happy to know that Huo Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang are together. 
Cheng Shao Shang wonders if those who die become stars. Huo Bu Yi tells her the stars can hear her and when they do, they will flicker. Cheng Shao Shang looks up. She’s thinking of the Empress, and then the stars flicker. Huo Bu Yi also speaks to the Empress, his father, and mother. “I found someone to spend my life with. Can you see?” The stars twinkle. 

And here are their wedding vows: 

Shao Shang: Zi Sheng, you are the most passionate and the most proper. Your heart is pure like a newborn baby. In this world, you are the best, the best man. Meeting you is my blessing of three lifetimes.  
Huo Bu Yi: Shao Shang, you are the purest and the most virtuous. Your heart is like a pine tree (tall and upright). In this world, you are the best, the best woman. Meeting you is also my blessing of three lifetimes.  

They seal their vows with a kiss. 
The family celebrates with the newlywed. 

At home, Grandma Cheng prays to the stars. She’s proud of Father Cheng and Mother Cheng, as well as her second son and daughter-in-law who all have won a battle. Third Uncle? He wrote the letter and that’s it? Last but not least, she's delighted to hear that Huo Bu Yi and her granddaughter aren’t just engaged but are marrying. Hurrah! The dowry will be guaranteed. She laughs and laughs, but jokes aside...

Grandma Cheng: Let’s see who dares to ruin my granddaughter's marriage! 

The Emperor dares!  

Emperor: Who permitted them to marry in Hua County?! 

As long as he’s absent, the marriage doesn’t count! Consort Yue shuts the door on him LOL

Emperor: It doesn’t count even if you shut the door!

The single guys have a chat. Cheng Shao Gong predicts Yuan Shen’s future: “You really don’t have [a wife?]” We don’t know if Yuan Shen will be single for the rest of his life because he tells Cheng Shao Gong to shut up. 

The end. 


[Not a First Impression] Feeling cheated with the recaps? It’s a sign you’ve taken me for granted. :) If you like, you can piece together my first impression in the July Drama thread

[Part 1 Impression (Ep1-27)] Parting this in two is as practical as diet water, but hey, I guess it’s beneficial because I can intercept in the middle with a Part 1 (First) Impression. It took 23 episodes to convince me that I want to finish this (nope, I don’t feel anyone glaring at me), hence why recaps start here and now Ep27 is one of my favourite episodes so far. I find Niao Niao opening her doors, and running towards her future enchanting. She’s ready for a brand new world with Ling Bu Yi. 

The slow romance between Ling Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang (Niao Niao) is irresistible. It’s my favourite trope: love after marriage/engagement where the ML is already captivated by the FL. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that this love will be deeper than a lighthearted romance. I also unexpectedly enjoyed Lou Yao as Niao Niao’s “first love”. Although it isn’t ‘true love’ for Niao Niao (and Lou Yao?), they were pampering each other, filling their hearts that were devoid of love and respect. It was pure and sweet while it lasted. 

For most of the other peripheral plots (girls chirping and quaking), I skimmed. I guess it’s time to pay attention now that Wang Ling’s family is cropping up. 

The supporting characters I particularly like: Emperor, Grandma Cheng (ha), Yuan Shen (LOL). I also miss the third uncle and aunt of Cheng Family. 

The mother, I tell you, she's unworthy of pressurizing anyone's blood vessels. I can appreciate a tiger mom portrayal but not when she’s inconsistent like Mother Cheng, which I have already mentioned in an earlier comment. Her actions do not match the setup of her character. Why is such a loving, considerate and clever mother so stoopid and blunt in disciplining her daughter? She repeatedly uses public shame +/- harsh disciplinary action on her daughter when it has failed every single time. Does she not know how to change her methods? Or scheme a little. Use soft tactics and hard tactics interchangeably. I don’t believe a woman who knows how to deal with Grandma Cheng, displace the evil auntie without dirtying her own hands, and win battles at war, has no ability to adapt and revise. It’s like the scriptwriter forcefully stitched together a rational character with irrational actions to make plot happen. That’s not to say I will hate all of Mother Cheng's parts, just when she’s irrational. 

[Actors/Actresses] The real voices have been a topic in Chinese forums. For Wu Lei, I’m personally not a fan when he deliberately says his line in a breathy voice (maybe he’s keeping his abs tight?). His lines are clear though, unlike Zhao Lu Si. I depend on listening, and her mumbling makes her lines inaudible, particularly in the beginning. Being in character doesn’t mean clear dictation can be compensated. However, as each episode wins me over, I forget I minded the voices. Still a flaw, though. Essentially, if you like the drama, it’s a minor flaw. If you don’t like the drama, it’s a major flaw. 

[Behind the Scenes

少商弦 and 不疑 – See in Ep12

嫋嫋 vs 弱弱 – See in Ep22

夫妻相 Fū qī xiāng – Sharing common facial traits that show predestination to be married together. (Ep26) 

子晟此生 / 除她以外 / 再無旁人 – See in Ep28

一心二用 Yī xīn èr yòng – One heart; two uses = To divide one’s heart/attention (Ep34)

命門 Mìng mén – Gate of Destiny. Google says it’s “regarded as one of the strongest acupuncture points to strengthen overall constitution” (Ep38)

苦肉計 Kǔ ròu jì – The trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy’s confidence (Ep38)

心疼 Xīn téng – Often translated as “in pain/hurt”. To be more exact, 心疼 means the heart (心) is in pain (疼). The heart can only be in pain if one loves dearly. It’s an endearing term. (Ep38)

一眼萬年 Yī yǎn wàn nián – One glance (一眼), and it feels like thousands of years (萬年). Ling Bu Yi uses this expression to describe how he fell in love with Cheng Shao Shang. Just one glance and he felt like he loved her for eternity. (Ep38) 

鴛鴦 Yuān yāng – Mandarin duck. When used to describe a couple, it means “happily married couple”. It is also a type of beverage you can order at HK style cafes, harmoniously combining coffee and HK milk tea. (Ep41)

[Ending] Happy.

[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... Ep30, Consort Yue's firing fatal shots at the royal rats. 

[Review & Rating]
The Story

Cheng Shao Shang lives in pessimism after her parents' abandonment. Ling Bu Yi lives in hatred after his relatives’ deaths. This is a slow-burn historical romance between deviant main leads that traverses family (Part 1), palace and revenge (Part 2) – plus a flair of comedy.

The skeleton to an amazing drama is here, I just can't love the way it’s fleshed out in most of Part 2. But if you were to ask me to recommend a second drama with the same strengths (vibrant cast, serious and complex story, strong romantic component, dramatic moments, beautiful shots, high technical quality, and happy ending), I cannot. This is a drama with a lot of strengths and simultaneously, a lot of weaknesses.  

Part 1 vs. Part 2

I am more in love with the framework of what this drama could be. All the purposeful setup in Part 1 erodes unevenly in Part 2. Although the first half is slower, it is smoother. I'm still impressed at the immaculate buildup that made me fond of A’Yao. Part 2 is more dramatic and intense, but the impacting scenes happen in staccatos. In between, I have to make mental leaps as evidence, deductions, resolutions sprout spontaneously. 


Let me start with the bad. There are character inconsistencies, particularly the FL. Cheng Shao Shang’s plot armour is forever invincible until the drama needs her to be vulnerable. She can always find a secret room out of nowhere and then she’ll find herself repeatedly taken hostage. She can also be a locksmith/blacksmith overnight. I understand in the novel she is a transmigrator, but in the drama she isn’t, and let’s not blame it on censorship. The transmigration ban isn’t anything new. Chinese dramas work with these restrictions all year long.

The villains are all unworthy adversaries – so annoying, so stupid, and so many! The dumb, shallow royals are like ducks in a row ready to be hunted, leaving no screentime for the smart ones, whom I can only assume are smart. I wouldn’t know because they’re caught the moment I know they committed a crime.

Not all royals are unworthy though! Drama has the best royal triad in dramaland: Consort Yue is the Goddess of Savage, the Emperor is the ultimate fanboy, and the Empress is a motherly saint (love her too, but don’t ever want to be her). They're not realistic at all, but they lit up the screen.

Cheng Shao Shang and Ling Bu Yi do not have pretty personalities. They are complex and unusually appealing, but darn it, it’s all cramped in Part 2. I needed more for their reconciliation(s). I wish drama took out a few characters instead, like Yuan Shen. Believe it or not, I was ready to join you guys in hating him, but show didn’t make him do much.

Romance & Chemistry

And now for the most sacrilegious part of the review. The chemistry was mild for me. Look, there's a reason I started recapping this very late... Wu Lei remains as the ML who has no romantic chemistry with his costars for me. There’s no doubt he can dial up the intensity in his own scenes, but I find him lacking in being reactionary to the action of others around him. Trust me, I want to like the guy.

In Part 1, I felt the romantic potential tingling and I was really excited for that, but their relationship stopped moving forward, and it was so rocky in Part 2. It’s not to say I wasn’t infatuated by some of the hot scenes but that feeling doesn’t linger, especially when they’re thwarted by yet another obstacle.

For me, a significant portion of the romantic potential came from the director. I love his style. He enhances the emotion and intensity of the scene with his thoughtful, picturesque shots (e.g. the FL’s run towards her future, the lantern festival, the ML’s bloody scene, etc). 
Ultimately, I think your mileage will vary depending on how much you love the chemistry. The earlier you fall in love with the couple, the more you’ll love them and the entire drama regardless of the flaws.

Random Recommendation: I am recommending to NOT recommend The Story of Ming Lan and vice versa. Although it’s by the same author, and has blatant parallels in the story/characters, particularly in Part 1, Part 2 is a different beast. It’s not even the question of which is better but more that they cannot be compared. And dw, I did not forget what this section is for. Here’s my random recommendation: The Wolf.  

Rating: 3/5 

1. Ep25 Correction (by Loving Cdrama)
2. BTS Crybaby Zhao Lu Si (from FanFanX’s comment)
3. BTS “Could I have a sip of water” (from Loving Cdrama’s comment)
4. BTS “No carbs for three months” (from Loving Cdrama’s comment)
5. Ep43 Added the bunny detail (credit: Geo)
6: Ep51: Added quotes (from Loving Cdrama’s comment)
7: Ep55: Correction (credit Geo)
8. Take a read on the drama’s differences with the novel, especially the “don’t be so cruel to me” passage on mydramalist (recommended by LonelyMoon888)