April 8, 2020

Ancient Detective | Recap and Review

Ancient Detective
A detective forms a team with an umbrella wielding assassin and a blade wielding dummy.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yu Ji Wei: Jian Bu Zhi
Wang Ruo Shan: Zhan Shi Qi
Wang Yan Yang: Zhao Wo Huan
Ma Ze HanMing Yue
Huang Ri YingGong Que / Xiao Yao Nu
Chinese Title
The Detective, Jian Bu Zhi
Episodes: 24
First Impression: 4.5/5

Jump to Review 

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Jian Bu Zhi is unskilled in wuxia when everyone else is. However, he's very skilled in solving cases. He arrived at Han Yue Temple to investigate his father's death. Eight years ago, his father, Jian Jin Huan, led other wuxia masters to kill an evil beast, Wang Hua. Everyone had sacrificed except the four who had survived. One of the survivors is the blind leader of Han Yue Temple. Presently, Jian Bu Zhi suspects the evil beast is still alive because his corpse has never been located. The blind leader (suspiciously) dismisses his claims. He does tell him to stay as a judge to oversee the battle he is hosting. The winner gets to inherit his temple.
The winner of the first battle is the umbrella wielding Zhan Shi Qi (our female lead). She had a bit of a trifle with Jian Bu Zhi earlier. She told everyone she was late because of a battle with a wolf. However, JBZ exposes her lie that there was no wolf. She had battled a human. She threatens JBZ to keep his mouth shut otherwise she'd kill him. Him being sheepish because of her is cute.

The second battle was won by Han Yue Temple's disciple, Hua Yuan. The loser is Zhao Wo Huan. He had an encounter with JBZ earlier where they both helped solve the case of a missing gold statue.

The last battle of the day was funny. It was between a monk and an old man (Hu Ba Yue). The old man who can barely walk with a straight back has an elusive combat style. He literally hides behind your back so you basically can't fight him. However the monk is skilled in poison so as long as you touch his back, you're dead without his antidote. The monk wins. Accompanying the monk is a zombie, who’s also quite amusing. I laughed when the zombie reacted to the flute sound, he immediately raised his arms to zombie form. Jian Bu Zhi seems to be oddly attached to this zombie which makes the monk uncomfortable.
And then the mystery kicks in. At the battle arena, bloody words paint the wall. Zhao Wo Huan tells Jian Bu Zhi the ghost story related to these words: "Guan Men Wu Chang". It's a warning from a revenge seeking ghost to not close your doors at night otherwise you'll be dead.
[Ep2] The next day, Ah Jie dies. According to Jian Bu Zhi, the culprit is among them. In fact, the blind leader never intended to host a battle which means the invitation was actually from the murderer to gather everyone to one place. The other martial artists start singling out Zhan Shi Qi because of one fact: she's part of "Shi Sha Men", an organization of assassins. Meanwhile Jian Bu Zhi seems to be narrowing it down to the disciple, Hua Yuan.

[Ep3] The murderer is not Hua Yuan. Jian Bu Zhi wouldn't let his guard down that much in front of a culprit, I would assume.
That night Zhan Shi Qi tells Jian Bu Zhi someone wants to kill him. This time it's real and not a threat from her. The culprit wants him silenced and she's here to protect him. It might be because she likes him or she's just returning the favour. I think it's the former. Zhan Shi Qi is a peculiar assassin. She doesn't wear black, instead she wears bright colours. Although she's an assassin, she still wants to be a woman. With the money she's earned, she has bought a lot of pretty clothes and accessories. It's just she never had a chance to wear them.

Jian Bu Zhi reveals his past to everyone. He was at the battle eight years ago. Ah, so there's technically five survivors including. When he woke up after the battle, he had lost all his memory, and in his palm was a jade with "Jian" engraved on it. It's his last name. He discovers his past through his father's notebook. It is through the book he learns how to be a detective but he was unable to inherit any of his father's martial skills. Whenever he does try he gets an unbearable splitting headache. The book also made him realize Wang Hua's death was suspicious; someone had forged Wang Hua's corpse. I'm confused. How does he know his dad is his dad then? What if his dad is not his dad? Then who is he? 

Btw, all the funny scenes in this drama belong to Zhao Wo Huan and the zombie.

[Ep4] Hua Yuan, although not the culprit, is the next victim. Jian Bu Zhi has one day left to solve the case otherwise he will succumb to the monk's poison. However, the monk has become the third victim (we also learn the zombie isn't a zombie, he's the younger brother of the monk). Luckily, the old man uses another poison to counteract the monk's poison, keeping Jian Bu Zhi alive. Poisoned or not, it doesn't hinder Jian Bu Zhi from solving the crime. The criminal is none other than Wu Ling Er. She's avenging her fiancé who was the original leader of Han Yue Temple (the blind leader's older brother).

[Ep5] Wu Ling Er has a fourth target: the blind leader. However, he kills her before she can kill him. Huh. Why kill her? The blind leader had killed his brother because the brother wanted to leave Han Yue Temple (for her), but no one can leave alive even if he is/was the leader. Despite not feeling regretful, the blind leader does admit to his crime and gives the book of his martial artistry to Jian Bu Zhi. The blind leader touches JBZ's face and he suddenly retracts. I think my hypothesis is right. He's not Jian's son. He's about to tell JBZ about the three other survivors until a flying white figure flashes by and kills him in an instant. Why not just kill JBZ? And also if the murderer sent the invitation to the four victims, why did Zhao Wo Huan appear?

It's time to leave and Zhan Shi Qi bids farewell. Jian Bu Zhi gives her a flower, telling her it was the prettiest one he found. She comments why he would give a flower to an assassin. He replies simply that there's no woman who doesn't like flowers. Jian Bu Zhi had wanted to leave with her but she needed to escape for her life. Altough she's an assassin, she's targeted for assassination by her own organization.
Ming Yue is another member of  "Shi Sha Men". But she's not an assassin. This organization has two divisions. Zhan Shi Qi belongs to the assassin division while Ming Yue is in the intelligence division. They're the brains who give the assassins the information they need to kill. Ming Yue is also the only member in the entire organization to have a real name on top of her mission name (Zhan Er; #2). Her name was given to her by her brother who had died on a mission. She's also special because she is the daughter of the Shi Sha Men's leader.

[Ep6] Jian Bu Zhi and Zhao Wo Huan travel together. JBZ is set to find the second survivor: Qiao Shou Tang. Along the way they meet an unconventional journalist/historian, Si Ma Dang. He records and archives anything. He is the treasurer of all information except the battle eight years ago. How convenient.
They arrive at a reclusive island where Puppet Li resides. A bunch of other wuxia fighters show up and they're either seeking for treasure or hiding from their murderers. Ming Yue and Zhan Shi Liu (#16) are also there. Their mission is to find the lost scroll from Ming Yue's brother and to assassinate Zhan Shi Qi. Puppet Li will satisfy all as long as they can solve his quiz: find the missing body parts on each of his six wooden puppets.

Si Ma Dang informs them that these six wooden figures are/were real human beings that went missing a year ago. One of them is the survivor, Qiao Shou Tang, who JBZ is searching for. Si Ma Dang also figures out that Puppet Li might be Sheng Xian Zi. He's a bloodthirsty murderer who chops off his victim's pinky as a memento. By the way, I love Si Ma Dang's special ability: super-speed.
Ming Yue approaches JBZ because she believes he has the ability to find her lost scroll. To achieve her mission, she uses the old trick: damsel in distress. Zhao Wo Huan takes the bait.

I love it that we have another group of martial artists and a new engaging case. The plot just keeps getting thicker and thicker.  

[Ep7] A murder has taken place. To solve the case, JBZ needs to identify Puppet Li. He narrows down on the sailor who discloses he was paid by Puppet Li to board passengers to this island. Inner conflict arises when Sheng Xian Zi, the pinky killer, reveals himself; he's the old man. This drama is telling me to never underestimate old men with long white hair. He's a wanted criminal about to go on a killing spree until JBZ steps in and threatens to kill the sailor that way no one can leave the island alive. The old man retracts his weapon and takes a liking to JBZ. He coaches JBZ on how to fight. Although he's wuxia-less, it doesn't mean he's powerless.

Zhao Wo Huan and JBZ swear an oath to be brothers for life. In the oath they're supposed to suffer the good and the bad together but when it comes to the bad, Zhao Wo Huan shushes JBZ because he intends to suffer for him. Well, that's romantic. JBZ gives him a gift: the Li martial arts book. With that, Zhao Wo Huan's martial art skills improve overnight. Hm. Zhao Wo Huan better be a good guy. Otherwise he’d be a scary opponent.

[Ep8] There's a second murder victim: the assassin #16. The old man vouches for Puppet Li that he is not a murderer because it was Puppet Li who had saved him many years ago. When all the six body parts are gathered, we discover that the red cloak indeed is Puppet Li, or what's left of him: his skeleton. He had died a decade ago. The real murderer is still afloat. This is very similar to the first case. One person invited all of them here to exact his revenge. I am suspicious of the scholar/thief, the one who keeps chitchatting with our journalist.

[Ep9] And now there's a third victim. Third time's the charm and JBZ finds all the puzzle pieces to solve the crime. I was wrong.

[Ep10] The criminal is a loyal disciple of Puppet Li. He had killed his own master to relieve him of his sufferings. All these years he was killing all the people who had wrongfully benefited from Puppet Li. Now that JBZ has revealed all his crimes, he can die in peace. Before his death, he tells JBZ about Qiao Shou Tang (the second survivor). Ah, the murderer remembers his promise to the winner. Qiao Shou Tang is no longer alive but was grateful death was at his door which means he was guilty of a crime.

The murderer also gives JBZ a crystal. Ming Yue recognizes the crystal and whoever knows of its origins is to die. JBZ is probably on her to-kill list now. By the way, Ming Yue is still working her charm on Zhao Wo Huan. Unconsciously, she's also charmed by him.
Our most wanted Zhan Shi Qi is still alive. She cleverly deciphers who her next assassin is and kills him before he kills her. However, she barely escapes the next assassination if not for her master (Zhan Shi Er #12). And it seems like her master is the only one who can kill her but she has another assassination to take care of first.

Si Ma Dang and the thief have such funny exchanges. Too bad everyone takes their separate path. Only JBZ and ZWH remain together. They arrive at a hotel where a sick old man has gathered the world's best (and weirdest) physicians to cure him. I'm having a lapse of prosopagnosia because of the hotel lady. I can't be certain if she's Zhan Shi Qi's master. Is her next assassination target JBZ?
[Ep11] New character: Xiao Yao Nu (Little Devil Girl). She's a physician who's notorious for healing Shi Sha Men's assassins. Every new case introduces a new pretty girl. Every time someone mentions "Shi Sha Men" there's an old man who gets mad, it's funny. I like that the drama remembered our hero has two deadly poisons in him because I didn't remember. What better place to be than in a hotel full of masterful doctors.

Zhao Wo Huan lost the pouch his crush (Ming Yue) gave him. JBZ recreates the scene by acting as his lover to trigger his memories. ZWH can barely take him seriously but with JBZ's help he does remember how he lost his valuable pouch. Together they retrieve it but an assassin is here for JBZ. ZWH fends him off and signs off with a cool pose like all cool men do. The great ZWH brags about his new skills only to faint over the next second. Haha.

Luckily there are a ton of physicians here. I had wondered why they chose Xiao Yao Nu of all the doctors but it's because JBZ wants information on Zhan Shi Qi. He doesn't get any. XYN is tight-lipped and values patient confidentiality. She also values money. She will save anyone as long as they can pay for it. No problem-o. JBZ may be wuxia-less but he's a rich boy. He's got unlimited empty cheques. Woo. As long as he writes his dad's name on the cheque, the money will come flowing. ZWH is grateful for the money and the treatment but he's terribly afraid of the pain, lol,
[Ep12] JBZ's poisons worsen. A black cloaked physician treats him, extending JBZ's life for six more months. Meanwhile another murder has taken place. JBZ is out about looking for clues and the master (#12) is out for his life. Another black cloaked figure saves him in the nick of time. The black cloaked ladies are the same and it's none other than Zhan Shi Qi. She also returns in time to be jealous of Xiao Yao Nu.

Xiao Yao Nu is happy to help JBZ with the case. She suggests they address each other on friendlier terms. Her real name is Gong Que. She wants to address JBZ and ZWH as Lao Jian and Lao Zhao respectively. Chinese men have a thing where they address friends by their last names adding "Lao" (meaning "old") as the title. Following that logic, she wants to be addressed as Lao Gong. LOL. It's funny because it sounds exactly like "老公" which means "husband". Our intelligent JBZ agrees to call her that in a heartbeat not knowing her intentions. ZWH finds everything wrong with that name but Gong Que interrupts and tells him to stick to calling her Xiao Yao Nu. She was only interested in JBZ anyway. I lol'd again at ZWH's terrified expression when JBZ calls her "Lao Gong".

[Ep13] Like I said, never underestimate old frail looking men in this drama. The culprit is the old man who invited all the famous doctors to the hotel. However, all the doctors agree on curing him before punishing him because they had promised to. Except there's more to this murder case. The old man might not be the real killer. He definitely is next to be killed though.

On a lighter note, Gong Que asks JBZ if he has someone he likes. Because, you know, she likes him. Our straightforward JBZ tells her in all honesty he likes Shan Shi Qi and breaks her heart without knowing it. I like that Gong Que remains optimistic and hopes he'll change his mind. ZSQ observes the entire conversation from afar but I don't know if she can hear it at all. Even if she does, she can't reciprocate because she's still on the run for her life.

[Ep14] Ye Xiao Xiao is not Ye Xiao Xiao, he is Zhang Da Feng but he is not Zhang Da Feng.  Confused? He's known as A Thousand Faces. He doesn't have a real personality, he takes on the persona of whoever entices him. Gender doesn't matter. Presently he is Ye Xiao Xiao. JBZ was suspicious of him but now that his identity is revealed, he’s no longer a suspect. His transformations were so creepy, I loved it. One moment he's scary and the next he's docile again.

Back to the case, the scriptwriter deserves an applause. This case is so interesting. The old man thought he killed the victim but before the old man could kill him, the real murderer had already killed him. Then the murderer pretended to be the victim to allow the old man to "kill" him creating what he thought was the perfect crime. His motive? To avenge dozens of children who were used as human experiments to cure the old men. Death was too easy of a punishment for these "victims". This case had me emotionally wrought.

Case is closed and all the physicians are leaving but JBZ has a request for Ye Xiao Xiao to stay, “I have someone I want to kill.” Huh.

[Ep15] This episode we see Zhan Shi Qi's past. She was assigned to kill the previous #17 who have also betrayed their organization. Such a pretty fight scene. And I learned how the umbrella kills. She'll never forget the look on her husband's face: there was no hate, just coldness and pity. The previous #17 gave herself a name: Liu Se Xin ("Liu Se" = green and "Xin" = new). From then on she never hoped for anything and therefore never imagined she could have a happy ending with JBZ. She only wants to protect him because he's the man who tenderly treated her wounds and treated her like a woman.

So back to the present, ZSQ is severely injured from her master (#12) who wants to kill JBZ. JBZ tells her he doesn't know how to use swords...but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use knives. Lol. JBZ sends knives flying in her direction and once she moves three more steps, she'll die. But wait, JBZ doesn't know how to use knives. The man who does know is Ye Xiao Xiao. YXX, or A Thousand Faces, has taken on JBZ's identity to help him kill the master. So cool! The master chooses to die rather than reveal Shi Sha Men's reason to kill him. Even her underling refuses to reveal anything. He runs away but Gong Que "accidentally" kills him. She says it wasn't on purpose, but...it was??

Ye Xiao Xiao didn't promise to help for free. JBZ offered to solve the death of the real Ye Xiao Xiao. With that, YXX willingly follows JBZ on his quests. It's odd, I thought Gong Que would have been the one to accompany JBZ but she's the one who leaves. It's a tearful farewell for her. She loves JBZ but she knows he won't love her back. I'm really going to miss Gong Que's presence. Not only does Gong Que leave, so does ZSQ. Unlike Gong Que though, Zhan Shi Qi has someone to chase after her. It’s JBZ.
JBZ: Among two people, only one person needs to be smart. Two smart people will be annoying. It's the words Gong Que taught him.
ZSQ asks him if he has someone he likes to which he replies he does.
ZSQ: Did you want to reveal it first or did you want her to reveal it?
JBZ: It doesn't matter who reveals it, as long as we live together everyday then isn't everything revealed? Come with us.
And she joins. (: Zhan Shi Qi is more clumsy than I thought. Or actually, I never thought she'd be clumsy. She's been dying to shower and somehow loses their horses. For days she's been hearing Zhao Wo Huan complaining about it, heh.

[Ep16] There's a romantic moment where JBZ is satisfied with the smallest things ZSQ does but she holds his face and tells him "Actually, I can do much more for you." This moment is, of course, interrupted by the third and fourth wheelers, ZWH and YXX.

Once they reach the city, Zhan Shi Qi's inner girliness bursts and she's on a shopping (and eating) spree. ZWH has grown to dislike her more and more. Zhao Wo Huan is so jealous, it's hilarious.  There's a scene where a man delivered a high pitch scream. Zhan Shi Qi and JBZ cover each other's ears. ZWH wanted to protect JBZ too but he's too late. Disappointed he covers his own. Lol. Back to business, their plans to visit Bai Chao Zhe Master, the third survivor, is throttled, thus our cute crew of four sneak into the manor with ZWH as leader. He practically whined his way to get the leader position over ZSQ, haha.

[Ep17] There's a lady disciple who is actually Zhan Jiu (#9) in disguise. She's part of the intelligence department of Shi Sha Men. She tells Shi Qi that her skills are excellent as a killer but not as a human being. She advises her she needs to fight to live and not to die. That way she can live to protect the man she loves. She also reveals her identity to JBZ. Why is she so nice to these two? Because of JBZ's father. She was (is?) in love with his father and had promised him to never betray Bai Master. Through the Jian jade, she learns of JBZ's identity. She tells him her days are numbered and gives him two pieces of advices: to never reveal his true name to anyone else and to drop his quest to recover immediately. JBZ has three more months to live.

Bai Chao Zhe Master is dead. Jian Bu Zhi has hit another dead end. Someone is preventing JBZ from learning more about his father's past. They're killing everyone JBZ wants information from. JBZ meets darkness at every corner; he's emotionally suffocating. He's able to solve everyone else's mysteries but when it comes to his own, he's powerless. ZSQ cries for him and kisses him when he's asleep. The next morning she disappears.

Zhao Wo Huan is a little scary to be honest. He's taken martial lessons/advice from the previous culprit (Zhong He Shan) and upgraded his skills even more. What is the advice? "Little is more; slow is fast; weak is strong". What. Ever. 

[Ep18] ZSQ leaves to accomplish JBZ's unrealized quest. JBZ wants to follow but ZWH interferes (for obvious health reasons). He's worried for his brother but JBZ doesn't need this kind of brother who's stopping him from protecting the woman he loves. The two men end their brotherly bond over this. That is until ZWH overhears someone call himself Zhan Si (#4). ZWH declares that if he wants to kill his brother, he first needs to kill him. Zhan Si has already assassinated Zhan Jiu (so this is what she meant when she said her days were numbered). He's Shi Sha Men's ultimate fighter. But don't underestimate our Zhao Wo Huan. His lightening speed improvement was meant for this battle. Sooooooo cool. He stands his ground against Zhan Si but he's still losing. ZWH suddenly experiences an epiphany and finally understands the monk's words: "little is more; slow is fast; weak is strong." Zhan Si has met his match and dies under the moonlight.
When ZWH wakes up from his injury, he's under the care of Ye Xiao Xiao. He pretends to not care about JBZ but he's exposed once he openly worries about him being outside of the carriage. JBZ checks up on him but ZWH pretends to fall asleep. Thus, JBZ reassures YXX that he can handle stitching up his wounds from here, he did have practice with sewing clothes before. It shouldn't be thaaat different. The scaredy-cat is forced to wake up from his pretend sleep, lol. I love these two. Plus Ye Xiao Xiao.

Zhan Shi Qi has found her way to meet this Wang dude, the last surviving survivor JBZ wants to meet. She offers to kill a man for him but he needs something else done in exchange for his information.
[Ep19] JBZ and ZSQ reunite in the most romantic way but there's a bunch of awkward onlookers. Zhang Da Dan makes a reappearance. He saved ZSQ and her hostage who's a young man who keeps calling her a young girl. Turns out he's the real Wang dude they're looking for. His underlings had betrayed him and he lost all his cultivation (temporarily). He also has a new face because he underwent plastic surgery. Wang Old Man has planned it so that Zhang Da Dan and the unknowing ZSQ can save him. Brilliant. I thought ZSQ and the new young guy had a cute chemistry, but now that I know he's the Wang old man, nevermind.

The people who love Jian Bu Zhi are finally friends. Zhan Shi Qi pats Zhao Wo Huan’s shoulders thanking him for saving JBZ. She tells him that from now on she will protect him too. I thought he'd be touched but he's offended. Very offended, LOL. Why does he, the man who killed Zhan Si (#4), need protection from Zhan Shi Qi (#17). The more he thinks about it, the more disgruntled he becomes. Heh.

[Ep20] ZWH reunites with Ming Yue oh so conveniently when our group is looking for a way to escape and help Wang Old Man recover his position. Only then can JBZ retrieve the information he wants about Wang Hua. JBZ devises a plan but Ming Yue intends to foil it. She has to kill JBZ before he discovers the real meaning of the names hidden in the crystal. Poor ZWH who’s innocently giving all his heart to her. I liked their sweet scene especially with Zhang Da Dan’s constant interruption, heh.

There was an interesting conversation between Wang Old Man and JBZ. Wang questions why he’s not cherishing the time with Zhan Shi Qi, a girl who’s willing to risk her life for him. JBZ tells him even if it means losing his life and hurting ZSQ, JBZ needs to solve the mysteries of Wang Hua. As JBZ leaves him, Wang Old Man calls him a “亡命之徒”, someone who risks their life for something that is meant for doom.

[Ep21] JBZ and ZSQ set out that morning to retrieve the sacred item of Wang Old Man's. However, they're trailed and JBZ orders ZSQ to escape. He had promised her that as long as she lives, he'll find her no matter where she is. She tearfully leaves him as ordered and JBZ is captured. The man ordered to punish him to speak of Wang's whereabouts is none other than the old man from the first case, Hu Ba Yue. He's the man who saved him by giving him the second poison to counteract the first one. Here, he also protects JBZ from being punished any further.

Their plan is utterly crippled and everyone’s captured. Or so you think. Everyone had underestimated one person. Jian Bu Zhi is not that person. It’s Wang Old Man. All his cultivation has recovered. He launches an all powerful attack that has all his traitors killed in an instant. So that's why the two men had that conversation that night. Everyone’s confused except JBZ. ZSQ demands to know the truth among the chaos but JBZ tells her to watch out for the man behind her. She kicks the man without taking her eyes off of JBZ. Curiosity is burning through her eyes. She doesn’t like JBZ leaving her in the dark. But when ZWH reveals his displeasure too, she’s like as long as JBZ wants it that way, she’ll be happy. Jeeez.

JBZ has suspected Zhang Da Dan all along because of one question he asked: where is the sacred item. If he was loyal his concern should have been Wang’s health and not the item? The defeated villain wants revenge on JBZ for foiling his plans but he’s got three human shields willing to sacrifice for him. Ye Xiao Xiao blocks the first move, Zhan Shi Qi the second. The most impressive is Zhao Wo Huan. Zhao Wo Huan uses his own neck to protect JBZ. YXX clearly hears a clack sound and is impressed when ZWH is perfectly fine. Everyone else is impressed by the speed of his reactions too.
ZWH smartly replies: The moment he turned his butt, I already knew what type of poop he was going to poo. LOL.
However the most surprising event of the episode is Wang Old Man's death. When the three human shields were enacting their powers to protect JBZ, someone had slit his throat with a sword. Wang was way too powerful to die like this....! Without a second to waste, JBZ has figured it all out: “The culprit is...you.” And the episode ends here.

[Ep22]  It's Bai Cao Zhe (so he wasn't dead). That's the real identity of Hu Ba Yue, that first old man. See, never underestimate old men. But how come he doesn't look as old anymore. His reason for killing not only Wang, but also the survivor (Li) is because they all deserve to die. The four survivors including Bai are the reason why JBZ's father passed away. The five of them had made a pact to take down Wang Hua but when it came to the actual battle the four of them had cowardly taken shelter because of fear, leaving JBZ's father to his death. Bai Cao Zhe also tells JBZ that Wang Hua had died despite the missing corpse. Now that the three survivors had died (two of them at his hands), he takes his own life too and jumps off the cliff completing the revenge for JBZ's father. He dies without regret. In his lifetime he was able to meet two heroes. One is JBZ's father, Jian Jin Huan, and the other is JBZ himself.

JBZ had fainted for ten days because of his poisons. His time is limited. When he wakes up, he dreams of Gong Que. That surprised me. But it was actually Gong Que! She lied about traveling to be the best physician. She went to Hai Wu Lady, the only person who can cure JBZ. Since Gong Que had a feeling JBZ wouldn't show up, she personally brought Hai Wu Lady to him. Aw. Another familiar figure reappears too: Si Ma Dang! He's learned of JBZ's fatal poisons and is here to record his last words. Haha. Immediately Gong Que and Si Ma Dang form quite the frenemies.
With a few questions, Si Ma Dang is able to sniff out Gong Que's tiny crush for Jian Bu Zhi. Si Ma Dang's round of (innocently) offensive comments don't end there. Turns out Hai Wu Lady isn't actually a lady. He's a man or perhaps more specifically a transgender. Si Ma Dang lists all his nasty temperaments right in front of him. By the way, they're supposed to pamper the guy so he treats JBZ. Initially, they had relied on Ye Xiao Xiao to pave the way but from the looks of it, it seems the two men had a lover's quarrel? I have no idea.

To satisfy Hai Wu Lady, ZSQ offers to kill someone for him, not to lose out on helping JBZ, ZWH offers to run naked for him (but regrets when he looks at the two ladies next to him), JBZ offers to solve a case for him, Gong Que offers her family's medical books, and Ye Xiao Xiao also offers something. But before he can finish his sentence, Hai Wu Lady angrily cuts him off. A lovers quarrel, right? Hai Wu wants none of that. Only one person in that group can satisfy him and that's Si Ma Dang.
[Ep23] Si Ma Dang covers his chest to protect himself but Hai Wu Lady doesn’t want his body. Hai Wu Lady's request is for Si Ma Dang to rewrite his history to be this beautiful person who everyone loves. Basically, everything is amazing and nice. Si Ma Dang takes pride in his accuracy and flatly refuses. However, Gong Que won't let the last hope for Jian Bu Zhi go to waste. She betrays her principles and gives Si Ma Dang the full list of all the assassins she's treated to trade for Si Ma Dang's help. It's not just a matter of principles, Gong Que is risking her life for JBZ for betraying Shi Sha Men. She had once mentioned that she'll only reveal such information for someone truly important to her. JBZ is that person to her. After receiving the list, Si Ma Dang understands the depth of her sacrifice and he, the number one handsome man, can't destroy her life like that so he burns her list. Aww. But how exactly is handsomeness related at all. He reluctantly accepts Hai Wu Lady's request. However, tears come out as he writes each fallacious sentence. Gong Que has tears in her eyes too as she comforts him. Awww. Hai Wu Lady is touched and decides to save JBZ without a reward.
ZWH proposes and Ming Yue agrees. Unfortunately, it's not sincere. She still has a mission to kill JBZ and retrieve the crystal, which is now with ZWH.

[Ep24] Ming Yue makes ZWH drunk and tells him the origins of her name. Her brother wanted her to be like "Ming Yue" to give light to the darkness. She cries and tells ZWH that he is like the sun to her giving her warmth. However, no matter how much she likes him, she cannot betray Shi Sha Men. She takes the crystal from his neck and disappears. We get a flashback to the reason why she's the one who's carrying out the mission. She had made a condition that if she were successful, Shi Sha Men would spare ZWH for killing Zhan Si.
The next day all five of them (Zhan Shi Qi, Gong Que, Hai Wu Lady, Ye Xiao Xiao, and Si Ma Dang) gather their qi to cure JBZ's poison. Where is Zhao Wo Huan you ask? He's too drunk. This is the perfect opportunity to assassinate JBZ because the healing process cannot be interrupted. All of them volunteer to die before JBZ (except Hai Wu Lady, lol). Luckily JBZ has foreseen all of this and has instructed ZSQ to call for help. However, he couldn't warn his buddy of Ming Yue in time.

ZWH wakes up after the battle is over. He remembers everything from last night and stops Ming Yue from leaving. Unfortunately she chooses death over him. Tearfully, he lets her leave but demands her to return him his jade bracelet, his family heirloom. His father told him he's only allowed to give it once in his life and the moment it's worn it cannot be taken off.
Ming Yue tearfully replies: This is mine. D:
The group decides to let Ming Yue recover their crystal. Inside were names of all their assassins from fifteen years ago. JBZ rather not expose that list in order to maintain peace. Without Ming Yue, at least ZWH still has his buddy. JBZ plans to take him and ZSQ to meet his dead father. ZWH smiles and agrees. Gong Que pouts on the side disappointed that his plans don't include her. Meanwhile at this moment, Si Ma Dang is called for duty. When he's about to leave, his eyes linger on our red-eyed Gong Que who's about to cry. Belatedly, Gong Que decides to leave with Si Ma Dang :D seeing as there's no room in JBZ's heart for her. I hope she catches him because Si Ma Dang's speed is no joke

Ye Xiao Xiao and Hai Wu Lady also get a happy ending. Hai Wu Lady knew that Ye Xiao Xiao had passed away and that's why he's unwilling to accept the current YXX. However, this YXX is able to say the exact words that had made Hai Wu Lady idolize YXX. Turns out, our A Thousand Faces eavesdropped on their conversation eight years ago. When YXX knew he had won over Hai Wu Lady, he gave a winning smile behind his back. Hehe
Now our group is down to four. JBZ only had plans to take ZSQ and ZWH to visit his father. However, why is Ye Xiao Xiao tagging along? JBZ and everyone else feign ignorance as YXX tries to remind everyone why he's trailing them. You see, there's still Ye Xiao Xiao's mystery to solve, heh
There's another mystery unsolved: the corpse of Wang Hua. Bai Cao Zhe tells us Wang Hua is Jian Bu Zhi! During the battle eight years ago, Wang Hua's mask had shattered and all four survivors had seen Wang Hua's face. Wang Old Man couldn't recognize JBZ because of the medication he took for his plastic surgery. He had memory problems. Qiao Shou Tang never got to see the current Jian Bu Zhi because he had already passed away. Li became blind afterwards hence he couldn't see JBZ. When Li had touched JBZ's face he had recognized him but he was killed by BCZ before he could say anything. The only man who recognized JBZ immediately was Bai Cao Zhe. He wanted to kill JBZ the first night he saw him but he was saved by Zhan Shi Qi. The more BCZ got to know him, the more he saw Jian's heroism in JBZ. The moment BCZ killed Li, he had already decided to take this mystery to his grave and make JBZ a hero worthy of the surname Jian. To BCZ, Wang Hua is dead. 

At the very last scene there are two mysterious men whose faces we never get to see. They're looking for Wang Hua and discover he's forgotten everything and changed his name to Jian Bu Zhi. The mysterious man reveals the soul stirring medication he gave him had lost its effect. He decides to pay Jian Bu Zhi a visit. The end. I'm still trying to process this ending


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] After episode one: Darn it, I love this type of show. It's wuxia with mystery and teamwork plus some romance. There's a lot of furtive gazes and subtle hints that make everyone suspicious whether it's for the current case or the overarching case. It's enjoyably suspenseful. And this is 24 episodes. Sweet.

[Names]: The names in this drama use awfully simple Chinese characters for our main heroes. Jian Bu Zhi means something along the lines of "Simply don't know". It has a literal meaning because he really doesn't know his name. The irony is he's a know-it-all detective, so how could he not know anything? Zhan Shi Qi is an even simpler name. Shi Qi means 17. She's killer number 17. Her name is deprived of any human nature but she yearns to be treated like a woman.
[Actor/Actresses] Wang Ruo Shan had an awful hairdo in Just an Encore. Seeing her here, I didn't know she was this pretty.

[By Episode 9] Of all the detective/crime dramas, this is by far the most intriguing one this year. When a drama becomes case heavy that's usually my cue to focus my attention elsewhere but this one just grabs it all. Not only that but most of the new characters get a worthy story of their own.

[Behind the Scenes] With a consistent high rating of this drama in China, BTS are finally easily available. I remember searching high and low for them. Now they're all released on YouTube. I'm only going over my favouite ones. 
  • Zhao Wo Huan's interview made me smile. He's funny on and off screen. He went in depth to describe the scene of his one and only argument with Jian Bu Zhi. He was still emotional in the interview as he told us that he couldn't even look Jian Bu Zhi in the eye because he would cry. Awww. 
  • I just like Zhao Wo Huan. Whoever chose the music, kudos to him/her. The lyrics are "You are crazyyyy~~" when he's riding his make-believe horse. 
  • Ye Xiao Xiao (1:20) stressing that he and Hai Wu Lady are only brothers.. 
  • Gong Que is a cutie off the screen. She tells us that off screen she likes Jian Bu Zhi (2:50) the most because he's got the thickest clothing. Ha. They're filming in cold weather and she's complaining about her own flimsy attire. 
  • Zhao Wo Huan and Jian Bu Zhi's skinship that makes Gong Que's jaw drop. xD
  • Everyone fooling Ye Xiao Xiao. As he's introducing himself as the interviewer, all his interviewees (Zhao Wo Huan, Jian Bu Zhi, and Gong Que) ditch him. Haha. It was a good prank. 
  • The NG queen is Zhan Si Qi. She laughs at anything. She's also the one that said in another clip if anyone makes an NG (says the wrong line) they should be penalized. She's eating her own words. 
  • And every other BTS of the guys playing around. The games are mostly organized by Zhao Wo Huan. 
[Unaired Footage] They're available on YouTube if you search for "Ancient Detective Bonus Clips". These are scenes that I think should have been around Episode 17 where Jian Bu Zhi, Zhao Wo Huan, Ye Xiao Xiao and Zhan Shi Qi have to enter four different competitions in order to find Bai Chao Zhe. I don't have time to explain anything in depth here just picking out what I liked. I wished they could have aired this as an entire episode because it would have fleshed out a ton of characters that were glossed over in the last arc of the drama. 
  1. They're figuring out the order of who should battle first. Zhao Wo Huan is making the most fuss but once he knows he's number one in Jian Bu Zhi's heart, all is okay. He's made to play chess when he has no idea how to. 
  2. The umbrella finally does what it's supposed to do. It's actually a parachute that allows Zhan Shi Qi to reach the ground the latest and therefore winning her battle. 
  3. Zhao Wo Huan's chess scene was supposed to be a game of brains that turned into a game of strength. 
  4. Ye Xiao Xiao's battle is to win volleyball. The ball is a bomb though. I also just realized Ye Xiao Xiao won't ever kill so therefore this was a hard game for him to win. This was the scene Ye Xiao Xiao was describing in his interview that was really hard to film. Too bad it didn't air. 
  5. Jian Bu Zhi has a battle of wits against Zhan Jiu (the lady who likes his father). In the midst of the battle his sword was stolen. His quiz is to figure out who stole it. 
  6. Zhan Shi Qi's bodily like reflexes to protect JBZ from anyone who's trying to harm him. Even if it's Ye Xiao Xiao who's trying to cure JBZ.
  7. The sword thief is Zhao Wo Huan. He was threatened by Zhan Jiu to steal it otherwise she'll take JBZ's life. 
[Ending]: I am full-heartedly satisfied with this ending, I don't need a season two. The drama started with the tale of a perished hero and ended with the birth of a new hero. Bai Cao Zhe was a coward but in the end he chose courage; he committed to concealing the truth from Jian Bu Zhi in order to create a hero. I can't say killing the two other survivors was morally correct but for BCZ it is the required sacrifice for the greater good. Jian Bu Zhi, like his name, is better off never knowing his past. The only problem with BCZ's perfectly crafted ending is the dark figure in the last scene. The people who know of Wang Hua's real features aren't just the four survivors. That dark figure created Wang Hua and now wants to resurrect Wang Hua. JBZ's current powerless state still has its mysteries. This last scene brings about so many questions: Who made him powerless? Jian Jin Huan? Is JBZ's inner madness of nature or of nurture. If he was born evil then the soul stirring medication was to stir his inner desires. If he wasn't born evil then the medication turned him into an evil beast. I believe in the latter and that's why I don't need a second season. JBZ will overcome his identity as long as he remains true to his current beliefs and his team is still as loyal.

Final Review

[Review]: This does not disappoint! I was doubtful of everyone. I was engrossed in all the cases and I was rooting for all the relationships. 
All my faves in one picture 
Characters: It’s not a studded cast and frankly because of that it makes me love this drama even more. There’s so many characters and yet each of them are memorable. No character wasted, no scene wasted.
  1. Jian Bu Zhi: He possesses the sexiest brain. Unfortunately he is the least funny and least charismatic of all the significant characters. But all these significant characters love him enough to die for him so I feel like I should love him too. [Sp] His funniest scene was the reveal of his filthy rich background [/Sp]. 
  2. Zhao Wo Huan: He possesses the slowest brain. He may have the sexist body if we got to see it. He’s got a body made for mastering wuxia skills overnight. I hope I wasn’t the only one who was suspicious of him for a good portion of the drama. He’d be a formidable opponent if he turned on JBZ. His most redeeming characteristic: he’ll never turn on JBZ. [Sp] His coolest scene: that fight with Zhan Si. His most heart-breaking scene: asking for the jade back from Ming Yue. His funniest scene: there’s too many. His true love: Jian Bu Zhi. If it’s not obvious by now, he’s my favourite character [/Sp]. 
  3. Zhan Shi Qi: She possesses the finest art of assassination. She kills for a living but what she truly wants is to live like an ordinary girl. JBZ indulges her, especially when he’s the rich boy to all her materialistic desires. She’s not in it for the money, she fell in love with his sexy brain. Ironically, she is our innocent leading lady who’s slaughtered more than she can remember. Her funniest scene: when she back kicks an enemy without batting an eye. 
  4. Ye Xiao Xiao: He possesses the creepiest ability. It is also that reason why I love him. [Sp] His coolest scene: his creepy ability to transform from one personality to another. His funniest scene: when he sheepishly hides from a man-lady. His indifference makes him the lowest maintenance for JBZ among the group of four. Highest maintenance is ZWH who’s always jealous [/Sp]. 
  5. Gong Que: She possesses the biggest (yet principled) greed. She’ll cure anyone as long as there’s cash. She dreams of being the world’s best physician. She’ll never betray her patients unless it’s for someone she loves. She’s principled in her career and love. [Sp] Her most touching scene: when she betrayed her principles for JBZ. Her funniest scene: when she made JBZ call her Lao Gong [/Sp].
  6. Si Ma Dong: He possesses the quickest feet. He’s a historian who will write down everything and anything. He’ll never forge history even if it’s for a person he loves - that is his principle. [Sp] His most touching scene: when he forged history to sacrifice in Gong Que’s stead. His funniest scene: when he uses his speed unexpectedly and when he wanted to record JBZ’s last words [/Sp].
Cases: [All Spoilers] There’s four (or five) major murders cases and it’s a feat how the drama made me remember each of them so vividly.
  1. A woman for her love. So many things I loved about the first case that really had nothing to do with the case itself. The character introductions were compelling: Zhan Shi Qi slayed; Hu Ba Yue old man’s battle with the monk still makes me snicker whenever I recall it. Thinking back, Hu Ba Yue actually lost on purpose to appear meek. This case also had the most hints for the overarching case. Romance peaked here for our main leads.   
  2. A disciple for his master. I don’t think the disciple had a convincing motive to kill. It did have the best eerie mood of the four cases. This case also introduced Ming Yue and the intelligence division of Shi Sha Men which was darkly intriguing. Bromance peaked here for our main leads. 
  3. A doctor for his patients. The most empathetic and brilliantly schemed murder. This is my favourite case and it brought about two of my favourite characters: Gong Que and Ye Xiao Xiao. Secondary romance peaked here for Gong Que. Despite my love for Zhan Shi Qi, Gong Que won me over too. 
  4. A coward for his regret. The last murder happened in a flash and was solved in a flash. I liked the entirety of it starting from meeting the young Wang Old Man. He’s the only victim the drama allowed me to love before his death. I’m a little disappointed he died so easily at the hands of another old man. I am impressed with the way it happened because it brought about one of my favourite scenes: JBZ’s three human shields. 
  5. A hero for a hero. The overarching case that started the drama and ended the drama. The murderer is the detective himself. Jian Jin Huan dies at the hands of his murderer which gave birth to a new hero, the murderer himself. 
B/Romances: I liked all of it. The drama spent just enough time on all the relationships. Not too much, not too little.
  1. Jian Bu Zhi & Zhan Shi Qi: She’s the woman who scared him and protected him and he’s the man who treated her like a woman despite knowing her identity. I feel like it didn’t have to be these two in love but because they met they’ve chosen each other and it can’t be anyone else. 
  2. Jian Bu Zhi & Zhao Wo Huan: ZWH feels like he’s in an unrequited love with JBZ. He’ll die for him and suffer for him like it’s his life mission. I think I love these two on screen more than the main romance purely because of the humour it entails. 
  3. Zhao Wo Huan & Ming Yue: Didn’t go in with much hope but felt empty once she left him. The drama chose the perfect actress for this role. She looks so sweet when she’s supposed to and her love for him was believable. 
  4. Gong Que & Jian Bu Zhi: It’s an unrequited love and I naturally found myself rooting for her despite my support for the OTP. That’s good storytelling and characterization. 
  5. Gong Que & Si Ma Dang: They have an incredibly short amount of screen time but quantity doesn’t matter. They didn’t do anything that was typically romantic yet they won me over completely. They’re the cute bickering ones. When it comes to their careers, there’s not many who can match their passion. 
[Verdict]: I have nothing but love for this drama: all the characters, all the cases, and all the relationship. It’s suspenseful with a comedic beat. It’s romantic and bromantic. It’s smart and emotionally captivating. Exceptionally well balanced. 

Random Recommendation. The Taoism Grandmaster
