September 6, 2023

I Am Nobody | Open Thread

I Am Nobody
A shameless outcast beating all outcasts. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Peng Yu Chang: Zhang Chu Lan
Hou Ming Hao: Wang Ye
(Author: Mi Er)
Chinese Title
Under the Outcasts
Episodes: 27

Jump to Review | Comments

Season 2


Peng Yu Chang:
Zhang Chu Lan
Wang Ying Lu:
Feng Bao Bao
Hou Ming Hao:
Wang Ye
Wanyan Luo Rong:
Zhuge Qing
Bi Wen Jun:
Zhang Ling Yu
Jiang Pei Yao:
Xia He
Wang Yi Zhe:
Xu San
Xu Yue:
Xu Si
Dai Si:
Feng Sha Yan
Niu Chao:
Jia Zheng Liang
Xiu Qing:
Feng Zheng Hao
Zhang Chen Xiao:
Feng Xing Tong
Jing Yan Jun:
Lv Liang
Hao Shao Wen:
Gao Ning
Kang Yuan:
Shen Chong
Huang Jin:
Dou Mei

The Grandpas

Wang Xue Qi:
Zhang Zhi Wei
Zhang Qi:
Zhang Huai Yi
Wang Kui Rong:
Tian Jin Zhong
Shen Bao Ping:
Lu Jin


Shall we bury Wang Ye?
3rd CP
Bao Bao vs Wang Ye

Wang Ye vs Zhang Chu Lan

Zhang Chu Lan vs. Bao Bao
Zhang Chu Lan vs Zhang Ling Yu

Zhang Chu Lan and Bao Bao :')

Zhang Chu Lan's Lost Poster for our Taoist Priest Grandpa
BB's eyes: Get your seatbelts on and butt back in my slave's car!
"Give me your hand"
We. Are. Totally. Selling. Potatoes. 
His phone case looks like anime FBB
Bao Bao is saving the boys with headlocks
Give Bao Bao her duck!
She'll just get it herself xD 
Chill, Zhang Chu Lan. Keep your golden balls.
The elephant in the room
Ending: Happy. Ends at a good spot for a drama that's based on an anime with ongoing seasons. 


Five (5/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn
Date: September 2023
I Am Nobody conquered an uncharted territory of Chinese dramaland. It’s a contemporary-supernatural-wuxia dream come true. The OST is eargasm. This show is filled with adrenaline, comedy, and heart. One minute I’ll be laughing, and the next I’ll be holding back tears, and these fluxes of emotions are bountiful. It feels so good. The whole show is a mindless adrenaline rush that will suddenly punch me in the heart here and there.

Thank heavens its second debut (resuming at Ep5) was clutch because this started on two left feet for me. The comedy was hitting outer space. Then it was suspended on its premiere day. The speculation is that Youku didn’t actually get its license to air before airing. It was also airing 10am in its own country (which they changed later).

Zhang Chu Lan and Feng Bao Bao are the only master-slave relationship I’ll ever hail. Their bond is indestructible in the most aggressively and hilariously touching ways. He wants to find someone who cares about him, and she wants to find belonging. Hello! Look at each other please.

The secondary romances are thrilling and unexpected. Really unexpected. There’s also a handful of bromantic moments (involving characters from Peng Yu Chang, Hou Ming Hao, Bi Wen JunWanyan Luo Rong, etc). The bros are fun, but easily predictable.

The villains were unpredictable but not way left field. I love that.

The epicness is grandpa level. Those fights. Those tournaments. Zhang Chu Lan’s golden moment, lol.

The grandpas are also epic. Especially grandpas rocking neon orange sneakers. 

Acting was all around amazing (but actually I saw more of Hou Ming Hao’s limit. Wang Ye was great because the character was great, and not because Hou Ming Hao made him great). I really hope Peng Yu Chang and Wang Ying Lu come back for S2, and all the seasons in fact. They own their role. No one outshone them except themselves, not even the grandpas even though I loved them. I had wanted to say that Wang Ying Lu delivered the best performance as Feng Bao Bao but I don’t think her character would be so magnetic if her ML wasn’t someone like Peng Yu Chang who gravitates around her and despite his shamelessness and foolishness, he expressed various levels of gravitas.

The only gripe I have is I’m only getting a peek of this galactical story. By the end, the calamity is still a calamitous mystery. Other than that (inevitable lack of closure), there was a climax to this ending, which wrapped up heartwarmingly.

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Four (4/5)

Three (3/5)

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)


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