A fire breaks out. Our firefighters are called to action. Nan Chu smartly leads the crowd away from the fire and teaches them how to block the smoke from coming in. LLX tells our Newbs that for today's mission, they are only allowed to watch.
Dr. Xia Wan meets our crew. She is ready for them to bring out the victims. Liu Ru Yi specifically tells her to be careful.
Our firefighters use cool equipment to light up the exit path and blow away the smoke. Doors are being axed down. Nan Chu flashes back to her first fire experience. LLX comes in, places a respirator over her, and carries her out. She looks at him as they wheel her into the ambulance.
The Newbs are restless. They want to prove themselves and help. They found an elderly man but forgot to bring an extra mask. Yi Jiu gives him his own mask. The newbs come out of the smoky building sputtering and breathless.
Liu Ru Yi cutely vents his anger with bicep curls. The poor Newbs think he is fuming mad at them. Yu Qi Lei comforts them. They ask who Inspector Lou is. Lou is a bit weird. He always has his own opinion about equipment and training. He even gets into heated fights with Captain Meng about new equipment. No one likes him. Poor Inspector Lou. He is a innovative thinker with really low social skills. And it wasn't retaliation. By-the-book, if there is an injury, the station loses its qualification for evaluation.
Liu Ru Yi may need to thank LMY for his buff physique. LMY must anger him often. The boys ask him the real reason he exercises. He is afraid of death, afraid of making those who love him worry. Isn't that contradictory for someone to be afraid of death to be a firefighter? He is brave. He strives to be the best to keep his teammates safer. His grandparents passed away years ago. He is alone, but his teammates, including our Newbs, are his family. Liu Ru Yi may seem like a simple muscle dude, but he gives sweet thoughtful guidance. Maybe that's why he was LMY's Shi fu.
Fire Safety Tip: Actor Wang Zi Qi (Lou Ming Ye). Combustion causes carbon dioxide. How to escape a smoky environment.
LLX leads the training class. The Newbs are called to answer how they could have prevented their safety mask incident. There are punished to copy the safety manual 3 times. Later, Yu Qi Lei gives them his personal book where he documented his cases to help them learn. Mother Yang also gives them a pep talk. He tells them about the little boy that LLX couldn't save in the earthquake.
Instructor Yang and LLX are chatting in their room. Yang wants LLX to be the boys' Shi Fu. LLX is hesitant but won't tell Yang why. Mother Yang nags, there are no secrets between a married couple! Later, LLX accepts to be the boy's mentor.
Yu Qi Lei never loses because if you pick one wrong block, lives can be lost. LLX sees slightly frantic Yu Qi Lei leave to take a phone call from his wife.
Fire Safety Tip: Tang Xiao Tian (Jiang Ge). Do not randomly connect wires indoors.
Milan is urging Yu Qi Lei to apply for another job. Fire alarm sounds. Trash fire. While putting it out, Lei Da Gang runs to an old friend who owns a big factory and a fancy car. Shady guy. Back at the station, the poor firefighters smell like poop. The visual of his tissue stuffed up nose is funny.
Meeting to decide if they should go on the reality TV show. Qi Huo speaks eloquently for it. Everyone is excited except grumpy LLX. He tells Yang that Yu Qi Lei is going to quit. Poor Yu Qi Lei missed his family's important moment, including the birth of his daughter.
Nan Chu and Lin Qi are hanging out talking about their artistic dreams. Lin Qi's company is holding a concert for him. Probably not, the company is toxic. His boss is chewing him out for the police incident. He makes Lin Qi play at a dinner party and drink with some rich lady. Vomiting on the streets, he calls his big bro to help him because he lost his keys. Perfect big bro takes care of him. There's yummy Ramen with a beautiful fried egg on top. Whoops, I lied about no food talk.
Jiang Ge is the producer for the Youth in Flames reality TV show. Mr. Shen and Mr Han wants Nan Chu to participate, but there's that small Laobing hiccup. After she tells him her touching experience of being rescued by a firefighter when she was young, Jiang Ge agrees for her to be on the show.
Liu Ru Yi finds Yu Qi Lei's resignation letter draft. He angrily storms to their room to cross off Yu's name in his will. Liu Ru Yi feels like a betrayed puppy and he announces to the gang that Yu is about to desert them. Yu Qi Lei tells him that he has missed his family too much. Music swells, Liu Ru Yi feels guilty.
Lei Dagang's shady friend gives them a case of drinks. LLX tells him to return the gift which can be misinterpreted as a bribe.
Fire Safety Tip: Lu Si Yu (Instructor Yang) shows how to use a fire extinguisher. This isn't shade against the other firefighter show...
Yang can't sleep, he is thinking about Yu Qi Lei. LLX feels responsible because he was the one who persuaded YQL to be a firefighter. LLX and YQL are reminiscing about their first mission. LLX opened the door and broke one of YQL's teeth. YQL was so nervous. LLX reassures YQL that he supports his decision, firefighting is life, but it shouldn't be the only thing in life. Liu Rui apologetically hands his will to YQL, he added back his name and is giving him everything.
Captain Meng asks LLX what made him change his mind. He realized that this show will be helpful to promote their work for the public and families to understand. Meng smiles, it was actually Lou Ming Ye's idea for their station to be on the show. "He has a unique understanding of issues". Lin Lu Xiao, don't forget to give Lou Ming Ye a red matchmaker envelop at your wedding. Captain Meng gives LLX advice about how to be a good Station Master. Don't be too strict or stress yourself out so much, pay attention to your health.
Lou Ming Ye is waiting at the elevators when he sees LLX. He tells LLX that he is glad he agreed to the show, it's a good opportunity to show their new technologies and strengths. Aww, are they best buds now? Nope. LMY tells him that he can also self-reflect and correct his outdated training methods. It's okay to have problems, but you have to face them. I think he really means well, but the presentation is hilariously off-putting. LMY leaves without getting on the elevators. Maybe he had a premonition.
LLX is tough talk as usual, which annoys Jiang Ge. The actors and firefighters are running together. Nan Chu is enjoying all this and getting to know their routine. Xi Gu is here to assist Nan Chu. Xu Zhi Yi gives her attitude. Lunch is announced. They need to sing before eating. Zhi Yi and Yan Dai are scolded for being late. Nan Chu doesn't eat much. LLX thinks it is because she is worried about her figure. Rude.
Training exercise. Cut a wire with electric saw without breaking the lightbulb. Cocky Jiang Ge thinks this is easy and will be boring to film. He fails spectacularly. LLX cooly shows his skills. Nan Chu is a cute teacher's pet with her "I understand!". Next exercise, using a fire extinguisher. Nan Chu has a PTSD moment when faced with fire. She freezes. LLX yells at her for not running, then yells at Jiang Ge for putting her in this situation with her history.
Humor moment. Liu Ru Yi is stressed about what to get Yu Qi Lei as a farewell gift. Lei Da Gang realizes that he may have to spend money. It's weird to send gifts to each other. Ha!
Pre-credits: Cutie Qi Huo is backing up the fire truck and when he gets out he is swallowed by an open manhole. Which guy left that open? Liu Ru Yi, Fang Xiang Qian (I feel bad calling him stuttering guy), and Lei Da Gang found him missing. But not for long. His phone rescued him from living there but not from the embarrassment.
Nan Chu can't sleep with LLX's yelling echoing in her ear. LLX hears noise from the canteen and finds Nan Chu with the snacks raining on her from the cabinet. Helping her put them back, he apologizes for scolding her. She again tells him the story of the "other" firefighter that saved her.
Yan Dai and Zhi Yi thought the show was over until everyone was told to follow the firetrucks on another mission. A bao restaurant is on fire. A little girl is trapped inside. The actors and Jiang Ge are anxiously waiting outside, in silent awe, the reality of firefighting starting to sink in. Fire scene is well-filmed. LLX carries her out. The parents arrive, father is more distraught over the loss of his store than how his daughter is doing. Misplaced anger at LLX in the face of their tragedy. The little girl runs over, dropping her hat and revealing her bald head. She is a cancer patient, the family has no money because of her medical care, but now they are more worried because they don't know if they can afford her future treatments.
I wouldn't marry him, but he has a great smile. |
Nan Chu plays with the little girl to distract her and allow the parents to talk to the authorities. Yu Qi Lei watches with a content smile. He calls Milan and tells her about their rescue of a little girl like their daughter. His job is really meaningful, people need him, he wants to continue to be a firefighter. Miao Miao calls him a hero. Resigned, Milan lovingly tells him to be careful. Yu Qi Lei has the best family.
Jiang Ge watches today's footage. Everyone in the car hears the video and is affected by the family's story. During the debrief, the firefighters want to do something to help the family raise money. Guys, it's sweet that you want to help, but realistically, you can't fund all these victims. LLX agrees with me and advises that they can help by doing their job, protecting the people and educating them. Yu Qi Lei volunteers to lead the fire safety promotion and informs the guys that he is staying. Yay! But boo for poor Milan. They will rearrange his schedule so he will be able to go home once a month. I wouldn't marry a firefighter.
LLX is running around the track with Jiang Ge chasing after him. Those fire uniforms don't look work-out friendly. No moisture wicking. Jiang Ge wants to join the show, but he thinks he can be a real firefighter.
Jiang Ge is now on the reality TV show. First lesson, how to put on your uniform quickly. LLX helps Nan Chu adjust her belt and straps. Next lesson, holding shoulder straps during the rescue. Nan Chu flashes back to her high school fire when her savior said the same phrase. Zhi Yi wants attention from LLX, Yan Dai laughs at her ridiculousness. Jiang Ge also wants attention from LLX. He shows off his knot tying skills and challenges LLX to rope climbing. He's not bad at these skills. Just too try-hard.
Yu Qi Lei takes our Newbs on their first alone mission, drunk guy locked out of his home in the middle of the night. The Newbs break down the door to the wrong apartment. Whoops. Lady was rightfully super upset.
Fire Safety Tip: Zhang Ling He (Lin Qi). Alcohol causes fire.
Pre-Credits: Apartment on fire. Our actors are dressed in their fire uniforms and assisting by giving the real firefighters water to drink. Cause of fire, someone was charging their electric motorbike indoors. I am learning a lot from this show. Liu Ru Yi reports there are no casualties. Zhi Yi prances around for the camera. Ugh. They all laugh at her smudged face.
Fire Station: Lou Ming Ye is here to investigate the Newbs latest door smashing incident. Yu Qi Lei admits it is his fault as the leader and will cooperate with the penalties including the compensation. LLX speaks up, saying that the supervisors should understand their difficult situations and if they had to compensate or be punish each time, they would be afraid to do their jobs. He's tired of listening to Lou's lectures. Lol, Yang and Yu look anxious about this defense. LMY warns LLX about his attitude and says he is here to help him. LLX doesn't seem to believe that. LMY says there is no need to compensate, the fire brigade has already come to a reasonable conclusion. See? LMY and LLX actually agree. Darn, I see hope of peace, but then it gets yanked away. LMY criticizes LLX for always defending his guys and not being strict with the Newbs, since they keep making mistakes.
The Newbs feel bad. LLX brings them to the Honor Room to reflect. He tells them about Wu Da \Yong who died to help someone get rid of a hornet's nest. LLX emphasizes the importance of safety equipment and training. Sounds familiar.
Lao Liu is suffering. His old "injury" flared up during weight lifting. 110 lbs is his limit. He's in the the ER hiding from Dr. Xia Wan, even pretending to be Lei Da Gang. Our smart doctor waits outside for him and doesn't laugh at him. She sees this stuff all the time, take care.
Hemorrhoids are usually not a great way to see your crush |
Nan Chu is out and about being a good friend. She let's Xi Gu live at the dance studio. Lin Qi gives her tickets to his concert. Unfortunately, Lin Qi's concert is a bust. He only sold 5 tickets and his boss made him the warm up act for an 8 year old, who's parents are sponsoring this concert. LLX comes and sits next to Nan Chu. He diplomatically tells some rude guest to be quiet so he can listen to his brother play. They cheer Lin Qi up. Lin Qi plays the violin while Nan Chu dances. LLX watches her, appreciating her talents. He walks her home and they have a nice talk about disappointments and supportive people.
Training exercise. Captain Meng will be watching them in "secret". The guys all know. Task: go into a hot simulated fire building and rescue victims. Nan Chu and LLX are glancing at each other. Jiang Ge insists on trying. You're not a real firefighter, it's not safe, dude. Jiang Ge makes Liu Ru Yi hit his cute head in frustration. LLX tells them that they have to do 200 push ups and run a 3k in 20 min in order to go in. Meng gives LLX advice about helping people overcome their fire fear. I guess that is why the actors will get to go in even though they didn't complete the challenge.
Fire Safety Tip: Wu Gang (Captain Meng). How to use a fire hydrant.
Pre-credits: Pygmalion plays in my head. "Anything you can do, I can do better". Jiang Ge thinks he can use a fire hose. He can't. Yan Dai might think his epic fail is adorable.
I couldn't get a clear picture of Jiang Ge flopping around with the hose. |
Actors will be paired with a real firefighter to try the fire simulator. LLX is paired with Nan Chu. Look how sweet he is adjusting her uniform. They enter first. She struggles, he encourages her, she is able to overcome her fear and they leave successfully. Cheers! LLX removes her fire equipment for her and the guys tease him. They can sense the budding romance.
Jiang Ge enters with Liu Ru Yi. He is really affected by the extreme heat. Staggering around, he insists on finding the victim like a real firefighter would. He passes out. Liu Ru Yi impressively carries Jolly Green out. The dangerous activity is canceled. This humbling experience is maturing Jiang Ge a bit.
The actor team is disappointed that they don't get a chance. LLX compromises by giving another more manageable task. LLX gives Nan Chu a pep talk and more uniform adjusting. Firefighters are scared, but they can't be. If they hesitate, lives may be lost.
LLX, pointing to his chest: It's okay to be afraid, but when you are, just yell inside.
Nan Chu, letting out the cutest little yelp: Heyh!
LLX is charmed. "Yell inside". He anxiously watches her the actor team complete the fire simulation. More cheers! She is proudly adorable. He gives them all honorary fire badges.
Nighttime. Fire alarm sounds and the actor team rushes outside. They are a mess in their lineup. The fire guys playfully psyched them out, this emergency line up was so that they can all watch the 1st episode of the reality show together. Aww...
Everyone laughing and excited about how good-looking they are on screen. They are going to have lots of fans. Shi Quan photoshops out Yi Jiu to text this picture out. LLX looking like a movie star strutting towards us. Show-mance with him and Nan Chu becomes real-mance as they sneak loving glances at each other. Instructor Yang notices a fan complimenting handsome Coach Liu. Username = Liu Loves Lifting Weights. xD Busted!
Show is a success. Zhi Yi and Yan Dai are jealous of Nan Chu. Jiang Ge treats Nan Chu to lunch. He asks her what type of guy she likes. "You're not my type". Ouch. Very straight to the point. She likes a hero. She handled this rejection well and kept things friendly.
LLX is search for his book on Mental Training for Firefighters. Yang figures out "who" in seconds. LLX give the book to Nan Chu. She asks him for his phone number so she can call him questions. LLX, huh? Nan Chu, with a hint of flirtation, "What? Is this the first time a girl asks for your number?" I want more flirting.
New mission. When drinking, a father and son got into a fight and lit each other on fire. They are still arguing when our team comes. Complete chaos. Moral, the son should go out and talk to his father if he wants his father to get treated. LLX sighs at the situation. I think he has daddy issues.
Fire Safety Tip: Hu Yi (Liu Ru Yi). Stop, drop and roll.
Pre-Credits: The reality show is interviewing Liu Ru Yi, Mother Yang and Lin Lu Xiao. "What do you think is the firefighting spirit?" Liu Ru Yi, completely nervous on camera, sputters around. Lin Lu Xiao reflects. Mother Yang smoothly and loquaciously answers. Liu Ru Yi, "What was the question again?"
Yang: To be loyal, reliable, fearless... risk our lives, to serve the people... selfless.
Liu Ru Yi: Although we don't know what comes first, tomorrow or an accident, we keep moving forward.
LLX: Even though we can't save everyone, we will still do our best the next rescue. It's our duty.
Oh! Lou Ming Ye is here too! Music becomes slower, more pensive. He looks even more wound up than usual. Blink, blink, blink. Same firefighting spirit question. Pregnant pause. 2 words, "Be professional". Ha! Maybe if the cameraman had LLX in front of him he would talk more. Simple segment that displays each of their personalities.
Team returns from the father/son fight mission and doesn't understand how a paternal relationship can be like this. News from the hospital, it looks grim for the father.
They have no time to dwell, new mission, a suicidal girl wants to jump off a building. The parents found a suicide note and denies that she has a history of depression or any issues. Trying to save face, dad keeps hiding why she may be suicidal, mom makes him disclose that they did not approve of their daughter having a boyfriend.
Liu Ru Yi takes the lead to talk Sun Meng down. She holds a knife to her throat to keep him far from her. Is fudging about having her fave celebrity call her an approved psychological method? Nan Chu read the suicide note and discovered that Sun Meng likes eating lamb skewers with her friends. Sun Meng knows she is a disappointment to her parents. Liu Ru Yi promises to get her boyfriend back and always be there for her to call in the future. She is about to come down but her dad races out yelling at her, agitating her again.
LLX runs up with the lamb skewers making her recall her good times. The firefighters show the concern for her that she has missing her whole life. Liu Ru Yi re-iterates that she will have him as a support. Sun Meng comes down. Music is sunny, her parents rushes out. Mom runs up and greets her with a thunderous slap. The life drains from her face. Their scolding is screeching and echoing in her ears. Dad throws away her metaphorical hope, the lamb skewers, as they drag her back home, her imprisonment.
Nan Chu had chastise the parents in the midst of this chaos. She understands Sun Meng. Some parents give birth to their children, but don't really love them. They force their kids to do things in the name of love. Sun Meng just wants her parents to understand her.
Sun Meng killed herself that night. 😭😭😭 Her death reverberates across the fire station. Nan Chu is choked up. Liu Ru Yi and Jiang Ge vents out their anger in the gym. The fire guys are all shocked. Yu Qi Lei watches his daughter, cherishing his baby. Even the typically self-centered actors are dejected by this event. Everyone reads her last words on Weibo.
Nan Chu and LLX run together. "The past can't be changed, but the future can."
LLX dreams of Sun Meng and the little earthquake boy. The nightmare of his failures wakes up him. I can't even appreciate this shower scene because I am sad. He looks at a deep scar on his hand, representing another death that we will learn about in the future? Yang understands LLX. Yang is worried about Yi Jiu and Shi Quan, who had to experience this in their young careers.
The Newbs are reading Netizens comments that criticizes the fire department for not being able to rescue Sun Meng. They make a video to defend themselves and inform the public about depression. They need a social media manager.
Lin Qi's studio is taken over by the rich kid violinist. Lin Qi's story is so pitiful.
Farmers falsely call the firefighters out to their field in order to have them water their crops. The Newbs argue with them and are recognized as the ones in Sun Meng's video. LLX is called out to diffuse this public relations nightmare.
LLX tells Yi Jiu to delete the video, but it is too late. Sun Meng's parents are at the fire station, fuming. The Newbs are told to stay out of sight.
Fire Safety Tip: Actress Xie Xie (Dr. Xia Wen). How to treat a burn.
Sun Meng's story really touched me. Her death and how she affected each person made these missions more real. Unfortunately, we all know countless "Sun Mengs", and I can only hope they get the support and affirmation they deserve.
Pre-credits: 2014, Earthquake flashback. Xu Jian Fei holds a sobbing and frantically digging firefighter. The firefighter is from this area, despite being able to save 3 people, his mother and sister are buried in the rubble. Lin Lu Xiao and Lou Ming Ye look on helplessly. Did they get over their earlier tiff? Someone calls Unit Leader Xu away, he runs into another area to continue the rescue. Immediately, that building collapses. 😭 The exhausted firefighters have no time to grieve, they must continue rescuing other victims.
I am glad they explained what happened with Xu. 😭😭😭 |
Present time: Sun Meng's parents storm the fire station. Yang and LLX apologizes, but Yi Jiu inflames the situation by rushing in. Shi Quan shows them that Sun Meng posted about depression online. The whole crew is here now. Nan Chu berates the parents. It becomes a shouting match between the parents and everyone blaming them for Sun Meng's death. Parents can not accept that their daughter was ill. LLX kicks everyone out. He takes responsibility and films an apology video for the parents.
These parents are terrible. But it is pointless and cruel to blame them this way. They are grieving and nothing said now will help them reflect or have closure.
Yan Dai assesses the situation with Nan Chu. No need to add fuel to the fire. Zhi Yi gets pissy with Nan Chu. Yan Dai walks away from the childish bickering. Yan Dai is cool, too bad her character isn't expanded.
Captain Meng is livid over this incident. Why didn't LLX and Yang report this to him immediately? LLX says they didn't have time. Lou Ming Ye, is incredulous, how much time does it take to pick up a phone? LLX, "Why are you here.." xD Yang elbows him to not fight with LMY. These guys... Captain Meng asks about the 2 newbs. LLX assures that he will teach them seriously. LLX starts to defend them, they don't need to be punished further. LMY sighs annoyingly. Meng yells at LLX, there are people livestreaming outside their station. Yang tries to diffuse Captain Meng by offering him tea, which he claims is too hot. LLX commiserates with Captain Meng, understanding the he is under a lot a pressure. Magic touch. Captain Meng softens, leaves with a fatherly warning, "just this once". Like any family, we all know this isn't the first or last time.
LLX is left alone with LMY. LMY suggests that LLX pays extra attention to Yi Jiu. He isn't suitable for firefighting. LLX can't be soft-hearted about this, or else it will ruin Yi Jiu and LLX. This is actually cordial, candid advice. Impressive, LMY can tell the collective Newbs apart.
His prickly annoyance amuses me |
The Newbs receive a warning. Talking on the rooftop, Yi Jiu denies culpability. Shi Quan takes responsibility for the filming idea. Shi Quan wonders if they made a mistake being firefighters, it's not what he imagine it would be. They aren't saving lives, but keep screwing up.
Yu Qi Lei and Yang are worried that the Newbs are missing. They are discovered to be on the rooftop. Instructor Yang pre-emptively runs up to chew them out so that LLX doesn't get a chance to unleash his wrath. Hilarious moment of Mother Yang protecting the boys and LLX's blood pressure. They are punished to sit in the Honor Room for hours. Yi Jiu stands up first. They see news clippings of their earthquake, reflect and resolve to be better. This incident shows that Shi Quan is the more mature one.
New mission. The Newbs help a widow retrieve her wedding ring from the faucet even though it seemed hopeless. The kid gives Yi Jiu a doll to thank him. Sweet.
The Newbs learn about the other Station Rules. They already mastered the toilet and Jenga ones. Rule 1 made by LLX's teacher, talk less during critical moments. Rule 2, made by Instructor Yang for LLX. No training when in a bad mood. LLX was upset about the little earthquake boy and trained excessively to assuage his guilt. Yang stopped him from emotionally killing himself. Yang and LLX have the best relationship.
LLX: Saving people is addictive.
Every time he saves someone, he gets excited, his blood gets hot and he feels like a hero. But any addiction is bad. It causes people to act irrationally and fall into individual heroism. Let's grow together.
Mother Yang is sewing clothes with LLX helping him thread the needle. LLX winces as he takes off his jacket. Yang rubs massages his back and covers him with a blanket when he fell asleep immediately.
Jiang Ge likes Lin Qi's music. Lin Qi isn't interested in working with Jiang Ge when his assistant approaches him.
Fire Safety Tip: Zhang Jing Yi (Nan Chu). Call police immediately when there is a fire.
Pre-credits: Reality show interviews LLX and Nan Chu individually. Even though rescues may not turn out the way they want it, he isn't numb emotionally, he has learned to control them. Nan Chu feels powerless by people's emotional distress. The Newbs are asked about why they helped retrieve the ring. This mission seems mundane, but it was meaningful to help the widow and her son.
Jiang Ge finds Lin Qi to offer him a job composing music for Flaming Youth. Lin Qi gets his creative juices flowing but then remembers he would have to work with Jiang Ge. Lin Qi doesn't really want to do that so he threw out a "high" price. $18,000 yuan. Jiang Ge is taken aback. He counters with $20,000 and leaves happily with deal. Oh, Lin Qi, you don't know your worth.
Yu Qi Lei is working on painting his wooden firefighter carving for Miao Miao's birthday. The gang are watching the latest episode of Flaming Youth. Liu Ru Yi worries that the camera made his right pec look bigger than his left. Everyone groans. Netizens think the Newbs are cute and... Liu Ru Yi's muscles are disgusting.
LLX is secretly watching the show in his room. Lin Qi is texting him to ask if his showmance with Nan Chu is real. He denies it. Lin Qi: "Oh". It was a very adorable, disappointed "oh". But our guy is now zooming in on screenshots of him and Nan Chu. Yes, you look good together.
Nan Chu is back at her studio, her troupe fawning over her and LLX. How tall is he? 187. Zhi Yi and Yan Dai don't like all this screen time Nan Chu is getting. Zhi YI made Xi Gu do Yan Dai's makeup. Yan Dai broke out in rash, they accuse Xi Gu of sabotaging Yan Dai. Nan Chu proves them wrong. Yan Dai accepts that there was no bad intention from Xi Gu. Xi Gu is thankful Mr. Shen spoke up for her. So Mr. Shen has a CP?
Now, a CP we actually may care about. Liu Ru Yi is getting very dapper to go to the hospital. Mother Matchmaker Yang picked him to ask Dr. Xia about when she can come to the station for first aid training. Newbs give him a pep talk. "Your right pec looks the same as your left today!" This is all the encouragement he needs. Oh no, he needs to borrow some cologne. More pep, "Use plenty of it!"
Liu Ru Yi stammers when he sees Dr. Xia. He wasn't able to ask her out. She did notice his new look. "Nice Hairstyle. Don't do it again.". She is stern and somehow perfect for his silliness.
Dr. Xia is here for first aid class. Nan Chu daydreams performing CPR on LLX. It's... cringey. Liu Ru Yi makes everyone jump with his enthusiastic "Ma'am" when Dr. Xia needs a demo partner. He gets bandaged from head to toe. He asks her if he can move. "No".
Look what he becomes around her. Hahahaha |
Nan Chu works practices on Jiang Ge. Poor guy looks like a cheap ghost. LLX tries to help her fix it. He only gives everyone a CP fix with how sweet they are together.
BTS - HJY can't stop laughing. Me neither. |
Zhi Yi targets Xi Gu. She makes Yan Dai accidentally drop Xi Gu. Nan Chu fights with Yan Dai, Zhi Yi pushes her away, hurting her leg. It's okay, LLX will take care of it.
Mother Yang click winks knowingly at LLX. He's shipping them. I love how cute he is.
LLX gives Zhi Yi a warning. No more drama at his station. Halfway through, she is my second most hated character.
Liu Ru Yi drives Dr. Xia home. He fails to ask her out again. She surprises him by coming back and directly asks him, "Do you like me?" He is speechless and nods. She invites him to work out with her sometime. At the station, Liu Ru Yi is in a daze replaying her words, his CPU overheating. Once he leaves the room, the Newbs peak at his diary. Yu Qi Lei isn't into gossip, so he reads it himself.
Fire Safety Tip: Lin Yan Rou (Zhi Yi). Dorm safety, don't plug in too many appliances.
Pre-credits: The guys are playing pool. Qi Huo has his nostrils plugged with tissue paper. Driver Fang is eating durian with Lei Da Gang cravingly eyeing it. He is about to throw it away when Lei Da Gang takes it. Durian is expensive and there is still a bite left. Qi Huo is aghast at his thriftiness and continued assault on his olfactory bulbs. He runs to a window to breathe but then they all have to run out for the alarm. Days? Weeks? Months? Later they find the leftover durian stashed in a cabinet. Lei Da Gang contemplates eating the moldy extra stinky fruit. 🤢🤮 But even he has to let it go to waste. 🤣🤣🤣
Mother Yang wants to talk about LLX's personal life. He makes LLX tell him his thoughts about Nan Chu. Meanwhile Nan Chu tells Xi Gu about how heroic and safe he makes her feel. LLX is impressed by her grit from the "first" time he met her at the dance studio. The both deny liking the other but it's obvious to all.
LLX turns the tables on Yang. He pins him down, making him confess about his crush. Yang hesitantly tells him that LLX knows her too. Every time they are dispatched. Yang likes the command center dispatcher. He has never met, only knows her surname of "Li", and has fallen for her professional and warm voice. "Please be careful and return safely". LLX teases Yang some more. In a high pitched voice, he mimics sweet Dispatcher Li calling for Yang.
Jiang Ge's father invites a veteran actor to join the show to increase ratings. Ran Dong Yang. He's annoying. Somehow his voice reminds me of Wang Yang, which I must do penance for thinking this. Xi Gu and Mr. Shen are dating. That was quick. Zhi Yi sucks up to Ran Dong Yang.
Ran Dong Yang arrives at the fire station, feigns friendliness, and acts like a big shot. He is punchable every time he suggests "a little idea". He preens and half-asses the training exercises to get a shot for the camera.
Lei Da Gang's shady friend wants them to give pointers for his factory inspection. LLX senses that he really wants them to rubber stamp the inspection, but he offers to come to the factory with the film crew as part of their Six Familiarities, a process of learning about every road and factory in their district to be able to arrive quickly if needed in the future.
Ran Dong Yang tries to intimidate Nan Chu because she wasn't deferential enough to him. LLX kicks him back to his room. Ran Dong Yang wraps his head with bandage, claiming to his fans that he got a slight injury while at the station.
LLX adjusts Nan Chu's fire suit before they head out to Shady's factory. She is not going to know how to dress by the end of this show. Ran Dong Yang and Zhi Yi coerces Yan Dai to investigate a warehouse that is part of this large factory area.
Fire Safety Tip: Driver Fang Xiang Qian. Sorry, I can't find the actor's name on MDL. Keep hair dryer vents clear of blockages.
Pre-credits: Film crew interviews Yan Dai and Nan Chu about their perceptions of firefighting. They are thoughtful and appreciative. Zhi Yi crocodile tears her appreciation and shades Nan Chu.
Factory Warehouse. Ran Dong Yang purposely sets paper on fire to record himself being a hero extinguishing it. This warehouse is filled to the brim with combustible supplies. Yan Dai notices how hot this place is and wants to leave. Nan Chu and Jiang Ge finds them and wants to leave. A fire explodes in the warehouse. Our firefighters rush over to rescue the trapped actors and employees.
Yan Dai's leg is injured. Nan Chu calls LLX to tell him of their location, which is all the way in the back. The immense fire is blazing. Workers are evacuated. Jiang Ge realizes that the wall is soft enough for him to dig holes in it as a ladder for him to climb up to the window. He uses the shoulders of a reluctant Ran Dong Yang to get out. Then using a rope, he pulls Ran Dong Yang and Zhi Yi up to safety. They abandon the other 3. Nan Chu makes Yan Dai escape first. Yan Dai hesitates, but does come back to help Jiang Ge pull Nan Chu up. His hands are bleeding, the rope breaks, Nan Chu falls with a boom and remains trapped. Jiang Ge and Yan Dai run to find LLX.
When things are looking bleak, LLX breaks down the door and finds Nan Chu and carries her out. 3rd fire rescue? Fire follows this girl.
She is at the hospital, muttering Lin Lu Xiao's name while unconscious. He is vigil by her bedside, holding her hand reassuringly.

They found Ran Dong Yang's camera but the video evidence has been destroyed. Lei Da Gang apologizes to LLX and Yang. Jiang Ge wants to kick Ran Dong Yang off the show. Mr. Han worries that this jerky celebrity can retaliate.
Nan Chu wakes. Jiang Ge is sweet and underplays his hand injury. Skip Ran Dong Yang's pompous scenes to avoid a stroke. Just when I thought Jiang Ge was having a loving scene with his father, his dad undermines him again. Sigh...
Nan Chu left the hospital to go back to her hometown Nan Bin to clarify the identity of her first fire rescue savior. LLX eats hot pot with Lin Qi. Lin Qi asks his big bro if he likes Nan Chu.
Sexy in his directness, LLX: I like her. I like her very much.
Lin Qi supports them, but worries that their jobs won't allow much time for them to be together. Has Big Bro really thought this through? LLX receives a call from the fire captain of Nan Bin and learns that he was actually Nan Chu's first savior. This prompts immediate action, he emphatically reiterates to his brother, "I like her". Potato melts
Nan Chu and LLX are simultaneously calling each other but are getting busy signals. 2019 doesn't have texting or voicemail? It is pouring. They finally connect on the phone and realize that they are both at the bus depot. Bus moves, the see each other from the distance. Nan Chu beams and rush up to LLX. Why is he here? He is here to pick her up. To be together...
Fire Safety Tip: Guan Ya Jun (Ran Dong Yang). You, sir, were too good at your job. Spud will do the suffering for you and listen. Factories may have a lot of flammables. No meconium 💩
Pre-credits: The newbies are trying to catch a ginormous snake for this auntie. They fail like how I would but less shrieky. LLX cool picks it up with his hand to take away. Auntie is impressed with his skill and handsomeness. He's quickly bids farewell with Auntie chasing after him wanting to introduce him to a girlfriend. Ha! I suspect she finds snakes so that the firefighters come to her.
Xi Gu is excited that it was LLX who rescued Nan Chu the first time. Was it that important? He already rescued her 2 other known times. Even a TV series wouldn't be this 狗血 ("Gǒu xuè" = "dog blood" = dramatic in a soap opera manner)! Nan Chu insists that it's not 狗血, it's fate. I see, it takes 3 fire and 1 false call rescue to be fate. Xi Gu asks the important question, did Nan Chu fall in love with LLX because he rescued her or because he is LLX? Nan Chu sneezes for us to take our cold medicine sponsored interruption.
Mother Yang chats with LLX about the warehouse fire incident. Yang catches on immediately that LLX is worried that the reality show can't continue. Teasingly, you want them her back?
Press Conference called. Ran Dong Yang plays hero and insinuates that the fire department was incompetent with their rescue and Nan Chu was the one who caused the fire. LLX takes responsibility as the coach and promises to punish the fire culprit.
Yan Dai comes to Nan Chu and apologizes. She gives Nan Chu a video of Ran Dong Yang purposely setting fires in the warehouse. The ladies hug. Why can't I get more of this sisterhood? Nan Chu shows the video to Mr. Han but he doesn't want to publicize it because he worries about how the snake would strike back. Hmm, there are lots of metaphors in the pre-credits.
Not wanting to affect Jiang Ge, after getting his support, Nan Chu weighs the personal consequences against the importance of justice. She posts the video online. Mother Yang is impressed by Nan Chu's backbone. LLX is also proud but worried.
Ran Dong Yang gets on his knees and begs Mr. Han for help. The netizens have canceled him. Mr. Han defends Nan Chu and his company. Bye, Ran Dong Yang, please don't come back 👋
Nan Chu dances alone at her studio. LLX comes to her and admires her beautiful resilience. They chat on the floor. LLX compliments that this is the first time he has been protected by a girl. It feels great. Nan Chu smiles shyly. LLX tucks her hair behind her ear. He gently lifts up her chin, moving slowly in to for a kiss...
Xi Gu returns home and interrupts him. Nan Chu must regret letting her live at the studio now. LLX awkwardly exits.
Mr. Han texts Nan Chu's mother that the matter has been resolved and he will arrange new work for Nan Chu. Nan Chu's mother is going to be a tigress when she appears, right?
Captain Meng and Lou Ming Ye are at the station. This is the most relaxed LMY has looked. His back is not a Y-axis and he is fiddling with his pen. Captain Meng in a friendly but authoritative way tells LLX and Yang that Flaming Youth is over, but this matter is complicated. Someone needs to be held accountable. Inspector Lou and the other comrades objected to punishing LLX and making him take all the blame. They thank Captain Meng with Mother Yang specially thanking Lou. His only line in this scene? "I am just doing my job". Ice man 🥶 Unfortunately, there is still controversy online after the press conference. LLX is suspended from duty.
LLX informs the fire guys. Liu Ru Yi mutters that it must be Lou's fault. Somehow Shi Quan thinks LLX may get a promotion because suspension means uncertainty. I don't get this logic. Liu agrees with me.
Nan Chu and LLX are thinking about and texting each other. They moon gaze metaphorically together. Tomorrow will be another hopeful day.
Fire Safety Tip: Nan Bin's Captain Wu (MDL fails me again). He appears to be at the earthquake rescue site. Hope that means we will get more flashback scenes. Recognize fire hazards.
Pre-credits: 2018. Nan Chu and Lin Lu Xiao each visits Xu Jian Fei's grave. They pass by each other as strangers, fate will re-unite them a year later.
Nan Chu and Lin Lu Xiao plan for a date. BTW, LLX's avatar is a whale which is Huang Jing Yi's emoji. Xi Gu helps Nan Chu dress up. Meanwhile, Mother Yang is also picking the perfect outfit for LLX's "just going on a walk" non-date. Leather jacket? Too hot. Hey, do you want to look handsome or not? Leather wins. Blabbermouth Yang reveals that LLX is going on a date, Yi Jiu immediately broadcasts this news. All the guys are sooooooooooo excited. Oh, hey, there is another firefighter who looks kind of like Qi Huo. His name is Zheng Yang and he's married. Boo. Yay. They guys refuse to move unless LLX tells them more details. "I'm going to be late". This allows passage, he's like the MVP of the Super Bowl.
Crafty, crafty, Mother Yang sends the Newbs out to do the Six Familiarities in the precinct.
LLX is shy and taken aback by Nan Chu's beauty. They stroll the night street, shoulder to shoulder, hands brushing next to each other. Doing their rounds, the Newbs spot our new couple and texts the group. Liu Ru Yi goes cross-eyed with singlehood until Dr. Xia asks him to work out. Yu Qi Lei immediately recognizes his weird behavior and laughs. These guys know each other so well.
Our couple come to a night fair. LLX is perfect in life but terrible at ring toss. One ring left, he hands it to Nan Chu to catch the one she likes. She puts it around his neck. "I like this one." Awwww.... Our girl is so smooth. Bravo. "I'm yours then". Our guy is quite slick himself.
The stall owner gives them a teddy bear because he can't stand all that sugar. Holding hands, they walk together with a skip in their step. They come to a steam bun shop, immediately recognized by the owner. It's the family in from Episode 7. They lost their previous shop in a fire and were despondent because they didn't know how they would afford their daughter's cancer treatment.
It's so heart-warming to see them doing well. The Newbs had taught them how to raise money online.
Good job, Yi Jiu and Shi Quan! The cute little girl runs up to them. Her parents said that thanks to them, she can grow up now. She wants to be an astronaut. Nan Chu gives her the teddy bear.
I saw in a filming leak that her adorable little hat ears move if you squeeze the tails. HJY was playing with them.
Nan Chu wonders how LLX has time to be with her. He tells her about the suspension. Bad for work. Awesome for dating. They reach her studio. Living at a studio isn't the best set up, he offers her his place to live since he isn't there much. Moving in together after the 1st date? She declines. Our girl is independent. She doesn't want to end the date. As she walks away, he pulls her back and they embrace. Perfect fit. He strokes her hair. She tip-toes up and kisses him.
"Good night, Sergeant Lin". "Good night, rascally girl". She keeps looking back as she makes her way to her studio. As he walks backwards away slowly, she runs out again. "I'm hungry". He reaches his hand out to her. "Let's go". Arm around her shoulder, the date continues.
Liu Ru Yi and Dr. Xia's gym date ends. He finally works up the courage to ask her to dinner. Failure again. Her taxi is here.
Jiang Ge has nothing to do except make the bestest eva paper airplanes since Flaming Youth is over. He sees Nan Chu and LLX's date in the group chat and becomes catatonic. He bounces back to life and tells his assistant, "A man must focus on his career."
The guys tease LLX about his date. They are so fun in their rowdiness. Mother Yang smells something stinky and sour. What is it? Ohhhhh, it's the smell of love. 🤣 LLX asks him why Big Liu doesn't get beaten much. Why? Because he knows when to run. LLX headlocks Mother Yang and gives him a noogie.
This dopey in love face, gets this type of teasing. But LLX isn't defenseless. |
Captain Meng summons Instructor Yang to command center. Yang slips and says at least this suspension is convenient. Convenient? Captain sternly bellows his name. As he stands to attention, someone delivers the recently repaired Team Trophy from their last competition. Yang cutely whines that Captain Meng has been secretly keeping it. Not distracted, Meng says Yang needs to report all matters to him, private included. Yang obediently reports that LLX is dating. Captain smiles like a satisfied father.
LLX, from his dorm window, watches training, missing his job. Nan Chu is at work, but feeling out of her element at a photoshoot.
LLX returns home and we meet his father for the first time. He speaks to LLX like a drill sergeant. Captain Meng told him that LLX is dating. He asks LLX when he is going to introduce his girlfriend to him. No that time yet. LLX leaves, dad gives a belated smile. This father son relationship is distant.
Jiang Ge calls all his "friends" to hang out, but no one wants to be associated with him. Last resort, Lin Qi. Drama CP #? Lin Qi plays at a bar. No one is listening, except Jiang Ge. Jiang Ge tells Lin Qi about his broken heart and daddy issues. He just wants an ear to listen to him.
Yang is nagging LLX. Why is he at the fire station and not dating Nan Chu? She has to work too. No excuses, man. Auntie Cai announces that tonight's main dish is drumsticks. All the guys are extremely excited and cutely clamor for 3-4 each. Feeding all these boys must be hard work.
Fire Safety Tip: Zhou Hui Lin (LLX's father). Don't smoke in bed.
Pre-credits: LLX in the shower. Montage. Music is bright and upbeat. He recalls saving young Nan Chu. Nan Chu is also thinking about him. Their scenes of almost meeting flashes by until the present times. Official introduction at the hospital after he saved her from the 2nd fire, meeting again on the reality show, him always caring for her, until getting together under the rain. Both smile contently and securely.
I swear, I was going to include Nan Chu's smile, but the picture was too dark |
Jiang Ge and Lin Qi cheer each other up. He offers Lin Qi a job. Since Jiang Ge has no plans, this partnership doesn't start yet.
The Newbs are a tad disappointed in the drumsticks, they aren't as amazing as advertised. These drumsticks are really special. Auntie Cai's son, Li Wei Tong, was a firefighter. One day, she visited him with dinner. He asked for his favorite drumsticks. She dotingly promises to make them for him the next time. The guys admire him for having such a caring mother and being spoiled with love. Fire Alarm rings, they all leave. Auntie waits and waits and waits for her son to return. It is morning time, the news of the deadly fire plays. Tears streaming down her face, she sits alone, eating the cold dinner made for her beloved son 😭. She now works at the station. Her son couldn't have his favorite drumstick, so she makes it for them.
Nan Chu calls LLX. He hangs up immediately as they hear loud explosions. They run outside to see the fire. It's far away, yet they can hear such an immense boom. Fire alarm, South Bay Harbor. LLX comes. He is suspended from his job, not his duty.
Instructor Yang reports to Command Center that he is leading Truck 1 to the fire. Dispatcher Li, "Please be careful. Come back safely." He acknowledges and thanks her, his voice more soft and appreciative than usual. LLX teases Yang for talking to Command Center in an affectionate way.
The sirens are blaring as numerous police and fire units rush to the scene. Captain Meng informs them that this fire is fierce. There are at least 5 large fire areas, cause unknown, crews have already arrived and are battling. Every firefighter in the area has been deployed. The explosions continue. They see the dark sky illuminated with fiery red.
Not only our young newbies are stunned by this scene, even our experienced firefighters are in awe. Normally calm Yu Qi Lei looks apprehensive at the ferocious fire. Captain Meng instructs them to protect the people and protect themselves. The younger guys notice that Captain Meng never speaks like this, they start getting nervous. LLX and Yang calm them down. Yu Qi Lei reminds his truck that they should send messages to loved ones as usual notifying them of being on a mission. Qi Huo doesn't need to send a message. Yu doesn't either. LLX messages Nan Chu.
Nan Chu waits outside the station for him to return. Auntie Cai invites her inside. This mission feels different. Her anxiety is building.
They arrive at the fire. Liu Ru Yi gives Yu Qi Lei his will. Helmets together, the roommates tell each other to be safe.
Situation update? They have lost communication with the first brigade. Hundreds are inside the fire. Lin, Yang, and Yu each lead a team inside. Yi Jiu and Shi Quan are instructed to stay outside. They feel helpless, but proactively go help with the stretchers.
Nan Chu continues to wait with Auntie Cai. She jumps at the sound of the explosions. She goes to the rooftop to be able to see the fire from afar. News Report. Over 1000 firefighters fighting. 160 people rescued so far. 400 evacuated. Fire still raging. The scenes are intense and chaotic.
Liu Ru Yi carries out a fellow firefighter to EMS. He asks Dr. Xia for a band-aid. His neck has a nasty gash. She asks him if it he hurts. He doesn't respond, but his eyes show he is bearing bitter pain. She gently tells him to "Stay safe" as he runs back to the flames.
It looks grim as the hoses are a sprinkle compared to the immense seismic explosions. Night becomes day, the fire hasn't weakened. Everyone, Nan Chu, her boss, her dance troupe, LLX's father, Lin Qi are all glued to the news. Father Lin tells Lin Qi to drink with him and tells him of his firefighting traditions when their buddies were on major missions. Pretend not to worry. It wasn't superstition, it was belief. He assures Lin Qi that his brother will return.
Night falls again. Exhausted, they grab a quick bite before Captain Meng calls for them. There are 5 big spots, including one with the highest explosion potential. Instructor Yang bravely asks for him to give the order. Command Center has assigned them the biggest spot. They promise to complete the mission. Captain is grimly resigned to send his men to danger.
"Ready to fight anytime! Triumphant return is a must!"
Mother Yang takes charge since LLX is suspended. Some one has to climb to the top of burning tank to stop the fire. Yang orders LLX and the guys back, Yang will be the one. He slowly climbs up, debris flying, stumbling and hanging, until he is able to get up again. He reaches up with the hooked water hose, but the tank suddenly explodes, flinging him to the ground.
Daytime. Fire is finally out. The smoking destruction is enormous. The guys return, Nan Chu can't find Lin Lu Xiao. She runs to the hospital, finally sees him and rushes to embrace him tightly. His face is stunned from exhaustion, worry, and guilt. A tear falls as he sees how relieved and elated she is to see him.
Fire Safety Tip: Zhang Jing Yi (Nan Chu). Keep evacuation routes and safety exits clear.
I can't do this episode justice. Learning about Auntie Cai's son, we feel the imminent danger and death looming over our beloved characters. As they approach South Bar Harbor, the increasing apprehension was palpable. The gravity of this fire was not underestimated, yet it still was worse than imagined. My Mother Yang 😭
Pre-Credits: Nan Chu dreams of a romantic CPR with a (breathing) Lin Lu Xiao. She unzips his jacket. Her finger trails over his ribs, that's under his skin, that's under his flesh, his hard, hard flesh. Then she lingers on his lips. She wakes up from her bed at the fire station.
RIP Dream Lin Lu Xiao. Her eyes are wide, surprised that she's been lusting for Lin Lu Xiao.
Real CPR Courses Spud feels clever for combining snark and education. 🤣
Mother Yang has recovered from what looked like a fatal fall. He's muddled, and wonders why the opioids haven't worn off yet. He reaches for his leg, and that's when he realizes a leg is missing. His leg. He consoles
them that he can accept this. The team are desolate, but not in front of Mother Yang; Liu Ru Yi takes it out on a vending machine; Yu Qi Lei phones his family. Lin Lu Xiao knows though that Mother Yang kept his crushing pain from everyone else.
Mother Yang experiences phantom pain. He doesn't tell anyone. Meanwhile everyone is doing their best, smiling around him and keeping him company.
Lin Lu Xiao asks if Nan Chu is actually in love with him or with the hero in her heart. She admits that she revered her hero for five years, but she is certain that she fell in love with him first. Then he asks if she's certain about him, after all his job is dangerous. Nan Chu counters that dancers can end up paralyzed, and car accidents happen every day. Do we not dance, and stay at home all day? As for his unstable work hours, it will only make her cherish their time even more. If unfortunately, he dies on the line of duty, she assures him she can take care of herself. She grew up alone anyway.
But sometimes dying isn't the scariest. (Lao Yang...) She understands. She assures him he can protect the courtly, and leave protecting him to her.
Now it's time for his confession... But a pledge to his country first...........
Fire Safety Tip: The newbies (joined at the hip) are back with a Firemask tutorial.
Pre-Credits: Lin Lu Xiao quizzes. How to put out a kitchen/grease fire?
A) Take a pictureB) Pour water
C) Close the door and pretend nothing happened.
D) [The longest choice and therefore the correct answer.]
Nan Chu answers: 1) Turn off the stove (source of fire). 2) Cover the lid. Green veggies can put out the fire too....
Lin Lu Xiao continues his confession to Nan Chu.
Lin Lu Xiao: My life is the country's, but my heart is yours.
Lin Lu Xiao takes care of Mother Yang, who's shameful of himself. He can't even go to the washroom on his own. He begs Lin Lu Xiao to leave as he's wiping him down because he pooped all over himself. Lin Lu Xiao says it's his turn to take care of him. They're a married couple after all.
Mother Yang is committing suicide. He lost all hope. He would rather be dead than be like this. He should have died at his most dignified moment, instead of living in shame right now. He stops the Newbs from approaching him. He knows the protocols better than them.
Lin Lu Xiao arrives! He has a call from Mediator/Dispatcher Li. He deliberately found her because she often communicates with Lao Yang when he's on duty.
Dispatcher Li: Instructor Yang. There is an emergency. Instructor Yang. There is an emergency. Instructor Yang. There is an emergency.
Patiently, she repeatedly calls for him. His hand trembles as he slowly reaches for the walkie, holding it closer and closer.
Lao Yang: What is the emergency? Please speak.
Dispatcher Li: Please go to the scene and commence counselling services – Pause – and ensure the client's safety.
Lao Yang (gathers himself): I'm on the scene.
Dispatcher Li: Please report.
Lao Yang: The scene is controllable, but the client's emotions are unsteady.
Dispatcher Li: Okay. Please continue to counsel. I believe in Instructor Yang's ability. In the past, all your missions were successful. This time won't be any different. Also, please at all cost ensure the client's life.
Lao Yang promises her. Ultimately, it's the reminder of his sense of duty that saves our Lao Yang.
The guys and Spud all cry in relief. Dispatcher Li arrives on the scene! She introduces herself as Li Lei, and thanks/welcomes him for coming back safely.
Lao Yang gets a modified job with the station.
Meanwhile, Lou Ming Ye takes over Lin Lu Xiao's job as Director of the station. He brings his strict principle, which comes with a complimentary sour grumpy face. Fun times ahead.
Casual clothes? Flowers? Who kidnapped Lou Ming Ye? |
Lao Yang is surprised to find Lou Ming Ye at his door visiting him with a fruit basket, flowers, and soft voice. The way he said, "It's me", indicates a friendly familiarity. Lou Ming Ye tells him about his transfer to Heping Road Station. He isn't there to clash with Lin Lu Xiao, his goal is to reform the station. He has seen the importance of advanced equipment, the limitations of human capabilities, and firmly believes that some accidents can be avoided. Lao Yang looks down at his leg, understanding Lou Ming Ye's sincerity.
Lou Ming Ye: Firefighters are human, too. We can't risk it with our lives. If equipment can save one firefighter's life, I am willing to do anything.
This has always been Lou's principle, but Lao Yang's accident added urgency to his endeavor.
(On another note, Nan Chu makes her acting debut)
Fire Safety Tip: None. Huang Jing Yu in uniform, promoting his show that we're already watching.
Pre-credits: 2013 flashback. Lin Lu Xiao and Lou Ming Ye get on an elevator, chatting about watching a
Jay Chou concert game together. LLX impatiently pushes the button, the elevator seizes. After no response from the HELP button, they squabble like kids about who is going to make the embarrassing rescue call to their team. Lao Lou acquiesces because he probably knew Lao Lin would stubbornly hold out longer.
"Zhen Gang-ah, Lu Xiao and I are trapped in the elevator..." After Lao Yang finally finishes laughing at the irony/them, Lao Lou asks him to send 2 brothers "secretly", causing Lao Lin to go into a giggling fit. Annoyed Lou elbows Lin and sheepishly urges Lao Yang to hurry. Lao Lin repeats "secretly" and needs an inhaler stat for this wheezy laughter. Lao Lou releases a grin from ear to ear. "You climb out!" 🤣🤣🤣
Things we learned:1. Lin Lu Xiao and Lou Ming Ye were good buddies.
2. They are adorable together. Like all the puppies and kittens cute.
3. Lou Ming Ye can smile.
4. Why Lou Ming Ye didn't get on the elevator with Lin Lu Xiao in Episode 6.
Credits! I have grown to really enjoy the theme song since I can't skip it 😛 Pre-credits = 🐐
We return to Lao Yang who is now captivated by Lao Lou's plan for acquiring new equipment and training Heping Road Station on this innovative technology.
Yang: Ming Ye, actually, in some ways you are very similar to Lao Lin.
Knowing about the elevator scene, we sense the nostalgia and regret of their past and current relationship.
Dance studio. The dance troupe is disheartened because the new choreographer thinks they suck.
Back to our boys learning about the new competition criteria to join Grumpy Lou's Special Forces team. Da Liu isn't about this at all, especially when LMY gets right up to his disgruntled face to announce his strict training philosophy. No failure allowed. Advanced equipment to minimize a firefighter's sacrifice and improve safety. His speech has motivated Shi Quan, Zheng Yang, Qi Huo to accept the challenge. Poor Lei Da Gang is step too slow.
First an assessment test in a burning building. LMY and Yu Qi Lei watch and evaluate. Liu Ru Yi wants to smack Lou's with his awesome performance. Sweet Yu Qi Lei thought they did well. Grumpy Lou's thoughts? Guess.
Shallow moment, black firefighter uniforms 🔥 |
Debriefing room. Grumpy Lou scrutinizes every little detail, good and bad. Please guys, don't try to defend yourself, he will roar your mistakes back and chew you out. Lou isn't wrong with his assessments, but his critique style is threatening, belittling, and really loud.
Wang Zi Qi needed soothing soup 🥣 for this drama.
New members of Special team - Shi Quan, Zheng Yang, the twins
Losers - Lei Da Gang, Yi Jiu, and especially Liu Ru Yi.
The fire station is buzzing with every one studying 🤣 It reminds me of my college days. There was a comradery when we will all under pressure of a big exam, but these guys would rather walk through fire 🥁 Lei Da Gang feels too old and dumb. Liu Ru Yi can't stand these useless "theories". The young'uns and Yu Qi Lei actually seem interested, especially Qi Huo who sees it as a fair opportunity for promotion based on capability. Though he is the human map of Binxi, as an inexperienced, read low seniority, driver, he hasn't had a chance for advancement.
Playful music while everyone takes the exam. Da Gang tries to peak at Liu Ru Yi's paper. Dude, you are doing better than Mr. "C" to every question.
Driver Fang borrows money from Qi Huo because something happened at home.
Nan Chu isn't doing well as an actress. Director berates her. Filming leaks cause Netizens to mean girl her. Lin Lu Xiao cheers her up. They go to a closed amusement park. Aren't these places locked up? LLX talks about his childhood. He and Lin Qi would always get in trouble, but he would take the beating for little bro. Mom was always around, dad was flaky because of his job. But one day, young Lu Xiao went to give dad some dumplings that mom made, but dad was called away for a mission. Lin Lu Xiao followed him and saw how meaningful his work was. His dad wasn't there for him because there are other people who needed him more. I might be selfish, but this isn't a good reason for missing his childhood to me. That's how LLX became a fireman.
Little Nan Chu fell in love with dancing while watching a neighboring dance studio. Mom didn't approve. Only when dancing does she feel like she is shining.
LLX: You're shining now too.
After giving her encouragement, Nan Chu: Coach Lin, your are like a volcano. You look tall and insurmountable, but there is a little sun in your heart. Standing by you, the whole world will be bright.
LLX: I have suffered a lot before, but your are like a piece of candy given to me from the world
Nan Chu after kissing him: Is it sweet?
Kiss again. That's a YES!
Nan Chu signs up for acting classes.
Lin Lu Xiao goes to Lao Yang's place. Eyebrows raise at the sight of Dispatcher Li answering the door.
Squealing inside with him. She has been cooking for him and taking care of him. She has to leave for work, Lao Yang sweetly tells her to bring a jacket so that she doesn't get cold. He finally returns his attention back to his friend to be met with this grin.
They talk about work. Lao Yang is worried about Grumpy Lou's competition model. Lao Lin states that there is no animosity between him and Lou, just differing opinions. He understand Lou, who just like them, went through a lot, had people he couldn't save, and lost comrades close to him. Are we going to see this, Drama? Lou isn't wrong, as long as it is good for Heping Road Station, Lin is ok with it. Lao Yang agrees, but thinks that Heping still needs Lao Lin.
Test results out. Results as expected. Da Liu is last place but he doesn't care. Honestly, this attitude is bad apple-ish but Lou's method is toxic.
The Newbies, not learning their lesson from their last web video, is taping a promo. Publicity is good, but they aren't the best spokespeople since Sun Meng's death wasn't that long ago. Grumpy Lou isn't happy because they should be studying. Sounds like my parents. Liu Ru Yi defends them. Wrong button pushed. Liu Ru Yi thinks LMY wants to erase all traces of LLX. That's not it, he's a prick on his own.
Fire Safety Tip: Lu Si Yu (My Mother Yang). Don't throw away cigarette butts carelessly. Yes, sir! I will definitely listen because it is you and because I never smoked. But mostly because it is you.
Pre-credits: A young boy laments to the heavens that his homework that he had worked soooooo hard on is gone in the flames that the firefighters are cleaning up. Never fear, Firefighter Lou will help him find it! Boy: *looks anxious and annoyed* Moments later, Firefighter Lou comes back with a school backpack and an accomplished smile. The kid's eyes widen, hand waving wildly, "It's not mine, it's not mine". Comedy music picks up. Lou Ming Ye checks the contents. Glancing knowingly at the kid, he opens the notebook to find blank pages and an ID card. "Isn't this you???" Busted.