April 24, 2023

The Love You Give Me | Recap and Review

The Love You Give Me
A single mother and a heart-attacked-throb CEO in a second chance romance.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang Zi Qi: Xin Qi
Wang Yu WenMin Hui
Guo Shuang (Author: Shi Ding Rou)
Chinese Title
Episodes: 28 
Recap Grade: B/C
First Impression: 3.55/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] The first meeting: Xin Qi saves Min Hui from an angry wife's holy wine. (Min Hui was seducing a married man – unwillingly – under the married man's order so that the married man's father would operate on her son). Mrs. Angry Wife, please free yourself from this sorry excuse for a man.  But wait! This isn't Xin Qi and Min Hui's first meeting. He hates her. Five years ago, he had proposed to her. He has the wrath of a jilted man
Like father, like son
And Min Hui is a mother! Her son, Min Quan Qaun, looks almost five. Gee! I wonder! 

Now that Xin Qi is back and being the proudly petty man that he is, he makes Min Hui's life difficult because he can. He's the CEO investor she needs. He's a total rascal when he uses her as his fake girlfriend (mother of your child,  man). He wants her to know his ten minutes isn't easy to earn. 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): They have a childhood connection? Could she be the "Su Tian" who grew up with him in the orphanage? But where's the butterfly clip? 

[Ep2] Min Quan Quan wants Xin Qi to be his father because his father is someone handsome, according to his mother. His genes complimenting his genes. He was smug until he misunderstands Min Quan Quan being Min Hui and Zhou Ru Ji's son. Vengeful, Xin Qi makes Min Hui wait 30 minutes for their 10 minute meeting. Because what is 30 minutes when she lied to him for 3 months? However, he has a mature side albeit microscopic. He resonates with her vision to produce a software enabling every child with a heart disease (rich or poor) to reach resources they need. Not him a little (A LOT) in love when he sees her smile

Assistant Hardy gushes at Min Quan Quan's cuteness, earning Xin Qi's slicing glare (your cute genes, Xin Qi, yours). 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Su Tian died. Min Hui helped Su Tian give Xin Qi her journal. Afterwards, she tried running away, but he collapsed from a heart attack.

[Ep3Cao Mu crashed right into Chen Jia Jun and fractured his leg. The guy is happy he didn't die, and so our 2nd CP are off to a great start! .......

Xin Qi is this close to finding out Min Quan Quan is his son! His approximate age, his heart condition, his cuteness. It should be so obvious! Most of all, they're both so childish! But he believes in Min Hui's lie that Min Quan Quan doesn't have his specularly childish genes. Other than playing nerf guns in a convenience store, I like this scene for its heart to heart connection. Min Quan Quan, you are the chosen superhero!  
[Ep4] Our girls in this drama have their hands (and lips) all over the boys. There's Min Hui pinning Xin Qi to a wall, and pressing her lips on his dress shirt. Then there's Cao Mu grasping onto Chen Jia Jun's guns, toppling over his body, and groping...

Xin Qi's new dress-shirts need to be washed, but he wants the white one 💋 untouched.
Wang ge and Wang jie, I mean Xin Qi and Min Hui team up and rightfully take the project back from Lin Xi Yue and Cheng Qi Rang (the cheaters (in multiple ways)). However, our couple can only stay harmonious for five minutes max. Xin Qi will never forgive her so she can never forgive herself. Inebriated, Min Hui finally reveals the truth. She lied to save his life. Moreover, she did tell him the truth that she wasn't Su Tian, he just didn't listen. She snaps that she owes him nothing. For as long as he was hospitalized, she stayed with him. Xin Qi is confused. She wasn't there when he woke up. Yes. That's because you idiot told her you never wanted to see her again! She asks him, "Whether my feelings towards you are real or fake, do you really not know?" He's perplexed. He knows. And now she's out drunk. 

Sooo Chen Jia Jun was separated from his sister at a young age and he recently found out she died. Su Tian? 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui literally tells Xin Qi she isn't Su Tian. But then he collapsed from a heart attack. How many more myocardial infarctions are in these epilogues? I'm already tired! 
[Ep5Look who's the cool kid on the block! It's thanks to Xin Qi that Min Quan Quan is happier at school and loved by the other kids. I fail to understand why that looks cool, but his smile and stride wins

(The Iron Man helmet scene is better in the BTS)

Dun dun dun! Xin Qi discovers the truth that Min Quan Quan is his son. He's angry at Min Hui for lying again and keeping it a secret when has the right to know. She's angry too. Is he planning to take her son from her? (No. He answered this steadfast. Aw.) She explains that she didn't know she was pregnant until she was 3 months. She couldn't tell him because he hated her. He would never let her give birth to his child. Since starting the drama, I was waiting for Min Hui's reason to give birth without the father's knowledge. It's not the best, but I'll take it

Xin Qi, who was so angry one second before, is now gloating so cutely about his son. He just can't contain his giddiness! He hit his head on the coach. That looks like real pain that WZQ acted through. But then it seems Hardy is reporting it to Daddy CEO. 

The next night, Min Hui comes home to this: 
That beckoning finger.
Xin Qi wants to live with her (+ son)! Awesome. She has two kids to raise now, hahaha

Epilogue: Xin Qi thinks he owes Su Tian because she should have been adopted abroad instead of him. But Su Tian stayed to search for her brother. Min Hui doesn't have the heart to tell him that Su Tian died, especially when his heart cannot suffer another shock

[Ep6] Xin Qi and Min Hui can't stop fighting. I'm having difficulty finding the adult in this drama. They also underestimated Min Quan Quan's comprehensibility. Quan Quan knows Xin Qi is his father. They have literally been shouting about it all night and all day. Our kiddo has a heart problem, not ear or brain problem. Please parents
They end up riding his convertible – prepared with a car seat! It should be rear-facing though. Just saying
Our kiddo pouting...
...looking just like his father! xD
I love how the WZQ's VA's voice broke when he said "Because it looks good"  xD
Ep6 done! Oh wait, Xin Qi was very impressed with Min Hui's ability to improvise without her laptop. And he's so done with carpets. Freaking everyone is scaring him for walking soundless. Haha! Wait, this happened too:
[Ep7]  Min Hui's the IT pro repairing Xin Qi's computer in under 20 minutes, but he doesn't even say a thank you! Ok, fine he does say it at the very end. Just half-heartedly. Then they have a candid conversation. He tells her that he was furious at her for giving birth when she knows his condition is inheritable. The pain that his son will have to live through only he will understand. About that, Min Hui is remorseful but more than that, she couldn't abandon the life beating inside her. Which is why Xin Qi is grateful she didn't give up. Aw. I like them for talking about this. She gave him a family. He's no longer alone. For now, he just wants to spend more time with Quan Quan. He won't take Quan Quan from her because he knows what it feels like without a mother. He assures her that he doesn't plan to live here forever. Sure, you don't

A sexist, perverted coworker (Ding Yi Feng) offends Min Hui. She's about to splash him with holy water, but holy, it's not faster than Xin Qi's fist! And look at him, cooly walking off with hot righteous anger. Min Hui chases after him. He's still hot from anger, but he didn't mean to lecture her. His anger is directed specifically at Ding Yi Feng.
Then they hide. For some very valid reason, I'm sure

The next morning, Xin Qi gets cake from Min Hui. Hardy takes one from his half a dozen and Xin Qi is shooting him with laser eyes. Hardy's like "I'm just smelling." LOL

Second couple: Cao Mu is angry Chen Jia Jun lied about his injuries. Girl, how did you think he lifted you on his shoulders?  
Xin Qi cheerfully ditches Min Hui in the morning and only drives Quan Quan to daycare. Then he goes pick her up for a meeting because he knows it's hard to catch a cab. 'Cause you're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no ♪♫. Hardy's driving skills send our couple sliding together in the backseat. Hehe

[Ep8] Gossips of Min Hui's dating life take rounds at her office. single woman dating. Scandalous! Xin Qi lectures her for the gossip because she's his son's mother. I get that he's being petty and jealous. But we're saying this is HER FAULT? Then he realizes his son's father is part of her gossip – himself. Oh. Suddenly with you involved, it's not her fault. Ok! With 15 minutes left until the meeting, Min Hui deals with Ding Yi Feng. Xin Qi delivers the finishing blow by revealing he's the other guy. 

Xin Qi and Quan Quan are watching Once We Got Married. Our CEO wants to know which CEO looks better. The CEO with the less gelled hair takes my vote (= Xin Qi) xD
Quan Quan whines and rolls his way into getting his parents in the same bed. After Quan Quan falls asleep, Xin Qi asks Min Hui if she ever regretted it. "Have you ever thought of abandoning him?" No. To her, there is no mother who doesn't love her child. Xin Qi wonders if that's true. He was abandoned. I don't agree with Min Hui, but I'm also not one to tell a kid who believes in Santa Claus the truth. So Min Hui, keep believing what you believe. Plus, I think Xin Qi wanted to hear that. As he's watching her be the mother he always wanted, I think he's falling deeper in love
Min Hui freaks out when she wakes up on Xin Qi's shoulder. She pretends to be asleep when Xin Qi stirs in his sleep. He carefully releases his arm from under her, but clever Quan Quan exposes his mother for fake-sleeping. "Everything on her face is moving!" xD

Quan Quan: Min Hui, Xin Qi, since you two already slept together, does that mean you'll never be separated? That's a loaded question. I don't know where to start. Quan Quan, your existence for one... 
[Ep9] Xin Qi receives a peculiar text: "Are you coming home for dinner?" It's from Min Hui. Alarms are going off in his head and we can see it in his eyebrows xD. But there's still a small smile! I love how he's afraid of her strangling him when he wouldn't let her tie the napkin (but I thought we just tuck it in? Clearly, I'm not one of those peeps). I also love how he asks her where his son is. He keeps it short, "Tell me, what poison did you give me?" 

Min Hui is serving him because she needs an investor. She complains about Boss He who's shortsighted, unlike Xin Qi who has the foresight and the courage. Yin Qi lights up! He's so easy to please! Give him to me! xD However, his funds locked up with Cheng Qi Rang. Min Hui asks him to give her two weeks. She'll find a way to shorten her period of performance from five(?) to two years! He says it's impossible, but he'll give her a chance on one condition: change that maid outfit! Ahhh! Is that why he was barely looking at her? I like his taste!

It's time for "Daddy Zhou" vs. "Daddy Xin". Xin Qi stubbornly insists that he's here only for Quan Quan and that Min Hui is his son's mother. Zhou Ru Ji smirks. "And she will only be your son's mother." Woah. Nice comeback, Dr. Zhou

Min Hui is busy with OTs to develop her software/app. Xin Qi nonchalantly tells her she's missing critical data, which he playfully makes her fight for, but when it's time to work, they're the best partners. In the meantime, he's also being a great dad, taking care of Quan Quan, and a great husband, preparing (takeout) food for Min Hui. 
They kiss! She's drunk and was dreaming of their past (him). No need for medicine~ That kiss cured everything

[Ep10] Min Hui wants to know if she ****ed Xin Qi. At the **** question, he chokes and spits his water all over his laptop, which must be expensive. Nope, it's her laptop. And yep. It is expensive. Just when Min Hui has forgotten all about her question, he tells her to drink less with a smirk. 
Our family is at the amusement park ~ Xin Qi is actually superman as he snatches the ballon from an impossible height. I saw their bts/livestream so the whole time I'm watching this, I feel sorry for them having to pretend that they're not dying from the heat

Epilogue (5yrs ago)I think this was their first kiss

[Ep11] Xin Qi is upset about the heels. Why do girls even like them! Can't even run in them. All this while, he's looking for a pair of heels to beat Dr. Zhou's. And Hardy is the heel expert. I think he has fetish.  

Xin Qi is the perfect dad and husband! He has Quan Quan all set up for breakfast and packed food for Min Hui who's rushing to work. Then he stuffs her a shoe box. He says his friend bought it and he can't use it. Oh and it happens to be her size too. But Min Hui doesn't like heels. Xin Qi kneels down and takes the shoes out of the box. He had thought of getting her heels (from his friend. ofc), but he went for flats loafers instead because she's always working long hours. Awwwww. He asks them how they fit. I'm more interested in how their lips fit at that almost kiss

Quan Quan can tell Xin Qi's heart is pounding from that almost kiss. He also assures Xin Qi that Min Hui won't like Daddy Zhou. Quan Quan even tells Min Hui that Xin Qi is jealous! Then laughs at his mom in front of another mom because Min Hui can't cook. "Mommy is so embarrassing." Quan Quan! You can be right, but you don't have to say everything out loud! xD (Or maybe you should....hahaha)  

Min Hui wants to ask Xin Qi to join Parents' Day, but he has a work trip. She's disheartened. I think his work trip is for her? He may be away, but he left Hardy for her. His Hardy! That means something, Min Hui

A drunk Chen Jia Jun kisses Cao Mu and then he pukes. They kiss again in the bathtub with duckies and fully dressed. In the morning, he finds himself naked. Nothing else happened, apparently. So they kiss in the bathtub fully dressed and when he's naked in the bed, nothing happens. Okay
At school, no one wants to eat Min Hui's plain cake. Xin Qi to the rescue! Firstly, he compliments Min Hui's efforts and then makes custom cakes for all of Quan Quan's friends. Wow. The men in this drama are so talented! Except for the guy playing with duckies in the bathtub... Xin Qi is making Quan Quan a proud son! But Min Hui is sulking in a corner, and so the father and son eat her cake, and make a new cake together. Someone by the name of Zhou is moping. Nobody cares
Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui nitpicks at another couple's proposal. It's so old-fashioned to put a ring in a cake. She can't stand that kind of public proposal. Xin Qi grimaces. He did exactly that. He runs off with the cake, and buys a bouquet instead. But uh oh, it looks like he got in a car accident. A car accident! Thankfully, these are 5 minute epilogues bc I can't take all these heart attacks and car accidents in a regular drama. Phew, it's not him in an accident. But his heart is acting up! I'm glad he still gives her the bouquet tho! 

[Ep12] To make it in time for Parents' Day, Xin Qi stayed up to complete work, rushed here and even had time to hire a patisserie to teach him baking! Are his hours longer than mine?!  

I got second hand embarrassment for Cao Mu who stands up for someone else's public proposal. I'm confused. She's expecting a public event for him to ask her to be his girlfriend? What's he supposed to do when it's time to propose? 

Min Hui OTs by herself when she notices her team is tired. Xin Qi has congee prepared. He also knows she's just as tired if not more than her employees. Yes, but she has 4x their pay. Aw. She's modest

The office turns pitch dark, and our couple has the urge to kiss! But they're interrupted by the security guard's blinding flashlight. 

Xin Qi smiling because Min Hui mentioned "home". He's feeling like they're family and he has a home to go to ~~  with her ~ (: 

At home, Hardy's face is attacked by our marker-wielding Quan Quan. Aw poor Hardy. I don't think he applied to be a nanny! But I love that he's so happy for Xin Qi

Min Hui is stressed out because she can't find the perfect case because of patient consent. Xin Qi gives her his patient record at the risk of exposing his illness, which would affect his company's stock if it were ever to be leaked. A plot is waiting for us here. Min Hui is touched. Me too!  

Xin Qi's "CEO" wants him to stay in the hospital for a full body checkup. Xin Qi refuses until Min Hui agrees to accompany him. And please give credit to Hardy who says he has "mastered" Quan Quan so that Min Hui can stay lol. 
Min Hui walks in on Xin Qi changing. She's flustered, but he's unfazed. It's not like she hasn't seen him naked before. She replies that it's more like there's nothing to see. Lies. Jokes aside, Xin Qi really hates checkups. He fears it. It's pitch dark, and what's waiting at the end is uncertainty. Is death looming? Min Hui holds his hand. That's how she gives energy to Quan Quan. He clutches her hand and smiles. Energy received! 
Xin Qi watches Min Hui affectionately as she's sleeping in his hospital room until he realizes she's faking it. As he amusingly waits for her to "wake up", he snacks on her chocolate. Aha, that must be why he's so sweet in this scene! Nah, lol. Having her there, waiting for him, is the real treat. She was the reason he was willing to stay for the checkup

Xin Qi sincerely thanks her for the chocolate, which reminds Min Hui that Quan Quan is just like him. Chocolate cheers them up. Maybe I'm thinking too much, but perhaps it has nothing to do with the chocolate. It's 100% her, and he's just not saying it so that she thinks chocolate works. They can also calmly and candidly share their thoughts on Su Tian, which they both find remarkable. 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui likes a bracelet but the store-owner will only sell it if they're fated for it. Apparently, they're not, but later, Xin Qi comes back alone. 

Xin Qi: The person I like, I don't want to depend on fate/luck. I want to grasp it [with my hands].

[Ep13] Min Hui's project is approved. She invites Xin Qi for dinner. And so he tries on four different suits – at least – to find the perfect one, and he buys Min Hui a present: lipsticks, ten of them. It's not a CEO drama without 10x the amount of something. He knows exactly which colour because he kept that dress-shirt. ~ Ok. I like that of him

Cao Mu and Chen Jia Jun are officially together after he asks her out with an artistic swimming routine. Cao Mu plans to introduce him to Min Hui, but they already meet in the elevator while catching a pervert. (It seems Min Hui also inspires the secretary (Zhong Mei Mei) who is sexually harassed by Ding Yi Feng). 
We lose Quan Quan! Xin Qi and Min Hui desperately search for him. It turns out he wanted to be like Xin Qi and buy Min Hui a present (a dress). I want to yell at you, Quan Quan, but I can't yell at you. *Sniffles* 
Xin Qi thanks Min Hui for raising Quan Quan so well. Through her, he understands how tough it is for a mother to raise a child with a heart condition. Min Hui thanks him too for giving Quan Quan happiness that she could never give. Although she is a bit jealous, she's more grateful. She suggests that they can take care of Quan Quan together as mother and father. She holds his hand and he clutches hers back. Now I see why Xin Qi's hand was laid out on the table so awkwardly like that. All for her to hold him xD.  
However, the next morning Min Hui finds her indictment from Xin Qi. Thanks Hardy. He tries to explain, but Min Hui is too emotional. She can't process anything he's saying. She packs his clothes and kicks him out of her house. At night, Hardy stays with Xin Qi and is dismayed that he may never see Xiao Quan Bao (Little Quan Baby). I wonder why, Hardy!!  The next day, Hardy even tells Quan Quan to remember his number. Does Hardy want custody? xD 

Zhou Ru Ji introduces a lawyer to Min Hui. He also suggests a fake marriage with him to increase her chances of winning. Rejected! To save face, he turns it into a joke. Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny /s

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui exclaims at the fishes in the water. I wouldn't know where else they would be. Xin Qi jumps at the chance to catch it for her, but really, he just needs an opportunity to surprise her with the bracelet. He kneels down to propose. He wanted to put the bracelet in the cake, but now, it really doesn't matter how he proposes, he just wants to marry her. Tearing up, Min Hui agrees. Her eyes are still dreamy as she seriously asks, "But shouldn't it be a ring?" Hehe. Also I'm thinking maybe if he didn't buy that bracelet that means "you're many years late, but I'm still happy you came" they wouldn't have been separated for 5 years. Just thoughts

[Ep14] Xin Qi is at his house and he hates everything in it because it's not his homeChange! Change! Change! 

While Cheng Qi Rang (the cheating husband) is kissing Zheng Yi Ting (the other woman), he's calling her "Min Hui". Her name from his mouth in that scene is gross
Once Xin Qi learns that Min Hui is on a work trip, he upgrades everything for them be it the plane ticket, the hotel room, but when she realizes it's him, she rejects the upgrade. She thought he wasn't actually there, but think again! He has followed her to Shanghai! Go get her! But suddenly, a girl kisses Xin Qi on the cheek in front of Min Hui. Small world. Luckily, there's no misunderstanding. Xin Qi quickly explains that she's Cindy, his sister, and the CEO that Xin Qi calls CEO. I was waiting for the CEO's appearance! I was tempted to look up the actor. I'm so happy I didn't. Love this surprise that she's a girl and a sister. Cindy's fun until she's not fun. She ruins everything with her idioms and now Min Hui misunderstands that she's here for Quan Quan's custody. I do love how she directly translated an English idiom (two birds with one stone) into Chinese (一石二鳥). It's totally wrong, but sounds kinda right lol
Min Hui asks Quan Quan if he would choose to live with Xin Qi. He would! On the condition that she lives with them, of course. Aw. But her questions lead Quan Quan to think that Min Hui doesn't want him. Quan Quan assures her that he'll grow up soon and take care of her. Aww. And even though Xin Qi is great, he loves Min Hui the most. Awwwww! Then he calls her a stinky mommy. Stop playing with my heart, you rascal! 
At a bar, a girl flirts with Xin Qi. Without looking at her, he takes out his phone and shows her a picture, "My son. My son's mother." Then he sulks. He knows he loves Min Hui and that he misses her, and cannot be without her, and the five years without her was hell. And he doesn't mean to lie about his feelings. But even if he doesn't lie, what else can he do? Pursue her!

Epilogue (5yrs ago): It's the night Quan Quan was conceived.

[Ep15] Xin Qi gives up his custody rights to Min Hui. He's not surrendering Quan Quan. He just made a very unselfish decision because he knows Min Hui cannot be replaced in Quan Quan's heart, and neither can Min Hui be without Quan Quan. Xin Qi doesn't want to force Quan Quan to choose. His happiness is their happiness T_T. He has a bottom line: see Quan Quan once per week (I hope there was an "at least"). He asks if he can take Quan Quan camping, which is an open invitation for Min Hui too. She rejects. This week's quota is already over. 

And our Quan Quan heard everything. Awww.
Quan Quan is upset he can't go camping. But Cao Mu fixes everything and orders them a Xin Qi camping service. Min Hui is suspicious that Cao Mu knew, and so Quan Quan quickly fills in that he told her. Kiddo is so smart! Once they're there (which is a beach...?), they "coincidentally" meet Xin Qi. The guy even set up a meeting with poor Mr. Wang whom Xin Qi will never invest in. 
Xin Qi's smile is so innocent and bright this whole time ~ ~  He's showing his heart to her and Min Hui can feel it. I know it! 
At night, Xin Qi puts the son and mother to sleep. Min Hui wakes up just as he was settling her down, but instead of backing off, he locks her eye contact, and moves in for a kiss!

But Quan Quan turns in his sleep!! 

The parents are flustered. Xin Qi leaves, even though it's his room. He'll just open a new one. Money isn't a problem for these two. Meanwhile, Min Hui calms her pounding heart. 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui wakes up in the hotel with Xin Qi's gentle forehead kiss. He has breakfast (from the hotel). He asks her when she's ready to return to the States with him. Min Hui is uneasy.

[Ep16] Xin Qi babysits Quan Quan while Min Hui presents, but Cheng Qi Rang removes her from the list of presenters. Xin Qi offers to help her, but she assures him she can handle this. She does! Phew. I thought it was over. She kept everyone sitting with her reputation. Also, I liked how short and effective XQ and MH communicated from that distance. Xin Qi respected Min Hui's independence, but handling sleazo Cheng Qi Rang is another issue. Xin Qi gives him a clear warning. Xin Qi had said that he doesn't want to mess with Cheng Qi Rang (bc he plays dirty), but bring on the dirt because no one is messing with his Min Hui

Xin Qi prepares a dress for Min Hui. Awwww. He knew she didn't have a dress prepared. And he knows her size so well. When he walks in, his eyes are on her, and his smile is for her beauty, and his eyebrow wiggles are for me
Lin Xi Yue (the other woman) embarrasses Min Hui for being a single mother. Her son doesn't even know who his father is (i.e. she sleeps around). 

Xin Qi: Who says Min Hu's son has no father? Come son. His father is me. Go Xin Qi!!! I saw the clip so many times, but I'm so glad it's just as awesome in the actual drama. 
After that grand romantic escape, a drunk Min Hui asks Xin Qi if he likes her. He freezes. Why you choking! Immediately, she regrets asking and hides her face in her hand. Xin Qi smiles and takes away her hand. 

Xin Qi: Look at me. I'll give you an answer now. I – 
*Min Hui pukes on him* 
The next morning, Min Hui swears she won't drink again. Just like last time when she asked about the kiss, this time, she's determined to hear Xin Qi's answer, but before she asks, Xin Qi is already on it. With a puppet show! He apologizes for his stubbornness, wasting them five years. In his five years, he tried to forget her, but he couldn't. For her five years, he's thankful she took such good care of Quan Quan. He asks for a chance to repay her with the rest of his life. He takes out the same bracelet, which he repaired and added a sunflower. It means "yearning for reunited love". 

And they're reuni – No. Chen Jia Jun barges in. High class hotel, is it? 

Chen Jia Jun demands Min Hui if she caused his sister's death (Su Tian). 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): Min Hui wanted to confess the truth, but Xin Qi finds out that Min Hui isn't Su Tian first. He should have known. Min Hui is smarter with more self confidence. Ah, the line that tells us he fell in love with Min Hui and not Su Tian. Min Hui explains that she didn't want to aggravate his condition (before his surgery). He's livid and flings her hand away when she wants to return the bracelet. Wait. So when did he go back to pick up the bracelet? Then he's heart-attacked. 

[Ep17] Chen Jia Jun reveals that he has witnesses of the girls fighting on the bus. Now Xin Qi demands the truth from Min Hui too. She's hurt by his stance. The way he's looking at her now is the same as five years ago. She cries that he never believed in her. 

When alone with Chen Jia Jun, Xin Qi defends Min Hui. Dudes don't do it when it matters eh. Then later when Min Hui overhears, Xin Qi says he won't let Su Tian's "murderer" walk away free, but she walks away without hearing that he also believes in her. 

The bus accident. Everyone was running out of the bus that's falling off the road, but Su Tian returned to pick up a picture. She died. It had nothing to do with Min Hui. The picture was of Su Tian and Chen Jia Jun. Oh look, Chen Jia Jun. She died because of you! *Finds a random door to kick" How dare you kill Su Tian! Chen Jia Jun apologizes to Min Hui. He just couldn't believe his sister was gone like that. Min Hui tells him if he's willing, she can be his sister. Xin Qi hears everything and smiles. 

Xin Qi tries his best to explain that he believed in Min Hui, but it's too late. She lost her faith in him. 

Chen Jia Jun learns that his sister rejected the adoption because she wanted to look for him. Oh look, Chen Jia Jun. She could have had a better life if not for you! *Finds a random door to kick" She could have been a CEO! [Ya. I'm not going to let this go.] 

Chen Jia Jun asks Xin Qi if he would still love Min Hui if he didn't mistake her as Su Tian. He will. Who he loves isn't the name "Su Tian",  but the person named Min Hui. As for Su Tian, she will always be like a little sister. Chen Jia Jun has a bro and a new sis now. Good for you. You broke up our couple tho

Min Hui is gone. Like five years ago, Xin Qi runs everywhere to look for her. He finds her by the tree where they first met. 

Epilogue (5yrs ago): On the bus, Min Hui was feeling awful. It was Su Tian who cheered her up. 

[Ep18] At this very same tree, Xin Qi confesses his love, but Min Hui says their story already ended five years ago. It's not just a loss of faith. She's afraid. Su Tian is like a never-ending bomb for them. She's afraid of the pain when the bomb explodes again. From now on, they will only be Quan Quan's mother and father, and nothing more. 

Quan Quan likes a new girl! LOL. So little and already King of the Sea. It's Zhu Zhu jiejie now. But she wants to marry Daddy Zhou. I like mentioning 3rd FL now. All because of Quan Quan xD. But but wait! Zhou Ru Ji is still going for Min Hui! He doesn't really have a chance though when Min Hui never considered him. 

Xin Qi shows up at Min Hui's office, asking her why she didn't reply him all night. Min Hui reminds him that they're only relationship is work-related (只是工作的關係). A nod to OWGM's Chinese title: 只是結婚的關係 = only relationship is marriage
When Xin Qi is alone, there's always a Hardy. Lol. He's useful this time though! He has dating advice. Apparently, he had a different girlfriend every year until meeting Xin Qi. Oh? Then he was too busy to date. Anyway, Hardy's advice: be clingy. Xin Qi says that's not his style. But sir, how is clinging any different from what you have been doing all morning? 
By the way, Hardy learned "clinging" from a book. (A book? Sure sounds like a guy who had annual gfs.). It's called "The Big Shot Girl's Delicate Husband". Xin Qi wants every volume of this series. He wants to be our big shot Min Hui's little pampered husband, hahaAnd hey, this book also works for Hardy if he likes Cindy, y'know. Their names rhyme too
Quan Quan heaves a heavy sigh as he watches his father struggle at pursuing his mother. Grumpy Xin Qi asks if he understands everything again. Quan Quan is like "I don't get it." *Smiley smiley* Kiddo will be king of romances but I hope he (Cui Yi Xin) doesn't take these romcom seriously in his life, LOL

2nd CP is having drama of their own. Not cute. These two are cuter: 
Quan Quan solves his daddy's woes and confirms Min Hui's date isn't Zhou Ru Ji. He did it with the smoothest phone call and ended it with "miss you" and "love you" for his Daddy Zhou. Xin Qi is proud of his son, but he's also jelly. He orders Quan Quan that he can only miss him and love him. At most, Min Hui can be included. Quan Quan calls him Daddy Xiao Qi (= Daddy Petty). This name sticks! I almost typed Xiao Qi instead of Xin Qi a few times, haha

Xin Qi and Quan Quan meet up with Chen Jia Jun, who's still apologetic. The boys agree to help each other. Or more like Chen Jia Jun is giving Xin Qi terrible ideas: 
  1. Flowers. If one doesn't work, then two. Our CEO goes CEO-style and fills her room with bouquets. But Min Hui is allergic. Chen Jia Jun, that trick works on Cao Mu, not our Min Hui
  2. Sweet pick up lines. No girl can withstand that. Yep. No girl can withstand the cringe. 
Zhu Zhu (3rd FL) motivates Zhou Ru Ji to confess. It's too regretful if it's all over when he hasn't even told Min Hui his feelings. I find her admirable here. So does Zhou Ru Ji

When Xin Qi arrives at the office, he notices it's filled with his flowers, everywhere except Min Hui's room. Then he walks into the meeting, and sits right next to Min Hui. He might be a CEO, but he can't just walk into another company's meeting! He compliments her every chance he gets (very appropriately! Not out of place at all!). She doesn't want him so close, but she can't help but be a little smug. 
Cao Mu and Min Hui
Xin Qi wants a thumb kiss too!
Goofy Daddy Xiao Qi doesn't get one xD
Epilogue (5yrs ago)No epilogue!

[Ep19] Hardy snatches a vase of flowers for Min Hui because he can't let all of his boss's flowers be wasted on others like that. Except Min Hui, our executioner, ejects both Xin Qi and his flowers from her office.

The boys continue to help each other. They need to stop this alliance ASAP
  • Xin Qi has a handbook from handy Hardy: "Dominant CEO Falls in Love With Me". Could Hardy actually be trying to pursue Cindy, the dominant CEO? xD 
  • Xin Qi gets this tip: Abs fix fall. I love the way he flicked his head when he heard the idea was from Cao Mu
Cut to swimming pool scene. Dun dun dun! 
Wang ge even bobbed a little during the reveal! So cute. And so embarrassing, lol

When Min Hui shows interest in another man, Xin Qi snaps on his goggles and races that man. She mutters that he's childish, but when he's neck and neck in the race, she undoubtedly roots for Xin Qi. But oh no. Heart pain! Xin Qi assures her he'll be fine. But his heart is beating really loud and fast. 

Xin Qi: It's beating fast not because of swimming too fast, but because of you.

He pulls her closer into a hug, but Min Hui is listening intently to his heart. It's too loud. Uh oh?! 

Quan Quan sees his father taking medication for his "Iron Man" heart. 

Quan Quan: Daddy Zhou says my condition is inherited. Is it you who gave it to me? 
Xin Qi sadly apologizes.
Quan Quan: Mmm-mm! You don't need to apologize. Min Hui said this heart condition, only me and my dad can have it. It's the most unique imprint between us. Aw
Right before Min Hui called, did Quan Quan tickle Xin Qi's Adam's apple neck? xD 
Per Chen Jia Jun's advice, Xin Qi moves into Min Hui's – forcefully. He even gives her a heart attack by lying in that slide, lol. Min Hui is upset though and lectures them both. As she should. Handy Hardy also helps Xin Qi lie that his place is drowning, and he even prepared a video!! LOL. Then Xin Qi and Quan Quan put on a crying ruse together. Min Hui, the only adult, has left the condo. Her own house! 

I don't know why Zhou Ru Ji's pyjamas were unbuttoned like that and how that's related to the creepy doll

Zhu Zhu sets up a date for Zhou Ru Ji to confess to Min Hui. But she doesn't know Zhou Ru Ji is falling in love with her. Neither does Zhou Ru Ji know this about himself. 

[Ep20] Daddy Xiao Qi and Quan Quan ruin Min Hui's blind-date. I have to say tho, her blind-date didn't deserve this, lol. I can't believe it (or maybe I can) that Quan Quan is the better adult by admitting to the blind-date that he's a nice and handsome guy. Min Hui taught him well! Xin Qi..! Oh. Right. He's an orphan, oops. He taught himself pretty well! Until he met Chen Jia Jun. 

Quan Quan cheers his father on: "Jia You!" (= add oil). Xin Qi is like "Papa's body is covered with oil from head to toe. I don't know where (else) to add!" LMAO. Then Chen Jia Jun advises him to drop his ego. Xin Qi's head droops. "I've already dropped it. If I lower it anymore, it'll be in the Earth's core. Ha! Chen Jia Jun has another idea. Oh no. Activate Min Hui's motherly heart! Xin Qi finds that a little low, but if he thinks about it, ruining Min Hui's date is just as low. I think these two are terrible influences on my baby Quan Quan right now
And Xin Qi fakes a heart attack. Quan Quan, who's playing along, tells Min Hui to perform CPR (mouth-to-mouth), but she doesn't know how. She should. If her son is in and out of hospital, she should learn every emergency treatment possible. She also realizes Xin Qi is fine. She pinches his nose, letting him anticipate the "kiss". His mouth twitches until he coughs from the lack of oxygen. 

Zhu Zhu (3rd FL) even helps Zhou Ru Ji rehearse his confession to Min Hui, but as he's confessing, he realizes he loves Zhu Zhu instead. He knows what he needs to do now. First he confesses to Min Hui – all in past tense. This is closure for his feelings so that he can start anew. However, Zhu Zhu thinks she's his spare tire. She angrily rejects. She has some bone in her! 

Xin Qi's sunflower girl (Min Hui) may not turn his way, but there's always Hardy!

[Ep21] Cheng Qi Rang, the delusional butt-face, offers Min Hui a chance to be his mistress. His butt-face is now a punched-face. How dare he hurt our Xin Qi's fist! Min Hui is worried about his potential sprain, but she also lectures him for butting into her business (閒事 xianshi = casual/miscellaneous business). 

Xin Qi: How can your business be miscellaneous? Your business is the very proper proper-business type of business. Ha! Scriptwriter and his lines for these episodes are the best
Min Hui is melting. I'd melt too. He's being so cute! She agrees to drive him home because his hand is hurt and Hardy is away. Oh, but look, isn't that Hardy in the house? Busted again. But Min Hui finally sees the tree Xin Qi planted! She stares at it, dazed. Hardy tells her that's the first thing Xin Qi wanted in the house. He'd always come home and stare at it (just like her). Hardy didn't get it at first, but now he understands. In these past five years, Xin Qi only ever loved Min Hui. 

Xin Qi agrees to stop bothering Min Hui so that she would stop going on blind-dates. He's not giving up on her. He just won't bother her with other people's tricks. He will pursue her in his own way. FINALLY. But Xin Qi's heart is seriously acting up! When he catches his breath, he flirts with Min Hui so that she won't be worried. 

Aha! But we have Hardy!! He's the drama's hero <3. He makes sure Min Hui knows that Xin Qi is at the hospital for a checkup and he's misbehaving. That blood pressure reading is going to be so inaccurate with Xin Qi being this agitated.

I love the little blowing interaction between QQ and Xin Qi. XQ is playfully blowing the little kiddo's face so that he won't worry, but QQ angrily blows him back because he is worried and upset that his father lied. Quan Quan's expressions were so good!

Our Xin Qi may be immature when he wants some love, but when he's really in pain, he's still immature overly considerate, afraid of worrying the people he loves. He assures Min Hui he'll be fine. He knows his condition well. Plus, he's been fine taking care of himself all these years. Min Hui mutters that he won't be alone from now on. Xin Qi, calm your heart now. When she answers to being his family to the nurse, our Xin Qi's face lights up as if he saw the real Iron Man. He's so blissful, he wishes he were sick for a few more days, that is until Min Hui says she'll abandon him if he doesn't heal in a week. Xin Qi quickly swallows his medication. If he could inhale it, he would. 

Cindy is here! She's visiting Jason. Who? LOL. She also tells Xin Qi Jason that Min Hui's company will be selling. Xin Qi furrows his brows. He plans to acquire it. It'll be risky, but that's the only way he can secure Min Hui's project, which is his dream too. 

Quan Quan visits Daddy Xiao Qi. "Oh poor Jason". That is all for this paragraph

Quan Quan gets Min Hui to make a heart sandwich for Xin Qi. Quan Quan said he would have made it himself, but it's too dangerous! Quan Quan knows exactly what would cure his daddy's heart xD. And it looks like the sandwich tastes nasty?! Min Hui reaches for it, but Xin Qi suddenly kisses her hand. He compliments the sandwich for being sweet. Min Hui gasps at the kiss and wishes he gets diabetes from the sweetness. xD. More diabetic moments please! We're the ones low sugar!  

[Ep22] For the whole day, Xin Qi and Min Hui were only separated by a wall, but he actually misses her more. Omg. Where did he learn all this! He beckons her to sit on his bed, and when she's actually seated, they're talking about work! 

Min Hui wants to go back home. But not with these two scammers(!!!!)
Quan Quan pouts and coos: I'll tell you [Xin Qi] a bedtime story. Min Hui, you leave. Let us heart-condition-patients fend for each other alone. Little fella! You're dangerous!!! LOL

When Min Hui is dragging Quan Quan away, they're giving her this face: 
Min Hui gives in to these killer genes and pouty lips. When she leaves the room, Quan Quan asks if Xin Qi will actually die in his sleep. Aww. This makes me dislike Xin Qi for making QQ worry...):. Xin Qi assures him he won't. He was lying to Min Hui. Who told her heart to be harder than their "Iron Man Heart". But he sternly teaches Quan Quan not to copy him or worry Min Hui. Teach not with your words, but with your actions.......

Quan Quan: More than you, I can't bear to hurt Min Hui. Good boy! Min Hui's good son! But at the same time, Min Hui would never neglect Quan Quan the way she does with Xin Qi. I'll defend you there, Daddy Xiao Qi
Xin Qi fools Min Hui again (sigh) into a hug. He wants her to listen to his heart. She squirms at first, but falls still in his arms as she's comforted by his healthy rhythm. He assures her that he'll "jia you" as long as she's by his side (but where to add more oil? xD). 

Cindy has a date.  Did you guys notice Hardy's reaction in the background?! Am I thinking too much about these two, lol. But it's Min Hui. Cindy makes her pitch for Xin Qi. From young, he hid his pain. He didn't want to be a hassle, especially when he's adopted. The more painful it was, the more he acted like it didn't hurt. His lips would turn purple, and he would still be pretending. *Sniffles* Cindy asks Min Hui not to reject Xin Qi. Her and Quan Quan are all the family he ever had. 

Daddy Xiao Qi uses his dog snout to sniff out Min Hui's date. He's relieved that it's only Cindy. On the topic of scent, he gives Min Hui his colognes. Its manly odour is so strong, it'll repel all other men from her. Pft. He may be adorably silly, but he's dependable too! He assures her that he'll handle the acquisition. She can continue developing her app. Min Hui is comforted. She's used to depending on herself and now it feels like she has a saviour. In Chinese saviour救星 = saving star. Show can't be anymore obvious with the star projector, lol. Min Hui is surrounded by stars, and the brightest one is Xin Qi.  But! He tells her he's not a random saviour (star) from nowhere. He was absent from duty, but now that he's back, he will stand guard and escort her journey in life. He isn't the star above her. He's the man beside her, supporting her.

Hardy's driving skills are revisited. Lol. Every time he makes a turn, Xin Qi is saving Min Hui's bobbing head. 

Cheng Qi Rang says Min Hui is the only woman he cannot forget. He doesn't understand why she's not choosing him. "Is it just because I'm married?" Oh dude. Touch some grass please. His aggression escalates. In self defence, Min Hui head butts him and punches him. She knocks him down. When Xin Qi finds her, she's still shivering until she finally breaks down and sobs in his arms. 

Five years ago, Min Hui was fired by Cheng Qi Rang's company. She was accused of framing him for sexual assault because she couldn't seduce him. Lin Xi Yue was her witness, but she lied and testified against Min Hui. This is why Min Hui was particularly observant and supportive of Zhong Mei Mei. She wanted her to stand up for herself. And OMG. This is why there was a scene of Min Hui learning boxing. She's been learning self defence. Awwww ):

I know it's a drama and our ML is the fictional dreamy kind (except for his immaturity), but I still want to point out that he cared about her feelings first. He never asked to what degree she was sexually assaulted.

[Ep23] It's a glorious moment for Xin Qi when Min Hui overhears how much he loves her in his threat to  Cheng Qi Rang. He has made our Hardy proud! Our couple is finally together. She lets him put on the sunflower bracelet. 

But one person is mad: Quan Quan! 
How dare they sleep without him! Get used to it, kiddo... He snuggles in with them, fitting right into Xin Qi's sleepy arms. But Mommy Min Hui (being the only adult in the room again!) yanks them apart or else Quan Quan will be late for school. Omg the boys going "Quan Quan!" and "Papa!", lol
Although our couple is together, Min Hui doesn't plan to move in with Xin Qi. She has her independence and she knows he's healthy, especially after last night. Xin Qi is disappointed. Maybe she's rejecting you because of the Iron Man apron

Cao Mu executes an MBO to acquire a part of the company! I love her! But not her taste in men. This is beneficial to Xin Qi too, who plans to become the largest shareholder. In order to convince his shareholders, if the investment tanks, he will take sole responsibility. 
Xin Qi wants to help Min Hui with her part of the investment, but she rejects. If she doesn't raise enough, then she will not invest. That is her principle. Furthermore, she wants their relationship under wraps. Isn't it already revealed?! He pouts and wants a kiss to make it up, but he's sliding down the slide. Lol! Off to the bed it is! But look who's there: 
Being horny and having a kid is really a dilemma.  
Quan Quan: I shouldn't have helped you pursue Min Hui. After having her, you don't want your son. LOL. Come here! I'll have you! 
Xin Qi (whispers to Min Hui): I'm starting to regret giving birth to him a little. Xin Qi traitor!

Xin Qi forcefully carries Quan Quan back to his room. You'd think Min Hui would help Quan Quan, but she's horny too, and she shoves a crocodile  stuffy for Quan Quan to sleep with that instead. 

Min Hui: I'm a bad mommy. 
When Quan Quan is in his room: Nowadays adults aren't dependable. Pft.
When Xin Qi is back, Min Hui pretends to sleep, but we all know how terrible of a fake-sleeper she is. He beats her at her own game, and now she shakes the fake-sleeping Xin Qi awake to do it. 
Although neglected and rejected, our Quan Quan ain't petty like that and showers his parents with love! So sweet! He bought the bling-est bunny necklace for Min Hui (because she was sad a few days ago), and the coolest watch for Xin Qi. It matches with Quan Quan's! 

[Ep24] At a meeting, Xin Qi boasts about his hideous green watch from his biological son. Not even his bio mother has one. Never give this guy a real advantage

Back at home – now let me pause and talk about this "home" business. Remember how she said she wants independence and she wasn't going to live with him? Well, nothing is stopping him from living with her, LOL. She can have her independence and he can have his dependence. Win-win?? – Min Hui argues that Quan Quan loves her more. Apparently, he bought the necklace first, ran out of money, and then bought the watches on sale. Lol.  

Min Hui wants to sell her home. Not her condo with the slide! I'm crying like Quan Quan in that BTS where the home scenes wrapped :'(. Xin Qi is anxious until he realizes Min Hui and Quan Quan are better off without a house because then they can live with him! He phones Hardy to link her up with an agent. Before he hands up, he asks Hardy where he's at with Quan Quan. We don't hear Hardy's answer, but we can assume they're far enough for Xin Qi to withdraw his "interests" from Min Hui. 

Min Hui agrees to live with Xin Qi. Wang ge's little dance! xD. But she's teary when she's packing. She thought this would be her home with Quan Quan forever. Xin Qi comforts her, "How about we don't sell?" She quickly agrees, and he instantly regrets, and he's not even hiding it. LOL. Min Hui laughs at him. She understands a house isn't a home. Family is where home is, and home is where Xin Qi and Quan Quan are. 
When Zhou Ru Ji visits Min Hui, a petty Xin Qi walks in with the Iron Man mask! You trying to show off your immaturity??? xD
The petty, immaturity, and jealousy continues! Xin Qi is all worked up about Boss Cai (he's the blind date guy, the sensible one, and one of the investors in the acquisition). Xin Qi even confides in Zhou Ru Ji (his ex-love rival) that he has a new love rival. 

Easter egg: In the book store and library, Xin Qi and Zhou Ru Ji respectively find the book that this drama is based on.

[Ep25] Our Min Hui confidently introduces Xin Qi as her boyfriend to Boss Cai. So handsome. I'm talking about Min Hui. Xin Qi is so happy he can't stop giggling. And then when they're kissing, his heart rate is so fast, his alarm goes off. He dismisses it, saying his heart is more excited about kissing her than he is 

Zhong Mei Mei becomes Min Hui's double spy. However, Cheng Qi Rang still beats them. Where did it go wrong? Anyway, Min Hui wants to quit, but Cheng Qi Rang threatens to lay off her team. 

[Ep26] Xin Qi bought Min Hui's house! He thinks she's mad and hurriedly explains that he just doesn't want her to lose the home that's full of her memories with Quan Quan. She's touched....and hungry, but more than food, she wants to do something else. Something that's crazy. Oh, crazy? Xin Qi is excited. But she literally meant crazy. They're batting bottles in a rage room. Then they're crying their hearts out. But our Min Hui can't cry with a romance film like Xin Qi can. She needs a marine documentary. 

Lin Xi Yue is betrayed by Cheng Qi Rang. She throws a bottle at him, but it's actually Hardy. Xin Qi blocks the glass bottle for Hardy! Aw. They're here to convince her to help them take down Cheng Qi Rang.

Min Hui's company is full of slimes. There's Ding Yi Feng preying on Zhong Mei Mei and Cheng Qi Rang harassing Min Hui. Xin Qi arrives with a punch to save Min Hui. She tells him she could have protected herself. 

Xin Qi: Whether you need my protection is your business. Protecting you is my business. [...] You are a princess who doesn't need a knight. Then I might as well be your unrequited soldier. 

Zhong Mei Mei is almost r*ped by Ding Yi Feng, but she doesn't call the police. Min Hui shares her experience. Although she was fired, she never regretted reporting the sexual harassment. Inspired, Zhong Mei Mei submits her evidence to the police, that is after he's beaten up by everyone. Min Hui is also arrested for starting the fight. 

Where's Xin Qi? He's buying a ring for Min Hui! Zhou Ru Ji is kidnapped to help because Xin Qi needs to seductively feel his fingers to find Min Hui's ring size. 

[Ep27] The sexual predators (Cheng Qi Rang and Ding Yi Feng) go viral. Stock prices plummet. Cheng Qi Rang believes it's Min Hui and threatens her with a story of how he killed his wife's disobedient dog with another dog. Then a motorcyclist tries to run over Min Hui.......... That's Cheng Qi Rang's dog killing the "disobedient dog" (i.e. Min Hui). Fortunately, she only suffers a minor injury.  

While Mummy Min Hui's leg is in a brace, Quan Quan is busy seducing Zhu Zhu in front of Zhou Ru Ji. LOL. 

Lin Xi Yue was the uploader. She has the recording of Cheng Qi Rang bribing her to lie, and now he's arrested. Meanwhile, our CEO, Xin Qi, who's actually working, acquires Cheng Qi Rang's company. Feels like Pac-Man. Zheng Yi Ting (Cheng Qi Rang's wife) helped Xin Qi with the last 5% because she just learned her husband killed her dog! Heinous! How dare he! Not her dogs! She even asked if 5% is enough. LOL. Sorry. I can't emotionally connect with this

Xin Qi proposes ~ With the ring that's the size of Zhou Ru Ji's pinky~ But his heart is attacked...

[Ep28] Xin Qi wakes up in the hospital bed. He asks Min Hui if he scared her. Aw :( Cindy's description of Xin Qi is spot on. He always thinks of others' reactions first. She's in tears and asks him to continue his question (his proposal), and perhaps she'll give him the answer he wants. Xin Qi, holding tears back, says he forgot. 

Xin Qi won't propose because he doesn't know if he'll survive his surgery abroad. He asks Hardy for one more day so that he can spend it with Min Hui. He doesn't tell her the truth, but promises he'll return healthily to watch every sunset and sunrise with her. I would like to be sleeping every sunrise, lol. And no, he's not asking me. I'm aware of that unfortunately

But idiot Xin Qi ah. Min Hui knows everything and surprises him with a proposal. *Sniffles* She's in a dress quite fit for a wedding. The whole gang is there too. Cao Mu is the bridesmaid and Quan Quan is the flower boy.  

Xin Qi is still hesitant though. He's afraid he can't return from the surgery table. He doesn't want to be her burden. But Xin Qi, Min Hui's life should be decided by her. Xin Qi said the exact same thing in the epilogues. His fate should be in his hands. Then Hardy pops in with the rings! 
Quan Quan grins as he watches his father accept his mother's proposal. But Xin Qi keeps her ring in his palm. He wants to return healthily to put the ring on her finger. 
And don't block our Quan Quan from peaking at the kiss ~
While Quan Quan is asleep, the parents argue about his genes and which of theirs are superior. Sleepy Quan Quan whines. "Okok, I am the product of both your superior genes. How old are you two? Still fighting over this." 

When Min Hui wakes up, Xin Qi is already gone. Min Hui, this is what you get for ditching him in Once We Get Married

Half a year later, Cao Mu brings Min Hui to meet a mysterious client. Quan Quan's voice is guiding her up the roof. Oh, who could it be! The suspense! It's Xin Qi. I thought he'd arrive in a helicopter because of the big H and he is a CEO. I got myself disappointed, LOL

The marriage. Quan Quan is the marriage officiant! What a lucky kid to attend his (bio) parents' wedding. Quan Quan even cues his future little sister. When it's time for the vows, Quan Quan doesn't know how to read, lol. It's okay Quan Quan, leave it to your daddy and mommy. 

The bouquet throw. Guess who catches it? Chen Jia Jun. He high jumps for it. The other girls have no chance. How rude

Two years later. Xin Qi and Min Hui take Quan Quan to the tree where they met. It's pretty, but Quan Quan says it isn't prettier than his meimei! Min Hui lectures him. That's his didi! Quan Quan whines that he wants a meimei, exasperating Min Hui. There is none! Xin Qi sides with Quan Quan that they could make one... (; These men don't understand what women go through for this. Tsk tsk

The end. 


Minor trigger warning: ML has a heart condition, which does revisit the story at multiple points. 

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Still cute! Phew

That is all. And really, this drama is as simple as that. Mindless cuteness. Kid. CEO. Girl with spunk. Cohabitation. A little too much heart attacks, though. 

[Actors/Actresses] It's Wang ge and Wang jie's second CEO romcom in a second chance romance. It's a cakewalk for these two. Cute all the time and packing that emotional punch when they need to. No sweat! They both play better (quality) characters. Wang Yu Wen's Min Hui is a single mother, hustling for her son and for her work. Wang Zi Qi is... still a CEO. He's less of a toddler this time! But hey, we all love him petty and childish anyway, right? Because he looks so harmless and innocent. 

I was looking forward to the guys (Li Chuan and Chen Xin Hai), but it looks like their scenes are snoozable. (Update: Don't look forward to the guys)

[Behind the Scenes
Too many. Please read comments :D 

[Ending] Happy.

[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is.....  "Oh poor Jason" in Ep21. Also it's because of all the hilarious pouting scenes that ensued. Quan Quan is Xin Qi's best partner in crime until Xin Qi abandons him, hahaha.

[Review & Rating]
I’m sure there were some positive feminist messages in here and also a problematic pursuit from a young and handsome CEO, but I seriously don’t have the brain capacity to weigh in on those. My motherboard (i.e. morals) is overridden by: 
  • Cutie #1 Xin Qi
  • Cutie #2 Quan Quan
  • Cutie #3 Xin Qi + Quan Quan. 
Our Wang ge and Cui Yi Xin are irresistibly adorable, whether together or separately. Talk about that height difference. I didn’t get it before, but I get it now.

Min Hui, you’re somewhere in my cutie list, I swear. For one, I definitely love your condo more than Xin Qi’s mansion. 

It’s hard to rock a cliché twice in a row but our Wang ge and Wang jie have done so splendidly, and although I’d love to give them all the credit, without Cui Yi Xin changing their familiar dynamics, this wouldn’t feel nearly as fresh. Also, all his interactions with Wang ge really "adds so much heart (HA) to this drama". 

Some drama highlights: 
  • "Oh poor Jason." 
  • "I’m a bad mummy. " 
  • Min Hui's slide.
  • Xin Qi's Iron Man mask
  • Xin Qi's embarrassing abs. 
  • Xin Qi's brows have a fanclub. 
  • Xin Qi's Hardy. 
There are glitches to the story with some tedious "heart-stopping" moments, and secondary cast impediment that I don't want to talk about, but more than its flaws, I was comfortably entertained by the cuteness of this cliché romcom. 

Good luck with not squealing in this drama. If you're really not squealing, the BTS will turn your eyes into permanent heart shapes. 

Random Recommendation: Unforgettable Love (so that you can appreciate our Quan Quan here even more. Cute and he acts! Sorry kiddo from UL xD). 

Rating: 3/5 


Romance Bickering Childish CEO
My Fated Boy Out With a Bang Lucky's First Love