Notable Actors/Actresses
Kim Go-eun: Kim Yu-mi
Park Jin-young: Yoo Ba-bi
It’s hilarious that Yumi thinks she has a poker face. Babi finds Yumi transparent. When he approached her the first time, she was guarded. Then when she learned he had her fried egg umbrella, she was spirited. Her emotions are written on her face. It’s easy to tell what she likes and dislikes, and what she’s curious about (like the ring). But he wants to know her even more. Omo, a confession already? He wants to continue meeting her. “Let’s date.”. Already?!?!
Cell Land:
→ Yumi has a Choi Min-Ho (SHINee) and Gong Yoo (Goblin) fan club. Where’s some love for Got7?
→ Stingy Cell joins the Babi (BB) fanclub because of the free books he’s offering. My Stingy Cell approves.
[Ep2] It’s the first time Yumi received a confession. And she refuses it! Ballsy. The next day, Babi looks fine, though. I would think he’s putting in a lot of effort to appear fine. I can’t wait to see his Cell Land.
Yumi misunderstands that Babi has returned to his ex (immediately after confessing to her). When they take the bus together, discomfort is inscribed on her face. For her sake, he gets off at the next stop. BB Fanclub Cell members are annoyed that he thinks Yumi is the one who’s uncomfortable when it clearly should be him, but then (in like one second) they’re swooning at him for being so cool by politely getting off. LOL. Laughing because I was swooning too. When Babi realizes Yumi misunderstood, he phones her to clarify that he’s over his ex. He asks if she can wait for him at the next stop. She does. When they see each other, she rambles that he doesn’t need to make excuses, but he’s just smiling. He’s grateful she actually waited for him.
At the unfamiliar bus stop, Babi shares his interests with her: he doesn’t like movies, he prefers books. Then he says something that Yumi finds remarkable, “I wish the bus wouldn’t come.” These words have crossed her mind too when she was in love, but she never had the courage to speak her heart. His courageous words wake up the unconscious Sarang Cell, who admires Babi, but Sarang is still recovering and isn’t ready to accept a new relationship.
It seems Yumi is regretting rejecting Babi! Hey, she isn’t thinking of Woong anymore. Over the weekend, she’s listening to the music Babi recommended. Then she dresses up for the effortless pretty look, hoping to catch a coincidental meeting at the park with Babi. He’s not there. She kicks herself for her ridiculous hallucinations and for being on the clouds after his confession. Then when she least expects it, she bumps into him at the grocery store. The cells and I cheer! They must have telepathy because he wanted to make curry too. But then a creepy-crawly is on the package. He jumps! And then dying of embarrassment because of it. The Cells find him adorable. Me too, me too. Yumi tries not to laugh at him. I’m pretty sure Babi can tell. He sighs in cute frustration.
It’s raining. Yumi suggests sharing her umbrella. Babi says he’ll buy one instead. Self-conscious, are we? But Yumi insists, and so he’s lifting the umbrella and carrying the groceries for the two of them. He tells her to come closer so she doesn’t get rained on, but she politely refuses, and so he tips the umbrella to her side. His shoulder is all wet. Yumi notices. The camera angles are perfect. *Thump Thump Thump* Yumi's Cells are drumming and they won’t listen to Rational. However, her heart hushes after a phone call with Ruby. Yumi learns that Babi agreed to go on a blind date. He even confirms it to her. I’m more surprised she asked. Babi, can’t you read her? She looks so disappointed.
Cell Land:
→ Health Centre Cells (wearing masks ofc) diagnose Yumi with Princess Disease after Babi’s confession bloated her self-esteem.
→ BB Fanclub Cell went from recovering with yoga to crying all night and then petitioning in front of Sarang Cell. Fanclub is so extreme, lol. So how do I join? xD

Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 3.3/5
First Impression: 3.3/5
Mini Recaps
[Ep1] We pick up where season one left off. Kim Yumi broke up with Woong. It only took her six days to recover! But when a phone call at a random hour makes her think it’s Woong (and it’s not), she’s in a heartbreak all over again. She never recovered. It’s still a gushing storm in her heart. She knows she should move on, but she can’t throw a single item of his away. (By the way, Woong saw her TT message... Woong doesn’t look like he’s quite over the breakup himself.) In the middle of crying, Yumi receives a call from Yoo Babi. He has a work document for her. She tries to hide the crying from her voice, but when he sees her, he can tell. He motivates her to hang in there (be strong Yumi!).
Ruby is curious about Babi and asks Yumi for details, but that's when Yumi realizes she knows nothing about him. Yumi never cared about him, lol. So sad. Well she was in a relationship. She tries to catch a glimpse of the book he’s reading, and that makes him think she’s interested. She ends up reading it and liking it. They also share the same taste in the music. If I wasn’t a fan of Babi, the way he sneaks up behind her with a smiling face is just a tad creepy xD.
Ruby is curious about Babi and asks Yumi for details, but that's when Yumi realizes she knows nothing about him. Yumi never cared about him, lol. So sad. Well she was in a relationship. She tries to catch a glimpse of the book he’s reading, and that makes him think she’s interested. She ends up reading it and liking it. They also share the same taste in the music. If I wasn’t a fan of Babi, the way he sneaks up behind her with a smiling face is just a tad creepy xD.
Cell Land:
→ Yumi has a Choi Min-Ho (SHINee) and Gong Yoo (Goblin) fan club. Where’s some love for Got7?
→ Stingy Cell joins the Babi (BB) fanclub because of the free books he’s offering. My Stingy Cell approves.
[Ep2] It’s the first time Yumi received a confession. And she refuses it! Ballsy. The next day, Babi looks fine, though. I would think he’s putting in a lot of effort to appear fine. I can’t wait to see his Cell Land.
Yumi misunderstands that Babi has returned to his ex (immediately after confessing to her). When they take the bus together, discomfort is inscribed on her face. For her sake, he gets off at the next stop. BB Fanclub Cell members are annoyed that he thinks Yumi is the one who’s uncomfortable when it clearly should be him, but then (in like one second) they’re swooning at him for being so cool by politely getting off. LOL. Laughing because I was swooning too. When Babi realizes Yumi misunderstood, he phones her to clarify that he’s over his ex. He asks if she can wait for him at the next stop. She does. When they see each other, she rambles that he doesn’t need to make excuses, but he’s just smiling. He’s grateful she actually waited for him.
At the unfamiliar bus stop, Babi shares his interests with her: he doesn’t like movies, he prefers books. Then he says something that Yumi finds remarkable, “I wish the bus wouldn’t come.” These words have crossed her mind too when she was in love, but she never had the courage to speak her heart. His courageous words wake up the unconscious Sarang Cell, who admires Babi, but Sarang is still recovering and isn’t ready to accept a new relationship.
It seems Yumi is regretting rejecting Babi! Hey, she isn’t thinking of Woong anymore. Over the weekend, she’s listening to the music Babi recommended. Then she dresses up for the effortless pretty look, hoping to catch a coincidental meeting at the park with Babi. He’s not there. She kicks herself for her ridiculous hallucinations and for being on the clouds after his confession. Then when she least expects it, she bumps into him at the grocery store. The cells and I cheer! They must have telepathy because he wanted to make curry too. But then a creepy-crawly is on the package. He jumps! And then dying of embarrassment because of it. The Cells find him adorable. Me too, me too. Yumi tries not to laugh at him. I’m pretty sure Babi can tell. He sighs in cute frustration.
It’s raining. Yumi suggests sharing her umbrella. Babi says he’ll buy one instead. Self-conscious, are we? But Yumi insists, and so he’s lifting the umbrella and carrying the groceries for the two of them. He tells her to come closer so she doesn’t get rained on, but she politely refuses, and so he tips the umbrella to her side. His shoulder is all wet. Yumi notices. The camera angles are perfect. *Thump Thump Thump* Yumi's Cells are drumming and they won’t listen to Rational. However, her heart hushes after a phone call with Ruby. Yumi learns that Babi agreed to go on a blind date. He even confirms it to her. I’m more surprised she asked. Babi, can’t you read her? She looks so disappointed.
Cell Land:
→ Health Centre Cells (wearing masks ofc) diagnose Yumi with Princess Disease after Babi’s confession bloated her self-esteem.
→ BB Fanclub Cell went from recovering with yoga to crying all night and then petitioning in front of Sarang Cell. Fanclub is so extreme, lol. So how do I join? xD
[Ep3] The night Yumi and Babi took the bus home, she told him to be friends. She drew the line. And now she’s regretting and sulking that Babi is going on a blind date this weekend. She’s annoyed all of Saturday until she receives a text from Babi who wants to return her friend egg umbrella. The entire Cell Land is ecstatic. The fandom even has official lightsticks! But it’s 2:22am and he sent that text at 8:59pm. Darn it. Why do humans sleep! But Babi is typing!! But then stops. And then starts again. The ellipses are giving us a rollercoaster, guys. Alas, the text is received. He wants to meet at 10am tomorrow to return the umbrella. This is one lucky umbrella.
Sunday 10am. Babi returns the umbrella. That is it. He plans to jog. Meanwhile Yumi in a nice crop jacket – the purposely pretty look. Screw effortless look. We are in attack mode! She lies that she went out in the morning, which leaves her afternoon OPEN. But he doesn’t take it! What should Yumi do? Let him go?
Not with Emotional Cell around! Looking murderous, she scoops Rational Cell away in a front loader. Without rationality, Yumi initiates to treat Babi for coffee. Doesn’t he look a little excited to be treated ^^. But what about his blind date? He brings up that he went and looks busy texting on his phone. Ah, he must be taken. The light is red. Yumi has to stop and obey the traffic.
But the lights are green ~ Babi didn’t go on the blind date. He lied to Yumi so that she can be comfortable being friends with him. Aw. My original interpretation was him wanting to make her jealous. Emotional Cell gives Yumi her powers: “Heart Fever Time!” (Read with Sailor Moon enthusiasm like “Moon Prism Power!”). Power up! Yumi bolts, flies, and plunges through all obstacles to find Babi in the park but then she’s reminded of the embarrassment from season one. Oh hello, it’s the same jogger and he loses to her again, lol. Disheartened, Yumi gives up. But Babi spots her! One more time: “Heart Fever Time!” Yumi confesses. “I want to know more about you too. I like you too.”
One week later! Drama >_> They are secretly dating in the office. Gosh. Scaring us. No wonder she wasn’t offended when Babi told her to redo the proposal. I love how he quietly asked her if she took her medication when it was just the two of them. And look at their pinkies touching each other!
Rational Cell is converted. He’s a BB fan too. Woohoo! Rational, love it when you’re irrational. But Sarang is gloomy. It wasn’t Sarang's decision to accept him. Babi’s attacks were like meteorites. I guess I wasn’t kidding about Babi dropping a bomb in my First Impression, lol. The first rock dropped when he noticed her crying and gave her strength. The second rock that swung at her heart was the invitation to the concert. Then again when he covered her legs. And again when he confessed. And again when he was happy she waited at the bus stop. Unlike Woong who walked in with a frog, Babi smashed her walls down with one curveball after another.
Babi bought a car. Is this set in 2022? How do you buy a (new) car within a week. They have a date. He buys her coffee. Yumi slips. Babi catches. Pecs are touched. *Whistles* Waist is held. Hormones are up. Then he gives her candy in the car. Just mint. She nervously bites it down. Then before they get out of the car, Babi pulls her in for a soft kiss. They gaze at each other. He takes her other hand to pull her closer for another kiss, a deeper one.
Sarang feels uneasy. Why does Babi love Yumi? Is it because he’s lonely after breaking up? She enters the wormhole to meet Babi’s Cells and she’s surprised by the festivity. All his Cells are wearing sombreros and rattling maracas. Interesting. Babi is nothing like his cells. Or we haven’t seen his real personality yet?
[Ep4] Yumi’s Tongue Cell (M) is shook. Look at him minting himself. He’s like “Who knew [Babi] would come in like that all of a sudden.” LOL HAHA. Babi’s Tongue Cell (F) is ecstatic to meet him. She’s been waiting for so long. Babi has been waiting eh. It turns out that when they (tongue) kiss, their Tongues are enjoying tea, listening to music, and dancing. Just as Babi’s Tongue Cell wanted to invite Yumi’s over, the kiss ended. The Tongues are pulled apart like Romeo and Juliet.
I think Babi is good with his bands. What I mean – is, that Babi touches Yumi's hand to confess and touches her hand again to kiss her. Very gentle. A pro.
Yumi’s electricity is out. Babi insists she stays over at his place. Thus begins a series of embarrassment: 1) She forgets to remove her mask (and he doesn’t tell her, thinking she did it on purpose), 2) she only wears his top (thinking he deliberately left out the pants), and 3) she misunderstands that he wants to shower with her. Good thing she falls asleep before she embarrasses herself anymore. Babi covers her with a blanket, smiles at her, and sleeps on the other end of the couch with her. That night was the most romantic night for Yumi. She can feel his love for her. Wait. Why am I feeling ominous? That was the most romantic night? o.o. Is their relationship short o___o.
In the morning, Yumi and Babi take turns blasting each other’s cells. It’s because they’re making each other swoon. From his sleeping face to touching gestures and her sweet morning smile, their cells are demolished – in bliss. When Babi offers to make breakfast, Yumi’s Hunger Cell blasts away! When Babi tells her the next time he will shower faster, Yumi’s Naughty Cell blasts away! Yumi attacks too and fixes his tie. Blast! But Babi has the lethal move. He calls Yumi without honourifics and just “Yumi ya~” Sarang Cell is blasted! K.O.
Yumi visits her parents and there’s no such thing as a diet in this family!
Babi has awakened Yumi’s dream to write by taking her to an entrancing library (that he knew she would love). She quits work to write (for the 2022 Web Novel Contest?)! At 33, she has no house, no job, and no confidence she can succeed, but her younger self admires her for being so brave.
It’s the holiday season. Babi suggests having dinner at his place for Christmas Eve because all the restaurants are reserved. Yumi hides her lust and feigns virtuosity. Babi interprets it as disapproval. Then when there’s a spot, and he plans to reserve, Yumi clasps down on his hands to stop him. Embrace the lust. “Let’s go to your place to eat. I like that more.” When Yumi leaves to keep her expression in check, Babi’s Lip Cell loses control too.
Can we say that Yumi is really in love? Everything she didn’t like she now loves because it’s Babi (e.g. a guy waiting for her ahead of time, strong cologne smell, mocha etc.). Babi’s (near) perfection makes me feel insecure. Can this guy do anger?
Yumi has perfectly budgeted everything but she hasn’t expected a hike in her rent. The necktie she wanted to buy for Babi’s Christmas present is over her quota and so she puts her rice cooker online for sale. The buyer who keeps bargaining with her wants to buy it on Christmas Eve. Who is this lonely soul? It’s Woong!
[Ep5] After selling the rice cooker, Yumi learns Woong lost his startup and his house. She realizes when he needed her most, she wasn’t at his side. The cells are depressed for Woong. I am too. From Woong’s perspective, he regrets breaking up with Yumi. He replays all the moments he could have saved their relationship. Oof. Currently, he’s in debt. Woong ah! Why so sad!!! It was his holy pride that kept him from picking up Yumi’s call. Ah, that was the last chance.
Woong won’t live in regret anymore! He texts Yumi. He has something to tell her Uh oh, Babi sees the text and lets her go. It’s cool that Yumi isn’t the type of girl to leave her ex hanging, after all it was a relationship she cherished but I did not like how she just put on her coat and then informed him she was going to leave. I mean, at least pretend to ask for his understanding, lol. Babi’s Cells are mad at the same thing that Yumi is leaving just like that. Babi’s Central Cell, the one with the good hat head on, convinces the rest that letting her go is the only thing Babi can do. Yumi asks him if he even knows who she’s meeting. She wants to tell him.
Babi: No matter who. If you have to go see them, you should.
Babi can let her go because if there is enough trust between them, it doesn’t matter who. Is Babi even human? And so Yumi meets Woong. Woong apologizes to her about his pride being in the way. Yumi cuts to the chase that she’s dating. He asks if it’s too late. It is. And so on this miraculous Christmas Eve, Woong is home alone eating his steamed bun from the electric cooker. WAAAAA! I want Woong to be happy too!! Oh and something small: Why is it that Sae-Yi’s boyfriend is Louis and that Woong’s friend is called Louis too?
Yumi returns to Babi and he’s melting at seeing her returning to him. As she’s savouring the pizza, he's oozing with love. He tells her it's 1224 – the passcode to his home and today’s date, Christmas Eve.
This episode. What am I supposed to feel? T_T. Why is Woong’s life so pitiful? I hope he has another cameo.
[Ep6] Babi brings Yumi food. He waited an extra ten minutes in case he interrupted her writing. He rushed to see her in case her feelings would change. He also bought her favourite bento – pork. Why sho shweet! Patient, adoring, and considerate. Yumi laughs because her dream of Babi bringing her a pig indirectly came true but who knew Babi would bring her an actual pig in the form of pork. Forget pork though, our couple is kissing on the couch. Naughty Cell is desperate to be more naughty, but his energy force is depleting under the bright light. It’s the lamp. The Cells coordinate so that Yumi’s Right Hand can stretch over to switch the lights off ~ ~ ~
Who could it be at this hour? Yumi says it can only be her father. Babi isn’t the fool to be falling for the same trick a third time. But it is Daddy Kim and he’s got a mean handshake for Babi. Luckily Babi darling is saved by Mommy Kim. And Daddy Kim has gotta admit the bitter facts. He is 60 and Yumi’s boyfriend is Babi. LOL. I love how these two facts are juxtaposed. Both are bitter (for him). As for Mommy Kim, she’s melting at Babi’s handsomeness. For that, she is willing to forgive Yumi for recklessly quitting work. Yumi calls her superficial. Mom counters. If she was superficial, she wouldn’t have married Daddy Kim. He heard that. Oh man, Dad Kim, *virtual hug*. Wishing your 60 year old spine and heart is all well.
Yumi freaks out that Babi could be an heir to a conglomerate. She uses a Yogurt licking test to verify. If he licks the plastic seal, he’s a commoner. If he doesn’t, he’s an heir. Babi doesn’t lick. Confirmed. An heir! Test verified. I am indeed a commoner. But he’s actually just an heir to a tteokbokki’s restaurant. Yumi is relieved. She won’t have money and water thrown at her by his father. Awesome. These two get free hardware services and tteokbokki for life. xD Yumi’s Hardware x Babi’s Tteokbokki. By the way, it’s interesting to note that Babi isn’t fond of his father.
After father problems are over, our couple is making out again. This time, Right Hand (RH) Cell has dislodged from the motherboard and is in outer space! M’aidez! Nevermind. RH Cell has embarked on an adventure in the unknown space, travelling down the spinal canyon (= Babi’s spine). RH Cell makes his way down but Babi gives Yumi an Octopus Hug, trapping her arms under him. Oh but RH Cell identifies a new planet nearby. It’s Planet H2. Omg. What am I supposed to be thinking??! It’s Babi's left buttocks. Oh okay. LOL. RH Cell is the first astronaut who has landed on new territory. Victory SQUEEZE!
History has been made!
The next morning, Yumi and Babi are in bed. We get play by play for the landing on H2, but nothing else, eh. Oh, and I reckon the Pig Dream was cueing to last night. Naughty Cell even foreshadowed it. He was the first to (lewdly) hug the pig, wondering if it could be a conception dream, hahahaha. Yumi wants to get up to check her face but Babi pulls her back to sleep some more. He gives her a sweet forehead kiss.
Yumi’s voiceover: There are mornings where I have five stars from the moment I open my eyes.
A fun episode of fathers, pigs, outer space and stars.
[Ep7] Babi is promoted and working at Jeju Island. As for Yumi, she is failing as an author. She needs money and works part time at a bookstore. The bookstore owner is the voice actor for Rational Cell ~ When her life can’t get worse (well it can, but y’know), Yumi gets a message to have her work published! She celebrates with everyone. She’s so drunk and speaks profanity in front of Babi, but he finds her sexy. Then when she giggles, he finds her cute. Naughty Cell is sexually aroused ~ He wants to muah muah muah. And so Yumi surprises Babi with a kiss. It’s the first time she initiated. As they’re kissing, he slips a ring on her finger. He’s already wearing his. It’s their first year anniversary.She feels blissfully in love. Can everything be so perfect? Perfect boyfriend, perfect place, and perfect anniversary!
No. A Da-Eun exists. She’s an intern working with Babi and he drives her home everyday because they live in the same neighbourhood. Babi even gives Da-Eun his coat because it’s cold. Babi also gave Yumi a coat in S1 and (“I suspect”) he started liking her around then too when he had a girlfriend too.Is he a serial? This is worrisome... Sarang Cell is devoted to Babi though. Her trust is unwavering. I like how Emotional and Rational are the ones who are worried. It shows us the complexity of our thoughts.
Yumi has one question for Babi: When did he start liking her? This is the question I want to know too!!!!! Since S1!
[Ep8] Babi lies (!!) that he doesn’t remember exactly when, just that he slowly fell in love with her. My H2. Then he suddenly recalls it was when she was enthusiastically bobbing her head to music. (His Cells did a switcharoo of his memory, I dunno.)
Yumi meets her editor: Ahn Dae-Young. Yumi is his first love! He’s totally tsundere. His cells have superman bods, haha. He backs off when he realizes Yumi has a boyfriend. Da-Eun though...SIGH. This girl is already leaving for Busan for her new job but indirectly directly confesses her love to Babi. And with that indirectly direct confession, Babi’s Cell Land is quaking. He’s flustered. So so so so flustered.
Yumi’s Cell Land turned upside down too when Babi confessed to her. It was true for her and now it’s true for him. After a confession, especially from a person you were unaware of, you become conscious of them. Unfortunately, these feelings don’t discriminate on relationship status. Babi -.- please come back strong next week.
[Ep10] Oh. OH. OHHH. Woong is back! With slick hair! He hit the jackpot with Bow Wow Time. And he still loves Yumi! He bought all the available copies of her newest book! In Ep7, there was a scene of Ruby playing this game. He was slowly gaining success around the time Yumi was. Are they going to be the OTP? Do we have to say goodbye to 🍑. But what about H1?
Yumi’s illustrator, Control Z(eee), a cameo by Block B’s PO), is also Woong’s illustrator, and he twirls their fate strings, entangling them together. Woong produces his best smile. Then he tells Yumi that this car is his second. No one asked. LOL. And that he’s going to Americaaaaa soon for his business trip. Woong ah, stop making me laugh. Too cute hahaha. Later when he realizes Yumi is single (from Control Z(eeeee)), he wants her back.
And Babi is back in Seoul too! Preview looks exciting!
I’m trying to remember what makes Woong’s unclear relationship with Sae-yi different from Babi’s with Da-eun. Woong’s was in the beginning of the relationship whereas Babi’s heart swayed when they were already a year into their relationship? (Update: I may have answered my own question in this comment)
[Ep11] Babi is back~ After breaking up with Yumi, his Cell Land has been destructed. Turns out that the little crack that Da-Eun gave him was nothing. I found one of his flashbacks interesting. Babi knows he’s to blame but at the same time he was bitter. Last Christmas Eve, he gave Yumi unconditional trust and let her meet her ex. This Christmas Eve, from his perspective, she easily broke up with him.
Babi tells Yumi that he misses her. This guy just parachutes in. Over at Cell Land, Emotional wants to restart the Babi fanclub while Logical has been sucked away by a black hole (Uh oh. A decision without logic?). Yumi breaks down and cries. She misses Babi too. He hugs and apologizes. They’re back together again!!!!!!! Oh but is he just a flat paper cutout of the man she used to love???
Woong chances Yumi in a coincidence that can only be considered a coincidence and nothing but a coincidence. The coincidence is so obvious that Yumi feels the need to tell Woong she’s dating (Babi) again. Woong is distraught. He’s talking rubbish, and bashing on ex-boyfriends without realizing he’s an ex-boyfriend too. He’s even hit by his second car, and actually fractures his hand by knocking on the handle. My motherly heart for this guy. Woong ah, you’re just as cringe as Yumi xD.
The ex-/boyfriends have met!!! Woong takes a shot at Babi and assures him that Yumi won’t waver like a CERTAIN someone. Oho!
[Ep12] If Woong's words carry little thorns, then Babi’s words are arrows: straightforward and direct. Babi tells Woong that he’s not Yumi’s anyone to be speaking to her boyfriend like this. Woong’s Love Cell is shot. Oh no! How much more does this poor cell have to suffer!!! (Hahahah). The showdown halts with Yumi’s return. She stands with her boyfriend because that is her principle, but somewhere in her heart, she wants to protect Woong too because he’s a good guy. Yumi’s fanclub for Babi is so fickle, hahaha. I am totally not included. They reunite for Babi and now they’re swooning for Woong. He’s climbing up the ranks. Btw, Babi is 3rd, after herself and her writing.
Ruby and Control Z(ee) are dating~ Guys, if a properly functioning female has a 5:55 pose, you should ask if she twisted anything.
Yumi wears her ring when Babi takes it off. Are the rings a signal that they’re out of sync? Guys I can’t help but pick up the cues that they won’t be together. BUT!! Later, Yumi finds out Babi was in a car accident and she’s heartbroken that he kept her in the dark. He didn’t mean to. He thought she was regretting being with him. In fact, they both thought the other regretted it when neither did. Aww. He passionately kisses her. One good leg is all we need in a kiss.
Then Babi asks Yumi to marry. This guy flies a rocket.
Woong is still in the game from the previews!! Also, notice that Sarang Cell is stranded in outer space. That’s not the best sign for Babi.... I’m going to make a safe bet that Yumi in the end will choose herself and neither of the boys, that way I won’t be too disappointed if she’s alone. I do want her to find romance but if that’s not the case then 🤧 I’ll be okay, guys. Don’t worry about me.
[Ep13] Woong meets with Yumi and asks her if she has to marry that guy of all people. Yumi goes “Aegyo Woong ya” xD Gosh, I love how transparent he is. Then Woong asks her if she loves Babi. She hesitates. Yumi can’t answer because Sarang isn’t around. Still lost in space.
Eight months later. Woong receives a wedding invitation from Yumi. He visits her and finds out she’s moving. He congratulates her for the wedding, but Yumi isn’t marrying! I loved how the taxi driver (dangerously) reversed at high speed. Eight months ago, in the middle of the night, Babi’s phone was ringing. Da-Eun was calling. She was drunk and she truly loved Babi. She only tried calling. Yumi saw the phone ring. She didn’t break off the engagement because she was jealous. It was precisely because she wasn’t jealous and that she was calm, she knew she couldn’t marry. She didn’t love Babi anymore. Is there hope for Woong? But Sarang isn’t around....
[Ep14] Yumi attends Kang Yi-Da’s wedding, and guess who she’s marrying! It’s the Editor-in Chief, Ahn Dae-Yong. During the wedding, Yumi is panicking because she lost her laptop. Then a text from Babi relieves her. He has it. He leaves it at the airport locker because he has to catch his flight to Singapore (another job transfer). A flight delay allows them to meet. He asks if she’s dating and smiles when she says he isn’t. Signals are flying everywhere! Babi’s fan club is giggling~ But then Babi says he is seeing someone. Which is a big fat lie! He had rejected all his blind date offers. Aw.
Yumi has writer’s block for her sequel. She’s inspired by Ruby’s phone call, reminding her of the Christmas Party and here is Yumi’s ending: at a year end party, as if it was fate, she meets a guy and although the music was loud, she could hear his name.
Sarang is back on Christmas Eve! Who brought her back? Was it Babi who wished her a Merry Christmas (he was also the first one who recognized Yumi’s passion and talent for writing)? Or was it Woong who used multiple accounts to leave positive comments all year long? Woong is just as clumsy and cringey as Yumi. How does one fall like that and lose a shoe? xD Or was there another reason for Sarang’s return? Yumi doesn’t know. But she is ready to be happier. The next morning, she receives a message asking if she’s back home safely from the party. As if it was fate hinted by her novel. He tells her he’s her new editor: Shin Soon-Rok.
[First Impression (Ep1-2)] Hook me up with a Babi (BB) fanclub T, I want to be a member!
In S1, I felt that Babi was the better match, but wow, I wasn’t expecting him to be so proactive so fast. I liked how Yumi's Rational Cell handled the bomb he dropped on her. I think that’s how my ‘Cells’ would react too, heh. Then it’s followed by her being self-conscious around him. Very relatable.
It might be early for me to say this, but I’m finding the Cells more engaging this season. I’m also really anticipating the introduction to Babi’s Cells ~
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] “Happy”
[Review & Rating]