October 28, 2021

Sweet Teeth | Recap and Review

Sweet Teeth
A quirky librarian falls for an icy dentist. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with him but they keep running into each other.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bi Wen JunAi Jing Chu 
Wu Xuan YiZhen Li
Zhai Xiao Wen: Liu Yu Cheng
Zhang Bo JiaWu Ying
Liu Te: Deng Hao Ran
Wan Zi LinMa Yi Yi
Xu Hong Yu
Chinese Title
Episodes: 22

Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 3/5

cynlynn: FanFanX has recapped this drama. Notice the past tense; FanFanX has finished everything and it’s me, the limiting factor, slowing down everything :D

FanFanX: This is my first recap - and this one might require fluoride treatments afterwards. 😁

Summary/Character Intro

Zeng Li is a librarian, who owns a cafe. She is kind, friendly, and a dreamer but very genuine. She's 26 years old, and her mother wants her to start dating and get married already.

Ai Jing Chu is 32 years old, a skilled dentist, who is reserved, soft-spoken, looks icy, enjoys reading, especially manga and watching anime. 

Wu Ying is Zeng Li’s emergency doctor best friend, 26 years old, independent, can protect herself and doesn't really need anything or anyone. 

Ma Yi Yi is Zeng Li's model/vlogger best friend, who is always chasing after guys. She falls in love way too easily. 

Deng Hao Ran is Zeng Li's playboy stepbrother who can be surprisingly kind. Sometimes, he has more sense than one would think. 

Liu Yu Cheng is Ai Jing Chu’s new friend, 21 years old, sweet, likeable, very articulate, and just started medical school.

Mini Recaps

[Ep1]  Zeng Li is putting books back on the shelves at the university library. She gets on a ladder and loses her footing and knocks over 4 bookcases. She also owns a coffee shop, Carol's, and her best friends helped chip in for it. (She’s aware that it’s not very profitable but it’s her dream.)

While at the library, Zeng Li’s colleague shows her a profile with a picture of a handsome dentist (Ai Jing Chu) and, of course, he walks in. Ai Jing Chu is very quiet, mild-mannered and keeps to himself. He looks for the books he needs, but they continue talking about him (mostly her colleague) and when he walks up to the counter, Zeng Li spits out her drink at him. (First impressions make lasting impressions, or so they say.) He borrows a few books and leaves without saying much. 

Now, Ai Jing Chu is walking through the hospital hallway for work, and all the female nurses are fawning over him. He just goes into his office. 

Zeng Li and her two best friends, Ma Yi Yi and Wu Ying are hanging out at the cafe. Her employee, Duo Duo runs out in tears, who is in the middle of a break up with a dentist. Wu Ying says it's Ai Jing Chu, and Zeng Li is surprised by this. 

Later, Zeng Li's mother drops by her place for a visit but ends up dragging her daughter to the dentist (because she thinks the problem is with her smile/teeth) so she'll find a boyfriend soon. 

The man just hands over the box. Plunk.

Outside the hospital, Zeng Li sees Ai Jing Chu coldly hand a box to Duo Duo, who is apparently getting dumped by him. So now she thinks he's a total jerk. Duo Duo is ugly crying and he stands there like a brick wall.

Meanwhile, Ai Jing Chu is telling another dentist that he's given the stuff to Duo Duo, and that his colleague should clear things up with Duo Duo himself.

At her initial appointment, Zeng Li is told that she'll need to get her molars extracted for the braces. She doesn’t want to, and tries to get out of it.

Zeng Li is later scammed by some old lady on the street, who pretends that she was knocked down by Zeng Li, and then clings to her legs and demands money for her injuries (Zeng Li didn't actually touch her). The old lady ends up going into cardiac arrest and Zeng Li tries to perform CPR on her but isn't able to. Sometime during this chaos, a yellow leaf falls into her hair. Ai Jing Chu happens to walk by and starts CPR. The ambulance arrives and the old lady is loaded. He criticizes her CPR technique. 

There was a leaf in her hair.

He then removes the leaf out of her hair, and she was relieved it wasn’t an insect.  Ai Jing Chu then forces Zeng Li to accompany the old lady to the hospital, and she's protesting the whole time. 

He misunderstands her and thinks that she's an inconsiderate and uncaring woman. At the hospital, she keeps trying to explain about the old lady but keeps getting interrupted, gives up and just leaves to pay for the bill.  Her friend Wu Jing is on duty and informs Ai Jing Chu that this old lady does this often - tries to scam someone for money for her physical ailments, which are usually made up and ends up getting a clean bill of health usually. However, this time, she actually ends up having a real health issue. Zeng Li comes back after paying the bill, hands him the receipt, and angrily says that she doesn't want to see him ever again. Ai Jing Chu gets right in her face and says she's looking at him now. She leaves in a huff.

She ends up missing her bus, and it starts raining so she ends up waiting at the crowded bus stop, but she drops her transit card. Ai Jing Chu walks by to give her an umbrella but doesn't offer her a ride in his car, even though his car is parked right near the bus stop. (He makes no sense.) 

Zeng Li continues trying to avoid him. She returns for her tooth extraction and insists on having a different dentist. It turns out to be the dentist who broke up with Duo Duo. (But she doesn’t know that.)

During the first tooth extraction, she still feels pain, even with the lidocaine and starts sobbing/wailing loudly. (Imagine the nightmares one would have if they heard those sounds coming out of the dentist’s office.)  Ai Jing Chu is called in to figure out what the problem is, and notices that she had no response to lidocaine, so he uses a different local anesthesia, articaine, and has the most gentle bedside manner while completing the extraction. She's very confused by this gentle Ai Jing Chu.

Her mother sees her after the procedure and says that Ai Jing Chu is a very skilled dentist but Zeng Li complains that he still has bad character, and he overhears this. Her mother leaves and he asks why she would say that as it's their first time meeting. She mentions that they met the day before. And it dawns on him who she is.  

Later on, he comments to his colleague that her name is interesting, and his colleague dumps Zeng Li on Ai Jing Chu. 

[Ep2] Duo Duo calls Zeng Li to ask for a favor - for her to sit in her dental class in her stead. Zeng Li isn’t really comfortable pretending to be her but she agrees to go. Zeng Li reads a magazine in class. (She is the worst substitute student. LOL)  The teacher ends up being out for medical reasons, and Dr. Ai Jing Chu is his substitute. Everyone else in the class is excited as he’s one of the best in the field. During roll call, she tries to hide inside her hoodie, but he forces her to remove it and then to stay in the class. Ai Jing Chu is fully aware that Zeng Li isn't Duo Duo but makes her stay. He's lecturing on cleft palate surgery and she's trying to sneak out the back way but failing so hard. He tells her no one can leave his class and to take notes. A couple of kind students hand her a pen and piece of paper. She hates being in the lecture and is confused by the material. He tells her to give her notes to Duo Duo for self-study. She’s even more annoyed by him now.

Ai Jing Chu is in bed and going through his library books and notices Zeng Li has checked them out before. He goes to sleep at exactly 11 p.m.

The next day, Ji Jing Chu visits the library again and is browsing the shelves but her colleague steals her phone to take photos of him. Zeng Li is trying to avoid him but he needs help looking for a particular book. She pulls out her phone to look it up, and his photo is open on the screen. She tries to explain but he isn't concerned, except to tell her to stop talking because of her dental extraction. He finds his book and goes to check out. However, her colleague opens a box of snacks, and he tells her she can't eat the ones in her hand because they're too spicy. He finds one that aren't, and she complains that he's being fussy. He goes and flicks her on the face where the extraction was, and it makes her scream, startling everyone in the library. He asks, did that hurt? She says, yes, it hurts, it hurts. I’d be so annoyed if he was micromanaging me like this. He opens the book and notices that it's one she hasn't borrowed before. She's not sure what he means, and he leaves with a small smile. He gets approached by a woman outside with a gift of milk tea. He refuses it, but she forces him to accept it. He goes back inside the library and hands it to Zeng Li and tells she can use it as a cold compress, or she can drink it. He leaves, and she decides to drink it and screams again from the pain. LOL She is so dumb here.

The women are hanging out at the cafe again. Ma Yi Yi is complaining about her latest boyfriend breaking up with her. (He broke up with her because she went from being aloof to too clingy.) Zeng Li's stepbrother, Deng Hao Ran comes,while he’s on a call - he's breaking up with his current girlfriend. He offers to treat the women for a meal. Zeng Li is daydreaming about Ai Jing Chu, and has a little smile on her face which her friends notice. 

Zeng Li has a return visit with Ai Jing Chu. It's time for the braces to be put on, which requires a longer visit because of the adhesive. To distract her, he offers to play music but he doesn’t have the music she suggests, nor does he have NetEase Music app, so he plays an anime song and offers to tell her about the anime story while he puts on the braces. 

Anime story: The story is set in 2046. In order to defend against malevolent aliens, the Space Defense Force is recruiting everywhere. Mikako, the heroine is enlisted. Training throughout the Universe begins. Xiao Sheng, the hero who's been having a crush on her always receives her greetings. As they get further apart from each other, it takes a longer time to send messages. Sometimes, it even takes up to two years. Eight years later, Xiao Sheng, who has undying love for Mikako, has finally joined the Space Defense Force, too. He suddenly gets the news that eight years ago the fleet she belonged to was annihilated. Now Xiao Sheng suddenly receives a message. It was sent by Mikako eight years ago. And she said, Hello, Xiao Sheng. I know you're 24. I'm 15-year-old Mikako. In fact, I've always loved you.  

Once he’s done, they leave together and this time, he offers her a ride as it’s raining out. Neither one of them has an umbrella. He asks about the music app she had mentioned earlier, so she helps him load a music app on his phone. Then she suddenly runs out in the rain to get to the bus stop. 

While she’s on the bus, she receives text messages from him - they’re aftercare instructions. And then he sends one that says, "I'm Ai Jing Chu." They both smile.

[Ep3] Wu Ying is busy playing a game on her phone while walking through a busy area and gets annoyed by the endless solicitors. Liu Yu Cheng is trying to ask for directions but she accidentally swats at him. He's new to town and having cell service issues so she ends up walking him to his destination (so he’s pretty clueless).

Ai Jing Chu meets up with his aunt, who touches his face and he finds it embarrassing (she’s done it since he was a kid). She introduces him to Liu Yu Cheng, who is her Malaysian friend's son. He's 21 years old and starting medical school (already has an engineering degree from Malaysia).  Ai Jing Chu is asked to take care of him, show him around, etc. 

Deng Hao Ran is hanging out with Ma Yi Yi to cheer her up. They seem to get along but they also bicker incessantly. 

Zeng Li and Ai Jing Chu meet again by chance. Zeng Li ends up stranded as Ma Yi Yi (family emergency) wasn't able to show up/meet her at the hotel (for Zeng Li's work event) and the hotel shuttle buses had stopped running. She waits for a ride from someone coming down the mountain but it starts snowing. Eventually, she catches that ride. It turns out to be Ai Jing Chu. She turns on the radio and ends up on horror stories and gets scared. Ai Jing Chu receives a phone call from a patient but takes the patient's call on the side of the road in the snow, and has her wait inside the car. She eventually gets out to let him use her headphones for the call so his hands are inside his pockets. Why doesn’t he just zip up his jacket??

Liu Yu Cheng calls Ai Jing Chu after sustaining a gash on his leg from moving some bikes and is trying to decide if he needs to seek medical help. Since the bleeding hasn't stopped, Ai Jing Chu suggests that he gets stitches. Liu Yu Cheng goes to the emergency room, and Wu Ying ends up treating him. He keeps calling her jie jie (older sister) and seems enamored by her. He's pretty pathetic while getting his stitches though. Haha, he is pretty childish here. He'll be back for a follow-up and it turns out that Wu Jing is on the schedule for that day. He leaves with a smile on his face. (She doesn’t see it, as his back is to her.)

Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li drive up the mountain until they have to walk to the hotel in the snow as the snowfall is getting heavier and the roads are getting harder to drive on. She puts on her white bunny ears hat (bought earlier when she was waiting for Ma Yi Yi). He walks behind her with a flashlight. She tries to taste some snow but ends up messing up the wire on her braces (sudden cold temperatures can break the wire), and it cuts into her lip so he ends up fixing it for her. 

He looks very cute in a pink bunny ears hat.

She then notices that his hands are extremely hot, and after touching his forehead, she realizes he has had a fever, and that he'd driven down to get medication. She then makes him wear the other bunny ears hat - it's pink and adorable on him. 

[Zeng Li's voiceover: Many years later, I could still remember this scene. I thought I had to spend a long, dark night on my own. But because of him, the piercing cold winds were erased from my memories. What's left was the moonlight reflected on the ground, and the silhouettes of two persons wearing bunnies' ears in the snow. How many people can remain with each other forever? In a sea of people, what's the probability for two persons to meet? If we could walk to the end together, it'd be such a happy feeling.]

[Ep4] They finally arrive at the hotel. Ai Jing Chu tells her that he needs to leave, so Zeng Li bundles him up with her scarf and jacket as well and asks him to wait in the lobby for her. She goes upstairs to grab him some stuff from her colleagues’ rooms, but when she gets back to the lobby, he’s already gone. She runs outside to go after him and literally runs into him because it's dark out and she's still thinking about those horror stories. She gives him a heat pack, medicine and umbrella, and leaves to walk back to the hotel. He realizes that he can't walk back to the car, nor drive to his destination. They walk back to the hotel, which is out of rooms (of course they would be) so she lets him stay in her room (there are two beds). 

She's unable to fall asleep so he tries to scare her to go to sleep. She finally falls asleep.  

Ma Yi Yi's father is in the hospital, and she's still waiting for them to figure out what's going on. Deng Hao Ran comes by with a bunch of food to comfort her which she tries to resist because she’s worried about weight gain. He keeps tempting her with the food by waving it in front of her, so she ends up eating some of the food. Soon thereafter, the doctor comes out to tell her that her father is fine (hypertension), but now Ma Yi Yi is upset about unnecessary calorie consumption. 

Zeng Li wakes up the next morning and stares at Ai Jing Chu from her bed. She thinks he's good looking and wonders if he's dreaming. 

Ma Yi Yi group texts Zeng Li and Wu Ying to let them know about her father and that she's going to the temple.

Zeng Li's colleague’s son has an accident at the hotel. A nail is stuck in the boy's chin. They're snowed in so no one can leave nor can anyone come by, so Zeng Li gets Ai Jing Chu from her room. He offers his assistance, which is met with some resistance as he's just a dentist. He says that he has some oral and maxillofacial surgery experience. He's very calm during all of this. The parents finally let him help their son (what other choice did they have), and are grateful. Zeng Li's work group text goes crazy about Ai Jing Chu, and they speculate that he's her boyfriend. She replies and asks what they're talking about, and they promptly remove her from the group text.

Ai Jing Chu gets a call that his family is outside, so he asks Zeng Li for his jacket, which is in her room. And now the colleagues all swarm like flies on honey to gossip that he stayed the night in her room.  

Liu Yu Cheng returns to see Wu Ying. She sends him away for wasting her time. He later finds her on her break eating pre-packaged food. He buys her food and she tells him off. Before he leaves, he steals her box of instant noodles and says he'll bring her meals every day.  Ha, so when is he in class or working?

Ma Yi Yi goes to the temple and realizes she can't pay with WeChat for her ticket. They only accept cash so the guy behind her offers to pay for hers. So this guy becomes her latest crush, programmer guy. (He has a name, Sheng Ming, but I don’t care for him.) She later drops her lucky/wish charm while walking, and he notices it on the ground and gives it to her. She gets his WeChat info.

[Ep5] Duo Duo texts to ask Zeng Li for another favor - to remove the love lock with her now ex-boyfriend on that mountain top. She only says that it's blue and the code is 1314. (1314 (yī sān yī sì) sounds similar to 一生一世 (yī shēng yī shì) — “one life, one world.” This means “for the rest of my life” or “forever.”) Ai Jing Chu finds her looking for it, and she asks him to help her look for his love lock. It finally dawns on him why she was so irritated at him when they met the first few times. He doesn’t say anything but does help her look for the lock. 

Endless apologies.

She eventually finds Duo Duo’s lock and reads its message, "We will always be together. Duo Duo and Xu Heng Heng." She realizes she was wrong about who he was and apologizes profusely. He says he forgives her. 

Liu Yu Cheng hand-delivers (while hobbling around on his injured leg) Wu Ying a homemade meal with a little heart-shaped sticky note that has her name on it and a smiley face ^_^ on it. Her colleague teases her about it.

Zeng Li and Ai Jing Chu end up hiking up to a viewpoint to catch the sunset together. She gets tired and almost gives up but he helps her up the trail while leading her up by her hand. When they get there, she sees the view but compliments him on his side profile. He asks, "What do you mean side profile?" and turns around full face and just looks at her. He asks if she knows how to determine if one's side profile is good looking or not. “If the tips of the nose, lips and chin can be connected in a straight line, thus creating a perfect silhouette.” She puts her finger, then her hand in front of her own face and tries to measure. He catches her doing this and laughs a tiny bit. He looks much more approachable when he smiles! And he compliments her with, "You didn't have to straighten your teeth, you were already pretty to begin with." Ah, but then how would he continue seeing her?? :) He asks her since the misunderstanding has been clarified, does she longer despise him as much? She replies that he's looking more like a kind person.

Ma Yi Yi shows up in Zeng Li's hotel room and frightens her while wearing a charcoal mask. Zeng Li tells her that it was all a misunderstanding with Ai Jing Chu before. So Ma Yi Yi suggests that she pursue him. 

Ai Jing Chu is with his family and his aunt is teasing him about Zeng Li. He excuses himself by taking his little niece to get her ready for bed.  

Ai Jing Chu shows up at the library, under the pretense of extending the loan period on his books, but he’s actually looking for Zeng Li. He tells her colleague that he's not there for Zeng Li. Zeng Li's colleague said he could've done this online, and in case he really wanted to know, Zeng Li's on a blind date at Ruger restaurant. 

Her mother has set her up on this blind date with this jerk. He (I’ll call him blind date guy, he has a name but I don’t care) pretty much forces Zeng Li to compliment him, which she does in a very generic way out of politeness. (She actually dislikes him.) They're eating together at a very long table. LOL! A physical representation of their incompatibility perhaps? He makes a joke about them signing the marriage certificate now. G-r-o-s-s. He says they can be friends and he'll try to hold back. (She wonders if she could just reject him now.) She actually says, "I'm fine with being just friends. However I don't feel anything else for you." He continues to say that he wants to see where this goes in the future. What future, delusional man? She gives an uneasy smile and thinks, if his father wasn't her stepfather's supervisor... He then invites her to a movie, and she agrees (but only for the sake of her mother's happiness.)

Ai Jing Chu shows up at the same restaurant with Liu Yu Cheng. Liu Yu Cheng asks if he wants to see a movie after dinner, and Ai Jing Chu gives him his entire night routine schedule and says he needs to be in bed at 11 p.m., and today's not a free day. He goes to use the restroom and finds Zeng Li washing her hands (at the exterior bathroom sink), but she is also on the phone with her mother, and sounding very annoyed with her blind date who she likens to a TV host. Hahaha, he is quite smarmy. She tells her mother, "Do you know how awkward it is to see a movie with someone you don't like?" Ai Jing Chu has heard most of this conversation. She finally sees Ai Jing Chu standing from a distance, behind her in the mirror. She hangs up on her mother and they walk towards each other.

[Zeng Li's voiceover: In a relationship, adults tend to think the one who takes the initiative is the loser. It feels like when a relationship begins, a game begins, a competition begins...The meaning of love lies in sincerity. There are no winners or losers. It doesn't matter who takes the first step forward. In the world of adults, sincerity is the most priceless thing - the one thing everyone should cherish the most.]

[Ep6] Ai Jing Chu asks her why he didn’t see her in the dining area. Zeng Li tells him that she was in a private room. He asks if she's there for a date. She says, “No. It's for a blind date.” He asks, isn't a blind date a date, too? She says, “No, dating means going out with someone I have feelings with. Otherwise, it’s just a free meal.” He smiles at her response and then asks which movie they're seeing, and which theatre they're going to, and if they could all watch it there together, then it won't be embarrassing. Guy, you pretty much said no to Liu Yu Cheng, but now...hahaha. She agrees. He returns to his table and tells Liu Yu Cheng that they should go see the movie. 

Blind date guy and Zeng Li are in line for concessions, and she just wants water but blind date guy insists on getting the package deal with the limited edition dinosaur tumbler. 

Ai Jing Chu and Liu Yu Cheng show up and Zeng Li smiles at Ai Jing Chu and shifts herself over to be nearer to him. She introduces him as her dentist, and blind date guy as her, pause, friend. The dinosaur tumbler shows up - it has two straws, and there's one bucket of popcorn. Ai Jing Chu makes sure there are four drinks in total. Liu Yu Cheng is watching this back-and-forth with interest now. Ai Jing Chu goes to pay with cash but blind date guy pays with an app, and the cashier says it's easier with an app, which makes blind date guy smirk and scoff at Ai Jing Chu. Blind date guy makes fun of him by saying his grandfather started using apps last month, and calls him (Ai Jing Chu) old-fashioned to be carrying cash. He hands the cash to blind date guy and says this is because he doesn't like owing others. Ai Jing Chu gives a drink and bucket of popcorn to Zeng Li. Liu Yu Cheng makes an excuse (to not needing the popcorn), that they don't eat after the dinner meal. Liu Yu Cheng is a very good friend! Blind date guy is annoyed. 

Seating arrangement (L-R): Blind date guy, Zeng Li, Liu Yu Cheng, and Ai Jing Chu. (This is relevant.) Liu Yu Cheng asks Ai Jing Chu if that guy is Zeng Li's boyfriend, and both Zeng Li and Ai Jing Chu deny it at the same time. Blind date guy says, not now, but who knows about the future. Liu Yu Cheng tells him, jai you and earns Aii Jing Chu's death glare. Liu Yu Cheng's smile falters and asks if he did something wrong. During the movie, blind date guy sees that Zeng Li looks like she's cold as she is rubbing her arms, so he magnanimously takes off his jacket for her and covers her with it. She protests but it's too late. Liu Yu Cheng smiles but notices Ai Jing Chu's expression. Liu Yu Cheng moves his right foot over and "accidentally" pulls off the jacket, which falls onto the floor, and stomps on it, and apologetically hands it back to blind date guy. Blind date guy is annoyed about his jacket being stomped on. 

He smiles as he’s no longer so jealous.

Ai Jing Chu removes his jacket and hands it over to Liu Yu Cheng who gives it to Zeng Li. Hahahaha. This is why I said the seating arrangement was relevant. She accepts it and now both she and Ai Jing Chu are smiling. Liu Yu Cheng takes it one step further - he claims that someone tall is sitting in front of him and obstructing his view, so he asks if Ai Jing Chu could swap seats with him. They swap seats, and now, Ai Jing Chu is sitting next to Zeng Li. They smile at each other.

The movie ends and both guys offer to take Zeng Li home. She decides to not accept either one, says she's got a friend waiting and just leaves. Ai Jing Chu is driving and sees her walking outside and offers to take her home. She agrees to go with him. I’m pretty sure he’s who she wanted to leave with anyway.

Liu Yu Cheng bikes by the hospital and sees Wu Ying leaving. He asks if she enjoyed the food he had delivered (from the restaurant he and Ai Jing Chu were at). She says that she was too busy and was leaving for dinner now. He offers to go with her. They’re at the restaurant, and a female student that likes Liu Yu Cheng sits down at their table, and Liu Yu Cheng politely asks her to leave (by saying that they'd chat another time). Wu Ying mentions that that student likes him. Liu Yu Cheng tells Wu Ying that he doesn't like her and doesn't want to waste her time. Wu Ying asks why he is wasting her time then. And he says, because he likes her. Wu Ying replies, that's too direct... and switches the topic to their age difference. She's 6 years his senior and needs to let it go!

Zeng Li's stomach rumbles on the drive home with Ai Jing Chu. It's late so they go to the night market (he's never been, nor does he eat after 9 p.m.), but he won’t let her eat a lot of the food because it’ll ruin her aligners and it’s already so late. Finally, she gets some noodles, and while she's eating, her hair gets in the way, so he reaches over to move her hair out of her face. She asks if they could add each other on WeChat. He says he doesn't have an account, but says he needs to have one now and asks her to help him. She gets him set up on his phone, and takes a picture of him for his profile. Ai Jing Chu is on WeChat now. He’s trying to stay in contact with her as much as he can. 

Ma Yi Yi casually mentions to Deng Hao Ran that Zeng Li is dating a dentist. He rushes to show up on her street waiting for her, like the typical older brother. Deng Hao Ran knows who Ai Jing Chu is but Ai Jing Chu doesn't know who he is. Deng Hao Ran drags her away from Ai Jing Chu. They went to school together from junior high to senior high school (for 6 years in total). Ai Jing Chu and Deng Hao Rao were close in ranking. It’s been 6 years, seriously, how petty is he?

Back at home, Ai Jing Chu is thinking about how Zeng Li will have less reasons to go to the hospital (he wants to see her) if she switches her braces to aligners, instead of 28-day-visits, it'll be every 2 months. 

Zeng Li is working on her romance novel but is daydreaming about Ai Jing Chu in her story instead and is confused by these thoughts.  She finishes up the ending for her book and is ecstatic that she’s officially done writing her first book.

[Zeng Li's voiceover: Wu Ying said after some time, you'll notice it's hard to meet someone you're crazy for. So to be madly in love...is actually a blessing. Loving a person, exploring everything about him, and trying hard to get into his world, and breaking every rule that was set, even though he knows nothing about this. It's just because of the person, the monotonous life begins to become brighter.]

[Ep7] Ai Jing Chu's colleagues find out he has a WeChat account. They are curious about his profile picture. 

Zeng Li goes out for a meal with Deng Hao Ran and his father (their parents are actually divorced but she has a great relationship with him and Deng Hao Ran).  Later on, Deng Hao Ran gets a call that the dentist he had lined up just cancelled at the last minute, so now he needs to find a volunteer dentist for the orphanage. Zeng Li suggests Ai Jing Chu. He’s not too keen on it but he lets her ask Ai Jing Chu.  I have no idea what he does for work, and he seems to have disposable income and plenty of free time.  

Zeng Li texts Ai Jing Chu to ask him, and he agrees. They exchange stickers until she sends him a meme, and he asks her where she got it, so she sends him a few more and tells him how to get them.

Zeng Li gets her metal braces taken off, and now has clear aligners, and needs to use aligner chewies as well. She makes a comment that they should make nicer looking ones. She uses one and asks Ai Jing Chu if she looks like a hamster. She really does. LOL  Her brother picks them up to go to the orphanage together, but he has a bunch of stuff in the backseat. Again, such pettiness. Zeng Li tells Ai Jing Chu to sit in the front as Ai Jing Chu has longer legs but Ai Jing Chu offers to sit in the back. Ai Jing Chu provides dental check ups, and they also provide snacks and play with the kids. There's a shy boy with a cleft palate who needs revision surgery and dental work as well. Ai Jing Chu is very patient and gentle with the boy, who is obviously ashamed by his appearance. Ai Jing Chu is very gentle most of the time, but even more so when it comes to his patients and kids.  

Wu Ying and Liu Yu Cheng bond over video games (on their phones). He'll get her more stars/higher ranking if she promises to go to sleep earlier on the days she's not working late. 

Meanwhile, Ma Yi Yi is still busy obsessing over her latest crush. She's coming up with ideas to see the programmer guy in person. Her laptop coincidentally needs an update (that she could handle herself but…). 

[Ep8] Ma Yi Yi asks Sheng Ming for help with her laptop. He finishes updating her laptop and then she asks him to go to dinner. But something happens when he uses the bathroom and he just leaves her. I don’t like this guy, and don’t get why she is so hung up on him. He has no personality. She ends up hanging out with Deng Hao Ran. 

Zeng Li goes for her follow-up appointment and meets an upset couple with a daughter who came to see Ai Jing Chu but can't get an appointment. She continues talking to them after checking in, and the blind date guy shows up (because her mother told him about it).  Ick, who shows up at anyone's dental appointment as a lead-in to a date? Unless you're dating the dentist or staff.

Blind date guy continues pestering her by waiting with her. Ai Jing Chu comes out of the office and sees blind date guy. They glare at each other, but Ai Jing Chu walks around to stand right in front of blind date guy to block talk to Zeng Li. Hahaha, so direct. Ai Jing Chu tells her that there are 4-5 patients before her so she might not get in until the afternoon, and he offers her the use of his office for her to rest. (And to get away from annoying blind date guy?!) He hands her his office keys. Zeng Li almost forgets about blind date guy being there, barely says goodbye and hurries off to Ai Jing Chu's office. 

Blind date guy is now asking a nurse about Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li's relationship. She tells him,”Isn't it obvious, she's his girlfriend.” Blind date guy looks like he's about to cry. LOL, his face made me laugh so hard. So he calls his mother to whine about it. Good riddance!!

Ai Jing Chu asks Zeng Li out to lunch. They end up getting delivery because she's a bit embarrassed by the attention in front of his staff. Her colleague calls her to help invite Ai Jing Chu to dinner (for helping with their son’s emergency during the work trip/hotel) and her colleague said that he might be more likely to accept if Zeng Li asked him. Zeng Li asks him if he's free. He asks if she'll be going, too. She tells him that she would. He then says he's free (and thinks, I'm free as long as you're asking me). Yup, he’s definitely into her.  After their lunch, she brushes her teeth. He shows her a better way to brush her teeth. He stands behind her and watches her in the mirror. (They're already an old married couple.)

Liu Yu Cheng waits for Wu Ying to get off of work and she's excited to see him. So they play games on their phones. She starts noticing how attractive he is. He cuts his thumb playing games on his phone as his screen protector is damaged. She gets the medical kit to tend to his cuts. He asks her to spend New Year's Eve with him and she agrees.  

Ai Jing Chu ends up drunk after that dinner, so Zeng Li has to drive them. She helps him with his seat belt. The whole reach-over-and-have-faces-too-close kind of thing. She has her license but isn't used to driving. But he's more laid-back and agreeable to anything when he's sober. She’s driving very slowly. 

Later, he tells her to remember to go in for check-ups every 6 to 8 weeks. And they're both thinking: Regret the switch to clear aligners. 

[Zeng Li's first voiceover, as she leaves him in the taxi: The distance between the island and the city is neither too far nor too near. Six to eight weeks. I started to miss the previous 28 days... and 28 days were once the period of us meeting each other, but now we're back to our own small world again. I need to wait six to eight weeks to meet him again.]

[Zeng Li's second voiceover: I suddenly found out a big secret. There's no adult in the world. As we grow up, we need to look mature. Only after we get drunk and being alone, we'd put down our guard before the one we love and be the carefree child once again. I really hope that we can become the big heroes that overcome every obstacle and at the same time, the children that are loved.] I love the last sentence here.

[Ep9] Zeng Li is worried about Ai Jing Chu because she hasn't heard from him since the previous night’s events.  

Liu Yu Cheng asks Ai Jing Chu to be his wingman during his date. He doesn't want to be a third wheel so Liu Yu Cheng suggests he ask Zeng Li to go along. Ai Jing Chu asks “why does it have to be Zeng Li?” Liu Yu Cheng shouts, "The whole world knows you have feelings for her!" Yes, we do!! Ai Jing Chu agrees to go.  

Ai Jing Chu finally texts Zeng Li, and she's relieved to finally hear from him. He tells her about Liu Yu Cheng's date (and plan to confess) and thought it would be awkward to be a third wheel, and asks if she wants to join him so they could be awkward together. Too cute! But she ends up telling him, no, because she usually spends it with her two best friends and that should be the plan for this year as well. He's disappointed but texts her, okay, not a problem. 

Later, Zeng Li finds out that both of her best friends are ditching her on NYE with their own plans. So she texts Ai Jing Chu that they can spend New Year’s Eve together. He offers to pick her up. 

Ou. Girls can fend for themselves.

To Zeng Li’s surprise, Wu Ying shows up with Liu Yu Cheng at the amusement park. The guys turn out to be terrible at archery and unable to win the women any prizes. So the two gals take over... turns out Wu Ying placed 2nd and Zeng Li placed 1st at their university’s archery competition back in the day. I love it! The women win the largest prize – huge stuffed Husky dogs. Liu Yu Cheng confesses to Wu Ying on the Viking ride several times. 

Everyone's happy here...except for Ai Jing Chu. :(

Surprisingly, Ai Jing Chu does as well, but his voice is drowned out by Liu Yu Cheng's voice every time he tries. And Zeng Li just can’t hear him at all. He finally gives up and looks so miserable. Awww, the poor guy!

Ma Yi Yi is doing a livestream event for a beauty product but starts having stomach pain. Both the programmer guy and Deng Hao Ran are watching her livestream. Programmer guy finally calls her at the last second to offer to take her to the hospital but Deng Hao Ran actually shows up and takes her immediately. She has appendicitis but is scared to have her first surgery. Programmer guy shows up at the hospital in her room. She finally asks if he likes her or not. He says that he's afraid to like her because he's just a programmer, doesn't have a reputable family background, no car or property, and might return to his hometown in two years. He feels like he has nothing to give her. She goes on and on about how she doesn't care about stuff, has her own money, etc. He kisses her on the cheek. Deng Hao Ran returns, sees them and gets annoyed. Programmer guy says that he likes her and if she's willing, today is the first day that they start dating. She agrees. Deng Hao Ran leaves annoyed.

Cute chewies.

Zeng Li damages her aligner chewies, so she goes to see Ai Jing Chu. He gives her a set of chewies that look like tiny purple ice cream bars. He says they were samples from a manufacturer but it turns out that he had special-ordered them for her.  They’re really cute looking. I’m a fan of food-themed items. Hahaha.

Zeng Li’s mother shows up at her place and is angry with her. She’s angry that she ruined her stepfather's job opportunity because of the blind date fiasco, because he’s so close to retiring. Really, Mom?? They say hurtful things in anger, and it ends with her mother slapping her on the face when Zeng Li makes a dig at her multiple marriages.

Her mother leaves and Zeng Li runs after her. Her mother’s gone. Ai Jing Chu was still waiting in his car. He gets out to console her as he sees that she is distraught, and then he sees the blood at the corner of her mouth. He goes to get her some medicine and bandages, and then he tends to her face. He offers to take her for a meal or accompany her wherever she wants to go. They end up at a restaurant and she's getting drunk and tells him about her mother (being married multiple times, trying to give her a better life, and that she used to get beaten by her mother as a kid). He shares his story with her. His grandmother was set against his parents dating, so they left together. But not long after his father died in an accident and his mother was pregnant with him. His grandfather begged his mother to keep him, and his mother passed away not long after he was born. He says he didn't tell her to get sympathy or to comfort her. He says, "Throughout a person's lifetime, we might have to go through a lot. Pain, feeling upset, crying. But maybe after some years, you'll realize the things that you thought you couldn't get over with, the fixations are in fact so insignificant.” She tells him that she's never been in a relationship before and she's never even been kissed before. 

[Ep10] A now very drunk Zeng Li takes Ai Jing Chu to her coffee shop. She makes him latte art (multiple cups of coffee) and tries to get him to drink it. He refuses so she jumps onto his lap and drunkenly kisses him (although in her mind, she's seeing the stuffed Husky actually, LOL). She eventually sees his actual face again and starts playing with his face. She also swipes a sip of coffee, which he warns her will cause problems with her aligner. She passes out on him.  

Wu Ying keeps staying up to play games, and Liu Yu Cheng calls her to go to sleep. She bribes him into playing more games by calling him ge ge (older brother) in an over-the-top sweet tone. 

Ai Jing Chu is cleaning up her mess and watches Zeng Li stumble around drunkenly/half asleep. She finally falls asleep on the couch. The next morning he is staring at her sleeping so peacefully and leaves her to sleep. Later she wakes up and finds his note, "I needed to leave for work. If your head hurts, have some honey water." She doesn’t recall much of anything besides being drunk. 

Ai Jing Chu is having a hard time focusing at work. He keeps thinking about her kissing him, asking to kiss him, and sees Zeng Li everywhere. He goes to see her at the library but he's so bothered by his thoughts that he ends up just pacing back and forth outside. He keeps thinking about the previous night's events...whereas she only remembers kissing the stuffed Husky dog. LOL.  

Ma Yi Yi's programmer guy drops by with a box of lights, which he installs in her bedroom. She goes to kiss him but he gets really uncomfortable and just leaves. He is not endearing himself to me in any way or form.

At Zeng Li's cafe, a few items (the coffee mugs, saucers, etc. from her drunken night) have gone missing, so she investigates to find the thief. She (and everyone else) checks out the surveillance footage and she sees that she kissed Ai Jing Chu in her drunken stupor. Now she's so embarrassed that she doesn't want to see him that day - not even for her appointment. So she texts the nurse, instead of him, saying that she can't drop by anymore.  

Zeng Li gets a call from her editor friend that the book is in the process of being published, and she is planning to arrange a few book signing events, too.  Zeng Li is nervous about this as she didn’t really want to go public. She needs to have these book signing events if she wants to sell her books. Zeng doesn’t really want to do this, so her friend tells her to at least think about it. 

An annoying classmate shows up at the library. Zeng Li stays polite but this woman keeps insulting her and flashing her engagement ring. Ai Jing Chu finally walked in during this and was seething at the display of meanness. He interrupts them and tells Zeng Li that it's been a day and she hasn't texted him at all. He also says that told her to drop by the hospital but she didn't show up either. Her colleague eagerly tells the classmate that this is Zeng Li's boyfriend. Annoying classmate offers her hand to Ai Jing Chu for a handshake and he pointedly ignores it. He goes on to say that they've been dating for quite some time. 

[Zeng Li's voiceover: Girls with a fairy tale dream did not meet their princes in the end. They claim that fairy tales are a lie. However, at this moment, I believe in fairy tales. Even if the man I was waiting for did not come on a white horse. But when I'm getting helpless, he's put on the armor silently and fights for me.]

[Ep11] Ai Jing Chu is talking to Zeng Li but she's staring at his lips. She is tuning out everything he’s saying (he was asking her if she'd been avoiding him) and just staring at his lips and thinking about how soft and nice they look, and she's unable to focus on anything else. Hahaha! He finally notices her staring intently at his mouth, and asks her if there's something on his mouth. She responds with no, she just thinks his mouth looks nice, and says that he could be a lipstick model. 

There's an awkward pause but he asks her to go on a walk. They walk and then sit down on a bench and discuss life - how to live it. He likes the way she lives her life and that she’s happy. So she should stick to what she wants to do and he supports her living her dream. She asks what his dream was. He had wanted to be a manhwa artist. He then looks at her and her mouth, and says “your mouth is very nice, too.” She just smiles.

Liu Yu Cheng tells his roommate that Wu Ying isn't speaking to him for some reason. His roommate said maybe it's because he's been playing games with him (friend is using a female profile with a photo of the girl that likes Liu Yu Cheng since it's easier then to find someone to lead in games). LOL. So his roommate says that Wu Ying might be jealous. Li Yu Cheng tries to leave immediately and clear things up for her but his roommate is like no, there’s no rush, let's play more rounds. 

Wu Ying’s father just had surgery and she meets Dr. Jiang, her father's surgeon who actually knows her from medical school (she doesn’t know him though). He’s 33, confident, appears to be financially stable, and knows that her schedule is similar to hers (demanding, long hours, tiring, etc.). He asks her out on a date. She doesn't reject him but tells him she'll think about it.

Zeng Li goes to see Ai Jing Chu to get her aligners cleaned (from coffee, which he warned her about.)  She finds out that he pays for a lot of dental procedures out of his own pocket for patients who can’t afford it, especially children. A nurse tells her this (even though Dr. Ai did ask the staff to not discuss this with anyone, and then she asks if that makes Zeng Li like Dr. Ai even more now.  Not sure how much kinder this guy could be, and he’s modest, too.   

Ma Yi Yi goes on a movie date with programmer guy. He goes to return a call from a woman, who turns out to be his ex-girlfriend. As it turns out, Ma Yi Yi broke up their 10-year relationship. He suddenly hugs her and is super emotional and says that he can’t live without her. Ma Yi Yi just walks away from him and later breaks down in the streets.

Deng Hao Ran, Wu Ying, and Zeng Li console Ma Yi Yi by drinking and dancing at a club. Wu Ying posts a video of Ma Yi Yi and Deng Hao Ran dancing, with a caption: “Aunt Ma has been partying for 3 hours, someone come and take her away.” Ai Jing Chu and Liu Yu Cheng see the WeChat post and become concerned for Zeng Li and Wu Ying respectively. 

Liu Yu Cheng comes to look for Wu Ying. He explains his roommate's profile. He tells her how much he likes her but she's still very hung up on their 6-year-age difference. He then tells her that if she's unhappy, to let him know and he'll share the burden with her. She leaves in a cab, without him.

Ai Jing Chu looks for Zeng Li in the very crowded, loud and confetti-falling club. They manage to find each other and meet halfway.

[Ep12] Ma Yi Yi and Deng Hao Ran are still dancing. Zeng Li leaves with Ai Jing Chu. He finds out that she's taking a flight in the morning. (She's got a book signing event for her newly published book.) They listen to the radio and there's a discussion about love confessions. The woman wanted a formal confession, and thought that the man did it, too casually, it was while in line at a food stall. Zeng Li agrees that it seems too casual and not sincere. Ai Jing Chu says that the guy probably didn't think that far, and that he probably felt the urge to express his feelings.(He thinks back to when he confessed on the Viking ride. (Ep9.)

Deng Hao Ran is getting scolded by his girlfriend via text for being there for his sister and her friends. But he stays by Ma Yi Yi's side. He tells her if he (programmer guy) is willing to give up his girlfriend of 10 years for Ma Yi Yi, what is going to happen when he meets someone that he thinks is better than Ma Yi Yi? 

Ai Jing Chu is now thinking of a good confession plan. He goes to a shop and asks for an old cellphone, which they don’t have but they will let him know if they find one. If anyone knows the reference - think about an old Nokia phone. He’s thinking about Zeng Li and texts her a picture of a cloud that looks like a rabbit, and asks if she's landed. A couple of nurses walk by and say hi to him as he’s on his phone, and he responds with a hi and smiles at them. They’re in awe of this. This is different from his normal demeanor – very limited conversation with a very serious face. Zeng Li responds with a photo of a cloud that looks like a dog laying down, and texts that she thinks hers is cuter. 

Zeng Li's book event is sold out and is more popular than anyone had anticipated. She's so nervous before the event and Ai Jing Chu suggests (by text) trying what he does before public speaking events - 20 squats. He promises it will help. She doesn’t want to do them but she is desperate. But after doing them, it just makes her legs weak and makes her wobble a bit on stage. Hahaha. There are questions about her book – however, some people have figured out where she must’ve gone to school (by school uniform colors) and who the other character for her love story must be (Yu Yi). 

Wu Ying is continuing to ignore Liu Yu Cheng and goes as far as uninstalling the game from her phone to forget about him. Dr. Jiang calls to ask if she wants to practice archery that day, and he's downstairs outside her place. (Her mother gave him her address.) She sees him from her balcony, standing across the street. He tells her on the phone that he’s already made reservations at an archery place. Not sure if she went with him. I doubt it.  Meanwhile, Liu Yu Cheng remains resolute in liking Wu Ying. 

Zeng Li and her editor friend are watching a horror movie in the hotel room, and they are both scared. Her friend can’t stand it any longer and leaves her alone in the room to watch it by herself. She ends up texting Ai Jing Chu. He realizes she's scared so he calls her, to keep her company as she watches the movie, and suggests she uses earphones in one ear. They fall asleep on the phone as neither one wants to hang up. These two are too sweet.

He goes to the library to get a book for class prep and he finds out that she's out on sick (but he knows she’s using her leave from work for the book event). He looks up book events in Yancheng and finds a photo of her for her own book event. Then he finds her book "The Story of Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu'er" at the bookstore. He's a bit embarrassed to be buying a romance novel but he does buy it. 

The book opens with what appears to be her childhood and how her parents argued all the time, and how alone she felt, until one day her mother gets her a tutor. He's wondering how much of the real her is in her book. He has tears dripping onto the pages as he’s continuing to read her book. He’s more sensitive than one would’ve thought at first.

[Ep13] Flashback: Yu Yi (Xiao Yu in her book) is her tutor, who is 4 years older than her. Her parents end up arguing in front of her and the tutor. He then shares his headphones with her so she’s not distracted by her parents’ arguments. He calls her Xiao Yu'er. 

Currently, Zeng Li and her friend are back and just arrived at the airport, Ai Jing Chu says his meeting ended and says he's picking her up. She tries to hide at the airport, and lies about being on a train already. He shows up right behind her as she’s saying all this to him on the phone. She admits to him that she is embarrassed to see him because she hasn't washed her hair in 3 days and thinks to herself she hasn’t washed her face either

He can see her oily hair...from way up there.

As they’re walking out, he asks about her height (1.67 meters) and he says he's 1.87 meters. She asks if he’s bragging about his height. Then he says, well, at this height he can really see how oily her hair is, and she runs from him. LOL! See, he can be funny now!

Zeng Li receives a text message from Yu Yi saying that he was back in China, and probably not returning to the U.S. Her best friends grill her about him. They ask when she saw him last and she responds that it was 4.5 years ago. They tease her and say that she did mention him more often until a few months ago. Perhaps, not so much since she met Ai Jing Chu?

Zeng Li tells her friends that for a long time, she had been waiting for Yu Yi, had even fantasized about his return, but when she received his message just now, she realized that she hadn't really thought about him much. Her friends conclude that she must be in love with Ai Jing Chu. She doesn’t respond.

Yu Yi is looking for Ai Jing Chu at the hospital. They've been friends for eight years. He brought back an entire suitcase full of dental books for him. (Well, I really didn't expect this connection.) They go to dinner and Yu Yi mentions liking a woman, hadn't seen her in a long time and wants Ai Jing Chu to come along when he meets up with her. (I'm pulling out my hair at this idea!) 

Ma Yi Yi and Deng Hao Ran are hanging out, and they're currently both single, post-break-up. Deng Hao Ran tells her that she gets into a relationship just to have a relationship. (Truth.)

Wu Ying had an awful day at work. (She couldn't save a patient.) Liu Yu Cheng shows up to cheer her up, even though he has no idea what’s going on, and she refuses all of his offers. She finally tells him what happened. She continues distancing herself from him. She's really hung up on her age, and wants to act her age now, which includes marriage some day. Liu Yu Cheng asks if she thinks he can't marry her, if that's why she's been ignoring him. He's very sincere and calm but she's upset and calls him childish. Dr. Jiang interrupts their conversation. She leaves and Dr. Jiang deliberately tells Liu Yu Cheng that he intends to be more than friends with her. He also tells him that those 6 years are not just a number - it’s 6 years that he’s lacking in social experience, financial stability, etc.... implying that he's not able to provide a sense of security to a woman who is mature, or give her extravagant gifts that any woman would want. Poor Liu Yu Cheng. Dr. Jiang is officially a piece of turd to me.

Zeng Li agrees to meet up with Yu Yi. Ai Jing Chu also agrees to go to dinner with Yu Yi. (This is about to become seriously awkward...)

[Ep14] Liu Yu Cheng gets very drunk after his conversations with Wu Ying and Dr. Jiang. Ai Jing Chu picks him up from the bar and he ends up staying at Ai Jing Chu's. He starts crying. Ai Jing Chu consoles him but tells him about his parents’ story and tells him to not give up, as long as he knows that Wu Ying shares the same feelings. 

Zeng Li and her friends are hanging out. Wu Ying says that she doesn't think she and Dr. Jiang are suitable for each other.  

In the past, Yu Yi gave Zeng Li a necklace to keep her keys on them (she always misplaced them). Yu Yi shows up outside her cafe. He’s so happy to see her, and he pats her on the head and says that Xiao Yu’er has grown up.  They go to the restaurant together.  

The surprise that no one expected.

After they are seated, Yu Yi says his best friend is joining them, as they were roommates in the U.S. He calls out to Ai Jing Chu to join them, and Zeng Li sees him first. Zeng Li and Ai Jing Chu are both startled and a bit saddened by this. Yu Yi asks if they know each other, and Ai Jing Chu only admits that he’s her dentist. Yu Yi calls her Xiao Yu'er, and Ai Jing Chu realizes that her book is really about Yu Yi, and the woman that Yu Yi likes is actually Zeng Li. Yu Yi surprises her with a gift, a necklace with a key pendant (key to his heart perhaps), as he’d promised to give her one before. Now, Ai Jing Chu is in a bad mood and starts drinking wine. 

Both guys start drinking wine, and Ai Jing Chu keeps arguing with Yu Yi. Zeng Li tries to distract them by looking out the window and saying how beautiful the scenery is, both guys are looking at her, and Yu Yi says, “yes, beautiful” with a big smile. Ai Jing Chu loses the smile on his face and actually turns Yu Yi's head towards the window to get him to stop staring at Zeng Li. LOL, I really didn’t expect him to do that.

Deng Hao Ran has booked a ski resort for a weekend, and asks (via group text) if the women want to come. They’re also allowed to invite whomever, and Ma Yi Yi and Wu Ying suggest that Zeng Li invite Yu Yi. And so at this dinner, Zeng Li invites both Yu Yi and Ai Jing Chu to the ski trip. They both agree to go.

Zeng Li’s book mentions a love letter that she'd sent but didn't have an address. Ai Jing Chu recalls that he had opened the letter by mistake a long time ago (eight years ago), as the envelope had gotten wet and smudged the name of the addressee. He realized it was meant for Yu Yi while reading it. And she had also confessed that she had liked Yu Yi since she was 16. She'd also written her number at the end of the letter and signed it Carol, her English name, and Yu Yi would know exactly who she was. So Ai Jing Chu had called her to apologize for reading the letter as he couldn’t read the addressee’s name. (Currently, he remembers the name of her coffee shop, Carol’s.) She had then asked him to burn it because she had found out that Yu Yi already had a girlfriend, and she didn't want to interfere in his life. She had also asked him to not mention the letter to Yu Yi. (Currently, at the same time, Zeng Li realizes the person who read the letter and called her eight years ago was Ai Jing Chu.) 

At work, Ai Jing Chu is asked if he wants to join the medical aid relief assignment in Africa which would be for a minimum of six months. He's driving home and sees Zeng Li on her bike, follows her, and gets out to try to catch up to her on foot, but he doesn’t catch up to her. He watches her riding away and wonders if Yu Yi is the one she's been waiting for.

[Ep15] It's Wu Ying's 27th birthday. She's eating lunch with a colleague and Dr. Jiang shows up to invite her out to steak dinner. She tells him that she's celebrating with her friends. Then he asks about the weekend, and she says she'll be celebrating with her parents. He then asks if there's anything she wants for a birthday present. She says there's no need for this. (She actually doesn't like this guy, and neither do I. He may be mature and financially stable but he's got zero character except for being a jerk.) He makes her colleague leave the table. She then asks him if he spoke to Liu Yu Cheng a few days ago. He says that he told Liu Yu Cheng that "You two weren't suitable for each other." She gets upset and tells him, "Who gives you the right to say those things to him?" Dr. Jiang says, "I thought that's what you’d think. So I was helping you solve this problem." (No, dude, but maybe this will help them get back together?!) She gets up to leave the table, upset with him, and tells him, don't decide on his own (for her). He counters with "Don't tell me you honestly like him. He's so much younger than you and he's still studying. You two are really not suitable for each other." She finally snaps and says, "Suitable or not. I don't need you to tell me. We're just friends. You've overstepped your boundaries." She rejects him completely. She goes back to her office and finds a Chanel purse from Liu Yu Cheng with a birthday card. The card reads "Dr. Wu, Happy Birthday. You're going to be cute this year, too. ^_^ Liu Yu Cheng." She smiles at the card.

Liu Yu Cheng was playing basketball but got a minor face injury. Wu Ying comes by to see him, and takes a look at his face. She asks him why he's making life so much harder for himself (by worrying about things, instead of being young and worry-free.) He sweetly tells her, "You're the person I like. I can see and think of no one else but you." (I like him so much for her.) 

Group of seven are at the ski resort now. Both Ai Jing Chu and Yu Yi want to help Zeng Li with her bags, so she ends up just carrying them herself. Now, they’re all eating at a large round table with several hot pots going. Yu Yi is being extra attentive to Zeng Li - pours her a drink and spins the spicy hot pot so it’s directly in front of her - but Ai Jing Chu says that she’s having gum issues and spins the spicy hot pot away from her. This goes on for another minute, and at this point, no one else is able to eat anything either. Yu Yi thinks he’s just showing off because he’s the dentist. Zeng Li makes a pouty face at Ai Jing Chu. He won’t give in and just shakes his head at her.  

Afterwards, everyone splits apart to do different things. Yu Yi, Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li go snowboarding. Ai Jing Chu is capturing footage on his GoPro while they’re snowboarding. Zeng Li almost falls down at some point and Ai Jing Chu keeps her from falling and the camera is rolling while they’re spinning around. Yu Yi is snowboarding at a fast rate nearby, and at some point, falls down onto his back and pretends to be injured. After both Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li get worried, he gets up and laughs saying that he’s pranked her before in the past. Zeng Li isn’t happy with him now and just stomps off. (This is one thing that I didn’t like about Yu Yi.) Ai Jing Chu isn’t any happier hearing about their shared past either. Yu Yi runs after her. 

Liu Yu Cheng and Wu Ying stayed back to play games. Liu Yu Cheng is shy about entering Wu Ying's hotel room, and goes as far as not latching the door while they are hanging out. He's so cute and (almost) innocent. She bought him a new phone (remember his cuts from the broken screen?) and got the funds from returning the Chanel bag he got her. 

Ma Yi Yi and Deng Hao Ran are hanging out at the ski resort pool. They end up discussing their former relationship, they were together.  But he broke up with her.  And they don’t want anyone else knowing about their shared history.  This explains Deng Hao Ran’s extra attention and care for her.

She’s just turning off the light…

Zeng Li realizes that she likes Ai Jing Chu only. She notices his door is open and tucks him in. She goes to turn off the light and is laying across him to reach for the switch but wakes him up. (Because it would have been too logical to walk around the bed and turn off the light.) He looks up at her as she tells him she’s turning off the light. So she turns off the light, and he lifts his head off the pillow to kiss her. He doesn’t say anything. He just lays back down and they’re both looking at each other.

[Ep16] Zeng Li doesn’t say anything and just runs out of Ai Jing Chu’s room. He sits up to watch her leave. She’s wondering if he kissed her because he was drunk. 

Wu Ying wants to keep playing games on her phone and Liu Yu Cheng is trying to convince her to go to sleep. She pouts and wants him to help her with the game. He said he'll do it if she'll go to sleep when he wins. Later, she finally tells him that she really, really likes him. He's not sure if she's saying this because she's drunk, so he wants to hear it when she's sober, too. She tries to kiss him. He stops her and says that she'll regret it in the morning. She removes his hand and says that she won't regret it. 

Yu Yi goes to see Ai Jing Chu in his room. He actually did hurt his back but he lied because he didn’t want Zeng Li to be worried about it. He’s getting his back massaged with medicine by Ai Jing Chu, and asks him to not say anything about it to Zeng Li. He knows he’s traumatized her with the boating/fell-in-the-lake-prank in the past and doesn’t want to do that with snowboarding, too. Yu Yi asks Ai Jing Chu if he thinks that Zeng Li likes him. Ai Jing Chu stops massaging his back, and says he doesn’t know. Yu Yi presses him to discuss how he feels, how he’s been feeling about the past few days.  Ai Jung Chu tells him he doesn’t feel anything. (This guy feels everything!)  He corrects himself and says that he can't tell. Yu Yi then tells him that he knows about tZeng Li’s book which was about him and what happened in their past, and he’s also heard that she's never dated anyone. He wonders if maybe she was waiting for him, but he doesn’t sense that this time, because the way she looks at him is like a friend. Ai Jing Chu leaves the room to get him some ointment. Yu Yi looks at the camera footage that Ai Jing Chu took that day.

Wu Ying acts nonchalant about Liu Yu Cheng spending the night with her so he gets a bit confused, and finally asks her what he is to her. She says boyfriend. He asks her to repeat it. Now he's so happy that he spins her around in his arms. They're officially together.  

Zeng Li, Yu Yi and Zeng Li's mother go back to their hometown for New Year’s. (Yu Yi is a distant relative through Zeng Li’s mother’s side. Part of me is screaming about this, as always.) Yu Yi's mother tells everyone that he came back for Zeng Li. 

Later on, Yu Yi and Zeng Li talk. He knows that she only sees him as her youngest uncle. He also tells her that he knows that the person she likes isn't him, so it must be Ai Jing Chu. She just nods her head. Yu Yi tells her that Ai Jing Chu is a really good man, and if she likes him, he’s worth it.  She tells him that she's not sure about whether Ai Jing Chu likes her. He says, Ai Jing Chu likes her very much. He'd seen the footage from the ski trip, and he'd seen that Ai Jing Chu had captured mostly footage of her, and was worried about her safety in it. He says that he realized in Ai Jing Chu’s heart and eyes, it was all about her. (Yu Yi isn't resentful, perhaps, more regretful that he had missed his opportunity. He's grateful to have met her 10 years ago.) (One of the most gracious love rival problem-solving scenes I’ve seen.)

[Ep17] Ai Jing Chu is with his family for the holidays. He drinks way too much and he's missing Zeng Li. He ends up walking to her closed cafe and shows up teary-eyed looking at the empty place. He’s thinking about her and calls her from there (and thinks about her being with Yu Yi for the holiday) and asks if her heart is still with her. She doesn’t answer. He hangs up and tears fall down his cheeks. She’s confused by his question but is happy that he called her.

Zeng Li  goes to see him after a long time (it’s been weeks). She finds out that he's leaving for Africa for a medical aid relief assignment from a nurse. Her happy mood is dampened by this news and now she’s upset. She tells him that she heard he was going to Africa for a medical aid relief assignment. He tells her that she’ll be taken care of by another dentist while he is away. She then asks if she's only a patient to him, and why he didn't tell her. He said that he hadn’t had an opportunity to tell her.  She then asks if he could not go. (What a selfish thing to ask.) She starts lifting off all the diseases and what could go wrong. He said it's about saving lives, and not just about treating patients, and he volunteered to go.  

Zeng Li leaves upset that she’s the last person to know about this and ends up chasing after one of the orphan patients (runaway) on her bike but sustains a serious injury to her chin. She needs stitches for her wound. Ai Jing Chu receives the call from a bystander and retrieves her to take her to the emergency room. He cleans her wound but then he can't bring himself to do the local anesthesia. He looks quite pained by this. Wu Ying gives her anesthesia and then does the stitches, while he ends up holding Zeng Li’s hand. Zeng Li is silently crying during this and thinking of every moment he’s been there for her. 

He takes her home and she gets some rest. She wakes up later to get something to drink from the fridge, but she didn't remember/know that he was still there. And when she does see him, she runs back to her room when she realizes that she’s got on a shirt but no pants. Ai Jing Chu saw her for a split second while he was reading his book, but he can no longer focus on the book now. She wakes up again later and he's still there but he's been busy making her food.  

She tells him that she knows he's read her letter to Yu Yi before and that she used to like Yu Yi. And she thought that she'd never fall in love with anyone else but him. She also tells him that she made it clear to Yu Yi that the person she likes isn't Yu Yi. They’re interrupted by a pot boiling over on the stovetop. He goes to check and says that he thought he had turned it off, and she follows him and says that he must’ve just turned the knob the other way. She moves to help him with cleaning the mess but they bump into each other, and she hits her chin on him. He goes to check on her chin, and as he’s adjusting her bandage, she places her hand on top of his hand. He stands up when he’s done and tells her, "Zeng Li, I asked you whether your heart is still with you during the New Year call. If it is still with you, I'll take it away." Then he gently kisses her very gently once and then twice. (Such a sweet, sweet confession, and I love how it was just the two of them.)

After his confession and those gentle kisses...

She tells her friends about him kissing her. Wu Ying asks if he made a confession.  She said that he had to leave as he received a patient call. So, she and her friends think he hasn't confessed yet... and neither does she?! Oh, c'mon! It totally was! She’s supposed to be an avid reader, but can’t tell if he confessed? (As in read into the context of his words.)

[Ep18] Ai Jing Chu can't reach Zeng Li. He's worried about her as he hasn't heard her from her all day. He calls her friends (they’re not answering), and her brother. Then he drops by the cafe and finds out that the three women must be together. He then contacts her employer and explains that she had an accident and her boss says that should stay home and rest then. 

Zeng Li realizes she hasn’t had her cellphone with her since she's been out with her friends. It turns out that Ma Yi Yi and Wu Ying had purposely left her phone at home. (Why??! How childish.) Liu Yu Cheng is with them and texts their location to Ai Jing Chu, as he doesn't want Ai Jing Chu to keep worrying about her. Ai Jing Chu calls Liu Yu Cheng immediately. Her friends yell that they want him to come and get drunk, too. Zeng Li grabs the phone and tells him to meet her at a cafe (she gives him the name), but they both show up at a different location. He drives around and finally sees her walking on the street. They agree to meet on the pedestrian bridge. He gets out on foot to meet her and she runs to meet him. She’s out of breath and tries to apologize for her friends who left her phone at home and that she had nothing to do with it. He reaches for her and then kisses and kisses her. He finally says, "Don't do this anymore. Keep your phone with you at all times. I don't want to lose you anymore." 

An old cellphone with messages.

He also has something for her, he hands her an old cellphone, with a message to her. This is similar to the anime story he'd told her about when he had put on her braces (Ep2. Later on, she'd told him that she watched the anime and the ending wasn't what he'd told her - the “I’ve always loved you” text message. He'd told her then that he thinks every story deserves an ending. And that’s the ending he gave them.) On this phone, there's a personal message from him to her: "Zeng Li. I'm Ai Jing Chu. Honestly, I've always loved you." (Another sweet confession from this guy!! I’m counting three confessions in total.) She thinks about how they've been connected since she sent that letter to Yu Yi, which Ai Jing Chu had read by accident and that first call eight years ago. She hugs him with tears on her face and he asks if she liked the ending. She says that she does, and reaches up to kiss him, and her feet look like they're floating off of the ground. 

Liu Yu Cheng asks Wu Ying about her ex-boyfriend (ex was mentioned during karaoke). She tells him about her older brother who passed away. Her parents had her when they were in their 40’s. Her brother had doted on her, and she'd been spoiled by everyone, and she did whatever she wanted to, including following her boyfriend at the time. And school had become unimportant to her.  When her brother died, she realized she was her parents’ only hope, so she grew up - she went back to school and ended her relationship. He's not upset about her past/her ex-boyfriend. 

Zeng Li finds out that Ai Jing Chu arranged for her leave at work. Ai Jing Chu comes over to cook for her, and her colleague rushes to get out and leave them alone. 

While they're eating dinner, Zeng Li comments that he must like tofu because they had it two days ago and again today. He replies that since her chin is injured, he wanted to make her something that she could chew easily. (How considerate is he?! And how dense is she!) 

She asks why he made a leave from work request for her. He explains that when he couldn’t reach her and tried calling everyone, which included her boss, who was made aware of her injury, and decided to ask for leave. She tears up at his dedication. And he asks her if she could stop calling him Teacher Ai (started from that one dental class.) She doesn’t. Ha.

Liu Yu Cheng asks if he could go home with her to meet her parents. He says if her parents agree to their relationship, then they'd be able to see each other freely, without pressure. She agrees to bring him to meet them.  

Ai Jing Chu goes for a run with Yu Yi. They talk about the past and Zeng Li. They're very amicable about it. Yu Yi finally tells him that he knows that they (Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li) belong together. (I love how they didn’t make this about two guys fighting over her, and instead focused on how old and new relationships could be based on open dialogue and have the ability to move forward.) 

Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li say goodbye to Yu Yi at the airport. Ai Jing Chu takes his luggage for him and lets Zeng Li and Yu Yi have a moment to say goodbye. Yu Yi takes the time to be complimentary about Ai Jing Chu - he’s exceptional and smart; she won't be troubled by trivialities. And continues dsaying that when Ai Jing Chu loves someone, he'll treat them right with everything he owns. Thus, the two of them are meant for each other. She gets teary-eyed and he pats her on the head one last time. He wishes the best for both of them and then he leaves.

[Ep19] Wu Jing and Zeng Li find a photo of Deng Hao Ran and Ma Yi Yi together in a book (donated by Ma Yi Yi) at Zeng Li's cafe. Ma Yi Yi comes in and they're waiting to interrogate her about this photo. She admits that she once dated Deng Hao Ran and still has feelings for him.

Liu Yu Cheng wears a suit to meet Wu Ying's. They're very accepting of him as he's very kind, informative, supportive, patient and genuine. The parents are happy that he'll take care of Wu Ying. (They don’t seem to care about his age.)

Zeng Li is so happy to finally remove the bandage from her chin. She has a leak in her ceiling at her place, and Ai Jing Chu offers his place, which is actually his grandfather's house, and there's a spare guest room. But she would have to meet his grandfather that night. (She gets nervous.) He's leaving for Africa in a month for the medical aid relief assignment and wants to see her every day until then. 

So Ai Jing Chu takes her to his place, and there's a female doctor there that his aunt is trying to set him up with. Of course this would happen the first time he brings home Zeng Li. He finally drags a now reluctant and embarrassed Zeng Li into the room, and introduces her as his girlfriend to his grandfather. The family all look surprised. They all have dinner together (without the female doctor). The family tries to explain the female doctor's presence which just makes it even more awkward for poor Zeng Li. 

His niece interjects and explains that she's Xing Xing Jie Jie (Sister Star) because she's the only starred contact in his WeChat list, which also has her picture - none of them have that on his phone. Haha, so cute! Zeng Li didn't eat anything because she wanted to appear more polite. Now she's complaining about being hungry to herself.

Ai Jing Chu calls her and guesses correctly that she's starving to death now and can't sleep. He offers to make her food in the kitchen, and she takes him by surprise by showing up in his room. She crawls up onto his bed, and backs him up against the headrest, and says it's past 11 p.m., and suggests doing something they’d never done before, something you can only do at night - go to the night market. (Hahaha! They tried to trick us.) 

Look at his scared face. 

They go to the night market, where she orders a bunch of food, and he refuses to eat any of it as it's late for him. She insists and shoves crawfish in his mouth. They end up having fun at the night market.

They don't come home until early morning. He's walking through the courtyard with her fast asleep on his back. His aunt and grandfather see them from the balcony, and smile approvingly at the two of them. (But they make sure he doesn’t see them.) 

[Zeng Li’s voiceover: When you're young and in love, you're afraid that your family would find out. Much the same as in the dark, shining a ray of light silently upon the secret kept beneath the heart. When I grew up, I realized when this relationship receives the family's acceptance and blessings, the ray of light will transform into a huge sun. Everyone who shared this secret would be shrouded by the warmth of the sun. Happiness between two became a shared happiness of everyone else.]

Liu Yu Cheng and Wu Ying got married. (This came out of nowhere!)

Ma Yi Yi has car trouble - a flat tire. She sees a couple on a bike and remembers her time with Deng Hao Ran when they were dating at this same spot. She realizes that she’s only ever loved him. She calls him and asks him to come pick her up. They talk about when they were together four years ago. Back then,  she'd been planning out her life and he didn't want to. Presently, neither one of them says much. 

[Ep20] Ai Jing Chu is leaving for Africa in less than a month now. Zeng Li is worried about him, and she's been researching everything. She’s trying to make him stronger with food and exercise. She has respects his decision and supports him in going to save lives. 

Wu Ying tells her friends that she is pregnant but is hiding it from Liu Yu Cheng. Zeng Li is worried and later tells Ai Jing Chu about it, who then tells Liu Yu Cheng immediately. He whipped out that phone so fast. 

Wu Ying makes the decision to have an abortion, and Liu Yu Cheng wants to keep the baby. She’s worried about him being a father at 21, and it isn't in her life plan right now. She doesn't want to have the discussion. That night, Liu Yu Cheng refuses to sleep in their bed. Neither one of them can sleep.

Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li are also fighting over this. Zeng Li thinks Wu Ying has the right to decide and Ai Jing Chu says Liu Yu Cheng is the father, so he should have a say, too. She's angry with him for telling his friend and for not seeing her side of it. Neither one of them can sleep either.

The next day, the fighting continues for both couples. 

Wu Ying is worried about his age, his youth, his studies, and her life plan. Liu Yu Cheng tries to share his point of view. He sees the child as something happy, not something unfortunate. He tells her that he may be 21 but no matter what he places his mind to, he'll do his best to achieve it. He'll bear responsibility until the end. Studying Chinese traditional medicine, falling in love with her and wanting to take care of her for the rest of his life. No matter what it is, it's all the same. He asks if she's ever thought about having a family with him, does she not see him as someone capable of being a father. She says yes. So he says, in her heart, this relationship is only temporary. She says that's not what she meant. He leaves to think about it. 

Deng Hao Ran takes the women to dinner. Zeng Li is drunk and depressed about arguing with Ai Jing Chu. Wu Jing texts Ai Jing Chu so he can come take care of Zeng Li. 

She's extra clingy here. 

When a very drunk Zeng Li sees him, she just climbs from her seat, and just climbs up onto him, and literally clings onto him, and tells him how much she likes him. Ma Yi Yi leaves with Deng Hao Ran who is really drunk as well. Wu Ying is by herself and thinks about Liu Yu Cheng. She's worried about forcing him to grow up before he's ready and that he'd resent her.  

Zeng Li's mother shows up to her place and freaks out when she can’t find her. She starts looking for her everywhere and eventually finds her with Ai Jing Chu outside his place.

[Ep21] Zeng Li's mother thinks Ai Jing Chu got her drunk and is now planning to take advantage of her. However, Zeng Li drunkenly introduces him to her mother as her boyfriend.

After getting Zeng Li inside, Ai Jing Chu drives her mother to her hotel. And they have a somewhat awkward but honest conversation. He tells her that they were both waiting for someone special. He knows that after meeting Zeng Li, he came to realize she was the one he'd been waiting for.

He returns home and finds Zeng Li sleeping haphazardly, diagonally and on the covers. He goes to cover her and she ends up grabbing him and not letting him leave easily. He lays next to her, and she snuggles in. The next morning, she finds herself sleeping in Ai Jing Chu’s arms. But she is confused and asks why he’s there. He asks her if she forgot that she took advantage of him. She denies it, sits up and says they’re both fully dressed. She also tells him that she hasn’t forgiven him and tells him to leave. He replies that it’s his bedroom and he guesses that a drunk person’s words don’t matter. He reiterates her telling him how she likes him very much. She doesn’t believe him. He tells her if they argue again, no matter who is right or wrong, he would yield first, he would be the first to apologize, and he would not make her wait, or make her sad. He said he had made this promise to her mother last night.  Zeng Li doesn't remember her mother being there. She ends up calling her mother, while his family is giving him grief about not introducing her mother to the family. Her mother has only nice things to say about Ai Jing Chu. They’ve made up and later share a sweet moment on the staircase. 

Deng Hao Ran goes to see Ma Yi Yi. They argue at first but then they have a serious talk. He kisses her, and then he apologizes for his behavior in the past. And now they're dating again. He promises to make her feel more secure in the relationship this time.

It's Ai Jing Chu's last night before leaving for Africa. They're laying together in the same bed and she's trying to not sleep so as to not miss any moment with him before he leaves for his trip. 

Wu Ying makes up with Liu Yu Cheng. He'll support whatever decision she decides. She's the most important person to him.  

Zeng Li sees Ai Jing Chu off at the airport. She's looking at him and keeps looking at him, and he tries to leave but keeps turning back to look at her. 

[Ep22] Ai Jing Chu pulls out his phone and calls her and they talk about his departure both with tears in their eyes. She finally turns her back on him and walks away from him. He's watching her intensely and wants to say something more (he's clutching a little white box in his hand!), but he just turns around and heads to towards his gate instead. My heart hurt for him.

During his absence, Zeng Li's mother visits her often, and Zeng Li feels like she's living the same life as before…(before Ai Jing Chu?) 

Wu Ying is still busy working in the emergency department trying to save lives. Liu Yu Cheng still does random checks on Wu Ying at work. He swaps out her junk food for healthy food. His presence makes her happy every day.

Ma Yi Yi is on her new live platform. Deng Hao Ran works harder to give Ma Yi Yi more choices in life and work. 

Zeng Li misses Ai Jing Chu and is working on her second novel. She's visited all the places they've been together and feels like he's right beside her. She puts a lock in that place up in the mountain top where they watched their first sunset together, and the lock has a tag that says “Zeng Li 🧡Ai Jing Chu”.  

Time Jump: It's been 6 months. It's Liu Yu Cheng and Wu Ying's wedding, and she is pregnant. (Ah, they decided to keep the baby.)  Zeng Li and Ma Yi Yi are seriously ugly crying and wailing. LOL 

Zeng Li is a bit depressed with Ai Jing Chu still being away, and surrounded by her couple friends. Ai Jing Chu video calls her and tells her he'll be done in about a week or two. He also tells her that he plans to take his annual leave when he's back so he can spend all his time with her. And then the video call drops in the middle of their conversation.

Her colleague runs out of the library and asks her to do her a favor (even though she's in a bridesmaid dress?!), as a new shipment of books just came and they need to be put on the shelves. She starts putting away the books while standing on a ladder in her dress and heels.

A yellow leaf blows into the room and lands on her head (recall the one in Ep1 which Ai Jing Chu removed from her hair). But it blows away and she loses her balance on the ladder and she knocks down the bookcase trying to break her fall, which leads to several bookcases falling over. She realizes this is just like her new novel...and if that’s the case, then Ai Jing Chu would be... So she walks to end of the toppled bookcases. Ai Jing Chu actually sits up from under the pile of books. He really is there dressed in an all-white suit, and he says, "This is the one and I've found it." He has a book in his hand. 

He says her name and she sniffles and laughs. She goes to him still crying and hugs him. Then she punches his arm, and says "Didn't you just tell me that you're not back yet?

He says, "I didn't tell you about my return because I have something to tell you. In fact, I've always wanted to. I didn't when we visited Donhu and then you saw me off at the airport that night. I've planned to personally tell you here in the library. However I didn't expect to create this mess." He looks around at the books all over the floor and toppled bookcases.

He continues with, "Before I met you, I had always felt insignificant. Although I had been trying to work hard and live well, I was all alone. Whether I was happy or sad, it was meaningless, until I met you. It's just like the story you wrote. Suddenly, there's another universe in my life. To me, my life has become meaningful. I'm sure you're the one I've been looking for all this while. I only have eyes for you in the whole world." 

She smiles and sniffles at him. She tells him, "It's okay even if you couldn't think of what to say. Why did you copy the dialogue from my story?"

He tells her, "That's not all. There's another one, the part where you wrote about kissing.” He opens the book, and reads aloud, “'He kisses her with all his strength. It's so intense. He grabs her wrist tightly with his left hand. He holds the back of her head with his right hand.'" And so he holds her head with his right hand and kisses her.  

He then asks if she wrote that, and she says no. He tells her to look in the book and hands her her book, "Sweet Teeth" and opens up to a page with a ring on it. He picks up the ring and gets up to kneel before her. 

Ai Jing Chu says, "I've imagined this scene countless times. I've been looking for a chance to tell you this. Now I've told you everything at this place where we met for the very first time. Zeng Li, will you marry me?"

She says, “Yes” and hugs him.

Then he says, “Zeng Li. Let me put this ring on your finger." 

He puts the ring on her finger and says, "It seems a little loose." 

Zeng Li says, "No. It won't fall off. Never leave me again." 

He nods while smiling at her. He says, "I won't." 

She says. "Never ever leave me again.  

Ai Jing Chu replies, "I never will." And they hug. 

Let's hug forever on a pile of books.

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-6)It’s sweet, funny, and there are some deep moments already. Our leads have good conversations. I am partial to stories involving books, and our female lead is a librarian, writer and café owner. I’m fully aware that the female lead, Zeng Li is a bit annoying (I guess for comical effect?), but she has more depth to her than just her clumsiness and quirks. However, I am in love with Ai Jing Chu by Ep3. He is sensitive, caring and is slowly coming out of his rigid turtle-like shell. Ep6 is one of my favorite episodes in terms of comedic timing with the theater scene.

[Actors/ActressesBi Wen Jun doesn’t really do much for me when he's not smiling, but his portrayal of Ai Jing Chu made me fall so hard for his character. 

I’d only seen Zhai Xiao Wen in Falling Into Your Smile, as the female lead’s ex-boyfriend who was quite cold and had little personality there, so it was so enjoyable to watch him be such a caring and kind person as Liu Yu Cheng. You can’t help but want to listen to him talk (unless he’s asking endless questions, ha!). 

Liu Te/Terry as Deng Hao Ran is hilarious. I’d only seen him in Please Feel at Ease, Mr. Ling, and he’s nowhere nearly as goofy or full of wisecracks as he is in this series. He's so boyish-looking that I just can't take him seriously.

Mi Re (Merxat) has a supporting role as Yu Yi, and I really liked him in this. He’s not on the screen for long but he makes a good impression.  I’ve only seen him in Falling Into Your Smile (very likeable there but limited screen time) and Legend of Yun Xi (where he was definitely a great second lead there).  

[Behind the Scenes
Zhai Xiao Wen actually forgot his place in the scene because he’s talking so much and moving around so much in that theater scene.

Bi Wen Jun has some good emotional crying scenes - when he’s reading her book and when he misses her when she’s back in her hometown.  I guess only a few books (and not Bi Wen Jun) were harmed in the filming process (the ending scene).

[Ending] Happy

[Review & Rating]
Actors - B
Aesthetics - B
Story - B+

Sweet Teeth, indeed. I may have gotten more cavities from watching this! I thought it would just be a funny series but it’s a bit more than that.

I love the series because of the sentiment behind the story – kindness and love. It’s obvious in the way Ai Jing Chu and Zeng Li interact with each other and in how they treat those they care about. Neither one is perfect but they suit each other. If you can make it past the first few episodes with Zeng Li’s antics (which will pop up here and there again anyway), you’ll enjoy the rest of their story more. I truly loved how they had Yu Yi presented as the love rival but it wasn’t in an immature or senseless manner. I like that many of the text messages were presented as an interactive chat room/live action version of text messages. Green screen magic! What I didn’t like about the series - Ma Yi Yi’s behavior and Wu Ying’s stubbornness that just dragged on.

Now, let’s talk about the OST. I like the music itself but I am not a fan of a lot of the lyrics. Many of the songs are in English or a mix of Chinese and English but the English lyrics aren’t the best because they don’t always make sense grammatically. (I usually don’t enjoy English lyrics when I’m wanting a Chinese (or Korean) show - because it takes me out of the show.) All that being said, my favorite song would have to be Deng Gu’s (邓鼓) - I’ll Be There - it’s mostly upbeat with a bit of sadness to it. I enjoy the Chinese lyrics more than the English ones.

I’d rewatch this series again. It’s quirky, sweet and just deep enough – and if you can’t stand the second or third couple – use the fast forward button. Do you love Ai Jing Chu as much as I do?