Notable Actors/Actresses
Hu Yi Tian: Hua Wu Que / Jiang Feng
Chen Zhe Yuan: Jiang Xiao Yu
Liang Jie: Su Ying
絕代雙驕The story: Two brothers separated at birth because of jealous and conniving women (ofc). They want the brothers to kill each other to quell their burning hate for the twin's father loving another woman. Throughout the drama, we (audience) know they’re brothers and we watch them form an inexplicable bond and yet are forced into this fatal duel. A mini-spoiler if you may: the duel happens in the very last episode. 

The first time around, I dropped this in the first ten minutes. Two reasons:
I gave this a second chance because of Chen Zhe Yuan (after adoring him to bits and pieces in Our Secret). He’s not as good looking here, but I love him more as an actor. I don’t think he cared at all about his visuals to deliver a Jiang Xiao Yu who is a bratty and playful smarty-pants. A tad overacted, but highly entertaining, especially when you get to the part where Jiang Xiao Yu is kidnapped by Xiao Mi Mi to be her duckling (around ~Ep11). I also really love the idea of him self claiming to be a genius until it’s spread all over jianghu and then everyone just assumes he’s smart. Isn’t that smart?
There’s a dash of romance. Each brother has a romance. I like Jiang Xiao Yu and Su Ying’s (Liang Jie) love story – cute and funny – which doesn’t start until Ep32 (out of 44 episodes, lol). I love how she outsmarts him and then always compliments him for being so smart – not at all backhanded because I think she truly means to compliment him xD
The first time around, I dropped this in the first ten minutes. Two reasons:
1) The first time around, Hu Yi Tian was not selling the wuxia-look.
2) I had thought this was going to be a lowbrow wuxia remake. I don’t quite understand why modern remakes of old wuxias need to endorse wuxia-speak in such an animated way. For example:
"A-ha! Is this a red apple that I see?!”
Yes. *Rolls eyes*
There isn’t actually that line in the drama but that’s generally how they speak – dramatically and rhetorically with a boisterous tone. It’s the same problem I had with Heavenly Swords and Dragon Slaying Sabre but I think it’s way overdone in this drama. It took me a while to just accept it the way it is and eventually embrace its ridiculousness.
Overall: Fun and adventurous! Quite trope-y but the process was amusing. Also with good wuxias, there are charming (perhaps in weird ways) supporting characters and this one had plenty of them.