July 28, 2021

You Are My Glory | Reviews

A bright actress illuminates a man weathered by reality. 
Chinese Title
Episodes: 32


Yang YangYu Tu
Dilraba Dilmurat (Dilireba)Qiao Jing Jing


(Updated as of May 2022)
Le Coup de FoudreMy SunshineA Murderous Affair in Horizon TowerDance of the Phoenix

DirectorWang Zhi 
♠ 向風而行 Flight to You [Wang KaiTan Song Yun]
 Le Coup de Foudre (2019)

ScriptwriterGu Man
♠ Love O2O (2016)
♠ My Sunshine (2015)
♠ Boss and Me (2014)

ProducerZhang Meng
♠ 戀愛的夏天 [Wu QianQin Jun Jie]
 只問今生戀滄溟 [Hou Ming HaoChen Yi Han]


Other Relationships
Other Genres


Five (5/5)

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Sept 2021
I appreciate the fact that it's not a crazy tall guy with an extremely short female. So tired of seeing that pairing (as much as I love My Little Happiness) and it seriously hurts my neck. They understood each other so well and their chemistry reminds me of You Are My Sunshine's OTP but even more sweet and poignant at times. 

Sometimes, I'm in the mood for light, fluffy and silly rom-com. Other times, this slower pace, gradual burning of love is what I want.

The dialogue with the main leads and the supporting cast is pretty deep as well. I actually like that there is no second or third couple. (Although there is plenty of interaction with various couples, in their good and bad moments - they were more real.) I appreciate their story so much more. I understand that the exes were necessary - too show how much another's insecurities could affect you, and to realize that you just let go and truly move on. I was relieved those situations were not dragged out for too long. Who knew this cdrama would have so many layers.

Coming from someone who's had to deal with a partner not wanting to "burden" me with certain things. I think Yu Tu not wanting to date her and rejecting her twice - had a lot to do with the male ego/pride. He has this intrinsic belief that he's not worthy of having a partner, even though she really and truly understood and believed in his dream from the very, very beginning. And time was something that they'd have to deal with no matter what. For him to think because he couldn't spare any, that nothing was better than even a minute amount was the wrong way. His understanding of love was realized when he finally saw her as a person, and her belief in him has never wavered.

I also had to skip aerospace jargon - way beyond my comprehension even I truly believe it's an amazing field. Complex math and science language makes my eyes glaze over - not being disrespectful - my comprehension just isn't there. (I've attended medical and science conferences with my partner and I've had to take breaks or else I'd embarrass him with my napping. LOL)

Yang Yang nails it on being handsome, reserved yet boyish somehow. He also has more than two expressions! I could listen to his voice forever. (Those letters!) Dilraba Dilmurat is so pretty and serene. She's the perfect foil for him. I can't imagine a better pair for this series. They just got sweeter and sweeter (best relationship goals). And I love how low-key some of those important moments were instead of over-the-top. I almost sobbed during both proposals. And I now officially want a jacket with cape sleeves.

I was not a fan of the wedding/rehearsal scene. I understood what they were going for - but it was aesthetically too busy for my poor eyes. But their dialogue, especially his words, were beautiful.

My favorite ep has to be 22. I was cracking up at 5 a.m. (Binged this on Sunday and finished it just now....) Now, if I get this DVD set with English subs, I'd be so happy. Definitely on my list of favorites and so glad I found your recaps bc I trust your judgment/feedback! The trailer/promos were not compelling, nor did they convey the depth of this story. Best spent 25 hours. Going to watch Love 020 for more Yang Yang

Four (4/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn 
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
Hearts: ♥♥
This is why I watch Cdrama romcoms! It's 75% sugar and I love it. True to Gu Man style, there's not a lot of drama, just a lot of sugar. This doesn't mean it's superficial, there's a lot of subtle details to discover. I surrender myself to this woman; she has a perfect streak for me. If anyone wants to drop this because of the slow beginning, watch until ~Ep19, then decide. The beginning is a necessary setup for the dynamics of our romance. Our Yu Tu is wounded as if darkness can swallow him whole. Jing Jing is the bright star who shines life into this broken man. Frankly, if not for this message¹ of the drama, I may love this (a little) less. 

Although Jing Jing illuminates Yu Tu's path in his 30's, let's not forget who motivated Jing Jing to shine in her 20's: it was Yu Tu from their high school days. Isn't that just beautiful? He inspired her in the beginning and she inspires him in the end and now they're shining even brighter together. At the end, she's still a celebrity star shining on stage while he's an aerospace engineer shining light in the vast space. This is a drama that tells us it’s never too late for your time to shine whether it’s 18, 28, or 38. 

Also, I have confirmed: everyone else is basically a cameo. Manager Ling and Xiao Zhu are barely supporting characters. Guys, they don't even have a full name. Does this really matter in the review? No. But it's amazing this drama barely needed any characters to fill in the story. It's a Yang Yang and Dilireba two man show. 

Also interesting, this is by far the most sexually suggestive drama – in Cdrama standard, of course. There's a lot of kisses in this, but it's the dialogue that is horny and it's so fun teasing out the connotation. Yang Yang, you did it again by delivering all these cheesy lines in your raspy voice. Kudos to you. No wonder Gu Man wanted you.

Three (3/5

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)

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