cynlynn’s top five non-romantic picks
By non-romance I mean:
There is no romance
There is romance but it’s negligible
No. 5

A detective mystery drama with a man trying to decipher his past with dreams
Mesmerizing characters. True to its title.
No. 4

A psychological drama with three kids trying to catch a criminal
The mind-blowing part: An ending that never ends.
Why isn’t this rated higher when everyone is touting how amazing this drama is? Because it’s actually not my type of drama. I just joined the bandwagon. I definitely am more emotional than I am logical and this is a logical psychological drama. This being not my type at all and yet it scored so high is also a testament to how masterful this drama is.
No. 3

A republican spy drama with agents trying to decipher who is "Old Ghost"
It's clever! The ghost will forever live on.
Favourite OST: 马上又 – 一捧春风
No. 2

A murder mystery heart-breakingly and gratifyingly told.
Favourite Moment: The hidden layers in the cartoon.
Favourite OST: Aila Gato and Philip Halloun – You and I
No. 1

A drama adaption of a shounen manga
Amazing cast chemistry, probably the best in 2020.
You might not agree this belongs here if you think bromance is romance.
Favourite Actor/Character: Every single one of them.
Favourite OST: Cao Yin – Our Adventure (我们的冒险)