December 22, 2020

Dear Missy | Recap and Review

Dear Missy
A story about girls: friendship, career, and romance. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Li Yi TongLu Ke
Jin ChenShen Si Yi
Zhang ChaoYao Yuan
Chinese Title
Episodes: 36
Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 3/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] I think Shen Si Yi just knocked a kid down because he wasn’t sorry for knocking into her. Anyways. Story. Shen Si Yi is sent from headquarters to terminate 生活家 magazine. Lu Ke, the magazine editor, is already forlorn about the termination and is now angry to find out Shen Si Yi is her new boss. However, Shen Si Yi is here to revive the magazine.  

Shen Si Yi and Lu Ke make up over their differences to revive the magazine they both loved when they were children. It’s as if their nine years apart had no effect on their friendship. However, Lu Ke finds out the proposal draft they spent nights on is given to another magazine. Feeling betrayed, Lu Ke confronts Shen Si Yi but she doesn’t seem to know. Lu Ke can’t hear a word of her explanation because she believes what she saw just like what she saw back in high school.

What happened in the past: Lu Ke had a boy she liked back in high school but Shen Si Yi stole him by kissing him. From Shen Si Yi’s perspective she was saving her friend. That boy had really low marks and if Lu Ke was going to date him then that means she’d choose a lower ranking university for him. Now both the boy and Lu Ke went to a better university. It’s a good deed she did, according to Shen Si Yi. As a result of that incident, the magazine project (“Look” = 'Lu Ke’) they were working on was halted. Soon, Shen Si Yi went abroad for university and they lost contact. 

Cheng Nan, Lu Ke’s boyfriend, listens to Lu Ke’s complaints about Shen Si Yi and hears that she actually believes in Shen Si Yi. The next day, Lu Ke arrives to help Shen Si Yi convince Chief Liang to revive 生活家. 

[Ep2] Chief Liang gives them two months.  

Shen Si Yi meets Yao Yuan (Lu Ke’s friend). These two are naturally attracted to each other.

[Ep3] Shen Si Yi won’t accept the friend request from Yao Yuan but he won’t give up pursuing her. (She won’t accept it because she’s afraid of hurting Lu Ke’s friend). 

Lu Ke is promoted as the new chief editor but no one in the team acknowledges her. They all think her promotion is because of her connections with Shen Si Yi. When it was one coworker’s birthday, they all celebrated excluding Lu Ke. She does join dinner – to pay for it since she is their boss. It was an expensive dinner. The day after, that coworker quits. He doesn’t trust her as his leader. Everyone else on the team is also giving her attitude. With Shen Si Yi motivating her, Lu Ke gets a backbone and demonstrates her powers as the magazine’s new chief editor. 

Shen Si Yi realizes Guan Yue likes Yao Yuan. Well, Guan Yue makes it pretty obvious. Shen Si Yi can care less. 

[Ep4] Guan Yue is angry at Lu Ke for hooking up Shen Si Yi and Yao Yuan while knowing she likes Yao Yuan. Fortunately, she meets a new guy. He’s Ye Zhou, a newbie police officer.  He’s also Shen Si Yi’s younger brother. I assume Shen Si Yi took after her mother’s last name and he his father's. Unfortunately, their first meeting is him arresting Guan Yue for murder. Obviously, it’s all a misunderstanding. He helps her fix her car in the end but no girl would be happy being accused of murder, lol.

It’s now Shen Si Yi’s turn to be jealous. She’s jealous that Lu Ke invited Guan Yue to a hotel’s new opening instead of her. The invitation was supposed to be for Lu Ke's“best friend”. Lol. Being petty, Shen Si Yi uses work as an excuse to call Lu Ke back. 

Ye Zhou visits Guan Yue at her work place to catch a sight of her but she's not there. She's at the hospital with Lu Ke because of her fever (all because she ran in the rain from Shen Si Yi's call). Shen Si Yi feels bad but laughs when she realizes Lu Ke was exaggerating her illness.  

Another new character: Zhang Mang. He's Shen Si Yi's friend who she claims will be a trustworthy columnist for the new article they're working on but Lu Ke finds him "oily" (greasy). 

[Ep5] Lu Ke isn't impressed with Zhang Mang's work attitude at all. She fights him all the time. Shen Si Yi locks them up in an office for the entire night for them to make up. For some reason she has to learn how to roller skate. She agrees to learn it but he mustn't loose his patience when he's teaching her no matter how slow she is at learning. He promises. I kind of like these two together, lol. I do agree that he is oily though

Yao Yuan finds out Guan Yue likes him in the most embarrassing way for her. To him, he doesn’t associate her with any sex (i.e. she’s not a man or woman to him). I'm cringing for her. By the end of the episode they make up. She asks him how it’s with him and Shen Si Yi. She hasn’t replied to him. Guan Yue makes him give her a cheers. They’re in the same situation. Misery likes misery. Lol.

Cheng Nan finds out Lu Ke was stuck with Zhang Mang for one entire night and lied about it. 
[Ep6] With a bit of cuteness, Lu Ke gets Cheng Nan to forgive her. He compliments that this is the Lu Ke he likes: cute, sweet, and obedient. All the feminists, brace yourselves. Lu Ke doesn’t seem to like his compliments. Shen Si Yi also doesn’t like Chang Nan as Lu Ke's boyfriend. She thinks Lu Ke deserves better. 

Ye Zhou invites Shen Si Yi to their father’s birthday dinner. She can’t help but spoil the mood when she reminds everyone at the table how awful her father treated her and her mother. Just as she’s leaving the house in a fury, Yao Yuan calls her. She finally agrees to meet him. They spend quality time at a zoo. They’re both raised by single-mothers. She tells him that her mother is currently remarried in the States but she hears she’s still unhappy. Because of her mother, she hates her father. 

Yao Yuan asks Shen Si Yi for another date. His friends bet that she wouldn’t accept. She does. He arrives at her place with expensive wine. When it comes time to leave, he keeps forgetting stuff. He walks a few steps towards the elevator but turns right on his heels, straight back into her. They sexily lock lips and the doors close on us. They’re official. 

Guan Yue catches whim of Yao Yuan dating. Ye Zhou happens to be at the bar and drinks with her. He even piggybacks her home. The next day she apologizes to him. He indirectly tells her to consider him but to her he’s too young to be a potential. He’s 22 and she’s 25. Isn’t it lovely to have a young boy think you’re a murderer from the back and beautiful from the front. Just lovely

[Ep7] Lu Ke’s university friend is getting married. She’s the bridesmaid. Cheng Nan is too busy to attend. Yao Yuan brings Shen Si Yi meanwhile Guan Yue brings Ye Zhou. Lu Ke stays behind with the bride while everyone goes out to play. Guan Yue finds that she can’t beat Shen Si Yi in anything even Chinese checkers. I was thinking they were going to play Go with Chu Ying Yao Yuan sitting in the middle

The bride’s groom is caught cheating. The wedding is off. The ex-bride gives Cheng Nan a push that since her wedding failed, he must cherish Lu Ke. Thus, Cheng Nan proposes to Lu Ke. It’s a simple proposal but it’s still sweet. Lu Ke accepts. 

Shen Si Yi tells Yao Yuan she doesn’t see the point in marriage. Yao Yuan smiles and tells her he might just be that one candidate for her. 

Guan Yue complains how she’s the only one who’s single with Ye Zhou right beside her. 

[Ep8] Shen Si Yi questions why Lu Ke is marrying Cheng Nan when they’re so different. Lu Ke doesn’t see why they would break up. There’s nothing bad about him that she can break up with him for. That sounds like there’s nothing good that makes her want to stay with him. She doesn’t love him. 

Cheng Nan is the big man and won’t accept Lu Ke and her family’s investment in the home he’s buying for their marriage. They argue over their marriage as it’s either one’s late or the other is absent. 

Yao Yuan puts on a street performance for Shen Si Yi in the subway tunnel. Zhang Chao is really singing. So many talents, this guy

[Ep9] Lu Ke meets Yang Qing Yu, an author. He invites her to a book club meeting. Zhang Mang shakes his head at Lu Ke as he tells her how he pities her boyfriend. She doesn’t think anything of it. Meanwhile Cheng Nan has a new female supervisor. 

Shen Si Yi demonstrates her disastrous cooking to Yao Yuan that makes both their gut churn. His heart is still with her though. 

[Ep10] Cheng Nan is angry at Lu Ke for being close with Yang Qing Yu. Their arguments continue to escalate over their financial differences. He’d rather spend money on the wedding for his relatives to see, she’d rather buy a new AC that works well. He wants to look rich to others even if he has to live poorly meanwhile she wants to live rich for herself even if it looks poor to others. Personally, I want to live like her but so many times I find myself living like him

There's probably no one who likes Cheng Nan in this drama but I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just not the right guy for any of these girls. There are nuances about him that I can agree on like fixing the AC instead of buying a new one and saving money for the wedding that happens once in a lifetime. I also get it when he misunderstands Lu Ke with other men. For the record, these men do have an interest in her and the interactions were sort of questionable. If Cheng Nan is with the right girl (for him), I think he'd be a loving boyfriend. It beats me why Lu Ke is with him so long when deep down she doesn't like him calling her cute and obedient. 

Lu Ke runs into problems at work. It’s Zhang Mang who’s able to help her. 

A drunk and upset Cheng Nan (accidentally) sleeps with his supervisor. Well, well, well.
[Ep11] Yao Yuan pretends to be a waitress when Shen Si Yi is with her client. She cues him to the elevator and before the elevator door closes, they’re all over each other. When someone else enters, they separate like nothing happened. Thrilling, these two
However, Shen Si Yi doesn’t want to deepen her relationship with Yao Yuan. Once he wants to be serious (introducing his mother to her) is the moment she wants out of the relationship. Shen Si Yi tells Lu Ke she doesn’t believe in marriage, not after what she went through with her own family falling apart. Her mother used to make her eat kiwi knowing she was allergic to it just so her father can visit them. Mom, that’s so cruel to your own daughter. After the meeting with his mother, Shen Si Yi realizes Yao Yuan isn’t the person for her. 

Yao Yuan finds out Cheng Nan slept with his supervisor. He tells Cheng Nan to take this to his grave. But Lu Ke finds out. That’s the end of their relationship. 

Immediately after Lu Ke and Cheng Nan’s breakup, Shen Si Yi turns pessimistic. She knows she can’t give Yao Yuan what he wants. With a kiss, she breaks up with him. Well

Ye Zhou helps Guan Yue pay for the rent to her new studio so that she can continue to sell her creative designs (I don’t quite know what she sells mainly). In return, she sells her life to him (a paper with her thumb print on it). The only happy couple in this episode. Ye Zhou is pretty sweet

[Ep12] Both Lu Ke and Shen Si Yi have broken up. Shen Si Yi seems pretty fine. She tries to cheer up Lu Ke but Zhang Man is better at it. Taking advantage of a girl’s break up, eh? Well, another person’s loss is another person’s win. I can’t help but like Zhang Mang.

Guan Yue is taking turn to cheer up both her friends: Lu Ke and Yao Yuan. Initially it looked like Guan Yue still liked Yao Yuan and I was going to say poor Ye Zhou but it really seems like she’s over him (?).
It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day and Lu Ke’s coworkers drag her to a speed dating event. She doesn’t want to go but Zhang Mang convinces her to. In the middle of the event he drags her out complaining how suffocating the event was. He’s willing to pay her back for dragging to this event by spending the rest of Valentine’s Day with her.  Smooth. She doesn’t need it though. 
Although Shen Si Yi looks fine, Lu Ke knows she’s hurting too. She really did like Yao Yuan because he understands her. But the more she wants him, the more she knows she should let go sooner. 

By the way, the girls are in Tokyo after Shen Si Yi gave Lu Ke a last minute ticket. That’s how these two spend their not-so-lonely Valentine’s Day together. 

[Ep13] After breaking up with Cheng Nan, Lu Ke no longer lives with him. Shen Si Yi, who's living in a hotel, offers to rent together. It wasn't easy to find a condo that matched both their personal and economical needs but eventually they do. 

Everyone knows Ye Zhou likes Guan Yue except her. She ditches the concert with him to leave with Yao Yuan who invited her somewhere else, somewhere far. The plane is about to depart and that's when Ye Zhou picks up his courage to confess. There's no time for her to reply as she leaves him at the airport. When Guan Yue is with Yao Yuan, she confesses that she was happy when he broke up but soon that happiness disappeared. Her heart wasn't with him anymore. However, it's too late. When Guan Yue is back, she finds out Ye Zhou was in car accident while on duty. She cries to the mummified body on the hospital bed that she knew he liked her. She liked him too. She cries and cries. Ye Zhou suddenly shows up behind her. He's fine. He just injured his arm. Gao Yuan and Ye Zhou are officially together.
[Ep14] This episode starts off a little different. Overhead is Zhang Mang's voice interviewing the girls like a magazine interview. Lu Ke is asked of what she thinks of Shen Si Yi. 

Lu Ke: She's a control freak. She would say she doesn't want to fall in love but she just doesn't want to take responsibility. 

When it's Shen Si Yi's turn to answer what Lu Ke is like...

Shen Si Yi: She's a coward, loves to cry, too emotional, won't reject others, making her fire someone is like taking her life. She's a chief editor! 
Back to Lu Ke's side: She doesn't know how keep her emotions in check. She looks clean and kept but at home she's extremely messy. As a girl, she doesn't even know how to wash her socks. 
Shen Si Yi: Yes, she has good taste but she's always thinking of what others would want, it makes me so irritated. Also, every time she can't win me in an argument, she'll start crying and it's always me who has to apologize. I haven't said that many sorry's in my lifetime and most of the ones I have said are to her. 
Lu Ke: Narcissistic, arrogant. 

I like how they both have a smile on their lips when they have nothing good to say about each other.

The next question: How did you two become friends? 
We don't get their answers.
His thoughts: non-sex; Her thoughts: sex sex sex
Guan Yue wants to deepen her relationship but Ye Zhou is either clueless, or dumb. He doesn't get it – but he does. He's too embarrassed about injuring his you-know-where during a training session. He wants her to wait a few days. LOL. Cute!

Shen Si Yi urges Lu Ke to date around (she also wants her to write a dating article). Lu Ke walks off on her but she turns right around to ask Zhang Mang how he dates girls. Lol. He has quite a few ways and asks her which one she wants. She tells him the one he's best at. Thus, he shows her the world of online dating. 

A random man flirts with Lu Ke. After a few random encounters, he asks her for a casual lunch. He's a professor on colour psychology. After an interesting evening, he asks her for another date to drop in for his lecture. Zhang Mang learns of this. He asks her all sorts of question like what does he do, what stage they're at, etc. When she tells him the man is more handsome than he (Zhang) is, Zhang Mang laughs it off that she's done for because he must be more flirty than him. She teases him by calling him jealous. Girl, he is
Lu Ke dresses up (under Shen Si Yi's advice) only to realize that professor is using her identity as the magazine's chief editor to guest speak so his students sign up for his classes. She ditches him immediately (but still gave that lecture I would have walked out with any random excuse; she's too nice). Zhang Mang is out with two girls and spots her having food by herself. He ditches his girls and joins Lu Ke. He's rather delighted to see her alone. Is he the type of guy girls like to hang out with but not to date? Lol. After hearing about her horrible date, he offers to date her since she's all dressed up anyways. He takes her to his stray cat alley where he habitually visits to feed the cats there. She starts seeing his merits. It's a happy night for her, for both of them. 
After Zhang Mang drops off Lu Ke, a sly cat from upstairs is smirking at her. I guess Shen Si Yi approves of Zhang Mang.

Lu Ke finally gives in to raising a lizard at their place. 

At work, Zhang Mang casually drinks from Lu Ke's cup. He teases her it's okay since they've already dated. However, he's got competition. After work, a calls comes in. It's from Yang Qing Yu. She agrees to meet up with him.

As the episode ends, we go back to this question: How did you two become friends? 

Lu Ke: Shen Si Yi once said to me that if life slapped you, you can slap back. When I'm scared and don't know what to do, I would wonder 'What would Shen Si Yi do?'
Shen Si Yi: Her attitude towards life, to friends, to career, no matter how hard it is, she is willing to believe, to accept. A lot of people ask me for favours but Lu Ke tells me a lot that 'as long as it's you, then it's good.' I'm quite moved. She's quite amazing '了不起' from the title
Lu Ke: She's quite 了不起. 

[Ep15] Lu Ke faces her fears and feeds the lizard. Shen Si Yi is surprised. Lu Ke tells her she believes the lizard is her lucky charm. She's referring to Yang Qing Yu. But it's definitely for Zhang Mang (:

My poor Zhang Mang is even helping Lu Ke's romance with Yang Qing Yu. He sets her up on a date but that same night he's home alone drinking beer. At least he gets to go to a pottery date with her (with the excuse of helping her with Yang Qing Yu). They playfully dirty each other's faces. He tries to ask her for a date next week but Yang Qing Yu finally shows up. He was stuck in traffic. 

For some reason Lu Ke realizes she doesn't like Yang Qing Yu that much. Zhang Mang is happy and casually asks her to consider him but he asks this after she just helped him get a rid of his stalker. Nice timing. She thinks of it as a joke, but he's still happy though. 

Shen Si Yi advises Lu Ke to consider Zhang Mang. Lu Ke hasn't thought of it. Or more like she doesn't dare think about it. She thinks Zhang Mang is a "Big Boss" (someone who can eat her alive and spit her back out). Shen Si Yi treats romance like a battle, like a learning experience. One has to look up and not down. Shen Si Yi has never met someone better at relationships than her. And then Shen Si Yi meets Bai Xiao Chuan. She's upset she lost to him at Mario Kart.

There's an awkward dinner between Ye Zhou, Guan Yue and Shen Si Yi. The girls hate each other. An awkward Ye Zhou is stuck in the middle. However, when he's sick, the two girls come together to complain about him, lol and that's how these two bond.

[Ep16] Yao Yuan is set up on a blind date with Wen Ru Xin (Bai Xiao Xiao from Hikaru no Go). Their family knows each other. She tries to befriend him but he doesn't like her at all. The more is resists her, the more she approaches him. The date gets rather interesting when he makes his friends mess with her. She easily fends them off and that piques his curiosity. She on the other hand has lost all interest in him because his joke went too far. Chu Ying is taking Shen Yi Lang's girlfriend, lol. They randomly meet again, he helps her with her store's renovation. They're on much better terms but she says she has a boyfriend in France when she was studying aboard. She admits that she was messing with him too when he obviously didn't like her. 

Shen Si Yi loses in kendo to Bai Xiao Chuan. Shen Si Yi looks so cool in kendo gear. He taunts her for losing again. Angered, she flips him over. While she's on top of him, he asks her to be his girlfriend. She smirks. And they kiss. Visually, I'm not a fan of this couple. Just how many different pairings will there be in this drama?

[Ep17] Zhang Mang discovers Lu Ke will be celebrating New Years alone. He asks her out. She doesn’t accept it. As she leaves him, Qiu Qiu, the company’s young employee approaches Zhang Mang. Lu Ke’s little monster is activated. She’s feeling a tiny bit jealous. When the company organizes a gathering, Lu Ke refuses to go. Zhang Mang drags her along. He doesn’t want to spend it with the group but if that’s the only way to hang out with Lu Ke, he’ll do it. 

Bai Xiao Chuan hosts a New Year’s Eve party. Shen Si Yi didn’t know he had invited that many colleagues. She leaves. Her mood is all spoilt. In order to keep her, Bai Xiao Chuan turns on the fire alarm to get everyone else to scat. 

Back to Lu Ke and Zhang Mang. The group are playing a drinking game. Qiu Qiu and Zhang Mang have to kiss. Lu Ke steps out; she lies that she has to receive a call. Zhang Mang chases her outside to explain. He also tells her he’s afraid she wouldn’t be jealous. He hugs Lu Ke and asks her if she understands his feelings. Lu Ke stays in his embrace and nods. They’re together! 

Yao Yuan visits Wen Ru Xin’s lonely cake shop. He makes her cakes sell like hot potatoes. She’s also broke up with her boyfriend. As they make a wish at 12:00am, he makes her guess what wish he made. She doesn’t know. He smiles. He leans over and kisses her. She returns the kiss. 

Ye Zhou has to work on this night. Guan Yue brings her failed cuisine to visit him. Everything is still sweet though. 

On this night, who’s spending it alone? Cheng Nan. He spots Lu Ke hugging another man. It’s over. At home, he deletes all their pictures. At least he’s doing pretty well business wise. 

[Ep18] Zhang Mang was just about to announce to everyone at work he’s dating Lu Ke but Da Xiong just broke up. Lu Ke doesn’t want to hurt his tender heart. Thus begins their underground relationship. 

At the magazine office, they’re trying to find new promising designers to work with. Everyone’s racking their brain except Shen Si Yi. She recommends Guan Yue. Guan Yue can’t believe it. These two potential sister-in-laws are kicking it off.

Shen Si Yi stays up late to wait for Lu Ke. Without Lu Ke confessing, Shen Si Yi knows she’s dating. She’s happy to know it’s Zhang Mang but then she starts running her mouth about his embarrassing past with his exes. Lu Ke doesn’t want to hear any more of it. Shen Si Yi assures her that she can hold down Zhang Mang because his eyes light up when he stares at her (Lu Ke). Lu Ke: “Really?” Shen Si Yi: “Lies!” 

All jokes aside though, Shen Si Yi: How would I let someone hurt you stay beside you? 

Lu Ke’s relationship runs into tiny problems. After getting off work all exhausted, she visits Zhang Mang who overslept and ate all the food delivery she ordered for her to eat as well. The water is also cut off (he didn’t pay the bills on time) so she can’t shower. All the time he’s focused on soccer. Lu Ke complains to Shen Si Yi. Shen Si Yi analyzes that she wants someone caring. Lu Ke nods. Shen Si Yi’s face scrunches in disgust, “Isn’t that Cheng Nan?” Lol. She reminds Lu Ke that she can’t change Zhang Mang into a Cheng Nan nor combine them. True, true.

The next day Zhang Mang continuously apologizes. He admits he doesn’t know how to be as caring as her. He’s also not skilled in dating. Lu Ke is skeptical. He can pursue girls with ease but when it comes to maintaining a relationship, he’s not familiar with it. Lu Ke can’t hide her smile. She lightly complaints that she’ll be so exhausted dating him them. Zhang Man assures he’s a fast learner. Lu Ke forgives him. 

The next day, Shen Si Yi announces that there’s a secret couple in the company. Another couple takes the spotlight. However, Zhang Mang doesn’t let this chance go and introduces to everyone his girlfriend, Lu Ke. 

[Ep19] Lu Ke is mad again. Zhang Mang has kept a ton of his exgirlfriend’s stuff in his home. His reasoning: it still works. Lol. Then when he invites her to his friend’s birthday party she realizes she’s the nth girl he brought. None of them bother to remember her name because the next time, it’ll be a new girl. Lu Ke confronts Zhang Mang how many ex he has had. He makes her promise to not be angry if he tells her. He even asks her for a pinky promise. He whispers the number to her ears only. After hearing that, Lu Ke walks off without another word.  

Lu Ke and Shen Si Yi decide to team up to get back at the men who make them angry Lu Ke finds it unfair Zhang Mang dated too many other girls before her. Shen Si Yi is upset Bai Xiao Chuan keeps winning her. The group goes for paintball. The boyfriends what to team up with their girlfriends but Shen Si Yi declares that it’s boys versus girls. Boys win. Shen Si Yi has lost to Bai Xiao Chuan again. 

Zhang Mang gets down on his knees to give Lu Ke the small box in his hands. It’s not a ring. It’s the key to his house. He’s never given it to anyone else. Initially upset (because she thought it was a ring, and he purposely made it look like it was a ring), she’s smiling behind him. He thinks she’s still upset so his next plan is to take surprise pictures of her and post it on all his social media that she’s his girlfriend.

Yao Yuan and Wen Ru Xin are having dinner. She finds a ring in her food. Looking awkward, Yao Yuan doesn’t know how to tell her the truth especially with her expression so bright like that. The waitress comes in to clarify that the ring is for the next table. After dinner, Yao Yuan draws a ring on her finger. He asks her to marry him. She accepts. 

[Ep20] Shen Si Yi is so messy it makes Lu Ke angry. She wants to clean before they watch the show but she rather hide the dirty laundry under a table to watch the show first. 

Lu Ke is offered a position in London from headquarters. Shen Si Yi won’t permit it as her friend or as her supervisor. The more Shen Si Yi forces her opinion on Lu Ke, the more Lu Ke wants to leave and the further the better. Zhang Mang supports Lu Ke. He is also offered the opportunity to go to London and since his parents are there he really does want Lu Ke to go. Shen Si Yi discuses with the manager and learns that Lu Ke going to London will also bring more investment for their magazine. That’s like selling Lu Ke. The manager doesn’t think like that. It’s a good opportunity for Lu Ke. Shen Si Yi doesn’t approve of it still. She won’t even see her off at the airport. Lu Ke is visiting London to check the work environment. One phone call between the girls is enough to resolve their differences. Lu Ke also learns that at the pub Shen Si Yi frequented at London, she always mentioned Lu Ke especially when she was drunk. 

When Lu Ke is back from London, Shen Si Yi has found a new chief editor and introduces her to Lu Ke whom she now calls the ex-chief editor. Lu Ke is shocked. I don’t think she made a decision yet but with Shen Si Yi’s attitude, Lu Ke is settled on leaving. Shen Si Yi is also moving out to live with Bai Xiao Chuan. Lu Ke happily supports that idea. Both of them are lying about their feelings.

By the way, it’s pretty cool hearing Sun Yang speak proper Cantonese (he has this tiny accent) and decent English. 

Bai Xiao Chuan has to leave to New York. It’s a permanent move. He suggests for Shen Si Yi to join him but she knows he never had her in his plans. They’re the same people. Shen Si Yi breaks up with Bai Xiao Chuan.

[Ep21] Shen Si Yi makes breakfast at dawn. Lu Ke looks at the waste bin and sees a whole bin of egg shells. Shen Si Yi, stop killing eggs. Zhang Mang helps Lu Ke analyze that Shen Si Yi must have broken up. This time it must hurt. It’s like breaking up with the man version of her. 

Lu Ke returns home and finds Shen Si Yi sulking. She’s honest to Lu Ke now, she doesn’t want her to leave. Lu Ke smiles. She doesn’t think it’s safe to leave a girl who doesn’t know how to fry eggs on her own anyways. Shen Si Yi pouts that she doesn’t know how to wash dishes or do laundry. Smiling, Lu Ke says she can do all that. Shen Si Yi adds that she might even bully her but she'll try her best to change. She cries on Lu Ke’s shoulder. Lu Ke laughs at how ugly Shen Si Yi is when she’s crying. Aw

Lu Ke now has to coo Zhang Mang since she’s not going to London anymore. He whines and whines but then he lets a smile slip through. He knew Lu Ke wouldn’t leave her best friend like that after a breakup. Aw

Shen Si Yi complains to Lu Ke that Bai Xiao Chuan doesn’t seem to be as unhappy as her. It’s not fair. It feels like a loss. Lu Ke shares that when she broke up with Cheng Nan, she never wished unhappiness upon Cheng Nan. Love isn’t about winning or losing. 

Wen Ru Xin still has her ring on. She redraws it everyday. She casually asks Yao Yuan when he’ll buy her a real one. Uh oh, It doesn’t look like he wants to but since he promised her, he buys her one. It’s too big though. It’s okay, she’ll just put it on her thumb. Ack. That’s ominous; putting on a ring that doesn’t fit her. Methinks Yao Yuan hasn’t gotten over Shen Si Yi especially now that she’s single again

Guan Yue has financial problems. She can’t find a manufacturer to have her chair finished. Ye Zhou blames her for not having savings. She retorts that he’s the same too. Her luck hits bottom when she becomes lost after being rejected by another manufacturer. Ye Zhou shows up in police gear to find her. Ah, so that’s where the tax money goes. They make up. Later, Ye Zhou asks his mother to borrow money but dad stops her. He jeers at Ye Zhou for not having that bit of money to lend to his girlfriend. If he promises to work at their company then dad will give him the money. Ye Zhou walks out. Fortunately Guan Yue meets her role model, a famous designer. He offers to help her produce her chair. He just needs her design template. He promises her he’ll message her when it’s done. Girl, that’s so fishy.

[Ep22] Guan Yue’s design is stolen. She wants to sue the man but she has no proof or copyright. The surveillance cameras were also done. The magazine is also affected because Guan Yue is infamous for plagiarism. Shen Si Yi wants to ditch Guan Yue to save the magazine. Zhang Mang agrees with the idea. Lu Ke is torn. 

Lu Ke breaks the news to Guan Yue. The magazine will be disassociating from her to minimize their damage. Lu Ke urges Guan Yue to give up her lawsuit. Guan Yue blames her for ditching her. Lu Ke frustratingly adds it was her fault for giving the man her design in the first place. 

But true friends are true friends. Everyone shows up at Guan Yue’s showcase to support her. Guan Yue’s anger at Lu Ke dissolves. Even Shen Si Yi helps. However, that man who stole her design accuses her of stealing and hosts his own showcase. Guan Yue barges in and creates a scene. Ye Zhou pulls her out and tells her to grow up and move on. It’s a lost case. However no one understands her. Her design is stolen. Yes it was stupid of her but it was her creation, her baby, and now she’s accused of plagiarism and everyone’s telling her to give up. No one is more frustrated than her. 

[Ep23] Guan Yue doesn’t want pity. Someone harasses her and is live streaming it. Angry, Ye Zhou hits him. This fight is left on his record and will affect his entire career. Yikes. Guan Yue cries. She wants to break up before she ruins him anymore. At the end of the episode they meet again as friends but their feelings are still there. 

Cheng Nan’s business is failing. His ambitions were too greedy. 

Lu Ke finds the surveillance video on Shen Si Yi’s computer, the clip that could have possibly proven Guan Yue’s design was hers all along. But why didn’t she share it? 

[Ep24] Shen Si Yi didn’t share it because she doesn’t want Guan Yue to sue. Whether or not she wins, their association with Guan Yue will always carry the burden of plagiarism. She wants 生活家 to be independent and to be independent they need investors. She shows Lu Ke all her drafts that have been denied from headquarters. If she wants their vision of their magazine to be realized, they cannot be associated with anything negative. Shen Si Yi did this for the magazine they both want to create. Lu Ke is stunned Shen Si Yi can treat a friend like that. She quits. Shen Si Yi tells her to set her vision farther. Once they have money, they’ll be able to sue that man. Lu Ke: “Sure, when we have the money, you’ll find another excuse to stop me.” 

Zhang Mang agrees with Lu Ke’s decision as her boyfriend but as her colleague, he asks her to reconsider. 生活家 cannot be without Lu Ke. 

Shen Si Yi seeks out Zhang Mang to help convince Lu Ke to stay. With his help, Lu Ke stays for one more month. 

Guan Yue doesn’t want Lu Ke to quit for her. She’s grown up from that incident. She can understand Shen Si Yi’s perspective of protecting 生活家. Guan Yue has also applied to study abroad. She’s leaving immediately. Ye Zhou sends her off. He doesn’t want to break up with her and so they begin a long distance relationship. When she’s gone, he hangs her lantern light in his room. 

Lu Ke is moving out. 

[Ep25] Lu Ke is at Zhang Mang’s place. She wakes up from a nightmare of Shen Si Yi haunting her as a fiery ghost. Shen Si Yi is haunting her but in a very different way. She’s sending her countless delivery packages and instructs the delivery men to read her a poem each time. Haha

Shen Si Yi helps Yao Yuan with his investments. He keeps it a secret from Wen Ru Xin. She finds out. He thinks she’s mad that he met up with Shen Si Yi and says he won’t anymore. She’s more upset he hid it from her. Oh these two. Girl, he doesn’t love you. He still never got over Shen Si Yi. 

Ye Zhou gives up his police career for Guan Yue. She’s abroad but living in poor conditions. His father provokes him that he can’t even take care of his girlfriend with his measly pay. Ye Zhou now wears a white collar. I’d feel so bad if I was Guan Yue

Lu Ke’s last day is tomorrow. She has a job interview but Shen Si Yi cancels it for her. Shen Si Yi doesn’t understand that the more she forces Lu Ke, the more Lu Ke will resist. Shen Si Yi needs Lu Ke as her chief editor to win the bid.

[Ep26] Lu Ke is quitting but she adds in compliments to Shen Si Yi as a leader when the investors interview her. She knows that every decision Shen Si Yi makes is good for 生活家. Lu Ke will stay until the magazine's settles in to its transition. However, Lu Ke is sabotaged by another magazine (MONO) attempting to ruin the investment. Shen Si Yi is so angry she starts blaming Lu Ke for doing it on purpose. Lu Ke hollers at Shen Si Yi that everyone can misunderstand but not Shen Si Yi. No matter how angry Lu Ke is at Shen Si Yi, she'd never take it out on 生活家. 

Yao Yuan tells his buddy he wants to break up with Wen Ru Xin. He doesn't feel comfortable with her. 

Shen Si Yi parties hard after the whole Lu Ke incident. Is this considered worse than all the other breakups she had? Someone sends a video to Yao Yuan. He immediately calls Lu Ke to check up on her because he's worried. He stays at dinner with Wen Ru Xin and their parents but his mind is on Shen Si Yi. 

A drunk Shen Si Yi thinks she saw Lu Ke. She runs out of the taxi and is hit by a car. Yao Yuan receives the call and ditches everyone to go to the hospital. Wen Ru Xin stops. She cries that if he leaves now, never come back. He leaves. 

[Ep27] Shen Si Yi’s injuries are light. She smiles brightly when she sees Lu Ke. Yao Yuan worriedly runs to the hospital but she already left with Lu Ke.  

On their way home, Shen Si Yi recalls her first two years abroad in university; all she did was party. Then on her birthday, she received Lu Ke’s birthday message that Lu Ke had prerecorded backed in high school (before they had their fight). It was that message where she told her she would be a 了不起的女孩子(an amazing girl) that Shen Si Yi became who she is today. Lu Ke’s belief of her made her who she is.  

Lu Ke drives away Shen Si Yi’s drinking buddies by drinking against them. Drunkenly, she tells Shen Si Yi she beat them all so now she can only drink with her. The next day, Lu Ke has a full timetable for Shen Si Yi to recover her mind and body. She even schedules her washroom and period in the time table. Shen Si Yi complains but she’s feeling the love.  

Lu Ke barges into the investment company’s office. She convinces the CEO to reinvest. However, before they can finish their celebration, MONO girl discovers that Shen Si Yi withheld evidence that could have helped a young designer clear her plagiarism case. Investments and commercials all pull out. 

Wen Ru Xin breaks up with Yao Yuan. She confronts Shen Si Yi. The breakup was not her (Wen) fault when Yao Yuan is seduced by a girl of Shen Si Yi’s likes (she’s referring to Guan Yue thing). Wen Ru Xin gives the ring back to Yao Yuan, playing the tough girl. When he leaves she stuffs herself with cake. Her voice is muffled with whimpers. Poor girl

Shen Si Yi’s solution for 生活家 is to quit.  

Yao Yuan visits Shen Si Yi. This guy still loves her but she had moved on a long time ago. She rejects his advances.  

Lu Ke tries to find Shen Si Yi but she has already moved out.  

[Ep28] Lu Ke chases Shen Si Yi all the way to Japan. She yells at Lu Ke to leave. Angry, Lu Ke does leave but after just a few steps she turns around to comfort a crying  Shen Si Yi. Lu Ke: “If everyone leaves you, who’ll take care of you.”

Guan Yue is also in Japan and the three girls meet up. Shen Si Yi reveals her honest thoughts to Guan Yue. She doesn’t think it was wrong of her to withhold the evidence because she believes it’s better for Guan Yue to spend time on her future designs than waste it on a long lawsuit. Guan Yue is in disbelief she apologized. Guan Yue accepts the apology but she admits to still hating Shen Si Yi as a person. The girls laugh. 

Guan Yue is celebrating a lonely Chinese New Years. She receives a gigantic parcel that day. As she’s opening it, she realizes what’s inside. She sighs that she doesn’t want to open it anymore. Inside, Ye Zhou’s strangled voice screams for help. He’s gotten himself stuck inside the box. Aw. He’s here to celebrate with her; the present is himself. He even has a bow around his neck. 

[Ep29] Chris is overtaking Shen Si Yi’s spot. Every time Lu Ke opens his doors, he’s either cycling or in exercise classes. He urges the group to join and Lu Ke ducks out, lol

During a press conference, a reporter keeps attacking Shen Si Yi. Lu Ke is so furious, she uncharacteristically walks out on the reporter. 

Guan Yue is back early after her graduation. She stands up for Shen Si Yi and convinces other designers to trust the magazine again. Later, she finds out Ye Zhou no longer works at the police station. He takes her to her old studio that he has continued to rent. He tells her that he didn’t start working for his dad because of her. Lies.

[Ep30] Ye Zhou runs into problems at work and it’s because his dad went back on his words. Business is different from police work. Ye Zhou complains to Shen Si Yi. I almost forgot these two were siblings... Shen Si Yi tells him to quit but he can’t. He wants to bring happiness to Guan Yue. Shen Si Yi doesn’t get how his logic adds up. 

Ye Zhou wants to quit but finds it's difficult to resist his father. His unhappiness bothers Guan Yue. She barges into his father’s office. Dad seems to be moved by her love for Ye Zhou. 

Lu Ke gets her sweet revenge against MONO. They supported plagiarism and it’s all exposed to the public. Shen Si Yi also had credit in this and Lu Ke made sure Chief Liang knew of it. Shen Si Yi returns to work. 

Ye Zhou’s father wants him to attend a dinner party tonight. Ye Zhou refuses. He’s leaving the office and that’s when his buddy visits. It’s the buddy he promised to invest in but his father pulled out last minute. This looks bad. In fact, the entire preview looks bad.

[Ep31] The friend of Ye Zhou attacks them. But Ye Zhou was a police officer. He’s able to calm him. Father decides to invest in his company again not because of the incident but he really sees value in the company. Father also approves of Ye Zhou’s career choice of being a police officer again. 

Shen Si Yi helps Yao Yuan with his dream by getting him the investment he needs. Yao Yuan promises to meet her again in Shanghai. 

Cheng Nan’s business failed. He needs a new job because he’s also in debt. When it rains it pours. His mother is sick in the hospital. 

[Ep32] Cheng Nan never told his mother about his breakup with Lu Ke. He wants her to help him lie to his mother. Lu Ke asks Zhang Man for his approval. He disapproves. Lu Ke listens. But. Zhang Man is a nice guy. He lets her because he knows she won’t be happy. He warns her that she can pretend to be Cheng Nan’s girlfriend but there’s a line she cannot cross. Shen Si Yi doesn’t like the idea because she knows Cheng Nan still likes her. 

Guan Yue is plagued with plagiarism still. They decide to vlog to increase her likability so people forget the plagiarism. Here I’m thinking if Shen Si Yi released that video in time then Guan Yue wouldn’t have to suffer this. Plagiarism affects a designer for life... 

Cheng Nan asks Lu Ke to give him another chance. He hasn’t given up on her. He thinks that her helping him with his mother means that she still likes him. She tells him it’s over. 

Cheng Nan goes missing. Lao Huang thinks he’s committing suicide. It’s all a misunderstanding. He’s just going camping (a trip to find himself). Although everyone is convinced he’s not committing suicide, Lao Huang won’t let his buddy venture out alone. Aw. What a good friend.

[Ep33] Yao Yuan's homestay/hotel is a go. He introduces Shen Si Yi and Lu Ke to the building. The room he takes them in is called "Shi Guang". Hikaru no Go reference! FINALLY. But is that it?? 

Wen Ru Xin visits Yao Yuan at the bar. She introduces him to little Yao Yuan. That scares our Yao Yuan. Wen Ru Xin assures him the child is not his. The boy is her sister's son. She also informs him she's getting married next month. Yao Yuan congratulates her. I must have missed a time skip

It's time to mend Shen Si Yi and her father's relationship. Dad had pretended to fall and called her to save him. It doesn't work. The next time, Ye Zhou confides to her that he thinks Dad is cheating. Shen Si Yi follows Dad and finds that he entered this wig store. She sees her father's balding head. There's tears in her eyes. She realizes her father is getting old. They then meet up for a fencing match. She wins him. With her back against him, there’s tears in her eyes again. She arranges another date to meet up with him. Ah, so mending her relationship with dad might just be the way to restore her faith in relationships and marriage

Lao Huang takes on the debt for the girl he likes. He finally confesses using code language. She accepts.

Lu Ke is pregnant!
[Ep34] Shen Si Yi hugs Lu Ke that there's nothing to be afraid of. She's there with her. A colleague walks into the washroom, sees them intimate, and quickly backs out. Lu Ke wants to explain. Shen Si Yi doesn't care. 

Lu Ke tells Zhang Mang he's about to be a father. Zhang Mang's expression is complex. It's not a happy one, that's for sure. Lu Ke senses it. 

Ye Zhou brings Guan Yue home. She's trying to look demure but Ye Zhou keeps recalling her embarrassing past (almost arresting her, etc.) to his mother. Guan Yue and Dad also bond over soccer.

Zhang Mang proposes. Lu Ke is angry. She doesn't think he knows why he wants to marry her. She doesn't want it out of responsibility. Lu Ke walks out. 

Shen Si Yi takes Lu Ke to Tokyo again to release her stress. They're caught by a Japanese gang after a random girl (Miyoshi Ayaka) leaves the leader's wallet with them. Wtf. A gun is pointed to their head. It's Lu Ke who jumps to catch the gun. Shen Si Yi is still crouched in fear. Lu Ke is the braver one. However, it was all an act. They were caught in a filming project (the drama name was mentionned but I'm only able to recognize Japanese dramas by their English names, lol). After that, Shen Si Yi asks Lu Ke who she thought of with the gun at her head. It was Zhang Mang. Lu Ke returns the question. Shen Si Yi thought of Yao Yuan but she jokingly  adds that she wanted him to bring money. 

Lu Ke's period arrives. She cries on Shen Si Yi's shoulders. Although she can return to normal with Zhang Mang, she's sad. 

Lu Ke is back in Shanghai. She tells Zhang Man the truth. He admits that he's disappointed in himself, not her. He thought it through. He still wants to marry her. Lu Ke stops him. She goes into a room to bring out a plate of candles. He tries to ask her the question but she reminds him that she's the one proposing. Zhang Man has a new suggestion: they should both say their answer at the same time. Zhang Mang says "I do" first. They're engaged. 

An excited Lu Ke calls Shen Si Yi to update her. Shen Si Yi also tells her she's heading to Yao Yuan. She can't wait anymore. However, she overhears him talking to Lao Huang at the bar. He's willing to give up his career to stay in Shanghai for her. Shen Si Yi suddenly feels she can't take such a serious relationship. The more he loves her, the more she's afraid. She sends him a short text to call it quits before they even restarted.

[Ep35Gao Ye is back at the bar. A cameo by the director. Everyone welcomes him. A young boy shows up. It's Shi Guang! Finally, the real Hikaru no Go reference. Ye Zhou asks for his ID (which he only shows the character "Guang"). He's 18 and wants to drink because he's upset his best friend left him. Awww, it's Chu Ying. Gao Ye comforts him that if they're really friends, they'll meet again. His friend won't actually leave him. Then Yao Yuan enters the bar!! Shi Guang stares at the resemblance and can't help but ask him why he's here thinking he's Chu Ying. After a blank expression from Yao Yuan, Shi Guang knows it's not Chu Ying. It is! He then asks him what his hobbies are. When he learns he likes guitar, Shi Guang tells him his hands are also suitable for Go. When Shi Guang leaves, the Hikaru no Go OST plays!! I'm so glad I watched this alone because I screamed. Yao Yuan muses how the boy knew he used to play Go. He then properly holds the beer cap like a Go piece. Omg this scene was worth waiting for.

Cheng Nan meets a new girl. It seems like they're a match made in heaven. 

Yao Yuan is going to Russia for two years. This is after Shen Si Yi told him he's dating someone else. Lu Ke tells him she's not serious about that guy. However, Yao Yuan doesn't want to force Shen Si Yi into a relationship. Guan Yue asks him if he even knows Russian. He says a line that no one understands. Omg! This is a nod to Somewhere Only We Know. A drama with Zhang Chao as the main lead and the same director.

Shen Si Yi doesn't want to be like her mother who indulged herself in love and failed so miserably.

Zhang Mang was prepared and on top of his game for wedding preparations but the hotel calls him that the venue is unusable. They probably can't marry tomorrow. 
[Ep36] Shen Si Yi finds a venue! It's 生活家. Overnight, he decorates the entire office. However, all the other details start falling apart. Zhang Mang is depressed. He wants to cancel the wedding. Lu Ke doesn't deserve such a hasty imperfect wedding. Ye Zhou is sad too. He wanted to use their wedding to propose to Guan Yue. Zhang Mang isn't impressed with his way of convincing him to continue. Ye Zhou continues to tell him that the formalities don't matter. It's the two of them. Zhang Mang runs the rest of the way to the venue. He prepared a long speech but all that goes down the drain. He apologizes for being late but after going through today he believes he'll get through anything with Lu Ke. Lu Ke smiles lovingly at him. This is all she needed. The wedding is a success. Aw, that kiss at the end

After the wedding, Zhang Mang asks Ye Zhou about his proposal. He says Zhang Mang is right about the formality part, lol. Ye Zhou was really just trying to convince him. He's pretty good at mending stuff: saving weddings and reuniting fathers and daughters

Shen Si Yi regrets letting go of Yao Yuan but she can't take a step closer to him. Lu Ke helps her check his plane departure time It's delayed. Even the skies are helping her. Shen Si Yi chases him but there's still not enough time for her to reach the airport. She gets off the taxi. Fate has it that he's there playing the song she was listening in her head. He was about to get on the plane but he received her message in time. Her eyes are red. He tells her that he's going to Russia for two years for her to hold him back. She smiles and says she has no intention of holding him back. His smile fades and he turns away. Shen Si Yi shouts, "Can I be your girlfriend?" He makes her repeat that twice until he finally hugs her. Yay! He's still going to Russia though

Two years later. Shen Si Yi and Dad are on good terms. Lao Huang has a child. Yao Yuan is back! Shen Si Yi gives him a big hug in front of everyone. 生活家 wants to go independent again but there are obstacles. Shen Si Yi asks Lu Ke if she's willing to go through the tough times with her. Of course Lu Ke will. 

Shen Si Yi: Lu Ke, you really are "了不起" It's Shen Si Yi's turn to say the line
Lu Ke returns the compliment. 

The end.


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Dear Missy is a drama about girls and their lives. It starts with Shen Si Yi returning to China to work with her best friend Lu Ke. I thought their misunderstanding would span at least ten episodes but the resolution happens in the blink of an eye. Personally, I find that realistic. There’s always an unspoken bond between the closest of friends that time cannot dissolve.

Shen Si Yi is headstrong. If she thinks that something is good for Lu Ke, she’ll do it whether or not Lu Ke will like it. Lu Ke is the good girl everyone dotes on. She has a loving boyfriend. She has a group of close friends. She has a career she loves. She has everything a normal girl would want. There’s a third girl in the mix, Guan Yue, who’s nowhere in life. As the drama follows these three it focuses on their friendship, their career and their romance. I say the drama teeters more towards romance. They each have a (potential) partner. I highly doubt our two main girls will stay with the partners they start with (yes, even for Shen Si Yi; I think she's better off alone with Lu Ke as a friend for life).  

An alternative English title for this drama is Gossip Girl and with how the main girls are set up, I see the tiny similarity. It also reminds me of Tiny Times. But that’s it for comparison. It’s a much calmer tone without glamourizing the life of girls; a bit more realistic. It's a comfortable drama to watch. 

P.S. From my most objective standpoint, there is no GL; up to you to imagine it if you want.  

[Actors/Actresses] [Episode 14 Update] I'm really liking Chen Hao Lan (Guan Yue) and her wanting to have sex so obviously; it's funny. Sun Yang's (Zhang Mang) performance is charming too. I'm more familiar with him from the variety show: Everybody Standby. I thought he was just an okay actor there but here, it's an eye opener how he's such a natural for this role. 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy for everyone. 

Final Review

[Review] This drama is about three girls but the spotlight is obviously on Shen Si Yi and Lu Ke and yet it’s not really. The drama has a broad focus on the contemporary life of our cast in Shanghai. The life of modern girls in a modern world filmed in modern way. Unfortunately, I don’t think it managed to capture the nuance of life to make me connect with the drama. It felt very drama-esque, a very superficial touch at reality. 

If you’re a fan of any actors here, it’s a great watch. It might not be heartfelt or groundbreaking but it was pleasant, very easy to zip through. I watched each episode with contentment. Conflicts come and conflicts go. What stays is the relationship. Each side character is relevant and have a part to contributing to this drama. 

Dear Missy is from the same team as Hikaru no Go and it was cool seeing some of the same cast here. It’s also the same director and he once again has a tiny role in this. For anyone who is interested, Shi Guang’s cameo is in Ep35. Pst, that’s one of my motivations to watch this and it happened right at the end. Yeesh, these drama producers. As a fan of Hikaru no Go, that scene was gratifying. They even used the same OST.

Shen Si Yi is a girl crush type of character but sometimes her selfish and dominating personality bothers me. She’d be a horrible and annoying friend if she was in my life. I guess only Lu Ke can handle that personality of hers. Not my type of friendship to root for. For those wondering if there’s GL, I think there are mildly suggestive scenes. Personally, I find it forced; it’s there for fan service without any sincerity. That’s my take. If you’re not into GL, those scenes won’t bother you. 

I like all the romances. My favourite couple is Lu Ke’s. I didn’t think Sun Yan would act so well as Zhang Mang. He’s adorable. I also wasn’t expecting the drama to have such a happy ending. I was prepared for at least one couple to breakup which seems like a trend in modern female dramas this year. I was wrong. 

In short, it’s a contemporary drama about modern females finding themselves, finding love and having true friends. Great cast, easy story to follow. Its message at the end: We're all 了不起. 

P.S. Lu Ke is “look”; Si Yi is “see”. You just have to speak it with a Chinese accent. Therefore they are the "look" and "see" couple. Cool, huh? (This is not my observation; it's currently the highest voted comment on Douban for this drama).

Random Recommendation: Meng Fei Comes Across starring a comical Shen Si Yi Jin Chen.