November 9, 2020

Something Just Like This | Recap and Review

Something Just Like This
A girl and a boy raised like siblings work together for their passion in the e-commerce market. They go from family to partners to lovers.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Huang Jing YuDuan Ran
Wu Jin YanQian Xi Xi
Xuan LuZhang Jia Yun
Dong Si YiYuan Bao
Chinese Title
Youth Makes the Century
Episodes: 47
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.5/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1Duan Ran went to study overseas for three years. He’s back home and all he hears is Qian Xi Xi and Qian Xi Xi and Qian Xi Xi. She used to be his neighbour. However, after her mother died when she was a child she became an orphan so his parents adopted her into his family. In Duan Ran’s words, “Qian Xi Xi cried her way” into his family. I like how Duan Ran narrated the entire introduction so comedically. Duan Ran feels like the outsider when his parents are having breakfast with Qian Xi Xi. She has even taken his room’s closet and washroom while he was abroad. Qian Xi Xi's successful business is also the constant topic his father uses to compare to Duan Ran with. However, he's not the least bit jealous. I think he dotes this adorable, hardworking sister of his too.

Duan Ran visits Qian Xi Xi’s e-commerce company “Rui". She’s a vlogger and also a manager. Her business partner is Chen Lang. Duan Ran is pretty impressed with her company. But he’s here to take her out for lunch. She’s rather suspicious plus she’s busy with a meeting. He offers to drive her there. And then he sees his precious Porsche and all sort of car accessories she tormented decorated his car with. Once he starts the engine to drive her to the meeting place, the music goes “Don’t touch my car!” He drops her off and immediately drives the car away. His purpose for “lunch” with her was to take his baby car back. Heh.

Qian Xi Xi’s meeting is a fail. She’s unable to get the investment. Her friend, Zhang Jia Yun who works at the company, takes her out shopping. She asks Xi Xi if she ever had other thoughts of Duan Ran. Xi Xi adamantly refuses. She can't like him, "Let's say if I do like him, I've been living off uncle and auntie, and now I want their only precious son too. What will I become?" So she does like him.  

Qian Xi Xi asks Duan Ran for help. She knows nothing (absolutely nothing) about investment. With a bit of help from Duan Ran, she makes a proper proposal but the profit she promises to the investment company is an impossible amount. Qian Xi Xi is still optimistic. She reveals she made a bet with the investor that for every ten thousand dollars she’s missing, she’ll clean the men’s bathroom for a day. Duan Ran is like you’ll have to clean for at least half a year. Qian Xi Xi’s eyes go red. She pouts and cries. She’s using tears to make him help her and he falls for it. 

The next day, Qian Xi Xi takes Duan Ran to work. The entire company is gone. Absolutely no one is there. 

[Ep2] Chen Lang took all the employees to a beach resort. He's holding them up so that Qian Xi Xi cannot broadcast as per her investor's request. It's also a threat to Duan Ran's father. Chen Lang was 80% of the shares back of Rui. 

There's only one person in the company. It's Yu Shi. I think he has like zero presence. Su Su works there full time and doesn't even know he exists, lol. He's listening to classical music all alone in the company. Qian Xi Xi tells him to stay put in case they need him. Qian Xi Xi and Duan Ran are off to the beach resort to find Chen Lang and the rest of the vloggers. 
Duan Ran and Qian Xi Xi split ways. He's off to the island that Chen Lang stowed the team too. Qian Xi Xi is cross-city-shopping-spreeing for clothes to broadcast with. Although Chen Lang also brought clothes to the resort but in case he threatens them with holding up the clothes too, at least they'll have their own. Xi Xi is having difficulty finding a certain brand of clothes. She needs it to complete the investor's request. Xi Xi even stops a pedestrian on the street to buy her jacket. Meanwhile Duan Ran has bought two boats.Well, one boat. The other one is a cruise ship. With time winding down to the promised broadcast schedule, Qian Xi Xi streams online all alone on the glamorous cruise ship. 

[Ep3] Duan Ran's dad promises Chen Lang that he will give him a proper deal as long as he agrees to continue with today's broadcast. Chen Lang reluctantly agrees. Not like he has that much of a choice when Xi Xi has all the clothes ready and Duan Ran is here to represent QE (their biggest investor) to urge all the vloggers back to work. The cruise ship is also the perfect venue. The broadcast is a success – for the most part. They're missing one brand of clothes. Xi Xi thinks of Zhang Jia Yun who can help her broadcast but she's not picking up. Duan Ran suggests Xi Xi reach out to another friend to directly deliver the clothes to Zhang Jia Yun. Zhang Jia Yun manages to sell out her clothes pretty quickly too. She's a natural. Duan Ran compliments her. Xi Xi compliments him for thinking up of the idea. Duan Ran quickly calls himself the genius. Lol. I love his idiotic goofiness. However, Zhang Jia Yun is subsequently lectured for vlogging while working. Angered, she quits her job on the spot. I'd say she technically is in the wrong. But hey, if she doesn't care about her job then she doesn't

Duan Ran compliments everyone for a successful broadcast. Xi Xi is clapping for everyone but soon falls asleep while standing. All her energy has drained. Duan Ran carries her to bed on the cruise. He too takes a nap beside her. 

Xi Xi can't exactly jump for joy though after the successful broadcast. She's short eleven thousand dollars from the promised amount. She has to clean the male's washroom for eleven days. However, there's something worse waiting for them. Chen Lang has nabbed all the employees of Rui to his new company: Yun. Named after Zhang Jia Yun?

[Ep4] Chen Lang's beach resort shenanigan was all to conceal this move to Yun . He needed to distract Xi Xi so that he can take all the company's assets and partners. In Rui, only two employees are left: the loyal Su Su and the forgotten Yu Shi. Why doesn't Chen Lang care about Yu Shi? Lol. I just find Yu Shi's character so funny. By the way he's the eunuch from The Story of Yan Xi Palace. With just two employees and the rest of the company empty, it's time to disband Rui. 
Xi Xi is true to her words. She's cleaning the male's washroom from the bet. Duan Ran tells her she doesn't have to but she's not listening. He picks her up and they bump into Manager Wu who's dying to use the washroom. He also clarifies she doesn't need to clean the washroom because he bloated the price. Her profit is actually way more than he had anticipated. 

[Ep5] After hearing Xi Xi's path to Rui, Duan Ran is encouraged to rebuild Rui with her. He sells his car, his precious, precious Porsche to raise money to pay the rent for Rui. QE isn't that supportive of Duan Ran though, especially dad. On the other hand Manager Shen is encouraging of him. Dad sees more hope in Xi Xi and so Dad and Manager Shen want Xi Xi and Duan Ran to compete for the CEO position. Everyone seems more supportive of Xi Xi to ascend to the coveted position. I like that there's no animosity between the two of them. Such good sports. And competitive.

[Ep6] Xi Xi and Duan Ran are building their own respective teams. Xi Xi is looking for Qi Yuan Yuan (Rui's top vlogger; she still hasn't signed a contract with Chen Lang when all the other vloggers have). Duan Ran is looking for Chen Lan's employees (that he stole). Chen Lang kicks him out of his company's premise. However, Duan Ran is more heartbroken that his precious, precious Porsche now belongs to Chen Lan. I love this running joke on his car. He's stewing up in anger but everyone else who hears about it laughs at him. 

Duan Ran gets the last laugh though. Chen Lang and Xi Xi have tried long and hard to convince Zhang Jia Yun to vlog but only Duan Ran can convince her. He sees her passion and can give her the experience she needs. 

With Zhang Jia Yun on Duan Ran's team, he's practically got the win in the bag. He's eating dinner with Zhang Jian Yun while Xi Xi is working overtime. However, he suddenly pops up at work to bring his precious sister some dinner. Aw. Xi Xi hired Wu Ge Ge (Brother Wu who is female and a designer) to be her vlogger.

[Ep7] Duan Ran and Zhang Jia Yan are practicing ballroom dancing. Xi Xi sees this and her heart feels uncomfortable. If only she heard their conversation though because all they talk about while dancing is Xi Xi.  

Xi Xi enlists Qi Yuan Yuan to train Wu Ge Ge (who needs a lot of training). However, Wu Ge Ge wins her own supporters using her method and her own charisma. Her sales are soaring. Even Duan Ran is happy for Xi Xi. Despite being competitors, they’re always a team

[Ep8] Qi Yuan Yuan doesn’t want to be a vlogger because she wants to be an actress. It’s not going very well though. Xi Xi has been pestering Yuan Yuan to come back at least for her last broadcast. Yuan Yuan agrees. 

Rui and Yun are going head to head for sales to bid for Manager Wu's next broadcast rights of Bo-Bo-Luo (my English translation: Pine-pine-apple). I don’t get how Rui is Yun’s competitor when they have so many more people and resources. Zhang Jia Yun even starts dancing on her livestream to increase her sales. Chen Lang is keeping a close eye on Rui’s broadcast. When he sees Zhang Jia Yun dance, he follows it, lol. He’s unexpectedly cute

Rui was about to beat Yun in sales but the powers suddenly cut out. The entire Rui is in darkness. Manager Shen seems relieved. Or is that just me. Duan Rui runs to the electrical panel to fix it but there’s a fire there. Who started the fire? With Xi Xi’s quick thinking, she runs to the scene to capture Duan Rui saving the fire to keep their audience engaged. It’s Xi Xi streaming Duan Rui saving the fire that saved their sales.  I love this twist! He’s the one who saves the day not just from the fire but also from a possible lost against Yun

[Ep9] It was a spectacular broadcast but a loss is a loss. Aw. Yun won with their sales. However, Manager Wu is impressed with Rui and gives all their company's dresses for Rui to broadcast. Manager Wu even rubs it in to Chen Lang that they only won over Rui because of the power outage. And coincidentally, that power outage was a sabotage from someone who wanted to help Yun win.

Zhang Jia Yun catches Xi Xi being jealous. Zhang Jia Yun is like, Geez stop being jealous, Duan Ran is a good guy! Zhang Jia Yun is forever their CP fan. However, Xi Xi is still trying to deny the truth and says she can't think of Duan Ran's qualities at all. With a phone call to Duan Ran and Chen Lang, she easily proves to Xi Xi how Duan Ran is superior to Chen Lang. Lol poor Chen Lang doesn't even know he's used
Duan Ran asks Xi Xi why they've never dated. He thinks they're closer than married couples but it's weird they've never dated. Xi Xi honestly answers that she doesn't know either. With a phone call that interrupts this conversation, this topic is not touched again. 

Xi Xi is selected as CEO to her dismay. She never really wanted to be CEO. Duan Ran isn't satisfied with the loss to Xi Xi who knows nothing about business. This puts their relationship in an awkward spot. Xi Xi's first task as a CEO is to call up a meeting. Duan Ran is late (because he was investigating into the arson). Xi Xi punishes him to stand in the corner. LOL. Grudgingly, he stands up and starts doing jumping jacks or anything distracting. Everyone else is trying to stifle a laughter. After five minutes is over, Xi Xi wants him to sit but he refuses. He won't sit until Xi Xi apologizes to him. These two are fighting like children in the office in front of everyone.

Duan Ran is also demoted to an intern. LOL.

[Ep10] Yu Shi is very confused on whose orders to follow especially when Duan Ran continues to act like a boss in front of him. When Yu Shi was with Xi Xi, he made a comment on how they're not compatible at all. I immediately thought of their relationship in their previous drama, lol

Duan Ran is off to investigate the fire again. This time he's in Chen Lang's car. Or is ex-car. He got in because he knew his car's passenger door is wonky. Thankfully, he never got around to repairing it and so he examines how Chen Lang is tormenting his car (e.g. eating in his car). Duan Ran confronts Chen Lang about the fire. Chen Lang knows of it but he wasn’t the one who ordered it. 

Duan Ran complains to Dad about being an intern. Dad laughs at him. I like how everyone laughs at Duan Ran. xD. Yet despite being an "intern" he pours his soul to help Rui. Rui is short on money and he suggests to Xi Xi that she should ask his dad. She's scared and doesn't want to. Duan Ran reminds her that she's the CEO but she asks him to do it for her. Duan Ran sighs and accepts the job but she has to help. Duan Ran is practically the CEO behind the blinds. However, Dad doesn't want to lend them money. Manager Shen decides to invest in them but wants 20% of Rui's shares. Manager Shen tells Dad of this and Dad decides to split the investment with Manager Shen. There's something seriously wrong about this.
[Ep11] After receiving complaints from neighbours, Xi Xi is back in her old neighbourhood (where she lived with her late mother) to check out her tenant, Yuan Bao. She's making coffee and her coffee machine is sending thunderous roars throughout the small neighbourhood. Xi Xi takes a sip of her coffee and decides to sell her product (Yuan Bao Bao) via Rui. Yuan Bao tells her the inspiration to her coffee was all from her favourite idol: Jiang Zhe Yang. Xi Xi happens to be Jiang Zhe Yang's classmate back in elementary school. Dong Si Yi can't seem to get rid of "Bao" in her character's names.

Duan Ran is given a mission from Manager Wu. If Duan Ran can sign on Jiang Zhe Yang to be Bo Bo Luo's model then he'll give their next three set of broadcast rights to Rui. Duan Ran is confident because Jiang Zhe Yan's manager is Ou Yang Mei Xuan, his classmate in England and his ex-girlfriend. What a small world. The world gets smaller when Duan Ran meets them (Ou Yang Mei Xuan and Jiang Zhe Yan) on the plane. He overhears Ou Yang Mei Xuan being lectured by Jiang Zhe Yang's mother for her lack of professionalism. Through this, Duan Ran realizes the one in power of Jiang Zhe Yan isn't himself but it's Empress Dowager his mother.

[Ep12] Duan Ran tells Xi Xi that there's someone trying to sabotage them but he assures her she can continue being her CEO and he'll handle all the ugly and the dirty. Aww.

Xi Xi decides to sell Yuan Bao's coffee by inviting Jiang Zhe Yang to their live broadcast. It's not an official request, Xi Xi randomly requests on her live and waits for him for three hours. Yuan Bao cries thinking he won't come and leaves the set but he is here! The coffee sells out with Jiang Zhe Yang's impromptu cameo. 
I'm loving the females camaraderie in this drama especially when all of them wear overalls to celebrate (minus Su Su who's carrying Jiang Zhe Yang's lifesize cutout)

While Xi Xi is in celebratory mode for her broadcast with Jiang Zhe Yang, Duan Ran is working on Jiang Zhe Yang's mother. And thus begins a hilarious battle between Chen Lang and Duan Ran to win over Empress Dowager (the mom). Ou Yang Mei Xuan gives Duan Ran a helpful advice. As long as there's something she (Ou Yang) is strictly against, Mom is elated to do the opposite. 

[Ep13] Yuan Bao is the daughter of a CEO who owns a coffee company. Dong Si Yi is rich here too... she’s born with a blessed face? Her father is against her vlogging but allows her to stay. However, her coffee brand and formula belongs to him. They cannot sell it via Rui anymore. Duan Ran gives them a piece of good news to cheer them up. He’s got Jiang Zhe Yang – Jiang Zhe Yang’s mother. He promises them he’ll get the contract in a few days. 

Unfortunately things don’t go as planned. Chen Lang finds Bo Bo Luo another famous celebrity to be their model. One road closes but another one opens. Duan Ran finds another brand (Perfect Sheep) to collaborate with. Auditions are open to be Jiang Zhe Yang’s partner to promote their products. 

[Ep14] Xi Xi finds out Duan Ran is giving an unfair advantage to Qi Yuan Yuan to be Jiang Zhe Yang’s partner. Xi Xi confronts Ou Yang Mei Xuan for a fair competition among her vloggers. Ou Yang Mei Xuan agrees but Xi Xi must step out. She reminds Xi Xi that she could have pressed charges against her for using Jiang Zhe Yang to promote her coffee. And so proper interviews are held for all the vloggers. 

The first round of interviews is for each vlogger to talk about their love and understanding of Jiang Zhe Yang. When it comes time for Zhang Jia Yun’s interview, she’s laid back. It’s like a teacher counselling a delinquent, Zhang Jia Yun being the delinquent. She reverses the role and asks Ou Yang Mei Xuan  what’s the use of promoting Jiang Zhe Yang's personality when this is an e-commerce company. The second round of interview is for the girls to promote Perfect Sheep’s product. All the other girls start talking about the product but our girl, Zhang Jia Yun is like, “I only have one question for you – rests head on chin – when you woke up this morning, what was your mood?" I think Ou Yang Mei Xuan likes her? Lol.  

[Ep15]  Ou Yang Mei Xuan does like Zhang Jia Yun. She’s the one selected. However Duan Ran is working on Empress Dowager again to get Qi Yuan Yuan selected instead. Duan Ran is ready to tell Zhang Jia Yun the bad news but to his delight, she’s absolutely elated to be replaced. Except that’s not the real bad news this episode. Someone exposed all of Yuan Yuan’s rumours online. Jiang Zhe Yang’s partner is once again Zhang Jia Yun (to her disappointment). Qi Yuan Yuan quits with pride. She denies all the rumours.  
[Ep16] Qi Yuan Yuan is quitting only because she doesn’t want to ruin the efforts of everyone at Rui with her false rumours. She wanders in the mall and joins in on a piano performance. Jiang Zhe Yang who’s wearing a mask also participates. It’s a three-man-piano performance. This man who started the performance is Qian Xi Xi’s father. He's back into Qian Xi Xi's life and wants to be her father again. 

Other updates: Yuan Bao misses another chance to meet Jiang Zhe Yang in real life. Duan Ran becomes jealous of Jiang Zhe Yang.

[Ep17] Qian Xi Xi is hostile towards her father. He has no right to be back after he left her and her mother all these years. She cries. Duan Ran comforts her that night as she cries in his shoulders. The father is back and all he wants is her to call him "dad". Based on what?? Qian Xi Xi cries that he doesn't deserve it. That's when he starts slapping himself. Qian Xi Xi wants him to stop and finally calls out "dad". Whaaaa, that was too easy. The dad's knees cave in and he cries.

Qi Yuan Yuan, Jiang Zhe Yang, and dad's piano performance goes viral. Meanwhile Chen Lang is using Ke Le's (Yun's vlogger) jealously for something. She doesn't like that Qi Yuan Yuan is back at Yun. She's always been compared to Yuan Yuan and her fans even call her Little Yuan Yuan. 

[Ep18] Dad reminds Xi Xi that she needs to own some shares for her company. Dad is also very particular about money. He won’t accept Duan Ran’s invitation to be on Yun after the viral piano performance without a certain amount. Duan Ran is exasperated. Xi Xi talks dad into it. These two are getting closer and closer. I’m not one to ask for melodrama but isn’t this dad arc too smooth?

[Ep19] Xi Xi admits to Jiang Zhe Yang that she was using him to make Duan Ran jealous. 

Chen Lang wants Ke Ke to be a spy for him at Rui. It doesn’t help that Duan Ran is favouriting Yuan Yuan. He uses all his resources to support Yuan Yuan to battle against Yun’s live broadcast. However, in Yuan Yuan’s broadcast, there are water armies attacking her. Yuan Yuan turns off her broadcast temporarily. She takes off her heels and sits down to share her backstory. She grew up poor. She describes how she spent her winter nights. She’d sleep on this heated surface. Her bottom would be burning but her face would be freezing. Her story is gaining viewers and her stats go up. But Yun pulls out another trick.

[Ep20] Duan Ran who’s sitting there calmly has a trick too. Ou Yuan Mei Xuan arrives at Rui with a cake. They all bring the cake to Yuan Yuan to celebrate her birthday. With this touching moment, Yuan Yuan’s stats knock out Yun’s. Rui wins this live broadcast. However, this was all within Duan Ran’s plans. He, Yuan Yuan, and Ou Yang Mei Xuan had planned all of this (but Yuan Yuan’s story is real). The water army was hired by Ou Yuan Mei Xuan. It’s also a chance for Yuan Yuan to clarify the rumours about her. 

Xi Xi is jealous she wasn’t in on the plan. When Duan Ran was walking out Ou Yang Mei Xuan, I don’t know if Dad saw if Xi Xi was jealous but he thinks his daughter is being bullied so he made a comment to Duan Ran that it’s windy and to dress warmly. Consciously, Duan Ran puts his hands behind his butt. Does he think dad was warning him of a hole in his pants? I honestly don’t know

Dad puts Xi Xi’s old home up for sale. He wants her to go abroad with him. Xi Xi is against it. She won’t go abroad. The father and daughter fight over this; he leaves home. Coincidentally, he meets Jiang Zhe Yang. Dad tells him he’s back in the country because he was diagnosed with cancer. The mood turns dark. However, he later reveals it was a misdiagnosis. Jiang Zhe Yang chokes. I scoffed. Geez, show. He talks dad into believing that Xi Xi loves her jobs. It’s not that she’s suffering for it. She loves it which is why she’s willing to suffer for it. It’s her joy. Dad realizes there’s truth in what he says and decides to leave China. 

[Ep21] Jiang Zhe Yang visits Xi Xi at her office at night. Xi Xi had thought he was a thief. She had armed herself with her clipboard as a shield and a pen as a sword. After realizing who he is, she shows him around the office and tells him how Duan Ran is leading the company. She tells him that deep down she always thought Duan Ran was the leader despite her being the CEO. Jiang Zhe Yang looks her in the eye and says she doesn't know herself well at all. 
Jiang Zhe Yang is interested in seeing a live broadcast. Xi Xi suggests Jiang Zhe Yang join in on the live stream with her and Yuan Yuan to promote a lipstick. Since Jiang Zhe Yang can't show his face, he wears a mask. I was wondering who was the man in the mask in the opening song. In the middle of the show, the girls run out of napkin to wipe off the lipstick (a commenter wanted to see the lipstick with a lighter application). Jiang Zhe Yang says he has an idea. He bends over looking like he's about to kiss her but he's putting her lips to his mask instead. Her heart is fluttering. The sales also skyrocket; it's out of stock. 

Duan Ran belatedly learns of everything in the morning via the security camera and then rewatching the live stream. The content was so bad his eyes are physically burning. He takes out his anger on his couch when he checked that no one was looking. He talks it out with Xi Xi who adds fuel to the fire that she does have this "relationship" with Jiang Zhe Yang. Duan Ran freezes. He keeps asking her about this "relationship". He's dying to know more of that she's unwilling to share.

Xi Xi manages to nab a brand Yuan Yuan loves. It was difficult and nearly impossible but Xi Xi did it for Yuan Yuan. This makes Yuan Yuan feel bad because she wants to quit. She received a leading role in a movie production. 

[Ep22] Xi Xi doesn't want to make Yuan Yuan pay the contract cancellation fee. Duan Ran is against it. He asks Manager Shen to give some pressure to Xi Xi but Manager Shen is like Duan Ran is more suitable to be CEO especially if Xi Xi won't accept the termination fee. This guy, he's purposely putting a wedge between Duan Ran and Xi Xi. Thus, Duan Ran forces Xi Xi to accept the fee. He's going to this extent so that Xi Xi can keep her CEO position. Xi Xi doesn't know and just thinks he's heartless.

Zhang Jia Yun is such a smart cookie. She knows that the one who gave Yuan Yuan the movie opportunity was Chen Lang. He wants Yuan Yuan out of Rui. 

With Yuan Yuan gone (she paid the fee by selling her car and home), many of the brands have cancelled their contract with Rui. Ke Le makes it difficult time by complaining about this and that (no brand, no work, etc). 

[Ep23] Xi Xi learns from Manager Shen that Duan Ran forced her to accept the cancellation fee to keep her CEO position. 

Yu Shi likes Su Su because he freaks out when he thinks Su Su is dating. He takes his anger out on this girl on the phone who calls and says that she’s going to sue Rui. She used their product and she’s developing male hormones from it. Yu Shi doesn’t take this call seriously and dares her to sue them thinking it’s a scam. 

Xi Xi is moving out of Duan Ran’s home. As she’s packing, all she can think of is Duan Ran. 

Duan Ran helps Xi Xi helps move. While unpacking, these two argue over anything. Zhang Jia Yun is Xi Xi’s housemates and is like save me from all their arguing. She refuses to go shopping with them. 

Xi Xi brings Duan Ran to a yummy takoyaki place. She wants chocolate favour. Duan Ran is like red bean is the best. It’s another round of arguments. They make a bet on who’s flavour is best. The winner will treat the other takoyaki for life. When they arrive at the store, they’re doing a buy-one-get-one for the same flavour if they’re a couple. To get the promotion, Xi Xi and Duan Ran pretend to be a couple and so they have four takoyaki, two of each flavour. 
They both argue that their flavour is the best. Xi Xi is upset he’s not admitting the truth. She dares him that if he can eat the rest of the three takoyaki in one bite, then she'll take care of him for his whole life. He takes her dare and confirms if she's really going to take care of all his takoyaki. I went back to double check these lines. She really said she'll take care of his life but then he goes and changes it back to takoyaki. A wrong line from Huang Jing Yu? If so, they chose to keep this take because what happened afterwards was too good. He stacks the takoyaki like a hamburger and takes a huge bite with contents bursting out everywhere. Xi Xi laughs at him and wipes his mouth. He's still chewing down that enormous bite of takoyaki but he pulls her in for a kiss. After they pull back, they kiss each other again. And again. And again. They're sitting by the beach. Duan Ran takes her hand and tells her he likes her. When she asks when he started liking her he doesn't remember. It's been too long. Xi Xi is shy and confesses she likes him too. He teases and asks her since when too. 

Duan Ran and Xi Xi are at the lobby (Xi Xi hasn't completely moved out yet) waiting for the elevator. They're hugging and eventually, Duan Ran has Xi Xi up in his arms again. They're caught by mom. Duan Ran quickly drops her and says Xi Xi twisted her leg. Xi Xi awkwardly plays along and says someone hit her. Duan Ran glares at her and corrects her because the only one who could have hit her would be him, lol

At night Duan Ran makes Xi Xi give him a goodnight kisses. Tons of it. In the morning, the two are playing footsies under the breakfast table. In the car Xi Xi tells him her lipstick colour. As her boyfriend, he should remember it's Strawberry colour. Duan Ran looks around, stops the car, and turns to her. He leans over and it's another deep kiss. He's tasting her lips. He's like where's the strawberry taste?

Su Su has a heartbreak. Her boyfriend is trash. While she's still fresh in her breakup, the girl who complained on the phone is physically here at Rui. She shows Su Su she’s getting a moustache from the makeup they're endorsing. Su Su thinks she's another scammer and yells at her to leave. Lol, poor girl has terrible timing. First it was Yu Shi and now Su Su

[Ep24] That girl with the moustache has filed a report against Rui. Duan Ran believes their company has a spy otherwise the issue wouldn't have escalated this fast. Yu Shi and Su Su feel bad for putting the company in trouble and for accusing the girl, so they go and apologize to her. They stop the girl in time from committing suicide. She’s heartbroken because her boyfriend dumped her over her moustache. 

The only beneficiary is the sneaky bastard Chen Lang. 

[Ep25] Xi Xi feels responsible for the company's current state. She quits as CEO. Duan Ran wants her to face the consequences. He doesn't want her to quit Rui like this. 

Jiang Zhe Yang cheers up Xi Xi by taking her on a cruise. After hearing this, Duan Ran storms up a cloud of jealously. Our high EQ Zhang Jia Yun immediately deduces they're dating based on his over-reaction. He denies though. 

Su Su searches for the moustache-lady's trashy boyfriend. She's gone for the whole day and Yu Shi finds her after work. He brought food for her. They stay up together to wait for the boyfriend. She leans on his legs as she takes a rest. 

[Ep26] Jiang Zhe Yang confesses to Xi Xi. She thanks him but she only saw him as her brother. Later on, Jiang Zhe Yang tells Ou Yang Mei Xuan he thinks she's dating Duan Ran because she didn't say a word about him that day at all. Duan Mom also seems to know Duan Ran and Xi Xi are dating. The parents aren't quite happy...? 

Manager Shen is at Rui to assign a new CEO. He calls up the employees to vote. Most of them vote for Xi Xi. But it's not valid. Thus only two votes count. Zhang Jia Yun is the CEO. Huh. That works?

[Ep27] Zhang Jia Yun immediately takes control in her hands like she was waiting for this moment. She tells each vlogger a different piece of information claiming it's top secret. She's fishing out the traitor. Our Zhang Jia Yun is so smart

Xi Xi is making amends with the mustache-girl. 

[Ep28] It was all within Duan Ran’s plan to make Zhang Jia Yun the CEO. Ke Le’s espionage is exposed but they still try to convince her to stay. She’s determined to leave. Duan Ran also tries to convince Xi Xi to return to Rui but she refuses. 

[Ep29] Rui is experiencing problems. Duan Ran doesn’t want Xi Xi to know. He wants to solve it all by himself and not bother Xi Xi at all. By the way Chen Lang was kind of cute this episode with how he protected Zhang Jia Yun. Too bad he’s got an awful superior otherwise him and Xi Xi have the same passion for e-commerce. Randomly, Duan Ran and Chen Lang bump into each other at a dental office and they’re being examined side by side, and both are so afraid of pain, LOL

[Ep30] After the dental appointment and going through the same pain, Chen Lang and Duan Ran bond. LOL. Chen Lang decides to help him for once and offers some of his clothes for Rui to sell. He's also affected by the same problem (the merchants are bullying the e-commerce market). These two are cute together! Chen Lang better not be scheming something! 

[Ep31] The problem: e-commerce vs. physical stores. Duan Ran cannot accept e-commerce market demanding a universal cost per merchandise. If the merchandise are the same cost, it will kill the online market. Questionable what the online market has done to physical sales but companies need to be innovative. Duan Ran and Chen Lang were on the same side to fight against physical stores but Chen Lang gives in. He has too much to lose. Unlike Duan Ran who has a rich father, he has nothing if Yun falls. 

[Ep32] Xi Xi learns of the problem Rui is facing. Duan Dad fainted and Xi Xi wants to help out Duan Ran with the negotiation. Will she be able to settle the differences? I think she can. She's the one who's the most passionate.

[Ep33] Xi Xi uses her experience as a sales on the negotiation table. She knows that each store has an abundance of perished goods (clothes that don't sell out). She tells her team to search for these clothes to threaten the stores (Perfect Sheep and Bo Bo Luo) that she'd expose them of wasting all these goods that could have been sold. Her team uses a drone to capture evidence. This is how rich people play. First a cruise and now a drone. Xi Xi wins the negotiation. Rui and other online markets can sell leftover products with a discount.  

Chen Lang decides to join in on the negotiation but doesn't arrive on time. Everything is already settled. 

[Ep34] Rui is blacklisted. They sold counterfeit goods. Zhang Jia Yun realizes it was from Chen Lan when he supposedly helped them. She slaps him but it doesn't look like he knows anything about it. It was his staff who did it. 

[Ep35] Ou Yang Mei Xuan joins Rui as an executive. 

[Ep36] Duan Ran starts his own broadcast. His partner is Lao Mao (the guy who likes Wu Ge). The broadcast is a success (with everyone else’s help too). Xi Xi thanks Jiang Zhe Yang for participating in their broadcast. A jealous Duan Ran spots this from far away. He makes his Lao Mao princess-carry Jiang Zhe Yang out of the way. 

The ban on Rui is lifted as November 11 approaches (China’s version of Black Friday/Boxing Day). 

[Ep37] Chen Lang really isn’t that bad at all. 

Yuan Bao quits Rui for her coffee label that’s picking up business. Duan Ran and Xi Xi congratulate her. 

[Ep38] Zhang Jia Yun has proof that Chen Lan stole Wu Ge’s designs. She gives him a last chance before she exposes him but he tells her to do as she wishes. 

[Ep39] None of Chen Lang's vloggers are staying to help him get over his company's crisis. 

Yu Shi confesses to Su Su in a locked bathroom. Su Su accepts him. They’re officially a pair. 

[Ep40] Duan Dad buys 60% of Yun’s stocks. He saves Yun and allows Chen Lang to continue operating it. Duan Dad admires Chen Lang. He's also helping Chen Lang because of Zhang Jia Yun. 

Manager Shen is bad! See, I knew it! I just had to show that off. His son is the Ding Boss (Shen Ding Ding) that Chen Lang kept reporting to. It was Shen Ding Ding who did all the underhanded stuff to Rui. Shen Ding Ding doesn’t like being inferior to Duan Ran (admittedly, Duan Ran and Xi Xi are pretty annoying to him...) meanwhile Manager Shen also doesn’t like being Duan Dad’s inferior. He especially doesn’t agree with Duan Dad’s continual investment in e-commerce. 

Manager Shen calls up a meeting and overthrows Duan Dad for irresponsibly investing in Yun. Manager Shen takes Duan Dad’s CEO place in QE and now Shen Ding Ding wants to take Duan Ran’s place in Rui. 

The stock things come back! There is a problem with the stocks. After some basic calculations, Manager Shen and Shen Ding Ding have 45% of Rui’s stocks. Zhang Jia Yun has been suspicious there’s a mole in the company and if that mole has company stocks as well (6% of it) then Shen Ding Ding will have control of Rui. That mole might be Yu Shi... :( 

I like the reversals in this episode and also for bringing Chen Lang on the same team as Duan Ran.

[Ep41] Yu Shi has exactly 6% of Rui’s stocks. The only reason Yu Shi would betray Rui is because his master and himself owes Shen family. Shen Ding Ding uses his (51%) power to make Yu Shi the new CEO. Su Su ends her relationship with Yu Shi. 

There’s more to what Yu Shi has done. He helped Shen Ding Ding delete the footage of him pulling out Rui’s electricity. He also stole Wu Ge’s design to give to Chen Lang. Yu Shi isn't bad at heart, he lacks a backbone and he feels indebted to Shen family.

Duan Ran officially leaves Rui after he “pushed” Yu Shi down the stairs. Yu Shi is okay. Duan Ran also didn’t push him but he thinks that leaving Rui would be best espeically now that Shen Ding Ding is running it. 

[Ep42] Duan Ran is obsessed with baking. Xi Xi motivates him he is capable of doing something outside of Rui. Duan Ran thinks she’s overrating him. 

Ding Ding likes Ou Yang Mei Xuan. Seems like he likes anything Duan Ran likes. However, Ou Yang likes him Duan Ran still. She confesses that to him. He apologizes and refuses her. He loves Xi Xi. However! Duan Mom is their next obstacle. She asks Xi Xi to split up with Duan Ran. She tells Xi Xi she can’t bear to see her with her son because she never forgave herself for her mother’s death. She says it was her fault. If she never asked her mother to drink with her that night she wouldn’t have died in the car accident. 

[Ep43] Ke Le jumps ship so fast. She’s back to Rui now that Yun is sinking. How is she not shameful at all? 

Chen Lang asks to work with Bo Bo Luo again. The manager knows he’s passionate and accepts his partnership. 

Duan Ran apologizes to Manager Shen for his brashness. Duan Ran asks him to let him work in QE from the bottom as a mall manager (but it’s still a manager position?)

[Ep44] Xi Xi decides to go abroad to live with her father. Her excuse to breakup with Duan Ran is that she's not worthy of him. Xi Xi says farewell to Duan parents and compliments Ding Ding that Rui will be in good hands. Xi Xi is still on good terms with mom. 

Zhang Jia Yun tells Chen Lang that there’s no point in pursuing her. She doesn’t want him wasting his time on her. Jia Yun is planning to go to England. Chen Lang will continue to wait for her though. 

[Ep45] Xi Xi is leaving today and Duan Ran just found out through Chen Lang. Duan Ran had thought it was his fault for not being able to give her security. When he arrives to the airport, he’s already too late. Xi Xi is gone. 
But she’s not! She was sending off Zhang Jia Yun. She follows him out of the airport and calls out to him. She heard all his messages to her. When he sees her he couldn’t move from his spot. He's too relieved. Xi Xi has tears in her eyes too. She runs to him and wraps her legs around him. She realizes she can’t leave him; she'll miss him too much. He says he misses her too. They make up. 

Three months later

Duan Ran and Xi Xi convince a fish marketer (I don’t know...) to join Yun to sell her fishes online. Xi Xi and Duan Ran are in Yun now with Chen Lang. Soon, Su Su, Wu Ge and Yu Shi ditch Rui to join them at Yun too. They're all fed up with Ding Ding. Our team is rebuilding their fortress at Yun. 

Duan Ran knows the reason why Xi Xi had wanted to leave hiim in the first place. Currently, Duan Mom is visiting a psychologist for her insomnia and guilt of Xi Xi’s mother’s death. 

[Ep46] Jiang Zhe Yang can’t make it to an important event for Rui because of the weather. Ou Yang Mei Xuan is not in a rush at all. Lol. Mainly, they don’t care that they can’t help Shen Ding Ding. 

QE’s business is on the line and since Rui is failing to meet expectations, Duan Ran offers Yun to help Manager Shen. Manager Shen takes up his offer. It’s the only one possible. Thus, QE invests in Yun. Duan Ran had made asked all the sales rep in the mall to do an impromptu broadcast. It's impressive but they still need to increase their sales. Xi Xi and Duan Ran have plan B, C, and D ready. Although Jiang Zhe Yang cannot make it, Xi Xi knows someone else: Yuan Yuan. She’s a big movie star now. Yuan Bao also goes live at her cafe brand. Lastly, Zhang Jia Yun is streaming in England. When Chen Lang sees her on screen he smiles at her lovingly. He still loves her and will forever love her. 

Their sales break new records. Manager Shen smiles to his investors that Yun is their prideful investment. Manager Shen also convinces Duan Ran to support him in the boards meeting to make a change in their company. However, Duan Ran’s goals are bigger than just making Yun successful. He wants to reinstate his father’s plan to advance QE. The plan is placed into motion when all the executives votes for his plan over Manager Shen’s. However, there’s no bad blood. That's because both Duan Dad and Manager Shen share a love for QE. Duan Dad wants Manager Shen to continue overseeing the company's changes. The two become fishing buddies again. The only person still upset is Shen Ding Ding. 

[Ep47] Ding Ding gives Rui back to Duan Ran. 

Duan Ran finds the toy car he scammed the young Ding Ding out of. Afterwards, he playfully kisses Xi Xi which is caught by mom. She doesn’t expose them immediately but it’s most likely she knows they’re still dating. Xi Xi’s dad is back in the country to support her relationship with Duan Ran. Duan Ran’s dad also supports them. 

Yu Shi wants to quit Rui as an apology to Duan Ran. Duan Ran tells him one needs to be responsible in their apology. He needs to stay to apologize. Duan Ran had long forgiven him. Yu Shi happily stays. Su Su also forgives him. 

It’s Xi Xi’s birthday and they’re all celebrating it at the company. Dad plays an old video of when she was younger. Her mother’s voice (Li Li) is heard in the background. Dad played this video for her daughter but it’s more for Duan Mom to tell her Xi Xi is Li Li’s daughter (not Duan Mom’s daughter). Their children worked hard to find love, let’s not break that for them, for Li Li. 
Mom accepts Xi Xi and Duan Ran dating. Immediately, the company turns dark. It’s Duan Ran proposing. He’s on the large screen. She runs to him. He’s practically in tears. Xi Xi accepts his proposal.

Ding Ding is going back to England. Before he leaves, he gets a package. It's the toy car that Duan Ran scammed of him when he was younger. I guess that's how boys make up.

Chen Lang gives Duan Ran his precious real car back. And that’s how men make up. It’s a wedding present. I like how the drama brought back the car. By the way, they're still competitors. Chen Lang is at Yun and Duan Ran is at Rui. Both of them are under QE but from now on it will be a friendly rivalry. 

Xi Xi is live streaming. Duan Ran is watching her and commenting for her that her clothes look amazing. She pauses her streaming and lectures Duan Ran that his comments are too brainless. It's obvious he's her brainless fan. Duan Ran agrees, he's her man, he is her brainless fan. Xi Xi smiles that he has to be her brainless fan for life. They kiss. 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] This is unexpected. I'm really enjoying this. It's zippy and it's fun. First two episodes, I just couldn't stop watching. This had my attention the whole time. Wu Jin Yan and Huang Jing Yu (Johnny Huang)'s characters are unrelated but are raised like siblings. They'll banter most of the time but they're also the first people who'll help each other. They're skinship is so natural; for example, there was one scene where they sat together on the couch, from shoulder to arm to legs like it was nothing. There's just something different about their relationship compared to other dramas, maybe it's in their own characterization and how chill they are with each other. Huang Jing Yu's character, Duan Ran, is doting and doesn't use any spiteful words. He actually cares for this "sister" of his and lets her take advantage of him. Wu Jin Yan's character, Qian Xi Xi, is cheerful, cute, hardworking, and goal oriented. Her aspirations make people want to believe her and join her dream. It was thrilling watching Xi Xi spree across the city for clothes and vlogging on a gigantic cruise ship. 

The story is focused on entrepreneurship of this e-commerce company, Rui. The downfall of Rui gives them a chance to rebuild it and perhaps surpass its former glory. There's an "evil" character that destroys the company but I think he's supposed to be redeeming later on so I'm not going to jump into the hate-wagon. 

I'm hesitant on having my expectations too high too soon but I do think there's a lot more to look forward to. There's a ton of supporting cast I love here. Romance potential is high (although not the focus at the moment). Story content is lavish. Pacing is nimble. There's not a moment that it's boring. I highly doubt this can keep the same level of quality for another forty episodes but I'm willing to believe in this. Don't fail me! 

[Actors/Actresses] Wu Jin Yan had a lot of projects since Story of Yanxi Palace. The same goes with Huang Jing Yu (Johnny Huang) since I first saw him in Moonshine and Valentine. However, I've never completed any projects of them since. I'm excited to see them here in roles I like and in a story I buy. I particularly like Wu Jin Yan's acting here. She's likable and not over-acting her cheerful character. She makes me want to support her. Huang Jing Yu also manages to insert unexpected comedy here and there. Wang Mao Lei (as Yu Shi) has me chuckling the most. Xuan Lu is here too looking very pretty. Dong Si Yi has yet to show up but I think she'll definitely brighten up my screen.

Additionally, Chen Kai Ge is the executive producer of this. I only know him because he’s on Everybody Standby. This is probably another thing to make me look forward to this drama even more. [Off topic, no wonder he knows Dong Si Yi....(hinting to Ep6 of Everybody Standby)]

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy. 

Final Review

[Review] Surprisingly fun. There isn't a huge focus on romance. It is there, it is sweet but it isn't the highlight. For once in a blue moon, I find the business side of a contemporary-romance-business drama engaging. It's fun watching every character have a part in the e-commerce world. All the actors felt so natural; it's like each actor is living in their character. Every single one of them have a likable moment. Wu Jin Yan is a great actress; I truly believed her Xi Xi. I also like the actor for Chen Lang. Him and Duan Ran are very cute together. They're almost cuter than Xi Xi and Duan Ran. 

Something Just Like This doesn't deeply rattle my emotions but it's a nice break from heavy dramas. It's cheery, modern and zippy. I really like how natural the story fell into place. It pulls you into this colourful story with colourful people. Unfortunately, it does have the typical drama drag in the middle but near the end (Ep40) it picks up its pace again. Among its genre, Something Just Like This is worth admiring. It's innovative. It doesn't rely on overused plot (maybe except one with Duan Ran's mother). You can describe this as cute and simple but you can also say it's motivating and thoughtful. 

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