November 13, 2020

Everybody Standby Season 2 | Part 2 Episode 5 Commentary

Cyn-opsis: Watch actors be ripped apart on live TV. 
Dong Cheng Peng (Da Peng)
Chen Kai Ge
Er Dong Sheng (Derek Yee)
Guo Jing Ming (Edward Guo)
Zhao Wei (Vicki Zhao)
Li Cheng Ru
Chinese Title
Network: Tencent 

Part 2: List of Performances 

  1. The Promise [Ep4]
  2. The Temptation to Go Home
  3. Sheep Without a Sheppard 
  4. Bad Genius [Ep5]
  5. Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan
  6. Quitting
  7. Protege 
  8. Parasite
  9. Tiny Times [Ep6]
  10. Inseparable Bros
  11. Romance in the Rain
  12. The Devotion of Suspect X

4. Bad Genius

Ren Min: Lynn
Meng Zi Yi (Zoey Meng): Grace 
Guo Jing Ming

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Good 

  • Ren Min was super cute during the interview. She was describing her emotions about the process of this performance. It was unbelievably hard because the movie they were reenacting was very technical. To reproduce this live the actors had to run across set to change clothes and act out difference scenes in different time-zones. She had cried about it during rehearsal because she didn’t know this was an elimination round. If she had known she wouldn't have chosen this role but the one Sun Qian chose. 
  • Meng Zi Yi is praised for her tiny tiny role. I agree. She left a strong impression despite the lack of screen time.
  • Li Cheng Ru and Guo Jing Ming make up. Sort of? Li Cheng Run compliments Ding Cheng Xi and acknowledges GJM’s S choice. 
  • I thought this was a cool performance. But I don’t know about acting. It just seemed very straightforward. I was more engrossed with the technical aspect of how they ran across set. I think the one who deserves the biggest praise is Guo Jing Ming for designing this.
Ren Min: S (Chen Kai Ge)
  • Ren Min got an S from Chen Kai Ge and an A from Guo Jing Ming. Guo Jing Ming once again urged Ren Min to choose Chen Kai Ge because he already had a chance to work with Ren Min and he would want her to have the opportunity to work with a different director to improve her acting. 
Ding Cheng Xin: A (Guo Jing Ming) 
  • This guy got FOUR A’s from all the directors. Ding Chen Xi is like "Oh my mama"
Meng Zi Yi: A (Guo Jing Ming)

5. Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan

Chen You Wei: Prince Guo 
Liu Rui Lin (Wayne Liu): Emperor Yong Zheng 
Sun Qian: Niuhuru Zhen Huan
Chen Kai Ge

Directors’ Critique 
Short: FAIL

  • Chen Kai Ge was harsh on this team too. He made Sun Qian and Chen You Wei run laps. Ha
  • Li Cheng Ru called it ridiculous. It was tough on the actors too. He mocks the content of the plot more than the actors. He blames it on the original director for filming this kind of unrealistic palace drama.
  • Zhao Wei doesn’t believe in their performance meaning they never got into their roles. Tells them they don’t have the talent. The audience also never believed it (they laughed in the middle of their performance). Zhao Wei thinks it has nothing to do with the original director. A jab at Li Cheng Ru.
  • Er Dong Sheng directly tells Chen You Wei he’d never be cast for this role. When Chen You Wei was asked along the lines of whether he’d choose this role again, he answers he would without hesitation. The directors shake their head at this. 
  • Guo Jing Ming starts off with an awkward laugh. A criticism is coming. He says Sun Qian is decent. Liu Rui Lin is okay too. But Chen You Wei doesn’t know what he’s doing. 
  • Chen Kai Ge is the only one who's nice on Chen You Wei. He praises him for trying hard. He lectures the audience for laughing during the performance because that really affects an actor. He tells Chen You Wei that he has arrived here, he has improved, and that he didn’t waste his time. That’s when Chen You Wei cried a bit. I like that he stood up for Chen You Wei but at the same time when his serious performance makes the audience laugh...that means something...? I support Chen You Wei but this was really bad. That fake death..
  • Sun Qian thanks her partner (Chen You Wei). She stands up for him and doesn’t think any part of his performance was funny. Sun Qian has a good character.
  • Chen You Wei: “I am a slow learner but I will be better, maybe not the best but I won’t stop learning"
Sun Qian: A (Er Dong Sheng)
  • The exchange between Sun Qian and Er Dong Sheng was so cute. She thanks him but he tells her no need. He asks her if he can yell at her. She's like “you can yell at me and you can even hit me.” Then he’s like you can’t be late. She’s like “I wake up very early.” The way the conversation flowed between them was just so cute. 
Chen You Wei: A (Chen Kai Ge)
  • It’s an A to motivate him. Chen You Wei cries and thanks him.
Undetermined: Liu Rui Lin
  • If Chen You Wei got an A, I really don’t think it’s fair for Liu Rui Lin. Personally I think it’s the harsh criticism from Ep1 that Chen You Wei got his chance in this episode. At the same time, it's true that Liu Rui Lin didn’t make his role memorable at all. 

6. Quitting

Wang Zhi: Xiao Han
He Kai Lang: Jia Yi
Li Zhi Nan (Kelvin Li): Jia Lun
Zhao Wei

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Good 

  • Zhao Wei had made a suggestion to the actors to switch all their roles. Initially Wang Zhi was supposed to be Li Zhi Nan’s role. Li Zhi Nan was supposed to be He Kai Lang’s role. He Kai Lang was supposed to be Wang Zhi’s role. I really didn’t think this was fair because the girl was an A actor (but technically her role got replaced by an S actor). Luckily it all worked out. He Kai Lang sells crazy very well. The moment he started talking I was like, yes this guy is crazy. I did think he was a bit flat in the middle and that’s when Wang shined. She too acted crazy very well
  • He Kai Lang still had his sunglasses on after the performance. When he walked closer to the directors, he tripped, lol
  • Li Cheng Ru starts his comment on He Kai Lang by recalling him as the man who said the line “I want to cry but I can’t cry”. Hahaha.
  • Guo Jing Ming compliments Wang and Li especially. Li had a difficult role because his could have been very passive and easily forgotten but he played the warm brother very well. He also notes on He Kai Lang’s improvement. 
  • Er Dong Sheng makes a particular emphasis to compliment Wang Zhi because he ignored her last time when Zhang Da Da was too distracting.  
  • Chen Kai Ge praises He Kai Lang too. Very suited for the role.
  • Wang Zhi: "I want to be better and have new roles. I can’t imagine myself having another career. I love acting. My heart has a fire inside even if other people may just see the smoke." She’s still burning with passion even if others think she’s past her prime
Wang Zhi: A (Er Dong Sheng)
  • Zhao Wei and Er Dong Sheng gave her A’s. Zhao Wei had probably thought no one would give her a card so she chose her. So when Er Dong Sheng gave an A, he’s like put down your A, I’ll take her. Zhao Wei: “Oh. That’s good – takes back the A –.” I like that Wang Zhi was chosen but this just makes it pretty obvious the directors aren’t choosing based on skills anymore. It’s all biased and emotional now. Zhao Wei would not have chose Wang Zhi if she wasn't on her team
He Kai Lang: A (Zhao Wei)
  • He Kai Lang is interviewed (each actor has a chance to make a last appeal). He starts his speech by saying he forgot what he wanted to say. This guy, lol. Such an oddball.
Undetermined: Li Zhi Nan

7. Protege

Wang Qiang: Ah Li
Zhang Hai YuLin Quin
Lou Yi Xiao: Lin Quin's wife
Chen Kai Ge

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Good 

  • Protege is originally directed by Er Dong Sheng. 
  • Li Cheng Ru didn’t think Wang Qiang was good. 
  • I didn’t think this was that good either. The other directors seemed to have liked it if I remember correctly. These four directors seem to be on a team against Li Cheng
Wang Qiang: A (Chen Kai Ge)
  • This guy got FOUR votes! 2 A’s from Chen Kai Ge and Zhao Wei; 2 S’s from Er Dong Sheng and Guo Jing Ming. He chose an A from Chen Kai Ge which means he gave up on the S’s. 
  • Da Peng asked him what his feelings are. Wang Qiang JUST wants to leave. Lol, he’s too nervous he got a full house of votes
Zhang Hai Yu: S (Chen Kai Ge)
  • I’m kind of glad Zhang Hai Yu is recognized. I think he’s got raw talent
Undetermined: Lou Yi Xiao
  • No one chose her. Chen Kai Ge tried to promote her to Er Dong Sheng. Dude, why don’t you take her then?

8. Parasite

Wen Zheng RongGuk Mun Gwang
Huang LuPark Chung Suk
Ma Bo Qian (Victor Ma): Kim Gi Wu / Kevin
Zou Yuan QingKim Gi Jeong / Jessica
Zhao Wei

Directors’ Critique 
Short: Good 

  • Guo Jing Ming praises Wen Zheng Rong especially when she made her appearance at the doorbell. 
  • Er Dong Sheng said that Wen Zheng Rong hard carried the entire skit. Meanwhile Huang Lu isn’t in character at all. (Huang Lu is a well known movie actress by the way)
  • Chen Kai Ge says Ma Bo Qian is too tense. Chen Kai Ge is the only one doesn’t praise Wen Zheng Rong. He calls her too “cold”. Refer to his “Ice and Fire” comment about Myolie Wu in Part 1. She’s all about acting skills. Her character’s appearance made us pity the family she was bullying instead of her. 
  • I thought this was interesting because of the content. It is Paradise after all.
Ma Bo Xian: A (Zhao Wei)
Wen Zheng Rong: S (Er Dong Sheng)

Undetermined: Huang Lu / Zou Yuan Qing

[Episode Highlights] 

  • The laughable-not-so-laughable Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan
  • Full house votes: Ding Cheng Xin and Wang Qiang 
  • Sun Qian and Er Dong Sheng's cute conversation 
  • Results: 
    • Chen Kai GeMyolie Wu (A), Ren Min (S), Chen You Wei (A), Wang Qiang (A), Zhang Hai Yu (S) 
    • Er Dong ShengHuang Yi (A), Sun Qian (A), Wang Zhi (A), Wen Zheng Rong (S)
    • Guo Jing MingYan Zi Dong (A), Ding Cheng Xin (A), Meng Zi Yi (A)
    • Zhao WeiSun Yang (A), He Kai Lang (A), Wang Zhi (A), Ma Bo Xian (A)


[He Kai Lang] I don't actually know if this guy is acting. He's able to say his lines awkwardly that sells crazy very well. I'm kind of worried for him in the next round if he doesn't get a role that suits him. I'm developing a soft spot for him. He's such a weirdo. 

[Liu Rui Lin] As much as I emotionally support Chen You Wei, it's absolutely not fair he got an A and Liu Rui Lin got nothing. Chen Kai Ge is biased. 

[Wang Qiang] I still really like him. I thought his performance was good but I didn't think it was that good. Chen Kai Ge and Zhao Wei both gave him S's. Too bad Zhao Wei couldn't get him. She's really trying to collect all the young men.