April 21, 2020

My Fantastic Mrs. Right | Recap and Review

My Fantastic Mrs. Right
A girl transports to another world as a cat and falls in love with a prince
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yuan Yu Xuan: Mi Xiao Qi
Zhang Jiong Min: Bei Gong Yan
Wang You Jun: Bai Tie
Chinese Title
報告王爺 王妃是只貓
Your Highness (Prince), Your Wife is a Cat
Episodes: 24
First Impression: 4/5

Jump to Review

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Our story begins when a fat cat falls from the sky. The cat is our heroine, Mi Xiao Qi. She has just squashed an innocent man's head. She has no idea where she is except there's a good looking guy in front of her: Prince Bei Gong Yan. He's the city's best looking man. There is also a decent looking guy underneath her which she has obviously forgotten about: the city lord, Nan Feng Chen. He's the city's most well known womanizer. Bei Gong Yan saves the cat from the Emperor's wrath and adopts her into his manor. She, the fat cat, eventually runs away waddling on her two feet after accidentally scratching BGY. Moments later, she transforms back into her human form.

MXQ is a goddess of some sort sent to this period to complete a series of mission in order to collect the four jades that belong to her ancestors. Her first mission is to seduce the man she first set eyes upon. Thrilled, she searches for her fated man, BGY. Her first attempt fails bitterly. She pretended to be his distant cousin, his "dad's uncle's aunt's grandma's daughter." Something like that. It'd make her too old anyways. She's not the only one who's working on seducing him. Nan Feng Chen has sent the most beautiful lady to his manor in order to obtain something. Beauty standards there must be different because the most gorgeous lady is one who looks like a sumo wrestler with a beauty mole. She's graciously walking in with her butt hitting every rhythm left and right. Probably too right that it stimulates her colon too much. She puts down the poisoned tea and runs to the washroom where she's subsequently caught by the guards. MXQ unknowingly picks up the baton and delivers the poisoned tea to Bei Gong Yan. And thus commences her second seduction attempt. Except she almost kills him.

[BTSNan Feng Chen asks the director if he can add extra scenes. What scenes? Those scenes. Y'know the kissy ones. His guard then pulls all the actors and the director away from this perverted man. Haha. By the way these are obviously scripted.

[Ep2] The poison in the tea was a stimulant that clashed with a poison that has been residing in him for ten years. Left with no resort, she initiates a "blood contract" with him that ties her life with his. It starts with a bite to his neck and from henceforth whatever pain is felt, the other party feels it too. BGY regains consciousness and murmurs, "I knew you would come back." And then he faints over again and forgets this ever happened.

The men are confused what this contract entails. She tries to explain but her period cramps kick in and she cries that her "auntie" is visiting. Periods are called "Da Yi Ma" in Chinese which means Auntie or more specifically the mom's sister. In English, we say "I have my period"; in Chinese they say, "My auntie is visiting." It’s supposed to be more inconspicuous. Shrugs. The men are even more confused especially when BGY gets a nose bleed out of nowhere. He innocently wonders if her Auntie is also part of the blood contract.

Later that night when MXQ hears the jade might be at Nan Feng Chen's she sneaks in. Immediately, he's caught her but the smart lord sits down with his thief instead. With a few drinks another bond is formed, a sisterly one. I think I'm going to like this second lead. At this moment BGY interrupts and takes back his "fiancé". He's re-using the lie she used during her first failed seduction attempt that they had a childhood promise to marry each other. Both men are now desperate for MXQ because of the tattoo on her chest. This girl is revealing her chest to everyone. It's a clue to the Mo Treasure and the four jades. Everyone wants these jades and only MXQ doesn't know this. She becomes the seduction target for both BGY and NFC. BGY forcefully takes her back to his manor. That night they get drunk and they do the deed.

[BTSNan Feng Chen is up to no good again and wants to bribe the director with a chicken drumstick to add extra scenes with Xiao Qi. Hearing this, Bei Gong Yan playfully slaps him saying the director won't be easily bribed. Except he can be easily bribed. 

[Ep3] I like that after they realize they had sex, there's no aftershock screaming like 5yo's. Under the guise of taking responsibility for each other, especially MXQ,  the two decide to engage in a deep consensual interaction. Smirks, The contemporary translation of that is "dating". NFC has also decided she is the one and formally proposes to her the next day. She's like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth between the men. On one hand she's temped by the jade that NFC is promising her. On the other hand she's enticed by the good looks of BGY. Her superficiality wins because BGY swoons her. She asked him, "without me, will you die?" He nods. It's true, he won't get the jades and his cure. So yes he will die. Heh. Meanwhile she thinks she's got him right around her fingers. Things are moving at high speed and now they're engaged.

[BTSNan Feng Chen calls cut. He's complaining to the director that he was supposed to be engaged with Xiao Qi but now it's Bei Gong Yan. The director blames this on the actor for having deceitful motives. Xiao Qi and BGY come out as a pair again to anger NFC further, lol. She tells him that although she's taking a liking to his cat (the cat he will try to breed her with) she still doesn't trust him. 

[Ep4] Previous episode MXQ transformed back into a cat and is now captured by NFC who's still holding a grudge against the cat for squashing his head last time. as revenge, he almost successfully bred her with another cat, lol. She runs back to BGY but she misunderstands and gets jealous. Angry, she scratches him again and subsequently regains her human form. His blood is the secret to her transformations.
To appease a jealous MXQ, BGY decides to give her a fake jade; obviously she doesn't know it's fake. But his idiotic (cute) guards mess up and forgot which one was real. MXQ end up being lucky with the real jade. She just needs her "fated" man to put the jade in the pouch with her. These mission are so grade school but I'll gratefully take it.  Thus, MXQ and BGY proceed to roll around on the bed. MXQ can't seem to find the right position to "activate" her pouch while BGY is trying to switch the real jade with the fake jade. After frolicking around, MXQ finds that she likes being on top better. Hehe. However, no matter how they're positioned, the pouch just isn't reacting. Alas she’s concluded that BGY might not be her fated man. And so she moves on disappointingly to NFC thinking he might have been the first person she saw instead. She asks him to try different positions as well and this makes NFC overly jittery for a womanizer. He tells her he needs to get ready (lol) and she tells him it'll just take a few seconds anyways. He thinks that she thinks he's a few second man. LOL. Offended he closes in on her. A jealous BGY walks in and voila the pouch works and her first mission is completed. I'm guessing the pouch needs not just the jade and the fated man, but also sincerity. Bei Gong Yan was sincerely jealous when he held her hand with the pouch. 
[BTS] The director is discussing with the staff why Nan Feng Chen only has a few seconds of viability (LOL). NFC interrupts and complains about the jade not glowing when he's the fated man. He questions how could it not glow when he's got the perfect position down: it's an awkward peace sign. Haha. Talking about positions, MXQ has a few she wants to try with the boys. An overprotective BGY covers her mouth but she just meant yoga poses. The way he looks at her in this scene makes me wonder if he actually likes her. 

[Ep5] It's the day of their engagement party and MXQ runs away thinking BGY ran away. There are engagement parties in this time period? Although MXQ is angry she still wants him to chase her back and hints it to the guard, Bai Tie-- the most idiotic one of the two guards. Guess how that goes. Bai Tie is also the one who made her misunderstand BGY ran away when he was just on a business trip. It's fine though we get a very lovable blank look from Bai Tie when he gets (rightfully) blamed That look of his face makes me laugh every time.

We also get super cute scenes of MXQ and BGY. BGY, who thinks she ran away from their engagement, is furious when he really should be raging on her running away with his jade. It's MXQ's turn to sweeten his mood. She squeezes her way to sit right next to him. She peels his shrimp and feeds him. His body language is denying it all but he loves it. Cleverly, she distracts a third wheeling NFC for an opportunity to sneak a quick kiss to BGY's cheeks and oh my, he can't withhold the smile from his face anymore. SO CUTE.

[BTSThe red ghost (NFC's guard) seductively asks BGY, "Tell me, are you choosing her or me." This man makes a very convincing lady. 

[Ep6] They promise to watch the sunrise together but only BGY remembers the next morning. He rushes over to her door afraid he missed the timing not knowing she's dead asleep. He's also afraid that she would be angry if she missed the sunset so he makes Bai Tie wake her up instead. Why Bai Tie? Because if she's angry from being woken up from her beauty sleep, he can blame Bai Tie. I see a bright future for BGY. He will be at her beckoning for the rest of his life. I also love the relationship between BGY and Bai Tie. Bai Tie is innocently loyal to his master but is factually snide when he needs to be.

I love how romantic BGY can get. Last episode it was her, this episode it's him. He's trying to keep his manly reputation in front of Bai Tie but sneakily writes on her palm that he wants to watch the sunrise with her. Aww. She also accidentally kiss his cheeks again. He brazenly stretches his neck here and there yearning for another kiss. My lovable Bai Tie is sincerely worried if his prince twisted his neck.

Loveliness is interrupted and a group of killers want MXQ dead. They've successfully injured her. And then she just disappears into thin air. Not really. She turns back into a cat and escapes injury. I didn't think Garfield-looking like cat will get that much screen-time. Initially BGY is unwilling to believe the talking cat is his Xiao Qi. He uses all sorts of means to test if she's a devil with scientifically backed methods: garlic and talismans. They all fail and therefore she's not a devil. When she returns to her human form, BGY is willing to believe her and loves her all the same. He does have one request for her. He snugs his head into her shoulders cutely pleading her if she could remember his "princely" reputation when they're in public. He can't look like he's in love all the time y'know. Did I ever mention how cute they are?

Although MXQ was the one injured, it's BGY who's suffering the most. His "cold" poison is acting up again but he's keeping MXQ in the dark about it. He's in a lot of pain but when he sees her it's as if the pain had evaporated. MXQ just thinks he has a cold because she keeps sneezing (remember their Blood Contract: his pain is her pain). She visits him and they end up playing on the bed again. And her chest is exposed again. Again. But it's the tattoo that bothers him.
BGY: You can't let others see your chest. You have to take responsibility of me.
MXQ: Ai-yo, where did you learn all this flirting? From now on watch your mouth, you're not allowed to say this to other women.
BGY: Why?
MXQ: Because you're mine. Who's good at flirting?
BGY: Yours? - goes in for a kiss -
MXQ wonders to herself "Perhaps this is the feeling of the start of love."
They kiss. They're in love. All pretences gone
By the way, the second mission's hint is "the prelude of love"

[BTS] MXQ and BGY showing off their love again. 

[Ep7] Although BGY and NFC are enemies in everything possible but when NFC's stepbrother starts spewing insults at him, BGY silently steps on his fingers as if helping NFC get a tiny bit of revenge. They may be at each other's throat but I guess they actually respect each other? Or I might be saying this too soon. NFC who's on the losing end of everything is holding a grudge on BGY for stealing his MXQ and reveals dirt from BGY's past. However, that's belittling our shrewd MXQ. She isn’t bothered by his past at all, our MXQ is a modernist.

Funny scene: There's this vivacious lady (in purple), Mo Li, who's always showing off her ample bosom. I thiiiiink she's a Mo ancestor of MXQ's. Whenever she's upset, she humphs and puffs and lifts her breast, lol. This episode she's trying to seduce BGY but fails (obviously). It's an embarrassing failure because the bun in her chest flies out. BGY’s jaw drops as he watches the parabolic trajectory of the bun that finds its way to NFC’s face.

[BTSThe director instructs BGY he doesn't need to flutter his eyelashes anymore to beg for a kiss. The next scene he can just go in and bite her lips (these are the director's words). Hearing this, NFC spastically blinks his eyes and begs the director for more kiss scenes. Director dismisses him, he should just kiss his treasure. BGY and MXQ clap in joy and NFC’s miseries. 

[Ep8] MXQ and NFC fell into a dark secret room. NFC shrivels up in a ball, afraid of the dark. He tells her his brother, Nan Feng Mo, died protecting him. They're not real brothers though, NFM adopted him to the Nan family saving him from the streets. From then on he lives for his brother and a chance for revenge. MXQ comforts him but doesn't realize she's dropped her jade. Even in fear, he remembers to steal the jade. I was just about to criticize him but he returns her the jade. Aw, now I have nothing to complain about. We're done with the brothers, and now we have long lost sisters as well. Tang Yun and Chu Chu reunite and TY reveals she's been scheming to avenge for their family. Her target is MXQ and the jade.

This episode started off with MXQ and NFC falling into the secret room, now it ends with MXQ and BGY falling into the same trap. Also, Hai Li, the other idiotic guard doesn't seem like such an idiot. I don't know yet if he has another evil motive or his intentions are to protect his master.

Sweet/Funny scene: MXQ unconsciously bats her eyes at him and BGY thinks that's a signal to kiss.

[BTSThe director calls cut on our giggling main leads who are trying to film a kiss scene. NFC calls out on BGY's incompetency, “is this the right attitude after so many murders has happened?” BGY fires back reminding him this is a romance drama, "What is a romance drama with no romance and just investigations? Are you belittling our director's intelligence or the audience's judgement? LOL. As an audience, I feel slightly insulted. And the scene ends with the entire cast casting NFC away calling him dirty minded once again. 

[Ep9] This secret room is a plot device for past reveals. First it was NFC's now it's BGY's. MXQ was betrothed to Xi Ling but his heart belongs to MXQ. Turns out they met five years ago but oddly their memories of each ofter disappeared. Xi Ling, your typical second female lead type character, meddles in their love and makes the then MXQ misunderstand that BGY is using her to steal the jade from NFC. During the wedding of Xi Ling and BGY, MXQ shows up as a bandit and pierces Xi Ling with her sword. Not knowing it's her, BGY fatally stabs her. Xi Ling and Tang Yun are the same person. How she got a new face, I do not know. 
MXQ at her death: From now on, I really, really should not fall in love with you again. 
The wine god, MXQ's master, flies in and saves her after BGY begs him to. He also wiped out everyone's memories of MXQ.  Now that BGY remembers, he's confused whether it was a dream. (It's not, the wine god personally confirms it to him and order him to keep it a secret)
While he's regained his memories, they're still in a life and death situation. The secret room this time is an icy one and MXQ reverts to her cat form. His desperate plea for her life awakens the jade in the pot of ice behind them. Mission #2 completed: the feeling of true love has begun. I have a theory, does she have nine lives because she's a cat. Currently, she's used up five then... Now that they found the second jade, it's the perfect trap to catch MXQ's killers.

[BTSMXQ, and NFC are confused about the plot from five years ago because they claimed to never have filmed those segments. They ask the director if they're being replaced. Director says if I'm replacing them, I'll replace all of you, something like that. In comes three zombie actors, Bai Tie, Hai Li, and Chu Chu who are on standby, ready to see the sunlight to their careers. xD

[Ep10] MXQ is jealous and NFC purposefully plants himself right where she needs him. He takes her to what you would call a fancy restaurant at that time period. Everything's normal until EDM starts blasting through guqins. Loool. It's a club everyone. NFC starts bouncing to the beat. BGY arrives just in time for his healthy dose of jealously. He takes his girl and kisses her immediately. He tells her it's because she fluttered her eyelashes again. NFC wants to interrupt but Bai Tie smartens up and stops the interference. My boy, BT, I'm proud of you.

Funny scene: BGY gives her a sexy jaw shaving scene but she ends up shaving her eyebrow accidentally.

[BTSNFC files a complaint. He wants a new guard. Director asks him whether he wants Mo Li then. He refuses and explains Mo Li is too much for him. Both the director and NFC proceed to do her signature breast push up move. Men. 

[Ep11] It's a bittersweet episode. Bitter for NFC; still as sweet and sugary (plus a little sour) for BGY. They find the third jade and it belongs to Mo Li. MXQ persuades NFC to sacrifice his body to retrieve the jade while protecting her hubby's. Although he refuses, when the chance falls on him to seduce Mo Li he naturally takes it. I'm reminded of all the BTS of his cast excluding him because of his pervertedness. Now he gets the scene he wants just maybe not with the girl he wants. Heh.  Upset from MXQ's neglect, NFC reveals BGY's motives (about the four jade and her Mo ancestor tattoo) hoping it would drive a wedge between them. It doesn't.

There's a hefty load of jealously from BGY this episode. He was first jealous when MXQ was worried about NFC at the hands on Mo Li. Then he was jealous for another reason that I forgot of. Both times his jealousies were sweetly pacified with kisses to the cheeks. He'll then whine that he's still upset because his left cheek was neglected. I'm surprised these two still make me smile at this stuff. After retrieving the jade, the enchanted pouch lights up and the mission is completed: to be passionately devoted to one another. I confess I lost track of the missions. This is still mission #2. I thought it was the third one.

Funny scene: Bai Tie is forever the light bulb, brightening up the room whenever our lovebirds want to get close.

[BTSThis one's ridiculous. It starts off with NFC being proud he confessed but he's later snubbed by BGY. NFC bullies him back and so BGY calls his sweet Xiao Qi for support. She ignores him. Completely. The director wants to ignore his fussing too so he sends Bai Tie (White) and Hai Li (Black) over. NFC, who wanted a new guard anyways, steals Hai Li. Leaving BGY with only one loyal guard left. However, Bai Tie tells him, "Actually..Xiao Qi and I...actually..." With a sly smile, BT runs away. A flabbergasted BGY looks at the camera and shouts he doesn't want to film this anymore.  

[Ep12] It's going to rain soon and MXQ brings an umbrella to wait for him. BGY has business to tend to so he sends Bai Tie to her instead. He secretly pays all these people to pretend to give stuff to MXQ for free. She just thinks she's lucky. When it really does rain, it's BGY's last straw. He ditches his business and goes to his love instead. Why so sweeeeet.

BGY decides to tell MXQ the truth about their past. Bai Tie is worried. BGY assures him that he'll just beg for forgiveness even if he has to be thick-skinned. Bai Tie innocently mumbles: "Then how thick must it be?" BGY glares at him. Bai Tie xD.

Just when MXQ has decided to ditch her previous life (whatever that is) for BGY, she learns of all his lies. And when she's at her lowest point her, all her memories from five years ago rush in. Her attack on Xi Ling was actually to protect. MXQ wanted to protect her because she misunderstood that Xi Ling is his love. With the newfound memories, her current misunderstandings thickens evermore.

Funny scene: The turtle's name is Xiao Ba (Little 8). Meanwhile MXQ is Xiao Qi (Little 7). The turtle is named after her. It's a question whether he is highly regarding the turtle or highly disrespecting Xiao Qi. Heh.

[BTSIt's a wrap up of Season One. Someone asks the director to associate them with animals. Xiao Qi is obviously a cat. NFC wants to be a fox. BGY laughs at him and then considers himself to be a white rabbit. Everyone pukes at that. Xiao Qi raises her hand, "報告导演, 王是只猪!" It's a play of words on the Chinese title. It translates to "Reporting to Director, the prince is a pig!"

[Season Two]
[Ep1] A furious MXQ leaves the manor but she rolls off the stairs and reverts to her cat form. Now she's forced to look for BGY for his blood. She waddles her way after the carriage to chase down BGY but she's caught by a mouse trap. A cat in a mouse trap... Bai Tie retrieves the cat and brings her to BGY. And she is once again caught in his love trap. Well, almost. You see, Bai Tie has done his job again: interrupt at the most critical moment. I thought the drama was going to take a break from the cute because of the heartbreak but it still found a way to be cute with the heartbreak. Now with the field open again, Nan Feng Chen takes this opportunity and we get another round of love rivalry. The two men are immediately shot down at the door so the men decide to leave their guards to bargain with her instead. This plan backfires because MXQ only wants their guards to stay and shoos BGY and NFC away. Haha.

[BTS] For the first time, MXQ has a request. She wants a sailor moon type of transformation each time she takes on the cat form. The director would be happy to entertain her offer but they don't have money. In comes NFC who throws a bunch of money on the table, but those are drama props. Then comes BGY who throws down a credit card, but there's no money inside. BGY is laughed at by the entire set. The director shouts, "Reporting to everyone, the prince is a pig!"  

[Ep2] Bai Gong Yan is relentless in begging MXQ for forgiveness. She gives him a chance to tell her so. I understand why men hate these type of indirect questions because what exactly do you girls want to hear anyways. He's sweating bullets and gives nonsensical answers. She's about to walk away and he tells her, "It's because I love you." Her heart wavers at this but she ignores it. He's for sure not letting it pass and kisses her. Her heart can't handle this. She's stunned to silence and he think she needs another kiss. Frenzied, she asks him where he's learned to just kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss to solve everything. His answer: self-taught.

BGY's second attempt at begging for forgiveness: He leaves Xiao Ba (his turtle) at her doorstep. He frantically rushes over when she opens the door and pretends that the turtle she gave him (Ah Huo) misses Xiao Ba. It's a personification of him. She gives him another chance to tell him what she wants to know (she's referring to the incident five years ago). He still has no idea what she wants. Phase two of this second attempt is to have Bai Tie make clashing noises to create a fake thunderstorm. This way she'll fly to his embrace. In real life it's him flying to her.

BGY's third attempt at begging for forgiveness: He pretends to be drunk and lovesick. She complains if he had let other women touch him in his drunken state. He reaches for her hand so that she can touch his face, his chin, his heart, and his stomach. Everything belongs to her and only she can touch him. Wow. Who wrote this script. That's enough to let him temporarily stay the night. The all mighty prince is also cleaning her room like he's her maid. In the morning. NFC pays a visit. A jealous prince overhears and pinches his neck to get a hickey-looking-like-mark on his neck to show off to his rival. The level of immaturity...is so cute.  By the way, this mighty prince is hiding another secret from her. His days are limited because of the poison in him but there's two things he needs to do for her still: cancel the blood contract (he doesn't want her to die with him) and find all four jades (so she can return home). And most importantly love her.
^ Bai Tie is over here
BGY's attempts for forgiveness is never ending. He's also prepared a bunch of water lanterns with personalized messages in each of them. All of them are wishes of him wanting to spend each and every day with her whether it's rainy or sunny. He's grateful he has another chance to love her. From afar, Bai Tie has a wish of his own:
"Prince, live long and healthy" Awwww. Someone give him some love! 
[Ep3*] Mi Xiao Qi is pregnant. She's vomiting from the smell of certain foods which makes Bai Gong Yan vomit too. Where can men sign up for this blood contract? For future references I'd really like to know. The girl is just pregnant but he's treating her like an endangered species. Overnight she's got a whole list of requests which he fulfills with zero complaint. Nevermind, where do people sign up for a Bai Gong Yan? It's his turn to ache from running all her errands. He calls over Bai Tie for some medication. Bai Tie, my lovable fool, misunderstands that he's tired from having a whole night of sex. BT looks over at the grimacing MXQ and pities her. I also want to sign up for a Bai Tie on the side.

Although BGY is happy to be a dad, and she's happy to be a mom, MXQ isn't actually pregnant. It's a parasite like poison from Tang Yun and Chu Chu to consume her body. She has three days to live if BGY can't find the antidote.

[Ep4] Chu Chu has the antidote (actually her sister does). She's got one condition: to have BGY marry her. MXQ would refuse the antidote had it not been if she were to die, BGY would die with her because of the blood contract.

[Ep5] NFC reveals to MXQ that they are both from the same world. They both traveled here. Shockers. That's why he was originally an orphan and why he recognized what "baby" meant. He tells her that he's the one who can return with her back to their world. However, she only wants BGY. Does NFC also turn into a cat? If MXQ can go to his world, why can't BGY go to hers?

The antidote is retrieved without having to marry Chu Chu because she's too dumb. Hai Li takes this chance to dissolve MXQ's blood contract with BGY. BGY's health is deteriorating. If not for that, he would have accepted MXQ's proposal in a heartbeat. Bai Tie yells at his master for predetermining her choice for her. My Bai Tie! You're useful. Immediately, BGY runs to her and accepts her proposal but she's playing dumb to tease him. Just for a bit. And we're back to our happy cute couple. Just for a bit. Because she's kidnapped the next second. The kidnapper is Chu Chu. She's burning with vengeance because during the whole wedding preparation with BGY, he had actually written MXQ's name on all the wedding invitations. Never once had he thought of marrying Chu Chu.

[BTSNFC and MXQ are talking about how they're from the same world. I'm still shocked. He specifically refers to Season One Episode 3 where he purposely mentioned the word "Baby". How was I supposed to catch that? A knife wielding BGY demands if NFC is interested in his girl to which NFC refuses at the sight out the knife. He offers to take BGY to hotpot and his angry diffuses immediately. The two friendly men head out leaving MXQ alone with her script. 

[Ep6] MXQ breaks free from her ropes and seduces the men Chu Chu hired to kidnap her. She seductively strokes his waist tie and the man loves it. Is this allowed? MXQ, the kidnapped, ends up saving the kidnapper, Chu Chu. While on the run she purposely injures herself to transform into a cat. Smart girl. However, she is sabotaged when someone murders Chu Chu and puts the blame on her. The murderer is Tang Yun but the dead isn't the real Chu Chu. NFC adds his part to the sabotage and frames BGY. After learning this, MXQ coldly rejects him and maybe this will be the wake up call he needs to finally give up on her. If he stops being cute and starts being evil, I'm going to be sad. I like NFC.

[Ep7] The marriage is imminent and our two love birds have to be separated for the night. I love how strict Bai Tie is with planning their marriage, the perfect wedding planner. Neither can stand the separation. MXQ was plucking rose petals asking whether or not to visit him and that's when BGY sneaks to her room just to listen to her voice. However, they never got to see each other the next day. BGY receives a royal edict to pause the marriage and NFC kidnaps an unconscious MXQ to leave the city. NFC isn't being evil on purpose. He's trying to save MXQ after he's learned that to open the Mo treasure, a Mo descendant has to sacrifice. Mo Li? He believes that BGY will choose the Mo treasure over MXQ which has led to his decision to kidnap her.

[BTS] The side characters (Tang Yun and her underlings) are complaining how none of the leads are normal. Especially Mo Li who makes an entrance with her signature chest push up move. She makes a comment and everyone wonders if stupidity is contagious. The sides complain that they want the drama to end and Mo Li agrees, that way she's the only one left and she'll be female lead. The sides have enough of her stupidity and run away. And now she gets her first solo scene. She clarifies to the camera (us) that she never used buns, "If you guys don't believe me.... - wraps herself up - I won't let you see anyways." (It's mostly females watching this drama so I don't get why they're using this appeal...)

[Ep8] NFC is willing to sacrifice his position and betray the country to take her with him but that doesn't convince MXQ. Her choice will always be BGY whether or not he can make the same choice of giving up his country for her. NFC asks her why she doesn't care about her own life,
MXQ: How is it that I don't care? It's because I care that I want to live every moment of it without regret. 
These words have a special meaning for BGY because he doesn't have long to live. Hearing this, NFC uses his own life to threaten her to leave with him. MXQ's response is to take her own life. Neither of the two men are willing to let her die and that's when NFC truly understands no matter what he does, her decision will always be BGY. He gives his jade to her. NFC asks her if she had seen him first will she have fallen in love with him. Her answer is no. A resolute no. However, the wine god appears and woefully confesses to her that he made a mistake. Her fated person was supposed to be NFC. What the - let's not swear. MXQ isn't fazed. She tells the wine god that the moment she saw BGY, he was the one for her.
We get a flashback to when NFC fell in love with MXQ. It was five years ago. But at that time she was already in love with BGY. This explains why the first moment NFC saw her in the beginning episodes he drank with her instead of catching catching the thief. He recognized her immediately even if he may not have known it consciously.
It's late into the night but MXQ and BGY still complete their wedding rites. The only audience (and officiant) is Bai Tie, and frankly, that's all they need in my opinion. Hai Li also makes a last minute appearance. With the night coming to an end, BGY and MXQ put the third jade in the pouch.

[BTSMo Li asks the director if he can increase her scenes to comfort the heartbroken NFC. The director quickly calls over NFC to take her away from him. Except NFC is quick to escape as well using his guard (the one he always wanted to throw away in the previous BTS's) as an excuse.

[Ep9] BGY and NFC engage in a poison battle, sort of like Russian Roulette. Luck is on BGY's side and NFC drinks the poison. While the boys are busy battling for MXQ, Tang Yun uses this opportunity to kidnap MXQ. This time Chu Chu saves MXQ to return the favour from last time. However this whole kidnap scene was a trap orchestrated by BGY, MXQ, and NFC (plus Hai Li, they purposely left out Bai Tie because he sucks at acting, heh). They're fishing in the last jade from Tang Yun. It was a tough battle and Chu Chu ends up sacrificing herself to save her sister. MXQ is also severely injured. I don't quite know if the CG artist forgot to create a cat in the last scene because MXQ just disappears into thin air. Two things make me happy this episode: the kidnapping arc was fake and most importantly NFC didn't turn evil.

[BTSEveryone is celebrating Chu Chu's death, lol. And they give her a ceremony in which she thanks the director. The director practically refuses her gratitude and tells her to forget about them. She too replies with being grateful to rid herself of this annoying character. Lastly. she takes this chance to insert an ad segment, heh. 

[Ep10] All of Tang Yun's revenge and hate end in futility. She's got her revenge and love target all wrong. Now her only family, Chu Chu, is sacrificed for her selfish revenge. Tang Yun has gone mad and that's her punishment. Now all four jades are recovered. MXQ discovers that the four pieces fit together like a puzzle and from there a hologram of the map to Mo Treasury is created. She keeps this a secret from BGY and only tells Hai Li because only Hai Li is willing to help her save BGY's poison. BGY and Bai Tie are bound to refuse because it requires MXQ to sacrifice her life. Speaking of lives, the Wine God reveals to MXQ she only has one life left. Every time she turned into a cat it used up one of her nine lives. She's down to her last one. If that one is used up she'll remain a cat forever. BGY overhears this. She died eight times already?

This is just a sad episode all around. Bai Tie is gloomy over the imminent death of his master. MXQ knows of BGY's imminent death but hides it because he's purposely hiding it from her. BGY finds out she knew because he caught her crying alone in the corner but he doesn't have the courage to comfort her. In summary our couple can't be happy because of his poison. She plans to sacrifice her life without telling him; he plans to send her home safely without telling her before he dies. This episode is sad for NFC to as he buries the ring he bought for MXQ five years ago.
At least it ends romantically. Hai Li is fanning fake snow to create a romantic scene for our newly weds. There is a deeper meaning though. BGY is completing all the wishes he had promised her that night they released the water lanterns. He completed the first one which was to watch the sunrise together. This one with the fake snow was to walk from the beginning of the street to the end until they get white hair — it's a romantic saying in Chinese to spend a lifetime together until they've grown old.

[BTS] Wine God makes his first appearance here. MXQ is chasing him with a butcher knife for not warning her earlier about her nine lives. 

[Ep11] MXQ was poised about her plan to save BGY but now there's another agonizing sacrifice she has to make: she's pregnant. She's not the only one dying for Ah Yan, she's taking her baby with her. She lies to Ah Yan that she wants to return home the next day. She's actually preparing to die for him. He finds it abrupt but she tells him it's because her mother at home needs her and she can't be selfish. That dramatic irony. She tells him whenever the wind chime sounds, it's her thinking of him. I think the chime will be the most torturous sound when he finds out she sacrificed for him.

They enter the Mo Treasury. She smartly deciphers all the levels. The drama cleverly ties up all the knots by having a human chess game at the last level because our three leads "first" met in a chest type game in the first episode. There's also the black and white concept that matches with Bai Tie and Hai Li's names. BGY and MXQ share their last moment together. She tells him that he has to eat well and sleep well even without her. If he meets the right girl she permits him to take down the wind chime. He agrees, if the girl is her again. It's time for farewell and she wants him to leave first. She doesn't want his last memory of her to be of her in tears. He obliges and walks away. She shouts to him she loves him. He replies he loves her too but he doesn't turn around. He also doesn't want her to remember his tears. Awwwwww. My teary eyes. He leaves her. However, when NFC reveals she's pregnant, BGY realizes MXQ's true motives. He rushes back in the vault to save her but Hai Li stops him. He flings him off but then Bai Tie stops him. Both of them want their prince to be alive. They understand the sacrifice she made for BGY. However, BGY cannot. The only person on his side is NFC. Ah. That's done it. My tears are trickling. But it's all too late.

[BTSThe royal servant who always gets the tough tasks complains to the Director. He's saying that because he's so stressed he's getting all this white hair. He's actually 25...lol. 

[Ep12] The Wine God belatedly appears. He's late again but not like he was going to do anything if he was on time. This god is getting on my nerve. So annoying. Always late. Always saying he made a mistake. Always drunk. Yeeesh. The Wine God distracts everyone and steals the suitcase. Inside there is a chemistry formula and BGY's poison medication. Why did he have to steal it? No one was going to take it anyways. BGY refuses to take the pill but NFC forces it on him. There's no way NFC will let MXQ's sacrifice go to waste. Gosh, these two are making me cry again. Except she didn't sacrifice. She's back in her own world where she's learned it was her father that had assigned her those love missions because she was always too frivolous with her emotions. You horrible dad making your daughter suffer that much and now she's a single mom.

Ten years later. Wow. MXQ has given birth to twins who are now ten years old. Her daughter is Bei Gong Ai Qi (BGY loves MXQ) and her son is Bei Gong Nuo (BGY's promise). Those are the names that our couple had discussed about previously. MXQ's mother was also pregnant at the same time and gave birth to a son Xiao Xiao Qi. Therefore MXQ's children are the same age as their uncle, heh. MXQ's parents dotes on the twins more than their own child, ha. Meanwhile in BGY's world he's aged hard. So did his guards. NFC is still looking fine with a 'stache. It's only been ten years, wouldn't that just make them all thirty? Why so old? The turtles also have a baby. That's the only happy thing in this alternate universe. BGY thinks of her every time the wind chime rings. Stooooop it drama, I don't want to cry again. He hasn't once forgotten her nor smiled since she disappeared. He remembers the wedding vow they made: only death will they separate. He never believed she died so he's waiting to be reunited with her to this day.

Back in her world, MXQ's twins play with her jades and voila they travel back to the world where BGY exists. How? Anyone? MXQ makes her twins send a letter to BGY to meet at their sunrise spot. And our two lovers finally reunite. Hugging her, he tells her that he knew she would return so that's why he did his best to eat well and sleep well. Aw. Meanwhile these two are rekindling their love, their children, or more specifically, their daughter is too busy flirting with the man she loves: NFC. Just seeing her, NFC already knows who's daughter she is. He purposely indulges her to make BGY jealous. When BGY reunites with his children his son is impressed with his father's ability so solve a Rubik's cube in mere seconds and his daughter is impressed with his looks minus the grey hair.
Everyone gathers at the wishing tree. Bai Tie and Hai Li are nagging each other to get married. Seeing these two play with the twins made me grin. Bai Tie doesn't need to marry, he only needs BGY. Meanwhile it seems like our Bei Gong Ai Qi is giving all the love she can to our deprived NFC. At the wishing tree, she wishes to grow up faster because she wants to marry a certain someone... I'm still a little sad for NFC though and she doesn't have the best name to be his love interest. He'll constantly be reminded of BGY and MXQ's love. MXQ doesn't make a wish, she only needs BGY. While BGY has one wish and it's a greedy one: he wants a whole sleuth of Bei Gong Babies.

The end. But I still have so many questions!

[BTSEven behind the cameras, Bei Gong Ai Qi chooses NFC over BGY. To tease BGY even more, MXQ and his son leave him too. BGY stares into the camera and comforts himself, "oh well, I'll just film season three by myself."


[First Impression (Ep1-6)]: There's so many pretences in this drama. I am definitely not complaining because they make the drama so fun.
  1. BGY pretends to like MXQ but pretends to not like her when in fact he truly likes her. 
  2. MXQ pretends to like BGY but thinks she doesn't like him when she in fact she too likes him. 
  3. BGY pretends to be stoic for his princely reputation when he too is in love with his own reputation. 
  4. NFC pretends to be a womanizer for his lordly reputation when he's simply not. 
I wasn't expecting to like this one so fast. I love how modern their relationship is. Those pecks on the cheeks are endearingly cute especially followed by those smiles of Bei Gong Yan. When he's smiling widely with his eyes squinting a little, he reminds me more of a cat than the heroine does. I'm honestly a little worried about the story from hereon because by Episode 6, most of the pretences are resolved. I hope it stays cute. This drama reminds me of I've Fallen For You. Not in terms of the story, but just my watching experience: fun. 

[Actors and Actresses] Have I mentioned I like Zhang Zhong Min's smile? I've never seen him before and was a little unimpressed with his looks (I try not to be superficial...). However his acting has certainly heightened my impression of him. The other two male actors will probably make Zhang Zhong Min run for his money. Chen Pin Yan gets to shine in the BTS's. Meanwhile Wang You Jun is a scene stealer. Among all these amazing men, Yuan Yu Xuan is holding her ground. A lot of the credit goes to her character though: smart and sassy.

[Ending] Did I not watch this drama closely enough? I feel like I missed so many details. I admit on getting lost on the missions so I did blur them a bit when I did my recaps. But I have so many other questions. What happened at the last stage? Why is she alive? Did she not need to sacrifice? What is the deal with that Mo Treasury? What was the benefit of it for BGY's world anyways? I thought Mo Li would have a greater usage for the Mo Treasury. What is up with the chemistry formula? Why did MXQ and NFC know that the Mo Treasury was really important to their world? What exactly is their world? What is NFC's background? How can MXQ just drop her world like that? Why make her go through all those love stages? Why a cat? Why tell us she has one more life? Did she use that life to return back to his world? Then how did her children go back? I'm so confused. Wine God, what are you?  What!

Frankly if I don't think too hard (the above), this ending is imperfectly fine. I like how Bai Tie is forever loyal to Bai Gong Yan but a wee bit of me wishes he had his own happiness other than BGY's happiness. Nan Feng Chen also leaves me feeling empty. I honestly was not expecting to get twins and a ten year time lapse and an uncle out of nowhere. Our main leads have spent longer time apart than together. I'm also hoping that Wine God never reappears. I love it that the ending arc of the drama goes back to how the drama started with pretences and it demonstrates how much they love each other.
  1. MXQ  pretends to not know about his poison because she knows he doesn't want her to worry
  2. BGY pretends he doesn't know she knows about his poison because he loves her
BGY truly loves her. When he found out she knew about his poison but she still chose to go back, his love for her never changed. He didn't know she was planning to die to exchange for his medication. Meanwhile her love for him is no less. She risked her own child for him. There was a heartbreaking moment where she didn't even hesitate to consider dying, she just apologized to her unborn child. She knew she was being selfish as a mother but Bei Gong Yan's life meant everything to her.

[Review] Although I had a burning list of questions for the ending that left a lot of loose ends, it doesn't mean the scriptwriting was poor. On the contrary, it was exceptional in knowing exactly what the drama needed and what it can do without. It didn't bother with the details and went all in for the love story. It also went all in for the humour: loved the blood contract that led to the pregnant scene where he was suffering her pregnant symptoms too and the spontaneous club scene.

This drama is devoted to make these two leads have the sweetest love story. They're such a flirtatious couple. The drama starts off silly. The missions are even sillier. It's all a setup to stitch our main leads together. The conflicts all revolve around our leads and only make their love stronger. All other characters who have malicious intent gravitate towards failure from the get-go. This drama isn’t made for deep thoughts beyond its face value. Don't take it seriously. I definitely over analyzed the ending. It's easier if you don't.  
