Showing posts with label Jia Qing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jia Qing. Show all posts

April 8, 2015

The Four Episode 13 - 16

Just finished this week’s episodes of The Four and here’s the recap:

April 5, 2015

The Four Review (Episode 2 - 12)

Yes, I gave up on recapping this. If I were to continue recapping, I’d be too busy nitpicking and not enjoying the show. I’ll be frank, the acting’s way below par and the storyline…well it’s a bit too fluffy with no substance and too much CG. After the first few episodes I thought I was just going to check in and check out once in a while but I ended up not only being caught up, I also find myself thinking about it once in a while. I think I’m a little addicted – I mean additions are usually on the bad stuff, right? I’m actually a sucker for the romance between Leng Xue and Chu Li Mo and for the backdrop of four handsome guys spinning around – I mean fighting – and solving cases.