July 1, 2024

Designated Survivor: 60 Days | Review

Designated Survivor: 60 Days
A boring man who studies dust is now the president
Notable Actors/Actresses
Ji Jin-heePark Moo-jin
Heo Jun-hoHan Joo-seung
Son Suk-kuCha Young-jin
Korean Title
60일, 지정생존자
60 Day, Designated Survivor
Episodes: 16


Ji Jin-hee:
Park Mu-jin
Heo Jun-ho:
Han Joo-seung
Son Suk-ku:
Cha Young-jin
Choi Yoon-young:
Jung Soo-jung
Lee Mu-saeng:
Kim Nam-wook
(Blue House Spokesperson)
Lee Do-yub:
An Se-young
(Legal Representative)
Park Keun-rok:
Park Soo-kyo
(Minister of Protocol)
Kong Jung-hwan:
Kang Dae-han
Lee Joon-hyuk:
Oh Young-seok
(Presidential Candidate)
Bae Jong-ok:
Yoon Chan-kyung
(Presidential Candidate)
Jean Park-chan:
Manager Kim
Choi Young-woo:
Kang Han-na:
Han Na-kyung
Kim Joo-hun:
Jung Han-mo
Jeon Sung-woo:
Seo Ji-won
Lee Ha-yul:
Kim Joon-o


Intense, and powerful. I was so emotional for non-hot-middle-aged politicians arguing politics. It’s the script. They adapted scheming, politicking, and revolting, all concepts I’m used to in grand palace dramas, but into a modern democratic society. It was both dramatic and grounded. This show swelled my heart and brewed some of the largest teardrop that welled in my eyes. 

If there is perfection, it is casting Ji Jin-hee as Park Mu-jin. He is the best Good Guy of all good guys. I love his duality: his character exuded humility, yet his scenes were monumental. Park Mu-jin, is the most frustrating and root-worthy nerd who looks like he can pee his pants at any moment–well, in the beginning. He became the best warrior president without changing who he was. 🥹

The cast is full of actors with excellent faces for villains. Then Show hints to me there's just one. I'm like, You sure, buddy? You're telling me to find one specific villain in a sea of villainy? It was quite a challenge. My hunch was right, but I pretty much doubted everyone as well. The hardest part is guessing their motive. These actors were also so good at integrating humour without trying. The humour comes from genuine relationships and organic conversations that wouldn’t be funny in any other setting—it's funny simply because it's these people talking to each other.

Kang Han Na though. What a prowess role absolutely wasted in her incapable hands. Her scenes were high-octane with sniper, bombs, criminal chases, car races, you name it–but her face drains every ounce of intensity from the narrative. Give this to any other actress who can bring on the grit and the force and she’d be so popular with this kick-butt FL. (And I liked her from her Running Man appearances.)

Romance – ah, my favourite. There is none (and you're probably wondering why this is such a big blurb then. Because I like imagining. You can ignore my fantasies). Although there are feelings between Cha Young-jin and Jung Soo-jung, and also the President and his wife, it isn't romance that satisfies romantic cravings. But! I did cheer for Woo Sin-young (reporter) and Kim Nam-wook (Blue House Spokesperson) even if it never happened and there was absolutely nothing. Listen. Read. At the press conferences when he's on the podium, and she's at her desk, it's like they're duelling on a battlefield, combatting with words. She was too smart and sassy for the politicians. Her scrutiny made them squirm. I really like her. The best part is she was righteous. And so was he. He replied to all her questions with the best way he can word the facts. He earnestly defended all the attacks on the President/Blue-House. And actually, his job sucked so much that it was hilarious, but he loved his job. These two would have been fun.

Recommended: Yes! But if you don’t feel the intensity by the end of Ep2 and laugh in relief when the president smacks his shaking leg, this won’t be for you.

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Quotes & Scenes

⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️
(I'll avoid revealing the VIP, though) 

[Ep1] It's a mini mind-blowing moment when it's revealed our environmental geek's clumsy bomb was intentional. He had what it took to be a politician right from the beginning! 

[Ep2] Day 1 of Park Mu-jin's unwilling-presidency. His legs are trembling, but he didn't cave to the pressure! (I was so proud, welling with tears. And Secretary Han, how could you faint!)

Han Joo-seung: Don’t leave a single word out [in your translation]. The Acting President is fulfilling his duty as the Commander in chief of the Republic of Korea. We have operational authority in times of peace. The moment you (American Commander) go through these doors, you’ll be the only one doubting the Korean-US alliance. (The support our president earned T_T)

Park Mu-jin: It’s just a cramp. (Sure 😭😂)

Park Soo-kyoProtocol administrator is like a traffic light. ‘The Republic of Korea is still doing well so no one can mistreat us.’ I must have wanted to transmit that signal through you. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” [This is what my mentor taught me.] 
Park Mu-jin: Oh, where is he? 
Park Soo-kyo: He was accompanying the last President. Dead
Protocol Admin and Bodyguard
This is not in the drama, but pairing these two opposites is cute.

[Ep3] Park Mu-jin becomes the most powerful man overnight, but he doesn't desire power. 

Park Mu-jin: Power? That has nothing to do with me. I’m going to carry out my duty as a citizen of this country and return to my school after 60 days as planned.

Han Joo-seung: If you wish to issue the executive order, then you must fire me. Make a decision, President Park. 


Han Joo-seung: Don’t forget this moment. President Park. This is how you use authority. Do you still think you don’t desire power and authority?

[Ep6] There's a terrorist. I seriously cried for the dispatched troop and I only saw them for more or less 2 minutes. In those few minutes, Show delved into their duty, and their family. They became so relatable and it hurt to see their conclusion. How I wished Oh Yeong-seok changed his mind and supported President Park when he saw how emotional he was for the soldiers

Park Mu-jin: I hope your son takes after you. Strong and brave.
Commander Jang Jun-ha (serious): President, the newborn’s a girl. LOL.

Park Mu-jin: The safety of our men is more important. Please do your best to bring all of them back home. This is an order. 

Park Mu-jin: I’m jealous you guys had practice [unlike me]. (No President, you don’t!)

Han Joo-seung: [Jang Jun-ha] simply did all he could to fulfill his duties. He didn’t run away. He handled it. Just like how you did not return to school that day. President Park, whether it’s sorrow, guilt or anger, today is one of those days that you must fulfill your duties without running away or making excuses. That’s what all the survivors must do.

[Ep7] There's impeachment and whistleblowing too. All odds are against Park Mu-jin (they always are), but he counter-strikes and attracts fanboys (Cha Young-jin and An Se-young)!

Park Mu-jin: If it can’t be dealt with legally, then I can only deal with it politically. (This was a wicked line from the unassuming ML. Love it.)

An Se-young: Maybe the good assembly men couldn’t betray their hearts and disappoint our citizens who hope for a non-party cabinet. Hypocrite, lmao
An Se-young (to the mayor): I plan to come clean. [...] So I am considering whistleblowing for public good like this: Let’s end this ugly history of trading confidential information for power in the future. Make a declaration of conscience like this….. (He’s so unwillingly moral, I love it.)
An Se-young (to the mayor): Would you like to deal with this legally or politically? ASY literally cannot look the mayor in the eye. He’s betraying his conscience to have some conscience LMAO

An Se-young (to the president): Why aren’t you dismissing me? I don’t support you and I’m harmful – 
Park Mu-jin: If I were to dismiss everyone who doesn’t support me, I doubt there would be many left at this Blue House. 
Cha Young-jin (who is a worshipping fanboy now): I think I’ve finally found him. The person who will win. The person who knows how to win. 
Cha Young-jin (to the president): Will you run for presidency?

[Ep8] President Park Mu-jin has a scandal?! It's funny that the secretaries can only think of boring scandals related to school, haha. Our President is that good of a man

Cha Young-jin: [If we had fought back] The previous president [wouldn’t have been] ridiculed throughout his entire term nor would he have gone down in history so pathetically. :( I don't think I realized how "pathetic" the previous president was until he said this.

Min Hee-kyung: [About the scandal,] If it’s school related, it could be thesis, position, or research findings. If it’s his ministry, then collusion with the local government...?
Fanboys (An Se-young and Kim Nam-wook): Booooo.
Kim Nam-wook jots it down just in case.
An Se-young: Why are you writing it down! 

[Ep9] Family moment :') (The narrative about the family scandal and the whistleblower merged brilliantly.)

Park Mu-jin: The moment I stepped in here. I always had to choose between two options. It was either one I couldn’t accept or one that I’d only accept over my dead body. T_T

Park Mu-jin: He’s my son.

Park Si-wan: I’m your son, after all.

[Ep10] Shots fired! 

[Ep11] President Park Mu-jin almost died. The protocol guy cried more than the wife, hahahaha

[Ep12] The Acting President is now Oh Yeong-seok. Dundundun...
A scene I really loved is when Cha Young-jin reports to the new president, he instinctively looks for him at the meeting table because that's where Park Mu-jin always sat. He was ready to discuss with the team. In contrast, the new president (Oh Yeong-seok) is at the main desk, where he gets to call all the shots on his own. 

Park Mu-jin: I don’t trust myself and so I have always trusted data. For now, all the data indicates that Mr. Cha is the accomplice of the bombing, but even so I want to trust Mr. Cha over data. (Park Mu-jin puts himself below data, but he puts Cha Young-jin above data. T_T Awww.

[Ep13] Park Mu-jin wants to be the president! The LGBT+ community has a say in this.  

It was touching and politically suave of Park Mu-jin to strike a deal with Reporter Woo Sin-young to protect Cha Young-jin (':

Poor Kim Nam-wook (Media Specialist). It's wrong to say the president is pro LGBT+ community and against LGBT+ community. What does he do! 

[Ep14] A coup d'état. 

Kim Nam-wook (rubs it in): Secretary Cha Young-jin isn’t a cold-blooded man who only cares about winning. He actually has a soft heart and is soft (bad) at basketball. *nudgenudgewinkwink*

I really liked the revelation of Yoon Chan-kyung's (female presidential candidate) son, and why she didn't attack the president for his "scandal" earlier. She is righteous and selfish. Her flaws make her relatable.

Oh Yeong-seok. I.....what. HUH?! That was shocking. I'm sure there was another way, Mr. Driver!!! 

[Ep15] Park Mu-jin's legs are no longer shaking when facing a real coup. 

Park Mu Jin: Won’t you help me so that I won’t turn into a monster? Help me sit behind that desk and govern this country as a civilian.

[Ep16] The mysterious tailor speaks. 

VIP: From this moment on my plan is for you to take this seat as Korea's president. (Hahaha. I laughed out loud here. It's because I was scared for Park Mu-jin. If he accepts this deal from the VIP, how does he sleep not fearing to be bombed the next day?).

Happy ending. I wish there was a fuller group photo.  The ending scene was missing some of my favourite Park Mu-jin fanboys!

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