May 13, 2024

Lovely Runner | Recap and Review

Lovely Runner
A fangirl travels back in time to save her idol, who is not-so-secretly in love with her.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Byeon Woo-seok: Ryu Seon-jae
Kim Hye-yoon: Im Sol
Song Geon-hee: Kim Tae-sung
Lee Seung-hyub: Baek In-hyuk
Korean Title
Piggyback on Seon-jae and Run
Episodes: 16/16

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 4/5

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Recaps: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

Romcom/Romance Checklist

How much of the plot is angst/romance?
0 / 1
 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The ML
Cold–Lukewarm–Warm / Timid / Falls in Love First Noble Idiot / CEO / General /
The FL
Bold / Cute / Cool & Independent / Falls in Love First / Better than ML / Noble Idiot / 
Describe the Relationship (the tropes):
Bickering Start / Childhood Connection / Cohabitation / Contract Marriage or Fake Couple / Enemies to Lovers / Hidden Identity / School to Adulthood / Love Triangle / Married Couple (Real) / Secretly In Love (F/ML) / Star-Crossed Lovers / 
Relationship Progress (officially togetherfirst (official) kiss; breakup*):
Ep 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13* / 14 / 15 / 
# of CPs (including main CP):
0 / 1 / 
2 / 3
EndingHappy / Sad / Open Happy / Open Sad / Bad

FanFanX: TL;DR? Adding Micro Recap before each Mini Full Recaps. 😜

Mini Recaps

[Ep1[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap2008. 2023 Sol ends up returning to high school, where Seon-jae is well and alive. 

July 22, 2009. There’s a total solar eclipse today and the last one was 61 years ago. The members of Eclipse – Ryu Seon-jae, Baek In-hyuk, Hyun-soo and Jay are on their way to the radio station. In the lobby, In-hyuk is starstruck by Kwon Yu-ri [cameo] and manages to get her autograph – on the back of his shirt. This series aired on the same day that North America had one. 

Im Sol is laying in a hospital bed – and refusing to get out of bed. Her mother, Park Bok-soon says it’s a beautiful day out so she should try out the wheelchair. Mom trims Sol's toenails and accidentally cuts one too short which makes it bleed. She apologizes profusely but Sol doesn’t notice at all. Then Mom knocks over a vase and leaves to find something to clean up the mess. Sol slowly reaches down to grab a piece of the broken glass and clenches it in her hand until she bleeds. 

From the radio station, In-hyuk tries reaching someone on the phone but there’s no answer. Now it’s Seon-ae’s turn. At first, Sol ignores her phone but her roommate complains about it being a nuisance. She’s forced to reach over to grab the phone without falling off. She then sits up and answers the call. He says his name is Ryu Seon-jae, and then asks if she knows who he is. She says no. In-hyuk chimes in to ask if she knows who Eclipse is, as they debuted two months ago. She repeats that she doesn’t know who they are. Seon-jae looks visibly upset but doesn't say anything further. The host says what a bummer and introduces herself, DJ Hamster, and Sol says she’s going to hang up. DJ Hamster tells her to hold on as they’ll give her a present. Sol tries to refuse but she’s cut off by DJ Hamster who says the weather has been amazing lately. So they’ll give her a pair of functional running shoes, so she can wear them when she goes on a picnic. Sol says she doesn’t need them. DJ Hamster then asks how about an indoor exercise bike. :( Now Sol says loudly that she said she said she didn’t want anything. She angrily continues saying doesn’t need whatever they’re trying to give her. She says she calls that a present? She then screams if they can make her walk again?! Do they think they can make her walk again? That’s what she wants! She says if they can’t do that, then why are they calling her and harassing her?? Are they having fun, doing prank calls like this? Good for them, having fun like this. Somewhere in this world, there are people who don’t want to live… because the weather is too darn good. So don’t do prank calls like this again. They’re making her want to set their station on fire! She then throws her phone onto the floor.

DJ Hamster apologizes but Seon-jae interrupts her to ask if she’s still listening? Sol screams for her mother to turn this off. Seon-jae says “Thank you for staying alive. Your loved ones around you would be relieved and be grateful that you are still with them. So you should live your life today because it’s a great day. It will rain tomorrow. Then… as you wait until the rain stops, live another day. If you keep this up, there might come a day when life doesn’t seem so miserable.” Sol starts sobbing and then her mother returns to hug her and encourages her to cry it out. 

December 31, 2022. Sol uses her wheelchair and she’s the biggest Ryu Seon-jae fan as her entire room is covered with Seon-jae-related everything. She’s shocked when she sees that her grandmother is wearing Seon-jae’s watch. (She has dementia.) Grandma (Jung Mal-ja) won’t give it back and runs away from her. Sol asks her mother and her brother, Im Geum for help. He's too tired after working all night, and has just returned this morning to change clothes and return to work. So she begs her mother to help her. Mom bribes Grandma with the promise of watching a show, to get it back. It’s a 3,000 won Seon-jae watch that she won at an auction. 

It’s been five years since their last concert and she is planning to go. Seon-jae wants to retire but the CEO of his management company will only allow him to take a “break”. There’s also tension between Seon-jae and his bandmates, as they seem angry with him. 

Sol gets ready for the concert – a jar of candies, her headband that says “Let’s kidnap Seon-jae and run!”, and the most important thing – her ticket! Her bestie, Lee Hyun-joo picks her up…and gives her a gift – the Jagam High School yearbook with Seon-jae. She flips to his page and screams when she sees his handsome photo. His school was across from their school. She wonders how they could have missed such a dazzling young man back then. Hyun-joo points out that Sol was someone else’s fan back then. And he’s not in this yearbook because he left the school sometime after her accident. He might’ve been in a fight with students from another school and could have been expelled but was allowed to withdraw. They arrive at the venue, but then she gets a call for an internship interview. She decides to go to the interview. However, she’s rejected because she can’t do the job in a two-story building with no elevator. Later, In-hyuk finds out about Seon-jae's retirement and is very upset as he only found out from someone else. 
She then takes the bus and arrives late for the concert and misses the cutoff time. They make an exception for her, but then she discovers that she dropped her ticket on the bus. Sol happily cheers and sings from outside the venue. Seon-jae ends up singing something that wasn’t on the setlist – their debut song. Afterwards, she’s still happy that she was able to hear it from outside. Since it’s started snowing, she comments that it’s the first snow of the season, so Seon-jae must be happy. As she’s leaving, someone bumps into her and knocks the phone out of her hand. She picks it up and is horrified to see that it’s broken.  

Meanwhile Sol’s electric wheelchair runs out of battery so she’s stuck on the bridge in the snow. She finally cries over this horrible day, as she starts shivering. In his car, Seon-jae sees her in his car and he steps out with an umbrella. Her eyes bug out when she sees that it's him. (~29:37)

He uses the umbrella to shelter her from the snow. She just stares up at him with her open mouth. He asks her what she’s doing here right now. Did her wheelchair break down? She thinks yes but no words come out. He sees her bare hands and hands her a heat pack. She looks up in shock. He says she looked cold. She smiles and finally says thank you. And then she starts crying. He asks why she’s crying as he didn’t make her cry. She replies because she’s so happy. Then she says that she’s his fan. He says he can tell… and points up at his head. Heh. She touches her own head and remembers her headband now. He he says this is funny. She says it’s actually a nickname she’s been using on the fan clubs for more than ten years and she’s been a fan since their debut. He thanks her, and she says she should be the one thanking him with a smile. In her head, she says for giving her the will to live again. She smiles and she says she wants to thank him for everything. For existing in this world. All the fans feel this one. He asks how she’s getting home. She hesitates to reply. So he offers to give her a ride – as he can’t leave his fan here. And then there’s a loud honk – and then Hyun-joo waves at her from the car. She says that a friend is here to pick her up. She gives an awkward laugh. She then says thank you for everything today. He kneels down and tells her to take it with her – the umbrella. She says she has nothing to give him – but she knows he likes these and offers him a jar with candies inside it.

Back at home, Sol asks her mother for the name of the person who saved her. Mom breaks eye contact and says it was so long ago. Then she asks why she suddenly wants to know. Sol says she met the person who made her live, so she wants to thank the person as she feels bad that she never thanked them. Inside her bedroom, she looks lovingly at the umbrella. She then stores the heat pack with the other precious Seon-jae items. The watch suddenly flashes at her. She looks at it and thinks she’s imagined it. And then she puts it on her wrist. 

At the hotel, Seon-jae appears to have taken many pills and now stands on his balcony. He ignores the phone and doorbell. He then jumps off the balcony and down into the pool below. Sol wakes up later from her phone’s notification sounds and finds out that Seon-jae has committed suicide – and there’s a video of him being resuscitated. Sol leaves in her wheelchair to get to the hospital, and ends up dropping the watch into the water below. When she reaches the fountains and stairs that she can’t cross in her chair, she rolls herself down the hill and then drags her to get to the watch. Seon-jae passes away and then the watch flashes in the water. They announce his death at midnight on January 1, 2023.

Sol finally reaches the watch and sees on the big screen that he’s already passed. She reads the news that he was about to announce his retirement, had depression and anxiety and was taking medication. She can’t believe it… as he’d told her to live. She cries and screams why he didn’t continue to live his life today. She sobs as she squeezes his watch and then presses on a button. 

Suddenly she’s getting smacked on the head with a book in school. The teacher tells her to stand up and so she does. She looks down at her legs in shock. She thinks it’s a dream, so she runs out of the room. Her teacher yells after her but she keeps running. She’s running to Seon-jae’s school to find him. 

Seon-jae is at the indoor swimming pool. One of the swimmers is Park Tae Hyun1, a well-known swimmer is here for the 2008 Beijing Olympics Mock Competition Training. The doors are locked but she manages to sneak in another way. Sol sees Seon-jae pop up from the water’s surface and then cries as she watches him climb out. She then yells his name and makes a beeline for him. Everyone thinks she’s here for Park Tae-hyun. Ha. She hugs Seon-jae and rests her head against his wet, bare chest. He finally asks what she’s doing and then tries to push her away. But she hugs him even tighter. She cries that he must’ve been struggling by himself, feeling so lonely. He couldn’t tell anyone that he was having a hard time. She didn’t know he was in so much pain. She’s sorry she didn’t notice it. He slowly drops his arms away from her. 

She lets go to look up at him and says that she loves him. !!!!!!! The security guys show up and carry her away. She asks why as it’s just a dream, and then screams that she loves him, and repeatedly yells his name. Outside, she ends up getting pushed and injures her knee. She realizes that it actually hurts. She walks to the bridge and wonders what happened as she remembers picking up the watch. She suddenly wonders if she’s dead. She stays by the bridge and soon Seon-jae finds her crouching down with her head on her knees. He touches her and she collapses over onto the ground dramatically and says they’re all dead, right? When she sees that it’s Seon-jae, she starts crying and says so he must be dead. He picks up the watch to return it to her, and says he has one like this. She tells him to keep it as it’s his. She tries to convince him to not cross the bridge (she doesn’t want him to go to the underworld). He keeps walking so she hugs him to stop him. She says they should live together and he hails a cab and gets into it. ㅋㅋㅋ She then receives a call from her angry mother – because she skipped school. 

At home, Seon-jae is at home icing his left shoulder and arm. He doesn’t tell his father though. Seon-jae discovers that his watch is in his bedroom, so why did she give him this one? 

Sol finds out that it’s June 2008. Grandma doesn’t have dementia yet and knows exactly who she is. Sol cries and asks her to say her name again. Awww. She realizes if it’s June, then it’s before her accident happened. She remembers waking up from her accident and not being able to feel her legs. She now sits down in her room and hugs her knees to her chest and then cries as she rubs her legs. Time travel #1.

Later, she goes to lay down in between her sleeping mother and grandmother and then holds their hands in hers. The next morning, she wakes up and can’t move her legs. But it’s only because sleeping Geum has his legs splayed over hers. She happily hugs her sleepy and confused brother. 

Meanwhile, Seon-jae is walking to the bus stop, and carrying his blue umbrella and her watch, with the intent of returning to her. Across the way, she’s happy to see Seon-jae is alive and smiling. She starts tearing up and staring even as it starts raining. Seon-jae opens his umbrella. He looks across the way and notices Sol is getting soaked without one. She continues looking at him with teary eyes. He walks towards her, and ignores In-hyuk even as he's calling after him. He reaches her and covers her with the umbrella. Now he’s the one getting soaked. He asks why she’s crying. She stares up as she remembers that he had asked her the same thing in 2022.

[Ep2[Jump to: Top | Comments

Micro Recap: Sol runs into her high school crush, Tae-sung, again and again.

Seon-jae asks why she always cries when she sees him. This makes her sob instead. Some female students nearby comment that he made her cry as they are in a lovers’ quarrel. He takes her away with him, even though In-hyuk calls after him as he’s been abandoned.   

In a doorway, the two are now taking shelter from the downpour. She doesn’t understand why she’s crying either. She looks at him and thinks this is how he looked at 19. He wonders why she stares at him like this. She starts talking about her username, his fan club, etc…but he has no idea what she’s talking about. She says her name is Im Sol. He says he knows. She asks how. He points at his name tag, and she realizes she’s wearing hers as well. He asks why she always cries when she sees him. She says he reminds her of something she liked… a dog that was a great swimmer. So she’s a swimming fan…with a dog named Otter. ㅋㅋ He asks why she didn’t name it Seal then. He then returns the watch to her. Now she remembers what she told him yesterday suggesting that they live together. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Feeling very embarrassed, she runs off with his umbrella claiming she’s running late. Poor Seon-jae runs with his bag over his head. She goes to her classroom and happily greets all of her classmates, including the ones she doesn’t even know. She is most happy to see Hyun-joo, who demands to know what happened yesterday. Hehe, I love 2008 Hyun-joo’s hair.

Her mother, who owns Gold Videos, a video rental store, calls Ryu Geun-deok about returning “Basic Instinct”. He denies renting this out as he's even seen this in theatres with his wife. The call ends and Geum appears in costume, as he's getting ready for an audition in a costume. His mother argues with him this life choice, as she isn’t supportive. It reaches the point where she's angrily trying to stomp on his feet and ends up kicking him instead. ㅋㅋㅋ (~9:00) 

In class, Sol realizes that she must’ve traveled back in time when she pressed a button on the watch. When she accidentally presses it, she panics… but nothing happens as she’s still in 2008. When she’s asked to solve a math problem in front of the class, she pretends to have her bad menstrual cramps and goes to the infirmary. She actually goes to Seon-jae’s school to go watch her Seon-jae working out at the gym. She promises that she’ll protect him from his side now so he will never have bad thoughts. So she should stick to him for 15 years. She wonders how she’ll get close to him. She’s distracted when she smells cigarette smoke and follows it outside. Seon-jae notices Sol as she’s leaving.

Outside, she sees four guys, three against one. The one guy in the red jacket smirks at the others, and then they start fighting. She yells and then jumps onto one of them. She yanks the box of cigarettes from him and then yells at him for smoking as it went into the gym which is bad for the swimmers’ health. When the guy in the red jackets sees that more guys are arriving, he tells her that they should run and then holds onto her arm. They end up being able to hide from the bullies. He then the cigarettes back from her. She tries to grab them back and then she gets a closer look at his face and realizes who he is…

September 2007. Jagam High School festival… He’s the guy she had a crush on before. She excitedly realizes this is Kim Tae-sung. He says he saw her yesterday but she’s different today… She yells at him for being a delinquent but he suddenly hands her the lighter. He sees the teacher coming from behind her. The teacher yells at her, and she looks around to discover that he’s already run away. Naughty boy. Plus he leaves a girl in the lurch.

Now she’s being disciplined by the teacher for having said cigarettes and for being at an all-boys school. She tries to explain what happened but… When she notices Seon-jae walking by, she tries to hide her face behind her hair. But it’s too late as he’s already spotted her. She’s being forced to sit with her arms raised over her head with the box of cigarettes in one hand and the lighter in the other. The teacher tells her to stay there until the bell rings, and he’ll be watching her via CCTV. When the teacher leaves, Seon-jae grabs the cigarettes and lighter and throws them into the trash can. He says that Otter would be so disappointed and tells her to quit smoking. She denies smoking and says she drinks a little when she’s stressed out. She continues standing there, so he tells her that the camera is fake, so she can go. He walks away and she continues yelling that it’s a misunderstanding… 

She exits the school and Tae-sung asks her for his lighter. She says she threw it away, and the two argue. He says she wanted his attention, and then gets in her face to tell her to be careful next time. Inside her head, she wonders how she liked someone like him when she was young. lol Because he’s cute and full of trouble? A girl calls his name. He says she’s bothering him again. He winks at her and then he’s gone. 

She stares after him in shock. Then a girl in a pink top purposely walks into Sol, and then tells Sol to get out of the way. The girl slams her shoulder in Sol’s to walk by. Sol yells that that was rude. But then two more girls show up to join her. So Sol ends up kneeling down to tie her shoes and the girl tells her to not go near Tae-sung again. *rolling eyes* 

She relays all of this to Hyun-joo, who is shocked that she’s moved onto another guy already... as she had asked out Tae-sung yesterday and he had rejected her. Aigoo… Yesterday, she had confessed to him and had a present for him. These same girls had seen her talking to him. She had then run away with the present but unknowingly dropped the letter, which he’d picked up. 

Now at home, she reads the draft letters and balls them up. From behind her, her brother starts reading one out loud. She gets up and then notices that he’s wearing the present, a pair of black and red headphones, intended for Tae-sung. She gets them back and then kicks him out of her room and locks the door. She then sends Seon-jae a message asking to be friends online. But he declines!

The next day, she mopily walks to the bus stop, and then waits for the bus while holding his umbrella. She says he didn't want to be friends with her. In front of her, a girl in a wheelchair drops something at the crosswalk. She moves towards her but Seon-jae suddenly runs by her, to help her first. When he's done, she waves at him but he just gives her a stoic look. He turns away to get on the bus that just arrived. On the bus, she stands next to him and tries to talk to him but he gives short answers. However, when the bus comes to an abrupt stop, he quickly grabs onto the back of her backpack to keep her from falling. He then curtly tells her to get off and then exits the bus. She hesitates, so the umbrella is knocked out of her hand. She crouches down to pick up, and tries to get to the door but it closes on her. She looks out the window at Seon-jae, as the bus pulls away. (~24:50) She yells at the driver that she didn't get off. 

Seon-jae runs after the bus, which causes a stir amongst the other passengers. Sol finally sees him and stares in shock. They stare at each other for a moment before he finally returns to running towards the front of the bus. When he reaches the door, he loudly bangs on it and tells the driver to please stop. The bus comes to a halt and Sol gets off the bus with all the passengers cheering for them. She asks Seon-jae if he’s okay. He yells at her for not keeping it together and for not getting off the bus. She thanks him for this. He quickly says that he did it to get his umbrella back as he snatches it out of her hand and starts walking back. She starts telling him that he shouldn’t do that next time as it’s dangerous. He brings up that she should quit smoking. She asks if that’s why he refused to accept her invitation. She then says that a smoker’s fingers smell and tries to get him to sniff her two fingers. He dodges her fingers as he walks away. She follows him and ends up shoving them up into his nostrils. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (~26:00) Their height difference is perfect for this.

Seon-jae says yes it doesn’t smell and then removes her fingers from his nose. He walks away and she smacks her fingers and asks why they crawled into his nose. In-hyuk, who has seen everything, follows him to tease him. He tells Seon-jae that he remembers where he’s seen her before – in their practice room, and she has a crush on Kim Tae-sung who she secretly left chocolates for. Seon-jae asks who that is. He’s told that he’s the bassist. Seon-jae loudly says that he doesn’t know him. In-hyuk asks if he’s angry. Seon-jae calmly says he isn’t. But jealous?

Sol sees a poster for a swimming competition, and recalls Seon-jae’s interview. He’d said while it was his  first competition after his shoulder surgery and also his last. She goes to his school to see him and he says that he has training. So she follows him to the gym. She tells him that he shouldn’t participate as he won’t be able to swim again after this. Suddenly the lights flicker. He asks why not, but then time comes to a full stop, and every time she tries to tell him, the world freezes and turns black and white. She stops talking but he never hears her. He starts moving away from her. She then composes the same information on her phone and shows it to him… but time freezes and the text starts disappearing! He walks away.

In her study hall period, she now wonders if time stops every time she talks about an event in the future. So she yells the name of a future U.S. president and everything stops and turns black and white. She wonders if he hadn’t quit swimming, then he would still be alive. 

Seon-jae sets a new record for himself but when he gets out of the pool, his shoulder hurts. Kim Hyung-gu snidely asks why he’s competing when he just got surgery. Seon-jae asks if he’s worried he'd have no medals if he comes back? He walks away, and Sol is waiting for him. She tries convincing him to not compete. She follows him all the way up the stairs. They stop in front of a door and he asks if she’ll be okay. He reaches over to open the door the weight room which is full of shirtless guys working out. They pause when they see her. She quickly blocks her vision with a bag in front of her face. He smirks and then tells her that she can keep following him if it’s all right. She stays unmoving behind the bag. He goes inside and closes the door behind him. She lowers the bag and wonders what she can do to convince him. 

Mom is talking to Ryu Geun-deok about paying the small late fee. He continues to deny renting this movie. The two continue arguing. 

Tae-sung, with a cut lip, is sitting at the police station, along with three guys for getting into a fight. They spat on his motorcycle. He asks the cop if he wouldn’t swing his fist if one spits on his child? The cop asks who gave birth to his bike. Tae-sungputs his hand over his heart and says his heart did. And they started the fight first. But then Lieutenant Kim Won-chul appears, who is Tae-sung's father. Tae-sung says since his guardian is here, he can leaves. He takes off without saying a single word to his father, who calls after him. The cop confirms that he was his son. His father nods.

Now, Sol has stolen her brother’s monk costume and pretends to be a halmeoni with her face obscured by the huge hat as she looks down. She approaches Seon-jae as she blocks his way and demands money for a fortune reading. He pulls out some cash and she snatches one from him. She then gives him warnings about the water ghost and about jinxes. Since he doesn’t seem to believe it, she brings up the mole below his collarbone. He replies that 3 out of 10 people have that. She then mentions the scar on his left sole, which makes him turn back in shock. 

She leaves and removes her hat. But Seon-jae’s money flies away from her. It lands in front of Tae-sung who is sitting on the steps, and he picks it up. She notices that he got into a fight but asks for her money back. He asks if she’ll tell him a fortune. She says he’s destined to get beaten up. He says he thought she liked him. She asks if he read her letter, and he starts reciting her letter. She tells him to stop. He laughs but wipes at his lip as it continues bleeding. She remembers Hyun-joo telling her that he had gotten into a fight with boys and could’ve been expelled but they let him withdraw instead. She tells him to wait and returns with supplies to patch him up. When he tells her to be gentle and to not leave a scar on his pretty hand, she realizes that’s why all the girls fall for him. Girl, you were one of them! She finishes and tells him to at least graduate high school and not to worry his parents. He says he doesn’t think they care. She says she thought so too, in the past, but she was wrong. She says when children get sick, their parents feel as if their ten fingernails were pulled out. A child’s cry sounds like thunder to them. That’s what her mother told her. She asks for the return of her money and he plays keep away with her but it flies away into a puddle. She picks it up and bemoans that her favorite star once touched this bill.

Now she’s angry with him and tells him to forget it she stomps away. He follows her and repeats his offer to change the bill to a bigger one. She ignores him until she sees Seon-jae and then quickly hides behind Tae-sung. Seon-jae says Grandma? So she starts doing the voice, which makes Tae-sung laugh and say that she’s a halmeoni now. He then introduces himself as In-hyuk’s friend. Seon-jae asks who he is and when he hears Tae-sung's full name, he unhappily thinks about In-hyuk telling him that she has a crush on this guy. He glares at Tae-sung.

She tells Seon-jae to be wary of water, and then turns to leave. Seon-jae asks what she’s doing. Tae-sung laughs and then "secretly" tells her that she’s been exposed. He’s enjoying this immensely. Seon-jae asks if she’s making fun of him and if this funny to her? She says she isn’t. But Seon-jae won’t listen to her and walks through the gate and goes inside his house. She's surprised that he lives here, as she reads the sign outside says Ryu Geun-deok. Father and son interactions are going to be fun. She runs to the Gold Videos and completely ignores Tae-sung who calls after her. She asks her mother if Mr. Bae moved out from that house. Mom says he moved out in the spring and another family moved in. 

Seon-jae starts his process to prepare for tomorrow’s competition but Sol’s words interrupt his thoughts. When Sol looks out her window, she sees Seon-jae walking by and wonders where he’s going at this hour. 

Seon-jae finishes swimming and stretches his arms. He rubs his left shoulder and recalls Sol’s words to check its condition and get it looked at. Then he recalls Kim Hyung-gu saying he shouldn’t push himself post surgery. Finally, he recalls his father saying he’s so proud of him. 

In the shower, he remembers her talking about the water ghost sticking to him… He starts singing and then laughs it off. Kim Hyung-gu and his friend arrive in the locker room, as the former is here to steal his pants, knowing that Seon-jae believes that he must wear the same pants he wore the day before in order to win a medal. He grabs the pants and turns to leave but someone suddenly grabs his arm which makes he scream. Seon-jae hears the sound and pauses in the shower. Sol demands that Kim Hyung-gu let go of the pants, and he refuses. She then threatens to tell everyone about this, and the two start pulling on pants. She wins and falls, and the two guys quickly hightail it out of there. She's elated but then sees Seon-jae’s shadow coming towards her. She quickly hides. He walks in with only a towel around his waist. He wonders why the lights are off. 

He changes into clothes, and then throws the towel into the basket…where she's hiding. But she moves as her legs are hurting. He lifts the towels and screams when he sees someone inside. She runs away with the towel over her head. He catches up to her and manages to pull off the towel. But then they fall into the pool together. They stand up and his swim trunks float up. He demand to know if she’s the one who stole them. [When I say they’re standing – they’re actually both kneeling on the floor of the pool. lol] She says no…and admits that in a dream, a bad dream that he was injured badly at a competition. She was worried it would happen in real life so… He asks why she’s worried about him. She replies that she wants to protect him. He asks why, and it’s not like he’s going to die. She replies that’s right. He’ll die. Time stops and the world is without color again. She yells that he’ll die and she’s the only one who knows. She tearfully says she can’t even tell him. So she’ll protect him and do everything she can to save him. She stops talking. The color returns to the world. He asks why she won’t say anything. He asks if she thinks her behavior is normal. They were strangers before. She said she was his fan, so why all of a sudden she doesn’t want him to compete? Just because she had a bad dream? Who does she think she is? And then he yells why must he do what she tells him to?! He gets out of the water and stomps away from her.

At home, Dad brings him mandu but he’s nowhere to be seen. As Dad turns to leave…he notices something under the bed. His father picks up the item – “Basic Instincts” VHS. *snort* I knew it! His father flings it away like it’s on fire.  

One of the other swimmers calls Seon-jae to ask if Kim Hyung-gu messed with him at the pool. He wants to make sure they didn’t fight as that jerk wanted to steal his swimming pants. Seon-jae realizes he was wrong about Sol's intentions. It suddenly starts raining. Seon-jae looks over at the bin of umbrellas outside Gold Videos.

Sol is walking in the rain as she goes over the conversation with Seon-jae. She knows she’s not acting like a normal person. She doesn’t even know what she’s doing right now. She then almost steps out into moving traffic. She steps back, closes her eyes and counts numbers to calm herself. She opens her eyes and gingerly steps onto the crosswalk. She walks and covers her head with her arms as she’s scared, as the cars whiz by. When a set of headlights come towards her accompanied by honking, she stops in her track and stares. She remembers a different car coming towards her and seeing Seon-jae running towards her as he yells her name. Suddenly, someone – it’s Seon-jae – runs out and pulls her out of the car’s path. He looks at her and yells if she’s crazy?! He asks why didn’t she step away and why did she just stand there? She wordlessly just looks at him and then passes out into his arms. He holds onto her and they both take deep breaths.

2007. Seon-jae’s POV.

It’s a rainy day, Seon-jae looks at a box delivered to his house, which is 35-1. But it was addressed for 34-1. He turns and finds the house with that number and starts walking towards it. He suddenly hears the sound of a girl saying  “ahjussi”. He turns and sees a grinning girl running towards him as she’s holding a yellow umbrella. She tiptoes to hold the umbrella over both of them. She says the package is hers and tells him that the umbrella is for him. He doesn’t move, so she puts her hands around his to hold it. She says that he can drop it in the umbrella stand in front of the store at any time. She tells him that she’s giving him the umbrella because she feels bad for him, and the next package will be quite heavy. He notices her name tag: Im Sol. She puts something into his now free hand, and then runs inside the video store. He looks down as he opens his hand to reveal two white candies! Is this why it’s his favorite?!! He fell for her first?!! ^_^

Later, he places the umbrella into the stand and then peeks into the store and sees her falling asleep while still sitting up in the chair. He goes inside the store and pretends to browse but he’s really watching her. But then she starts swaying to the right and he quickly places his left arm on the table, right under her head. She continues sleeping peacefully but it’s become uncomfortable for him. Suddenly, the door opens and she wakes up from the sound. He quickly moves away – as she says hi to the customer. Seon-jae turns his back to her. She notices him, and he grabs a random tape. He hands it to her and she asks for the name of the account. He says Ryu Geun-deok. He then looks down at the tape and is horrified that it’s “Basic Instincts” and then quickly runs out of there. (~54:33) ㅋㅋ

When she hugs him at the pool, he wonders what was going on… and if this was a dream. Later, when she sends him the invitation to be friends… He grins as he reads it, and gets ready to click “accept”. But then his father loudly barges into his room to give him vegetable juice. He accidentally hits the “decline” button. Upset, he yells at his father for not knocking.  

The next day, he waits outside for her and then follows her to the bus stop. At the bus stop, he stands right behind her and hears her complaining about him declining. He notices her backpack is unzipped, so he quietly zips the bag for her. She doesn’t notice.

Back to the streets, he continues holding her as they continue getting drenched by the rain.

2022. Inside Seon-jae’s hotel room, a photo of the two of them suddenly appears between his wallet and the jar of candies! Future changed?!

[Ep3[Jump to: Top | Comments]
Micro Recap: Tae-sung helps Sol with a home emergency. Seon-jae is forced to make a life-changing decision.

Seon-jae asks her if she’s been in a car accident before. She says yes, it was 15 years ago and she doesn’t remember how she got into that accident or how much pain she was in. She doesn't remember much at all. In a way, it’s a blessing. He apologize for misunderstanding earlier. He says that she did it because she was worried about him. She says she did. He says he knows... but he’s still going to compete. He’ll participate in the competition and win the medal no matter what. But don’t worry, he’ll make sure the opposite of her dream is true.

The next day, she goes to his competition. She smiles at him from the stands, and he turns to get ready. She loses her smiles as she’s actually very worried. The race starts, and Sol thinks back to his interview and decides that she wants to believe in him. He places first! And she runs down for a closer view and when he sees her, she smiles brightly at him, and so does he.  

The night before. They arrive outside her home, and she tells him that this is her place behind her. But it’s crazy that they’ve never run into each other before as they live across from each other. Girl, if you only knew. She goes inside and he kisses his hand and sends each kiss up in her direction in a quick motion. (~5:45) xD! He turns around and sees shocked In-hyuk standing there with his mouth hanging open. As In-hyuk drops the bag in his left hand, Seon-jae sends him some flying kisses as well. ㅋㅋㅋ In-hyuk scowls at him and Seon-jae walks towards to give him another flying kiss. ㅋㅋㅋ The boy is in so deep.

At Seon-jae’s place, In-hyuk eats ramyeon and asks him if he’s okay with her having chased Tae-sung before. Seon-jae replies that she said she was his fan. In-hyuk says being someone’s fan and liking someone romantically are two different things. Seon-jae replies it’s not like they’re dating. In-hyuk asks if he’s ever told a girl his feelings before. Seon-jae says he’ll tell her that he likes her. In-hyuk says to make sure his timing is good, as it’s all about right timing. Seon-jae has already decided that once he wins the gold medal, he'd confess.

Back to the present
After the race, Seon-jae walks around with Sol. She asks since his father came to cheer him on today, should he be out here like this? He says yes. She then asks if his shoulders are okay and he says yes. She wonders if he’s in a bad mood - and asks him where they’re going. He says yes and then realizes what she asked. He says he’d told her – they’re going to eat. She thinks that he’s grumpy because he’s hungry. He finds the place he was looking for… and she points at another place and excitedly runs off. He mutters that this was the famous one. 

At the restaurant, he mutters to himself that he found a great date spot for nothing. This place is busy. Ha! She says that he just had a 200m swimming race, so he should eat something healthy. Their food arrives, bowls of samgyetang. He breaks open the chicken in his bowl and then gives it to her and tells her to blow on it. She’s so happy and says that no otaku can be as successful as she is, as she gets to have a meal with him. He asks what otaku is. She says it means something similar to fan, and she’s told him that she’s his fan - his swimming fan. He thinks about In-hyuk telling him that a fan and liking someone romantically are two different things. So he asks her if she knows Kim Tae-sung, the bassist of the band? He asks her if she’s his fan or if she likes him? She says that’s ancient history – not at all. Under the table, Seon Ja shakes his fist in victory. xD She asks why he’s asking her that. He replies that she was with him yesterday, so he was curious. And then he tells her to eat and then digs into his food. Fail #1.

Afterwards, Seon-jae thinks about telling her with the right timing. He tells her that he’s sorry about the misunderstanding. She grins and says that he gets a pass with everything. So he tries to tell her about his feelings - he gets a bit lost in his thoughts. She asks for some coins and he thinks she said feelings. He realizes what she asked and pulls out the change from his pockets. He asks her what she needs it for and she points at the photo booth for passport photos. She does aeygo as she asks him to take it with her. He looks at her cute expression…as she thinks enviously of all of those fans who took selfies with him at the autograph signings. He asks, take it together? She says yes. And he tells her that he doesn’t like having his picture taken. She gets sad and glumly says she understands. He looks up at the sky and loudly says the sun – it’s scorching hot today so they should go in there for a minute. Ha! He then climbs over the hedges to get to it… She tells him that this is the path. His long legs had zero issues doing that! (~11:40)

Inside the booth, he’s acting like he's bored but and turns away from her to give a secret smile before returning to looking bored. ㅋㅋ The first photo is taken but he’s looking for the camera and slouching. She points out where the camera is and tells him to look there. The second one is taken, but he’s got a strange smile. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She says that he’s the master of photo shoots, so what’s wrong with him. She tells him to put his fingers in a C-formation as she touches her fingertips to her cheek. [Face heart.] He asks if that’s a lump on her face. She says no, it’s a heart and bends her other arm with her hand hovering over her head. [Big half heart with her torso] He looks at her and asks if she wants him to act all cute? We do! He quickly says he’s not doing it and then the machine says their photo will be taken now. She says it’s starting now and poses with her fingers in a V-formation, and tells him to try it. He moves behind her and his expression softens. He then puts his right hand in the C-formation right next to her cheek and he’s even smiling. The third photo is taken and she looks shocked. Gaaaaaaah. And this is the one is the one that showed up on the table in his hotel room.

He asks if she’s happy now but she doesn’t answer. He wonders if it’s now – and tells her that he has something to tell her. He says that he likes – and then the machine says their pictures are ready. She grabs the pictures as he looks annoyed with the interruption. She squeals over their pictures. She wonders where to put them… but Seon-jae is too worried about missing his chance. Fail #2.

On the bus, Seon-jae receives a text from In-hyuk, asking him if he was able to tell her. Seon-jae mentally scoffs and thinks, as if. Sol looks very uncomfortable as she grips her skirt with her hands. Seon-jae looks around and sees that the other passengers are sleeping, so he thinks this is the right time. He says hey. And she quickly tells him to not say a word. The bus suddenly stops. She says this is driving her crazy as she squirms in her seat. The driver wonders out loud if there’s an accident as there’s rarely a traffic jam. She looks and sounds agitated so he asks her what it is. She says nothing, never mind. In her mind, she thinks she can’t talk about her bodily functions to her favorite star idol. But then a little boy says he needs to pee, and his mother grabs a bottle for him to use. Sol is pained by the noises. Seon-jae suddenly stands up, acts like he’s in agony as he tells the driver to pull over. The driver asks why. Seon-jae says he has urgent business to take care of. The driver admonishes him for not going when they were at the rest area earlier. Seon-jae apologizes as he squirms. The driver pulls over and Sol gratefully gets off the bus. When Seon-jae joins her, she tells him to go ahead as she’ll be over there as she points behind her, to  get some cool air and then gives a very fake laugh as she squeezes her legs together. ㅋㅋ Her laugh kills me. He tells her that it seems dangerous over there, so go this way and points down the stairs. She doesn't move so he tells her to hurry up and he’ll keep an eye out for her right here. He offers her the flashlight. She’s humiliated but grabs it and runs down the stairs. Seon-jae watches her and says that the timing…is not good. *snickers* No kidding. Fail #3.

Meanwhile, outside Gold Videos, his father is army crawling on the sidewalk and tries to stealthily shove the tape into the return bin. ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ Kim Hae Won’s expressions! Her mother sees only his arm and goes outside to beat the thief with a broom. He runs and drops a slipper on the ground, to hide inside the gate at home. She sees the tape with money stuck on it, sticking out halfway and now knows who it was. She says that guy is unbelievable. 

Seon-jae and Sol return home and she congratulates him on winning the gold medal. Suddenly, petals start falling on them and she's happy and then says but it’s summer. Seon-jae says her full name and thanks her for coming today. She smiles as she says she can even travel halfway around the world for him. No, even if he were to end up in a different time, she would jump over time and space to see him. She says she told him she was his fan. He asks her how much longer will she keep being his fan? He says he doesn’t want her to be his fan anymore. She asks why not? Panicked, she thinks, what did she do? And she needs to stay by his side. He says “I… I like...” and she loudly asks if they can be friends. Then she says let’s be friends. He looks at her and when the petals start disappearing, he looks up and exchanges a look with In-hyuk, who is sitting on the rooftop. He's quickly trying to dump the last of the petals in front of the fan. Bestie for life! Fail #4.

Inside his room, In-hyuk says asking her to not be his fan was the best he could do? He says it was lame, pathetic…and then Seon-jae starts beating him with a pillow. In-hyuk tells him to not take it out on him, and then yells, she didn’t dump him! Seon-jae stops hitting him and asks she didn’t? In-hyuk says he didn’t do anything as he didn’t even ask her out. This gives Seon-jae hope, and he lays down to remember her words. He happily hugs his pillow and grins as he forgets that In-hyuk is even there… ㅋㅋ

The next day, Seon-jae is at practice but ends up needing to be rescued when he ends up in pain, in the middle of the lane. Later, Sol looks for him at the pool but can’t find him. Tae-sung pops up next to her and says he didn’t know halmeoni has such a hobby. He says it with such affection...and snark. He says he thought she was here to see him, and she tells him to go back to class. He tells her that she’s not his type. She says sure, thank you, she’s glad that she isn’t. Then she tells him that she cancels what she said about liking him as she must have been out of her mind and then laughs. He laughs and then quickly becomes serious and tells her that he refuses to accept the cancellation. She says don’t refuse it as he’s not even going out with her. He says he hates when someone takes something back after giving it to him. This boy. She leaves him and then finds out from Seon-jae’s teammate that he was rushed to the hospital today. 

Seon-jae needs another operation as the rotator cuff they just operated on has torn again. Just as he was told previously, this reoperation requires at least 2 to 3 years of rehabilitation. Even so, the doctor says that only 80% of the rotator cuff will recover. It’ll be impossible for him to regain the skills he used to have. :(

Sol goes to his house and rings the doorbell over and over but there’s no answer. She climbs up to peek over the wall and sees the bags for his father’s dak galbi restaurant. His father keeps calling him but he doesn’t answer. He finally shows up at the restaurant, and there’s a crowd waiting for him. His father has planned this celebration and goes on and on about him winning more gold medals. He encourages everyone to get his photo and autographs before then. Away from everyone else, his father says he has good news – during the summer break he’s going to Australia. A coach who gave lessons to the national team is there and he’s booked his lessons for Seon-jae. His father says he should get overseas training and private lessons. Seon-jae tells him to cancel it. His father asks why – is it because of money? He says he’s the only son so he’s been saving up money – who else would he spend it on. Seon-jae tells him that’s why, so just cancel it. His father says he’s already paid for the lessons and the flights. Seon-jae yells why he decided everything on his own without asking him? This draws the attention of the other people in the restaurant. His father says well, he thought he’d be happy. Seon-jae says he’s going to quit swimming, so cancel everything. He then leaves and his father goes after him. 

Sol arrives and sees them together, and hears his father asking him what he means about quitting swimming, so she keeps her distance. His father wonders if he ate something as that’s why he’s out of his mind. His father says he knows it was tough but go through with the rehab and the tournament. He says he’s just protesting because he wants to play around. Seon-jae says that’s not it. His father asks him why he wants to quit swimming. Seon-jae yells he’s sick of it! The training is tough.  He’s tired of frequent rehab. And now he’s fed up with swimming. He wants to quit gracefully when he’s made a new record. His father says no matter what, he can’t quit. It’s a crucial time. He can’t just give up over a petty excuse. His father says for the past decade, he’s done nothing but swim. How is he going to make a living after quitting it? Seon-jae says he can do anything. If there’s nothing to do, he can take it easy and work at his restaurant. His father slaps him and says how dare he… say such a thing. Sol flinches and averts her face from this. His father tells him if he’s quitting swimming, then don’t even come home. Seon-jae walks away from his father and nearly into Sol who says his name, but he continues walking without saying anything.

At the pool, Seon-jae grabs his stuff from the locker room. He looks at all the notes, his goals, diagrams and charts of all his hard work and rehab. He starts taking things down but ends up punching and screaming in frustration before finally sitting down and crying. ㅠㅠ Crushed dream.

Sol returns home and wonders how this fate hasn’t changed. She looks at the calendar and flips it to September, she writes down “traffic accident” on the 2nd but it disappears. She writes it again and it disappears every time she does. She cries and says if she can’t stop the accident or save Seon-jae. If she can’t change anything, then why is she here? She then sobs at her desk.

Seon-jae’s father talks to the doctor and now fully understands Seon-jae’s forced decision to quit. Sol finally sees In-hyuk face-to-face and says that he looks better on screen. XD That’s rude. She then thinks to herself that it’s all his fault anyway. She grabs him by the collar and angrily says that his fans instigated to attack Seon-jae with malicious comments and rumors. They even tried to poison him too! If it weren’t for his fans, Seon-jae wouldn’t have suffered depression. In-hyuk says that she has a murderous look in her eyes. Oh. That was in her head. 

She actually tells him that he doesn’t know anything about it right now, so did Seon-jae stay at his place last night? Surprised, he asks how she knew. She asks how he is and is he having a hard time? He says he doesn’t know as he doesn’t really talk about it. She tells him if he doesn’t want to regret it later, be nice to him. He tells her to look behind carefully as he looks at something behind her. She turns around to look and gets hit in the face with a soccer ball. Her nose starts bleeding, and a guy walks up and asks if she’s okay. She suddenly remembers this happening before. Then she remembers it was the day her home burned down. So she stands up, wipes her nose and runs away. 

She tries calling her mother but the line is busy as she’s on the phone with Geum who was cooking some noodles. They finish their call, and Geum ends up unclogging the toilet as his mother ordered. Tae-sung stops on his motorcycle right in front of her. She asks for a ride but he tells her that he’s busy and takes off. She runs after him and stops him. She says her house is on fire. He tells her to call 119. She says she’s not sure if it’s on fire yet but she needs to stop it this time. He finally lets her get on behind him and takes her there. The bully and her cronies see them riding off together. 

Hyun-joo shows up at Sol’s home looking for her as they’re supposed to study together, but she’s not there. Geum comes out of the bathroom and Hyun-joo complains about the stench, The two argue and insult each other while the fire continues raging on the stove. Sol and Tae-sung arrive and have to climb over furniture being moved to get up there. Hyun-joo sniffs the air and then passes out from the smoke. Geum turns around and finally notices that the kitchen is on fire. He lifts Hyun-joo over his shoulder and heads for the door. Sol and Tae-sung come in through the door and she tells her brother to go. She tries to put out the flames with some water, and when that fails, she then starts beating with a rug. Tae-sung moves her out of the way and uses his jacket to beat at the flames. He then finds the fire extinguisher and it's finally out!

Outside, Geum is trying to wake up Hyun-joo but there’s no response. Just as he’s leaning down to give her mouth-to-mouth CPR, she opens her eyes and sees a pair of lips coming towards her. So she raises a fist to punch him in the mouth and his front tooth falls out! 

Now Sol is wiping off a framed photo of her family and says she stopped it and hugs the frame. Tae-sung quietly sets down the extinguisher…as he put it out. Boy needs more credit. Her mother arrives and Sol is happy that her mother wasn’t burnt on her hand like before. Back outside, she thanks Tae-sung for today and says she’ll treat him to a big meal. He says this is just her way of getting a date with him. But he smiles as he looks at her dirty face. He tells her that she has something by her nose, so she rubs at the soot. She asks if she got it, but she’s actually made it worse. ㅋㅋ He grins and says it’s all clean now. Then he says she’s pretty. xD! In a parallel universe, I honestly wouldn't mind if they were together instead. But Seon-jae exists!

Seon-jae’s father finds him sleeping on In-hyuk’s couch. He looks around and then sits down with his back to his son. He says he skipped school only to lie around here. Seon-jae wakes up and uses one arm to push himself up into a sitting position and then says abeoji. Now, they’re at a restaurant and his father is drinking soju. He asks why did he hide such an important thing? If he says he should undergo another surgery due to an injury, who would curse him or yell at him? If he were in pain, he should’ve told his father immediately. Why does he make him a bad father? Seon-jae apologizes and his father pours himself another drink. He says he invited people and made a scene, not knowing anything. He drinks more soju and then says they said his shoulder would hurt a lot, is that right? Seon-jae tearfully nods. His father tearfully tells him, then he should’ve received treatment quickly then. Does he want to live his whole life without arms? Seon-jae quietly cries. His father says he made an appointment for Monday, and should set the date for surgery first. Fix his shoulder so he isn’t hurting. After that, he can receive rehabilitation or quit. He can decide then. Seon-jae tearfully says he’s sorry. His father says his heart is broken so why is he apologizing. His father looks at his cheek and says he doesn’t see any bruises. His father turns away to silently cry and wipe the tears from his face. Seon-jae says…well, he’s weaker now. His father says it’s because he didn’t use his wrist when he hit him. If he had, he would’ve been hospitalized for eight weeks, at least. Seon-jae refills his father’s glass. His father tells him that he’s returned the videotape. If he wants to watch something, borrow DVDs confidently. He borrowed it secretly plus there was an overdue fee. Seon-jae says that’s not it. His father says that woman could make a film with the overdue fine she collects. Seon-jae says he didn’t watch it. His father calls him a punk. They continue arguing…

Post surgery, Seon-jae and his father are being told that the rotator cuff is stitched up well. But more than 90% of his rotator cuff is torn, including supraspinatus and subscapularis. His shoulder labrum is also seriously damaged. His shoulder is completely damaged. The doctor can’t guarantee that he’ll be able to return to his career. Sol is standing outside the room and crying quietly. Later, he walks out to the waiting area and sees Sol. But he hears that she’s sobbing, and keeps his distance. He says out loud why she is crying harder than him. ㅠㅠ Later, Sol sends him food and a plastic egg filled with candies and trinkets. He waits for her to appear but he never sees her. He returns to his room and sees his father and everyone else eating desserts. His father shows him the sticker on his cup and says that a fan of his gave these to them. It says, “Please take care of our Seon-jae ♥️” He runs out of the room to look for her…but she’s nowhere to be seen. 

A week later, Sol waits outside for Seon-jae’s father and she's carrying an orange pot. He recognizes her as Seon-jae’s fan. She knows he’s been discharged and has brought them this pot of samgyetang with two whole birds inside. At home, Grandma wonders why there’s only one chicken left when she made three. Seon-jae’s father says he can’t accept this without giving her something. So he runs inside and returns with a big jar of omija syrup that he made. He tells that she should drink this with ice in the summer and it’ll be amazing. At night, she drinks all of this on her own. She feels hot so she opens the window. She enjoys the cool breeze, and then notices Seon-jae walking outside. 

He goes to the pool and sits down by the edge and dips his fingers into the water. It’s peaceful… until a metal chair falls down followed by groaning sounds. He walks over to see what’s going on and finds Sol under some swimming equipment. He hides his laughter, and then says it’s her again. She repeats it’s her again. She then says she’s sorry as she didn’t want to bother him. She stands up and rocks side to side, so he asks if she’s drunk. She says no but he leans down to sniff her breath. He says that she smells like alcohol. She says she drank all of his father’s omija syrup. He says that’s alcohol and asks if she knows how many bottles are in there. Then he asks if she’s okay. She says she’s okay but she can’t stand and sways and starts falling. He catches her and makes her sit down on a bench. He sits down and she starts complimenting him. His abilities are like bubbles – he’s unbeliebubble. He’s so ‘zing – amazing! She giggles. These puns... hurt. He tells her to stop but he turns his head and gives a secret smile. 

He loses the smile and turns back to tell her it’s not funny and to stop. She says it used to make him laugh so much but it doesn’t work. She reaches into her pocket, pulls out a MP3 player with a pair of headphones and asks if he wants to listen to music. He accepts it and gives her one and then puts the other in his ear. She suddenly leans forward as she’s falling asleep. Once again, he catches her before she falls onto the floor. He moves her head to rest on his right shoulder. He says it’s a relief…that his shoulder on this side is fine. He removes the headphones and she snuggles closer to him. He’s bothered by this and suddenly gets up and drops the player. She wakes up and thinks he’s a talking version of her number one treasure – her life-sized cut out of him in the future. She stands up and walks over and steps on the player. He tells her it’s time to go. She talks and then closes her eyes and starts falling backwards. He catches her and she opens her eyes. She puts her right hand on his face as she stares up at him with a smile. 

RSJ: I like you. She stops smiling. I… like you. 
IS: Please keep smiling like this. I… will stay by your side. So that you don’t feel lonely or think about scary things…when you’re having a hard time. I’ll stay by your life for the rest of my life. So please live long. He leans down to kiss her, and she closes her eyes and drops her hand onto his left shoulder. (~56:54)

The next morning, Sol is on the bus complaining about her headache. She doesn’t remember much after they listened to the music. Seon-jae is running late and misses the bus she’s on. She arrives at school, and listens to last night’s recording of their conversation. She feels embarrassed about what she remembers of last night. Tae-sung deals with the jealous girl (the bully), who asks if he’s dating Sol. 

Seon-jae arrives at school and looks for Sol who is wearing her headphones. He walks and then runs to catch up to her. But she’s stopped by Tae-sung. So she removes her headphones just as Seon-jae starts talking on the recording. Tae-sung asks her if she would like to go out with him, just as she pulls out the headphones to hear him. So she misses Seon-jae saying he likes her. The other students gasp, and she says what? Suddenly, her watch flashes. 

She opens her eyes and she’s back in 2023 at midnight. She's laying in the fountain and unable to get up as her legs won’t move, plus her wheelchair is pretty far for her to get to.

Back in 2008, Sol (2008 Sol!) is shocked that Kim Tae-sung is asking her out. Seon-jae clenches his fist and walks towards them, just as she says yes and agrees to date Tae-sung. Seon-jae stops in his tracks as he watches Sol smile happily at Tae-sung. :(

In 2023, future Sol gasps at the TV headline, “Autopsy of Ryu Seon-jae to be performed.”

[Ep4[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Seon-jae avoids Sol, as 2008 Sol is now dating Tae-sung. Later, he saves her from an accident.

Seon-jae’s POV

That day at the reservoir, Seon-jae is the one who saved her. He'd then stood outside her hospital room and held his watch in his hand as she angrily screamed “Why did you save my life?! You should have let me die!! Why did you make me live like this?!?!”   

When he sees her again in 2022, he thinks that she hasn’t changed at all. As she stares up at him with awe, he knows that she doesn’t remember. He notices her cold hands and bends down to give her the heat pack. When she thanks him for existing in this world. He thinks so is he, Sol ah. Then Hyun-joo interrupts his offer to give her a ride. He gives her his umbrella, so she gives him the jar candy. He remembers that she’d given it to him for the first time when she’d mistaken him for the delivery guy. 

After Hyun-joo drops her off at home, Seon-jae watches her go inside before leaving. Back in his hotel room, the doorbell rings and Seon-jae looks over…  

2023. Sol wakes up in the hospital. She’s worried about Seon-jae and goes downstairs and sees his father sobbing inconsolably. ㅠㅠ She cries and then tries to enter the funeral area but is told that she’s not allowed to enter. In-hyuk sees her leaving in the wheelchair. The detectives find her and show her a photo of herself with Seon-jae - the one from the booth! She looks at it and wonders how this is here. They tell her that this was the only thing that Seon-jae had, and In-hyuk had recognized her in the photo. She wonders how it’s here and realizes the future has changed. They tell her that she’s the last person he saw before he died. She looks at her watch and then goes outside so she can return to 2008. She drags herself down to the fountains and presses the button on her watch. But nothing happens. She’s still in 2023. She keeps pressing the button and cries why it isn't working??

Back at home now, she looks at the photos of the two of them. She wishes she had remembered him last night. If she did, she would've held him and not let him go. She looks over at the umbrella he gave her. She thinks that she wouldn’t have left him alone. She sobs as she looks at their photo and then rests her head on her desk. She receives a call from an unknown number and she answers it. It’s Baek In-hyuk who tearfully says that he heard she met with him last night. He asks, how did he look? He asks if he looked like he was having a hard time? He didn’t know that he was going to kill himself. Then he says that Seon-jae was very sorry to her. She should know that. She asks why would Seon-jae be sorry to her? In-hyuk doesn’t answer and just hangs up on her. She tries to call back but it won’t go through. It turns midnight and her watch flashes. She wonders if the watch only turns on at midnight. So she presses the button. 

2008. She opens her eyes, and a shaman is performing an exorcism over her. She’s so grateful to be back as her legs work again. The shaman starts beating her to get rid of the ghost. Her mother says that she’d asked for this. Sol’s bangs. lol Time travel #2.

When she sees Seon-jae walking by, she runs out of there. She’s relieved to see him and says his name. But then she notices his cap and suddenly remembers… She’d told him to not hit on her as she has a boyfriend, called him a pervert and then hit him with her bag. o.O Now, he doesn’t speak to her and walks around her and then slams the gate on her. Back in her room, she realizes that ten days have passed since she was back in 2023. She looks at the watch and wonders if she returns to the future, does that mean she only has one chance left. She was here for two months last time, so how long will she be here for this time? She looks at their photo and says she can change the future. 

The next day, she goes to see Seon-jae but he’s very cold towards her. She has a bag with things for him including a cupping tool for his shoulder. She thinks about telling him that she’s from 2023 and her watch is a time machine. She’s back to save him. He looks at her and asks and says she’s gone completely crazy. All in her head. In reality, she tells him that she was possessed by a ghost and shows him the talisman tucked into her waistband. She says she didn’t even recognize people. He replies then ghosts can date, too and then walks away. She tries to follow him but trips over her bag. He hears her groaning in pain and turns to go back. But then he sees Tae-sung help her up. Tae-sung asks if she’s okay, girlfriend? 2023 Sol is shocked that it’s him as she remembers him confessing to her. 

Seon-jae unhappily watches them walk away. Suddenly a hand appears in front of his eyes  and someone says don’t watch. He turns and then glares at poor In-hyuk. Seon-jae then yanks his hand away from his face and yells really? He angrily walks away. 

Sol is horrified to see the messages 2008 Sol sent to her boyfriend, Tae-sung. Since she’s being feisty again, he knows that halmeoni is back. He seems to really like her. She says she’s against their relationship. She then wonders if she can do as she wants here, as she’ll go back soon. 

Seon-jae’s father carries the now empty samgyetang pot and asks her mother where Sol lives as he needs to return this to her. Her mother says that this pot is hers as her daughter gave him a whole pot of samgyetang. This was a long time ago, so why is he giving it back now? He’s surprised that she’s the video store owner’s daughter. He returns the pot to her and shows that it was cleaned. He walks away and she tells him that he only paid part of the overdue fees. He sputters what she is talking about?? She replies that he returned the tape a few days after she’d asked him about it. So he owes more money. He backs away from her and into some wild roses. Her mother fusses over the flowers.

On a set, Geum plays a dentist onscreen and is told to smile. So he takes a sip of coffee and then grin, but his front tooth is suddenly missing. It’s fallen into the cup! The director can’t have this, so he’s dragged off the set.  He angrily texts Hyun-joo to give him his front tooth! She’s having issues going to the bathroom because of stress, so she takes medication for the constipation. 

Sol goes to the Eclipse practice room to see In-hyuk. She recalls that 2023 In-hyuk told her that Seon-jae was sorry to her for something. So she tells him if he needs to tell her something in the future, in 2023, please go ahead. He rolls his eyes and then says he has something to tell her right now - don’t come looking for Seon-jae anymore. She says right, when he is auditioning, don’t take him with him. Don’t let him step into that world at all. He doesn’t know why she cares about their business. So she sits him down and tells him that handsome Seon-jae will pass the audition as they want a hidden gem. But he’s worked so hard for this audition… If he wants to protect his dear friend and to avoid regretting it, listen to what she says as it's from the bottom of her heart. She leaves and he yells after her to not even try to see Seon-jae. 

Outside the gym, Kim Hyung-gu taunts Seon-jae for not being able to swim anymore and needing to find another path. This actor seems even taller than BWS. o_o Seon-jae tells him that it’s none of his business. Kim Hyung-gu says he should have listened to him to not push himself, and then pats him on the shoulder. Seon-jae tells him that he should never let his guard down, as he doesn’t have enough strength. If he puts too much stress on one side of his body… to practice the loping stroke when it’s out of his capacity, he’ll wreck his shoulder just like him. The rest of the team come out and happily greet Seon-jae. Seon-jae starts walking away and Kim Hyung-gu says from behind him, that he said it was his mother’s wish that he made the national team. Instead of giving him ridiculous advice, go to his mother’s tomb and apologize! Omo. Seon-jae turns around and rushes at him. The other guys separate the two, but just barely.  

Suddenly there’s a loud yell – it’s Sol who, jumps up and then slams her head right at Kim Hyung-gu’s. He falls down, and they’re both clutching at their heads. She yells at him for daring to bring up his mother, and how dare he call himself human. She’s had enough! She knew it when he stole his swimming trunks back then, she shouldn’t have let him slide that time. Seon-jae realizes she was telling the truth before. Kim Hyung-gu notices his nose is bleeding and gets up to hit her. All the guys and Seon-jae keep him from touching her. She asks if he needs her to beat some sense into him. And if she sees him picking a fight with Seon-jae again, she’ll make him pay for it! The teacher shows up and recognizes her as the girl with the cigarettes from before, so she runs away.

But she gets caught by the bully and her cronies. The girl is angry that she’s dating Tae-sung. She grabs Sol by her hair, and Sol says she’ll break up with him today. The girl refuses to let go, so Sol says it’s her last chance and the girl still won’t let go. Sol counts 1, 2, 3 and then she grabs onto the girl’s hair. Now the two other girls join in. Suddenly, a man's voice yells at them to break it up. Sol realizes that this man is Mr. Kim, Eclipse’s management company’s CEO. After he leaves, the three girls grab onto her again and refuse to let go. So she shoves them away until they fall and she runs from them.

She runs until she sees Seon-jae at the bus stop, and anxiously watches Mr. Kim hand a business card each to In-hyuk and Seon-jae. The guys get on the bus, which she tries to catch up to but fails. She then goes to his house to look for him, and finds out from his father that he just changed clothes and left for rehab. She remembers that he'd put the card into his shirt pocket. She tells him that she wants to give Seon-jae something, and his father offers to take it for her. She says she’ll leave it for him in his room, and his father says she can’t go into a boy’s room like that. She starts saying her stomach hurts, as she needs to use the restroom. He tells her to rush home and use her own. But then he starts groaning that his own stomach hurts and says he needs to go now. Hahaha, Kim Hae Won’s histrionics! He slams the gate to close it but it bounces open, but he runs inside. So she sneaks in and just as she sees the stairs, his father exits the bathroom. She yells about celebrity weddings that happen in the future to stop time and then runs up the stairs.  She gets into Seon-jae's room and then looks around in awe. She reminds herself to remember why she’s here – to look for his uniform. When she spots it, she then fishes the card out of his pocket, which she rips up and shoves the pieces into her pocket. The door suddenly opens, his father is walking in.... So she yells about another future celebrity marriage as she hides under the bed. Time unfreezes, and his father says he smells something fishy as she grabs her shoes. He finally leaves and closes the door behind him. 

Elsewhere, Seon-jae is thinking about his swimming future, and how Sol had said she’d stay by his side. He says she’s a liar and then runs home. He shows up soaking wet so he removes his shirt and walks upstairs while drying his hair with a towel. (~33:47)  He returns to his room, trips over something and picks it up before turning on the light. He then sees Sol sleeping under his bed with her bag. He thinks the heat has finally gotten to him as he’s seeing things. But then he sits down and his foot brushes her arm. He looks at her shoe in his hand and flings it away. He runs out of his room and closes the door. He wonders why she’s in his room. He cracks open the door and sees her turning in her sleep. He slams it shut and  then returns with a shirt on. He tells her to wake up but she doesn’t respond. He notices the sheen on her skin and wonders if it’s too hot for her, so he turns on the fan. She turns in her sleep and he smiles. (~35:44) He shifts to sit closer to her. A strand of hair tickles her face from the fan, which makes her pouts in her sleep. He gently removes the hair from her face and smiles as he’s looking at her. He quietly says she’s having such a deep sleep. He then notices her hand and places his next to her smaller one. He smiles and gently places his hand over hers and then he moves it next to hers and their pinkies touch. (~36:35) He suddenly gets up as he’s feeling very warm and pulls on his shirt to let air in. He notices a mosquito flying around in the room. He tries to catch it on the cabinet behind her, and ends up loudly smacking his hand on it. This finally wakes her up and she opens her eyes to find Seon-jae's face hovering above her.

Meanwhile, Tae-sung is anxiously waiting for her call. His friend, Cha Yi-seul asks why he’s staring at his phone. He says that she used to call first but she stopped suddenly. In-hyuk is about to walk in but then stops right outside the door to eavesdrop. Yi-seul asks if they’re still dating, as she changed suddenly after they started to. Tae-sung says that was true until yesterday, she’s become cute again. I think he actually likes her. Yi-seul says he thought he was going out with her to get rid of Ga-hyun [the bully]. In-hyuk thinks to himself that he’s the worst. 

With her hands on her lap, Sol is now sitting on Seon-jae’s bed. She apologizes and says she’ll get out of here right now. He asks what she’s going to do about his father? She says she’ll climb out a window. He says his father leaves for a workout after the news. He asks why she was in here. She says she was here to give him these books. But she’d climbed out from under his bed and knocked off the books which fell onto her and she’d gotten knocked out. He finds this hard to believe. She says it’s true and asks him to forget all of the stupid things she’s done. He thinks about their kiss at the pool, and asks her if it’s that easy for her. She asks what happened in the pool, and thinks he’s been angry with her about her drunk behavior. He angrily tells her that it might have been nothing to her, but he doesn’t feel the same way. She says she’s sorry. He says forget it. She asks if she was in a drunken frenzy that day? Did she act like an animal? She then says she doesn’t remember anything because she blacked out. He’s like what – she doesn’t remember anything because she was drunk. She nods. He says maybe it’s for the better. She tries to talk about the effects of the homemade wine – and he tells her to stay quiet until she leaves. He sits down at his desk, turns his back to her, and then chides himself for making a fuss in front of her when she doesn’t remember a thing. He notices their picture and the egg sitting on his desk and puts them away inside his desk. 

She looks around and notices the trophy sticking out of his bag. She tells him to read these books (depression and how to overcome it) if he can’t sleep. She says everyone faces a moment at least once or twice in their life when it feels like the world turns its back on them.  She remembers his call… So she now repeats his words to her that day when he was on the radio show. She thinks, so Seon-jae, if he feels like dying, just try to survive another day. That way, she can go back and try to save him. She tells him that she wants them to get along like before. And if not, could he at least not push her away for a few months? In the chair with his back turned to her, he sighs and says to himself that she’s so clueless. Sol sees the mosquito and tries to catch it but Seon-jae spins around in his chair and she almost falls as she’s startled. He catches her by the wrists. He tells her that he told her to not get close. She says that she didn’t want the mosquito to bite him.

He finally says she’s left him with no choice, so he moves to grab the blanket from his bed and throws it over her. He then carries her over his shoulder and heads downstairs. His father sees him and asks if he’s dusting off his blanket. Seon-jae doesn’t answer but goes out the front door. He sets her down on the sidewalk and then snatches the blanket off of her. He asks how they can be friends, as he doesn’t befriend girls, and girls and guys can’t be friends. He didn’t ask her to comfort him. Has he ever asked her to look out for him?  He says to be honest, with the way she treats him, it’s embarrassing and awkward because he feels like… she can see his despair and pain! He’d rather she pretend like she didn’t know him like before, so why this again all of a sudden?

She asks what he expects her to do? That silly attempt at comforting him is the only thing she can do. Buying those books which would mean nothing to him now is the only thing she can do. She’s got her legs back. But it feels as if she’s gone mute and her hands are tied. It’s frustrating to the point that she feels like she’s suffocating. He says she’s right. She can’t give him what he really wants. So don’t try to get along with him when she’s feeling frustrated. Leave him alone now. He sighs and looks down and sees that she’s without her shoes. He gives her his slippers and tells her to take it and go. She doesn’t move so he yells at her before slamming shut the gate. 

He returns to his room and sees her shoes, the books and cupping tool on the floor. She returns home and pulls out the torn up business card from her pocket. She throws it on the floor and cries in frustration. She then lays down on her bed and recalls his earlier words. She starts sobbing. 

Another day, Hyun-joo needs to use the bathroom badly as the laxatives are unpredictable. But is stopped by an angry Geum, who complains about his missing tooth. He wants compensation. She finally ends up saying that he can get them scaled for free before running from him. He yells that’s not enough as he needs free cleanings. She gets into the elevator, goes to another floor and finds that the bathroom door is locked. A group of male students come out and ask why she’s here. And then it happens... so she yells for them to not come near her. Geum suddenly appears and walks through the crowd to wrap his shirt around her waist. Then the two walk through the throng of guys. 

Sitting at a cafe, Tae-sung reads a text message from his mother, who wishes him a happy birthday, but she’s not coming back to Korea for him. Sol shows up and he asks if she has a dual personality. She says yes, there’s the innocent and naive side of her and then there's the mature side. The mature side he sees right now doesn’t like the innocent and naive side of her dating him. She asks for them to break up. He mentions that it's his birthday and then the owner announces a surprise. She tries to get him to leave with her… but it’s too late. They play a video of her singing and dancing, and the lyrics are about how much she likes him. It finishes with her saying “Happy Birthday, Tae-sung.(~52:00) Bwahaha. So corny. Cringe away! Her surprise for him.

She is so humiliated about her high school self doing this. She sits down as they bring out his birthday cake and a huge teddy bear with “Sol ♥ Tae-sung” stitched on it. He’s happy and asks if she wants to go somewhere to eat. She asks if he even had miyeok guk for his birthday. Now, they're at a diner, and he says that she’s the first girlfriend to take him to a diner for his birthday. She says not many places have it. He tries some and then says at times like this girlfriends usually put banchan on their boyfriends’ spoon. She stares at him and he mischieviously asks if she just fell for him again. She replies, she wonders why did the old her like such an immature attention-seeker like him. He says she makes it sound like she doesn’t like him anymore. She tells him to be nice to the innocent and naive Sol. He then shows her a picture of Seon-jae and In-hyuk together at the audition. She runs out of there.

She gets to the place and runs up the stairs, to yell at In-hyuk for bringing Seon-jae. He tells her that he left when his father called. She’s relieved to hear that. He asks why does she keep getting into Seon-jae’s business? He asks if she’s toying with Seon-jae even though she’s dating Tae-sung? She says that's just nonsense and then steps backward and tumbles down the stairs. On the ground, she groans in pain.  

In-hyuk calls Seon-jae, who is busy at his father’s restaurant, and asks if he told Im Sol about the audition, and if he’s been talking to her? In-hyuk says that she came here to see him, and she ran as if someone was after her. Then she rolled down the stairs. It was crazy. He wanted to check if she was okay, but she must’ve been embarrassed as she left in the blink of an eye. Seon-jae doesn’t say anything, and then a customer asks for water. Seon-jae says he’ll bring it right away. He then tells In-hyuk that he’s busy and not to tell him about her. He hangs up on poor In-hyuk. Seon-jae returns to work but he’s lost in his thoughts as he thinks about In-hyuk saying she was there to see him. He suddenly leaves and ignores his father calling after him. 

Seon-jae waits at the bus stop for Sol. He doesn’t see her getting off the bus, but then he notices her sleeping on the back of the bus. From outside, he calls her name but she remains asleep. Eventually, she wakes up and looks around before asking the driver where she is. He says she’s reaching the end of the line. So she quickly gets off the bus. She looks around and says that she thinks she’s been here before at this reservoir. She sits down to wait for the bus going the other way. She sees a taxi drive by and then a drunk man walks in front of her. She’s startled by the man, and become frightened when he sits down right next to her. He moves towards her, and she moves over to another seat. When he tries to touch her again, she gets up and walks away. The man follows her, so she pulls out her phone and says she's going to call the cops. The two then fight over her phone, and Seon-jae sees them from his taxi. He asks the driver to stop, and then he starts running towards her while yelling her name. She looks over at the sound. When she sees Seon-jae running towards her, she also sees Seon-jae from a different time running towards her and saying her name. Suddenly, the man yanks the phone away from her hands, which makes her fall backwards and down into the water below, and before Seon-jae can reach her. 

Seon-jae goes in after her. Underwater, when she sees him, she wonders if he was the one who saved her in her accident. He brings them up to the surface and they walk onto the land. She coughs and coughs as he pats her on the back. When she stops coughing, she turns around to look at him.

RSJ: Are you okay?
IS: [Nodding]
RSJ: [Sighs] What am I going to do with you? Are you hurt? Are you okay? He touches her head and looks at it. Let me check. She stares at him. She now remembers screaming at the person, him, standing right outside her hospital room. She had angrily yelled why they had saved her. They should have let her die! Why did they save her? She’s forced to live like this now. Why did they do that?! 
IS thinking: [Staring at him and remaining silent.] Was it my memory…that I lost? She wordlessly stares at him. Or was 
RSJ worriedly: Are you hurt? Or are you just shocked? Let’s go to the hospital now. He moves to stand up. She grabs onto him and then hugs him. She sobs on his shoulder. He puts his arms around her and gently strokes her head. She wails heartbrokenly. 

Epilogue. Seon-jae’s POV. July 22, 2009.
Radio station. DJ Hamster encourages Seon-jae to give it a try. He dials a number, and when Sol answers, he says his name is Ryu Seon-jae. She says so what? He asks if she knows who he is. She says no, she doesn’t, and his eyes turn sad. He thinks “Sol ah…” 

[Ep5[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Seon-jae's father and Sol both try to prevent him from watching the swimming portion of the Olympics. 

Now riding in a taxi, Sol asks Seon-jae how he knew where she would be. He replies that he saw her at the bus stop, so she didn’t get off the bus. Then he says loudly that she should be mindful of where and when she dozes off as she’s always dozing off whenever or whenever. He asks what she would have done if he didn’t see her on the bus? She promises to never doze off from now on. Ha. He notices that she’s soaking wet and turns the vent towards her. When she asks if they’ve met before the mock competition, he says yes. He tells her that she mistook him for a courier before. She asks when that was, and he says spring, when he had just moved in. She then asks if he’s been to the video store and rented a DVD. He suddenly starts yawning and pretends to be sleeping as he rests against the car window. ㅋㅋ Back outside their homes, she waves goodbye and he tells her to go inside. He watches her walk up the stairs before leaving to go home. She quietly comes back down to watch him walk over to his home.

Sol’s voiceover: We live our lives as we miss out on many things. To me, Seon-jae was like a star in the sky, unreachable… and a universe away. At the edge of my teens, filled with memories… I’d rather not recall. Seon-jae had been there all along, just a reach away. He breathed the same air as me every day, gazed at the same sky, walked the same path, knew my name… and saved me. Yet, I didn’t realize it then. Only when I faced my past again, did I realize how many moments of connection… I had missed and lived through. Perhaps the moments I must not miss… could be somewhere, sending me signals constantly as they shine rightly. Not missing those signals. Perhaps... couldn't that be the reason why I came here and why you and I met again.

The next morning, Seon-jae wakes up to the voice of someone calling his name. He wakes up and realizes it’s from outside. So he sleepily opens the curtains and then the window. Across the way, Sol happily says his name from across the way, and tells him to come outside. He asks what is it this time? He then slowly walks outside. She tells him to look at the sky as there’s a rainbow as she points up to the right. He looks up and can only see the bright sun shining into his eyes. She says isn’t it pretty? She then says if she didn’t wake him up, he would’ve missed it. He squints back up at the sky and sees nothing but the sun. She tells him to make a wish and he asks what rainbow? 

She says she’ll be right back and returns with the hose. She then sprays water up into the air, thus creating a giant rainbow for him. The science doesn't track here but okay. He says yes, but he’s really watching her smiling as she sprays the water up into the air. It reminds him of the first time he met her under an umbrella. Sol’s mother goes outside with the trash and wonders how it’s raining. She looks up and starts yelling at her for playing with the water. Sol quickly turns off the sprayer, but her mother runs upstairs to beat her. Sol runs away as her mother chases her around and around the rooftop. Seon-jae smiles as he watches them. While the two run around the clothesline, they somehow manage to send a pink bra flying, which lands right next to Seon-jae's feet. ㅋㅋ

Sol leaves the house and finds Seon-jae waiting with a small shopping bag. He says here, and puts the bag in front of her. She says it’s too early for a present and happily looks inside. She’s horrified by the bra and quickly closes the bag. He says that it flew over from her rooftop. Embarrassed, she says it isn’t hers but her grandmother’s who likes pink. He says he didn’t ask who it belonged to, and then walks off. She follows him and says she wanted to ask him to ride the bus to school together. There’s something she wants to do with him. He asks what that is. She says he doesn’t have to know and just grins at him. She then says thank you, Seon-jae for saving her life, and sorry for not thanking him sooner. She insists that she wants to thank him properly. She says he’s not ignoring her, even though he said he wouldn’t be friends with a girl. He loudly replies who says he’s her friend. She thinks about him saying that he was just friends with those girls in the articles. She assumes that he must’ve dated all of them and has had a lot of girlfriends. She says fine, then he can be her lifesaver and she’s the magpie returning the kindness. He asks if she meant a swallow. Sol sees the motorcyclist coming down the road and pulls him to safety and then bidongs him against a wall. Love the role reversal. And the music. The driver passes by onto the puddle, which splashes Sol instead of Seon-jae. Standing very close to him, she says he could have been in danger. Then she turns and looks at him, should she be a swallow? He just blinks. (~8:25)

Now she gives him a huge dark iridescent plastic egg and tells him it’s a time capsule and she’s put his present in it. Then they’re digging up some dirt to bury it. He’s confused as to why they’re doing this as she just gave it to him. He’s curious to know if it’s really gold and jewelry. She says it’s something more precious and valuable in it, and he’ll be surprised when he opens it later. He asks when later? She says around 2023. He asks why they would bury something for that long. She replies that she’s giving him stocks, blue-chip stocks so he needs to give them a lot of time. He says really? She says she was just kidding. When they’re done, she says let’s meet on January 1, 2023 on the Hangang Bridge and then they’ll open it together. He asks why that day. She loses her smile as she thinks back to December 31st, 2022 when she was with Seon-jae in the snow. She thinks to herself, that way she can change his fate, so please live for one more day. She smiles and tells him that the present will be meaningful only if she gives it to him that day. She then says it’ll be an amazing present so look forward to it as she beams up at him. He smiles. She tells him to not dig it up before then. Midnight on January 1, 2023 on the Hangang Bridge, so don’t forget it. He repeats the date and location. And then he asks if he won’t see her until then. She says one never knows what could happen in the future. Even if they don’t end up staying in touch, please come see her that day. Treat it like a school reunion, or just think of it as meeting an old friend. He yells who said he’d be her friend. He walks away but stops and thinks about In-hyuk’s call the night she fell down the stairs and how Tae-sung is dating her, and any random person will. So he can get rid of Choi Ga-hyun who has been asking to go out with him. He wants to tell her now but… he thinks she must be blind. He walks away but turns around to asks her where her eyes are? She points at her eyes and says here. ㅋㅋ This annoys him and makes him turn and walk away again. She runs after him. 

They then overhear the students complaining about uniform inspections. Sol realizes that she's forgotten her tie. Seon-jae removes his and then places it over her head and she stares. She moves to get her hair out of the way and to get it around her collar. She asks what about him? As he's adjusting the tie, he says he was an athlete. So he rarely wore his uniform and won’t get pulled over. Down below, Tae-sung is watching this with curiosity. Moments later, of course, Seon-jae is pulled over and gets in trouble. More trouble arrives – Tae-sung and Yi-seul, with the former volunteering to be here. Their punishment is to run laps around the track. And whoever comes in last has to run seven more. Tae-sung runs side by side with Seon-jae and taunts him for being slow as he was a swimmer. Seon-jae picks up the pace and Tae-sung struggles to keep up. Seon-jae turns around and tells him to quit smoking.

Afterwards, the two are washing their faces at the sink. Tae-sung intentionally flicks the water from his fingers onto Seon-jae. Seon-jae doesn't do anything but glare and then reaches down reaches for his bag. Tae-sung then grabs onto both of their bags. Seon-jae yanks his bag away from him, and then glares at him before walking away.

Later, when his father hears him closing the gate outside, he tries to turn off the swimming race on the TV. But the remote won’t work, so he gets up and slides onto the coffee table on his knees to get to the TV. ㅋㅋ Then he desperately yanks the TV's power cord out of the power strip just as his son walks through the door. Seon-jae says he’s home and then sees his father resting up against the TV, who pants and says oh, he’s home. Seon-jae asks what he’s doing. His father says the TV is broken and laughs awkwardly. Seon-jae then asks what’s happened with the floor (stuff from the table). His father says with a smile that there was a rat. 

Seon-jae is struggling to focus on his homework. He ends up looking at the brochures, including one for early decision. He’s interrupted by the notification sound of a new text message. Sol asks him if he’s free tomorrow.... which make him cover his mouth in shock. (~17:35) This boy...

The next day, he finds her waiting for him outside the gate. He turns his back to close the gate – and gives a secret smile. She can’t see it but we do! He turns with a stoic expression and asks her what this is about. She says let’s watch a movie together. He’s flustered by this. She says it’s her treat. He says well… And she says she’s already booked the tickets and can’t cancel them. She tells him let’s go… and nudges him to go. He asks if her boyfriend is busy? Why a movie all of a sudden? She says she just wants to thank him. As they’re walking, she sees Park Tae-hwan on a TV and quickly blocks his view and then says oh, his shoes. So he looks down and she says she made him look and then laughs awkwardly before pulling him away. They get to the bus stop, and she sees Park Tae-hwan on the big screen across the way. She turns and holds his head between her hands to show him how she can roll her eyes. She's adorable. On the bus, they're sitting side by side. When the radio comes on for the swimming race, she quickly pulls out her headphones and places them onto his head and over his ears. He’s startled by her touch but leaves them on. 

At the theatre, he tells her that she should have told him they were going to the movies last night. He’d wondered all night as she’d said it was a secret. She says that she was worried he’d turn it down. He enthusiastically says he would love to be here! Why wouldn't he? She looks at him and he quickly says he loves movies. The lights turn off for the movie but then the alarms go off. Sol sits there even though everyone else is wondering what's doing on and start exiting. Seon-jae tells Sol that they should get out of here. As they’re leaving, there's an announcement that was only a system malfunction. Sol walks out and sees Seon-jae watching the swimming race, with everyone else. When Park Tae-hwan wins the race, Seon-jae cheers and then cries with joy.

Afterwards, he says she wanted him to watch the movie so he wouldn’t watch the game. He asks what’s wrong with her and his father? He asks what the point was, as the world would go crazy once he won a medal. She says she thought this was what she should do. He replies that even if he had known he’d have to quit swimming at age 19, he’d have started swimming anyway. When he thinks about it, he was really happy when he swam. He wouldn’t have known that happiness if he hadn’t tried it. That’s why he doesn’t regret that he started swimming even though he can’t do it anymore now. So – he reaches over and touches her head – he’s all right. She finally gives him a smile. 

Elsewhere, Hyun-joo gives Geum a shopping bag and says she’s returning his shirt. (The one he tied around her.) He chides her for taking so long to wash and return it. When he looks inside the bag, he sees that it's brand new one. He becomes very happy and says she knows that he has a passion for new things. She asks if he got a brand new front tooth. He smiles and says yes and then bears his front teeth at her and points at the replacement. He says her uncle is a skilled dentist. She says she’ll get going and turns to leave but he sees the bicyclist coming and about to hit her. So he pulls her out of the way and into his arms. Her heart starts pounding as she looks up at him. She says she’s fine and walks away. She then chides herself for feeling this way for a guy like him. Bwahaha, I like how he stays in that catch formation even though she’s walked away. XD

As they’re walking back, Sol laments that they didn’t get to watch the movie. She says she used to watch 2-3 movies a day as she wanted to be a movie director. He asks why she speaks in past tense. She replies that now her goal is to take the college entrance exam with these two healthy legs. He says he also has to take the exam all of a sudden. He wants to apply for an early admission as a physical education major. She says really, her brother majored in physical education, too. She asks if he’s going to be a PE teacher. He says she’s getting ahead of herself. He can’t imagine himself doing anything other than swimming. She says he looks good in a doctor’s gown, a judge’s gown, military uniform, hanbok and everything. He’s a man of a thousand faces. He says she speaks as if she’s already seen it. She says no, if he’s applying for early admission, then he only needs the minimum grade. He should start studying. She asks if he wants her help as she walks off. She says yes. He says she promised. They then see her mother getting out of a man’s car. Seon-jae starts to bow and says hello, but Sol grabs him and drags him away to hide behind a vehicle with her. She quickly covers his mother and says shush. She then peeks over at her mother, and the man hugs her. But then the car that they were hiding behind starts up and drives away.

The car moves and but the duo are gone. A boy eating an ice cream cone asks Seon-jae what he’s doing. Seon-jae is standing next to a pole to hide. Seon-jae whispers for him to go away. The boy repeats his question and Seon-jae whispers the same thing. The boy finally leaves. Camera pans up and out, and we see Sol is up above him, clinging onto the pole with one are, while trying to keeping her balance on one foot. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She asks Seon-jae if she’s gone. Seon-jae says yes and now she places her flailing other foot right on his head. (~27:00) His face! ㅋㅋ  She says it’s so scary up here as she continues stepping around on his head, which makes him grimace. She says she thinks she set the foot all right. Then she looks down and realizes she’s currently standing on his head, and yelps "Oh, no! Seon-jae!" She starts freaking out, removes her foot from his head, but then she does it again. She apologizes but she’s having a leg cramp, and readjusts her foot on his head. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Can't find a GIF of this silliness...

At home, Seon-jae’s father is watching the swimming race on a very small device with a large antenna extending from it. He screams “Hooray, Park Tae-hwan! Hooray!” Seon-jae walks in and repeats “Hooray?” His father quickly turns off the device and stands up to yell, “Hooray, my son! Hooray!” Seon-jae asks why he doesn't watch it on the TV? Doesn’t it hurt his eyes to watch it on such a small screen. His father says he wasn’t watching anything. Seon-jae points out that the antenna is poking out from his pocket. His father looks down and says that he heard a vein of water is flowing underneath their house so that’s what the antenna is for. Seon-jae tells him to stop worrying about upsetting him and watch it comfortably. This is only making him more uncomfortable. His father denies worrying about upsetting him as he’s too old for that. He insists that he’s not watching because the TV is broken. Seon-jae walks over and plugs in the TV and it turns on. His father says daebak, he fixed it. Seon-jae tells his father that he’s really okay now, so stop worrying about him. He doesn’t have to do this. Seon-jae then goes upstairs to his room. 

Today is Sol’s father’s death anniversary. After receiving their call, Sol is at the police station, as they have her wallet but her phone is still missing. She asks to make a call. She calls her phone, which someone answers but they don’t say anything and hang up on her. She goes to the reservoir and finds out that the authorities have just found a dead body here. She hears the sound of little bells and remembers a keychain with those bells and being inside a car. She wonders if that’s a flashback and if it was the day of the accident. A man gets into his car, a taxi and drives away. He then pulls out her phone and stares at the picture of her. 

At the convenience store, Geum and Seon-jae (and the rest of the neighborhood) are watching the women’s weightlifting on the TV. The two end up holding hands in anticipation of the Korean athlete's last lift. She's successful and everyone goes crazy. But then Geum recognizes him as the guy who got his sister drunk as he’d seen him bringing her home that night. Outside, he punishes him by making him stand at attention, sit down, stand up, and do push-ups. Seon-jae says he really didn’t get her drunk. But he does as he’s told, except for the push-up since he’s had shoulder surgery. Geum tells him to stand up and asks if he’s Sol’s boyfriend. Seon-jae says no… not yet. !!! Geum asks him then who her boyfriend is. Seon-jae says, it’s someone else. Geum asks if it’s the guy who put out the fire in their house. He continues saying that he looked like a fine guy. Seon-jae scoffs and asks based on what. Geum replies he was handsome and well-dressed. He seemed like a popular guy. He was brave and manly when he put out the fire. Seon-jae tells him that he’s a horrible judge of character. ㅋㅋㅋ Geum yells at him to stand at attention but Seon-jae doesn’t obey. So he yells it again, and Sol and their mother see them. Sol runs over in front of Seon-jae to block him with her body and her arms spread wide. She tells her brother how dare he force military discipline on Seon-jae. The two continue arguing and he puts her into a headlock. Seon-jae tries to separate them. but their mother comes over and smacks both on the back to break it up. Their mother scolds them for doing this on their father’s death anniversary. So she grabs both by the back of their collars and drags them away. ㅋㅋ Sol turns around to beam at Seon-jae and waves goodbye before turning back to tell her mother to let go of her. She’s so adorable! Meanwhile, Geum makes the slicing the neck gesture at him as he mouths at him that he’ll kill him. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (~35:49) The siblings are utter chaos.

Back at home, Seon-jae is bothered that Geum called Tae-sung handsome. He tries to stop himself from looking at Tae-sung’s page. But he clicks onto it and to his horror, he becomes its 100,000th visitor. Tae-sung sends him 30 ginkgo nuts as a gift with this message: “Did you enjoy looking at my page?” ㅋㅋ Seon-jae screams “No!!!!” at the screen.ㅋㅋ (~36:42) On the other end, Tae-sung says he’s cute. But when he thinks about him putting the tie on Sol, he then calls Sol but it goes directly to voicemail. In-hyuk calls him, to ask where he is for practice as they’re performing tomorrow. In-hyuk tells him to be there in 15 minutes, and then hangs up. Then In-hyuk deals with their terrible singer. He wonders to himself if he should have Seon-jae join their band…

Sol realizes that she won’t be able to save both herself and Seon-jae. She later decides to pull out an old bike. She remembers telling Seon-jae about her father teaching her every weekend when she was young. But back then, she couldn’t learn because she was too scared. It was her father’s wish to see her ride bicycles. Seon-jae had told her she should learn to ride them now. So she blows the dust off the bike. She sets off to ride with knee pads and elbow pads, and she keeps wobbling and falling off. Eventually someone grabs onto the back of her bike. She turns around and sees Seon-jae. He then adjusts the seat height by lowering it. He tells her that he’ll be holding onto the back of it so go slowly. She turns back and locks eyes with him and says if he’s teaching her. He stands up and says he wants to see if he’s capable of being a PE teacher or not. She asks if he’s going to yell at her if she does badly. He says his strength as an athlete is composure. 

She isn’t doing well…and neither is he. He’s harsh on her until she finally gets off the bike and says she gives up. He says where’s her endurance. She replies that he can’t be a PE teacher like this. She also says she does better with compliments. So they return to it, and he’s more encouraging and eventually he lets go and she falls. He says she fell… and lamely finishes saying, that it’s a good fall. She glares at him. ㅋㅋ She continues trying until she’s finally able to stay on the bike without falling. He quietly lets go of the bike, and she’s doing fine. He then runs alongside her. She’s proud of herself. She thinks to herself, “This very moment. The moment… I probably shouldn't miss.” She looks over at a grinning Seon-jae. 

She wobbles to a stop and he tells her to be careful. He then says she made it. He says great job and then pats her on the head. She tells him that she wants to ride it again. He says she might not be able to walk tomorrow. She replies that’s why. It’s because she might not be able to walk tomorrow. She starts pedaling with him continuing to follow alongside, as she asks if he wants to race. :) 

At the study hall, Sol is struggling to study for the entrance exams. Meanwhile, Hyun-joo is seeing Geum in her notebook. The two leave, and then run into Tae-sung who who greets her as girlfriend. At the same time, Seon-jae is shopping for new clothes with In-hyuk telling him to not buy what he sees and to be wary of the prices. He ends up buying the one that reminds him of Tae-sung. In-hyuk leaves him there as he can't help him now. Seon-jae then changes into this outfit… and Sol sees him. She and Hyun-joo run over to him and then Tae-sung arrives. Seon-jae is embarrassed that they're wearing essentially the same outfit and mentally beating himself up for this. His face here. ㅋㅋ Tae-sung tells him that people might think they’re dating.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Our alternative CP!

At the cafe, Tae-sung tells Seon-jae to change his outfit. ㅋㅋ The drinks are ready and Seon-jae grabs the tray before Tae-sung can. They get to the table, and Tae-sung gives the drinks to the girls first and then himself. In an effort to stop thinking about Geum, Hyun-joo tries to flirt with Seon-jae. When Seon-jae reaches for the remaining drink, Sol stops him and gives him hers. She tells him to drink this as he doesn’t like something sweet. Seon-jae thanks her with a smile, and then takes a sip while looking directly at Tae-sung. Tae-sung asks Seon-jae if he got his gift. *snicker* Seon-jae remembers but doesn’t say anything. Sol asks what gift? Tae-sung says it’s for his fan as it seems that he’s very interested in him. Seon-jae says he refused the gift. Tae-sung turns to look at Sol and wipes the cream from her lips with his thumb, which shocks her… and upsets Seon-jae. Sol moves away to grab a napkin and wipe it off herself. Hyun-joo flirts with Seon-jae and even asks if he has a girlfriend. He says no. She asks if he has someone he likes then. He looks over at Sol, and then at Tae-sung. He swallows hard before chugging his drink in competition with Tae-sung. ㅋㅋ Technically, 2008 Sol is Tae-sung's girlfriend.

At the gig, the band’s singer isn’t coming. To Sol’s horror, Seon-jae ends up performing onstage instead. However, when he starts singing, she stares and thinks about the star she remembers. Tae-sung notices her watching him. Sol smiles with tears running down her face. Afterwards, Seon-jae waits for Sol but Mr. Kim approaches him. When Sol sees this, she says no, and tries to run forward but she trips and falls. Tae-sung holds her wrist and asks if she’s okay. She looks over to where Seon-jae was but he's gone already. She takes off running, leaving behind both Tae-sung and Hyun-joo.

Seon-jae arrives outside his place and Sol is already there. He asks her if she was waiting for him. She asks why is he only coming now? Who did he meet? He says he was in In-hyuk as he thought she’d left already. She mentions the man who gave him the business card. She asks if he said he would make him debut? Does he want to do it? He asks what she is talking about. He asked for his number but he didn’t give it to him. Sol is relieved. He asks why she wants to know. She replies there are weird people and many are scammers. He asks her if she thinks he’s a kid. Why is she worried about a useless thing like that? But then he turns his head to smile that she is worried about him. He turns back, the smile wiped off his face, and then offers the bag to her.  She opens it and sees that it’s a brand new phone. He says it’s the prize he received. She asks him if he sang because of this?  He grins and says yes. She angrily yells why did he sing in front of so many people for something like this? She’s done nothing for him. Why would he do that? With the smile gone, he says he thought it’d be uncomfortable if she didn’t have a cell phone. She asks why does he care? He’s the one who was worried about a useless thing. He asks why? Can he not worry about her? She replies no, he can’t. She walks closer to him and tells him to not worry about other people. Don’t care about them either. He’ll endure without telling others that he’s struggling. Even if he’s hurt by others here and there, he’ll endure it again.  He’ll be suffering to the point where he can’t even sleep, then he’ll let go of everything. So don’t do that. He asks what she is talking about and why is she being this way? She replies that she hopes he’s selfish. She hopes that he thinks about how he can be happier and live a better life… at times like this. She looks up at him imploringly. He says she wants him to think about himself only? Should he do that? He says never mind. He shouldn't have done this. She can throw this away or do whatever she wants. He then goes inside and slams the gate behind him. Girl. You’re destroying him. :( In his room, he looks at the JNT Entertainment card.  At home, she looks at the new phone in its box and goes over their conversation in her head.

The next day, Seon-jae tries to catch up to Sol but she’s listening to her MP3 player. She hears the rest of her embarrassing words to Seon-jae and wonders how to remove it. She’s so distracted that she nearly crosses the street without looking. Suddenly Seon-jae jumps out in front of her, to keep her back just as a car drives by. He then turns around. She says his name and then removes one headphone. Seon-jae says she wanted him to think only of himself. So he asks if she’ll break up with him. Can she do that for him if he wants? And then she hears him saying that he likes her in her ear! She gasps and covers her mouth with one hand. Seon-jae says to break up with Tae-sung then. In her ear, she hears him say again that he likes her. She stares up at him. (~58:30)

[Ep6[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Seon-jae accidentally ends up drunk and crashes at Sol's house. Later, he confesses to her. 

Summer 2013. Sol listens to DJ Hamster’s station, as today’s guest is Seon-jae. DJ Hamster mentions that it’s the rainy season as it’s even raining today, which is why they’re listening to Sonaki [Sun Shower] after a long time. This song was chosen as the number one song that reminds people of their first love. Seon-jae wrote this song before he debuted, which is about his first love. DJ Hamster asks him about his first love. He says there was a rain shower on the day he saw her for the first time. She put a yellow umbrella over him with a smile. He couldn’t breathe because his heart was fluttering. As if he… he forgot how to breathe. When he’s asked when that was, he says it’s a secret. Sol sits in her wheelchair and wonders who it is. 

2008. Seon-jae runs around looking for Sol. In-hyuk stops him and tells him to let Tae-sung handle it. Seon-jae asks how can he, what if she’s dragged somewhere and beaten up. Actually… Sol is beating up Tae-sung as she throws him onto his back and then slams her head on his. She tells him that she heard that he’s not dating her because he likes her. He’s dating her because Ga-hyun was bothering him so much that he dated a random girl to chase her away – she points at herself – and it happened to be her. He asks who said that. She says that’s not important. She didn’t know he was that much of trash. She’s very disappointed. She’s glad she found out first. It’s over with him. She walks over to scold him, it’s natural that he’s immature at his age, but don’t live like that. She also says that just in case, even if she comes back and tells him that she doesn’t remember they broke up and beg him to get back together – don’t ever yes. 

She then leaves and says this is better that she studies rather than date as a senior. And we’re back to his confession and he jumps out to save her. She asks why? She thinks to herself why would he like her? The bus drives by and blows up at her bangs so he notices the red mark on her forehead. He asks if she got hit. She doesn’t answer so he asks if someone hit her. She realizes the bus has arrived and runs to get on.

At home, she keeps thinking about his confession as she’s crying. She’s crying as she’s peeling an onion layer by layer. Grandma tells her to stop and go to the store for makgeolli. Tae-sung is sitting down and thinking about Sol’s words. Yi-seul asks what’s going on. Tae-sung says he thinks…his heart hurts. 

In-hyuk asks Seon-jae how he could ask her to break up with him. Seon-jae replies if he should just watch her dating a guy like that. In-hyuk reminds him that he didn’t tell her his feelings, so he can’t tell her to break up first. Seon-jae makes a mess of his hair and says it’s driving him crazy. And then Seon-jae sees Tae-sungwith his friend, who is offering to set him up on a blind date. Seon-jae lifts a crate to hit Tae-sung with but In-hyuk grabs onto it. So he raises his arm to punch but pauses when he hears that Tae-sung’s been dumped. Yi-seul’s friend notices him first, and which makes Tae-sung turn around and ask what he’s doing. Seon-jae asks if he was dumped. When Tae-sung asks if he’s mocking him, Seon-jae smiles and then hugs him awkwardly. He says good luck with the blind date. He also tells him "hwaiting!" He nods at him twice before walking away. Seon-jae is in a great mood now.

But then he sees Sol crying with her head down. He walks and then stops in front of her. She sees the fee and then looks up to see who it is. He asks how long she has been crying. She wipes her eyes and tells him to wait but her eyes sting. He yells don’t cry!! He then asks why does she have to cry because of that jerk? She asks what he’s talking about? She wipes her eyes as she says she’s crying because of an onion. He asks if Tae-sung is an onion? He then notices the bottle of makgeolli in her other hand. He asks what’s with the drink? Is she going to drink her pain away? He yells, she should – beats his chest – lean on him! ㅋㅋ He asks why she must drink every time she’s sad. She says no, it’s not what he thinks. He grabs it and the two fight over it. He says he can’t see destroying herself. She demands that he give back to her and reaches over but he swats her away. He says no matter how hard it is, she can’t do this. She tries to grab at the bottle and he keeps it away from her. Geum sees them together. Seon-jae unscrews the cap and says he’s going to throw this away. She fights with him for the bottle and says she’s running an errand for her grandmother. Geum shouts for him to let go of it and then runs at them. He kicks and makes contact with Seon-jae’s head. Seon-jae falls down and lands on his back. The bottle flies up into the air spilling makgeolli everywhere and a few droplets land in Seon-jae’s mouth. Geum says how dare he harass his sister, the crazy punk. Sol is worried about Seon-jae and smacks her brother on the back and asks if he’s crazy. She smacks him again before he can answer. She then crouches down to check on Seon-jae, who suddenly passes out. (~9:20) 

Seon-jae is now asleep in her brother’s room. She worries about him being warm so she steals the fan from her brother who is sleeping on the couch in the living room. She goes into the bedroom and admires Seon-jae. Then she places her hand on his heart to make sure he’s alive. Seon-jae puts his hand over hers which makes her remember his confession. She quickly moves away and hides under the bed. Seon-jae wakes up and sits up wondering where he is. The he recalls the mess with the makgeolli. ㅋㅋ He moves to sit on the edge of the bed and notices hair on the floor. He bends down to look, and sees hair on the floor and then a pair of eyes staring at him. Frightened, he falls back onto his behind and moves backwards on the floor. She gets out and reaches over to cover his mouth. She then removes it as she quietly apologizes. In a normal voice, he asks why – and she quickly shushes him. Boy doesn't know how to whisper! She quietly tells him that she came in to turn on the fan for him. The door suddenly opens and Seon-jae grabs the covers and wraps it around them, hiding her inside. Geum comes inside and walks over Seon-jae to climb onto his bed. As he's laying there, Geum wonders why it’s so cold and reaches down to grab the covers from Seon-jae. Seon-jae refuses to let go, so Geum turns off the fan and lays back down to sleep. When he turns his back to them, Seon-jae sighs in relief. He then remembers Sol is in his arms. She slowly pops her head out and is face-to-face with Seon-jae. She quietly asks if her brother is asleep. He just stares back. From above them, Geum asks what they’re doing. The two “fall asleep” and Sol wakes up and asks why she’s sleeping here, did she sleepwalk? She turns to leave and her brother moves to follow her. Seon-jae grabs onto his waist and keeps him there. ㅋㅋ(~14:24) 

The next day, she asks Hyun-joo how Seon-jae could like her. Hyun-joo replies that she pursued him. Sol asks when? Hyun-joo says she broke into the swimming pool, then hugged him, saying she loved him. She always skipped self-study period to follow him around. She went to a game to cheer him on. She always packed food for him when he injured his shoulder. Sol says there was a reason. Hyun-joo says, reason, her foot. Then why did she crawl into the room where he was sleeping yesterday? She knew he liked her. She’s like an old fox. Sol denies this. But she admits that it’s true that she’s older than a 19-year-old. Hyun-joo says it seems like he’s never dated anyone as he was focused on exercising. They’re naturally weak to women who throw themselves into them like a bulldozer. xD The littlest bulldozer. Hyun-joo then says those who shakes other people’s hearts are the problem. Why would he care when someone is pooping? Why did he take off his clothes? He should’ve not shaken her heart if he wasn’t going to like her. Sol asks pooping? Who? Hyun-joo tells her to not think about other things and just study. *snickers*

They’re upstairs in the studying area, and Hyun-joo notices that the person who just sat down next to Sol's desk is none other than Seon-jae. Sol says his name, and he makes a loud sound. Everyone looks over so he quietly sits down. ㅋㅋㅋ She asks what he's doing here. He sweetly says he just came to see her. But then he thinks about In-hyuk telling him it will make her uncomfortable if he hits on her as soon as they break up. Don’t make it too obvious. Don’t cling to her either. Act cool. So Seon-jae now asks, did she believe it? She drops her smile. He says of course he came to study. Ha!  

At a restaurant, Sol looks at Seon-jae’s grades and asks how he’s in Grade Eight for everything. He asks how many grades there are, and if his is really low? She replies it is not just low, he’s at rock bottom. He replies because he’s a student with a special talent, he just needs to surpass the minimum grade. She asks what the minimum grade he has to get. He replies Grade Five. She’s worried about him going to college. But he’s distracted by the baseball game on the TV behind her. He says she’d help. She whines that it’s been a while since she’s studied for the college entrance exam. She shoves it into her mouth. But it’s too hot. He quickly tells her to spit it out and offers his hand. She freezes and he tells her to hurry or she’ll scald the roof of her mouth. She stares at him and just chews and swallows it. He asks if it isn’t too hot and pours her some water. She accepts it and says that it’s okay. She takes a sip and he says scored, which makes her choke. The whole restaurant erupts with loud cheering, and he says they scored – for the baseball game. 

Afterwards, they walk outside and it starts raining. She says she has an umbrella that she brought this morning. She then realizes it’s nowhere to be seen. She wonders if she left it at the restaurant. He tells her she’ll get rained on the way. He pulls out a blue umbrella for the two of them. He then grabs her by the shoulder as she’s so distracted that she almost walks into a pole. He tells her that she almost smashed her head on it. Inside, she’s thinking she’s totally tempted [by him]. Indeed. Loud cheering is heard in the neighborhood and he says they must’ve won. She doesn’t say much, and so he thinks she might still be sad because of Tae-sung. He asks her if she wants to cheer for the final in the streets with him. She smiles but then says the exam is around the corner so they have to study. He says it’s just for one day. She says she’ll go... if he memorizes all of the English vocabulary from his textbook. He says all of it? Then he says she must not want to go. She replies that he should study hard. He asks what if he memorizes all of it? Then he declares that he’ll memorize everything in one day. 

They get closer to home and see that Tae-sung is waiting with the giant bear on his motorcycle. Sol isn’t happy to see him. Tae-sung says they need to talk. Sol says she has nothing to say to him. He says he does, so she can just listen. He walks towards her and Seon-jae blocks him from getting to Sol. Seon-jae says she doesn’t want to. Tae-sung tells him to get out of the way. Seon-jae says he’s the one who got in the way first. Tae-sung sarcastically asks if had to turn on the turn signal? They glare at each other, and Sol finally walks around Seon-jae and says it’s okay. She tells Tae-sung that she’ll hear what he has to say. So Tae-sung walks ahead and she moves to follow him. However, Seon-jae holds onto her arm and says wait a moment. He wants to stop her but he then remembers In-hyuk saying he needs to be cool. So he lets go and tells her to have a nice talk. He then salutes as he says he’ll see her tomorrow. ㅋㅋㅋ Not awkward. At all.  

Seon-jae walks away, not proud of what just happened. Inside his place, he imagines that Tae-sung will dramatically cry and apologize to her. He'll even scream that she's his star. And then she’ll cry and take him back. (~7:05) ㅋㅋㅋ He assures himself that there’s no way. But then he runs out of his house.

At the playground, Tae-sung carries the bear with one arm and says that he heard that Ga-hyun bullied her and he really didn’t know. He asks if she was hurt a lot? And did she cry a lot? She denies crying. He asks why not. She asks if she has to cry because being used wasn’t enough? He says he feels sad that she didn’t. He apologizes. This is what he came here to tell her. He apologizes again. She says he's not a complete jerk. He replies also, he didn’t use her. She asks why he asked to date her then. He replies she said she liked him. She asks if he goes out with everyone that likes him. He says no. She asks what kind of nonsense he is talking about? He suddenly realizes that he did actually like her. She says he’s ridiculous. He insists that he thinks he liked her a lot. She says whatever, and if he’s here to return the bear, then quickly give it to her and beat it. She grabs it from him and he says that’s not it and grabs it back. She tries to grab it again and he says it’s his security teddy bear and takes it everywhere he goes. ㅋㅋㅋ Only if he's 3. She yells at him to stop talking nonsense and to give it to her. The two start pulling back and forth on it until the recording plays. It's Sol’s voice in a cutesy tone: "Tae-sung, our love will last forever." He asks if they should just stay together forever? She says no. She thinks to herself that her worst villain is her past self. ㅋㅋㅋ Can totally relate.  

Seon-jae is outside helping his father with the garden. But he’s really trying to keep his eyes and ears open for Sol’s return. His father starts telling him how to take care of the plants as he talks to them nicely. Seon-jae stands up as he’s wondering how much those two could be talking. His father stands up to join him but then he angrily hits him. A shocked Seon-jae looks at his father. His father angrily asks if he thinks that’s a weed?! Seon-jae looks down and realizes he pulled up a pepper plant, roots and all. ㅋㅋㅋ His face here is the cutest. Dummy. His father yanks it away from him and tells him to get lost. Seon-jae sees Sol go inside, as his father continues fussing over his poor siblings. ㅋㅋㅋ

On the motorcyle, Tae-sung recalls Sol telling him to at least graduate high school so he doesn’t regret it later. And to have seaweed soup on his birthday. A child runs into the street to chase his ball, forcing Tae-sung to swerve and miss running over the kid. Both Tae-sung and the bike fall to the ground. Uh oh.

Another day, Sol’s mother has her suitcase ready for a trip to Jeju with her friends. Sol remembers that this was the day her mother went on a trip with a guy. Back then, Sol had angrily raged at her for dating someone, instead of thinking about her poor dead father. This time, Sol encourages her to go. Mom leaves her instructions for laundry, food, etc. Sol says she knows and they'll be better off taking care of themselves with her gone. She then tells her to find a new husband to take care of her when she’s old and sick. Mom ays she’s better off dying than finding a new husband. Mom’s ride arrives and Sol smiles as she watches her mother leave with the man. 

Seon-jae is at the study hall but not studying, especially as Sol isn’t there. She’s at the police station to report that something could happen at the reservoir. The cop sends her away and Detective Kim (Tae-sung’s father) comes into the station. At home, Grandma answers a call, and a man says he found a cellphone. She says it’s her granddaughter’s and says she can meet him. He says he can’t so she suggests he mail it back.

Sol finally arrives at the study hall and smiles when she sees a sleeping Seon-jae. She then quietly sits down and opens her math textbook. But then she wonders what’s the point of studying, so she puts in her headphones. He moves in his sleep and she smiles. (~37:00) Later when he wakes up, he sees Sol sleeping on the desk next to his. He smiles. He then touches her face but wakes her up, just as he’s confessing on the MP3 player. She stares at him, and he saves himself by showing that he was studying the English sheet on the wall next to her… ㅋㅋ (~37:30) She quickly leaves to get some water and tells herself that she must be out of her mind. He pops up behind her and asks what she means, which makes her choke. She says nothing. He then asks why her face is so red then. She touches her face with her hands and then fans herself as she says because it’s hot. He asks if she knows about it and if she found out. She replies what? He says that he… that he memorized all of the vocabulary! She’s confused. He says she said she’d go with him… to cheer for the final baseball game if he memorized all the vocabulary. He even suggests for her to test him if she doesn’t believe him. She says no, it’s not that she doesn’t believe him. He says then she’s coming with him tomorrow. Thinking to himself, it’s because he has something to tell her. 

The next day, Seon-jae stands with the crowd and wonders where Sol is. He finally sees her looking around for him, and says her name and waves her over. She walks through the crowd while holding two pink beverages. She says he got here early. He replies he wanted to get a good spot and it’ll be easy to watch it from here. She says really? Wasn’t it hot? He leans down to take a long sip on the straw of one of the drinks in her hand. She just stares as her heart races. He finishes and gives a happy sigh before saying that he feels much better as he almost died from the heat. She slowly says yes, it’s really hot… ㅋㅋ She lets out a deep breath – but then he takes the drinks from her and places them on her face. He smiles and asks if it isn’t better this way. She stares in shock before slowly nodding, and then gives him a big smile. (~41:00)

Hyun-joo goes to Sol’s house, and shocks herself when she beomes excited about Geum being there. He smells the fried chicken and takes it from her. She takes it back and says she brought it for herself and Sol while they’re watching the baseball game. Since she’s not here, she’s leaving. She heads towards the door but he holds onto her arm and says don’t go. She turns towards him as he says if she needs to go – he leans over and reaches down – leave the chicken behind. ㅋㅋㅋ Her poor face. (~42:00) 

Now they’re sitting on the couch to watch the game. He’s been rejected at another audition. She sees his disappointed face and thinks to herself that she wants to protect him. She chides herself for falling in love with someone out of pity. He notices she isn’t eating so he grabs a drumstick and offers it to her. She accepts and thinks that he’s sweet and it’s making her heart flutter. She quickly tells herself to get a grip. Then he shows her how he can eat an entire drumstick in one bite. She’s impressed as it’s only the bone. He says when someone sees a chicken bone, make sure that person can’t tell what kind of chicken you had. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. She nods in agreement, and then stops because she wonders why she’s impressed…as people like Geum grosses her out the most in this world. But when she looks over at him, she thinks he’s so cute. She tells herself that she can never, ever, ever fall for him. He cheers when the team gets a homerun and she can only stare at him. When he happily hugs her, she thinks she’s totally into him. He lets her go to answer his phone…to answer a call from someone he calls jagiya. He gives some kisses before hanging up the call. She asks him if he has a girlfriend. He says yes. She asks why? ㅋㅋㅋ He replies is he not allowed to have a girlfriend? She yells no, and why did he tell her that only now? She leaves. Awww. 

Back on the streets, Sol and Seon-jae are hugging and jumping in celebration as Korea is leading by one point. In the hospital, Tae-sung, who wears a neck brace and one arm in a sling, spits out his tea when he sees the two together on TV. Yi-seul says she’s a smart girl as she pulled herself together and started dating a decent guy. ㅋㅋㅋ Exactly whose friend is he? ㅋㅋ Tae-sung tells him to get out. The dumb guy is confused. Tae-sung hands him his chicken and physically shoves him out into the hallway. And then he sees Sol’s mother who is a patient here. Korea wins the game and Seon-jae holds Sol’s hands in celebration. He watches her laugh and cheer even as the fireworks go off. He tells her that he has something to tell her but she can’t hear it above the cheering, fireworks, and clanging of drums. 

He grabs her hand and leads her out to somewhere much quieter. She asks what’s going on. He says, he was going to wait a bit longer. But he doesn’t think he can hide it any longer. He asks, “Do you know what I despised the most? The rain. After spending my entire day in the pool, I would hate it and become irritated…. by the dampened air of the rain outside. But… it rained when I saw you for the first time. I liked it that day. I didn’t think I could suddenly like something I hated my whole life. I just thought that day was an exception. But I was wrong. I still don’t hate them. I don’t think I’ll ever hate them. The rain… and you. Sol. I like you…a lot.” He smiles. She doesn’t say anything but her eyes fill with tears. He says, “Well, I don’t expect you to give me an answer right away.” She says, “Seon-jae, I…” And then his phone rings. He dismisses it, but it rings again. She tells him to answer as it could be important. (~48:35)

He answers and it’s Tae-sung, who asks if he’s with Sol right now. Seon-jae yells why he is suddenly calling him. Tae-sungsays something which makes Seon-jae quickly hang up. He then reaches over for Sol’s hand, and says let’s go. She asks why, what’s wrong? He replies that her mother is in the hospital right now. They rush over and she asks the doctor about her mother. The doctor recognizes her and says that they met a few times when she was young.  He asks if she remembers him, and she realizes he’s the man who picked up her mother. They did a biopsy during a gastroscopy, and the result wasn’t good. Luckily, they caught it early, so she’ll be okay with the surgery. 

She sits down and tells Seon-jae that she had no idea. She remembers telling her mother that she and her brother would be fine without her. She now cries that she had no idea she was sick. She continues crying wracked with guilt. Seon-jae finally kneels down in front of her and says that it’s not her fault. So don’t beat herself up. She looks up at him but she still cries.

Later, she meets with Tae-sung to thank him for calling for her. If it wasn’t for him, her mother would’ve gotten surgery without any of her family. She then asks what happened to him, and how he ended up breaking his arm. Before he can answer, she asks if he got into a fight. He says he didn’t. Then he asks must she hold him in such low regard. She smiles and says she’s glad he didn’t. She notices a patient in a wheelchair being pushed. She tells Tae-sung that she doesn't know what kind of scars he has or the pain he has to face. But she wants him to spend the time he has now in the best way possible, so he has no regrets later on. This is all she can say to her first love. So please, he should try to change his fate, too. 

After the surgery, Sol stays with her mother as her brother took home their grandmother. Seon-jae returns and she asks why he’s back. He asks if the surgery went well. She says yes. He looks at her, and then asks if she got some sleep. He then says she might pass out if she keeps this up. She says it’s okay. He then says she likely didn’t eat, and asks if he should go get her something. She says she’s really okay and he should go. He says okay, then he’ll see her go inside and will be back tomorrow. She squeezes her hands, and then tells him no, don’t come back. She finally looks at him and says that she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. He says he didn’t expect an answer, and why is she being so cold? She replies that he’s just mistaken with his feelings because she confused him. He says that’s not true. She keeps going – she’s sorry for being nosy and getting his feelings confused. He repeats that’s not true. She says hearing this from him makes her feel uncomfortable and pressured. So… don’t have any feelings for her. She gets up and walks away. Hyun-joo had asked her how she felt about him. Sol had said what’s the point, as she’ll have to leave soon anyway. Hyun-joo had then said nevermind where she is, and asked what her heart told her. With tears in her eyes, Sol continues walking away from Seon-jae. A devastated Seon-jae remains seated. Sol turns the corner and finally breaks down as she crouches down and sobs. ㅠ^ㅠ Their poor hearts...and mine. 

The day of the accident. Geum is at the hospital with their mother, and on the phone with Sol, begging her to bring his phone charger as he forgot it. Sol says it’s late, their mother is getting discharged tomorrow, so make do without it. Her brother says he auditioned for a role in a movie so he’s waiting for a call. She says she’s sorry but she can’t go anywhere today. He can figure out himself. She hangs up on her brother and then looks at the clock. She just needs to get through the next two hours without an accident. 

Seon-jae is at the study hall and struggling to study, and wondering where Sol is. At home, Sol receives a message from Seon-jae who mentions the umbrella, and asks if she’s not coming to the study room because of him. He says he won’t make her feel uncomfortable. They should meet and talk. It’ll only be a minute, and he’ll wait for her at the playground. She replies that she’s sorry. She can’t come out today so don’t wait for her. She hears a noise and sees Seon-jae walking with the yellow umbrella and placing it in the stand. He then walks off, and she wonders if he didn’t read her message. Seon-jae is at the swings waiting for her, and then it starts to rain. She’s worried about him waiting for her but tries to read. It doesn’t work. She ends up running down the stairs and grabs the umbrella he left earlier. A courier runs by her and she remembers that she had met Seon-jae and mistaken him for a courier, which he’d mentioned to her after saving her at the reservoir, and when he’d confessed to her, and he had also described this on the radio show in 2013… She starts running towards the playground. A soaking wet Seon-jae finally walks home. A car gets in Sol’s path, and when she sees the driver, she suddenly remembers getting kidnapped by this person. Seon-jae returns and notices the car driving by. He starts running but stops when he sees the familiar yellow umbrella sitting on the ground.  

[Ep7[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: It’s the day of the accident. Later, Sol returns to 2023, where Seon-jae has stalker issues.  

2008. The day of the accident. Original events. Seon-jae watches Sol sleep on the bus. He says that she’s dozing off whenever he sees her. It’s their stop, so he walks by but he wants to wake her up. The bus starts moving and he tries to wake her up but he can’t bear to. He sits down on the seat across the aisle from her. Seon-jae receives a call – it’s In-hyuk asking if he still hasn’t woken her up? He advises him that since he’s still on the bus, then he should stay with her until she wakes up. Pretend that he missed his stop, too. The two of them can come back together then. Use the chance to talk to her, you fool. Hehe. I like In-hyuk. Seon-jae notices his surroundings outside, and tells In-hyuk bye as he has to wake her up. He pushes the button for the stop, and then grabs his bag. But everything inside his bag spills out. As he’s picking up his stuff, Sol wakes up and gets off at the reservoir stop. Seon-jae finishes collecting his stuff, and then notices that Sol is gone. He asks the driver to stop but he’s told they’ll be at the next stop soon so he needs to wait. 

At the reservoir stop, it starts raining and Sol flags down a taxi, and runs to open the door. But then she sees the rope and knife in the back seat. The driver asks if she’s not coming in, and she looks at her phone and says her mother is picking her up. She walks away but…  Seon-jae gets to the reservoir stop and wonders where Sol is. Sol wakes up in the back of the taxi with her hands bound behind her back. Seon-jae continues waiting and realizes the buses must have stopped running, so she must’ve taken a taxi back home. The taxi is parked without its driver, so Sol sits up and remembers the knife on the seat. She manages to get free and starts running. But the driver returns and chases her in his car. Sol runs to the bridge and Seon-jae sees her running with the car following closely behind. Seon-jae runs towards her, yelling her name. She stops in relief but then the driver revs the car and hits her with it. This sends her flying and falls down into the water. Seon-jae sees the driver as he drives by him. Seon-jae jumps off the bridge to save her. He brings her to the surface. He cries and says he’s sorry. But the driver returns and hits him over the head. The two fight, and the guy’s weapon breaks Seon-jae’s watch, which falls into the grass. Seon-jae is able to grab something to hit him on the head. They hear the police sirens and the guy tries to run away but Seon-jae hangs onto him. The cops finally arrive and take the guy away. At the hospital, Seon-jae holds his broken watch in one hand and cries as her mother and brother run by him. It’s September 1, 2008 at 11:53 p.m. 

2008. Back to the same day with 2023 Sol. Geum barges into his sister’s room to yell about the charger. But she’s nowhere to be seen. The taxi stops in front of Sol, and she sees the driver. She remembers the bells on his keyring and running away from him. She realizes it wasn’t a car accident. She shakes her head and walks away. Someone grabs her. Seon-jae sees her umbrella and starts running to her house. He pounds on the door until Geum answers. Seon-jae comes in and sticks his head inside and looks around. Geum asks what his problem is. Seon-jae asks if Sol is home. Geum says no but she said she couldn’t leave home today. She made a big mess about not leaving the house today. Several days ago, she’d told her brother to tie her up or something to stop her… if she wanted to go to a reservoir today. He remembers when they were at the reservoir and looking for her phone. He’d said someone took her phone. She’d told him that she remembers her accident scene, which had been there. Seon-jae asks her brother about Sol’s car accident. Geum asks what he’s talking about – maybe it’s a dream. Seon-jae remembers her telling him that it’s a dream… He quickly gets out of there. 

Sol is now tied up in the back of the taxi. He parks the car and then gets out. She realizes that she can still run away. She knows everything so she can change things. Seon-jae arrives at the reservoir in a taxi. Sol gets herself untied and then grabs the car keys this time. The guy returns to the car and manages to use another vehicle to follow her. Sol turns and runs down a hill. Seon-jae is at the police station asking them to look for her in the area, but is told to go look at her at an internet cafe or noraebang. Sol is running on the road but realizes she doesn’t want to go to the reservoir. Seon-jae gives up and walks towards the exit. He then overhears the cop saying that it’s September 1st, and the girl who picked up her wallet also said something might happen today. 

Sol is still running away from the car. Seon-jae finally sees her in the distance. She sees the cop car but collapses onto the ground from exhaustion. Seon-jae starts running towards her and yells her name. The car gets closer to her and she wonders if she needs to accept this as her inevitable fate? She closes her eyes and a different car has stopped next to her. The creep drives by Seon-jae without stopping. Seon-jae reaches Sol and the driver of the car gets out – it’s Detective Kim. They both ask her if she’s okay. She says she’s safe, and then her watch flashes. She’s suddenly wearing clothes from the Joseon era. She wonders where she is. Seon-jae asks her if she’s okay and she looks down at the keys in her hand. She asks where she is, and looks at  Seonn-jae and asks who he is. 2008 Sol suddenly passes out and Seon-jae yells her name. 2023 Sol wonders what’s going on and screams “no” very loudly. The director calls cut… and she finds out that she’s an extra on a set. It’s January 1, 2023. She cries that she’s safe. A man brings over a jacket and places it over her shoulders. He says that she’s doing them a favor and they’re complaining. She’s crying and he wonders why. She finally asks him who he is. She realizes it’s the guy who met her at the interview when she was in a wheelchair… So she’s changed her fate. She looks down and kicks her feet in joy. She then remembers Seon-jae running towards her that night…so where is he now? Time travel #3.

She looks him up on her phone, and fearfully waits to hear the outcome. He’s still alive! She smiles and says thank you, Seon-jae. She then remembers telling him that they’d meet at the bridge on January 1, 2023. She looks at the time, it’s 12:05 a.m. She runs and runs to get to the bridge but it’s 12:30 now and he’s not here. She goes to where the time capsule was originally buried before but the tree is gone as the area has been redeveloped. She walks around and looks at something and then smiles as she says his name.  A loud car swings by her, which is being driven by Seon-jae, but they don’t see each other. 

Inside his place, he sets down a white shopping bag. He then notices a fur coat on the couch, so he goes to the bathroom where someone is splashing around in the tub. He removes his coat, and then unbuttons the cuffs of his sleeves. He opens the door to the bathroom and sits down by the tub and dips his hand into the bubbles. He says when did they get here without telling him? He reaches down into the water and pulls out In-hyuk by his ear. XD! (~23:00) Seon-jae tells him this isn’t a public bath. Why does he keep taking a bath here? In-hyuk says because his bathtub is the best with the view of the nightscape. He adds that he’ll pay rent and looks at him earnestly. Seon-jae says he’ll give him one minute and get out of here. Seon-jae leaves the bathroom, and then hears someone trying to punch in the passcode for the door lock. It’s someone wearing a jacket with white fur around the hood. Seon-jae opens the door and the girl takes off running with the security guy trying to catch her. Seon-jae pulls out his phone to call the police.

The girl runs outside and bumps into Sol who is wearing the same jacket, and the girl drops her sign. It’s a sign that says “Let’s grab Seon-jae and run.” The police arrive and she’s taken in as the White Padded Jacket stalker. At the police station, she’s looking at the sign and cries onto Seon-jae’s photo. She’s grateful that he’s alive. The cop asks for her ID card and she gives it to him. She asks if she’s in trouble for standing at the entrance. The cop tells her she tried to unlock Ryu Seon-jae’s apartment door. She yells, who dares to unlock Seon-jae’s house?! Was it a stalker? That’s crazy! And that person is trash – the cop says it’s her. She denies being that person. Another cop comes in and says they can send her away once her ID is confirmed. She’s free to go as the victim doesn’t want to press charges and have it all over the news. Sol gets upset that he’s still tender-minded and kind and letting people do this. She asks if they can persuade him to sue. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They throw her out, but she insists on going back inside. Seon-jae’s manager, Park Dong-seok sees her and thinks he’s seen her before. 

Seon-jae and In-hyuk are looking at different scripts. But Seon-jae isn’t interested in any of them. Dong-seok returns to Seon-jae’s place and tells him that he thinks the stalker works for the production company, Bon Cinema. He remembers that she’s the one who gave him the script when he visited the company. In-hyuk asks why she tried to break in here then. Dong-seok says she’s mad that he turned down the script or she’s a real stalker. <_< 

Sol returns home and sees that her room is bereft of Seon-jae and Eclipse memorabilia, She wonders where the watch is and looks everywhere for it. She realizes she wouldn’t have kept it as she wasn’t his fan. She says she no longer has a reason to return anyway so she doesn’t need it. She tells herself it’s all for the better. She closes her eyes and dreams about running through a house and hearing someone say her name. 

The next morning, Sol wakes up and her grandmother has drawn on her face again. She asks her mother about the man who abducted her before. Mom says that he got arrested and went to jail. She asks why she’s bringing up something that happened 14 years ago. Sol says she thought it was 15 years ago. She turns to leave and her mother grabs something for her – car keys. Sol excitedly leaves to go to her car. Once she’s gone, her mother says she didn’t want to ever talk about it before – so why is she suddenly bringing it up? 


Sol arrives at work, and happily walks up the stairs to her desk. Her boss, Lee Kyung-ja ("Ms. Lee" CEO of Bon Cinema), knows that she got arrested as the stalker. Sol says she was outside the building but she isn't stalking him. Ms. Lee then begs her to get Seon-jae for the movie, so explain it to him.  

Sol waits to meet with Seon-jae. When he arrives, she greets him by his name. But he asks who she is. She asks if he doesn’t remember her. He replies, do they know each other? She gives a tiny gasp and continues crying. Ms. Lee comes out and says he isn’t here yet. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (~37:25) Show, you did us dirty. Ms. Lee asks why she’s crying. She says she has something in her eye and runs out to take care of it. She then receives a call from Hyun-joo, who screams into her ear. She then says she couldn’t reach anyone. Please come quickly – scream – and she’s in a taxi to the hospital. She screams it’ll come soon!! Sol asks what’s coming? Hyun-joo says her baby of course as her water broke. Sol turns to leave but turns back to look at the door to Seon-jae. Hyun-joo screams again, so Sol quickly leaves.

Outside, Seon-jae arrives but his shoelace is untied so he props his foot up on the edge of the water fountain. Still on the phone, Sol asks Hyun-joo which hospital it is but she bumps into Dong-seok. Then she spins around and almost hits a rack and then bumps into someone behind her. Poor Seon-jae falls into the fountain. She’s oblivious to this as she listens to Hyun-joo’s screaming about the baby coming. Sol says she’s on her way and runs toward the street. Dong-seok runs after her and asks if she’s leaving after pushing someone into the water. She looks over and sees the back of a guy climbing out of the fountain, who is soaked from head to toe. She apologizes profusely to Dong-seok, who recognizes her. Sol puts the phone back to her ear and Hyun-joo is yelling in pain again.  She tells him that she’s sorry and hands him her card, and she’ll make compensation. She says she’s sorry and then runs away. Seon-jae sees the back of the woman running away. Dong-seok tells him that she’s the one from the film company. Seon-jae thinks she did this on purpose.

Dong-seok offers the card and asks if he wants to call her and call her names. Seon-jae doesn’t even look at it, and says no, but to make sure she pays for his clothes because she said she would. Including his underwear. ㅋㅋ Dong-seok says even the underwear? Seon-jae walks away and says it’s cold. Dong-seok says that’s so childish. Ha. Perpetually 19. A group of ajummas are excited to see him and they all pull out their phones. Seon-jae plays it cool and puts on his sunglasses and waves at them for the photo before getting into his van. 

At the hospital, Hyun-joo is pulling on Sol’s hair and both are screaming. Hyun-joo cries that her husband is making her go through this again. That jerk! She’s going to kill him. Sol screams back, who is he? She’ll kill him for her! Hyun-joo screams to bring Im Geum here. Sol is confused. The door opens and Geum says yobo and then her name. Sol looks over in shock. Hyun-joo asks why he is just showing up now, jerk? He says he’s sorry as he turned off his phone during a meeting. He assures her it’ll be all right since he’s here. Hyun-joo grabs her husband’s hair and demands to know what he means that it’s all right? More screaming. 

Sol calls her brother trash and asks when he seduced her friend. She then pulls on his hair. Hyun-joo pushes her away and asks why she’s doing that to her husband. Sol gets pushed back and wonders what on earth did she change? She asks how did the two of them get married and have a child? A little girl arrives with Sol’s mother, and she calls Hyun-joo "eomma." When she sees Sol, she calls her gomo and runs over to hug her, instead of her father who has his open arms waiting for her. ㅋㅋ Sol’s mother says the second child is surely coming out faster than the first. Sol realizes the girl is her niece…and they’re having a second child. (~41:15)  ㅋㅋ The chaos! 

Sol is now in the waiting area and finds out that the meeting didn’t happen as Seon-jae had an accident. She’s told to back off as the CEO will take care of him. She then receives a message from Seon-jae’s manager, with pictures of clothes and the request to deposit the corresponding amount to the account: 7,180,000 won. Outraged, she calls and Seon-jae, who is wearing a different outfit, hears the phone ring. When the ringing stops, a text message comes in. “I’m sending you a text as you’re not answering calls. First of all, I’d like to sincerely apologize for making you experience such an unpleasant incident due to my mistake. But there’s something I’d like to check regarding the compensation for the clothing.” He scrolls back up and says oh, he really did charge her for his underwear. He can’t even joke with him. He texts back, “Forget about it. I just hope I never cross paths with you again….” He stops as she sends another text, “Actually, I was so flustered that I didn’t get a good look at you earlier. I’d like to know if you were actually wearing these clothes.” Seon-jae is taken aback by this, and erases what he’d typed earlier. On her end, Sol says to herself that she would’ve been okay with paying the laundry expense, but this?  And the underwear is expensive. Seon-jae’s text: “Do I look like I’m trying to scam you for money?” She replies, “Of course not. I thought I had to check because it’s a lot of money. I’m sorry…but can you send me a photo of you wearing the outfit today or the wet clothes.” He says out loud that she’s rude but polite. She adds on, “I’m sure you’ll never do something like that, but there are so many people who scam others like this.  I’d appreciate it if you could.” Seon-jae yells why she is treating him like a scammer. He starts pulling out the clothes and accessories and drapes it around the vehicle. He even takes a picture of his underwear. And then Dong-seok returns and asks what he’s doing. Seon-jae stops what he’s doing and wonders why he’s doing this. Dong-seok looks at the tablet and says it’s already out and they didn’t even edit the photo nicely. There’s a photo of him in the fountain. Seon-jae asks when was this taken. He says forget about compensation and to file a lawsuit right now. Sol wonders why he isn’t answering. She says she knew it – he tried to take money from her but failed. 

Sol and Geum, who carries his sleeping daughter on his back, look at the newborn. She says she can’t believe he’s a father. He replies that it’s been a long time as he smiles at his sleeping son She says it’s just that she thought he’d still want to become an actor. Geum says, “When you gain something, you lose something. Happiness always comes with a cost.” Geum sees Seon-jae on a banner, and says that she shouldn’t have let him go back then. He laments that he should’ve been nicer to him. Then he could’ve been an uncle to his kids. He apologizes to his kids, even as he rocks his sleeping daughter on his back. He then asks Sol if she really stopped contacting him after that incident? He tells her to visit him before it’s too late. He says he had a crush on her. One never knows, those old feelings might resurface if he sees her again. He chuckles to himself. She thinks about how she rejected him at the hospital. She wonders how she dares to show her face and approach him first. 

Outside, Sol sees a skincare ad with Seon-jae and gladly thinks "Seon-jae, thank you for living." She’s overflowing with happiness. Everything is in the right place, but… she remembers him from 2008. She says that she misses him. Seon-jae returns home and puts away his wristwatch. He reaches for a wind-up watch in an orange case. He then pulls out something from his wallet – It’s their photo from the passport booth! He smiles as he remembers taking the photo with her. 

The next morning, Sol notices a piece of mail from the prosecutor’s office. Just as she’s about to open it, she receives a call. At the police station, she learns about the restraining order. She tells the cop that she’s not the stalker. He asks her about pushing him into the fountain. She’s horrified that that was Seon-jae. Instead of suing her, Seon-jae is giving her one last chance. So sign the document and end it already. She goes to sign it but hears that he’s preparing for a concert… But he should’ve had one at the end of the year. She looks up when the concert was and finds out that it was actually postponed to today. 

She goes to the venue and tries to hand deliver flowers to him. She ends up calling Dong-seok, who reminds her that she signed the restraining order, so keep 100m away from him. Dong-seok tells Seon-jae that that woman is crazy as she says she’s his friend and begged to meet him. He asks if he should let her in and let him see her face and tell her off. Seon-jae asks if he’s lost his mind. His manager relays his message: They’re filing a lawsuit against her tomorrow. He turns to leave but she says to tell him her name at least. She says it’s Im Sol, and then sticks her business card into the bouquet of flowers. She says he’ll remember it if he hears it. It’ll clear the misunderstandings. She yells at him and so he takes the flowers and leaves it in the dressing room. 

Outside the venue, Sol listens to the concert. When he sings the debut song, she smiles with tears and clutches at her heart. After the concert ends, it’s snowing outside, but it wasn’t mentioned in today’s weather forecast. She thinks back to when she met him in 2022. A man bumps into her and her phone falls to the ground. She picks it up and it’s broken, just like before. She takes off running. 

In the dressing room, Seon-jae finally sees her flowers. 

Sol is standing on the bridge holding the yellow umbrella, and hoping he doesn’t come. She begs for him to not come here. It’s after 11 p.m, and she thinks he would’ve passed by already. She’s relieved. But then she receives a call from an unknown number. She answers it but there’s no response. She says hello again and Seon-jae says “It’s me.” She turns around and he’s standing there holding the phone to his ear. She stares at him with shock. She thinks he can’t come like this. She walks over to him and shelters him from the snow with her umbrella. 

RSJ: It’s been a while. 
IS: [Nods] Yes. It’s been a while.
RSJ: Yes. Why are you standing here like this? Is your car broken?
IS: [Shakes her head] No. I was waiting for you.
RSJ: How did you know I would come here?
IS: I thought you would come. But I hoped you wouldn’t come.
RSJ: What if I didn’t see you?
IS: [Stares up at him, and looks like she’s about to cry.]
RSJ: You haven’t changed. Shall we go somewhere and have a cup of tea? Is it too late? 
IS: [Shakes her head] No, I’m fine. 

Dong-seok interrupts them. He says everyone is calling him to ask why he isn’t coming to the after-party. Sol thinks that she can’t let him go like this. He tells her to wait a second and turns… but she grabs onto his arm and says no, don’t go. She says he can’t go. So what she wants to say is… His manager interjects. But Sol says “Let’s stay together tonight. Let’s spend the night together!” 

[Ep8[Jump to: Top | Comments]

 Micro Recap: 2023. Seon-jae and Sol finally meet. She sticks to him like glue. 

June 2022. A fancy car honks at the group of people by a tree. Seon-jae gets out of his car and then grabs a shovel. He walks over... Channeling Ryu Shi Oh here. He asks the foreman if he can search for something – it’s the tree where the time capsule was buried. 

Six months later, on January 1, 2023, he’s on the bridge with the capsule. He’s cutely posing with it and practicing what he’d say to her. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Dork. He waits past midnight and then his manager calls him, to ask if he’s brooding an egg.ㅋㅋ Seon-jae looks around but no one’s there, so he asks how he knows. Dong-seok says a reporter called him and said that he spotted him standing by the Han River with an egg. The reporter asked what he was filming. Seon-jae says he’s supposed to meet someone, but if they haven’t shown up even after an hour, does that mean he’s been stood up? Dong-seok says it seems that she’s forgotten, so when did they agree to meet? Seon-jae replies that it was fifteen years ago. Dong-seok says if she suggested meeting 15 years later, it means she never wants to see him again. He then asks where he got an egg? Seon-jae tells him to hang up and then sighs.

At home, he opens the egg. Her note: “Time that passes again. This is my gift. Will this gift… reach you in the future? I’m desperately praying that it will, writing this letter. If you’re reading this, I want to say this. Seon-jae, thank you… for living.” He opens the orange case to reveal a wind-up watch and winds it. He thinks about her words. Ah, it's her gift of time.  

Back outside the concert venue, the man who bumps into Sol is revealed to be the kidnapper! Seon-jae notices the card tucked inside the flowers and reads her name. He asks Dong-seok if the name of that movie production company employee is Im Sol? Dong-seok says yes, and asks if he really knows her. He then says that she'd said he would remember when he hears her name. Seon-jae doesn’t answer but runs outside to look for her. He pauses to remember her telling him that they'd meet on the Hangang Bridge. Just as he’s about to walk forward the fans spot him. A car honks at him, it’s Dong-seok, who tells him to get in. 

Dong-seok drives him to the bridge, as Seon-jae keeps looking at her card. Dong-seok asks why he wants to go to the bridge. Seon-jae doesn’t answer but sees the yellow umbrella. He gets out of the car and sees Sol’s back and then side profile as she’s looking around for him. He calls her…

Sol remembers the police telling her that she was the last person he met before he died. So she grabs onto his arm and tells him that he can’t go. She says they should stay together tonight. He asks what she means. He asks if she means just her and him. She says yes, don’t go and stay with her. He looks at her and says yes, let’s stay together. Dong-seok says someone might see him if he stays here like this. Seon-jae tells him to tell them that he’s not going. He then walks over to Sol’s car and drives it to stop next to her, and asks if she isn’t coming in. She’s confused but then quickly says yes and closes her umbrella and gets in. 

As he's driving, she asks him how he’s been. He asks how he looks. She replies he looks like he’s been doing well. He says then he guesses he’s been doing well. She asks if he’s going through any tough times these days. He says not really. He asks how about her. She says well, she thinks she’s been doing good. She’s in good health with no healthy issues and got a job. He says he’s glad to hear that. She asks where they’re going. He says a place where they can be alone together quietly.  He says they’re almost there – and she notices they’re going to a hotel. 

Walking inside the hotel, she’s panicking that they’re here. When she sees the sign that says “suite room”, she grabs onto his sleeve. She lets go and then asks if they shouldn’t go somewhere else. He asks if she doesn’t like this place. She says whether she likes it or not isn’t the problem. He says let’s go inside then and this is the only place where they can be alone without prying eyes. He turns away and once again, she grabs onto his sleeve. She says yes, she suggested they stay together tonight. But she didn’t mean it like that… She’s saying that… she didn’t suggest they spend a passionate night together. He repeats the words “a passionate night”? She nods and says yes, a passionate night. He just stares…as he sees hearts all around her face. She says of course, it’s not like they’re strangers, and they used to have a crush on each other or something like that. Some people say when long lost classmates meet and hit it off, they sometimes skip the introduction and the main and go straight to the conclusion. But – she closes her jacket – She’s quite conservative. Sorry. He asks what on earth is she thinking about? She says but she’s not blaming him for having a thought like that. But when she suggested they stay together tonight, she didn’t mean to have a passionate night with him. She’s sorry. He says she doesn’t have to be sorry. She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. Still, she’s sorry for making him misunderstand unnecessarily. A man approaches them and Seon-jae asks him to escort them to a place with a pleasant ambiance… it's the hotel lounge. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oops.

Sitting at the bar now, she realizes why they’re here…as she’d forgotten he was a celebrity. He asks why she wanted to see him. She says well… she wanted to apologize to him. She didn’t push him into the fountain yesterday out of resentment over the movie. It was a mistake. She was leaving in a hurry and she didn’t know it was him. He says right, there’s no way she did that on purpose. He says forget about the lawsuit. He reported it to the police because of something else. So he doesn’t know why they took her. He apologizes for the trouble. She says it’s all right. He asks if that’s the only reason she wanted to see him. He says he thought, and starts gesturing with his hands - the shape of a large egg - and says it might be the time capsule as he thought that’s why she came. She’s surprised that he remembered that promise and asks if he went there that day. Seon-jae immediately denies going there as he’s very busy. She says that’s a relief. He asks if she went, and she says no, she didn’t go either. He says it sounded like she put something amazing in there. Would she be okay with not searching for that? She smiles and says she’s okay as her wish was granted. Seeing him again like this makes her so happy. He says she must feel better now as she got scared when she saw him after the incident. She asks about “the incident”. He says never mind. He says she said she wanted to be a movie director, and she’s really working for a movie production company. In-hyuk calls Seon-jae to ask if he’s at the hotel, as it’s already online that he went to a hotel with a woman. In-hyuk asks if he had a woman he had to meet after the concert, so tell him who it is. ㅋㅋ He makes it sound so innocent. Seon-jae says he doesn’t have to know. In-hyuk says everyone will know when the articles are released tomorrow anyway.  

At the after party, the band and crew take a group photo, which In-hyuk posts with this caption: “After five years, we had a full member concert. We burned the night away. Thank you and love you.”  The netizens show their love, but some are quick to point out that Seon-jae isn’t in the photo, and that he’s gone to a hotel with a woman. Is he really going to do this? The reporters must be hiding near the hotel already. Seon-jae says he’s going to hang up. Seon-jae looks around and tells her that they should go now. She asks why as they haven’t even talked for that long. He says that he thinks he’s being followed by reporters. So he’ll go out first. So take her time before she goes. She notices that it’s midnight now. She asks if he can’t stay longer. He says if articles come out, she’ll get tired unnecessarily. She tells him to wait. He reaches over to adjust her scarf and tells her to make sure to cover her face when she leaves just in case. He’ll contact her, so they can meet and talk, and go home safely. He leaves and calls Dong-seok. 

When Sol comes out, she sees several umbrellas rolling by on a cart, and asks for one. She then grabs Seon-jae when he exits the elevator to the parking lot. The reporters are definitely waiting for them – but Sol has a plan – use the umbrella to shield them as they run to the car. They encounter Dong-seok who has the van ready and tells them to hurry. But Sol just shoves him into the car and the two keep running to her car. She tells him to get in and he asks if he wants her photo taken. She urges him to hurry up and get inside. He gets in and she runs to the driver’s seat. She climbs in and then over to buckle him in and lower his seat. She tells him as long as there’s no two-shot, no one will believe the article. She then starts driving. He asks her why she dragged him into the car as if she were kidnapping him. Her handle came true.

She says how can she let a celebrity followed by stalkers go alone and he doesn’t even have a car. He says that his manager was there. She says omo, was her? She didn’t notice. She says since he’s already in her car, she’ll drive him home safely. He says whether in the past or now, she’s still the same when it comes to pushing things ahead... Now they’re outside his place, and she insists on coming inside with him. He asks why… She says… it’s been urgent since earlier. She starts acting like it’s about to come out… ㅋㅋㅋ 

Dong-seok is filling in In-hyuk about Seon-jae and this woman. In-hyuk wonders where they went. Dong-seok says if it’s not the hotel then it must be his home. In-hyuk grins from ear to ear about it. But he suddenly remembers something and looks horrified. After he filmed a game commercial, he received a gift from the company. And he’d thrown it away in Seon-jae’s place this morning. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ Some best friend. 

Seon-jae and Sol are walking through the front door now. He starts turning on the lights as Sol is acting like she desperately needs the bathroom. Seon-jae is startled and then horrified by the life-sized cutout of a voluptuous female game character. He turns around and blocks it with his body. She smiles at him and then remembers to say that she needs to use the bathroom. He shows her where it is and then shoves her inside and tells her to take her time. He quickly runs to grab something to cover the cutout and shoves it under the table but it’s sticking out. ㅋㅋ He hears the toilet flush and grabs the cutout and runs to shove it under his bed covers. He then curses Baek In-hyuk. ㅋㅋ

A car arrives outside their home and someone gets out and looks at their place. Inside Seon-jae’s bathroom, Sol tells herself that she should never leave him alone today. She takes a step to leave but her phone rings. She answers her mother’s call, who tells her that the water pipe at home froze and burst. She explains that she and Grandma are on the way to Geum’s in a taxi and she should also come to his place later. Sol says she’s not coming home tonight. Eavesdropping Seon-jae stops in his tracks at this. She continues saying that she’ll stay out overnight, so don’t worry. Mom says she doesn’t have a  place to stay out overnight. Is she seeing someone? Mom says if that’s the case, then she will grant her permission. Sol laughs and says she’s with a man – satisfied? Anyway, she’s not going home tonight, so don’t look for her. Outside, Seon-jae gasps and then covers his mouth with his hand as he stares at the bathroom door. ㅋㅋ Her words about them staying together and spending the night together echo in his head. But he remembers that she said that she didn’t mean it that way. Nonetheless, his heart feels it’s going to jump out of his chest so he puts both hands over it. When he hears that she ended the call, he runs and then jump over the back of the couch and plops down on it like he was looking at the magazine the entire time. It’s upside down! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She comes out of the bathroom and he casually flips a page and says she’s done. She looks at her watch, and wonders how to stall for time. He wonders if she really intends to stay the night and his foot starts shaking from nerves.

She comes out and asks for a tour of his place. Now she's running around around inside his closet and tries on a hat. She asks how it looks. He says she’ll stay up all night checking out his clothes. He tells her to come on out. When he turns his back, he smiles as he walks away. (~26:22) Ahhh, secret smile is back… Now she’s talking about the painting in his office space. Then she talks about the view and asks if it faces south. He says it’s west. She then smells the plants and goes on about how she likes the smell, and he says it’s artificial. She says it looks so real and then points at the cactus – and he says it is as she pricks her finger on a spine. She yelps in pain and he immediately grabs her hand and asks if she hurt herself. With great concern, he looks closely at her finger. Ow, his neck…and mine. She’s reminded of when he saved her from the reservoir and had been quite worried about her having an injury when she’d said nothing and stared at him. (~27:13)

She pulls away and says she’s fine. She asks if they should continue the house tour. She asks where didn’t she see? He says the bedroom. Does he have to show his bedroom to her? She asks what and then no. He says then she saw it all, let’s get going, and heads for the door. She grabs onto his arm and asks if he isn’t hungry? She asks if she can have ramyeon before she leaves. Seon-jae thinks about how she said she’s not going home tonight. Teehee.

Meanwhile, In-hyuk is having a fit and tells Dong-seok that he won’t allow Im Sol to see Seon-jae. Dong-seok asks if something happened. In-hyuk says yes…and then mutters that she was so ungrateful even though her life was saved. He yells that he won’t allow it ever. Then he says that he doesn’t understand how Seon-jae falls for her helplessly the moment he meets her ten years later. He hopes he’s not cooking for her or something like an idiot right now.

Sweet idiot Seon-jae is making her ramyeon. Seated at the table, Sol is trying to look at the bottles on the counter and wonders what medicine it is. He brings her the bowl and asks if she’s interested in the medicine. She says she wonders what they’re for. He tells her it’s multivitamins and supplements. He glances at the plastic egg with white candies inside. She says she’s relieved to hear that. He sits down and she asks if he isn’t eating. He asks how he is supposed to eat that right. She’s confused. He says he’s on a diet. She starts eating and when she’s finished, she looks at the time. It’s 3 a.m. and she thinks he’ll definitely send her home now. Still sitting at the table, she quickly rests her head on her arms and pretends to be fast asleep. It’s too quiet so she peeks and sees that he’s right by her. She squeezes shut her eyes. He's leaning over her with one arm on the back of her chair and the other in front of her. He says that he knows that she’s not asleep so it’ll be less embarrassing if she wakes up now. She suddenly bolts up in the chair and says that if he didn’t wake her she’d been asleep until this morning. She turns her head and realizes that she’s surrounded by him. He asks if she’s really going to sleep here tonight.  

Outside Sol’s place, the security guy notices someone standing around in the dark as they look at the building. He grabs the flashlight and confronts the person. The guy turns around – it’s Tae-sung! 

Seon-jae asks Sol to tell him why she insists on staying with him tonight. Is she holding out so he’d sign the movie contract? She says no, he has the wrong idea. He says then she better explain before he does have the wrong idea. She says that she’s worried that he might… die tonight. He asks if he’ll die tonight? She says yes, so she won’t be relieved unless she stays by his side tonight. She tears up and admits she chased him into his place because she thought something might happen when she leaves him alone and she’d regret it. Seon-jae recalls when she’d told him about her bad dream about him getting hurt, after they’d fallen into the pool. (2008) He says that she hasn’t changed at all. He moves away and says he guesses that he died in her dream this time. She thinks about how she can explain this to him, the painful moments when he disappeared from this world. He asks why he would die? She says in interviews, celebrities often say they’re mentally exhausted. Some even make an unfortunate decision because of it. Many rumors have it that he’s mentally exhausted, that he suffers from depression and has panic attacks. He denies having such things. She’s relieved to hear that. He says but…why does she care after all this time? She says that’s right…after all this time. She then says she’s sorry as she’s holding him back from resting when he’s tired. She reaches for the bowl and says she’ll go after cleaning this up. She stands up and turns to walk but he holds onto her and says don’t go, which makes her spill whatever’s left in the bowl onto herself. (~31:30)

Sol tries to clean up her top but it needs to be washed. Seon-jae returns with a clean sweater, and says here, but it’ll be big. She looks around and he realizes she needs a place to change. So he opens his bedroom door and tells her that she can change in there. He goes to the living room but his heart is racing. So he starts tidying by beating the pillows. But then he suddenly remembers that the time capsule is sitting on his nightstand. He drops the pillow and runs to the door and asks her if she’s changed yet. She says yes and he barges in. She looks at him curiously and he curtly tells her that she can get out if she’s done getting changed. Some things never change. She leaves and the door closes behind her. He runs to the time capsule and pulls the covers off of his bed to wrap around the egg. Sol returns and walks in to grab her clothes and sees the other item he forgot about – the anime cutout. 

She stares at it, and he finally looks down and yells when he sees it. With surprise in her voice, she says she didn’t know he had such a hobby. He yells no! She says she understands him. He continues denying this and throws the covers on top of it. He says one thing that’s clear is that this isn’t his. *snort* So cute. Until he came home today, he really didn’t know such a thing was in his place. She says it’s all right even as he continues nervously covering it up. *snicker* She says it’s fine and insists on trying to pull the covers away from him and taking a look. He wins and she ends up falling onto the bed and he catches her with one arm and hovers above her. The two stare at each other but they’re interrupted by a voice calling his name. (~35:00)

The two turn towards the door and see a very drunk In-hyuk, who grins when he sees Seon-jae and a girl laying on his bed… Seon-jae quickly gets up and closes the door. He gestures at Sol to move. She gets up and he opens his closet doors and tells her to stay here for a moment. She agrees and he closes the doors and then coolly stands in front of it as a smiling In-hyuk opens the door again. In-hyuk walks inside and asks if he was mistaken as he thinks he saw her with a girl. Seon-jae asks what he’s talking about and then points at the cutout on his bed it was this. In-hyuk that wasn’t it, and he saw another one. Seon-jae shows him two fingers and asks him how many fingers. In-hyuk says two but Seon-jae removes one and says it’s one thus proving he’s drunk. In-hyuk says he heard he met Sol –didn’t he bring her home? Seon-jae says they parted ways after having tea. He then tries to get In-hyuk to leave but In-hyuk says no, and don’t tell him that he still has feelings for – Seon-jae covers In-hyuk’s mouth with his hand and says no, he’s wrong. He then says leave now.  In-hyuk drunkenly agrees oh, he’s wrong, and he’ll take a bath since he’s here. Seon-jae looks worriedly at the closet. He asks why he always takes a bath here – go home already. In-hyuk cutely replies that he’s already told him – his bathtub is totally his type. He then starts removing his shirt and Seon-jae blocks the door, ergo Sol's view. Sol gets a glimpse and then squeezes shut her eyes. Seon-jae crosses his arms and In-hyuk asks him what’s wrong. Seon-jae tells him to go in quickly and wash up. In-hyuk walks over to grab him by the shoulders and asks if he can take a lower body bath. Seon-jae readily says sure, do whatever he wants. His friend finally staggers out of the room. Getting another view of Lee Seung-hyub’s fine form. ;)

Seon-jae hears the bathroom door close and then spins around to open the closet doors. He tells Sol that he’s sorry and let’s get out. Suddenly, In-hyuk yells “Hey!! Seon-jae!!!” Seon-jae slams shut the doors. His facial expressions! He then leans against the doors and yells why he is out again. ㅋ Who stands like this?? The now berobed In-hyuk walks over and shoves something in front of his face. In-hyuk demands to know what this is – it’s the photo of Sol and Seon-jae. He demands to know what this is. Seon-jae snatches it out of his hand and mutters why was it there. In-hyuk asks, honestly, is Sol that pretty? He doesn’t get it as there are many women around him prettier than her. There are so many but why can’t he get over her still? It’s pathetic! Sol starts getting mad and cursing until she hears that last part. Seon-jae puts a hand over his face and says he’s wrong. 

In-hyuk says he’s not wrong. He asks if he doesn’t remember the fuss he made whenever he got drunk? 

2012. A banner for “redevelopment project confirmed” hangs in their old neighborhood. In-hyuk finds Seon-jae drunkenly hugging the sunflowers outside of Sol’s place. Seon-jae yells her name before flopping over onto the ground. 

2014. In-hyuk finds Seon-jae drunk and asleep while hugging the same plant but there are construction workers waiting around. As they’re starting on the construction. In-hyuk apologizes to them and then tries to wake him up. Seon-jae says he’s not leaving. And then he says Sol’s name over and over. 

2019. Drunk Seon-jae is holding a bouquet of sunflowers his arms as he sits on a swing at the old playground. A boy and his mother walk by and the boy points at him. In-hyuk asks him, “Are you a salmon, coming back here to lay eggs?” Seon-jae looks up at him and In-hyuk asks why does he keep returning to this place? Whenever he’s drunk, he’s come back… to Sol’s old house site to act pathetically for ten years. Seon-jae yells that he won’t come back. Today is the last day. He’s going to forget about her. In-hyuk tries to help him up, but Seon-jae protests and says he needs more time. (~39:00) MVP = In-hyuk.

Back in 2023, In-hyuk asks if he’s still going to deny it. In a sad voice, he says, he’s over 30, but couldn’t date anyone… because he couldn’t get over his first crush. In-hyuk starts crying for him. Seon-jae finally walks over and carries him out of the room and dumps him headfirst into the bathtub, robe and all. Seon-jae tells him to shut his mouth and wash up. In-hyuk smiles up at him and asks should he? He then says it’s warm. 

Seon-jae returns to his bedroom and finds Sol holding the wind-up watch in her hands. He also sees the open time capsule on his bed. The day after the incident, she’d tearfully told him that seeing him reminded her of the incident, which made her scared, so she didn’t want to see him anymore. Which year is this from?? Her hair is different. As he’s driving, she says the tree was gone. He replies that he found it before then. She asks then on January 1st, did he…? He says he did go. On that day, he was there.   

They arrive outside her place, and both exit the car. He tells her that she should go inside now. He leaves to walk back to his car, and she calls after him – that she was there that night too – to see him. He stops walking and turns around. She says she was late though, so they must’ve missed each other. He says yes, he guesses so. 

IS: And one more thing. I… liked you too. I’m sorry for not telling you how I felt and hurting you. I know that hearing this now doesn’t mean much to you. I’m still sorry. She starts tearing up. But I didn’t have any other choice back then. I really didn’t have any choice. It was painful, and I was miserable, too. I wanted to tell you if I ever got the chance to see you again. That I liked you too. That I missed you.  missed him. I missed you with all of my heart, Seon-jae. I missed seeing you like this. He stares back but doesn’t say anything. (~43:30)

She hears a noise and tells him that someone might see him. She thanks him for driving her, bye, and then runs inside to wait for the elevator. Seon-jae stands in the parking lot and replays her words in his head. He runs up the stairs. She gets off the elevator and enters the passcode on her door. She walks inside and turns to close the door but a hand appears and blocks her from closing it. She looks up and sees Seon-jae. He says, so she’s telling him that she had feelings for him just like he did for her. Is he right? She nods. He says she said she missed him. So tell him. How about now? She nods again. She hears a door open, so she quickly pulls him inside by the arm. The door closes and she listens to make sure they’re leaving. She sighs in relief when she hears the elevator doors. He’s watching her every move. She finally notices how close they are and looks up at him. Her hand tightens on his sleeve and he leans down to kiss her. But she moves her head. He stops and waits. She lets go of his sleeve and grabs his lapel and tiptoes up to kiss him. She stops and he looks at her as he puts his hands around her face and kisses her. Her purse falls to the floor with a loud thunk. The kiss continues. They pause and quickly resume kissing as he slowly backs her up against the wall, and throws one arm behind her to soften the impact. They stop and look into each other’s eyes. She smiles up at him and he smiles back. He then tucks her hair behind her ear. She notices a scar on his forehead and reaches over to move the hair. He leans down to kiss her. But then the doorbell rings. (~45:40)

She asks who it is. It’s the maintenance guy who says he heard their water pipes froze and burst last night. She asks if he can come back later. The man says he can’t as he’s only available now. She opens the door and says hello to the man, as Seon-jae with her scarf wrapped around his head walks out. She says it’s cold today, have a good day, oppa. He turns back to look at her, and says oppa? The man repeats oppa? Sol says yes, he’s her older brother, and he knows him, plus he recently had his second child. The man asks her brother as he looks up at him. He says he’s known him for years now and he looks completely different. Also the height difference of 10 cm. Sol replies that he’s got a totally new face now, as he had plastic surgery done. Seon-jae quickly nods. Sol says he should go now, oppa, and pushes him away. The maintenance man goes inside, and Seon-jae says oppa is leaving. With a smile, Sol says goodbye, oppa. ㅋㅋ Seon-jae’s head bobbing this entire time. Seon-jae walks away and says he’s really leaving. She says okay and closes the door behind her. Under the scarf, he’s got a huge smile on his face. Seon-jae reaches his car, sans scarf, and smiles as he looks up at Sol’s place. Seon-jae drives away and the kidnapper sees him leaving. Omo.

Now Seon-jae is having makeup done but he can’t stop smiling, and then suddenly starts laughing. Meanwhile, Sol smiles even though she’s getting yelled at by Ms. Lee for not getting Seon-jae for the movie. She returns to her desk and wonders about calling him but assumes that he must be busy. She then receives a call from her mother to go see Hyun-joo at the hospital during lunch, as she’s about to divorce Geum. Sol asks why and Mom says he canceled their savings account, but lost half of his money investing it in his friend’s business. Hyun-joo has kicked him out without his shoes.   

At the hospital, Sol asks Hyun-joo if she’s really going to divorce him. Hyun-joo asks if she’s crazy. She gently says Geum must be under a lot of pressure. They have a small house and have one more child now, and they’re a single-income family and can barely save any money. Hyun-joo says she envies her. She should’ve joined her for the job interview at the movie production company. Then they would’ve gone to school together and worked together. She wonders why she rushed to get married to him before even getting a job. Sol asks if she could go back in time, would she not marry her brother? Hyun-joo laughs and says if she didn’t marry him, would her fate change? Sol says probably. Hyun-joo says but how can she be certain that her new life would be any better? She could be happy for the time being but what about the future? Who knows if all kinds of bad stuff might suddenly start happening? No one can know what the future holds for them. We never know what kind of life we will have until we live it. The baby makes a sound and Hyun-joo quickly moves to pick him up. Hyun-joo says even if someone gives her the chance to go back in time, she would never gamble with her fate. If she never got married, she would have never been able to see her beautiful children.  

Sol leaves to wait for the bus as she looks at the giant skin product ad with Seon-jae’s image. She smiles and then her phone rings. Seon-jae says it’s him. He’s been busy all morning. He asks if she got to work on time, and if she’s tired. She says she’s okay and guesses that he’s busy. He replies that he has to work until late at night today. She laments that he barely got any rest after the concert because of her, so he must be exhausted. He quickly replies that he’s not exhausted at all. She says he’s lying, and there he goes again, covering up his burdens. She continues scolding him and he remains silent. She asks if he’s there and why did he suddenly get quiet. Inside the van, he smiles as he listens to her voice. He finally says no reason as he’s just happy. He then asks her about the wind-up watch and what that’s about. She replies that she wanted his time to keep flowing instead of stopping. He says that’s odd. She asks why. He replies now that he hears her say that, his time which was standing still until now… is finally flowing properly. She laughs and says is that so? He asks if they should meet tomorrow. She agrees to meet tomorrow. He asks if she can meet tonight. She asks when he will finish. He says he doesn’t know. She says then he must be tired. He says no, let’s meet even if it’s late. Dong-seok looks at the rearview mirror as he’s driving, and wonders what’s going on. Seon-jae says he’ll go to her and then smiles. She smiles and says sure, let’s do that. Dong-seok interrupts to say they’re almost there. Seon-jae acknowledges this with a wave of his hand. Sol asks if he needs to go. He replies that they can talk a bit longer. She asks why, as they’ll see each other later. He loudly suggests if they should just meet up now. Just tell him that she wants to see him… then he’ll quit everything and go to her! She laughs and says get back to work now. He smiles and says he’ll see her later. The call ends and she grins at the picture of him. Then the bus arrives.

During her work meeting, she receives his call but she turns off her phone. So their work days continue into the night. Seon-jae tries calling her but isn’t able to get through. Seon-jae and Dong-seok return to his place but the White Padded Jacket stalker is in the parking lot. Dong-seok complains about her coming here when In-hyuk was sleeping this morning. Seon-jae just calmly tells Dong-seok to report her to the police and they can go to the hotel for now.  He needs to change quickly so he can go see Sol. Sol leaves work and remembers that she left her car at Seon-jae’s place. She walks to his place and sees that there aren’t any lights on at his place. So she pulls out her phone and realizes it’s been off this whole time. She sees the missed calls and calls him but he doesn’t answer. She finds her car in the lot and gets inside. But a car speeds by and then suddenly stops in front of her. She sees the driver, who wears a cap, reminding her of the kidnapper. 

Seon-jae gets out of the shower and sees the missed call from Sol and calls her back. She gets out of her car and the man says he didn’t hit her with the car as she fell on her own. It’s the stalker who is laying on the ground and Sol helps her up. The security guy comes up behind them and tells her to stop. Seon-jae stands on the balcony and calls Sol but no answer. Dong-seok calls him and asks which room number. Seon-jae says Room 251 and then the doorbell rings. He tells Dong-seok if he knew then why did he ask. Dong-seok asks what he’s talking about. The doorbell continues ringing. 

Sol has finally caught the stalker. Now they’re at a restaurant and the 14-year-old girl who is busy stuffing her face. Sol tells her that she’s a minor but this is still a crime. The girl starts coughing and Sol gets up to grab her some water. She then hears the news report about a shocking incident for Ryu Seon-jae, who was attacked by an unidentified assailant at a hotel in Seoul. The assailant has run away.  Sol drops the cup she’s holding and watches as Seon-jae is rolled out on a stretcher into the ambulance. By the time he was found, he’d already lost a lot of blood and emergency surgery is being performed right now. Based on the DNA analysis of the weapon found at the scene, the suspect had been imprisoned for murder in 2009 and was released only a few days ago. The suspect is identified as Kim Young-soo, a man in his 40s. Sol gasps as she recognizes the man. She wonders why on earth he hurt Seon-jae. 

[Ep9[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol learns that there was a second accident. She later returns to 2009, where she’s attending university with Hyun-joo... and Seon-jae.

The man had stolen a master key from a hotel employee and then broken into Seon-jae’s suite. He had tried to knock him out with a drug on a cloth, but Seon-jae had fought against him. Then the man pulled out a large knife… 

Sol goes to the hospital and sees his devastated father waiting outside the operating room. She turns around and realizes that she must turn back time. She goes to Seon-jae’s place and looks for his watch. How did she get in?? And wouldn’t the place have police guarding it, maintaining evidence? She searches for it and In-hyuk asks what she’s doing. She asks him if he knows where Seon-jae’s electronic watch is, the one he used to wear since high school. In-hyuk angrily asks how she can ask this right now as he was attacked because of her?! She replies that she’s doing this so she can fix everything. If he wants to save Seon-jae, they must find the watch now. He finally tells her that she can’t find that watch as he lost it a long time ago. Seon-jae had looked everywhere for it but he couldn’t find it. Disheartened, she falls down onto the floor and cries. 

She returns home and hears the news about Kim Young-soo holding a grudge against Seon-jae. Sol wonders what this is about. She asks her mother if she was abducted in 2009. Mom says yes, it happened not long after she started college. Sol wonders if Kim Young-soo came to her again in 2009, and then Seon-jae witnessed the crime and saved her in 2009… 

Now Sol is meeting with Detective Kim, who says he was worried that Kim Young-soo would go to her after his release. He was going to tell her to ask for protection. But he didn’t think he would go to Seon-jae. She asks about the thing she asked for. He hands her an envelope. When he leaves to answer a call, she pulls out the papers, the investigative report on Kim Young-soo. She starts reading Seon-jae’s statement.

It was the night of May 10, 2009. On my way back home, I saw a backpack. I spotted a book with Sol’s name. That’s when I heard Sol’s scream. I called the police right away, and I ran toward where the scream came from. I called Sol while looking around… I heard a faint sound of her phone ringing in the building that was under construction. I followed the sound of the ringing phone… and ran into the building. That’s when I saw Sol running out of the building. I checked on Sol when she fainted. I saw a man run away then. I chased him, and we engaged in a scuffle. The man was holding something. And that’s when he dropped it. The man came at me once again and pushed me into the window. The man attacked me when I was on the floor. He started to choke me. I extended my arm, grabbed whatever I could, and hit his face with it. [Sirens were heard.] 

This was the incident Seon-jae, Geum and In-hyuk had all been referring to: a second run-in with Kim Young-soo. Sol says that Seon-jae died because of her as tears fall down her face. She returns back home and looks through her papers as she sobs that she was the one who got him killed. She calls Detective Kim to ask about the whereabouts of the victim’s belongings which were returned after the investigation was over. She hangs up and wonders if she has the watch. Her mother returns home, and Sol asks if her mother has stored some of her old things somewhere else. Mom asks what she’s looking for. Grandma pops up from behind her mother and Sol sees Seon-jae’s watch on her wrist. Grandma says that she’s been keeping it safe. Mom helps her remove it from Grandma’s wrist. 

Back at the hospital, Sol watches Seon-jae, who is still on the ventilator and unconscious. She recalls telling him that she couldn’t see him anymore. With tears, she now says she’s sorry. This all happened because of her, and she’ll make sure to fix it this time. She notices the time, it’s almost midnight. 

2009. Sol opens her eyes and realizes that she is sitting high up on a horse statue. She wonders why she’s up here. She sees what year it is and that she’s at Yeonseo University. Down below, Hyun-joo runs over and frets over her friend. Sol suddenly falls and wonders if she’s going to die like this. She squeezes shut her eyes and thinks no, she must at least save Seon-jae. The guys below rush towards her falling body. Someone catches her – and she opens her eyes. She stares in shock as she’s in Seon-jae’s arms! Time travel #4.

Hyun-joo runs over which makes Sol snap out of it as she jumps down and runs away. Hyun-joo follows her and says she didn’t even thank Seon-jae for saving her. Sol asks why Seon-jae is here. Hyun-joo says he’s majoring in physical education just like Geum. Sol is surprised as before, he’d signed with the agency before high school graduation so he didn’t go to college before. Hyun-joo asks why she’s still avoiding Seon-jae. Sol says nothing good will come to him if he gets mixed up with her. Hyun-joo tells her to not be so big-hearted. With so many girls around, why would he want to get mixed up with her who already rejected him? Sol replies that she wouldn’t want anything else and she has somewhere to be. Hyun-joo hands her a shopping bag and tells her to remember to bring it tomorrow. Sol leaves and Hyun-joo yells if she’s ditching class. 

Sol realizes today is March 17, 2009. The incident happened on May 10 so she needs to catch Kim Young-soo before he comes for her. Then nothing will happen to Seon-jae. She goes to the police station about her abduction on September 1, 2008, which she hadn’t reported previously. She also says that Kim Young-soo is the culprit of the Juyang Reservoir incident. She says she knows his face, name and job, and then pulls out the car keys from her pocket and slams it down onto the table. 

She leaves the police station and sees a guy taking money from a boy. So she pulls out her baton and yells for him to let go of his hand. The guy turns and it’s Tae-sung! She tries to hit him with the baton and he grabs onto it before it can make contact. She yells if he hasn’t grown up. He asks what she’s doing. She yells that she’s told him to get his act together and he’s 20 now. She starts punching his arm and yells how he could extort money from a kid. The kid quickly thanks him for helping find his money. He grabs the bill from Tae-sung’s hand and smartly runs away. ㅋㅋ Oops.... Tae-sung removes the baton from her hand. 

Now at a cafe, Sol apologizes for the misunderstanding as she slides a drink across the table to him. Tae-sung says he wonders how she thinks of him as she always treats him like he doesn’t know any better. She replies she’s just worried about his life. He was going to throw away his life. She asks if he graduated. He laughs and says that’s a funny way of asking to see his graduation picture. He then whips out his phone to show her the group photo. She’s relieved. He then grins. Cutie. She tells him good job as she pats him on the shoulder. She continues saying that she’s very proud of him, Kim Tae-sung. She says he’s turned over a new leaf. He asks what’s this? He says ah, she hasn’t seen him a while, and finds him attractive? She says what? He continues saying that she’s doing this on purpose. So she can make their re-encountering moment memorable. She smiles and asks him if he wants her to turn this into a teaching moment? He says wait and then leans towards her – why does he get the feeling that Sol with the mature ego has returned? He says now that he knows that, something seems off. She’s worried that he knows so she asks what he’s staring at. He softly says that his ex-girlfriend has gotten prettier. She says he hasn’t changed one bit. He smiles as she tells him that he probably says that to every woman he sees. She asks what he has been doing since graduation? He doesn’t answer. She says based on his outfit, she bets that he’s drinking every night with his friends. He laughs and reveals his t-shirt, and says this outfit had the highest sales this season. She asks if he runs a business. He says yes, look up Today’s Member Kim Tae-sung’s clothing website. (Elsewhere, her brother is doing exactly that. Ha.) Tae-sung checks the time on his phone and then says he needs to get going. He grabs a bag from the table and starts walking away. But he turns back and says if she wanted a memorable reunion, she’s succeeded. Then he says, see her around… and winks. He’s baaacck. She watches his departing back and smiles as she says she’s glad he’s living a good life.

At In-hyuk’s place, Seon-jae is practicing on the keyboard and sounding terrible. He’s distracted as he thinks about Sol running off when she saw him. He wonders why she ran off like she saw a ghost. In-hyuk comes in and asks if Sol ran away when she saw him. Seon-jae says yes, when they ran into each other before, she just ignored and avoided him. But this time, she ran away so quickly. In-hyuk asks how this is any different from before. Seon-jae says he sensed it in the split second she ran away. He could tell there was some kind of emotion, observing her from behind. He adds that he thinks her face was slightly red, too. In-hyuk nods his head at all of this. Seon-jae asks what he thinks. In-hyuk says let him go over this once and for all. She ignored and avoided him because she hated him. But she quickly ran away from him – Seon-jae asks if it’s because seeing him stirred up her emotions or something? In-hyuk replies it meant she was sick and tired of seeing him. Seon-jae doesn’t like that answer. In-hyuk says he would’ve done the same if he were her. The guy she dumped still couldn’t move on with his life. Seeing how he’s attending the same university as her, she must be appalled. In-hyuk asks if he even has pride. Seon-jae replies, no, there’s no such thing as pride with him. ㅋㅋ It’s all with Sol. In-hyuk finds the paper with Seon-jae’s song and with a big grin, he asks what this is. Seon-jae demands for him to give it back. In-hyuk sees the title, “Sonaki” and loses his grin. He asks if he wrote this while thinking about Im Sol? Seon-jae snatches the papers from him as he denies this. He says he just wrote it while watching the rain. In-hyuk says stop it, as it happened ages ago. Seon-jae asks why he’s so annoying today and sits down on the couch and starts putting his stuff into his bag. In-hyuk sits down and tells him that he doesn’t think he can move on from Im Sol because he keeps seeing her at school. In-hyuk puts a hand on his shoulder and says take a semester off and join their band and be their vocalist. Seon-jae says he’s leaving. In-hyuk tells him to stop writing pathetic songs like this.

Sol realizes it’s spring, and she might not be here when spring ends. She sees Seon-jae walking to his house, so she quickly hides out of sight, but continues peeking over at him. Once he’s inside, she goes inside her home. In her dimly lit room, she looks at her calendar and circles May 10th. She thinks to herself that she can’t let Seon-jae and Kim Young-soo meet each other. Suddenly the lights come on, and she turns around. Her brother is coming in, and she yells at him to knock before entering. He says knock, knock as he taps on the cabinet behind him. She glares at him. He sits down on her bed and excitedly asks for her autograph. She asks what he’s talking about. He says the photo of her hanging over the statue after getting drunk was posted on the school board. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He laughs before saying that she has more star potential that he does. She asks him about Seon-jae being a PE major and if he’s run into him. Geum says he started his college years in 2004, so why would he run into a new student like him? She says right and even so, if he does, don’t harass him or try to discipline him. He replies that she’s the one who shouldn't act like she knows him at school. Awww, that’s mean. She sneers at him. He leaves and she wonders how he got Hyun-joo’s heart when he’s pathetic like that. She looks through a bag of self-protection items. She looks at something that looks like a tube of lipstick but it’s a spray bottle. She shakes it and then presses the atomizer button just as her brother pops back in front of her. ㅋ ㅋ  He screams that it’s burning as he rolls around on her bed. ㅋㅋㅋ Karma for saying mean things to her. She’s now impressed with this little bottle. Geum yells what’s wrong with her as he continues rubbing his eyes.  

At home, Seon-jae returns to his room after taking a shower and his father quietly follows him in. In a quiet voice, his father asks if he remembers what he told him before about getting rehab in the U.S. He asks what he thinks about it now? Seon-jae sighs and says isn’t it a false hope though? His father shows him some papers from Coach An. They specialize in treating athletes like him. Rehab, gene therapy and stem cell treatment. His father asks why he doesn't take off a semester and go there. Seon-jae says he’ll take some time and think about it. His father says okay and leaves his room. Seon-jae sighs and then pulls out the books and the Sonaki song. He thinks back to his confession that day. And how she’d rejected him at the hospital not long after. 

At the police station, Tae-sung gives his father some clothes in a bag. He tells his father to come home and get some rest. His father says how can he rest when the case is still unsolved. His father looks inside the back and yells that he asked for underwear, so what is this? Tae-sung turns back and sees his father holding up an orange Yeonseo University hoodie. 

Hyun-joo wakes up Sol and says that she can’t still be asleep. She tells her to get up and pack. Sol wakes up and looks at her phone. She’s received a message from the cop saying that the case is still being investigated. Hyun-joo fusses at her for not moving along and asks if she wants to be branded as a troublemaking freshman. Sol asks what she’s talking about when it’s still early in the morning. Hyun-joo says they’re going on a field trip to welcome new students. She tells her to hurry up and then looks for the bag she gave her yesterday. Hyun-joo pulls a pair of men’s boxers and then screams and flings it away when she realizes what it is. 

Everyone’s on the train now. Sol isn’t happy that she and Seon-jae are on the same train. A big guy starts talking about a myth: the couple who makes out on the first field trip for the new students gets married. He gives examples and then says no matter what, they’ll get married once they make out on this trip. He ends with, don’t make out with anybody because they’re drunk. So control their lips. The pretty girl, Da-hye, sitting next to Seon-jae starts eyeing him, and asks if he believes that the myth is true. He says he doesn’t trust such nonsense and then crosses his arms and closes his eyes. 

Seated next to Sol, Hyun-joo asks if Geum and his girlfriend and wonders if they broke up. Sol asks why Im Geum of all people? Hyun-joo looks surprised. Sol continues saying that there are so many good guys in the world. She points her finger at her and says don’t say that she didn’t her now. Hyun-joo stammers what she is talking about. She says she has no interest in Geum at all and shoves Sol into the aisle, which makes her cap fall off. So she grabs onto the guy standing there to hide her head inside his jacket. The guy coughs and then asks what she’s doing as she’s made him swallow his mouthwash. Seon-jae opens his eyes and closes them again. The guy yells at her to not develop feelings for him, and she whispers she’s sorry. He leaves and she picks up her cap. She peeks over at Seon-jae whose eyes remain closed. She thinks she needs to hide until they reach the cabin.

No such luck. They’re all staying in one big great cabin. Hyun-joo is happy to see Geum is here, too. The other girls wonder what’s going on with his clothes. ㅋㅋ Across the way, Seon-jae finally sees Sol, and wonders why he didn’t see her on the train. Geum pops out in front of him and points a finger at him as he mentions the myth. Seon-jae says yes and Geum says don’t he dare try anything with his sister based on it. So watch where his lips go. And he’s removing him permanently from his list of brother-in-law candidates. Seon-jae says if he cares about his sister so much, he should be nice to her at ordinary times. Geum asks why he’s talking back to him?  Seon-jae then sees Sol running away while covering her face with her hands. He sighs and wonders if she’s running away because she doesn’t want to run into him. Sol ends up running straight into the same guy from the train, and forcing him swallow his mouthwash again. ㅋㅋ She apologizes.

Sol’s case lands on Detective Kim’s desk and he remembers her from that night at the reservoir. She’d told this cop that she’d had temporary memory loss due to the trauma, but she remembers now. He also has Kim Young-soo’s keys. But where is Kim Young-soo? She’s drawn a crude map of where Kim Young-soo’s place is. 

Sol sneaks away from the large group and tries to find her stuff to get out of there. Another group enters the room, and she pretends to be asleep right on the floor. When they’re busy playing a drinking game, she tries to slide herself across the floor, unnoticed behind everyone. ㅋ ㅋ  She almost gets to the door and reaches up but Mouthwash Guy calls out to her. She’s forced to join them. If she loses this round, they have to go next door and dance before the other group. Sol loses. She’s gotta dance before her brother’s group. She’s relieved to see that Seon-jae isn’t here. She starts with a grimace on her face. But then Seon-jae sits up which makes her freeze, and he starts laughing. She runs out of the room, and Mouthwash Guy follows her and yells at her for leaving in the middle of it, which results in a penalty drink. Sol roars that she told him she was leaving! How dare he tell her what to do when he’s one or two years older. If he were born a few years later, he would have socially buried after getting posted on school boards and social media. She sneers as she says penalty drink. Is he going to take responsibility if someone dies after drinking this? She reaches down to grab the bowl, drinks all of it, and then smashes the bowl on his head. She says that she’s leaving. So don’t let them drink too much and let them sleep early, understood? He doesn’t say anything so she yells at him to answer her. He meekly says okay. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

She leaves and sees Seon-jae with his friends, so she runs away with her bag covering her face. Of course he sees her, especially noticing that she runs past the sign that says “Watch out for boars while tracking at dawn or night.” Elsewhere, In-hyuk’s band is dealing with their singer who’s leaving early because he has an TOEIC class. The other three are upset because they’ve got a potential gig. They then see a poster for a “Superstar K” contest. 

Sol is wandering around in the dark woods. She looks at her phone and realizes this isn’t a smartphone. Then she starts hearing some strange noises and starts running and then trips and falls. She reaches into her bag to pull out a stun gun, just as someone puts their hand on her shoulder. She turns around and pushes it into Seon-jae who falls backward onto the ground.  (~43:30) She realizes who it is and tries to wake him. She then yells if there’s anyone there who can help her. She looks at her phone and realizes that she has no reception here and desperately moves around to find a better spot. Suddenly, Seon-jae grabs her by the arm and she turns around but she’s stepped on a rope which is wrapped around her ankle and pulls her up with the weighted bag on the other end. Seon-jae gasps and holds onto her arms as she’s dangling upside down. She tells Seon-jae to just go. He stands under her, and tells her to hang on tight as he reaches over to release the weighted bag. She falls into his arms with her arms around his neck.  The perfect catch. ;) He stares at her before finally setting her down on the ground and removes the noose from around her ankle. He yells about who did this and isn’t this illegal? ㅋㅋ Threenager is back. He then returns the stun gun to her. She scrunches her eyes closed and looks away in embarrassment. He says if she’s going to carry it around to defend herself, she should put batteries in it. She looks at him with surprise and asks if he didn’t fall from the electrical shock. He says no, he just fell. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He says she hit the vital spot [solar plexus] with that. She says sorry. He asks so why did she enter the wild boar habitat at night? She says she was going home because she couldn’t get used to the field trip. He says she was running away from him as he saw it. And she’s been avoiding him all day. He asks if she really has to do this to run away? She sighs and he tells her there’s no walking trail here so follow him as he starts walking. But he turns to walk but turns back and asks if she hates him this much. Is she doing this because she doesn’t even want to see him? Sol thinks to herself, how could she hate him. It’s because he might die because of her. She stares silently at him and he finally sighs and says it’s getting late and starts walking back. 

Geum calls someone but is unable to get through. He then sees Seon-jae and then his sister coming out from the woods. He demands to know why they’re together. Sol sighs and cuts her eyes at brother before walking away from them. Seon-jae tries to move forward but Geum stops him. He asks if he put his lips on his sister’s…in the woods, did he? Seon-jae just glares at him. Geum says never mind, as looking at his long face, it seems that he failed miserably. Geum says he looks so capable but… Seon-jae says it’s not something like that and walks forward. Geum puts his hand on Seon-jae’s chest to stop him again and says he sees why Sol doesn’t like him.  He then asks if he needs his advice. Seon-jae says no and moves to walk around him. Geum grabs him and says a woman’s heart isn’t simple like a straight road. It’s like a complex off-road course. If he steps on the pedal…  and goes straight, does he know what happens? He’ll just crash. When he hits on her, step on the pedal. When he has to step back, he should slow down. Slow down, speed up…and over and over again. He should control his speed.  Women go crazy because he’s good at it. Geum then laughs maniacally.  ㅋㅋ Seon-jae says this is ridiculous and starts moving away. Geum grabs him again and says he doesn’t cling to them and is cool about it. That’s his style. Seon-jae nods his head. Geum says when he’s dumped or breaks up with someone, he should turn away without hesitation. It’ll make her curious. Why is Geum giving him advice on pursuing his sister?! Seon-jae starts walking away but Geum stops him this time, to ask to borrow his phone. Seon-jae asks if he’ll let him go if he does that. Geum says to give him the phone first. Seon-jae hands him the phone and Geum dials a number and a girl answers. He says he couldn’t reach her for the past few days and he thought her phone was broken but it was his. The girl says, oppa, her phone isn’t broken. She avoided his calls. He asks why. She says she likes someone else now, sorry. He asks who, what is she talking about. Butshe hangs up on him and he starts whining. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Clinger. 

Sol is inside getting more drunk as she sits in the corner away from Hyun-joo and the others. In another room, her brother is drinking and crying about the loss of his princess. Seon-jae enters the room and says he’s so clingy. Seon-jae asks for his phone and Geum starts crying and hugging him over the loss. Geum suddenly stands up and says he needs to go see her right now. He leaves the room and Hyun-joo sees him running into the woods and yells after him about the wild boars. She goes after him. Seon-jae comes outside too late – no one’s there. 

Mouthwash Guy yells for the girl he crushes on to come on out. However, he’s having stomach issues after all that mouthwash and alcohol. So he runs to the outdoor bathroom but the door won’t stay closed. He begs Seon-jae to come over and keep the door closed. Seon-jae does it until he realizes this was the guy who humiliated Sol earlier. So he lets go and walks away, and the door opens just as the girls, including the one he likes, come outside and they all see him. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

Drunk Sol wanders outside and Seon-jae watches her from a distance. He walks towards her when she climbs up onto a treehouse. But he remembers what her brother said and stops. She remembers her last telephone conversation with Seon-jae in 2023. She laments that she should’ve said she wanted to see him too. 

In the woods, Hyun-joo finds Geum hanging upside down from a tree. Classic Im siblings…ㅋㅋ She hears him crying about his girlfriend moving on with someone else, which makes her ecstatic. He continues yelling out the girl’s name until Hyun-joo finally yells at him to stop yelling her name and then pulls the beanie up over his mouth. He continues yelling it, so she finally shuts him up with a kiss. That upside down kiss. ㅋㅋ She stops to pull the material away from his lips and returns to kissing him. 

Still staying out of sight, Seon-jae watches Sol sit up as she dangles her legs off the side of the platform. But when she starts leaning forward, he quickly runs over to catch her before she falls onto the ground. She lands on his shoulder and then he lifts her away. She opens her eyes and he tells her that she almost fell. She asks why he’s here. He replies that she almost fell. She says that he shouldn’t have come. He says she shouldn’t have passed out here like this. She asks again why he came. He replies don’t make him worry about her then. She yells why did he follow her? Why does he keep coming? She sobs that she was so mean to him. Why is he so worried about her? Is he really a fool? She starts punching him on the shoulder, and says she said he should think about himself only. He should curse her as a bad girl… and get her out of his mind. Why did he act like a fool and let something like that happen to him? He asks something like that? She says please, Seon-jae…and then sobs into his shoulder. With reddened eyes, he moves to lift her up and says okay, fine and he’s sorry about everything. So…don’t cry, okay? She sits up and tells him to act like he doesn’t know her. Don’t even worry about her. Whatever she does, whatever happens to her, please… please leave her alone. She resumes sobbing.

Later, Seon-jae returns to In-hyuk’s place, who has just finished submitting the materials for the competition. In-hyuk asks him how the field trip was. Seon-jae glumly says he doesn’t know and then sits down. In-hyuk asks him about the song he wrote, and should they go there with the song? Seon-jae scoffs and says that he said he didn’t like it. Then he asks In-hyuk if he let anyone else listen to it? In-hyuk replies that he only listened to it a few days ago, and why would he let someone else hear it? He thinks they should use this song and let everyone else hear it. 

The cops find Kim Young-soo’s deserted place just as it’s going up in flames. Nearby, Kim Young-soo watches them with a smirk. Later, the cops call to let Sol know about this. She’s shocked, as it means there’s no evidence now. Sol hangs up and wonders if he’s going to look for her and what if he bumps into Seon-jae. Sol leaves and runs into Seon-jae, who’s actually waiting for her. He asks her how she knew the song and sang it. He’s never let anyone but In-hyuk listen to it. So how does she know the song?

Back to the night in the woods, while he carries her on his back, she softly sings Sonaki. He asks where she heard the song? She replies that she’ll change it this time. Before she goes back, she’ll make sure to do that. He asks if she’s going somewhere? She replies to the future. To her time. 

Today, he asks her where she’s going. She hesitates and he asks if she’s going back to her time? She stares at him. He asks who she is. Did she really come from the future? 

Epilogue. That night…  He tells her, let’s get out of here, and then to get on his back. He turns around to put her arms over his shoulders but she doesn’t move at all. So he turns back around and says that he said to get on his back. She suddenly pitches forward and her lips land on his. (~1:03:46) So…will they get married?! 

[Ep10[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol tells Seon-jae about her time-traveling watch. Another girl hits on Seon-jae. Tae-sung and Seon-jae fight over water. Seon-jae finally realizes why 2023 Sol is here.

Inside the video store, Seon-jae asks her if she came like the terminator as he taps on the DVD. She says no, she’s not saying she’s one. She just gave it as an example to explain time travel. He asks so, she came from the future? She says yes and shows him the watch and how she presses the button and came to 2008 just like this. He raises his wrist to compare with hers. He asks if this is his watch from 2023. She says yes. He asks why did his watch suddenly become a time machine? She thinks it’s the heavens’ will that she save him, just like he saved her in the past. She gained this power after he died. She wonders how she can say this. She says she knows, it’s very interesting. He asks why she has his watch in the future. She says she bought it for 3,000 won at an auction. He asks what? Why would he put an old watch like this for auction… and why would she pay as much as 3,000 won. He asks what became of him? She says that she said she was a fan… He asks a fan of what? She mentions that he was in a very famous band called Eclipse. 

But time freezes and everything’s black and white except for her. She finishes saying that’s why she knows Sonaki. She stops talking and the world returns with colors. She tells him that she can’t tell him that because time stops. He tells her to stop it then. She says that it stopped just now, but he can’t notice it… while time stops. He asks so she controls time as she wants? She says no, she can’t do that. She says all the things she’s saying are ridiculous and unbelievable, right? He says yes. She says that’s why she couldn’t say it to anyone. He says let’s say what she’s saying is true, what is she here to change this time? He says she said she’d make sure to change it this time. She asks change, change what? She’s not changing anything, and she must’ve said it wrong because she was drunk. Her careless words and actions here might change her future or someone else’s. She looks at her watch and says this is her last chance. She can’t come again when she goes back. That’s why she was going to stay quiet until she went back. He asks if that’s why she ran away like that whenever she saw him? She says she was sorry for confusing and shaking him for no reason before. She’s not going to do that this time. She doesn’t want to confuse him. He asks why, does he think he’ll misunderstand her feelings and ask her out? She looks away. He says if that’s why, she doesn’t have to waste her energy on running away. He’s going to take a leave of absence and go to the U.S. She’s surprised by this. He says he wants to try rehab again. He’ll leave so she’s not uncomfortable. And even if they bump into each other, he’ll pretend that he doesn’t know her. He leaves. And she wonders about rehab and that he’s leaving. 

Seonn-jae asks his PE friends, Kim Cho-rong (the big guy who talked about the myth on the bus) and Choi Hyun-gu, if time travel is possible in real life. Cho-rong says it might be possible if science advances tremendously in the future. Has he not heard about wormholes? Seon-jae asks what would he do if someone he likes says she came from the future? Cho-rong says he would give up right away. Hyun-gu asks what kind of stupid refusal is that. Cho-rong says she should just say she doesn’t like him. Cho-rong says but if someone he doesn’t like says she likes him, he’ll refuse like that. Hyun-gu tells Cho-rong that he’ll be able to time travel before someone says she likes him. Seon-jae sighs as this is of little use. 

Sol stands outside Seon-jae’s place and wonders about him leaving for rehab suddenly. But then she thinks this is good as he’ll never bump into that man then. Seon-jae’s father comes outside with the trash and Sol greets him. Meanwhile, In-hyuk receives good news. He tells Hyun-soo and Jay that they’ve passed the preliminary screening for Superstar K, and they asked them to participate in the regional preliminary. In-hyuk had sent them two videos, including the one with Seon-jae as their vocalist. So he’d been told they’d pass them – if Seon-jae became their vocalist instead of Dong-seob. In-hyuk laughs happily but Hyun-soo and Jay aren’t sure if he’s agreed to this. In-hyuk says well, they need to persuade him now. 

In-hyuk pops by Seon-jae’s house just as Seon-jae’s father is laying out a feast for dinner. Seon-jae’s father tells him to join them and then asks why he’s here. In-hyuk says he wants to talk to Seon-jae but he can do that later. Seon-jae joins them at the table. Then Seon-jae’s father brings up that he heard Seon-jae wants to go to the U.S. now. Both guys drop their piece of galbi. Seon-jae’s father says that Sol, the girl who lives next door told him. He said he wanted to try rehab. His father pats him on the shoulder and says yes, that’s the right decision. Both Seon-jae and In-hyuk look unhappy. Seon-jae tells his father that the thing is… His father says Sol worried about him so much.   She said he should send him to the U.S. for treatment as soon as possible. His father laughs and says he thought she was his daughter-in-law or something. Seon-jae says she told him to send him as soon as possible?  His father nods and says yes, that’s why he told Coach An to schedule the treatment as soon as possible. In-hyuk and Seon-jae are now both unhappy for very different reasons. Seon-jae’s father tells them to eat and then runs to the kitchen as he hears that something is burning.

In-hyuk asks why he’s suddenly going to rehab, and he studied so hard to get into university. Seon-jae replies that’s correct and he doesn’t know why he studied so hard to go to university. In-hyuk says he hasn’t swum for more than six months post-op. Seon-jae says if he’s going to rehab, this is the right time. Everyone wants to send him to the U.S. So he’ll give it a try for the last time. In-hyuk says what if he says he can never let him go. ㅋㅋㅋ Seon-jae asks if he loves him? In-hyuk musses up his own hair and says this is driving him crazy. Seon-jae asks what’s the matter? He told him to take a leave of absence and move on with his life. In-hyuk asks him if he’s going because of Sol, by any chance? Seon-jae looks away. In-hyuk says because he told him to keep her out of sight before? Why does he let her control his life? Seon-jae says she doesn’t control his life, and he’s overreacting. Then he asks why is he mad? It isn’t his life. In-hyuk says his life is also at stake. Seon-jae’s father returns and asks with concern, why is his life at stake? Seon-jae says In-hyuk had something to say, so what is it? In-hyuk says he doesn’t know. 

Sol is at the police station with Detective Kim, to go over her victim’s statement. She asks about the house being burnt down meaning there was no evidence then. He says no as they found a bloodstain on the interior wall of the house, untouched by the fire, which matched the DNA of the body found at Juyang Reservoir. She’s relieved to hear this. He says he’s now a wanted murder suspect and he’ll be caught soon. He asks her if she remembers anything about the truck. But she doesn’t remember much about it. So he shows her photos of different ones and asks if it’s anything like these. She sees the white one and says it’s like that one but stained. 

Sol returns back to school, and her brother startles her. She yells that he told her that he wanted her to pretend to not know him! He whispers if she has some money he can borrow. She checks her pockets for cash as Geum’s phone vibrates. When he sees that it’s Hyun-joo, he ignores it. He looks up and sees her whining about why he isn't answering. ㅋㅋ She’s so good with physical humor. Then he thinks back to that kiss. He suddenly runs off, just as his sister turns to give him the cash. Hyun-joo runs over to Sol, and says Geum was just with her, huh? Sol says yes but then she sees Seon-jae coming down the hallway, which Hyun-joo also points out but she’s talking to herself…as Sol is gone. ㅋㅋ Poor Hyun -joo.

Seon-jae is in the same class as Sol and Hyun-joo. The latter asks why would a PE major take “Understanding of Film Music”? Sol says he always liked both films and music. Hyun-joo asks if he still likes her? And then Da-hye sits down right next to him. Hyun-joo wonders if this is his girlfriend. Da-hye squeezes some cream onto her hand and then pouts that she has too much and wants to put some on him. She just wipes some onto the top of his hand. Hyun-joo looks surprised while Sol looks upset. In an annoyed tone, Seon-jae asks her what is she doing? He says he doesn’t like his hands sticky and tries to rub it off. Da-hye replies that he has very big hands. She shows him hers and then asks if he wants to compare them to hers, to see which is big or small. *snickers* He asks if she has to compare them to know which is big or small? Hyun-joo says she likes him and this is just a way of flirting. Sol says that’s cute. Hyun-joo says that’s cute? Then she says, well, guys will find it extremely cute. Class resumes as Sol stares at Seon-jae…and smiling Da-hye sitting next to him. 

Afterwards, Hyun-joo insists on going drinking. After they have one drink, Hyun-joo asks how Geum is doing these days? Still crying over his ex-girlfriend? Sol says if she’s curious, she can come to the same restaurant. Seon-jae receives a text from In-hyuk begging him to go to an audition with him before leaving for the U.S. Seon-jae wonders what audition, and asks why he would go there. Hyun-gu has to leave to bring directionless Cho-rong here. Hyun-joo has already passed out. Sol wakes her up and Hyun-joo asks why does he keep ignoring her calls? She might have to barge into his house. Sol says they should go now as she stands up. But then she drops all of the change from her purse and crawls down onto the floor to pick it up. The lights turn off as it’s someone’s birthday. She manages to find a coin between two pairs of legs and apologizes to them – it’s Seon-jae and Da-hye, and he’s asking her what she’s doing and when did she switch seats? She grins and says it was too hot over there as she starts pulling up her hair into a ponytail. Sol is stuck under the table listening to Da-hye trying to put the moves on Seon-jae, who wonders where his friends are. Da-hye asks if he’s really going to the U.S. He says he guesses the rumor has spread already. She asks if she should apply for the exchange student program to follow him. Sol looks up at the girl. Seon-jae asks why she would follow him. Da-hye says he’s not perceptive, and she likes him. She then asks if he would like to go out with her. Seon-jae doesn’t say anything. Da-hye asks if he doesn’t like her. Seon-jae thinks back to the night in the woods with Sol. Sol looks up just as Da-hye leans over to kiss him. *swat* He belongs to babo Sol! Sol quickly squeezes shut her eyes, and then Seon-jae’s friends show up arguing. Seon-jae has a hand in between them and Da-hye quickly turns away.  Cho-rong asks if they interrupted them. Seon-jae asks interrupt what? Hyun-gu says they’ll sit somewhere else and nudges Cho-rong to leave. But then they hear a phone ringing – it’s Sol’s from under the table. She hangs up on the caller and then climbs out with the trash can on her head and knocks down Cho-rong before finally running away. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Hyun-joo runs over and says Sol’s name before laughing about her being drunk. Now Seon-jae gets up and runs after her. 

Sol gets outside and returns the trash can to the lady standing outside the business. She then returns to running away from there. Seon-jae and Hyun-gu come outside but she’s disappeared from sight. Hyun-gu says he feels bad for her as she must’ve seen them kissing from under the table. Seon-jae asks kiss? Seon-jae had actually place a fingertip on Da-hye’s forehead to keep her lips from touching his, and then he’d pushed her head away. He’d asked her what she was doing. She’d said he had an eyelash on his face. And then his friends had arrived and she’d quickly turned away. (~17:30) Seon-jae asks did it look like they were kissing? Hyun-gu says yes, it was at the perfect angle. Hyun-gu says if he didn’t, then she’s totally misunderstood him. She might be heartbroken and crying. Seon-jae asks why she would be heartbroken. She’s not even interested in him. Hyun-gu says what? He thought she liked him. He’d seen her running with tears after hearing that he injured his shoulder last year. Seon-jae says it’s a misunderstanding, and he’s the only one who thinks so. Hyun-gu says his instincts are right. He then asks why he thinks she was hiding under the table like that? She must be so jealous right now. The thought never occurred to Seon-jae until now… babo.

Sitting on the rooftop, a drunk Sol is yelling about “You said I was your first love!” and sitting across from her is an equally drunk Geum. Omo. Drunk Im siblings. Can the world handle this?! Sol glares across the way and says, “You dated another girl just fine. You couldn’t forget about your first love for ten years? That’s nonsense.” Geum yells that’s possible! He admits that he still can forget about his ex.  Sol says ha,he just couldn’t date anyone because there was no one to see. These are not talking to each other but at each other. Geum says it’s not that there’s no one to see. It’s because he doesn’t like anyone other than his ex-girlfriend. Sol says a man should have conservative lips. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He can’t let some random girl kiss him. Okay? Geum yells what does she mean he let her kiss him? Hyun-joo kissed him out of nowhere, what could he have done? Sol replies he can’t just let it happen when she kisses him.”No. You can’t do this,” Can he say that? He accepted it because he liked it. Geum says well, he didn’t hate it. It was like an unexpected gift. Sol yells across the way if he liked the gift? She continues yelling repeatedly, did he like it? Down below, Seon-jae is walking by the video store, and can hear her clearly. Sol then says right, she doesn’t deserve to feel jealous. She yells she’s fine as long as he’s happy! But then she starts kicking her feet and one of her slippers flies off the roof. She walks over and looks down below to see Seon-jae holding her shoe in his hand. 

She runs downstairs and says she’s sorry as her brother was kicking his feet, being all drunk. He says it was her who was running out of the bar, wearing a trash can on her head, and he sets the shoe down in front of her foot. She slides her foot into the slipper, and says no, it wasn’t her. He says it was. She says never. He asks did she see it? She says no, she didn’t see it because she had her eyes closed. She doesn’t relish peeking at others kissing. He gives a small laugh and says she saw it. She looks down in embarrassment. Seon-jae thinks about Hyun-gu saying that she must be super jealous right now. She finally says she’ll get going and turns around. He asks how’s it feel? She asks what? He asks if she’s fine with it? She asks about what? He says wasn’t it upsetting even when she saw him kissing another girl? She softly says there’s nothing to be upset about. He asks if she’s really okay even if he goes far away? That she wants to send him away as quickly as possible? She sighs. He says okay, he’s got it. But let him ask one last thing. He doesn’t care about time travel. It doesn’t matter which time zone she’s from. Whether she’s from the past or the future, she is still the same to him. How about her? In all those times she has lived, was there any time that she liked him? Not even for a moment? Sol thinks to herself, she doesn’t deserve to like him. She tells him, no, there wasn’t. :( Destroying him again.

Seon-jae goes to his room, rubs his head and then gives a deep heavy sigh. Across the way, Sol sees his silhouette and feels pained by this. When he opens the window to get some fresh air, she quickly ducks down. She cries as she remembers telling him that she liked him and missed him in 2023. She sobs. 

At the police station, Tae-sung drops off more underwear for his father and asks why he keeps asking him to bring them. His father asks if he wants him to go without, and then asks why he isn’t getting back the other pair. Tae-sung says why does he need them back, just buy now ones. Tae-sung then says he’s leaving and starts walking away. Another cop tells his father that the white truck which the victim, Im Sol, identified… Tae-sung stops and turns back to ask Im Sol? 

In-hyuk gets a haircut. So next time he sees Seon-jae, he removes his cap to reveal his bad haircut. In-hyuk tells him that he shaved his head (that’s not shaved but okay)... because, and then he drops to his knees as tears fall. He says he wants to do music. He begs Seon-jae to do the audition with him. Seon-jae joins him on the floor and hugs him as he cries and says yes, let’s do it. Slightly dramatic. In real life, Seon-jae sees him and says that Hyun-soo called and asked him about it. In-hyuk reaches up to remove his cap but stops when Seon-jae says he’ll do it. He heard that he’s about to get fired from the club. It’ll be better when he’s on air, right? In-hyuk is dumbfounded that it was this easy. Seon-jae says even if they fail the audition, it’s not his fault. He won’t be excellent after practicing for only a  few days. So he’ll be there after the morning class.  Seon-jae leaves. In-hyuk removes his cap and looks at his ruined hair. ㅋㅋ One is dumb for music, and the other for a girl. 

Sol is on campus and wondering where Hyun-joo is. She sees a large crowd gathering around and then overhears girls talking about a handsome guy who is here with flowers. She looks past the crowd and the guy in question raises his arm. It’s Tae-sung with a shopping bag and a bouquet of red flowers. Sol gasps and runs to him, to ask how – Seon-jae sees the two together. Sol asks why he’s here. He says he’s here to get back the underwear she took. ㅋㅋㅋ She quickly covers his mouth with both hands and looks around before saying this way as she drags him away with her. Seon-jae scoffs as he watches them leave.

Alone, Sol tells Tae-sungthat she told him not to come here. Then she asks how long he waited for her. He replies for a minute. She says he’s lying. He says five minutes. With red eyes, she says she’s not a fool. She yells how long did he wait? He points at a tree with the hand holding the bouquet and says he waited for her until 87,000 leaves fell from that tree. ㅋㅋ She says he’s crazy. He replies that Tae-sung, who is crazy about her, has waited for her ever since they broke up. She replies why? Why did he do that? She asks, did he like her? He replies no. She screams and shakes her head, why did he wait for her then? He says he loved her to death. He tearfully says he loved her insanely until the universe burst into pieces!! She says his name and then hugs him. He says, he’s told her, she’s his star forever!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew it. In the canteen, Seon-jae slams his first onto the table and then yells loudly as he curses.... at Cho-rong who is taking a piece of donkkaseu off of Seon’s plate. Cho-rong says he just wanted a bite. Seon-jae sighs and then asks how pathetic is this? Cho-rong says pathetic? Okay, he’s sorry and then stabs more meat and shoves it into his mouth. Seon-jae glares at him and demands to know what he's doing? ㅋㅋ Boy is hangry and very jealous. ㅋㅋ

At a cafe, Sol sits across from Tae-sung and says that flowers won’t make her go back to him. 

Tae-sung says let’s not jump the gun here. He says they’re not for her but they’re his. Before he came here, someone asked him out. Tae-sung hands her the shopping bag. She looks inside and pulls out the orange hoodie. He asks where the underwear is. She asks why would she carry them with her? She asks if he came all the way to get back the underwear? He says no, he didn’t come all the way here to give her that. She asks what is it then? He says he was going to look the other way, but that’s not who he is. He came because he was worried, as he’d heard she got kidnapped last year. She finally knows that he’s Detective Kim’s son! She asks why did he live like that before then? Tae-sung says gosh, his ex-girlfriend speaks so nicely. ㅋㅋ She says don't tell anyone because it’s a secret. He says, don’t tell him that she didn’t tell her family after such a big incident? She says what’s the point - it’d only make them worry. He asks, if she’s all right? Did she get hurt back then? She says she’s sitting here like this because she’s fine. He says his father is good at what he does. He lost Tae-sung’s mother but he is good at catching bad guys. The perp will get caught soon, so don’t worry about it. She smiles and says thanks for worrying about her. She then asks him for a favor because he’s Detective Kim’s son. She says the perp of the Juyang Reservoir homicide case gets caught… as Seon-jae saves her, but time freezes. She doesn’t notice and continues saying, when he’s about to get released from jail… She stops talking and time unfreezes. Instead, she tells him later, in the year 2023, please tell his father that he has to protect Seon-jae, not her. Tae-sung asks what she is talking about? Protect what? She shakes her head and says she can’t tell him in detail. Just tell him what she said. He asks if that has to do with the perp of the Juyang Reservoir case? She says he’s surprisingly perceptive. He says his father is on that case, and she was the victim. She wouldn’t ask for a random favor. She says he would have made a good detective if he studied hard. He asks but why the year 2023? She says she can’t tell him. He asks why doesn’t she tell him herself in 2023, instead of him? She replies when it comes, it won’t be her, but the past her. And she won’t have any idea. Tae-sung says, ex-girlfriend, will she explain it so that he can understand? She wants to tell him…but she can’t. She says to herself, what’s the point of hiding when Seon-jae found out about it too? So she tells him that she’s from the future. 

At band practice, Seon-jae is thinking about Sol knowing the Sonaki song. So he asks In-hyuk, if he’s sure that he didn’t play this song for Sol. In-hyuk asks why would he play it for her? Was he supposed to? Seon-jae wonders how she knew the song then? Did she really listen to it in the future? 

Back at Kim Young-soo’s place, they’re taking photos and collecting evidence. Detective Kim wants CCTV footage from the day of the fire. He wants to see Kim Young-soo driving the truck.

On the phone, Seon-jae’s father tells him that he has good news – he can go to the U.S. sooner as there was a cancellation. His father says he’s been busy getting the flight tickets and all. He tells him to not forget to take a leave of absence tomorrow. Seon-jae sees Sol’s grandmother coming down the stairs but then she suddenly falls. He runs to help her.

Sol and Tae-sung are walking back, and he wants to know who will win the Korean Series this year. She says she doesn't remember, and even if she did, she can’t tell him. He asks how he can trust her then? She says it’s up to him to believe her or not.  But remember what she told him for 15 years and tell his father about it. It’s to save someone’s life. He asks if something happens to future Seon-jae? Did he get hurt badly? She says she said she can’t tell him what happens in the future. He asks how she can ask her ex-boyfriend to protect another guy? She’s making him jealous. She scoffs at this and says flirting is so natural to him. She tells him to go but he insists on taking her as that guy hasn’t been caught yet. Sweet and flirty he is. She then receives a call from her mother…They run to the video store, where her mother and Seon-jae are holding up bowls to catch the water leaking from the ceiling. Mom asks why she’s so late. But then she turns on the charm as she greetsTae-sungas Sol’s ex-boyfriend. ㅋㅋ Mom says it was a fire the other time, and it’s water today. Sol asks her mother why is Seon-jae collecting water like that? Her precious. Grandma says she asked him to come help them. Sol makes an unhappy sound. Mom asks should they let it get flooded then? Geum went to get Mr. Kim who fixed the water pipe before, so they just need to wait a little. Sol says but that’s still crazy as she looks worriedly at Seon-jae. She runs over to him, and gives his sleeve the tiniest tug and says she’ll take over. He says forget it. Her mother scolds her for not noticing her own mother’s arms hurting and tells her to hold it. ㅋㅋ. Sol practically sneers at her. Tae-sung walks over and tells her mother that he’ll take it. Mom happily lets him take the bowl from her as she takes the flowers. Sol whines eomma!! Her mother asks what? 

Now it’s Seon-jae and Tae-sung standing side by side as Seon-jae glares at him. Seon-jae shows off by using only one arm, and Tae-sung follows suit. Her mother starts mopping, and Sol tells her to send them home. Mom says they came forward to help them and she didn’t call them. Her mother tries to lift the bucket of water to dump it but it’s too heavy. Tae-sung tells Seon-jae to hold his bowl for a moment as he wants to help her. Seon-jae does it, and Tae-sung moves to carry out the bucket and dumps it outside. He returns and her mother says with his pretty face, he gets things done pretty well. He says he is pretty, eommonim, as he places his hands in a V-shape to frame his chin. She repeats the word eommonim as she copies his move. She then giggles. So cute, they are. Seon-jae tells him to come and hold it. Tae-sung stretches his arms and shoulders before walking over to take the bowlback from him. Seon-jae looks at him and says eommonim? Tae-sung replies he can’t call her abeonim, can he? 

Grandma returns to the room and says look at “our Seon-jae’s” arms. Because he used to swim, they are so robust. He smiles and pulls up one sleeve to show off his bicep – and says she can’t compare his muscles to the one who just hangs around. He starts flexing his muscles. Tae-sung asks who is hanging around? Seon-jae says with a smirk, is he wrong? Tae-sung glares and dumps the water into the bucket, and then rolls up his sleeve before lifting the bowl back up over his head. Sol is told to go up to the roof to help grab a bigger bucket. Sol looks at the two guys with concern but leaves with her mother and grandmother. So the guys are left alone together. 

Tae-sung notices that the bucket is full, so he tells Seon-jae to hold his bowl. Seon-jae begrudgingly does it. Tae-sung then goes to move the bucket of water but it’s too heavy and he slips and spills it all over the floor. Seon-jae yells that she worked so hard to mop it up. He then yells his name. He then tells him to do it right. Tae-sung grabs back his bowl and asks what he means. Seon-jae says if he’s not going to help, leave. Tae-sung asks if he’s his son-in-law or what? Who is he to tell him what to do? Seon-jae asks who is he to follow Sol here to collect water? Tae-sung says her ex-boyfriend? And he’s neither her friend nor her ex-boyfriend. Seon-jae says he’s her neighbor, which is closer than a distant relative. Tae-sung snickers at that, and says no, since he got dumped, he’s worse than a stranger. Seon-jae mutters that In-hyuk has got a big mouth. Tae-sung says he did go out with her once. Seon-jae says he didn’t go out with her. He used her. Tae-sung asks how he can be sure? What if he really liked her? Seon-jae looks at him, dumps the water into the bucket and then throws the bowl onto the floor. He asks what he’s doing? Tae-sung does the same thing and replies that he’s not doing anything with him. If he were to do something, he’d do it with Sol. Seon-jae grabs him by the shirt, and Tae-sung grabs him as well. Seon-jae tells him to stop playing with Sol. Tae-sung asks what he knows about her? The two start fighting. Suddenly the light fixture falls, and dangles precariously while there’s still a current running through over the wet floor. 

Sol grabs the bucket and runs down to ask Grandma where the leak came from. Grandma says it was the pipe in the boiler room, which Mr. Kim is fixing right now. Sol suggests they go downstairs and clean things up, so the two hurry back downstairs. The guys are still fighting and are throwing each other up against the shelves. Sol arrives and sees the light fixture and yells both of their names but they ignore her. Sol runs back out and up the stairs. Grandma yells that this is so scary. At this rate, it will be the end of all of them. This is going to kill all of them. Seon-jae stops long enough to notice the light fixture, and offers a hand to help up Tae-sung. Sol has finally found the breaker panel and turns it off, just as the light fixture swings towards Tae-sung and Seon-jae lets go of his hand. What? A scared Tae-sung falls down onto the ground and waits. 

Now as they’re tidying around the video store, Tae-sung asks how he could let go of his hand. Seon-jae says he saved him. Tae-sung wants to beat him…and Seon-jae feels the same way. Sol’s mother returns with towels and says she doesn’t know how to thank them. She suggests that they come upstairs and eat with them before they go. Sol says it’s already past midnight. Her mother didn’t realize it was so late, and says she feels awful. She says then they’ll have to come back and she’ll cook something nice. She then realizes that the bus must’ve stopped running. She tells Tae-sung to sleep over as his clothes are too wet anyway. Sol looks over at her mother. Tae-sung grabs his wet clothes and says he’d be happy to. Seon-jae blocks him and says he shouldn’t. Geum says yes, he’s right, as Sol is a grown woman now. He then admonishes his mother, why does she keep letting guys sleepover at their house? Mom says she’ll be in the house the whole night, so nothing is going to happen. Besides, Tae-sung isn’t like that. Geum thinks back to that time he saw Sol and Seon-jae laying on the floor with their faces very close… He says some things happen no matter what… if they are bound to happen. Mom says then she doesn’t know what to do but she feels awful. Tae-sung says he can just sleep over. Seon-jae says he can sleep over at his house. Everyone looks at Seon-jae with varying expressions. ㅋㅋ Mom asks if they’re on good terms, and they didn’t have a fight or anything just now, right? The two guys laugh loudly as Seon-jae even puts his arm around Tae-sung before saying that’s silly as they’re very close. Keep your enemies closer. He squeezes hard on Tae-sung’s shoulder forcing Tae-sung to agree that they are. The two then force themselves to laugh. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

At Seon-jae’s place, Tae-sung looks at Seon-jae’s various trophies and awards. Seon-jae hands him a glass of water, and Tae-sung asks why there isn’t ice. Seon-jae tells him to just drink it. Tae-sung drinks it, and then Seon-jae asks if he must sleep over here. Tae-sung says he thought they were close as he cocks his head to one side with a glint in his eyes. Seon-jae shoves a pillow at him and tells him to be quiet and go to sleep now, and then he kicks the bedding around on the floor. Tae-sung says but he can’t sleep on the floor…doesn’t he have a bed in his room? Seon-jae asks if he has a death wish? Tae-sungsays he was joking. Does he think he wants to sleep in the same bed as him? He then says he’s going to sleep on the couch. When Tae-sung sets up on the couch, Seon-jae stands over him with his arms crossed. Tae-sung asks if he’s planning to do night watch? Does he think he’ll sneak over to Sol’s house once he’s asleep? Seon-jae replies he can’t that possibly hasn’t crossed his mind. Tae-sung says he and Sol must think that he’s some kind of jerk who doesn’t know any better. Poor misunderstood cutie. Seon-jae says if he knows that, leave as soon as he wakes up. Seon-jae turns off the light, and Tae-sung quietly asks, is he that slow or is he blind? Seon-jae turns back and Tae-sung says that he says he likes her, but he has no idea about her feelings. He doesn’t get why he feels threatened by him. Don’t waste his energy, getting jealous of him for no reason. Just focus on protecting himself. Otherwise, why would she come to him and ask him to protect him? He has a big build too. Seon-jae asks what he means. Tae-sung says she’ll scold him if he gives him any more details. He can ask her himself. Tae-sung then pulls on the covers to go to sleep. But something falls onto the floor, and he reaches down to pick it up. It’s an airplane ticket for Los Angeles.  

Inside his room, Seon-jae looks at the ticket for April 10th, and sees that it’s April 3rd today. He remembers his father telling him about the cancellation. Meanwhile, Sol is looking at articles on the Juyang Reservoir murder case, and reads about it taking a long time and people are concerned.

Today at the Superstar K audition, both Hyun-soo and Jay notice that In-hyuk is wearing a wig. Ha! When Hyun-soo asks when Seon-jae will be here, In-hyuk says he’ll be here soon. Sol’s been asked by Geum to find his assignment in the department lounge and submit it to his professor. She walks around until she finds it but she stops to hide as she listens to Hyun-gu and Cho-rong talking about Seon-jae leaving on the plane tonight, and his flight takes off in an hour. 

At the airport, Seon-jae’s father tells him that he barely checked in his bag as it was close to the weight limit. His father then says he wrapped the gochujang carefully. Be careful with that, so it doesn’t explode. When he mentions the seaweed and laver flakes – Seon-jae cuts him off. He asks if he’s emigrating, plus they’ll put him on their meal plan. His father tells him to shut it, the jerk. He’ll be shedding tears of love at the thought of him whenever he eats. Aww, abeojinim. Seon-jae sighs. His father says, as soon as he arrives, call Coach An right away as he’ll pick him up personally. Seon-jae says he’s got it. He then tells his father if he’s worried, go with him. His father says he would love to go with him if he didn’t have a restaurant to run. Then he says they’re getting meat delivery today, so he has to inspect it. He can’t be here right now. Excuses. Seon-jae says exactly, so go back to the restaurant now. His father says right, he’s an adult now, and can get on the plane on his own. Seon-jae says yes. His father says okay. Then he says he’s so proud of him, his son, and goes to hug him. Seon-jae ducks down to hug his father back. Awww. His father pats him on the back and says he believes in him. Seon-jae says okay and his father says have a safe trip. His father turns to leave and then tells him to remove his shoes for international flights. 

In-hyuk tells the guys that Seon-jae isn’t coming. When they go inside before the judges, they’re asked where the fourth member, vocalist, is. In-hyuk says to give him a second and leaves the room. He returns and says he’s Baek In-hyuk, the vocalist. They pass and now have their T-shirts! 

It’s time for Seon-jae to go to his gate but he waits around. When he realizes she's not coming, he finally moves towards the gates when he realizes she’s not coming. Sol is actually standing outside at the airport, and thinks that it’s a good thing that his flight has taken off. She recalls their last conversation about her feelings for him, and thinks that she’s sorry that she lied. But she’s more worried about losing him for the rest of her life than losing his affection. So the only thing she can do is push him away like a coward. She walks home and thinks that she needs to find a way to keep herself safe. She then sees the white truck similar to the one Kim Young-soo drove that night. Its headlights come on and starts moving towards her. She starts running until she runs into Seon-jae. She asks him how he’s here. He asks her why she’s running. She tearfully asks why he’s here. She turns around and sees the truck coming. Seon-jae starts walking towards her, and she starts shaking her head and walking backwards and tells him to not come close. She hears the vehicle and spins around to see it drive by. She sighs in relief and then almost falls to the ground as her knees give out. Seon-jae holds her up, and she sobs against his chest. She asks why he didn’t go and then tries to get away from him. But he won’t let go and holds her even tighter against him. He says that he’s not going anywhere. She cries and punches him as she asks why not? He should’ve gone to the U.S. Why didn’t he leave Korea? He can’t be here! He says she likes him. He figured it all out and why she keeps pushing him away. He’s figured out everything. So… he’s here to change her mind. She stops hitting him and he lets go of her. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the wind-up watch! (~53:00) 

At the airport, he had remembered Tae-sung’s words about protecting himself. Then he'd seen a travel sign that mentioned time capsules. He had left the airport and gone straight to the tree where the time capsule was. So he’d dug it up, read her note and the wind-up watch. He repeats the words, “Time that passes again.” He also recalled their conversation in the pool about her wanting to protect him. 

She looks at him in shock as tears fall down her cheek. He says that she’s here to save him. In 2023, he’ll die, right? She shakes her head. He asks could the reason for his death be her? While saving her? She shakes her head and says no, that’s not it, Seon-jae… She, she means…but she looks down and sobs. He puts his hands around her face and lifts it up.

RSJ: If that’s the reason… Sol. Stop running away from me. Just pursue your feelings for me. She stares up at him. If I end up dying to save you, I’ll be fine with that. It doesn’t matter. His eyes fill with tears. He then leans down to kiss her.

Epilogue. 2023. Eclipse, a three-member band, without Seon-jae, releases its fifth full-length album “Destiny”.

[Ep11[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol and Seon-jae are finally dating. But their families are opposed to their relationship.  

Sol’s mother sees Seon-jae’s back but then realizes he’s kissing someone and tries to be quiet but accidentally steps on an empty plastic bottle. She starts saying she’s sorry over and over. Sol pulls away and says that’s her mother’s voice. Seon-jae (his face,ㅋㅋ) opens his jacket to hide her face inside his jacket. Her mother says she’s going to quietly walk around them and starts passing by…and he slowly moves to keep Sol hidden from her view. She tells Seon-jae that what he’s doing is so sweet and all, but why is he doing it under that bright street lamp? She says he must’ve gotten a girlfriend. Seon-jae turns and says hello. Her mother says youth is a blissful phase. ㅋㅋ Her mother says she’ll let him finish up and then lifts her purse in front of her face as she says she didn’t see anything. ㅋㅋ  She walks to the store and Sol finally peeks over his arm. They both sigh in relief. Inside the store, her mother says she knew he wouldn’t be shy about it… when he rented an adult movie as a high schooler. 

At a cafe, Seon-jae asks what he is going to do. Sol tells him to not worry as she’ll keep him safe. He says he’s not talking about that. He asks what if her mother thinks poorly of him? Should he tell her it was her? Or will that make her angrier? She says, hey, he was worried about that? Is that important to him? He says it’s very important. And then he gives her a cute little smile. She sighs in frustration and asks how he can smile right now? He asks why? Is he not allowed to smile because he found out that he would die after 15 years? She asks how can he say that as if it’s nothing? She’s worried that it will come true if she says it out loud. So she can’t even talk about it. Her voice gets louder, as she asks how could he… He reaches over and holds her hand. He says he won’t die that young. So whatever happens to him in the future, don’t ever think it’s her fault. He looks over at her watch and says so this is the last time. He asks when will she go back? She says she doesn’t know. Maybe, she has a month left. He asks if she can not go back. She doesn’t say anything but tears slip down her face  He says he guesses she has to go back. He says then when she goes back to the future in a month, let’s meet there. He cups her face with one hand, and says he’ll be running diligently to the year 2023 where she will be.

Meanwhile, Seon-jae’s father is drinking with a friend, worrying about his son’s long flight and meals. His friend says he is sad that he can’t see his grown son for a few months. His father says he may be grown but he’s still a kid to him. Other than a few days of the off-season training, he has never been away from him for this long all his life. He pampered his son so he never felt the absence of his mother. His friend says once he gets married later, his efforts won’t mean anything. 

Back at home, Seon-jae looks at the watch (it’s almost 9:00 p.m.) and then hugs it to his chest. He sets it down and sends a message to Sol: “Are you still up?” Then he looks at her name saved in his contacts list – and he adds many hearts after her name. But he deletes all but one heart and then saves it. He hugs the phone and spins around in his chair with big smile on his face. He then looks at his face in the mirror and says he needs to take care of his face for the next 15 years. He starts digging around to look for a face mask. Sol replies, “I’m still up. How come you’re still up? (ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ)” (~4:03) He says out loud, she’s just unbelievably cute. He hits the button to call her but his phone turns off. He realizes that the charger is in the luggage. Downstairs, his father returns to the dark home and says that the house feels so empty. He yelps when he hears a loud bang, and realizes that he didn’t close the door. 

Upstairs, Seon-jae finally finds a charger and plugs it into the wall. But it trips the circuit breaker. His father stops in the middle of brushing his teeth to see what’s going on. He hears footsteps and asks who it is. Seon-jae still wearing his face mask, comes down the stairs with a flashlight, and his father passes out from the fright. He quickly checks on his father. 

Sol is on the phone with Detective Kim about the white truck that was outside her house. She hangs up the call and thinks about Seon-jae’s words telling her to pursue her feelings. 

With toothpaste foam still around his mouth, Seon-jae’s father wakes up and sees a white-masked person and screams again. Seon-jae moves away and says it’s him, Ryu Seon-jae, his son. His father stops and looks at him, face mask and all, and says he should be having the in-flight meal by now. He asks why he’s still here. Seon-jae says he never got on the place, that’s why he’s here. Seon-jae moves closer to his father and puts his hands around his father’s face and asks if he’s okay. His father reaches over and yanks off the face mask, calling him a brat. He asks what is this? Why does he have this on his face? He then screams if he’s trying to give his own father a heart attack. He starts smacking him with the face mask and asks over and over why he didn’t go to the U.S. Seon-jae grabs his hands and tells him to let him speak then. He says since everyone wanted him to go, he was going to give it a shot one last time. But to be honest, he wasn’t sure if he could do it. Why spend a fortune on the rehabilitation process when he was only doing it for other people’s sakes? His father says but still… getting a spot in the process was difficult even for talented athletes. That kind of chance doesn’t come often! How could he waste that on a whim like this? His father smacks him again with the face mask as he calls him a brat. Seon-jae says when he thought about swimming again, he no longer felt passionate about it like he was before. He thought he still wanted it, but guess not. He seems to have tightly closed that chapter. His father sighs and asks if he’s sure he won’t regret it then? Seon-jae says yes. His father asks what’s he planning to do with his life then? Seon-jae says he’s only 20 years old, abeoji. He’ll take some time to look into what he wants to do with his life. His father says, gosh, he’s so frustrating. Seon-jae says who knows, he might become super famous in a different field and end up with lots of fans. His father says he sure is ambitious. His father asks if he thinks that it will be that easy? He says his head hurts, and then asks him about his luggage and if he got it back. Seon-jae looks away as he rubs his face, and says why is his face so dry. He leaves to get some lotion. His father says forget his skin, what about the luggage – and then he goes on about the stir-fried gochujang. No food waste.

The next day, when Sol returns from getting the laundry with her Grandmother, she suddenly has a vision of Eclipse performing, sans Seon-jae. It disappears and she wonders what that was about. She sits down to fold the laundry and her mother brings up seeing Seon-jae kissing a girl, outside his house last night. Grandma starts scolding her for watching them kiss. Sol looks away in embarrassment. Mom says he was doing that out on the street for everyone to watch. So how could she not watch it. She then calls him a brat, as he has an innocent face and all. But he’s not shy about going after what he wants. Sol suddenly yells that he’s not like that. Both Mom and Grandma look at her, and then Mom yells how does she know if he’s like that or not? Men are all the same. Besides, his girlfriend must be just like him. She followed him all the way to his house. Mom then continues making kissy faces and sounds. ^3^ ㅋㅋ Sol can’t take this and says he’s not little kid and he’s done nothing wrong. Grandma grins at both of them. Sol says when two people like each other, it’s okay to kiss. Grandma says her mother is one to talk. Whenever Sol’s mother and father looked at each other, they started kissing at the wall or wherever they were. ㅋㅋ Mom protests and tells her to stop it. Grandma says her lips were practically attached to his. That’s how they had her. *snickers* Mom leaves in a huff, as Grandma and Sol laugh together. Sol calls after her mother that she didn’t know her lips were glued to his.

Outside, Sol’s mother says hello to Seon-jae’s father as he comes out to grab the newspapers. He says hi and turns to go back inside. Then she says by the way, his son must’ve gotten a girlfriend. He says what? She says she saw him last night in the alley with his girlfriend. And he was… he stayed very true to his instincts. Is it because he watched the movie, “Basic Instincts,” many times? He just went for it! He yells at her to just spit it out, what did he do??  She says never mind, as she should respect his son’s fried. She then smirks as she runs inside. He yells after her that fried is like fried chicken, and she meant to say “privacy.” So just tell him what did he do?!  

His father goes inside just as Seon-jae comes running down the stairs. His father stops him and asks him if he decided to not go to the U.S. because of a girl, right? Seon-jae quickly denies this and then says he’ll be back later as he heads for the front door. Meanwhile Seon-jae’s face belies his bravado. ㅋㅋ His father yells that he knew he was right as his entire life was about swimming. 

Seon-jae waits outside Sol’s place for her to come out. When he sees her, he smiles and then hugs her. ♡.♡  She hugs him back until she remembers that they’ll get seen. So she lets go and tells him they should go before they’re seen. She walks away from him. He runs to catch up to her, then holds her hand and says let’s go. (~14:35) They walk on campus like this but then she removes her hands as she’s worried about their classmates seeing them together. She then says once she goes back… He reaches over to hold both of her hands, and says “To me, every moment with you is precious. So let’s not conceal our feelings. Let’s not hide from people. Let’s follow our hearts.” She smiles up at him. He says “Once you leave, I’ll take care of the mess. I won’t cause any confusion on you.” She looks sad but manages to laugh and says “You’re saying that because you want to keep holding hands. He nods and says yes. She dimples at him. But she still looks distressed. He says since she’s still worried, then go ahead and keep it a secret. Suddenly they hear a voice say “I’ve got you!” They turn to see that it’s Hyun-joo. And then they hear another voice asking what are those two doing. Standing above them are Cho-rong, Hyun-gu…and Da-hye. Sol moves her hands away from Seon-jae’s. Hyun-joo walks closer and asks if they’re dating. Then she screams loudly that she said they weren’t dating! She then yells that she's a traitor. Cho-rong is amused by her behavior.

Inside the classroom now, Hyun-joois taking Sol to task for saying they were not dating, she was not interested, etc. She asks how could she betray her best friend? Sol grabs onto her hand and asks why is she getting so angry over this? Then she angrily points at her and says she’s holding something from her, too. Hyun-joo says no, she isn’t hiding anything from her. Sol smiles and says yes, she is. Hyun-joo quickly turns to point at Seon-jae and says that he needs to be nice to her. She’ll keep her eyes on him to see how well he treats Sol. So he’d better behave well. Don’t even look at other girls. *snort* If he upsets her and makes Sol cry, she will and swings her hand back in an intimidating manner. Seon-jae looks at his phone and says his friend saw them together earlier. And he wants a date with her. Hyun-joo quickly gives him her phone number, 0114882848. He says what did she say? She repeats her number and then cutely says tell his friend to contact her. Now smiling, she tells them to have a lovely time together. She’ll give them privacy and then she happily runs off. 

Sol and Seon-jae look at each other and then burst out into laughter. The professor comes in and Sol tells him that he should go. He doesn’t move and she asks if he’s going to take this lecture for her. He says yes. She asks if he doesn’t have class today. He says he has no class today. She laughs in disbelief, and says he came to school when he has no class? He shushes her and points at the front of the room and says it’s about to start. She asks what if the professor finds out. He whispers for her to be quiet. Girl, he ain’t leaving. However, as the lecture continues, he keeps poking her on the face. Eventually, he returns to holding her hand. 

After class, Seon-jae receives a call from In-hyuk who knows he didn’t leave for the U.S. Seon-jae asks how he found out. In-hyuk says his father called to vent to him. Seon-jae needs to make it up to him, for making them audition without him. The call ends and Sol asks what audition, and finds out it’s for Superstar K and they’ve passed the preliminary round without him. She realizes that’s what she saw this morning. She grabs his hand and says they need to run. He asks where they’re going, and she says to the audition. She says he needs to call In-hyuk and tell him he’s on his way. He tells her that going there won’t matter, as In-hyuk said they were up next. She’s upset with herself now. She remembers that she tore up the card before. He asks why she looks so down. Then he asks if he was supposed to go to that audition with In-hyuk. He asks if he’s a singer in the future? She stares at him. He says if she knew and heard about his song in the future, he must be pretty famous. She glumly says maybe not anymore. He sits down next to her and asks so what then? She says he said he liked singing, and he seemed really happy then. She’s afraid that she might’ve stolen his joy and he might never get a chance to perform on stage because of her. He asks if he’s not a singer when she goes back to the future, will she be disappointed?  She asks why would she be disappointed? She would be happy as long as he’s happy. He asks what if he’s a happily unemployed man. She replies as long as he’s happy, she’ll have to take care of him. 

At the cafe, Cho-rong and Hyun-joo are on a date and Geum overhears her loud laugh. The two are also talking loudly as they discover that they like the same show and the same person on it. They can both do the same chant, and loudly cheer together. Geum says he told her to find another guy, and she quickly did so. Geum asks his friend if that guy is in their department and if he’s a nice guy. His friend says Cho-rong is a funny, heavy drinker. His nickname is HDN, short for hard-drinking nutcase. Cho-rong tries to feed her some cake but she takes the fork from him to feed herself. Geum wonders why she chose him of all people. He then tells his friend that it’s time to go. But she starts laughing about the drink being too hot. He almost goes over there but he actually leaves. 

Later, Cho-rong tells Hyun-gu that he got his brother a honeymoon gift. Hyun-gu looks inside the bag and Cho-rong says he went to 100 convenience stores. The two enter the department lounge as Seon-jae finishes telling Da-hye that he’s sorry. She turns to leave and sees that the two guy outside are arguing. She walks around them and Cho-rong says he's been making a lot of women cry since he got a girlfriend. Cho-rong throws his black bag into a duffle bag. Seon-jae asks him if his blind date went well. Cho-rong hugs him and says they should go on a double date if it works out well with Hyun-joo. Hyun-guasks them what’s going on, and then Seon-jae’s phone rings. He answers it and throws his books into the open bag with Cho-rong’s bag. He hurries away to meet Sol.

Seon-jae and Sol are at a restaurant, but he's doing something out of her sight. Sol asks what he’s doing. He finally shows her her phone – with a pink bear keychain dangling from it now. He then pulls out his phone and shows her his matching blue bear keychain. It’s evening now, and they’re walking through a tree tunnel where it’s raining pink cherry blossom petals. Sol starts jumping up over and over while trying to catch a petal. Seon-jae asks what she’s doing. She says he doesn’t know this? If one catches a falling cherry blossom petal, they say one’s wish comes true. He smiles as he moves to stand behind her and then uses his arms to help her. Together, they open their hands and there’s a petal on her right palm. He tells her they’ll make a wish, so close her eyes. They both close their eyes and when they’re done, he asks what she wished for. She says in a singsong tone that it’s a secret. She asks what about him. He says it’s a secret in the same singsong voice as she did. She doesn’t like that answer. He smiles and says, but he thinks he already got his wish. She turns to look up at him, and he quickly bends down to give her a quick peck on the cheek. She freezes in shock and he takes the opportunity to walk around her. She touches her cheek and asks what was that. She then asks what if others see them. He looks around and then gives her a quick kiss on the lips. He leans back and smiles at her. She freezes again and then says “Yaaaaa”! He runs away as she starts chasing him, and tells him to wait until she catches him. (~23:34) 

The two arrive outside their homes and both feel like the day was too short. He asks her if he really needs to go home. He says he wants to stay with her a little longer, and asks if he can? She smiles and says he can. But she quickly snaps out of it and says no, he can’t. Because there’s no place to go at this hour. He says there’s a place they can go. She asks where? 

They’re at Gold Video and watching a movie with a view of the sea on TV. But she’s quite distracted. He suggests that they go see the sea before she goes back. She agrees that they’ll go then. He reaches over to fix her hair and then leans over – and she squeezes shut her eyes and waits. He grabs the TV remote. He pulls back and sees her closed eyes. Nothing's happened so she finally opens her eyes. He shows her the remote and says he wanted to rewind it a little. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sol says go ahead and roll it back a minute, and then gives an awkward laugh. Seon-jae asks if they should roll it back a minute, too. If she gives him another chance, he’ll try his best… She shoves him away and says stop it. She says because he kissed her on the streets before, she got all confused. She starts fanning herself with her hand, and tells him to just keep watching the movie. He laughs and says it’s a shame. Later, she falls asleep and he asks how could she fall asleep. But he moves closer to her and puts her head on his shoulder. He says “Let’s stay like this a bit. Just a little longer.” 

It’s morning now, and the movie is done playing. Sol wakes up and and realizes she’s resting against him. She wonders when she fell asleep, but she looks over and smiles at sleeping Seon-jae. She becomes horrified when she notices the huge wet stain on his shirt… her drool. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She grabs a hand fan and starts fanning at him so Seon-jae suddenly starts laughing. With a grin, he says that he didn’t sleep as how could he fall asleep? She asks why, did she snore? He says forget it. She sets down the fan and he asks why was she suddenly fanning him. She thinks of an excuse – she thought it’d be hot for him. When he looks down, she grabs him by his shirt. He laughs and asks why she’s grabbing him by the collar. She loudly laughs and says there’s something on his shirt. He asks was she drooling? It’s all right. She says no. He says it’s fine and then looks out the window and becomes mortified to see Geum outside. They see each other, and Geum says that Cotton Swab and starts walking. So Seon-jae stands up and the shirt rips as Sol is still holding onto it. Is this shirt made of toilet paper?! Sol apologizes just as her brother barges in, followed by her mother. Her brother curses at him as he grabs onto him to drag him outside. Mom asks her if it was her who was smooching in the alley as she runs over to grab her. Geum asks Seon-jae what he did with his sister all night long. Sol tells her mother to let go of her and they didn’t do anything. She then tries to pull her brother away from Seon-jae, who says that he didn’t do anything. Geum yells why is he half-naked, jerk? Seon-jae’s father pops his head in and then roars how dare he grab his son by the collar. Dad yells at him to let go of him and then starts beating on Geum with a green onion. What did this poor allium do? Mom runs over to pull Dad off of Geum and then shoves him into the shelves. Seon-jae is now worried about his father. Dad is outraged that she interfered. So he returns to yelling at Geum to let go of him, as he finally grabs him and shoves him away. Now Mom is angry that he just hit her son. (~30:00) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋChaos! 

Now the parents want to fight each other… and our couple have to separate the two. Dad says yes, he did, does he just stand here and watch his son get humiliated? Mom tells him to take a look at his son before he says so. Dad yells what could be wrong with how he looks? He looks Seon-jae and then yells as he finally notices Seon-jae's torn shirt and exposed skin. I’m crying. So dramatic. He starts pointing at Sol and asks if that means the two of them are… He hits Seon-jae and asks if he did not go to the U.S. because of Sol? Seon-jae says no, that’s not it. His father roars, why did he give up his dream just for a girl? Mom takes issue with “just for a girl?” That’s her precious daughter! Dad says his son is precious too. How did she seduce his innocent son… and drag him down so he wouldn’t go to the U.S.? Mom rolls up her sleeves and asks who dragged him down? It was his son who scooped up the water… like a servant when their house was flooded to win her daughter’s heart! Sol’s face. *snort* Mom continues yelling that her Sol wasn’t interested in him at all. Dad says she’s being ridiculous. He asks Seon-jae if this is true? Seon-jae says yes…he begged her to like him. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Mom gloats and Dad yells at him to keep his mouth closed. (~34:00 Seon-jae’s face is like a little boy’s here. ㅋㅋ)  Mom brings up the fact that he rented an adult movie when he was underage. He rented “Basic Instincts…” for a month and watched it over and over again…  Sol stares at Seon-jae and asks, really? Seon-jae walks over to Sol and puts his hands over her ears and say no, don’t listen to them. Their parents continue arguing. He shakes his head as he repeats "don’t listen to them."ㅋㅋ Dad says he watched it, the movie! Seon-jae walks back to his father… who says that besides eating and sleeping, Seon-jae only cared about swimming! He had no interest in women, not even a little bit. He pinches his thumb and index finger together and says not even this much he was interested in them. 🤏 Mom yells same here. Dad continues saying he was truly innocent! He was pure like oxygen. Oxygen!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Dad taps him on the shoulder and says let’s go. He grabs Seon-jae’s bag but Seon-jae grabs onto the other end and says they can’t leave like this. The two start pulling back and forth on the bag while Mom points at the door. Seon-jae continues saying he can’t leave, and so the two argue and continue pulling on the bag until everything flies out of it – and to everyone's shock, it starts raining condoms. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThis helps… right? Seon-jae asks what, why is…?? Startled Sol removes some condoms from her arm. Mom says innocent, pure like oxygen?! Geum yells, pervert and then runs over to punch him. Seon-jae blocks him… just as Grandma comes in to ask what’s going on. Dad looks at the condoms in his hands and screams stop! He says they’re his. They’re all his. ㅋㅋ Like father, like son. Taking a bullet for love. ㅋㅋ Mom says that doesn’t make sense, does it? Dad yells it’s because he still feels hot in his heart! Mom yells stop it. Grandma reaches down to pick up the stuff on the floor and realizes what they are. Mom tells Sol that she can never see a wolf like him, with such a dark intent. Never. She’ll never let her! Dad says thanks for being against their relationship. He then shoves Geum and says he told him to let go of him! Dad tells Seon-jae, him too, don’t date a girl from such a bossy family. Never! ㅋㅋㅋ He drags Seon-jae who says these really aren’t his. Sol grabs onto his hand and says to hear them out. She cries his name as he cries hers. Now her family is holding her back as he’s being pulled out the door. They're forced to let and she pitifully cries his name. 

Later, the two of them talk on the phone. She says she’s already explained to them that he’s not such a person, but it didn’t work. He asks what they should do. She asks that those… were not his, right? On the other end, he stands up and loudly says of course not! He says of all people, how could she think… She says right, she believes him. He asks if she believes him 100%. She hesitates before saying yes, she believes him. He says okay, she doesn’t. He’ll give her an explanation within an hour, so wait. (~36:45) He thinks about how those got into his bag. He recalls that Cho-rong threw something into his bag in the lounge. He calls him but he can’t reach him. So he calls Hyun-gu and struggles to say the word condoms… He says there were hundreds of them in a plastic bag. Hyun-gu says right, those. He asks how he knows about them. He says Cho-rong was worried sick because he lost them… as they were a gift for his brother. Seon-jae screams in frustration, then says that they’re his! He asks where Cho-rong is. 

Now the two families are sitting inside Sol’s living room with Grandma mediating. Dad sneers at Mom, but has to stop because his face hurts. Mom smirks and Dad stands up to leave. But Seon-jae pulls him back down. Grandma says that Seon-jae has called for this meeting to get the record straight. She brings up the movie first. Seon-jae says he rented it but he didn’t watch it. Geum scoffs at this. Seon-jae reaches under the table and puts a DVD player on the table. He says they have this so they can’t watch VHS tapes. Grandma asks then why did he rent it? He replies that he grabbed whatever because his heart was throbbing.  Mom asks why did his heart throb while renting a video? Does he have arrhythmia? He says it was because… Sol at the counter was so pretty. Everyone else stares at him, while Sol smiles very cutely at him, and says what is he talking about? Mom calls her a brat. Dad asks why she’s smiling with her eyes? Geum raises his arm threatening to beat her. Dad says he’s so soft. Sol drops the cute act but still smiles at Seon-jae. Grandma says that he’s saying that he was blinded by her granddaughter’s beauty, which she agrees is possible. Next topic, who will explain why he was naked in the morning? Sol says that the shirt got ripped while she tried to wipe something off. Her mother and brother are both shocked that she ripped it. Her mother starts hitting her in the arm and Seon-jae gets up to grab her mother’s arms to stop her. He says that she did rip the shirt but nothing happened. Dad gets up to get him to let go of Mom’s arms…as he says that she’s very strong. ㅋㅋ The two sit down and Sol says she fell asleep watching a movie. She drooled, so… Her brother glares at her, so she turns on the cute act with Grandma, and asks if she will trust her. Grandma says of course, she trusts what her puppy says. Now onto the next item – the pile of stuff from this bag as she opens it. She asks what mindset he had when he was preparing hundreds of them. Seon-jae says those really aren’t his, they’re his friend’s. Geum scoffs and calls him a liar. Seon-jae says he has a witness, and he’s supposed to be here, so hold on. Seon-jae looks at his phone and reads the message that Cho-rong is on his way. Mom asks did he ask the owner of those to come over? Seon-jae says yes, and he should be here soon. He anxiously looks out the window and wonders where he is. Dad stands up and yells at him for being a fool and asks what is this? He says they should just go. His father grabs the DVD player and Seon-jae runs over to tell him no and hold on. Mom says right, a clumsy explanation will only embarrass him more. She needs to leave for aerobics class so they should go. Sol holds onto her mother and tells her to wait just a little longer. Grandma says they should wrap it up as she has something to be as well. Suddenly, a voice says Seon-jae’s name. It’s Cho-rong in a suit, who pants as he says hello. He then asks where his condoms are. Seon-jae grabs Sol and happily spins around with her in his arms as he says they’re safe now. ㅋㅋ These kids.

The cops have footage of Kim Young-soo driving the truck, as he hadn’t noticed the camera obstructed by a tree. He’d parked and left for 15 minutes. He’d gone to a livestock feed store, and its owner used to run an illegal slaughterhouse. He gets anesthesia for animals from this guy as he’s preparing for his next crime.  But after that, they have no idea where he went.

Tae-sung is striking poses in alleyway as Yi-seol takes photos of him in his line of clothing.   I don’t know which is more funny – Yi-seol’s directives or Tae-sung’s poses. ㅋㅋㅋ At some point, he event wears the same outfit as the printed sheep on his shirt. Details. Afterwards, Tae-sung says his hair doesn’t look good and adjusts it in the reflection of a window. Two schoolgirls walk by and Yi-seol blocks them and says to not take photos. One of the girls shows him her phone and says she was texting. They ask is he some celebrity? Tae-sung tells him to not go overboard. When they see him, they gasp and say he’s so handsome. Tae-sung being Tae-sung… winks and then shoots his finger gun at them. The girls squeal and walk by saying he’s so handsome while they insult Yi-seol for being a carp-shaped bread and a sea squirt. They continue gushing over Tae-sung and he actually thanks them. This makes them squeal again and one of the girls even makes a heart with her arms over her head. Tae-sung then receives a call… 

In person, Sol asks Tae-sung if Kim Young-soo was the driver of that white truck that was in front of her house. She realizes that he’s been lurking around her. He says yes, and they’ll contact her soon but he wanted to warn her beforehand. She thanks him. He asks shouldn’t she tell her family and evade him beforehand until he’s caught? She says she can’t, if he’s decided to find her, he’d do it no matter where she is. He asks what happens because of him? Why is she being like this? She can’t tell him, and he knows. She asks him to not tell anyone and keep it a secret. He says for free? She should treat him to a meal at least. She agrees to this, and someone says what? She turns around and sees Seon-jae walking towards them. Tae-sung greets him with a wave and says “Hi, chingu.” ㅋㅋ Seon-jae asks her why she would treat him to a meal? She doesn’t have an answer. So he asks Tae-sung why he’s here. Tae-sung grabs the shopping bag and says he’s here to get his father’s underwear back. He then pulls it out of the bag to show him. Sol quickly says she took it by mistake last time, and wanted to treat him to a meal as an apology. Seon-jae says let’s go as he’ll treat him to a meal. Tae-sung asks why would he do that? Seon-jae says he doesn’t want his girlfriend to eat with her ex-boyfriend. 

The two guys are now at a restaurant and Seon-jae tells him to not visit Sol from now on. Tae-sung says just let him eat, chingu. Seon-jae says they were never friends, so why does he keep calling him that. Tae-sung says they’ve even slept together, so of course they’re friends. *snicker* Tae-sungpours him some soju, and says so Sol is his girlfriend? Seon-jae yanks the bottle away from him and pours him a glass as he says she’s his girlfriend now. He then slams down the bottle, and Tae-sung clinks his glass with Seon-jae’s and says congratulations. Tae-sung says he thinks it will last forever, right? Look at him, she dumped him after only two weeks. He should treat her right while she’s his girlfriend. Seon-jae says whatever. He asks what’s the secret she told him to not tell anyone? Tae-sung says he heard that earlier…so did he say he’d treat him to ask about that? Seon-jae says why else would he. Tae-sung says what else can he do. Then he says in a sing song voice, she told him not to tell anyone as he bobs his head from left to right. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seon-jae says in the same tone, he’s not “anyone”. *snort* Tae-sung says he doesn’t know, and he’s never going to tell him.  So go ask his own girlfriend. Seon-jae sighs and then stands up. He says he’ll pay for it before he goes, so enjoy his food. Tae-sung grabs onto his arm and asks if he’s leaving. He says that he hates eating alone. Seon-jae moves his arm away and asks if he’s a kid.  

Later, the two guys are drunk. Seon-jae keeps asking about the secret with Sol. Tae-sung says he’s jealous of him. Seon-jae says he should have done better. Tae-sung says he thinks… he liked her a lot. Seon-jae says…so what? He doesn’t care. Tae-sung asks if she’s really going after a month. Seon-jae says he doesn’t know and then drops his head onto the table…as does Tae-sung. ㅋㅋ 

Geum is in something called, “My Daughter’s Affair as Revenge”. On set, he’s on a date but gets attacked by several women and falls to the ground. After he’s been beaten a few times, the director suddenly says to wrap it. Why? Because Hwang Jung-ho will make a cameo appearance as the man who cheats on his wife. They’re going to adjust the schedule to this renowned actor… So Geum’s out of a job. Everyone else leaves and then he notices that Cho-rong and Hyun-joo are standing and watching nearby. 

Geum and Hyun-joo are sitting outside the convenience store as he’s drinking. He tells her to not tell his mother about this. She says he should be happy that he was fired. He might’ve broken a bone if he had continued. He asks if this is how she comforts someone, and tells her to not pity him. He asks if she thinks he’s pitiful. She asks what’s pitiful about him. The broadcasters who don’t recognize his talent, and look down on him are much more pitiful. He’s like a man who is 24k pure gold to her, like a gold bar. Geum says he thought things were going well with Cho-rong as they were giggling and overjoyed. He admits that he couldn’t even look at her as he got goosebumps, and then rolls up his sleeve to show her. She says ah, she got him. He’s jealous, isn’t he? He stutters, what does she mean he’s jealous as he looks at anywhere but her. She then teases him about his red face. Suddenly, they hear a loud dog bark and see its menacing shadow. So he grabs her hand and they run to hide. She tells him to go in first, but he tells her to go. She says at least he should survive. He asks how could he survive alone? The two of them go inside this cabinet, close the doors and he’s got a lighter in his hand. He asks why she wanted him to hide alone. She replies she was worried he might get bitten.  He says that’s ridiculous, as she almost got bitten to death by that big dog. Standing right outside this cabinet, is a curious little white dog, who has a small bark. ㅋㅋㅋ He leans over and the loud noise from inside makes the little dog run away in fear. 

The next morning, Seon-jae wakes up and nuzzles and then realizes that he’s holding someone in his arms – it’s Tae-sung! ㅋㅋ When he realizes who it is, Seon-jae jumps out of the bed and yells what the hell. This wakes up Tae-sung who sweetly says good morning. ㅋㅋ From nearby, In-hyuk, who is picking up something from the floor, mutters he can’t believe they’re his friends. Seon-jae demands to know why he was sleeping with this guy here? In-hyuk throws a pine cone at him and asks if he doesn’t remember. He then throws one at Tae-sung, too. 

Rewind to last night. In-hyuk is watching drunk Seon-jae and Tae-sung who are looking at these pine cones and saying Sol’s name. [Her name means pine.ㅋ] The two wonder why there are so many Sols and wondering why she’s hurt. Then he’s with these two drunk idiots who are yelling for Sol at a haunted house. It’s not over. He’s gotta listen to them sad-drunk sing together at the noraebang. ㅋㅋ About Sol of course as they even hug. (~53:00) Save In-hyuk!

Seon-jae hears about this now and says no way as he pulls on his hair. In-hyuk stands up and shows Seon-jae pictures of the two of them on his phone. Seon-jae now screams in frustration, and In-hyuk says they’re best friends now. Chingu 4eva. Tae-sung walks over to put his arms hands around Seon-jae as peeks over his shoulder. In-hyuk then says no wonder as they both have a weird taste in women. In unison, they ask, what’s wrong with Sol?! In-hyuk sighs and snatches his phone from Seon-jae. He tells them don’t ever drink together again. He then says he's feeling sensitive today, so get lost. Tae-sung says he should cook hangover ramyeon. He asks Seon-jae if it'll be two packets, and Seon-jae says three. Seon-jae goes to wash his face and remembers Tae-sung telling him that his father is after Kim Young-soo, so mind his own business. And this is all he could tell him last night.

In-hyuk removes stuff from the walls. Tae-sung asks why he’s doing that. In-hyuk says he’s going to quit the band and go back to his hometown. Tae-sung asks if he’s okay. In-hyuk says what if he isn’t? The club fired them, so today is their last performance. But they won’t even be able to do it because Dong-seob quit the band. Tae-sung says it’s his last performance, so he should do it. He asks if he wants him to promote it. He says that he can’t sing but has a good look. He’ll fill the venue with an audience, so how about that? In-hyuk is very happy with this offer.

Elsewhere, Kim Young-soo goes to a locker to pick up bottles of anesthesia and cash. But Detective Kim and his partner are waiting to arrest him. Detective Kim calls Sol, and she’s very grateful and relieve. She then cries tears of joy. She then receives Seon-jae's text asking her if she wants to see IIn-hyuk’s last performance. 

Sol arrives at the venue and wonders where Seon-jae is. As promises, Tae-sung has promoted Eclipse on his site, so the place is packed. Mr. Kim (CEO of JNT Entertainment) is in the audience. In-hyuk announces they have a special guest vocalist, Seon-jae and the first song was written by him. Sol looks at him in shock. He starts singing Sonaki, and she cries as she watches him onstage. Nearby, Tae-sung watches her as she cries with all of her focus on Seon-jae. As he sings, she remembers meeting him again in 2023, 2008 and now (2009). She thinks to herself, it’s all over and they have a future now. The song ends and she smiles even brighter at him. 

Kim Young-soo has managed to get out of the cuffs, caused a car accident and left the scene.

Epilogue. When Sol and Seon-jae caught the cherry blossom petal… 

Seo-jae's wish: I hope my dear Sol stays happy for a long time. I hope we stay happy together… for a long time.
Sol's wish: I hope my dear Seon-jae stays happy for a long time. I hope we stay happy together… for a long time.

[Ep12[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol finds out about Hyun-joo's not-so-secret relationship. Sol and Seon-jae go on a trip...with Tae-sung and Sunny, to find In-hyuk.

After the concert, the two walk hand in hand. He says she seems to be in a good mood. She says she is, as she’s happy. He asks if she isn’t going to say anything, like it was cool. She says it was cool. He asks how cool was it? She says this much as she spreads her arms wide. He says only this much? He then bends down to lift her up by the waist and onto the bench which makes her taller than him. He says this much? Wow, he guesses it was really cool. He then says when she goes back, should he sing a song for 20-year-old Sol? Will she fall in love with him then? She laughs and then jumps down and sits on the bench. She asks if he sang to show her. He says of course and he wanted to sing on stage once again. She asks how it felt. He says his heart was racing. He then reaches into his pocket and gives her a card. He says he gave it to him as he was leaving after the concert. It’s Mr. Kim’s card. She asks what he said. He says he said he wanted to make Eclipse debut and signed a contract with them. She excitedly says that’s great for her and stands up to clap. He asks if that makes her happy. She says yes, as she was worried that she’d ruined his future. He reaches over to pinch her cheek and says he told her to not say things like that. She says that she has nothing more to wish for now. He says he does. He wishes time would pass by slowly. 

Tae-sung runs to the emergency room looking for his father. He finds an empty bed with blood, bloodied clothes, etc. Tae-sung starts crying… and then his father wearing a brace pops up next to him, asking if he’s crying. Tae-sung turns away and asks why is he yawning so much. His father asks if he was crying, thinking he was dead? Tae-sung denies crying, and that he’s here for something else. His father says stop putting on a show. His father says he ran here because was worried about him. Tae-sung says the paramedic called him and said things that made him think that he was dying. That’s why he ran here in shock. His father says he got 20 stitches on his forehead and sprained his neck a little. He yells that he’s the never-dying officer on the violent crime team. Tae-sung asks how he was injured?

Seon-jae’s father is watching the news which covers the suspect of the Juyang Reservoir murder case who was arrested today, but he escaped while being transported. And he deliberately caused the car to crash and escaped. Seon-jae exits the bathroom but the door seems to be sticking and tells his father that the door is weird. His father says the house is old and continues turning up the volume on the TV. Seon-jae hears the description of Kim Young-soo’s appearance and sees his photo. Back at home, Sol is frightened about this development. 

The next morning, Seon-jae sees Sol walking by but she doesn’t notice him. She meets with Detective Kim to tell him to be in this area on May 10. He says if she’s worried about him coming back here, he won’t as he was arrested near here. She says he probably will come. He says he understands that she’s worried, and the witness protection measures are already in place. He says if she’s still worried, then how about discussing it with her family about the option of temporarily relocating her residence? She replies if he notices that there are police officers near the place, they’ll never be able to catch him. She says she’s not saying this because she’s anxious. She’s asking him because he needs to be arrested. He asks if she’s thinking of luring him here?  He thinks it’s too dangerous for her. She replies that he can prevent him. He asks why she’s doing this. She says she can’t say why she’s doing this or what will happen here even though she wants to. Can’t he just think that it’s to protect her and does as she says? Only then can they catch him. Nearby, Seon-jae has heard their conversation. He then looks inside the abandoned place. He wonders what happens that day. He goes over their past conversations when she’d told him to forget about her. 

On campus, Geum and Hyun Ju are hugging and saying that they miss each other. Just as they’re about to smooch, she sees Sol across the way. She squeezes her hands tightly around Geum’s back and the two fall off the pedestrian bridge into the water. Geum yells and everyone else runs to help them. Sol hears the commotion but her phone rings and she answers it and walks away. Wet 2nd CP are climbing out onto land, and Geum asks Hyun-joo if she’s okay as she coughs. Then he asks if she ate something wrong? Why did she hug him and then dive into the water? Was she trying to kill him? Hyun-joo says no… but Sol was suddenly passing by and she got flustered. Geum looks scared and asks was she passing by? She nods. And he says they could’ve been in trouble. She says what would he have done without her? So he’s her gold and she’s his princess. <__< Dude, use a different term of endearment. And I don’t like her baby voice when she’s with him. He winks at her…and she winks back. ㅋㅋ They’re cold so they decide to hug. Nope. Too cold for that. ㅋㅋ

Sol and Seon-jae return home as her class was canceled for the day. Seon-jae checks the lock on her front door before closing it. Sol calls for her mother, grandmother and brother but no one’s around. Sol takes her books from him and says she’ll put them in her room. Seon-jae tells her to wait and he’ll look around it. She runs ahead of him and says no!! He actually opens the window and says he should install a window guard. He asks her if this window locks properly. She says yes. He tells her to do so when she sleeps, and then asks where her stun gun is. She goes to her desk and pulls it out. He takes it from her and makes sure it works before putting it back in its case. He hands it to her and says to keep it by her bedside. He then crouches down to look at the other self-protection stuff in the desk drawer. She asks why he’s suddenly acting like this. He replies that someone might carry his girlfriend away. Because she’s so pretty. She grins and asks how he can say things like that. She asks who would carry her away. They suddenly hear the sound of glass breaking. 

It’s Hyun-joo and Geum hiding under the table. Geum says she said Sol would be in class. Hyun-joo says it must’ve been canceled. Geum moves to go handle this, but her hair is caught on a button. Still, they slowly crawl out from under the table… as Seon-jae gets the baton ready and Sol turns on the stun gun. She moves forward but he blocks her and tells her to stay here and not to come out. So he goes out first and she’s behind him and ends up running into him. They find the broken glass on the floor… and see that one of the other doors is closed now. They go to investigate and end up walking through and the two are hiding behind the plants. Geum and Hyun-joo try to climb back in through the window but Geum knocks over something with his foot. Seon-jae goes to where the sound came from and looks out the window but no one’s there. He leaves and the two come out from under the mat. Seon-jae and Sol leave to check out the bathroom but then they hear a grunt. Geum closes the armoire door on his own fingers. Seon-jae and Sol go to the armoire and open the one door but no one is there. Seon-jae tells her to go call the police and when she leaves, he tries to open the double doors himself but Geum and Hyun-joo are holding onto them from the inside. Seon-jae gives a big yank and sees Geum falling out loudly. Suddenly, there’s a yell from Sol who appears with the stun gun turned on. Seon-jae yells no but it’s too late as she makes contact with her brother’s neck. Seon-jae is horrified but then hears someone screaming Geum’s name… Hyun-joo gets out of the armoire and cries on Geum’s body. Sol is finally shocked. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (~12:25) Poor Geum. First the spray and now the stun gun.

Now the two couples are sitting down at the table, and Geum can’t make eye contact with his seething sister who is being fanned by Seon-jae’s hand. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Meanwhile, Hyun Ju is digging her fingernails into a bowl of apples. Seon-jae continues hugging his backpack as he fans Sol. She says it’s disgusting. Geum says despite the situation, she can’t say he’s disgusting. She says so it started around this time. She yells that he hit on her friend! Hyun-joo says no, Sol, she hit on him. She then asks what they were trying to do when there was no one around. She then yells why is she wearing her clothes? Hyun-joo says she came to get changed for unavoidable reasons. ㅋㅋ Geum says it takes one to know one. What about her? What is she doing with this guy in this empty house? Seon-jae says he carried her heavy books to put them in the house. Geum says he followed her into the house, knowing there was no one, because he had another intention, didn’t he? He then points at Seon-jae, and says he’s got that weird stuff in that bag again, right? ㅋㅋ Seon-jae replies that he said those weren’t his. Geum yells at him to not talk back to him. The girls’ faces… ㅋㅋ Geum tells Sol to settle this. He’ll give them permission to date if she gives them permission to date too. Seon-jae says he doesn’t have to permit them as they’re not breaking up. Geum yells how dare he talk back to him. Sol says how dare he ask Seon-jae to treat him like an older brother. Hyun-joo says she can’t say that as he’s still her older brother. That’s rude. Sol repeats the word rude and then starts laughing like a crazy person. Seon-jae continues fanning as he laughs with her. He says don’t get mad. She takes a deep breath. Geum says as expected, Princess Hyun Ju is the only one who cares about him in a cute but whiny voice. His princess says Her Gold, why is he treated like this at home. Sol angrily says she should and reaches for the stun gun. Seon-jae grabs ahold of her, as she yells if wants to get an electric shock again. Geum runs behind Hyun-joo who is holding an apple like she’s about to throw it. It wasn’t strong enough was it? She screams for him to give her his neck and Seon-jae tells her to hold it in. Geum tells her to put it down. Sol screams if she’s going to throw that, as she can throw this too. (~16:53) FTR, I could have lived without 2CP's dating era.

At a cafe, Sol chugs her beverage and slams the cup down before complaining about that girl…even after she warned her. Seon-jae says if she hates it that much, she should stop them. She thinks back to Geum as he’s looking at their newborn, telling her  “When you gain something, you lose something. Happiness always comes with a price.” And Hyun-joo holding their newborn saying “If I never got married, I would have never been able to see my beautiful children.” She says that she can’t stop them when thinks about Kkomul, their baby. She then sighs and says are they meant to be together no matter what? How come she can talk about their future?! Seon-jae says if there’s a fate that doesn’t change, no matter how much one tries to change, it means the choice didn’t change. There are choices one makes even though they know the consequences. Because they like it. She nods and says he’s right. She gave her the chance to choose, but she blew up the chance. She can’t do anything about it. She guesses they love each other so much that they’re inseparable. Seon-jae says yes, that’s what it is.  Sol asks when he’s signing the contract. Seon-jae says he hasn’t heard an answer from In-hyuk yet. He hasn’t been able to reach him for days. Sol wonders if something happened. Now she’s worried. Seon-jae thinks to himself, it’s not time for her to worry about him. He wants to say something but decides against it. Back at home, Seon-jae opens the window in his room and looks over the video store. He thinks about Sol worrying about May 10. He looks at today’s date, May 3. 

Seon-jae and Sol go to In-hyuk’s place to look for him. When Seon-jae removes the blanket from the couch, he finds a sleeping Tae-sung instead. Seon-jae yells in surprise, and keeps flipping the covers and asks what he’s doing. Tae-sung says good morning. Seon-jae asks what he’s doing here. Tae-sung sits up and says In-hyuk put up this house for rent and moved out. So he’s using it for their office. Why? He then notices Sol, and asks if she’s all right. Apparently, In-hyuk had left because his voice cracked on the Superstar K show… and the entire world knows. Tae-sung tells Seon-jae that he didn’t care about his friend because he was too busy dating. He forgot about friendship because he was crazy about love. Sol barely suppresses a smile. Seon-jae asks if he knows where his hometown is. Tae-sung replies how would he know when he doesn’t know it. Sol raises her hand and says she knows… as a member of Eclipse’s first fan club. She even knows the color of the roof at his house in his hometown. Tae-sung asks about “fan club” and Seon-jae asks where it is. She says it’s a bit far and wonders if they should take the bus or train there. Tae-sung shows them his car, Sunny. Sol says with the money, he should have saved it to buy a house. She then says he’s still immature. 

Back at home, Seon-jae’s father is in the bathroom washing his hair to get rid of bird poop. But the water’s been turned off. He tries to leave the bathroom but the door’s stuck. He suddenly recalls Seon-jae telling him about the door. The shampoo gets into his eyes. He then sees the toilet bowl water and tells himself to not do it even if his eyes are burning. Well, he ends up doing it, and then sniffs his hair afterwards. He has also left his phone outside, so he opens the window and yells for help. Unfortunately, there’s a jackhammer being used on a nearby sidewalk. At Sol’s home, Grandma complains about the noise and shaking from outside. A dog barks, and Dad screams “Make the dog stop barking!! That horrible dog!” ㅋㅋ He closes the window and says that no one can hear him because of the construction and that dog. So he has no choice but to wait until Seon-jae returns home. 

Tae-sung wears little white gloves as he drives very, very slowly on the bridge. Sol watches him with annoyance. From the backseat, Seon-jae tells him to step on the gas pedal. Tae-sung says what if Sunny gets scratched from a pebble? Sol says it’ll take forever to get there. Why did he even get a new car? He’ll ruin it after treasuring it so much. He tells her to enjoy the view…and then someone goes around them. Seon-jae asks shouldn't he be faster than a cultivator? They start looking at a red roofed house. Instead they see a fully-dressed In-hyuk walking into the water. Sol and Seon-jae run out of the car first and Tae-sung follows suit. Seon-jae tries to run but trips and falls onto the sand. Behind them Sunny starts rolling towards the water. The guys grab a surprised In-hyuk who asks what they’re doing here. They drag him out of the water, and Tae-sung asks if that’s why he came back here. Seon-jae says it’s not the end of the world. He should persistently live on. Why does he try to die? In-hyuk asks who tried to die. He turns and points at the water – the floatie he likes has drifted too far away now. He asks why they suddenly came here and made a fuss. Seon-jae and Tae-sung both sit down as one complains why he didn’t say so earlier and the other says he’s all wet now. Now Sol points at something in the water. The guys look over and Tae-sung yells nooooo, Sunny! It’s sitting in the water… And now they’re watching a seagull land on Sunny’s roof. Tae-sung cries, and the other three bow their heads in respect. While they’re having a meal with In-hyuk’s parents, Tae-sung is sitting on a rock as he desolately looks at the sea. Later Sol calls her mother to tell her where she is, Danpo-ri with Seon-jae. Kim Young-soo hears this and then limps out of the video store with Sol’s old phone. Really? He happens to be there of all places?.

After this meal, they’re washing the dishes by hand but Seon-jae fusses over her hands getting cold and chapped. He then grabs her hands and blows on them. In-hyuk glares and then tells them to go back to Seoul at once. Tae-sung chimes in, how can they? His Sunny is in the cold sea. He wonders why he gave them a ride. A kid gets out of the fenced area and Tae-sung asks In-hyuk if his goat goes on a picnic all on its own. In-hyuk complains that it got out again, and tells them to help catch Soondol. The foursome chase Soondol up a hill. In-hyuk falls first. Then Tae-sung slides towards it but it gets away. Seon-jae is pretty close but ends up rolling around onto the ground. Sol goes after it but she trips and falls. Seon-jae helps her up. Then the foursome surround Soondol…and Tae-sung is the one who manages to grab him. So cute. The boy and the goat. :D

Now Tae-sung and In-hyuk are splashing around in the sea while Seon-jae and Sol watches them. Seon-jae says they’d said they’d see the sea before she returned and this is how they got here. She agrees, but she’s still happy that she came with him. He grins at her and says “me too.”  Someone yells if they’re here to date. Seon-jae says yes. In-hyuk and Tae-sung decide they need to go get him. They run to grab him and go. He tries to resist but the three end up splashing around together. Seon-jae calls out to Sol, who is laughing at the three wet guys. She runs to him. Now it’s two against two. 

Later, it’s just Seon-jae and In-hyuk. Seon-jae asks if he’s really going to quit the band. He also admits that he’s a bit scared. For him to play music while all he used to do was swim. It’s a path he hasn’t taken before. It’s scary. But… he thinks he can do it well with him. He doesn’t know when he’ll die, but if there’s the brightest moment in his youth… he wants it to be with him. In-hyuk looks touched by this but he says whatever. He splashes Seon-jae in the face with some water, and says he’s become smooth-tongued after dating Sol. Seon-jae says he’s a man but he’s crying. Seon-jae then puts him in a headlock, and both are laughing as they’re laying on the ground. Sol watches from nearby and smiles. Tae-sung offers a bag to her and tells her to pick one. She pulls out a honeydew melon ice cream bar and says she wants this one with a smile. He sits down next to her and says he’s relieved to see her smile after coming here. He was worried she’d be terrified by the news on Kim Young-soo. She says she’s not terrified as she’s all right. She asks why he keeps worrying about her recently? It’s unlike him. Why? Does he regret losing her? He should have treated her well when he went out with her. The bus has already left. Tae-sung says he knows. He admits that he realized it after the bus left and he really liked her back then. So he’s telling her he didn’t use her. She looks surprised. He knows it’s late but if that hurt her before, this is the truth, so get it over with. She says thank you for telling her now, at least. Her self-esteem is boosted because the popular guy at their school had really liked her. He replies he’s not as bad as she thinks. She laughs and says she knows. Even though she told him such stuff, she knows he’s a good person. He says thanks to someone, he hears that he’s a good person. In-hyuk runs over and asks if he brought back ice cream and reaches inside the bag to pull out a watermelon and a honeydew melon bar. Seon-jae reaches over to grab the honeydew melon bar, and Tae-sung tells In-hyuk to move over. Seon-jae sits down between Sol and Tae-sung. The foursome enjoy their ice cream in peace.

Later, Sol realizes her phone is missing. She wonders if she dropped it somewhere. Seon-jae says she fell when they were trying to catch the goat. So Seon-jae and Sol return to look for her phone. But as they’re walking she’s getting visions of herself having been here before. Seon-jae tells her to stay there, and wait for him to find it. He calls the phone and picks it up. He shouts that he found it but she’s nowhere to be seen. He walks around yelling for her but there’s no response. He finally sees her sitting down on the ground, near the edge of the cliff. He yells her name and she finally turns to acknowledge him. He says she can’t disappear without telling him when she doesn’t have her phone. She says his name with reddened eyes. He asks why is she sitting here like this. Did she fall? She slowly says yes, she came to see the view but tripped. Seon-jae quickly starts checking on her legs, ankles, and asks if she’s okay. She suddenly stands up and says they should go back as it's getting dark and scary. She grabs his hand and leads him away. He says he told her to stay right there, so why did she roam around without being afraid? Sol says she’s sorry. Then she smiles and asks why is he being overprotective these days? He asks her if she has something to tell him. Her smile falters but she says no, she doesn’t, why? He replies he wants her to tell him everything when she’s hurt and worn off without hiding something. Don’t try to bear it alone. She smiles and nods  and says okay, she’ll do that. Seon-jae thinks she’s lying, and she’s not going to tell him to protect him. He reaches over and gently strokes her hair, and thinks… Sol, no matter how hard she tries to hide it, he’ll go to her that day.  This is the choice he cannot avoid… He tells her let’s go. 

Back at home, Seon-jae’s father has fallen asleep on the edge of the tub but he suddenly wakes up. His stomach growls as he’s hungry. He then hoarsely yells “Help me!” But it’s making him more hungry. He says he’s starving here. He wonders when his son will come home. He looks at the door and says he’ll use his firm body to break down the door and escape. He secures a towel around his right shoulder and then runs into the door…and injures himself. 

Seon-Jae and Sol return to In-hyuk’s home and wonder where everyone is. Seon-jae looks at his phone and sees the message from In-hyuk: "They’re going to catch webfoot octopuses. So come to the dock right now as they’re leaving in 30 minutes." He tells her this and she looks down at her clothes and says she should change into something else. She walks towards the door and he blocks her to ask if she wants to go. He says he doesn’t want to go. On the boat, Tae-sung says it’s already been 30 minutes, why aren’t they coming. In-hyuk says he knew this would happen and they cast off. Tae-sung says he doesn’t want to go and tries to get back on land. In-hyuk holds him back and Tae-sung screams "noooooo!!!" ㅋㅋ Such dramatic boys!

Seon-jae and Sol have each showered now. Seon-jae fusses at Sol for having wet hair. She says she doesn’t know where the dryer is as it’s not her house. He has her sit down, hands her a bowl of strawberries and tells her to eat them. Then he grabs the towel and starts drying her hair. She smiles up at him. He says why is she staring and to eat the strawberries. She says just because. He smiles down at her and continues drying her hair. She says he won’t have to use the hair conditioner. He says there wasn’t any. She replies that he was in perfect condition. He replies she’s been going easy with those cringy jokes. She suddenly asks if he’s a deer? He asks what is it this time? She replies why does he keep melting her heart, her sweet dear? He turns his head away to smile but turns back in all seriousness and says it’s embarrassing, so stop it. She says wait, he’s not laughing. So she says he smells so nice. He bends down amd replies, like the perfect boyfriend? She nods and says, correct. He stands up and asks if she finds these jokes funny. She says she’s trying to make him laugh. These jokes used to make him laugh all the time. SMH. Make it end. He asks for a strawberry and she reaches over to offer him one. But then Sol is startled by Soondol who walks by and bleats at them. She throws the bowl of strawberries as she leans backwards. As it rains strawberries, Seon-jae reaches over to catch her and puts an arm below her head so it doesn’t slam onto the table. He hovers over her and the two stare at each other – until Soondol’s bleats interrupt them. Seon-jae stands up and follows Soondol and tells him to go in there, even though it’s already inside the fenced area. He then closes the gate. Sol finishes picking up the strawberries, and says she should go inside and get some sleep. He asks where she is sleeping. She tells him that In-hyuk’s parents told her to sleep in the guest room. He then asks where he is sleeping. She looks shocked, but then she points at the tent that’s been set up inside, and says he’s sleeping there. He replies that he’s a guest, too. She yells, hey, what is he saying? Is he saying he’ll sleep in the same room? He awkwardly says he was just joking, so don’t look so shocked. He puts his hand on her arm and nudges her towards the door and tells her to go in and get some sleep. But he holds onto her arm and tells her to call him if she gets scared. She asks what she could be scared about. He replies that she’s never slept in the countryside. Because it’s so quiet here, one can hear all kinds of things. There are ghosts, too. She says she sees…but she’s not afraid of ghosts and runs into the guest room. 

Seon-jae goes to his tent, and starts making ghostly sounds as he shakes on the tent, hammock, etc. ㅋㅋㅋ (~50:30) His sound is making me cringe and laugh at the same time. He even opens the sliding door and slams it a bit as he’s making the sounds. He suddenly yells “no!!!” and runs into Sol’s room with his pillow. He asks if she didn’t hear the noises. He says he saw a ghost and even describes it. He then grabs some bedding and puts it on the floor next to hers. He says that was so scary and if it’ll show up again. With a glint in her eye, she says she’ll go sleep in the tent and grabs her pillow to go. Seon-jae stops her and asks that she wants to sleep there where the ghost showed up? He says no. She clears her throat. He asks if she’s worried that he’ll try something. Didn’t she hear his father – as he puts his hand on his chest – he’s pure like oxygen. He didn’t have any kind of dirty thoughts. Not even… and raises his hand to demonstrate and hits it on the ceiling. ㅋㅋ He would. So he demonstrates with his finger and thumb… 🤏 She says so he really came here because he’s scared of a ghost? He immediately says yes. Then adds, on top of that, it’s really cold out there. He dramatically demonstrates the draft that came over his tent….and yells about the sandstorm. ㅋㅋㅋ He’s too much. Who fed him sugar? ㅋㅋ She finally laughs and says he couldn’t say he wanted to be together. Why did he even try to lie when he’s such a bad liar? He says if he says so, would she let him sleep in here? She drops the smile and says no. Seon-jae quickly runs to grab some pillows and puts them in between their beds. He says look, he divided the room. He won’t go over this line, okay? He then lays down on his pillow and with a sigh of relief, says this is nice. Still standing, she asks what happens if he crosses over the line? He asks if she hasn’t drawn a line on her desk in elementary school? She replies anything that comes over the line will be hers? He says so she knows the rule. So she should also be careful not to cross the line. He asks if she isn’t tired? Let’s go to sleep. He closes his eyes. She scoffs at this. 

Later, she wakes up and turns over to look at him. She quietly sits up and crosses the line (pillows) and gently strokes his face. He suddenly asks why did she come over the line? Startled she moves away but he grabs onto her wrist. She says she guesses she crossed the line. He asks if she remembers the rule? She says she guesses her arm belongs to him now? He says it’s his. She offers it and says here, take it.  She asks but how will he take it? He says she gives him no choice. He sits up, removes the pillows between them and tosses them away. Then he puts his free arm around her and pulls her right next to him. He says all of her should be his. And then he has her lay down with him as he puts both arms around her. He says how nice. They should go to sleep like this. She smiles and snuggles against him. With her ear against his chest, she asks what that sound is. He says it’s the ghost. She replies dear her, she’s so frightened. He laughs at this as does she. (~52:55)

He suddenly gets serious and asks her how long they have left. She says she doesn’t know. He says he hopes she doesn’t have to go back. He hopes she’s stuck in this time and never go back. She replies that she doesn’t want tomorrow to come. He pulls back and looks at her and asks if they should break the clock. She asks should they? He says let’s try that.  She tells him if today ends up being her last day here, don’t be too sad. He says okay. She says, don’t cry, okay? He smiles and says he won’t cry. He reaches over to touch her hair and she leans over to kiss him. She pulls back and says that she likes him. She thought she would regret it if she left again without telling him. She says, “I like you, Seon-jae.” He kisses her and then says “I love you. I love you, Sol.” He kisses her again… Who needs oxygen?

Seon-jae’s father acts like he’s dying in this bathroom. He’s managed to wrap some toilet paper around the plunger handle and then lobs the toilet paper roll out the window. He barely gets out a “help me”. Sol’s mother sees the paper on the stairs and sees where it’s coming from. She yells out loudly if it’s Mr. Ryu. He rasps out, yes, it’s him, please help him. He’s stuck in the bathroom. She says she’ll go in there and open the door. He cries that she can’t come in here because the door is locked. Call 119 and then he slips off the edge of the tub and falls into the tub. Sol’s mother runs inside his house and bangs on the bathroom door. He hears her and cries for her to call 119. She asks if she can break down this door. He cries that he tries but it’s not possible. He also yells that he served in the Marines. He mentions that he tried to use his firm body to break it down but he thinks he fractured his shoulder. She tells him to stay back, and he continues whining about his broken bone.  Sol’s mother knocks down the door, and then runs inside to check on him. She asks if he’s okay and he cries thank you for saving him. ㅋㅋ

Sunny has now been pulled out of the water, and In-hyuk’s father reaches in to grab the large octopus occupying the driver’s seat. He then says they should have parboiled octopus for dinner. Tae-sung says goodbye Sunny, and then removes his jacket before hugging her windshield. In-hyuk tells him it’s time to go.  

On the train, Seon-jae offers the headphones to Sol but her eyes are closed. He wakes her up and she looks around in confusion. She asks where she is. He asks what’s wrong. She’s shocked and asks what she’s doing here with him. He reaches for her arm and asks why all of a sudden – but then he sees the look in her eyes and remembers the night of the kidnapping, when she didn’t know who he was. He asks did she go back? She removes her arm and tells him to let go of her. He walks towards her and says her name. She moves backwards and tells him to not follow her. She says she’s a bit confused right now. She’ll go back alone, sorry. Then she runs away. Seon-jae watches her go with tears in his eyes. Sol runs off of the train, and pauses outside. It’s still 2023 Sol as she stands and waits for it to pull away. She then turns to watch it leave. Back on the train, tears slip down Seon-jae’s face. 

Yesterday when Sol had run around the cliff, she’d seen what happened there – Kim Young-soo had found her again and Seon-jae had intervened. She’d realized that her future had changed. When Seon-jae had found her sitting there, she’d been terrified by what she'd seen. She’d decided to change her own fate. Now she wishes that this time, Seon-jae, don’t come to her. Noble idiocy.

On the other side of the platform, Kim Young-soo gets off the train and...

[Ep13[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol returns to 2023 without Seon-jae in her life.  

On the train, Sol had pretended to sleep and then opened her eyes and “lost” her memory / returned to 2023. 

A few days ago. Sol gives her brother the winning lottery ticket numbers, with a jackpot of 10M. Her brother doesn’t trust her source but she urges him to do it tenaciously. Sol is doing this for Hyun-joo.  

It's Sol’s birthday. And she wants to go to the amusement park that she’s been to before with her family, when her father was still alive. Seon-jae asks if this place exists in the future. She says probably. He says let’s come back here then. They can meet again in the future and come back here together. She smiles even though she’s worried and hopes that this isn’t the last time they come here together. 

First, they ride the carousel, where he takes many photos of her. Then she offers something for him to take a bite but he takes a huge bite and the whole thing ends up coming off the stick. He then removes it and offers her a bite but she pouts and says she’s not hanging out with him and stomps away. With his mouth full of food, he yells “Sol!” But they later share ice cream and get on some more rides. Kyeopta to the max. Inside the haunted house, Sol admits that it’s a bit scary. He holds her hand and tells her to stay close to his back. They start walking through and Seon-jae becomes scared out of his wits and ends up hiding behind Sol, who laughs at him. With the red glow from the lights, she asks if he’s okay, which makes him quickly run out of there. With laughter in her voice, she asks him where he’s going. ㅋㅋ

Now she’s waiting at the Ferris wheel for him, and he finally shows up with a cake box in hand. Inside the car, he pulls out the cake and lights the candles and wishes her a happy birthday. She tells him he should sing the song, too. She then says she can’t believe Seon-jae will be singing right in front of her. So he sings happy birthday to his dear Sol and then she blows out the candles. He then tells her to put her right hand inside the right pocket of her jacket. She reaches in and pulls out a box. She opens it and reveals a necklace with an “S” pendant. With reddened eyes she stares at it wordlessly. He asks why she’s so quiet, does she not like it? She says no, it’s so beautiful that she’s speechless and grins at him. She asks if she should put it on now. He says he’ll help her and moves to sit next to her. As he puts the necklace and tries to close the clasp, the ride operator opens the door and pauses. He tells them to stay on for one more go. Sol starts flushing and fanning herself in embarrassment. Seon-jae says she looks beautiful. She looks down at the necklace and says thank you. He says he should be saying thank you for making the long journey of time to come to him. With that, he got a chance… for that, he’s grateful. She smiles and says the present he may not know, but the person who saved her life and the person who made her want to live again… it was all him. He’s surprised that he did that. She nods, and says so she will be more grateful to him. He reaches over and strokes her face, and then asks if that is all the thanks he gets. She asks what? He says the guy told them to have a nice time. Since he got the wrong idea… he then points at his lips. She scoffs and then says he asked for a reward right after thanking her for being born. She says he’s so petty. He sneaks a quick peck on her left cheek. He then says he’s always been petty. They share a laugh, and then he leans over to kiss her. 

Three days later, back to that train… Seon-jae recalls what Seol had said that night. Even as he’s crying, he suddenly gets up and runs… In-hyuk and Tae-sung are also on this train, but no interactions?

Detective Kim drops by the video store to see Sol’s mother and grandmother. Meanwhile, Sol leaves the local police station and they aren’t able to help her. She then receives a call from her mother who says she was abducted last year, and how she barely escaped. She wants her to return to Seoul immediately! Sol manages to calm her mother down by saying she’s with Seon-jae, and his friend’s father will take them to the station tomorrow. Mom urges her to not be alone, stay in a crowded area, and stay glued to Seon-jae. Sol says she’s sorry that she didn’t explain, but she’ll do so when she returns. The call ends and Grandma asks Mom why she yelled at her, when she should have been comforting her. Mom says it’s because she was so upset. And she feels bad for scolding her this whole time for being so scatterbrained, when she’d lost her memory. Mom leaves the house and runs into Seon-jae. He asks her where Sol is…as she asks him the same thing. Mom says she thought Sol was with him, as she’d told her that she was just now on the phone. Seon-jae looks at his watch and thinks back to Sol leaving him on the train. He realizes if she went back to the future, why was the watch still here? He wonders if she pretended to go back to the future. He goes to the abandoned place from before but no one’s there. He wonders if the future has changed. In-hyuk calls him to say he doesn’t think Sol got on the train, as his father saw her when he was on his boat. He realizes that she’d lied to him so she could stay there alone. 

Sol calls Detective Kim and begs him to please come to her and save her. Sol looks at the necklace and thinks back to that night on the Ferris wheel. Sol walks by a restaurant and realizes it’s the place in her vision before. It’s May 8 at 2 a.m. now, and Kim Young-soo will grab her at 5 a.m. near a sea mural. So she sits down and turns on her phone. She has missed calls from Seon-jae, and a text message asking where she is. She doesn’t reply. She waits for Detective Kim, who finally calls to say that he’s here, behind her in the car. She’s relieved to see him here. Meanwhile, Seon-jae is on his way there in a taxi. 

Sol starts walking past the sea mural which includes the whales. Kim Young-soo is watching from nearby. Seon-jae gets out of the cab and starts looking for her, where In-hyuk’s father said she was. Unable to find her, Seon-jae calls 112. Detective Kim and his partner get out on foot to follow her, but they’re stopped by the local police. Sol suddenly screams for Detective Kim as someone touches her shoulder. It’s a local police officer, who asks if she’s okay. This makes Kim Young-soo run off. The officer says that he’s responding to a call. Kim Young-soo ends up running into Seon-jae, who recognizes his face from the news. Seon-jae says his name and Kim Young-soo starts running up the hill. Sol listens to the officer tell Detective Kim that the caller seemed to know her, described her clothing, and that she was in danger and needed protection. She realizes that it must’ve been Seon-jae so she starts running up that hill, past the mural, and into the woods. She thinks to herself, no, not this time. She gets up to the same landing as before, and sees that Kim Young-soo has stabbed Seon-jae in the abdomen. Seon-jae sees Sol and the police are not too far behind her. Kim Young-soo pulls out the knife and the cops finally tackle Kim Young-soo. Seon-jae presses on his wound and looks over at Sol.
RSJ: There are choices you make even though you know the consequences. Because you like it. 
IS: I like you... Seon-jae, I like you. 
RSJ: I love you. I love you, Sol.

Seon-jae smiles and then he falls backwards down into the water below. Clifford! Sol screams his name. 

The previous morning, when they’d slept in the same room. She gently pokes him on his face and quietly tells him to wake up as the sun is up. With his eyes still closed, he tightens his arms around her, and says to close her eyes. It’s dark when one’s eyes are closed. She asks if he’s up. He says no, he’s not. It’s still nighttime in his world. She laughs and asks what he is talking about. He replies that she said she didn’t want tomorrow to come. Tomorrow won’t come until they open their eyes. She closes her eyes and asks if she should keep her eyes closed from now on then? She asks what will happen then? He replies this moment will last forever. She opens her eyes and looks at him before scoffing, and says he’s using a shallow trick to sleep in. He laughs and asks how did she know? She closes her eyes again and hugs him back and says then let’s stay like this for just a little longer. He says let’s do that. The two continue hugging with smiles. 

Back to the cliff… Sol cries as she looks down below at the water where Seon-jae has disappeared into. 

2023. Sol wakes up from a baby cries, but then her alarm goes off. It’s December 7. Several seasons have passed since she came back. And it’s winter again. For changing many things, she had to lose a precious thing. She’s living in the present as if nothing happened. She’s living with her family, which includes Geum, Hyun-joo and their two children.

Hyun-joo works at the same company as Sol. Their boss asks to speak to Sol about a problem with their romance movie, as Troublemaker Doo Jun wants all of the kisses removed. Sol needs to go convince him, or else the Director will fire him. He’s also related to the CEO of his management company, he;’s the nephew. So she goes to see Doo Jun [Kim Min Ki cameo] who is drinking whiskey out of his water bottle. When she tells him that he shouldn’t be drinking, he says her name sounds like alcohol… Im Hol? She asks why he doesn’t want to do the kissing scenes, as the movie is called “I Want A Kiss.” He’s refusing to act until the kissing scenes are removed. She says they can’t make a romance movie without kissing. It’s like a cream bun without cream. Doo Jun asks if a hot dog has a dog in it, and does finger food have a finger in it? She asks why he won’t do it. He whispers to her that his girlfriend told him to not do it, as she gets jealous often. She asks if she asks him to die, would he do that? He says he’ll pretend, at least. He insists that he’s not doing it until the kissing scenes are gone. He gets up and leaves to get into his car, and she runs after him. But when he gets inside the car, and then girlfriend waves at him, Sol is even more annoyed. He starts the car and closes the window on her, so she gets inside her own car and pulls over to stop right in front of his car. She then gets out of the car and drags him out by his ear to yell at him for attempted murder. 

At the police station, Sol and a man are reviewing the parking lot footage with the cop. Someone says she’s like a gangster. She looks over and it’s cutie Tae-sung, from behind the bars, who smirks as he says it’s funny. He asks if they can play it again. (~41:30) The cop yells at him to be quiet. Tae-sung says what a bummer. *snicker* The man tells her that they won’t settle this case until she apologizes. She tries to explain to the cop but then she receives a call. She answers and her screams at her to apologize and just end it. Sol tries to explain again but Ms. Lee says she knows he was with a woman, and it shouldn’t get out that he’s also dating someone. Ms. Lee hangs up on her so Sol apologizes. Nope. She has to write a letter while Tae-sung keeps pestering her from the cell. *snicker* I love him. She tells him to stop bothering her. He asks if she wants tips for the letter as he’s an expert at it. She turns around frustratedly and asks why he’s behind bars as he’s a police officer. He replies that the temperature and humidity behind the bars are perfect for him. He says he strangely feels more comfortable here than in the night-duty room. Bad boy vibes. She nods and says she guesses that’s where he belongs. He tells her to hurry up and get it over with. He says she has a long face, so he’ll buy her a drink. She scoffs and asks what he’s talking about as she doesn’t want to drink. But she asks him for his tip. He tells her to write it down – 1-1-9. This gives him a glorious death stare. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Afterwards, they’re sitting down at a restaurant. He pushes a plate of tofu towards her and tells her to please try this. She says she’s not a criminal. Why does he want her to eat tofu and turn over a new leaf? He says she should turn over a new leaf. Come to think of it, she’s always been fearless and meddling in other people’s business. He says he knew it that day when she took the cigarettes away from the bullies and taught them a lesson. She pushes the plate back towards him and tells him to mind his business. She then turns the bottle of soju upside down before opening it. He asks why she was brought to the police station. She sighs and tells him about the jerk driving under the influence… He yells that she should have said something sooner, and using the breathalyzer would’ve done it! Sol says she was going to but her boss told her to apologize and cover it up. She drinks her soju and says she didn’t join the film company to do something like this. He asks if he should look through CCTV and dashcam footage to catch him getting behind the wheel while drunk and with a woman, and arrest him? Sol replies she’ll be fired then. But she appreciates his gesture. She continues drinking and soon he joins her. Sol sees the poster with In-hyuk endorsing something, and thinks to herself that Seon-jae used to endorse it. She ends up getting quite drunk. Poor Tae-sung carries her on his back as she yells and grabs his head. Eventually she starts sleeping, so he sets her down on a bench. He puts the scarf back around her neck. Then it starts snowing and he wonders if he can catch a taxi now.  He walks away and she opens her eyes. She sees the snow and opens her hand to catch some snowflakes. She thinks about meeting him in the snow (2022), when he first met her in the rain (2007/8?), when he confessed to her (2008), when he told her to stop running away from him and to pursue her feelings for him (2009), when they caught the cherry blossom petals (2009), when he kissed her in the doorway (2023), when she’d told him that she liked him and they’d stayed together that night and he’d told her that he loved her (2009). Tae-sung returns and says he can’t hail a cab. He then says they should go and reaches over for her hand. Sol suddenly starts sobbing and Tae-sung reaches up with one hand to block the snow from falling onto her face. He tells her to stop crying. Sol heartbrokenly says, “Seon-jae.... I miss you, Seon-jae,” and then she returns to sobbing. ㅜㅜ 

The next day, Sol receives a text message from him asking if she got to work safely. She sighs and says she doesn’t remember how she got home. She replies to him, she’s heard he carried her all the way home, and thanks him. He replies that she should at least treat him to hangover soup, and suggests they have lunch together. She replies that police officers must have a lot of time and she’ll treat him next time. She should clean up the mess she made. Sol goes to see Ms. Lee, who says she’ll remove Park Doo Jun from the movie. If the movie is canceled because of the canceled investment, because of his private life, she’ll file a damages lawsuit against him. Sol says she thought they would cover it up and end it yesterday. Ms. Lee says she didn’t know he got behind the wheel while being drunk on set. She screams at Sol for not telling her the most important thing. Sol says before she could, she told her to cover it up. Ms. Lee says she’ll take care of this, so leave it. So she made her write the letter for no reason. She then mumbles out “sorry”. Sol says what? Ms. Lee says it again in a more audible tone. Sol sweetly says it’s okay. She then says the project proposal that she submitted last time – revise it and bring it tomorrow. Ms. Lee thinks they could make a good youthful romance movie. Sol screams with excitement and even hugs Ms. Lee. Sol gives Ms. Lee the budget proposal and her boss sees that there’s a red envelope in there. Ms. Lee assumes it’s a letter for her as she knew beforehand. But Sol isn’t sure what it is. 

She leaves the office and tells Hyun-joo the great news. She then suddenly remembers that she badmouthed her boss a lot while drinking yesterday. That’s what the red envelope was! Sol wrote a letter of resignation in a drunk rage last night. Now, Sol realizes she’s doomed. She needs to get the letter back. However, tonight, Ms. Lee is at the 45th White Dragon Film Awards. Sol goes there as she needs to get the letter out of her purse. Sol sneaks over when Ms. Lee walks away, hides under the table and reaches up to snatch the purse off the table. She walks out with it, finds the envelope and then walks up the stairs to return the purse. She ends up walking into someone, who keeps her from falling – it’s Seon-jae in a tux.

2009. Seon-jae is pulled out of the water and she cries his name over and over. She then remembers that his watch might be her last hope. She thinks that perhaps they never should have met in the first place. So she runs to his body and pushes the button on his watch. She’s returned to the day he first saw her (2007), and this time, she purposely hides from him. So Seon-jae leaves the package outside her place. Sol cries. So he never met her??! O.o ㅠ^ Time travel #5.

Back to the present, Sol thinks about Seon-jae… 

[Ep14[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol keeps running into Seon-jae, and continues pushing him away. 

After returning to 2007, Sol makes sure that they never meet. On moving day in May 2009, she looks longingly at his place as she recalls her memories of Seon-jae. The time capsule with its note and windup watch, the plastic egg with its candies and trinkets and the sheet music for Sonaki have all disappeared from Seon-jae’s world. :( My heart.  

Back to 2023. Seon-jae is given a red envelope containing the movie award winner, and told to not open it beforehand.  He says he won’t and turns but sees someone hide under the table and take the purse off the table. So he follows her out and when she climbs up the stairs, they bump into each other and the red envelopes go flying. After he catches her, he sets her down and asks what she’s doing? She stares at him with reddened eyes. He says he saw her stealing this and points at the purse. He asks if she’s a thief. She says no and walks by him, but he grabs her and asks where she thinks she’s running off to. He then asks if he should report this to the police. She stares as a tear slips down her cheek. He asks why she's crying. Then he says he didn’t make her cry. Sol remembers that he said the same thing to her before in 2022, when she was in the wheelchair. She wipes away the tears and doesn’t say anything. He pulls out his phone and says does she think he’ll let her slide if she cries? He starts dialing the numbers and she runs down the stairs to pick up the red envelope. A man runs over to Seon-jae and tells him to go to the waiting room now. Seon-jae sees her running away but he reaches down to pick up the remaining red envelope and Ms. Lee’s purse. He tells the man to give the purse to Ms. Lee, the CEO of Bon Cinema. He then says the security is too lax as he saw a thief. 

Sol is in the car and saying that she tried her best to avoid him. How can she meet him like this? She then realizes that they didn’t say Seon-jae would be attending an award show. So why did he come? Did he come to present an award? She then sees a girl in a white padded jacket run by. She realizes it’s his stalker. Sol returns home and when she goes to crumble up the envelope, she realizes that it’s the paper with the winner… Just as Seon-jae goes to announce it, she screams “Noooooo!” as he starts reading out loud “Sensible, Savvy, and on Top of Everything.”  

At Seon-jae’s place, Dong-seok and In-hyuk are having a good laugh at Seon-jae’s faux pas. Dong-seok even reads the articles about how embarrassing he was, and speculations that  perhaps he was drunk. Dong-seok tells him even if he saw that thief, he should have left it alone and not created this mess. In-hyuk reads the letter and says she was definitely drunk when she wrote this. But he feels bad for her after reading this and understands why she wants to quit. Seon-jae snatches it away from him and asks whose side he is taking. He was humiliated in front of the entire country because of this weird woman. In-hyuk continues quietly laughing. Dong-seok asks if he’s going to file a lawsuit. He then says don’t do that as she’s a poor office worker, plus everyone carries a resignation letter with them. Dong-seok then reveals an envelope, with large print on it “Letter of Resignation” from inside his jacket pocket. ㅋㅋ Seon-jae says he’ll accept it right away and reaches over for it. Dong-seok turns away as he refuses to give it to him. He then reaches over to grab Sol’s letter and asks if they should reveal her letter to the media and explain themselves. Seon-jae says never mind. They will lose interest and calm down after a few days anyway. In-hyuk chimes in yes, be generous and let her slide. Seon-jae replies, who says he’d be generous. She should hope she never meets him… ever again in her life. Outside, the White Padded Jacket stalker starts punching on his door lock. And the poor security guard is still trying to catch up to her.  

For the movie, they need to replace Doo Jun with someone else. Hyun-joo is dealing with childcare issues as Geum seems to be unreachable. Ms. Lee asks her if there’s anyone. Hyun-joo suggests Ryu Seon-jae. Sol is against this idea while everyone is very excited to have the script sent to him. Hyun-joo sends the script via email but she’s still upset about her husband’s unknown whereabouts. Meanwhile, Sol is worried that he might say yes. 

Seon-jae receives the script, “The story of a man who meets a tragic end… and a woman who travels 15 years back in time to save him. A fantasy romantic film where they meet again…in the time of destiny… falling in love as they move between the past and the present.” He continues reading and suddenly starts crying… It’s Sol’s script about the events with Seon-jae. He realizes he’s crying and wonders why. Dong-seok interrupts and tells him that they sent the wrong script, so here’s the right one. Seon-jae asks him if he’s crying. Dong-seok looks at him and says he thinks he is. Seon-jae points at his own face and asks, these are tears, right? Dong-seok says it’s coming out of his eyes, so it can’t be snot. ㅋㅋㅋ Astute. Seon-jae covers his mouth with his hand and says from behind it that he can’t stop crying as tears continue flowing. (~16:38) His heart knows...

Today, Sol is with Ms. Lee in a private room at a fancy restaurant for lunch. She asks about the third place setting. Ms. Lee says he received her proposal instead of the script for “I Want A Kiss.” To her horror, Ms. Lee happily tells her that Seon-jae saw it and said he was interested. Outside the door, Seon-jae, who is wearing sunglasses, peeks in and sees Sol… He turns around and asks Dong-seok what is this? She wrote the proposal? Dong-seok asks if he knows her. Seon-jae replies “Sensible, savvy, and on top of everything.” She wrote the resignation letter. Dong-seok says did she? Well, let’s go inside. Seon-jae starts walking away and says he’s not doing the movie. Dong-seok says he’s declining all of a sudden? Seon-jae says yes, he doesn’t want to do it all of a sudden. Dong-seok says no matter how upset he is, he can’t decide based on personal feelings. Seon-jae denies that’s why. Instead, it’s because this movie won’t be successful, and he doesn’t like it. He takes a few steps, but then stops and says he should say he won’t do it himself. She should pay for humiliating him. Seon-jae grabs the basket of flowers from Dong-seok and walks into the room. Ms. Lee cheerfully greets him, while Sol worries about them meeting like this.Dong-seok sits down and Seon-jae tells Sol that they’ve met before. Sol doesn’t say anything so Seon-jae says guess not. Seon-jae says there were some miscommunications, as he actually came to decline… Sol says she’s sorry but she hopes he declines the movie. The eavesdropping server pours water on his hand. Ms. Lee laughs to cover up the awkwardness. Sol coldly says she’s not joking. He’s a little too far from the main character she had in mind. The proposal wasn’t supposed to be sent anyway. So please forget about it. Seon-jae asks if she’s rejecting him. The server now snickers at this. Sol says yes, she’s sorry if she offended him. Ms. Lee asks her if she’s out of her mind. Seon Jay says he’s not offended, as he came here to refuse the offer anyway. He then says he prepared these flowers as an apology for his refusal too. Sol says she’s relieved that they’re on the same page. She then says she hopes he refuses all the proposals with her name on it from now on. Seon-jae asks if she’s saying she doesn’t want to work with him. She replies if he thinks that way and feels offended again, that’s even better. Because he would never want to be associated with her again. He scoffs but he notices her balling her hands into fists on her lap. She clears her throat and says she’ll get going first then. She quickly leaves the room. Ms. Lee tells them to wait a minute and then runs after Sol. Seon-jae is very offended and asks Dong-seok what that was. Dong-seok offers him a flower and says he was rejected. Ha, cute!

Back at her desk, Sol knows that this hurts his pride and his feelings. Evisceration. She tells herself it’s for the better as she did the right thing. She’ll never see him again anyway. She rests her head on her desk. In the van, Seon-jae says he hasn’t been rejected like this since his rookie days, right? Dong-seok says but he hasn’t been rejected this harshly even in his rookie years. This is for the better. It’s a romance movie, and unlike how he looks, he’s a dummy at dating. He laughs as he says he’s weak in that field. ㅋㅋ Dong-seok is poking the bear toddler. Seon-jae repeats the word “weak” and then yells what he is talking about. He angrily asks what he knows about his dating history. Dong-seok starts snickering. Dong-seok asks him if he’s going to stay rejected. Seon-jae says inwardly, he turned it down first. Dong-seok replies that he thinks she decided to turn him down millions of years ago. ㅋㅋ Dong-seok points out that it’s been a while since a proposal won his interest like this one. If he’s unhappy about how it turned out, talk her into it. Seon-jae asks if he really has no work to do other than that? Why would he lower himself to someone who doesn’t like him? 

Later when Sol leaves work, Seon-jae is waiting outside for her. He smiles and says they should talk for a moment. She says she has nothing to talk about. He says there is something… She says if it’s about the movie, she’s said all she wants to, so she should talk to her boss. She starts to walk away but he starts reading from her resignation letter… He asks if it’s really okay that he talk to Ms. Lee as he dangles the letter at her. 

Now they’re at the hotel lounge drinking tea, and she recalls when they met here the other time. She wonders why here of all places. He asks if she’s really an employee who is sensible, savvy and on top of everything? She says, just tell her what he wants to tell her. She’s busy. He says he wants to know why she’s so against him. She scoffs and asks if he waited until she got out of work just for that? Yo petty boy is here. They're both petty though. He replies he wouldn’t have waited for her to drink tea at a bar, would he? ㅋㅋ Funny sentence. Who are they to do that? He asks if it’s because he mistook her for a thief at the award ceremony? That’s unfair though. Because of her, he caused an accident on air. She says the envelopes got swapped by mistake, sorry. He says, apology accepted, and he’s sorry for mistaking her for a thief. She did steal the purse! He returns the letter to her. She puts it inside her purse. He then says good, then she no longer has any reason to not cast him. She says no, he’s wrong. That’s another story. She has many reasons not to cast him. He tells her to tell him those reasons. She replies like she said, he doesn’t have the image of the main character that she had. He asks if it wasn’t him, who did he consider. She’s stumped for a moment before finally stammering out, Seong Jae-gyeong. He repeats the name and says she’s just saying whatever comes to her mind. How can he portray young romance when he’s about to turn 50? ㅋㅋ She argues if there’s a rule forbidding him from doing it because he’s 50. He replies that he has to go back 15 years and play a high school student too. She says computer graphics technology is superb these days. Also Seong Jae-gyeong still looks young. If they touch up his wrinkles a bit, he can even pull off a middle school student. ㅋㅋㅋ I doubt this. [Not a real actor's name.] He says let’s say that’s true. He asks what are the other reasons. She says honestly, she prefers someone who does romantic acts better than him. He asks if there’s more. She says she’s going to find an actor with a fresh image. He asks so he looks stale? She says, in fact, he’s less fresh. He scoffs and asks if she’s picking a fish at a grocery store, as she keeps looking for freshness. She says more than anything, as she points up, the sky is against it. It says it will never allow you to do it.  He says who says it. She replies, Grandma Celestial says so. Halmeoni! But he won’t remember… She’s good with something like this. Her fate says if she gets involved with a guy who was born in the Year of the Horse, her family will decline for three generations. Of course, that guy’s family, too. He was born in the Year of the Horse. He asks the compatibility of zodiac signs? Are they getting married? She says compatibility is crucial in this business. He asks her if she believes in things like fate. She says yes, she does believe in fate, so she’s not going to do anything that fate doesn’t allow. She believes that he fully understands the reasons now. She says she’ll get going and she walks out of there. He says it’s so ridiculous that it’s driving him crazy. On the bus, Sol sobs as she recalls their conversation and her harsh rejection of him.

Seon-jae is swimming around in dark waters as he's looking for something. He wakes up and wonders what kind of dream that was. Then he rubs his head as it hurts. Now he’s sitting on the couch with In-hyuk who says she must despise him… even as he’s taking selfies. She wouldn’t reject it like that unless she hates Ryu Seon-jae as a whole. Seon-jae asks why should hate him when they just met. In-hyuk asks why would she like him when she just met him? He then tells him to let go of the idea that everyone in the world will like them. Anyone can hate them. Seon-jae gets up and walks away from him. In-hyuk says bringing up the Year of the Horse was petty though… as Seong Jae-gyeong was also born in the Year of the Horse, 1978. Seon-jae says he knew the reason was random. Is this how she’s going to play? He leaves the room, so In-hyuk returns to smiling for yet another selfie. 

Sol receives a call from an unknown number, which she answers… but when she hears that it’s Seon-jae, she promptly hangs up on him. She wonders why he called her. Seon-jae asks what was that. Dong-seok says she heard him and ignored him. Seon-jae tells him to call her… about production investment. She refuses, as she says they can make the film with their own capability. Dong-seokwhispers to Seon-jae that she declined the offer. Seon-jae says that she can pay him half as much - actually he’ll be in the movie for free. Once again, she declines. Dong-seok puts the phone on speakerphone and she says, tell him that it makes them uncomfortable if he goes that far. Dong-seok says he did. Seon-jae says he won’t go on vacation and he’ll hold his schedule… just to focus on the movie. Sol replies tell him to enjoy his vacation and fulfill his schedule. Seon-jae desperately grabs at the phone and says let’s meet and talk. She says aigoo, she has a meeting to attend. Bye. She actually hangs up on him. Dong-seok tells him that she hung up. Seon-jae asks why does she hate him so much? Dong-seok says is it because he was born in the Year of the Horse? He then tells him to give it up before he gets humiliated more. Sometimes he gets turned down, so why does he insist and humiliate himself? Seon-jae glares at him… and Dong-seok says there must be a good reason. 

It’s nighttime, and the poor security guard is still trying to catch the White Padded Jacket stalker. But she runs away and bumps into a man with bells on a keychain. Omo. Sol’s mother sorts through the trash and tells her mother to wait. When she’s done, she discovers that Grandma has vanished. She calls Sol and soon the family and Tae-sung are all looking for her everywhere. 

Grandma is eating at Seon-jae’s father’s fancy restaurant. Dad goes to check on her as he’s been told that she’s eating 5 servings of meat on her own. Grandma recognizes him as the “blue entrance.” He’s not sure what she means. She says he lived across from her place. She’s from Gold Videos, does he not remember it? He then remembers that she’s the woman who lived across from him. So the two get drunk together. She asks about his son, and he humble-brags to her. Soon Seon-jae arrives and becomes of his drunk father. His father denies that he’s drunk… Seon-jae then asks why he needed to come and pick up more banchan. His father smacks him and tells him to say hello. He asks if he remembers the video rental shop across from his childhood home. This woman used to live there. Seon-jae gives a polite hello, and Grandma looks up at him. Suddenly she slams down her spoon and yells “husband.” She walks over and grabs him by his jacket, and asks where did he go last night? She asks if he went out and gambled again? Something falls from her jacket and Dad reaches down to pick up a photo of Sol and Grandma together. While Dad is reading the note on the back of the photo, Grandma continues fussing at her “husband,” demanding to know which teahouse waitress he was with. She says she was such a fool to marry him when she was 18 because of this sleek face as she caresses it. She finally sits down on the floor. Dad then shows him the note and says he thinks she has dementia. Seon-jae turns it over and sees the photo. 

Sol and Tae-sung are looking at security footage and realize that Grandma got on a bus. Sol then receives a call from her mother, who says they’ve found her. She ate at a restaurant without paying and the owner of the restaurant is bringing her home right now. So hurry home. Sol says that’s a relief and then flops down on the floor. Tae-sung drives her home. She thanks him for helping her today when he must’ve been busy. He says he has enough time to take her, and drive wherever she can. He then says it’s dangerous these days. She asks did something happen? He says that someone tried to abduct a woman but because there’s no evidence, they don’t even have a suspect. So go home right away when it becomes dark. Give him a call if she’s working late and he’ll drop her off if he can. She says forget it. Be this nice to his girlfriend, not her. He cocks his head and says he thought she was his girlfriend. She says she’s not his girlfriend. He says she’s not his guy friend, is she? She replies he can’t see his friend as a woman. He then receives a call and needs to go back to work. He tells her to let him know about her grandmother. She says bye as he drives off. 

From behind her, a voice says he must be her boyfriend. She turns around and is shocked to see Seon-jae, who is standing next to his white sports car. She asks how he found her home. He says her boyfriend is a sweet guy. She says he’s not. Also, she’s taken aback that he’s here after looking into her address. He says is that so? He walks around to open the passenger door. She asks what he is doing. Then she says she’s not going to get in that car. She has nothing more to say. Just go back. He asks if she’s really going to let him go. Isn’t she going to regret it? She replies of course not. She’s already turned him down. They have no business seeing each other again. He leans down – and she repeats that she won’t get in the car. She asks if he’s going to threaten her again with the resignation letter? He starts laughing. She asks if this is funny to him. He says yes, it’s funny. She asks if it’s funny to play around with her livelihood. Go ahead and tell her boss about everything. She can’t take it anymore because he keeps looking for her. She’ll get fired instead. He smiles and leans down into the car. Sol turns around to walk away, and thinks that his personality has changed completely. Suddenly, she’s pull on from behind. She says let go of her, and she’s not a pushover. Even if he grabs and begs like this, it just won’t work! She turns around and it’s Grandma who was holding onto her. Seon-jae is actually standing behind Grandma. Grandma says, “Eonni, where are you going?” Sol stares in shock and embarrassment. She says she heard the restaurant owner would drop her off. Seon-jae says his father owns a restaurant. He says he went to his father’s as he reaches into his pocket and then pulls out the photo – and finishes saying that he was shocked to find this. Sol’s mother runs up and says they’re here, and she should have picked her up. She thanks him and says she should treat him before he goes, so he should come upstairs. Seon-jae says it’s all right and she should head back. Grandma tells her that she wants to pee. Mom says okay, and then tells Seon-jae that it won’t be right to send him off like this. Grandma whines that her bladder is about to explode. Mom tells her, okay, hold it for a second. She then tells Sol to buy him a cup of tea before he leaves, okay? Seon-jae barely suppresses his glee. Mom says they’ll get going and thank you, sir. She quickly leaves with Grandma who says it’s exploding. Seon-jae offers the photo to her. Sol says she misunderstood him, and thanks him for dropping her off. She reaches for the photo but he won’t let go. He says she has to buy him a cup of tea. 

They’re sitting outside the convenience store. She sets down the paper cup and curtly says here’s his tea. He looks at it and asks, is this how she treats a person she wants to thank? She replies that cafes around here are all closed at this hour. He says if a rumor between them cooks up because they’re in an open space, is she going to take care of it?  She looks around, and then says  there’s no one around. He says they have to be careful. Such a rumor can be detrimental… because he’s an actor specializing in romance. She scoffs and asks since when? He nods at his Dar Dar Coffee ad on the glass next to them. She says so what. He says listen, and then stands up to put his face closer to hers. He says look him in the eyes… as people often tell him he’s a man of a romantic gaze. ㅋㅋ Suddenly he yells, look, as a truck with his image plastered on it drives by. Did she notice that the advertising acknowledges that he has a “fresh” image? She asks if he’s trying to make himself look good to join her project? He denies this and says he was only pointing out a fact to her. He still has a fresh image and would be a great actor in a romantic movie. If she turns him down, it’ll be her loss. She says oh, is that so? He looks over and sees two girls talking and averts his gaze, to say that they must’ve recognized him. Reporters might publish that they’re dating, so act like she’s his stylist. But then he says she’s not so stylish. She looks down at her clothes… as he waves at the girls and tells them to not be shy and come over. The two girls run over and he asks what they want – a photo? An autograph? He offers up a hand, and one of the girls shoves some cash onto his hand and says, “Ahjussi, can you buy us some cigarettes?” Sol is quietly laughing as her eyes are filled with mirth. He asks if they don’t recognize him. The girls talk to each other, wondering what he’s talking about and what he is on. He then points at the poster of himself, and the girl says she gets it. He can buy some coffee for himself with the change for his troubles. ㅋㅋㅋ Sol snickers at this. Seon-jae tells them, kids, they shouldn’t be smoking! He shoves the money back onto one of the girl’s hand and tells them to go away. The girls walk away and Sol starts openly laughing. Seon-jae asks if that’s funny. She says yes, it’s funny and laughs even harder and even wipes a tear from her eye. He watches her and says he’s never seen her laugh before. He asks if she’s done laughing. Still laughing, she says yes. But then she remembers who he is and abruptly stops. 

They walk back to his car, and she tells him that he should go. She then tries to quickly walk away but he says that his father told him that they used to be neighbors. She’s the daughter of the video store rental store’s owner. He says that he used to live across from their store. He asks if she has seen him all those years ago? She says no, she hasn’t. He asks if he has seen her before. He’s wondering if that’s why she looks familiar to her. She says she hasn’t seen him before, so how could he have seen her then? He asks if the shaman (Grandma Celestial) is a quack. Even if they haven’t met before, given that they were neighbors, isn’t that fate? She says it’s just… a coincidence. She won’t change her mind just because he was her neighbor. Even if her CEO offers him the role, please turn it down. Please do that for her. He asks what if he tells her that he wants to join the movie despite the fact that she’s against casting him. What will happen then? She says she hopes he won’t put them in that situation. She says she’ll get going and finally walks away. Seon-jae turns to open his door but he remembers how much she laughed at him at the convenience store, and her distressed words when she’d thought he’d been holding onto her. He watches her go inside and suddenly has a vision of visiting here before and his heart starts hurting. 

Sol returns and Mom is surprised that she’s back so soon. Mom asks if she sent him home already. Sol replies that he said it was fine and left. Mom says he’s not the owner of the restaurant as he sounded different on the phone. Sol says he must be an employee or something. Mom says she swears she’s seen him somewhere before. She says he’s Ryu Seon-jae from that drama. Sol denies that he’s Ryu Seon-jae as that doesn’t make sense. Mom insists that it’s him. She tells her mother to stay for a moment. Sol runs over to Grandma to tell her not to go back to that restaurant ever again. Grandma nods. Then she says, “But I did well, didn’t I? You missed him.” She grins at Sol, and then Mom calls for her… Grandma leaves. Sol goes to her room and with tears, she thinks, “Yes. You’re right, Grandma. I missed him.” Grandma knows all! She thinks about his question about them being neighbors before yet never seeing each other. She cries as she knows she shouldn’t feel this way. But she wants to keep seeing him now that she’s met him a few times. 

At the police station, the White Padded Jacket stalker is sitting across the table from Tae-sung. She’s a runaway middle school student, and this recent attempt matches the method of the last attempted abduction. They think it’s the same culprit. Luckily, before she got abducted, she asked a passer-by for help and managed to escape. Tae-sung asks her if she saw his face. She says yes. He then says he’ll need to ask her about what happened in detail. 

Geum finished getting their daughter, Bo-a, ready for school. But Hyun-joo is giving him the cold shoulder and only gives her affection to their daughter. Sol goes to work and finds out that the movie is moving forward with Seon-jae. She tells Ms. Lee, no, he can’t do it. Ms. Lee says it’s hard to get a top star like him. Sol says fine, go ahead with it, and she’ll quit her job. So she’ll give up working on this movie and leave the company. She then removes the badge from around her neck and sets it down in front of Ms. Lee. She then thanks her for everything and leaves the room. 

Sol leaves the building with Hyun-joo following closely behind her and asks what’s gotten into her. She can’t be thinking straight. Sol says yes, she is thinking straight. She asks why she did it? If she hadn’t sent him her proposal by mistake, this wouldn’t have happened! Hyun-joo says all in all, didn’t this work out better for her? Sol says no, she has no idea how it felt to cut him out of her life. She tearfully says cutting him out of her life has been crazy hard. They can’t meet like this again. Sol cries and Hyun-joo walks over with concern to ask her what’s wrong? Sol jerks away from her and leaves. 

Seon-jae is on his way to a commercial shoot, and reads the lyrics for Sonaki. Dong-seok tells him that Ms. Lee called earlier to set up a meeting. But someone else will be joining the meeting as the producer – not Im Sol. Seon-jae asks why? Dong-seok says he’s heard she wouldn’t be working on this movie. Seon-jae says but this was her idea, and she’s not going to work on this? Dong-seok says right, and then asks what the movie is about? Why is he going this far to get a role in it? Seon-jae replies it’s about a woman who goes back 15 years in time to save a man she loves.Dong-seok says nothing special about the plot. Seon-jae says right, it’s nothing special. It’s odd. 

Hyun-joo finds out that the lottery ticket that Geum had, is actually a winning one for the jackpot!

Sol goes to the amusement park that she remembers fondly of. She recalls Seon-jae telling her that they can meet again in the future and come back here together. She smiles and then says it’s a pity that she didn’t even get to keep a picture. How could she? It’s impossible. She then sits on a bench, lost in her thoughts until it becomes nighttime. She finally gets up to leave but then sees the Ferris wheel and remembers when Seon-jae had run to join her with the cake box. Nearby, Seon-jae’s commercial shoot is canceled because the actress got into an accident on her way there. Dong-seok leaves to get the car. Seon-jae looks around and then… 

Tae-sung finds the suspect on surveillance footage and then the composite sketch comes in.

Sol gets on the Ferris wheel and suddenly a voice says he’s with her. Seon-jae slides onto the seat across from her. She stares in shock and asks how he – He says don’t tell him that she’s suspecting him of tailing her. He was going to film a commercial here but it got canceled. He remembered the Ferris wheel scene from the proposal, so he came here. Funny running into her again. She sighs. He says that he’s told her that the shaman was a quack. Said quack is here. Given how many times they’re running into each other, isn’t the universe basically pushing them toward each other? She replies let’s say he saw her by chance. Then he should have carried on. Why did he get in here with her? They’re not on good enough terms to share a ride on the Ferris wheel. She turns her head to look out the window. He says he bets she wants to run away, but she can’t jump out of here. She turns back to look at him. He says that’s what she was thinking, right? She furrows her brow. He says she can’t run away anyway until the ride is over. She sighs in frustration. He asks does she hate him that much? He heard she wouldn’t be part of the production for the movie. She says right. But she quit her job, so… He asks why? He’d rather she didn’t. She asks why he cares and then averts her head. He asks if she’s not well. She says it’s not that. Let’s stay quiet and get off when the ride is over. He asks is that really how it ends? She asks what he means. He says the end of the movie. It starts snowing outside. Is the man stuck in a life without any memories of the woman… he loved? She nods and says yes. He says that’s a sad ending. She replies it’s a happy ending for the woman. She saved the man. He replies but she loses love. She turns to look at him. He asks can she still be happy after losing love? See? He told her it was a sad ending. He doesn’t like the ending. She tells him, then don’t join the project. Why is he being so stubborn? Takes one to know one. <_< He says he was being stubborn at first, but he truly wants it now. He genuinely wants the role in this movie now. She yells why does he want to play in this movie so badly? She’s sure he can get better proposals and offers from better directors and writers! He says he’s been feeling weird lately. After reading her proposal, he started to experience weird symptoms. He suddenly finds himself in tears. He even dreams. A vivid dream as if he experienced it himself. And this place, too… 

Earlier, Seon-jae had been walking through the amusement park but had seen a past version of himself running with a cake box towards the Ferris wheel. And then it all disappeared and he’d seen present Sol standing on the stairs. He tells Sol that he’s never been here before but it feels familiar like he’s been here before. Inside her head, she thinks, “Seon-jae” as she shakes her head. He says maybe that’s why. He’s especially drawn to this project more than any other project. She continues staring at him with reddened eyes. He asks if he’s not allowed to feel this way. She says he might die. What if she tells him getting mixed up with her might kill him? Would he still do it? He asks must he be prepared to face death…to get mixed up with her? She replies what if that’s the case? The car suddenly stops and it startles Sol in her seat. Seon-jae stands up to steady her, and his necklace with its "S" pendant dangles in front of her face. She recognizes it… it’s the one he’d given her in 2009! She stares in shock, and backs away from him. It was so big and not suited for her, but looks better on him. The car starts swinging back and forth, which makes her sway, and he catches her in his arms as they both end up sitting down. He says at this rate, they might end up dead here together. With pain in her eyes, she stares up at him. 

IS’s thoughts: At this moment, this crossed my mind… That our fate was just going around in circles just like… this Ferris wheel.  

[Ep15[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Sol and Seon-jae end up at each other's homes. Seon-jae and Tae-sung have a drinking contest. Seon-jae wonders why he's feeling so emotional lately.

Overhead, there’s an announcement that due to a problem with the electrical power supply, the Ferris wheel stopped operating for a moment. Sol moves away from him and he gets up to sit back down across from her. As they wait, she starts falling asleep. He tells her to wake up but she doesn’t say anything but he notices her erratic breathing. He asks if she’s not well. She still doesn’t answer so he touches her forehead and realizes that she’s burning up. Seon-jae wraps her up in his jacket and carries her out of the car and down the stairs. He walks through the crowd, even as several people are taking photos/videos of him. 

Now Seon-jae is watching her sleep in his bed. He watches her pull up on the covers as she’s still cold. So he  goes to the closet to grab another blanket and places it over her. Once he’s done, he starts to move away, but she grabs onto his hand and says his name in her sleep. She sadly says it over and over. He keeps his hand where it is, and crouches down to stay put. He then notices the tear slipping down her face and catches it with his finger. He quietly says she’ll get better soon and to get some sleep. Suddenly, Dong-seok opens the door and walks in saying that he has the medicine… and Seon-jae raises a hand for him to be quiet. Dong-seokstops and notices Seon-jae’s holding sleeping Sol’s hand. Seon-jae quietly finishes tucking her in and then leaves the room with Dong-seok. 

Outside the room, Dong-seok asks what that’s about? Men are only considerate of women they care about. Seon-jae asks what he’s talking about. He didn’t want to wake her up. He snatches the medicine from Dong-seok, who says exactly. He should wake her up and send her home. Why let her sleep here? Seon-jae asks, does he expect him to wake up a sick woman at this late hour? Dong-seok replies, is he telling him that he’ll be alone with a woman at this late hour? Suddenly other voices chime in, “A woman?” In the other room, In-hyuk, Hyun-soo and Jay are all standing there, each with a bottle of wine in their hands.ㅋㅋ Seon-jae runs over to them and asks what they’re doing here again. In-hyuk says they were drinking and decided to have their second round here. And to talk about their concert. Seon-jae asks, why does he think he has a doorbell. His house isn’t some dorm. With a big drunk grin, Jay says, he didn’t know he had a girlfriend. In-hyuk asks when did he start dating her. He thought he had feelings for him. ㅋㅋ Hyun-soo asks who is she? He thought no women were allowed in here. The three start laughing about his secret… Dong-seok finally runs over and offers to drive them home. He ushers them towards the door even as they’re still loudly asking who this girlfriend is and if she’s pretty. Dong-seok successfully gets them out of there. Herding cats. He needs a raise! 

In the morning, Sol wakes up and notices the IV drip. But then she realizes that she’s at Seon-jae’s place. She quickly grabs her stuff and then runs out – right into Seon-jae who is wiping his face with a towel. He reaches out and holds onto her to keep her from falling. She stares up at him and he asks if she’s okay. She stares. He asks how she’s feeling. She asks how she’s here. He replies that she doesn’t remember. She got sick and passed out. He says she had to wait for hours at the ER. She was burning up with a fever. She could’ve died if he didn’t bring her here.  She thinks to herself, he should’ve just let her die then. She tells him then he should’ve brought her to her house. He knows where she lives. He replies that his house was closer. She says but still. He says he had no choice but to bring her here. He took care of her by calling his doctor friend at a late hour to get her treated as a big favor. Is she scolding him right now? She says no… it sounds like he helped her a lot yesterday. She says thank you. He says that’s all? She replies that she should pay him back. She will. He says let’s talk about this over some food. He was so busy taking care of her that he hasn't eaten anything since last night.  She says she thinks she should go home right now. She’ll make sure to pay him back. Please enjoy his meal. She starts running towards the front door but then stops as she wonders where her shoes are. He replies that he rushed here so he left her shoes in the van. He’ll have his manager bring them.  She says what? He says it’ll take about 30 minutes. Let’s have breakfast together… unless she plans to go out barefooted?.

Breakfast is dakgaejang… and he opens the chicken in one bowl and then slides it towards her. He tells her that it’s still hot, so make sure to blow on it before she eats. He suddenly sees himself having told her this before, and wonders what that was. Is this déjà vu? Sol has tears in her eyes as she looks at the soup. He asks her why she’s staring instead of eating. Then he scolds her for not eating which is why she passed out like that when she’s a grown woman. She says she eats a lot and has a spoonful. He asks if she’s not sick now and reaches over to touch her forehead. He says her fever is gone and she just stares at him. He asks why she’s staring at him like that. She says it’s nothing. Then she says don’t tell her that he made this himself. He points over at a bag that has his image on it, “Fresh Swift Delivery.” He says they delivered it all  nice and fresh… like his image. She says he likes to hold a grudge, doesn’t he? He replies that she seemed to have a bad sleeping habit. He asks, doesn’t she remember what she did to him in her sleep? She asks what she did to him? He says it was… never mind. It might be better that she never finds out about it. She asks why? He says because he doesn’t want her to die of embarrassment. She scoffs. She notices his necklace and starts asking but then says never mind and returns to eating. He asks how she plans to pay him back? Don’t tell him she plans to buy him a mere cup of coffee at the convenience store like last time. Holding grudges. She asks then what does he want her to do? He replies don’t quit her job. If the company loses an employee who is sensible, savvy and on top of everything, won’t that be a huge loss to the company? She sighs. He says he knows that making her own movie is her dream. That’s what Ms. Lee said. She knows better than anyone there are thousands of excellent scenarios that never saw the light of day. But she’ll give up on this chance? So her dream didn’t mean that much to her? She sets down her spoon and says she has another dream. He asks what that is. She replies, “I want the person I love to live a long and healthy life.” He asks who that is. She replies that it's a secret. He scoffs and asks what does that have to do with quitting her job? She says they’re relevant to one another. So mind his own business. They return to eating, in silence now.

Afterwards, Sol thanks him for the food and then asks when his manager is coming… Seon-jae says he’ll give her a ride. Let’s go. He then opens a door and removes her shoes and then places them on the floor. She says he said they were in the van. He replies that he hid them in case she decided to run away again. She stares in shock. He asks does she not want to leave? 

Is she planning to live here? She snaps out of it and replies that she’s leaving and steps into her shoes. 

The two head downstairs and Sol is shocked to see Tae-sung, who is asking the security men if they’ve seen the person in the sketch. Tae-sung recognizes Seon-jae and asks Sol if they were together. Sol says well… Two women walk by and they recognize Seon-jae. Seon-jae says last night… and Sol stops him and finishes saying, because of work. She stopped by this morning to have a serious conversation about work. He’s going to star in the movie she’s planning. Sol then hands her business card to the security guards, indicating that she works at a movie production company. She then purposely enunciates that they’re like “business partners” and even laughs.  She then tells them that they can’t get the wrong idea or spread weird rumors because she came out of his place. Or she’ll end up losing her job... Seon-jae leans over and quietly says into her ear, that it sounds like she won’t be able to quit. She asks Tae-sung what he’s doing here. He says he’s here for work but let’s go, and he’ll drive her to work. Sol says, correct, and then tells Seon-jae to look over the proposal and give her a call. The two leave. 

Seon-jae sees Tae-sung’s car and realizes he’s the guy who dropped off Sol the other night. He goes back upstairs, and says she said she didn’t have a boyfriend… He thinks about her saying that she wants the person she loves to live a long and healthy life. He jealously yells and then moves to fix the bedding. But he looks at the pillows and says she said his name so longingly. She even gripped his hand… so sorrowfully. He frustratedly grabs the bedding and says he should wash this. Then he notices the medicine sitting on the nightstand. 

Back at home, Geum and Hyun-joo are living the “rich” life – eating pizza and then discarding the crusts. Mom asks them why they’re wasting food. Geum says he’ll stop forcing himself to eat something because he doesn’t want to waste food. He’s been undervaluing himself all these years. Starting now, he’ll treat himself like a VIP. Hyun-joo says yes, from now on, let’s eat only the tasty middle part of the pizza. Then they’ll only eat the crispy edge of pancakes. They’ll only eat the red part of strawberries and watermelons… for the sweet and sour flavors. Let’s live in luxury like that. Geum says let’s only eat the fried chicken from the tender thigh part. Let’s only dig up the soft part of the bread from now on. Hyun-joo nods in agreement. ㅋㅋ Sol, are you sure this was a good idea for the two idiots? Mom says they’re unbelievable this morning. What’s this nonsense? Mom leaves the table. It turns out these two haven’t even cashed the lottery ticket yet. 

Inside Ms. Lee’s office, Sol is in sitting across from Ms. Lee, who cries, and begs her to withdraw her resignation. Sol says she’ll come to work until she finds a replacement. So Ms. Lee returns to sobbing. 

Tae-sung is trying to find the license plate of the taxi. They realize that Seon-jae’s dash cam may have footage of it as they drove past each other that one night. 

Mom, Grandma and Bo-a at the sauna spa. However, a man with a towel over his face is snoring loudly in the common area and disturbing everyone in the place. Mom yells at him to go home and snore away there. He just continues snoring away. Grandma finally slams her boiled egg on his forehead. The man – it’s Seon-jae’s father – jerks awake and screams what’s going on. ㅋㅋ Noted. Don’t annoy Grandma. ㅋㅋ  Mom says he can’t snore that loudly here. This is a communal place. Other people won’t be able to sleep because of him. Seon-jae’s father asks if he snored that loudly. He takes a good look at Grandma and remembers who she is. Then he looks at Sol’s mother and realizes she’s the owner of Gold Video. (~17:35)

Seon-jae is sitting on the couch and staring at the bag of medicine. Dong-seok climbs over the back of the couch to join him. Why is he climbing? ㅋㅋ He asks what he’s staring at. Seon-jae says he’s not staring at anything and then moves away. Dong-seok figures out it was the medicine. Seon-jae dramatically yells that she forgot her medicine. She’s sick so how could she forget her medicine. This is a serious problem. ㅋㅋ So extra. Dong-seok says he’s seriously acting so awkward. Besides, it's not that big of a deal. Seon-jae argues how is this not a big deal? Does he not know how antibiotics need to be taken?! Once one is prescribed it, you must take all of them without stopping halfway. Even if one is better, you must take all of them without skipping any of them! Poor Dong-seok closes his eyes before saying is that so? No way. Seon-jae argues if one stops as they please, they’ll become immune to them. And if one does that and takes them again next time, they won’t be effective. If something critical happens to Ms. Im, he’ll feel guilty, won’t he? ㅋㅋ Drama King. Dong-seok scoffs and says skipping some antibiotics won’t put her in critical condition. Seon-jae disagrees and says he’s very tired and doesn’t want to go anywhere. But he’ll have to go and give the medicine to her. He then stands up and Dong-seok stands up to push him back down. He says to rest up and he’ll deliver them to her on his way home. Seon-jae stands up and Dong-seok pushes him back down. ㅋㅋ  Seon-jae asks why he should go? Dong-seok replies that he said he was very tired. His eyes are out of focus. No way. So he grabs the medicine and starts walking away. Seon-jae stands back up and grabs his arm. He tells him that he doesn’t want him to handle small tasks like this for him. Leave them here and go home. He reaches over for the medicine but Dong-seok jerks away from him. He says no, it’s not like this is the first time. He says he’ll do it and turns to walk away. Seon-jae makes him stay and tells him that he's trying to give him the 9-to-6 work hours. Dong-seok says it’s already 8 p.m. What does he mean? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Dong-seok wisely says he’s done for the night and thanks him. He climbs back over the couch to leave. (~18:35)

Sol’s mother and Seon-jae’s father talk about his famous son. Mom wants to know if he has a girlfriend. He says no, but he wishes that he would fund a girl and get married. She wants to set him up with a sweet, kind and smart girl in the film industry. And she’s also gorgeous. He asks who is that? She says it’s her daughter. Dad says no, as he takes after him and has very high standards. She scoffs and says he’s never met her daughter, Sol. He says he’s seen her here and there when they lived across from each other. She used to run around all day, looking utterly distracted. If his memory serves him right, he doesn’t think she’s drop-dead gorgeous. Omo. Mom says beauty is different for everyone. And for all he knows, his son might be head over heels for her. He replies that would only happen if his son were to lose his mind. Besides he’s worked with the most beautiful women of the century and he never fell for any of them. He finally says goodbye. Mom says guys like him always go crazy over one girl and become hopeless. She then gets up and purposely bumps into him and makes him injure himself. He yells after her, all of his life, there hasn’t been a single time his son pursued a woman one-sidedly. There’s no way he’d go crazy over her. *snort* 

Said precious son is sitting in his car outside of “not-drop-dead gorgeous” Sol’s place and trying to figure out what to say to her about being there. “I stopped in the neighborhood…No. I stopped by since I was in the neighborhood.” He wonders if he’s an idiot or what? Back to practicing. “The doctor told me to give the medicine to you, so I had no choice but to come, even though it’s bothersome.” He realizes that makes him sound so rude. He looks at himself in the rearview mirror and wonders if he got overly groomed. Someone will think he tried too hard to impress her. He gets out of the car when he sees Sol walking by but she’s pushing a stroller. He follows her as he wonders if she’s a mother. He listens to her talking to the baby, “Jae A. Isn’t it nice to be out here with gomo?” Seon-jae thinks to himself, what a relief. But then he wonders why he’d think that. Sol fusses at the baby for being awake, as he should sleep early and wake up early. Seon-jae wonders why she’s out here when she passed out from sickness. Sol starts playing peek-a-boo with the baby. Seon-jae also wonders why she’s dressed so lightly. Sol asks her nephew if he wants gomo to sing? She starts singing about bears and Seon-jae quietly laughs from his hiding spot. She stops and asks Jae-a when he’s going to fall asleep as the baby stares back at her. Seon-jae starts walking and steps on a can and makes a loud sound. He retreats and climbs up the stairs to the slide to hide. But then his phone rings and he grabs it from his pocket to silence it but drops it down the slide instead! ㅋㅋ His face. Sol walks over to investigate as she hears and sees the phone. She calls up the slide, “Excuse me. Your phone is here.” Seon-jae changes his voice before replying “I’ll pick it up. You can go now.” ㅋㅋ She turns to go but then his phone rings again and she sees who is calling: Baek In-hyuk. She scoffs as she knows who it is now. So she answers the call and points it up the slide, In-hyuk says “Seon-jae, where are you? Seon-jae... Ryu Seon-jae!! Why aren’t you answering me?! Ryu Seon-jae!!!” In-hyuk angrily hangs up. Sol calls up, “Mr. Ryu Seon-jae”. Seon-jae comes down the slide like a mummy in a coffin. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He then sits up and she asks what he’s doing here. He answers in that same fake voice, didn’t she see? ㅋㅋ He then clears his throat and says in his normal voice that the was riding the sliding. She says exactly. Why is he riding the slide? He says he enjoys riding it from time to time. Sol says in the middle of the night? He says he can’t ride it in the daytime, can he? As she knows, he’s a well-known person. She asks if he’s here to see her. He says yes. And then says no, he didn’t. She says really? She returns his phone and says enjoy his ride then. She turns to leave and he says wait, and then pulls out the medicine. He says he’s actually here to give her this. He heard that she has to take this for a few days so how could she leave it behind. Of course, he didn’t come out just to give her this. He just got some time when he was on his way home after today’s schedule. And he dropped by because he was passing by. She takes it from him and thanks him. He asks why is she wandering around in this weather. Who is she going to bother when she passes out again? She looks back at Jae-a and says well, he falls asleep… only when he is in a stroller. What can she do? Jae-a starts making noise now. Seon-jae says he’s not sleeping, though. Jae-a starts crying and Sol runs over to pick him up. Seon-jae walks over and she tells him that he should go now. He asks if she’s never soothed a child before and reaches over to take Jae-a. He tells her that she needs to cuddle the child steadily so that he feels comfortable. Also, if she feels nervous, the child can feel it too. So even if he cries like this, she needs to stay calm and keep patting him on his back. Jae-a then promptly vomits onto him. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (~25:00)    

Sol tucks in Jae-a who is now sleeping peacefully. She leaves his room and wonders how this could have happened. She wonders why Seon-jae is taking so long. A bottle of body wash suddenly rolls towards her. She picks it up and becomes upset that it’s so low now. She asks if he poured the whole bottle over himself or what? He says that she shouldn’t be saying that. Then a shirtless Seon-jae walks out of the steamy bathroom. (~29:30) Sol stares and then hides her eyes behind the bottle. ㅋㅋ She asks if he’s insane and why did he walk out naked? He’s got on pants. He shows her his shirt and says he didn’t have a change of clothes. He asks what he is supposed to do. She closes her eyes and says right. She then bows and says she’s sorry about that. She grabs him some clothes and hands it to him with her back turned and tells him to change into this quickly and go. He says he’s going to leave tonight even if she grabs him and says not to. But when she was sick, she held his hand and didn’t let go. She scoffs and turns around and asks him when did she do that? He walks over and she looks up into his eyes. She tells him to hurry and puts clothes on. But then she hears her mother and grandmother are at the front door. She shoves him inside her room and then runs to grab his shoes and hides them behind her back, just as her mother and grandmother enter the place. After talking to her mother, she retreats to her bedroom with his shoes. 

Inside the room, Seon-jae asks what she’s doing. They didn’t do anything wrong, did they? She sets down his shoes and then asks him how he is going to explain this to her mother? He replies that he thought they were business partners. She asks why would her business partner take a shower at her place?  That would look odd. They’re going to bed soon, so wait here quietly for ten minutes and leave. He asks what they should do for those ten minutes? 🦊 She grabs her sweater and says there’s nothing they’ll “do”. Just stay and do nothing. She goes and presses her ear against the door to listen. Seon-jae starts looking around her room, and Sol runs over to ask where his manners are, to look around a woman’s room like this. He recalls her telling Tae-sung that he can’t see his friend as a woman. He smiles and says he guesses that she sees herself as a woman in front of him. He looks around and notices the windup watch. He grabs it and wonders what it is. She grabs it from him but then it falls onto the floor. He picks it up and says what to do now as it’s broken. She insists that he give it back to her. He says he’ll fix it for her. She says no, just give it back to her. She reaches for it again and he keeps it away from her. He says he doesn’t like to leave anything behind to feel sorry for. She says it’s fine and reaches over to grab the watch. He asks why she is holding his hand. She drops her hand and asks why did he take it from her then? He smiles and slips it inside his pants pocket. He sees a photo of her and asks if this was when she was a student. He recognizes the school’s uniform. She runs over to cover the photo frame with her hands and tells him to not look at it. He says how pretty. She removes her hands and says she wasn’t that pretty. Come on. He says he meant the uniform. Ha. He’s older but the same 19 year-old. She says yes, her uniform was pretty indeed. He asks did she really not see him around back then? She stammers out of course not. She didn’t see him because she didn’t. He takes a closer look at the photo. She reaches over to place face down and says she said stop looking at it. He moves it back and says why? He’s looking at it because it’s pretty. She asks if he’s some sort of uniform maniac? He replies no way. It’s her that’s pretty. She grabs the frame and says no, how could he say that so casually. They hear a sound outside her room. He covers her mouth and says he thought they shouldn’t get caught. Her mother asks her if she’s on the phone. Sol says yes, but she just hung up. Her mother says it’s late, so go to bed. 

When it’s quiet, Sol opens the door and looks around. She waves at him and says she thinks everyone is sleeping. She then grabs his hand and quietly leads him out of the room. He says it’s becoming a habit. She asks what is? He says her holding his hand. She looks down at their hands. He says she holds it so easily and casually. She shakes her head and says let’s hurry and come on. She nudges him towards the door, and then sets down his shoes. The lights come on and he pauses. She tells him what if her family comes out. Hurry and come on. He steps into his shoes and she shoves him out. He stands outside the door and says he’ll get going. She nods and then closes the door on him. He watches her face and sees the two of them kissing. Shocked, he covers his mouth with his hand and wonders what that
He goes to his car and a guy gets out of the taxi and notices that it’s Ryu Seon-jae. Kim Young-soo also notices him, but he only drives away. Seon-jae goes home and types in a search for “ imagining about kissing a woman…” He knows he wasn’t imagining or dreaming it. He was sober. Was it a hallucination?  A head pops up beside him – it’s In-hyuk with a huge grin on his face, he asks did he imagine kissing a woman? ㅋㅋㅋ Seon-jae is startled by his sudden appearance. Seon-jae asks what, when he get here? In-hyuk says he doesn’t have to imagine it. He can do it in real life. He thought he was seeing someone? Seon-jae says he’s not seeing anyone. In-hyuk removes his jacket and sits down on the couch.  He asks what about the girl he brought home the other day. Seon-jae says she was his business partner. In-hyuk excitedly asks if he’s imagining kissing his business partner? Seon-jae says that’s not the case. In-hyuk grins and says he thinks it is. Seon-jae says it’s just whenever he sees her, some scenes pop up into his head blurrily… as if they were scenes from a movie he watched a long time ago. In-hyuk asks how does it make him feel? Seon-jae says he doesn’t know if he’s overwhelmed with joy or sadness. He wonders what’s gotten into him. In-hyuk says he has a crush on her. Seon-jae says what? In-hyuk says it’s love. Seon-jae tersely tells him to leave now. In-hyuk asks why? He’s overwhelmed with joy and sadness. He’s an emotional rollercoaster. He either has a crush on her or becomes insane. Seon-jaesays okay, he’s insane. He then shoves In-hyuk and says he told him to beat it. In-hyuk says he’s here because he has something to tell him. He had to come because he just wouldn’t answer the phone. Oh yeah. I, too, forgot. Seon-jae asks what is it? In-hyuk asks if he remembers Kim Tae-sung who was in their high school band. He was really famous as a handsome guy. Anyway, he’s become a cop.  And he wants Seon-jae to make time to meet him because he has a favor to ask him.  

At a cafe, Tae-sung shows Seon-jae his badge as he says he’s a detective from the Violent Crimes Division at Wonbook Police Station. Then he says here they meet again. Seon-jae says exactly. In-hyuk asks did they see each other before? Tae-sung says not so long ago. By accident. Seon-jae asks what is that urgent favor he needs to ask him? Tae-sung says he needs his dashcam videos. In-hyuk asks why he needs them. Then he asks Seon-jae if he’s in trouble. Seon-jae tells Tae-sung, doesn’t he have to tell him what it’s for first? Tae-sung replies that his fan almost got kidnapped by an unidentified assailant in front of his house. Seon-jae and In-hyuk are both taken aback by this. Tae-sung says his dashcam must have caught the suspect’s car. They need the videos to identify its license plate. Seon-jae asks if his fan is all right. Tae-sungsays fortunately she didn't get hurt. Seon-jae says he’s glad to hear that and he’ll send the videos right away. In-hyuk says what a scary world. He hopes the suspect gets caught soon. Tae-sung says he should be. Then he tells Seon-jae that he heard he’ll be in the movie his Sol came up with. Seon-jae cocks his head and thinks, “‘My Sol,’ my foot”. He tells him yes, why? Tae-sung says he must be busy. Seon-jae says he’s always busy. Tae-sung chuckles and says how busy was he, that he couldn’t come out to talk business? So much that he had to call her to a single man’s house in the morning. In-hyuk is confused by their conversation. Seon-jae says he even meddles in her company work? Tae-sung says of course. It’s his Sol’s business. He then smirks at him. Seon-jae asks why does he keep saying his Sol? Tae-sung says it’s a habit. By the way, he can see some animosity in his eyes, Mr. Ryu. Seon-jae says in his eyes? He then smiles and says no way, Mr. Kim. In-hyuk asks them what’s going on? Did they come here to fight? Both say “no” at the same time. He asks why are they calling each other by their surnames? If they’re his friends, they’re also friends with each other. Talk casually. Nope. Doesn’t always work that way. Tae-sung says why bother? He’s not here to build friendships. Seon-jae says he’s right. This isn’t a high school reunion. Their tea arrives and the two start drinking…  Meanwhile, In-hyuk takes the first sip and has to set it down and yells about how hot it is. He asks the two of them if it isn’t hot? Are they all right? No, they’re not. The two lock eyes as they continue drinking. They then say in unison, it’s not bad. In-hyuk says it’s super hot. Stop bluffing! Seon-jae holds up his cup and says it’s nothing. Tae-sung says it’s lukewarm. But he blows on his cup before drinking again. Seon-jae does the same. In-hyuk watches the two maniacs guzzle down their hot tea and them slam the cups down onto the table. He calls them crazy idiots. ㅋㅋ They are.

Later, Seon-jae looks at the footage and sees the taxi driver, and recalls having interactions with him before. 

Elsewhere, Geum and Hyun-joo are “in disguise” as they’ve collected their lottery winnings of 400k won. Hyun-joo wants to get everyone in the family a nice padded jacket, and Geum wants to get her mother a dental implant. Hyun-joo also suggests getting a house to rent but realizes the money will quickly dwindle down to zero in no time. Geum says but she doesn’t have to live with in-laws anymore. Yeah, and these two have kids… She asks usually, isn’t the top lottery prize millions of won? She heard they got the smallest prize money. A whopping 50 people bought lottery tickets at the same convenience store where he bought his, had also won. Rewind to one year ago. Drunk Geum had told everyone the numbers… *facepalm* Geum is his own worst enemy. Hyun-joo tells him to try out for the audition, but this is his last one. He happily hugs her, and then the two leave to pick up their children.

At a restaurant, Ms. Lee, Sol and another employee are sitting down with Seon-jae, Dong-seok and Mr. Kim. Ms. Lee thanks him for agreeing to be in the movie, and says he’ll be generous and forget about Ms. Im’s mistake, right? Dong-seok says but he tends to be vindictive… but he stops saying more when he sees Seon-jae’s glare. Seon-jae replies, of course. Sol isn’t happy. The meal continues and Sol glares at him. Seon-jae asks if there’s a chance for the ending to change. When asked why, he says it’s just sad if it ends like that. Ms. Lee says she understands. Sol says she thinks the current ending is the best for the main characters. Ms. Lee says they should listen to him, listen to what the male protagonist has to say. Sol sighs. Ms. Lee asks which ending would he prefer. Seon-jae replies, the man without the memory of her because it’s been reset…runs into her by chance… and falls in love again in the end. He just can’t help it. Ms. Lee says what a romantic ending. Sol says she doesn’t like it. Getting tangled up again by fate. Isn’t that the worst ending? What if the man dies again after meeting the woman? It’s sickening. He keeps dying over and over again when she keeps saving him. Seon-jae says all humans live a time-limited life, don’t they? Everyone is destined to die one day. She replies that she wants him to live longer. He asks, is it better to live for a long time? Even for a moment, it is better to live happily with someone one loves. She replies with reddened eyes, but how hard did she try to disentangle herself from him? If they fall in love again, all her efforts are in vain. What’s the point? He smiles and says, no matter what, it’s just his personal opinion. He respects the producer’s opinion. Ms. Lee says the producer will take into consideration the main male character’s opinion. 

Afterwards, Sol leaves and Seon-jae follows her out. She asks why he’s following her. He replies that it’s up to him. She looks around and says that he said they can’t be in an open space like this. She won’t take responsibility even if they’re caught up in a dating rumor. She turns and walks away and he grins as he continues following her. (~46:40) His smirk. I’m beyond dead! He says she said they were business partners. They could just say they were talking about business. She asks if he’s going to talk about work then? He says no. He wanted to take her home but he didn’t bring his car. He’ll be seeing her take a taxi. She stops walking and takes a deep breath before asking why is he doing this? He asks doing what? She says he knows fully well what. He asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have a boyfriend? She’s not seeing the police officer they met in front of his house, right? She asks why he’s curious about that. He replies, he knows… did he really fall in love with her? Sol looks taken aback by this as she stares at him. She breaks eye contact before replying that it hasn’t been long since they met. How could he fall in love? He says he also thinks it’s weird. But it’s true that he’s interested in her. He keeps thinking and worrying about her. She looks up at him and then looks away. She says she’s sorry, but please, lose interest in her now. He asks why. If she gets involved with him, will it ruin her family for three generations? He grins down at her. She sighs and says she’s in love with someone. She loves the person very much. With tears in her eyes, she shakes her head as she says that’s why they can’t be together. Top-notch noble idiocy. So she begs him please don’t approach her anymore. He says she rejected him many times. Fine, he can’t cling to someone who doesn’t like him. From now on, he won’t cross the line. She says thank you. Then she says she’s been rude to him, so she’s sorry. He asks if this is her farewell? They’ll be meeting again because of work. She says she rejected him. Does he think they can handle the awkwardness? Mr. Ryu, stay healthy and have a good life. She then says goodbye and walks away from him. He just watches her go.

Inside Tae-sung’s car, she says he’s busy so why did he pick her up? Tae-sung says he heard that she had a get-together today, so he thought she wouldn’t have her car. She doesn’t say anything. He asks if she had a lot to drink. She replies a little bit. Then she asks why has he been taking care of her so much these days? Don’t like her. He replies can he not like her? She looks over in surprise. He says honestly, he’s confused when he sees her these days. She gives an awkward laugh and asks what he is talking about. He says they’re friends, and have been like that for more than ten years. But nowadays, his heart says otherwise from time to time. He asks if he liked her in the past? He definitely didn’t as far as he remembers. But it feels like he did at the same time. Sol looks concerned. He continues saying that he’s been a little weird these days. She says that he’s probably mistaken – no, he is mistaken. He asks should they date to find out if he’s mistaken? She dismissively says that she knows he’s not serious. He says he can’t even make a move as he’s afraid he’ll lose their friendship because of his confusion. This is how he’s been recently. He’s being honest because she might think he’s been weird. What did she do to all of them? She replies that he knows there’s someone she can’t forget. He says he knows. It’s that guy she’ll never tell him who it is. He then says things will come back to their place soon. She thinks to herself it will, it should, for both him and Seon-jae. And herself. 

Sol returns home and finds Grandma watching TV. Sol asks why she isn’t sleeping? With a big smile, Grandma says her Sol has come. Has she eaten? Sol runs over to her and asks if she remembers her as she stares. Grandma laughs and says she might pierce her face with those eyes. Sol smiles and hugs her. She says she remembered her after a long time. Grandma asks if she thought she forgot everything? Sol tearfully nods and says yes.

JMJ: I didn’t. Memories don’t disappear. Where do you think all the countless memories…  of what you see, listen, and feel in your life go? They’re all smeared into my soul. Even if my brain forgot them, my soul hasn’t. It’s been keeping every piece of it. (~51:40)

Sol realizes that both Seon-jae and Tae-sung’s hearts remember her. Sol asks is that so? Grandma says of course, it is… she’s traveling in her memory. She sometimes goes back to when she was three, acting like a baby in her mother’s arms. Then she became an 18-year-old self when she met her husband. When she misses her youngest grandchild, she can come back like this. She caresses Sol’s head and smiles at her. Sol sniffles before saying, she should come back often then. Okay? Grandma nods and smiles as she says yes. She then feeds Sol a piece of fruit and says she’ll do that. Then she yawns, and closes her eyes. Sol returns to hugging her. 

Tae-sung visits the taxi company and asks for the driver of the car. It’s Kim Young-soo. He tells Detective Seo to send the photo to the victim and confirm it, and then to apply for an arrest warrant. He then asks the owner, when his shift is. 

At Bon Cinema, Seon-jae is looking down at the windup watch in his hand. Ms. Lee says that the shooting will start at the beginning of next year. He asks when Sol is coming. The man sitting next to Ms. Lee tells him that from now on, he’ll be in charge of the project. She’s left the company. Ms. Lee says she tried her best to stop her, but she said she wanted to study film properly and quit. Seon-jae sighs. Afterwards, he recalls her last words to him and wonders if it really was her farewell. He opens the watch and wonders how he’ll return this as he’ll never see her again. Dong-seok arrives and tells him to get inside the van. Seon-jae suddenly hears the keys of a piano playing… and recalls these words, “The song that exists only in her memory, ‘Sonaki,’ is playing quietly. “I didn’t want it to stop. (On the day you first came to me, I didn’t want you to be the rain that soaks me wet only…)”  He looks around but the street is empty… even as he sees a blurry vision of a couple with a yellow umbrella. He wonders what that was.

Sol is drinking alone. She receives a text message from Ms. Lee: Seon-jae worked on the song in her proposal and sent them the guide version. Sol looks at the name of the file and wonders how come he sang this song, Sonaki. She recalls what Grandma told her about memories. She pulls out headphones and clicks on the file. She then cries as it starts, and she says that she hasn’t heard this in a very long time. Seon-jae plays the piano and starts singing… and Sol sings along through her tears. (~56:55) 

Detective Seo tells Tae-sung that they’ve issued the warrant, and Kim Young-soo is also a criminal who served six years in prison after being convicted of attempted murder in 2008, and the officer who arrested him at the time was Kim Won Chul, Tae-sung’s father. Kim Young-soo appears in the taxi, and Tae-sung walks over to knock on the window. Kim Young-soo rolls down the window and asks what’s the matter. Tae-sung says to get out for a moment as he has some questions for him. Tae-sung turns and Kim Young-soo sees the glint of the handcuffs in his back pocket. Kim Young-soo opens his door and then slams it into him. He backs up and drives away. Tae-sung tells Detective Seo to quickly get into the car as he runs into his car. They turn on the lights and sirens and quickly go after him. But he’s weaving in and out of traffic at night.

Seon-jae is done for the day, and waits for Dong-seok to bring the car around. He pulls out the windup watch and then winds it up. As he listens to the ticking, he hears a girl’s words, “Time that passes again. This is my gift. Thank you for living.”  His head starts hurting. 

Sol leaves the restaurant and notices that it's snowing. She pulls out her yellow umbrella and watches the snow.

Seon-jae clutches his head and then notices the now. He then remembers a female waiting with the yellow umbrella on the bridge. He looks across the street and sees a girl in a school uniform who opens her yellow umbrella. He then hears a girl in a school uniform running towards him calling him, “Ahjussi!” His heart starts hurting and so he clutches at it. He then remembers yelling Sol’s name at the reservoir. He pants as tears fall down his face. He looks over the girl with the umbrella, and finally realizes it was Sol. He remembers the first day he saw her, and now says her name as tears continue falling. (~1:02:50) Seon-jae starts running out into traffic as he yells her name. But then his head hurts again and he’s left clutching at his head as he stands on the road.  

Outside the restaurant, Sol hears him say her name but when she turns around, he’s not there. She starts walking away. 

In the car, Kim Young-soo is barreling towards Seon-jae, as he’s still trying to get away from Tae-sung’s car. Seon-jae is in his way, so stomps on the gas pedal. But Tae-sung manages to swing his car over to push him over onto the shoulder. Untouched,
Seon-jae suddenly falls down onto the ground. Seon-jae now remembers everything to do with Sol: 2007/2008, the first day with her smiling face, her falling asleep at the video store, then on the bus, saving her from the water, her angrily yelling at him at the hospital; 2022, meeting on the bridge in the snow when she was in the wheelchair and then watching her return home; 2008, meeting again, having their photos taken, when he kissed her in, and later confessing to her; 2023, meeting again, her confession to him, their doorway kiss; 2009, her drunk accidental kiss, dating, him telling her that he loves her, and how she hid from him; and 2023, how they recently met again and again. (~1:06:10)

[Ep16[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Micro Recap: Seon-jae desperately looks for Sol. Geum makes it on TV. In-hyuk and Dong-seok are indispensable. Tae-sung needs a hug. Sol follows her dream. 

Dong-seok finds Seon-jae on the road and tries to get a response. Meanwhile,  Tae-sung sends Detective Seo to check on him. He then yanks Kim Young Soo out of the car and tells him that he’s under arrest for attempted serial kidnapping. Kim Young Soo slams his elbow into him and then runs away with Tae-sung behind him. Kim Young-soo runs out into traffic and ends up getting hit by a truck of doom, and then goes down into the water below. He’s dead. 

Seon-jae hears Sol’s voice prodding him to wake up. At the hospital, Seon-jae suddenly opens his eyes as he remembers that night she told him that she liked him… She says she thought she would regret it if she left again without telling him. She says, “I love you, Seon-jae.” He kisses her and then says “I love you. I love you, Sol.” He kisses her again… Seon-jae is flooded with emotions as he thinks of nothing but Sol, as tears slide down his face.

Sol is sitting in a taxi stuck in traffic, and listening to the radio report of the suspect in the Gangnam serial kidnapping attempt case… has just died while trying to escape during the apprehension. The suspect had a previous conviction for attempted murder at Juyang Reservoir in 2008 and served six years in prison. While being chased by the police, he rushed onto the road, and was hit and killed on the spot by an oncoming dump truck. Sol realizes that Kim Young-soo is dead, but she’s worried about where Seon-jae is. She pulls out her phone and sees that Seon-jae was hit by a car and the road was closed due to the accident. He’s at Wooshin University Hospital. She tells the driver to let her out here. 

Back at the hospital, Seon-jae sits up and removes his IV line, grabs his jacket and runs past Dong-seok who yells after him. He keeps running. Meanwhile, Sol is running towards the hospital. She stops when she sees Seon-jae running towards her on the pedestrian bridge. With reddened eyes, she thinks to herself, he’s not hurt… what a relief. Seon-jae stops and asks her why she’s running like that. Sol takes deep breaths and thinks, Seon-jae, it seems everything is over. He asks did she perhaps come to see him, thinking that he was involved in a a car accident? She says no, she was just passing by. He asks if she didn’t, why is she crying? She touches her face and quickly wipes off the tears with her hand and denies that she was crying. She says that she’ll get going and starts to turn away. With his own reddened eyes, he asks, did she cry like every day…when she was alone? She looks back at him. He continues saying missing the person who forgot everything about her. She continues panting as she stares at him. He says he was right. He told her it’d be a sad ending. Does she still not want to change the ending? She asks what he’s talking about. He says but what do they do? He thinks it has changed already. She doesn’t say anything. He takes long strides over to her and hugs her. She reaches up to remove his arms. Eyes brimming with tears, he only tightens his grip.

RSJ: Sol a. She stops pulling away. I remember everything. Shocked, she loosens her grip and drops her purse.
IS: What? He pulls back and holds her by the arms to look at her.
RSJ: I remember everything.
IS: It’s impossible. How?
RSJ: Why did you do that? How could you erase yourself from my memory? How could you let me live without you? Did you think it would be possible? 

IS: Seon-jae a. She starts sobbing so he pulls her back into his embrace. After a moment he leans back to look down at her. 

RSJ: Don’t cry. Okay? He then cups her face between his hands. I’m sorry I’m late. She stares up at him tearfully and nods. I’m sorry… I forgot. She shakes her head no. He leans down and kisses her and tears fall down their cheeks. (~6:15) Correction: It’s entirely her fault he forgot!

Back at his place, they’re now sitting together on the couch… with Seon-jae holding onto Sol with his neck tucked into the crook of her neck, as if to ensure that she doesn’t disappear. Can we really blame him? Sol softly asks until when is he going to do this. With his eyes still closed, he smiles as he says just a little more. She asks if he wants to stay up all night? He nods and says yes, he can stay up all night as he shifts his arms around her. She tells him that he’s not a baby, so don’t act like one. He gives a light chuckle, and says he doesn’t want to spend a single moment without her from now on… because it was so wasteful to live forgetting her. She nods against his head and says let’s do it then. She rests her head against his as she says let’s stay together even in their dreams. Seon-jae finally opens his eyes and pulls back to look at her. (~9:43)

RSJ: I will not forget anything about you from now on. Even if you try to erase my memories again, I’ll remember again like that no matter what it takes. She smiles and then reaches over to stroke his hair and then face.
IS: [With a smile] I’ll never do that again.  
RSJ: When I think about it, it seems like I never forgot about you. I never forgot you. 

One day, Seon-jae stood in front of a store and cried as he stared at something. Dong-seok had walked up to tell him that the shooting was starting soon. He’d then asked if he’s crying. Seon-jae didn’t say anything. Dong-seok then said they’re not filming any crying scenes today. Seon-jae goes inside the place. He'd been looking at the the “S” pendant necklace in the jewelry store's window display. (~10:55)

RSJ: [Dangles the necklace from his left hand.] 
IS: You cried? 
RSJ: It means my heart remembered … even if my brain forgot you. 
IS: That’s what Grandma said. “Memories don’t disappear. They’re all smeared into your soul.” Is that true? 
RSJ: [He puts the necklace on her.] It came back to its place now. 
IS: [She touches the pendant and smiles down at it.] I guess you’ve been putting necklaces… on many women for 15 years. You were fumbling last time, but you can do it at once now. 
RSJ: [Scoffing] I told you. I’m an expert at romance dramas. I did it many times for dramas. I’m dumb if I still can’t put a necklace on you probably. Babo for her anyway. 
IS jealousy: [She moves her legs away from him, and crosses her arms.] It’s okay. You forgot me for so many years. Repeat, it’s all her fault!!! I understand if you met someone else. 
RSJ: [Laughs before moving to kneel in front of her.] What are you doing? You get jealous too?
IS: [Scoffs] I said I wasn’t. [Narrows her eyes.] You had so many dating rumors.  After doing it several times, you become good at –  He leans over and gives her a quick peck on the lips. You’re doing this because you have nothing to say. You said men and women  –  He kisses her again. …can’t be friends.
RSJ: [Smiling] Go on. 
IS: [Swatting him on the shoulder.] I don’t know. I forgot. 
RSJ: [Hugging her.] I love you. 
IS: [Smiles as she hugs him back.] I love you, Seon-jae a. 

Tae-sung sits outside the police station and his father hands him a can of coffee. They talk about Kim Young-soo, and his father says it’s not his fault. It was his fate to die. Someone who was destined to die might be alive thanks to his death. Tae-sung nods and his father pats him on the knee. But then he looks down at the can of coffee and scoffs at Seon-jae’s image mocking him. 

One Month Later.

Seon-jae, texts Sol (saved in his phone as “My Destiny”) and asks when she'll be finished. Sitting inside a cafe, she replies that she’s not sure that she’ll be able to finish by today. He unhappily replies if that means they can’t meet today either with a bunch of "ㅜㅠㅜㅠ". She replies that she needs to send it by tomorrow so she’s busy. She’ll contact him when she’s done. See him tomorrow. Aloud, she says that she misses him, and wonders if he’ll be upset. She returns to her computer, but suddenly there’s all this chatter about Seon-jae… Sol turns around and gasps when she sees him standing at the counter with his sunglasses on. She turns away but then turns back to him. Now he slides down his glasses and then winks at her, and it makes all the girls in the place scream as they think he winked at them. Sol turns around and looks at her phone, he’s texted that he came because he wanted to see her. She thinks to herself, he’s crazy. 

He turns around and orders something to drink and then sits down at another table. A stand of pastries arrives on Sol’s table and she tells the server that she didn’t order this. She’s told that Seon-jae… She’s worried. The woman finishes saying that he bought this for everyone. She looks around and every table has the same stand. She glares at him. He props his chin on his hand and smiles at her. She then texts him to ask if he’s really going to do this. He replies he thought she might need some sugar, so eat while she’s working. (づ ̄³ ̄)づ She replies if he thinks she can work? With a tiny smile, he replies, does she want to play with him instead of working then? She laughs but then surpresses it to says he’s killing her. She says how she can work and gathers her stuff as she glares at him. She leaves and he tries to follow her but he’s mobbed by fans. Now she’s typing while inside the library…and he drops off a Sweet Coffee and turns his image towards her. She looks up and realizes it’s him with a black face mask, so she whispers why did he come all the way here. He replies that she won’t meet him because she’s busy so he had to come and see her. She looks around and whispers what if someone recognizes him? He says he covered his face completed, who will recognize him? Sir, you are wrong. Nonetheless, I love him in a cap. He then shushes her and tells her to go back to her work. He’ll be reading a book quietly. But he ends up stroking her hair, touching her face, and he won’t stop. She finally says he said that he’d read quietly. He replies that this feels like when they were together in college. She smiles at the memory, and says that’s true. He says having a secret relationship isn’t so bad, is it? A girl studying from another table asks them if they think this is a set.  If they want a secret relationship, would they please go outside? She then says Mr. Ryu Seon-jae. Sol gasps and sputters that he’s not Ryu Seo-jae as he pulls down the brim of his cap. She says he’s her older brother. She’s Im Sol and he’s Im Geum. She pats him on the back as she says many people say her brother and Ryu Seon-jae look alike. The girl rolls her eyes at this. Sol tells her “oppa” that they’ve got to go. 

They get outside and Seon-jae takes her bags from her and says to let her oppa carry it for her. In a whiny tone, she asks where she should work now. She can’t work at home because of her cute niece and nephew. She promised to submit the script tomorrow. She looks around and says someone might see him again, so he should go right now. She tries to take her bags from him but he moves out of her reach. He asks if she wants to a quiet place – pulls down his mask and leans closer to her – where she can focus with her oppa then? [His signature Search: WWW look. lol] She asks where? 

He takes her to his luxury apartment building. She’s confused. He says of course, there’s no place quieter than his house. He walks towards the door to his place, and she giggles and says she knew it, he wants to stick with her whenever he can. He opens the door and asks if she isn't coming. 

Back at Sol’s home, the family is gathered in front of the TV to watch Geum’s debut drama. Mom chides him for being excited about being an extra. Geum says he auditioned and was casted as the lead’s husband, the son of a rich family. They start watching… and he’s the man in bed who is nearly entirely covered up with bandages, and his TV wife wants him to die and has a lover. He has no lines. His mother and wife ask about his lines. Geum says he doesn't have any, as he’ll be like that until he dies in the last episode. Look at the title, “While My Husband is Sleeping.” ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So the drama will end when the husband wakes up. His family can only laugh and clap about this. Both Mom and Hyun-joo are proud of him and hope he has more work from this. His wife asks how he could make it look so real when he was lying like a corpse. ㅋㅋ Mom is like what the – Hyun Joo continues complimenting him. ㅋㅋ Mom says she really must love him.

At Seon-jae’s place, Sol continues working but becomes miffed that Seon-jae is keeping his distance. He gets up from the couch and walks towards her. She smiles and thinks she knew it. She reaches over to close her laptop as she considers playing with him for a bit. Seon-jae walks past her to grab something from the kitchen. She returns to working on her computer and he sets down tray with a sandwich and glass of juice. He says to eat while she’s working, and he won’t bother her. He tells her to hurry up and go back to work. He then returns to sitting down on the couch. She scoffs and returns to working. 

When she finally submits her first draft of “The Time of Walking Memories,” he’s nowhere to be seen. She wonders where he went, and loudly says she’s done. ㅋㅋ No response. She yells yes, it’s finally over. Nothing. She wonders what’s going on, so she gets up and finds him in his office with headphones on. She knocks on his desk, and still no response. She tugs on his sleeve and says his name. He turns, and when he sees her, he removes his headphones. He asks what, is she finished? She nods and says yes. He says see, she could finish it today because she was focused. She agrees as she thought she had to stay up all night. Seon-jae finally stands up and leans towards her, and she puckers her lips for the kiss. But he only reaches over to wipe some crumbs from her lips and says she must’ve liked the bread. She gives a soft gasp and covers her mouth with her hands. He then says let’s go, he’ll take her home. ㅋㅋ

Sol unhappily packs her bags and complains about why he’s being like this when he was clinging to her all day long. He returns and asks if she got all of her stuff and starts switching off the lights. He walks over to hold her hand and lead her out, as he says it’s getting late. She grumpily thinks to herself, it’s late, her foot, as it’s only 11 p.m. She then  “accidentally” drops everything in her bags and he realizes that he forgot to grab the car keys. So he leaves her to pick it all up on her own. ㅋㅋ Girl, just tell him already! (~25:53) She gripes that he intends to drop her off even when the world ends. She’s done with her work though. She can stay longer. She finishes and stands up – and from behind her, Seon-jae asks “How about leaving tomorrow after sleeping here tonight? She stops as he says sleep here tonight and leave tomorrow. Sol smiles and thinks, she knew it. She replies, okay…if he insists. She’ll spend the night here. She grins and then turns around. She then sees that Seon-jae is on the phone. ㅋㅋ Of course. On the phone, In-hyuk loudly says “Yaa, what do you mean…you’ll come here tomorrow after getting some sleep? Everyone’s here. Come at once.” Sol loses her smile. Seon-jae hangs up on him and puts his phone into his pocket. She stutters out, “Well… I… There was a misunderstanding.” This is accompanied by that awkward laugh. ㅋㅋ I love that dumb laugh.  Embarrassed, she then yells that she’ll just grab a cab and then turns around to head for the front door. He quickly catches up to her and then walks right in front of her, blocking her way. She tries to walk around him but he slams his hand onto a post. He asks where she’s going. He said she’d spend the night here. She replies that she thought he was talking to her. He replies if he was talking to her, was she going to stay here tonight? She says what she meant by that was… Oh, right, since they couldn’t go on a date because she’s been busy, they could have something delicious, watch a movie, and have some fun. He asks and then? She stutters, after that, they can… right, yes. They can catch up on the variety shows they’ve missed. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They can talk a little too… He asks and then? She says and then it must be late. Instead of going home that late – as she rests her head against her closed hands – she’d get a good night’s sleep here. That was what she meant. So pretty…and full of lies. He says so, that means…she’ll sleep here tonight. She replies when she said “sleep,” it means… He says okay, do everything she wants to do. Eat something delicious, watch the movie, catch up on the variety shows, and what was it? Talk? She says yes, they talk. He says, let’s do them all. But… She asks what? He says first things first. He reaches over and pulls her in for a kiss. They pause as he wants to look at her – and she grins at him. They return to kissing…  (~29:25) 

The next morning, Seon-jae wakes up before she does. So he starts poking her on the nose until she scowls in her sleep. He then pokes her on the cheek. When she moves to wake up, and he stops and pretends to be asleep. Sol opens her eyes and grins when she sees his face. She then whispers his name and starts drawing on his chest with her finger – in the shape of a heart – which makes him grin. (She can't see it.) When she does it a second time, he says he loves her too. She asks if he’s up. He replies no, he’s still sleeping and hugs her even tighter. With laughter in her voice, she says c’mon, he’s already up. He replies she said she’d go home tomorrow. Go back to sleep. She hugs him back and says that tomorrow has come already. He says not before they open their eyes. She replies that she knows he’s using a shallow trick… to stay like this for longer! She moves to tickle him, which makes him laugh and quickly sit up. He tells her to stop it, he’s up. She continues tickling him until he says he surrenders with arms raised and that it tickles. He tries to reach down but she continues tickling him, so he raises his hands back up and says he surrenders. She stops and laughs as she rests on his chest while grinning as she looks up at him. He reaches down to gently caress her head and continues looking at her lovingly. She finally asks why is he staring at her like this? Does she have something in her eyes? He nods yes, which makes her move away and rub at her eyes. He laughs and then quietly tells her that he was kidding. She moves as if she’s going to tickle him again. He says that he was staring because she’s pretty. She smiles and he reaches over and puts her hand against his left cheek. He says that it doesn’t feel real. Can it be a dream? She replies that she feels the same. He says sometimes, it scares him. That she’ll leave for another timeline again. That he’ll forget about her again. She caresses his face and says that won’t happen again. She can’t go back even if she wanted to as she doesn’t have the watch anymore. She then asks where is his electronic watch? He says he thinks he lost it a long time ago, so he doesn’t know where it is. She says it’s a shame as she paid so much for it. He says she doesn’t need it anymore. He then reaches over to hug her and says they’ll be glued together like this. She happily hugs him back and says she’ll be glued to him like this…but don’t they really have to get up now? Against her shoulder, he shakes his head and says no, just five more minutes. He lays down and then says, no, ten more minutes. She laughs, and then says, thirty minutes, as he pulls the covers over them. Lots of giggling ensue…  (~31:04)  

Elsewhere, Grandma throws the missing watch into the water. Sol’s mother calls for her and Grandma replies for her to wait for her, eonni. 

At Seon-jae’s place, they're brushing their teeth together at the sink. She then tells him that she’s taking a shower, so get out. Seon-jae walks towards the door, but then quickly returns to ask her if they should shower together. She laughs and then shoves him out as she tells him to get out. He says he gets scared when he’s alone. Pure oxygen, my foot. 

Later, she needs to leave for work but he asks if she’s going without breakfast. She says Ms. Lee wants to see her this morning so she has to go now as she waves. He tells her to hold on, and follows her to the door. He sticks a sandwich in her bag and offers her the straw from a glass of juice.  She takes a sip and he says that he said he can drop her off. She says the neighbors will find out again if they go out together. She says bye and he tells her to wait – as he removes the huge curler from her bangs and asks if she’s keeping this with her. She laughs and says he’s right, but she’s really going this time. She turns away and he tells her to wait. She turns back and he asks didn’t she forget something. She laughs and then tiptoes to give him a kiss on the lips. She asks if he’s good and he sweetly nods. She then says, they look like newlyweds, don’t they? She hugs him and says she’ll get going…as he’s still processing this. She leaves and Seon-jae slaps his mouth shut and stands there in shock.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Seon-jae’s father is looking at an article about Seon-jae’s library date, with an unknown woman. He’s curious about what she looks like. He says that she must be a right-minded, smart woman. If he took her home, then he must be madly in love with her. He then says her beauty pierces through the screen even though her face is blurred out. He can see why Seon-jae is crazy about her. At home, Sol’s mother scoffs as she's looking at the same article. She was told that he never even fell for the beautiful women of the century. She can tell she’s not pretty just by looking at her silhouette. Goodness, he has such bad taste in women. She wonders if he went crazy over an odd woman.  

At the jewelry store, poor In-hyuk and Dong-seok are wearing rings on every finger while Seon-jae decides which one he wants. ㅋㅋㅋ Their faces! Dong-seok asks until when do they need to do this? His fingers are falling asleep. Seon-jae says it’s because nothing fits perfectly with his Sol’s image. In-hyuk rolls his eyes and then asks what on earth is his Sol’s image? Seon-jae pulls out his phone and tells them to have a look. But he withholds the phone to warn them that they might be blinded by her glow. So watch their eyes. He then covers his eyes as he shows them his phone. In-hyuk says his girlfriend looks familiar to him. It feels like he’s seen her before. Seon-jae asks how he could meet someone as shiny as her. In-hyuk grabs onto the phone and zooms in on her picture and says let him see. Seon-jae jerks away and loudly yells, how dare he. Don’t touch her!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But then he notices a solitaire ring on In-hyuk’s pinkie and says this one is nice. He pulls it off and tells the salesperson that he’ll take this one. The woman leaves and he continues grinning as he examines the ring. Dong-seok says that he doesn’t care what he buys for his girlfriend. But the rumor about him seeing someone was published today. Seon-jae says nothing. Dong-seok asks if he wants them to start a rumor that he’s about to get married? Seon-jae says what if it won’t be a rumor. Dong-seok says right… but then both he and Inhyuk look at him in shock. Dong-seok asks what he means? Is he really planning to announce that he’s going to get married? Does Mr. Kim know about this? Seon-jae replies that he’ll know about it when he [Dong-seok] tells him. Dong-seok says right and then pulls out his phone and leaves to do this. 

In-hyuk asks him if he’s serious. Is he really getting married? Seon-jae says he doesn’t want to stay away from Sol even for a moment. In-Hyuk says that’s what he thinks. Dating is one thing, but marriage is another thing. Seon-jae says he knows that. He’s not an idiot. That’s why he’s going to propose to her properly. In-hyuk asks if he thinks everything will go well once he proposed? Did he get the families’ approval? Seon-jae quietly says no. In-hyuk puts a hand on his shoulder and asks how he is going to live without him? Seon-jae asks if he’s gotten married before. Just as he’s scoffing, a call comes in from an agitated Sol who asks where he is. He replies that he’s here for the rin – In-hyuk waves at him to stop. Seon-jae changes it to recording, at the recording studio. In-Hyuk’s studio. Seon-jae mouths at In-hyuk to help him, so In-hyuk starts singing inside this store. ㅋㅋㅋ Sol practically yells that she needs to see him right now. 

Inside his car, Sol shows him the headline, “Ryu Seon-jae on a Library Date with a Mysterious Woman”. She asks what they are going to do? Seon-jae looks at the photo and says they should have touched up the photo more nicely. They just blurred everything out. She asks if the touch-up matters now. He says no one will know it’s her. They covered her pretty face. She says that’s not important right now. He laughs and then pats her on the head and says don’t worry. He’ll take care of everything. She asks how is he going to take care of it? He almost tells her… and then remembers In-hyuk’s advice.

At the jewelry store, In-hyuk squishes Seon-jae’s face between his hands and tells that the most important part of proposing is  keeping the secret. Once she finds out he’s about to propose, the moment is ruined. So before he proposes to her, keep his mouth tightly shut even though he doesn’t want to. Seon-jae gives a tiny nod from in between his friend's hands.  

Seon-jae tells her that he’ll try this and that. He’ll make sure she won’t take a hit. She replies it’s not about her. She’s worried this will be bad for him. He asks if she rushed here because she was worried about him. She says yes. He asks if he should make her worry from time to time? She looks over at him and he closes his eyes and waits for a kiss. She swats him away and says to forget it as they might get photographed again. She then tells him to go now and then moves to get out of the car. She hears him unlock all of the doors and tells him to not get out. She gets out of his car and walks towards her place. From the car, he sees that Tae-sung is walking towards her. She asks him what brings him here. He replies that he heard Jae-a’s first birthday party is tomorrow. He just dropped off his gift. She says she bets the kids were thrilled to see him. Seon-jae pops up behind her and asks why he cares about his friend’s nephew’s first birthday? Sol turns around to look at him. Tae-sung says he’s friends with Sol’s sister-in-law, too. He took care of his friend’s son’s birthday. Sol loudly asks what he’s doing here, Mr. Ryu. What a coincidence! The awkward laugh is back. Tae-sung says he can tell that she’s acting. She loses her smile. He says the article about the dating rumors was on the news this morning. It was her, wasn’t it? She asks how did he know? He asks how come he found out about his friend’s boyfriend on the news? He stares at Seon-jae and asks Isn’t she going to introduce him to him? Seon-jae gives a derisive laugh. 

Once again our boys, Tae-sung and Seon-jae are sitting down in an empty restaurant as Tae-sung asks what kind of a top-star dates in public like this, spreading rumors all over the neighborhood. Seon-jae says don’t tell him that he’s jealous. Tae-sung says he’s worried. Seon-jae says he’s not saying this because he’s worried about him, so don’t get him wrong. He’s just her ex-boyfriend who briefly passed her by, got it? A perplexed look comes over Tae-sung’s face as he asks what? Seon-jae says he doesn’t want him to cling to her after dating her for a mere two weeks a long, long time ago. Ex-boyfriend as he points to himself, and then current boyfriend as he gestures at Tae-sung. Oops. He quickly corrects himself. Tae-sng asks what he is talking about. He’s never dated Sol. He asks if she said he dated her? It takes Seon-jae a few seconds to realize what else has changed and then he suddenly bursts into laughter and clapping his hands. Cringing. Tae-sung asks what any normal person would, has he lost it? Seon-jae laughs even harder at this. Tae-sung asks what he’s laughing at and Seon-jae finally stops to tell him it’s nothing. Then he smiles to himself and says he’s glad that was changed. Seon-jae reaches over and grabs Tae-sung’s hand and says he’s so relieved. He returns to laughing boisterously over their hands. 

Sol returns and asks him what they talked about that made him laugh like that. Seon-jae removes one hand to pull her down to join them. Tae-sung finally yanks his hand away from his grip as he replies that he has no idea. Then he asks her if her boyfriend is crazy. She then notices the scarf sitting on the table, and fusses over Seon-jae for taking it off. Seon-jae says it’s okay as everyone in this country knows that he’s seeing someone. Sol grins and agrees with him. Tae-sung says there’s no one here, and no one’s watching. ㅋㅋㅋ I love Tae-sung. *snort* The lovebirds look around before Seon-jae grabs a bottle of soju and says he’ll pour him one. Tae-sung asks how long they’ve been seeing each other. At the same time, Seon-jae says it’s been 15 years and Sol says it hasn’t been long. They smile at each other before Sol replies actually, they’ve known each other for a long time. He used to live right across from her house. Tae-sung says then he’s the one she can’t forget until she dies. He then clicks his glass against Seon-jae’s. He asks, is it him? Sol looks over and smiles at Seon-jae before nodding and says yes. Tae-sung says he thought so. When she got drunk, she called his name desperately. He drinks his alcohol and then tells Seon-jae to take care of his Sol. She’s a friend he deeply cares about. Seon-jae refills Tae-sung’s glass and then asks when he is going to stop calling her “His Sol”? Tae-sung says he thought so the last time too, but Mr. Ryu tends to be very jealous. Seon-jae says he gets more than jealous. Be more sensitive from now on. The two clink their glasses together and Tae-sung asks, by the way, they’ve never drunken like this before, right? Seon-jae swallows his alcohol and remembers their drunk night together at the noraebang. Seon-jae denies it. They didn’t even know each other before. Tae-sung says that’s true… and the two continue drinking. Sol shakes her head at this. Seon-jae insists on drinking with him… so Tae-sung uses bigger glasses. 

Afterwards, Dong-seok picks them up with the van… as Seon-jae is very drunk and sleeping on Tae-sung. When they try to lead him away from Tae-sung, he shakes off their arms and walks back to Tae-sung and yells his full name. He then hugs him and thanks him… for catching the perp, Kim Young-soo. Tae-sung says it’s his job, so he doesn’t have to thank him. He says that Sol said the same thing, so what’s with the two of them? Seon-jae replies that he put an end to the ill-fated relations. He sincerely wants to thank him and gives him a polite bow right before he lurches onto Tae-sung’s shoulder. Dong-seok rushes forward to grab Seon-jae and helps him into the van. Tae-sung tells her to not let her aein drink. She smiles and nods at this before running to the vehicle. The minute she sits down, Seon-jae immediately rests his head on her shoulder. Tae-sung sees this and laughs. Love seeing his smile. When the vehicle pulls away, he finally walks away. Want to hug him though.

As Dong-seok continues driving, Sol tells Seon-jae that he hasn’t changed all these years. He still can’t drink that much. He laces his fingers with hers and says he’s not drunk. She laughs and then says if he’s not drunk, get up. He replies then let’s say he’s drunk, so tipsy. She laughs. Dong-seok can’t take it anymore as he reaches up to turns the rearview mirror away from them. ㅋㅋㅋ

Seon-jae says. so her nephew’s first birthday is tomorrow. Why didn’t she tell him? She says she thought she told him. Even if she had, what would it matter? He thinks about In-hyuk asking if he’s even gotten the families’ approval yet. So he tells her that he’ll be there tomorrow. Sol says it’s not even a party. Her family will just get together and eat. He loudly replies, in that case, he has to be there. 

The next day, Sol and her family arrive outside… Seon-jae’s father’s galbi restaurant. She distressedly asks why here of all places. Geum says he heard that the owner was their former neighbor, so he thinks he’ll treat them better. Seon-jae calls Sol, and asks which restaurant it is. She answers by telling him not to come. They go inside, and Seon-jae’s father struggles to compliment Sol’s mother in her lovely hanbok… *snort* His facial expressions. However, he notices Sol, and says that she must be her sweet, drop-dead gorgeous daughter.  Sol says hello, and he says he might have seen her back then but it strangely feels like he saw her yesterday. Mom says now that he’s seen her, it’s a shame that he missed her then. Dad says she didn't read the articles. He replies that he’s about to have a beautiful daughter-in-law. Sol’s mother says well, her daughter’s boyfriend is coming here, too. He wants to come to their family’s occasion. Dad’s smile…doesn’t quite reach his eyes. ㅋㅋ Mom continues saying that means she’ll also get married soon. Sol quietly says through her teeth, no, she’s not. Dad says it seems that their children seem to have found their partners. Grandma suddenly yells, “My husband!!” 

Awestruck Mom and horrified Sol daughter gawk at Seon-jae. Dad yells, “My son!! Are you here to see me?” Grandma happily waves at him. Mom says she’s so sorry. But thank you for bringing her mother home. How silly of him for not recognizing such a famous actor. Geum and Hyun Joo start oohing and ahhing over him, too. Grandma pushes Dad into the screen divider, and then puts her hands on Seon-jae's chest and asks what took him so long. With a huge grin, she then hugs him. He grins back down at her. But Mom and Dad both try to remove her from his body. Mom pulls her away and Dad tells them to start their birthday party. But Seon-jae stays and then hands Mom the gift basket. He then gives a deep bow before saying, “Hello, eomonim.”  Both Mom and Dad repeat the word “eomonim”. Sol walks over to stand next to him and holds onto his elbow. With a smile, she says that she told him not to come. Why did he show up? He’s surprised everyone here. He asks, why? It’s nice. Her family and his family get to meet this way. She smiles up at him and says but still… He grins back at her. Everyone else might as well not be here. ㅋㅋㅋ  

Everyone is now seated at the table. Mom shows him the article and says then this photo is Sol? Seon-jae says yes. Mom tells her mother that this is Sol. Mom laughs and tells Dad that this is too bad… that  his son is completely head over heels for her daughter. He awkwardly laughs and says he guesses so. Geum asks then when did the two of them start dating? Seon-jae says he had a huge crush on her… since high school. Sol beams at him. Hyun Joo gets excited that this was a one-sided love. Seon-jae says back then, he was so nervous that he couldn’t even talk to her. Dad can’t believe what a fool his son is… ㅋㅋㅋ Seon-jae continues saying as they know, Sol is so stunning. She aeygos… come on. But then she stops when she sees Dad watching her. Seon-jae says she looks especially pretty today. Dad thinks to himself, he’s already so blinded by love. Mom mentions because the two families are sitting here like this, it feels like they're here to discuss their wedding. She suggests why don’t they just talk about their wedding since they’re at it. Seon-jae yells that he’s all for it! (~53:45)

The party continues as Seon-jae becomes known as the future uncle-in-law. His father watches from outside the room, and knows he’s truly fallen head over heels. And it’s been a long time since he’s seen him smile that big. Suddenly, Eclipse walks in through the front doors… I love In-hyuk’s serious face here. Dad asks what they’re doing here – to have a meal? In-Hyuk says no, abeoji... they’re here to perform. So Seon-jae had told them to perform at Sol’s nephew’s first birthday party… and in return, he’d have their studio renovated, including new instruments and equipment. Everyone’s happy… except for Jae-a. ㅋㅋ

Later, Seon-jae leads Sol onto a ship, even as she’s chiding him for having Eclipse perform with a karaoke machine for the party. He says that he wanted to win some points. She asks if he did.

Back to what happened after the party. Outside, Mom tells him that whenever she saw him on TV, she always felt this bond with him. She guesses it was because they were going to be a family. Geum tells his mother to come on. He then tells Seon-jae that he hasn’t done much for his sister. [Aww, but he did, as an adult,  in the original timeline.] But he’ll say this, on behalf of his father who must be watching over them, he’ll be watching him very closely! If he makes his sister cry, he’s going to – and then makes the neck slicing motion with his thumb. ㅋㅋㅋ Mom tells him that he’s taking this too far. Geum asks him if he understands as he scowls menacingly. Seon-jae says yes, don’t worry. Her brother should be worried about her making him cry. ㅋㅋㅋ Seon-jae then says he heard that he just started an acting career and hopefully they’ll get a chance to work together. Geum drops the protective brother act and says he’s always been a fan as he eagerly grabs onto Seon-jae’s hand. So let’s work together next time, okay? With a huge smile, Seon-jae nods as he says yes. Geum then raises his pinky and says promise him. Seon-jae locks pinkies with him, and then the baby starts crying. Mom says Jae-a is crying, so they’ve got to go. The family walk away. But then Grandma returns to grab Seon-jae’s hand. 

Grandma says: “You can now have a long life with her. Be happy together.” Then she places her hand over his heart. She beams up at him as she says, “With lots of smiles.” Seon-jae smiles back at her and says thank you. She just grins from ear to ear, and Seon-jae starts tearing up. She caresses his face. (~59:16) ㅠ^ㅠ Who is cutting onions here?! BWS wasn’t supposed to cry here [thought of his late halmeoni] but the director kept this. 

Back on the ship, Sol asks why he suddenly wanted to take her on the ferry. He replies just because. They have a lot of memories on the Han River.  She smiles and agrees with him. She turns to look at the view, and he turns away to pull out the box from his jacket to look at the ring. He thinks this is the right time, so he says her name… and then struggles to say the word “propose”. She tells him to strike a pose. He replies, propose?! She says pose and points at her camera that’s on selfie mode. He loudly repeats “pose” and then gives an awkward laugh. He asks which pose? Heart? He quickly hunkers down next to her and puts his hand next to her cheek as she takes the shot. When she’s done, he berates himself for being an idiot. Sol starts laughing. He asks her why she’s laughing. She stops laughing and gets in his face and says, he’s not planning to propose here, right? He looks taken aback by this but then remembers In-hyuk’s advice that it’s of utmost importance to keep it a secret. So he clears his throat and says no. She says no, just like in the dramas, did he rent out the entire ferry…and order fireworks? Did he ask Dong-seok to push out a three-tier cake… and In-hyuk to throw flower petals? Is he sure this isn’t that? Seon-jae gives a forced nervous laugh. Sol starts shouting, “Dong-seok, come on out”, and then the same for In-hyuk. He looks horrified but he joins her in calling their names. No one appears. Seon-jae says she really got it wrong. He feels bad. She says she was joking. Don’t look so flustered. He asks was she joking? She grins at him and he says that was funny. 

She then says she wanted to talk to him about something. He looks at his watch and thinks, it’ll start soon. What does he do? He should propose to her before she gets wind of this. He says, “Sol, will you –” As she says, she wants to make a movie. He asks what, what did she say? She says she wants to try out becoming a movie director. She’s thinking about entering the short film festival that will take place in the spring. She’s quit her job and tried to finish writing the scenario quickly for this. He recalls when she’d mentioned being sad that they’d missed the movie that day… and her dream was to become a movie director.  He smiles at her and says is that so? She says she’s worried that she might be too late to try out a new career and she doesn’t feel that confident. But does he remember what he told her? That he was happy when he was a swimmer. That he couldn’t have known that show without trying it out. So she wants to try it out too. Regardless of the results, it might bring her joy. He smiles down at her and pats her on the head. He says so long as it makes her happy, he’lll be fine with everything. She says that she’ll be super busy again. They won’t be able to meet often. He replies then he’ll go and see her. With a smile, he says he’ll support her dream. She smiles and says thank you. She thinks she’ll be very busy for the time being. So wait for a bit. He replies of course, he can wait for her as long as she needs. She asks, what was he going to tell her? He grins and then a horrified look comes across his face. He pulls out his phone to look at the time. It’s 8:59 p.m. on Saturday, January 27th. (~1:03:56) 

Dong-seok suddenly appears with a countdown notebook that only Seon-jae can see… Seon-jae is horrified as he knows this isn’t the right time now. So he tries to subtly signal with his eyes for Dong-seok to not do this and mouths the words "go away". Dong-seok flips the card to “1” and Seon-jae covers Sol’s ears and asks if her ears aren’t cold. The fireworks start going off behind her. She says she’s okay and pulls on his arms. He says no, it’s cold tonight and pulls her inside his jacket. He says it’s very cold here as he hides her face entirely. Now Dong-seok rolls out the three-tiered cake, which makes Seon-jae shake his head no, jerk his head for him to go away, and he raises a hand to signal to stop this. Dong-seok smartly turns away with the cake. But then In-hyuk happily skips out while tossing flower petals. ㅋㅋㅋ Poor In-hyuk is always his flower boy. Seon-jae whispers the words “pull out” but In-hyuk just continues throwing petals. Dong-seok returns to drag him away. Inside his jacket, with her head on his chest, she says that she’s not cold. Seon-jae says it feels like Siberia here and she’ll catch a cold. Meanwhile, the boys are crawling around trying to pick up every petal but they’re tripping each other. Sol worriedly says she thinks she’s hearing explosions or something. Seon-jae yells, “That’s my heart exploding!” followed by his fake laugh. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Then the sign that says “Will you marry me?” arrives by drone… Dong-seok notices and quickly signals for the person controlling the drone to stop. Still holding Sol under his jacket, Seon-jae watches it fly away and thinks to himself, today isn’t the right time… not yet. 

On Sol’s movie set (“Wish”), a coffee truck has arrived for her. Of course it’s from Seon-jae. She calls him and suddenly hears his phone… Seon-jae pops out from behind the giant poster of his head. She asks what he’s doing here. He replies that he’s here to surprise her with his support. He then walks over and tells her that he wanted to use this as an excuse to see her.  She beams and thanks him. Behind them everyone else thanks him for the coffee. 

More time passes...

Sol finishes a late night at the editing studio and Seon-jae surprises her as he’s waiting outside for her. He asks if she isn’t cold and opens up his jacket. She hugs him and asks why he’s here? Didn’t she tell him to not come? He replies should he just kidnap her now and run away? So he lifts her up, arms pinned down, and carries her away as she’s giggling. Then inside his car, he tells her that they’re here. There’s no response as she’s dead asleep and hugging her script. He removes his jacket and drapes it over her. After many more long nights, Sol finally submits her short film for the festival. 

Now Sol and Seon-jae are walking together in the park, under the rows of cherry blossom trees. She says it’s been a while since they’ve done this, and he’s gotten more handsome while she’s been busy. He replies while he was waiting for his busy girlfriend, his heart was in so much pain. He even clutches at his chest. She replies really, let her see, as she tiptoes to see his heart. He says oh, he can’t show it to her here. He’ll show it to her later. He asks her when they’ll announce the results. She says next month. He says he’s sure it’ll turn out well. She replies that she really wasn’t going to have any expectations. But now that she’s submitted her work, she’s sort of hoping she will win something. He suggests that she makes a wish. Like they did before. So she starts trying to catch one of the petals as she jumps up and down. Seon-jae walks over to stand behind her and helps her… Together, he opens her hands to reveal many petals. She grins up at him. He says she should close her eyes. So she does and makes a wish… and he closes his eyes. She asks what he wished for. He says, he…. And he looks down at the petals in her hand… The petals fly away to reveal a diamond solitaire ring. He waits for her response.  (~1:09:32)

IS: Seon-jae… [She looks up at him with reddened eyes.]
RSJ: From now on… I want to spend every waking moment with you. Will you, Sol a? 
IS: [She looks down at the ring and says nothing as her eyes fill up with tears.] He walks around to look at her face.
RSJ: Won’t you give me your answer?  
IS: [She looks up at him and finally smiles. She nods.] Yes. I will. I’ll stay by your side for the rest of my life.  
RSJ: [Places the ring on her finger.]

They grin at each other for a moment before he finally reaches down to kiss her. They pause and return to hugging as the petals continue raining over them. 

The End.
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by FanFanX

[Trigger Warning: Assault, Suicide, Violence

[First Impression] Already adore both Im Sol and Ryu Seon-jae! I normally don't care for such height differences between FL and ML but I find them to be very cute together. [29cm height difference. Yes, in some scenes, she's wearing high shoes or there's a path of apple boxes.] 

[Cast & Crew] Amazing cast!

→ Kim Hye-yoon: Im Sol  Just as in Extraordinary You, she is once again paired with a very tall ML. She can hold her own. This role was earmarked for her, and if they couldn't get her, they would've scrapped it. I can't imagine anyone else portraying Im Sol. 
→ Byeon Woo-seok: Ryu Seon-jae  Most (including me) remember him as a hot-but-so-loathsome villain in Strong Girl Nam-Soon... and a bit of a scandalmaker in Search: WWW.  
→ Song Geon-hee: Kim Tae-sung. Delightful 2ML. (He's different from the only other series I've seen him in where he, in costume, had few lines.) Clever and flirtatious.  
→ Lee Seung-hyub: Baek In-hyuk Seon-jae's bestie, is a treat in this as I've only seen him as the newbie actor character in Shooting Stars. He's the real-life leader of N.Flying band.  
→ Song Ji-ho: Im Geum (Sol's brother) is full of histrionics but it's entertaining.    
→ Seo Hye-won: Lee Hyun-joo  Bonus, the girl with no chingu is Sol's bestie! 
→ Jung Young-joo and Kim Hae-won are Sol's mother and Seon-jae's father, respectively, and have some of the most hilarious interactions. [Not a couple.] Water + Oil. 
→ Sung Bying-sook: Jung Mal Ja [Im Sol's grandmother] Owns every scene.
→  Lee Shi-eum is the screenwriter for True Beauty, which explains the early flutters plus a likable 2ML.  
[Kiss Counter] 💋 

Ep3. 2008. By the pool. 
Ep8. 2023. Doorway.
Ep9. 2009. In the woods. 
Ep10. 2009. Under the street lamp.
Ep11. 2009. Cherry blossom kisses.
Ep12. 2009. "Ghostly" kisses. 
Ep13. 2009. Ferris wheel kisses. 
Ep16. 2023. Lost count. 🤭

[Ending] Finally happy together.

[Highlights] Ep5, when she's stepping on his head. Ep11's family brawl. Ep12's Seon-jae fanning at Sol. 🤣😂🤣

1. Park Tae-hwan is a a real life Olympic gold medalist and world champion swimmer, and friends with Kim Hye-yoon, who suggested him for this role.

[Review & Rating]

Random Recommendation

Rating: /5

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