April 10, 2024

The Rational Life | Recap and Review

The Rational Life
An OWYM set in a law office. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Qin Lan: Shen Ruo Xin
Wang He Di: Qi Xiao
Chinese Title
The Life of the Rationals
Episodes: 35

Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 3/5

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Tyi: This isn’t really an intelligent recap. It’s more of a play-by-play of the whole drama, with my thoughts and rants added to it as commentary… Also, not very many screenshots, as I watched this on (someone else’s) TV. The high-quality pics here are from Cyn. The rubbish-quality ones are screenshots from random YouTube videos. Also, I didn’t realize that Geo had also recapped the drama. I’ve tried to merge her observations in (her comments are in this color), but if the result isn’t good, I apologize to Geo and anyone who reads this 😅


Qin Lan:
Shen Ruo Xin
Wang He Di:
Qi Xiao
Li Zong Han:
Xu Min Jie
Bao Wen Jing:
Song Zi Yan
Pan Hong:
Mother Shen
Chen Peng Wan Li:
Su Yang
Lin Xin Yi:
You Si Jia
Kang Kang:
Zou Cheng

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Shen Ruoxin, our FL, is driving when her assistant Sijia calls her. There’s a customer Jin Yuanhao who is causing a fuss because his car self-ignited. Shen Ruoxin is surprised because she’d spoken to the customer the day before and calmed him down. He’d been happy with how her company was handling things. But now he’s posted something on social media. She asks Sijia to send her details about the hospital Jin Yuanhao’s wife has been admitted to.

Shen Ruoxin’s car is overtaken by Qi Xiao (ML) on a motorbike. He deliberately rides into the path of a taxi, stopping it, and then drags the female passenger (Luoluo) out. He does pay the taxi driver though. Luoluo tries to make a run for it, but he stops her. It turns out she was his business partner, they were going to open an online store, but she absconded with all his money. She tells him she’s giving up on the online store to go abroad to be with her boyfriend, and asks whether Qi Xiao can consider the money as a loan o.O Seriously?! After arguing with him a bit longer, she breaks free and runs away. He runs after her.

Shen Ruoxin is shopping for a fruit basket (to take to the hospital) when she gets a call from her boyfriend Cui Lixin. He seems a bit too doting in a way she doesn’t like. He wants her to have dinner with him, but she’s having dinner with her best friend Ziyan. He asks which restaurant, but she doesn’t tell him. She doesn’t seem to like him very much. Why is she with him? 

As Shen Ruoxin leaves the store, Luoluo crashes into her, strewing fruits everywhere. Qi Xiao catches up just then, is a bit rude to Shen Ruoxin, and grabs hold of Luoluo. His conversation with Luoluo is misinterpreted by Shen Ruoxin and she threatens to call the police, citing several laws. Luoluo escapes and Qi Xiao is annoyed at Shen Ruoxin. He’s forced to replace her fruit basket, which can’t have bettered his mood. She lectures him and instructs him to pick up the fallen fruits before leaving. I can understand how she misunderstood him, and the way he was holding Luoluo was too forceful, but Ruoxin still seemed a bit high-handed in this scene

Su Yang is interviewing for a job regarding webtoon creation, and is rejected. As he dispiritedly walks away, his mother calls. She has transferred a year’s worth of rent for him, but wants him to come back to their hometown if he can’t make it within a year in Shanghai. He’s even more dispirited after his mom hangs up, and calls his friend… who turns out to be Qi Xiao. 

Shen Ruoxin visits Jin Yuanhao’s wife in hospital and introduces herself as the legal representative from Zenpro Automotive. Mrs Jin is unimpressed when Shen Ruoxin says tests are still ongoing and they haven’t determined the cause of the self-ignition yet. Mrs Jin is sure it was due to poor design. Shen Ruoxin says there are many reasons the engine could have malfunctioned, one being that it was immersed in water. This must be an electric car? She asks if the car was affected by recent floods. Mrs Jin says their garage was not flooded. 

Qi Xiao receives a panic call from his mom, because she doesn’t understand how the pressure cooker works. He tells her to turn it off and he’ll come by and teach her later. Mother and son seem to have a very good relationship

Shen Ruoxin receives a call from her mother. Mom’s been to a wedding exhibition and put down a deposit for Shen Ruoxin’s wedding, and wants to know when she will marry Cui Lixin. Shen Ruoxin points out that she and Cui Lixin have only been dating for 3 months, but her mom says they’re also colleagues, so shouldn’t they have known each other even before? She reminds her daughter that she is already 33, so not to delay :/ Shen Ruoxin hangs up on her mom and goes to work. 

Shen Ruoxin has a meeting with her boss, Mr Liu. Her colleague Mr Ruan is also there, and says he had to argue the whole afternoon with Mr Jin to get him to delete the social media post. He then blames Shen Ruoxin for going to see Mrs Jin. She in turn says Mr Ruan probably just agreed to all the customer’s demands, which we find is what happened. There seem to be some underhanded dealings between Mr Ruan and Mr Jin. Shen Ruoxin thinks the case isn’t that simple. Mr Ruan mockingly asks if that is through “women’s intuition”. She says it’s professional judgment based on conversations she’s had with the customer and his wife. Mr Ruan continues to rant until Mr Liu stops him. Mr Liu gives Ruoxin two days to investigate and says Mr Ruan will be in charge after that. 

Cui Lixin meets Shen Ruoxin outside Mr Liu’s office and reminds her of some porridge he left for her. He seems to ignore it when she tells him she doesn’t like it (as she has apparently done before) and reminds her yet again. He’s quite irritating. I don’t know why she’s with him.

We learn from a conversation between Shen Ruoxin and Mr Ruan that the latter has been in the firm for only three months, and is a senior manager in the Legal Dept alongside her. She has been there for 7 years and is aiming to become the Legal Director (as is he). He also makes remarks about Cui Lixin being a poor sales manager. She very politely and effectively shuts Mr Ruan up in this scene. I love it.

At his mom’s place, Qi Xiao writes down instructions for the pressure cooker in a book where he’s got instructions for other things as well. His mom seems a bit simple and incapable of fully looking after herself (though she lives alone). She is sweet though, in a fluttery sort of way.

At work, Shen Ruoxin receives a call from her mom, followed by one from Cui Lixin. She sends a brief voice reply for the first and just declines the second call. She checks the time… she has to leave for dinner with Ziyan.

Ziyan is at dinner by herself. Her husband Zou Cheng messages that he isn’t able to make it, and for her to buy what she likes. Her best friend walks up with a cake and the two ladies begin chatting. Ziyan wonders why Shen Ruoxin hasn’t brought Mr Cui with her. Shen Ruoxin says she misses being single even more now (so why… ???). Ziyan thinks Mr Cui treats Shen Ruoxin well. The reason she thinks this - that he is always around, at her beck and call - is the same reason Shen Ruoxin doesn’t want to be with him. To her dismay, Mr Cui turns up with an enormous bouquet of roses and a videographer, and proposes to her in front of all the diners. She is mortified, though Ziyan envies her and presses her to agree… and gets all the diners to chant “Marry him”. Her best friend doesn't seem to understand her at all. She kept going on and on about how her ex was a good match for her because he kept a close eye on her and smothered showered her with "love". If we as the viewer can tell she's not all that thrilled by her boyfriend, then shouldn't her "best" friend also be able to tell that? I’m with Ruoxin here. Hate public proposals. Also, even if they only dated for three months, surely he should know that she isn’t the type of person who would like a public proposal? Surely, Ziyan should know this even more?
By coincidence, Qi Xiao and Su Yang are at the same restaurant. They’re horrified at the prices and order only two bottles of beer, which Su Yang mixes with some beer he snuck in. Su Yang feels uncomfortable as the place is too expensive for them, but Qi Xiao adamantly continues drinking and gets very drunk. When the diners start chanting “Marry him”, he looks around and recognizes Shen Ruoxin as the woman who argued with him earlier. He tackles Mr Cui and advises him against marrying her, as she’s “horrible” and “whoever marries her is unlucky”. Ruoxin looks a bit upset at this point, though I’m not sure if it’s because of his words or just embarrassment. She does agree that Mr Cui should reconsider. He disregards her, puts the ring on her finger, and then asks whether she’s happy even though she’s clearly not. WTH! Ziyan, also oblivious to Shen Ruoxin’s displeasure, says she looks forward to the wedding. Double WTH!

Cui Lixin insists on taking Shen Ruoxin somewhere. She doesn’t want to, but goes anyway. I would have just left rudely. She has more politeness than is good for her. He takes her to an apartment that he’s put a down payment for, and says the two of them together can afford the mortgage. If he bought the apartment outright, that’s a different matter. But who unilaterally makes a decision that will affect both of them financially? She asks whether they’re ready for marriage, to which he replies that they’re matched evenly in age and ability (actually, ability-wise, I think he’s way lower than her), and most importantly he loves her. If he didn’t love her, why would he spend 100 days bringing her breakfast and showering attention on her? She asks whether this is enough for marriage. He thinks so. At their age, they date to marry, and should think about house and kids next. Ugh!

Shen Ruoxin removes the ring and returns it to him, saying she doesn’t want someone else telling her how to live her life. She wants to break up. He wonders whether he wasn’t nice enough to her. She says he did very well. Like an alarm clock, he reminded her daily to get up, eat, sleep. He sucked up to her mom and flattered her best friend. He watched her every move at work. She can’t live the rest of her life like this. She was pretty harsh here, though all of this was said in a quiet tone of voice. In some ways, I felt sorry for him. But when I remember how he put the ring on her finger when she didn’t even agree, I think he needs a harsh dose of the truth

She also doesn’t believe he truly loves her, because he doesn’t know or care about her interests, what makes her happy or sad, how she consoles herself when she’s down, etc. He says he will do everything to her satisfaction as if love was a box-ticking exercise. She firmly refuses him. He immediately turns against her and says she’s 33, girls younger and more beautiful than her are everywhere, even dating agencies despise women her age, she is a lowly legal manager with no chance of being a Legal Director… essentially opposite to all the praise he heaped on her a few minutes ago. He thinks she should consider it good that someone like him is willing to accept her. UGH! How the worm turns! She gives him a disgusted look, thanks him for reminding her how harsh reality is, and leaves.

She returns home to find a note from her mom that the instant noodles have been thrown away and home-cooked food is in the fridge. Fine, leave cooked food, but why throw away the instant noodles? Isn’t that a waste of food and money? It would be a nice motherly thing if she didn't literally throw everything that gives the FL some semblance of happiness away. She also finds that her mom has done the laundry and has washed a dry clean-only suit :/ She calls her mom and tells her (still in that quiet, elegant voice) not to visit without warning, not to wash her outfits, and not to throw away her stuff. Her mom assumes she is engaged and starts talking about the wedding. Shen Ruoxin tells her she will explain another day and hangs up. The phone keeps pinging with voice messages from her mom after that. 

Shen Ruoxin goes to her laptop and for the first time that day smiles happily as she finds that some telescope has photographed the Rosette Nebula. She’s thrilled and spends the rest of the evening recoloring the photos and viewing them on a large screen. She also posts them online for the benefit of netizens. It’s so nice to see her cheerful after the day she’s had

[Ep2Qi Xiao is woken up by a call from the HR division of Zenpro Automotive, calling him for an interview for the position of assistant to the legal manager. He’s puzzled because he didn’t apply. It turns out Su Yang, when applying for the post, also applied for Qi Xiao. Su Yang wasn’t called for the interview - or any interview, after sending out 200 CVs - but Qi Xiao was.

Qi Xiao waits for his interview. And waits. And waits. And finally asks the coordinator when it’s his turn. He’s informed that his interview was canceled. Surely you can’t do that without informing the candidate? He barges into the interview office and comes face to face with Shen Ruoxon (was anybody surprised? really?) He wants an interview, so she asks him a cursory question and rejects him. He apologizes for the previous events (from when he was drunk). She admits to being prejudiced against him, but her rejection was due to lack of experience. He points out that everyone needs a chance to gain experience. She still refuses.
As Qi Xiao is morosely waiting for the elevator, he’s recognized by Sijia. They knew each other in college. I hope this drama doesn’t have many more coincidences. I would like things to be more believable. Qi Xiao tells Sijia about the failed interview. She herself started as an intern and has been there for two years but is still uncertain of a permanent position (and is still taking coffee orders… after two years?!). Over coffee, Sijia praises Ruoxin, though Qi Xiao remains skeptical. Sijia tells him Ruoxin is on a big case at present (Mr Jin, the customer with the self-igniting car) and isn’t in a good mood. He wants to know more about the case.

Shen Ruoxin is in the parking lot for Mr Jin’s office. The security guard tells her there was no flooding there. She notices a CCTV camera and asks to see the footage from the day of the floods. She’s asked to wait. Later, she walks out of the building, looking tired. Someone holds out a carton of fruit juice for her. It’s Qi Xiao. He’s there about the job, but he leaves to get her some food, as she hasn’t eaten all day. While she waits, Mr Cui rings her and apologizes for his words from the previous day. She tells him she hadn’t been herself either. He wants another chance, but she’s firm on that point. He wants to talk face-to-face… and already knows where she is. She wonders how he knew; he bluffs. That’s kind of worrying… She tells him they can talk after work.

Qi Xiao comes back with food just then, and also tells her he has found clues to her case that he will divulge if she hires him. She’s unimpressed, gives him 100 yuan for the food, and tells him not to get up to shady tricks. Conduct and reputation are what matter in the industry. He offers to tell her the clues with no benefit to himself. He shows her Mr Jin’s online video. Mr Jin is wearing a bracelet that Qi Xiao made himself. Seriously? How many coincidences can we legitimately accept? Mr Jin ordered three bracelets, one men’s, two women’s, and the two women’s bracelets were delivered to two different addresses. Ruoxin has checked Mr Jin’s official home address and office. Maybe they should check the other woman’s address too. Ruoxin asks if he is going to trade the address for a job. That was his plan, but now he’ll give her the address regardless because he admires that she sticks to her principles. She wonders if he’s switching from coercion to flattery, but wants the address anyway.

The duo visit Mr and Mrs Jin at the hospital, where Mr Jin is playing the doting husband. He refuses to speak with Ruoxin, and will only deal with Mr Ruan. Qi Xiao makes some remarks about the bracelets, which gets Mr Jin worried. He agrees to speak with them. When alone with Ruoxin, he says he expects 2 million yuan, and gives her the sob story of how the incident traumatized him and his wife. His wife, yes, she’s a victim in two different ways, all because of him. Ruoxin shows him photos from his mistress’s apartment and tells him about witnesses who can place him and his car in the flooded garage there. He still tries to bluff and threatens to go on posting online, but she quietly but firmly tells him if he does, then the company will be forced to defend itself by posting the evidence she found. He then tries to bribe her. He is a despicable man despite his quiet appearance. He stops the bribery attempt when she shows that she’s been recording their conversation. Unbeknownst to her, someone else is videoing their interaction. Without audio or context, it looks like she’s harassing him. 

Shen Ruoxin drives Qi Xiao back. She offers him the post of legal assistant for a one-month probationary period. He is more upset that Mrs Jin doesn’t know the truth. Ruoxin theorizes that maybe she does know and is using it as leverage. Qi Xiao wonders how Ruoxin’s boyfriend can date her, because she’s scary. She says “you won’t get such a chance, kid” and he mutters “what a scary older woman”. She ain’t happy about the “older” part :D

Qi Xiao tells Su Yang the good news about being hired, albeit on probation. Su Yang also has good news.. He’s found them a place to live (they’re in campus dorms right now). The apartment is in a great neighborhood, near Qi Xiao’s future place of work. Later Qi Xiao tells Su Yang about running into Sijia. Apparently the two had a slight mutual crush. But Su Yang says he doesn’t have the time, energy or money to date. I get the money part, but time (when he’s unemployed)? And energy, at that age?? 

Shen Ruoxin spends that evening eating the food Qi Xiao brought her earlier in the day. Even though her mom nags too much, she’s right about one thing: Ruoxin needs to eat better. She skipped breakfast and lunch, and would have skipped dinner as well if she hadn’t remembered Qi Xiao’s food. Why not at least order takeout? 

Sijia shows Qi Xiao around the office the next day(?) She’s thrilled at how he and Ruoxin appear to have handled the case with Mr Jin. Just then, their colleagues come across the video of Mr Cui proposing to Ruoxin… and Qi Xiao tackling him :D Shen Ruoxin is not pleased when she learns that Mr Cui posted the video on the company’s group chat. She’s even less pleased when she sees Mr Cui with a bunch of flowers for her, watched by all her colleagues. He tells her he will wait for when she’s ready to marry and that he loves her. Seriously, is this guy mad? If he didn’t before, he knew after the first time that she hates public proposals. Why do this and embarrass her? Mr Liu is watching the spectacle and Mr Ruan poisonously remarks that they are doing all this in a working environment. 

Ruoxin icily asks Mr Cui to come to her office, and tells him they are over. He’s angry because “other women” would be thrilled about what he did. Would they? Really??? He also tells her she will regret this. She walks out of her office and announces that she and Mr Cui have officially broken up, before walking away. We see Mr Cui through the glass windows of the office. He does not look happy. But he brought all of this on himself. He's a controlling narcissist who has to know where she is at every minute and gets the scoop on her whereabouts from her colleagues.

At home, Shen Ruoxin thinks about remarks made about herself by Ziyan, Mr Cui and Qi Xiao. She asks her virtual assistant whether she’ll be alone forever. Xiaoxin Genie has no answer. “Xiaoxin Genie, am I cute?” “You are the most beautiful in the world” “Xiaoxin Genie, do you love me?” “I will always be by your side” “Xiaoxin Genie, will you always love me?” The machine shuts off. Ruoxin tearfully sighs that even a machine can’t guarantee that. She stares sadly up at the stars.

The next day, her mom calls her at the office and tells her she’s waiting downstairs. She asks why Ruoxin broke up with Mr Cui. When she hears that Ruoxin doesn’t like Mr Cui, she asks why date him at all? That was my question too! It turns out it was because Ruoxin’s mom kept nagging her. Well then, mom, why ask the question?? Ruoxin further states that she would rather be single forever than in an unhappy marriage. Her mom remembers being unhappy after her own divorce. Ruoxin helped her mom heal, and put up with her temper for many years. But mom doesn’t believe in love. She tells Ruoxin to keep looking if she wants to, and even if she brings home a man who doesn’t care about her, mom won’t care. Really???? Are there really parents like this? Actually, sadly, yes there are. Her mom screams at her (near the office!!!). She leaves Mr Cui an apologetic voicemail, yells “what a weirdo” in Ruoxin’s direction, and goes away with Ruoxin probably feeling humiliated at having such a weird mother. If anybody's seen She Would Never Know, picture a meaner version of the FL's mom in that and you have this FL's mom.

[Ep3Mr Jin is at Zenpro, signing an agreement that the company will cover the cost of his wife’s hospital bills and no more. He asks Ruoxin to delete the recording she made; she agrees. As they walk out of the company into the underground parking lot, they’re met with a mob group of protesters who think Ruoxin forced Mr Jin into signing a settlement. They show her the video that was taken when she was confronting Mr Jin (Ep2). They think she was threatening his wife and child. Mr Jin lets the protesters form their own conclusions. 

The protest turns violent. Ruoxin is pushed to the ground and when she gets back up, someone throws soda at her face. The protesters demand an explanation, saying she is evil, arrogant, shameless, etc. She seems dazed and doesn’t react. I’d have thought she’d have a way of handling this, as she has handled everything before. Qi Xiao comes up and threatens the protesters with the police before leading Ruoxin away. I could really do without the ML-saves-the-FL bit in dramas :/

Ruoxin shuts herself up in a bathroom cubicle, sets the timer on her phone, and cries silently. Outside, Qi Xiao is worried and sends Sijia to check on her. By that time, Ruoxin has recovered and is in Damage Control mode. She wants a PR statement ready and she wants to know who took the video. Qi Xiao has analyzed it and thinks that someone is cyber-stalking/targeting Ruoxin. He knows a computer expert who can look into it further. Outside her office, Sijia admires how tough their boss is. Qi Xiao thinks it's not normal and that it's too rational for a woman. wth?? Sijia is unimpressed by his words.

Meanwhile, Mr Ruan is capitalizing on the incident and bad-mouthing Ruoxin to Mr Liu. He keeps referring to her as a long-haired, short-sighted woman. I’m not sure what his obsession is with her hair :/ He shows Mr Liu that the video is now trending and pretends to be very concerned about the company's reputation. Mr Liu calls Ruoxin in and appears to suggest that she is colluding with whoever posted the video. I have a feeling Mr Ruan probably put the thought into his head. Mr Liu wants Mr Ruan to draft the PR statement. They've also decided that Ruoxin will no longer work for the Legal Department, saying HQ is pressurizing them to get rid of her. Why the heck is Mr Ruan in the office at all? Shouldn't personnel discussions be limited to the person and their manager? He is so punchable in this scene. 

Mr Liu sends Mr Ruan out and tells Ruoxin she will be transferred from Legal to Admin, though still as a manager. He seems to think he's doing her a favor, and parrots some of Mr Ruan's words to her. I have no respect for this man. He's so easily swayed. Also, can a person be transferred cross-department like this as a demotion? As soon as she leaves his office, his secretary messages the group chat, so everyone knows Ruoxin is no longer in Legal. The general reaction seems to be astonishment that someone so capable is pushed out. Whatever her colleagues' thoughts are, she has to deal with a bunch of staring eyes as she walks back to her office. In her office, she opens up the Legal Dept's group chat to find that Mr Ruan is taking everyone out to dinner to celebrate Qi Xiao's arrival to the company... and that she has been removed from the chat. 

Qi Xiao enters her office and tells her he's been looking into the person who posted the video. He's found a user with a similar username on another site, who - two months ago - had asked how to install tracking apps on his wife's phone.. Ruoxin stops him. She no longer works for Legal; Qi Xiao no longer has to report to her. She asks him to leave.

When she leaves her office at the end of the day, she finds that all her colleagues have gone, except for Qi Xiao. He's excused himself from his own welcome party :D She tells him off because he's going to annoy his new superiors, but he doesn’t care. He wants her to give him a welcome party. She says he has to eat what she eats... ultra-spicy hotpot. Qi Xiao clearly doesn't do spicy food, but his reactions have the positive result of making Ruoxin laugh. They're joined by Sijia, who's also made up an excuse and left the party. Bless the two kids for their loyalty. I hope they don't have any negative repercussions.
Sijia has heard that HQ never pressured Mr Liu at all. It was he and Mr Ruan who made the decision to kick Ruoxin out. Ruoxin already guessed this. She advises the two younger colleagues to learn from her mistakes, to butter up Mr Ruan if they have to, even to stomp on Ruoxin if they need to. She will understand. That's all very noble, but I don't think anyone should give up their integrity to satisfy vile managers. Easier said than done though, especially for newbies. 

Sijia and Qi Xiao ask Ruoxin to be careful as whoever is targeting her may come after her. She reassures them and leaves. But she feels uneasy, so she asks to stay over at Ziyan's place that night. 

Meanwhile, Qi Xiao mentions Su Yang to Sijia. He says they’re still in college accommodation but have been given the final warning, so they’re moving to a place Su Yang found for them. Sijia offers to help them move. She seems to be interested in Su Yang. She's really sweet; very obvious about her feelings. Su Yang is a little awkward around her. Qi Xiao openly tries to play matchmaker.

Ruoxin tells Ziyan she broke up with Mr Cui. Ziyan is surprised. She thought Ruoxin had agreed to marry him. Really? She can't read her best friend at all?! Ruoxin doesn't get public proposals. It's a matter between a couple. Why involve strangers? And he made it difficult for her to refuse by making it a public spectacle. My thoughts exactly. Ziyan says her husband involved the staff of a hotel when he proposed, and she loved it. Different folks...

Ziyan thinks Mr Cui is a good man. He can be graded B... no, C+. He loved Ruoxin. Ziyan, that wasn't love. The guy didn't respect any of her wishes. Ofc, she should have broken it off way earlier instead of remaining with him for even 3 months. Ziyan thinks that Ruoxin is so calm, reliable and self-reliant that men are too scared to approach her. Do men only want someone who goes to pieces at the first sign of trouble then? Episode ends with Ziyan spouting cliches about love. 

This drama doesn't do a good job at depicting two women in their 30s having been best friends since college. 10+ years and they still don't know each other's personality??? Mainly it's Ziyan not knowing Ruoxin's (FL) personality. Ziyan, despite having been married for a while, has some romanticized version of love and is seeing everything that Ruoxin's ex did through rose-colored lenses. Ruoxin wants someone that will respect her and let her rest when she needs to. Ziyan thinks her ex smothering her all the time with his unwanted affections is the epitome of love itself. No. I disagree. People keep telling Ruoxin she's unusual and abnormal for wanting a bit of peace and quiet and for not accepting a man who's only been with her 3 months in marriage. WTF.

Although I do have to question Ruoxin on one thing. She only agreed to go out with her ex because her mom kept hounding her about him. But she never liked him, not one bit. So why the heck did she "stay" with him for 3 months? Aside from wanting to keep her mom from hounding her?

[Ep4Ruoxin carries her box of belongings from Legal to Admin, watched but not helped by her former colleagues. The Admin dept is cramped and she doesn't have her own office. Her new desk is littered with boxes and directly under the air conditioning. Just then, Qi Xiao comes and swaps boxes with her and says he will switch desks, as he prefers being under the A/C. He's made a deal with Mr Ruan to follow Ruoxin to Admin. She isn't impressed, as he’s a law major and the move will affect his career negatively. He argues that she studied law as well, so if she can work in Admin, why can't he? And isn't she touched by his loyalty? :D On second thought, she thinks that the move may be good after all, as otherwise Mr Ruan might make things unpleasant for Qi Xiao in Legal. 

Ruoxin calls a headhunter friend and asks whether she knows of good positions for Qi Xiao. But there aren't. It’s even harder for him than for Ruoxin. Ruoxin is surprised. Surely there are plenty of jobs for senior managers? Yes, but because she's in her 30s, companies will be reluctant to hire her, as she may go off to have kids. Companies prefer older women who have already had babies and won't go on maternity leave. Maybe women should just refuse to have babies in favor of working... Let's see how the world deals with that.

When Ruoxin gets back to her desk, she finds an admin lady telling Qi Xiao he's so handsome and asking for his preference with regard to women. Isn't this harassment in a way? It's not the sort of thing you would ask a new colleague, surely? She also dumps a lot of pointless work on Ruoxin, with a deadline of two days. Qi Xiao isn't happy about this treatment. Ruoxin doesn't see the point in whining. When they're done, Ruoxin offers him a ride, only to find that he lives in the same apartment complex as hers. Side note: the apartment is apparently only 2km away from their office. Why are they driving to/from work? 

Qi Xiao takes Ruoxin's phone to switch off the GPS (on her request) and is puzzled by why it's so hot. He also finds that there is a lot of data usage. None of this adds up with her phone use. Qi Xiao wonders if there's a Trojan or other malware. Ruoxin is unsettled. She realizes who her virtual stalker is. It's Mr Cui. It was how he knew where Ziyan's birthday dinner was (when he came to propose) and how he knew where Ruoxin was when she went to Mr Jin's company. 

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao find that they are in the same apartment building on the 13th and 12th floors. He's amazed at the coincidence. Doesn’t he know they’re in a drama made up of coincidences? She's distracted by her realization regarding Mr Cui. She visits his apartment later and asks for a favor. How did she know his apartment *number*? 

Qi Xiao calls Ruoxin at her apartment later and claims that his computer friend has found the general location of the stalker and that he will be able to find the exact location soon. They discuss calling the police and bringing up criminal charges. Once the call ends, he texts her. He thinks she's wrong about her ex. A man wouldn't harm the woman he loves. She asks "what do you know about love, little kid?", which offends him. Mr Cui rings soon after, confirming her suspicions. How do they know the tracking software doesn't also read texts? They should have met up in person for subsequent discussions. 

Mr Cui is waiting for Ruoxin outside her apartment building the next morning with a bunch of roses. He tries to pretend that the stalking app was installed by a fictitious cousin. She calls him out on his lies and shows him the evidence she has. It's all circumstantial, but sufficient to prove to him that she is certain of his guilt. He grabs hold of her arm and says he did it because he loved her and was afraid of losing her. Ah, true love. How delightful. Also, Ruoxin mentioned in the previous ep that she knows self-defense, so why didn't she defend herself? Instead, Qi Xiao comes out just then and rescues her. 

In the car ride to work, Qi Xiao is shocked that Ruoxin doesn't plan on exposing Mr Cui and returning to Legal. Ruoxin says Mr Liu was waiting to get rid of her in any case. She wants to bide her time to return to Legal. She also feels that Cui treated her well in the way he thought was right and she didn't reciprocate; she doesn't want him facing criminal charges. Sorry, but that's insane. He might do this to another woman who rejects him. If he's rejected, why not just leave? She says Mr Cui, not being a Shanghainese, was desperate to get a foothold in the city (he and others do repeatedly mention the fact that he is not native. Does that really matter?). Also, probably she hurt his pride when she rejected him. Qi Xiao still doesn't like that they are letting Mr Cui go. Ruoxin reminds him of the psychological stress of being found out and in fear of facing criminal charges. Qi Xiao is impressed by her diabolical mind. 

At the office, Ms Li, Ruoxin's new boss, tells her to stop what she's doing and begin another thankless and monumental archival task. It's clear that they’re dumping pointless work on her for no reason, but Ruoxin just grits her teeth and remains calm. How? She must do some crazy levels of meditation. Ms Li also brings up Ruoxin's breakup and the whole Admin Dept turns to listen. Her tone is so fake. She's altogether vile and the rest of the department doesn't seem much better.

When they're in the archive room, Qi Xiao receives a friend request from Mr Cui. There's also a message thanking them (or Ruoxin?) for not exposing him to Mr Liu. Mr Cui asks Ruoxin to come to "their old haunt" during lunch for one last message. How do two people who have dated for only 3 months (where one didn't really like the other) have an "old haunt"? Qi Xiao moves away to get some sticky notes and sees Ruoxin stretching and rubbing her back (because she was seated on the floor for a long time). He stares at her. I'm genuinely not sure whether he's supposed to be feeling sorry for her in this scene or admiring the way the light shines through her hair. 

Qi Xiao annoys Ms Li by deliberately praising Ruoxin when Ms Li made remarks about her behind her back. Ruoxin warns Qi Xiao not to anger Ms Li, as it could cost his job. She tells him the way to remain undisturbed by anything is to not let good or bad things affect you; just create goals, stay on target, and achieve them. He's very impressed by her. Also quite cheeky with her.

Ruoxin's and Mr Cui's "old haunt" is a subway station. He tells her they didn't meet four months ago, as she thought, but six years ago. He had been in Shanghai for 3 years then, and had just been fired. He'd been rejected at an interview and was depressed. A woman had harassed him on the subway and asked whether police would believe her or the "out-of-towner". Ruoxin had stood up for him as a witness and later been supportive of him coming to the city to work. He'd noticed her entering Zenpro's building, so later when the company advertised for sales staff, he had applied. He'd ridden the subway daily in the hopes of meeting her again. So... she defended him, he fell for her, and then when she rejected him he stalked and humiliated her?? Ah, love. He admits to having been desperate to remain in Shanghai. He hopes she won't despise him too much, though he despises himself. The way that they are trying to use that sob story to lessen what he did is just disgusting.
When she gets back to the office, Ruoxin is visited by Sijia, who has come to get Mr Ruan's letter of appointment as Director. Grrr. Sijia isn't happy at Legal. They aren't giving her any work, so once she finishes existing tasks she's afraid she might be let go. Ruoxin tells her of a contract she drafted the previous year; it had a loophole. She tells Sijia to find it and report it to Mr Ruan. It will help Sijia, and Ruoxin herself can't get into trouble with Legal anymore. Sijia isn't too sure; Ruoxin tells her to grow up. Is this growing up? I hope Sijia doesn't go "evil" later. 

Later, Qi Xiao tells Ruoxin he wouldn't snitch on her if he was Sijia. Ruoxin thinks he must be living off his parents, with his don't-care attitude towards work, so he is different to Sijia. He corrects her assumption: he has been taking care of his mom since his father died. He tells her about his mom. Ruoxin says he's a good son. Maybe she feels she isn't a good daughter. She calls her mom later and offers to pick her up from the community school, and asks if she needs anything. Terse reply from mom: "No, I'm good". Ruoxin apologizes to her mom for not behaving well when mom visited her at the office the other day. Surely it's mom who should apologize???

Ruoxin visits her mom at the community school, where mom teaches a very popular calligraphy class for seniors. The atmosphere between the two is strained, and mom is silent on the drive back to her place. Then her mom quietly reminds Ruoxin of her age (how nice to have an expiry date :/), asks whether Ruoxin rejected Mr Cui because he made less money than her, and asks who she admires apart from herself, before screaming "what is it you want?" and getting out of the car. o.O What is wrong with her mom???? 

[Ep5Ruoxin’s mom continues her mad yelling. She alternates between quiet and shouty. Some (very few) of the things she says are valid. She doesn’t want her daughter ending up lonely and miserable like her. But the alternating between screaming and quiet speaking was very disconcerting. I had to skip some of it. I don’t know how Ruoxin became such a soft-spoken and elegant lady with such a mother

Qi Xiao is with his mom, rescuing her from the evil clutches of a cockroach. His mom seems a little too helpless, but still very sweet. They alternate scenes with the two very different moms, so that we get a glaring contrast. She wants to sell the house she is living in, in the city center, and move somewhere else where Qi Xiao can live with her. He doesn’t want to sell, because there are too many good memories of his parents in that house.

Ruoxin is miserable after her conversation with her mom, so she gets drunk at a bar by herself (Ziyan is busy as her husband has returned from a business trip). She’s flat out, so the bartender uses her phone to dial the last called number, which happens to be Qi Xiao. He has to deal with a drunk Ruoxin (who apparently got so drunk after just two shots) as she yells at a taxi driver for refusing to take her in his cab, runs to the subway, falls asleep on his shoulder, dashes out to an amusement park, cries that it’s closed, and sobs at how beautiful the night sky is. They must have laughed so much during the filming of these scenes. He also piggybacks her some distance. Why? No cabs?

The next morning, Ruoxin realizes she hasn’t got her car and asks Qi Xiao if she can ride with him. She’d previously refused a ride when he offered because motorbikes are too risky, so he uses the opportunity to make fun of her. She’s quite a nervous passenger. 

In a meeting later that morning, Ms Li says they’re expecting a new leader to join them to form a New Energy Department. They need to arrange for his accommodation, driver, help staff, etc. Nobody in the Admin Dept wants the tasks, so they’re assigned to Ruoxin. Qi Xiao is not happy. 

Ms Li and Mr Liu are actually conspiring to make life at Zenpro unpleasant for Ruoxin. Ms Li knows the new leader, Xu Minjie, to be a difficult person with a bad temper. By assigning tasks for finding him suitable accommodation, etc., to Ruoxin, she hopes to get her in trouble. Mr Liu warns Ms Li to be careful, as Ruoxin is very capable (more capable than Mr Ruan, by Mr Liu’s own admission). Ms Li isn’t worried. She’s noticed that Ruoxin is very close to Qi Xiao; she can use this to make things difficult.

Sijia comes to Admin to hand over some documents, and it’s clear that she’s still being treated as a dogsbody in Legal. Ruoxin asks Qi Xiao to be charming to a lady in HR and find out when Sijia’s internship ends. She clarifies that she does not mean he should seduce the HR lady, as that would be harassment :D

Ms Li assigns Yet Another Thankless Task to Ruoxin in Qi Xiao’s absence. Everyone in Admin seems to be work-shy and yet resentful at Ruoxin’s ability to get things done. They’re also annoyed that she has an assistant while they don’t. Ms Li wants to see Qi Xiao, which worries Ruoxin. 

Later, Qi Xiao apologizes to Ruoxin, as it was probably his words to Ms Li that resulted in them getting this new task. He has found that Sijia’s internship ends in a month, but no news from Legal regarding her fate after that. He has also learned that Sijia didn’t betray Ruoxin to Mr Ruan. 

Ruoxin goes to deliver some things (welfare items/gifts?) to Legal. Qi Xiao offers, but she opts to go. Despite her arguments about standing up to bullies, she comes off more as a glutton for punishment. A secretary (who bullies Sijia) is unpleasant to Ruoxin and Mr Ruan is fake-supportive. Ruoxin handles everything with a pleasant smile, and manipulates (and threatens) Mr Ruan into agreeing to make Sijia permanent. Sijia is not happy about having to betray Ruoxin by pointing out flaws in a contract drafted by Ruoxin, but the latter insists. Ruoxin also tells off the rude secretary and warns her not to bully Sijia. 

She then goes to deliver gifts to Sales, where Mr Cui offers to help. Qi Xiao runs up just then and effectively blocks Mr Cui while helping Ruoxin. The pair head for Ms Li, to see why she wants to talk to Qi Xiao. Apparently, the Admin Dept doesn’t have an assistant position. Even Ms Li doesn’t have one. So Qi Xiao should transfer to another department after his probation ends that month. Ruoxin doesn’t want to let him go, and even asks Ms Li to let him stay as a favor. Ms Li says the department has no budget and there is only one position vacant, so … maybe Ruoxin could leave instead? This was what she’d been aiming for all along. But her argument is stupid. She can hardly put Qi Xiao in a managerial position, so how would Ruoxin leaving help? 

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao talk in private. She seems upset. Qi Xiao tells her not to worry, he can find another job. She tells him from the day he left Legal for her, he’s “her people”. She will find a way. He nods and smiles.

Ruoxin visits Ms Li with a document, which Ms Li assumes is a resignation letter. Instead, it’s a welfare purchasing proposal. Ruoxin has found through delivering welfare gifts to the various departments that Ms Li is clearly getting some benefits from purchasing useless items from certain suppliers, while spending half the department’s budget on them. Ruoxin says she has prepared an open letter regarding this and will also post on the company forum if Ms Li has no input. She is so smart, and says all of this in such a calm voice :D I guess I shouldn’t have questioned her willingness to go along with bullying. She’s taking every bully down a peg, all while remaining cool and elegant.

[Ep6Ruoxin informs Qi Xiao that they will no longer have to perform menial tasks, though handling the accommodation for the new boss and working with the new department will still remain their responsibility. I have a feeling she wants those tasks. Also, from now on, Qi Xiao’s fate rests only with Ruoxin, not Ms Li. He is very impressed with his boss.

Later they go to an agency to hire cleaning staff for the new boss and the subject of marriage comes up. Qi Xiao is surprised when Ruoxin says she wants to remain single. The cleaning lady (who isn’t single) whole-heartedly agrees with Ruoxin’s decision :D 

Meanwhile, Ziyan prepares a sumptuous meal for Zou Cheng and posts photos online to general praise. Unfortunately, her husband can’t make dinner due to last minute business and even more unfortunately, he messages underneath her post that he will eat the leftovers the next day. So everyone knows he is missing the meal, which Ziyan probably finds embarrassing.

The accommodation search for their new boss isn’t going well for Ruoxin and Qi Xiao. She’s exhausted and headachey from not eating/drinking anything and from walking around in high heels (why why why wear high heels when you know you’re going to be walking a lot? She wore flats in the previous episode when she knew she would be doing drudge work. Why not do the same now?). Luckily, Qi Xiao is a good assistant and has water, painkillers and chocolate for her.

Ziyan invites Ruoxin to have dinner with her. Qi Xiao shamelessly tries to tag along, but is firmly refused by his boss. Ruoxin tells him she’ll reimburse him for his dinner as thanks for all his hard work, but he isn’t happy. He doesn’t even know Ziyan. How could he try to invite himself for dinner?! 

Over dinner, Ziyan complains about her workaholic husband while Ruoxin, being a VIP member of Workaholics Anonymous, defends him. We learn that in the five years of their marriage, Ziyan spent the first four years traveling the world while her husband supported her.

The next day, Mr Liu holds a meeting with all managers regarding the New Energy Department. In preparation for the new department, the Sales team has to be consolidated. There will be layoffs. Ruoxin and Mr Cui both know that the latter’s days with the firm are numbered, as he is known to be an under-performer. Rather than being fired, he chooses to quit. I almost felt sorry for him, as he seems to be in a pathetic situation, but his behavior with Ruoxin was unbelievably appalling, so I will save my sympathy

Meanwhile, Sijia is made permanent. Yay! She promises to treat Ruoxin, Qi Xiao and Su Yang to a grand meal, but Qi Xiao has a different idea. After they finally find suitable accommodation for the new department’s boss, he asks Ruoxin to accompany him somewhere… the amusement park she insisted on going to when she was drunk (Ep5). Sijia and Su Yang are also there and the four enjoy themselves. Sijia admits to Ruoxin about liking Su Yang. Her reasons for liking him seem to be quite frivolous (appearance, etc). Ruoxin is amused (and slightly cynical?) about young love, but still plays matchmaker.
In the Ferris wheel, Sijia tells Su Yang she’s happy when she’s with him and asks if he’s the same. He says he has to think about it. How embarrassing for her. He has doubts because he isn’t certain of his future in Shanghai. She persists and gets him to agree to come back to the amusement park if he gets a permanent job within a year, so that he can then tell her if he’s happy. I found it quite embarrassing that she persisted the way she did. He doesn’t seem to be as into her as she is into him. But he does go along with making crazy poses for her photos, so maybe he’s one of those stoic, less-emotional types.

Meanwhile, Ruoxin and Qi Xiao discuss the young would-be couple and Qi Xiao gets annoyed when Ruoxin uses the word “kids” to describe him and Su Yang. The conversation then moves to Luoluo (his former business partner from Ep1), who Ruoxin still thinks is Qi Xiao’s girlfriend. He clarifies the situation. They also discuss his interest in jewelry design. He only studied law because it offers more stable jobs, which he needed after his father died. She’s surprised at how responsible he is. Her own reason for studying law (instead of astronomy, which we saw in Ep1 was her passion)… her mom. To be honest, I don’t know how much of a career most people can have in astronomy.

Ziyan and Zou Cheng are at his mom’s place. His mom pressures him to have kids, but he doesn’t want them. She then talks to Ziyan, and tells her even if her husband delays, she (Ziyan) can’t afford to. She also refers to when Ziyan traveled for four years and said she wasn’t a good wife then. Ziyan is not happy. On the drive back home, she asks Zou Cheng for his thoughts, and he says he’s happy that in the past year she stayed home and that their home is more like a “normal one”. She is NOT happy (because he is changing his views from earlier in their marriage). I already don't like Ziyan's husband. He watched his mom berate her for still saying she doesn't want kids because it's something a man can say but he did nothing to defend her when the decision to have kids seems to have been a choice they made together. But I feel like there is an underlying problem because he seems to want kids but says he doesn't because she says she doesn't want kids.

At Zenpro, the directors are having a discussion about an exhibition organized for the next day to promote new energy vehicles. The PR dept wants Admin to lend them staff. Ms Li agrees to let them have two people (no need to guess who :/). The blurb for the event was sent to them by new boss Mr Xu (who we haven’t seen yet), and Mr Liu gets them to change it. He thinks electric cars are just a fad and that gasoline is the only thing that will be stable. He also tells the Sales Dept that they should still focus on selling gasoline cars, no matter what. The Sales Director talks against Mr Xu. So many of the men in that boardroom seem like arrogant jerks. Mr Liu warns not to underestimate Mr Xu, as he is the youngest partner and has invested in the firm and is backed by the chairman. Ms Li is venomously sweet. This woman is even more of a jerk than the men. 

There are problems with the accommodation contract that Ruoxin is trying to sort out, when Ms Li assigns her to the PR dept. Qi Xiao goes ahead to liaise with PR while Ruoxin remains with the contract. For once, Ruoxin looks like she might lose her temper with Ms Li (but doesn’t).

[Ep7At the exhibition preparations, the PR team takes advantage of Ruoxin and Qi Xiao, getting them to finish up the work while the PR folk go for dinner courtesy of Mr Liu. Is everyone involved in trying to get Ruoxin out? Or is every department in Zenpro full of work-shy people? The duo are left to put up enormous posters with incorrect materials, sweep floors, and stick labels on chairs. 

Once they’re done, they get to talking. Qi Xiao admits being worried about people leaving him. Apart from his mom, everyone else he’s cared about has left. He’s sharing an apartment with Su Yang just so he can contribute towards the rent and help Su Yang remain in Shanghai for longer. Ruoxin makes an analogy with holding sand in your hand and says the tighter you hold on, the faster the sand falls away; letting things be might be better. 

On the work front, she thinks he should take the bar exam, but he only wants to work long enough to save money and restart his online store. She thinks he’s young and irresponsible, but he’s confident of being able to make enough. He starts describing his plans; she listens for a while and then unwittingly falls asleep against his shoulder. He’s unsure what to do, but then smiles and goes to sleep as well. 
Meanwhile, Ziyan is chilling at home when her sister-in-law drops off her son and asks Ziyan to take care of him for a couple of days, as she and her husband both have to travel for work. Apparently Ziyan’s mother-in-law said Ziyan is not working anyway, so she should be able to take care of the kid :/ Relative or not, you gotta give someone some warning before you expect them to watch your kid, especially if it's for more than a couple of hours. No respect. There's a reason she doesn't want kids so stop fobbing yours off on her.

At the exhibition, Mr Xu finally makes his appearance. Mr Liu and Mr Ruan hypocritically praise him and new energy vehicles (after being sarcastic about both earlier). One of the work-shy people from Admin comes up and tells Mr Xu that his apartment isn’t ready yet and that they have arranged a hotel instead. Mr Xu is unimpressed by the lack of efficiency. 

Back at Zenpro, Ruoxin enters the elevator and begins telling the estate agent off over the phone. She is firm about the additional clauses she wants in the contract, and reads them out, citing some law that they are related to. Mr Xu is in the elevator as well (of course he is :/) and appears to be impressed. I’m just wondering how her phone had signal in a closed elevator
Mr Xu visits Ms Li in Admin. She immediately puts all the blame on Ruoxin, who explains the situation and also points out that she only had 5 days - including the weekend - in which to organize the accommodation. Mr Xu is now on her side, particularly because he had sent his requirements two weeks prior (so Ms Li was unnecessarily late in assigning someone to the task). Even two weeks sounds insufficient to find a place when you have exacting demands. Also, on a side note, Mr Xu is a bit weird. 

At Ziyan’s place, she’s exhausted from taking care of the kid. Her husband thinks it’s fun having a kid around, but she points out that he only played with the child for a little after work. It was she who fed him, bathed him, took him to class, cleaned up after him, etc. Her husband only superficially sympathizes. He is very taken up with them being a “normal” family. 
The list of reasons why Ziyan's husband now wants kids is just insulting to her. Like he wants a reason to come home earlier??? He wants a reason to work??? Buddy, your wife is a "homemaker" who has a penchant for cooking. Ingredients she uses ain't cheap. He then tried to convince her by saying that with his nephew in the house it feels lively and fun.... he completely ignored her when she said it was because he just came at home after work and played with him for a couple of hours. I swear to gods this woman better not end up pregnant before the end of this drama to pacify his butt. She doesn’t handle it too maturely, but I understand her frustration.

Mr Xu is working late when a package from Ruoxin is delivered to him. It contains his apartment keys, a map, etc. She’s also written down some details about the place and he smiles at the letter, appreciating her handwriting. Later, he gets further evidence of her efficiency and capabilities when she points out some problem with a contract. He’s heard of her transfer from Legal to Admin and asks why she didn’t just quit (he knows such a transfer is usually to pressure a person into leaving). She says she won’t quit because her professional capabilities were called into question and she won’t allow that. They continue talking. He continues to be impressed. But he is also sexist in an odd way.

Later, Ruoxin explains to Qi Xiao that she’s getting in with Mr Xu so that they can return to Legal in glory. That’s why she pointed out a problem in the contract (that Mr Ruan was responsible for?). She’s actually quite devious beneath that calm and elegant exterior. She’d make a great villain :D She thinks aligning themselves with a good boss is necessary. Mr Xu has the backing of HQ. He’s also excellent at work, so he might be a good boss.

Ruoxin’s plan works out well. Mr Xu wants her and one other from Admin to be assigned to his team to help out. Ms Li is angry but suggests Qi Xiao anyway. She reminds Ruoxin that the move is only temporary and not to get ahead of herself. 

Mr Xu gives Ruoxin a tender contract to modify(?) and then comments on the color of her lipstick o.O How is that ok? Qi Xiao has the same shocked look as me. Mr Xu also asks whether Ruoxin can accompany him to meet a client after work. Qi Xiao isn’t impressed with how friendly the new boss is. Ruoxin thinks he’s friendly so he can get free labor.

[Ep8On the way to dinner, Mr Xu tells Ruoxin that the dinner is hosted by an advertising agency that has wanted to do business with him before but which he had always rejected. He’s suspicious that they are up to something. 

At dinner, the guys from the advertising agency refer to Ruoxin’s looks and say she looks familiar, like a celebrity, etc. Is this normal in China? Do people make remarks about other people’s looks in business settings? It turns out one of the guys, Mr Luo, used to work with Mr Xu. He seems to be trying to take advantage of the old contact, but Mr Xu is firm about separating friendship from business. Despite saying the evening should be about friendship, not business, the “old friend” begins a spiel about new-energy vehicles. He’s interrupted by someone who wants Mr Xu’s car moved. Ruoxin notices that Mr Luo signals the lady who makes the request. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

Outside, we see that someone is trying to persuade Mr Xu’s driver to allow them to put some gifts into Mr Xu’s car. Ruoxin stops him. She notes that the gifts are all very expensive (Rolex, etc) and says they can’t accept them. Later, Mr Xu commends her for her actions. He doesn’t want to give contracts based on old relationships; he wants to do it via tender.

Mr Xu asks Ruoxin to be his date to a private party he is attending the next evening. He says she can say no as this is a personal request, but when she says she doesn’t think it’s appropriate, he says the party isn’t unrelated to work. There will be tech experts there, whom they need to talk to. She agrees. I don’t like him or trust him right now. Qi Xiao is suspicious and displeased when he hears of this. I don't like the dynamic. I could be reading too much into this but Xu Mingjie, who is a rational and logical man, seems to be exerting his power over Ruoxin to get her to do things. It's not said out loud and it doesn't seem like Ruoxin is aware of it but that's what it feels like. He knows she got demoted to the Administration office because her superiors wanted her gone and since he sees her in a good light, he knows she has no choice but to latch onto him to get back to her former position. So knowing that, he can ask her to do things like go to business dinners and parties as his date and she really doesn't have a choice when you think about it. Anyone could tell she's uncomfortable in such positions but with her needing a backer and him claiming that he doesn't know anyone in Shanghai yet, she's forced to play "date" to his shenanigans. Even Qi Xiao sees the weirdness in this but this could also be because he lowkey has a crush on her. 

Ziyan’s sister-in-law comes to collect her son, and advises Ziyan to consider having a baby. How tiring it must be, getting the same advice from everyone. Ziyan says she’ll think about it and smiles at the bond her sister-in-law has with the child.

Mr Xu isn’t impressed with the conservative dress Ruoxin chooses to wear to the party. He takes her to a store and gets her to try on a short off-shoulder dress. He pays for it without her even agreeing. She is very unhappy about this, but wears it anyway. I truly don’t understand why she did. She looked near tears. He should have been able to sense her discomfort. I thought he’d be a decent guy despite the weirdness, but he seems to be just as much a jerk as the others.

At the party, Mr Xu abandons Ruoxin to go talk with some old friends. The friends comment on Ruoxin’s looks and remark that Mr Xu somehow finds pretty female subordinates wherever he goes. There is so much sexism in this scene. Some of the men’s dates approach Ruoxin. They’ve all studied at expensive overseas universities and are accomplished, but seem to spend their time discussing clothes and bags, and being someone’s date at parties. Ruoxin feels very out of place. Later, one of her new “friends” yells at a waitress for spilling wine over her dress. Ruoxin calms her down and smooths things over. Mr Xu notes this with approval. At this point, I don’t care a **** about his approval even if it benefits Ruoxin. His behavior regarding this party was just all wrong.

During the drive back from the party, Mr Xu tells Ruoxin events like this can’t be avoided, and not to take them too seriously. That’s easy for him to say. He’s not the one being objectified. Ugh! Qi Xiao waits for Ruoxin to return. He isn’t happy about her change in attire (or the reason for it). 
Qi Xiao vents to Su Yang about the dress. Su Yang immediately says Mr Xu must be pursuing Ruoxin. During their conversation, he teasingly asks if Qi Xiao is interested in her as well. Qi Xiao denies it. I don’t know if he is or isn’t. His acting doesn’t really say much one way or the other.

The next day, Ruoxin returns the dress and informs Mr Xu by text. Thank heavens for that at least. (She and Qi Xiao describe the dress as pretty, and I didn’t really see it that way. I just saw it as inappropriate in the circumstances.)

Ziyan’s husband is thrilled when he finds that she has been looking at pregnancy-related articles and immediately begins planning for a baby. His enthusiasm is irritating. He promises to take on his share of child care (even though he did nothing when his nephew visited). He’s supposed to accompany her for some prenatal tests but bails when his company calls about work. *sigh* Now Ziyan is giving into the pressure of motherhood. I honestly thought it would last longer before that happened. But she did tell her husband that an attentive husband makes the baby a diamond, an inattentive one makes it a burden. She's right. I feel for her future because he didn't help one bit when it came to their nephew so how is she supposed to expect his help when it comes to their own child? Even if he says that he'll help if it's his own child, that doesn't really mean anything. His paternal colors were already shown. He's nice enough to his nephew but there's still that underlying thinking that it's not his place to take care of a child. He just wants a child because they're getting older and he wants someone to take the family name.

It’s Ruoxin’s and Qi Xiao’s turn to do the monthly inventory, but Mr Xu wants Ruoxin to go on a business trip with him to Chengdu. Since nobody in Admin will swap shifts with them, Qi Xiao says he’ll do it all himself. But he’s not happy. 

At the hospital, Ziyan comes across a pregnant lady who has gestational diabetes. The lady didn’t want to have a baby but was pressured into it. What Ziyan and her husband never considered were all the many implications a pregnancy can have on her body. Not to mention that some people even die from giving birth. So far it's been a fantasy to them. And I'm bothered that she gave in so quickly when she was adamant about not giving birth. She's going to be raising that kid on her own. Ziyan calls Ruoxin, who is at the airport, and complains. Ruoxin firmly tells her not to listen to others; only have a baby if she really wants to. Mr Xu overhears her conversation and remarks that Ziyan is lucky to have Ruoxin as a friend.

Ruoxin had booked a first-class seat for Mr Xu and economy for herself, but he upgrades her and tells the check-in agent to seat them together. Ruoxin looks a little uncertain, but Mr Xu says they have things to discuss as they will go into a meeting as soon as they land.

Qi Xiao calls Ruoxin as she’s heading for the plane. He says work is very hectic and there are problems with the inventory. Some computers are missing in Sales and in Legal. Ruoxin instructs him on what to do. He deliberately keeps her on the line for as long as he can. I think he just misses her.

[Ep9On the flight, Mr Xu is very solicitous with Ruoxin, causing the stewardess to comment that “Ms Xu’s husband is very thoughtful”. Somehow, I doubt stewardesses make remarks like this without knowing the relationship between passengers. She also probably has the passenger list, so why refer to Ms Shen as Ms Xu? On their drive to the Chengdu office, Ruoxin gets messages from Qi Xiao about restaurants she should visit. She asks how he has time to review restaurants if work is so hectic. Heh. For some reason, Ruoxin looks thoughtful when looking at his messages.

During the meeting, Ruoxin passes notes to Mr Xu with questions about the presentation. Mr Xu is praised for his sharp observations, though they were her observations. Mr Xu lets it slide without giving her credit. He’s invited for dinner, but says he already has plans. Ruoxin asks whether she should accompany him. He says yes, he has a distinguished guest coming, so she must attend.

At dinner, Ruoxin is taken aback to find that she is the distinguished guest. Mr Xu wanted to thank her for her hard work, and for pointing out the flaws in the presentation. She’s even more taken aback when they’re served tiny portions of some tofu dish on large plates :D 
Mr Xu wants her to try it first, as he watches her reaction. I didn’t like this. It feels like everything is a test with him. Ruoxin finds that the tofu is … unique. The meal continues with bite-sized portions of food in unnecessarily large plates. Her expression here xD. I don’t think anything tasted good either, as otherwise she would have seemed more enthusiastic. He’s amused. Pretentious is what he isSee now I'm really starting to have problems with this guy. Bad enough that he tricked her into having dinner with him but he didn't even ask what food she'd like to eat. Molecular gastronomy food isn't for everyone. I feel like no one is looking at this poor woman's face. It tells all. She didn't want to be there after he told her that his important dinner guest was her. He's like an upper class version of her ex. Let the girl eat her spicy comfort food.

He has a request for her. He broke up with his girlfriend just before coming to Shanghai, so could Ruoxin be his date for work-related parties and events? HR! I would like to file a complaint! She says if it’s for work, it’s ok. Why doesn’t she attend as a representative of Zenpro, rather than as his date?! He says he will pay for all outfits, etc for such events. Thankfully, she declines.

Later that night, Ruoxin is in bed texting Qi Xiao (he’s light-heartedly complaining about work). He wants to know which of the restaurants she visited, out of the ones he recommended. 
And this is what sets the ML apart from all these other dudes trying to woo Ruoxin. Qi Xiao might be younger but at least he's smart enough to figure out what kind of food she likes and gives her options to try instead of imposing his will on her and trying to force money down her throat. She hops out of bed and visits one of them, and happily wolfs down hotpot :D. There are lots of shots of food in this scene… I’m hungry.

Ruoxin’s mom is teaching her Calligraphy for Seniors class. When she’s done, she reads through texts from her daughter and smiles affectionately at one that says “are you still angry with me?” Some of her students come by and see Ruoxin’s photo. One comments that she looks really familiar. Uh oh… Later, she finds and shows the video of Ruoxin being splashed with cola (from Ep3). Mom is shocked.

Ziyan’s husband asks how her prenatal checkup went. He never made it to her appointment. She says if that’s how he shirks responsibility, she doesn’t want to sacrifice her happiness and freedom to have a kid. He says he worked hard in the past years and enabled her to travel, and said nothing even though she just goofs off. Well, she cooks but he doesn’t make it home to eat the food… She points out that he told her she could be a princess forever. That’s a dumb argument. She asks “if I don’t have a child, am I worthless?”. Him: “you said it yourself” 
Wow. An elephant can stomp on Ziyan's husband's babymaker. She vows to get a job. He isn’t optimistic. She walks off. I don’t know if it was just their acting, but this scene didn’t feel at all believable

Ruoxin is strolling around Chengdu after dinner when mom calls her. She cries about why she is the last to know that her daughter was in trouble. She thinks Mr Cui would have protected her if he’d been around. If only she knew… Ruoxin repeatedly says she’s fine now and not to worry.
 I really wish she had just told her mom the truth that he was the one that put her in that situation. It's better for her mom to be heartbroken than look like a fool. After the call ends, mom sobs and then screams that if anyone mistreats her daughter, she’ll fight them. 

At a managerial meeting at Zenpro, Mr Xu assigns Ruoxin the responsibility of organizing a training schedule. It seems to be a big deal. Mr Liu doesn’t look too happy, though it’s unclear whether it’s because of Ruoxin’s assignment or the plans for the New Energy Dept. 

Su Yang gets a job! It’s through Sijia’s recommendation, so he promises her a meal when he gets paid.

Qi Xiao is annoyed at how close Mr Xu is getting with Ruoxin. Quite literally. In one scene Mr Xu has his arm slung around her chair and leans in way too close. She’s very focused on work and doesn’t notice. I’m not sure whether he is doing it unintentionally, because colleagues looking at the same screen would need to be physically close, but from some angles it looks too close.

The day of the training, Ruoxin is stuck in traffic. Mr Xu says he can postpone by 30 minutes max (but it won’t look good if she’s late for such an important event). Qi Xiao tells Ruoxin to get to the nearest carpark. He will take her to work on his motorbike. 

During the training, he whispers to ask whether she’s looking at the slides or Mr Xu. Where did he get that idea from? After the training, Mr Xu sees all the research Ruoxin has compiled and is very impressed. He offers her a permanent position in the new team. She is unsure; she studied law and knows very little about cars. She asks for time to think it over. Qi Xiao is not happy with the idea. He doesn’t like the idea of working with Mr Xu all the time. He also thinks she’d be back to square one in a new department and they’d be left with only odd jobs to do. He suggests holding on in case Mr Liu offers a transfer back to Legal. Just then, Ruoxin is summoned to Mr Liu’s office.

[Ep10Mr Liu false-praises Ruoxin and offers to transfer her back to Legal to assist Mr Ruan. She sees through him and refuses. She wants to get a holistic idea of business and procedures, rather than just knowing about the legal aspects. He thinks she is choosing to remain in Admin. He doesn’t know about the offer from New Energy. 

Qi Xiao guesses Ruoxin rejected Mr Liu’s ofer. He also correctly guesses one of the reasons she wants to switch to New Energy: with electric cars, the city will be less polluted. Better for astronomy as well. She has another reason too. When she was 17, her dad left their home to work elsewhere. Her mom strongly opposed it, but her dad wanted to do something meaningful. Ruoxin thinks working in New Energy could be meaningful. Qi Xiao is ok with following her to the new department.

Ziyan goes for an interview for a sales position and is rejected due to her age and lack of relevant experience. She overhears other interviewees, some of whom have degrees and are yet applying for posts like receptionist. She realizes how tough the job market is. 

There is a reunion organized by Mr Liu where Mr Xu is invited, but Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are pointedly told to leave and sit outside with the drivers. She remains calm. I feel like she’s overdoing the calm and slightly-servile bit. Qi Xiao is unhappy at how his boss is being treated. At the reunion, Mr Liu drinks heavily. Mr Xu observes everything and then deliberately makes him drink even more. This drinking-to-show-respect culture is very dangerous.

Ruoxin sees off the reunion attendees. She and Qi Xiao help a very drunk Mr Liu, but he shoves her off and accuses her of being high and mighty. She seems upset by this. I’m not sure why she would care about anything Mr Liu says. Mr Xu sees the whole thing and looks angry. Qi Xiao helps Mr Liu to his car and then kicks him into it! xD Mr Xu sees this too (I think) 

Qi Xiao is angry about Mr Liu’s bullying, but Ruoxin appears calm. When she gets home though, she cries to herself. I think my main problem with this drama is that they want to portray the FL as a mature and rational person on the outside who's emotional on the inside but because she literally never says anything about her own pain or tries to lessen her burdens, it feels like a disconnect. Logically I know that there are these types of people in the world (when I'm not wracked with anxiety, I tend to be this way most of the time) but going so far as to not say anything when somebody almost ruins your life when the world has such a positive view of them just irritates me to no end.

Ziyan texts just then, feeling down because of her failed job search. She admires Ruoxin for being self-reliant. Ziyan seems to have been unrealistic about work and marriage before. She thought work was drudgery and marriage would give her freedom, but now she is desperate to find work and can’t. Ruoxin says if anything happens Ziyan will still be a housewife, but she herself doesn’t have that option. She can only go forward. She later texts Mr Xu and asks to move to his department. He agrees. We see him call someone and tell them not to come down to Shanghai, but to take care of things in HQ instead.

Ziyan’s husband comes home and finds crumpled-up CVs and must realize that the job search didn’t go well. He makes peace with his wife. 

Our main duo moves to New Energy. One of the first things Qi Xiao sees Ruoxin do is… shop for rental outfits. He’s annoyed when he finds out about her having agreed to be Mr Xu’s date to events. She says it’s a learning and networking opportunity. I’m with him. Learn and network as a member of the team, not as someone’s date

This Xu Mingjie is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. He asked Ruoxin to come to his department and after she accepted, he called somebody named "Lisa" and told her to stay home to look after the main company. This man has had a secretary all this time and pretends he doesn't so he can subtly force Ruoxin to be his dinner date.

There’s a get-together organized for the New Energy team. Some of the older members compel Ruoxin to drink and consider it rude if she doesn’t. Seriously, what is with that?! Qi Xiao remembers Ruoxin’s poor tolerance for alcohol and drinks on her behalf, a drink for every member of the team o.O Ruoxin watches him, worried. Mr Xu seems to find it amusing, though he also notices her look of concern. When Qi Xiao is done, the idiot guy who started the drinking proposes another toast, to see whether Qi Xiao will drink even more. Ruoxin takes the glass from her assistant to drink it herself, and it looks like they’re holding hands, when Mr Xu intervenes and drinks on Qi Xiao’s behalf. 

Ruoxin drives Qi Xiao home. The putting-seatbelt-on-in-close-proximity bit here, but she does it, rather than him. He smiles to himself but closes his eyes and pretends to be out of it. He laughs to himself when she stops at a pharmacy (pleased that she’s taking care of him?) and makes the most of her fussing about. His acting isn’t too good in this scene.

Ruoxin somehow gets Qi Xiao to his apartment. Why didn’t she ring Su Yang to help? As soon as she leaves, Su Yang throws his friend onto a sofa. He knows how much Qi Xiao can drink. He’d been faking being drunk. He hugs the bag of medicines and smiles in satisfaction.

The next day, Ruoxin gets a rental outfit delivered, but it’s too big. Qi Xiao offers to adjust it for her. She’s impressed by the fact that he can sew. Can rental clothes be adjusted? Or are these temporary adjustments? He comes over that evening to do the adjustments, sees that she’s eating cup noodles, and improves them a bit. She’s somewhat surprised that he and Su Yang cook.

He asks about some photos she has hung up, of stars and whatnot, and she enthusiastically tells him about how he can buy them from NASA. He sees how happy she is when talking about astronomy. 

She wears the dress that needs adjusting and he stares at her for a while before putting in pins and taking measurements. They’re both affected by their proximity.

[Ep11Ruoxin accompanies Mr Xu to an art gallery where he will meet some business acquaintances. This man is just blatantly exerting his authority. Maybe he thinks that since she agreed to be his work "date", he can drag her all over the place in the name of work. She wants to know whether she should accompany him to discuss business, but he says it’ll be boring and when men discuss business, they will forget the women with them. WTH?! She isn’t some arm candy. She’s a highly capable legal officer. Though, this is her fault for agreeing to accompany him at allThen he casually said that she can look at the art pieces and if there's anything she likes to let him know. If this doesn't open her eyes to his intentions, I don't know what will. She doesn’t look very happy.

A couple of women (other businessmen’s dates) chat with Ruoxin. They assume Mr Xu is her boyfriend. When she corrects them, they say if she tries hard, he can become her boyfriend. Ugh. Then they go on about her age, and how hard it will be to find a reliable suitor, etc. She excuses herself and walks away; Mr Xu occasionally glances towards her (the way he smiles when he looks at her feels a bit patronizing); he sees her leaving.

Ruoxin meets Ziyan at “linx”, a bar that they used to frequent. A small band is playing. Ziyan is upset about her job search. She’s determined to find work because she feels now that if you don’t contribute (financially) in a marriage, you don’t get a say in things. Ruoxin wonders what happened to the Ziyan of before: the one who traveled the world and learned to play drums. Just then, Ting, a guy from the band joins them and begins chatting. He notices Ziyan’s CV and offers her a job as chef at the bar. This felt so artificial. Why did he choose to chat with them instead of other customers? Ziyan is happy that she has some value apart from an aging uterus. What a world we live in :/

Qi Xiao is distracted the whole day, wondering when Ruoxin will return from the gallery. His mom notices this and immediately assumes he has a crush on someone. Su Yang, who knows that he does (or is beginning to), covers for him. Later, he suggests just texting Ruoxin and asking whether she’s back. Qi Xiao does this under the pretext of offering to remove the stitches from the dress. She asks him to come over. He’s very happy. Sadly, his acting doesn’t convey any depth of feeling at all. Not even “boy with a crush”.

While removing the stitches, Qi Xiao asks whether she minds that others will be wearing the same dress. She says it’s unavoidable. He knows a designer, Zhu Lin, who makes elegant dresses at affordable rates, and only one per design. They visit Zhu Lin the next day, and Ruoxin learns that Qi Xiao has informally partnered up with Zhu Lin to sell his jewelry. The latter wants Qi Xiao to quit his day job and work with him full-time, but Qi Xiao won’t do that just yet. 

Su Yang treats Sijia to dinner at a night market (her choice of venue). She confesses to him. He can’t make any promises, but he wants to stay in Shanghai. The two eat at various stalls. Unfortunately, Su Yang’s stomach doesn’t handle night market food too well, so he has to make an abrupt exit. 

Next day, Ruoxin is looking for a driver for Mr Xu, as the old one quit suddenly. They need a driver urgently as their business requires making many trips. Why is she handling this? Shouldn’t the Admin Dept do it? Why is she being given so many secretarial tasks? Qi Xiao realizes that taking up the driver job would mean accompanying Mr Xu and Ruoxin everywhere, so he volunteers. She thinks he’s crazy, but he says the New Energy Dept is like a startup; everyone needs to pull their weight. I guess if someone who’s been in Legal for 7 years (and who was a senior manager) can act as a “date” and perform secretarial jobs, then someone within his one month probation period can be a driver. She agrees, though she wonders why he’s so interested in Mr Xu. She jokingly asks whether he’s trying to go over her head to get close with the boss. Ruoxin, Mr Xu is not the boss Qi Xiao is trying to get close to.

When he’s driving Mr Xu that night, Qi Xiao talks to Ruoxin over the phone. Whether intentionally or not, he gives Mr Xu the impression of being pretty close with Ruoxin. He’s also very frank about work and office politics. Mr Xu has heard about Qi Xiao following Ruoxin to Admin when she was demoted, and is impressed by his loyalty. Qi Xiao tries to glean Mr Xu’s feelings for Ruoxin. At first Mr Xu just describes characteristics he admires about her that are related to work. Then he notices that Qi Xiao seems very happy with the answer, so he says “your guess might not be wrong either” and goes on to describe other aspects such as looks, etc. Qi Xiao is not happy any longer. It was so foolish and unprofessional of him to have asked the question at all. Mr Xu is amused by him.

Qi Xiao offers to take Mr Xu to a hotpot place that Ruoxin likes (the one with extra spicy hotpot), and refers to it being similar to the one in Chengdu. Mr Xu learns that Ruoxin went there by herself after she ate with him. Why is Qi Xiao being such an idiot? He’s going to get her in trouble. The hotpot place is crowded and Mr Xu isn’t impressed by the ambience. He starts cleaning the table with napkins. Qi Xiao is a bit disconcerted but does the same. He’s pleased that Mr Xu can’t handle spice, but is honest that he couldn’t either at first (but is now addicted). Mr Xu lets Qi Xiao continue eating and instead orders paella and imported items to be delivered to his place later. When Qi Xiao presses him to eat, he says spice can confuse taste buds and he prefers more elegant eating… and he’s sure Ruoxin will too after she’s been with him for a while. Qi Xiao is disquieted. Honestly, he brought this on himself.

[Ep12Ziyan’s food is praised by customers at linx, and the bar owner gives her more control over the menu. She wants to infuse elements from global cuisine into their food. She seems to find her new job very fulfilling.

Qi Xiao invites himself to a tea tasting (business) event that Ruoxin and Mr Xu are attending. Ruoxin is introduced to two people from a technology R&D firm as the liaison between departments. One of them asks whether all Zenpro’s salespeople are this pretty. Where did they get “salesperson” from? And again, how inappropriate to remark on someone’s looks at a business meeting. Ruoxin brings up details of the tech Zenpro is using/planning to use and hopes that the two R&D folk can work with them. 

Both Qi Xiao and Ruoxin get impatient during the tea tasting, as they have to first listen to details about the tea, the tea cups, the teapot, etc xD She’s silently impatient. He whispers his annoyance to her. When the tea is finally poured out, he knocks his back in a single gulp and is very audible about it. He also loud-whispers to Ruoxin that the tea his mom makes is more fragrant and that the cups they’re drinking from are similar to ones sold in street stalls. Ruoxin steps on his foot to shut him up. Even though I would have hated to sit through the tasting ceremony, Qi Xiao does seem to have no manners in this scene. Mr Xu notices their exchange.

Ziyan and her husband are dining out, but he stops her from eating and drinking what she likes because they’re trying to conceive. She says if she finds a job she won’t be able to have a kid. So she hasn’t told him? He remains skeptical that she can even get a job, and is very negative about her being part of a workforce. Ziyan complains about this to Ruoxin privately. Apparently her husband has given up smoking and drinking, runs daily, takes all sorts of supplements in preparation for having a child, and has bought several books on parenting, so she feels she can’t tell him she doesn’t want kids. If she does, they’ll argue and she doesn’t want an argument. Ruoxin advises her to discuss things with her husband frankly, but Ziyan wants to stall.

Ruoxin’s mom drops by on a Saturday, asking about her plans for her birthday. Mom is trying not to argue with her daughter (but even her method of keeping peace is a little annoying. Still, she is trying). Ruoxin isn’t interested in celebrating. It’ll be on a weekday and she may have to work overtime anyway. She tells her mom about her transfer to the new department. Just as mom begins cooking, Mr Xu calls. Something urgent has come up.

In the car, Ruoxin tells Qi Xiao the business Mr Xu called about is some personal matter, but she doesn’t know what. Qi Xiao wants to know why she’s being called for personal stuff. I’m wondering the same thing. At least, he says, her clothes aren’t “out of character”, so it’s not a social event. She wants to know what he considers is “in character” for her. “Bold, genuine, mature, sophisticated, but not jaded”. She seems a bit thrown by all the compliments.

Mr Xu is looking to buy a house and wants Ruoxin’s input as a local. Why didn’t he tell her this when he phoned? And why did he assume it was ok to ask her to give up her weekend for his house search? Why does Ruoxin have to help him with his personal business of finding a house? Methinks because Xu Mingjie is hoping she'll live in it with him. He then asks whether she has driven their new energy vehicles and offers to apply for one (for free?) for her. She refuses. She will buy it herself; she can get the full Zenpro purchasing experience as well that way. That was a diplomatic way to refuse his offer

The estate agent turns out to be the inept young man Ruoxin dealt with earlier when finding a place for Mr Xu to rent. He assumes she and Mr Xu are married and keeps talking without giving her a chance to clarify. Mr Xu seems pleased/amused. UghThis man is just letting everyone think Ruoxin is his girlfriend/wife. He could have clearly pointed out that they were in a relationship. She looks so uncomfortable to be labelled as being in a relationship with him. I feel so bad for her

The estate agent goes on in that vein until Ruoxin finally interrupts him and tells him the place is for her boss. She then brings up a lot of legitimate concerns about all the places he is trying to sell. I don’t know whether she did this on purpose, but serves that young idiot right. Mr Xu is impressed by her perspective. He says he probably won’t live in the house for too long anyway, and if it was her, which would she choose? She gets flustered and says she wouldn’t be able to afford such places and where she lives is fine. I don’t understand why she got so flustered. He wasn’t offering to buy her a place. Maybe it’s just because of the estate agent’s assumption earlier. When they drop Mr Xu off later, she seems relieved.
He takes ineptitude to new levels
When Qi Xiao tells Su Yang about this new development. Su Yang is convinced that Mr Xu is making a play for Ruoxin. On other matters, despite having a job, Su Yang is struggling financially, because the job isn’t one that pays regularly; they pay upon approval of drafts, with indeterminate payment dates. He’s finding it hard to repay some loan. 

When driving Ruoxin back home, Qi Xiao asks whether she was tempted… by any of the houses. Especially if she didn’t have to pay. She says there’s no such thing as a free lunch. He’s happy, but his mood changes when she says she felt wealthy when she went inside some of the grand houses. 

In this gloomy mood, he ignores Su Yang when he asks for help regarding his job contract. Su Yang asks Sijia instead. She finds some ambiguity in the contract. In a bold but maybe unwise move, she threatens his editor with a lawsuit and manages to get him to agree to pay by the end of that day. I feel like Su Yang will lose this job… Sijia tells Su Yang to ask her before signing any contract (since he said Qi Xiao is either busy or distracted). She promises nobody will take advantage of him again.

Su Yang learns it’s Ruoxin’s birthday in two days and tells Qi Xiao. He already knows. He thinks the fact that Su Yang found out from Sijia means that things are progressing between them, but Su Yang is pessimistic about even being able to remain in Shanghai. Qi Xiao gives him cliched words of encouragement and then enlists his help to prepare for Ruoxin’s birthday.

[Ep13Qi Xiao is woken up by an excited Su Yang… he’s got a (permanent?) job!

A test-drive event for Zenpro’s new energy vehicles is to be held in two weeks. Ruoxin suggests “eco-friendliness and family happiness” as the theme, after observations she made while buying a car for herself. Mr Xu agrees, but wants numbers to back up her idea via a media/stats agency. 

Qi Xiao has planned a barbecue-and-beer birthday party for Ruoxin. Sijia, Su Yang and Ziyan are all planning to attend, but Mr Xu calls Ruoxin away for work at the last minute. Qi Xiao sulks about her being late and extracts a promise from her that she will spend his birthday with him. 

When she gets to the meeting place (supposedly with a group of marketing executives), Ruoxin finds that it’s a posh rooftop restaurant, her path is bordered with rose petals and candles, there’s only a table for two, and only Mr Xu is there. She does not look happy or comfortable. He says he thought she wouldn’t come if he told the truth, which is why he lied. Did he think to first ask if she had plans? 

She thanks him for what he has done for her at work, I think as a preface to rejecting any possible confession, but he stops her and says he doesn’t need her gratitude. He is grateful to her for showing that women like her still exist in the workplace. He has dated different types of girls: the ambitious ones have their own motive, and the unambitious ones were vain. Umm, Mr Xu, Ruoxin has her own motives too. He admires that Ruoxin did everything better than expected, that she behaved appropriately at functions, and that she still kept her distance. Even though this was supposed to be praise, I found it irritating. I hope she continues to keep her distance. He feels relaxed with her and hopes she can be by his side in work and life. He wants her as his security blanket. She thanks him for his high opinion of her and for the opportunities she’s been given. She vows to work hard and repay him. He can sense the rejection and stops her from continuing.

Meanwhile, Sijia is impressed by how Su Yang and Qi Xiao have decorated the rooftop of their apartment building. Su Yang asks her whether Mr Xu is interested in Ruoxin. This is the first Sijia is hearing of it but she’s excited for Ruoxin. Qi Xiao isn’t. Sijia picks up on the fact that he’s jealous and asks if he’s in love with his boss. 

Back at the table-for-two, Mr Xu says he only wants the best in everything. He goes on about the view in front of them, the cheese they’re eating, etc. Everything acquired at a high price, but the price doesn’t matter. Why mention it then? He signals to a waiter, who brings a hideous gaudy (diamond?) necklace. Mr Xu asks if he can put it on her. Ruoxin is silent. She’s been like this throughout his speech, looking unhappy/uncomfortable. He seems to think that silence=consent and puts the necklace on for her. I feel like what he’s doing is so unfair, putting her on the spot like this. She whispers that it’s too expensive and he says something so expensive should be put on the most precious lady. 

Thankfully, she comes out of her stupor and removes the necklace. On a side note, do diamond necklaces unclasp so easily? She says she can’t accept it. He tries convincing her, and assures her that he won’t disappoint her, but she still refuses. He wants to know why. Her answer is convoluted, but I think she essentially says she doesn’t want an expensive lifestyle. She also doesn’t want to be pulled to the top by someone; she wants to make it there on her own. She thanks him yet again, for his efforts, and says she only came because of work; she and her friends have already made plans. She walks out, leaving Mr Xu to order a meal for one. This man really is Cui Lixin 2.0 because while she's trying to explain herself and how she feels about what he's doing, he's too busy thinking for her. He cares more about how she makes him feel than stop to think about what she wants. Ugh.

Sijia talks to a sulking Qi Xiao and says even though she’s not against older women dating younger men, she feels Ruoxin is too rational to have a passionate affair with a younger man that wouldn’t work out. Omg :D He wants to know why it wouldn’t work out and gives all sorts of reasons for why it could work. Su Yang thinks he has no chance against Mr Xu. Sijia is on Qi Xiao’s side now, and thinks he ought to let Ruoxin know. He wants more time; he doesn’t want to scare her.

Rouxin and Ziyan arrive. Everyone enjoys the party. Su Yang is very attentive to Sijia, now that he has a job. I have a bad feeling about this. I hope he doesn’t lose that job. Qi Xiao’s gift to Ruoxin is a handmade necklace inspired by the Rosette Nebula, which happens to be the one Ruoxin edited (Ep1). She happily lets him put it on for her. A very different reaction to Mr Xu’s offer. Sijia does something like clear her throat, and Ruoxin looks surprised. I don’t know if Ziyan also picked up on Qi Xiao’s feelings. In any case, the party is a relaxed, cheerful affair.
Mr Xu calls a late-night meeting with some of the new energy team (not Ruoxin) and modifies his speech for the self-drive event. He sends the team home and then scrolls through his phone, and happens to see some of her WeChat photos of the birthday celebration. He sees the small cozy party and the necklace she is now wearing (though, he wouldn’t know it was given to her by Qi Xiao). He sends a message to the new energy team not to disturb Ruoxin that night, but to send the revised speech the next day. I hope this means he’s not going to hold her rejection against her.

[Ep14Ruoxin is trying to figure out how to smooth things over with Mr Xu when she’s interrupted by Qi Xiao. When he asks how many likes her WeChat posts got, she realizes she didn’t block colleagues and Mr Xu from seeing the photos. Just then, they come across Mr Xu, and Ruoxin beats a hasty retreat :D

It’s Su Yang’s first day at work. None of his colleagues seem too friendly. They don’t welcome him or even respond to his greeting. When he takes his seat, one person rolls over and asks if it’s his first job and rolls back after saying “work hard”. I’m not sure whether they’re just an unfriendly bunch, or whether they’re all terribly overworked. The guy who came over had bags under his eyes, the guy next to Su Yang was using a neck pillow, and another designer was eating while working.

Ruoxin learns that the team had a meeting the previous night without her. She is also introduced to Mr Xu’s new assistant, a young man named Li Xiaole. While she knew he was looking for an assistant, Ruoxin seems a little disconcerted that he found one so soon (and that he held a meeting without her). Qi Xiao on the other hand is very happy because the assistant means Ruoxin won’t have to help with miscellaneous tasks anymore. 

Sijia thinks Qi Xiao should confess to Ruoxin since he’s sure she doesn’t have feelings for Mr Xu, but Qi Xiao doesn’t want to do this with the self-drive event on the horizon. Sijia also wants to celebrate Su Yang’s new job, and needs Qi Xiao to help because she has taken the initiative so many times with no luck. She chooses laser tag, but is terrible at it. Su Yang “protects” her “because it’s normal to protect girls”. Ugh. Su Yang also mentions other girls he has protected, which upsets Sijia. He then mollifies her unintentionally. He’s quite clueless. She’s quite childish

The trio discuss how Qi Xiao can confess to Ruoxin. He doesn’t want tactics; just a special way to confess. I don’t know if his expression here is supposed to be “in love”, but it really doesn’t look that way.

The next day, Ruoxin has to wait until after normal working hours to present her report regarding the self-drive event. Mr Xu isn’t being malicious or anything. He was genuinely busy and now calls on his new assistant for most things. She broaches the subject of the previous night and he says he values her as his “right-hand woman” and he isn’t a despicable boss who will take it out on her for rejecting him. He has to have known she would be anxious about this though. Might have been good for him to have reassured her earlier. He wants her to hand over his personal matters to Xiaole, but continue working on operations in the East China region. She is immensely relieved.

Qi Xiao tries to figure out what Ruoxin needs, so he can help her with them. At work she finds a cushion on her seat and her desk tidied up. When showing her where the zipper is on the cushion, his hand touches hers and he’s taken aback, but she’s quite casual about it. I feel it might be that she doesn’t consider him as a romantic prospect in any way, and only as a young kid, which might be why she was so relaxed at the party and with him in general. She lays her head down on the cushion (on her desk) and he mimics her and smiles at her. Whether she reads something in his expression or just realizes that it must look strange, she gets up and goes into Work Mode. She seems a bit discomfited, so maybe she did notice his expression.
Ruoxin’s mom meets with an accident while crossing the road. Her hand is injured and she hits her head on the road, but she seems okay otherwise. The other person involved in the accident - a young delivery guy on a motorcycle - is far worse off. Qi Xiao is riding by at that time (so many coincidences!) and helps call for an ambulance while so many other bystanders do nothing but stare.

When they get to the hospital, Qi Xiao says Ruoxin’s mom should get her hand looked at as well, but when she sees which hospital it is, she wants to avoid it. A nurse comes and takes her in without letting her argue. While her hand is being treated, Qi Xiao takes care of the bill and checks on the delivery guy. He wants to know if she has family he should contact, but she says her daughter is busy and mustn't be disturbed, and she is fine by herself. He is unimpressed (by the daughter?) The police arrive regarding the accident.

Ruoxin is discussing work with Mr Xu when Qi Xiao calls.. But it’s her mom on the line. She rushes to the hospital. Qi Xiao is quite pleased to be mom’s savior :D Mr Xu also turns up and says he checked with traffic police - the accident wasn’t mom’s fault. Mom pokes Ruoxin and asks why she brought a stranger there. She changes her tune when she finds that it’s Ruoxin’s boss. Mr Xu is all very helpful and when Ruoxin thanks him, he presses her arm and says don’t be so polite. Both mom and Qi Xiao see this and look suspicious. Mom outright says she doesn’t think their relationship is purely professional, even though Ruoxin insists it is. *sigh* Great. Even if Ruoxin has sincerely told Xu Mingjie that she doesn't like him, now her mom has met him and she's trying to set them up together. Poor Qi Xiao who was with her mom the entire way and helped get her to the ambulance was looked right past.

Delivery guy comes out of CT. He’s worried about the hospital bill. Doesn’t China have public (free) hospitals? Ruoxin says his company should take care of it as it was for work that he was riding. Actually, he drove illegally, so should it be the company’s responsibility? The doctor comes by just then with the scan and is surprised to see Ruoxin. She calls him dad. Qi Xiao is surprised. Ruoxin’s mom calls him “enemy”, Qi Xiao is even more surprised :D

Qi Xiao likes how kind Ruoxin’s dad is. Dad reassures them that the delivery guy seems ok. He wants to check mom’s hand, but she refuses. He laughs that her temper is the same after all these years. Qi Xiao is not really trying to avoid the family drama. Mr Xu comes over just then and mom for some unknown reason introduces him as Ruoxin’s friend and says Ruoxin is doing well and will be made Director soon. Then she makes a pointed remark that they are all fine and don’t need dad. Otherwise why would he leave them. Dad introduces himself to Mr Xu as mom’s ex-husband, which sends mom off on a mad tirade. How horribly embarrassing for Ruoxin, in front of her assistant and boss! Ruoxin and Mr Xu persuade mom to get her hand scanned, leaving Qi Xiao waiting.

Mom has a hairline fracture. Mr Xu says he can get a VIP ward for her at a private hospital for her to recuperate. Mom is all smiley at Mr Xu; she seems hopeful for him as a prospective husband for her daughter already. Bleh. Ruoxin says she can take care of her mom. Mr Xu says it’ll take energy, she’s a girl, can she do it? Huh?!??!!? Qi Xiao says he lives downstairs and can help, but Mr Xu and mom don’t seem impressed.

Mr Xu drives Ruoxin and mom back. Qi Xiao is left at the hospital and is bugged that he did a good deed and didn’t get a compliment. That’s not how good deeds work, kiddo! Ruoxin calls just then and he answers hopefully, but she says she’s emailed him a to-do list xD. He’s not pleased, but agrees and says it’ll take him a couple hours to get to the office as he needs to go back for his bike. She thanks him for his help and says she owes him. He’s all happy again.

Mr Xu offers mom a new phone he says he got as a gift. Mom looks at Ruoxin, who shakes her head. Mom refuses… but then takes it anyway! Wth mom! Mom further embarasses her daughter by not-so-subtly quizzing Mr Xu about his marital status. Mr Xu seems amused by the situation. Mom then goes off on another weird rant while her daughter probably feels like dying many times over of embarrassment.

When Ruoxin and mom get to her apartment, mom says she can tell Mr Xu fancies her daughter. But mom doesn’t seem to trust Mr Xu to be faithful. She says if they got together, the beginning will be passion, later will come family, in the middle will be extramarital affairs :D Ruoxin guesses that mom was using Mr Xu at the hospital to get back at dad. She doesn't really think he's suitable for her daughter. She is smarter than her daughter on that front because she knows that Xu Mingjie is using the cat-and-mouse approach to woo Ruoxin and doesn't really care what Ruoxin thinks.

[Ep15Ziyan is going for work when Zou Cheng unexpectedly comes home early. She lies that she is going to help Ruoxin take care of her mom. When asked to cover, Ruoxin advises her to tell the truth (but still agrees not to spill the beans). I'm like so over Ziyan's plotline honestly. She's found herself a job doing what she likes but she isn't telling her husband because she doesn't want to start any fights. She's also been gaslit into thinking that her own opinions don't matter because she didn't have a job or didn't "contribute" to the marriage. So now she's working in secret, lying to her husband about where she is, and this is only going to start a bigger fight that I'm already annoyed by.

Su Yang complains to Qi Xiao about his work. Everyone at the office seems lifeless. His first client project is confusing because the client has contradicting ideas (elegant and common, plain and conspicuous). Qi Xiao advises that the client himself doesn’t know what he wants, so just give him an option.

Ruoxin’s mom is one of those early birds, whose activity wakes up Ruoxin during the weekend when she finally has a chance to sleep in. Mom’s making pancakes, because that’s what she feels like eating, and refuses any offer of takeout. As she’s somehow managing with her good hand, Ruoxin takes over but is clearly not great in the kitchen. Qin Lan in this scene is so like a sulky little girl with her mom. So cute xD While cooking, she tries to get her mom to see her point of view, while mom does the same (in a reasonable tone of voice, thankfully). Neither succeeds. Ruoxin also reveals to mom about Ziyan’s marital problems (because mom thinks Ziyan has the perfect married life).

Mr Xu wants Ruoxin to come to the office, despite it being the weekend. Mom takes it as a sign that he wants her by his side, and warns Ruoxin against falling for him. For some reason, she seems to think this is a real possibility, or even established fact. She says Mr Xu wants a capable girl to serve him forever, and asks Ruoxin whether that would be fair on her. Ruoxin cuts the conversation short. She realizes that she needs someone to accompany mom to get her hand checked again, so she calls Qi Xiao. He and mom are both less than thrilled, but he cheerfully agrees while mom sulks. 

Qi Xiao manages to charm mom. She offers to introduce him to any suitable girl she may meet. He admits to already liking someone. They start talking about work and Qi Xiao tells mom that Mr Xu took Ruoxin to art galleries and cocktail parties and house-hunting. Sneaky! He and mom both agree that it was inappropriate. She tells him to WeChat her if Mr Xu makes any other inappropriate request.

When Qi Xiao gets back to his place, he finds Su Yang editing apparently the same image as early that morning. Su Yang shows him many many folders of drafts. After all that work, the client said the first draft was the best and wanted to edit that. Su Yang notices that Qi Xiao looks very pleased with himself. Qi Xiao is convinced that he has left Ruoxin’s mom with a very favorable impression of himself.

We find that he has. So much so that mom is determined to find him a girlfriend. But she reveals that he said he likes someone. This disconcerts Ruoxin. Because she likes him? Or because she has an idea that he might like her? Or just because she didn’t know he liked someone? She doesn’t seem to have romantic ideas about him at this point, so the last option seems the most likely. At any rate, she isn’t happy about introducing whomever her mom has chosen for him.

Ziyan lies to her husband yet again about work. Unfortunately, because this is a drama made of coincidences, her husband brings a client to linx, where she is chef. And because the wait-staff are busy, she serves the meal herself. Zou Cheng is stunned. Side note: Zou Cheng’s client is an idiot. “Women should stay at home”. When she gets back home, she finds her husband furious because she’s serving food at a bar (does “serve” mean the same as “prepare”? I thought assistant chef is considered quite a good position). They have an argument where he says she can pay half their house loan since she wants equality. She says she won’t live there anymore and walks out (in slippers). Ruoxin tells her to come over. Ziyan laments about her situation, while Ruoxin comforts her. They try to hide from her mom, but mom knows. 

Next morning, Zou Cheng comes to Ruoxin’s to collect Ziyan. Ruoxin’s mom slightly shames/guilts him about the promises he made during his wedding and advises him to get along with his wife. Ziyan leaves with him after he apologizes, but doesn’t look too happy. The most messed up thing is that in her husband's wedding vows, he vowed to let her be happy no matter what she was doing but now that her happiness doesn't align with his wants, he's trying to belittle and diminish her.

[Ep16When leaving Ruoxin’s, Ziyan is still upset at Zou Cheng. He’s brought boots for her to change into; she changes and leaves the slippers for him to pick up. She is quite spoiled

Sijia texts Su Yang on the pretext of asking for updates about his webtoon. He’s working overtime daily and hasn’t had time. He feels he is losing his inspiration. She makes some suggestions but it’s unclear how much he hears (or even if he is listening). 

At Zenpro, Mr Xu is chairing a meeting about the test-drive event. They have approved Ruoxin’s theme but haven’t decided how to implement it. He wants novel ideas. The others in the room suggest fairly conventional ideas. Ruoxin suggests a stargazing event after the main event, to show the audience the clear night skies they don’t normally experience in the city. But where to hold such an event? Mr Xu thinks he knows a place. He wants Ruoxin to accompany him after work. Qi Xiao is suspicious. 

After the meeting, Ruoxin asks Qi Xiao to join her and Mr Xu. He is only too happy to agree. She uses the excuse of insufficient prep time and the need for an extra hand to help with documentation to get Mr Xu to agree, though he probably can guess that she feels a little uneasy

They go to a mall where Mr Xu has arranged for VIP access. He makes a remark that the more money you spend, the better service you get, which Ruoxin doesn’t seem to like. There’s a telescope at the top, which delights her. Mr Xu makes a pointed remark that only VIP customers can use the telescope, as it’s expensive, and that is the sort of quality people like them will experience when they date. Ruoxin doesn’t think the venue fits the family-friendly theme, and wants the event to be accessible for ordinary people. She says this with a sweet smile. A nice rejection. I hope she doesn’t have to keep rejecting him. That is, I hope he doesn’t keep pursuing her. Mr Xu agrees that she can look for other venues.

They notice that Qi Xiao is missing. He’s taken a coffee to an elderly security guard at the mall. The guard is appreciative that a youngster is willing to even talk to him, as many don’t. Qi Xiao gets details of a secret stargazing spot from him. When he gets back, Ruoxin isn’t happy that he left without a word. He tells her he’ll take her to a place. 

They’re walking in near-darkness in some sort of grass-covered grounds. She trips (is she in heels? If so, she is so tiny compared to him!) and he holds her hand to help. They continue walking and she’s aware that he’s still holding her hand. The place he takes her to has great views of the night sky. Tbh, it seems to just be a spot in the middle of the grounds. She’s excited about the place and praises him. He says she owes him a lot of rewards already. That reminds her… her mom has invited him for dinner. 
Sijia gets into trouble at work for forgetting to send a document to Mr Ruan. She gets distracted again at work because of looking at Su Yang’s webtoon updates, which have incorporated her ideas. So he *was* listening.

Mr Xu is quite pleased with the venue, but isn’t happy that Qi Xiao found it, or to be fair, that he wasn’t informed the previous night so that he could have gone with them to check it out. Ruoxin makes several excuses for this. He seems amused?

Ruoxin’s mom invites Qi Xiao for dinner on a weekday; she tells Ruoxin it’s because that’s the day a girl she wants to introduce to him is free. Ruoxin knows and doesn’t like the girl, saying she’s vain and dramatic. She doesn’t want her mom playing matchmaker. When mom persists, she decides to let events play out for themselves. 

The day of the dinner. Ruoxin is given a guest list for the test-drive event that needs to be confirmed by the morning of the next day. Qi Xiao makes sure to emphasize that it isn’t needed that very day and wants to leave early. Ruoxin wants to finish some other work and tells him to go ahead. He thinks it’ll be awkward if she isn’t there. She assumes her mom already told him about inviting a girl for him to meet, and is mischievously anticipatory. He assumes her mom is helping him score points with Ruoxin and is happily anticipatory. On a phone call with Ruoxin’s mom, the confusion continues. Mom says she will try to get the two of them to confirm their relationship, meaning him and the girl she wants to introduce. He assumes himself and Ruoxin.

Qi Xiao turns up that evening with flowers, which Ruoxin’s mom promptly gives to Xiao'ai, her friend’s daughter. Xiao'ai is there with her mom and both seem taken with Qi Xiao. He is in shock and goes to the kitchen to avoid them and cook. He panic-calls his boss; she’s on her way home. Mom comes into the kitchen and asks why he’s hiding. She tells him to hide his family’s situation from Xiao'ai; Ruoxin’s mom assumes he is a penniless assistant (partly because he mentioned he is from a single-parent family).

Qi Xiao goes to speak with Xiao'ai and her mom. He sits inelegantly/impolitely and tells them about being from a single-parent family, his plans to open an online shop, etc. He tells the truth, but makes it seem as if he’s a wastrel. They get more and more concerned. He also says he wants his future wife to take care of his mother. That’s it for Xiao’ai; she walks out, followed by her mom, who tells Ruoxin’s mom “this kid is unreliable. He’s a poor sexist” xD. 

Ruoxin comes home to find her mom angry at Xiao’ai and her mom. Ruoxin’s mom vows to Qi Xiao that she will find him someone much better. He reminds her that he already likes someone. Ruoxin doesn’t look too pleased. Then again, at dinner, Ruoxin’s mom says something to him about “which girl is lucky enough to have you” and Ruoxin just smiles teasingly, so her feelings are not clear to us at this point.

Qi Xiao’s cooking reminds Ruoxin of her dad’s and this unsettles her.

[Ep17] Qi Xiao is called by Mr Xu to drive him somewhere, so he leaves after dinner. I thought that would be the new assistant’s responsibility now? He tells Mr Xu he ate at Ruoxin’s. Why do unnecessary things, Qi Xiao? Mr Xu thinks it’s good that Qi Xiao is Ruoxin’s neighbor, as he can take care of her for him. Qi Xiao says he chooses to take care of her, and would do it even if Mr Xu didn’t tell him to. Mr Xu has a small smile on his face. He says all women want a sense of security and asks if Qi Xiao can provide that. 

Back at his place, Qi Xiao encourages Su Yang to give Sijia a straight answer, and gives him a pep talk on not looking down on himself because he’s poor. Later he’s shown looking at a photo of his family, including his dad. At the same time, Ruoxin is thinking about her dad and when he would make her sweet and sour pork ribs in secret at night, unbeknownst to her mom. She reheats leftovers from dinner, remembering good times with her dad.

There is a mini-crisis at Zenpro. A car critic has pulled out at the last minute. Mr Xu is not happy with the Branding Dept. Qi Xiao has some alternative, but Ruoxin stops him from speaking up because if it doesn’t work out, he’ll be blamed and he is not at a stage where he can afford to be blamed. 

Ziyan and Zou Cheng have yet another argument. He doesn’t seem to understand that she likes working at the bar; he thinks she’s doing it to embarrass him for what he said earlier about her staying home doing nothing. She says she really enjoys the work but is very immature about how she says it. What adult stamps their foot?! They’re interrupted by the arrival of her parents. He’s called them over to convince her to give up her job and have kids. Her parents are mostly concerned about her safety; they ask her to get a 9-5 job. Zou Cheng tells her to stop throwing tantrums and asks her to not go out (to the bar) that day. Seriously?! Ziyan does behave like a child, but I feel her parents and husband are partly at fault for babying her so much. Then again, this is also the woman who went on a solo world trip for years. At the bar, Ziyan tells Ting (the young musician who got her the job) about her woes. She partly agrees with her parents. He shows her the rave reviews her food is getting. She’s still not sure. I really hope she doesn't give the job up. If she gives up something she found herself that truly makes her happy for some misconstrued happiness that everyone else thinks is better for her, I'm going to be so upset.

Qi Xiao meets the car critic/KOL (key opinion leader) he heard about at Zhu Lin’s. The critic seems more interested in Zhu Lin’s store. He wonders why such a small fry as Qi Xiao is dealing with someone like him, the head of his firm. When Ruoxin meets Qi Xiao at Zhu Lin’s later, he says the critic wants Mr Xu to visit him. Ruoxin isn’t impressed with how big-headed the critic seems. She meets him at his office with Qi Xiao and tries to negotiate terms, but the guy won’t budge. His points may be valid, but he comes across as a big-headed jerk.

Qi Xiao is dejected because his lead panned out to nothing. Ruoxin points out that now they know this guy is so difficult, they will know not to deal with him in future, so even a failed deal is a good thing. She also thinks that because the event is about clean energy, perhaps they can invite KOLs from fields other than pure technology. They hang out with Ziyan to cheer her up before going back to work. Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are getting to be more playful and a bit more physical (in terms of her smacking him and shoving him and threatening to squash him, at any rate).

The test-drive event is a day away and they have no KOL booked. Ruoxin pitches her idea for non-automotive KOLs. She and Qi Xiao have narrowed down possibilities to two: “Green Frog” a health enthusiast, and Professor Teng, an eco-technologist. They’re both available and have expressed interest in the event. Mr Xu agrees and puts Ruoxin in charge of the event. 

The day of the event, the team - including Sijia, who has volunteered to help - are traveling to the venue by bus. Qi Xiao insists on riding his motorbike instead, and Ruoxin for reasons unknown fastens his helmet for him. Why, when he has been riding on his own for so long? He gets to the venue and helps set up by the time the bus gets there. He has notified the landowner by phone but Ruoxin tells him it needs to be done in person. Sijia says she'll take care of unloading. Ruoxin goes with him on his motorbike and he puts on her helmet for her. Why?

[Ep18Sijia forgot to unload the baby seats from the bus (or actually, she wasn’t aware they were there), and without them, none of the attendees can try the cars (since they all brought their kids along). Ruoxin tells her to use the toys they brought to distract the kids while Qi Xiao finds a store that sells baby seats nearby. Mr Xu is observing the debacle.

Sijia manages to entertain the kids but the parents are restive. Qi Xiao heads off to find a warehouse that deals with car seats (as there are no stores nearby) and promises Ruoxin he won’t let the test-drive event get messed up. Mr Xu apologizes to the parents. Somehow, they’re willing to oblige him. 

Time goes by and no Qi Xiao. Ruoxin is despairing until at last several bikes/trishaws(?) drive in. She looks like she’s going to cry with relief. The car seats are installed and the event is ready to go. Ruoxin finds Mr Xu and apologizes to him, and asks if they can offer the customers a one-time discount, where she will pay for the losses out of her bonus. How much of a bonus does she get??! Mr Xu just gives her an unimpressed look and walks away. But he promises the customers even more compensation than she suggested and additional benefits. All are happy.

The stargazing event is just Ruoxin telling the kids closest to her about constellations. But everyone seems to be having a good time. Mr Xu tells Ruoxin orders are up 60% and that she kept a cool head during the crisis. She credits Qi Xiao, who pops up just then and takes her away under the pretext of asking about constellations. He asks how she knew he would make it on time. She knows he won’t disappoint her. 

I guess the one major good thing that this drama has going for it is that they do a great job at bridging Ruoxin and Qi Xiao together. The subtle closeness and the reliance they have on each other was done really well and is believable.

Su Yang has asked Sijia out. This is the first time he has made a move, so she’s excited. Even more so because he said he has a surprise for her. Unfortunately, at the same time, Su Yang is getting reamed out by his boss for not getting things right for a client. His colleague (the bags-under-eyes guy) sympathizes and shows him his own work: “first draft”, “second draft”, “final version”, “last final”, “final final”, “finalized final” xD All clients are the same. Never clear about requirements, and never satisfied with the outcome. Boss comes up with the client just then, and the client sees Su Yang’s drawings for his webtoon (a cute cat character). The client wants to use them for his business and is willing to pay, but Su Yang disagrees. He should have handled this more maturely. Instead, he says he would rather have the client disapprove of him, and snatches the drawings out of the client's hand. The client leaves in a huff. Boss docks Su Yang’s pay for the month. That seems arbitrary. Can managers actually do that? 

Sijia messages that she will meet him at the cinema but he goes to his apartment instead and ignores her calls, and just stares at the punishment notice he’s received. He should at least let her know! She comes to the apartment after waiting at the cinema for an hour, but he only answers after she knocks on the door for a long time. He refuses to explain to her. She’s got him a graphics tablet as a gift. He wants her to return it as it’s expensive. She says he promised to make a webtoon character based on her (ah, the cute cat!) and that the tablet is not expensive compared to that. He refuses it. She wants his gift. But he just says he’s a useless person and not to be nice to him. She tearfully asks why he’s so hot-and-cold with her. He says not to come to see him again. She leaves angrily; he begins to cry.

Sijia is also crying outside the apartment building and Qi Xiao sees her, but she runs away without explaining. He gets to his apartment to find Su Yang drinking and feeling sorry for himself. Su Yang is losing his love for drawing because of the job, and doesn’t see why he needs to remain in Shanghai. Qi Xiao tries to give him a pep talk, but Su Yang isn’t convinced.

Zou Cheng goes away on yet another business trip and, before he leaves, gives Ziyan an irritating spiel about lifestyle changes and always moving forward as reasons for why she shouldn’t go back to her job. She goes anyway, and takes the bus (which he said she wouldn’t do, now that she’s used to a car), just to show that she can change her lifestyle if needed.

[Ep19The drummer of Ting’s band quits. Things have been quite difficult for the band, so Ting is understanding of the decision to drop out. Ziyan asks Ting whether one day he’ll give up too. He won’t; music is his life, and he doesn’t want to have any regrets. Ziyan looks thoughtful. When the bar is closed, she goes up on stage and plays the drums by herself. 

Zenpro HQ is very pleased with how the test-drive event went, and want Mr Xu back to develop other regions. He agrees, and says he wants someone else (Ruoxin) assigned to HQ too. Later he tells Ruoxin the move would bring about a promotion, raise, residence, etc. She’s tempted but wants some time to think. 

Ruoxin asks Qi Xiao about his future career plans, and whether he’s willing to continue being her assistant. He says he’s willing to continue for life and to follow her wherever… if she gives him a raise xD. Is he willing to follow her to Shezhen HQ? No, he’s worried his mom won’t be able to take care of herself. So all of that “follow her everywhere” was just talk, huh? Ruoxin says she’ll try and take care of him from HQ then. She seems to have decided to take the offer, but neither looks very happy about it. Ruoxin looks like she’s about to cry. I don't think she'll end up going without Qi Xiao, she's come to rely on just his presence so to go to a new place alone will probably derail her. But if she does leave, it will just be one more person leaving Qi Xiao considering his fear of abandonment. I wonder if she'll take that into account and that will be what causes her to stay?

Qi Xiao mopes to Su Yang about the situation. He decides he wants to let Ruoxin know how he feels. Su Yang is pessimistic. Either Ruoxin will reject him and they won’t even be friends after that, or she’ll like him back but they’ll be in different cities. Qi Xiao is willing to take the risk in the first case, and is overly optimistic about the second scenario. He thinks they can make it work long-distance. Su Yang thinks how different Qi Xiao’s approach is to his own (as he pushed Sijia away as soon as he thought he might have to leave Shanghai).

Ziyan pays Zou Cheng rent money, and tells him that although she can’t afford half the rent, he can consider her cooking and cleaning as paid work; from now on, she’ll sleep in the guest room. He wants to know if they’re separating just because he wouldn't let her wait tables. She reveals she never gave up her job at the bar. She just wants some time to think things through. He thinks she’ll regret her choice. She feels he doesn’t really notice her these days. She’s just someone who does household chores. Then the title of “Zou Cheng’s wife” doesn’t need to be her; it could be any woman. He counters that he works all the time, but she isn’t feeling sorry or grateful. She admits to faults of her own, and says they should think whether they really want to continue. 

Ruoxin tells her mom about the potential move to Shenzhen. Mom isn’t happy, partly because she thinks it’s a sign Mr Xu still likes her daughter. She doesn’t create a huge fuss about it, like she would have in the first eps. Mom has calmed down a lot. Ruoxin points out that saying that denies her own competence. This! She has worked hard for every promotion and every raise. Since it’s such a good opportunity, mom says she should go, but be careful (of Mr Xu). Ruoxin is worried about mom, but mom says she can go back to teaching. Both seem to be holding back tears. Ruoxin confirms the move with Mr Xu.

Qi Xiao is planning on how to confess. He’s listed everything Ruoxin likes and dislikes, and seems to have come up with an idea.

Next day(?) at Zenpro, Mr Xu vets some of the residences the Admin Dept has come up with for Ruoxin before they can be shown to her. I’m not sure why, but I don’t like that he does that. He looks at her through the glass wall of his office and smiles. It’s an affectionate smile, I guess, but I just don’t like him. I still hate the way he treated her in the first encounters. And even now, his attitude isn’t all that improved

Ruoxin is making a huge effort to remain cheerful in Qi Xiao’s presence, but it’s clear she’s unhappy about leaving him (though not necessarily with any romantic idea).

Zou Cheng comes home to find that Ziyan has gone for work and left him his dinner. When heating the food, he notices that the kitchen calendar has squares and triangles marked for most days. He realizes that the squares are when he was away on business trips and triangles are when he worked overtime. He recalls times he called/texted her saying he won’t be home until late, when she spent the whole evening cooking (or even on her birthday). He also remembers that they made a promise before they married that they would travel the world, and after marrying he had asked her to travel on his behalf as he couldn’t due to work. And yet, when they argued, he made it seem like she just went off on her own adventures. In reality, she had refused to go without him until he persuaded her. Also, on her return, she had been looking forward to seeing him, but he didn’t even give her much of a welcome because he was watching a game?!? If it had been work, I would have believed it more. I can’t believe he would ignore his wife, who was away for ages, just because of a game. 

Qi Xiao runs into Ruoxin’s mom, who’s been shopping for her daughter. He can tell that mom can’t bear to part with Ruoxin. They see Mr Xu dropping Ruoxin off. When she’s left, mom asks Qi Xiao to carry her shopping up while she speaks with Mr Xu. She asks that he take care of Ruoxin, but warns that if Ruoxin is being fooled, she (mom) will fight the person to death xD. She doesn’t say this in the crazy way she spoke in the first few eps, but in a calm, smiling way (but with the underlying threat).

[Ep20Qi Xiao brings up mom’s shopping. Ruoxin is a little concerned that her mom is having a talk with Mr Xu. I’d be worried too :D. Qi Xiao looks around at the half-packed apartment, starts saying something, but then just says he won’t bother her. He turns around again and Ruoxin immediately says “yes?” which would suggest she was hopeful about something? I really can’t tell. He wants her to let him know if she encounters problems in Shenzhen, even if he can’t help. He and Sijia also want to treat her to dinner, as thanks for helping them out. As he’s leaving, she calls out to him and says “you have…” then pauses and ends “... to take care of yourself”. She sounds like she might cry any minute.

Qi Xiao has got Su Yang to design his confession and also got someone to hack into Ruoxin’s account, to post the confession on her page! Dude, illegal!!! Also, embarrassing for her?

Ruoxin goes to the hospital where her father works, to say goodbye to him. He reveals that it was Ruoxin’s mom who suggested divorce and that mom had been offered a Director post but had to refuse it after the divorce in order to look after Ruoxin. Dad was able to pursue his goals, but mom wasn’t. Ruoxin is moved that her mom sacrificed so much for her.

When she gets back home, she finds that mom is packing her things for her. This time, she really does cry, but gets it sort of under control when she gets near her mom. Mom is busy advising her about cooking and tonics and blah, when Ruoxin notices that mom has packed up her own stuff as well. She will go back to her own house. Ruoxin doesn’t like that idea, as mom’s place is too old and has no elevator. She hugs her moms and cries silently and then says she doesn't want to leave. Mom is very loudly ecstatic. Ruoxin is really like a child in this scene, speaking slightly petulantly through tears. Good acting! They begin unpacking.

Qi Xiao is pacing in his apartment, wondering whether Ruoxin has seen his post on her page. Su Yang says she would have come down to speak with him if she had. The doorbell rings and Qi Xiao opens it nervously to find… Ruoxin’s mom xD. She’s brought over some of the excess food and says Ruoxin isn’t leaving. Qi Xiao is thrilled and almost as loud as mom was. It’s only when Su Yang congratulates him that he realizes his confession is still up there for Ruoxin to see. He’d been willing to gamble everything because she was leaving, but now he wants to undo it. He calls his hacker friend again and tells him to remove the post. The friend says it’ll take two hours. Why? Surely he should have figured out the process the first time around? 

Since Ruoxin hasn’t come down to speak with him, Qi Xiao guesses she hasn’t seen the post. He wants to distract her for two hours. He pretends to have a stomach ache in the most unconvincing theatrical way possible and Ruoxin comes over to see whether he needs to be taken to hospital. He immediately says the ache was due to hunger, and insists on going to eat hotpot. She says she’ll treat, but he won’t let her use her phone (since she might see his post), so he says Sijia will make the booking. To prevent Ruoxin from calling Sijia, he makes Su Yang contact her instead (Su Yang and Sijia are not speaking now).

At dinner, Ruoxin notices that Sijia and Su Yang aren’t speaking and asks whether they’re ok. It becomes evident they’re not, so she doesn’t push further. During and after dinner, Qi Xiao and Sijia prevent Ruoxin from looking at her phone in such an obvious manner, and bluff their way through it. Su Yang is less interested in helping out, since Sijia is openly (but politely) avoiding him. They all go to linx, supposedly to visit Ziyan, but really to buy more time. Su Yang advises Sijia to drink less, and is met with a very cold “none of your business”. Dude, the way to make peace is not by giving unsolicited advice. Also, why does Sijia stand at the bar with Su Yang when they’re mad at each other? Maybe she wants to give Qi Xiao and Ruoxin some space? (but why?) 

Ting (the musician) comes by. Ruoxin asks about the drummer situation and suggests Ziyan. They all insist on Ziyan giving them a demo. Qi Xiao finds that his post has been taken down, and becomes loudly enthusiastic about the performance. Ruoxin must think her assistant has gone mad. 

Next day, Ruoxin gifts Mr Xu a handmade top and he guesses that she has decided not to go, and tells her that giving into nostalgia will keep her locked in her comfort zone. She says when he made the offer, she was happy to have a reason to leave her mom, but she’s now changed her mind. She wants to be there for her. He tells her his intentions are clear. She keeps everything professional and apologizes for breaking her promise. He hopes that outside of work, they can be friends. 

Mr Xu has a small farewell dinner with some of the execs, including Mr Liu and Mr Ruan (I’d almost forgotten about them!) Mr Ruan deliberately talks about Ruoxin’s past at Admin (to make her look bad). Mr Xu credits her with the success of the New Energy dept, and tells her to contact him directly if she encounters any problems at work. Ha! It was an indirect way of saying to let him know if Mr Liu or Mr Ruan create any unpleasantness. He shows them the top she gave him (he says it was from a friend) and makes some analogy about life. Qi Xiao knows Ruoxin bought the top from Zhu Lin’s (so she was the “friend”) and he isn’t too happy.

[Ep21] Mr Xu leaves. Ruoxin offers Qi Xiao a lift; she’s called for a driver for her car. He says no need, he’s also called for a driver. “For a motorcycle?” xD She asks why he seems so down. He manages to evade the question and asks whether she didn’t want to leave him… them? She says of course, where else would she find such a good assistant. He wants to be sure Mr Xu won’t come back again. She reminds him that they are where they are thanks to Mr Xu; from now, they must face difficulties alone. She sounds quite worried. He says he will be there with her. He also asks outright whether she wasn’t interested in Mr Xu and why she rejected him. She says if he understands the movie “Love after love”, based on Eileen Chang’s book, he will understand her reason. When he gets back home, he tries reading the book, but doesn’t get it. I don’t know how much of it he read though.

At Zenpro, Sijia comes by with a contract for an ad agency. Mr Liu wants to use the same one for new energy and conventional vehicles. Sijia thinks he is making things easier for them. Qi Xiao is suspicious, but Mr Xu has okayed it. Qi Xiao also tries to patch things up between Sijia and Su Yang by telling her Su Yang likes her and asking her to give him another chance. She points out that if it’s Qi Xiao telling her Su Yang likes her, how can she give Su Yang a chance? I’m with her.

Ruoxin’s mom goes to some odd matchmaking event, where it’s all the parents of singles doing the matchmaking. It’s horribly outmoded, with parents refusing girls who have master’s degrees “because the guy will have to have a doctorate”. Why? Why can’t the girl be the better educated one? Mom asks why higher education doesn’t give girls a better chance rather than worse. She’s approached by a customer service agent, but says she won’t let her daughter stand on a platform to be picked apart. She thinks there are far too few outstanding boys to match with the outstanding girls. The agent is irritatingly persistent and says they have a high-end blind dating event, where all the members are verified. She hits all the right notes with Ruoxin’s mom, and gets her to pay the annual fee of 5000 yuan. 

Ruoxin is unimpressed that her mom spent so much money on something Ruoxin considers a scam. But mom wants her to go to a blind date event the next day and “wear something pretty”. She manages to persuade her daughter by sweet talking her. She also picks out the dress for her.

The dress is a pastel pink with frills that Ruoxin apparently wore ten years before when she was a bridesmaid. Ruoxin tries to sneak out of her apartment in her usual business attire, but mom catches her and makes her change. Mom wants her to look young and girlish, and makes up hobbies to tell her dates (baking and taking mom on trips). Mom, I thought you said your daughter was outstanding. Why are you changing her???

Qi Xiao gets on the same elevator as Ruoxin and does a spit-take when he sees her dress xD He sees the blind date invite, but is amused instead of jealous. At work, he keeps looking over at her. It’s clear she’s distracted by instructions from the customer service agent, who essentially says she should try to come across as low-achieving. Ruoxin leaves work early and Qi Xiao runs after her. He pretends he wants a ride. She suddenly asks him to accompany her. The fee for male members is very low (which she’s angry about), and she will have someone she knows there. She also tells him not to hope to find a girl there as the day is about her.

At the event, Ruoxin meets several men. The advice she got from the customer service agent was that she should “reduce Partner Uncertainty and increase Mate Value”, by showing she will be a good wife and mother (by liking baking, painting, and studying child psychology). Words fail me. But Ruoxin tells them about her love for work, that she studied taekwondo, doesn’t cook, etc.

Meanwhile, Qi Xiao has got the attention of a bunch of younger attendees, but he’s only interested in Ruoxin. She’s approached by a man who she tries to avoid. Qi Xiao notices this and asks to chat with her. The other man says Qi Xiao must have misunderstood the lady (while “the lady” and Qi Xiao exchange smiles) and that the young girls he was with are more his type. One of the younger women comes over and asks if this [Ruoxin] is his type and that old women wear pink to try and look younger. Qi Xiao almost laughs at Ruoxin’s horrified/pleading look, says he does like older women, and then pulls her by the hand and runs away. She’s laughing as they run.

Ruoxin confesses that she thought this blind date event might actually be reliable, but that she was disappointed by the customer service agent’s advice. He tells her she’s amazing as she is. She’s smiling/laughing at him. He stares at her for a little and then says he was serious earlier. She looks uncertain, asks what he means, then leaves without waiting for an answer. 

Ruoxin’s mom is initially annoyed that her daughter didn’t find anyone suitable. But Ruoxin has found evidence that the company is scamming its members, so mom can’t make any argument.

In bed that night, Qi Xiao can’t sleep because he’s wondering whether Ruoxin truly didn’t understand what he said or whether she tactfully rejected him. At the same time, she can’t sleep because of what he said. She smiles and whispers “does he like me?” and the next second wonders “what’s wrong with kids nowadays?” But she seems happy.

They meet in the elevator at work the next day and things are about as awkward as you might expect, until talk turns to work. Sales performances are much worse than expected. Ruoxin becomes concerned. She wants to talk to the ad agency. Once that’s agreed, things go back to being awkward :D

It turns out that Mr Liu has told the ad agency to use more space for conventional vehicles. I knew that a shared contract couldn’t be good. When confronted about this, he says ads for that quarter have already been placed and if she wants to make a change, they will incur fees. If Mr Xu is willing to agree to the penalty, Mr Liu has no problem. He is such a cockroach

[Ep22Ruoxin reports the problem with ads to Mr Xu. He knows Mr Liu and Mr Ruan must be feeling threatened since new energy is in direct competition with conventional. There is no budget to handle ad agency penalties, so Ruoxin has to come up with a different promotional strategy. Meanwhile, Qi Xiao has some evidence that it’s not (just) the ads that are the problem. There may be a problem with the sales process. 

To test this theory, they send Su Yang “undercover” as a potential customer and find that sales staff are promoting conventional cars over new energy because they claim the performance of new energy cars have room for improvement and charging isn’t as easy as refilling petrol. The salesman is in fact very unwilling for Su Yang to consider a new energy vehicle and actively dissuades him, even offering to get him an out-of-state license plate. Qi Xiao wants to report their findings to Mr Xu but Ruoxin doesn’t want to run to him with every problem.

Ruoxin plays Mr Liu a recording of Su Yang’s conversation with the sales staff, but he doesn’t seem to care. He says sales staff have to be honest about products. She points out that stealing foreign license plates is illegal. Mr Liu says the salesperson admitted to acting on his own and will be punished. I guess he’s been bought off

Ruoxin calls a meeting with the new energy team about the poor sales. Apparently Zenpro is seen as too exclusive. She wants to break out of that image. Qi Xiao suggests targeting university lecturers and having a presence at school events. Someone else suggests a presence in malls. They decide to try malls first and then colleges/schools.

Apparently Zou Cheng’s business is connected with a mall, so he and Ruoxin are able to work out a mutually beneficial deal. For promotional activity, Ruoxin is thinking of asking Ziyan to perform with the band. Zou Cheng wasn’t even aware that his wife was in a band. Ruoxin wants the couple to talk things over, and the event at the mall may allow for the opportunity. Zou Cheng agrees. Also, after some persuasion, Ziyan agrees to perform at her husband’s mall. 

Meanwhile, Su Yang is trying to patch things up with Sijia. He texts that he has updated the webtoon. Dude, start with “I’m sorry”. He wants to meet but she doesn’t respond to his texts.

Qi Xiao’s mom makes a surprise visit. She quickly finds out he likes someone, though she doesn't know who. She is very confident in her son’s ability to get a girl. Later, when she’s out walking by herself, she’s accosted by a tour salesperson and is easily convinced to sign up for a tour. Ruoxin’s mom walks by at the same time (I did say this was a drama of coincidences) and agrees to go only because there’s a Tree of Marriage on the itinerary. 

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are on a mission to visit all Zenpro’s car dealerships (in their region) and buddy up with the sales managers to ensure they promote new energy vehicles. But they notice in the very first dealership that there aren't any new energy vehicles on display. Apparently Mr Liu issued a directive the day before to display vehicles according to past sales in the most influential stores, which meant that new energy cars were relocated to remote dealerships.  

Back at Zenpro, Ruoxin tries to get Mr Liu to move the vehicles back, but he’s just mocking and smug. He’s also clearly resentful of the preferential treatment New Energy is getting (because of the company’s strategy). She’s angry to the point of tears, so she leaves without saying much. He asks why she’s so moody and advises her not to bring a woman’s emotional impulses to work. He also says Mr Xu’s preferential treatment resulted in a lot of gossip, but that tears won’t work on him (Mr Liu). I pettily hope this dude fails in a big wayI hope this drama explains why he hates her so much otherwise, this is just stupid.

Ruoxin gets into the elevator. Qi Xiao is the only other person in it. As soon as the doors close, she begins ranting. He’s quite scared :D. This is the first time we see her in a rage. Very justifiable rage.

The new energy team works hard to plan their promotional activities on a very tight budget. At the mall, Zou Cheng tries to make peace with his wife. She mostly ignores him (but probably wants to make peace as well). The two as well as our main duo have lunch together. The married couple get along a bit better. Qi Xiao, remembering Ruoxin’s temper, removes chillies from Ruoxin’s meals :D He’s slightly cheeky with her and she shuts him up by stuffing food into his mouth (which is not really what a boss would do with an assistant…). Ziyan notices this and is intrigued? Later, she praises Qi Xiao to Ruoxin, who wonders why he’s always sweet talking. She thinks it’s a Gen Z thing. Ziyan thinks it’s a Ruoxin thing and wonders if he’s interested in her. Ruoxin protests. Lady. Protest. Etc.

At home, Zou Cheng tells Ziyan he doesn’t want them to split up. It doesn’t matter if they want different things out of life. They just have to be willing to wait for each other. Not sure if I see his point, but they reconcile.

Back at his place, Qi Xiao fights sleep to work on the next day’s event, but texts Ruoxin to sleep early. She thinks back to him being attentive towards her that day, smiles and goes to bed.

[Ep23] Promotional event at the mall. Things seem to be going well. Zou Cheng hears praise for his wife’s drumming skills from different people. After the event, Ziyan is offered a job teaching kids to play drums, but she doesn’t want to deal with children. 

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are storing leftover event materials in storage. He’s optimistic about the event; she’s disappointed that fewer people left their details with Zenpro than expected. When Ruoxin tries to put a heavy box on top of a tall shelf, the box slips. Qi Xiao stops its fall, with her between him and the shelf. She rushes out to get some air. 

They get cost proposals for the college/school events and even those are not as cheap as expected. Ruoxin is very worried. That night, Qi Xiao finds cheaper alternatives to the promotional stuff they were planning on handing out. They have no choice. He’s still optimistic. She’s still realistic. He manages to cheer her up a little though.

The two moms are on their tour. They get to chatting and find out the amazing coincidence that their kids live in the same neighborhood and practice law. Ruoxin’s mom is very interested when she hears about her new friend’s single son, and they plan to get their kids to meet. Way ahead of you there moms. But she drops her as soon as she finds out the son is 12 years younger than her daughter. They have to share a room together though and become amicable again (Qi Xiao’s mom is very forgiving).

Next day, Ruoxin seems a little drained of energy and mentions feeling uncomfortable. Qi Xiao is driving, but suddenly grabs her hand. She’s startled, but he’s only taking her pulse. He says it’s beating a little fast. Well… She doesn’t know what to do, but doesn't pull away. He suddenly notices he’s still holding her hand and lets go. She sort of smiles to herself. 

At work, the elevator is packed and Ruoxin, being a smallish human, is in danger of being uncomfortably squished. Qi Xiao, being a larger human, forms a one-person barrier for her. He notices that she seems more tense than usual at meetings, so he enlists the help of Sijia and then Su Yang, to Sijia’s discomfort. But Su Yang has experience with school events, so he could be helpful. 

Qi Xiao finds Ruoxin asleep at her desk. On the drive back home that evening, she admits to not being able to sleep, as she feels anxious and excited. He tells her to think of him and then teases whether she will get too excited o.O She smacks him. He has a surprise for her. He’s arranged for a private viewing at the planetarium. However young Qi Xiao is, he's really good at paying attention to Ruoxin and knowing her likes and dislikes. He even has a spreadsheet. She happily (but sleepily) watches the display and talks about space, and quite suddenly falls asleep. He lets her sleep and meets Su Yang outside. The way he got the private viewing was by agreeing to paint a wall design. The two work through the night.

Ruoxin wakes up to find herself alone at the planetarium, covered by Qi Xiao’s jacket. It's almost 6am. She goes outside to find Su Yang packing up and Qi Xiao fast asleep. Su Yang leaves now that she’s there. She looks down at her assistant affectionately and reaches out to brush his hair away from his face. But he’s already awake and startles her. 

She tells him she slept well but is worried he won't be able to handle missing out on almost a whole night’s sleep. He says he’s young; she smacks him and he grabs her hand. She’s startled, but he just says her pulse is better. He leans in and asks what she thought he was going to do. She looks at him wordlessly… until he dabs paint on her face. After that, he has to run for his life. She’s at a disadvantage though, in crazy heels. She suddenly clutches her stomach, but when he comes over to check on her, she gets her revenge by dabbing paint on him. 

Meanwhile, the moms are bonding on their tour (in part because of an argument with the tour guide). They exchange life stories. Ruoxin’s mom gave up on her first love because her parents forbade it. She says she made the right choice, but looks regretful. Qi Xiao’s mom followed her first love to Shanghai. She says she made the right choice, and doesn’t regret it. She says everyone should decide what makes them happy. Ruoxin’s mom looks thoughtful.

[Ep24Ruoxin is hurrying towards the campus event while on the phone, and bumps into a lady (Ms Fang) carrying a model. She apologizes for breaking the model of Tianwen-1. The lady is surprised Ruxoin’s heard of it. Cue astronomy facts from our astronomy geek. She also pitches new energy to the lady, who turns out to be the Astronomy Club’s teacher. Ruoxin is excited and asks her to give a talk; the lady looks a bit reluctant but agrees. Everyone is amazed that Ruoxin managed to get Ms Fang to attend and speak at such an event, and this gives their event credibility. Ruoxin says she’ll treat Qi Xiao to a meal to celebrate.

When walking back from dinner, Ruoxin suddenly gets a severe pain in her stomach. She thinks it must be stomach flu. Qi Xiao rushes off and buys meds for her, but she’s still not ok. That night in bed, she’s twisting and turning in pain. Her acting was so realistic here. Qi Xiao texts to ask if she’s ok and as she reaches for her phone, she falls onto the floor. He hears this (his apartment is on the floor below hers) and rushes over in a panic. She manages to answer her phone and tells him her door code. He sees her doubled over in pain and carries her to a cab and to the hospital. 

Ruoxin has acute appendicitis and needs surgery. The hospital needs her family’s consent for the surgery. Qi Xiao says he’ll sign as he’s her boyfriend. Maybe they don’t believe him, because the doctor asks the nurse to get Ruoxin’s authorization (for Qi Xiao to sign). She agrees. Tbh, in a non-drama setting, I wouldn’t consider this significant… a patient in terrible pain probably wouldn’t care who signed. 

The next morning, Qi Xiao brings over some bland-looking food and tries to feed her o.O (that seems so weird somehow). Ruoxin says she can do it but she’s still experiencing some post-surgery pain, so she has to let him do it. I felt weird and awkward on her behalf. The nurse comes in and praises her “boyfriend” highly. Ruoxin is about to tell the nurse the truth when Qi Xiao stops her and whispers that since she agreed the night before, she has to maintain the ruse; else he’ll face legal liabilities. She knows perfectly well that this isn’t true, but doesn’t say anything more. He makes use of the opportunity and discusses his “girlfriend’s” irregular lifestyle with the nurse. 

Despite being in a hospital, Ruoxin gives Qi Xiao instructions about work. He will only leave if she calls Ziyan and gets her to come. Ruoxin doesn’t think it’s needed, but Qi Xiao scolds her for not taking care of herself and gives her the phone to call. She’s taken aback. I think she gives him a baleful look for scolding her :D

When Qi Xiao gets to the campus, he finds that all their stalls are empty of potential customers. Apparently both sales staff took leave at the last minute. When he reports back to Ruoxin, she suspects Mr Liu. She calls Mr Xu and asks whether they can offer a higher incentive for sales staff, just for the campus event. He agrees.

Ziyan comes to the hospital to visit Ruoxin and teases her about Qi Xiao (who keeps texting). Ruoxin pouts that he nags and that he scolded her. She looks cute in this scene xD. She also tries to pretend that his concern is purely because she’s his boss and he needs her, but Ziyan isn’t having any of that.

Ruoxin gives Qi Xiao instructions on how to handle the sales issue. He first visits Mr Liu, pretends to be very polite and servile, and after a lot of work gets him to agree to lend some of his sales reps (if they want to go). Qi Xiao pretends that he has already spoken to Sales and that they are reluctant, and asks Mr Liu to ask them to attend, but that is met with a refusal. When he does approach Mr Liu’s sales staff, they do as expected and refuse. They seem shiftless. Maybe they’ve joined Mr Liu in his organized attacks against Ruoxin. But as soon as the higher incentive is mentioned, they are all clamoring to go. They are such a hypocritical bunch. 

Mr Ruan is making things difficult in his turn by delaying the supplementary agreement to the ad agency contract (regarding the budget allocation for new energy ads). Qi Xiao again pretends to be very polite and gets Mr Ruan on his side by saying the two of them are caught between two powerful people at Zenpro (Mr Liu and Mr Xu). He hints that Mr Xu will be around for longer (as he’s younger), and therefore needs to be appeased. Mr Ruan sees the wisdom in this and agrees to draft the agreement straightaway. 

Sijia goes to Ruoxin’s apartment to pick up some clothes for her and runs into Su Yang in the elevator. He explains why he was so harsh the other day, shows her the adorable cat character he created for her, apologizes, and tells her he’s always liked her. They reconcile.

At the hospital, Ruoxin complains about having to eat porridge three times a day. I sympathize. Qi Xiao has brought pork floss(?) to add some flavor. This time, she eats on her own, while he stares at her. She asks why and then laughingly turns away from him to eat. He pulls her back to face him (to brush food off her mouth). They hold each other’s gaze.

[Ep25Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are staring at each other when Sijia comes in with Ruoxin’s clothes. Ruoxin keeps glancing over at her assistant and finally tells him he can go home, Sijia will stay with her. He refuses saying Sijia is a girl and what will she do if something happens. I’m sorry, what?!? He stares at Sijia until she gets the hint and refuses to stay with Ruoxin. Sijia also mentions that she has a movie date that night. Qi Xiao immediately panics and asks about Su Yang. Sijia says he’s going too, and Qi Xiao thinks three people are going on the date. Ruoxin is a lot quicker on the uptake and tells Sijia to go. 

The moms’ tour is coming to an end, but they were not taken to the promised Temple of Marriage (actually, wasn’t it Tree of Marriage?) The guide fobs them off and tells them it’s a little distance away, so they walk. There’s no temple, just a tree covered in ribbons. A lady sitting under it claims the tree was planted by Confucius 3000 years ago and that people come from all over to tie ribbons on it… ribbons that she sells. Ruoxin’s mom is too sharp for her, finds flaws in everything she says, and then talks her down from 150 yuan to 5 yuan for the ribbon xD. Even then, she isn’t buying it because she believes in the tree’s powers, but just as a “local custom” and to be able to tell her daughter she sought blessings for her.

Ruoxin's mom and Qi Xiao's mom together is actually kind of cute. Qi Xiao's mom brings a more optimistic light to Ruoxin's mom and Ruoxin's mom makes sure Qi Xiao's mom doesn't get scammed. They went seeking marriage blessings for their children but little do they know, they might actually become in-laws. 

In the hospital, Qi Xiao is still taking care of Ruoxin. He noticed a book with a bookmark on the sofa, so he brought it for her. When/why did he go to her apartment? It’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and he jokingly asks whether 30 years of solitude isn’t enough for her, before telling her seriously that he doesn’t want her to be alone. She doesn’t know how to respond, and finally asks him to read to her as she can’t hold the book. She turns to her side (away from him) because she’s embarrassed to face him? There’s still some pain and she fidgets. He notices her discomfort and pats her arm as he continues to read.

When Ruoxin wakes up later, she sees that Qi Xiao has fallen asleep with his head resting on the edge of her bed. She puts out a hand to touch him, but stops herself and just stares at him instead. She smiles softly. The nurse comes in and says she’s jealous (that Ruoxin has such a devoted boyfriend). When she leaves, Ruoxin turns and smiles at her sleeping assistant.

Ziyan visits the music school that offered her a job, and comes across a little kid who’s trying to play drums and getting angry when he isn’t able. Ziyan is able to talk to him about how to play. She decides to try teaching one class. I feel like this is how they are trying to get her comfortable around kids enough to want one or at least adopt.

Ruoxin’s mom calls while she’s in hospital. Mom’s back and needs a ride. Ruoxin lies that she’s on a work trip and arranges for Ziyan to pick her up instead. She doesn’t want her mom to worry. Ziyan offers to drive both moms home.

Ruoxin is being discharged from hospital. Qi Xiao puts her shoes on for her and ties her laces. Makes sense because it would probably be uncomfortable for her to bend. She freezes and quickly starts talking about work. She also wants him to find a hotel for her near their apartment building, as she doesn’t want to go back to her apartment (where her mom will be) before she’s able to move about as usual. Qi Xiao says she can stay at his place instead… he will share Su Yang’s room and Ruoxin can have his room. She smiles to herself and reminds him that he doesn’t actually have a room. He arranges with Su Yang for her to use his room.

At his apartment, Qi Xiao helps Ruoxin wash her hair (seated in a chair, like at a salon). She feels awkward at first but they start laughing and joking after a bit. Meanwhile, Su Yang, who’s been ousted from his apartment, goes with Sijia to the library. He doesn’t think he will stay at his job for too much longer. She gives him ideas on how he can make his drawings profitable.

On the work front, Qi Xiao comes up with the idea of holding a campaign in residential communities. He’s met with resistance from the community committee, but is helped by Ruoxin’s mom.

[Ep26Qi Xiao walks back with Ruoxin’s mom and finds his own mother waiting. Ruoxin’s mom is stunned to see her travel buddy so unexpectedly. Qi Xiao invites Ruoxin and her mom for dinner. Mrs Qi is impressed by Ruoxin (though, she seems easily impressed anyway). 

During dinner, Ruoxin’s mom tells them she’d originally wanted to introduce her daughter to Mrs Qi’s son, until she found out the age gap. Ruoxin and Qi Xiao look awkwardly at each other. She moves to take something spicy from one of the dishes and he stops her (because she’s not supposed to eat spicy food for a few days after the surgery). The moms are surprised but he manages to cover. Ruoxin’s mom goes on praising his cooking and him, and he nods cheekily at Ruoxin… until his mom cuts in with embarrassing stories about him. And then Ruoxin’s mom does the same about her. Why do parents do this? 

The meal progresses with a lot of laughter. Qi Xiao is attentive to Ruoxin and she keeps glancing at him. After dinner, Qi Xiao takes his mom home. She guesses that the girl he likes is Ruoxin. Mrs  Qi acts so silly so much of the time, but is pretty sharp about some things! He’s worried she’ll disapprove, but she tells him to go for it. 

Later that night, Qi Xiao calls Ruoxin and offers to make her a set of jewelry (as Ruoxin had admired the set he’d made for his mom). She says no, but asks when he’s going to reopen his online store. He is still planning. She wonders if it’s about money and offers to lend him starting capital. He says it’s not money. He can’t bear to part with her... (pause)... she’s such a good boss. Who are they trying to fool now? She says relationships are fluid and that having had the chance to meet and work together for a while is already a happy thing. She wants him to do what he enjoys. He still isn’t planning on parting with her. If he forges his own path, he’ll drag her along. What a way to put it :D When the call ends, she smiles happily to herself.

Ruoxin’s mom goes back to her own place. She’s worried about the state of the house when it’s unattended for so long, and she also wants to go back to teaching. Ruoxin is sad to see her go. Mom asks Qi Xiao to look after her daughter for her. 

It’s the campaign at the residential community. Qi Xiao keeps having to stop Ruoxin from doing anything physical. He also stops her from drinking coffee, since the doctor said she should avoid strong drinks for a week after the surgery. Since when is a latte considered strong? She pouts that it was just surgery and she’s being treated like a kid. He tells her it’s easy to find 1000 soldiers but hard to find a good general. She should be the general.

When they’re done for the dinner, he tells her he’s going to Zhu Lin’s to help with something. She very happily tells him to go. He’s suspicious about why she’s happy. She bluffs and tells him to leave. She waits until the coast is clear and then sneaks out again. She calls Ziyan and tells her she finally understands that longing feeling when you can’t see someone you’re in love with. Every minute of every day is torture o.O That seems very direct for her. Ziyan is amazed and asks who she’s in love with. Hotpot, skewers, seafood and grilled meat. Ahahahaha! I knew it couldn’t be that easy with her.

Ruoxin is very happily eating spicy food while Ziyan looks on nervously. She complains about not being allowed to eat spice or have coffee; Ziyan wants to know who isn’t allowing her. She’s very amused that Ruoxin is so docile and obedient with Qi Xiao. I hate both those words. Ruoxin says she thinks of him as a little brother, and that Qi Xiao is very caring about everyone because he’s afraid of losing people. Ziyan isn’t buying any of this. From what she knows of Ruoxin, she believes Ruoxin likes Qi Xiao. Ruoxin says yes, but not in that way. Ziyan says Mr Cui was also attentive to Ruoxin, but she found him annoying. Yet, she doesn’t mind when Qi Xiao is attentive. Ruoxin brings up the age gap, but Ziyan doesn’t see it as a problem. 

Back at hers, Ruoxin hears a news bulletin about a typhoon due to hit that night. She’s worried about the marketing materials that were left outdoors. She calls a moving company and goes with them to pack up the materials. It’s raining and windy already. Qi Xiao calls and is worried when he hears that she’s at the venue. He rides out to the venue, but they’ve already left. He calls her again but her phone battery dies before she can tell him where she is (which is at Zenpro). 

Qi Xiao finds out the name of the moving company and from there, the fact that the movers came to Zenpro, and he arrives at the office too. The security won’t let him in; they don’t believe anyone is inside, as they’ve finished their rounds. Ruoxin manages to get all the boxes into a storage room, but she’s exhausted (she sent away the movers as the typhoon was getting bad). She goes to her desk and looks for her phone charger, but just then the lights go out. Some windows are open and the wind is blowing in, so I’m not sure what the security guards did during their rounds. They seem to be as lax as most other departments at Zenpro. Because of the blackout, the automatic doors won’t open. She’s locked in. Just then, she hears a loud noise and goes to investigate.

[Ep27The noise was due to something falling over because of the wind coming in through the open windows. Ruoxin begins closing them, but slips and falls onto her arm. She clutches her stomach (oof, post-surgery scar must hurt). Meanwhile Qi Xiao has persuaded the security to let him in and makes it to the floor Ruoxin is on. She’s relieved to hear his voice and manages to make it to where he is. He asks why she was unreachable and why she didn’t wait for him. She begins explaining herself, and says she thought it would be dangerous to leave the promotional materials outside in a typhoon when he suddenly shouts “Isn’t it dangerous for you? Do you value money more than your life?” I feel like the second question was unfair. 

She’s upset because he shouted. In a quiet voice, she says she’s tired enough and can he please not yell at her, before sinking to the floor. He calms down and sits next to her (there’s a set of glass doors between them, separating them). He was worried, imagining all sorts of things. She says she’s fine now, so not to worry. But he does worry, because he likes her. She tries to brush it off, citing age, them working closely together, etc., but he persists and gives a lot of reasons for liking her. She still refuses because of the age gap. He asks whether she can say she has no feelings for him. She’s unable to do that. He’s happy, because he knows she likes him. Just then the power comes back on and the glass doors between them open. How convenient
He takes her hand and asks whether they can give it a try. She hesitates and then nods. Her acting in this scene was so good. You could see the tiredness and hurt, and then all the doubts she has about a potential relationship. And the way she nodded yes was so believable. He hugs her… and squishes the arm she fell on before :/

They move closer to kiss… when he frowns and asks “did you eat skewers?” :D She immediately rushes off, with him following, asking about the skewers xD They sleep on makeshift “beds” in the office that night.
Next morning, they’re back at the promotional event. A potential customer asks Ruoxin about the safety of Zenpro’s cars; Ruoxin gives her the usual pitch and makes some recommendations. Qi Xiao comes by and takes over, saying Ruoxin just had an illness and is still a bit weak. She was squatting on her ankles, which is why he did this, but I wouldn’t like it if someone talked about my illnesses or referred to me as weak to some stranger. The customer asks if they’re dating and Qi Xiao makes use of the opportunity to broadcast his relationship status.

Later, he tries to hold her hand as they walk to the office, but she pulls away. She wants their relationship to be secret because she’s still his boss. She doesn’t even want Su Yang to know (as he would tell Sijia, and their colleagues could find out that way). He wants a kiss to seal his lips; she refuses. He says they slept together the previous night, so she shouldn’t be shy now :D (They slept separately, but in the same room). She moves to smack him playfully, but he grabs her hand and won’t let go. She stops resisting and they walk hand in hand only to be met by Su Yang and Sijia, who witnessed the whole thing. Ruoxin immediately pulls her hand away, makes some unconvincing small talk, and then hurries into the office. Qi Xiao grins smugly at his friends and runs after her.

Ruoxin is at a cafe, smiling at texts from her new boyfriend, when Sijia comes over and says Qi Xiao told them he got together with her. Ruoxin is shocked that he told. Sijia laughs gleefully; she was bluffing, but Ruoxin’s actions just confirmed the relationship. She relays this to Su Yang, who tells Qi Xiao. Sijia is happy to the point of tears about the relationship. She’s so sweet, but maybe a little too loud in her happiness. Ruoxin also tells Ziyan, who is very happy for her.

That evening, the duo are texting, but Qi Xiao looks a little serious. We see that he’s drafting a resignation letter. When Su Yang sees it and asks, he says he doesn’t want things to be uncomfortable at work because he’s dating Ruoxin. Also, he wants to seriously pursue his dream (jewelry design). Zhu Lin has been looking for a partner, and Ruoxin is supportive of him switching to design. 

The next day, Zenpro has to deal with a customer who bought an electric car but found she couldn’t install a charger as her building complex was too old. The installation company had instead made the charger draw energy from the supply of an adjacent commercial building, which cost her more. Ruoxin tries to calm her down, but the customer rants loudly and draws quite a crowd. Others are also surprised that chargers have specific installation requirements, and this causes a poor perception of electric cars among the bystanders.

There’s a meeting at Zenpro to discuss the issue. Mr Liu and Mr Ruan are present, as are representatives from the installation company. Ruoxin is annoyed at the installation company for not informing the customer before using commercial electricity, while the installation company blames Zenpro’s sales team for not informing customers of possible issues. They’re both correct; the fault lies on both sides. I feel like Ruoxin didn’t handle this in her usual calm manner. She sounded like she was blaming the installation company entirely

Mr Liu dismisses the people from the installation company while Zenpro discuss the matter. Ruoxin says there are grounds for legal action. Mr Ruan is not keen because it will look like they’re passing the buck. Both he and Mr Liu remind her of her previous PR nightmare. They made a few valid points, but they were so irritating. Also, her previous PR fiasco was entirely someone else’s fault (which, admittedly, they don’t know about), and they made it an excuse to oust her from Legal. Mr Liu wants to comply with the customer’s demand for a refund and also wants someone from Ruoxin’s department to resign and make a public apology. Refund makes sense; resignation seems extremely overkill for the situation. Ruoxin doesn’t agree, but Mr Liu reminds her again of the previous scandal and says if it happens again, even Mr Xu can’t protect her, and not to push her luck. This time, it didn’t feel like he was being his usual smug self. He seemed to get really worked up.

[Ep28Ruoxin is irritated after her meeting with Mr Liu. She promises her colleagues that she will protect the (sales?) guy who handled the problematic case. Qi Xiao sees how stressed she is. He asks her privately whether she won’t trust him because he’s younger. She says her issue with his age has nothing to do with how responsible he is. He wants her to keep trusting him.

Qi Xiao takes responsibility for the failure and resigns, saying he was in charge while Ruoxin was hospitalized. Mr Liu thinks Ruoxin is using him as the fall guy, but Qi Xiao is determined and convinces Mr Liu to accept the resignation. Ruoxin isn’t happy about it at all, but he manages to convince her too. 

Qi Xiao visits Ruoxin at home the next morning. She’s still feeling guilty about his resignation, and wants to help him (financially) to start the online shop with Zhu Lin. He doesn’t want her money. He has some savings and wants to apply for an interest-free loan. He’s bought her an expensive necklace, to show that he can give her the best, but she doesn’t want it. She isn’t materialistic. She loves the necklace he made for her birthday. They're now in full couply mode even if Ruoxin is still shy at skinshipI couldn’t watch them (well, him) in couple mode, tbh.

There are still problems at work. Ruoxin starts a PR campaign which results in more people getting interested in new energy cars. This infuriates Mr Liu. Mr Ruan fans the flames even more. He wants to do something where even Mr Xu won’t be able to help Ruoxin. Why does he even care, now that Ruoxin isn’t in direct competition with him (and he got the post of Director or whatever anyway)? 

Qi Xiao is making dinner for Ruoxin when Ruoxin’s mom walks in. He bluffs that he’s helping out with cooking. Mom isn’t happy that Ruoxin is getting him to do things like this. They don’t reveal their relationship, so mom stays for dinner while Qi Xiao leaves. Ruoxin comes by to his later, but her mood is spoiled when work interferes yet again. Because of Ruoxin's domineering attitude towards trying to get back at the people who are trying to get one over on her at work, Qi Xiao called her "Lady Wei Yingluo" lol. Get it.... because Wei Yingluo was the main character in Story of Yanxi Palace, something Qin Lan was also in even though she didn't play the character herself.

In frustration, Ruoxin calls Mr Xu and suggests splitting traditional and new energy sales teams altogether and also training or hiring new legal staff to be more familiar with new energy. She sounds really irritated this time, in contrast to how she was before. Probably that’s a good thing. Mr Xu promises to look into it.

[Ep29Sijia brings Ruoxin coffee at the behest of Qi Xiao. Ruoxin learns that Sijia is still being picked on by Mr Ruan, and gives her advice on how to handle it. Qi Xiao (via text) tells Ruoxin to only drink the coffee he buys for her. He’ll regulate her caffeine intake. She agrees. I don’t know why, but I didn’t like this.

Ruoxin’s old classmate/college-mate(?) Gu Yutao has come back from overseas and has invited her and a bunch of friends for a reunion. Before Ruoxin arrives, the others ask about Mrs Gu, and find that Gu Yutao has been divorced for a couple of years. He claims that at their age, divorce isn’t a bad thing, and you can look for someone more suitable. He also says he doesn’t want a young lady, as his ex was young when she married him but wasn’t suitable. After the divorce his wife told him she was “free”. He suggests that it was because she couldn’t handle the pressure of being married to a successful man like him. Umm, buddy, I don’t think that was what she meant. He comes off as a really conceited ***. 

Ruoxin arrives just then. Gu Yutao gives her an appraising+approving look. Over dinner, he reminds her of some joke they (or just he?) made years ago about getting together if they were still single at the age of 35. Everyone else thinks the straight-A “dream team” would be a good fit, but Ruoxin quickly tells them she has a boyfriend. They want to know who’s better than Yutao, and think it’s someone rich and successful. Ruoxin looks a little uneasy at that. Yutao looks disconcerted that Ruoxin is in a relationship. We learn from their conversation after dinner that her mom taught him and he was mom’s favorite student.

At a meeting at work the next day, Mr Xu (via web link) announces essentially what Ruoxin proposed to him earlier: that sales for traditional and new energy would have separate teams, with a new deputy director coming in for new energy. Mr Liu doesn’t look at all happy, but has no choice but to comply. Ruoxin is put in charge of training the sales team for new energy. 

Mr Liu and Mr Ruan meet in private. Mr Ruan is sure they can tackle the new deputy director and get something against Ruoxin. Mr Liu warns him not to mess with her until they’ve sussed out the new deputy director. He also warns him to be on his guard, but Mr Ruan is over confident that Ruoxin won’t be able to harm him. However, he does stop bullying Sijia after this.

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao are on their way to a movie when her mom calls and insists Ruoxin meet her at a restaurant for dinner with Yutao. Mom seems to be playing matchmaker despite Ruoxin’s protests. Qi Xiao insists to Ruoxin that he will join them for dinner. 

Mom and Yutao get to the restaurant first and mom is very taken with his experience and worldliness, until they get to the topic of marriage. Mom is surprised to learn that he was married and notices that he speaks with contempt about his ex-wife. He tries to sell his positive traits but mom makes discreet jabs against all of them. When Ruoxin and Qi Xiao finally arrive, it doesn’t take much persuading to get mom to agree to let Qi Xiao stay for dinner. She even seats him between Yutao and Ruoxin. Yutao notices that there’s something going on between the pair, though mom doesn’t. Ruoxin notices that mom is no longer playing matchmaker and calls her out on it later. Mom says if he can speak contemptuously of his ex to her, he may later speak the same way about Ruoxin to others. Mom enlists Qi Xiao’s help in keeping an eye on Yutao :D After dinner, Yutao tells Ruoxin she’s “growing on him” and that she “succeeded in getting his attention”. Bleurgh! Can people like this even exist?

Sijia and Su Yang come across a poster for a design contest and tell Qi Xiao about it. The two are together and happy, and there isn’t much more to say about them. Qi Xiao thinks the contest can help bring a lot of exposure to his and Zhu Lin’s business.

[Ep30Gu Yutao invites Ruoxin for lunch under the pretext of buying a new energy car. He asks about her boyfriend and correctly guesses that it’s Qi Xiao. Ruoxin asks him to keep it a secret from her mother. I feel like this was foolish of her. Now he has ammo against her. He says he’s surprised because she’s independent and rational and would want to be conquered. UGH. She’s taken aback by his choice of phrase and points out that there’s a flaw in his logic. He tries to clarify that she should be with someone established and “successful”, not with someone young and volatile. She defends Qi Xiao and uses the term “love”. He scoffs at the idea. 

Ruoxin is on the phone with Qi Xiao on her way to work, and stops at her usual cafe for a takeaway coffee. It’s already made and already paid for by Qi Xiao… and much smaller than she wanted. I mentioned this scene only because he’s still controlling her caffeine intake and I’m still not liking it.

Rumor is that the new deputy director is a woman. Ruoxin’s colleagues aren’t happy because they feel a woman won’t be able to handle Mr Liu. They’re proven wrong when the newcomer - Ms Fang, or Lisa - turns out to be more than capable of handling 100 Mr Liu’s. She’s very straightforward and goal-oriented, pulls up Mr Liu when he’s late, announces the immediate separation of tasks between traditional and new energy divisions, and hints at the possibility of hiring new staff at high levels if existing staff can’t handle the demands of two separate divisions. Mr Liu is not happy and Mr Ruan feels the pressure. A one-to-one with Ruoxin and Lisa gives the two women a good understanding of each other. They will hopefully work well together. I dislike that everyone’s attitude when they hear “female boss” is one of doubt. What's the difference if it’s a man or woman? Their qualifications and performance are what should matter. Everyone in the new energy department is now happy with the new boss.

Mr Liu and Mr Ruan are having one of their conspiratorial meetings. Apparently Lisa has ordered all communications to be done electronically (i.e., traceably) and made a lot of changes that Mr Liu wasn’t aware of. He looks defeated, Mr Ruan looks thoughtful (maybe he’s thinking about where to switch loyalties to).

Qi Xiao picks up Ruoxin after work. She’s still avoiding PDA in case someone from the office sees them and gossips. Over dinner, he tells her he and Zhu Lin don’t need to apply for funding anymore as Zhu Lin has found an investor. So they can focus fully on the design competition. 

When he goes to pay for the dinner, Qi Xiao finds that Ruoxin has already paid. He isn’t happy until she agrees to let him pay in future. I didn’t like this either. She’s giving in to his absurd requests a little too much imo

They go to the movies afterwards and Qi Xiao picks a horror film in the hopes that she’ll be in his arms (apparently it worked for Su Yang with Sijia). Qi Xiao’s imagining of the scene was just so cringey. Ruoxin, however, has watched The Shining eight times, so this movie is nothing to her and it’s Qi Xiao who's afraid. He’s disappointed until she tells him the date made her happy. When he drops her off at her apartment, he dallies and pouts about having to leave. Unfortunately, to me at last, this wasn’t cute or charming.

When Qi Xiao gets back to his place, he finds Su Yang’s parents there for an unannounced visit. Qi Xiao offers his room to them and says he’ll stay at his mom’s but instead goes to Ruoxin’s. Su Yang’s parents want Su Yang to leave Shanghai and apply for the civil service near their home. His mom presents her thoughts a bit tearfully while dad is a little more aggressive in his opinions. Su Yang tries to reason with them.

[Ep31Su Yang argues with (or rants at) his parents to convince them to let him stay in Shanghai. They do agree in the end. Mom is more interested in his relationship with Sijia. Dad pretends he doesn’t care but sneaks a look at her photo anyway :D. Everything’s gonna be ok with these guys. Even though his parents may come off as overbearing, they’re just worried about their only son.

Ruoxin is rewatching the horror film at her place, while Qi Xiao is trying to make things a bit more romantic. He even tries to get her drunk (because she seemed a lightweight in an earlier ep). But he’s punch drunk and she’s still steady at the end of their drinking. Turns out she only gets drunk easily when she’s upset. The conversation turns just a little more serious, and he tries to kiss her but she stops him. He wants to know when she’ll provide the “girlfriend benefit”. So cringey, this entire scene

Next morning they’re eating together and he wants her to feed him. Even more cringey. She gets a message from her college group about another gathering. It’s a two-day trip to some mountains. He doesn’t want her trying bungee jumping, white water rafting, etc. if those options should become available. Again, concern for her safety is all well and good, but she has a right to try what she wants

The day of the trip, Gu Yutao tries to help Ruoxin with her bags but she refuses. She says now that he’s also her client in addition to being a college friend, she has to be professional. She’s trying to keep things pleasant on the trip.

Qi Xiao is worried about whether Ruoxin is serious about their relationship, since she shies away from intimacy and won’t let him meet her friends. His mom explains to him that as Ruoxin’s dad left after the divorce, she must have a fear of abandonment. Also, as she’s older, she’ll think about everything way more than he will. His mom is sometimes quite silly and other times so wise. She says she got her wisdom from matchmaking shows though :D. She advises her son to show his girlfriend that he will always be there for her.

At the gathering, Gu Yutao is playing the benevolent host by offering to pay for the entire stay of all the college friends. They think it’s because of Ruoxin that they’re getting such treatment. Despite her reminding them that she has a boyfriend, they go on trying to pair her with Yutao and saying the trip seems to be tailor made for her (he’s ordered food he thought she’d like and arranged for a stargazing session). They even secretly take “couple” photos of the two. How irritating can people get?! 

When Ruoxin gets back to the hotel, she sees Qi Xiao waiting at the entrance. He tells her she can introduce him as a friend, colleague or even brother if she wants. Whatever she’s comfortable with. She instead introduces him as her boyfriend. That hopefully shuts them up. Gu Yutao isn’t pleased but offers Qi Xiao a spare bed in his room. 

Ruoxin and Qi Xiao have a private chat where he essentially tells her he’ll wait until she’s ready. She’s moved by his words and kisses him lightly. There follows an unnecessarily dramatic spin with the most boring of kisses at the end. They should have left that part out. The two hug happily. 

Qi Xiao goes to Gu Yutao’s room. Yutao tries to make him feel bad by pointing out his shortcomings. At breakfast the next day, he continues on this vein in front of Ruoxin. He shows off his worldliness until Qi Xiao probably does feel like he has nothing to offer Ruoxin. This continues on a hike as well. The two men have a passive-aggressive competitive thing the whole time. Gu Yutao is very unpleasant, but Qi Xiao occasionally comes across as childish in this “competition”.

Later, Ruoxin mentions the design competition to Yutao when they’re in conversation. Yutao knows someone associated with the competition. He asks whether Ruoxin wants to meet with the boss, as it could help Qi Xiao in the competition. Ruoxin asks him to make an appointment. Ummm… Yutao then tries to talk her out of her relationship again. What is with this guy?? Even his friend later tells him to let it go as she seems to be taken, but Yutao says youngsters aren’t steady and Ruoxin isn’t the type to believe that only love matters. So he’s planning to wait until she loses interest in Qi Xiao and then swoop in?

The next day, as they’re leaving, Yutao and Qi Xiao have a private chat where Yutao hints that Qi Xiao is with Ruoxin because she’s more successful and can help him career-wise. When Qi Xiao denies this, Yutao tells him that Ruoxin sought to pull strings on Qi Xiao’s behalf for the design competition. Qi Xiao is taken aback by this information.

[Ep32The conversation between Qi Xiao and Yutao is actually more insulting (to Qi Xiao) than shown in the previous episode. At any rate, it ends with Yutao telling Qi Xiao that Ruoxin asked for favors on his behalf. 

Back at his apartment, Qi Xiao is upset about what Yutao said. Su Yang comes to him with news that Sijia has opened an official account for him, where he can publish and advertise his webtoon. All the promotion was done by Sijia. Qi Xiao wonders whether Su Yang feels like he owes Sijia too much and explains that he feels he isn’t good enough for Ruoxin. Su Yang says he is grateful to Sijia and will be even nicer to her, and that Qi Xiao and Ruoxin are good together. 

Qi Xiao doesnt let it go. He finds from Zhu Lin that Ruoxin is the investor for their online store, and is even more upset.

Yutao reveals to Ruoxin’s mom that Qi Xiao is her boyfriend. What a … Mom immediately goes to confront her daughter and reverts back to the banshee from the first episodes. Oh mom, why regress?? She does make some valid points, but the way she yells! She also thinks Qi Xiao’s mom will find fault, but is even more furious when she learns that his mom already knows (because then she is the last to know). She then goes to speak with his mom, who is able to calm her down. Ruoxin’s mom thinks of the worst case scenario, while Qi Xiao’s mom cares only about the duo’s happiness. 

Ruoxin calls Qi Xiao to warn him about her mom. He blows up at her about whether it’s her mom who doesn’t believe in him or whether it’s Ruoxin herself. Yutao calls her just then about progress regarding Qi Xiao’s competition. He’s downstairs and pressures her to go out with him but she refuses. She also refuses his offer to help Qi Xiao. She very firmly turns him down in every way. Unfortunately, Qi Xiao sees the two together and misunderstands. He blows up at her again. 

Next day at lunch with Sijia, Ruoxin reveals that Sijia has a good chance of getting a position with the Legal Dept of the New Energy division. As Ruoxin gives Sijia advice about managing Su Yang’s webtoon, Sijia accidentally reveals the source of Qi Xiao’s annoyance. 

[Ep33] Ruoxin’s mom overhears two of her students discussing May-December romances and is relieved that at least some part of society is accepting of a younger man. She’s less relieved when she finds that they were discussing a five year age difference :D

Ruoxin goes to talk to Qi Xiao at the studio. She explains that she only wanted to help; her loan wasn’t because she didn’t have faith in him. Her money is hard-earned and she expects to get it back. She also explains about the design competition. Qi Xiao asks her for her honest opinion about him, and why she doesn’t seem to want people to know about them dating. It’s mostly her mom he’s asking about, so she arranges for the three of them to have a meal together. The duo manage to convince her mom. Su Yang decides to take a risk and start his own company with Sijia (after giving up his stable job). Qi Xiao is busy with the design competition. Ruoxin is doing well at the firm. Ziyan and her husband are getting along. She’s going to stop playing for the band but continue teaching kids the drums. I’d totally forgotten about Ziyan! In any case, things seem to be going well for everyone.

[Ep34Should never have said things were going well. Qi Xiao is accused of plagiarizing his design for the competition. The fact that his design was similar/identical to a famous designer’s (Li Wei’s) but was submitted after Li Wei’s counts against Qi Xiao, and he is disqualified. 

Qi Xiao is upset because of the accusation. Ruoxin tries to cheer him up and later seeks help from an unlikely source: Gu Yutao. Yutao’s found himself a new, (very) young, (very) rich girlfriend, so he’s not chasing after Ruoxin any more. The new girlfriend will likely not last, but it’s interesting to see him make a fool of himself. He speaks to the chairman of the company hosting the competition and hypocritically assures him that Qi Xiao is a close friend and would never plagiarize (I say hypocritically because just before, he asks Ruoxin why Qi Xiao plagiarized). 
Meanwhile, Qi Xiao has his IT friend investigate and they find that, actually, Li Wei plagiarized Qi Xiao, not the other way around. They manage to convince the competition’s appeals committee of this and get Li Wei disqualified instead.

Ziyan’s mother-in-law thinks Ziyan now wants kids, as she’s got a “proper” job teaching kids. Not this again! Ziyan’s husband says they will have kids only if/when both of them feel like they want kids. He won’t pressure his wife anymore.

[Ep35The New Energy dept has now become a standalone business with Xu Mingje as President, Lisa Fang as CEO, and Ruoxin as Operations Director. Ruoxin arranges for Sijia to be transferred to her division immediately. Qi Xiao gifts Ruoxin a fragment from a meteorite. Now that’s a cool gift!

The night before the design competition finals, Ruoxin and Qi Xiao look for suitable clothes to wear, kiss (and possibly/probably sleep together?). At the event, Sijia sees Gu Yutao with his new girlfriend and tells Ruoxin in private that the girlfriend is a flirt who targets rich finance guys. Heh. Qi Xiao presents his design to the audience with a speech about love that makes his girlfriend all teary.

At Zenpro, Lia informs Ruoxin that she (Lisa) will be transferring back to HQ and that her position will be taken over by Ruoxin. Well, that’s… something. I didn’t realize CEOs could be appointed so quickly. Ms Li and Mr Ruan are falling over themselves to win Ruoxin’s favor now. Ugh. Sijia is doing well, and those who bullied her before are trying to win her favor. Mr Liu leaves (or is fired?). Nobody accompanies him or wishes him. Ruoxin runs into him on the elevator. He offers his hand to shake goodbye, but when she stretches out her hand, he takes his away and says “forget it… [ ] … maybe you’ll have better luck”.

Qi Xiao wins fifth place at the competition, but finds a backer who is willing to promote his designs. He and Ruoxin are happy together. The moms are looking at wedding stuff. Everyone is happy. 

The end.

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by Tyi

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Not really sure how I feel about this… The FL is the central character and the part is well-acted, which is the main reason I’m watching right now. Her character confuses me though. On one hand, she can be scathing to bullying colleagues while still being very polite and soft-spoken. That’s a talent I’d love to have. And she is quite devious in how she handled an unpleasant boss. On the other hand, she allows herself to be browbeaten by her mother (who seems borderline crazy at times) and hounded by a very irritating “boyfriend”. I hope the mom stops her mad screaming soon, because I don’t think I can tolerate it much longer. 

I’m lukewarm about the ML. I don’t like the ML-saves-the-FL trope. Nor do I like some of his remarks… e.g., the FL is “too rational” for a woman. He is very sweet to his mom though, and is quite funny when he’s cheeky to FL.

Some of the office politics are hard to believe. Would someone have their dagger into a subordinate/colleague even after ousting them from their department? Would they collude with the person’s new boss, just to make their life difficult?

There are also too many coincidences going on for my liking, particularly since the drama seems to be taking itself more seriously than the average fluffy romcom. Having said that, I don’t understand the dismal undertone of the opening credits. It’s still quite a lighthearted drama, despite everything that goes on.

Qin Lan! This is the first of her works I watched. Realistic acting. Regardless of any issues I may have with the character she plays, her acting itself can’t be faulted. I was especially impressed by some scenes where you could almost see what Ruoxin was thinking or feeling. Tbh, I watched this almost entirely for her.

Apologies to any WHD fans, but I wasn’t hugely fond of his acting in this, particularly towards the beginning. To be fair, he’s fine in regular scenes, and quite good at some sad/emotional scenes. But anything where he’s meant to be in love or enthusiastic or cheerful… all came across as very artificial. I feel like most of the reason I felt no chemistry between the leads was due to his acting, because she was convincing. 

Everyone else was good/ok, the “villainous” characters in particular were very convincing. I felt like punching Mr Liu and Mr Ruan in several scenes, and Ms Li’s poisonously sweet tone was infuriating (which means they acted well).

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy. 

[A Highlight
Happy highlight: Maybe her birthday party with friends. Everyone seemed to get along and enjoy themselves.

Acting highlight: Mostly everything with Qin Lan, especially her birthday dinner with Mr Xu and her appendicitis attack (odd choices, I know, but those scenes were very well done).

[Review & Rating]
Actually, my final review is similar to my first impression… I don’t know how I feel about this.

The office politics
I cannot believe there would be workplaces quite as toxic as this one. I know there’s workplace bullying, but where a person is ousted from their post and then different department heads collude to make her life unpleasant? Also, so many issues with the launch of a new product. Just one thing after another. It got old and tiring after a while.

The women
Shen Ruoxin is a soft-spoken, quietly determined and supposedly very capable FL. But somehow she allows herself to be trodden all over and demoted from the Legal Dept, gaslit by a “boyfriend” whom she should never have agreed to date in the first place, and agreeing to several inappropriate requests by a new boss who’s trying to put the moves on her. She also puts up with an almost unbearable mother (and I’m a person who can normally see the parents’ viewpoint in Cdramas). Qin Lan plays the role of Ruoxin beautifully, but I don’t know that I would side with the character that much.

Sijia is a bubbly and cute intern in the legal department who seems incapable of standing up to bullying bosses and colleagues. It’s a good thing she has Ruoxin on her side, as otherwise she’d probably still be an intern at the end of the drama. The character is sweet though.

Ziyan is Ruoxin’s best friend. Starting as a housewife, she goes through a slightly annoying process of “finding herself” after being pressured to have a baby. Unfortunately, I didn’t find her or her storyline too interesting. She was too immature and too unrealistic for someone her age. It’s also difficult to believe she’s Ruoxin’s long-term friend, as she doesn’t seem to understand her at all.

The men
Qi Xiao is the youthful but ultra-responsible ML, and the only non-toxic suitor for Ruoxin. I liked him as Ruoxin’s assistant, but not as her boyfriend. His immature side came out as soon as started taking a romantic interest in her.

Su Yang is Qi Xiao’s best friend. I found him a bit annoying too, after a while, because of his hot-and-cold behavior with Sijia and his constant desperation to remain in Shanghai. But then, I don’t understand the fear that out-of-towners have about leaving the city.

Zou Cheng is Ziyan’s husband. Originally having the same view about kids as his wife, he suddenly changes his mind and starts harping on about a “normal” family. He talks down to and demoralizes his wife when she wants to get a job instead. And then all of a sudden realizes that no, he's the baddie who’s been neglecting his wife, and does a 180 back to the starting point.

Cui Lixin is Ruoxin’s overly-clingy boyfriend who stalks and frames her, and is responsible for her demotion. The drama gives us a sob story about him having loved her from the day they met, but I cannot fathom how someone who loves someone else could treat them so shabbily.

Xue Mingjie is Ruoxin’s boss and another potential suitor. I was hopeful that he’d be a decent guy, but no. He uses work as an excuse to get her to dress up and accompany him to places and uses her essentially as arm candy, even though she’s a capable and qualified lawyer. After she rejects him, he ends up becoming a valuable ally at work.

Gu Yutao is a pompous college friend of Ruoxin’s (and yet another potential suitor for her!) He only shows up after she begins a relationship with Qi Xiao, but acts as if he knows better than Ruoxin about what’s good for her. In fact, all her potential suitors do that.

And that brings us to a serious problem with the drama: In general, most of the male characters are shown as unpleasant or controlling, and most of the problems are ultimately their fault. This doesn’t make for a balanced view. I don’t like the “women are victims and men are perpetrators” view that this drama seems to present. (That may be an exaggeration, but when you think about the male characters, you realize that very few are admirable or even likable).

The moms
Unfortunately, Ruoxin’s mom might be a reason why many people drop this drama. I seriously thought the character would be diagnosed as having a mental disorder with the way she screamed all the time. She calms down in the middle of the drama, but starts again for a couple episodes at the end. She cares about her daughter, but doesn’t seem to know how to calmly express her feelings.

Qi Xiao’s mother is the opposite. She’s sweet, sometimes very wise (especially when it comes to understanding Ruoxin), but mostly quite vague and a bit silly. I liked her in the drama, but I think I would find her vagueness and inability to cope with basic household tasks annoying in real life.

The couples
I preferred the main couple when they weren’t a couple. They worked really well as a supportive duo. I like that they both thought about each other's welfare almost equally, because a lot of times there’s an imbalance. As a couple, he came off as too immature (“girlfriend benefit”? really?) and their romantic scenes together were mostly cringey for me.

Su Yang and Sijia were sweet when they were together, but not particularly interesting. She was very open (too open?) in her liking for him at the beginning, but she stands up for herself afterwards (when he is cold towards her). He’s mired in doubt at the beginning, but gradually learns to take risks and to enjoy his relationship with her.

Ziyan and Zou Cheng are an example of a couple with shared goals who take divergent paths after getting together. This could have been handled far better than it was in the drama. As it was, she came off as immature and he came off as patronizing, and it wasn’t really about paths diverging.

When I first watched this drama, it was Qin Lan’s acting that remained with me and I thought I would rate the drama 3/5 (her acting would be 4.75/5, but the rest of the drama still brings everything down). When rewatching the drama to write these recaps, I realized that much as I like her acting, the drama has too much toxicity to be given even 3/5. And my interest waned significantly after they got together (evidenced by the lack of detail in the last few recaps). So I downgraded to 2.5/5. If the drama had been incredibly good (even if not rewatchable), or silly and funny and rewatchable, I would have given it more, but I don’t think it was as good as all that and I don’t think I will rewatch this. However, because it’s whole-numbers-only, and because her acting really was good, I will stick with 3 :D

(Did anyone need to know my convoluted thought process for the rating? Really? You still got it anyway :D)

Random RecommendationDr. Tang, for Qin Lan as a super surgeon

Rating: 3/5

1. Tyi has added Geo's notes in blue


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