Pick your favourite CP for 2023!
If you find it weird that I'm doing this in November it's because I want to see if I will be doing polls for the end of the year. What I’m assessing:
- Engagement level. I have a threshold of what I think is meaningful. I ask that you participate regularly. If you weren’t the type to vote in polls like these, don’t do it now just to pity me. I don’t need that✋Also do not vote repeatedly. Please. 🙏
- Feasibility – whether I can efficiently convert the data. Warning: Vote, but you may not be able to see results if they don’t make it out of excel alive.
About the poll
- There's an option to edit your results at the end of the poll. Note: If you accidentally hit Edit, and don't want to actually edit, don't worry. The moment you hit "Submit", your results are recorded.
- Results are anonymous. No email required.
- I HIGHLY RECOMMEND completing the poll in a separate page here. (You're less likely to lose your results)
- Ends on November 15.
- Estimated duration: Under 10 minutes unless you're thinking really hard.
- Vote for chemistry and not how much you like an actor.
- If you have no feelings for the couple, just pass.