Notable Actors/Actresses
Chinese Title
Flying Windward
Recap Grade: C/D
First Impression: 2.85/5
First Impression: 2.85/5
*Note: Geo –with a PhD in Phalanges! – makes detailed hand observations episode by episode. They’re in this font colour. Check out the comments too for fuller recaps.
Mini Recaps
[Ep1] We have a bickering start between our pilots. It began when Gu Nan Ting criticized Cheng Xiao’s decision to land. He’s still gentleman enough to offer her a lift, it's just she refused him first and when she changed her mind, he got petty and refused to drive her.
[Ep2] The pettiness continues. Cheng Xiao’s flying is put to test, but before the simulation, Gu Nan Ting makes her take off her earrings. I see reason in that even if he’s being extreme. It’s for safety. I feel like she could have handled it better by politely asking for a reason, especially when she’s being TESTED. She does want to pass the exam, right? True to her rebellious nature, she forces him keep her earrings and so now our big guy has her earrings in his breast pocket. Well now he pretends to be unconscious during the simulation (lol, he was so deadpan about it), ditching her to deal with fake birds flying all alone. Don’t misunderstand, though. Gu Nan Ting is all business. He acknowledges her skills and defends her against the misogynist Jiang Tao. The blatant misogyny is so unnecessarily dramatic but still so innervating.
[Ep3] Is there a prelude of love when Gu Nan Ting sees her training passionately in order to fly again? And is that why he’s making her bed? xD.
[Ep4] Gu Nan Ting finds Cheng Xiao's attitude unfit for a pilot. She won’t give up, though. (She even overworked herself until she fainted. He was so worried about her, his hands were trembling...which makes me wonder if someone died on him before...) Oh and this is yet another drama taking it too far with their western stereotypes. There are some snobs, but we’re not all snobs, at least not all the time...:).
Gu Nan Ting’s Hand Observations:
[Ep5] Gu Nan Ting SMILES (it’s tiny but it’s there!) because Cheng Xiao made him proud. She heeded to his advice and didn’t take the risky landing even though they both knew she had the skills. However, that decision cost her the competition against the westerners. The punishment is harsh: buckets and buckets of ice are poured over her. Cheng Xiao takes it like a woman.
Cheng Xiao may have lost, but she has earned Gu Nan Ting’s respect. He sweetly and secretly makes soup for her. I was actually surprised it tasted awful. Captain, why were you so confident in making it for someone else then? However, her misunderstanding deepens! She thinks he demoted her (two whole ranks down to a cadet) when he saved her flying career from the misogynist Jiang Tao.
#2: When he was watching her get the ice buckets dumped on her and I presume he wanted to stop the punishment but didn't because it would have taken away her honor of losing gracefully. [Geo]
#3 Gu Nan Ting goes to a bar and Director Xie tells him he knew that he would come visit him as soon as he got back and asks if it's about Cheng Xiao. [Geo]
#4: I'm not sure if it qualifies but when Director Xie messaged Gu Nan Ting to let him know that he'd spoken with Cheng Xiao, there was rapid blinking, a nervous look, and the camera focused on his hand (that wasn't moving) but his veins were popping out. Bro really needs to drink some water. [Geo]
#5: I'm just going to start adding both the hand movements and rapid blinking together. Though this would be the second case of rapid blinking. When Cheng Xiao went to inform Gu Nan Ting that she is responsible for the video because she doesn't want the other party punished, he holds his hands together (fingers interlocked) and blinks fast. I think it's because he didn't expect her to take on the full blame or he wanted her to narc on the other party so she wouldn't be held solely responsible. But he agreed to stop further probing into who posted the video. But I feel like he is proud of her for claiming responsibility for the video despite the consequences it produced. [Geo]
[Ep6] Cheng Xiao learns Gu Nan Ting helped her and for that, he got a demerit point – his first ever. However, Cheng Xiao doesn’t seem grateful. Her fences are ceiling-high for this man. But he looks SO grateful that she’s not quitting.
Neither Cheng Xiao nor Gu Nan Ting know they have another relationship: tenant and landlord. Cheng Xiao is grateful that her landlord gave her three months of leniency. The reason they don’t know each other is because he’s weird: he only communicates via email and prefers to keep a distance.
There’s a cute moment where Gu Nan Ting plays innocent. He knows Ni Zhan (aircraft maintenance engineer) didn’t betray Cheng Xiao but he (Gu) lets her misunderstand his buddy (Ni). I wasn’t expecting that from our starchy Captain, haha.
[Ep7] Cheng Xiao stood up for justice against a repeated sexual offender, but she feels guilty that she could have handled it better and she should have consulted with the Captain (Gu Nan Ting), and now because of the flight cancellation, a female passenger cannot see her dying father for the last time. Remorsefully, Cheng Xiao buys an overpriced ticket for the passenger and gets Gu Nan Ting to drive the passenger to the other airline. He goes out of his way to help her.
Over the phone, Cheng Xiao thanks Gu Nan Ting for this time. He reminds her she owes him many times. She sighs and tells him to engrave it in his memory. She will repay him and for now she hired a driver so that he can sleep in the car. Aw. He likes that. And he saves her number! He also wanted to add her as a WeChat friend. Landlord, what happened to keeping your distance? ;)
[Ep8] Cheng Xiao is looking awesome riding her minijet at the beach but Gu Nan Ting goes berserk and drags her out of the water. He has a trauma related to a girl who drowned. Is it his girlfriend? Is it his student?
The Misogynist Jiang Tao demotes Cheng Xiao to ground staff. She misunderstands it was Gu Nan Ting’s orders without knowing he tried to help her. She’s devastated that she can’t fly and resigns. Since Gu Nan Ting isn’t in his room, she slips the letter between the gap. Then she emails her kind landlord to share her woes and through their exchange, Cheng Xiao recalls her passion. She runs back to fish her resignation letter from his room. Gu Nan Ting sees her fishily crawling at his door. She manages to retrieve her resignation letter without him knowing. When he watches her leave, his hands have a slight tremble. Not only did he get two demerit points for her, his hands trembled twice because of her. I hope that it just means his heart is involuntarily falling in love and not anything health related.
[Ep9] Gu Nan Ting wanted to buy food for Cheng Xiao!! But he gets called away by Li Yu Heng (a flight attendant and childhood friend who likes him) who informs him that his mother is injured, which turns out to be mild. A week later, he already misses her and wants her back even if it will offend his superior, Jiang Tao. Ni Zhan has a better solution without direct repercussions on Gu Nan Ting...but will Cheng Xiao hold out? Isn’t she suffering too much, lol.
#7 I almost missed it. Dirtbag Jiang, I mean Director Jiang wants Cheng Xiao to be transferred to the Ground Services Department after having complaints about her and this time there's nothing much Gu Nan Ting can do so his thumb brushes over his index finger a couple of times. I feel like this one is more related to anxiety because after this, it's going to be harder for Cheng Xiao to work her way back up. Not only that, she doesn't know Dillbag McGee has it out for her so she's only going to blame Gu Nan Ting for this. [Geo]
#8 At the meeting to formally discuss Cheng Xiao's punishment, because he knows what she'll face if Dipsh*t Jiang gets his way, he tries to take responsibility for the situation. When Cheng Xiao counters for him not to pretend to be a good person and Dastard Jiang starts pressuring him, his folded hands start clenching. Poor guy is left with little to no choice. [Geo]
#8.2 in Director Xie's office, while he's asking Gu Nan Ting why he didn't tell him that he was facing difficulty, his hands are playing with the tea cup. But when Director Xie starts mentioning that Cheng Xiao got caught in the eye of the storm by having complaints against her and harming Dillweed Jiang's dignity, Gu Nan Ting's hands are again folding and clenching. I feel like this time, he's trying to hold onto himself and keep his emotions in check and then it sort of feels like he's pleading with the fates that Cheng Xiao doesn't end up quitting because of this. [Geo]
#8.2 in Director Xie's office, while he's asking Gu Nan Ting why he didn't tell him that he was facing difficulty, his hands are playing with the tea cup. But when Director Xie starts mentioning that Cheng Xiao got caught in the eye of the storm by having complaints against her and harming Dillweed Jiang's dignity, Gu Nan Ting's hands are again folding and clenching. I feel like this time, he's trying to hold onto himself and keep his emotions in check and then it sort of feels like he's pleading with the fates that Cheng Xiao doesn't end up quitting because of this. [Geo]
#9 After Cheng Xiao retrieves her resignation letter and starts to leave, he tells her that someone will be assigned to train her for Ground Services and his hands start twitching. Combined with his facial expression, he's more than likely hoping that she's not going to through her resignation letter in his face and work hard to gain her original position [Geo].
[Ep10] Cheng Xiao finally learns from Ni Zhan that her enemy is Jiang Tao and not Gu Nan Ting. She wonders why he didn’t resolve her misunderstanding. Gu Nan Ting wouldn’t be our ML if he liked explaining himself. She thanks Gu Nan Ting and tells her she isn’t giving up. Jiang Tao will not defeat her. The way his eyes flickered! He also reminds her to add her address in her profile so that our ML can always find our FL ~
Ni Zhan does have a better solution to help Cheng Xiao! It was so easy: just bring the Chief Xu to see Cheng Xiao working as a ground staff. Anyone with eyes can see it’s inappropriate to have their pilot underused. Ni Zhan and Gu Nan Ting clink their glasses at Jiang Tao’s (diminutive) demise. Cheers.
[Ep11] Gu Nan Ting confronts Cheng Xiao for blocking him on her phone, ha. He’s been trying to call her to share the good news: she can be a pilot again! He personally planned her schedule so that it’s packed with exposure to give her experience. He wants her to excel and to prove to everyone she can be an exceptional captain. However, the world is against Cheng Xiao and another video of hers goes viral, but this time, the focus is on Gu Nan Ting. He’s penalized (for what you ask? For preventing an angry customer from punching Cheng Xiao) and is demoted from his vice-chief position.
Gu Nan Ting and Ni Zhan have another connection: Gu dated Ni’s cousin. She’s the one who died while flying the plane. She flew too low and drowned. Gu Nan Ting thought it was his fault. She always flew well but because she wanted to impress him, she flew lower. This is why Gu Nan Ting is obsessive about safety.
Cheng Xiao thought Gu Nan Ting would be depressed from the demotion, but he’s living fine and running lots. He tells her that her flying well is the best comfort for him. Cheng Xiao smiles at him. Finally on the same side!
#10 The camera pans to his folded and clenched hands after being told that Dickweed Jiang is going to be taking over his duties as Deputy Minister until the situation gets fully investigated. [Geo]
[Ep12] Cheng Xiao apologizes to Gu Nan Ting because she went over the line, blaming him for Song Song’s (pilot colleague) breakup. However Gu Nan Ting doesn’t reply her because her apology was unnecessary. It was his mistake (no, it isn’t!) so she doesn't have to apologize (yes, she did!).
Cheng Xiao (laughs): I realize you’re a tiny bit cute.Gu Nan Ting blinks and his fingers twitch.Cheng Xiao: Stubbornly cute. It’s a compliment mixed with a tiny bit of insult. She calls him someone who “can’t rotate” = inflexible.
Cheng Xiao notices that even Gu Nan Ting’s car is set to the same temperature as the cockpit. She’s a little rebellious and opens the window, something they can’t do on the plane. She inhales the fresh air. Gu Nan Ting is tempted. Ever so slightly, he opens the window and inhales – a very short inhale. I love his micro-expression ~ She’s changing him and he wants to be changed ~
Cheng Xiao excitedly tells Gu Nan Ting that she’s nearly complete her hours as a cadet. He doesn’t need the reminder, though. He knows exactly how many hours she has left. She chuckles that he knows about her more than herself. He almost chokes. Hehe. She also asks him if he’s comforted since she’s been flying well. He actually chokes. xD.

The teasing isn’t over now that Cheng Xiao realizes Gu Nan Ting is so fun to play with. She sends him the picture of him making her bed. He’s typing forever, which makes all of us curious, but it ends up being work-related. What did he actually want to type tho.
#12 His right middle finger starts tapping the steering wheel when she calls him "a little cute" after telling her that she didn't need to apologize for telling him off about Song Song's matters. [Geo]
#12.2 His left thumb starts rubbing/gripping the steering wheel when she opens the car window and says that all living things need fresh air. Then he gives into temptation and lowers his own window down a fraction and inhales fresh air. [Geo]
#12.2 His left thumb starts rubbing/gripping the steering wheel when she opens the car window and says that all living things need fresh air. Then he gives into temptation and lowers his own window down a fraction and inhales fresh air. [Geo]

[Ep13] Cheng Xiao is falling in love with Gu Nan Ting! Our grumpy captain is actually a softie for kids and now she’s finding him cuter than the kid. She’s also picking up his eating habits, which is essentially b-l-a-n-d. However, she misunderstands that he likes Li Yu Heng, and then emails her anonymous landlord for love advice. Our smart Gu Nan Ting is actually replying and telling her that he himself is a two-timing jerk.
An Jia, a flight attendant manager, doesn’t have a child. She was busy working and missed her time. Aww! It’s only sad because she regrets it. Her husband is so loving tho!
[Ep14] Gu Nan Ting was so proud that his mother complimented Cheng Xiao – as his teacher. Whatever! But when he realizes Cheng Xiao is in danger, like all teachers would, he risks his life and runs onto the plane with an active fire hazard to save her.
[Ep15] Cheng Xiao is fine. She’s very clear-headed too, and asks Gu Nan Ting if it wasn’t her, would he still have run inside the plane. He hesitates. (No.) He’s saved by the elevator – a very cramped elevator. He’s so rigid!! xD. She takes advantage and rests her head on him. His hand tingles. Wearing his heart on his sleeve hand? He’s nervous and stiff, and she loves it. She flusters him some more and asks if he likes Li Yu Heng. He’s confused and that’s enough of an answer for her. Then she re-asks her previous question. His answer is generic: he saved her for she is his student. But then he’s startled when she reminds him that he, the safety maniac, broke the safety protocols to save her.

Ni Zhan: It can’t be that you 動了凡心? Usually it’s 動了心 which means “the heart has moved” But he said 凡心, which means “mortal heart”. Ni Zhan is basically calling Gu Nan Ting a deity who doesn’t succumb to the mere mundane desires of mortals (e.g. love).
#15 Put on the spot by the revelation that he broke the safety rules for her, his fingers start twitching. [Geo]
#15.2 Gu is waiting in Cheng Xiao's hospital room with her and Xia Zhi for Ni Zhan to come pick him up and his fingers keep tapping and fidgeting with his phone. [Geo]
#15.2 Gu is waiting in Cheng Xiao's hospital room with her and Xia Zhi for Ni Zhan to come pick him up and his fingers keep tapping and fidgeting with his phone. [Geo]
[Ep16] Gu Nan Ting is in denial that he’s in love. He’s exercising at night to prove to his heart that it’s not accelerating for Cheng Xiao. He can’t even see her the next day. Via a colleague (Song Song), Cheng Xiao gives Gu Nan Ting food: sticky rice ball and waffle. Sticky rice (糯米) ball means “pretentious” in Shanghai dialect? Waffle sounds like 懦夫, which means “coward”. As per Cheng Xiao’s words, the food is specifically for Gu Nan Ting, no one but him can touch it. Gu Nan Ting understands. (No he doesn’t, lol).
Gu Nan Ting may be keeping his distance, but not Cheng Xiao. She steps into his personal space, as she flirts with him that for saving her, she should 以身相許 (to devote her body/life to). And now we have entered period dramas, lol. He’s flustered, and she knows it. It’s hard not to when he leans too much on his suitcase and loses his balance. Then she asks him about the food. He reports to her that he ate everything and even ran an extra five laps to burn off the calories. Awwww. That’s sweet of him! She laughs. It’s so him. She’s not done flustering him, though and promises she won’t disappoint him. She will be an exceptional pilot. And off she goes, irresponsibly provoking our Captain Gu’s heart. By the way, he finally inhales.
[Ep17] Gu Nan Ting and Cheng Xiao find out they’re each other’s landlord and tenant~ And they live near each other. He can see her place from his window. Cheng Xiao has no timid cell in her. She says he’s cuter online. He tries to change the topic back to the severed electrical wires. But the wires in Cheng Xiao’s heart are fine and firing. She approaches him closer than necessary to ask, “What do you think about me?”

[Ep18] After what Gu Nan Ting considers a hot night, our Captain is back to exercising all night. Pft. It looks like his heart will be in for a ride as our proactive Cheng Xiao “battles” with Yu Heng for Gu Nan Ting’s attention, making the man very uncomfortable, lol.
Cheng Xiao invites Gu Nan Ting over to her place to give him a present ~ Gu Nan Ting, your heart can handle this! Inside, he sees her home and a few things piques his interest (e.g. the airplane models, the “unfit” letter). There’s also a map of all his flights. Cheng Xiao’s present is a new map. She wants him to keep track of all her flights (the man already memorized it) like she does for him. Her goal is to catch up to him so that their maps will look the same. By that time, she’ll be an exceptional pilot just like him. He looks at her, lost in love, but Molly the parrot, calls him back to earth.
#19 When Cheng Xiao gifts Gu the plane map he's just made of all her flights thus far and asks him to keep track to see how fast she catches up to him, his hands start fiddling with the marker in his hand. (I think this is also something his ex said to him which makes him feel both flustered and conflicted even more.) [Geo]
[Ep19] Gu Nan Ting is losing a lot of sleep for Cheng Xiao. He gets up from bed to look for the perfect spot to hang her map. He chooses his greenhouse, the place he spends the most time in whenever he’s home!
How do you collect and analyze representative data in a week…
How do you collect and analyze representative data in a week…
[Ep20] So...Gu Nan Ting barely sleeps these days. He’s always thinking of Cheng Xiao ~
I know our drama can’t be all romance, but I wish this was more about passengers and less about misogyny. The Show is leading me by the nose, desperate for me to hate Jiang Tao, and so I won’t. Really, I won’t. He's so shallowly written, he's not worth my anger.
#21 After the speech is over, Gu is thanking her for her help but asking her not to stay up so late even when she's not flying the next day. She asks him if he's going to send her home but he says he's going to have dinner with his mother. As he's struggling to say something else, his hand twitches. She tells him to give her regards to his mother but as she's tired, she's going back home. His hand twitches some more as he watches her leave. He looks like he wanted to ask her to accompany him. Bro, you should have. She did all that work and still hasn't even formally met your mother who is her landlord. [Geo]

[Ep22] Cheng Xiao is jealous-angry. Gu Nan Ting looks lost at how to reconcile with her and precisely because of this, she's enjoying every minute of his discomfort, lol.

Cheng Xiao watches Gu Nan Ting with love-eyes. Ni Zhan watches Cheng Xiao with droopy-eyes. He likes Cheng Xiao who loves Gu Nan Ting.
[Ep23] Our pilots are involved in rescue relief. Introducing Earthquake. Oh no. FL is in danger. ML to the rescue. True love is displayed.

#24 His fingers start twitching/tapping after she kisses him on the cheek. Then she slides her hand under his and when he looks at her, he smiles and tightens his grip on her hand!!! [Geo]
[Ep24] Ni Zhan deliberately tells Gu Nan Ting he likes Cheng Xiao. Dude, you tell the girl you like the girl and not another dude. Gu Nan Ting is too cowardly to admit he loves Cheng Xiao too and so he avoids her. Other Dude #2, you doofus.
#26 As she's walking away, his finger twitches. [Geo]
#26.2 Can this be counted? At his mom's house, he starts compulsively wiping and cleaning. When that's done, he starts aggressively sharpening a pencil until his mom asks him to stop. He's kept his hands so busy that even his mom knows something is wrong with him. [Geo]
#27 At work Gu is still avoiding eye contact with her. He tries to take her off the safety team but she's adamant that she finishes what she started. She's waiting for a response from him but all he can do is look down and clench his hands together. [Geo]
[Ep25] Gu Nan Ting tells Cheng Xiao she’s no longer his student. He meant that she’s good on her own, but he is also severing their relationship.
Cheng Xiao is embroiled in rumours that she’s two-timing Gu Nan Ting and Ni Zhan. Gu Nan Ting immediately posts a clarification for her sake. But he goes and tells Cheng Xiao that he’s doing it because she’s his student. But dude forgot he disowned her as his student. She hangs up on him with these words: “Gu Nan Ting, I really don’t understand you.” You and I both.
Cheng Xiao publicly clarifies her rumours and reveals that it’s Gu Nan Ting who never accepted her feelings. She promises to the board and all the staff that she will move out and leave his team. So dramatic. As a passenger, do I really care about my pilot’s love affair(s)?
Where is Cheng Xiao going to live? At her un-renovated home. She’ll make do with a bed. Chinese houses are weird to me. I buy a house and you tell me I can’t live in it without renovating. It’s legitimately a shell. No heat, not light, no walls. But her father had paid for the renovations! AW.
#29 When Cheng Xiao admits her affection for Gu but he rejected her already, he clenches his hands.[Geo]
#30 Gu Nan Ting fiddles with his folded hands in the bar as Director Xie questions him about what happened. Gu tells him he rejected her after Lanshan because he still hasn't decided what to do. Director Xie tells him that he shouldn't cross the line with Cheng Xiao until he figures it out because it will only give her hope. He also says that Cheng Xiao is a great girl and Gu will end up regretting it. [Geo]
[Ep26] Ni Zhan is unrighteously angry at Gu Nan Ting for reporting a work incident. If the airplane blacks out for two minutes right before take off, I’d freak out too. Gu Nan Ting’s safety standards aren’t going to change just because of friendship and it shouldn’t.
[Ep27] Our couple is stuck at a stalemate. And what is wrong with Ni Zhan? Must this actor’s character always be annoying in Tan Song Yun’s dramas?!
#32 At the housewarming party, after seeing Ni Zhan give Cheng Xiao a model airplane made out of retired parts, he folds his hands under the table.
[Ep28] A drunk Ni Zhan confronts Gu Nan Ting for liking Cheng Xiao and rejecting her. “Why give her hope and then take it away? You want to give her to me? What do you take me for? What do you take Cheng Xiao for?” Well, Cheng Xiao heard this and she confronts Gu Nan Ting too. What’s up with Gu Nan Ting? Such a coward? And I will take back my dislike for Ni Zhan but his acting/character is giving me whiplashes. His expressions/actions looked so despicable before. And uh, bros will be bros. Ni Zhan and Gu Nan Ting are buddies again.
Li Yu Heng gives up on Gu Nan Ting. Atta girl. He wasn’t going to look your way.
Mom Cheng is against Cheng Xiao’s pilot career because she suffered an aviation accident. It gave her PTSD. Cheng Xiao knows nothing. And now Mom Cheng is hospitalized because of anxiety after learning Cheng Xiao was the pilot from the previous flight incident. When Dad Cheng updates Cheng Xiao about the mom, it feels like Cheng Xiao is more worried about the future of her career than her mother’s health... Am I wrong to assume family is more important? I guess so. [Not being sarcastic.].
#34 Gu fiddles with his hands when Cheng Xiao's dad asks him to convince her to change jobs. [Geo]
#34.2 His fingers twitch when she's in his office to get a leave of absence to deal with her mom in the hospital. He's struggling to find words of support but they end up coming out awkwardly. [Geo]
[Ep29] Dad Cheng solves Mom Cheng’s mental health problem by lying to her that Cheng Xiao has an engineer boyfriend (= Ni Zhan). Okay. Essentially, Cheng Xiao can return to work and now Gu Nan Ting is walking on clouds.
#35 To contain his excitement at hearing that Cheng Xiao will be returning to work, Gu grips his water bottle. (So happy in fact that he lets someone off with a warning for not wearing their badge being the stickler for the rules that he is.) [Geo]
[Ep30] Jiang Tao effs up. A passenger dies on his flight. And look at Cheng Xiao being the woman and assuring him that she will share the responsibility with him as the first officer (when she made the right call but he didn’t listen to her!). But the man wants no responsibility. Typical men. Lol xD.
#36 In an attempt to alleviate Cheng Xiao's guilt (because she shouldn't have any, it wasn't her call and if it was she would have made the right choice), Gu tells her about what happened 10 years ago and she realizes why he's so strict about safety. He tells her that if she allows her self to wallow in "what-ifs", she'll never be able to climb out. He then tells her to cheer up and recover her emotional state or he won't let her copilot with him in the afternoon flight, which somewhat seems to work, and then awkwardly pats her on the shoulder [Geo].
[Ep31] Cheng Xiao wants to help the victim sue her airport because Jiang Tao isn’t admitting that he could have made a better decision and he is even altercating evidence. Gu Nan Ting silently helps Cheng Xiao.
#37 Gu's hand clenches when Cheng Xiao tells him not to get involved in the case anymore. (He's hoping she's not going to do anything reckless but Cheng Xiao can't shake the fact that Dickless Jiang perjured himself and lied to everyone about what happened. She also can't let go of the sympathy she has for the passenger's family so she searching for a lawyer who will represent them) [Geo].
[Ep32] Cheng Xiao’s worst enemy is actually her own mother (a lawyer) who teams up with Jiang Tao to cut her own daughter’s wings so that she can’t fly. ??!! Who needs enemies with a mother like her.
[Ep32] Cheng Xiao’s worst enemy is actually her own mother (a lawyer) who teams up with Jiang Tao to cut her own daughter’s wings so that she can’t fly. ??!! Who needs enemies with a mother like her.
[Ep33] Gu Nan Ting texts goodbye to Luo Yi (his late girlfriend). He’s following his heart (and flying to Cheng Xiao) but first he’s flying to Tokyo in search of witnesses for the grieving passenger (who Cheng Xiao is risking her career for).
[Ep34] The witness rejects Gu Nan Ting’s request to testify. She tells Gu Nan Ting love is not worth it. Okay. That was the take home message? I thought someone died on the plane.
[Ep35] The witness changes her mind. Why? “Where I come from, it's called Romance (= Chinese translation of Rome).” Already we have our corniest line of 2023.
Unlike Ni Zhan, Gu Nan Ting was always on Cheng Xiao’s side even if her decisions were reckless. Gu Nan Ting is ready to confess! He holds her hand! Hallelujah. Physical skinship after 35 episodes. But Mom Cheng faints. This crap again. At least Cheng Xiao knows about her mother’s mental health (as she should!).
[Ep36] Three updates:
Bye Jiang Tao.Gu Nan Ting’s eyes! Oh no.Mom Cheng’s PTSD recovers in a day...
#38 Gu taps his fingers on his pant leg when Cheng Xiao reminds him at the hospital that he was going to tell her something at the courthouse. He says that it was nothing and he'll tell her later. I guess he doesn't want to intrude on her family time [Geo].
[Ep37] Gu Nan Ting confesses his love to Cheng Xiao. But she wants to be friends. Bull.

#39 After Cheng Xiao leaves in a hurry, his fingers start twitching. (Poor guy. I know he said he wasn't expecting an answer right away but judging by his face, he definitely was hoping for one.) [Geo]
#40 Gu sends Cheng Xiao home and they awkwardly stand looking at one another for a bit. When Cheng Xiao leaves, Gu looks after her as his hand twitches [Geo].

Our couple kiss! In the middle of the intersection. Wind, check. Camera spinning, check. No care for traffic whatsoever, check. Captain Gu only cares about air safety eh.
[Ep39] Gu Nan Ting’s eyes can be operated on, but just the thought of never flying again scares him. He doesn’t tell Cheng Xiao, afraid it will affect her monumental flight. She’ll be flying the first aircraft manufactured by China – all parts are also made in China. The plane is pure Chinese DNA. I know what plane I’m not riding.
Cheng Xiao belatedly learns about Gu Nan Ting’s eye surgery and realizes that to him, affecting her flight is more important than his eyes. Of course, it’s Chinese DNA! She promises him she’ll fly well tomorrow, which is the same day as his surgery. The next day, our two captains conquered their battlefields: one in the air and the other in the hospital. I like how Ni Zhan is with Gu Nan Ting every step of the way. Right now, I’m thinking Ni Zhan is the better girlfriend.
Li Yu Heng gives Qiao Zheng Yu a movie ticket! They’re cute.
From the car, Gu Nan Ting sees a bird, not it’s Chinese DNA! No, it’s a plane (and it ought to be the plane that Cheng Xiao is flying) and he CRIES! Ni Zhan shakes his head at his overly emotional buddy. It’s the side effect from the surgery, obviously.
Gu Nan Ting asks Cheng Xiao when they can live together. Cheng Xiao says the answer depends on his actions. She kisses him and leaves for work. Then he picks up a call. The delivery guy has eight boxes. It’s Cheng Xiao’s belongings. By action, she meant unpacking.
The end. (The actress for Ah Jia is wasted in this drama.)
[First Impression (Ep1-6)] I like looking at Wang Kai more than I thought. (And he’s a Gu!) His micro-expressions induce my macro-expressions. My eyes dilate whenever I catch the flicker in his eyes or the twitch in his lips because of love. Let’s not talk about the silly grin I have for this man. Tan Song Yun is difficult to watch though only because her character is suffering too much from a misogynistic boss and she thinks it’s our ML’s fault. Nooooo!
I don’t think there’s anything special about the story. I’m shamelessly in this for Wang Kai and Tan Song Yun. It is better than I thought though. Not boring, basically, lol. And not overly dramatic. So far, there's zero patriotism. You may get hypertensive at the blatant misogyny.
[Actors/Actresses] It’s interesting watching these two. I’m not sure there’s natural chemistry between them, but I feel it and I think it’s because they’re carrying it by pure acting skills. Or I’m just biased. I can admit that.
[CP Name] It’s Rare That the Quarrels Stopped
Gu Nan Ting + Cheng Xiao = Nan De Xiao Ting
顧南亭 + 程霄 = 南得霄亭
南得霄亭→ 難得嘵停 = It’s Rare That the Quarrels Stopped
[Behind the Scenes]
凡心 Fán xīn – Mortal heart. The mundane desires of humans e.g. love. (Ep15)
以身相許 Yǐ shēn xiāng xǔ – To devote one’s life/body to / To give one’s heart to (Ep16)
[Ending] Happy.
[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... Ep12’s amusingly awkward badging moment.
[Review & Rating]
[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... Ep12’s amusingly awkward badging moment.
[Review & Rating]
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