A cardiac surgeon saving hearts (and stealing hearts).
Notable Actors/Actresses
Huang Jue: Liu Feng
Chinese Title
cynlynn: I am sharing episode recaps which are in the form of patient documentation. I meant to translate one, but got obsessed. So this is what it is. Consider listening to Dr. Tang’s OSTs while reading. Or don’t read, but still listen?
Zhou Shen – One in Ten Thousand ♥
Zhu Xing Dong – Sprout
弦子 – 陪你走完人生的旅程
Xian Zi (Stringer) – Accompany You Through the Journey of Life
Jin Zhi Wen – Just Give Me a Hug ♥

“For so many years, I have tried everything, but no one will believe it.” (Li Ping)

“You are very lucky the hospital stipulates that everyone must be given a chance to be saved. Others may say that Li Ping died in a car accident, but only you know that she was killed by you.” (Dr. Long Xiang Dong)

“Grandpa should have taken you for surgery earlier, even if I had to sacrifice everything I have, I should have come earlier. Be obedient. When your illness is cured, let's go home.” (Grandpa of Chen Xiao Yu)

“You are still young and there is still a long way to go. You don't need to go to the tip of the needle. Harming yourself for the sake of love isn’t worth it.” (Tang Jia Yu)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt had two types of congenital heart disease, (1) the left coronary artery abnormally originated from the pulmonary artery, (2) combined with a patent ductus arteriosus. [First (1) condition means] that the coronary artery that should have originated from the aorta to transport oxygenated blood, is now misaligned (before the pt was born), and is receiving deoxygenated blood from the pulmonary artery instead. The pt's heart also has a second malformation, (2) the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which grows thicker with age. These two diseases with opposite mechanisms cancel each other out. Surgery is required as soon as possible.
For more information: PDA occurs when the opening between the aorta (the artery that carries oxygen-rich blood to the body) and the pulmonary artery (the artery that carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs) does not close as it should. (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/patent-ductus-arteriosus-pda?amp=true).
In Lay Terms: (As I understand it) Yu Meng’s body is low on oxygenated blood because of congenital heart disease #1, but because she has #2 as well (an “abnormal" opening in her heart blood vessels), the conditions balanced out each other. Her heart was able to pump out oxygenated blood to her body. Her heart was working in chaos.
Tang Jia Yu operates on the mistress. I like that Tang Jia Yu has the heart to empathize with Yu Meng as a fellow woman. Don’t waste your precious ‘heart’ on a man who won’t love you. Literally.
[Medical terms] Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), Patent ductus arteriosus

“Life is only once for everyone, time cannot cover up the pain, time can only help to neutralize the pain, it is very difficult, but I believe you can do it!” (Qin Da Zhong)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt was stabbed with a knife into the right ventricle. The pt did not obey the doctor's instructions, and pulled out the knife, resulting in massive hemorrhage. The patient had somewhat weak arteries and distended jugular veins, suspecting cardiac tamponade. Because there was no spare operating room, Qin Dazhong performed an emergency bedside thoracotomy to rescue the pt. The operation was successful. After the operation, the pt overheard the doctor's order and increased the potassium chloride pump by himself. He suffered sudden cardiac arrest due to excessive potassium supplementation. Resuscitated. Qin Dazhong learned that the old man wanted to commit suicide by inserting a knife and adjusting the dose of potassium chloride because of the death of his wife.

Therapeutic Focus: Pt was admitted to the hospital because of heart failure, and was found to have aortic root aneurysm, severe aortic valve regurgitation, and calcification. Tang Jiayu determined that pt needed a Bentall operation. This operation requires clamping the aorta. However, because the aorta is hardened and the intima of the aorta is completely calcified, once clamped, it will embolize and fall off, causing blockage over the entire body. Very dangerous. There is only one way to do surgery: deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest. Body temperature needs to be reduced to 18 degrees, blood pressure kept at 0, and heart needs to be stopped. After deep hypothermia to protect the brain, remove the hardened intima, and then perform the Bentall operation. The operation time must be controlled within 40 minutes. Meanwhile pt's brachiocephalic blood vessels were so calcified that there was no way to clamp, so the operation had to be completed within 45 minutes to protect the brain. Using the Frozen Elephant Trunk technique on the distal end of the aorta saves more time. The operation was successful.

”No matter how many setbacks I encounter in the future, I will do a good job as a cardiac surgeon!” (Jiang Bai Li)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt had no previous cardiac history, but had swallowed a fishbone the previous day, and it was suspected that the fishbone had penetrated the esophagus and pierced the aorta, causing massive hemorrhage.
Dare I eat fish again?

Medical Recaps
These are ‘recaps’ in the form of patient documentation uploaded by the drama. I relied on my bestie, Google, to translate (with some minor touch up for clarity). I hope I didn’t mess up. If you have any corrections, please let me know :)
[Ep11: Mitral valve stenosis, birth control pill accidentally causes post-op death]
Patient: Yang Shan Shan 杨姗姗
“Believe in the facts, and you have proven the fact that you are a competent and good doctor.”
Therapeutic Focus: The operation was successful and the postoperative recovery was good without complications. However, the night before, the pt was discharged from the hospital, she suffered sudden respiratory and cardiac arrest, and died. Resuscitation failed. Later (after an autopsy), the pt is revealed to have died from cerebral embolism due to inadequate anticoagulation. After investigation, it was found that the pt took a large amount of contraceptive pills post-op. A side effect of contraceptive pills is thrombosis, which further increases post operations risk of cerebral infarction.
This is the episode where Liao Xiao Bo turns cute! I love how Tang Jia Yu tames her boys xD. From here on, everyone on her team is her fanboy.
[Medical terms] Thrombosis, Cerebral Infarction, Post-op complications.
[Ep12: Single Atrium Single Ventricle 单心房单心室 (congenital heart disease)]
Patient: Zasidawa 扎西达瓦
“We are one band, and no one can be left behind.” (Friends of Tashi Dawa)
Treatment Focus: The pt's is cyanotic. It was found that he only had a single atrium and a single ventricle. Pt is hypoxic due to the mixing of venous and arterial blood. This situation can only be corrected functionally. The Total Cavopulmonary Connection is applied. An artificial blood vessel is connected outside the heart, and the superior and inferior vena cava is connected to the pulmonary artery, so that the venous blood does not pass through the ventricle and instead directly flows into the pulmonary artery for oxygenation. Although pt is still single atrium and single ventricle, his cardiopulmonary function after surgery is not very different from that of normal people.
The condition explained in basic terms: “everyone else has two living rooms and dining rooms, you only have one of each.”
[Medical terms] Hypoxic, Single Atrium Single Ventricle, Total Cavopulmonary Connection
[Ep13: Aortic rupture (from motor vehicle accident (MVA))]
Patient: Li Ping 李萍 (Victim of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV))
Treatment Focus: After the MVA, pt has been enduring severe pain. She concealed her pain and did not do a physical examination. She later fainted due to hemorrhagic shock. During CT, it was found that her aortic intima and media were completely severed, with only a thin layer of adventitia attached. From this, it can be inferred that pt is a victim of sustained IPV [because of her ability to endure +++pain], but because the pt did not receive timely examination and treatment, she died due to massive hemorrhage. Resuscitation failed.
😭 It’s so tragic that when Li Ping had the resolution to seek help (a lot of IPV victims do not), she never made it out alive from her surgery. It was too late. It makes me cry even more that it was because of her daughter that she had the courage to report her husband. She had no idea her daughter knew she was abused, and it was her daughter who begged Dr. Tang to save her.
[Medical terms] IPV (or DV), Hemorrhagic shock
[Ep13: Mitral chordae tendineae rupture leading to mitral regurgitation from MVA]
Patient: He Mo 何墨 (Husband of the IPV victim)
Therapeutic Focus: After neurosurgery, cardiac surgery can be performed through access, and there is no need to open the chest. Heparin is used to prevent uncontrollable cerebral hemorrhage.
The abuser was saved, instead of his wife...T_T. I love that quote from Dr. Long Xiang Dong. I also like that it was Dr. Long Xiang Dong (M) who caught the signs of abuse before Dr. Tang (F). There’s a reason he could. He grew up in a family with IPV. I like that this scriptwriter gives a male a fair representation as well as displays the repercussions of IPV on children.
[Medical terms] Mitral regurgitation, Heparin
[Ep14: Cardiac Pheochromocytoma (rare type of cardiac tumour)]

Patient: Zhou Shu Zhen 周淑珍 (Director Liu’s MIL)
“This can be considered a good thing, I finally know what disease I have, and I won't be as suspicious as before.” (Zhou Shu Zhen)
Therapeutic Focus: Pt was admitted to the hospital due to hypertension, chest tightness, headache, sweating, and a heart space-occupying lesion was found after examination. Further CT scans and blood and urine analysis revealed cardiac pheochromocytoma, a very rare tumor that originates in the adrenal gland and grows ectopic, most rarely in the heart. [The ones in the heart appears to be more aggressive] It is a type of paraganglioma, although most are benign, but because adrenal glands secretes catecholamines, [e.g. epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine], it will lead to the death of patients due to hypertension and complications, and requires surgical resection.
For more information on cardiac pheochromocytoma: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557697
I like the pt’s positivity in learning of her tumour. Everyone tells her she’s fine but she doesn’t feel fine. She’s been fearing it for a while because of all her symptoms and now that she knows, she feels relieved.
The MIL’s story connects to Director Liu’s wife, who also appears fine, but she’s depressed at being a housewife. She has signs of depression, also a disease of the “heart”. The one who recognizes the wife’s problems is Tang Jia Yu and at this point, I’m really impressed with the scriptwriter. Tang Jia Yu is both a cardiac surgeon, and “heart” doctor in this episode.
The scriptwriter is really adept at connecting stories to patients, to other characters, and relating it to the doctor. I love noticing the connections between the patients with doctors who have similar experiences: Tang Jia Yu to Director Liu’s wife; Long Xiang Dong to the victim of IPV, etc.
[Medical terms] Cardiac pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma
[Ep17: Persistent arterial trunk type II (a type of congenital heart disease)]
Patient: Chen Xiao Yu 陈小雨 (Little Girl)
Treatment Focus: Because of the family’s poverty, pt was not admitted until 5, and the optimal operation time is 6 months after birth. In the medical community, there has always been disagreement about the extent of pulmonary vascular disease to be regarded as an absolute contraindication to surgery. Ye Yiming studied research papers and determined that pt can undergo surgery. The surgery was successful. The next 48 hours were critical, but after seeing her grandfather for the last time, Xiaoyu's heart stopped. Resuscitation failed.
Breaks my heart to see little ones go. It’s not supposed to be like that for the old to watch the young go. Grandpa blames it on himself. What happened to the little girl's parents....?
[Medical terms] Persistent truncus arteriosus type II
[Ep19: Steel pipe goes through two people's hearts]
Patient: Wang Yue 汪月 and Liu Dong 刘东
“Both of us can give up our lives for each other, but we can't survive the trivialities in life. There’s only so many explosions in life, but everyday is full of trivialities.” (Wang Yue)
Therapeutic Focus: At the wedding, in order to protect Wang Yue, Liu Dong hugged her, and so the steel pipe passed through both their bodies. However, how to ensure that the two people will not be paraplegic or die due to heavy bleeding after moving the steel pipe? Ye Yiming thought of a feasible plan: the hybrid operating room has an imaging machine, which can perform interventional (non-surgical treatments) and surgical procedures at the same time. First use interventional surgery to block the rupture of Wang Yue's aorta with a covered stent, and then move her [away from the rod] to repair her lung injury. [For Liu Dong,] use the cardiopulmonary bypass machine to avoid hemorrhage, then operate on his heart, and then on the spine.
In lay terms: The removal of the rod without immediate treatment will either kill Wang Yue (F) from hemorrhage or render Liu Dong (M) paraplegic (which is worse than dying for him). They both want the other to be saved first. Fortunately, with Ye Yi Ming’s plan (who always seems to have ideas), neither have to die.
After the surgery, Dr. Tang asks WY (F) if she wants to see LD (M). She doesn’t. She’s marrying another man. They can die for each other, but they cannot live with each other. Ironic, isn’t it? To her, there are some people who should be together forever and there are others who should be kept deep within their hearts
[Medical terms] Interventional procedures (minimally invasive), paraplegic,
[Ep20: Suspected MERS infection in patients with aortic dissection]
Patient: Wang Bao Wei 王保卫
“This driver is too amazing. It's godsend that he came in close contact with a MERS patient and is actually fine.” (Dr. Qin Da Zhong)
Therapeutic Focus: Tang Jiayu was temporarily called back to the hospital to perform an operation on a pt with aortic dissection. Halfway through the operation, Liu Yang received a call from the CDC. The pt, a taxi driver, picked up a foreigner a few days ago. That person was diagnosed with MERS, which means the driver was in close contact. The hospital urgently processed the throat swabs of all staff. Dr. Tang's entire team was locked in the operating room and could not come out. The ventilator was turned off to avoid infecting the patients in the operating room next door, increasing their risk of infection. Fortunately, the patient was tested negative in the end. They were not infected. Dr. Tang and the others came out safely.
Dr. Tang Jia Yu was in a surgery room with her team, but the hospital had to shut off the ventilator in the OR. This means that contaminated air stays in the room, further increasing their risk for infection (and this is MERS!). The hospital had to do this because it shared the same vent with the OR next door, which was performing a liver surgery.

Also, with MERS in Cdramas, don’t forget about the romantic scenes. And yes, the above is romantic.
[Medical terms] MERS
[Ep20-21: Glenn Procedure]
Patient: Zhao Liang Liang 赵亮亮
“60,000 yuan. After I pay 40, 000 yuan, I still have to pay another 60,000. Where can I get the 60,000 yuan? I need to cure my mother too. But this is my son... My mother... I don't want to be an orphan...What can I sell?” (Zhao Liang Liang)
Therapeutic Focus: This is a pt with tricuspid atresia, and has been performing squat breathing typical of pts with congenital heart disease during systole. His right heart system is hypoplastic and tricuspid atresia. Because long-term hypoxia has a great impact on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and the condition of pulmonary artery is not good, it is recommended to perform Bidirectional Glenn operation ASAP. During the operation, extracorporeal circulation is used. As a result, the brain was severely damaged, resulting in postoperative cerebral complications and falling into a shallow coma. Doctors at Children's Hospital provided new ideas, using the new technology of stem cell transplantation in the brain. Through this small operation, Zhao Liangliang's brain function has a chance to return to normal. The operation needs to be done twice in total, and it needs to be done as soon as possible, otherwise the child will fall into a deep coma.
For more info: “The Glenn procedure is an open-heart surgery. Often, it's done as the second of three surgeries to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS).” (https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/glenn.html)]. Basically, the child’s left ventricle, which pumps blood to the entire body, is too weak. Right ventricle has to compensate and pump extra hard. In turn, the right heart is now hypoplastic. The Glenn procedure makes it easier for the right ventricle to work.
The child in the drama is sitting up instead of lying down on the bed. In that hunched forward position, it’s easier to breathe.
This episode is good for crying 😭 |
The emphasis on the Glenn procedure and the following cerebral complication is money. Each surgery is an extra cost. The Glenn procedure is the second of a three-part surgery. Cerebral complication will need another surgery. The father of the pt looks irresponsible and is always smiling when his son is dying. He’s barely ever there to take care of his sick child. Dr. Tang is annoyed with him. How can a father be like this?
It turns out (😭) this father sold absolutely everything and is essentially homeless to not only pay for not only his son’s surgeries but also his mother’s! In this episode he only had enough money to either save his son or his mother. The man who smiled through everything up until now crumbled. Completely collapsed.
I appreciate that there’s a scene of another doctor displeased with Tang Jia Yu’s over-involvement (she helped subsidize part of the surgical fees). She cannot do this for every patient. She knows. She says this will be the exception.
[Medical terms] Glenn procedure, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Tricuspid atresia
[Ep22: Two Congenital Heart Mechanisms Offset]
Patient: Yu Meng 于梦 (Mistress of FL’s husband)
“You are still young and there is still a long way to go. You don't need to go to the tip of the needle. Harming yourself for the sake of love isn’t worth it.” (Tang Jia Yu)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt had two types of congenital heart disease, (1) the left coronary artery abnormally originated from the pulmonary artery, (2) combined with a patent ductus arteriosus. [First (1) condition means] that the coronary artery that should have originated from the aorta to transport oxygenated blood, is now misaligned (before the pt was born), and is receiving deoxygenated blood from the pulmonary artery instead. The pt's heart also has a second malformation, (2) the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which grows thicker with age. These two diseases with opposite mechanisms cancel each other out. Surgery is required as soon as possible.
For more information: PDA occurs when the opening between the aorta (the artery that carries oxygen-rich blood to the body) and the pulmonary artery (the artery that carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs) does not close as it should. (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/patent-ductus-arteriosus-pda?amp=true).
In Lay Terms: (As I understand it) Yu Meng’s body is low on oxygenated blood because of congenital heart disease #1, but because she has #2 as well (an “abnormal" opening in her heart blood vessels), the conditions balanced out each other. Her heart was able to pump out oxygenated blood to her body. Her heart was working in chaos.
![]() |
Ming Yu ~ Why are you betraying the Empress? D: |
[Medical terms] Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), Patent ductus arteriosus
[Ep25: Emergency beside chest opening]
Patient: Li Cheng Hai 李成海
“Life is only once for everyone, time cannot cover up the pain, time can only help to neutralize the pain, it is very difficult, but I believe you can do it!” (Qin Da Zhong)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt was stabbed with a knife into the right ventricle. The pt did not obey the doctor's instructions, and pulled out the knife, resulting in massive hemorrhage. The patient had somewhat weak arteries and distended jugular veins, suspecting cardiac tamponade. Because there was no spare operating room, Qin Dazhong performed an emergency bedside thoracotomy to rescue the pt. The operation was successful. After the operation, the pt overheard the doctor's order and increased the potassium chloride pump by himself. He suffered sudden cardiac arrest due to excessive potassium supplementation. Resuscitated. Qin Dazhong learned that the old man wanted to commit suicide by inserting a knife and adjusting the dose of potassium chloride because of the death of his wife.
I like how the doctor is Qin Da Zhong. Him and his patient are similar. Older and alone.
[Medical terms] Spousal death, Distended jugular veins, Cardiac Tamponade
[Ep26: Aortic root aneurysm resection, Aortic sclerosis, Complete calcification of the aortic intima]
Patient: Duo Ji 多吉
Therapeutic Focus: Pt was admitted to the hospital because of heart failure, and was found to have aortic root aneurysm, severe aortic valve regurgitation, and calcification. Tang Jiayu determined that pt needed a Bentall operation. This operation requires clamping the aorta. However, because the aorta is hardened and the intima of the aorta is completely calcified, once clamped, it will embolize and fall off, causing blockage over the entire body. Very dangerous. There is only one way to do surgery: deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest. Body temperature needs to be reduced to 18 degrees, blood pressure kept at 0, and heart needs to be stopped. After deep hypothermia to protect the brain, remove the hardened intima, and then perform the Bentall operation. The operation time must be controlled within 40 minutes. Meanwhile pt's brachiocephalic blood vessels were so calcified that there was no way to clamp, so the operation had to be completed within 45 minutes to protect the brain. Using the Frozen Elephant Trunk technique on the distal end of the aorta saves more time. The operation was successful.
[Ep26: Fishbone causing massive aortic hemorrhage]
Patient: Wu Xiao Yang 吴晓阳
Therapeutic Focus: The pt had no previous cardiac history, but had swallowed a fishbone the previous day, and it was suspected that the fishbone had penetrated the esophagus and pierced the aorta, causing massive hemorrhage.
Dare I eat fish again?
[Ep27: Intrauterine cardiac interventional therapy]

"Isn't maternal love innate? Shouldn't all parents in the world love their children? Why is my mother an exception?” (Tang Jia Yu)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt is 28-week pregnant. Fetus has severe stenosis of the aorta, resulting in low blood flow to the left heart. If this continues, the fetus will be born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome without a left ventricle, which is the most serious form of congenital heart disease. The pt insisted on keeping the baby. The operation was performed in a hybrid OR.
Patient: Xu Jiang Yue 徐江月 (Tang Jia Yu’s step sister)
"Isn't maternal love innate? Shouldn't all parents in the world love their children? Why is my mother an exception?” (Tang Jia Yu)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt is 28-week pregnant. Fetus has severe stenosis of the aorta, resulting in low blood flow to the left heart. If this continues, the fetus will be born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome without a left ventricle, which is the most serious form of congenital heart disease. The pt insisted on keeping the baby. The operation was performed in a hybrid OR.
This episode is about two mothers. As Xu Jiang Yue chooses to protect her unborn daughter, Tang Jia Yu wonders why her mother didn’t protect her. This mother-daughter story line empathetically unravels in the next few episodes.
[Medical terms] Intrauterine cardiac interventional therapy, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (like in Ep21, but this case, the pt is a fetus)
[Ep28: Rare Venous Leiomyoma] 
Patient: Qu Jian Hong 曲建红
“This is the cardiac department, find me a male doctor. I don't believe your skills, it’s better that a man performs the surgery!” (Qu Jian Hong)
Therapeutic Focus: The pt has recurrent uterine leiomyoma. She reported symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath in the past 3mo. After examination, it was found to be a rare venous leiomyoma. Although it’s benign, Tang Jiayu believes that the pt needs surgery asap. Presently, the tumor has developed like a huge poisonous snake, which has eroded the entire vein. Now the blood flows through the gap between the blood vessel wall and the tumor, which is easy to cause blockage. If surgery is not performed, the patient may faint at any time or even die suddenly. However, pt refuses an open chest and insists on minimally invasive surgery. Later, pt had cardiac arrest due to emotional agitation. In the end, the husband signed on his behalf to complete the operation.
A clarification on the quote: it’s a female pt to a female doctor. Discrimination is systematic. This shows how much tougher it was for Tang Jia Yu to be where she is.
In the drama, there was a video animation illustrating how the tumour (leiomyoma) went from the uterus all the way up to the heart (like a snake!!). That was traumatizing to watch.
[Medical terms] Rare Venous Leiomyoma
[Ep30: Herpesvirus after Heterotopic Heart Transplantation, Virus-Associated PTLD (Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder)]

Patient: Xu Mi 许觅
“I have a healthy heart now and anything is possible in the future.” (Xu Mi)
Therapeutic Focus: Ten years ago, the pt had severe pulmonary hypertension and was not eligible for orthotopic transplantation. Pt underwent a heart transplant abroad. The original heart was preserved, and the donor heart was placed in the right thoracic cavity. The two hearts worked together. After the operation, it is necessary to take immunosuppressive drugs all year round. However, that will lead to a decline in immunity. The pt is repeatedly infected with herpesvirus. This time it has lasted for three months, her whole body is weak, the lymph nodes are swollen, and she has a low-grade fever. Since the pt’s (original) heart recovered well, Tang Jiayu believes that the donor heart is no longer necessary. Tang Jiayu decides to remove the donor heart and only keep one. The surgery was successful.
She had TWO hearts!!!!! One in the left and one in the right chest cavity. That’s so cool. She mentionned that it took a year for her heartS to synchronize.
[Medical terms] Human Herpesvirus, Heterotopic Heart Transplantation, Immunosuppressive drugs, Virus-Associated PTLD (Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder)
[Ep31: Neo-adventitial cavernous hemangioma]

“We are in our fifties, and we can still sneak out behind our parents' backs like we did in elementary school. Although we didn’t travel very far, I’m already very satisfied. I had a lot of fun during this time, more fun than I’ve ever had for the half of the life I’ve lived.” (Wang Ya Qin)
Treatment Focus: There are three hemangiomas on the heart. The tumors are so large that they compress the coronary arteries and cause insufficient blood supply to the heart. Since this was a major operation, Tang Jiayu asked the pt to notify the family members and underwent thoracotomy to remove the hemangioma, but the pt’s friend Lin Shuanghua and the pt were hesitant. It turns out that the two decided to run away from home together because they wanted to travel. Because it was difficult for Lin Shuanghua to raise medical expenses privately, and the pt was unwilling to drag down her best friend, she finally notified her family for the operation fee. Operation was successful.
Patient: Wang Ya Qin 王亚琴
“We are in our fifties, and we can still sneak out behind our parents' backs like we did in elementary school. Although we didn’t travel very far, I’m already very satisfied. I had a lot of fun during this time, more fun than I’ve ever had for the half of the life I’ve lived.” (Wang Ya Qin)
Treatment Focus: There are three hemangiomas on the heart. The tumors are so large that they compress the coronary arteries and cause insufficient blood supply to the heart. Since this was a major operation, Tang Jiayu asked the pt to notify the family members and underwent thoracotomy to remove the hemangioma, but the pt’s friend Lin Shuanghua and the pt were hesitant. It turns out that the two decided to run away from home together because they wanted to travel. Because it was difficult for Lin Shuanghua to raise medical expenses privately, and the pt was unwilling to drag down her best friend, she finally notified her family for the operation fee. Operation was successful.
Re quote. How bad was her life?
I love the subtle theme in this episode: women in need helping women in need. Director Liu’s wife whose depression is neglected by her husband helps another woman, who’s running away from home, keep her happiness for a little bit longer.
[Medical terms] Neo-adventitial cavernous hemangioma
[Ep32: History of myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's Disease]
Patient:Homeless old man
“Being able to perform surgery on the heart, stop the heartbeat, and then restart the heart, often gives us the illusion that there are no patients who cannot be saved by cardiac surgeons, but the reality is that the patients we can save are too limited!’ (Tang Jia Yu to Jiang Bai Li)
Therapeutic Focus: A homeless old man, aged between 70 and 80, with angina pectoris, an abnormal Q wave on the electrocardiogram, history of myocardial infarction, and with Alzheimer's Disease. The pt's myocardial activity is very poor, and the area of the myocardial infarction is very large. Performing a heart bypass would have little significance in improving his health. The current condition is stable. However, Jiang Bai Li wants to do a myocardial nuclide for him to see if the area of the active myocardium can be used for bypass. If there is an indication for bypass surgery, the only way to do it is heart transplantation. But the possibility of being able to line up for a donor is very small (the old man has no family and suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, which decreases his score). The old man's heart cannot sustain for much longer
Tang Jia Yu is giving Jiang Bai Li a hard lesson on death – the inevitable in their profession. There are patients who cannot be saved. Jiang Bai Li also has a particular attachment to this grandpa because his own grandma also had Alzheimer’s Disease. One day she disappeared.
[Medical terms] Myocardial infection, Alzheimer’s Disease, Angina pectoris, Abnormal Q wave
[Ep33: Intrauterine cardiac interventional therapy]

“I just now understand what it's like to be a mother.” (Xu Jiang Yue)
Treatment Focus: The pt is about to be born prematurely, the fetal heart is not well developed, and the neonatal aortic valve is stenotic. A balloon has been placed in the baby's aorta through intrauterine surgery to help the left heart develop. After the baby was born safely, and although the left heart has been developed to a certain extent, there is still a critical and severe aortic stenosis. Alprostadil was used to maintain the patency of the aortic duct, and the right ventricle, but there was still the possibility of sudden death. Surgery was required as soon as possible. After surgical intervention and balloon dilation, the child's left heart can support systemic circulation, but after a few years, a second or third operation is required.
[Ending] Happy!
Patient: Xu Jiang Yue’s premature baby (Tang Jia Yu’s step-niece)
Treatment Focus: The pt is about to be born prematurely, the fetal heart is not well developed, and the neonatal aortic valve is stenotic. A balloon has been placed in the baby's aorta through intrauterine surgery to help the left heart develop. After the baby was born safely, and although the left heart has been developed to a certain extent, there is still a critical and severe aortic stenosis. Alprostadil was used to maintain the patency of the aortic duct, and the right ventricle, but there was still the possibility of sudden death. Surgery was required as soon as possible. After surgical intervention and balloon dilation, the child's left heart can support systemic circulation, but after a few years, a second or third operation is required.
There’s another quote I wish the drama chose instead. It’s from Mom Tang: which was along the lines of “Holding onto happiness is harder than suffering through sadness.”
There’s more to love about this episode ♥♥♥
- Three generations of mothers connecting with each other
- Mom Tang and Tang Jia Yu make up. *Cries happy tears*
- Xu Mi, the photographer who was two-hearted, visits Dr. Tang with pictures of Ye Yi Ming lovingly gazing at her
- 2(.5) couples are formed (Long Xiang Dong + Wu Min Min & Wang Hai Ming + Ouyang Zhen Yu)
- Zhou Da gives Director Liu marriage advice. Both their wives have/had depression. I find it absolutely wholesome to have one husband give marriage advice to another fellow male.