June 1, 2022

When You Be Me | Recap and Review

When You Be Me
A body swap between a reserved female student and a boisterous male student.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Ma Si ChaoQiao Nan
Zhou Yi Ran: Mu Xiang Xiang
Chen Chang
Pei LiHua Qian Ci
Chinese Title
Reverse Life
Episodes: 26

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Mu Xiang Xiang (“Xiang Xiang”) is one of the top students at Nandu Yingcheng School who prefers to stay a bit transparent, and doesn’t have a single friend. She wears the standard issued school uniform, oversized glasses, and appears neat, is soft-spoken, polite and keeps to herself. When she goes to turn in her science exam, Jiang Hai also goes to turn in his. They exchange the briefest of glances. Unfortunately, this is noticed by mean girl Fang Ling Li who has a crush on Jiang Hai. In the bathroom, Fang Ling Li warns Mu Xiang Xiang to stay away from Jiang Hai and then locks her inside with a pen in the latch. Fang Ling Li and her cronies leave as Xiang Xiang continues asking for someone to open the door for her. A guy walks by and removes the pen and continues walking away as he’s whistling a tune. Xiang Xiang gets out of the bathroom and finds a button that fell off his shirt. She manages to catch a glimpse of the guy walking away.

Qiao Nan, who also goes by Nan Ge, is a below-average student who proclaims that if his motorcycle is his girlfriend, then taekwondo is his best friend. He runs the taekwondo club on campus and is quite boisterous about it. Director Li interrupts their bout and takes Qiao Nan to his office. 

Now Qiao Nan is engaged in a silent standoff with Director Li when they’re interrupted by Xiang Xiang who is there to fill out a scholarship form. Director Li allows her to complete her form while he starts admonishing Qiao Nan for keeping the club open even though he’s about to enter Grade 3 (senior year). Qiao Nan admits that he’s not sure he’ll make it to Grade 3 so why is he bothering to worry about it. As he’s talking, Xiang Xiang notices that Qiao Nan’s taekwondo uniform is missing a button - just like the one she picked up earlier. 

Director Li continues scolding Qiao Nan for allowing students from other schools to fight at their school. Qiao Nan says the students are just developing skills, which angers the Director. They’re interrupted by Xiang Xiang who has completed the form. Director Li glances at the form and then tells her that given her family situation, the school has reviewed her financial aid application and approved it. She leaves and Qiao Nan is told that he’s on the verge of being expelled and his club is going to be shut down, sooner or later. Qiao Nan leaves even though the Director isn’t done speaking with him. Outside, Xiang Xiang is waiting for him and tells him that she has something for him as she reaches into her pocket. He says if it’s a love letter, forget it and just walks away. How presumptuous of him. 

Later, he helps a younger boy fend off bullies. But Qiao Nan ends up being chased through a busy alley. He’s spotted by his friends, Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi who play along by acting like they never saw him. The bullies continue looking for him. The three friends regroup, and when the bullies find them this time, Qiao Nan and his friends end up throwing seafood at them and use Qiao Nan’s funds to pay for the loss until he’s out of funds. Qiao Nan continues to run alongside a lake, and  to avoid a collision with Xiang Xiang on her bike, he falls into the lake. But he can’t swim and Xiang Xiang is forced to take off her glasses and use her inhaler before she jumps in to get him out of the water. 

Afterwards, he asks for her name and thanks her for saving him. She gives him her name and then says that they’re even now.

At home, Xiang Xiang puts the button into a glass vial. She is then called for dinner with her parents. Their meal is interrupted by the sounds of her Great-Aunt’s approach on the floor above them. She and her father hurriedly hide large bottles of oil and replace it with a small bottle. Great-Aunt is out of oil and ends up taking the small bottle anyway. She then notices that they're in the middle of their meal and tries to join them. Xiang Xiang quickly starts coughing away, which makes Great-Aunt leave. 

Qiao Nan is sitting outside eating a bun for dinner. Meanwhile, Stepmother Luo is wondering if he’s eaten yet. His father says if he can run away, then he better stay away forever. He gripes about his son’s lack of focus on studying and he’s repeated a grade twice already. His wife asks if maybe he just wants to spend more time with him. Dad asks why he should accompany a 19-year-old boy as he should be independent already - just look at his older brother. Qiao Nan ends up sleeping outside on a bench by the lake. That evening, Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang both have the same dream about the lake incident. However, in the dream, Qiao Nan’s leg is tangled up in the seaweed and she has to remove it from his leg before swimming back up to the surface.

The next day, Qiao Nan is awoken by a lady cleaning the area, who keeps saying “young man, wake up”. He touches his throat and discovers an Adam's apple, which appears to frighten him. It’s actually Xiang Xiang in Qiao Nan’s body! She then looks at her reflection in the water and screams in horror. She then runs away! 

At Mu house, Qiao Nan has just woken up and notices his long hair and the cute animal print bedding. He then notices that he has breasts and his voice is different. He realizes that he can’t see that well, so he puts on Xiang Xiang’s glasses and then looks around the room. He thinks it’s not real but then he looks in the mirror and starts screaming when it's her face staring back at him. Xiang Xiang arrives at Mu house but her father doesn’t know who this boy is. She starts telling her father about facts that only she/their family would know. Qiao Nan arrives and they two start screaming at each other. He tells Mu Dad that it’s a classmate and then he drags Xiang Xiang to his house. 

From this point on, Ma Si Chao is Mu Xiang Xiang and Zhou Yi Ran is Qiao Nan. Mu Xiang = Mu Xiang. Qiao Nan = Qiao Nan. Unless otherwise indicated. 

At Qiao house, the two attempt to slap each other to wake up from this dream. Xiang Xiang asks if this counts as beating herself and Qiao Nan counters if this is considered as hitting a woman. So they decide to slap themselves and they realize that it’s not a dream. Qiao Dad suddenly comes home and as a test if this is the real world or not, Qiao Nan had given Xiang Xiang an anime figurine to show Qiao Dad. Dad responds by grabbing it and dropping it down through the staircase, to land in the graveyard of many other figurines. He says that he’s hopeless and then leaves. Xiang Xiang realizes that they’ve really swapped souls and Qiao Nan suggests calling the police. She asks if he really wants them to be studied by scientists to figure out why their bodies have been switched. 

She then asks for her phone and gives him his and they swap the phone cases. Qiao Nan is flinging his hair out of his face as Xiang Xiang starts doing research on her phone. A very impatient Qiao Nan drags Xiang Xiang back to the lake and forces them to jump in to see if they can switch back. Nope. Qiao Nan wonders if it was because it was his birthday yesterday and wonders if they’ll need to wait a year to switch back. He wants to keep trying to figure it out. He then drags a confused Xiang Xiang away by the wrist to an emergency distribution box. It’s hilarious watching this angry-looking girl drag this suddenly demure-looking boy. They face each other and then look over at the box and decide to forgo this heavy-duty way of electrocution.

Now they’re in a store and looking at an electric bug swatter (think tennis racquet) and they both timidly touch it at the same time. It just stings but nothing else happens. Xiang Xiang says it’s useless but then Qiao Nan gets really close and tries to kiss her. She shoves him away and Qiao Nan says don’t misunderstand him as this usually works in the movies. Xiang Xiang starts throwing things at him and promptly starts crying. Ma Si Chao’s face here. lol Qiao Nan says he’ll drop it and Xiang Xiang admits that’s not why she’s crying. She’s crying as she’s afraid they won’t change back.  

Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi call Qiao Nan about their project but Qiao Nan who just hangs up on them. They’ve been unable to find him at home. So that leaves a KTV, pool hall or teahouse. 

Our body-swapped duo are actually at a teahouse, where Qiao Nan is getting his ears cleaned. They’re discussing their everyday routine as Xiang Xiang is writing down what needs to be done. Xiang Xiang is quite studious, with online lessons on the weekends and studies every night. Qiao Nan points out that she never exercises, which explains her weak constitution. He suggests that she should train at least an hour a day with the taekwondo club. Xiang Xiang says she can’t do it so Qiao Nan says if she won’t do it, then he won’t do his work for her either. Xiang Xiang dispiritedly tells her that she’s not him, as he can do whatever he wants. She says that she needs this job as does her family, and begs him to help her. He agrees but then makes her pay for his ear-cleaning service as it’s her ears. He then goes to use the bathroom, and she reluctantly pays for it. Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi find “Qiao Nan” and she’s clueless as to who they are. They sit down and ask why “he” didn’t answer and she says that she didn’t look at her phone. They tell her, let’s go, and she asks what for. Yan Zhi Yang says to take a shower. Xiang Xiang is startled by this and tells them to go first. 

Suddenly Guo Zhi is greeted by a smack to the back of his head - it’s Qiao Nan who asks why they’re here. The two guys just gawk at this girl talking so ferociously to them. Guo Zhi asks “Xiang Xiang” who she is. Qiao Nan responds by smacking him again and says “you don’t know me?” Guo Zhi looks harder and realizes she’s the transparent one from class 1 but can’t recall her name. Yan Zhi Yang points at her and says she’s Mu Mu Mu (wood). Guo Zhi declares that right, she’s Mu Ge Da (wooden knot)! Xiang Xiang asks who they are calling a wooden knot. Guo Zhi continues pointing at “Xiang Xiang” and Qiao Nan grabs his hand and angrily asks where he is pointing at. Guo Zhi starts squawking that it hurts. Xiang Xiang says “Qiao Nan, don’t do it,” so he releases Guo Zhi’s hand. Yan Zhi Yang looks at Xiang Xiang in confusion. Xiang Xiang admits that she’s actually Mu Xiang Xiang, the transparent one they’re talking about. Qiao Nan chimes in and confirms that that’s Mu Xiang Xiang in his body, and he’s actually Qiao Nan in her body. His friends are confused but then it dawns on Guo Zhi that they’re playing a soul swapping game. Xiang Xiang insists they’re not playing around as it’s real. 

After failing to convince Qiao Nan's friends of what's really happened, the boys assume that the two are dating. Xiang Xiang denies this and says he’s misunderstood as they’re not really familiar with each other. Guo Zhi declares he knew that Nan Ge wouldn’t like someone like her with a flat face, short legs, who has to wear glasses. Qiao Nan glares at him as he continues saying "she's a four-eyed toad who wants to eat Nan Ge's swan meat." (Chinese idiom: 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉, a toad wishing to eat swan meat = wishful thinking or unrealistic aspirations). Qiao Nan angrily slaps Guo Zhi on the back of the head again and asks who he is talking about. Guo Zhi stands up and angrily says that he’s warning “her” that it’s fine to play but don’t mess with Nan Ge, and if “she” hits him again, he’ll hit back as he raises his hand at Qiao Nan. Xiang Xiang dares him to try to touch "her", which makes Guo Zhi sit down and asks if they are that close to each other. Xiang Xiang shyly shakes her head no. Yan Zhi Yang now wonders if the two of them are having a lover’s quarrel. Guo Zhi says it’s normal for couples to fight, which earns him a smack from Xiang Xiang who says they don’t have that sort of relationship. Then Qiao Nan also smacks him in agreement with Xiang Xiang. Guo Zhi finally stands up as he’s ticked off but he calms down and says that he’s done playing with them. He suggests that they go take a shower. lol I forgot why they were even here… Yan Zhi Yang whispers to Xiang Xiang that they’ll go to the bathhouse first and they’ll see them later. Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi leave while Xiang Xiang gnaws on her thumb and paces around as she’s quite bothered by this. Qiao Nan tells her to forget it as no one will believe their story. 

Xiang Xiang insists on following them to further explain. They’re at the bathhouse and the three guys go inside. Not far behind is Qiao Nan who tries to go in, but is barred from entering as no ladies are allowed in the men’s side. In the sauna room, Xiang Xiang is sitting down with her eyes closed, wearing only a towel wrapped around herself (up and over her chest). They ask her why her eyes are closed and she only says that she’s tired. Next, they form a line to exfoliate each other’s backs but she refuses to drop her towel. She finally suggests that they cancel this traditional project and runs off to use the bathroom. The two guys are confused. Qiao Nan is waiting outside the women’s area and finally decides to go inside. Once inside, he's so excited that his nose starts bleeding.

[Ep2] Suffering from an asthma attack, Qiao Nan collapses onto the floor. He’s then sent to the hospital for treatment. Later, Xiang Xiang tells him to calm down as it’ll reduce the occurrence of an asthma attack. She then gives him an inhaler for the next time. She also reminds him to take the nasal spray in the morning and at night, and not to forget about the interview. He's not happy about the trappings of his new body.

Qiao Nan goes to the restaurant at his father’s hotel and decides to complain very loudly about the food, and demands over and over about seeing the boss. Qiao Dad shows up and apologizes to him. The server complains she’s actually bullying him, and his father reprimands the server for blaming the guest. Qiao Nan recalls being dressed down by his father for still being in Grade 2 at age 19 and for playing around. Qiao Nan stands up and defends the server and asks his father if he knows what’s wrong. His father is confused as he doesn’t know this “girl” in front of him but he apologizes again and offers to comp the meal. Qiao Nan says forget it, as he knows that he’s wrong so he’ll just pay for the meal. He then walks out with a swagger but then realizes that he was supposed to be there for an interview. *facepalm* Xiang Xiang calls and asks how the interview is going. He lies and tells her that his salary requirement was too high so they didn’t agree to it. He tells her to not worry about it as Hui Ge will introduce him to someone who has more money. Xiang Xiang is outside Qiao house but afraid to go inside for fear of running into Qiao Nan’s father. He tells her to not worry about him as he’s rarely home. 

She finally goes inside the huge house and encounters Qiao Nan’s stepmother, Stepmother Luo, who is wearing a face mask and eating snacks as she’s watching TV in the living room. Both are trying to gauge each other’s mood. She ultimately decides to go upstairs and politely declines Stepmother Luo’s offer to make her food. Elsewhere, Qiao Nan is walking around Xiang Xiang’s neighborhood and wonders how they can live in such an area as the buildings are in need of repair and there’s junk scattered around. He’s surprised by Mu Dad who magically makes a Coke appear for him. He smiles when he sees the Coke and Dad gently musses up his hair. Qiao Nan scowls at him as he’s confused by this but then they’re interrupted by Great-Aunt who wants him to do something. Dad runs off to grab the dishcloth for her. Qiao Nan recalls Xiang Xiang showing him a picture of her and warning him to avoid her and not waste time on getting angry with her. 

Qiao Nan decides to check out what this woman is doing - she’s apparently wanting to take the nicer spatula and a dishcloth free-of-charge. While she waits for Mu Dad to return, she decides to take some snacks as well. Qiao Nan isn’t having this and intimidates her into paying for what she’s taken. Dad returns and asks what’s going on. Qiao Nan hands him the cash for what Great-Aunt took. An apologetic Dad immediately returns the cash to her and even gives her a bottle of vinegar to send her on her way.

Qiao Nan finds his button in Xiang Xiang’s room and wonders how she has this button. He recalls her words, “We’re even now” after the lake incident. Now he knows she’d been the one locked in the bathroom. He also recalls that she wanted to give him something that day. He asks his friends what it means when a girl keeps one’s buttons. They say it’s indicative of a crush. 
Xiang Xiang is now bashfully checking out her new body in front of the bathroom mirror. She ever so slowly lifts up her shirt to reveal her abdomen and then touches the muscles with an extended pinky finger. Then she gets brave and just takes off her shirt. But once she sees the bare chest, she shyly covers up her eyes with her hands. Hahaha. She then squeals and runs away from the mirror. 

Qiao Nan goes to take a shower and Mu Mom appears and tells her to hurry up so they can shower together. This was originally Xiang Xiang’s idea as a way to save water. lol  He refuses and kicks Mom out of the shower and tells her he’s showering alone. Mom later goes into his bedroom to take his asthma medicine. Qiao Nan locks the door and goes to toss out the medicine but decides to just take it. Mu parents discuss how different Xiang Xiang is today - mad at Great-Aunt, refusing the shower with Mom and then locking her bedroom door. Dad says it’s just a little rebellion and to pretend to not notice it. 
The next day, Xiang Xiang discovers Qiao Nan’s rich-kid closet - it’s a huge room filled with clothes and accessories. She wonders if he’s able to wear everything in here. She finds his uniform that’s in the bottom of a bin. From her more modest closet, Qiao Nan finds her denim jacket and cuts off the sleeves to make it his own. He’s also ordered contact lenses which arrive by courier. Qiao Nan dislikes having long hair and gives himself a haircut. Xiang Xiang wearing the school issued uniform takes the bus to school while Qiao Nan drives his motorcycle.

[Ep3] Xiang Xiang is speechless about Qiao Nan’s haircut. Qiao Nan says her hair was too long and asks if he looks handsome. Xiang Xiang politely says yes. 

In the bathroom, Xiang Xiang is angrily stewing about her hair being chopped off, as that length had taken her ten years to grow out. She wonders when they’ll switch back. 

In Qiao Nan’s class, Fang Ling Li tries to get Jiang Hai’s attention by bending down to tie her shoelaces in front of his desk but he just ignores her. When Qiao Nan shows up in class, the other students don’t recognize him. One of the other students had left a bug inside a book on her desk, and they’re all waiting with bated breath for her hopefully scared reaction. He looks around and mentally thinks of maiming them, but he only closes the book, squishes the bug with the loud slam of his arm. Then he yawns and lays his head on the desk. 

Xiang Xiang accepts the gift of cake from one of Qiao Nan’s many admirers. When she enters the classroom, the boisterous students all quickly pipe down once they see her. Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi think that she’s still angry about yesterday. They suggest they attempt to go again next week but she says not to bother. When the teacher arrives, Xiang Xiang actually stands up and bows properly in reverence and greets the teacher. Everyone, including the teacher, is surprised by this. Nonetheless, the other students follow suit. 

Back in Qiao Nan’s class, he just continues napping until the teacher asks him to answer a question. He has a smart aleck reply, by relating it to a video game which makes the other students laugh and stirs the teacher’s ire. Jiang Hui starts staring at Qiao Nan, even though he just goes back to napping. Fang Ling Li scowls at this.

During their break, Qiao Nan calls Xiang Xiang from a bathroom stall, but she isn’t answering as she’s enjoying the slice of cake. Fang Ling Li catches him in the stall, and demands that he come out so she can teach him a lesson about staying away from Jiang Hui. Ugh. Qiao Nan swings open the door and gets right into Fang Ling Li’s face and asks her what she wants. He continues walking closer and closer which makes Fang Ling Li back up into the open stall behind her. When they’re both inside that stall, he closes the door and locks them both inside it. Fang Ling Li tries to leave but Qiao Nan grabs her arms and keeps her pinned up against the wall. She demands to be released and Qiao Nan asks what if he doesn’t? He then puts a knee up to keep her from trying to writhe out of his grip. Fang Ling Li gets scared and starts calling for her friends who are knocking on the door demanding Xiang Xiang release Fang Ling Li. Sure, it’s okay for FLL to bully MXX but suddenly it’s wrong when the upper hand changes? Fang Ling Li starts to whimper for help and Qiao Nan tells her that he’s warning her, to not do this again. He says otherwise, and then he punches the stall wall adjacent to her. Before he leaves, he tells her that he wants her to stay in the stall all day. 

When he leaves the bathroom, he notices the cuts across the top of his right knuckles. Director Li sees his injury and Qiao Nan pitifully says it hurts. Now Fang Ling Li and her two friends are being reprimanded for bullying "Xiang Xiang". Director Li even brings up that this isn’t the first time she’s bullied her. Fang Ling Li says that she didn’t bully her today. 1) She instigated it. 2) That was her intent. So that’s a bunch of BS. He doesn’t believe it as he looks over at Qiao Nan’s bleeding knuckles. She whines that she did that to herself. Haha. He says then what’s next - she slammed her own hand into the bathroom door? She readily agrees that that’s what happened. He’s incredulous and says they bullied her and destroyed school properly. As punishment, he wants the three girls to check 10,000 words each. The girls continue saying they’re innocent until he suggests calling their parents instead. Qiao Nan continues woefully cradling his hand. Ha.

During the self-study period, Xiang Xiang gets dragged to taekwondo by Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi. Today’s the day that Xiang Xiang needs to check her fellow classmates’ abdomen muscles. At first, she’s shocked and shy, but once she starts touching their abdomen muscles, she grows more brave and is actually gleefully running from person to person. She’s impressed by their six-packs. She says everyone is fine, except for poor wiry Guo Zhi, who she tells to work harder as he doesn’t have enough muscles. Bwahaha. Guo Zhi says what matters is power and suggests they have a fight.

So they start the fight, and Xiang Xiang is clueless about what to do so she cowers down to block his attack. Then she happens to grab onto his inner leg which makes him scream in pain. Now Yan Zhi Yang takes a stab at attacking Xiang Xiang who closes her eyes and tries to block him but grabs him by the hair on the back of his head. Now two more guys take a run at her with flying kicks, and she reaches out and scratches the tops of their feet. They drop down onto the mat and the remaining guys try to fight her. She runs away and starts throwing their protective gear at them instead. Director Li comes in to yell at them for playing around during their self-study class and says that this club will be disbanded. He gives them a warning, and everyone protests except for Xiang Xiang. He then says he’s changing this warning into a huge demerit. Xiang Xiang admits that they were wrong as they shouldn’t skip self-study class and she apologizes on everyone’s behalf. She then asks if they could not get a demerit. He says they can forget the demerit but the club needs to be disbanded. He wants this room to be used for studying. She readily agrees to being dismissed. Everyone, including Director Li is shocked at this. They have two weeks to comply. Director Li says it’s a deal and leaves with a smug smile. 

Later Qiao Nan confronts her about disbanding his club. He asks if she knows how important this club is to him. Xiang Xiang fires back, oh, is he sad? How about when he cut off her hair which took her more than ten year to grow? The two argue and neither one is satisfied. Eventually, Xiang Xiang throws the basketball at Qiao Nan before walking away in frustration. Unfortunately, this is seen by Director Li who thinks Xiang Xiang (in Qiao Nan’s body) is now bullying a girl. Qiao Nan starts acting like he’s really in pain as it was thrown at his chest. Qiao Nan, you’re a petty little a**hole here. Director Li reprimands Xiang Xiang and is sympathetic to Qiao Nan’s fake pain. *rolling eyes* Qiao Nan is allowed to leave first, and Xiang Xiang follows him to ask him what’s going on. He tells her if she doesn’t resolve the taekwondo issue, it’ll only get worse for her. 

The next day, Qiao Nan shows up on the motorcycle, wearing a slightly provocative outfit (tight clothes with midriff showing) to flaunt her body/taunt Xiang Xiang. He then speeds through the campus with it, which catches Director Li’s attention. He finds it peculiar that Mu family can afford a motorcycle. 

At home that evening, Xiang Xiang is struggling to shave her legs. Stepmother Luo finds her yelping during this, so she brings her a tray of her own shaving supplies, including an electric shaver. 

The next day, Qiao Nan waits at the basketball court for Xiang Xiang. When she arrives, she removes her jacket and blinds him (and everyone else) with her now hairless armpits. LOL! Then Xiang Xiang removes her long pants to reveal her shaved legs in shorts, which are just as blinding. XD

At lunch, Qiao Nan purposely sits down at the tables with Xiang Xiang, Guo Zhi and Yan Zhi Yang, to flirt with Guo Zhi. Guo Zhi tells his crush at another table that he doesn’t know her well. Qiao Nan then tries to feed Yan Zhi Yang. Finally, Xiang Xiang gets up and says he’ll regret this later. 
Lo and behold, Qiao Nan finds out that there’s a video circulating around the school of Xiang Xiang, Guo Zhi and Yan Zhi Yang in cute little cat and rabbit headbands, complete with painted faces and paw gloves doing a cute little dance in their taekwondo uniforms. At the end of the video, Xiang Xiang says “Welcome to my taekwondo club.” First shot fired...

[Ep4Qiao Nan shows up at Xiang Xiang’s class and demands “Mu Xiang Xiang” come out. Everyone looks at him in confusion. He quickly changes it to his own name. Director Li shows up behind him and asks why she’s looking for Qiao Nan. They’re both told to report to his office. “Qiao Nan” is now in trouble for the video, so he quickly apologizes to Director Li which infuriates the real Qiao Nan. The two then start to bicker and get scolded by Director Li. Qiao Nan continues talking back to Director Li so he assigns him 10,000 words to check and threatens to revoke his scholarship. Shot fired back. He’s fine with it and goes to leave but then Xiang Xiang starts admitting that she knows how arrogant and ignorant she was before. She starts admitting to all the stupid things that “Qiao Nan” does, such as not wearing a uniform and riding the motorcycle on campus grounds. She then promises that she will obey his instructions from now on and will turn over a new leaf. Then she deep bows. Qiao Nan turns back around and Xiang Xiang continues going on about doing a review in front of the entire school and promises to lead all the taekwondo members to study hard. She's not backing down now. Qiao Nan is greatly enraged by this. 

In taekwondo club, Xiang Xiang is making the members recite the textbook out loud while sitting on the mat. Qiao Nan decides to stay up late to sabotage Xiang Xiang’s study materials by doodling on them, using correction tape, etc. He then ropes Mu parents into helping him relax by having them cosplay with him in a video. While Qiao Nan is cackling over this latest victory, Xiang Xiang sends him a video of herself spending quality time with Stepmother Luo. They’re watching a TV show together in the living room and Xiang Xiang even thanks her for the delicious cake she’s eating. She’s mending fences with her. Qiao Nan finally demands that they meet at the playground in 20 minutes. 

The two argue about what’s been done and continue to threaten each other. But then she’ll lose her scholarship and he’ll lose his precious club. They both realize that they could well be stuck in each other’s bodies for the rest of their lives, so they agree to a truce. 

  • He doesn’t rope her parents into anything.
  • She keeps her distance from Stepmother Luo. 
  • And he needs to wear more clothing on the motorcycle. 

When Qiao Nan gets home, he finds Mu Dad sitting up but asleep waiting for him. Dad wakes  up and insists on making a bowl of noodles for him. The next day, he overhears taekwondo members complaining about being forced to study and take exams. He barges into the gym and kicks out everyone except for Xiang Xiang. He’s not a fan of her changes. She explains that his way was too arrogant and too much fighting, and might’ve resulted in the club disbanding anyway. She refuses to back down, so he says to wait and see what happens next. When the members return, everyone except for Guo Zhi and Yan Zhi Yang tenders their resignations. Guo Zhi objects vehemently to this. Xiang Xiang doesn’t understand why he’s objecting though as the club is free for anyone to join or leave.

Yan Zhi Yang asks if she’s forgotten why he’s there. Guo Zhi shows him a before picture of himself, when he was always sick and not exercising at all. He’s been better since he joined the club. Yan Zhi Yang mentions that he used to incite dog barks from closed doors, and anyone who saw him would bully him. But not since he joined the club. Xiang Xiang asks for the resignations and then tears them into pieces and says they’ve been rejected. She then punishes them all by ordering them to do 500 horizontal kicks and 500 side kicks. They just stare at her. She tells them to stop looking and go train. They all cheer at this. 

At the cafeteria, Qiao Nan orders a lot of food and sits down at Jiang Hai’s table. He then dismisses all of his friends to speak to him alone. He asks Jiang Hai about Fang Ling Li’s presumption that the two of them are too close. He asks Jiang Hai what he thinks about him, who shyly admits that he kind of likes him. Qiao Nan says let’s eat and then go to the rooftop. He stuffs himself so full that he can barely walk. lol On the rooftop, Qiao Nan asks him for a kiss. Jiang Hai walks away and says that he’d rather this was done in a more romantic setting. Qiao Nan grabs at him to turn him around.

[Ep5] On campus, Xiang Xiang overhears that “Xiang Xiang” is on the rooftop with Jiang Hai, as “she’s going to give her first kiss”. This makes Xiang Xiang run to the rooftop and on the stairs, she encounters Qiao Nan wiping his lips and Jiang Hai still on the rooftop. Xiang Xiang is now distraught at the thought of having lost her first kiss and runs away to cry. Qiao Nan tries to explain but he drops down onto the sidewalk to retch. When a female teacher walks by to check on Xiang Xiang, she tightly hugs onto her legs and continues wailing away. 

After school, Qiao Nan calls after her but she ignores him. He tries to follow her but is waylaid by Jiang Hai who grabs onto his hand to ask when they continue - and suddenly Qiao Nan drops down onto the sidewalk to retch again. 

Qiao Nan finally tells Xiang Xiang that he didn’t go through with the kiss. He’d actually gotten sick from all the food he’d stuffed himself with and been retching the entire time. He’d only been bluffing to mess with Xiang Xiang. 

Later in class, Qiao Nan asks to switch seats with another student so he can get a better view of Xiang Xiang in the classroom across the way. Egotistical much? lol He also asks this student to copy his notes for him. 

Qiao Nan’s older brother, Qiao Rui has returned home and goes to his brother’s room to tuck in the sleeping “Qiao Nan.” He ends up waking up Xiang Xiang, who screams in fright as she doesn’t know who this stranger is in her room. When she finds out he’s Qiao Nan’s brother, inside she’s screaming about how he didn’t tell her about his older brother! She then calmly asks Ge to turn off the lights, which surprises Qiao Rui as he hasn't been called that in a long time.

[Ep6The next morning, Xiang Xiang finds Qiao Rui, who is only wearing a towel, in her bathroom as his shower is broken. Xiang Xiang is practically drooling over Qiao Rui’s physique. Before she leaves the house, Qiao Rui gives her lunch and she’s forced to accept it. She thanks him and when she leaves, Qiao Rui is ecstatic that she said thank you and wonders what’s happened in the last three months. 

At school, Qiao Nan tells her to avoid his brother as there’s nothing good there. Xiang Xiang says that he seems good. Qiao Nan wonders if she likes him, which she quickly denies. He tells her to ignore him and then throws away Qiao Rui’s lunch. After school, Qiao Rui is there to pick up Xiang Xiang, and is seen by Qiao Nan who had gone to get them umbrellas. Qiao Nan shakes his head at her but she still gets into Qiao Rui’s car. Qiao Nan starts trying to yank Xiang Xiang out of the car but Qiao Rui is confused who this girl is. 

After another awkward interaction with Qiao Rui, Xiang Xiang prepares a questionnaire for her and Qiao Nan to answer so they don’t have any more unexpected surprises at home. While staying up late to read comic books, Qiao Nan falls asleep with wet hair.
When he wakes up the next morning, his hair is untamable, so he just shoves on a cap. When Xiang Xiang sees him at school, she pulls out a comb and fixes it and then puts on a cute watermelon hair clip. Inside, Qiao Nan is confused by this stirring of emotions. Later, Xiang Xiang tries to avoid Qiao Rui but it’s futile as he always finds her, even at the KTV. She finally asks for Qiao Nan’s help.

[Ep7Qiao Nan is unhappy about having to deal with his brother. In the KTV room, Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan bicker about him eating spicy seafood as she’s allergic. Finally, Qiao Rui assumes the two are dating and leaves to give them privacy. After he leaves, Qiao Nan admits that his brother had promised to stay with him but then he disappeared for quite some time. His brother abandoned him when he really needed him. So whenever Qiao Rui returns, he becomes extra clingy as if his absence never happened. 
Later, Qiao Rui ends up helping Xiang Xiang with her homework and offers her a fancy library for her to study in. This results in Xiang Xiang allowing them to take a selfie together which becomes her phone screensaver photo. 

Xiang Xiang’s Great-Aunt continues bullying the family for money, free stuff, and even raises the rent. Great-Aunt believes that Mu family owes her for her generosity in allowing them to stay here. Qiao Nan realizes that the family’s finances are a mess. Dad blames himself for making his wife and daughter suffer. Qiao Nan tells Xiang Xiang that he needs money for the air conditioner at home. Xiang Xiang asks Qiao Rui for a favor - to hire “Xiang Xiang” to work in Qiao Dad’s hotel. Qiao Nan agrees but is livid when he finds out that she had asked for his brother’s help.

[Ep8] There’s a banner and a welcome party for “Xiang Xiang’s” the start of work-study. It’s a tad very over the top. lol Qiao Rui wants “Xiang Xiang” to start from the bottom, as a waitress. Qiao Nan then complains about this position, and every position in the restaurant. Qiao Rui takes it all in stride while Xiang Xiang is livid that Qiao Nan is there to fight, instead of actually working. Qiao Nan finally promises her that he’ll return to work tomorrow with a better attitude. Xiang Xiang then gives him 500 yuan for her parents. She knew that something must’ve happened with Qiao Nan’s temper and Great-Aunt’s constant goading. 

Against his objections, Xiang Xiang goes home with him as she’s intent on seeing her parents. When they sit down for a home cooked meal, Xiang Xiang can’t help but sniffle while she’s eating. Her parents find out that “Qiao Nan’s” family owns the Yuan Qiao Hotel Group, which is overheard by her meddlesome Great-Aunt. She comments that Xiang Xiang has a rich man now. She sends Mom to do something as she decides to help herself to their food. This woman makes my blood boil. Before Great-Aunt leaves, she gives “Qiao Nan” a pat on the shoulder and says to enjoy the food, rich man. 

When Xiang Xiang says goodbye to Qiao Nan for the night, Great-Aunt is waiting around outside and bossing Mu parents around. Xiang Xiang finally loses it and starts yelling: “Why are you so nosy? This family has been sold to you.” Great-Aunt says rich man, he’s not even the family yet, so why is he meddling in the family business already. Xiang Xiang walks right up to her and says that he’s a rich man, so she could put her into her debt as well. If she orders this family around again, she’ll buy the hot pot restaurant and make her indebted to him (Qiao Nan), to sleep on the streets, and be forced to serve the families herself, to kneel and beg for forgiveness, and no one will even look at her. Great-Aunt is forced to sit down as she can’t go anywhere else. Xiang Xiang walks away angrily as an awestruck Qiao Nan thinks to himself, “She’s really the woman I’m looking for. Awesome!” As Xiang Xiang continues walking, she thinks to herself that it’s so fun to resist and thanks Qiao Nan for giving her the courage to say no to the evil forces for the first time. 

Director Li has stipulated two conditions that must be met in order to keep the taekwondo club open: 1) Win the championship at the summer Taekwondo Tournament and 2) All the members must show improvement at the end of the semester, at least 30 points higher. If they fail with either, then they’re done. For once, Qiao Nan is actually grateful to Xiang Xiang and agrees to train her for the championship. 

At the restaurant, Qiao Nan gets assaulted when a guest touches his hand and then slaps him on the buttocks. He retaliates with a high leg kick which results in his immediate termination, so he leaves the premises. Surprisingly, Xiang Xiang isn’t angry with him and actually thinks he did the right thing. She admits that after what happened with Great-Aunt last time, she realized that one can’t always be patient, and sometimes resistance is also justice. She thanks him for giving her the courage to fight back and for protecting her body. 

Qiao Nan is called back to the hotel under the orders of the Chairman, Qiao Nan’s father. While the two are arguing, Qiao Rui is beating up the offending guest for failing to respect girls, especially his brother’s classmate. 

[Ep9Qiao Nan’s father asks “Xiang Xiang” if Qiao Nan is in puppy love with her. Qiao Nan says not right now but there’s no way to know about the future. But he gets to keep the job. Qiao Nan transfers 1,400 yuan to Mu Dad to pay for the rent. 

Crushes: Jiang Hai is sweet on “Xiang Xiang” who only sees him as a xiongdi. Heh. Meanwhile Fang Ling Li is still harboring her crush on Jiang Hai, and “Xiang Xiang” is willing to help her win him over. Guo Zhi has a crush on one of Fang Ling Li’s friends, He Xiao Kui, who doesn’t even know who he is. “Qiao Nan” is going to help him with his crush.  

Guo Zhi is watching Dating in the Kitchen for tips on winning over He Xiao Kui. This idea is met by her wrath, and brings him nothing but buckets of sweat. Ha! (~15:27. The actor for Director Li was the flamboyant uncle in DitK!) Later, in the cafeteria, he then ties her loose shoelaces, but when he stands up, he upends her plate of food onto her face. Now she angrily yells his name as he’s running away. For a moment he stops running as he’s quite giddy that she actually remembers his name now. He then quickly continues to make himself scarce.

Qiao Nan goes to an escape room with Jiang Hai, and purposely invites Fang Ling Li to join them. Jiang Hai is quite unhappy about it. Fang Ling Li has to rescue a scared Jiang Hai from the monsters, and he even faints. At some point, a now-irritated Jiang Hai tells Qiao Nan to look for a clue inside a coffin. Meanwhile, Qiao Nan’s father is upset that he’s helping Mu Xiang Xiang as he thinks it’s puppy love. Qiao Rui sides with his brother and tells Dad that it’s normal to have crushes at this age.

[Ep10While Qiao Nan is looking for the next clue, Jiang Nan confesses to Qiao Nan. The monsters take hostage of Fang Ling Li hostage, and in an attempt to save her, Qiao Nan ends up getting locked inside the coffin. How is this not a liability?! Qiao Nan finally pants for Fang Ling Li to call “Qiao Nan” as he’s almost out of his asthma medication. Xiang Xiang manages to ride Qiao Nan’s motorcycle to rush over to him. She arrives with a pry bar to open the locked coffin. Where was the staff during this? She gives him the asthma inhaler immediately and he asks why she’s so late. She then princess-carries him out. To Jiang Hai’s ire, Fang Ling Li comments that Mu Xiang Xiang likes Qiao Nan. 

Xiang Xiang tells Qiao Nan that if it wasn’t for Qiao Rui, she wouldn’t have been able to leave. Qiao Nan is very jealous of Xiang Xiang’s affection for Qiao Rui and is internally screaming and asking who she is in love with - him or or Qiao Rui?  

Later, Qiao Rui apologizes and cries to Xiang Xiang for abandoning his brother when he went to study abroad and left him here. Xiang Xiang forgives him.  

Jiang Hai joins the taekwondo club. Later “Qiao Nan” is accused of stealing the exam papers as he was seen on the surveillance footage and the taekwondo club is at risk again. “Xiang Xiang” comes to the rescue as Qiao Nan had suspected Jiang Hai of foul play. Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang had discovered the stolen exam paper planted inside a locker. Xiang Xiang points out that Jiang Hai did this for “Xiang Xiang.” Yet Jiang Hai’s petty attempt has only brought Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang even closer. Gao Yan, one of Fang Ling Li’s friends, asks about inviting “Xiang Xiang” to her birthday party, which Fang Ling Li supports as she considers her a friend now. Qiao Nan accepts this invitation. Later, Jiang Hai apologizes for his mistake and asks “Qiao Nan” to take care of “Xiang Xiang.” This scene was easier to watch than write...lol

After school, Qiao Nan gives Xiang Xiang Gao Yan's birthday invitation. A still jealous Qiao Nan asks Xiang Xiang if he and Qiao Rui fell into the water, who would she save first. Xiang Xiang replies it would be him, as his brother knows how to swim. Ha! 

[Ep11The two realize that they had the same dream the night of the lake incident.
They end up going to the mall to shop for a birthday present and an outfit for Qiao Nan. He hilariously tries to wear the most provocative outfits which Xiang Xiang objects to. Xiang Xiang’s revenge is to put his body in a pink top with a matching pink vest and pink bow headband. She coyly adjusts the pink bow with pinkies out. She then does a few cute poses, including one forming a heart with her hands. Haha. She later apologizes to him for taunting him with the cute poses. 

Xiang Xiang discovers that she can enjoy Sichuan (spicy and vinegary) cuisine foods with Qiao Nan’s body. The two end up at the movies surrounded by couples. Xiang Xiang is uncomfortable but this is all part of Qiao Nan’s plan. They both end up crying during the movie, but Qiao Nan cries harder than Xiang Xiang. The mall has a game of “Guess Something” (one guesses what the other is drawing). Qiao Nan is unable to guess correctly with any of Xiang Xiang’s clues. But when they switch, Xiang Xiang is able to guess his drawings - until he passes on several of the prompts as he has no idea how to draw them. He finally draws the final clue and they win the grand prize. They win tickets to an art gallery, which includes an infinity mirror room with lights. (The concept is similar to Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirror Room - Phalli's Field (1965).)  

MXX: Since I was a child, I loved watching the starry sky, because I saw the vastness of the starry sky. Only then did I realize that I was just a speck of dust in the universe. Life is short and small. The difficulties in life are not worth mentioning. So before I got to know you, the way I solved the problem, compromise and submission. I always want to take a step back and have a bright future, so I can just bear with everything. But after I met you, I realized that sometimes, as long as you have more courage, you won’t have to bear all the things that are imposed on you. So… Thank you. It made me know a brand-new me. Also, I’m very happy today. 
Qiao Nan smiles at her but they are interrupted by a photographer who takes their picture. He says that he’s taking pictures of couples for his couple-themed exhibition. Xiang Xiang corrects him by saying they’re not a couple. The photographer offers to delete the photo as they’re not actually a couple. Qiao Nan quickly asks to take a look at it, and then asks to have a copy sent to him. 

Mu parents suspect that their daughter is in love and dating Qiao Nan. Mom is worried that it’ll affect her studies. They decide to discuss it further amongst themselves. That evening, Xiang Xiang video chats with Qiao Nan about deepening each other’s emotional impressions so they can better dream about each other, and possibly switch back to their original bodies. To achieve this, both Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang look at today’s photo before falling asleep. When they wake up, they’re still in each other’s bodies. 

[Ep12 When it rains after school, Xiang Xiang buys an umbrella so they can walk home together. Qiao Nan is secretly very pleased about this. He grabs the blue umbrella from her and walks ahead of her, but he's waiting for her. Then Xiang Xiang pulls out a pink umbrella to walk by herself. Qiao Nan ends up slowly walking behind Xiang Xiang as he’s desperately trying to break his umbrella. XD! This boy. Xiang Xiang finally notices that he’s fallen behind and so they’re forced to share hers now. However, Xiang Xiang doesn’t know how to share an umbrella, as she holds it with her outside hand, instead of holding in between them, so Qiao Nan ends up getting soaked. lol! He returns home with the beginnings of a cold. Later, Xiang Xiang comes by to see him with a container of medical supplies including medicine. Qiao Nan greets him with a sneeze and has endless complaints about being sick. She tells him to take the medicine and have a good dream tonight. This ticks him off and makes him stomp off to go back inside. Inside, on the other side of the door, Qiao Nan is actually very pleased to see Xiang Xiang’s handwritten sticky notes all over the medicine boxes. Mu parents still want to talk to their daughter about dating Qiao Nan but they decide to put it off as they know she’s sick right now.

The two wake up and realize that they’re still stuck in each other’s bodies. Unbeknownst to Xiang Xiang, Qiao Nan wants to create a romantic moment of teaching Xiang Xiang how to properly shoot a basketball. Before they can even start, Qiao Nan suddenly gets a funny feeling in his stomach and Xiang Xiang suddenly realizes that it’s the start of her period today. The two then proceed to crab walk to go to the bathroom. lol! Xiang Xiang leaves school to buy pads at the convenience store. She is spotted by Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi who loudly discuss that they won’t be telling anyone as it’ll be damaging to Qiao Nan’s reputation. This is overheard by another student in passing and spreads like wildfire through the school. When He Xiao Kui hears this, she comments that Qiao Nan is so sweet, and it’s like going out of the hall and into the kitchen. Now two female students are discussing that Qiao Nan, a rich second generation son, cooked for the girl he loves. This rumor turns into Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang wanting to live together. So the final rumor is they are getting married! 

Xiang Xiang freaks out over these outlandish rumors. Qiao Nan asks her who is to blame - her, because she didn’t run away fast enough after buying the pads. More like Qiao Nan’s friends are loudmouths! Xiang Xiang is worried about her now tarnished reputation and about Director Li finding out. Qiao Nan doesn’t seem very worried about it which ticks her off. She thinks about it and then says to break a rumor, they have these options: Tell the truth or make up another rumor. She gets an idea on how to squash these rumors.

Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi find Xiang Xiang (in Qiao Nan’s body) in class with an eyepatch over one eye. She tells them that they played one-on-one, and now she’s “Xiang Xiang’s xiaodi.” She then asks them to not bother Xiang Xiang. In the cafeteria, Xiang Xiang is waiting hand and foot on Qiao Nan, as she even fans at Qiao Nan. lol Xiang Xiang later brings water to Qiao Nan and his friends at the basketball court. So now everyone thinks “Xiang Xiang” just wants to make “Qiao Nan” her xiaodi. All is right in the world! However, Fang Ling Li knows that Xiang Xiang likes Qiao Nan as he was the first person she thought of when she was stuck in the coffin. She supports this CP. lol Bully → BFF.
Xiang Xiang, in a grey suit complete with a bow tie, picks up Qiao Nan, who is wearing a white dress complete with a long-haired wig. They had picked out each other’s outfits. Mu parents are now even more concerned about the two kids dating. They’re relieved when they find out that they’re going to a classmate’s birthday party. Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang show up to the party holding hands as Xiang Xiang is quite nervous. Birthday girl, Gao Yan seems disappointed to see the two holding hands. She is very happy to receive “Qiao Nan’s” present though as it’s the first one he’s given her. Qiao Nan is wondering on a good location for his confession to Xiang Xiang and asks Fang Ling Li to keep it a secret. He decides to confess to her after the cake is cut.

[Ep13When they go to cut the cake, Qiao Nan tries to leave with Xiang Xiang. But an uninvited guest, Guan Zi Ming crashes the party. Since childhood, Guan Zi Ming has had a crush on Gao Yan, but she only has eyes for Qiao Nan. So he hates Qiao Nan and has tried to cause trouble for him. Yet every time, Qiao Nan always wins. Gao Yan asks him to not create trouble on her birthday today. Nonetheless, he still challenges Qiao Nan to a GoKart race. Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang, as driver and passenger, race against Guan Zi Ming, and the pair beat him. While they’re cheering, Fang Ling Mi and Jiang Hai high-five each other and he finally really notices her. The crowd chant Mu Xiang Xiang’s name, which makes Xiang Xiang so happy that she picks up Qiao Nan to spin him around. Ha. Since Guan Zi Ming lost the race, he has to sing. Xiang Xiang brings him a very large slice of cake and to everyone’s surprise, he’s asked to eat the entire thing. Guan Zi Ming eats the cake and is touched by “Qiao Nan’s” gentleness. Qiao Nan finally drags Xiang Xiang away from the party. Fang Ling Li creates a distraction by offering to sing a song and Jiang Hai asks to sing with her. 
Qiao Nan has taken her to look at the Ferris wheel, but points out the stars to her. He points out the one with the weakest light, which is outshined by the moon and other stars. She says that it’s the smallest one which rarely gets noticed. Qiao Nan says it’s still a star that can travel hundreds of millions of light years to shine light on earth. But it can be seen by two of them, which is very rare. Qiao Nan says he doesn’t care what others think but in his eyes, this star is sparkling, brighter than the sun, and he’s looking at her. He then says that she is the star in his eyes. The only star. He waits for a response but Xiang Xiang doesn’t say anything and just walks away. Fang Ling Li finds Qiao Nan and asks how it went. He says that he just ran away. Fang Ling Li says that he’s just shy. 

When she returns home, Mu Dad tells his daughter that they should go for a walk. He starts telling her that the key to happiness is to find a good boyfriend, the one to hold her hand and grow old with. Qiao Nan says he understands and happily runs back home. Dad tries to stop her as he’s not done talking and hasn’t even said the key thing. Oops. When they return home, Qiao Nan is so happy but it confuses Mu Mom. lol Mu parents are the sweetest. 

Back in his room, Qiao Nan thinks about their happy life together in their own bodies, but then he realizes that’s not correct. In her bed, Xiang Xiang is hiding under the covers and is actually ecstatic about Qiao Nan’s confession. She suddenly realizes that he’s been worried about her and jealous of Qiao Rui’s affections. She sees him as her xiongdi and he sees her as… and she giggles and rolls around on her bed with the covers wrapped around her. Xiang Xiang wonders if she needs to promise him or not. She asks her heart if he likes her or not, and her heart just beats even faster, which makes her even more confused. Qiao Nan stays up late to write a letter to Xiang Xiang, so he ends up falling asleep at the desk.

The two fall asleep thinking about Qiao Nan's confession. Qiao Nan wakes up holding his brother’s hand. Qiao Nan realizes that he’s back in his own body! Xiang Xiang wakes up at her desk and realizes that she’s wearing her glasses. She then finds Qiao Nan’s love letter.

My beloved, think about it. Although we went through this which is hard to understand. But I still want to be with you. You might think with this pair, we can be friends like this. It’s really weird. But I believe just like what the book said, trust can help us overcome our prejudices to overcome difficulties. 

I solemnly promise you here. No matter what. Whether you have been occupying my body or go back to your own body. I’ll always be there for you. Because I admire your soul. It’s not your exterior. 

She smiles at the letter. Then she looks over at the contact lenses and removes her glasses.

Qiao Nan is back in his own body and Xiang Xiang is back in hers! 

[Ep14At home, Xiang Xiang is so overjoyed that she cries as she hugs her mother and then her father. She then tearfully eats her breakfast noodles. She goes on about missing them, the yard, the home, etc. Her parents are confused and concerned. Meanwhile, Qiao Nan is back to being standoffish to his family as he skips breakfast with them. 
Back in school, Xiang Xiang finds out that Qiao Nan has had another student take notes for him. When Qiao Nan sees her, he climbs through the window of his class to walk over to hers. She shakes her head at him, so he sits down on the bench to watch her and pretends to make a phone call. He speaks quite loudly while she quietly whispers that she’ll see him at their usual place at noon. He yells into the phone that he can’t hear what she said and she quickly and quietly repeats it again. I truly adore the mischievous Qiao Nan. Xiang Xiang just shyly nods at him and then hides behind her book. He laughs and then walks over to knock on her window and pretends to open it. She won’t let him. He finally walks back to his class, and sits down to keep staring at her. She’s back to being shy but she eventually openly smiles at him. 

Qiao Nan isn’t paying attention at all in class as he’s busy staring at Xiang Xiang. Eventually Director Li realizes that everyone is distracted as they’re hiding behind their books. So he collects their stuff, including a book, When You Be Me. Later Director Li ends up reading this book and starts wondering if Qiao Nan and Mu Xiang Xiang had an actual body swap. So he looks over their exam papers and discovers that the handwriting is all the same - it’s one person’s. 

When he tries to test them, Qiao Nan does exceedingly well in taekwondo and Xiang Xiang is able to answer his complicated chemistry question with ease. He then asks about how Qiao Nan’s grades went up while Xiang Xiang’s grades dropped this semester. Xiang Xiang replies that while she was working at the hotel, Qiao Nan forced her to write her name on his paper while he wrote on hers. Qiao Nan confirms this is true. The two teachers scold both of them for this, while Director Li doesn’t agree. He insists that they swapped bodies and accuses Xiang Xiang of being Qiao Nan, and he goes on and on. The doctor that the Director had requested treat Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan arrives, and he surmises that he should treat the stressed out Director. He is then dragged away while laughing maniacally about them being swapped. 

The teachers visit the parents to inform them of Qiao Nan’s improved grades and Xiang Xiang’s poor progress this semester. Great-Aunt sticks her nose in it and scolds Xiang Xiang for dating this rich guy who is just swindling her, which is overheard by the neighbors. No common decency. Her parents console her but advise her to get into a good college so as to have a better life. They tell her that they’re opposed to her relationship with Qiao Nan and know that her grades have slipped. Afterwards, she packs up all of Qiao Nan’s belongings from her room including his button and places everything into a box. 

[Ep15Xiang Xiang meets Qiao Nan at the field with the box. He has considerately brought her her study materials. He doesn’t even realize anything is wrong and is eager to maintain their relationship. She then pulls out his letter and informs him that she cannot be in a relationship before she goes to college. It would distract her from her studies and she can only succeed, not fail. He asks what if he promises that he won’t waste her time. She says she’s sorry as she wants to get her life back on track and thrusts the letter at him. She says he knows about her family situation and he has his. She then tells him to go back to the life he wants, stop wasting his time on meaningless things, and do as he pleases. He looks broken by this.

She finally sets down the letter on the box and turns to leave. He finally says “Do as one pleases, what does that mean?” He grabs the letter and says she thinks he’s a good-for-nothing-bastard and that’s why she doesn’t like him, right? He then starts yelling angrily that she’s right, he is a jerk as everyone seems to think so. He can’t do anything good as his family’s too rich and spoiled him! With tears in her eyes, she finally turns around and gently tells him that’s not what she meant. He walks up to her and demands to know what she meant then. He asks if she was just nice to him because she wanted to get back into her body. She shakes her head at this but he starts yelling that she’s cruel. She then forcefully shoves him away from her. He angrily tears up the letter into little pieces and throws the pieces into the air and walks away. :( After he's gone, she finally picks up the pieces of the letter and puts it into her bag. With tears streaming down her face, she walks home with the box and study materials in her arms. As he’s driving away on the motorcycle, Qiao Nan is crying underneath his helmet. 

Back at home, Qiao Nan angrily continues boxing and kicking at the punching bag in his room. Meanwhile, Xiang Xiang is taping back together his letter, but she still thinks it was a mistake between them. She then puts his letter inside a binder and tries to stifle her tears. She finally just cries at her desk. 

Qiao Nan is now taking out his anger on his taekwondo teammates. Director Li has been released from the hospital and finally throws out that book. In the evening, Qiao Nan sits outside Xiang Xiang’s home and watches from a distance. Mu Dad sees him and takes him out for drinks. Dad notices the chain he’s wearing around his neck, and remembers that “Xiang Xiang” was wearing it not long ago. Dad tells him about the happiest thing of his life, when he proposed to his wife and she agreed. But he feels guilty for not providing his wife and daughter a good life. He tells him that it’s not easy to support a family, and when he grows up and gets married, he’ll understand then. He tells him to think about the future, as he’s still young and the road is long. He ends their conversation by telling him that he won’t allow Xiang Xiang to return to work at the hotel. 

[Ep16Qiao Nan returns home to be yelled at by his father. His father is angry about his grades, for having her do his schoolwork, and for being in love with Xiang Xiang. Qiao Nan admits to everything, and clarifies that Xiang Xiang won’t have him. Dad then kicks him out of the house. His father is something else - one hot fuse that’ll burn himself out. I don’t know how his wife stays sweet. Counterbalance?  

Xiang Xiang returns home from school to see her parents selling noodles outside of the shop. The noodle stall was her (well, Qiao Nan’s) idea as Dad makes the best noodles. This makes her vexing Great-Aunt scream at them in front of everyone (neighbors and customers): She’s been kind enough to allow them open their shop, but now they’re taking away her hot pot restaurant customers. This argument between Xiang Xiang and her Great-Aunt ends up her roaring at them to move out in three days’ time. 

Eventually, Qiao Rui shows up asking Xiang Xiang if she knows where Qiao Nan is. She admits that she hasn’t been in contact with him and she hasn’t even seen him in school. After his brother leaves, she texts him to ask if he’s okay as she’s heard that he ran away from home. He replies if they are related, as she doesn’t need to care about him. She then tries to call him but can’t get through. 

Qiao Nan is staying with Uncle Shi (his late mother’s brother) as he’s looking for a job. Later, Uncle Shi decides to tell his father to complain about how he’s eating his food, using his card, etc. What is with the aunts and uncles in this series? Qiao Rui offers to send him 100,000 yuan for his troubles, which is exactly what this crappy Uncle Shi wanted. He then politely pretends to refuse the money but he does accept the money. Qiao Dad even offers him a job in purchasing at headquarters. Ugh. This guy is repulsive. Qiao Nan finds a food delivery job and ends up living with several roommates/co-workers in a small cramped place. 

Mu parents are looking at a place for rent. They find a nice two-bedroom place close to the subway and supermarket. It’s only 1,500 yuan a month, which is 300 cheaper than Great-Aunt’s place. I don’t have a good feeling about this. The contract is for two years and needs 36,000 yuan up front, which the parents decide to accept. 

Qiao Nan takes every job that comes in before anyone else can, which ticks off his coworkers. At school, Xiang Xiang overhears the taekwondo members wondering about when Qiao Nan will be back but no one knows. One day, his letter falls out of her binder and it makes her tear up. But she quickly shoves it back into the binder and goes back to studying but tears continue falling. :(

Qiao Nan’s roommate, Lu Ge ends up trying to instigate a fight with him by stealing his water. But then Qiao Nan faints and ends up in the hospital as he’s suffering from exhaustion and has been skipping meals. Lu Ge explains to him that he’s taken every order that comes so no one else has a chance to earn either. He knows that he’s run away from home, as he was once young, too. Before he leaves, he tells him that he has to pay him back for the medical bill.  

Mu family are sitting down to a meal in their new place but then the real owner comes home and wonders how they're inside her place. Uh oh.

[Ep17Mu Dad explains that they signed a contract with an agent and paid a bunch of money. The owner tells him to call the police as they’ve been scammed. Dad knows that he’s royally screwed now. They move out and have only 350 yuan left. Dad says that he’ll look for a job tomorrow. The family then sit down to a cheap meal, and Dad is relieved that Xiang Xiang has remained optimistic in spite of their circumstances. 

The next day, Xiang Xiang applies to live in the dormitories but Director Li tells her that priority is given to those who live far away. She then admits that something happened to her family. He agrees to look into putting her in a shared dorm. Rumors start circulating about Xiang Xiang living on the streets. 

Yan Zhi Yang calls Qiao Nan about Xiang Xiang’s issues. Qiao Nan has issues with the app so he’s not getting paid anytime soon. Lu Ge and his other roommates want to give him some cash for the time being. Qiao Nan says this money is the blood of his brothers, so he can’t accept it and returns it to Lu Ge. 

That evening Qiao Nan quietly sneaks back into Qiao home to get his motorcycle. The next day he sells it as he needs the cash immediately. He’s offered 30,000 yuan for his Ducati motorcycle (which is around 10-15% of what its market value is). Not long after, Fang Ling Li gives Xiang Xiang 30,000 yuan in a waist pack. She refuses to accept it as her parents are looking for a job, and she’s looking for one, too. She knows that she’s responsible for her family’s troubles. A sad Fang Ling Li leaves with the bag but Xiang Xiang runs after her to ask if she’s heard from Qiao Nan. She says she hasn’t seen him but Qiao Nan is actually hiding nearby. Xiang Xiang asks that if she does hear from him, to let her know first. Xiang Xiang walks away and Qiao Nan finally takes a peek at her. Fang Ling Li just sadly shakes her head at him, indicating that she didn’t accept the money. 

Xiang Xiang’s dream is to perform (sing and act) but when she was young, her father had told her that she couldn’t because of her asthma. Today, she’s applying for an acting job and admits that she has asthma, which is much better now. She assumes that she’ll be rejected but the director asks her to join them. She asks why he’s allowing her to stay and he admits that it’s because she’s so honest. 

Qiao Nan is looking at their picture from the art show. He then asks Great-Aunt to allow them to move back. She’s raised the rent to 1,500 yuan/month and Qiao Nan gives her 30,000 yuan for the next 20 months. He then says that he’ll pay her monthly after that. He asks her to not tell Mu family about this, and then asks for her help on something else. Later, Great-Aunt finds the family and says she’s there to pick them up. She admits to being too impulsive that day, and Xiang Xiang apologizes for what she had said. The family returns home to Great-Aunt’s place. 

Qiao Nan’s requested favor: He had asked Great-Aunt to bring back Xiang Xiang’s parents. She had why, as they will return when they want to. He had told her that it would be good for their self-esteem and for her reputation to welcome them back. Even if it was right to drive away her relatives, it was still a disgrace. He had told her that instead of being hated by others, this experience will make everyone grateful. He had also guaranteed that it would be a worthwhile trip. Xiang Xiang has rubbed off on him.

Later, Fang Ling Li tells Xiang Xiang the truth about the 30,000 yuan being from Qiao Nan who had asked her to give it to her. She then asks why the two of them care about each other so much yet Xiang Xiang won’t contact him herself. Fang Ling Li says one of them needs to take the first step. Xiang Xiang asks for her help. 

Once again Fang Ling Li meets with Qiao Nan to talk about Xiang Xiang. However, when Xiang Xiang appears behind him, Fang Ling Li quickly runs away to leave them alone in the cafe. He then tries to leave but Xiang Xiang stops him. Seated across from him, she just looks at him for some time before she asks him if it was him helping her with her Great-Aunt and their return home. He claims he doesn’t know anything. He then says he’s busy and gets up to leave. She tells him to apologize to his father and return home. He tells her to not manage his affairs and continues walking away. 

The two think about each other before falling asleep. And when they wake up the next morning, they’ve swapped bodies again! Xiang Xiang sees how Qiao Nan’s been living - in a cramped room with several guys. When she looks at his phone, she sees their photo. She smiles in the mirror when she sees his face looking back at her. 

[Ep18Xiang Xiang back in Qiao Nan’s body, says goodbye to Lu Ge. She bought breakfast for the roommates and thanks him for taking care of Qiao Nan. She's decided to return to school, and has already submitted her resignation from this job. After she leaves, Qiao Nan back in Xiang Xiang’s body, shows up at Lu Ge’s place looking for “Qiao Nan.” He finds out that “Qiao Nan” has returned to school. 

Qiao Nan returns to school and is pretty happy to be back. He finds out that Jiang Hai and Fang Ling Li are on friendly terms now, as he actually dotes on her. Qiao Nan can’t reach Xiang Xiang and wonders if she really went home to beg his father for forgiveness.

The taekwondo team is placing food and drink offerings by a life-size cutout of Qiao Nan in his taekwondo uniform. They then ask for his blessing. The real Qiao Nan in Xiang Xiang’s body asks why they’re cursing him and asks whose idea this was - they all point to the most dimwitted teammate. lol  
Suddenly, there’s a collective roar that Nan Ge is back. Everyone, including Qiao Nan, turns to watch Xiang Xiang in uniform, walking their way. Qiao Nan can’t help but jump up and down from behind the team to get a longer peek at her. (~8:55, so cute how she jumps for a look!) 

Qiao Nan pulls her aside to scold her for ignoring his friend request. She admits that she didn’t want him to stop her from making peace with his father. 

When Xiang Xiang had returned home, she knew Qiao Dad would be angry so she just quietly said she’s home and going to change to go back to school. She disarmed him with her polite and soft spoken ways. Heh. When she returned in uniform, she asked Qiao Rui for a ride to school, which he quickly agreed to. She then asked Qiao Nan’s stepmother to change her sheets as she hadn’t been home in quite some time. And for the big whammy, before she left, she had asked Dad to make his awful steamed buns for tonight. Dad sputters at this but is actually pleased that his son wants to eat his homemade buns. Bwahaha. I love it!

Qiao Nan complains about her asking for his father’s buns and being all friendly with his father. She asks him if he expected her to continue staying at that place with all those grown men instead. Qiao Nan only says that he won’t bow to evil forces and this was all her idea. With a little smile, Xiang Xiang says, yes, she forced him to make up with his father, and forced him to return to school. So it’s all her fault. Qiao Nan fiercely tells her to accept his friend request on WeChat, and so she does. Before Qiao Nan leaves, Xiang Xiang asks if he sold his motorcycle to pay the rent to her aunt. He underplays it by saying that he didn’t do it for her, but for her parents as he didn’t want them to suffer. 

Back at Qiao home, Dad gives the first bun to Xiang Xiang. Dad says he won’t be so easily fooled with talk of steamed buns. Stepmother Luo puts a bun on Dad’s plate. He tells her if she flunks again, he’ll kick her out so don’t mention eating steamed buns. And he won’t give her any money. Xiang Xiang stands up and says she understands, if she doesn’t make it to Grade 3 then she’s never eating steamed buns. lol! Save yourself! Qiao Rui smiles at this. She says going to study now and leaves for her room. Dad tells her to sit down as he’s not done talking. He tells her to not have any puppy love with Xiang Xiang and to draw a line with her. Qiao Rui says that he also objects to his association with Xiang Xiang as he slyly drops a second bun on Dad’s plate. Xiang Xiang swears that she won’t think about her puppy love with Xiang Xiang. lol Yeah, she can think about it with Qiao Nan. ;) Xiang Xiang declares that she’s going to go study and then gives Dad her bun. LOL! Dad makes a disgusted face at his plate of buns. XD His wife says that she’s sorry that Qiao Nan won’t get to eat the delicious steamed buns he made. Qiao Rui says it’s a pity and then grabs a plate of buns to bring it to Qiao Nan. His wife quickly finishes her bowl of food as he places a bun on her plate. She then claims that she needs to lose weight so she actually can’t eat. She will instead have a replacement meal and practically runs from the table. He complains about how he is going to finish all these buns of doom

Xiang Xiang stays up studying but can’t find all of her study materials. She then remembers that she’s missing her binder, the one with Qiao Nan’s love letter. She’s worried about Qiao Nan finding it. Xiang Xiang tells Qiao Rui that she needs to leave the house to return her classmate’s homework. She actually sneaks over to her room at Mu house to get the binder and gets caught by Qiao Nan. The two fight over the binder and end up falling together onto the bed. They have a moment and Xiang Xiang shyly puts the binder in between them. Qiao Nan grabs the binder from her and his love letter falls out. Xiang Xiang is quite embarrassed and mentally beating herself up over this. Qiao Nan returns the letter to her and only says that she’s a good student. A flustered Xiang Xiang puts the letter inside the binder and almost leaves through the door until Qiao Nan reminds her she’ll have to leave a different way. So she climbs out the window. 

Qiao Rui had secretly followed Xiang Xiang in the car and spotted her climbing out of the window. When she returns home, Qiao Rui is waiting for her but he doesn’t ask about where she’d been. 

Xiang Xiang tries to encourage the taekwondo members to study but they’re not motivated. They can only agree to being tutored by the smart girls of their class. So Qiao Nan finds a way to bring the top students, Gao Yan, Fang Ling Li and He Xiao Kui to help them. Jiang Hai shows up to offer his help, and to stake a claim on Fang Ling Li. Guo Zhi then pulls out a bouquet of flowers for He Xiao Ke. The students then all separate into different study groups. 

Xiang Xiang goes to rehearsal and Qiao Rui is waiting outside for her as he expects Qiao Nan to show up.

[Ep19They almost get caught but Xiang Xiang manages to hide right before Qiao Nan's father and brother run into the dressing room. That evening, Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan share a Romeo-and-Juliet-style nightmare. In the morning, they’ve switched back to their original bodies!
During an English studying session, Xiang Xiang tests Qiao Nan's English vocabulary, using flashcards. She’s impressed and she tests him further by randomly pointing at things for him to translate to English. When Xiang Xiang pulls on her hair and twirls it between her fingers, he gets quiet and just looks at how cute she is. He finally says, “I adore you” to her. She asks what that means, and he says he’s avoiding her. But he’s still looking at her with so much affection in his eyes! (~15:45) She continues testing him, and so they study and play ever so cutely. Everyone else on the taekwondo team is also working hard at studying and training. 

Tomorrow is exam day and Xiang Xiang asks if he's nervous. He says he’s not. He then says that she’ll be going to Grade Three. She asks if that isn’t good. He admits that he purposely stayed behind a grade so he wouldn’t have to graduate and become an adult. He's always had the potential but no motivation. After the exam, it appears that everyone on the taekwondo team has improved enough, except for Qiao Nan. He missed a few points on the exam. So the taekwondo club is dissolved and Director Li has everything hauled away. The teammates tell Director Li what the club and space meant to them - a place for them to belong to when they had no other place in the world as they’re known as the so-called bad students. They were all bullied and finally had a place to feel safe and free to be themselves. They beg him to make an exception but he refuses to listen any further.

Xiang Xiang goes searching for Qiao Nan and finds out that he’s asking to transfer to another school. He wants to give up but Xiang Xiang tells him to stay and fight. She asks him if he’s looked over every page of the exam and made sure that the scores were accurate. And so, he checks his papers again. He finds an English question that is phrased ambivalently and they get it verified by an English teacher. The answer is actually both A and C, so Qiao Nan gets 3 extra points, and they manage to save the club until the summer tournament. 

[Ep20Great-Aunt’s husband (related to Mu Dad) and son have returned. At this dinner, Great-Aunt brags about how her son, Mu Song, who is a year younger than Xiang Xiang but a better student with higher grades, etc. Braggadocious much? Later, Great-Uncle apologizes to Dad for having been gone for so long, and for not paying attention to what was happening at home. He then explains why Great-Aunt is the way she is: When they got married, they were poor, so she’s been the one to go after any way to earn money. Dad says they’re all family and grateful for being saved. Later, Mu Song forces Xiang Xiang to store his violin under her bed and orders her to not tell his parents or else he’ll tattle to his mother. *rolling eyes* So glad to know it’s genetic…not.

Over the summer break, Xiang Xiang helps him to get the team up to par with their level of expertise, as Qiao Nan is the only black belt in their group. The two are so immersed in their own little world as they critique their opponents’ moves that they don’t even notice when Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhan leave as they can’t get a word in edgewise. lol The two get uncomfortable when they realize they’re alone together, and decide to get out of there. And that’s how Qiao Rui finds them together yet again. Qiao Nan adamantly refuses to leave with him. Instead, Qiao Nan grabs Xiang Xiang by the arm and has her leave with him. Later, Uncle Shi advises Qiao Rui to kill this puppy love. He’s a snake in the grass.

When Qiao Nan finally gets home, Qiao Rui has decided to control everything in his life so he can’t see Xiang Xiang at all. He threatens to tell Xiang Xiang’s parents about their relationship. Qiao Rui gets them a professional gym and trainer. Qiao Nan finds a way to get Xiang Xiang to see him during training. They know that Xiang Xiang needs to train in case they end up switching bodies again. 

Afterwards, Qiao Rui tells him that he knows that they met up. Qiao Nan is outraged that he actually has spies watching his every move. He says he is just jealous of Xiang Xiang’s place in his heart. He emotionally tells him, “Since you decided to study abroad, the day you left me alone in the country, I won’t trust you anymore. You think you want to leave me behind? So I can go away. Now you’re back. I have to act as if nothing had happened and call you brother. I’m telling you, it’s impossible. What brotherhood? Care about me? It’s all your own psychological comfort. In the final analysis, you want to satisfy your desire for control. You’re a control freak!!” Qiao Rui looks so hurt by this but he doesn’t say anything as he watches his brother angrily stalk away. At dinner that night, Qiao Nan says he’s going back to the school to train. Qiao Dad tells Qiao Rui to do something about this, and he only replies that he no longer cares about Qiao Nan. 

At the taekwondo tournament, they make it to the finals!

[Ep21En route to the tournament, our sleep-deprived couple take a nap in their separate rides and both dream about Qiao Nan winning the tournament. So they’re back in each other’s bodies again! Xiang Xiang now has to win the tournament for Qiao Nan. Before the start of the first round, she looks for Qiao Nan and can’t find him so she runs off using the excuse of using the bathroom. She is looking everywhere for Qiao Nan before she finds him laying on a bench. He tells her to give up already as it’s already too late. They find out that they won in the first round, and if they win in the second round, then Xiang Xiang won’t have to compete. They rush back and find out that they lost the second round, so Xiang Xiang has to fight now. Xiang Xiang starts freaking out until Qiao Nan tells her to relax and compete, do her best and no matter the result, he’d accept it. The crowd starts chanting for Qiao Nan to win. 

For the final round, Xiang Xiang is up against another black belt player. Initially, Xiang Xiang runs away and even dodges to barely miss getting hit. lol When it’s time to attack, she trips and falls. Qiao Nan encourages her to stand up and so she gets up and fights until she gets kicked in the head and just lays there for a moment. Qiao Nan’s supporters start cheering for him to stand up and so she does, albeit a bit dizzily. Xiang Xiang leaves herself open to attack several times and is eventually kicked in the head again and stays down this time. Qiao Nan begs her to stand up but she tries to get up even as the countdown’s been started. Qiao Nan tearfully begs her not to stand but she does. She remains unsteady on her feet and thinks about how she wants to turn the tables. The other team is winning already by a lead so she’d have to rack up many points to beat them. She reminds herself to trust in Qiao Nan’s muscle memory and is able to finally knock down her opponent, who can’t get up after the 10-second countdown. So their school wins the tournament! A proud Director Li announces that the taekwondo club can stay indefinitely. After the team gets their trophy, Qiao Nan brings Xiang Xiang a bouquet of flowers. Later, in the locker room, Qiao Nan sweetly tends to Xiang Xiang’s various wounds. Qiao Nan asks what they’re going to do if this keeps happening for the next five or ten years. And then he admits that he’s accepted it. :) Qiao Nan’s father and brother come looking for “Qiao Nan” so Qiao Nan quickly leaves to avoid getting caught with her again. When Dad finds Xiang Xiang, she gives the medal to Dad. Dad is elated and cheerfully asks for Qiao Rui to take pictures of the two of them.

In Xiang Xiang’s play, Qiao Nan is a sunflower costume. Xiang Xiang’s friends arrive and she wonders if Qiao Nan will be embarrassed by this. Mu Dad even shows up with a bouquet of flowers (including sunflowers)! A very embarrassed Qiao Nan tries to find a way to sneak out. He’s unable to leave so he decides to change the dialogue and context of this play. He botches the romance and makes it more pro-woman, pro-independence, which earns the ire of the director, who now wants to fire “Xiang Xiang”. 

[Ep22Qiao Nan apologizes, deep bows and begs for another chance. The director allows it this one time. (The director has the worst wig ever. I don't understand. lol) Afterwards, Mu Dad is proudly waiting with flowers. He’s happy that she shone so brightly in this play. Back at home, Mu Song bangs on Xiang Xiang’s bedroom door and when Qiao Nan finally opens it, Mu Song complains about how long it took to get the door open. He grabs his violin from under the bed and Qiao Nan wonders what this is about.

Qiao Dad wants to have his younger son intern at the hotel. Xiang Xiang doesn’t accept it on his behalf by saying that she’s worried about studying. Dad says both can be done, but to really think about the internship. Qiao Rui later tells Dad that Qiao Nan is still hanging out with Xiang Xiang. Dad tells him that he realized that he noticed that he performed better when he had the full support of Xiang Xiang. And so as long as they are together and are working towards progress together, he’s not going to try to control it too tightly. Dad says that he needs to help his brother with the internship. Qiao Rui says it’s inconvenient for him. Dad says he’s always taken care of him before, so this confirms that the brothers had a fight. 

Qiao Nan saves Mu Song from getting his violin taken away when he annoys the local hooligans with his music at the park. Meanwhile, Qiao Rui is complaining about Qiao Nan to his dirtbag Uncle Shi, who then asks why Qiao Dad is suddenly favoring Qiao Nan. Xiang Xiang finds a roundabout way of bringing up the internship at his father’s hotel. As expected, he adamantly disagrees as he doesn’t want his family planning his life for him. 

At home, Xiang Xiang is met with Qiao Dad and Stepmother Luo’s attempt to make her go forward with the internship. They present her with all the clothes, accessories, etc. She tries to reject everything but she gets steamrolled. Not long after, she's going to work with Dad and Qiao Rui. 

At Mu house, Mu Song searches high and low in Xiang Xiang’s room for his violin. He threatens to ask his mother to raise their rent. Qiao Nan says go ahead and tell his mother. Mu Song balks and asks what he wants. He makes Mu Song clean his room and do the laundry. Great-Aunt shows up and starts yelling at her son for helping with the laundry. Qiao Nan threatens him by mimicking the playing of a violin. Mu Song yells at her to let him help with the laundry. 

Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan’s friends want to study over the summer break but Xiang Xiang is stuck going to the internship. She asks Qiao Dad about using the hotel as a place for studying, which he happily agrees to. For the internship, Qiao Dad is going to leave her in Uncle Shi’s care, so he can ask about what happened between Qiao Nan and Qiao Rui and to fix it. Dad, you’re trusting the wrong person. He’s the wedge! Qiao Nan shows up at the hotel for the study group and is confused why Xiang Xiang is wearing a suit. Xiang Xiang needs to return to work and makes the excuse that she’s looking for Qiao Dad. Uncle Shi is trying to figure out which brother is easier to manipulate. Xiang Xiang stays late to work as Uncle Shi tells Qiao Rui that Dad wants the two brothers to compete. Again, what is with the aunts and uncles of this series?!

[Ep23Xiang Xiang returns to the study session and Qiao Nan asks where she was. She says Qiao Dad had asked her to pick up medicine for his wife. That evening, Xiang Xiang tells Dad that she’d like to return to studying full-time as she’ll be a senior next year, but she would make sure to wrap up this purchase order.

At the hotel, when two of Uncle Shi’s underlings gossip about how the family is going to have Uncle Shi in the top position, he then makes a big show of reprimanding and then firing the two guys in front of Qiao Rui. Afterwards, behind closed doors, Uncle Shi tells the two guys that they have a promising future but to keep what happened today as a secret.  

Once again, Qiao Nan and the rest of the study group are waiting for Xiang Xiang. Qiao Nan is suspicious about her tardiness. When he finds out that she’s working in the family business, he angrily pulls her away from the group. Xiang Xiang wants to mend their relationship as Qiao Nan can’t continue treating his father this way as Dad has changed his attitude since they won the taekwondo tournament. Xiang Xiang says Dad is trying to teach him something. Qiao Nan admits that when he was young, Dad used to leave him and his brother at their uncle’s and ignored them. One day, Dad finally took them home to meet Stepmother Luo. Xiang Xiang explains that Dad was happy when she asked to have their friends study here as he seems to truly care about Qiao Nan. Qiao Nan just glares at her and she finally says that didn’t do this to make him or his Dad angry, and it would only be a week or two at most. She tells him that Dad has agreed to allow her to return to studying after this purchase order goes through. Qiao Nan is still upset that he’s being told now, after the fact, instead of before everything occurred. But when he looks over at Xiang Xiang who is biting her lips and looking slightly ashamed, he relents by making her apologize in some character, Lollipop’s? voice. He finally forgives her for her sake, and not his father’s.

Back at Mu house, Xiang Xiang’s parents are busy with their noodle stall. Besides the food, the other draw is Dad’s singing. Qiao Nan records Mu Dad’s singing as he’s rolling the noodle dough. Later Qiao Nan shows Dad the video that he’s posted online. But Dad is a bit embarrassed and too critical about his own singing. Qiao Nan says that his singing is fine as it’s considered “freestyle” (improvised), and there are already 5,000 views and 2,000 likes. He says that Dad’s a singing genius and he’ll help him with this. One of the best things about their body swap is their relationships with their Dads.

The next day, Uncle Shi tells Xiang Xiang that there’s something wrong with the purchase order (wrong date). In front of Dad and Qiao Rui, Uncle Shi blames himself for not checking it carefully. Another supervisor, Miss Wang, also blames herself. Dad blames both of them but asks Xiang Xiang to try to come up with a solution. Qiao Rui notices his brother’s distress and his uncle’s shiftiness. Qiao Rui recalls an earlier conversation with Uncle Shi saying that he wanted to change suppliers. In the present, he brings up the other supplier to Dad, who agrees to let him take care of this issue. Dad then tells Xiang Xiang that he understands that she has no experience and is busy with her studies. However, he asks that she not make the same mistake again, as not every mistake can be fixed nor can it be fixed in time. As a man, remember that, one has to carry the burden himself. Xiang Xiang then apologizes to everyone.  

Later, she brings the gift of fruit to Ms. Wang and Uncle Shi. However, when she goes to knock on Uncle Shi’s office, she overhears his conversation with his underling about getting the new supplier to come through and to get more funds ready. She records this conversation and brings it to Qiao Nan’s attention that his uncle is receiving kickbacks. Qiao Nan doesn’t believe that Uncle Shi would do such a thing as he’s a kind man. In Qiao Nan’s heart, Uncle Shi is both a father and a mother to him. Qiao Nan tells Xiang Xiang that he needs to go home and help with the noodle stall. This is news to Xiang Xiang who is worried about the licensure issue. Qiao Nan says that’s been taken care of and Great-Aunt is fine with it. He then shows her the video of Dad, “The King of Song, Mu De Feng.” Xiang Xiang is worried about her father’s online exposure, which makes him susceptible to criticism. Qiao Nan says not to worry about.

When Qiao Nan returns home, their noodle stall is quite busy. The customers start asking for Dad to sing and Dad obliges. Xiang Xiang comes by to see her Dad happily entertaining the customers. She recalls Qiao Nan’s words that she thinks she’s protecting her father from the outside world. But men aren't afraid of being outside, their biggest fear is being a good-for-nothing for all of their life, and being unable to provide a better life for their wife and children. He had told her that her father has this talent, so why not let him shine. She now sees that he’s quite happy with the crowd's adoration. 

When Xiang Xiang returns home, she’s worried about what will happen if she doesn’t tell Qiao Dad about Uncle Shi. She goes to look for Dad and Qiao Rui tells her that he is away on a business trip. When Qiao Rui leaves, she calls him Ge and tells him to listen to the recording of Uncle Shi. 

Later, while Xiang Xiang is taking a shower, Qiao Rui snoops around and unlocks her phone and sees her text messages with “Xiang Xiang” and then he finds Qiao Nan’s love letter. Now he’s recalling previous conversations and interactions with Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan - before and after their body swaps. 

When Xiang Xiang gets out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her (chest down) and sheep head towel, she’s startled by Qiao Rui’s presence and notices the letter in his hand. He immediately asks her who she is. She asks why he’s in her room, and then she notices that her phone’s been moved and discovers that he’s deleted the recording. She asks why it was deleted, and then gasps and wonders if he’s working with Uncle Shi. Qiao Rui doesn’t say anything further and just leaves with the love letter.

At Mu house, the family is elated to have made a profit of 872 yuan. Qiao Nan says then expect an average of 600 yuan a day, which is 18,000 a month. They’re elated that they can pay off their debts in a year’s time and then save for three years for a down payment. 

Xiang Xiang tells Qiao Nan about what just happened. 

[Ep24The next morning, Qiao Rui confronts his brother about being Xiang Xiang. Qiao Nan (back in his own body) tells him that he’s in cahoots with Uncle Shi and taking kickbacks, too. He’s also already told Dad about everything. Qiao Rui then locks his brother inside his room. Xiang Xiang (back in her own body) is trying to reach Qiao Nan but is unable to (Qiao Rui took Qiao Nan’s phone). She wonders if something’s happened to him. There was no dream to indicate their body swap. 

Qiao Rui is telling Dad that Qiao Nan is suffering from schizophrenia as he’s imagining himself as Mu Xiang Xiang. Your problem is Uncle Shi, not Qiao Nan! Dad asks if he’s not working with Uncle Shi and taking kickbacks then. Qiao Rui continues saying this is part of Qiao Nan's psychotic breakdown. When Qiao Rui returns home to unlock the door, Qiao Nan punches him. Qiao Rui continues talking about his brother’s poor temperament and use of physical force. 

Xiang Xiang comes over to see how Qiao Nan is as she’s been unable to reach him, and is told that he’s ill. Qiao Rui claims that he’s lost it. She insists on trying to see him but Qiao Dad says that he’s going to be seen by the doctor soon. Qiao Rui makes her leave. 

She leaves and luckily Qiao Nan’s been looking out the window and spots her. She tearfully asks if he’s okay and he gently reassures her that it’s a misunderstanding and he’ll take care of it. Once she leaves, he’s back to fretting over how to get out of this situation. 

Back at home, Mu Song asks Xiang Xiang why she isn’t helping him become an internet celebrity like her father. She suggests that he gets ready for cram school. Then she finds out that he’s been skipping the classes, lying to his mother and just collecting the tuition money for his own use. And that’s how Qiao Nan’s been keeping him under control. She’s worried about what will happen when Great-Aunt finds out the truth. 

Qiao Dad tells Qiao Nan that it’s all his fault that he’s like this. Dad sincerely promises to spend every day - to chat, to read, and to give him a chance to make up for the past. Dad tells him to not get angry and reminds him to take his medicine. Dad then leaves and mutters about how this is all his own fault. Aww. 

The next morning, Stepmother Luo is greeted by Qiao Nan wearing full-on makeup (pretending) as Xiang Xiang. He even hugs her! He then asks for her contact information and pulls out a tube of toothpaste. She looks even more frightened now. He tells her to not call for his father but to enter in her contact information on the toothpaste tube. She frantically runs out of the room shouting for her husband. 

While she’s running away, Qiao Nan drops down onto the bed. When his father comes in and tries to wake him up and can’t, the parents then try to call 120 (emergency medical services number). He suddenly “wakes up “ and returns to being himself. He then tells them to leave and he starts punching at his punching bag. His parents back out of the room and quietly close the door. Now they wonder if he’s become like this because he likes Mu Xiang Xiang so much. Dad suggests getting her to come over but is worried that it’ll make his condition worse. Stepmother Luo says her instinct tells her to have Xiang Xiang come, so at least Qiao Nan will feel better. She's such a sweet stepmother.

Xiang Xiang is at the study group and looking at the empty seat next to her. Her friends ask her about Qiao Nan, and she admits that something’s going on at his home. But then she leaves to go home. She crosses paths with Mu Song who is running away from his angry mother who isn’t far behind. She’s trying to beat her son as she just found out that he hasn’t attended a single day of cram school and she’s found his sheet music. She doesn’t want him to be a violinist and instead wants him to attend university. In her anger, she grabs the violin case and throws it. The neck is broken. He angrily admits that he’s been lying about his perfect scores so he can get money to save up for a piano. He then flings down the broken violin, his bag, and the phone - it's everything purchased with her money. She furiously yells that he’s no longer her son and to just go. 

Qiao Rui discovers the two employees who were fired are helping Uncle Shi with his master plan at the new supplier’s. When Uncle Shi returns to his office, he discovers Qiao Dad in his chair and Qiao Rui in the other seat. He asks if Qiao Nan is feeling better. Qiao Rui asks him if 3 million is enough. Uncle Shi says he has no idea what’s going on as he’s not familiar with that supplier, and there’s no commission involved. Qiao Rui says he tried to sow discord between him and his brother, and used him [Qiao Rui] to force them to use the other supplier. He also accuses him of having the two fired employees spread rumors about his relationship with Qiao Nan. Once he realized that he’d been fooled by him and had made a great mistake, he’d made sure to tell his father. Dad gets up now and addresses his brother-in-law by his full name, and says he’s so greedy, which he’s tolerated. But he never expected that he’d hurt his two sons in such a cruel manner. Uncle Shi drops to his knees, starts crying and saying he’s wrong, and that for his sister’s sake... Dad angrily yells how dare he bring up his sister. Qiao Nan was crazy, but he actually isn’t, so he then asks him how he’d explain that to his sister. Dad is giving him 500,000 yuan for when he took care of Qiao Rui and Qiao Nan. He requests him to take the card and leave now. He doesn’t want to see him ever again. 

Uncle Shi gets up and tries to plead with Dad but he won’t budge. He then tries to appeal to Qiao Rui, but he won’t even look at him. He tells him to leave as it won’t look pretty to have the security guard ask him to leave. He then slides over the card to him without making eye contact and tells him to leave. Uncle Shi takes the card and leaves. When the door is closing, a disappointed and betrayed Qiao Rui finally looks up at Uncle Shi’s departing back.

Afterwards, Qiao Rui asks Dad why he doesn’t think Qiao Nan is crazy.

Earlier, Dad and Stepmother Luo had sat down with Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang. Dad knew that he had wanted Xiang Xiang to come there. Qiao Nan said that he had no choice as Qiao Rui had brainwashed both of them, and no matter what he said, everyone thought he was sick. Qiao Nan tells his father to listen to what he had to say but not to hit him. He then says that the internship work was all completed by Xiang Xiang, as he doesn’t have the brain capacity to deal with the internship and his studies. Xiang Xiang admits to writing that purchase order and knows certain company details. Dad says fine, so why didn’t he say something sooner. Qiao Nan claims he was worried about being accused of puppy love, plus he didn’t have his phone to explain it any further. He swears that he has no intention of harboring puppy love. He goes on to say that Xiang Xiang has a strong ability to learn and adapt, thoughtful, honest, reliable, has tenacity and a backbone, and can stand the test. He doesn’t have any interest in the hotel business but he’d be relieved if Xiang Xiang filled that position. Xiang Xiang says he asked for help with the internship. She says Qiao Nan is ambitious, a loyal friend and has helped her a lot, too. 

Xiang Xiang returns home to deal with a very worried and distressed Great-Aunt, who wonders where Mu Song went as she’s still unable to find him. 

Back at home, Qiao Nan apologizes to his father. He used to think he was a tyrant. He'd been skipping classes, having fights, etc. just to oppose him. But as he’s been sick the past few days, he knows his Dad has been taking care of him and trying to find him a doctor, and he hasn’t even cared about the hotel that he’s worked for all of his life. He knows that he really does care about him but they have a serious lack of communication. Qiao Rui apologizes as it’s his fault. Dad then admits that it’s his fault, too, as he’s worked so hard all these years and haven’t cared about the two of them. He admits that sometimes he wants to say something encouraging, but it comes out as a scolding. He knows that this is what gave Uncle Shi the opportunity. Stepmother Luo says Dad won’t say it as he’s stubborn but he’s been secretly changing. Dad promises to find a way to communicate better with the two of them. The three of them have an emotional hug. 

Qiao Nan later receives a call from a tearful Xiang Xiang. 

[Ep25Qiao Nan has his delivery friends and the other gang, along with Xiang Xiang’s theatre friends help search for Mu Song. Qiao Nan finds him at the music store. Great-Aunt finally hears him playing for a crowd of parents and young kids. The parents and kids want him to be their teacher. Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan ask him to come home but he won’t as his mother won’t respect his choice. Qiao Nan then admonishes him for not respecting his mother’s hard work and hard-earned money. Xiang Xiang tells him that his mother was just here and said to pick out a violin. He’s surprised that she was here and Xiang Xiang tells him that she couldn’t have gone far. When he finds his mother, she gestures playing the violin and then two thumbs up. She approves!

Qiao Rui stays up late to finish up on a work project and Qiao Nan offers to keep him company by working on his paper. They’ve made up. The next day, Qiao Nan finds a very expensive motorcycle waiting for him with a note from Uncle Shi saying that he can ride a motorcycle like him, but don’t be like him. Qiao Rui suggests going to see Uncle Shi in a few days.

At Mu house, Great Aunt is grateful to the family in helping them with Mu Song. She talked with Uncle and they’ve decided to give the house that Xiang Xiang and her family are living in, to them. The three are tearfully ecstatic. Awww. Mu parents tell her and Mu Song to join them for meals whenever they want to. 

Grade Three. At the noodle stall, Mu Song accompanies Dad’s singing with his violin playing. At Qiao house, the Mu guys bond over a soccer game, and Stepmother Luo is included as well. Xiang Xiang and Qiao Nan haven’t had another incident of body swapping. 

Xiang Xiang plans to study medicine in Beijing. She wants to become a doctor and help others like her who suffer from asthma. Qiao Dad has decided to not force him to be in hotel management. Qiao Nan decides to follow Xiang Xiang to Beijing, to study English. 

[Ep26It’s gao ko time! Qiao Nan and Xiang Xiang, and their friends pass with flying colors. 

Qiao Nan makes an effort to properly confess to Xiang Xiang but his plans are dashed by Yan Zhi Yang and Guo Zhi. Later, he takes her back to the field where she rejected him. (Ep15). He finally confesses that he wants to be with her, to be by her side. She says she’s already agreed before - when she was in his body. She still agrees now. The two share a kiss.

And then Xiang Xiang wakes up in a futuristic machine. She gets out of the machine and is met by its creator who congratulates her for passing their test. It’s actually 2031, and she’s a doctor at 28 years old. She’s been the only player in a virtual reality game and she’s the second person to pass. There was no body swap, and everyone in her game are NPCs. However, he tells her that everything that happened in her game was based on her subconscious as the game adjusts to her needs. He asks her about Qiao Nan and she says that he’s a real classmate but he didn’t know her. 

Afterwards, she leaves the facility and Qiao Nan is walking in the opposite direction. So he was the first player?! He says her name, and she’s surprised that he recognizes her. They talk about their occupations - and he's a teacher. He admits to coming here often as it’s fun. They say their goodbyes and he walks up the stairs. But then he changes his mind and turns back to ask if she wants to have a drink. She agrees but asks about his current game session. He says he can do it another day. The two leave, and he asks if her husband is from the same university. She admits that she’s not married, and he says he isn’t either. They agree on having Sichuanese cuisine. 

The End. 


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-8)] Our polar opposites are living in each other's bodies, homes, and lives now. They've already declared war on each other - body and reputation. Right now, they're at a truce. I'm loving the body swap. He's forced to deal with physical limitations and she learns that she can fight back. 

[Actors/Actresses] I’m a fan of Ma Si Chao, especially after seeing him as Ou Yang in Remembrance of Things Past. He’s really not that likable in the beginning, but his portrayal as Xiang Xiang is compelling. 

FL is actress, Zhou Yi Ran (周然) (not to be confused with the actor Zhou Yi Ran (周然) from Falling Into Your Smile), is very demure as Xiang Xiang and so fierce as Qiao Nan. I much prefer the fierceness!

I'm excited to see Li Chuan from My Little Happiness as Qiao Rui, Qiao Nan’s older brother. 

I like the actress, Kong Lin as Xiang Xiang’s Great-Aunt. She was Tong Nian’s mother in Go Go Squid!, and more recently, ML’s mother in Simmer Down. But her character here makes me clench my teeth even more than when she was Tong Nian’s mother... Oof.

[Behind the Scenes] Trying to get their gender swapped mannerisms downpat. 


Ending theme song (Unable to figure out who sings this but it's pretty.)

[Ending] Underwhelming. For me, the series ended with Ep23 and would squeeze in his confession from the beginning of Ep26.


[Review & Rating]
I really love the two leads, Ma Si Chao and Zhou Yi Ran in this, and their respective parents. I can tell that the show was trying very hard to give us a sense of family, friendship, work ethic, etc. The leads as themselves are good but as each other's characters - that’s where they really shined! But I seriously dislike how they chose to “end” this series. This series should’ve ended at Ep23. Everything that came after Ep23 was like a flush down the toilet for all of the emotional investment up until then. 
[Ending Spoilers]: Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

It’s now 2031. Mu Xiang Xiang has been playing a VR game, and Qiao Nan may have been the player before her. She's liked him since high school but they didn’t have any interactions. After her game ends, she ends up running into Qiao Nan who is going in to play the game. However, he seems interested in her and they leave together for a meal.

There is nearly zero kissing/skinship for this series because China is against dating before college, ergo no early dating as they’re still in high school. The VR game is the workaround for China’s ban on body swapping storylines. However, this ending was so disappointing as the writers could have done a better job fleshing it out before that point. [/Spoilers]

If I’m basing this series with the ending at Ep23 plus his confession from Ep26, it’s an easy 4. However, including the last three eps, it stands at a generous 2.

Random Recommendation: I Don’t Want To Be Friends With You. A much better time-traveling series with a grumpy but protective Ma Si Chao. 

Rating: 2/5

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