May 2, 2022

Simmer Down | Recap and Review

Simmer Down
A TV host falls in love with a feisty lawyer.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Chen XiaoYang Guang
Wang Xiao Chen: Liao Wang
Wang Yao Qing: Li Heng Ji
Zeng Li: Niu Zhi Ling
Chinese Title
(Let’s) Communicate Well
Episodes: 40
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 3.25/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Yang Guang is a TV host. Liao Wang is a lawyer, representing Yang Guang’s mother to claim the inheritance to his father's house (it was in the will). This mother left Yang Guang for 33 years and the first time he hears news of her is through a demand letter. Yang Guang rips it in Liao Wang’s face. When Yang Guang returns to his home, he looks so lonely. I now understand his indifference in the beginning. His clients were a son and a mother. The son didn’t want to forgive the mother and Yang Guang, as the host, didn’t bother to mediate. He’s not irresponsible, he just sympathizes with the son. In his perspective, why must (all) parents be forgiven? 

Second (divorced) coupleNiu Zhi Ling is the chief producer of Yang Guang’s show, ‘Simmer Down’. She’s divorced with Li Heng Ji, Yang Guang’s buddy. Their divorce isn’t that simple; it seems there’s something that’s bothering Niu Zhi Ling that her (ex-)husband is unaware of. Yang Guang is always caught in the middle of this childish divorce, childish because of the husband, who’s so pettish, but clearly still so in love.
[Ep2] Yang Guang meets Liao Wang again, and this time she’s on his car. Not in. On. She’s upset because he ripped her letter and she’s here to tell him ripping it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. He’s like Does your firm not employ passenger pigeons anymore? Why send such a noob? Allow me to explain the pun: 菜鳥 cai niao = weak pigeon = noob. He also gives her some advice. Him ripping the letter can’t be considered misdemeanour, as for her being on his car could be. Our lawyer LAWYER realizes she’s wrong and wants to get off but also realizes she can’t. It’s too high. So how did she get on? It’s okay because I do like the next scene He carries her down. And he gives her attitude (i.e. ignores her). And now she’s upset again and calls him “old, ugly, not handsome and a has-been”. Yang Guang's jaw drops. He must be like You were on my car and I carried you down and now you call me old, ugly, and dated? Lol

Liao Wang carelessly leaves her document in Yang Guang’s office. Subsequently, he learns of a divorce between a couple who went viral a few years ago. To save his dying show, Yang Guang invites them onto the program.

Third coupleSu Jing Jing (Yang Guang’s cousin) becomes the assistant to her role model photographer: Luo Xiu
[Ep3] Yang Guang finds it very amusing when Liao Wang threatens him. He craves to know what she’s like when her explosiveness is at the max. Meanwhile, Yang Guang's assistant (Ding Ning) is at the side, awkwardly existing in the same space. 

[Ep4] Yang Guang gives very real marriage advice to the young couple. 

Yang Guang to the husband: As a man, you fight with a woman, and you win, is there a meaning to it? I like this statement. But I think it also applies to women – people in general

Yang Guang to the couple: Life is long and you will face many unexpected difficulties. It is not just a few vows at the wedding that can last a lifetime. [...] With the sudden changes in the environment and social roles, incompatibility is inevitable. [...] As long as two people confront problems hand in hand, mutually help in humble circumstances, solve their problems, face their problems, and finally they can harvest their happiness. 

Is Liao Wang impressed with Yang Guang? I think she is
[Ep5] Liao Wang pesters Yang Guang to discuss his mother’s case. She’s going to stick to him like glue and won’t leave his car. Thus Ding Ning, Yang Guang’s assistant, princess-carries her out of the car. But they still can’t get rid of Liao Wang. She finds her way to worm into Yang Guang's next case (via his GPS). A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. He stole her case; she steals his case

[Ep6] Yang Guang fools Liao Wang into a meeting with his mother at a deserted location with no wifi or landline (how does this restaurant even operate?). He shows up, but in a hidden corner. Simultaneously, he has his assistant organize another meeting with their clients just so Liao Wang isn’t there to interfere.

[Ep7] Yang Guang eavesdrops on Liao Wang’s conversation with his mother (Mom Zhang). Mom Zhang avoids answering Liao Wang on why she abandoned Yang Guang. All she says is that at 24yo, she didn’t know how tough it was to be a mother. It was arduous and helpless. Yang Guang has heard enough and leaves without meeting his mother. What does it feel like when a son learns he’s a burden to his mother? It’s a truth perhaps that he knew for 33 years but now it actually came from his mother’s mouth.   

Liao Wang calls Yang Guang ‘Yang Shameless’ for scheming her. He smirks and admits to being shameless. He provoked her. Is his curiosity craved? :D. During the evening, Yang Shameless texts his apology to Liao Wang and reimburses her taxi fees. She accepts his money but not his apology. He smirks and texts back, “Then what do you want?” She replies: “新仇舊恨一起算 (adding new worries to old hatred)!” He smiles again. 
Ding Ning’s smile as her boss and the lawyer argue
The case that Yang Shameless is being shameless about: Liao Wang represents a daughter-in-law who wants custody of her son and the inheritance her husband left behind, but the mother-in-law doesn’t trust her. Sound familiar? Meanwhile Yang Guang wants both ladies on the show for mediation. The years of dispute between the ladies escalate and now the (grand)son runs away from home. Liao Wang and Yang Guang are on the search for the boy and they discover he’s hiding in an abandoned building. They climb over a wall, which is too high for Liao Wang. She asks for help and he carries her down. Afterwards, they continue to hold hands. She quickly asks him if she was heavy. And his expression be like: Seriously? We’re looking for a kid right now and you’re concerned about your weightOh, and still holding hands.

Second (divorced) couple: Mom Niu chides her own daughter for not knowing how to do anything. All these years it was her husband who did all the housework. Wow. A CEO husband who does housework and loves his wife so much.

Third couple: Luo Xiu is accused of sexual harassment by a model who he insulted. I don’t really like Luo Xiu. Yes, he’s talented, but he doesn’t have to be an ass all the time

Liao Wang’s parents: They’re weird. Who is the man her mother is taking care of at the hospital? She’s cheating? But it seems her father is aware of it. Only Liao Wang is in the dark.

[Ep8] Liao Wang learns it was Yang Guang who helped her join the team for an important case.

Yang Guang solves the dispute between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 

Yang Guang: Quarrel cannot solve any problem. When there is a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, good and rational communication should be used to solve the problem and create a healthy environment for children to grow up. Yang Guang is in a unique position where he can empathize with the little boy because he is that boy caught between his grandmother and mother, always listening to his grandmother’s vitriol on his mother.

[Ep9] Liao Wang acknowledges the mediation was tough for Yang Guang and with that, she leaves his office. He runs up, but pretends he didn’t run when he caught up. Trying to look cool. Isn’t he cute? He (eagerly) affirms if that was a praise. She compliments him again, directly. She knew how hard it was to listen to the mother/daughter-in-law given his own predicaments but he handled it with composure and professionalism. Yang Guang is tickled pink. Ding Ning is once again awkwardly smiling in the same space as our leads.

Second (divorced) couple: They have to pretend to be married in front of Mom Niu who suddenly wanted to live with them. Li Heng Ji takes advantage of every moment. Why are they so cute and funny ^^ 

[Ep10] During moonlight, our divorced second couple fight for the bed. During daylight, our divorced couple is Cupid to Yang Guang. Li Heng Ji calls Yang Guang a coward. He’s afraid of falling in love and afraid of letting her go. Well, this is why Niu Zhi Ling hired Liao Wan to be Luo Xiu’s lawyer (so that Yang Guang has more chances to see her). But Yang Guang isn’t that grateful. Luo Xiu’s sexual harassment case is tough to win. Aw. He’s worried. He denies being worried, though. 

Liao Wang is mad at Yang Guang (again). Actually, she’s just jealous, mistaking that he has a girlfriend (his cousin). He assumes Luo Xiu angered her. He reasons with her that she should be exploding at Luo Xiu and not him. She retorts that Luo Xiu is her client. If he’s angry, then she must be in the wrong. Yang Guang summarizes: “Then it’s me who is unlucky. I deserved to be yelled at.” Lol

[Ep11] Yang Guang is such a good listener. He maintains his composure when he wants to burst out laughing at Ding Ning’s antenna hair. Then he patiently listens to his cousin’s blubber. She was fired by Luo Xiu. After she calms down,Yang Guang soothes her. From Luo Xiu’s perspective, he’s that mad at her because he thought she would know him, but she actually convinced him to apologize. How mad he is is how much he values her. Su Jing Jing brightens up. 

Yang Guang apologizes to Liao Wang (again). He swears on his crescent moons (lunula, the parabola on your fingernails) that he didn’t mean to teach her how to handle the case (which isn’t why she’s mad in the first place). She laughs at him for his lunula swear. Why not make an oath to the moon? Through their conversation, he realizes she misunderstood he had a girlfriend. That must be it! She’s jealous. She calls him narcissistic, but the more she complains, the more he teases her about it. But anyway, as an apology, he will be her free driver today. She rejects him. Then he provokes her. “Afraid?” She glares at him and sarcastically shouts, “I’m so scared!” But then she reconsiders. She’ll take his offer. And then uses him. She takes him to a plastic surgeon to meet a model who can prove Luo Xiu’s character. She wants Yang Guang to connect her with the model. He calls her out for using him. She reminds him he volunteered himself. In the end he lets her use him. But the model rejects her anyway. Liao Wang is thirsty from all the persuasion. Yang Gang has juice ready for her. But it doesn’t help with the thirst. Well, he’s got a water bottle for her too. So thorough! And so caring! He uncapped it for her each time

Liao Wang is jealous again. She thought Yang Guang was peeking at Su Jing Jing, and grumpily exits his car. e

[Ep12] Yang Guang has dinner alone, which looks so sad :(. While he waits for his ramen to be cooked, he texts Liao Wang to apologize. As his driver today, he should have sent her home. Liao Wang doesn’t reply. She’s reminded of Su Jing Jing. Yang Guang sighs and starts eating his ramen. That square ham looks lonely too. But it isn’t cooked. The water wasn’t even boiled. No text and no ramen. Sad.

Yang Guang’s new case: It’s about a weird marriage between Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Ma. They won’t register their marriage but he gives her a home to live in. He also won’t explain the relationship to his son. And so, on behalf of the son, Yang Guang chats with Grandpa Zhou and learns that he still loves his deceased wife. It’s the reason he doesn’t drink tea because it reminds him of her. Compared to alcohol, drinking tea hurts him more. This marriage really is weird. Yang Guang, from a son’s perspective, shares a story about himself.  His father passed away last year. They barely saw each other because of work, and when they did meet, they still barely talked. But ever since he passed away, he misses him everyday. It’s ironic, really. At work he mediates for his clients, encouraging communication, but he never had a proper conversation with his father. It’s too late now, but he tells Grandpa Zhou that it’s not too late for him and his son. :[ & this is why Yang Guang insisted on taking this case. PD Niu Zhi Ling saw no worth in it, but Yang Guang did. He wants to help the father and son communicate. 

[Ep13] Niu Zhi Ling shares an observation with Yang Guang. He’s never given a girl a nickname, except Liao Wang, his “little bomb”. 

Yang Guang is such a good friend to Niu Zhi Ling and Li Heng Zi. He’d stake out at night to investigate Li Heng Ji for Niu Zhi Ling and confirms he’s given his condo for a mother-daughter pair to live in. Li Heng Ji isn’t cheating, though. He likes the little daughter. In fact, he likes children. Yang Guang reminds him of his agreement to marry Niu Zhi Ling: no children.

The boys move on to another topic: Yang Guang’s love life. He doesn’t want to talk about it (especially with how cold Liao Wang is towards him). Yang Guang thinks he doesn’t have the ability to love and to be loved. Aw. The scar his parents left him. Li Heng Ji teaches him to find a girl, who's like a sun, to shine on him and to activate his sunniness (yang guang = sunlight). As a matter of fact, Li Heng Ji thinks that girl, Liao Wang, is like a little (explosive) sun, the right person for Yang Guang. 

Yang Guang and Liao Wang meet again for another case. He smiles, happy to see her. “After all that circling, we’re back together.” It’s sweet how he said that. And then he’s like, “Okay, now yell at me.” Ha. She has nothing to yell at him for. He didn’t steal her case (plus she doesn’t even want to represent that filthy daughter-in-law). He continues to call her a little bomb, and she coolly tells him to just call her by name. 
[Ep14] Mom Niu uncovers the reason Niu Zhi Ling divorced: she’s “infertile”. It’s not definite, just low. When she married Li Heng Ji, she gave him a choice that if he married her, they wouldn’t have children. She can’t tell him the truth now. (She also has an inkling that he wants children.) She believes he’ll hate her forever. 

[Ep15The grandpa marriage case: The marriage is weird because it’s not Grandpa Zhou who’s marrying Grandma Ma. He’s only providing a house so that Grandpa Han and Grandma Ma can meet up secretly without their children knowing. Their sons (and daughter-in-laws) are against it (and it’s all because of money). Now that their underground relationship is exposed thanks to Zhao Li (a rival TV host), there’s a rumour that Grandpa Zhou is the third person in the relationship. So juicy, lol. For the sake of friendship, Grandpa Han will go on the show to clear his buddy’s name. The grandpas' friendship is cute! 

Oh, but the children are so infuriating! The children sit down to discuss the details of the marriage. Grandma Ma’s daughter-in-law wants dowry from the grandpa’s side (omg, lol), but that’s not all, she wants grandma’s name to be included in grandpa's house, and for the in-laws to take care of the grandma for the rest of her life. Not only is she selling Grandma Ma for real estate, she also wants to pass all the duties of caring for grandma to the in-laws. Incredible bargaining. DIL Ma asks Liao Wang, her lawyer, to speak on her behalf. Liao Wang, who’s disgusted, says, “I hope this is the last time I see you (DIL Ma).” LOL. Liao Wang lectures DIL Ma as well as Son Han for being selfish. Who is he to interfere with his father’s marriage? 

Yang Guang and Ding Ning hear Liao Wang lecturing the children (ADULTS). Ding Ning is swooning and calls her handsome. And now Yang Guang wants a lawyer on his panel. He thought she was handsome too :D
[Ep16] Yang Guang tells his PD that right now he needs Lawyer Liao. For this particular case. And totally not for personal reasons. And so Liao Wang is summoned to the set. When she’s there, though, Yang Guang is only focused on his script. He’s indifferent to Liao Wang until he has some questions for her. They speak in a low voice, and in close proximity (since there’s a live audience). He whispers, “Why did I just find out today that you’re actually a beauty?” Oh :) Now there’s a flirt. She’s unhappy though. Why did it have to be her? His reply is simple: he needs a lawyer and she’s a lawyer. No. He clearly said he needed Lawyer Liao. He dares her if she’s afraid of being with him. She’s not. She just doesn’t want the attention. He counters. At the cafe, she drew even more attention, which means he must be afraid of him. (Oh by the way, their mic is on and so the producers (including Ding Ning and Niu Zhi Ling) hear their flirting.)

The show begins. Grandpa Han, his son, and his daughter-in-law are invited. The son shares that he’s against the marriage because he misses his late mother (which is bs). Then he has concerns about caring for an extra elder (Grandma Ma). Liao Wang explains that legally they have no responsibility to care for Grandma Ma if she never took care of them. Liao Wang reverses the question: if Grandma Ma does take care of them (and babysit their son), then how do they plan to calculate this? The son and daughter-in-law are silent. I don’t think this is a fair question. The son never asked Grandma Ma to take care of their kid. The son (and daughter-in-law) have another concern: the house. Their real concern. They don’t say it outright, but Grandpa Han gets it. They’re worried that if he dies first what will happen to the 75% of his share. Grandpa Han cries. He will write a will, move out and give them the house. From the audience, Grandpa Zhou shouts, “Lao Han! You don’t need to rent! My house – I’ll let you live in it. For free!” Aw! The grandpas' friendship is so moving. 

Screw those sons and those daughter-in-laws. And omg, I hate how show portrays the daughter-in-laws, as if the sons are despicable because they're controlled by their wives. No. The sons have a brain of their own

Yang Guang explains how Grandpa Han and Grandma Ma have been living the past few months. Grandma Ma’s residence is far from Grandpa Han. When he arrives at her place, they barely have time to talk or sit, and Grandpa Han would have to go back to pick up his grandson. Grandma Ma helps him cook to lessen his stress, which means the past few months, the son and daughter-in-law were having food cooked by Grandma Ma. As for Grandpa Zhou, he not only provided the residence but also lied to his own son about dating Grandma Ma to help his buddy cover up. Every day he has to make up new lies. Why are the three of them living like this? Because of a son who won't approve of his father’s marriage. (And the father doesn’t even need his approval). 

Yang Guang asks Grandpa Han about the marriage between his son and the daughter-in-law. Grandma Han admits that he and his late wife were against the marriage and then his son would threaten to not eat or drink.  And so Grandpa Han gave all the dowry and bought the house as requested by the daughter-in-law’s family. Wow. Grandpa Han can’t be like his son, pulling the same trick. He has to keep the reputation for his family and his in-laws. The son feels guilty now. He gets up to apologize to his father and Grandma Ma. 
Grandpa Zhou joyously hugs Grandpa Han. So cute! Case closed. 

Not quite. There’s still the lack of communication between Grandpa Zhou and his son. To solve this, the son decides to stay. It’s truly concerning for him that Grandpa Zhou forgot his seafood allergy. He needs to stay and maintain their relationship, and communicate. I find his perspective so endearing. The son blames himself for his father forgetting his allergy. Grandpa Zhou seems moved but then yells, “How do you repay time?! We can’t even eat the same food!” The son chases his father. “We can’t eat together, but we can drink together.” LOL. This form of communication isn’t bad either, hahaha

Case is really closed! 

Second couple (sort of): Niu Zhi Ling asks Yang Guang to join the dinner with Li Heng Ji. She’s nervous to see him. Yang Guang rejects. He thinks they’re old enough to meet independently without an adult around, lol

The case with Mother Zhang: Liao Wang discusses Mother Zhang’s case with her boss. It doesn’t seem like Mother Zhang wants the house, but rather, a chance for his son to reach out to her. Meanwhile Yang Guang won’t meet her until he sees her sincerity. Liao Wang doesn’t understand why it’s so hard to communicate when they’re mother and son. 

[Ep17] Niu Zhi Ling still doesn’t tell Li Heng Ji the truth about her low infertility. Why! Later that night, the boys try to decipher her bogus reason for the divorce. Yang Guang uses flowery words to describe it for Li Heng Ji. I understand it as men are like wine, the older the finer, and women are like grapes, the older the wrinklier. In summary, Yang Guang believes Niu Zhi Ling wants Li Heng Ji to prove that at this stage of their life where he’s the wine and she’s the grape, he can still show that he loves her. Li Heng Ji is pretty drunk and thinks that’s logical. 

Yang Guang still hangs out with the little boy from Case 2! That’s so sweet. His mother and grandmother aren’t on the best of terms, but at least they don’t fight like before. Aw. I love show for remembering the boy

Niu Zhi Ling lectures Yang Guang for not pursuing Liao Wang. After he leaves her office, Yang Guang asks her to write Liao Wang’s contract as harshly as possible so that she can’t run away. It’s a joke. The contract is favourable for Liao Wang. 

A kid (Mao Mao) is looking for Yang Guang. He claims that Yang Guang is his mother’s boyfriend. It’s a lie. He just wants to shock (gullible) Ding Ning enough to make her bring him to Yang Guang. 

[Ep18] Mao Mao wants to be on the show to have his mother apologize for raising him so strictly. Niu Zhi Ling promises Mao Mao she’ll convince his mother. It seems Niu Zhi Ling really likes children.

Liao Wang learns that Su Jing Jing and Yang Guang are cousins. Liao Wang was fooled into comforting Yang Guang, thinking Su Jin Jing rejected him. She’s angered that he didn’t tell her sooner. Yang Guang was waiting for her to realize on her own. He was also wondering if he continues to hide it from her, whether she’ll keep avoiding him. And she avoids him again. She leaves in a hurry. 
Yang Guang is late to an important dinner meeting with an investor. Fate has it that he sees Liao Wang at the same restaurant and he overhears the boys are planning to make her drunk so that Ma Ke can have dibs on her. Yang Guang protects. Look how she’s leaning on him. He takes the drink for her and takes her home. The important investor is upset at Yang Guang who didn’t drink with him and now ditched him. But to Yang Guang, the most important matter is Liao Wang. 

Liao Wang is inebriated in the car and lying on Yang Guang's shoulder. Then she slips down and sleeps on his lap. Yang Guang gulps. When they’re at her condominium, he piggybacks her up those steps. Even drunk, she asks him if she’s heavy. He replies that even if she’s heavy, he’s not letting her down. He’s afraid she’d run away. Liao Wang admits she just wants to avoid him because she’s conscious of him. It’s like a habit. I think Yang Guang can feel her love

Second CoupleI just learned the company name is Zhi Heng. A combination of their name with hers in front

[Ep19] Liao Wang’s parents tell her how she got home and how tired Yang Guang was after all those steps. His hands were shaking too. Then Liao Wang takes a sniff at her jacket and smiles. She smells his scent. Last night she did the same. She took a good sniff of him and told him: “Your scent smells so good.” 

Yang Guang doesn’t want to take Mao Mao’s case. Well, what does Niu Zhi Ling do? Team up with Ding Ning and lie to Yang Guang that Liao Wang agreed to assess the family. And off he goes to find her. But Liao Wang knew nothing of it. She says she has to check her schedule first but she has no schedule to check. She’s just making him wait, just for a bit, and she’s downstairs, phoning him that she’s available. He replies that he’s on his way. Their phone call hasn’t even ended and she sees him waiting. ‘On his way’ huh? ;) 

[Ep20] Liao Wang admits to her parents that the case with Yang Guang’s mother is an obstacle to her accepting him. Mom says there’s only one thing she has to consider: Do you love him? Um. What about conflict of interest? Dad agrees with mom and adds his own advice: Don’t think of changing the other; find your rhythm otherwise that’s control and not loveI guess that’s his form of love...letting her have an extramarital relationship...?? Dad also helps Mom lie to Liao Wang to allow Mom meet her “colleague” 

Mao Mao’s mother (Mother Mao) brings Yang Guang to a child education expert: It’s Zhang Wen (Mom Zhang). Omg. The irony. She promotes child education, but she never raised Yang Guang. And then Yang Guang promotes communication but doesn’t communicate with his parents. Like mother like son? o_o. Mom Zhang preaches that it’s best for parents to use the heart to accompany a child’s growth. Yang Guang deliberately repeats the advice in front of his own mother. So awkward :/ And Yang Guang’s empty smile hurts. Then Mother Mao compliments Mom Zhang for raising her son so well and asks her to share her advice. Yang Guang’s smile is sardonic. Oof. Mom Zhang clarifies that a mother’s love is the same, it’s just the expression may be different. Hugging a child tightly is one type of love. Letting go is another form of love. 

Yang Guang: Then what kind of child deserves to be hugged and what kind of child must be let go of? 

Could it be that only behaving children who get into a good university are the ones who are hugged and the ones who misbehave should be abandoned? Mom Zhang immediately rejects that notion. She tries to divert the conversation back to Mother Mao. Yang Guang agrees, but leaves. He cannot discuss this any further, but he expresses his disapproval: “You may be an expert, but you may have never stood from a son’s perspective to inspect the problem.”

The next day Mother Mao approves to star in the show. Niu Zhi Ling asks how Yang Guang did it. It must be Mother Zhang. Niu Zhi Ling reminds Yang Guang to not have his mother-son relationship affect the case. Yang Guang corrects her. He doesn't know of any mother-son relationship to be affected. Ouch D:

The show begins. Yang Guang speaks from Mao Mao’s perspective and recounts his mother what she ate wrong during her pregnancy that his brain isn’t well. D: Mao Mao isn’t dumb. He knows the answers, but he answers incorrectly because he wants his mother to listen to his thoughts. But it seems Mother Mao never wants to listen. 

Mother Mao has her difficulties. She has to prepare everything for Mao Mao so that he can sleep by 11pm. She doesn’t have a minute to spare for his nonsensical answers. And then we learn that Mao Mao has to learn piano, English, Go, calligraphy and abacus on the weekends. I learned one of these on top of school, and I was already complaining. All these courses are to make his future easier. Mother Mao doesn’t understand why Mao Mao can’t understand. 

Mother Mao keeps sobbing and has to stop recording each time. Yang Guang loses his patience with her (which I think had something to do with her mentioning Mom Zhang). He tells her that she’s young and if Mao Mao isn’t living up to her standards then throw him away and give birth to another one. Oof. Yang Guang :( This offends Mother Mao. Ding Ning quickly calls Liao Wang for help. 

When Yang Guang sees Liao Wang, his expression softens. She’s here to give him support, but when the recording resumes, Mao Mao runs on stage. He doesn’t want an apology from his mother anymore. He doesn’t want his mother to cry. Filming stops. 

Liao Wang and Yang Guang discuss the case. She thinks that even if filming is completed and the mother apologizes, their problem still exists. The mother has a barrier and the solution isn’t simply an apology. It seems they have forgotten a vital person in this case. Yang Guang nods in agreement. Ding Ning doesn’t get it. It’s okay, our leads do. We’re missing the father. I love how Show fleshes the cases

Second couple: Yang Guang, being such a good buddy, informs Li Heng Ji that Niu Zhi Ling is off to Hong Kong. Li Heng Ji books a ticket, but then his secretary reminds him he has an important meeting with Ma Ke. Li Heng Ji almost forgot the meeting all because of his love for Niu Zhi Ling.

[Ep21] Yang Guang asks our busy busy Liao Wang if she has time for dinner –  to discuss Mao Mao’s case, of course. Liao Wang smiles, her eyes dance around. She tells him that she is busy, but for dinner, there will be a chance. She just needs to “check her schedule”. Yang Guang smirks. He’ll wait for her notification then. On his side, he doesn’t have a schedule (for her). (:

From the investigation, Ding Ning discovers the father could be cheating. Yang Guang isn’t interested in the case anymore. 

Mother Zhang isn’t against Liao Wang being on the legal panel of Simmer Down. She finds it comforting that Yang Guang can trust Liao Wang. She understands that a child with no love from either parents may lack security. 

[Ep22] Liao Wang, our little bomb, wants to chase down Mother Mao’s husband, thinking he’s cheating, but Yang Guang controls her and holds her hand, and he holds her hand the whole way as they follow the husband. He isn’t cheating, though. He’s just playing an arcade game at a gym to destress. 

Liao Wang thanks Yang Guang. For once she’s not mad and he’s not apologizing. He helped her join Le Heng Ji’s acquisition case. He smiles and tells her that thanking him with words isn’t enough. He asks for dinner. And he understands that she will need to “check her schedule”. Hehe. Forget the schedule, she agrees! She elaborates that it’s to thank him. Yang Guang smirks. She can cerebrate all she wants about the reason for the dinner, he's just happy that he got dinner with her. Sweet
At dinner, our couple both dress up. She’s in a formal dress and he’s in a suit. She compliments him for being handsome. He says he’s given up on those compliments ever since meeting her (reminder: she called him old, ugly, and dated). He compliments her beauty too but it has nothing to do with her dress. And he clarifies that he's paying. He won’t let her clear her debts to him that easily. He wants to keep it. 

But too bad dinner is interrupted. Aunt Yang phones Yang Guang that Su Jing Jing is running off with a man (it’s a business trip with Luo Xiu). Yang Guang hugs Liao Wang to apologize. He’ll have to leave. He tells her to wait for him, thinking he’d be back shortly, but nope. His family is the bane of this couple’s happiness...

Yang Guang was supposed to convince Su Jing Jing to stay, but she has convinced him that there’s nothing wrong with her going with a man she likes to a beautiful place (and it’s also work) And Yang Guang trusts in Luo Xiu’s character. When Yang Guang speaks up for Su Jing Jing, Aunt Yang goes berserk. She shrieks that if her daughter leaves, then don’t ever come back. Aunt Yang cries that she should have been like Zhang Wen and dumped Yang Guang down from the roof. What o__o. Yang Guang is stunned. In a grave tone, he tells Su Jing Jing to leave. Aunt Yang is silent. The two elders have some explaining to do.

[Ep23] Yang Guang learns his mother might have had PPD. She’d lock herself in the bathroom to avoid seeing Yang Guang. When he cried, she’d cry louder. One night, she almost jumped down the roof with Yang Guang. o_o. It was Aunt Yang who saved Yang Guang (says Grandma Yang). Yang Guang asks his elders if his mother was ill. The elders cannot conceptualize PPD as a real condition. Yang Guang goes up to the roof, silently watching the distance from the ground. Someone give this guy a hug already!! 
Yang Guang visits Mom Zhang. He thanks her for convincing Mother Mao to go on the show. He updates her that the root of Mother Mao's problem isn’t between the mother and son but the spouses themselves, which leads to Yang Guang's next topic, Mother Zhang must also believe the root of their own conflict isn’t them, but the family around them and hence the lawsuit against his grandma and aunt. 

Mom Zhang clarifies that she isn’t stealing the house from Yang Guang. She wants the house for him. She believes this is why his father didn’t give grandma the house so that it wouldn’t be split with his aunt. She’s keeping the inheritance for him. He disagrees with her ways. He doesn’t want the house. Mom Zhang insists she’s not wrong. Yang Guang is bitter. He asks how long she thinks it took him to escape his trauma she left him with. All these years, he told himself that his mother doesn’t exist. And now she’s back. But she’s back with a lawsuit. “Do you want to ruin me?” 

Mom Zhang desperately explains that her life was difficult too. Yang Guang cannot sympathize. She has a perfect family, a good career. Mom Zhang elaborates how she escaped from the ashes step by step. It wasn’t easy. 

Yang Guang: Then that really wasn’t easy. But you abandoned me in the ashes. D:

Mao Mao is at the TV station again. And once again, he skipped school. (Yang Guang even lets him sit in his wheely chair). Mao Mao apologizes to Yang Guang for running away mid-show. But he’s not here just to apologize. Mao Mao wants his parents on the shot. They fought last night. His mother cried the whole night. Their argument was about him. If he wasn’t there, his parents wouldn’t argue. “But I’m their child. I can’t not be there.” Mao Mao wants his parents to communicate well (Chinese title of our show).

Second Couple: Chu Yang (the young entrepreneur) hacks Niu Zhi Ling’s computer to send her viruses heart messages every hour. Omg lol. Yang Guang is dumbstruck. 

[Ep24] Yang Guang invites Mao Mao’s parents on the show to discuss their differences. The wife explains that her husband would complain that she doesn’t cook well as if she has a lot of time at home, that she only asks for money, and that she’s at fault when Mao Mao’s grades fall. The husband retorts that his work is very stressful. Yang Guang asks him if he’s willing to give up his career to take over house duties then. The wife is more than capable of returning to work. The husband hesitates to answer. Yang Guang moves on. After meeting both of them, he realizes they’re both the same. The wife has high expectations of Mao Mao, and the husband’s expectations are even higher. Mao Mao’s stress comes from both of them because he enables his wife. They share the fault in Mao Mao’s sorrow. The wife apologizes first. The husband also apologizes. Mao Mao runs in. He was watching his parents make up. 

Yang Guang gives Mao Mao a USB with the recording of this session. It’s not being aired to protect Mao Mao’s identity. Yang Guang is so sweet! No wonder there’s no audience. He tells Mao Mao to be a good mediator for his parents. Liao Wang is proud of her boyfriend. They hug. Ding Ning is there too!

Liao Wang invites Yang Guang for dinner. It’s takeout food and they're watching ladies dance in the market. I love this culture in China. Dance, mingle, and socialize. Healthy, and free! You'd think that she’s willing to share her problems about her parents, but she’s not ready for it yet. After dinner, he walks her home. He doesn’t want to leave yet, though. She doesn’t either. She comes back to kiss him. They even talk about family. He says it’s still early to think about that, but he asks her if she wants to (be family with him). She teases him, “In your dreams!” 

Second couple: Li Heng Ji apologizes to Niu Zhi Ling even though he did nothing wrong, but he still does it sincerely. He wants to come back home. She’s about to admit her infertility... and then her hourly love virus interrupts. Chu Yang phones her too. Li Heng Ji upsettingly leaves... and breaks into Yang Guang’s home to interrogate him. Yang Guang was surprised to find him inside his home. Well his password is 000000. Anyone can guess it. 

[Ep25] The boys drink together at night. Yang Guang comforts Li Heng Ji to not worry about the new dude. In the morning, Li Heng Ji is in a rush for work. He asks Yang Guang for his clothes that he left here last time. Yang Guang also asks for his clothes that he didn’t return. When Li Heng Ji leaves, Yang Guang is like “How come you didn’t make breakfast today?” Li Heng Ji hollers: “YOUR FREEZER IS EMPTY. GO REFILL IT” LOL. I love this morning convo. It’s like they’re married, hahaha

Ding Ning teases Yang Guang if she needs to look into cases with legal problems to create more chances to meet their legal advisor. Immediately, Liao Wang appears. She has a case for him, but first Liao Wang is asked who looks more handsome between Yang Guang or Zhao Li. Liao Wang replies that he never saw Yang Guang as handsome. But if she has to compare, then Yang Guang blows Zhao Li out of the competition. Okay. Back to the case. 

The new caseFei Fei is the plaintiff. She works at Hengda Real Estate. The dispute was originally between Lei of 301 and Liu of 302. 301 was supposed to be renovated, but in the end, 302 was renovated, lol. 301 doesn’t want to pay for the renovations (since nothing was renovated) and 302 wants compensation to restore their original room. By the way, 302 is the better room, without the west-facing windows. Hengda Real Estate makes Fei Fei shoulder the responsibility since she’s the one who gave the keys. However, Fei Fei insisted she gave the right keys. Fei Fei doesn’t have money for a lawsuit, which is why she wants to appeal to Yang Guang’s Simmer Down. Liao Wang’s firm also cannot receive the case because Hengda was part of Zhi Heng (Li Heng Ji’s company). Even though Li Heng Ji sold Hengda, their names are still closely associated. 

Yang Guang’s family: Aunt Yang learns Liao Wang is on Simmer Down. She’s convinced Liao Wang is somehow exploiting Yang Guang. I really hate this woman. She acted as so many despicable characters. When I see her face, I just hate her. Sorry actress

Second couple: Niu Zhi Ling sees Li Heng Ji at a hospital with a mother and a daughter. She misunderstands. At work, she proceeds to gloat in front of Yang Guang from the roses she received from Chu Yan. Yang Guang keeps a straight face, but when he gets up to leave, he plucks a rose from her vase and slaps it. Hard. The petals are knocked off, leaving only the stalk. Hahahaha. What a pal

[Ep26] Liao Wang sees her mother with another man. Back at home, she doesn’t say anything to her parents. There’s more adding to her stress: Aunt Yang’s disapproval. Because of that, she avoids Yang Guang. He can tell she’s distancing herself, and so he gives her a back-hug, asking what he did wrong. Liao Wang lies that it’s because she’s his mother’s lawyer. She can’t be in a relationship with him. 

More info on the case: Lei (301) and Liu (302) family want compensation. The manager doesn’t want to take responsibility nor compensate. Lei Family says the condo is a marriage home for their son. But the son, Lei Hui, doesn’t seem to care. It’s also suspicious that Lei family didn’t know they were renovating the wrong condo. The setup is completely different. It’s hard to mess up so badly. 

[Ep27Third couple: Luo Xiu and Su Jing Jing are on a “business” trip and now they’re robbed. Jing Jing faints. When she wakes up at the hospital, everything is solved. What a random plot. The police have found the culprits. Their luggage is restored. As for the bruise on her forehead, if there’s a scar, he’ll take responsibility. She perks up. He realizes the meaning behind his words and clarifies it’s his responsibility as her boss

Su Jing Jing informs Yang Guang that Aunt Yang met with Liao Wang. Now Yang Guang understands Liao Wang’s behaviour. Yang Guang visits his aunt to tell her that if there’s anything she wants to know, to ask him and not Liao Wang. Aung Yang scoffs. She assumes Liao Wang tattled. Zhang Wen did that to his father too and the expression Yang Guang has right now is just like his father’s. Can’t lie. He’s not lying!!! Aunt Yang, although I can’t stand the sight of you, you’re doing one thing right. You’re making Yang Guang understand how Mother Zhang lived under Aunt Yang and Grandma Yang’s disdain

Yang Guang is such a good wingman! For Li Heng Ji, Yang Guang assures him that Niu Zhi Ling’s trip to Hong Kong had nothing to do with Chu Yang. For Niu Zhi Ling, Yang Guang clears the foxes trying to seduce Li Heng Ji. For the record, Li Heng Ji doesn’t even care about that secretary/mother. 

[Ep28Second couple: Li Heng Ji sees Niu Zhi Ling having dinner with Chu Yang (who cornered the dinner favour from her). Oh, but did she bring Chu Yan to that restaurant on purpose because she knows Li Heng Ji frequents there? It seems so. She’s waiting for Li Heng Ji to call her about it. 

Third couple: Su Jing Jing tells Liao Wang that she slept with Luo Xiu, but he didn’t touch her. This confuses both girls. If it’s like that, then Liao Wang can’t give her any legal advice because he didn’t do anything to her, omg lol. Su Jing Jing summarizes Luo Xiu must not be a man. He heard that. 

Main couple: Yang Guang uses work as an excuse to bring Liao Wang home to talk. He earnestly asks her to speak with him. His work is to mediate, but he rarely communicates about himself and today he wants to. His sincerity is so genuine. But she still avoids him. She only wants to talk about the case and he wants her to talk about them. 

He’s honest with her. “My name is Yang Guang, but it seems I’ve never been sunny.” When he was young, he liked to shut himself indoors. Living in solitude was perfect for him. But one day he sat on the couch, the very spot she’s sitting now, his mind was full of her. “I don’t want to go back to that dark place.” 

But after confessing his feelings, Liao Wang’s desire to avoid him intensifies. She runs away. He catches her in his arms, hugging her tightly.
In his embrace, Liao Wang admits, "You know I have no way of abandoning you. Can you let go of me?” Yang Guang gives in, but he wants her to stay. He promises to only talk about the case from now on. 

[Ep29] Yang Guang suspects Lei Hui switched the keys (but why?). He has a few leads. Liao Wang realizes he knows more than her, so why did he even invite her? She should know already. He wanted to talk to her and now she awkwardly leaves. He makes sure she knows though that he’ll always be here for her. Liao Wang doesn’t dare look at him and just hugs him. She wishes their relationship only had brightness and warmth. But it isn’t. She leaves after hugging him. 

The show. Lei Parents are interviewed. Yang Guang asks about their family. The father boasts that it’s all his credit for raising Lei Hui. The mom was merely a support. Bleh. Then when Mom Lei trips on the steps, Dad Lei finds her embarrassing and doesn’t even help her. Next up is Fei Fei and her manager. Being in the spotlight, the manager reluctantly takes responsibility in misplacing the keys. Yang Guang asks Fei Fei for her demands. Well. She wants a promotion, preferably in admin at headquarters, compensation for physiological damage, and an apology, the written kind. The audience murmurs at her overreaching demands. Although Fei Fei is entitled to compositions, Yang Guang asks her if she even fulfilled her job requirements. Part of her responsibility is to oversee the renovations to ensure that it’s within regulations. But a wall, that isn’t allowed to be removed, was. Also, Lei had renovated Liu family’s condo for two whole months. The layouts of the two condos are vastly different. How can she not notice? If Fei Fei was serious and responsible, the damages would not have been this severe. Fei Fei is not faultless. I really like how Show zoomed out of the problem and looked at everyone involved. So good

[Ep30] Lei Hui is the next guest on the show. He says the condo is none of his business. Nothing was his choice. He lives like a zombie. He doesn’t need to think. How much fish and how much veggies he consumes is decided by his mother. His job is decided by his father. He wanted to work at a gaming company but his father was against it. He has a girlfriend, but his parents didn’t like her. He stood his ground to keep his girlfriend, and so his parents bought a condo to live with them, but once again, they never considered his or his girlfriend’s feelings. 

Yang Guang asks Lei Hui about his parents’ relationship. It’s horrible. They fight all the time. If he’s not at home, they can’t even get along. The house is like a jail. 

Liao Wang grows increasingly upset because she’s reminded of her own family. Liao Wang accuses Lei Hui of knowing the condo mixup and letting his parents waste their time and effort to renovate it. The parents speak up for Lei Hui, but then Liao Wang reprimands the parents. If they had just divorced and freed their child, then this would not have happened. 

Liao Wang loses her temper on the set and walks off.  Well that was intense. Pause the show!
Yang Guang is backstage  with Liao Wang and assures her she can leave the rest to him. She hugs him and kisses him, grateful she has his support. Yang Guang returns to the dressing room alone. Although there’s a large obstacle ahead, he smiles at the kiss mark that Liao Wang left on his face. 

Second couple: Chu Yang gives a presentation. In the audience, Li Heng Ji glares at him. Chu Yang sweats and understands what a death glare is. Afterwards, Li Heng Ji further investigates Chu Yang and finds that he’s a genius programmer. I can see where this is going. LOL

[Ep31] Ma Ke corners Liao Wang and forcefully hugs her. He begs her to love him. He can change anything for her. She cries and begs him to stop loving her. She can change anything to make him stop. But he loves everything about her. Lol. She cries for help, and from nowhere, Yang Guang appears and punches Ma Ke. 

Li Heng Ji saves both of them. Yang Guang is a celebrity; he can’t be hurt. Aw! I’m more touched by the guys, ha. With a thin broom, Li Heng Ji fights Ma Ke and his bodyguards. Swoon? Lol. Then he shows up in tatters for an important meeting with the villagers to discuss the demolition. The villagers demand high compensation. 
The meeting doesn’t end well, but Li Heng Ji is still a champ as he cheers on his buddy from the sidelines. He doesn’t hear the conversation between Yang Guang and Liao Wang (which is him explaining his spontaneous appearance). He’s just chanting for them to hug and the desperation is obvious in the branch that he’s almost snapping. But Yang Guang doesn’t hug her. (Yang Guang understands she needs time.) Disappointed, Li Heng Ji throws the branch down. Hahaha. I love him

Aha! But Li Heng Ji still has plans! He made Liao Wang’s team of lawyers leave without her and then he tampered with Yang Guang’s car. He’s like He He He He! LOL. I can’t spell the way he laughed, but it was funny. Now our couple are stuck in the village miles away from home. Coincidentally, Yang Guang also has wine, wine glass, and camping stuff in general all ready in his trunk. (There’s even a bouquet!) Liao Wang is giggling. Yang Guang knows that even if he hits her to explain that he didn’t scheme this, she wouldn’t believe him. She laughs some more. He thinks she must like him better when he’s childish. She smiles. 

Over the bonfire, our couple finally communicate. Yuan Gang expresses his happiness when Liao left 
filming the other day. For her to be so irresponsible means she trusts in his ability. As for the case, it’s solved! Lei Hui admitted to everything. His parents compensated Liu family. The real estate company doesn’t want to prolong the case. Fei Fei is afraid of ruining her reputation any further and is grateful to get her job back. 

Niu Zhi Ling worries about Li Heng Ji’s injuries (and what does he do? Exaggerate them of course). Ding ding ding! Pity points! She’s worried. 

Yang Guang and Liao Wang’s camp night is halted. She has to go back home (to find her mother who’s not home). She apologizes but doesn’t tell Yang Guang the reason. Once she’s home, she takes a taxi to Colleague Gu’s condo, knocks on his door, and demands her mother to leave with her.

[Ep32] Liao Wang’s family has fractured. It always was. Mom accuses Dad of exposing her, which angers Liao Wang because her mother is the one cheating. But Mom says Dad isn’t guilt free. She already suffered with him for ten years. It turns out they were divorced ten years ago. Woah

Liao Wang finally erupts at Lawyer Chen, who’s been pretty annoying. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been ignoring her. Liao Wang lectures Lawyer Chen that suppressing her doesn’t mean her position can be elevated. With that, Liao Wang leaves the office in a fury. 

Li Heng Ji offers Chu Yang 50 million. Chu Yang is offended that he’s underestimating his true love. Plus, it’s unnecessary. Niu Zhi Ling already rejected him. Li Heng Ji asks if his brain is injected with water or injected with water or injected with water. Basically, he’s stupid and stupid and stupid. 50 million isn’t even the price of his wife. Li Heng Ji wants to invest in Chu Yang’s business.

Niu Zhi Ling is also in the office with a mission. (Oh and she also corrects that snobby secretary/mother to greet her as Mrs. Li.) She interrogates Li Heng Ji for threatening Chu Yang with money and she’s stunned he gave him 50 million. Is that how much she’s worth? 

Li Heng Ji is exasperated. “My heavens, can you guys tell me what drama you’re watching?!” LOL. Li Heng Ji is investing in the future, in Chu Yang. Plus, if he wanted to buy her, he’d give Chu Yang all of Zhi Heng Real Estate. Niu Zhi Ling is moved by that answer. She changes the topic and asks about his injuries. He braggingly asks, “How is it? Did it affect my handsomeness?” Ha

Liao Wang's parents had an agreement: whoever Liao Wang chooses will be the parent who lives with her in their bigger house. The other parent will have the smaller house. Oh, and it turns out her father had a relationship in these ten years too. This is why the mother is angry. She helped him lie for Liao Wang and it was never exposed but when it’s her turn, he betrays her. This family is crooked. The sane one, Liao Wang, packs her suitcase and leaves the house. Her image of her perfect family is shattered. But for ten years she really couldn’t sense her family was off? Like, at all?

[Ep33] Yang Guang finds Liao Wang sitting outside his condo with her suitcase. She says she needs to use the washroom. He motions for her to enter the passcode herself (since she was here last time). She prances up, presses six 0’s (lol), opens the door, and runs in. She really does need to use the washroom, lol. She doesn’t tell him about her parents. She says she’s going to live here for a few days to see if they’re compatible for dating. Yang Guang is amused (and I like that he doesn’t probe too much). He also orders a feast to impress her. She’s entertained. 

At night, Yang Guang prepares a new set of toothbrushes for Liao Wang. He takes an extra second to look at the pair of cups in his washroom. He’s not alone anymore! But when Liao Wang is alone in the living room, she cries. She was hiding her sadness. 

In the morning, with an overly serious expression, Liao Wang asks Yang Guang a question: How long can he support her if she doesn’t work forever? He already thought about this. Aw. He can support her forever as long as her appetite wasn’t like yesterday’s. 

Second couple: The secretary/single-mother advances on Li Heng Ji. He’s disgusted. She’s desperate and reveals that his wife is infertile. She had investigated her and knew Niu Zhi Ling went to all sorts of clinics. Well, now the truth is out. 

[Ep34] Niu Zhi Ling is mad at Li Heng Ji for knowing she’s infertile and not telling her. ?!!?!? In her defence, I think she was riled from meeting the secretary. And half of her anger is actually her guilt. Good thing her husband is Li Heng Ji. Any other guy would flip at her

Liao Wang and Yang Guang talk about dogs. Since Liao Wang finds them adorable, he suggest they raise one. She doesn’t think it’s that easy, it’s like raising a kid. He smoothly replies, “You don’t need to buy a new one. You already have one.” Him. Lol. She likes that and feeds him like a pet? xD. Curiously, he asks her what kind of dog he would be. “Corgi.” Why corgi? Because they have fat heads, big ears, and short legs. LMAO. Is this a personal attack on my Chen Xiao?!? She feeds him again. Good boy. He reluctantly admits to having a fat head and big ears, but asks if he really has short legs. Liao Wang smiles. She doesn’t answer him. 

Yang Guang and Liao Wang comfort Niu Zhi Ling. Yang Guang knew she was infertile. It’s obvious that she was lying about disliking children. He doesn’t think it’s that big of a problem since Li Heng Ji will be understanding, but then she reveals she knew about her low infertility before her marriage. She withheld the truth from Li Heng Ji. Yang Guang flinches. His reaction is obvious. He thinks it’s wrong. A couple should be honest regardless of the severity of the truth. 

Liao Wang speaks up for Niu Zhi Ling. It’s out of love that she lied. The situation has already evolved to this state. There’s no undo and if she tells Li Heng Ji the truth now, she can lose him forever and put him through unnecessary pain. Liao Wang is passionately supporting Niu Zhi Ling because she’s also keeping a painful secret from Yang Guang. The mediation session turns into a heated argument between Yang Guang and Liao Wang. It’s Niu Zhi Ling who’s mediating for the couple. Yang Guang excuses himself, not knowing what he did to trigger Liao Wang’s explosiveness. Plus he has someone else to visit tonight ... 

... Li Heng Ji is drinking and drinking. Yang Guang questions the depressed man why he even agreed to divorce. Was it because he wanted to? In a very serious tone, Li Heng Ji tells him that when he married her, he promised that as long as she requested it, he’d say yes. Yang Guang sighs. Clearly, they love each other, but they chose to lie. “Only fools can understand this.” Yang Guang understands. He’s carrying the burden by himself too. So is Liao Wang. They’re all fools in love

[Ep35] In the morning, Yang Guang wakes up in the hotel room, alone. Li Heng Ji has already left for work. He leaves a message that there’s breakfast on the second floor. These two. It’s like they slept together. Yang Guang compliments Li Heng Ji that he always leaves so responsibly, very cleanly. Ha

On the other hand, Liao Wang is missing. She isn’t picking up her calls. From this, Yang Guang knows where to find her. It’s at the restaurant with no wifi or landline. In this place with no interference, our couple open their hearts to communicate. Liao Wang reveals the fish she made yesterday was taught by his mother who knew he’d like it because his father did. Yang Guang’s complexion stiffens. But he doesn’t mind the relationship between her and his mother. First problem cleared. The next one is tougher. How will his aunt and grandma accept her? 

Yang Guang describes how he grew up with the vitriol on her mother from his grandmother and aunt. Now he suspects his mother had PPD. He wonders how devastated she was to commit suicide with him. Liao Wang is in tears and offers to help him ask, but Yang Guang shakes his head. He tells her that her appearance changed his life. He’s willing to let go of his past (and the hate). Right now, he wants to focus on being with her, accompanying her, and solving their present problems. He doesn’t want to live in his past memories anymore. Yang Guang asks her if they can solve their problems together. He doesn’t want her to be so lonely. “It’s like the world abandoned you. It’s like I’ve wronged you. Let’s talk at home. Can we?” Liao Wang nods, still in tears. He’s so sweet

Also in this episode, Liao Wang tells Yang Guang about her family.

Second couple: The secretary/mother spreads rumours that Li Heng Ji cheated on his wife with her. During a meeting with business partners, he’s grilled about it. Niu Zhi Ling walks in and declares her devoted love to her husband. Li Heng Ji is beaming with happy wrinkles. Then she kisses him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark. He’s still radiant with love even when she’s gone. I love how he’s so in love with his wife.  We rewind back to how they made up. In the morning, he sent her a voice message. He tells her he was maddest that she’d think he’d leave her over her lies. His only wish is that when they’re old, they’re still walking hand in hand. Having children doesn’t matter. This guy <3.
[Ep36] If Yang Guang has to choose between ratings and solving disputes for his show, then he’d choose the latter. Of course, the best would be both, but if they abandon solving problems for high ratings, then their show will lose its essence and foundation. Ding Ning is in awe. Her boss really changed. 

Grandma Yang and Aunt Yang drop by Yang Guang’s home. Uh oh. Liao Wang is there. Their cohabitation is exposed. I like how the confrontation is comedic between Grandma Yang and Liao Wang. Grandma exaggerates her nonexistent heart pains and so Liao Wang pretends to call for the ambulance. Pain is now gone and everyone can talk. When no one else is looking though, Liao Wang will stick her tongue out at Yang Guang. Lol. When Yang Guang admits he’s dating Liao Wang, she coyly greets “Nai Nai”, annoying Grandma Yang. Then when Grandma Yang makes her cook, she returns with potato “shreds” that’s thicker than Grandma’s cane. Grandma is exasperated and demands her to cut each in half. Liao Wang asks if she does, then does that mean she passes? Ha. Fighting Liao Wang! You can beat this grandma!  
Liao Wang is struggling with cutting the potatoes, though. Yang Guang helps her out. He goes, “Aiyah!! when nothing happened. It does make Liao Wang jump. Then he bandages her perfectly fine fingers and it’s the excuse for him to take over kitchen duties. Aunt Yang helps with cooking too. This leaves Liao Wang and Grandma Yang in the living room. Grandma Yang asks Liao Wang about her parents. Seeing as how she’s poorly raised, it shows her parents’ character too. Uh oh. Liao Wang, control
Second couple: Officially together again!

[Ep37] Liao Wang catches herself from exploding at Grandma Yang. Her voice is calm but stern as she warns grandma that no matter how she lectures her, she’ll take it, she’ll still respect grandma, but she hopes grandma will respect her parents. Liao Wang leaves. 

Towards Yang Guang, Grandma Yang complains that Liao Wang was showing off her family. Uh. How to even conversation. I don’t get it. And so of course, Grandma Yang would mock her parents for raising a girl who’d live with a man even when the elders are against it. With that, Yang Guang gets up to leave. Grandma Yang hollers that if he dares step out of the house, then he won’t have a grandma anymore. Leave the room! LEAVE! Yang Guang doesn’t falter at the threat. He’s her grandson no matter what. He reasons with Grandma Yang that she stepped over the line. Just like him, Liao Wang is cherished at her home too. And Grandma shouldn’t have insulted her parents in front of him. Go Yang Guang!

Mom Zhang happens to visit Liao Wang at the lobby. Liao Wang asks the mom if she ever regretted marrying Yang Guang’s father because of his family. She did, but she never regretted loving him. Mom Zhang describes dating Yang Guang's father. It was loving. But they failed at communicating about their family during their marriage. 

Yang Guang overhears at this point. He hides behind the wall. 

Mom Zhang assures Liao Wang that she’s different from her and Yang Guang is different from his father. Mom Zhang believes that Yang Guang can handle their relationship. But how can Mom Zhang be so certain when she was absent from Yang Guang’s life? It’s because Mom Zhang was always watching him. She was there on his first day of kindergarten. He wore yellow. Other kids were crying and he didn’t, but she knew he was holding back his tears. She was there on his first day of elementary school. He had a cold. His nose was running and red, but he stood upright in line. She was there when he graduated elementary school. He wore white sneakers. He was so bright, he was shining. But he stuttered on stage for his year-end speech (like a valedictorian?). Then during high school and university graduation, he was no longer nervous. He was relaxed and cool. He was a natural at being a host from that age. I wonder if Yang Guang ever knew that she was watching... and if he did, I wonder if he deliberately worked hard to earn the chance to make the year-end speeches for his mother to see...

Yang Guang tears up listening to everything. Then someone in the lobby greets Yang Guang. He’s exposed. Mom Zhang excuses herself. 

Second couple: The ex-secretary/mother is a convict and ditched her daughter to flee. Now the daughter is living with Niu Zhi Ling and Li Heng Ji. Niu Zhi Ling tells the girl to call her “Zhi Ling Mama” from now on. o.o

[Ep38] Yang Guang visits Mom Zhang. He knew she was watching him at school. One day he purposely walked towards her. Their distance was about 20 metres, that was their closest distance. But she never approached him. When his eyes met her, he felt cold. It was as if she was emphasizing he was abandoned. That feeling was unbearably upsetting. Mom Zhang apologizes. She explains that if a mother didn’t feel completely helpless, she wouldn’t abandon her children. Aunt Yang had also told her to stop visiting for his sake. Mom Zhang understood Aunt Yang’s intentions: to not give him hope when there’s no way she can care for him. 

Mom Zhang explains all this to ask Yang Guang to not hate her. Yang Guang clarifies he’s not here to blame her today. He wants her to be happy with her family. T_T. She nods. She invites him to come visit her cafe once in a while. He nods too. “Okay, I’ll come often to give your business a boost.” They laugh together. Aww. Although returning to be like mother and son isn’t very likely, he no longer hates her and I think that’s a huge step in a happier direction for Yang Guang

Auntie Gu tells Liao Wang that it’s been eight years since her mother and Uncle Gu were together. It’s time they live like regular people. Then later at night, Auntie Gu dies. She committed suicide by eating whole bottle of sleeping pills. However, her death isn’t that simple. It involves quite a few parties. 
  1. Uncle Gu and Auntie Gu live in a condominium where there’s a dispute between its residents. The elders complain that the youngsters make too much noise at night. The youngsters complain they make too much noise in the morning. I think this is a common complaint in China? The retirees like to blast their music in the morning to dance as a form of exercise. The young ones who have OT all night can’t sleep in because of them. The youngsters want an elevator installed, and a parking lot space. The elders won’t give in. And so the youngsters park their cars around the building. Other cars can’t enter. This includes ambulances. When Auntie Gu was dying, the elders had to climb up the stairs and go door to door to get the youngsters to move their cars to make way for the ambulance. 
  2. Zhao Li wanted Auntie Gu, Uncle Gu, and Liao Wang’s mother on his show to display their true love. This may have forced Auntie Gu to commit suicide. 
Yang Guang clears Zhao Li’s name. Auntie Gu had a will. She didn’t commit suicide because of him. As for the dispute between the condominium residents, Yang Guang makes them work together for Auntie Gu’s funeral to develop team work and understanding. 

Liao Wang’s parents are also on better terms. I guess that means they can be friends at the very least?? 

Mother Zhang visits Grandma and Aunt Yang.

[Ep39] Mother Zhang forfeits the lawsuit so that Liao Wang is no longer in conflict with Yang Guang’s family. Aunt Yang clarifies that she doesn’t want an inch of the house. All she cares about is her mother and her nephew. If Grandma Yang passes away, she doesn’t want to stay in this city either. Aunt Yang asks Mother Zhang to not hate her mother either. Just like how Mom Zhang cares for Yang Guang, Grandma Yang cares for her son the same way. 

Grandma Yang faints at home. She’s sent to emergency. 

Su Jing Jing’s car flipped. Luo Xiu is in ER. These two should stop going on trips. They were taking seniors on a trip to take pictures, but the road was blocked and they had to take a detour, which led to the car flipping. Su Jing Jing and Luo Xiu saved everyone from the car. Luo Xiu went back for his equipment last but the car toppled over. The kids of the grandparents want compensation and harass Su Jing Jing. She hasn’t even had time to check on her arm fracture. Yang Guang takes her for scans, while Liao Wang stays to “communicate” with the howling adults. (Even Liao Wang’s supervisor, the nice guy, abandons the adult-kids. If they truly cared about their parents, they’d be caring for them right now and not here yelling at Su Jing Jing.) 

The grandparents have gathered and they yell at their cruel and greedy children. Su Jing Jing ensured they were safe throughout the trip. If there’s someone they want to sue then it’s the village that blocked their path. By the way, it’s Ma Ke’s village, the one that Li Heng Ji wants to acquire. 

Liao Wang and Yang Guang visit Grandma Yang. It’s pretty funny how she’s so bitter to see Liao Wang. Yang Guang gives grandma a letter to prove that Mom Zhang is giving up the house. Grandma Yang cries. 

Liao Wang returns to work, looking very mature. She apologizes to Lawyer Chen. who admits she was wrong and promises to correct herself.

Grandma Yang finally approves of Liao Wang (bitterly, of course). 

[Ep40] Yang Guang confirms with Luo Xiu that he cares and loves Su Jing Jing. 

Grandma Yang is still at the hospital and asks the nurse about PPD. She learns it’s a real disease and not an attitude problem. 

On Simmer Down, Yang Guang mediates between Li Heng Ji, Ma Ke, and the elders who were injured because of the illegal road closure. However, Ma Ke directs the conversation back to Li Heng Ji’s acquisition of their village. Basically, the villagers want $$$. But first, a guest! It’s Grandma Ma! The show did mention she lived in this village before. Nice detail. She testifies that the water here is contaminated. Yang Guang also knows the elders in this village tell their children not to come home. They know exactly how toxic the water is (from the factory). Allowing Li Heng Ji to acquire the land, reduce the pollution. and construct a seniors home is the best outlook for the village. Li Heng Ji even hires Ma Ke to manage the construction, and he swears on live TV that the villagers will get the promised compensation. Ma Ke finally gives in. Once he agrees, the villagers follow suit. 

Three months later. 

Grandma Yang dies. In a flashback, we see that Grandma Yang had apologized to Mom Zhang and it’s time she returned Yang Guang to her. 

Ex-secretary is arrested. She entrusts her daughter to Li Heng Ji (and Niu Zhi Ling) who then become An An’s official adopted parents. 

Yang Guang and Niu Zhi Ling discuss season two of Simmer Down, heh. Yang Guang wants to expand their program and turn it into a mentorship. He wants to enable ordinary citizens to be mediators. Their show can oversee and broadcast their mediation. You know what, I dig this chicken soup. The show’s message is for the audience, you and I, to be better mediators. Niu Zhi Ling thinks it’s a great idea, but she’s quitting (for now). She wants to devote her time to her “daughter”. Yang Guang will be promoted as the new Chief Director. 

As for everyone who appeared on Simmer Down, they will all be mentors, they will be the People’s Mediator and promote communication. 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-16)] With each episode, I like this more. It’s not amazing or fast paced, but it’s growing into a very comfortable and enjoyable drama. I care about the characters, a lot of them. There’s a touch of romance for three couples, and touching cases with different families. Ep16 is my favourite so far and is why I committed to recapping. I was touched by the friendship between the grandpas. They’re really precious. 

I like how the cases so far are related to the ML and his upbringing (minor spoilers ahead!):
  • First case: A son who doesn’t want to forgive his mother. Our ML also has an estranged mother he can’t forgive. 
  • Second case: A dispute between a couple who married young and wants to divorce. Our ML’s parents also married young and have divorced. 
  • Third case: A mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law want custody of their (grand)son, neither woman trusting the other. Our ML’s grandmother and mother have the same toxic relationship. Yang Guang has to listen to all the vitriol about his mother from his grandmother. 
  • Fourth case: It begins with a son and a father who don’t communicate. Our ML no longer has a chance to speak with his father and he regrets it everyday. The irony is that his job is to help families communicate. 
I sympathize with the ML. His loneliness heightens when he’s back at home in that big, dark house of his. Can our FL just give this guy a big hug already? Speaking of FL, here’s a warning: she comes off rude (e.g. sitting on the car). She gets better but I think she’s supposed to keep to her fiery attitude to match her nickname (Little Bomb).

The tone is light. ML may have an emotional trauma, but he lives everyday like a regular guy, doing his job, mediating disputes, and provoking the girl he likes. Oh, and being best friends to the divorced couple~ Their friendship feels so warm.

The second couple are a delight. They’re divorced but the husband (CEO) really loves his wife and doesn’t understand why they’re divorced. He’s ridiculously pettish about it. They’re an unexpectedly fun and sweet couple.

[Cases] Some highlights. 
Grandpas/Fathers (Ep12-16). There’s a teeny bit of mystery (e.g. why is the marriage so weird?). There’s a lot of grandparent love and friendship, and family moments. Here are some quotes: 
  • Yang Guang to Grandpa Zhou: “I help other people communicate well and effectively every day, but I myself have never been able to communicate with my father. [...] If I can go back in time, I really want to know about his experience, to understand his innermost thoughts. [...] You now have a lot of time to communicate with your son. Why not sit down and have a good chat with him?”
  • Yang Guang: “Communication between parents and children is the most important thing. It is the saddest thing in this world that they clearly love each other, but they quarrel every time they meet. Young people can pursue happiness and love, and so can the elderly. For the elderly, it is a very happy thing to meet someone who can work together hand in hand in their later years.”
[Actors/Actresses] I will admit that I like Chen Xiao and that watching him make those little smiles because of love makes my heart tingle. 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy. Three couples. 

[Review & Rating
I swear you can feel it when a drama puts in the extra effort. This show has heart and soul in its execution. Every case bolsters one message: communication is pivotal in maintaining a relationship. It’s chicken-soupy but show is really sincere about it. Every characters’ plot converges into this one focal point. It’s such a cohesive story that I didn’t feel its length, except at the end. I find the final cases weaker, and it’s the reason why I couldn’t bump up the rating. I really wanted to. 

Every time we start a new case, we only see the ripple. I like that there’s a detective element to this where Yang Guang searches deep for the source of the problem. Some of the cases have me scratching my chin in the beginning (this also includes FL’s family). I love that each dispute is covered extensively, revealing how every member is involved. For example, an argument between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law isn’t an isolated problem that’s between the women alone. I like that the solutions are for each member to consider what’s more valuable and how they can arrive at a compromise.

My favourite relationship is the adorable friendship between Yang Guang and Li Heng Ji (and Niu Zhi Ling). Li Heng Ji is so fun and so silly when in love. The actor is Wang Yao Qing and he's brilliant at comedy.

My heart hurts for Yang Guang. Chen Xiao drew out his loneliness and vulnerability. I like how he made up with his mother. The romance with Liao Wang is a healing, sunny presence for Yang Guang.

There’s two more couples. (The youngest third couple is forgettable.)

Overall, it’s a steady, well executed drama with light heartwarming slice-of-life moments. First ten episodes should tell you if you like this type of drama. If you do, it gets better. The end might be a tad weaker, but generally, the plot won’t fail you.

Random Recommendation: A Land so Rich in Beauty

Rating: 3/5