June 29, 2022

The Story of Xing Fu | Recap and Review

The Story of Xing Fu
A girl by the name of Happiness achieving happiness. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhao Li YingHe Xing Fu 
Liu WeiWan Shan Tang 
Luo JinGuan Tao 
Tang ZengWang Qing Lai 
Chinese Title
Happiness to Ten Thousands of Family
Episodes: 40
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: N/A

Mini Recaps 

[Ep1Sheng Ming Lan He Xing Fu is marrying Wang Qing Lai! It’s a day of celebrations but ends prematurely when Wan Chuan Jia (village chief’s son) almost rapes He Xing Yun (Xing Fu’s sister). Apparently, it’s appropriate to ‘celebrate the marriage’ this way. Obviously not, it’s a ‘prank’ that went too far, but every villager eulogizes the Wan Family because Wan Shan Tang, the village chief, brought prosperity to the village and so no one will find fault with the ‘prank'. 

  • At least we weeded out Xing Yun’s boyfriend (Da Xun). 
  • The camera man’s angle during the “rape” scene was uncomfortable. Why go so low? Trying to get a glimpse under the dress? I guess there’s evidence of the sexual harassment then... 
  • The husband’s father, (Dad Wang) is such a coward! He makes his wife do the knocking and the talking. I mean even if he’s scared, at least face it together!
[Ep2] The entire Wang family + Xing Fu are scared that Wan Chuan Jia has life threatening injuries after Xing Fu whacked him in the head. Dude is fine. He’s also unapologetic for sexually harassing Xing Yun. Show is so deliberate in avoiding terms like rape or sexual harassment. Our daring Xing Fu demands an apology from Wan Chuan Jia. Wan Shan Tang actually tells his son to apologize! Still, Wan Chuan Jia refuses. He finds it humiliating that they’re being threatened by a girl. 

Dad Wang doesn’t want her daughter (Wang Xiu Yu) wasting time learning finance. They’re Wangs and not Wans. She’s better off marrying someone at this age. (It’s safe to assume Wan Shan Tang’s daughter is in university studying finance.)

Mom Wang lies to Xing Fu that the Wan Family apologized and gave her 1000 RMB as compensation. Xing Fu, who’s fair, doesn’t accept the money and returns it to Wan Shan Tang and that’s when she finds out that she was deceived by her in-laws. Dad Wang yells at Mom Wang for the terrible idea. She tears up. Dude, I don’t see you coming up with a plan. The son is no better, always telling Xing Fu to apologize for everything. Afterwards, Mom Wang thinks of it from another perspective. With a daughter-in-law like Xing Fu, people will think twice before they bully their family. 
There’s three characters I like learning about: 
  • Mom Wang. I thought she’d be a mean mother-in-law, but she understands Xing Fu the best because she was once a ‘Xing Fu". 
  • Wan Shan Tang. Like the virtuosity in his name, he’s an honourable man! It’s just his son.... The phone call with his daughter sounded ominous too. What’s up with her tone? 
  • Xing Fu. I like how she returned the money
[Ep3] Wang Xiu Yu is fired from her job at Wan Chuan Jia’s company. Wang family assumes it’s because of Xing Fu, but Wan Chuan Jia actually wasn’t aware of this. It was his wife’s orders. He slaps his wife in front of an employee and restores Wang Xiu Yu’s position. It’s not that he likes Wang, he doesn’t like his wife calling the shots and therefore humiliating him. I’m starting to understand his character. He’s not a “bad guy” per se. He just has zero respect for women. To him, they're playthings and they’re slap-things. His man-pride is priority

Xing Yun showers three times a day. The boyfriend calls her frequently to ask if she was sexually assaulted. She weepingly says no and he persistently asks. Why bother ask. He already has his preconceived answer, forcing her to say yes. 

The newlyweds are visiting Xing Fu’s home today, but Wang Qing Lai needs to return home for his sister who was fired. Xing Fu doesn’t have the time to hear him out because she’s caring for her struggling sister. He angrily ditches her at her home. Both are caring older siblings and therefore horrible husband and wife to each other. All families relate

Mom He makes Xing Fu stay the night, saying that if she obediently returns, the husband will think he can bully her. Xing Fu reluctantly obeys although she believes her husband isn’t that kind of man. The next morning, the matchmaker arrives (per MIL and FIL’s request) to tell Mom how it’s Xing Fu’s fault that she’s getting the cold treatment. Mom frets over. Now it’s Xing Fu who’s mad. The matchmaker had exaggerated. Xing Fu makes her demands. She will only return if either she picks her up or Wang Family demands justice from Wan Family. This is how third parties mess up communication. The couple would have been fine. A bit of argument won’t kill them. They’ll get through it. It’s when other people get involved....

[Ep4] The matchmaker delivers Xing Fu's message to Wang Family. But she exaggerates again! The core message is there, yes, but she spiced up the phrasing and now it’s a whole new dish. I do like that Mom Wang is smiling at Xing Fu’s persistence for justice because she reminds her of herself back in the day. Mom Wang comes up with another clever trick. Oh no. It’s to have the matchmaker lie to Wan Shan Tang that their family will have to divorce Xing Fu. Wan Shan Tang, being so generous, will certainly feel guilty, but he doesn’t fall for it. Great. Now it looks like we’re really heading for a divorce. Dad Wang critiques Mom Wang again. I hear a sound. Oh. It’s me growling. Dad Wang is mainly upset over the wasted dowry. 

Xing Yun’s boyfriend breaks up with her. Or I should say her boyfriend’s MOTHER breaks up with her over the phone. Holy. Do not attach a face to this Da Xun. Da Xun was also her hope for connecting her to a job. Still, Xing Yun heads back to the city for herself and her sister. She doesn’t want to be an obstacle to her sister’s marriage. I pity her circumstances, but I don’t like her character or how drama angled her perspective. She had looked down on the villagers, but in the end, she blames social disparity for her misfortunes. I just cannot sympathize

Wan Shan Tang (Village Chief) is admirable! He convinces his son to apologize to Xing Fu/Yun for the sexual assault. However, Wan Chuan Jia will not. He says he was drunk. It’s not like he did it on purpose. I am not triggered. I am not triggered. I am not triggered


Wan Shan Tang gives Xing Fu her justice though! He asks his committee on their thoughts of eliminating all “marriage pranks”. The committee is uncomfortable because the son is there, but passes the motion. A public notice will be posted. That’s the best apology Wan Shan Tang can give Xing Fu

Wang Qing Lai is going back to pick up his wife! He doesn’t want to divorce her. Ep3 and 4 is a discourse on how everyone and anyone can ruin a marriage between a couple. Seriously, marriage is a tribulation to love and not the product of love.... 

[Ep5] The notice is up and marriage ‘pranks’ are officially over. The villagers celebrate. They all hated it anyway. It’s just no one spoke up. Wang Qing Lai is grinning. Now NOW he goes to pick up Xing Fu. MIL and FIL are amazed that our petite Xing Fu changed an old tradition. Her husband washes her feet at night. Xing Fu cutely asks him to praise her. He’s shy, but she wants to hear it and so he whispers in her ear. “Give birth to a boy for me” Girls don’t even want you as a father. *Sticks tongue out* And where is the compliment! 

Our girls are striving and thriving. Xing Yun creates a job opportunity for herself when the firm isn’t even hiring. Let’s give a bit of credit to Wang Qing Zhi (2nd bro) who connected her to Guan Tao (Luo Jin!!!!!!!) who let her know of the firm’s existence. I like her a teeny bit better. Fighting and striving (in that tiny tiny room of hers). Wang Xiu Yu (sister) is studying and working, aiming for a promotion. Lastly, Xing Fu seizes an opportunity to expand their organic lettuce farm. All our girls are rocking it. I also like that Xing Fu is supportive of her husband who was content with farming. Wang Qing Lai is impressed with his wife. She’s good at bargaining, budgeting and building connections too. Xing Fu calculates that they’ll make a profit in two years. Xing Fu’s eyes glitter at profit more than at her husband. I totally get it xD

[Ep6] Guan Tao gives Xing Yun a bit of money, seeing that she has nothing for lunch. She refuses. When her father died, her mother never owed anyone money either. Well now, she’s got nothing but her pride left. When she’s home, her tiny tiny room is gone too. She didn’t pay her rent. She only makes enough for either food or rent. But she has neither. So where’s her money? She sleeps at the firm. Guan Tao finds her. He comforts her that everything will be better. Jiayou! 

Xing Fu is pregnant. Better be a girl! Actually no, being the eldest is tough. Let it be a boy :)

Xing Fu meant to buy a computer in the city, but seeing Xing Yun’s living condition, she gives her all the money. Watching Xing Fu watching Xing Yun devour the food made me tear up. I also like that the restaurant is called “Little Jie Jie Roasting It!”

[Ep7] Superiors are high-handed in this episode. Xing Yun’s boss wants her to be his girlfriend and even approaches her. She’s not the same girl as in Ep1. With a recording of his mucky pickup line as her shield, she can repel him and protect her job. Back in the village, the boys aren’t as smart as her. Wang Qing Lai and Dad Wang are peer pressured into giving up their land for a water purification plant. It’s good for the village but bad for Wang family’s organic veggies. Mom Wang was right about these two. Can’t even fart outside. (Neither can I for different reasons, but I get the point). Xing Fu to save the day! She barges into Wan Chuan Jia’s office to ask why it has to be their land. 

[Ep8The Wang father and son are 99% useless. Xing Fu (pregnant) settles the land dilemma. She earns back the compensation (with the 1% help from Dad Wang). She also plans to reinvest in organic farming. 

[Ep9] The one time Wang Qing Lai stood up for himself instead of having his pregnant wife in front, his reproductive organ (temporarily?) loses the ability to urinate, and well, other things. Wan Shan Tang had kicked him, thinking Wang was here to extort money from him as well.

[Ep10] Xing Yun finds a big case, but unlike her name, she’s unlucky and has to get her boss’s approval, who then steals the case from her. Xing Fu is unlike her name too. She’s upset that Wan Shan Tang will not compensate her losses (for failure to supply as contracted). Xing Fu lawyers up. Guan Tao is her lawyer! Yay! But eh. Show is angling it so that Xing Fu is entitled to claim her losses, but I dunno, I just feel bad for the guy who’s trying his best to expand the village and to satisfy everyone involved.

[Ep11] Breaking news! Wang Qing Lai can pee. 
Okay, real breaking news: Wan Chuan Jia excavates Xing Fu’s farm. It’s his response to her demand letter. Wang Qing Lai stands in front of the excavator. Then Xing Fu stands in the way. Then Dad Wang spits out blood. Excavation is halted. 

Wan Shan Tang lectures his son in front of all the executives. He orders his son is to cover the cost from his own pocket. So fair! But when Xing Fu shows up with an outsider lawyer (Guan Tao), he rages. Mediation is over. We’re taking it to the court. If WST’s son didn't escalate matters, I think Xing Fu and Wan Shan Tang could make peace

[Ep12] Wan Chuan Jia's solution to the lawsuit: 生米煮成熟饭 (sheng mi zhu cheng shu fan). Excavate the land entirely so that it’s meaningless even if Xing Fu wins the lawsuit (which she was likely to). For the greater good, the expansion of the village, the judge asks Guan Tao to convince Xing Fu, the plaintiff, the one in the right, to yield. 

Wan Shan Tang promises to compensate all the money and give Wang Family a new land. AW! My favourite character is this man! Second to Guan Tao that is. He’s so charitable. Accepted the case without deposit and even paid from his own pocket. Wang Parents and Wang Qing Lai happily accept. The only ones upset are Xing Fu and Guan Tao. The lawsuit wasn’t just for money. It was for justice. And clearly they’ve been wronged. 

I’m a little wary of Mom Wang now. During the paperwork for the lawsuit application, Mom Wang made Xing Fu sign all the documents. She kept her son safe from any implications (if there were any). A mother-in-law like that is too calculative.... and Wang Qing Lai is obediently sitting behind his wife... I’m not asking for the guy to always be in the front, but at least stand together

[Ep13] Wan Chuan Jia dastardly jeers Xing Yun to drink with him, ginning as he’s jolting her memories of being sexually assaulted. That grin is scrubbed off when she submits her charges against him. He’s likely to face jail time. Guan Tao is the one who supported Xing Yun to overcome her hurdle. They cannot allow sexual assault to be waved as tradition. Also, in passing, we learn that Guan Tao is divorced. 

[Ep14] Wang Parents want Wang Qing Lai Lai to pool in money to pay for Wang Qing Zhi's house deposit. (He has a girlfriend and needs a house if he wants to marry). Wang Qing Lai is pressured into agreeing. Xing Fu is a little disappointed but says they’ll think of another way to continue their organic farming. Seeing that Xing Fu is approving, Wang Qing Lai is still upset. He’s starting to think for himself and wants to save more money for his own family. He’s about to be a dad. 
Our couple visit their wedding videographer in Ep1 for Xing Yun’s case. The videographer is a scum though!! I knew it from the angle of his camera in Ep1 *flips hair* He extorts them and then realizes he can get more money blackmailing Wan Chuan Jia instead. But Xing Fu and Wang Qing Lai aren’t that easy to bully (phew). They lock his motorbike and he falls to the ground. It’s 2(.5 don’t forget the baby in the womb!) against one. Our couple takes back the usb. Finally standing together!!! 

[Ep15] Xing Fu gives birth! But she’s hemorrhaging. The family asks Wan Shan Tang for help. He runs out in the middle of the night, uses the PA system to gather the villagers to donate their blood. This man ran out in the middle of the night for the family who’s suing his son....  The villagers line up at midnight hours. T_T

Lawyer Han (Boss) is the other scum and it’s his turn to extort Wan Chuan Jia over Xing Yun’s case. I almost feel bad for Wan Chuan Jia???????? How many levels of scums are there? Lawyer Han at least isn’t so underhanded and lays his card in the open and reveals what he wants. He convinces Xing Yun to recede her case and Wan Chuan Jia to use their firm as their legal advisor. She will get money and a stable future. He (Wan) will be free of charges. Xing Yun is tempted. She’s facing a very real problem: she’s poor and in debt. She also needs her boss’s appraisal to become a proper lawyer. If she accepts, everyone's a winner. It’s easy to see that Zhao Li Ying and Luo Jin’s characters are the ones who will fight for justice until the end. Other people don’t have that resolution. 

[Ep16] Guan Tao is upset at Xing Yun for accepting the deal. Although he can understand her, he cannot accept her ways. He admits (to Wang Qing Zhi) that he likes her, but enough to take it to the next step. He ends up quitting. Xing Yun may have been the catalyst, but he wanted to quit the firm for a while now. He will be starting a new one. (By the way, Guan Tao comes from a rich family, but it seems he doesn’t really like talking about it and relies on himself.)

Xing Fu wouldn’t make the same decision as her sister, but Xing Yun explains that she was truly relieved to have received the money. She doesn’t have to worry about surviving anymore. Justice is a luxury that Xing Yun cannot afford

A special investigation team takes Wan Shan Tang into custody. This was spurred by Xing Fu’s letter that Wang Qing Zhi helped transcribe. Justice served late. And it actually isn’t that unaffordable? Xing Fu is troubled. She had issues with the contract, not with Wan Shan Tang. She protests against the officials in arresting Wan Shan Tang, but the investigative team operates independently.  

[Ep17] Wan Shan Tang suffers a stroke in prison. Is he charged already? Wan Chuan Jia and all the villagers harass Xing Fu and her family. They’re trying to break the gates to her house, but I’m looking at the walls to the side. You can hop over it...... Wang Qing Lai and Xing Fu escape to the city. Mom Wang has special orders for Wang Qing Lai to watch over his wife. The implication: Mom Wang believes that once Xing Fu opens her eyes to the world, she might cheat/leave him. 

Wang Qing Lai chooses a cheap motel with the cheapest room (because it’s right next to the washroom and smells like the washroom). Xing Fu isn’t 幸福 (xingfu; happy), but 辛苦 (xinku; hardships)!  Xing Fu is too happy though. Everything in the city excites her. When she sees a couple kissing in public, she giggles and hooks onto her husband, who’s too dull (and shy) to get her cue. 

Clever Xing Fu gets Wang Qing Lai a job (ride-hailing service with his motorbike). She also finds herself a job at the daycare centre. At night she compliments her husband for his navigation skills. He’s grinning. So easy to please, lol. But the next day he’s arrested.

[Ep18] Wang Qing Lai’s motorbike is impounded for illegal ride-hailing services. He blames it on Xing Fu!!!. Xing Fu just isn’t having a good week. She’s now accused of stealing babies at her daycare janitor job. I like the conflict. Not that I like stealing babies, I think both ladies have their pov. I can see why the mother doesn’t like Xing Fu touching her child. The manager fires her. Xing Fu firmly defends herself but when Guan Tao recognizes her, she cries and runs away. Aw. She’s embarrassed. Guan Tao brings her to his new firm. Although he’s only looking for a front desk receptionist/secretary, Xing Fu seizes an opportunity to be the firm’s cleaner. She gets working right away. She’s so bright! Just a minute ago she was crying. And Guan Tao is too good for this world.

[Ep19] Xing Yun is successful and learns the vile ways of Lawyer Han. I’m back to not liking her. She discriminates between city folks and villagers, but she hates when others look down on her. She’s a victim of sexual assault and condones sexual assault. From a writing perspective, I appreciate the character though. It’s real. And reality sucks

Xing Fu is already aiming to be a secretary! When she asks for the job description, Guan Tao is like “Goodbye!” xDThere was another funny moment when Guan Tao struggles to lift the box that Xing Fu could xD

As Xing Fu is actively moving forward, Wang Qing Lai is stuck in his spot, and blames everyone for not giving him opportunities (e.g. like his brother who can’t find him a job, and his wife who messed up everything that he had to struggle in the city). Then he finally decides to do something: give Xu Ya Ni’s father presents so that he can ask for a job. So embarrassing. I want to hide under a rock for him. Father Xu helps because he pities his future son-in-law (Wang Qing Zhi). 

[Ep20] Guan Tao is dizzy, dizzy, dizzy. He yells at our frugal Xing Fu for being a spendthrift! Hahaha. Xing Fu keeps recycled paper as a coaster when they can use the second side for the photocopier. She also uses the disposable cups to give him water but these are for clients. Cost of disposable cups add up, you know! What a waste! Luo Jin, hahaha

Xing Fu hogs the front desk when she’s only supposed to be a janitor. I love how stubborn she is, haha. She puts on glasses while using the computer. Guan Tao thought she was nearsighted. No, she just wanted to look more sophisticated. Don’t laugh. She’s very serious
The way he points at her :D 
[Ep21] Xing Fu is under the impression that she’s lacking (only in) appearance for the secretarial spot because Guan Tao told her she’s tacky – as politely as he can. The next day, she shows up with sausage lips (= make up). Finally, Guan Tao relents and gives her books to study law. What she needs to improve on isn’t thickening her lips, but expanding her worldviews and knowledge. Xing Fu happily and eagerly studies. As for Wang Qing Lai, I wonder how his hat fits. He’s bloated. So full of himself. When people suck up to him at work because of his “connections” to Father Xu, he smugly slurps it. Qing Lai, what are you doing man!  

Xing Fu giving up education to support her sister must have been tougher than she made it look. Despite it all, she’s proud of her sister and wants the best for her unlike Wang Qing Lai for his brother. I say this, but I don’t blame Wang Qing Lai. It’s normal to be envious. It’s Xing Fu who’s special. An understanding wife, an understanding sister, an understanding sister-in-law, and an understanding daughter-in-law. 
[Ep22] As the plaintiff (a villager) tells her story, Xing Fu cries with her. Guan Tao eyes flicker back and forth between the two women as they connect, ignoring his presence. He’s the lawyer! Lawyer Wang and Zhang agree that Xing Fu has a skill: her ability to socialize with anyone. 

I don’t even want to talk about Wang Qing Lai. He’s screwing up

[Ep23] Xing Fu is Guan Tao’s little fortune cat. They’re on a business trip and words through her mouth have more credibility because the villagers trust her over professionals. During the trip, Xing Fu also visits Wan Shan Tang. Both are teary and apologetic. Wan Shan Tang is so forgiving. He never blamed Xing Fu. He blames himself for not doing a good job (and his son for escalating matters). Now that the village consultation is a success and the firm has their first big case, Xing Fu gets a promotion! She is officially the front desk receptionist. She earns double of what Wang Qing Lai makes. She can also feel the difference between her and her husband. He’s not improving at all. But Xing Fu hopes to help him improve. 

[Ep24] Guan Tao, Lawyer Wang, and Lawyer Zhang had neglected the villagers for a bigger client (Frank), whom they failed to sign. There was a scene of Xing Fu gathering the boys for lunch. They were all dejected and moved like a sloth. Xing Fu yelled louder: EAT! For one second, she was like the mother of three teenage boys. The firm is at risk for losing the villagers as clients as well. Don’t worry. Xing Fu is holding up the fortress. She convinces the villagers that the lawyers have never forgotten them. 

A few days later, Guan Tao and co are at the village, winning the lawsuit, Xing Fu is watching their home. She receives a guest. Surprise. It’s Frank (the big, tall, foreign client). The lawyers are rushing back, nervous at the thought of Xing Fu entertaining Frank. LOL. I was watching it, and I was nervous too. It could have gone wrong at so many places. She manages to do it and because of her, Frank signs with Guan Tao. The firm is on their way to bigger success. Guan Tao gives her a 3% incentive. It’s two years worth of Xing Fu and Wang Qing Lai’s salary combined = another blow to WQL’s ego

[Ep25] Wang Qing Lai is a crybaby. Xing Fu is now officially a mother to four. Oh five, she’s got her real baby at home. He’s actually whimpering!! He’s jobless because of his petty remarks at Father Xu, which other superiors heard. WQL refuses to adapt. Everything has changed around him, but he refuses to adapt. And so he’s left behind. It’s uncomfortable for me to blame this guy too much. He really is stupid

Meanwhile Xing Fu continues to improve. With Guan Tao’s encouragement, she gets her driver’s license. Then he lets her drive his car in the middle of nowhere. She asks if he’s afraid that she crashes. He’s more annoyed that they’ve been sitting here forever. He assures her he has insurance. He means life insurance right? xD. But seriously, he’s letting her drive his car with him in the passenger seat when she thinks she can crash his car. Guan Tao even drives Xing Fu all the way back to the village to visit her child (Xiao Dou Zi = Little Beanie) who has a high fever. Aren’t we a little too caring for a married woman now.... Wang Qing Lai isn’t liking Guan Tao’s involvement...

[Ep26] Guan Tao helps Xing Fu get Wang Qing Lai a job: janitor at the firm. He’s earning less than her, but he doesn’t mind. Because now he can spy on Xing Fu and Guan Tao! Not really. But I’m sure that thought crossed his mind. He’s somewhat diligent, but then Wang Qing Lai goes CRAZY for flowers. The firm transforms into a greenhouse. The girls aren’t liking it because of all the bugs and the smell. He argues with the lawyers that without the compost, the plants won’t grow. He even prioritizes the plants when Guan Tao wants him to deliver an important document. Finally, he's arrested for stealing flowers at the park. Oi.

Wang Qing Lai says the D word! He’s angry and upset with city life, he blurts out “Let’s divorce” to Xing Fu. The next day he’s vacuuming around her feet to get her attention. She won’t look at him nor help him. And now he’s really struggling (with his janitor job). 

[Ep27] Wang Qing Lai screws up real bad this time and loses an important client. There goes two million RMB of annual profit. Instead of owning up, he runs away to Wanjia Village. He admits to Xing Fu that it’s demoralizing to watch her run ahead and that no matter what he does he can’t catch up to her but still he tries and falls hard on his face. He rather farm. It’s not because he loves it. Saying that he loves it was a lie. He just doesn’t know how to do anything else. He’s used to farming. It’s easy. He tells Xing Fu to go back to the city. He’ll let her divorce him if she wants. 

What Will Xing Fu do? She will quit her job along with her husband and return to Wanjia Village. Ah. Such a pity. The day she married him, she will stay married. He is her husband. She has one condition though. If he wants to stay married, then he will have to accept that she won’t stay put, she’ll always run forward. Of course he agrees. Staying married for the sake of marriage. I should have known that she was going to return to “Wan Jia”, the name of the drama. I had thought she was going to stay in her law firm to help the village. I underestimated her resolution in keeping her familial values and overestimated her passion to succeed in the city.
I have never seen a stupider bus stop. The door opens opposite to the stop. 
As Xing Fu heads back to the city, she overhears tourists wishing there was a better resort. Well, Xing Fu at their service. She’s opening a resort! 
Guan Tao and the lawyers take farewell pictures with Xing Fu. Guan Tao was too emotional when she wanted to leave. He said that no one other than her can be their front desk receptionist. (But how does a secretary survive when she can only index finger her way through the keyboard….lol anyway). Guan Tao is proud to let her go after hearing her goals. She plans to be successful anywhere. She also doesn’t want to give up her family, and her child. They're her motivation to succeed. What’s the point in staying if she’s going to lose her family? Xing Fu is grateful for Guan Tao’s help. In the past when things were tough, she had wished she had an older brother. She can only depend on herself. Now there’s him. She calls him Guan da geLol. A prick to my heart. Ship has sunk. Dude got brother-zoned
But guys!! Look at the direction of Guan Tao’s gaze!!
Xing Yun doesn’t lend Xing Fu money for the resort because she’s just against it. Xing Fu is like Pretend I never askedThis Xing Yun. She says her goals are to provide for her family, but whenever Xing Fu needs help, she doesn’t do anything, NATTA. It’s not like Xing Fu even pesters her much
[Ep28] Guan Tao helps Xing Fu research crowdfunding for her resort. So caring. The other lawyers help too. It’s their farewell present for her. They propose equity-based crowdfunding. There will be two tiers. If individuals pledge more than 30K RMB, they will receive a dividend. If they pledge under the minimum, they will receive discounts to the resort. To kickstart the crowdfunding, Guan Tao pledges 10K RMB. Lawyer Wang and Zhang follow suit. For three nights, they stay overnight at the office (to refresh the webpage??? An index finger workout. Lol.)

Crowdfunding is successful! It’s also time for Xing Fu to leave. All the lawyers send her off with a farewell party. Tall westerner Frank is here too. 

The resort is open! Already. Guan Tao is there to cut the ribbon with her along with Wan Shan Tang. But business isn’t going so well. No customers. 

[Ep29] Xing Fu applies for a drinking water test. She gets the license for her restaurant to prove that the water is natural and pollution-free with beneficial minerals. Oh this is thanks to the water purification plant that Wan Shan Tang was working on. You know, that land that they took away from Wang family? Clean water is the result. Everything cycles. Xing Fu’s regular customer, a famous writer (who pledged >30K) promotes it on Weibo. Soon, her business picks up. 
[Ep30] For ten years, Wang Xiu Yu thought she failed gaokao, but it was Wan Chuan Mei (Wan Shan Tang’s daughter) who took Wang Xiu Yu's gaokao scores to apply to university. Wang Xiu Yu was robbed of her ten years. OMG!! No wonder Wan Chuan Jia gives WXY special treatment at work. No wonder Wan Chuan Mei doesn’t return home. This is AWFUL. It’s not just ten years. It was her future. How do you repay that? The Wan siblings beg their father for help. Wan Chuan Jia takes all the blame. He says it was his idea. Wan Chuan Mei is a spoiled brat. She’s too afraid to take responsibility nor does she want to be embarrassed. As for Wang Family, the parents are still cowards. They have to tread carefully. Wang Qing Lai disagrees. With his city-knowledge, he knows they can sue Wan Family. The man thinks! But Mom Wang asks if suing will allow Wang Xiu Yu to go to university again. 

[Ep31] Wan Shan Tang gives in and helps his children because they guilt-tripped him. The sister pulled the suicide card. The brother pulled the mother card. What is a father to do? He’s on his knees. To beg Wang Xiu Yu to forgive his children. For the record, the siblings are regretful. Wan Chuan Mei says she doesn’t date because she’s afraid of marriage, and then everyone will know she used Wang Xiu Yu’s name and stole her gaokao scores. Everyone in Wang Family thinks it’s better to reach a settlement and get the most compensation because even if they sue Wan, Wang Xiu Yu can’t attend university unless she (28yo) takes gaokao all over again with 18yos. Even 2nd bro thinks it’s useless if they sue. Where is Xing Fu in all this? Wang Family deliberately conceals the truth from her. Because everyone knows Xing Fu will fight for WXY’s justice unlike her blood family. Xing Fu isn’t involved, but Xing Yun is. She writes up the nondisclosure agreement for Wan Chuan Jia to give to the Wang Family. She did it seemingly “against her own will” type of bs and accepted the benefits. Since it’s already irreconcilable, why not? The whole family thinks like that anyway. It’s just no one is thinking about Wang Xiu Yu. But then again, she also has to fight for herself.  

[Ep32] With each parent in Wang Xiu Yu's ear, nagging, she signs the NDA. Wan Chuan Mei can leave the village. Her father tells her to never return even if he dies. A daughter disappointed in her parents and brothers. A father disappointed in his children

Xing Fu, who still knows nothing of Wang Xiu Yu’s sufferings, has a great idea for her business. She turns the resort into a tourist site and incorporates Wang Qing Lai’s organic farm for tourists to pick fresh vegetables. This arc is so ridiculously fast and smooth

Xing Fu meets Guan Tao! He’s going to be her legal representative. He adds a few boxes of fruit and meat on her contract and she’s like “Oh, I’m dizzy.” xD. 

But there’s an upcoming problem: An exec working for Wang Chuan Jia tampered with the water pollution plant to save expenses. Please welcome our new character: E.coli! 
[Ep33Luo Jin is in the episode! My bright spot. Xing Fu finally discovers her (Wang) family sold their daughter’s future and everyone kept it a secret from her. She yells at Wang Qing Lai for obeying his mom and making excuses. It’s always mom, mom, mom, excuses, excuses, excuses. Divorce! (I’m kidding. I think.) Xing Fu seeks Guan Tao for his expertise. They can take Wan to court, but it'll be complicated because of how many systems this conflict involves (e.g. the school, the fake ID). He warns her that they won’t be able to get more compensation than Wan family offered. Which route they take will depend on Wang Xiu Yu’s desires. All she wants is to go to school though. 

Drama makes me feel like I’m a villain. I really think it’s a pity that Xing Fu is still married to Wang Qing Lai. But I also get that being a mama’s boy doesn’t necessitate a divorce

[Ep34] Xing Fu slaps Xing Yun. She asks her younger sister where her morals are. The way Wan is bullying Wang Xiu Yu, is the same as when Wan bullied Xing Yun, and now Xing Yun is helping him. She’s not just condoning, she’s assisting. 

[Ep35] The water continuation problem is a bit more complex. I had thought it was only going to affect Xing Fu’s customers but Wanjia Village is upstream of the plant. They’re fine. The village downstream is affected. In particular, it’s the children who are frequently sick. When Xing Fu gets the water tested, results are negative. Water is clean. But if the water is clean, why would Wan Chuan Jia need to spend $$$ on the villagers to agree to a settlement (and land expansion). Wan Chuan Jia might feel guilty because he thinks it has to do with that Exec Wu tampering with the plant. 

[Ep36] Wang Xiu Yu is a model?? A photographer became interested in Wang Xiu Yu after Xing Fu uploaded a picture of Wang Xiu Yu, looking calm and serene. Suffering artists do have great creations. Now Wang Xiu Yu’s pictures have gone viral. She’s famous. Even Wan Chuan Jia wants her as a model for his company. 

Wang Qing Lai’s organic farming is expanding and he’s doing it all on his own! Good boy. Xing Fu is proud. Until he’s whining again that everything is so tough. Xing Fu gives him ideas and then he throws out an I-love-you. It’s the first time he said it. Xing Fu gives Wang Qing Lai confidence that he can do it (with her ‘minimal’ support). She believes in him. Xing Fu has two sons, lol

[Ep37] The culprit that’s harming the children is Pb (I wanted to sound sophisticated. It’s lead). And it seems to be from the well water (not pipe water). While Xing Fu is worried about the safety of the children and the lead poisoning, Wang Qing Lai is whining. Sigh. He doesn’t know how to convince Xiu Yu to be Wan Chuan Jia’s company model. Your own sister, man. Xing Fu is on it! Xiu Yu agrees. However popular she may be though, she’s the counter-example for parents who want their children to study. They all think it’s because she failed gaokao that she’s relying on her face. Xiu Yu hears this.... 
[Ep38] Xing Fu will help the downstream villagers sue to the end. The well water is contaminated. The source is unknown. (It’s Exec Wu illegally dumping contaminates in the water.) Meanwhile an unknown security guard, who works at the plant, is wandering around with GUILTY printed on his face.  

[Ep39] In the pitch-black night, villagers are throwing rocks at Xing Fu. I don’t know why she’s getting out of the car. To be hit in the head? Well her head injury brings two good things. (1) Wang Qing Lai grows a backbone! He stands up for his wife and demands justice from Wan Shan Tang. It sucks being WST. Everything and anything is his responsibility. (2) The villagers who were wary of suing are now determined. 

Wan Chuan Mei returns to check on Wang Xiu Yu. Online water armies (hired by Exec Wu) are attacking Wang Xiu Yu (as well as Xing Fu and Wan Chuan Jia). WCM is wondering why Xiu Yu isn’t responding to the haters. Xing Fu says Xiu Yu is silent to protect WCM. Xing Fu motivates WCM to be courageous and take responsibility (or she’ll feel guilty for the rest of her life). 

[Ep40] Xing Yun discovers Wan Corp is guilty of contaminating the water. She cries to Xing Fu that she won’t be a lawyer anymore. 5 minutes later. Xing Yu phones Xing Fu again. She will be a lawyer! A good one. So bipolar. How am I supposed to empathize if you’re going to swing like that? Xing Yun quits. Then applies at Guan Tao’s firm. He hires her, ofc. 

Time for closure: 
  • The guilty security guard brings evidence to Wan Shan Tang who does the right thing and turns it over. Wan Chuan Jia tearfully apologizes to his father. He knows he was wrong. He didn’t contaminate the water but he covered up. He will be sentenced to jail. 
  • Wan Shan Tang quits as chairman. He nominates Xing Fu because he respects her. The woman who sent him and his son to jail...lol
  • Wan Chuan Mei makes a public apology to Wang Xiu Yu and admits she stole her gaokao scores.
  • Xing Fu gives books to Wan Chuan Jia via Wan Shan Tang who says his son loves to read the books that she gives him. Jail time is like study time for him. 
  • Wang Xiu Yu is auditing classes at university. She wants to apply for research/graduate studies. Not sure how that happened
  • ’Tis the story of Xing Fu and how she demolished and subdued the Wan Family
Three years later. Xing Fu has already given birth to a daughter. Still married. Today the villagers have gathered for an important event. Xing Fu gives a speech. Guan Tao is in the audience. He’s proud of her. 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-2)] Xing Fu is like a modern day Ming Lan, fighting for justice in a new village and in a new family, but not as passive. First Impression done. 

[Actors/Actresses]  Who’s not watching this for Zhao Li Ying? Me. I’m also watching for Luo Jin ;) Zhao Li Ying looks a little tired, though. I have no idea what role Luo Jin is in or when he’ll show up, but seeing his snippets in the opening and ending song, I think I’ll like his character whether or not there’s romance with Xing Fu. 
I am astounded that Tang Zhen, the actor for Xing Fu’s husband, was in Court Lady as Prince Liang. He's the dude I called old and perverted but in the end, I actually developed an inkling of love for his character. HE'S SO DIFFERENT HERE and I’m so impressed. This time his character (husband), who really doesn’t look that good (did he purposely get a tan??), warmed up to me with his attentiveness and warmth. That is, until his cowardice ruined it. 

Xing Fu (幸福) = Happiness 
He(何) Xing Fu could be short for “When (何) Happiness will arrive?”
Xing Yun (幸運) = Lucky 
Qing Lai (慶來) = Celebrations Come
His Wang (王) surname means Grand
Shan Tang (善堂) = Virtuous Hall
Wan (萬) Shan Tang = Virtuous hall for a Great Number of People (ten thousand to be specific)
Chuan Jia (傳家) = To pass on through generations
Tao 濤 = Big Wave (ou! What wave will Luo Jin’s character bring?)
But his surname is Guan (關), which means Close / Turn Off

[Title] 幸福到萬家 means Happiness Arrives to a Great Number of Families. Notice it’s the combination of Xing Fu’s name and the village chief’s surname (Wan) and so it can also mean Xing Fu (Happiness) Has Arrived at Wan Family

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy. 

[Review & Rating]
Spoilers in the review! 

The social justice element in the beginning makes interesting dinner table conversations. It’s aggravating, but also slightly addictive. I wanted justice to prevail and was rooting for Xing Fu. Then she meets Guan Tao and starting from Ep18, their synergy from their shared values and passion for justice bring life to the drama. 

However, in the last quarter, the drama is too transparent in its design. Yes, we all know you have Zhao Li Ying, but don’t accessorize everyone else. Her sister gets character development and redemption in 5 minutes. Her husband’s improvement happens in the background, which is not enough for me to like him again after the show dismantled his character. All the time and spotlight is reserved for Xing Fu. She is the saintly hero. She will always do the right thing. She will always do the saving. It's so unrealistic! When the setting and the topics are all very real, then the events and character development all have to be in line. But no. Xing Fu is superwoman. She can do anything with determination like be a secretary without knowing how to type, be a boss without having money, be a chairman because she has a heart of gold.  Her life moves at high-speed – smooth and successful. Even the people she “defeats” will be grateful to be defeated. All hail Xing Fu! 

P.S. I’m going to believe that Guan Tao’s admiration for Xing Fu is actually love. I do I. You do you.

Random Recommendation: A Land so Rich in Beauty 

Rating: 2/5