June 28, 2022

Who Rules the World | Recap and Review

Who Rules the World
Will the love between a beloved prince and a fearless princess bring peace to a war-ridden martial arts world? 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yang YangHei Feng Xi / Feng Lan Xi  
Zhao Lu SiBai Feng Xi / Feng Xi Yun
Chinese Title
Episodes: 40

Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 4/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] The Empryean Token is lost, and much like the one ring from lord of the rings, whoever possess this token will rule the world.

BFX (Bai Feng Xi), rushes in to save the man tasked with transporting the Empryean Token. News of her appearance is spread to HFX (Hei Feng Xi). Our leads seem to know each other and are considered ‘rivals’, though the male lead seems smitten already. 

BFX visits the wealthy Mr. Han to steal medicine from him, something we learn is a frequent occurrence due to his greed and high prices. I am loving our take-charge female lead! HFX arrives (whom she refers to as Black Fox) and offers to pay her debts, as well as secretly helps her in taking more medicine. It is good she was able to grab more as she was soon poisoned by the Empryean Token.

HFX comes to the rescue of BFX when she is ambushed. He discovers the token she has been protecting is actually fake, and seems unsurprised by this discovery. She wakes and is instantly suspicious of him, but fortunately his talkative servant tells BFX everything HFX has done to save her which helps lower her guard slightly. 
[Ep2] BFX accuses HFX of being a selfish person who only acts as long as it benefits him personally. And as per drama fashion, he says nothing to clear his name.

Mr. Han’s home is burned to the ground killing everyone, and BFX is blamed. Her and HFX rescue the sole survivor, the child of the Han family. They decide to travel together for the time being and I must admit their bickering is amazing!

HFX “How about considering being my maidservant? This way I can drink nice tea everyday”

BFX “I don’t have nice tea, but I do have two fists”  (≧▽≦

We also learn they knew each other as children, but with their royal identities. BFX is clueless to the connection while HFX seems to be aware of who she really is.

Our leads set up a trap to lure out the real killers of the Han family. My only complaint so far is that the fighting scenes in this drama are a bit ridiculous; BFX keeps pulling out one of the never ending clown handkerchiefs and whipping people around with it, and HFX is using a fan to cause massive gusts of wind that physically blow away his enemies. Some fan lol.

[Ep3] Our leads need the help of a greedy family, the Qi’s, to get information on an even greedier family, the Shang’s. HFX comes up with a plan to trick the Qi family into thinking it is them who needs our leads help, not the other way around. He even manages to swindle a third of their families entire wealth as payment. ( ̄∇ ̄ノノ" Well done! 

Their new partnership leads them to a dance house where BFX dresses as a dancer. And they adorably use the opportunity to flirt a little. Also, more unrealistic fighting ensues, but it is filmed really beautifully so it’s starting to grow on me.
One of the assassins they fought from the Soultaker Sect dropped a handkerchief that had a Locust and Cricket embroidered on it. Apparently, there is a powerful story behind the symbols but that is all we know…

The Shang’s family home is burned to the ground (by them) and they run away leaving everything behind. BFX accuses HFX again of being selfish and heartless when she believes he used this opportunity to steal the Shang’s wealth instead off saving the servants left at the home to die in the fire. However, she sees the Shang’s guards and realizes she was mistaken and quickly makes her exit lol. However, they bump into each other again and before BFX could say anything, HFX accepts her apology. 

BFX finds two injured birds; one black and one white. HFX takes the white bird and she the black. They promise to raise and take care of them. 

After our leads officially part ways, we are introduced to “the finest gentleman” Yu Wu Yuan. BFX learns of him from Huang Chao (who is looking for BFX as he believes his friend who passed away gave her the real token). 

[Ep4] ‘The Finest Gentleman’ YWY faces an army alone in hopes to spread peace. His plan works and the army retreats momentarily, earning him praise from both sides. 

BFX leaves the fake Empryean Token with Prince HC, revealing her (martial artist) identity to him as she turned to leave. I’m almost surprised we don’t see hearts floating around him, he is smitten with her. Prince HC decides to follow her under the guise he wishes to repay the favor. 

The General who had retreated his army was beheaded for cowardice. (⊙ˍ⊙) YWY decides to stay and fight for Lou City, but before a battle begins HFX comes and quickly resolves the fighting. The men seem to bond with each other but HFX changes his tune after learning that prince HC took a liking to BFX.

BFX returns to her Tianshuang Sect with the young HP (survivor from the original home fire). He promises to train hard so he can one day protect BFX like she has him.

We meet HFX’s brothers, Feng Ju and Feng Chang. At first you think Feng Chang is an abusive jerk (okay, still kinda do) but it turns out he was trying to stop Feng Ju from discovering that HFX (known by his real name to them Feng Lan Xi) is not at home. Once FJ realizes the farce, he goes to his father (emperor) asking him to send an imperial physician to prove HFX has left his home.

[Ep5] HFX makes it home in time, but is unable to hide the fact he had left his post. He tells his father that he had chosen this specific location to recover because it was near his late mothers grave. Oy, he seems so sincere with fake tears and all, but it is lying about your dead mom so…HFX states that his father bringing FJ is a declaration that the war for succession has begun.

We have another love rival! This time for HFX, his maid Hua Chun Ran. 

The Soultaker Sect is eliminating other martial arts sects one by one. Survivors ask the Tianshuang Sect for help. Both BFX and HFX discover the next target of the evil sect. Separately but identical to one another, so cute! Looks like our leads will be meeting again soon.

Feng Qi Wu comes from a prominent family and is looking for a husband. Great, another love rival after HFX.

[Ep6] HFX won the hunting game, by not hunting. Sure, that makes sense? He had his men round up 20 deer and brought them alive as his offering. FQW, who witnesses his real capabilities, is now curious about who this second prince really is. She decides to ask for help from the Fountain Abode (aka HFX) to find out more about FLX (aka HFX). 

BFX sets up a trap for the Soultaker Sect before they can attack their next location, the Ma Family. It works but the survivors from the attack commit suicide before they can be further questioned. 

HFX knows his father is wary of his sons as they are after his throne. He continues to fake his illness in his presence in hopes to ease his mind of suspicions. They do a good job at making him seem a sneaky and selfish like BFX accuses him of. Unlike other dramas where the female lead dislikes the male lead and everyone watching just goes “but why he’s PERFECT!!?” over and over in their head.

The Tianshuang Sect fight with the Soultaker Sect, but are out matched. BFX is the last standing, fighting 4-1. She is not alone for long as HFX quickly comes to her rescue and looks pissed that they hurt his woman! He kills 3 out of 4 of the men but then is joined by YWY who stops the remaining villain. 
[Ep7] BFX is very excited to meet YWY, but HFX wasn’t having any of it lol. He does everything he can to stop them from talking, and becomes even more jealous when he learns they made plans just the two of them. But HFX is quickly pacified when he realizes BFX only wanted to challenge the ‘Finest Gentleman’ to a friendly competition.

FQW is acting more like an ally/informant for HFX, I wonder if she will be a love rival after all? 

FJ tries to set up HFX after all the brothers were assigned new tasks working as royal advisors. Fortunately, HFX is always one step ahead and anticipates his brother’s schemes and came prepared. He is given the opportunity to decide his brothers punishment by their Imperial Father. He knew his father did not want FJ harshly punished so used the opportunity to have FJ’s maternal uncle demoted/shamed instead; overall weakening his opponents. The uncle decides to take matters in his own hands and attempts to assassinate HFX without FJ’s knowledge/permission. We also get a flashback to what looks like our leads as children in a similar situation. BFX saves HFX from drowning (again).

[Ep8] HFX asks for ‘Ms. Huan’ (the servant in love with him) to close a window and BFX immediately tenses. But when she discovers how cold he is, she winds up snuggling with him all night long to keep him warm. (>▽<) The next morning she cooks HFX noodles that remind him of his mother, melting his cold heart. He tells BFX a story from his childhood about how he had to have food testers, many of whom died, so it is rare for him to eat others cooking. Meanwhile, his father and brothers believe him to be dead and have been searching day and night for his body. 

With HFX almost fully recovered our leads decide to stop at one of the Fountain Abode hideouts, House of Jade. HFX treats BFX like an honored guest, while also dressing her up in the “finest robes”. Is it bad I thought her first outfit was better? She did too but too bad he had them burned. Lol okay Kanye West. He tells her she is welcome to use his password to enter any of his secret locations, and she is also welcome to take anything she likes.

FC is devastated thinking his brother is dead. FJ seems remorseful for his family members actions, but not enough for comfort. Little do the people in the palace know, the second prince is alive and well and on his way home. 

[Ep9] The Emperor, under FJ’s selfish guidance, holds a prayer ceremony for HFX’s return. (When really it is just an excuse to show off FJ as a benevolent prince). FJ’s subordinates go as far as finding a dead body that resembled the second prince to officially declare him dead. But HFX returns, stunning them all! The Emperor is livid when HFX points the blame at FJ, even stating he will punish HFX for deceiving him and not returning home when he was immediately saved. Definitely showing who the favorite kid is daddy-o, and poor HFX looks heartbroken. After taking time to reflect, the Emperor decides to do right by his second son and promotes him and his subordinates. He then has FJ’s man killed. After meeting FJ’s mom, my heart feels for the poor boy. She is scary… But FJ is full of surprises! The new servant his mother places by his side is actually a double agent FJ had sent to her in hopes she would one day and send him back so he could be a double agent. He likes having everyone believe he is a mama’s boy with no real thoughts or plans of his own. This way HFX is more inclined to show his true colors (skills), creating more animosity between him and the emperor. 

HFX and BFX have a date in the market street. FQW sees them but is in denial that it was actually her beloved HFX holding hands with a woman. He also paints a portrait of BFX  o(≧∇≦o) my heart, they are so cute. Her dress is even growing on me. Also, love the inner dialogue we get from the different characters. The date ends when BFX hurts her ankle saving a little boy from falling. And an all too happy to help HFX offers to carry her home (but really gives her no choice and quickly picks her up, love it).

[Ep10] FJ’s evil mother dearest has returned and she comes dressed in plain clothes with a company of refugees. Her plan to seem selfless went amuck when FQW explains all the safety risks with a royal traveling in such a way. 

FC, for some reason, is ignored by his and FJ’s mother. He goes to drown his sorrows at the House of Jade and has a seizure. We discover he has epilepsy, an illness that is treated like a taboo/demonic possession. His mother ‘disowns’ him believing him to be a “demonic bastard”, and that his majesty would no longer love her.

BFX is exhausted acting as sect leader while her master is away. HFX offers to teach her how to run things as he does his Fountain Abode, for a bowl of noodles (the ones she made while he was sick and reminded him of his mother). 

FQW boldly proposes to HFX. However, he turns her down immediately by saying he would never be someone to sacrifice love for the betterment of the world. He loves the world, and wants to do right, but not by forcing two (one cough*) unwilling people to be together forever. She doesn’t take his rejection to heart, thinking he will eventually be hers and this is just who he is. Not at all delusional. While leaving, she bumps into the lovestruck maid and declares to her that she is now family with HFX. HA!

[Ep11] FC sends men to kill BFX, but their plan is thwarted by HFX. They decide to get a meal together until HFX runs away embarrassed when BFX gets overly touchy with him thinking he’s ill (he is too cute I can’t lol). FC sends men to attack again, this time joining the fight. BFX ‘misunderstands’ the situation and protects FC from the assassins. Uncertain on whether she remembers him or not, he temporarily calls off his men. BFX plays dumb but her inner dialogue tells us she knows it was FC who sent the assassins. 

Prince HC is attacked on his way to deliver the fake Empryean token to the emperor of the 6 States. (Everyone is feigning ignorance that the token is fake, including the emperor). HC uses the opportunity to get himself unlimited access to the different states to investigate the stolen token.

HFX continues to try and buy his way into BFX’s heart and it is working for all of us, I’m sold lol. He provides necessities for her Sect; such as blankets, food, coal for fire, etc. All to help BFX win the hearts of her group and help her lead better.

[Ep12] The empirical exams have begun, and a cheating ring is exposed. The evidence is all pointing to HFX’s supporters, but it is really his stepmother setting him up.  Meanwhile, BFX has troubles with a greedy Sect brother who is jealous of her current leadership status given by their master.

HFX is given 7 days to discover the truth of the cheating scandal. The emperor knows he is being set up, but doesn’t seem to care much. While investigating he runs into BFX who has flour on her face from a fight. He helps her clean it off with a handkerchief, at least until she gets too shy (these two lol). BFX is beginning to wonder more and more who her mysterious Black Fox (her adorable nickname for HFX) really is, while also slightly concerned he may be stalking her. (⊙ˍ⊙) he might be…
FC decides to stay at his place close by to BFX to keep an eye on her. While moving in, he sees his brother playing cuju (ancient Chinese soccer game), and is stunned! He doesn’t care about the friendship with BFX, he is instead more concerned to learn the truth that his brother is healthy. He wonders what other secrets he has been keeping. BFX’s sect brothers and sisters also watch them play and joke how they look like they are flirting more than playing. 

[Ep13] HFX is placed under house arrest for fabricating evidence and accusing the innocent. However, nothing gets passed our male lead. I’m starting to think he’s psychic…He was purposefully accusing the wrong person all along so that the real culprits would continue with the next phase of their plan without suspicion. 

BFX’s troublesome sect brother has a gambling addiction and kills an official for money, causing him to be arrested by the men from Fountain Abode and the second prince (HFX). BFX is confused about their connection **cough same person**. She takes a guess they are one in the same and goes to the second prince’s home. HFX apologizes for keeping things from her and tells her everything about his double identity. While together, they learn her sect brother ‘killed himself’ (murdered) so BFX joins the investigation.

Once the truth is uncovered (all but the true mastermind, which they know is the evil stepmother but are not yet able to prove), HFX pleads with his father to take the recent actions against him seriously. But his father continues to feign ignorance and states there is nothing more he could do as he has already handed the appropriate punishments to the guilty party. But in private he scolds his wife (somewhat) who then cries and begs for forgiveness, blaming everything on HFX’s mother for separating her and his majesty all those years ago. He forgives her without a second thought and also helps in covering up the rest of her involvement......((/- -)/ whyyy! 
[Ep14] Once everything has been resolved, HFX invites BFX to his Lanyun Restaurant; named after a mixture of their real identities Lan for HFX and Yun for BFX. She jokes that he is so in love with the princess (her) but he has never actually met her. HFX admits to meeting the princess when they were children, surprising BFX. After dinner they part ways agreeing that they are on different paths and it is better to let each other go then create yearning. Way to kill the mood (ᗒᗩᗕ)

HFX explains again to FQW that their relationship is a professional one and will never be anything more. He tells her that his life’s plan does not include romantic relationships. Later, he is given an update about BFX and how she has bumped into HC and YWY. He immediately asks for no more updates regarding her.

FC’s mother is faking interest in him simply so he will marry into a powerful family on her order. FC can tell he is being used but so desperately wants a relationship with his mother. 
[Ep15] BFX heads to the mountains to find her master with HC and YWY in tow. Meanwhile, HFX tries to comfort his brother only to find out that FC is also mad at him for keeping secrets. It makes him miss BFX as he thinks to himself the path he has chosen will be filled with loneliness. Choosing to live a life without love all alone is lonely? I’m shocked (ノ_<。)

Back on the mountain, YWY and BFX are the only ones remaining. Everyone else (including HC) are stuck somewhere on the mountain. YWY breaks one of the mechanisms, causing an earthquake. HFX hears of this and rushes to save BFX. 

YWY IS A BAD GUY!The master that presided over the mountain and created the different traps/mechanism tells one of his disciples that YWY has a ruthless heart and was purposefully trying to trap BFX !!! The master tricks YWY into a dead end while our leads press onward.

[Ep16] Once further inside the mountain, our leads come upon a Go table. When HFX touches it he is put through different mental tests including cutting 3,000 strings of worry. But when the final string remains he sees flashbacks of him and BFX. HFX struggles to cut the last string, causing his physical body severe anguish. BFX flips the Go table, making the mountain master smile. He decides to let them pass and teaches them the Sacred Jade Moon skill. He is impressed by how fast they learned it, but HFX’s earlier injury from the Go table gets worse. BFX begins to heal him at the risk of her own life. She’s beginning to realize how much her Black Fox means to her and that she can’t be at ease until he is safe. We then see flashbacks to when HFX was trying to cut the last string. He drops his sword and admits that BFX is the one thing he can never let go and isn’t it okay if out of 3,000 strings he keeps just 1? My heart ( ✧Д✧) YES!!

It is confirmed YWY is not only a bad guy, but he’s THE bad guy. He orders the Soultaking Sect to set up an ambush on the Tianshuang Sect and his friend HC. Meanwhile he sets off to find out who passed the trials and learned the Sacred Jade Moon formation. Once he sees that is was B/HFX he rejoins the whole party, who is unaware of his schemes. 
Back at the palace, HFX uses his opportunity/time with the mountain master (known as a saint of their generation who passed away after they left) to declare to everyone in the court that this master had actually saved him from the assassination attempt on the boat and also cured him of his (nonexistent) illness. He also stated he was asked to keep it a secret until the proper time, such as his masters passing, when he gave HFX a valuable map that he had created. Now HFX is passing it to his father and confessing his sins. Lol he is always ready with a story.

[Ep17] An offering ceremony was held for HFX’s late mother. During the ceremony we see flashbacks of his mother, stepmother, and father, and their early lives together. Full of anger and resentment, his stepmother loses focuses during her turn of the offering and spills her wine. This act was looked at as an embarrassment for the whole family and she is punished to fast for 30 days in seclusion. My clumsy self would not make it in this society.

FC goes to visit his mother in seclusion to tell her that he will never be her puppet and marry a girl she chooses for him. At this, her usual ‘gentle’ demeanor changes. Instead of continuing to pretend to be a caring mother she tells him that he has no choice or she will reveal his epilepsy to the world. She is horrible! What mother tells their child it is revolting to act like a loving mother to them? The only thing positive to come out of the ordeal was FC being granted a higher title as well as a large sum of money. 

[Ep18Evil mother dearest is using her son FC to lure out HFX. To deter HFX from falling in her trap, he has a man throw a bucket of black hound blood on his clothes. There is a superstition that if one does not stay home, fast, and rinse in salt when black hound blood touches them, it is bad luck. 

Ms. Huan finally learns about BFX! Slightly. She overhears HFX’s men talking about our leads and how smitten their prince is with Ms. Feng (aka not you Huan). 

While BFX and HFX are on a ‘date’, BFX forces HFX to hide when her Sect brothers and sister appear. Fortunately, her junior sister is quick to catch on and gets the others to leave so our leads may have alone time. HFX teases BFX for hiding him, further alluding to their relationship that is/will be.

HFX goes to meet FC knowing full well he is being set up. It turns out FC was never going to marry his fiancé as FJ planned to kill her and set HFX up as the murderer. To protect his brother, FC pretends to be on his mother’s side (whom he believes was the mastermind for todays plans) to get HFX to leave. Once he had, he pretends to be thrown off the balcony to attract attention to the now HFX-less room. Seeing all this happen, HFX takes FJ’s plan and makes it his own, having FJ’s uncle fall for the murder instead. But this backfires on him in the end, making him look guilty of staging the whole thing. Well he did..but they did it first lol.

[Ep19] With FC still unconscious and unable to confirm who the true murderer is, HFX and his staff are forced to stay in their home until everything is resolved. BFX goes to visit him and sadly does not bump into Ms. Huan. BUT! BFX tells HFX that he may seem cold on the outside but those who truly know him can see his heart and his true feelings. He then steps closer to her and asks if she was able to see his feelings clearly (and we all jumped for joy and shouted yes!) but instead of answering him she stumbles out a goodbye and runs away. 

FC is only pretending to be unconscious. He tells the physician to lie and say that when he (FC) wakes up he will most likely suffer severe memory loss and will need assistance walking for the rest of his life; none of which is true. His main goal is to look useless to his mother in hopes she will stop using him to hurt his brother (HFX). But he still doesn’t realize that he was following FJ’s plan. Now, their mother is using this opportunity to poison FC and blame it all on HFX as proof he is the murderer. Fortunately, HFX goes to visit FC and apologize for keeping secrets from him. He discovers that FC’s medicine is poisoned causing all of his stepmother’s planning to be ruined. Her brother is charged with the murder, and HFX tries again to visit FC. This time, FC was awake and secretly excited/hoping HFX would show. But once he arrives FC puts on an act of defiance and demands HFX to leave. He knows his mother will use their brotherhood and reconciliation to her advantage, and he doesn’t want to be HFX’s weakness. A disheartened HFX wanders the streets alone, thinking of his mother and childhood when BFX sees him. She cheers him by making him a clay doll.
Cuties <3
YWY is part of the Empryean family, and there is a blood curse placed on them. Everyone in that bloodline will not live passed the age of 30 unless they have the Empryean token.

[Ep20] Learning that HFX is really the second prince, YWY makes his presence in the city known. He hopes to capture FJ’s attention and use him as a pawn against HFX. However, this makes HFX cautious as he sees YWY getting closer with FJ. He understands that the “Finest Gentleman is no simple character”. 

FJ, under the guidance of YWY, frames FQW’s family of stealing the crowns treasury. YWY poisons FQW when she is on her way to investigate. HFX in-lists BFX’s help, but first admits that FQW has expressed feelings for him. BFX, looking confused, brushes him off and simply responds with “how does that matter?” Love it! After they save her BFX befriends FQW, even teasing her for liking a man like ‘Black Fox’. This feels a bit awkward, not sure it is nice to have this type of conversation with someone when you know you’re going after the same guy. Almost feels like BFX is telling her she doesn’t care for HFX, very mixed signals. Meanwhile, HFX is mad because BFX risked poisoning herself to save FQW. He realizes that the culprit was actually after them and used FQW to bring out their new Sacred Jade Moon technique. HFX uses this as an opportunity to keep BFX by his side for protection, of course (*^ ‿ <*)♡ BFX agrees, and the place she thinks they should stay is with FQW! Girl, why are you torturing everyone.

HFX is no longer holding back his feelings, telling BFX she is a treasure to him while they were searching for the missing treasuring funds (lol punny), and she somehow ignores that and simply moves the topic along! Not only is she giving FQW mixed signals, but apparently HFX as well!

[Ep21] YWY extracts the poison ball(?) he had implanted in FQW. It now contained the secret to the Sacred Jade Moon formation that can help prolong his life. He decides to stay in the city to completely take down HFX.

BFX and FQW continue to grow closer, causing HFX to feel like a third wheel. Am I the only one who thinks this friendship is extremely fake and doomed to fail?
BFX forces FQW to join in a festival dance where the guests all wear masks. They get split up but BFX quickly bumps into HFX who had been following them close behind. She asks him to dance and he tries again to get her to admit her feelings for him but they are soon interrupted by FQW.
Our leads discover the thieves are disguised as traveling performers for the current festival presiding. They pretend to be husband and wife recently eloped due to BFX’s fathers disapproval that HFX was a stage performer. The thieves take them in believing they can use them as their cover if things go wrong. Once the money is discovered, they arrest them.

HFX is over being ignored and cast aside for FQW. Once the case is solved he leaves in a huff. FQW comments that BFX should give him more attention before parting ways as well. She seems to believe BFX is one of a kind and I suppose the friendship will be real? FQW seems ready to now let go of her one sided crush if it means giving him up to BFX.

Apparently, the robbery YWY helped FJ plan was only meant to be a decoy. YWY wanted HFX to let down his guard before the real works begins.

[Ep22] YWY pretends to leave the city, leaving behind a disgruntled FJ. But all of this is really an act so HFX does not suspect YWY, and it seems to work. 

We then experience the longest daydream in the history of c-dramas. HFX has his confession well thought out, but too bad he forgot the girl he likes is unconventional and things never go as planned. BFX plays all day with FQW, ending up at a brothel dressed up like men. An angry HFX takes her home, where his confession plan/fireworks display begin to play out. But BFX doesn’t realize what is happening, angering HFX more. He asks her to leave and once she is alone everything becomes clear.

The little maid decides to go behind HFX’s back and has his advisor meet with the Tianshuang Sect leader. They hope to dissuade him from allowing BFX to see the second prince as she would not be accustomed to a royal lifestyle. Lol that’s what you think…

[Ep23] BFX visits HFX’s mentor to mainly show off. Knowing he overstepped, HFX’s mentor immediately goes to apologize and admit his mistakes. Ms. Huan is discovered to be the mastermind behind his actions and is asked to leave from his employment and home. Since she was his mothers maid, he promises to set up a nice life for her outside the palace. 

HFX attempts to confess, again. During the lantern festival he has floating lights set up in the water writing out “I only seek your heart” (>▽<) but before the confession can completely take place, they are interrupted and HFX has to leave (reluctantly). 

The Emperor sends HFX on a mission to help control the situation happening in Liang City. He provides him 500 “elite soldiers”, but it turns out they are not as trained/ready as he was lead to believe. Fortunately, BFX is also called to help Liang City and is more than happy to assist HFX in training his troops. 

YWY gives a parting gift to FJ; a note revealing that the second prince is also HFX. Once him and his mother learn of this news they (separately) make their own plans on how to use this knowledge to their advantage 

HC (still believing YWY is one of his allies) explains his plan to marry the princess of Youzhou, Hua Chun Ran, to better secure his fight for power. But the princess has no interest in marrying HC as she would rather stay in Youzhou by her fathers side as he dotes on her and she can live freely. She is not interested in the fight for the world, her dream is to become her fathers successor.

While traveling in a rainstorm, the soldiers are almost killed by a flash flood. Fortunately, H/BFX were able to rescue everyone in time, raising the morale of the once lazy soldiers. HFX also thinks to himself how traveling to Liang City will be a long and tedious journey, but with BFX at his side these days are becoming the best in his life. D’awww! 

[Ep24] HFX has his soldiers feign injury and exhaustion while entering the city to lower the guard of the corrupt officials. He also hides the majority of his men outside the city walls, blaming the low numbers on the recent flash flood. 

The temple for the Deity of Romance is located on a mountain close to Liang City. HFX gives BFX a ‘protection charm’, which she jokes that she is surprised a romance deity would have these types of charms too (≧∇≦)/ we all know he wants to put a love spell on her lol.

YWY does not want the throne for himself, but for HC. Not because he likes HC or believes he will be a great ruler, but because he wants to be the man who rules ‘beyond the throne’. He hopes to use HC as a puppet and figurehead for the people, while he does the ‘real work’.
The corrupt officials in Liang City hold a feast in hopes to drug the second prince and find out what he’s hiding. After, they hope to use him as their puppet. But our leads are always prepared and pretend to be a flirty prince and maid while HFX had his men secretly take over the residence. The Governor pleads to HFX, stating he could be of assistance, but BFX rebuffs his words and kills him on the spot with her sword.

Back in the Dadong Empire, Princess HCR continues with her scheme of becoming her father’s predecessor. She asks a eunuch to heat up the flower beds so when she goes to visit the palace it looks like the flowers bloom at her presence (love it lol). The plan works and her father grants her the title of Divine Fairy of Dadong Empire. She knows having this title will earn her the respect and reputation she needs to be on equal footing with the men coming to win her hand.

[Ep25] B/HFX discuss HCR’s latest move. HFX teases BFX and states his favorite princess is still Feng Xi Yun (aka her). He asks her if she thinks HCR is better and she almost slips up in her response by answering as herself the princess, and not as BFX. HFX is thrilled that she seems a little jealous stating “that’s how the novels go when they care about you!” Lol he is too cute.

BFX goes to meet with her brother outside of Liang City. He is preparing for battle but BFX stops him explaining all that has happened inside Liang City’s walls. She tells him HFX is trustworthy and he should speak with him in person. Back in the city we see a worried HFX who thinks BFX’s disappearance has to do with her recent jealousy. When she returns, he promises to never bring up the princess (her) ever again. His heart only belongs to BFX. Confused, does he know her identity or not? BFX is also confused.

Father and son loyalty is tested. HC’s father accuses him of being too violent and worries he has raised a monster. Meanwhile, FJ plants the seed that the Fountain Abode owner, HFX, is a threat to his fathers rule.

It’s official! HFX has no idea about BFX’s identity. I now feel like I have to rewatch with this perspective because I thought for sure he knew. He is incredibly jealous of BFX’s brother, thinking he is a new love rival. 

[Ep26] Big brother takes his teasing a bit further to test HFX’s affections for his precious sister. Once satisfied, a confused HFX leaves while a very happy BFX follows closely behind. It begins to rain as soon as she reaches him, and since they only had one (very small) umbrella, HFX decides to carry BFX while she holds the umbrella for them. Cutest solution, I approve.

HC shows his father how his subordinates were continuously planning and plotting against him. His father immediately apologizes to him for his previous words and now understands HC was trying to eradicate the real monsters in his court. Too bad they are still blind to YWY’s treachery.

HFX’s father (thanks to FJ’s meddling) has begun investigating the House of Jade and Fountain Abode, as well as the mysterious HFX (°ー°〃) FJ is pleased with himself and feels his plans are falling into place. 

Back in Liang City, everyone is working hard to finish the dam. It is also adorable because all of the villagers believe our leads are already married and keep referring to BFX as her “ladyship”. 

[Ep27] The B/HFX duo become temporary doctors once they learn there are none in Liang City. They decide to make it a competition on who can help more people. HFX smiled brightly when BFX agreed to the competition and then immediately shouted “whoever gets checkout by me gets free rice!”. After they are done working BFX pretends to be asleep so HFX will hold her. Their loving moment was sadly interrupted when HFX is told the news about everyone being arrested at the House of Jade. BFX wakes up and declares she is going with him, no is not an answer. Once he realizes she was faking being asleep he hugs her and agrees. I love that they have told their feelings and clearly solidified their relationship with their actions over words. No misunderstandings for our main couple!

This episode is all about the brothers; HCR is set up by her brother who worries she will steal his future position. Fortunately, HC was able to save her. Meanwhile, BFX’s brother informs their father about his recent visit with his little sister and her ‘boyfriend’. Lastly, FJ’s plan against his brother are falling into place, or so he believes. HFX uses his own play against him! If FJ and their father think they can take his men from the House of Jade and give an ultimatum of 3 days to surrender or they die, HFX can kidnap FJ under those same conditions. 

[Ep28] HFX may have experienced his first defeat by FJ. The Tianshuang Sect is arrested while trying to free the imprisoned people from the House of Jade. Knowing he has been trapped into a corner, HFX decides to come clean about his double identity to his father who takes it really well (°ー°〃).  He tells his son that if he wants to explain himself he can walk the ten steps over to him. And in what universe is this 10 steps?? My short legs would have taken at least ten minutes to walk that distance. He has also set up guards to beat HFX with each step he takes. 

Emperor father is spiteful and cruel. He not only takes the House of Jade and Fountain Abode, but also forces HFX to give up his inner force. And to top it off, says HFX must marry HCR. 

BFX is worried about HFX and refuses to leave his side in case he wakes up. When he finally wakes she immediately bursts into tears and jumps in his arms. Aww she’s so happy!

YWY plots to kill HFX during the marriage contest now that he is weak. 

[Ep29] Our leads infiltrate HCR’s palace before the marriage contest begins to gain her friendship and trust.

HCR wants to marry HFX (she doesn’t love him, she actually likes his other identity as the second prince but is ‘willing’ to give that up for power). Lol little does she know…

[Ep30] Apparently HFX is still able to take on multiple bad guys at once even without his inner force. However, when YWY appears in disguise to ambush HFX only BFX is able to stop him. 

During the first day of the marriage games HCR is shocked to see that her beloved second prince is also HFX. While she goes to speak to her father, BFX takes HCR’s place to greet the guests and help HFX cheat his way through the martial arts round. HC also tries to convince BFX to marry him and “rule the world together”. No, thank you.

[Ep31] FJ is continueing to plot against the Tianshuang sect and his brother. He plans to disguise his men as HFX’s and break the sect members out of prison, only to later expose their ‘treason’. Fortunately, HFX anticipated this move and with the help of FC was able to stop the jailbreak from being exposed.

Meanwhile, HFX and HC are the final two remaining in the marriage games. The last challenge is a complicated game of Go. HC continues to make offense-moves and criticizes HFX for only taking the defense. However, HC soon realizes he is playing a losing game and that the second prince will win. But right as that moment is about to take place, HFX boldly loses (on purpose) and walks away smiling while leaving everyone else stunned. 

BFX is grateful beyond words for HFX doing everything he can (including participating in the marriage contest) to help free her sect leader, brothers, and sisters. He uses this opportunity to finally finish what he wanted to say to her so many times; that all he wants in this life is her heart and to hold her hand. He goes so far as to ‘fire’ his loyal subordinates, as well as handing over his Fountain Abode network to FQW.


[Ep32] YQY continues to scheme as he travels to the Tianshuang Sect. However, the sect master is beginning to have doubts regarding how noble the ‘finest gentleman’ really is. Sadly, YQY kills him before the truth can be uncovered. Langhua, his daughter, declares BFX is the murderer simply because she was the last person with him….you have literally known this girl since you were an infant but love to turn on her every chance you get. Her character has had zero growth. Langhua is so angry (and clearly delusional) that while the sect was fighting she stabs BFX in the heart. With a sword. What is with this character???! Are we really supposed to root for her as a side character/love interest story? 

HFX does everything in his power to save BFX. He uses a special flower given to him by the mountain master for life and death situations. It restores his inner force as well as save BFX! Don’t ask how a flower petal taken orally stops a sword wound through the heart, I couldn’t tell ya. We learn the poison that killed BFX’s master is the very same that killed HFX’s mother.

Poor BFX can’t catch a break. Her father is also dying, and makes her brother promise that he will be a good ruler to his people and will not covet the world like others do. He wants to make sure his people will be protected from war once he is gone. 

An awkward family dinner ensues with HC, his new bride, and father in law. I like how everyone is ignoring the fact he won on a technicality. They plan to attack Qingzhou (BFX’s home).

[Ep33] Our leads plan to visit a black market which can help locate the buyer of the poison. While investigating, they get tangled in YQY’s scandal as he used his subordinate to kill the very same emperor from the beginning of the show he had helped create the fake Empryean tokens for.

I am clearly too petty for this show...After our leads escape the imperial guards hunting them, guess who they immediately encounter…that’s right! Langhua and the Tianshuang Sect! ( _ _)ノ|

Langhua feels guilty for stabbing BFX though she does a terrible job showing it. BFX then laughs at her pathetic apology and tells Langhua to go eat rocks. Not. Instead BFX won’t allow Langhua to apologize, saying her actions were completely justified given the situation. Excuse me!? She stabbed you in the back, straight through to your heart penetrating both sides, all because you had tea with her father last. What if he died from a stroke? Heart attack? She had no evidence or reason to stab BFX in that moment. 

[Ep34] HFX was correct in his suspicions that FC/J’s mother was behind his own mothers death. Knowing her time is up, she decides to use her son FJ to overthrow the emperor. FJ (who had already begun amassing his own army) agrees. They plan their takeover to begin on the emperor’s birthday.

Their plot quickly (almost embarrassingly) unravels once HFX arrives and begins kicking butt and taking names. Once the rebellion is over, FJ does use his last moment of freedom to say some (much needed) words to his father and brother. He calls out both of their lies and behavior, declaring his father only loves power and HFX is lying if he thinks he has never wanted him dead too. Later, it is decreed FJ will become a commoner, while his mother eerily smiles throughout the reading of her death sentence. But the emperor, as we have learned, is a petty man. He allows FJ to see his mother one more time before he departs knowing all too well she was already forced to hang herself. FJ goes crazy from the shock of seeing his mothers dangling corpse. So many mixed emotions for FJ right now (>﹏<)

[Ep35] HFX is officially the heir apparent. I’m a bit surprised by this as I always thought it would be FC. The clothes the three brothers wore seemed like a foreshadow of their futures; HFX in blue with FJ in an almost identical color showing his need to compete/compare with his brother, and FC’s most closely resembled the colors the emperor wore making it seem like that would be the path he would take. Clearly I think too much lol. 

BFX is finally told of her fathers illness and plans to return home immediately. HFX overhears everything and (in the most anticlimactic way ever) learns of BFX’s true identity. 35 episodes and THATS how that discussion goes. He should have just known it from the beginning like I had first thought. 

HC and his princess bride are such a loving couple. You know what they say, the couple that starts unnecessary wars together, stays together (°ー°〃) YQY uses their battle as an opportunity to kill BFX’s brother the crown prince.

[Ep36] Before BFX can properly say goodbye to her brother, her father also passes away. HC hears the news and realizes BFX and the princess of Qingzhou are one and the same. He knows the next battle will most likely end in defeat, but YWY pushes him to keep fighting so he can gain better control of his new father in law. 

YWY struggles to hide his true colors from HC, who is beginning to suspect his friend. But clearly doesn’t want to, poor guy Ó╭╮Ò 

[Ep37] HC and YWY are not surprised when defeated. They knew how strong HFX and BFX were apart, not to mention when they team up together. 

Princess Churan is suspicious of her husband once she learns of her fathers failures on the battlefield. However, her ambitions to be the empress of the world supersede her filial piety and she allows HC to take command of her fathers army. 

HFX leaves to get reinforcements from his personal army he had been secretly training, leaving BFX to begin the fight with HC alone. 

[Ep38] HFX returns and sees a bloody and exhausted BFX. And boy is he angry! We even get a “how dare they hurt MY woman” line. He goes to attack the now retreating HC and YWY, learning in the process that YWY is the one who stole the Sacred Jade Moon technique from him previously. 

Back at home HFX is given permission to marry BFX, but not as heir apparent. Instead his father decides he will step down from his throne and hand it over to HFX on the day of his marriage. He knows his son and future wife will be wise rulers and that his time has passed. I think we can all agree it’s time for a new regime…

Our leads take a moment for themselves to officially wed. And let me add, them breaking the traditional rules so they could see each other early was adorable (>▽<)

[Ep39] ~~5 Years Later~~ (like me writing these recaps, I’m sorry everyone for the delay!)

Our leads are happily married while ruling over their now combined countries. HC continues his quest to rule the world entirely, and YWY has ‘disappeared’. YWY has chosen to now spend his time at the current Emperor’s side, despite the head General’s many objections. Only after the General sees YWY’s personally trained soldiers does he put aside his suspicions. 

The battle in the Realm of Kings has begun. Our leads and HC are determined to keep innocent lives out of the war, but YWY has other plans. 

HC and HFX finally have their battle for power. We see flashbacks of their previous Go game, as well as the odd friendship they had formed over the years. Their first battle ends in a draw, but before the next battle can take place HFX learns that BFX is in danger. The troops YYW has trained over the years are fierce and her numbers were quickly depleted. HFX leaves his fight for power with HC to aid his beloved. 

BFX realizes she is being used as bait to lure out HFX and decides to take matters in her own hands (sword).

[Ep40] Pu’er who became like an adoptive son for HFX/BFX is killed protecting BFX. They are completely heartbroken. Dude, why do you have to do us like this on the final episode ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ 

The last battle is about to begin and BFX prepares their men for the worst. During the fight she finds the general who killed Pu’er and avenges him swiftly. But the battle is far from over. YWY set up artillery to bomb their army (with little care for his own as well). HFX quickly takes BFX away to hopefully save her life after being hit. He decides to give up the majority of his life for hers, leaving him with only ten years left to live. He can find no reason to live if she’s not by his side.

HC discovers his mistake in trusting YWY all those years when he sees a city held hostage by YWY’s men. When BFX wakes she learns that the war is still on going, and also discovers the trade HFX had made to save her life. They are finally made aware of YWY’s true identity and his reasons for beginning the war.

Our trio is able to successfully take down YWY once and for all. The Emperor, realizing his incompetence, gives the world to H/BFX to care for. HC declares he will accept their reign and not start another war as the common people have suffered enough. With that being said, our leads decide to hand the burden over to HC in order to spend their last few years together peacefully. 


by beautifuljangmi

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Not going to lie, I am a big fan of both of our leads so my review is most likely biased (but unintentionally!).

My very first impression; So. Many. Characters. ⊙▽⊙

I love how fearless our female lead in this drama is. She even flirts! So many female leads (even the badass ones) are still naive when it comes to most things in life/love. Not BFX! Our leads have some great banter in the first few episodes, they compliment each other well. If anything, I think our male lead is a little stiff (which is not unusual for him, but this character needs a more playful persona like Ethan Juan when he was in Legend of Fuyao or Fan Shi Qi in Qing Qing Zi Jin).

There are a lot of characters so I apologize if my recaps get confusing (especially with our leads different names as they go by multiple names/personas at that same time). However, do not let the all the different characters deter you! So far each one has been very interesting and well cast. I find myself often rewatching scenes as almost everything so far seems important to the story as a whole.

[Behind the Scenes] Click Here to see our leads holding hands (>▽<)

[Ending] Happy! Our leads are together <3

[Review & Rating
I had very high expectations so that is probably my own fault. But the story spent so much time focusing on our bad guy and his backstory (which was done very well), that the other characters fell short. I still cannot get over that HFX did not know BFX’s true identity until 2/3rds of the way into the show! A man that smart and with that many connections should have known. But I really loved our leads together as well as the fact our FL was just as strong (if not more so) then the men. 

Random Recommendation: The Romance of Tiger and Rose, same lead and better cohesive story imo. 

Rating: 3/5