July 8, 2021

Site Updates [New Updates]

You may have noticed some changes – two, so far. 

July 16 Update: I'm changing my mind again ~ xD I do that more often than you see ✌. Reviews are back with the recaps. I don't write very thorough reviews (all the time) to suffice for one new post each time. The review and ratings are a bit more hidden, though.  

1) The final review and ratings are separated from the recaps. 

Initially, everything was in one post because I am lazy. This was a place for my personal drama journey, which is obviously no longer that personal anymore. I get that some of you may disagree with my reviews, but you stay for the recaps. I'm not going to change my reviews or the way I think – I can't – but the very least I can do is separate them. You can read about your favourite drama regardless of my final reviews.

I had thought about separating all my previous recaps and reviews but I've lost all motivation when I stare at the number of posts I have to go through. 

Let me know in the poll (or in the comment section) what you think!

2) There is an option to submit your review

In separating my reviews, I have space (!!) to include your reviews. Don't fight for this~ Ha. I actually doubt I'll get a lot of this but the option is available. Sometimes I think it's a pity for some reviews to be stuck as just a comment on this site. I'm always open to giving a drama more love (even if I don't love it). If you want to criticize a drama, go for it, but justify yourself. This option is available for all dramas I have a post for (even Dropped Dramas). Read more here.

The reviews to be submitted don't have to be this fully fleshed out 1000 word+++ commentary. It can just be a highlight of one aspect that you really like in the drama.