April 16, 2021

Nirvana in Fire | Recap and Review II

A dying man’s quest for justice. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Hu GeMei Chang Su / Su Zhe / Lin Shu
Wang KaiXiao Jing Yan / Prince Jing
Chinese Title
List of Langya
Network: BTV
Episodes: 41-54
Episodes: 01-40
Recap Grade: B

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Mini Recaps

[Episodes 1-40] Here (I hate to separate my posts for one drama but it was lagging too much)

[Ep41] [Our Buffalo is a Thoughtful Buffalo] The Emperor laughs at Xia Jiang’s testimony that Mei Chang Su is Prince Qi’s follower. So funny! Not. Jing Yan is like How could that be? Well... Then the Emperor asks if Jing Yan has been visiting Mei Chang Su. He hasn't. Mei Chang Su was sick. The Emperor urges him to learn from Mr. Su but Jing Yan adds that he should bring the two ministers (Shen Zhui and Cai Quan) too. I thought he was trying to appear clueless in front of the Emperor but we learn later in Mei Chang Su’s conversation with Meng Zhi that Jing Yan is looking out for Mei Chang Su. Everything that happened between them will remain a secret and be buried. If the two ministers know of Mei Chang Su’s existence, then he will be remembered and valued. Aw

Also Jing Yan seemed pretty jealous that Ni Huang’s brother got to see Mei Chang Su when he didn’t. As for Mei Chang Su, Jing Yan is the last person he wants to see when he's not fully conscious. He might fail at keeping his guise in front of the person he cares about the most. 

["The Higher You Climb, The Harder You Fall”] Is it ominous that Jing Yan and Consort Jing are promoted? Also Consort Yue and Prince Yu are demoted. 

[Ep42] [Another Birth Secret! Who is Prince Yu's Mother?] Princess Xuan Ji left Ban Ruo and Xia Jiang a secret weapon if they ever find themselves at a dead end. I hadn’t realized until these few episodes how loyal Xia Jiang is to Hua Tribe. Because of what? Love? This man? They open the pouch and find a letter to Prince Yu from Princess Ling Long. Prince Yu is the son of Concubine Xiang who is actually Princess Ling Long, the elder sister of Princess Xuan Ji, Ban Ruo's master. Princess Ling Long trusted the Emperor but he accused Hua Tribe of rebellion (with The Great Land of Yu) and summoned Chiyan army to massacre her people and Princess Ling Long died on the battlefield. Prince Yu is very pitiful too. His father killed his mother and all these years his father pitted him against the Crown Prince. Mei Chang Su was right about the Emperor promoting Prince Yu only to counter-balance the ex-crown prince. Apparently, the Emperor had considered making him his heir if he performed well. From my perspective, Prince Yu never had a chance. He was only a second option if the Crown Prince couldn't do well – and by not doing well, the Crown Prince had to combust to smithereens right in front of the Emperor. That’s just not fair.  

[Water Buffalo] Supervisor Huang has more goodies for Consort Jing. This time it's the very first batch of spring tea but Consort Jing only drinks one type of team. Still, she accepts the present. She packs it up as well. Is it for her son? No. 

Consort Jing: That kid has always loved to drink water, a water buffalo indeed

So who is the tea for? It's for Mei Chang Su. The drama conveniently cuts to him. He's drinking tea from Ni Huang that her brother delivered. She knows he loves tea. Mu Qing comments how he can't differentiate the tea.  

Mei Chang Su: There are people who love tea and naturally there are people who don't. And then there are some people who are content with just water. Jing Yan, lol

[More Secrets! But For Jing Yan] Wei Zheng tells Jing Yan about Meiling. How did the great army of General Lin fall? Wei Zheng recalls they were already exhausted from the fight with Great Yu. When Xie Yu's army came, they easily cleared up Chiyan army, and Nie Yun's reinforcement never came (because Xie Yu cleaned that up too). Jing Yan is rattled to the depth of his soul. But my heart hurts for the glassy look in Mei Chang Su's eyes. That memory lives in him but unlike Jing Yan, Mei Chang Su has to repress his pain from visibly showing

[The Common Enemy: The Emperor] This episode's main purpose: renew our princes' desire for the throne. Their new goal is to remove the Emperor. For Prince Yu, the Emperor massacred his mother's family. For Jing Yan, the Emperor executed his brother and accused his family and friends of treason. The difference: Prince Yu wants revenge; Jing Yan wants justice

Prince Yu: The same way you (Emperor) seized the throne back then, I will do the same!

Jing Yan: My ultimate goal is to seek justice for them (Chiyan army and Prince Qi). Everything else is secondary Lin Shu agrees.

[The Spring Hunt] Prince Yu is plotting something! I got no clue what it is but on this spring hunt, only Consort Jing accompanies the Emperor. The other consorts stay behind. Mei Chang Su is going too. He asks Jing Yan why they are setting up tents in the wilderness instead of living in the Hunting Palace (where it's nice and cozy and SAFE!). Jing Yan says it's a tradition. 

Yu Jin complains that Mei Chang Su is teaching Ting Sheng (Prince Qi's son) how to hunt but not him. Yu Jin wants some love too. 

Mei Chang Su adds: Do you still remember who taught you the rules when you first learned hunting?
Yu Jin sighs: It was Lin Shu gege. 

How is this not a giveaway? 

Prince Ji spots Ting Sheng among the crowd. Does he know his identity from one glance? Prince Ji isn’t as dumb as he appears. For him and Gao Zhan to stay on the Emperor’s good side for all these years takes cleverness and patience

[Consort Jing meets Lin Shu] Consort Jing takes time to meet Mei Chang Su. I wonder if this was why she was so happy to go on this hunting trip. As long as she’s in the palace, there’s no opportunity to meet him. Also, the way she knew the Emperor was going to sleep for two hours seemed deliberate on her part. She must have given him sleeping herbs of some sort for this chance to meet Xiao Shu. 

After forty episodes, our main characters meet! Consort Jing sets her eyes on Mei Chang Su and loses her composure; she forgets to let him rise. He’s absolutely unrecognizable. His fear of cold also throws her off. Lin Shu was practically a mini-furnace. She has another test for Mei Chang Su. She accidentally pours tea on his hand just to check if the scar on his right hand is still there. There’s nothing. Ni Huang did that too. And just like Ni Huang, Consort Jing is still convinced he’s Mei Chang Su. Sigh. Jing Yan

[Ep43] [Consort Jing meets Lin Shu cont.] It was agonizing when Consort Jing took Mei Chang Su’s pulse. She diagnoses his fatal Bitter Flame Poison. No dialogue, just pure emotions. Oof. Consort Jing completely loses composure and asks Jing Yan to leave with the most random excuse. Once Jing Yan is gone, Mei Chang Su asks her to stop crying. What use will tears bring? 

Consort Jing: I don’t want to cry either but I’ve held back for so many years, I suddenly can’t bear it anymore. I don’t know how your parents will react when they see you in this state. 
Lin Shu: Auntie Jing, I’m fine. I’m just a bit weak. That’s all. It hurts me a lot that it's Lin Shu who’s comforting her when he’s the one in the most pain
Consort Jing: The bitter flame poison is the most vicious of them all. Getting rid of it takes more than just removing a layer of skin.

She asks if Doctor Yan has a solution. Lin Shu smiles up at her that his body is strong. He’ll be fine. Consort Jing breaks. "This is a poison that dissolves your bone and tears your skin and it still won’t be cured. How much torment will you have to undergo? If your parents knew you had to go through that much pain, their hearts would cry of agony." I’m breaking with her.  Consort Jing wants him to stay out of politics. She wants him to live well. But what is living well for Lin Shu?

Consort Jing: As for the Capital, leave it to me. Believe me, I promise I’ll succeed. I believe her, I really do
Lin Shu: No. It wasn't easy for me to arrive at this point. You can’t stop me now. Auntie Jing, if you really want what’s best for me, don’t ever tell Jing Yan who I am. We’re one step away from success. I will take care of my body – Consort Jing looks away – Auntie Jing, you will promise me, right?

The way Consort Jing told Mei Chang Su to believe her sounded so assertive, it’s like she was planning to vindicate Consort Chen and Lin Family all this time

[Will Yu Jin Know? Does Prince Ji know?] Ting Sheng slouches as he reads. Mei Chang Su lectures him to straighten up. It’s Yu Jin who reacts to that tone and mannerism. He finds it familiar. Mei Chang Su just smirks. Don’t underestimate Yu Jin! Yu Jin also brings up Prince Ji’s questions on Ting Sheng. This makes Mei Chang Su worried. 
[Prince Yu is Rebelling] Prince Yu convinces the Empress to use her powers to command the army. To the army, Prince Yu tells them Jing Yan is the mutineer. Someone eavesdrops on Prince Yu’s plan. It seems like it’s 4th Sister. She informs Tong Lu and helps him escape with her life. She dies. Her love for him is real. Tong Lu informs Li Gang and Zhen Ping. However, Xia Jiang had already closed the city gates. But! Tong Lu does the very same thing 4th Sister did for him. He sacrifices his life to allow Zhen Ping to leave the gates to inform Mei Chang Su. D:

[Does Jing Yan know????] Mei Chang Su devises a plan to counter Prince Yu’s army. He takes out Jing Yan’s sword from his sheath much like Lin Shu did in the past. Jing Yan is shocked! But I’ve lost too much trust in Jing Yan to believe his brain isn’t only made of water.  Then in their plan, Mei Chang Su clearly knows of a path they can take which seldom people know of. Meng Zhi can't follow this plan and that's when Jing Yan notices. Jing Yan coolly asks Mei Chang Su if Ni Huang told him this too. Ho ho ho~ Jing Yan, you’re losing the water weight! Once Jing Yan leaves, Meng Zhi apologetically turns to Mei Chang Su and is like You can’t blame me. You two were thinking too fast, I couldn’t follow! It’s okay Meng Yan, I love you.

[Bitter Flame Poison] Ban Ruo updates Xia Jiang about Mei Chang Su’s “Bitter Flame” poison. This guy’s shocked expression worries me. 

[Ep44] [Rising To The Occasion] The battle is here. Consort Jing is cool and calm in giving orders. Ting Sheng is volunteering to fight (Gong Yu is forced to babysit him). Mei Chang Su is back in his game as a general. He was raised for battles for god’s sake! But even the great Mei Chang Su is out of plans. Meng Yan stares steadily ahead, “We’ll defend to our deaths!” He’s so in zone that everyone is surprised. I love the look everyone gave him. They’ve never seen a cool Meng Zhi. Even Fei Liu is surprised. Yu Jin, our music lover, puts on his armour too. 

The Emperor and other royalties are hiding in this safe place. Notice how the Emperor is holding onto Consort Jing’s hand and not the other way around, heh. It’s Yan Que who calms down everyone. "If they charge through the gates there’s still the doors. If they charge through that door, there’s still our bodies.” Remember, he’s that brave envoy, the lone man who stood against armies for peace! Oh and there’s also Gao Zhan who’s calmly standing there. Always so calm. Mei Chang Su is there too (he's supposedly a regular scholar in everyone’s eyes). He’s protecting Ting Sheng.

My gosh, this war scene had me sitting at the edge of my seat. Please don’t let my people die

Ni Huang has descended in silver armour! Omg YES. Save your man! Jing Yan sent her here. She checks up on the Emperor, but really, she’s checking up on Mei Chang Su. 

Prince Yu is down. Down! Jing Yan can only go up! (I hope)

[Ep45] [Prince Yu Going Mad] Pitiful Prince Yu hears his father calling his mother a chest piece to the throne that he used and used until she’s no longer useful. The Emperor says she was too cunning and powerful. Our prince turns mad and laughs at his father that he should have killed him too to root out all his future troubles. True dat. It’s these living people who are out to get the Emperor. If he’s going to be treacherous, he should have cleared it at its root

[Ni Huang’s Cute Jealousy] After Ni Huang learns Gong Yu has been guarding Mei Chang Su’s tent, she proclaims she will be the one in charge of his protection from now on. 

[A Feral Mad Man] A white-haired beast has been captured! Mei Chang Su is rather intrigued. Once he meets the beast’s eyes, he knows it’s Nie Feng! Nie Feng recognizes him too – I believe that’s why the beast immediately stepped back. He’s afraid of harming Mei Chang Su (Lin Shu). But how did Mei Chang Su know this beast was someone from his Chiyan Army? The “Bitter Flame Poison” is unique to Chiyan Army, which is why Mei Chang Su has the same poison. If untreated, it turns them feral (with white hair). But Mei Chang Su doesn’t have white hair...
  • Remember [Ep16] I said there was something concealed. Xia Dong thought the person making a noise at the grave of her husband was Mei Chang Su but it wasn't. There’s a YouTube commentor who noticed that in 13:25 and 13:52 those suspicious movements in the forest was Nie Feng! That was Nie Feng’s first appearance in the drama!! And those timestamps are the angles from Nie Feng’s vision.
  • How many times do you have to rewatch this drama to catch this?
[Jing Yan’s Cute Jealousy] Jing Yan can’t quite seem to figure out why Mei Chang Su cares so much about this white haired beast to even give up his own precious blood. Even his mother worries about the beast after hearing about the “white hair”. Poor Jing Yan is left in the dark. He also notices how close Mei Chang Su and Consort Jing are. Jing Yan is jealous everyone is close to Mei Chang Su but him. Consort Jing and Mei Chang Su have the perfect answer for every suspicion he has. Jing Yan humphs: "Okay, fine, everything is normal!” Ha. Mom knows he’s dissatisfied with the answers. 

Jing Yan’s jealousy speaking: It’s just that you’re both hiding something and it’s making me feel ostracized.  
Consort Jing: The path that you’ve chosen is a lonely one. The higher you rise, the lonelier you will become
Jing Yan sighs that he has been relishing the past a lot these days
Consort Jing: Jing Yan, that heavy burden in your heart is something only you can solve. I cannot help you. But I believe that someday when you look back you will know how fortunate you are right now to have friends who can support you. 

Now parallel what Consort Jing said to Jing Yan to what Mei Chang Su says to Nie Feng. 

Mei Chang Su: We were brought back to life by the spirits of our fallen brothers. ... All the soldiers of Chiyan Army live within us. So we must never give up, all their hopes, we must carry them. 
Nie Feng immediately straightens up and nods at his general Lin Shu. Mission received

Mei Chang Su has been walking this lonely path for his fallen soldiers all these years. He lives his life for them. Jing Yan is only beginning on this path. Will Jing Yan in the future be able to recall how fortunate he is to have Mei Chang Su accompanying him, fighting with him to make his path less lonely? I’m crying a river while typing this. It hurts me so much that Mei Chang Su is living his life like a dead man for his perished brothers. To Mei Chang Su, there is no such thing as living for himself. He is alive because of his soldiers.  

[Does Jing Yan Know?] Mei Chang Su’s poison aggravates overnight. He’s been giving his medication to Nie Feng. A worried Fei Liu calls Jing Yan for help. Fei Liu doesn’t know how to address him and opts for “Water Buffalo!”. Lol, very accurate. As Jing Yan tends to Mei Chang Su, a rather delirious Mei Chang Su calls out to Jing Yan by his given name.

[Ep46] [Ni Huang Knows Consort Jing Knows] The two ladies share one look and both of them know they know about Mei Chang Su. Just what went wrong with our buffalo?

[Does Jing Yan Know?] Consort Jing dispels Mei Chang Su’s slip up as mutterings of someone delirious. Jing Yan isn’t convinced. The next morning, he asks Mei Chang Su and Consort Jing what Mei Chang Su's father’s name is since they both claim his father saved her. To Jing Yan’s disappointment, they both give the same answer: Mei Shi Nan (石楠). Poor Jing Yan thought of this plan the entire night!

Jing Yan to his mom: I think I am really crazy. Honey, you’re not, lol. I was certain that he was Lin Shu. 

Jing Yan is devastated by his own craziness. So in the end, he doesn’t know

[Prince Ji is Too Perceptive: “So this whole nation is ultimately his."] The Emperor inquires the very neutral Prince Ji about his opinions on Jing Yan bringing the Crown Prince. When Prince Ji steps out of the Emperor’s presence, he sighs that “So this nation is ultimately his.” I had thought “his” meant Jing Yan but Mei Chang Su clarifies that Prince Ji had actually meant the late Prince Qi. Jing Yan is the most similar to Prince Qi. If Jing Yan succeeds the throne, it is like Prince Qi is reigning again and therefore the nation is ultimately his again. 

Prince Ji: The nation belongs to him which means this Divine Scholar – pats Mei Chang Su – also belongs to him

Prince Ji knows Mei Chang Su is loyal to Prince Qi! It’s only you, my water buffalo who doesn’t know. Mei Chang Su changes the topic to Jing Yan and thanks Prince Ji for recommending Jing Yan to the Emperor. 

Prince Ji: I only target things and not people. Anything I say is what I see. There’s nothing to thank me for.
Mei Chang Su: Prince Jing wants to thank Your Highness for saving Ting ShengOuuuuu
Prince Ji: There’s even less to be thankful then. We are all family. No one here isn’t related to anyone elseI'm very perplexed how much Prince Ji actually knows. He definitely knows about Ting Sheng being Prince Qi's son but does he also know of Mei Chang Su's identity? "NO ONE here isn't related to anyone." Lin Shu is the son of a Princess, therefore Prince Ji’s sister... and therefore Lin Shu is his nephew. 
Mei Chang SuSilence 

[Karma] The Emperor has faced two rebellions. The first one he launched it and claimed the throne. The second time was Prince Yu’s rebellion. The Emperor won both but does he know what he won? It’s Jing Yan who won. The Emperor is losing the empire to Jing Yan. Next, the Empress falls from grace. It’s Consort Hui (whom the Empress always bullies) who reads her decree. 

What comes around goes around. 

Prince Yu gets his karma too. His wife is pregnant with his child but she is to die with him. Mei Chang Su overhears  everything in the prison. His expression is unreadable. Prince Yu coldly laughs that his predicament is just like Prince Qi’s. Now that’s an insult Mei Chang Su can’t stomach. There’s nothing that can connect the two princes other than the fact that they’ve both been imprisoned. Unlike Prince Qi, no one will remember Prince Yu. No one will absolve his humiliation (even Prince Yu’s righthand man betrayed him). In contrast, think of how many people still proclaim loyalty to Prince Qi.

Prince Yu: What makes you so sure that no one will plead my innocence? Karma exists. Forget it. you wouldn’t understand anyways.  
Mei Chang Su: How do I not understand? Thirteen years ago, you stood here and watched your elder brother drink the poisonous wine and you relayed nothing of the message he wanted you to convey to His Majesty. And now you’re in the same prison cell as he was. This is your karma. 

Mei Chang Su takes Prince Yu's wooden nameplate and turns it over. Prince Yu is done for. He commits suicide. I think Emperor has a nightmare of Concubine Xiang (Princess Ling Long) after his son’s suicide. 

Also Mei Chang Su saved Prince Yu’s unborn child. Ultimately, Mei Chang Su wants justice and won’t pull others down in his quest for justice. 

[A Marriage for Jing Yan (and Lin Shu?)] Prince Ji is rushing his wife to help select the new consort for Jing Yan. Prince Ji is reminded that when Yu Jin’s mother was pregnant, everyone thought she was going to give birth to a girl and everyone fought for her marriage. Prince Ji couldn’t win the bid. That makes Yu Jin very curious. Who was he supposed to marry if he were born as a girl instead? Prince Ji only sighs that if this child was still alive today, then he would be approximately Yu Jin’s age. Of the royalties around Yu Jin’s age, the only ones who died as a child are the Empress’s son and “Lin Shu”. If it’s the Empress’s son, it doesn’t add much to the story (at least not to my knowledge). I’m inclined to believe it was Lin Shu, especially after that meaningful exchange between Prince Ji and Mei Chang Su.

[Ep47] [A Catalyst for Jealousy: Gong Yu] Gong Yu has mysterious powers to allow her to disguise as someone. She will take the place as Xia Dong in prison to allow her to meet Nie Feng. Ni Huang comments it'll be tough on Gong Yu. The latter steals a glance at Mei Chang Su while saying for her master, she can do that much for him. Mei Chang Su draws a clear line that Xia Dong and Nie Feng will be thankful for her – not him. Mei Chang Su is always rejecting her advances. I think Ni Huang notices that.

[Mei Chang Su Needs Catalyst] Xie Yu dies. Mei Chang Su's lines that burn: "He's more useful dead than alive." The letter that Xie Yu wrote can now be revealed. However, Mei Chang Su needs a catalyst to bring the letter to light. 

On a tangent: this scene reminds me of Ep18/Ep22 where we learn that Mei Chang Su had started rumours in Southern Chu from all the way back in Ep3 in order to crash Jing Rui's birthday party with the news of his birth secret. Now we've been waiting for Xie Yu's letter since Ep24. Will it be time to crash another birthday party?  

[Jing Yan, Please Don't be the Catalyst] Shen Zhui warns Jing Yan to never allow the Emperor to have the idea that he has the ability to rebel. Prince Qi didn't die because he rebelled but that he could rebel. 

Also! Now that Jing Yan is smoothly in place to be the Crown Prince, Mei Chang Su is erasing his existence. He's closing the secret chamber. Once that disappears, no one would know the pivotal role Mei Chang Su had in making Jing Yan king. Omg
[A Catalyst for Sympathy: Lin Chen] This man seems carefree but if you pay attention, you'll know he really cares about Mei Chang Su. Lin Chen wanted to check Mei Chang Su’s pulse first but the latter insists he check Nie Feng first. Lin Chen compromises – he checks both of them. Then when Mei Chang Su asks how his pulse is, Lin Chen's eyes lingers on Mei Chang Su when both men knew Mei Chang Su was referring to Nei Feng. Lin Chen always puts Mei Chang Su first and Mei Chang Su always puts others first

Xia Dong and Nie Feng reunite! Zero dialogue but my tears are flowing. The happiness on Xia Dong's face touches upon everyone in the room, especially Ni Huang. She clutches onto Mei Chang Su. He holds her hand too. Then we switch scenes to our lonely buffalo. LOL. Gosh, Drama, I was crying and then you made me laugh with Jing Yan's pouty look. He technically is getting a partner this episode too. It's just too bad the one partner he wants is Lin Shu but everyone's hiding Lin Shu from him. Heh. 

Nie Feng has Bitter Flame Poison. This poison can kill you and it can save you. It will attack multiple times a day and only human blood can reduce the pain. Xie Dong asks if there's a cure. Notice how Mei Chang Su's head drops! There are two ways, as Lin Chen explains: a full one and a partial one. The first way is a complete reformation of the bone and flesh to extract the poison. You're filing the bone and peeling the skin. Then you're bedridden for more than a year. The result is you look like a human but you lost all your immunity to things like the common cold. Lin Chen cheerfully adds that if you take care of yourself, living until your 40 is fine. Oof. The truth settles in. Mei Chang Su chose this method to live.

Meng Zhi boils and seethes: You don't care about your life but have you thought of us? Sniffle.

I'm very grateful Lin Chen revealed this to everyone even if everything sounds like a joke from him. Mei Chang Su wanted to hide this until his death but people who care about Mei Chang Su deserve to know. Otherwise, how are they going to cherish the time they have left with him? 

And now we all know why Consort Jing lost all her composure when she took his pulse. Oh my. This just gets sadder and sadder

Xia Dong wants Nie Feng to choose the second option: treat the poison such that Nie Feng no longer yearns for blood and can live for many years. The white hair and the stiffness of the tongue will stay. Xia Dong will trade in anything for more time with Nie Feng.

[Ep48] [Xia Dong Knows Too] Wei Zheng pleads Lin Chen to be nicer to his “young marshal”. Lin Chen shakes his head; he’s here to help Mei Chang Su carry out his life’s wish and not to send him to his death. Xia Dong connects the dots and joins the clique. I really like how Lin Chen is disrupting Mei Chang Su’s plans of dying alone and erasing his tracks

[The Resolve: Not Just Removing the Emperor] Just what is it that’s pushing Mei Chang Su to go to such lengths, to choose such a torturous path for himself? It's for Chiyan Army’s justice; it's for the lives of his perished soldiers. That’s why he couldn’t tell Meng Zhi or anyone else. They’d try to stop him. Meng Zhi asks Mei Chang Su is it not time for Mei Chang Su to rest now that Jing Yan is the Crown Prince? No. Mei Chang Su needs to clear the treason crimes while the Emperor is still the Emperor. It cannot be done after the Emperor steps down otherwise Jing Yan will only appear biased for his dear brother and it will not be a true resolve against corruption. Meng Zhi stares at Mei Chang Su. There isn't a single room for negotiation. Meng Zhi didn’t think Mei Chang Su would lie to him too. He might as well have been lied to right from the very beginning just like Jing Yan who doesn’t know a thing. Well... I’d rather be a Meng Zhi than a Jing Yan. Anyway, I hurt for Meng Zhi who’s hurting for Mei Chang Su

[How Much Longer?] Unlike Meng Zhi who’s asking Mei Chang Su for explanations, Ni Huang just wants to know how much longer he has left to live. Any lies he said to her before, she can forgive him but for this he must tell her the truth. Mei Chang Su says ten years. 

Ni Huang holds back her tears: That’s enough. Oof.

Mei Chang Su looks surprised. He didn't know she would be happy with just that. She hugs him and makes him promise that within these ten years, he can’t leave her.  He hugs her back but the man doesn’t say a word as he stares up to the sky with tears in his eyes. 

Lin Chen sees Mei Chang Su sending off Meng Zhi and Ni Huang. He sighs that Mei Chang Su has convinced two more people. There's no one who can stop his recklessness. Doesn’t Lin Chen sound disappointed that no one can convince Mei Chang Su to stop? As Lin Chen vents some more, Mei Chang Su faints over. When he wakes up, Lin Chen asks “Are you purposely scaring me every time I get angry at you?” See, he cares! Mei Chang Su isn’t scaring him. He wants and needs Lin Chen’s help. He still has a lot to do and needs at least a year. 

Lin Chen: A year? If you continue to stress yourself like this, you’re fortunate to even have half a year! That’s why Lin Chen is so angry

Not even half a year... Mei Chang Su is so cruel to himself and in turn cruel to everyone who loves him

Mei Chang Su explains his resolve to Lin Chen. 

Mei Chang Su: Mei Chang Su isn’t just Lin Shu. He bears the souls of his aggrieved brothers who seek justice. It wasn’t easy getting here. I still have to see Jing Yan getting married. Oh my. Who’s tears have stopped at all from the beginning of this episode? I still have to see him govern and restore the court step by step. I need to wait until news of Xie Yu’s death arrives in the city, Xia Jiang’s downfall. I need to wait until His Majesty agrees to have the case retried. I need time to see all this. 

Lin Chen patiently listens. He tells his brother to rest assured. He won’t let him fall. 

Everyone grieves over Mei Chang Su after they learn of his health condition – everyone except Lin Chen. Logically, he should be the saddest of them all. He knows Mei Chang Su's health the best and he’s watching his friend die day by day when he’s one of the most powerful physicians of them. How is that not heartbreaking? And yet he continues to be jovial with Mei Chang Su because if he’s not happy, then who else can surround Mei Chang Su with laughter? This is heartbreaking. 

Mei Chang Su asks Xia Dong for help. He tells her the truth that he doesn’t have long to live. He wants her to watch over Ni Huang and if she ever meets a good man, convince her to move on. 

Mei Chang Su: When I am gone, can I entrust Ni Huang to you? 

What can Xia Dong do other than nod? 

[Consort Jing’s Loves Nanshu] Has anyone ever wondered if Consort Jing ever loved the Emperor? When Consort Jing is informed that the Emperor is visiting Consort Yue who is sick, that unchanging smile of Consort Jing’s is so telling. Then has anyone wondered if she has ever loved someone? Check out the following scene: 

Jing Yan’s fiancee notices Consort Jing gazing at the tree right outside her room.

Fiancee: Does Your Highness like “Nan-shu”? (Tree)
Consort Jing: Yes. I have always loved (it). 

The first layer to peel in this conversation is that the name "Mei Shi Nan" is really Lin Shu's father's nickname. 

The second layer, a very hidden layer, is that Consort Jing admits to loving Lin Shu's father! That tree that she planted right outside her room, visible without any obstruction, is a Nan-tree, the very tree Lin Xie based his nickname on. I bracketed the “it” because Consort Jing never used a pronoun to describe what exactly she loved. It’s open for interpretation.

Consort Jing's character very well balances Yan Que's. Consort Jing loves Lin Shu's father; Yan Que loves Prince Qi's father. 

[The Emperor Knows?] A Red Sleeve Beckoning spy sends a letter to Consort Yue who is still hopeful her son can become king once Jing Yan falls. Consort Yue obediently relays the message from Xia Jiang to the Emperor: Mei Chang Su is Lin Shu. Gao Zhan is looking visibly concerned. 

[Ep49] [Gao Zhan!] For once Gao Zhan has a question for the Emperor without first being asked. He doesn’t understand the Bitter Flame Poison. It’s a rare poison that only appears in a raging flame and a blizzard, and with Meiling snow bugs. That is why most, if not all, of Chiyan soldiers contracted this Bitter Flame Poison. If Mei Chang Su has it, then he’s definitely a "Liang traitor". The Emperor is set on believing Xia Jiang’s words. Gao Zhan immediately lights up when Consort Jing’s maid has soup for the Emperor. In a low voice he tells the maid to not let Mei Chang Su enter the palace. Aha! Gao Zhan is team Consort Jing! It’s too late. Mei Chang Su is already inside the palace. 

[Jing Yan KNOWSAnd he’s the last to know. Xia Jiang accuses Mei Chang Su of being Lin Shu. Mei Chang Su is like, I am Lin Shu so whatcha got. Mei Chang Su isn’t an idiot to confess like that. He’s playing a mind game. He asks the Emperor how it will be proved whether he is or isn’t Lin Shu. At the end of the day, who benefits the most from his suspicions? It’s Xia Jiang. Xia Jiang is just finding a scapegoat to make a comeback. Emperor, can you not see that? And the table is turned. I think I see smoke coming out of Xia Jiang’s nostrils. The Emperor is convinced by Mei Chang Su and arrests Xia Jiang. However, one last line from Xia Jiang plants a seed of doubt in the Emperor again. 

Xia Jiang: It’s better to kill wrong than release wrong. I think this is a really important line that Youtube watchers might miss out on because the subs have it a different way

The Emperor whispers something to Gao Zhan who immediately excuses himself. The Emperor then dismisses Jing Yan to be alone with Mei Chang Su but before he leaves Gao Zhan is back pretty quickly with cups of wine. The Emperor is heeding to Xia Jiang's advice and is serving Mei Chang Su poison. Gao Zhan isn’t inconspicuous at all that Mei Chang Su’s wine is different, earning a piercing glare from the Emperor. Ha. Exposed. Jing Yan pours the poisonous wine to the floor while staring down at his father. Gao Zhan deliberately made it obvious the wine was poisonous so that Jing Yan had every right to insult the Emperor’s cowardice.  

Meng Zhi quickly helps Mei Chang Su leave the court. Our poor baby, Jing Yan, strides in his rich and magnificent robes but there's such emptiness in his eyes. He’s looking within himself at the memories he shares with Mei Chang Su, his Lin Shu. How could he not have known? How could you not have known!

[Ep50] [Everyone But You] Jing Yan looks to Mom for answers. He had never thought Mei Shi Nan was a real name that Lin Xie used. The story of Mei Shi Nan was true. He did save Consort Jing in the past. He was her hero. 

Although Jing Yan knows Mei Chang Su is his Lin Shu, he still doesn’t know how ill he is. 

[Gao Zhan: "I Don't Believe"] Never has Gao Zhan sounded more confident in his answers. He tells the Emperor there's no way Mei Chang Su is Lin Shu because Jing Yan would never allow Lin Shu to be captured by Xia Jiang. The Emperor is like Oh right!

[Lin Chen Whipping Up Our Gang] Everyone is worried about Mei Chang Su except Lin Chen. He’s teasing Fei Liu with a peacock tail but Li Gang and Zhen Ping know that the more foolish Lin Chen acts, the more he’s worried about Mei Chang Su. Oh no. Should we all worry now?

Gong Yu is captured by Cai Quan for disguising as Xia Dong. Our gang are like a bunch of headless chickens fretting on what to do without Mei Chang Su’s guidance (he’s still unconscious). Lin Chen sighs at their incompetence. No wonder Mei Chang Su is overworked. As Lin Chen is playing with Fei Liu and whipping up the gang, I feel like he’s preparing everyone for when Mei Chang Su is gone. D: 

One more thing: Lin Chen reminds Meng Zhi why Cai Quan knew Gong Yu was in prison for Xia Dong. Lin Chen drops him another hint: his close guard just married a Hua Tribe girl. 

["Everyone must be given a chance to prove themselves.”] Mei Chang Su burns the last two of his voodoo wooden tiles. He no longer needs to uproot these ministers (who were loyal to the previous princes). They have changed for the better. Echoing Shen Zhui’s words: "Everyone must be given a chance to prove themselves.”  
[Gong Yu is a Hua Tribe Girl!] Gong Yu confesses she too belongs to Hua Tribe but she’s not loyal to them. She’s loyal to Mei Chang Su. Mei Chang Su knows. Her identity doesn’t matter to him. He doesn’t see a reason to discriminate against her just because she’s Hua Tribe. Echoing Shen Zhui’s word: "Everyone must be given a chance to prove themselves."

Mei Chang Su is understanding but aloof at Gong Yu's alarming identity. Lin Chen nags at how cold he is to Gong Yu after she mustered up so much courage to tell him her identity. Mei Chang Su doesn’t want to give her hope. When there’s no hope, there’s less disappointment. What about Ni Huang? 

[A Safe Birthday!] It’s Yan Que’s birthday (and nothing bad happens!!). There's a Madam Han visiting. She’s Xia Jiang’s ex-wife. Han Zhuo is her son (and Xia Jiang’s son). Yan Que lied to Xia Jiang, eh

[Some Bromance] Isn’t Mei Chang Su extra cute around Lin Chen? Did we ever get to see a laughing Mei Chang Su like the one in this episode when Fei Liu dumped cold water onto Lin Chen? Did we ever see a playful Mei Chang Su who’s trying to steal a drink from Lin Chen only to answer haughtily that he knows which drink is his. The bitter one. Also, Mei Chang Su's copycat-sigh was too cute. If Jing Yan is Lin Shu’s best friend then Lin Chen is Mei Chang Su’s best friend.

[Mei Chang Su Visits Xia Jiang] Mei Chang Su gives Xia Jiang the letter his ex-wife wrote. It’s a list of names of Hua Tribe members hidden in Da Liang. He asks if Mei Chang Su is a ghost who’s haunting him. 

Mei Chang Su is smug: You said I am Lin Shu and I admitted I am Lin Shu but His Majesty didn’t believe it. What can I do? 

[Uproot Hua Tribes!"Everyone must be given a chance to prove themselves.” But those who don’t change for the better need to be removed. Mei Chang Su has figured out Prince Yu is Princess Ling Long’s son. They’re bound to retaliate and so Mei Chang Su uproots all of them to prevent Hua Tribe from exacting revenge. 

[Ep51] [A Reform to Come] Jing Yan and Mei Chang Su visit the prison cell that once held Prince Qi. A flashback: A young Prince Yu appears uncomfortable as he delivers the poisonous wine to Prince Qi. Presently, Jing Yan looks over at Lin Shu whose gaze is fixed to the cell. Jing Yan promises him he will vindicate Prince Qi and Chiyan Army. The specific term Jing Yan used for vindicate is “洗雪”. There’s more common words to use but the drama chose this pair of character because "洗" means "Wash" and "雪 "means "Snow." Together it means "washing the snow" or removing the snow, and therefore removing the corruption. 

[The Little Things Mei Chang Su Does for Xie Family] Xie Bi is off to retrieve Xie Yu’s corpse. Mei Chang Su sends men to protect Xie Bi along the way. Mei Chang Su had predicted Hua Tribe would be after Princess Li Yang for Xie Yu's letter and so Zhen Ping was there to protect her from the assassins. Mei Chang Su is very thorough. 

[What is Living?] Wei Zheng, Li Gang and Zhen Ping have found Bing (ice) Xu Grass that can save Mei Chang Su’s Bitter Flame Poison. That grass needs another ingredient: the blood of ten humans. In other words ten lives will be sacrificed to save Mei Chang Su. The three men are willing to do it. But Mei Chang Su won’t. The men don’t think it’s fair Mei Chang Su has to die. 

And then we get the question of the quality of life. Is it determined by length? There was once a man who used this method to survive but he lost more than he gained. 

The meaning of death is visited many times in this drama by various people. Something for you to ponder on:  

Xie Yu: "Only the living have the right to speak"
Xia Jiang: "When you die, you won’t have anything left"
Mei Chang Su: "We were brought back to life by the spirits of our fallen brothers. ... All the soldiers of Chiyan Army live within us. So we must never give up, all their hopes, we must carry them."

@Xie Yu, Mei Chang Su is giving voice to the dead. 
@Xia Jiang, Mei Chang Su will live on.

[Mei Chang Su Cannot Be Lin Shu Again] Su Zhe is notorious for his scheming and manipulation. It cannot be known that he was behind Jing Yan’s ascent. That will taint his image. Jing Yan has a glorious future to turn his kingdom great and magnificent. Jing Yan retorts that he doesn’t care what others say. But Mei Chang Su does and he hopes that Jing Yan will too. Only when Jing Yan can take the consideration of others can he be a wise ruler of the nation.

Mei Chang Su: 只有把天下人的看法放在心里才能够得自省和约束才能够成为一代明君 / It is only if you take consideration of your citizens will you learn and be a wise ruler. This is the king Mei Chang Su wants for Liang Nation and this is the king Jing Yan will be

Oh but Jing Yan wants Lin Shu back so much! 

Mei Chang Su: No longer being Lin Shu is not unfair ... Let the old Lin Shu remain as a memory in everyone’s hearts. 

Our Water Buffalo needs a bit of time to accept this harsh reality. 

[Jing Rui is Back!] Jing Rui is still the good boy but there’s some differences. He doesn’t call Xie Yu his father anymore. He calls him “Marquis Xie”. In front of Mei Chang Su, he hesitates on addressing him, but soon enough, he can’t help but call him “Brother Su” (and not Mr. Su). 

Jing Rui accompanies his mother, Princess Li Yang, to give Jing Yan the letter Xie Yu wrote. But that’s not what Mei Chang Su or Jing Yan want. They want her to disclose the letter to the Emperor on his birthday. Oh yes, a birthday party! I love those. Jing Yan wants Princess Li Yang to join him in forcing the Emperor for a retrial. Princess Li Yang is too afraid of the aftermath if they fail and asks what’s in it for her. Oh, now this makes Mei Chang Su boil. He’s rarely furious but I think it’s because he had hoped for more of Princess Li Yang. Poor Jing Rui is a puppy caught in a tight spot. 

[Another Son] Xia Jiang’s son visits him in prison. Madam Han lets her son bow to him to at least be grateful he gave birth to him. She tells her son (Han Zhuo) “As long as you live, always keep a clear conscience.” And be nothing like your father

All these sons (Han Zhuo, Xie Bi, Jing Rui) are the complete opposites of their fathers. We’re already seeing a reform in the next generation. 

[Ep52] [Princess Li Yang On Board] Princess Li Yang was worried about her family if she had confronted the Emperor but she puts that aside and promises to help Jing Yan and his cause. Mei Chang Su had predicted her concern but didn't address it earlier because he doesn't want to win her support with an exchange. This is how Mei Chang Su wins his allies. He doesn’t threaten them like Prince Yu, Ban Ruo, Xia Jiang and Xie Yu. Li Yang notes that Jing Yan really trusts Mei Chang Su. 

Jing Yan: Mr. Su and I are one and the same. 

[Our Water Buffalo is Angry] Mei Chang Su has a favour to ask of Jing Yan: if he could be present during the Emperor's birthday. Oh man. Jing Yan can't even sit down properly after hearing that. Of course Mei Chang Su should be there! He's Lin Shu! Everything to this point was the result of his blood and sweat. How can he not be there? Jing Yan cannot believe Mei Chang Su had asked him that

Jing Yan: Even if I don't change your name back to Lin Shu, in front of me, are you still going to be Mei Chang Su? 

Mei Chang Su can't rebut Jing Yan for once! Jing Yan asks him if he was planning to leave the city after the retrial. Mei Chang Su doesn't answer. We get a scene cut of Lin Chen making something (medicine!). He converses with Fei Liu that they can leave the city soon. Fei Liu says in his staccato-like sentences that anywhere with Su gege is good. Lin Chen's expression falls. Back to Jing Yan, Mei Chang Su turns around to speak. He tells Jing Yan that three or five years later he'll come back and visit. Their friendship can at least withstand that sort of time, right? Jing Yan is still the only one who doesn’t know he's going to die. Now I really feel bad for Jing Yan

Jing Yan asks Mei Chang Su to be honest about his health. Mei Chang Su smiles and answers that complete recovery is impossible. He jokes that he’s just a weak man now. He'll never be able to win against Jing Yan. Seeing Mei Chang Su fooling around, Jin Yang cracks a smile too.

Jing Yan: You have the biggest advantage now. Even if you hit me, it's not like I can hit you back. Aw, this is the first time Mei Chang Su finally turned into Lin Shu in front of Jing Yan. Can we please have more of this? 
[Ting Sheng] Our men pause a bit to talk about their son, I mean Ting Sheng, He's Prince Qi’s son but child-rearing has mainly fallen on Mei Chang Su and Jing Yan. Neither of them want to tell Ting Sheng his birth. It would just add an unnecessary burden to his life. It’s best to remain ignorant and live carefree. We don’t need a Mei Chang Su 2.0.  Jing Yan plans to adopt him to raise his status a bit more. Although "he can’t be a prince, he can be a pillar to support the palace.” After hearing that from Jing Yan, Mei Chang Su is lost in thought but he doesn’t reveal it and Drama doesn't explain it. Allow me to try to fill in this gap. I think at this point, Mei Chang Su realizes Ting Sheng knows his birth. Ting Sheng has been working hard to train himself – unnecessarily hard. The reason for it is because he knows he’s a prince but "he can’t be a prince so he might as well be a pillar to support the palace"

[Last Breath] Jing Yan asks Mei Chang Su if his health can hold up on the Emperor’s birthday. Mei Chang Su assures him he's been waiting his whole life for that day. Even if it is his last breath, he will hold on.

[Egg-sized Pearl] Jing Yan gives Mei Chang Su a present. It's a pearl the size of an egg. Mei Chang Su stares at it and accepts it without a response. Jing Yan is a little disappointed. Shouldn’t he at least say something? Mei Chang Su smirks that he owed him this for "fourteen" years. 

Mei Chang Su said thirteen but shouldn't it be fourteen? We've already had a New Year and a March Spring Hunt

[Lin Chen Answers AllHonestly, Jing Yan should have talked to Lin Chen instead of Mei Chang Su when it comes to his health. Mei Chang Su is a pathological liar when it comes to that. Lin Chen knows why Mei Chang Su won't return to his original name. Once Mei Chang Su becomes Lin Shu again, all his motivations to live will be gone. That one breath that keeps him alive will be exhaled. Also, what difference will it make now to be Lin Shu? Mei Chang Su will die soon. It’s unnecessary to link Lin Shu to this dying man. 
[Birthday! Woot] On the birthday of the mighty Emperor who rules the world, at the height of his party, Princess Li Yang reads the damning letter to everyone in attendance. The Emperor throws a fit but kicking the poor furniture won't help because no one in attendance is letting him leave. But he's the Emperor! Well, everyone here is team Jing Yan. Muah. I enjoy Prince Ji's amused look the best among the entire audience. All the ministers motion for a retrial. 'Cause there's just no reason not to. The simplest solution is a retrial! Why not? You know unless you're guilty, which Your Highness, you can't be! Are you? (; 

Then Prince Ji stands up – the Emperor sees hope! – and he too motions for a retrial. Emperor: Oh! My poor heart! Heart Pills! Where art thou?

[What’s Black is Black and What’s White is White] Prior to the party, Jing Yan had visited the Emperor. They played a game of Go but paused the game. This unfinished game of their black and white pieces parallels the unfinished trial of Prince Qi's treason. What’s black and what’s white needs to be discerned.

[Ep53] [A Whining Emperor] Our Emperor is like a baby throwing a tantrum in front of his ministers. He doesn't get why there needs to be a retrial when Xie Yu and Xia Jiang are already convicted (of other crimes!). 

Jing Yan: The case concerns the truth and the innocent, not just the two men who committed their crimes. 
Emperor: Then who else do you wish to be blamed for this? Your Highness.
Jing Yan: The case concerns the lack of justice, those who are guilty and those who are negligent must be prosecuted.  
Emperor: Those who are guilty and those who are negligent... who exactly are you referring to?! 
Jing Yan stares at the EmperorSilenceYour Highness.

The Emperor dares Jing Yan if he would consider overthrowing him to force him for a retrial. 

Jing Yan: I am taught by my brother (and not by his father, ha). Everyone knew Prince Qi's sole wish was to make Liang great and the people in it to live in peace. What he did not do in the past, I too shall refuse to do it. Ha, I hope you can read between the lines and see how much he's insulting the Emperor

The Emperor eyes Mei Chang Su. He thinks Mei Chang Su will overthrow him. No. That isn’t our Mei Chang Su. Mei Chang Su reminds the Emperor of Lin Xie. Lin Xie risked his life to prove to the late Emperor that the current His Highness didn't rebel. It was General Lin who helped His Highness secure the throne he has today. It was General Lin again who protected the borders and rescued His Highness from the enemy. General Lin never once betrayed His Highness. 

Mei Chang Su: The Crown Prince's request from you today is merely to reveal the truth from back then. Just why is the Emperor so reluctant to grant such a reasonable request. 

The Emperor fumbles and trips and loses his royal crown as he runs to point a sword at Mei Chang Su. Jing Yan shields Mei Chang Su with his own body as if daring his father to pierce him in the heart right now. 

Jing Yan: You can kill me. You can kill anyone who wants to investigate this case because you're the Emperor. But once you decide to kill everyone, will you still be the highly respected emperor. 

His Highness leaves the banquet in a mess: straggly hair, rumpled clothes, and crown-less. Nothing like a His Highness. Consort Jing visits the Emperor in his room. 

Consort Jing: You are the son of heaven (天子). If you choose to remain ignorant about the truth then nobody can persuade you. Yet even the most important Emperor has his limits to what he can do. For example, you can’t change the minds of everyone (天下), you can’t change the morals of your future sons, and you can’t stop the dreams of those people who supported you. Tell me, Your Highness, have you dreamt of Consort Chen lately? Yes he has. Consort Jing knows it best
Emperor: Why are you all seeking me? It’s because of Xia Jiang and Xie Yu. So whiny.
Consort Jing: I believe that even though there exists someone as vicious as Xia Jiang, there will be one or two people who can stop them from realizing their dreams. Your Highness

I deliberately emphasized “Highness”. To me, it's never been so obvious how unworthy he is of taking the seat at the highest position until now. Yes, I knew he was bad but man, he’s a coward. His reaction. His sissiness. How did he become the rule of our 天下 (tianxia), our world. Do remember how much fight Xie Yu and Xia Jiang had left in them. They didn’t admit defeat until the bitter end. It was do or die. But Our Highness, our  天子 (tianzi), the son of the heavens has cowered from simply being confronted

The Emperor’s current predicament: he’s stuck in the palace and can’t call for help. He has only one choice and that is to approve of a retrial. However, the Emperor has one last summoning before he approves: to see Mei Chang Su and only Mei Chang Su. 

Mei Chang Su asks the Emperor if he wants to read Xie Yu’s letter because at this point, he hasn’t read it. Which means the Emperor knew the content before even reading it. The Emperor is so guilty. Mei Chang Su asks the pivotal question, “Are you afraid of reading it?” 

Mei Chang Su: Before Prince Qi’s death, Prince Qi insisted for the death decree to be read aloud three times. After the edict, he only said this: “The father doesn’t know the son and the son doesn’t know the father. Without blinking, Prince Qi drank the wine. Your Highness, do you know what he meant by that line? If Your Highness really knew Prince Qi, you would have known he would never rebel and if Prince Qi really knew you, he wouldn’t have refused to believe that you would kill him even at his death. May I ask Your Highness, do you even feel the slightest bit of regret? No, he’s still whining.  

The Emperor goes on to complain about all the suspicious things Prince Qi and General Lin have done (gaining support from loyal followers and stuff – oh wow, so suspicious)

Emperor: Prince Qi would defy me in court and kept going on and on about his views on “天下", “天下" (“the world” so to speak but more directly it is the world beneath the sky). Tell me! Is this 天下 mine or is it Xiao Jing Yu’s 天下??

Mei Chang Su raises his voice天下 belongs to the people of 天下. If there’s no citizens, why do we need a 天子 (the son of heavens) ... In Your Highness’s heart, I’m afraid you only ever considered about you powers and never about 天下.

Prince Qi won his supporters with his achievements. He openly disagreed with the Emperor and never did anything behind his back. And yet his honest approach was simply seen as defiance in the Emperor's eyes.

This is how Mei Chang Su paved Jing Yan’s path. He didn’t allow Jing Yan to touch anything dirty so that he could follow Prince Qi’s path. I knew this all along but the realization at this point makes me feel new pain. 

The Emperor agrees – forced to agree – to everything for the retrial but he has one condition. He cannot allow Lin Shu to stand in court. Not alive. Not in front of 天下. Mei Chang Su agrees. That’s not what “Lin Shu” wanted either anyways. From here on, Mei Chang Su and the Emperor won’t have to see each other again. That’s the end of their relationship. I forgot these two were uncle and nephew.   

[Yan Que Knows] The ministers are speaking about how important this case was to Jing Yan that he would go to such lengths for Prince Qi and Lin Family. Prince Ji agrees on this. Yan Que turns pensive. He’s thinking about Su Zhe and whether he’s....  Prince Ji leans in hoping for Yan Que to finish off his sentence but he doesn’t finish. But Yan Que knows! I guess Jing Yan wasn’t the last to know xD

[The Last Breath] While Mei Chang Su is casually reading, Fei Liu and Lin Chen are staring holes into his head. Lin Chen was worried about him, he thought Mei Chang Su would relax, exhale his last breath, and suddenly fall over. Mei Chang Su assures this was all in his plan; there isn’t much to be relieved about. Lin Chen doesn’t believe his calmness is true relief. He knows Mei Chang Su – knows that he is tense. He’s afraid – he's afraid that when everyone is celebrating, he'll suddenly collapse. Mei Chang Su is willing his body to live a few more months to not ruin the celebrations. Lin Chen doesn’t want Mei Chang Su to concern himself with his health. That’s Lin Chen’s job. 

Lin Chen: Don’t give yourself a due date. You only need to do your best. I will also do my best. Alright?
Mei Chang Su: Okay. 
I can’t even rejoice in this Birthday episode

[Ep54] [The Retrial] Chiyan is clear of crimes! What is next? 
  • Prince Ji: "His Majesty must make an official proclamation that he has reversed the convictions." I love it so much that this is coming from Prince Ji
  • Yan Que: "The remains of Prince Qi, Consort Chen (Yan Que's love!) and family should be moved to the Imperial Mausoleum.” Yan Que gets what he wants the proper way (not revenge) 
  • Lin Family also gets to restore their memorials.  
  • Xia Jiang and Xie Yu are charged with high treason. Xie Yu already died but there’s still his family but! because Princess Li Yang came forward with evidence, Xie Family is pardoned. 
[Three Months To Die Or Three Months To Live?] Lin Chen plans a trip with Mei Chang Su that involves mountains and rivers, friends and monkeys, and some peanuts. Sounds...great, but the trip ain’t happening. Aw, Lin Chen will be very disappointed. Great Liang is at the mercy of multiple attacks at their borders. Jing Yan needs to lead the army, there’s just no one else more capable than him. However, who’s to be at the heart of Liang Nation if he were to leave? The Emperor will surely regain a foothold. No worries. Remember who Mei Chang Su is? He is Lin Shu! Our General. 
  • East Sea will be given to Wei Zheng. 
  • Southern Border will be Ni Huang’s
  • Northern Border will be Nie Feng’s. Ni Huang suggests bringing Xia Dong along to translate. Lol. Oh, and I guess Jing Yan pardoned Xia Dong?
  • Oh yes, and our boys (!!) Jing Rui and Yu Jin (it’s been so long since I typed their names together) are both signing up to be soldiers. 
Lastly there’s Da Yu (in Meiling). 

Mei Chang Su: Since you can’t leave, I think –
Jing Yan: No. Nope. Natta
Jing Yan knew what he was going to say before Ni Huang even realized that Mei Chang Su was going to volunteer himself to lead the attack in Da Yu.

Mei Chang Su lies that his health is fine. Jing Yan gives him one condition: if the doctor approves, then he’ll approve. Who’s the doctor? Our now very grumpy Lin Chen. He disapproves. He asks Mei Chang Su whether he knows how much time he has left. 

Mei Chang Su: Three months left. 

With Lin Chen around, he knows he can live probably six months or even a year. But what is living for Mei Chang Su? Is it to live long or to live right?

Lin Chen: Why do you always give up at the wrong time?
Mei Chang Su: This isn’t giving up, this is a choice. I have been living as Mei Chang Su for thirteen years. If I can finally return to being Lin Shu, to the battlefield, to the northern borders, to me, that would be a blessing. That is a happy ending for Lin Shu and Lin Chen knows it too.
Lin Chen: I don’t know of a Lin Shu! The person I am trying to save isn’t Lin Shu. You told me yourself that Lin Shu is already dead. And you wish to resurrect a dead man for three months? Do you want to kill Mei Chang Su?
Mei Chang Su: Mei Chang Su has already accomplished his life mission! But Lin Shu still has his responsibilities! 

Mei Chang Su begs Lin Chen for the Bing Xu Grass pills he made that will give him the three months. That’s why Mei Chang Su said he had three months left. But Lin Chen asks what happens after three months. Mei Chang Su is like Well, Jing Yan can do this, Da Liang will be this, blah blah blah.

Lin Chen hollers: I’m asking about you! What will happen to you in three months! 

Although Bing Xu Grass can stimulate his physical strength for three months, it is also a fatal poison that cannot be reversed. He will be giving himself a deadline of three months. 

Mei Chang Su: So what! I am Chiyan Army’s Young Marshal, Lin Shu! I want to go back because that’s where I really belong! 

Lin Chen hates to understand Mei Chang Su's resolve but Lin Chen gets it more than anyone else. He gives Mei Chang Su the pill and leaves. Oh, but where is Lin Chen going? To sign up to be a soldier too. Aww! He promised “Chang Su” that he would accompany him until his very last breath. Although Mei Chang Su went back on his words, Lin Chen won’t.  I’m reminded of Mei Chang Su’s name. 
  • 梅; Mei Chang Su
  • 长; Long. Mei Chang Su has lived long enough
  • 苏; Revive. Now it’s time to revive Lin Shu 
Did you think your tears would stop? Nope! Ni Huang heard everything. Everything. Her eyes are swimming in tears but there’s a smile as she looks up at her Lin Shu gege. She knows there’s no point in stopping him. No one can stop him. Not even Jing Yan.  

It’s time to part ways for their battle. Ni Huang reminds Lin Shu of their promise (to travel) but she knows that as long as there’s war and conflict, they can never be together in peace. Lin Shu hopes that in their next life they can be ordinary people, live in peace and grow old together. Ni Huang calls him on that promise. He must remember it in his next life. They say that fate lasts for three lifetimes. This is their farewell. This is the last she’ll see of her man this lifetime

Others who are accompanying Lin Shu: Fei Liu, Lin Chen, Meng Zhi, Jing Rui, Yu Jin, and Gong Yu. At least Mei Chang Su has friends accompanying him to the end. Poor Jing Yan and Ni Huang. They yearned so much to live with Lin Shu and they didn’t even get time

The next scene: Jing Yan enters Lin Temple. There’s a new name plate there. Then on Ni Huang’s end, she receives a letter from Gong Yu. Meanwhile Jing Yan gets his egg-sized pearl back. Lin Shu has died. He died with honour
Ting Sheng plays with his "little brother" who’s Jing Yan’s son. Gao Zhan accompanies Consort Jing – Empress Dowager now – and he’s looking so happy! He coughs a bit and the Empress notes the wind is rising again

Gao Zhan: Within these palace walls, the wind has never ceased. The wind and snow truly never stopped.

Back to our new Emperor (Jing Yan), Meng Zhi asks him to give the army a new name. 

"Chang Lin Army". It’s the same “Chang” in Mei Chang Su, the same “Lin" in Lin Shu. Mei Chang Su and Lin Shu lives are one and living on with Jing Yan

I’m reminded of Jing Yan and Consort Jing’s conversation back in [Ep40]. Jing Yan said this: "I don't want him to live in my heart. I want him to live in this world." 

Mei Chang Su & Lin Shu will live on. His legacy will live on. 

Final Remarks

[Ending]+[Opening Song] The opening song is a butterfly but it is also Mei Chang Su. Do you see a man’s face in the beginning? The metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly is akin to the transformation of Lin Shu to Mei Chang Su. 

Lin Shu is the caterpillar – the young and the naive. After the Bitter Flame Poison, Lin Shu underwent a complete restructuring of the flesh and bone to become the Mei Chang Su we know now – the butterfly. Never have I wondered whether metamorphosis was a painful process but man, the torture Mei Chang Su went through for his resolve hurt so much.  

Initially, the butterfly's wings were translucent but slowly it gained more life and flew beautifully. Mei Chang Su, for the last part of his life, lived as who he truly was: Lin Shu. As Lin Shu, he led the army and fought for peace. It’s his beautiful ending. Yes, it was short-lived, but it's the happiest ending for both Mei Chang Su and Lin Shu. They both got to live. Just like the butterfly, his life was short-lived but it was beautiful. 

A butterfly's purpose is to fly far and wide to spread its offspring. Mei Chang Su accomplished this. Although Mei Chang Su died, his legacy lives on. He laid his eggs (too bad not romantically). A new caterpillar, a new butterfly will be born to a better and more colourful world that Mei Chang Su created.  

[Actors/Actresses/Characters] I'm actually trying to keep this entire review as short as possible – I know, it’s not obvious at all. Thus, instead of complimenting the usual actors, I want to focus on actors/characters I find under-appreciated:

Lin Chen: Mei Chang Su’s best friend. So much of this drama is about the bromance between Mei Chang Su and Jing Yan that I feel bad for Lin Chen being neglected. He’s the one who was always there for Mei Chang Su. He would be the butt of the joke at the expense of Mei Chang Su’s happiness when in fact he’s the saddest of them all – I truly believe that. He experienced the lows with Mei Chang Su, witnessed all his sufferings from day one and yet he keeps the mood cheery, hiding his own grieving. That’s someone who’s determined to let Mei Chang Su die a happy man. And imagine, you’re the most powerful doctor in the world and yet you can’t save your best friend. That hurts. Lin Chen is the reason Mei Chang Su could live to restore justice for his comrades and family. Lin Chen is also the reason Mei Chang Su got to live as Lin Shu, the life he was deprived of.
For me, Jing Yan is Lin Shu’s best friend but Lin Chen is Mei Chang Su’s best friend.
The Emperor: a different villain. The actor’s portrayal of the Emperor in the last moments has me appreciating how vastly different the villains are. Unlike Xia Jiang and Xie Yu, the Emperor isn't evil to the bone. He’s mainly negligent. He allowed corruption to manifest for his selfish gains. His cruelty was passive. He hid behind his mighty robes. Once the crown and robes were removed and rumpled, we saw the real him – a coward; powerless; unworthy of being the 天子 and ruling over 天下. He fell from grace at the highest point to what he truly is. He was no Emperor. 

Hu Ge as Mei Chang Su / Lin Shu / Su Zhe. Yes, I know I lied. I said I was going to speak of only the under-appreciated ones but I can’t not praise Hu Ge. I wouldn’t want any other actor as Mei Chang Su. This man extracted so much emotion from a character that was so constraining. He's sick, frail, depressed, and miserable yet the “Mei Chang Su” Hu Ge gave me is resolute, robust, devious and inspirational.

[Review] I’ve read countless reviews for this drama and they all compliment the same thing: the stellar acting, the masterful storytelling, the emotional bromances etc. Now that I’m on the other end of the drama I can wholeheartedly agree with every single praise there exists for this drama. However, this wasn’t a smooth ride for me. I’m pretty much in the minority: there isn’t one scene that captured my attention had I not switched gears to watch this. This wasn’t something I could skim to wait for the excitement. I had to watch this with determination that this was going to be masterful. 

This drama wasn’t flashy. It stayed humble, drumming to its own beat. It was humble and yet it was cunning. It planted details so deep in its plot, even if I watch this without blinking, I can never catch them all. The worst of it all is that the drama doesn’t even care if you didn’t catch the details. Craz-y. Why would a drama not want to show off how smart it is??? I had to devote all my concentration – hear beyond the words, see beyond the text – to catch the most ingenious crafty little details. It was hard! But! It was fun. What I love the most about this drama is that as the story grew grander, the details grew deeper.

[Top Five DiscoveriesHuge spoilers! HUGE. I warned you. 
  1. [Ep16] Nie Feng’s first appearance was in Ep16 and not Ep45. (Source: YouTube comment)
  2. [Ep34] The man behind the Imperial Astrologist who removed the Crown Prince is Yan Que. The setup was all the way back in Ep13.
  3. [Ep46] Prince Ji knows Ting Sheng and Mei Chang Su’s real identity. 
  4. [Ep48] Consort Jing loves/loved Lin Shu’s father
  5. [Ep52] Ting Sheng knows he's a prince’s son without anyone telling him.
Something else I find ingenious: this drama isn’t a revenge story. Perhaps many of you know this by now but did you really know it from the beginning? We began the drama with the motive for revenge (and Mei Chang Su had every reason to exact revenge) but if it was for a mere revenge, Mei Chang Su need not have gone through so much hassle to eliminate the ministers. He could have bombed the Emperor like Yan Que had thought of. It’s the gradual reveal that this drama is about a resolve greater than revenge that I find ingenious. If after finishing the drama, someone still summarizes Mei Chang Su’s motives as revenge then that’s insulting. Mei Chang Su is surgically and systemically removing all corruption and that’s the true exoneration of his soldiers this nation had dishonoured.  

Random RecommendationThe Dark Lord
