April 10, 2021

Love Scenery | Recap and Review

Love Scenery
A university student meets the idol of his life in a PC game. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Xu LuLiang Chen
Lin YiLu Jing 
(Author: Qiao Yao)
Chinese Title
Episodes: 31
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 2.4/5

[Ep 1-20] cynlynn
[Ep 21-31beautifuljangmi

Jump to Review

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Liang Chen wins the singer of the year award. Meng Lan Zhi snubs her that that’s the consolation prize because the only award that matters is song of the year. Furthermore, Meng Lan Zhi intends to win her boyfriend too. And so, the award of the year goes to – drum rolls please! – Liang Chen! Liang Chen hugs Meng Lan Zhi and whispers, “I’ll take the prize, you keep the man.” Headlines that take over the night are Liang Chen’s celebrity boyfriend cheating on her with Meng Lan Zhi. The boyfriend asks her if she can clarify they broke up already. Omg, I’m getting flashback of Xu Lu’s real life celebrity dating gossip D: Liang Chen immediately updates: “Didn’t break up before but we’re breaking up now." Sweet.

Lu Jing is a “god” of anything. He’s known as “Herman”, a famous gaming streamer. He’s also a well known Liang Chen fanboy. On the big night of Liang Chen’s win (and boyfriend loss), Lu Jing sends his viewers and old Liang Chen song: 'With the Wind'. Her old song begins topping the charts again and now Liang Chen is offered an endorsement deal with the game. 

Liang Chen and Lu Jing had met before. When Lu Jing was a high school student he was sad about his grades. Liang Chen was sad too about not being able to sing on stage. She comforted him only to realize he’s sad because he didn’t get first place. She comforts him again that being second isn’t too bad. But then he’s actually sad he didn’t get to be the city’s number one .... When he leaves, Liang Chen sings to herself. Lu Jing stops to listen. He claps for her. I guess that’s when he became her fan? She also did get to perform. One person is still an audience, right?

[Ep2] Sun Bin Yu forfeits teaching Liang Chen on how to play the PC game. He asks his neighbour, Lu Jing, to teach her instead. Liang Chen used a voice changer to hide her voice – she chose a loli voice. Her ID is “ lcalive”. Liang Chen Alive? It’s a good thing she changed her voice or Lu Jing would be able to recognize her. He’s the type of fan who can discern her laughter from everyone else’s. 

In their first game together, she bombs him. Game over. From his roommates, Lu Jing starts to suspect “lcalive” is actually an old perverted man using a cute voice to hide himself. 

Liang Chen visits to her old university to look for inspiration. She spots a talented boy (our Lu Jing) playing the violin exceptionally well. 

[Ep3] Liang Chen finds out “Herman” is her fan. After a few games, they take a liking to each other. She changes his handle name to “Exceptional Expert”. He changes hers to “Millennial Proficient Box” (for bombing him). 

[Ep4] Zhong Dan Ni is in here as Ma Shan Shan and I can barely recognize her with that makeup.
[Ep5] Liang Cheng gets musical inspiration after she and Lu Jing hang perpendicular to a building – in the game. 

They also meet at a masked dance club. Liang Chen thought Lu Jing was her friend (Ding Jia Yun). I thought Lu Jing can recognize his idol’s voice anywhere and anytime.  

Liang Chen receives texts from “Herman” and blushes just listening to his voice. She even becomes obsessed with boxes lately, taking pictures and sending it to him.

[Ep6] “lcalive” tells Herman she lived in the same dorm as him. Not only that, they were using the same bed.

[Ep7] Liang Chen can't wait to play wth Lu Jing. Is she becoming game addict or addicted to him? 

They happen to be on the same plane. Lu Jing sees her and notices every time he texts lcalive, Liang Chen’s phone rings too. Can there be such coincidences? 
[Ep8] Lu Jing finds a cute box-stuff-toy that reminds him of lcalive. He wants it so much he pretends to be cute for it. Well, the cutie gets it albeit a little cringey.

Lu Jing is picking up on all the coincidences. Can his Millennial Proficient Box be Liang Chen? It doesn’t make sense why she would use a voice changer and how she happens to be everywhere Liang Chen is. He texts her all the data he gathered. Liang Chen avoids it to her best ability. Lu Jing follows her flow and agrees to play a game with her instead. Neither have their computer and so they both go the nearest internet cafe. Their seats are back to back. When they win the match they roll out and their hands almost touch. Her chair grazes his hoodie but neither know they’re that close to each other. Then when a delivery man loudly shouts in the room, they realize they’re in the same cafe. 

[Ep9] Liang Chen runs away and bumps into someone. Lu Jing overhears the passerby’s comment, “Is that person Liang Chen”. Lu Jing smirks. 

Liang Chen has a birthday fanmeet. Lu Jing gets to ask a question: “Who’s your favourite anchor/live streamer?” Liang Chen hesitates but she answers its Herman. His buddy at his ear: “She loves you!

Lu Jing gets very jealous over hearing a man’s voice on lcalive's end. Liang Chen is scratching her head now knowing what he's mad about. Worried, she quickly voice messages him if he’s still online. But she forgot to use her voice changer.

[Ep10] Lu Jing is so emotional he cries just hearing Liang Chen's voice. She really is his Liang Chen. Thus, love has regressed our Lu Jing into an idiot. Bombing himself in the game is only one of the dumb things he does. 
The scenes between Lu Jing and Gu Fei Ming are cute too. In an odd sense Gu Fei Ming is like a fanboy of Lu JingGu Fei Ming has a crush on Qi Qi who has a crush on Lu Jing. Lu Jing can easily manipulate Gu Fei Ming using Qi Qi. I’m looking froward for some bromance here. He wants to takeover Gu Fei Ming's role as the flower boy when Liang Chen visits the university for a short performance.

[Ep11] During the rehearsal, Lu Jing gives the doll to Liang Cheng. She recognizes him from the plane and then when he speaks, she realizes he is her Herman. Afterwards, she gossips about him with her manager (Yuan Ke Ke). Ke Ke thinks Liang Cheng is interested in her junior (Lu Jing) and teases her about it. Liang Cheng plays along. 

Liang Chen: Students, ah. They're innocent, 熱血沸騰 (idiom for passionate; a more directly translation: "to have one's blood racing"), healthy and strong, and most importantly, obedient. 

Lu Jing overhears every single thing. Hehe. Liang Chen is embarrassed but Lu Jing pretends to be naive as if he hasn't heard a word. When another student calls him by his name, Liang Chen spins around and loses her balance. She trips and fall flat on her back. Not. Embarrassing. At. All. Don’t worry girl, Lu Jing loves you even more

Lu Jing is glowing as he continues to tease Liang Chen. 
  • First, Lu Jing lines up like a fan – I mean he is a fan – to take a picture with Liang Chen. He’s holding his box-stuffy-toy (sorry people, is there a name for that stuffy?)
  • He sends the  picture with Liang Chen to “lcalive” and asks her if it looks like her. Liang Chen thinks she's exposed but he clarifies with another text that he's referring to thebox-stuffy-toy. 
  • At the school talent show, Liang Chen takes a seat in the front row (waiting for her part). Behind her in the second row is Lu Jing and Qi Qi. Qi Qi asks him if that toy is for Liang Chen. Liang Chen moves closer to hear and Lu Jing moves up to let her hear only to reveal the toy isn't for Liang Chen. The toy just reminds him of a person who looks like it. Haha
  • Then Qi Qi asks him if he's cold because he's dressed so thin. He’s not. He’s dressing to impress. Lu Jing rolls up his sleeves, “I am strong and healthy, after all.” He's using the exact idiom Liang Chen used to describe him. 
[Ep12] After the performance, being the flower boy, Lu Jing gives the rose bouquet to Liang Chen. Their fingers briefly touch. Electric. She drops the bouquet. They both reach down and their fingers graze again. He gives her the bouquet again.
Liang Chen: You hands sure are hot. It’s you, girl.
Lu Jing: Because your junior is 熱血沸騰. The tease! The same idiom again.

All that was happening on stage by the way. Oh, and it wasn’t a rose bouquet. She’s allergic to flowers, so Lu Jing purposely got her synthetic ones. 

They bump into each other again in the washroom. She walks out and sees him washing his hand. Embarrassed, she heads back in to wait for him to leave. Our Lu Jing sure is washing his hands for a long time. Only after the water stops running, does she head out but he’s still there. He gives her a present he bought for her: a scarf. He even wraps it around her telling her it’s cold at night. Smooth.

[Ep13] Ma Shan Shan visits Liang Chen's to retrieve her earphones. The silence between them tenses up the atmosphere. Just what happened between these friends? 

Liang Chen, Ding Jia Yun, and He Jia (a director) show up at Su Bin Yu's for dinner. Lu Jing is next door and ruminates in his pot of jealously because of Ding Jia Yun. Lu Jing would randomly show up at Su Bin Yu's door first asking for vinegar (Chinese word for jealously), then garlic, and then a pot. Liang Chen smiles, knowing the reason for his multiple visits. Then when she leaves and he spots her from his balcony, he heads down to drape his coat over her (right in front of Ding Jia Yun). Again, he reminds her that her body isn't like those young ones "strong and healthy". 

Now that Liang Chen knows Lu Jing is Su Bin Yu's neighbour, she's rather interested in visiting her friend. She's at his door with the perfect excuse: to ask him to return the jacket to Lu Jing. Su Bin Yu smirks and this makes Liang Chen self gloat: "I'm beautiful with a sweet voice, who knows, he might have wanted to give me a warm hug (with his coat)." As she's saying that, she spins around but stiffens up when she spots Lu Jing sitting on the couch, legs crossed, sly smile, and confidence brimming. Liang Chen wants to run away. Su Bin Yu drags her back in. Lu Jing teases her for calling herself beautiful with a sweet voice. She clarifies it was a joke but Lu Jing says he takes things very seriously. 
Lu Jing sends Liang Chen out. A mandatory elevator malfunction has to happen. Liang Chen flies to Lu Jing's embrace. But that was all Liang Chen's fantasy. Lu Jing notices her staring at the emergency button all this while. She mutters, "What am I supposed to stare at then? You?" Lu Jing smirks and slips right in front of her. He will let her stare at him all she wants. 

At Liang Chen's request, her manager invites Lu Jing (Herman) for a live streaming event where he'll be teaching Liang Chen how to play. Lu Jing holds off on agreeing because he has to ask this important person first. Liang Chen pouts but realizes this important person is herself – lcalive. She immediately texts him to take it but Lu Jing plays hard to get. He replies that he only coaches lcalive. However, when he learns Ding Jia Yun might be his substitute, he snatches the offer.

[Ep14] Skinship updates
→ An introduction handshake between Liang Chen and Lu Jing is really an excuse for him to hold her hand with an extra squeeze 
→ Another coat drape moment between Liang Chen and Lu Jing. Lu Jing is covering her back because her button is loose. Then he smoothly moves in to help her button her blouse. 
→ A seat-belt moment but it's him who's having trouble pulling it and it's her helping him snap it. 

I like to correct my first impression. This drama is 10% story, 45% filler and 45% excuse of a drama to film romantic scenes. It's okay. I'm liking it. 

[Ep15] Lu Jing is this close to exposing Liang Chen in the game but she pulls the plug and pretends to disconnect. Lu Jing ain’t playing around this time. He shows up at Liang Chen’s door, “Senior, I want to know you (properly) again.” No more pretences. He continues to tell her that he was really happy to know his Little Box is her because he liked her for a long time. Liang Chen’s heart is exploding and almost closes the door again but Lu Jing isn’t done talking. “Rest Well.” He tells her. And that’s it. Her disappointment is showing and Lu Jing teases her if she wants to hear more. 
He walks off but Liang Chen peeks out her door. She suggests to walk him down. Lu Jing brightens up. When they’re outside she notices he doesn’t have a coat. She runs up to grab a scarf for him. She contemplated on the scarf he gave her but opted for another red scarf. Just like him, she wraps the scarf for him and he sensibly leans down to make it easier for her. 

Their first date is at a skating rink. In matching red scarves, she teaches him how to skate. He takes advantage of her by falling on her when it’s an excuse to hug her. He actually skates very well. He’s also pretty much settled on calling her Liang Chen instead of shijie (senior). 

[Ep16] Liang Chen has vocal cord nodules – singer’s nodules. She fears of surgery because it will change her voice. Lu Jing is still waiting for her update. He doesn’t know about her condition, he just knows she’s sick. When she finally calls, she only tells him to come to her concert. It’s a farewell concert for her voice. She had invited her parents and Sun Bin Yu but they were too distracted with something else and don’t hear her properly. It is only Lu Jing who drops everything and heads to her without another word. When she asks if he's heading out right now, Lu Jing has already flown out the door.

[Ep17] It's a solo concert with a solo audience. Lu Jing offers to sing, and after he performs, Liang Chen is in tears. think that's Lin Yi's (Lu Jing) real voice doing the singing. She tells him the truth about her health. He puts a hand over her shoulder and dabs her tears with a napkin. She turns to hug him and cries her heart out. After that, she's feeling much better. 

Lu Jing shows up at Liang Chen's place with healthy food he made that he tried to make but failed and so his grandmother made it for him. Liang Chen notices the cut on his finger from his cooking efforts. She gently treats his wound and Lu Jing is lost in a daze staring at the goddess in front of her. He combs her bangs back to see her face clearer not knowing what that does to a girl's poor heart. When his focus is back, he notices the sausage on his finger. He compliments that her level of bandaging should be reserved for only him.

Liang Chen has been resistant against surgery because she's afraid of her voice changing but Lu Jing gives her courage. 

[Ep18] Ma Shan Shan hears about Liang Chen's health. She visits and comforts her. Liang Chen needed that. Will their friendship be back on track? Just what happened to their friendship? 

Liang Chen lies to Lu Jing she's in danger. He runs to her but the university is closed. He begs the janitor lady to let him in by lying that his "girlfriend" is in an emergency. Once Lu Jing is inside, he knows he's been fooled. Liang Chen doesn't actually need surgery. With that adversary aside, Lu Jing asks her if he can pursue her. In a discreet way, she permits it but she doesn't allow him to hold her hand yet. Then he moves in for a kiss, but that was just a tease. He only wanted to ask her if he can drop her off home. Yes, that question needed to be asked right in the face, inches away from her lips

Liang Chen wants to venture into new music: Rock. 

Second Couple: Su Bing Yu was at a low point in his career when he first met Ma Shan Shan during a talent show. He was too nervous to perform and let Ma Shan Shan go first and that is how she drummed her way into his heart. That was her last music-related stage.

[Ep19] Liang Chen is determined to go into rock and she wants Ma Shan Shan to join her band. Ma Shan Shan hesitates. The reason she quit music was because it reminded her of her ex (Lin Qi). He probably cheated on her. The full story isn't out yet. 

The presence of paparazzi and malicious gossips targeted at Liang Chen make her reconsider dating Lu Jing. Unlike her, he's only a regular student. 

[Ep20] Rumours have tied up Liang Chen and Ding Jia Yun. He thinks the best solution is to admit they're dating to quell the rumours that she's playing with men. Lu Jing climbs high walls (literally) to see Liang Chen and stop her from agreeing to Ding Jia Yun's plans. 

Liang Chen thinks it's best to keep a distance between her and Lu Jing. Lu Jing replies with a strong kiss. Unrelated but omg, The Long Ballad's Hao Du is infiltrating all my other dramas. This is Liu Yu Ning's voice singing the OST

Lu Jing: If you don't even try, how do you know I'm not suitable?

Liang Chen asks for some time. Lu Jing lists all his accomplishments. He thinks he can protect her. "Love is simple and beautiful. Since love has arrived, why not enjoy it?" He asks her. She doesn't reply.

Lu Jing with red teary eyes: So you really don't want me? 
Liang Chen runs with her arms wide open to throw him a big hug in this snowy night. 
Liang Chen: I do, I want you!

Ding Jia Yun got the memo too. He clarifies to the reporters they're only friends and that he always admired her as a singer. 

Lu Jing sends Liang Chen home, but not without a kiss. It's a long (and slow, sloow) kiss. He wanted to make sure this was reality. 

Liang Chen is at work and rejects Lin Qi's song. He's the guy who Ma Shan Shan gave up music for.

Changeover of Recaps

beautifuljangmi is filling in on the rest of the recaps. Enjoy!

beautifuljangmicyn-lynn had been attempting to watch this as it was airing but stopped once she saw our leads come together. It is definitely a show better enjoyed binge watching at leisure, which is exactly what I did. My name is beautifuljangmi and I’ll be picking up where the lovely cyn-lynn left off! You can check out my Viki Collection- Happily Ever After to see some more of my favorite dramas. (The name of the collection should tell you everything you need to know about the type of dramas I prefer lol)

[Ep21Lu Jing arrives at Su Bing Yu's, who is instantly suspicious as he sees the change in behavior between our leads. After some light teasing and obvious flaunting from Lu Jing, Su Bing Yu has had enough and kicks the couple out. Honestly, I can't blame him! Who has a date at someone else’s apartment? Lol that’s not intrusive at all. 

Our leads are off to the movies for their first official date as a couple. Meanwhile Ms. Ma is sitting alone and gets a call from her ex >.< trying to convince her to have Liang Chen accept his song. Jerk. But Su Bing Yu arrives just in time with a smile and food in hand! I love his persistence. He is so adorable, how can she not be cheered up seeing his puppy dog face? 

Liang Chen and Ding Jia Yun begin the birthday celebration. It is an obvious set up and more like a romantic evening for two than a birthday party. Suspicions are confirmed as Su Bing Yu proceeds to tell Lu Jing how the party had been cancelled. Oh, has it now? The party is indeed cancelled. Instead Ding Jia Yun prepares a confession complete with a violinist for Liang Chen. But our FL is not to be swayed and quickly reveals she is already in love with someone else and promptly leaves the table where Lu Jing is already waiting. Ding Jia Yun really did not think this through. Wedding ring and all hidden in the cake. Yikes. Our leads leave and finally get to celebrate Christmas Eve together. Liang Chen also receives the little box head doll Lu Jing previously teased was not for her.

The episode concludes with Lu Jing being embarrassed on campus by his mischievous roommates. Liang Chen is also forced to then come clean about their relationship to her assistant and manager. I love the roommates. They are so supportive in the most obnoxious of ways!

[Ep22Su Bing Yu uses an opportunity to see Liang Chen and attempts to get information about Ms. Ma’s past. Sadly, the mood was changed quickly when old pictures of Ms. Ma and her ex boyfriend were accidentally shown in a scrapbook Liang Chen had found. The phrase “be careful what you ask for” comes to mind with this situation! Thankfully our positive Su Bing Yu doesn’t stay down for long.

Time moves forward and Liang Chen is ready for her big competition. Meng Lan Zhi is still up to her old ways and sneakily takes a peak at her envelope that contains either the number 1 or 7 to determine who performs first or last. She successfully baits Liang Chen into switching with her so she can have the better time slot. Fortunately, her plan backfires and what she thought was a 1 in her envelope turned out to be an upside down 7. Liang Chen gets to perform last! Karma! Su Bing Yu and Lu Jing hangout together watching and cheering their little Orange on from the couch. 

The competition was fierce but Liang Chen was confident in her song selection and owned the stage! Not even a technical glitch (not predictable and overwritten at all) could stop our lead from rocking out! I will admit she looked great and the guitar solo was a cool move so I can understand the cliche writing. Liang Chen won! It is revealed the help Ms. Ma had provided for Liang Chen in secret and our FL quickly tries to do everything she can to bring Shan Shan out of her funk. And what better way than a party! Not sure that is what I would call this awkward gathering, but why not. Episode ends with Su Bing Yu spilling the beans to Lu Jing’s grandparents about his new girlfriend who, oh yeah, is also at his house right next door! Smooth. Hope they like rockstars!

[Ep23Dinner begins with Ding Jia Yun continuing to test Lu Jing’s commitment to being the best boyfriend to Liang Chen. I suppose this is his way of admitting defeat? IMO it only ages him and makes him continue to feel like a Father/Uncle figure more so than the second male lead. Lu Jing’s grandparents come happily barging in trying to (not so stealthily) steal a glance at their grandson's new girlfriend. They were so excited that even after being kicked out they readily waited for Lu Jing to come home to interrogate him further. 

We are back to the action (video game style), this time being joined by Lu Jing’s younger cousin. Who is so adorable and way too excited that his older bro is no longer a bachelor. Sun Bing Yu joins the gang as well but only ends up causing trouble by mentioning the girl who came to confess to Lu Jing after dinner. Situation quickly resolved as our male lead clearly only has eyes for Liang Chen. 

The scene changes and ominous music begins to play. Turns out Lu Jing has been accepted to study abroad for a prestigious program! Wow, I have never seen this storyline before, very unique. Lu Jing begins to act a bit secretive and distant while with Liang Chen; conflicted most likely with whether to go/tell her the news. However, he quickly shakes his mood and our leads enjoy spending alone time together playing games. Aka adorable excuse to hold hands as obviously Lu Jing has to show her how to play. 

The radio announces Ms. Ma’s ex is recently engaged. She winds up drunk at Sun Bing Yu’s,  who calls Liang Chen for help. Her and Lu Jing come rushing over to find Ms. Ma passed out right as his Grandmother walked in with hangover soup. She ends up casually asking Lu Jing about the study abroad program but cuts herself short when she realizes the tension in the room was rapidly increasing. Aww poor Grandma is going to feel so guilty! Sun Bing Yu ends up rubbing salt in the wound by acknowledging he had also known about the program, meaning only Liang Chen was left out. She ends up angrily leaving and ignoring a desperate Lu Jing running after her.

[Ep24Morning arrives and Lu Jing is still huddled outside Liang Chen’s building in the freezing cold. Unfortunately, he doesn’t catch her as she is leaving the building and to top it all off her phone died. After arriving at work and struggling to get into her music, Liang Chen finally sees Lu Jing looking like a lost puppy waiting for her by the door. She can’t concentrate and repeatedly messes up the song she is practicing. Feeling guilty and at fault for distracting her, Lu Jing leaves.

Sun Bing Yu saves the day! I honestly am not certain where this drama is heading in these last few episodes but his character always makes me smile. He calls Liang Chen to find out Lu Jing’s location as his family is worried sick about him being gone all night and day. He also takes the time to explain why Lu Jing hid the study abroad program from her. Apparently Lu Jing had no intention of accepting so he did not see the need in troubling her. Our leads make up for the most part, but the tension from lack of trust and communication is still present. This is why you shouldn’t date younger boys, js! Ms. Ma echoes my own thoughts and explains to Liang Chen that she may have an easier time dating a guy who is older and more mature. But our female lead isn’t hearing it.

Liang Chen: Since I chose him, I have to accept everything that comes with him. All I can do is be considerate, understanding, and survive in this relationship with a rational mind. Wow. That sounds like my relationship with my job, not a boyfriend, but okay.

Back on campus Lu Jing’s roommates, the three stooges, are desperate to find out who the real Little Box is in their friend's life. Thinking for a while it was a fellow classmate, they kidnap him only to find out they were very, very, wrong. They finally have a smart idea and take Lu Jing’s phone to call the real Little Box to campus so she can help their friend. When Liang Chen arrives they are in complete shock SURPRISE! Lu Jing immediately goes into boyfriend mode giving her his jacket right off of the friend using it, as well as his other friend's earmuffs. No lie, that was hysterical to watch. Apparently everything wasn’t resolved earlier? I feel as if I am watching the resolution to the same fight twice. Our leads are in love again! 

As they leave the roommates stop and assess the situation, believing Liang Chen is still upset with their buddy. They try to stop her from leaving, explaining all the great things about Lu Jing and how if they were a girl he would be the only guy they would consider marrying! Lol I love our three stooges. After realizing they were being played they leave our leads to be lovey-dovey alone.

Meanwhile, Ms. Ma ends up calling a very happy Sun Bing Yu out to dinner. She tries leaving early and he has a better idea, dine and dash! But no worries he’s not actually that dumb, he had paid the bill already in secret earlier in the evening. The episode ends here with poor Sun Bing Yun trying desperately to get Ms. Ma’s attention. Again.

[Ep25Back at Liang Chen’s, the lovebirds are getting hot and cozy. Before things can go further Lu Jing is sent back to his dorms unsatisfied lol. 

Sun Bing Yu is becoming more and more curious regarding Ms. Ma’s college boyfriend. Meanwhile, the same antics continue to happen for Lu Jing at school. His friends are still silly, and his ‘school rival’ Gu Fei Ming continues to beg for video game assistance. Lu Jing finally learns that his roommates thought he was dating Gu Fei Ming and we see another similar scene of them getting punished. The repetition in this drama astounds me. 

Liang Chen treats everyone to a meal! The roomies are all super excited and finally get their promised autographs. I love that Lu Jing didn’t get annoyed when his friends began taking their shirts off to ask for Laing Chen’s autograph, he even joined in! 

Autographs in Order: 

Zhou Dan—Zhou Zhou is the most handsome, LC
Liu Er—more handsome than ZZ, LC
He Ye—even more handsome than Liu’er and ZZ, LC
Lu Jing—the most handsome of all, LC

Sun Bing Yu cannot leave Ms. Ma alone and has now posed as a delivery man in hopes to see her. She finds an excuse that gets him to leave but ends up feeling guilty when he returns after waiting for hours in the cold/snow for her. What did she expect to happen? Clearly, he will not be scared home that easily. We finally get to see what happened on the day he had gotten the call saying Ms. Ma was drunk. She had confessed she only does comedy in hopes that she herself can laugh and smile like everyone else, but her heart has been numb and broken for too long. I’m getting Robin Williams vibes and it is GUTTING me. Poor Ma Shan Shan! Sun Bing Yu understands that she needs more time to open up but leaves reminding her that he is always there for her.

[Ep26Liang Chen and Lu Jing are about to be busy with their own schedules. They make a bet to see who will miss the other more and the first to contact or see the other before the week is up loses. If this was me I would have already admitted defeat. Who wants to go a week without even messaging your s/o? (o_o) especially on purpose! 

Liang Chen puts her mind to her work attempting to compose a new song for her competition in 3 days. Meanwhile, Zhou Zhou and Lu Jing are preparing for their own competition. Zhou Zhou is struggling with his work and is frustrated by Lu Jing’s lack of empathy. Tensions are running high for everyone and our leads are being slightly selfish in their decisions. Liang Chen is reminded/reprimanded by her manager that her success was not something she built on her own but was instead a joint effort of many people, if she fails that burden would not be hers alone. 

Ms. Ma to the rescue!! Sun Bing Yu convinced (tricked) Ms. Ma into listening in on Liang Chen’s practice. It was the push she needed to begin embracing music and composition again. She spent the night fixing the song Liang Chen needed for her competition. Only one problem, the new composition has a difficult note she must hold for a long period of time and her throat was not handling it well during rehearsals. 

No one could find Liang Chen before the competition, not even Lu Jing. But when she is called to the stage she appears and kills it! The episode ends with Liang Chen on stage and her friends cheering for her in the audience. And can we take a moment to appreciate her dress? Obsessed (^o^)/

[Ep27Everyone, including Liang Chen, is in tears when she comes out from backstage. She had won the competition! They are all so happy and excited for her incredible performance. Even Ms. Ma was feeling lighthearted after the show and didn’t reject Sun Bing Yu when he offered to take her out. We then see flashbacks to the night before when Lu Jing was frantically looking everywhere for Liang Chen who had disappeared on her own. I was hoping we would see what had happened! Glad this episode answered that question. Liang Chen had been ready to give up the competition and had even thrown her music sheets away. She truly believed she would not be able to hit the high note necessary for the song. Fortunately, Lu Jing had found her in time and reminded her that it’s okay to fail but she should never give up trying for what she loves. 

After being apart, it’s time for our main couple to have a bit of alone time. They tour the university at night, sneaking into Liang Chen’s old classrooms and stealing kisses while hiding from security guards. While walking around campus they end up spying on Qi Qi and Gu Fei Ming (Lu Jing’s wannabe rival) having another couple fight. Poor boy ends up alone after failing to catch Qi Qi before she stormed away. He was then tricked by Lu Jing into believing Liang Chen was a hallucination and then he himself ran away terrified.

The next day Sun Bing Yu and Ms. Ma began their ‘date’. For the first time all season she seems genuinely happy to be accompanying him. Unfortunately, all of Sun Bing Yu’s preparations are ruined by an unexpected rainstorm, forcing a quick end to their picnic. He can’t win lol. Meanwhile, our lead couple is still enjoying their time together continuing their adventures by shopping, eating, and painting. And as you can see below they are clearly amazing artists! 
Our love birds continue their trip peacefully, believing they have been successful in keeping Liang Chen’s identity hidden during their outings. However, we can see there is a man following them with a camera in hand. Honestly, I’m excited for a bit of drama to happen that doesn’t involve school or singing competitions. Ever since our second male lead has been ousted I have been curious what new dilemmas our leads may face. 

The episode ends with Lu Jing and Liang Chen alone in their hotel room, preparing for bed. (¬‿¬)

[Ep28Back at our lead’s hotel room, it is time to get ready for bed. Liang Chen loses herself touching Lu Jing’s Adam’s apple. Not awkward at all. But she is left disappointed as it seems Lu Jing is distracted from the events that had happened earlier in the day when Liang Chen was almost recognized by a fan.

Sun Bin Yu is sick after the failed picnic attempt. Ms. Ma takes the initiative finally and surprises Sun Bin Yu at his home ready to take care of him. Meanwhile, with a little help from liquid courage, Liang Chen is ready to finally have her man. And nothing screams sexy like doorway poses (^_^;)
The poses were just the trick! Our leads were able to move past their shyness and spend their first ‘official’ night together. But their bliss is short-lived when Liang Chen gets a call from her manager. She informs her that the couple's pictures were indeed taken the day before just as we feared and their trip was cut short. 

There is little time to worry about the rumors and netizens as Lu Jing’s grandma is hospitalized. Fortunately, it was nothing serious and they were given the advice and push needed by the grandparents to be open and honest about their relationship. Over a live broadcast they decide to tell the world about how they fell in love and how they hope for a happy future together as a couple. But the best part of the broadcast was watching Ms. Ma with her kitty asking herself if it was time for her to be in a relationship as well. And to that all I can say is, GO SUN Bin YU!

[Ep29Ms. Ma is ready to date! Sun Bin Yu comes to her home a nervous wreck, stumbling over his words and confession. Each time he fails to get the words out Ms. Ma visibly gets more and more frustrated with him, eventually giving up and kicking him out. We were so close!! (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

Liang Chen’s parents surprise her at home. She desperately tries to warn off Lu Jing, but it is too late as he had already arrived. Fortunately for them both, her mother is easily won over by a pretty face and quickly warms up to Lu Jing despite her initial objections to the relationship. However, her dad is not so easily swayed. It was not until Lu Jing assisted him in the kitchen did the ice begin to thaw.

While our leads are enjoying a family dinner, Ms. Ma finds herself attending Sun Bin Yu’s play. She misunderstands an interaction between Sun Bin Yu and a female friend, and her jealousy makes him over the moon with happiness. Same here! At dinner they both are nervous and excited and now even Sun Bin Yu can see that Ms. Ma’s feelings towards him are changing. But Ms. Ma can’t seem to escape her past. The next day an interview is released where her university ex specifically talks about Ms. Ma, their relationship, and his hopes for her future. All of the progress she had made to move on from her past was now gone. Two steps forward, thirty steps back. 

[Ep30Sun Bin Yu refuses to give up. He again stands in the cold to get Ms. Ma her favorite meat buns, the effort he hopes will touch her heart and lift her spirits. He returns to her home covered in snow and shaking from the cold. This poor boy is so patient and kind, give him a chance, Shan Shan! 

While our second couple was struggling to come together, our leads were having no trouble showing off their affection. Liang Chen, missing Lu Jing, accidentally tells the world her feelings while he was live streaming. And Lu Jing, being a smart aleck, takes full advantage of the opportunity. 

The next day Sun Bin Yu finally reveals to Ms. Ma how he knew her story. He was there the day she sang and wrote the song that her ex had stolen and used to make himself famous. And not only was Sun Bin Yu there, he had also recorded the whole thing on video. I hope we see her ex exposed before the show is done, my heart breaks every time Shan Shan comes on screen.

It is time for the final singing competition! Liang Chen sings her love song to Lu Jing and we get to see flashbacks of their meeting/romance from throughout the season. When asked why she chose this particular song she reveals it was for her special someone, Lu Jing. After the competition was complete, Liang Chen was able to finally meet Lu Jing’s father. And father like son, it seems he is also a big Liang Chen fan! He gives them time to go off on their own and we see Lu Jing has prepared a special cake celebrating her 2nd place win. However, it turns out our male lead does not have psychic abilities; he had prepared three cakes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Adorable (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡

[Ep31Our last episode begins with our leads families coming together for an official meeting. I do appreciate that there was no crazy family drama, the elders are all supportive and kind which is a rare occurrence for most of these shows. After that, it was time for Lu Jing’s graduation! Sun Bin Yu was hoping Lu Jing’s graduation party could be another chance for him to see Ms. Ma, but instead he is told that she will be moving abroad and never coming back. Our leads are clearly messing with the poor guy, but in his Shan Shan obsessed brain he is unable to see reason. Thankfully, their prank was the push Sun Bin Yu needed to finally express his feelings out loud and it seems we finally have our second couple!! 
Look at that face! My heart is happy. 

Lu Jing leaves for six months to study abroad but returns in time to celebrate his birthday with Liang Chen. The flight home ends up experiencing severe turbulence and we see Lu Jing clutching his engagement ring for Liang Chen. The plane lands safely! I know, we are all shocked. Overcome with emotion, Lu Jing can’t wait until the families are together to propose. In the middle of the airport he drops to one knee and asks Liang Chen to spend the rest of their lives together, and she says yes ♡.

We get to see Ms. Ma and Sun Bin Yu together as well, an engagement ring on her hand! I’m honestly more excited to see that they are engaged than our leads, they both deserve happiness after a long season of ‘what might have been’. Ms. Ma also officially leaves acting behind and goes back to her original dream of drumming with her best friend. She joins Liang Chen at her concert with all of their friends. (everyone from the manager to three stooges). Love Scenery concludes with Lu Jing and Liang Chen singing a duet of his favorite song, You Have Me.


by cynlynn

[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I say this is about 10% story and 90% filler. The good thing about this drama is that it’s nicely packaged to be what it is and not more than what it is. It’s a modern rom-com with upbeat music, sharp colours, pretty people, giving this a very teenage vibe. The fillers have one purpose: to give time for our ML to fall in love with our FL again in a whole new identity which I highly appreciate because if he loved her as a fanboy then that’s a little creepy. But man I have this drama on fast-forward ever since Ep1. That’s not a good sign. 

At the end of each episode the drama religiously does one thing: make our leads almost meet. It’ll make you go “Ou! Will they meet?’ or “Ou! Will they know each other?”. 

The answer is No. 

Despite the over-the-top and overly unnecessary fillers, I find myself anticipating their "real" scenes. So far, there's a lot CP interactions (= fillers) but it's all virtual. I'm in this until I see what they're like as a couple. 

[Title] 良辰美景 is an idiom in Chinese that means "Everything Lovely”.  If you break down each word it means: "Fine Time, Beautiful Scenery”. But really, this title is a mashup of their names. 
  • Liang Chen is 梁. (‘梁' and '良' also sound the same.) 
  • Lu Jing is 陆
  • Pinyin of 良辰美景: Liang Chen Mei Jing

[Dropped (Ep20)] I am not dropping this because it's bad. I would assume anyone who loves Xu Lu or Lin Yi could find this enjoyable, plus it has good music and pretty scenes. There's just really not a lot of content per episode and the main thing fueling this drama is the chemistry between the leads. At the point of where I dropped this, they've admitted their feelings. My curiosity is satisfied. For me, I finished the drama on a good note. I definitely would have preferred to binge this rather than wait a week for the episodes.

[Updates on Ep21+]  beautifuljangmi is completing the recaps!


by beautifuljagmi

[Actors/ActressesI have seen our lead actress Xu Lu before in other dramas, such as Sunshine of My Life, and her acting failed to deliver in this drama. I am uncertain if it was her male lead and the lack of chemistry between them? But her relationship with Zhang Han was on a different level compared to her relationship with Lin Yi.

Now, I can also say the same exact thing about our male lead Lin Yi. I thought he was adorable in Put Your Head on My Shoulder. However, I did not feel that same affection watching Love Scenery. 

Honorable mention; Zhong Dan Ni (Ms. Ma). I have not seen her before in a drama and I truly believe she played her character perfectly.

[Behind the Scenes

Happy! There are no big twists or turns in this drama. I would say the real drama is kept for our secondary characters. If you are someone who is looking for a sweet as sugar drama with no angst of ‘will they end up together’, this will be perfect for you.

[Review & Rating]
This is one of those dramas that could be great but fails to deliver. The pacing becomes very awkward after our leads get together and the storyline less clear. The last 8 episodes in particular become more about our secondary characters as our leads story had basically concluded early on in the drama. 

One thing that bothers me is Ms. Ma’s storyline regarding her college ex boyfriend. It is finally revealed he did more than just break her heart, he completely plagiarized her music and used her talent to jump start his career. But the writers never show this jerk getting his comeuppance. We never get the satisfaction of the truth being revealed to the public and that I feel was a missed opportunity.

Random Recommendation: if you want a drama about e-sports and leads who have a romance in the public eye, I would suggest Falling Into Your Smile! The chemistry and storyline are much better.

Rating: 2/5