November 19, 2020

My Supernatural Power | Recap and Review

A girl with supernatural powers and a boy who's a regular genius join hands to solve murder mysteries. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Fan Shi QiJing Chu
Luo Yu Tong: Yang Mian Main
Wei Zhe Ming: Xu Zhe
Chinese Title
Episodes: 26
Recap Grade: A → D
First Impression: 3/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] It’s Jing Chu’s first day as the vice-captain at Nan Xing City Police Department. He’s late but he doesn’t care. He’s assigned his first mission: to locate a missing person. It’s Yang Mian Mian. Her name sounds like Sheep Cotton Cotton. With a call, he can pick out exactly where she is from the sounds in the background. He’s got these meticulous deductive skills and she’s got a memory better than photographic memory. Somehow they end up finding a thief together. She gave him the details and he caught the criminal.

Yang Mian Mian is an orphan. She’s currently a third year high school student. Whenever she’s skipping class, the police are deported. It’s not that she skips school to her desire though. She has an acute sense of hearing and smell. When the environment overwhelms her, her symptoms are like low blood sugar: dizzy. Since Jing Chu has the best record of finding her, Jing Chu is responsible for her from now on. 

There’s more to their past. Yang Mian Mian has a brother who passed away. He’s Yang Xin. He’s also Jing Chu’s tutor when he was young. All these years, Jing Chu has been investigating his death that is unsolved to this day. 

A convenience store owner is murdered. He’s Fang Wei. Yang Mian Mian becomes the suspect. Her motives are called to question because Fang Wei was a suspect of her brother’s death. 

[Ep2] Jing Chu proves Yang Mian Mian’s alibi with a footprint. He asks her more about Fang Wei. This gives Yang Mian Mian a headache. Jing Chu puts on earbuds for her to calm her just like her brother would care for her. The signals of love are here. Jing Chu walks her home. She makes a bratty comment about how he’s not in charge of her. He corrects her that he is in charge of her from now on. More love signals. 

Yang Mian Mian skips class again. Jing Chu is there within ten minutes. She’s waiting for him by the school gates. She gives him all the details of the convenience store regulars in the past six months. Jing Chu is impressed. 

[Ep3] Yang Mian Mian is skipping class again. Jing Chu is off to find her again. This is a game of cat and mouse except the mouse wants to be caught. She’s waiting for him to catch her so that he can help her catch the motorcyclist who hit her friend. How does Jing Chu have patience for her? 

With Yang Mian Mian’s help, Jing Chu and team discover a second murder. Yang Mian Mian tags along on the scene. Her ears are in pain. She faints over and lands onto Jing Chu’s chest. When she wakes up, she’s surprised she calmed down so fast. She realizes it might be because of Jing Chu’s heartbeat. She accidentally falls onto his chest again and confirms that his heartbeat does calm hers. 

Yang Mian Mian recalls more details relating the two murders. She remembers there were these footsteps she heard half a year ago when Zhou Xiao Ning’s (a suspect) mother disappeared. Jing Chu asks her whether these steps where light and heavy for every alternating step (Fang Wei is crippled so his steps would sound like that). Mian Mian has difficulty remembering that detail. There’s too many other noises polluting her ears. She peeks at Jing Chu and quickly plants her ears to his chest. It works like a charm. She hears the footsteps much clearer and can confirm the foot steps were like he described. 

[Ep4] Zhou Xiao Ning is arrested as a suspect for both murders. However, the entire process is weird. One moment she’s upset at her mother’s death that she knows nothing about. One moment she’s calms and denies all charges. She’s got a split personality. The one who killed her mother is the self that claims she’s Zhou Xiao Ning’s sister. She killed them because they were stealing Zhou Xiao Ning from her. 

The romance between Zhou Xiao Ning and Fang Wei were actually pretty cute. Too bad she killed him. Her split personality began when her father abused her and her mother. Her mother soon became obsessed with her daughter as well and was afraid the man would breakup with her after he learns of her illness. After a fight with her mother, her alternate personality surfaces and she accidentally kills her mother. Fang Wei helps her hide the corpse. That’s how they lived for the last six months. He thought she was recovering but her psychological problem has only worsened. She kills him too. With the truth revealed now, Zhou Xiao Ning is hospitalized.

Mian Mian barges into Jing Chu’s home. Seems like he’s a perfectionist and hates disorder. It bothers him when she leaves her bag on his white couch and a watermelon on his clean counter and opens every room in his house. Even me who isn’t a perfectionist would be bothered by this. She’s here to ask him to take her in as his disciple. Through him she thinks she’s finally useful and not abnormal. Sympathizing her, he gives her his food card that’s good for a year. And this begins their master-student relationship even if it’s only one-sided from her. 

Wei Zhe Ming shows up! He’s a doctor (Xu Zhe). He likes this girl who doesn’t like him at all. 

[Ep5] Part of Jing Chu’s job as a vice captain of the police crime division is to attend Mian Mian’s parent teacher interview. Jing Chu obliges. She’s late and he lectures her on whether she actually wants to change for the better (his request of her if she wants to be his disciple). She was late because she went to buy a birthday cake for him but she doesn’t tell him. Jing Chu also realizes he was wrong to lecture her. She has improved her grades and behaviour in school a lot. 

Jing Chu becomes jealous and a controlling parent when Mian Mian eats with another man (Gu Shi Qing). They both know this man, he works at the orphanage but it doesn’t seem like Jing Chu likes him for personal reasons. 

[Ep6] Mian Mian seems to be getting herself in another case. She bumps into this idol who helps her get through the bustling building (because of her fans). Mian Mian is delivering a package to this man because her coworker is a lazy butt. The package is hate mail and this man chases down Mian Mian. However, when this man sees a marking on her wrist, he remembers when he was a scientist experimenting on this girl. A mad scientist is involved in her supernatural powers? This madman kidnaps her and tortures her. 

Jing Chu finds her but the man escapes. He takes her to the hospital where Xu Zhe is her doctor. She’s still unconscious. Jing Chu finds her journal and he’s reminded of his father. His father is a researcher and had experimented on a girl with extraordinary memories. 

When Mian Mian wakes up, she only sees Xu Zhe. He’s quite a show off about his youthful age and his achievements as a doctor. He also has a high EQ. When he tells her how caring Jing Chu was towards her while she was unconscious, he senses Mian Mian’s giddiness. 

[Ep7] The man who kidnapped Mian Mian is murdered. His name is Chen Ming. The wife tells Jing Chu the harassing message they received on their wall. It’s all these math equations. He also just received a promotion to be a director at this company with disapproving members. His wife is also cheating. In other words there’s a lot of suspects. 

It was cute when Mian Mian was discharged. Jing Chu left notes all over her home predicting all the things she’d do that isn’t good for her health. He even takes her to Cu Zhe to examine her special abilities.

Second Couple: Mu Qing continues to reject Xu Zhe’s each and every advances. Why? 

[Ep8] Jing Chu records the wave for her. He hopes it will calm her whenever she's uncomfortable. Mian Mian refuses to tell him why she was kidnapped claiming she forgot it. 

Mian Mian is once again overwhelmed. She faints over. When she's awake, she's still weak. Upon seeing Jing Chu she walks straight to him, or more precisely, to his chest. She falls asleep calmly in his arm. That's when Jing Chu learns why she's likes his chest so much. Her friend (the boy) also takes a listen to his chest and feels nothing. He just finds it weird that Jing Chu's heart rate stays stable the whole time. Jing Chu lets Mian Mian rest on his chest again. Calmed, Mian Mian recalls a detail to help solve Chen Ming's murder case. 

The murderer is the man who Chen Ming cheated off of to get the marks to enter university. This man thinks Chen Ming ruined all his hopes in life. 

[Ep9] The murderer is Chen Ming, another Chen Ming. The dead Chen Ming stole this Chen Ming’s mark and soared in life. Meanwhile the Killer Chen Ming lives his life poorly as a janitor. The police asks him if killing Chen Ming is worth it. Jing Chu answers for him that it is. He has terminal cancer. He doesn’t regret killing him. But that doesn’t meant he should have done it. There was a mysterious man who told him about Chen Ming stealing his marks or else he’d never know about it. Killer Chen Ming also recounts how Dead Chen Ming offered him a medication that can relieve him of his pains. Although the murder case is closed, Jing Chu is still curious about why Dead Chen Ming kidnapped Mian Mian, the mysterious man, and the medication. 

Mian Mian has no intentions of entering university. Jing Chu wants her to reconsider. He remembers his own past when Yang Xin encouraged him (when he was a delinquent) to go to university. Mian Mian wants to listen to him but there’s a problem. She hates the testing environment. To her acute senses, the hostile and stiff atmosphere at test centres are suffocating. Jing Chu starts to train her. He improves her concentration by teaching her archery. He takes her to a supermarket to clear her head among any distraction. In the midst of all the training there is obviously mandatory skinship. With Jing Chu’s guidance, Mian Mian is exam ready. We normal people study for exams by reading our notes but this girl takes archery lessons and goes to a supermarket. It’s tough for everyone....

[Ep10] The entire crime division (in their uniform) is here to cheer on Mian Mian for her exams. Even Jing Chu. She gives him a big hug. It’s not just Mian Mian’s who’s nervous, Jing Chu is nervous for her too. 

Mian Mian is taking her exams. It’s not easy at all but every time she tensed up, she thought of Jing Chu, his hands and the waves he taught her to listen to. She uses every ounce of her energy to keep herself focused. After she’s done the exams, she faints over. Jing Chu was waiting for her outside the school and quickly carries her back home. When she wakes up she tells him the easiest way to cure her is his heart rate. Both of them become awkward. 

Mian Mian’s score is high enough to make it to any university. Now she has another dilemma. She doesn’t know what major to apply for. Jing Chu recommends her to consider psychology. 

[Ep11] There’s a trip for the police department which is also to celebrate Mian Mian passing her exams. 

After a tough battle for the seat next to Jing Chu, she falls asleep on Jing Chu’s shoulders. He finds it uncomfortable and gently sits her upright. Her head falls to the other side onto the hard surface. Jing Chu reaches over and cushions the surface with his hand. Mian Mian smiles. She was awake all along. 
[Ep12] Mian Mian gives a kiss on the cheek to a sleeping Jin Chu. He was awake all along too? They also go on a date that’s not a date but it’s actually a date. 

Jing Chu is jealous that she dressed up pretty for Shi Ji. He shows up in time to give her his chest to quell her overwhelmed senses and takes her out of the formal event that doesn't fit her (according to Jing Chu).

[Ep13] The cute: Jing Chu piggybacks Mian Mian home. She asks him to wait for her until she grows up and she’ll be beautiful just like Mu Qing. He thinks she’s beautiful just as she is. 

This episode, Jing Chu realizes he likes Mian Mian. 

[Ep14] Jing Chu denies his own feelings and rejects Yang Mian Mian. 

[Ep15] An idol star dies. 

[Ep16] New character: Wang Yi Chen, a pro Go player. I recently finished Hikaru No Go so I'm a bit sensitive to anything Go related.



[Ep19] Mian Mian is the research’s #4 specimen that Gu Shi Qing is funding. His motive is to use all these specimen (children!) to find a cure for his father. For the record, Gu Shi Qing never knew Mian Mian was #4 until this episode. He’s a little regretful he has to use her but his father is more important. 

Xu Zhe books an entire theatre for a romantic event for the love of his life, Lin Mu Qing. They’re engaged. 

[Ep20] Xu Zhe is the scientist who’s doing all the evil research. My Wei Zhe Ming is evil! It was him who discovered Mian Mian is #4. Xu Zhe must have been in his teens when he researched on Mian Mian though... Gu Shi Qing also warns him that Lin Mu Qing is investigating into their research.

Wang Yi Chen suspiciously commits suicide. He was also a research specimen. 

[Ep21] Mian Mian is able to decipher whether Wang Yi Chen committed suicide just by following her brain’s logic and running on almost zero clues. Jing Chu knows this too. He’s comforted by her and her present that she made. It’s a clay statue of him. He was able to guess the present before she even gave it to him. He hugs her. These two... they’ll never be able to host any surprise event for each other. And they can’t even think about cheating without the other knowing, lol.

Lin Mu Qing catches Xu Zhe in the act. He’s furious she tested him. He has no interest in turning himself in. When he discovers she was also recording their conversation, he almost stranglers her to death. He sure is a mad scientist. A police officer stops him. Lin Mu Qing is safe and reveals everything to her colleagues. 
Gu Shi Qing purposely reveals to Mian Mian that Jing Chu knew about her brother’s death and how he died. 

[Ep22] Jing Chu tells Mian Mian his past. After his father’s death in high school, he became rebellious. It was Yang Xin who pulled him out of his slump. Yang Xin was helping him run away from these thugs but it’s Yang Xin who ends up falling from a building. Jing Chu gives his testimony to the police officers but he has no proof and the people he’s testifying against have an alibi. 

Mian Mian blames Jing Chu for her brother’s death but at the same time she’s heartbroken that Jing Chu is only taking care of her because of the guilt he felt for her brother. 

The police have zeroed in on Gu Shi Qing but they don’t have enough evidence to arrest him. 

[Ep23] Yang Mian Mian is kidnapped by Gu Shu Qing. She manages to run away. She’s lost in this wood. Jing Chu defies orders to search for her own his own. That night, Mian Mian dreams of her brother. Her brother tells her to trust in Jing Chu. What a convenient dream. Jing Chu finds her. Holding hands, they try to locate the laboratory she was detained in when she was younger. They search into the night and still can’t find it. Resting up, Jing Chu finds a chance to apologize to her. She may regret meeting him but he doesn’t. Mian Mian tells him when he was in danger, the first person she thought of was him. She has long forgiven him.

In the morning, they’re attacked. Jing Chu protects her just like Yang Xin had protected him. In the end they’re still separated though. Mian Mian is in the hands of Gu Shu Qing and Xu Zhe. 

[Ep24] Gu Shu Qing reveals to Mian Mian that Jing Chu’s father is the original researcher. Therefore he's the mad scientist that ruined her life.

Xu Zhe helps Jing Chu escape. He assures him Mian Mian will be safe with Gu Shu Qing because he needs her alive to complete the research. 

Police have arrived to the laboratory. Jing Chu searches all over the place for Mian Mian. He does find Wang Yi Chen though. He’s still alive, just unconscious. Jing Chu suffers a serious knife wound from Gu Shu Qing to save Mian Mian. 

Everyone confesses to their crimes. Why Xu Zhe changed from 180 back to 180 beats me. He asks the police officers to apologize to Lin Mu Qing for him. He never approached her with an ulterior motive. Lin Mu Qing visits him in jail. She tells him his love isn’t worth anything to her. If he truly loved her he would have known how much she values her principles above herself. She leaves the ring on the table and leaves. 

[Ep25] Jing Chu and Gu Shu Qing’s father collaborated on the research but when it questioned his ethicality, Jing Chu’s father wanted to terminate the project but ends up dying at Gu Dad’s hands. 

Meanwhile Yang Xin died because Gu Shi Qing was cornering him to reveal Mian Mian's location. Yang Xin chose to die to protect Mian Mian. 

Gu Shi Qing is prosecuted. 

[Ep26] Jing Chu is back to normal and he's training Mian Mian to improve her physique. She collapses. Her body is still affected from the evil research those scientists had done on her. Jing Chu wants to send her to another city to cure her. She’s mad he’s sending her away. She thinks he’s abandoning her. 

Mian Mian is still mad so Jing Chu follows her secretly (to protect her in broad daylight?). Like the first episode, she meets a thief. He helps her catch the thief. When he finally gets a chance to talk to her, he apologizes for saying he can't accompany her. She happily forgives him. I guess she's going to stay in the same city to slowly heal her own way. 

The drama ends with them going on a date and a kiss. 


[First Impression (Ep1-8)] This is a police romance drama plus a girl with supernatural powers. It’s a good balance between cases and romance. Cases do take the forefront though. The overarching case is the mystery behind Yang Mian Mian’s supernatural powers which seems to connect her to the male lead’s (Jing Chu) father. Jing Chu is also investigating into the unsolved case of Mian Mian’s brother’s death. With their pasts intricately linked and her supernatural memory that helps him solve his cases, these two develop a relationship beyond that of guardian and child. Oh yeah. Forgot to mention he’s her guardian all of a sudden. That relationship is suppose to transition to romance. She’s definitely 18 because she’s in high school and I’d like to believe he’s not ten years older than her. That’s a bit too much for a high school girl. But ignoring age, I think they’re pretty cute together. For the record, she’s definitely not 18 in real life. 

[Actors/Actresses] Finally a Kris Fan drama I don’t think I’ll drop this year. I hope I didn’t jinx myself. Lu Yu Tong is one of the few things I liked in Crocodile and Plover Bird. She’s so different here compared to there. She acts cute convincingly well. Wei Zhe Ming rounds out the cast. I love this man but his role is too small here to satisfy me. 

[Dropped] I jinxed myself. In the middle it got too romance-focused and I wasn't feeling the chemistry. The cases also weren't that interesting for me. It might be watchable for others though! 

[Episode 20 Update] After hearing spoilers about this episode, I picked this up again. 

[Ending] Happy. 

Final Review

[Review] This is a detective/romance drama. Yang Mian Mian is a girl with heightened senses. Jing Chu is a brilliant police officer. Each case leads them closer to this laboratory that houses a secret that Yang Mian Mian refuses to tell him. 

I found this mediocre. It did not excel in either romance or mystery. It tried to balance the two genres but the result of it was bland on both ends. At the very least, it is watchable especially if you like the actors. [Spoiler] Wei Zhe Ming is the reason I picked this up again but the moment his character is exposed, the drama does nothing within him and we just watch his character fall apart. [/Sp] All in all, there is no climax which sucks for a detective drama.