May 5, 2020

Autumn Cicada | Recap and Review

A nationalistic man who's secretly operating under the enemy's military police.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Ren Jia Lun: Ye Chong
Li Man: He Ying
Chinese Title
Episodes: 8/51
First Impression: N/A

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Ye Chong's codename is Autumn Cicada (秋蟬). He's under the Japanese military but is actually a spy for the Communist Party of China. As the Japanese are infiltrating Hong Kong to spread their reigns, Ye Chong finds his Chinese comrades dying one by one. One of those comrades die to keep his identity a secret. There's a lot of seasoned actors making cameos. All of them die... one of them is Han Dong.

[Ep2] Ye Chong's disguise isn't foul proof. The General and Gong Ben Cang Ye have doubts in his loyalty to the Japanese.

[Ep3] No night is a safe night. Ye Chong is the target of many girls. Three to be exact. They all want him dead. One girl wants him dead because she's loyal to the Chinese. The other girl wants him dead because she's loyal to the Japanese. The last girl is the most successful one who shot a bullet to his chest. She was about to kill the General as well but that's just a death sentence for her had it not been Ye Chong's quick reaction to tackle her down. She too suffers a gun wound. She's He Ying, a student with no affiliation to either parties (except for the fact that she's Chinese). She's avenging her dead brother, He Yong. She's now a Japanese hostage. Ye Chong saves her from her brutal punishment. His excuse is that he needs to personally survey her because she's here to kill him. He also treats her wound like a professional physician. He vows to himself to protect her because he believes her brother's death is his fault.

[Ep4] Ye Chong wants to save yet another girl who had wanted to kill him: Jin Xiang (the one who was loyal to Chinese). The girl he had saved, He Ying, wakes up from her slumber and resists his kindness.

[Ep5]  Chi Cheng sneaks into Ye Chong's residence to ask him to save Jin Xiang from her death penalty. The General catches their meeting and becomes suspicious of Ye Chong but Chi Cheng does all the explaining for him as if he wants to protect Ye Chong. He makes an enticing business offer to the General but he deliberates on it. Later, when He Ying runs away on her own accord and is captured by Gong Ben Cang Ye to make her a bait to her supposed Chinese comrades, Ye Chong makes a deal with Chi Cheng. He'll help him save Jin Xiang in exchange for his help in saving He Ying. I don't know the details of the deal but it seems like Chi Cheng didn't fulfill his end because Ye Chong had to do all the saving by himself. He couldn't watch the innocent He Ying die in the rain. Now Ye Chong has to find a reason to explain his erratic behaviour. He also fulfills his end of the promise: Jin Xiang is free of death penalty.

[Ep6] He Ying is alive but sick. Even then she still ambushes him. It fails, obviously. There's a new character: Lin Xiao Zhuang. He's just like Ye Chong: under Japanese rule but is loyal to Chinese. 



[First Impression (Ep1-3)] I'm not a fan of dramas revolving around communism. My only exception was The Stalker. That was great teamwork and less so country pride. This one screams unwavering loyalty to the communist party... So not my taste in dramas. What can I say, I'm a Ren Jia Lun fan. Sigh. The dramas I put myself through for this man. There's also another thing in this drama that bugs me: Ye Chong's utmost loyalty to China when he grew up as a Japanese. Makes no sense at all. I'll probably have to wait until the reveal of his past. If there is no reveal and I'm supposed to believe it's only because Chinese blood is running in his flesh and bone, I'm going to give myself a facepalm. As for the episodes I've seen so far, it's a little slower paced than I anticipated. And I'm not a fan of the voice-over that's explaining all of Ye Chong's inner thoughts. 

[Dropped] Too much talking; too little action. Overwhelming amount of patriotism. Everyone is suspicious of everyone but I don't feel the suspense at all. I tried eight episodes only for the sake of Ren Jia Lun.