September 11, 2022

Rising Lady | Recap and Review

Rising Lady
A trio of ladies, rising to the occasion. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Qin Hai LuLei Li
Bai Bing: Ren Duo Mei
Wei WeiShen Jia Nan
Jin Shi JiaQin Tian
Gao Xiao Xiao
Chinese Title
Their Names (她們 = feminine “their”)
Episodes: 32
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 3.3/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1-3Ren Duo Mei is a housewife – a pseudonym for a servant to her husband and mother-in-law. She adapted her entire lifestyle to fit her husband’s. I’m just waiting for her doctor husband to cheat…and her whole world to fall apart… Her situation is aggravating, but her vulnerability evokes my sympathy
Lei Li is successful and single. I love her attitude so far. Calm and collected. Punches when no one expects. In the opening theme song, I see a young guy pursuing her. He appears in Ep3 with ulterior motives… So will he actually fall in love with her later? 
Shen Jia Nan quits her original job and interns at Lei Li’s company because she suspects Lei Li is her father’s mistress. Previously, Shen Jia Nan had asked her mother “What if dad cheated, would you divorce?” The mother wouldn’t. Marriage isn’t dating. However, Shen Jia Nan is determined to get down to the bottom of this. She’s my favourite character. Charismatic. Reckless but 爽 – invigoratingly straightforward.  
Qin Tian is Lei Li’s loyal subordinate. Naturally, this puts him and Shen Jia Nan on opposite fronts. Begin, our bickering couple! 
[Ep4-5] Ren Duo Mei is friends with Lei Li. She casually tells Lei Li that she’s considering divorce with Zhang Wei Chen. She’s not, She’s just saying it. She thinks she has lost her agency, without control of her own life. Her husband has the face of a cheater, but he isn’t cheating! Confused. Why isn’t he cheating, lol. It’s throwing me off balance

Shen Jia Nan has her principles and won’t conform. She doesn’t join the crowd to bully a colleague. Then when this colleague steals her clients and her efforts, she’s no pushover. She’s fearless and sets the facts straight for every ear to hear. I’m loving Shen Jia Nan more and more
Qin Tian recognizes Shen Jia Nan's efforts. He saw her pull all those OTs, and so when their team is investigating the spy (who’s helping Yu Fei Fei, another manager who is Lei Li’s rival), he doesn’t suspect her. Aw, he may not like SJN (for now!), but he keeps it professional

[Ep6Romance is starting :D So our Cold-Faced Qin Tian hooks Shen Jia Nan up with a real estate agent because he knows she’s homeless. She’s dumbfounded at his kindness and sits in his car, not exiting. 

Qin Tian: Are you waiting for me to open the door for you? 

He opens the door by the way. Later… 

Shen Jia Nan: Are you trying to pursue me? 

He says no.  
Then when the real estate agent flirts with Shen Jia Nan and gives his number (written on a napkin), Qin Tian grumpily sips his non-alcoholic beverage. Nope. Not this Sir! QT is definitely not pursuing her. And this guy who’s not pursuing her did not just rip his friend’s number right in front of her. 

Shen Jia Nan warms up to the Cold-Face too. She buys Qin Tian a “Cold-faced” phone case because she notices (!) he keeps dropping his phone. He uses it immediately! But then he finds out she snuck into Lei Li’s office using his key. 

Phone case → trashcan. 
Cold-face  Angry-face. 
But hey, he’s emoting! So that’s still a positive sign right?

[Ep7] Shen Jia Nan – gosh, did I say I love her? – calls her sleazy superior “tiny”. Manager Tang is offended, just what is she calling tiny! 
But Shen Jia Nan cheekily clarifies it’s her salary that's itty bitty *see the pinky*. It’s obvious though, Shen Jia Nan is disgusted that the men are chatting about a woman’s butt in the cafeteria like they’re entitled to and so she strikes up a relatable conversation with him...

Shen Jia Nan: Should we chat about the shortness of a girl’s dress or the length of a man’s leg hair? Both will work for me. 
Manager Tang: You’re not at all like a girl [yatta yatta]. Do you have any class? 
Shen Jia Nan (sarcastically): I don’t [have class]. Really sorry! Are we still chatting? No? Then goodbye. 

As Shen Jia Nan’s superior, Lei Li makes her “apologize”.

Shen Jia Nan (loudly): Manager Tang said female colleagues who don’t wear short dresses are a waste of resources. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have asked Manager Tang why he can’t wear short pants to work. Oh no, I don’t mean it like that [anything sexual]. I just feel that Manager Tang has these long legs. Not showing it off would be a pity.
Lei Li (louder): Ridiculous! Manager Tang’s legs can’t be seen by just anyone!

Ahhh, love it. Our two main ladies teaming up against a scum. Shen Jia Nan and Lei Li clear their misunderstanding – Lei Li is not Shen Jia Nan's father’s mistress. Shen Jia Nan, although she’s admirable, she really does jump the gun too quickly. She risks it all for what she believes is right (e.g. her previous job, her family, etc.).
The real shocker of this episode: Ren Duo Mei is Qin Tian’s ex-girlfriend! Did she dump Qin Tian for her rich doctor husband?? 

[Ep8] The doctor husband says he’s supportive of Ren Duo Mei returning to work, but his expression screams discomfort. The guy doesn’t want a child and doesn’t want her to work, what is she supposed to do?! Dude, why don’t you marry as a vase

Lei Li’s relationships are so interesting nowGao Xu (the young guy) genuinely likes Lei Li…even though his (Gao) father was accused of cheating with her (Lei Li) by his (Gao) mother. If these two became a couple...her “in-laws” awkward time, lol. Then Lei Li gets a new neighbour, Yue Ze, whom she misunderstands is the dirtbag who dumped her bestie. By accident, he breaks her pinkie. I think I like pinkie-breaker, but I also think this is a broken ship

Qin Tian paid Shen Jia Nan’s rent for three months. He probably thought the gesture was so cool (he is cool!), but now he realizes she’s an heiress. Heh. She’s depending on herself though, so she is grateful for the rent. 

Ren Duo Mei interviews at Lei Li’s company. Her interviewer is Qin Tian... 

[Ep9] Qin Tian’s ex-girlfriend and future girlfriend have dad problems. Ren Duo Mei’s father committed aggravated assault (?). Anyway, he has a criminal record and he’s likely the reason she’s afraid of blood. As for Shen Jia Nan, it’s the same news: her father cheated. She has pictures of him with other women. Father Shen wants Shen Jia Nan fired or he won’t invest in the project. Lei Li does not comply. Yay! 

Lei Li questions Qin Tian the reason for refusing Ren Duo Mei’s application as an influencer in their agency (reminder: she’s her bestie and she’s his ex). Our clever Shen Jia Nan saves Qin Tian from answering the dicey question. She criticizes Ren Duo Mei for treating housewife like a job. Is there even love in that marriage? I call SJN clever because she also deciphers that the applicant is Lei Li’s friend or she wouldn’t be asking. Hence, Shen Jia Nan adds that if the influencer puts all that effort into a career (with salary) then she can start a company by now! This makes Lei Li smile. Shen Jia Nan easily sucked up to Lei Li and saved Qin Tian from a tricky question

[Ep10] Shen Jim Nan is afraid of the dark. Her electricity is out. She calls her agent who then passes the romantic task to Qin Tian, who fixes it with ease. 
QT softly hammering her head for being dumb in not knowing to flip the switch.
Shen Jia Nan invites Qin Tian over for coffee because that’s what she ought to do for the man who saved her from the dark. After refusing and refusing, he’s in her home. And he’s the one making her coffee. 

[Ep11] In a meeting, Shen Jia Nan speaks up for the team’s product (cotton pad for makeup removal). Marketing Guy is fed up and asks who this novice is and which department she’s from. 

Qin Tian: She’s mine. Booya! 

Their promotion is a success. “Bare-faced is not shameful” is trending and selling, ergo beating Yu Fei Fei who quits is demoted. Lei Li is certain Yu Fei Fei will return better than before because she has that fighting potential. I’m looking forward to drama's depiction of “female villains”. I think there will be good character growth.  
Sooooo Lei Li has a colourful romantic outlook! Three guys! She has an ex: Chen Bi De (his original name is Chen Chao Sheng (it’s supposed to be tacky-sounding hence the name change). Fifteen years ago, they were dating, but because he wanted the promotion at their old company and Lei Li was more capable, he married the company's heiress to steal the spot. Fifteen years now, he helicopters in to Lei Li’s current company and is the new vice-president, above her once again. His wife is here to give Lei Li cake too. So juicy. Her life, not the cake. The young guy, Gao Xu, is still hotly pursuing Lei Li. She tells him they’re incompatible. Their biggest difference isn’t age, but they’re very existence/character/foundation. She rejects him. That’s not the last of her night! The neighbour is here too ~ He’s the boss of the restaurant that Lei Li and everyone is at. He notes that she’s quite popular. 

Is Shen Jia Nan accepting her feelings that she likes Qin Tian? :D 
In the morning, she pops in the elevator to greet him, but he’s still Cold-Face. Then he checks his phone. There’s a message for a school reunion. Ren Duo Mei is in the chat.... 

[Ep12] In the office, Shen Jia Nan asks Qin Tian, “I confessed to you yesterday. Do you remember? *Swoons* Flashback: Shen Jia Nan was inebriated. “I’m young and pretty. wandering around in front of you. Aren’t you aroused?” Aroused! That was last night and this morning, she’s asking him to date her! They’re both single, so why not? Qin Tian is so flustered. Cold-face be gone! His instinctual reply is to order her to work. She gets up to leave, but she tells him to sincerely consider her or he’ll regret it. I LOVE HER

Ren Duo Mei makes a contract with her MIL. As an incentive to be pregnant, Ren Duo Mei wants her name on the house. Then after she gives birth to twins (because there’s a secret formula/technique for that *shrugs*), she wants the promised 1M RMB. For context, MIL offered the money first: 0.5 M RMB per child. MIL is under the impression that it’s Ren Duo Mei who doesn’t want a child. MIL also didn’t think Ren Duo Mei would take the offer (and notarizing it!). Ren Duo Mei, 1-0.

Chen Bi De (the ex) invites Lei Li for dinner........................ and lies to his wife that it’s work....... Lei Li counterattacks! She chose a restaurant where his wife will show up. Then she enlisted Gao Xu as her boyfriend. xD Then she ditches him too, ha

Shen Jia Nan and Gao Xu share their love woes. They’re childhood friends, both born rich. She compliments Qin Tian for being a 經濟適用男 (jing ji shi yong nan), an economical, affable man. Popular husband material is no longer the “rich guy”, but 經濟適用男. Baidu has a description of it. It’s so specific, it’s scary, lol. Appearance wise, an “economical man” is of average height, traditional hairstyles, and forgetful appearances. By average height, we’re talking 172-182cm. Lol! Weight is 65-85kg (Chinese men tend to be light-ish anyway so this isn’t that hard especially for ~30-35yo. Also, I think weight is the least important of all the criteria). Character-wise, they are gentle and will forfeit their salary to their wife or establish an AA system. They do not smoke, drink, turn off their phones (LOL), gamble, cheat, nor have close female friends. Their monthly salary is 2000 - 10,000 RMB with the ability to pay down payment for a mortgage! (← The second half of that sentence is the most important, haha.) Usually these men are in education, IT, machinery manufacturing, etc. Education level is Bachelor degree or above. They can cook. They're patient, filial, loving, self-progressive, (omg this list doesn’t stop!) does not swear, modest, cautious, steady, generous, loyal to love, and responsible. *Exhales*. Gao Xu tells Shen Jia Nan that Qin Tian isn’t right for her. He is an economical man for a reason, which means he only spends money where it’s important and he hasn’t spent a penny on her. She isn’t important to him at all. He paid 3 months of her rent! Shen Jia Nan, are you that forgetful?   

Shen Jia Nan saves Ren Duo Mei from random thugs by smashing a glass bottle on their heads. She calls Qin Tian for SOS, but his phone is on silent (while he’s reminiscing about his past relationship with Ren Duo Mei). Does this mean he’s ready to face the past and let it go!? Yeah? Anyway, back to the girls who are in danger. Lei Li happens to phone Ren Duo Mei, but she doesn’t know how to describe her location. Shen Jia Nan picks up the phone and gives the most precise description I’ve ever seen anyone give when they’re in fear. Lei Li finds the exact spot and revs her engine to scare the thugs. She even bumpers them. Lei Li’s a hero! Loving this! The three girls are on their way to being besties ~ Then the restaurant boss, you know the pinkie-breaker, phones Lei Li to remind her of her dinner reservation. He’s closing soon. She offers to pay extra and tells him she’s bringing two friends over. He welcomes her. Ou~ Is he the real guy for Lei Li? 
[Ep13] Ren Duo Mei struggles to decide on whether to accept the 1M RMB. The boss, Yue Ze, brings in skewers, which he specifically made for Lei Li’s friend. Lei Li had mentioned she had a friend, who she worried about, who particularly loves skewers. Ren Duo Mei thanks the boss and asks for more pepper. It’s looking pervertedly spicy. 

Yue Ze: This is your skewer. You have the right to decide on its taste. He’s telling her she has control of her own life. Hm. Is Yue Ze meant for Ren Duo Mei? o.o 

The husband doctor is angry for his wife and yells at his mother over the phone. He picks up Ren Duo Mei. The next morning, he also makes her breakfast. He tells her how perfect and happy their life is. It sucks that he’s not being a straight up jerk. He’s insinuating, ever so subtle at emotional manipulation. He’s comforting her and yet simultaneously ignoring her problems yet keeping his perfect loving husband image. If the wife was content, this could be a fine marriage. But she’s not.  

Qin Tian realizes all his missed calls were SOS from Shen Jia Nan. She tells him it’s okay. To make it up to her, he can buy her a new phone (since she dropped hers). She’ll take it as a token to start their relationship. Sly girl :D. He’s not in the mood to joke around (and neither is she!). He tells her not to go out drinking with Gao Xu (who didn’t even send her home). She says they’re childhood friends. Then he tells her not to put herself in danger. She says she was walking on a street. She argues that it’s those hooligans who are felonious. Shen Jia Nan has a comeback for everything when she knows what he means. Shen Jia Nan plays dumb. 

Shen Jia Nan (flirting): What do you mean? 
Qin Tian (stares at her and then breaks eye contact): If you have to drink, remember to call me so I can pick you up. 

He says it’s an employee benefit. Hehe. Later on, she compliments herself for being clever and caring. “Don’t men love that in their girlfriends?” She’s got a pick up line in every conversation. His reply is so boring: they’re going to be late. *Rolls eyes* 

Lei Li has food at Yue Ze's. I think I missed the scene of these two going from enemies to friends... Gao Xu walks in to give her a puppy, mostly ignoring Yue Ze. You can’t just gift puppies out of nowhere...  

Lei Li: You know I don’t like you, so why must you persist?
Gao Xu: I know I’m going to die, so why must I thrive to live? Ha

Anyway, now that she has accepted his dog, he has the right to frequently visit her (and the dog). Trapped!

Qin Tian drives Shen Jia Nan home because he doesn’t want her to be with Gao Xu and now they’re grocery shopping. She’s buying Pringles because she’s on a diet. Never ask a girl why. If you must, ask, but don’t question the logic. She only buys one because she’s poor lately. In CEO fashion, he brushes a row or Pringles into her cart. My Pringles man! 

Qin Tian: I have money. It’s an employee benefit. LOL
Qin Tian gets excited for tofu. Cute. It’s the local kind. It looks hard and old, but it has a rich scent of soybean, and it’s nutritious. It’s very tasty. 

Shen Jia Nan: I’ve figured it out. You are 本地豆腐 (Local Tofu). My Pringles Man is now Local Tofu.  

Shen Jia Nan spots Ren Duo Mei with her MIL. On behalf of her new friend, Shen Jia Nan pushes a row of snacks onto the MIL. Qin Tian grumpily lectures her to be more like a girl. Excuse me? He means that girls should be more mature. She’s fed up. In his defence, he’s worried about her. What if she hurt the MIL and bringing trouble to herself? Her actions were reckless. But he didn’t have to add the part about being a girl

Shen Jia Nan: My father told me that girls should be at home and get married. Gao Xu told me that girls chasing guys won’t work. Now you’re telling me girls should be more mature or guys won’t like them. How come men have to decide how we should be girls? It’s like everything that girls do is for men to love them. Even if that man is you and even if I like you, aren’t you too full of yourself? 

Shen Jia Nan walks off. Qin Tian chases after her. From afar, Ren Duo Mei sees him (and not SJN). She was trying to buy tofu but it was sold out. 

Ren Duo Mei: Good things always sell out fast. Qin Tian is sold out! Girl, you passed up on him though.

[Ep14] Shen Jia Nan is still piqued at Qin Tian. At work, she won’t talk to him nor eat his snacks, and so to treat her, he treats the entire team! She smiles to herself, but keeps up her angry act. She walks off, and he avoids treating the team for teatime xD
In a meeting, Lei Li and Yu Fei Fei are on the same side against Chen Bi De. The girls' goals align: they’re standing up for women and for the company. Are they friends?! But Yu Fei Fei doesn’t toast with Lei Li. They’re not at that level yet. 
Manager Tang snubs Lei Li for having a younger boyfriend. Like how is that any of his business? Shen Jia Nan walks into the cafeteria and calls him out for that, and then he targets her, “I can mind your business too.” In response, Shen Jia Nan snaps a cucumber in his face. A phallic symbol? She bites into it and offers the other half to Lei Li. Maybe not phallic symbol. Lol. I wouldn’t want to bite if I were her. Manager Tang is offended by cucumbers. Who even bought them! Qin Tian says he did, and decides to buy more for teatime. Manager Tang yells at them to stop from leaving. Lei Li quickly intersects and instructs them to buy ones that are flowered and thorny. Roger! Shen Jian Tan hooks onto Qin Tian’s arm and skips away with him. Meanwhile Lei Li chucks the cucumber in the garbage can right behind Manager Tang, scaring him. She says it’s acerbic. Him. Piercing. He says he understands her temper. Menopause, right? She can understand his mood too. It must be the breeding season. 

Then the entire office is eating cucumbers in front of Manager Tang. 

It seems like Lei Li really likes the dog (Duo Duo). And maybe Gao Xu will actually have a chance?

[Ep15] Both Ren Duo Mei’s parents are so supportive even if she hates her father. 

Qin Tian is turning out to be quite the cutie: allergic to sake but has to drink it for business, but then he’s afraid of needles and so he can’t go to hospitals. Shen Jia Nan has the cure! Wonton. Don’t ask. It’s a night date! He tells her to consider someone else. She tells him she can’t or she’d be a player (playing him). Heh.  
Waltzing? Nope. Qin Tian is helping Shen Jia Nan walk down a slope with her stilettos. Petty Lei Li took her sneakers because Shen Jia Nan offended her. 
Going uphill now. Lei Li must know that she’s helping Shen Jia Nan, right? :D 

[Ep16] Grumpy Qin Tian tells Shen Jia Nan to eat less. She argues, “I’m light! If I’m heavy that means the weight of my importance in your heart is heavy.” I love her flirting.  

Yue Ze is watching Lei Li’s house and dog while she’s on a business trip. Gao Xu is jealous. He almost fights Yue Ze, but he’s a blackbelt. The moment Yue Ze is in stance, Gao Xu backs down. Then Gao Xu learns the restaurant has to fold. That’s not good. Where will Lei Li eat! He’ll also lose a place to look for her. LOL. He invests! And calls Yue Ze, “ge” (older brother). Haha. Gao Xu is keeping him around to steal all his culinary skills. Meanwhile Lei Li is flirting with Chen Bi De…to trap him...and it’s working. 

[Ep17] Shen Jia Nan and Qin Tian are the last to leave the company. He tells her to go first. He’ll close the lights. Her eyes glitter. “Is it because I’m afraid of the dark?” Immediately, he denies. But it’s so true! Dude, just date her already! Omg

Chen Bi De wants to cooperate with Gao Xu’s mother to take down Lei Li. He says it’s for the sake of her son because Lei Li is using Gao Xu to get over him (Chen). Oh, puke. The mother is actually a wise woman! She refuses him. It’s clearly him who’s not over Lei Li. 

An interesting line. Shen Jia Nan says being a housewife is tough. They're on call 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Unless they divorce, they will always be working. 

Doctor Liu is abused by her husband. Yue Ze and Lei Li had helped her out once. This time, the abuse is seen by doctor husband and doctor temptress. Doctor husband’s instincts are to help, but doctor temptress holds him back, reminding him this is someone else’s family problem. To respect Doctor Liu, who’s prideful, they should pretend they didn’t see anything. Doctor husband agrees. 
Girl bonding time ~ 

Shen Jia Nan protects Chu Qi (the ex-spy) from being sexually harassed by Manager Tang. Qin Tian helps her too and Chu Qi, “You may not create conflicts, but don’t be afraid of conflicts.” He also has advice for Shen Jia Nan: stop being so brash! He’s worried for her in case she creates conflicts for herself. She leans in and asks, “Then why did you help me?” She compliments him for being handsome back there. Our dude is still resisting all her flirting. I don’t know how. 

Yu Fei Fei is sneaky sneaky and organizes an interview with an influencer specializing in marriage for Chen Bi De and his wife. She’s joining hands with Lei Li to pull down Chen Bi De ~ This influencer happens to be Ren Duo Mei. 

And now Gao Xu whacks Chen Bi De with a baton, lol

[Ep18] From the footsteps alone, Yue Ze can tell it’s Lei Li. She’s here at the restaurant to yell at Gao Xu for beating up Chen Bi De. She’s worried about him... 
Gao Xu is eagerly waiting for Lei Li to treat his wounds – too eagerly that…
…she gets Yue Ze to do it instead. 
Qin Tian has found someone who will stay with him rain or shine (unlike Ren Duo Mei). It’s Shen Jia Nan. She doesn’t care about getting wet. She won’t abandon him. Our (soon to be) couple are at a business dinner. Qin Tian sends an intoxicated Shen Jia Nan home. Ouuuu?!?! But when she wakes up in the morning, nothing happened. He only cleaned her entire house. That’s so sweet! He also leaves her a cute note (with a drawing too) on basic cooking-nots. 
Gao Xu’s (step-)mother is shrewd. She isn’t interfering with Lei Li because of her son (but then again, she’s only a stepmom), she’s doing it for her company’s profit. Lei Li is sharper. She makes a better offer where they can both win. Love this ~  The stepmom agrees. Then Lei Li jokes that if she throws money at her to stay away from Gao Xu, she won’t reject the money. The stepmom laughs, but tells Lei Li she has it all wrong. Gao Xu has never fought with his family or fought in general for a girl. He did both for Lei Li. He might just be serious. Stepmom casually suggests to Lei Li to date Gao Xu, and then get him to not involve himself in any of Gao Family’s business. Stepmom doesn’t want him to inherit anything? And is making an offer for Lei Li to stop him?  Lei Li solemnly understands. She says she’ll try…but she’s feeling bad for Gao Xu. His stepmom is selling him.

[Ep19] Shen Jia Nan and Lei Li support Ren Duo Mei in opening a beauty salon. 

[Ep20] Lei Li dates Gao Xu – not for the money. She likes him. 

Shen Jia Nan colludes with her real estate agent to get Qin Tian to cohabitate with her (uhhhhhhh) and so they lie to Qin Tian that his homeowner wants to sell his condo and he won’t have a place to live for a few days. 

Chen Bi De defeats Lei Li. He won a battle, but not the war.  

[Ep21] Shen Jia Nan’s father is hospitalized. Qin Tian (who says he doesn’t love her) is taking a day off to care for her father. Shen Jia Nan is still awkward with her father. She can tend to him, but she doesn’t like it that her mother is when he cheated on her. Qin Tian consoles Shen Jia Nan that she doesn’t have to agree with someone else’s life, but should understand that she cannot force another person to live the way she thinks is right. 

Qin Tian and Ren Duo Mei meet in the hospital. She’s conscious of her makeup around him. From afar, her doctor husband sees her touching up. Hm! I love it that he’s getting a dose of his own medicine. He thinks it’s okay having lunch alone with Doctor Temptress who obviously likes him so of course it’s okay his wife is conscious of her looks in front of her ex! 

[Ep22] Doctor Husband confronts Ren Duo Mei who then explodes at him. She can’t talk to a guy (and she only talked about Shen Jia Nan anyway), but her husband can have a pair of heels at his desk because Doctor Temptress has no where to store her shoes in the spacious office? The fight was so dramatic, I thought it was a dream, but it wasn’t

Gao Xu proposes to Lei Li. 

Could CEO Lu be the father to An Yan’s child? :O

Lei Li and Yu Fei Fei officially team up against Chen Bi De who naively believes the ladies are enemies. 

[Ep23] Shen Jia Nan’s father wakes up and talks about marriage with Qin Tian and his daughter. Shen Jian Nan hates it. She doesn’t like her father (planning her life). 

[Ep24] Ren Duo Mei KO's the doctor temptress. The doctor husband really doesn’t see anything wrong in hanging out with the temptress.......... confused. Husband and wife are happy! Until he finds out she’s setting up a beauty salon...  

[Ep25] Gao Xu has a secret collaboration with Chen Bi De! 

Doctor Husband does not like it when his house is messy or the least bit untidy. He can barely make himself food. He then accidentally finds pictures of Qin Tian in Ren Duo Mei's closet. Whoops

Doctor Temptress wants to set boundaries but Doctor Husband (who is now jealous and vexed) wants her to call him shi-ge and he won’t respond until she concedes. He’s giving her hope and she’s eating it up. Disgustingly manipulative. This guy needs to feel like he’s the centre of the world and Doctor Temptress, the naive fool, is giving him the attention he loves. This man only loves himself. I feel bad for the temptress

Lei Li promotes Chu Qi as the pervert Manager Tang wants. Ou. Chu Qi will be Lei Li’s spy. When Shen Jia Nan learns of the promotion she’s upset for Qin Tian, but he’s indifferent. She storms off. 

Lei Li gives Qin Tian relationship advice! The gist of it: if a girl says it’s none of your business, she means it is your business. Qin Tian smiles. Lei Li sighs. He doesn’t get it. xD But I think he does! He’s back at home – Shen Jia Nan’s home – “begging” to stay (because she packed all his belongings to kick him out). He promises to cook all her meals and wash the dishes. Deal! Shen Jia Nan is smiling again. 

Lei Li voluntells Yu Fei Fei for a membership at their beauty salon (also called Rising Lady?). Our trio is a quartet now? 

[Ep26] Our ladies are catching the “cheating” husband! It’s an interesting situation where he hasn’t “cheated” yet. Like I said, this guy is in love with himself. The ‘couple’ are at animal services to visit the dog they saved together. Doctor Husband can’t adopt because Ren Duo Mei is allergic. The doctor temptress thinks he must be interested in her or he wouldn’t hang out with her over the weekend. I’m sorry, he doesn’t. She kisses him on the cheek, and then Ren Duo Mei is here. Doctor Temptress doesn’t back down. She pities Doctor Husband who likes dogs and can’t raise one because of Ren Duo Mei, but hey, he raised a person (= Ren Duo Mei). Doctor Temptress braces for a slap in the face, but Ren Duo Mei slaps her own husband. She declares, “I don’t hit girls.” She tells the temptress that she may be allergic to dogs, but she isn’t afraid of dogs. Then she apologizes to the temptress for not controlling her husband. 

The husband explains to his wife that he’s at animal services only because she’s too busy. He has nowhere to vent or to relieve his stress. Ah. So it’s her fault

Ren Duo Mei has cornered her husband. She told MIL that she opened a beauty salon and after that is established, she will be at home preparing for pregnancy. MIL is in full support. Husband is grouchy. It’s only him who’s against her working. 

[Ep27] Shen Jia Nan prepares for a sexy night with Qin Tian, but he’s gone after she finishes showering. She angrily phones him, threatening to kick him out of the house, but it’s Lei Li who answers. Qin Tian got called for an emergency meeting and now everyone knows they live together. 

When Qin Tian is home, Shen Jia Nan isn’t. She’s having dinner with Gao Xu. Qin Tian thinks she’s leaving him just like Ren Duo Mei did eight years ago. He’s worried about being abandoned. 

The husband purposely let Ren Duo Mei catch him “cheating”. He wanted attention. You a kid, boy?? He wants his wife back but only if she’s his housewife. Ren Duo Mei insists on working. And he’s like his tolerance for all these years has allowed her to become ‘extreme’ (reckless). 🙄

[Ep28] Qin Tian kisses Shen Jia Nan. He thought she was leaving him. 

Doctor Husband suggests to have a child. He’s doing this to make her not work! D: This man is manipulative

Qin Tian tells Shen Jia Nan about Ren Duo Mei being his ex. Friendship over! Nope. Shen Jian Nan isn’t that type of girl. She “confronts” Ren Duo Mei who apologizes she shouldn’t have met him before Shen Jia Nan, lol. Shen Jia Nan is actually angry about one thing: how could she dump Qin Tian for her current husband, aw. Their friendship is unaffected.

An Yan betrayed Lei Li. The baby is CEO Lu’s. Thank god they didn’t kiss because the baby cried. They’re sabotaging Qin Tian to take down Lei Li. An Yan will be promoted to take over Lei Li.

[Ep29] Lei Li takes the blame to protect Qin Tian. 

The doctor husband has an ex who he truly loves. Everyone else is just a replacement. 

Chen Bi De wants a divorce. He will return everything to his wife, even his name. He likes his tacky name back. He doesn’t want to live the life his wife demands of him anymore.

[Ep30] The real reason Doctor Husband doesn’t want children is because he’s infertile but his puny ego cannot admit it, and so he makes his wife think she’s infertile. WTF. This is why he broke up with his ex after she told him she was pregnant. The child could not be his. I think he just has low fertility and not that he’s 100% infertile...  :/ Maybe the child was his...   Now he invites Ren Duo Mei’s parents over for dinner, which means he knew all along that Ren Duo Mei lied about her father’s death. He’s using her weakness (the lie about her father) to control her

Lei Li and Gao Xu break up.  I’m bored of this couple so I was skipping their scenes. I don’t know what happened. Well, there’s one happy couple, I think. Yue Ze is getting married to a girl that never appeared on screen. And that’s about all the happiness there is in this episode. Doctor Liu (the one who’s physically abused by her husband) dies in a car accident after her husband dragged her in the car. The husband survived. Show is contrasting physical abuse of Doctor Liu and the emotional abuse of Ren Duo Mei. They’re both abused. Ren Duo Mei is seriously contemplating divorce. 

[Ep31] Qin Tian wants to move out because he’s afraid of crossing the line. Shen Jia Nan was angry until he revealed his reason. And they kiss on the couch, crossing the line. 

[Ep32] Our three ladies smack the husband (the one who physically abused his wife who died in the car accident). But wait, that was only their fantasy. 

The one we all thought was Lei Li’s enemy, Yu Fei Fei, is now a good friend. The one we all thought was Lei Li’s confidant, is failing after sabotaging Lei Li. Her heels snap too. 

Ren Duo Mei decides to divorce! This was something I thought would happen in the middle of the drama. However, Lei Li wants her to reconsider and not to rush to an ending she may regret. Lei Li recognizes Duo Mei still loves her husband. It may not be the deep romantic kind of love, but he’s her family. And the MIL who was so innervating is in full support of Ren Duo Mei instead of her son. He’s the one in the wrong. Then when Ren Duo Mei is home, her husband has made dinner for her. He’s begging her not to divorce. Ren Duo Mei brings up a fine point: men can divorce their wife if she’s infertile, so why can’t women? She’s saying that, but she’s telling him to give her time to consider their marriage. Ye, she’s not divorcing

A nod to the drama’s Chinese title. We all own many titles (e.g. Lei Li’s job title and Ren Duo Mei’s identity as a wife). But those titles cannot define us. 

The ending: 
  • Qin Tian has dinner with Shen Jia Nan’s family. The father and daughter seem harmonious.  
  • Chu Qi defends herself! She reports Manager Tang for sexual misconduct and he’s fired. 
  • An Yan and CEO Lu’s secret is out and they’re both fired. They married, though! Only An Yan will know whether that shoe actually fits her. 
  • Lei Li will be working again at Rising Lady(?). Meanwhile Gao Xu is working bottom-up, starting at the lowest level of his father’s company. Perhaps they will meet when they’re a better version of themselves. 
  • Shen Jia Nan is promoted (as a manager? All these Chinese titles confuse me. Everyone’s a “director" =.=). She’s still reckless, but she has the sturdy Qin Tian beside her.  
  • Ren Duo Mei has her own career and she’s still married. She’s giving her husband another chance. Is there a memo in Cdramas to not promote divorce? xD....This is the second drama where I am rooting for divorce and it just doesn’t happen.
The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I really like all three girls, even the wife. She may be a pleaser, but like the other two girls, she seems sensible and rational. The girls are mentally strong, fending for themselves. 

I’m looking forward to: 
  • The romance between Shen Jia Nan and Qin Tian, the clashing couple
  • The friendship between Shen Jia Nan and Lei Li. 
  • The complicated romance for Lei Li (she’s got a doting young boy and a prickly neighbour). 
[Actors/Actresses] I have a girl-crush on Wei Wei’s Shen Jia Nan. And why is Guo Xiao Ting stuck as a villain? 
[Title] (My interpretation only) Rising Lady is the company name in the drama. The Chinese name is different. It’s 木蘭說 = Mulan Says. It might be a neat reference to Mulan: Rise of a Warrior, the movie. Our girls are warriors. 

[Ep10 Criticism] Domestically, this drama received criticisms for dubbing over “pads” with “cotton pads”. It’s sending the message that it’s not okay to say “pads” on TV. For a drama celebrating women, it’s internalizing misogyny. Bad drama! But at the same time the “pad” plot lasted 1.5 episodes at most. I personally think that the majority of the hate comments don’t come from the people watching the drama, and really, there aren’t even that many people watching this. Ultimately, there’s no wrong in being cognizant, and point out what's wrong, but everyone is still free to enjoy the rest of what they want to enjoy. 

經濟適用男 Jīngjì shìyòng nán – Economical Husband. It’s a descriptor for a good, honest, diligent man who is a good husband material (Ep12)

本地豆腐 – See Ep13

[Ending] Girls are happy. 

[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... Qin Tian lightly hammering Shen Jia Nan’s head with his fist (Ep10).

[Review & Rating]
I think a drama with Shen Jia Nan and Qin Tian as FL and ML (without the other girl stuff) would be way better. But alas, our drama is pigheaded, so stubborn on telling each girl’s story evenly! Then again, although Shen Jia Nan and Qin Tian are the best part of the drama, their love story droops when he keeps refusing her (how dare he!). I thought Lei Li’s three love interests would be savoury. It isn't. I like the respect for housewives (Ren Duo Mei), but the manipulative husband has too much screen time. I did not like their ending. 

Overall, I find this mostly uplifting and breezy, which is why I kept tuning in. There were great singular moments where I cheered for the girls. It was never too stressful but that might also be because I skipped through the annoying characters. Drama just failed to make me truly care about the ladies. Engagement level is therefore low. Maybe that’s why it’s a nice lazy watch. You see, I’m trying to compliment a not-so-bad, pretty decent drama in my last paragraph here. Did it work? 

Random RecommendationGet Married or Not

Rating: 2/5 
