March 1, 2022

Fighting! Girl | Recap and Review

Fighting! Girl
A girl trying to get into the fashion industry meets a sweet pastry chef.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang Bo Wen: Gao Zi Yi
Li Mi Er: Qu Mo 
Chinese Title
加油呀! 茉莉
Fighting! Mo Li
Episodes: 24

Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 3/5

FanFanX: No. 8, it’s my first official 2022 series. (Well, one that I've bothered recapping.) I’ve been pretty stoked to watch this new Wang Bo Wen series. I'd like to thank flash2351 and Cyn Lynn for their assistance with a few minor translation issues. ^__^

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] “Graduation means unemployment?”

Inside White House (bakery), Gao Zi Yi (“Zi Yi”) is trying different desserts at a table and scoring each item with notes in his book about what's wrong with each item. “Milk puff: 7, too sweet.” “Strawberry cake roll: 5, too dry and a bit tough.” He pays for the items and politely refuses to take any of the leftovers. The chef asks for his opinion and he replies politely that it wasn’t too bad, and looks like he wants to say more but then stops. Then the woman, who turns out to be the owner, presses him for his feedback. He mentions that he came as soon as they opened, then shows her how her puff pastry falls flat in terms of texture and quality. The chef gets upset and says that his puffs are not famous but there are regulars who come for them, and says that he’s just talking too much. Zi Yi calmly tells him then to treat his comments as nonsense and turns to leave. The chef stops him from leaving, so Zi Yi politely tells him that he has eaten many puff pastries and calls theirs "Nan Chi puff" (nan chi means bad tasting, haha). The chef gets angry because his name is Mu Nan Zhi (“Nan Zhi”), which is why it’s called Nan Zhi puff. The two words sound similar in Chinese. lol The owner, Wan Zi just takes it all in stride, while Nan Zhi tells her to ignore him. So Zi Yi goes to leave. But then he changes his mind and instead asks to borrow an apron and actually makes them puff pastries. Nan Zhi enjoys them immensely, while Wan Zi talks to Zi Yi. She seems interested in hiring Zi Yi. Nan Zhi isn’t happy about this and he refers to her as Second Aunt. 

Interviews are being conducted at Haibei Group, an investment firm. But they are waiting for the last candidate to show up who is late. Xiao Wang mentions that she was recommended by Mr. Pei. Ye Nuan Yu looks at the resume, it's Qu Mo's, and tries to convince the HR manager, Mr. Li to wait. However, he remains irate and refuses to wait and says if they can’t be punctual, why bother. Pei Jing receives Mr. Li’s text asking him why the person he recommended, Qu Mo, did not show up for the interview. 

Qu Mo (“Mo Li,as referred to in the Chinese title of this series) is in a car with her friends/ roommates, Cao Yao Yin (“Yao Yao”), and Wen Zi, who is driving her uncle's car which is a stick shift, and she can't figure out how to drive it so they’re moving at a snail’s pace. lol They finally arrive at their destination, Zhijiang Fashion Festival, but now Wen Zi drives off without any problem. Yao Yao wants to be a model and Mo Li plans to help her get there as a fashion designer. 

Yao Yao spots a creepy guy who took pictures of her on the metro before, so Mo Li goes to confront him and he takes off running through the crowd. Zi Yi notices and wonders what’s going on as he hears her yelling at him. The creep then climbs onto the stage and bodysurfs into the crowd to evade her. However, this creep is pulled aside by Ouyang Liang Liang (“Ouyang”), who asks if he's pretending to be a photographer to take photos of girls again. This creep says that he's making art and asks for the return of his camera. Yao Yao interrupts them and threatens to call the police if he posts them online. Mo Li runs up to grab at his neck but ends up knocking him back into the tub that's behind him. Her friend and Ouyang grab her to keep her from trying to hurt him. lol She’s so small and feisty. The security guards show up and say that someone reported him and they provided evidence. So they take him and his camera away to the office. Ouyang tells them that he’s a repeat offender but there was never evidence before. He then hands the girls his business card - he's an actual professional photographer - and he seems interested in Yao Yao (well, she is tall, pretty and clever). His assistant finds him and he leaves. Mo Li wonders out loud where they got the evidence from. Zi Yi is watching them from a distance and holding his camera, just as Yao Yao suggests that maybe a passerby took a photo. Ah, so he’s the one who reported it?

Mo Li is now taking photos of Yao Yao in different outfits for her online store. Pei Jing calls her several times and is unable to reach her. After the event, Mo Li teases Yao Yao that the photographer seemed enamored with her. Yao Yao says that she just stands out in a crowd and she is her top model. Mo Li suddenly asks what the date is. It's the 12th. She thought it was the 11th, and now she realizes that she just missed that interview. She pulls out her phone and discovers that it’s dead. She decides to not call Pei Jing back right now as she doesn't want to get scolded by him. Ou?
They're sitting outside at the park and Mo Li notices Zi Yi taking photos of people and scenery, and Mo Li wonders if he's another pervert taking pictures of them. Yao Yao says he's just a photographer capturing the beauty of life, however she nudges Mo Li to sit properly. lol Life or beauty, or both? Yao Yao continues putting on her limited-edition color lipstick, so Mo Li asks to try the color, which she goes to put on her. But then Mo Li gets up and the lipstick ends up on her face - she has noticed that a vendor's display was falling down and runs to shield a little girl from getting hit with it, but Zi Yi shows up and blocks the display from hitting both of them with his arm. She just stares up at him for a while, shielding the little girl, until he finally yells at her to go already. She finally runs off with the little girl. Suddenly, the fountains come on, so now both him and his camera are soaked.

Afterwards, Zi Yi is unable to turn the camera back on. Mo Li feels bad and blames herself and offers to pay for it. Yao Yao nudges her, and he notices and says it's okay and doesn’t think it’s anything serious. He’s so calm. Yao Yao then pretends that Wen Zi is calling them to pick them up, and drags away Mo Li with her. He smiles as he knows that she’s lying but he lets them go. Mo Li is whispering to her to stop acting so poorly even as she’s being dragged away. lol Zi Yi calls after them asking about their clothes and they tell him to keep it as a memento. Do they even know each other’s names?

Ye Nuan Yu seems to be in a hurry to leave after work, so Pei Jing offers to drive her. On the drive, she asks about Qu Mo. He explains that she's his junior (from school). She says that she’s looked at her resume and offers to give Qu Mo another chance. He thanks her on Qu Mo's behalf.

Back in the dorms, Mo Li quickly plugs in her phone to charge. She finally texts him and asks if he wants to meet for barbeque and she'll explain what happened.

Two Years Ago: Pei Jing and Mo Li were at a barbeque restaurant, where he was drunk and happy. He told Mo Li about how he was the youngest investment manager, and some day, he will become a partner at Haibei Group. She declared that she would be the most top-class fashion designer in the world. He had held her hand and asked her to promise to stay by his side. So, they're a couple. o_o

Currently, they're back at this restaurant and he's upset with her. He asks why she didn't show up for the interview. She explains that she had the wrong date, and that phone was dead. He says that he called her multiple times. At this restaurant, he's actually yelling at her about how she made the whole HR department wait for her all afternoon, and he's losing face because he recommended her for the interview. He then tells her that she's been given another chance. She doesn't seem happy about this. He says that she is lucky to have this opportunity at Haibei as many people want it, nevermind someone like her who is about to graduate university. What a patronizing jerk. She mutters since so many people want this opportunity, let them do the interview. He hears her but she says never mind. She then tells him that she thinks she is not suitable to work at a big company. She really likes fashion design and she's gained some experience in the past two years running her own online store. She wants to have a career with her own efforts. He compares it to her running a street stall. She asks what he is saying, as he liked her designs before. He tells her that he was just comforting her then. Red flags, girl, get rid of him! He trivializes her dream of becoming a fashion designer and asks if she's being childish. She starts tearing up but she keeps her composure and doesn’t say much. He tells her that he should be transferred to headquarters soon so he wants to arrange everything for her before then. She tells him that she doesn't want to go. He insists, so she finally agrees to go.

At home, Zi Yi receives a call from Yan Xi Hui (“Xi Hui,” his biao jie, who he calls jie) about when he'll be back. He explains that he hasn't finished his survey of the market, and he'll be back when he finishes. She asks if he hasn't had his fun yet. She goes on and on about his father, that he should be a grown-up, etc. But he's looking at the photos he took, and there are photos with Mo Li and he’s remembering how she ran up to protect the little girl. He’s also remembering when he first spotted her at the festival.

Back in the dorms, Mo Li, Yao Yao and Wen Zi are having hot pot for dinner. Yao Yao notices that she must’ve quarreled with Pei Jing again. Mo Li says that she has to go to the interview at Haibei Group tomorrow. To cheer her up, Yao Yao pulls out the bottle of sparkling wine that she’s been saving. And then the power suddenly goes out.

[Ep2“What’s the big deal about a cold war!”

The power outage is caused by energy overconsumption issues at the dorms. Ms. Su, the house mother comes around and mentions how many hot pots she’s going to be taking away today. Uh oh. The girls hear her and quickly hide their hot pot setup, so when she opens their door, they have self-heating hot pot containers on the table and offer her a glass of the sparkling wine. Ha. She leaves and then they hear someone else getting their hot pot taken away. Wen Zi says that if today’s hot pot was taken away, it’d be their fourth one. Yao Yao says that it’s one hot pot a year. It turns out that they had hidden the steaming hot pot in one of their closets. Those clothes are going to smell nice for days…

Now they’re drinking on the rooftop, and Mo Li asks if Wen Zi is still mad about the hot pot being in her closet and offers to let her put the hot pot in her closet next time so her clothes can smell instead. Haha. Wen Zi laughs and says there won't be a next time as they'll be graduating. Then she brings up the time Yao Yao dragged them up to the rooftop in the middle of the night to wait for fireworks from some guy and so they waited an hour for them and nothing happened. They're interrupted by actual fireworks and the girls stop arguing and toast to the fireworks. Wen Zi is leaving tomorrow, and her life has been arranged by her parents for years but she doesn't know what she wants to do or even like. She's planning to take the civil service exam, while Yao Yao and Mo Li plan to stay self-employed.

Wen Zi says that she knows that Mo Li will become a top fashion designer. Yao Yao points out that she needs approval from her Director Pei first. Mo Li says that he's just doing things for her own good. Sure he is. *rolling eyes* Yao Yao says he's too chauvinistic, aggressive in forcing her to follow his path, and selfish. Yao Yao tells her to listen to her as she has a plan for her. Then they hear some guy asking “why did you reject me?” The girls laugh at this.

The next day Mo Li shows up to the interview with two bun knots, colorful eye makeup, and star stickers on her face. For the actual interview, she decides to sing and dance, which she prefaces with "showcasing her talent". While at a client meeting, Pei Jing receives a photo of Mo Li on his phone from Xiao Wang. The entire office watches this “show” and Mr. Hai (CEO) asks if this is the person that Pei Jing recommended. She definitely bombs this interview. Got her point across, but still so immature. Pei Jing rushes back to apologize to Mr. Hai in the lobby, with the interview team behind him. Mr. Li gives him a spiteful smile. As she's trying to leave the building, Pei Jing spots her and drags her outside to reprimand her. He then says that he won't take care of things for her anymore. She looks at him and angrily asks if she ever asked for his help and he never listens to her. He asks what she’s doing. She declares that “it’s a cold war,” and then storms off. 

Back in the dorms, Mo Li is counting down 3, 2, 1, over and over. She wants to contact Pei Jing but she’s the one who declared war. Yao Yao tells her to quit counting already. Mo Li then talks excitedly about her plans to keep her online shop running but Yao Yao is thinking about her live streaming offer from Ouyang. 

The next day, Yao Yao is at Ouyang’s work, Double Ten Interactive Entertainment ("DTIE"), watching all of the different ongoing live streaming rooms. He explains that he's a director, in charge of quality control over the images, and they work with different partners. He arranges different brands' shooting and products for live streaming, according to each live streaming model. She asks if he wants her to be a model. He says, not just as a model (print) but also as a live streamer. He then says that he wants to take her to the top. He points out that her facial features are not only excellent for print, but also for advertising, promotional work, etc. One of their partners is going on leave, and he asks if she's able to try out tomorrow for a live stream of waterproof makeup tutorial for the beach, which will take about 30 minutes. She says she needs to think about it. He tells her if she doesn't try it out first, how will she know, and then he gives her the product for tomorrow's live stream. 

Mo Li is at a theatre production for the school, and the students thank her for her costume work. She's invited to their gathering afterwards but she declines as she needs to sort out the clothes to be shipped out tomorrow. Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of the theatre club, informs her that she needs to move out all of her stuff at the theatre as they're planning to start renovations in a few days' time. Or else he’ll get heat from his wife, Ms. Su. Mo Li says that she understands his problem now, and will do it as soon as possible. Mr. Zhang says he’ll still give her a bit more time to sort it out. 

Yao Yao shows up for the live stream event. She goes live and Ouyang watches the comments pouring in. Elsewhere, Zi Yi finds out that his credit card accounts have been frozen.

Mo Li is reading the bulletin board at White House. She responds to the one that says "Who can tell me how to woo the pretty cashier?" It's directed at Wan Zi. She writes "Good luck!" She then cheekily tells Wan Zi that someone wants to woo her, and Wan Zi responds that she's naughty. Wan Zi says that she's sent someone to deliver her order just now. Mo Li asks her if they're going to make new types of puffs. She tells her that making puffs isn't as easy as one would think. Mo Li tells her jia you. Pei Jing receives the desserts with a note from Mo Li, "Thank you for being there for me every day. Let's go to the future together." 

Back in the dorms, Yao Yao wakes up Mo Li who is sleeping at her desk and asks her to stop her Director Pei from bombarding her phone with calls and to stop charging it by her bedside. Mo Li meets him in his car and asks if he's going to apologize. He says that everyone at Haibei is laughing at him, so shouldn't she be the one apologizing? He tells her in his future life plan, he wants to be with her for the rest of his life, and he knows which path suits her better. He tells her to listen to him, as it'll be good for their future. She asks if there is no future in doing what she likes. She also says that she also has a dream, too. She asks that he not do things for her but to just understand her. He sighs and says okay. Then he asks her questions about opening her own business - what’s her business plan, where’s her team, what's the market prospect in the clothing industry? She says that she just wants to get her designs out there and learn the rest of it later. He asks if she’s created anything original yet. He also asks how a science student studying e-commerce can get a foothold in the fashion industry or compete with professional designers? He’s such a wonderful supportive boyfriend. <sarcasm> He then says that everyone at work knows that she’s his girlfriend now. He's worried about his promotion at work. She realizes that's why he's angry and gets out of the car. He drives away. 

Zi Yi is now making calls to friends to ask to borrow money. But no one is willing to lend a single cent to him, because his sister has told everyone to cut him off or else she'll tell their parents about their wrongdoings. He looks over at the clothing left behind by Mo Li and suddenly has an idea. He scans the tag from Mo Li’s clothing line to look for her on WeChat and adds her as a friend.

Yao Yao tells her that she has something to tell her but makes her promise to not get angry at her first. Then she tells her about her live stream opportunity with Ouyang, so she would need to stop working with Mo Li and her shop. Mo Li tears up but she doesn't get angry. Instead she only wishes her well. She then goes up to the rooftop and asks the universe if it's wrong for one person to hold onto their dream. 

She then receives some messages from Zi Yi.

“Hi! I'm Gao Zi Yi!
We met a few days ago, at the fountain at the plaza.
My camera ended up getting wet, too. 
Apologies for disturbing you out of the blue.
I'm in a bit of a tight spot.
Hope I can borrow some money from you. Will return to you in a few days.”1 

She starts screaming at the skies, but she still replies to him.

[Ep3“Pie in the sky? Or is it a trap?”

Mo Li sends him a red envelope for 100 yuan. 

Later she is going through her orders and giving them to her friend who will deliver them. She then receives messages from Zi Yi saying that he just got a job and he'll pay her back as soon as he gets paid. She then leaves her friend to deal with the rest of the packages as she has somewhere to be.

At Haibei Group, there's gossip about Qu Mo being Pei Jing's girlfriend and they're calling him a lolicon, which is overheard by Ye Nuan Yu. They're also gossiping that Qu Mo pulled strings to get the interview, as Pei Jing is about to become a partner in the firm. Ye Nuan Yu walks through the break room, and now they gossip about how Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu would be a great match.

At a fabric shop, Mo Li goes to see Mrs. Liu with her newest prototype and asks her to make it for her. There's another customer, a man, who is looking at a purse, notices the Mo Li's design and likes it as well. 

Zi Yi has been hired at White House, and there's a long line of people wanting to buy the puffs and the women ask to have a photo taken with him, Chef Gao. To his annoyance, Chef Nan Zhi is now relegated to taking photos. XD One customer even asks for Chef Gao’s autograph.  

An elegant woman wearing sunglasses just walks in and cuts off everyone in line and asks (she’s not really asking though) Wan Zi about speaking to Zi Yi alone. She removes her sunglasses and says that she's his Jie Jie. Wan Zi and Nan Zhi are now watching Zi Yi and Xi Hui talking at a nearby table. She reprimands him for working in such a place, and that his father is livid. She is there to tell him that he needs to return to Fugao Group within a week, or else. He asks or else what: he'll drive him out of the house or disown him. She says he should understand his father and then leaves.

Yao Yao is at her new job and learning from Abbie (one of the top streamers) how to properly know the fans' preferences by reading the messages and comments. Ouyang comes by to drop off a new product for Abbie, but he asks to speak to Yao Yao in private. Abbie notices this. He asks Yao Yao if she's told Mo Li about signing the contract - she hasn't. He gives her an invitation to a joint event - cosmetics and holiday estate. If people purchase cosmetics during the live stream, then they can have one day to spend at the holiday estate. She looks at the invitation and sees that it's for two days. He walks away, avoids making eye contact and says that he had asked for two days - one day for work and one day for her to rest. Abbie and Banana (another live streamer) suddenly barge into his office. He's sitting at his desk and she's sitting on the couch - so nothing to see. Abbie just walks out in a huff. 

Later Yao Yao suggests to Mo Li that she join her on Ouyang's platform, and they can do live streaming together. Mo Li is not keen on this as she doesn't feel that she has a pretty face nor nice figure. Yao Yao says that she's beautiful in her eyes, and tries to convince her to treat the live stream as a sales platform, where she can showcase her designs. They’re interrupted by Ms. Su, who tells them that graduates have until next Wednesday to move out. She also tells Mo Li to move out her stuff from the theatre, and she promises that she’ll move it soon. 

Back in their room, Yao Yao invites Mo Li to go with her to the resort that she's live streaming from tomorrow, and also mentions that all expenses are covered. 

At Haibei Group, Mr. Hai is conducting a meeting and announcement are made about Mr. Li, Ye Nuan Yu and others’ promotions but there is no mention of one for Pei Jing. Later Ye Nuan Yu brings by baked goods for Pei Jing as a way to cheer him up. She also offers words of encouragement. 

Mo Li watches Yao Yao during her live stream at the resort. Yao Yao tells her that she sold 10,000 sets of products today. She says she didn't know what kind of life she wanted before, but now she knows - where she can watch a starry sky and enjoy red wine. She's enjoying the benefits of her new job. Later Mo Li sees that Yao Yao has over 550,000 followers. 

Mo Li and Yao Yao are in Ouyang's office. Mo Li says she’ll give it a shot but is worried that her designs don't match everyone else's style from what she’s seen in the office. The models try on Mo Li's clothes and Abbie is the only person who will say that she finds it hideous. Ouyang tries to sell it as alternative clothing instead of going mainstream. Mo Li says to forget it, and then Mr. Wang (the main boss of the company, ergo the guy above Ouyang) suggests a free sponsorship and at that point, she walks out. Yao Yao and Ouyang run after her and she says that she doesn’t fit into this place and is going back to school. 

Yao Yao tries to convince her to start with a sponsorship first. Mo Li asks whose side she is on, and Yao Yao hands her the contract. Mo Li points out a couple clauses to her: 1) “If Party B breaches the contract, Party B shall pay 500% liquidated damages. Party A will pay nothing if Party A breaches the contract.” 2) "Party B shall not engage in any similar types of advertisements or videos for five years after signing this contract." Win-win for Party A only. Since she's already signed the contract for five years, that means she cannot work with Mo Li outside of her contract now. Yao Yao said they told her it was only three years. 

The outraged girls (it’s mostly Mo Li) then show up in Ouyang's office. He asks if she had looked at the contract before signing it. Yao Yao admits that she didn't. He points out that five years isn't a long time and they are just newcomers, and this time would make or break their careers. The company is covering all of the manpower and training at this time. Also, usually newcomers only receive 30% of the profits but Yao Yao is receiving 40%. Mo Li isn't having it and drags out Yao Yao with her.

They go to Mr. Wang's office about the contract and he won't budge. Mo Li says that she'll take them to court, but Yao Yao asks her if they can give it some more thought first. Mr. Wang then asks Mo Li to stop interfering and asks Yao Yao directly to decide if she wants to break the contract or keep it. Despite all the coaxing from Mo Li, Yao Yao isn't able to say that she'll end the contract. Mo Li tells Mr. Wang that Yao Yao is her best friend, and if she doesn't break the contract, she'll respect her decision, but she asks that he will do right by her for the next five years. She gives the contract back to Yao Yao and then leaves. 

[Ep4“The fighting has just begun.”

Yao Yao is back in Ouyang's office and moping now. She realizes that she's the one who signed the contract without reading it carefully but she's worried about being estranged from Mo Li. 

Mo Li calls Mrs. Liu to check on her dress, who lies and tells her that her design is a bit complicated and it'll be twice her budget. Mo Li thinks it’s the price of the fabric. She then receives a text message from Yao Yao who's made reservations at a seafood restaurant for dinner and it's her treat. Mo Li doesn't respond. She then notices that everyone's running to White House to see the new handsome baker. She gets pushed into following the crowd and sees the new baker. Zi Yi sees her over the crowd and waves excitedly at her. (~4:24) He introduces himself to her and tells her jia you! She then realizes who he is and says it back to him but he can’t hear her.
He continues to be surrounded by more people and so she leaves. However she pauses to look back at him. What’s she seeing/thinking? :) When he realizes that she’s left, a look of disappointment passes over his face. Awww.

She's walking around aimlessly but reminds herself to keep on fighting. It starts raining out but she's not paying attention and just walks out onto the crosswalk and almost gets hit by a car. But Zi Yi pulls her back to safety and under his umbrella. She looks up at him in surprise and asks him why he's there. He says that he's there to give her the umbrella. She tells him it's not necessary as he must be busy and has fans waiting for him. He replies that he can't just leave her alone like this. He says they also have a 100 yuan connection. She scoffs and says “What a sweet talker.” XD 
He then hands her a White House bag and says the money is in there and the cake is the interest for it. She looks inside the bag and says that the interest is quite special. She thanks him and then she turns around and runs off without the umbrella. He shouts “umbrella” after her and she says that she doesn’t need it. He smiles after her. He definitely likes her.

Mo Li goes to see Mrs. Liu, to look at the sample dress. She is then coerced into ordering more of the dresses because Mrs. Liu implies that the fabric is limited. But she needs to put down a deposit later. She leaves and looks at her account balance (so low) on her phone, and Yao Yao texts her if she's still coming. 

Ye Nuan Yu invites Pei Jing to join them for her promotion dinner. He shows up late. Nonetheless, the others praise both of them for being in the same department, which will likely result in a great performance for their department this year. 

Mo Li shows up to the restaurant for dinner with Yao Yao. Yao Yao points out that the contract will give her five years of job stability but then she apologizes over and over to Mo Li, who finally accepts her apologies. Yao Yao asks her if the cold war has escalated and Mo Li says no, they haven’t reconciled. 
Mo Li is frustrated about the cost of her dresses and Yao Yao suggests that she go to Pei Jing. She also says that it's a good idea for him to invest in her business as the profits could be marital property after they're married. Nope, he doesn't have any faith in her. Mo Li says no, she doesn't want to borrow money from him. Good for her. Zi Yi shows up outside the restaurant on a motorbike, and the girls notice him. She recognizes him. When he comes into the restaurant and they say hi to each other.

As it turns out, Zi Yi is delivering a cake to Ye Nuan Yu's dinner party that's upstairs in a private room. Some of the women are very excited to meet him and want their picture taken with him. Pei Jing rolls his eyes at this. Zi Yi comes back downstairs and finds the girls gone. He looks disappointed again. Aww. 

Mo Li wants to get fruit after eating all of that seafood. Yao Yao suddenly isn't feeling well and runs off looking for the bathroom. 
Pei Jing and his group leave the restaurant. However, Yao Yao witnesses Pei Jing alone with Ye Nuan Yu, who hands him his car key. Yao Yao returns to Mo Li and tells her that it was a bad idea to borrow money from Pei Jing. She then suggests that they go for a drink. 

Pei Jing is driving home Ye Nuan Yu, who asks him if he's planning to apply for the department manager position at the new branch in Yongzhou. He replies that he's never thought about it. She says that he's very qualified for that position. He drops her off at her place and she says that she noticed he was absent-minded at dinner and asks if he was thinking of her (Mo Li).

Pei Jing then calls Mo Li but she doesn't want to answer because she's at a KTV with Yao Yao. Yao Yao answers the call for her and starts singing. Mo Li grabs the phone from her and runs out to talk to him, but he's irritated that she's not at the dorms and has gone out instead. So he hangs up on her. Ugh.

Back in the dorms, Mo Li is restless and trying to figure out how to explain to Pei Jing. Why bother?

Mo Li wakes up to a call from Mrs. Liu asking her to pay the deposit as the factory is pressuring her. More lies to get money from her. Mo Li promises to pay the deposit today. She knows that she's very low on funds, so she calls her father (who she calls “Lao Qu”) to ask to borrow money (20,000 yuan). He answers the phone while inside a textile factory. He says he'll loan it to her but she has to tell him what it's for. She tells him that she'll pay it back in a year's time. He says that he'll talk to her mother about it later. She hangs up as another call is coming in - her friend is waiting to pick up her packages for delivery. Upon seeing her friend, he (unknown name, but he has a distinct accent) mentions that she looks unwell. She replies that he doesn’t know about women and how they look when not wearing makeup. Mr. Zhang finds her and is friendly but then Ms. Su finds them and tries to badger her to move her stuff from the theatre. Mo Li and her friend run away from them. She then realizes that she left a package in the dorms, so she runs back to grab it. 

At Haibei Group, Pei Jing is in the break area with Ye Nuan Yu. He tells her that he's seen her email about the position at the new branch, but he doesn't want to get involved and tells her to take the opportunity for herself. She advises him that if he fails to get a promotion now while he's still young, it will take him ten years to get there again. He tells her that they can talk about it later. She’s pushy.

Mo Li is outside the dorms but is trying to avoid Ms. Su. She then sees Gao Zi Yi pull up on his motorbike. He goes to deliver a cake but Ms. Su says that he's not allowed to enter the dorms, let alone the girls' dorm. While Ms. Su is distracted, Mo Li sneaks by and tries to climb into a dorm window. Ms. Su asks him who it's for - and there are only two people left in the dorms right now - Yao Yao and Mo Li. He says that he'll call the customer right now. Suddenly, they hear yelling. They run to find Mo Li on the ground as she has fallen down from trying to climb up into the window. He helps her up and Ms. Su reprimands her. Mo Li apologizes for trying to avoid her. But she seems dizzy and looks like she's about to pass out. He insists on taking her to the hospital. He carries her in his arms and she says she won't go and still needs to get clothes (the package). 
He asks her what's more important - her clothes or her life (~30:46), and then carries her off. At the hospital, he finds out that she's fine as she only has hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). She'll be fine with rest and they've given her a prescription. They can go home once she’s awake. He's told to take her to the gynecology department to rest as there are not enough hospital beds in the emergency area. Ou? 

Someone else is promoted from Pei Jing's team. The guy really doesn't want the promotion as he's very concerned about the project that he's currently working on and it's at a critical stage. He asks Pei Jing to convince the senior leader to let him stay on. Pei Jing tells him to accept the order, work hard and that he's proud of him.

Back at the hospital, Mo Li wakes up to some strange woman hovering over her talking about how women have to bear the pain and how much she loves him. It's a patient, and another patient drags her away. Ha. Zi Yi returns and she asks where she is. He tells her there were not enough hospital beds and he was forced to take her the gynecology ward. She says that’s why those two women thought she was pregnant. Then she asks why she fainted. He tells her that she has hypoglycemia and a fever. She then starts moving around, as she's worried about her stuff getting thrown out by Ms. Su. Zi Yi tells her to be careful as she's about to take out her IV drip, and then he angrily says that Ms. Su is like a tigress. She says he seems angrier than she is. Hehe. She says that Ms. Su isn't a bad person, and she actually made an exception to allow her friend and her to stay in the dorms. She says she's sharp-tongued but softhearted. 
He tells her to get some rest. He makes her lay down, and then he tucks her into the bed and tells her to take care of herself. He asks if she is hungry and he'll buy her whatever she wants. (~34:43, this sweet guy.) She stares at him and then tells him she’s not hungry and asks for her phone. He grabs it for her.

She looks at her phone and starts to reply to a WeChat message from Mrs. Liu: “Qu Mo, when will you pay the deposit? Hurry up!” But Zi Yi fusses at her about being careful to not invert her hand as it’ll impede the flow of the IV drip. He then takes the phone from her and offers to type it for her.
(~35:31 He’s the best boyfriend friend, friend.) She stares at him before telling him to type: “Okay, I've got it. I'll do it as soon as possible.” He asks if she wants anything else typed and she quietly and sadly replies no. She receives a message from Lao Qu and he asks who that is. She takes the phone back from him, and explains that it's her father. He's surprised that she calls him that. She says it shows that they are very intimate. He says, ou. Aww. It’s apparent that he’s estranged from his own father.

At White House, Wan Zi explains that Chef Gao is out on a leave and unable to make desserts on the spot today but he did make a bunch of new items before he left. Xi Hui shows up looking for him. Wan Zi tells her that his friend is at the hospital. She calls him but there's no answer. So Xi Hui asks which hospital and then leaves to find him. She’s quite curt.

[Ep5] “One got in a delivery room; one met a groper.” 

At the hospital, Zi Yi is watching Mo Li look at her phone. She notices him looking at her and asks if there's something on her face. He tells her no and to not be nervous. Then he asks what she’s looking at, and she replies that she’s waiting for her father’s WeChat response. He asks if it’s on his face as she is now looking at him. Hehe. She receives the transfer of money from her father. She excitedly asks him to type a text message for her: "Thank you for poor relief." She mutters happily about receiving the life-saving 20,000 yuan.  

Zi Yi says that she's living off of her parents. She replies she isn't, she's borrowing it. He says her father is quite generous. She says that when starting a business, one inevitably encounters some difficulties. He asks about what business - the original fashion design that she's working on? He tells her that he's envious of her, as she's able to do what she likes and has the support of her family. She replies is it really that hard? And he can do it, too. He tells her that the things he likes are the things that no one else in his family likes, nevermind opening a business with something he likes. She asks if they asked him to be a pastry chef and delivery man. He says no, but he likes his current job. He explains that unexpectedly learned to make desserts from an old lady, his landlady when studied in France. She is impressed that he's studied in France. He says not only France, but also Germany, England and most of Europe. He says that his family has mining companies in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. She's not sure what to make of this.

She suddenly starts pursing her lips and blowing air up at the ceiling. He looks at her like she's lost her mind, and asks what she's doing. She tells him to look up, as there are several calves flying around and to hurry up and not let them sink down. He starts to blow and then realizes what she’s implying. He tells her that he’s telling the truth. LOL (Chinese expression, 吹牛, “blow cows” = bragging. ~3:18, It’s quite funny watching her and then him.)

She says fine, she believes him, especially as he's helped her so much, Tall-Rich-Handsome xiongdi, and then taps him on the arm. She explains his last name Gao also means Tall (in Chinese). She says that he doesn't look like a rich boy so her new title for him is showing respect. He says that they are not xiongdi (bros). Hehe, well, he’s quick to clarify that. She asks him what he wants to do then? And then she fiercely points in his direction and says that his intentions need to be honorable. He says of course it’s honorable. 

She goes on to say that he brought her to the hospital, so he has to be her xiongdi. She says he's her entrepreneurial xiongdi. Later, when he opens his dessert shop, and she will have fashion design, they can help each other and then she extends her hand for a handshake. He just taps her hand in response. He says he agrees and he’s going to get her more water. He tells her that she's the first friend he's ever had in this city. Aww. She looks at him funny, and he amends it to xiongdi. Is she getting a bit flustered by him?

When he returns to the room, a nurse is checking on Mo Li. She tells him that his phone was ringing just now. He looks at this phone and says that he’s going to return the call. He tells her to get some rest and to wait for him before he leaves. The nurse tells her that her boyfriend treats her quite well. She says that he isn't her boyfriend. The nurse is like, fine, fine, fine, and pushes her down to rest on the bed and tucks her in. lol The nurse leaves and she mutters to herself, aren’t they entrepreneurial xiongdi? Only one of you really believes this. ;)

Zi Yi calls back Xi Hui and she asks where he is and he tells her Area B. He belatedly realizes that he's about to send Xi Hui to the Obstetrics and Gynecology ward. XD So he runs back to tell Mo Li that he has some urgent business and needs to leave immediately. He also tells her that if anyone, and he means anyone, asks about him, to tell them that she doesn't know who he is. He tells her to wait for him. He goes to leave, but it's too late, as Xi Hui walks into the room. She sees Mo Li and tells Zi Yi to go outside with her.  

In the hallway, Zi Yi explains to Xi Hui what happened, as she's just a friend, but she doesn't believe him. She pulls and pinches on his ear to scold him. Ouch. She offers to help him solve his problem, his mistake, whatever it is. She thinks that he's ruining his future on temporary pleasures. He grabs her hand and tells him that he's not sure what to do about the things that his father wants him to do. She explains that he can learn, and he can't keep hiding from it. She says that he has no choice. He asks her to stop forcing him or else he'll cut ties with her and walks away. She shouts after him but a nurse tells her to keep it down as it’s a hospital. She drags him somewhere and then she trivializes his dreams and says that not everyone can achieve their dreams. He needs to be a man who is responsible as he is supposed to inherit the family business. She tells him he has five minutes to say goodbye to Mo Li and then he has to go with her. He refuses to go, so she hands him a credit card, and says since he's caused this to happen, they can't ignore her. He again denies that it's what she thinks it is. Suddenly, Mo Li appears behind them.

Mo Li bows and greets Xi Hui with a “Hi, Ayi.”  Xi Hui's eyes widen at this. lol Behind her, Zi Yi is quietly mouthing to Mo Li that she’s his biao jie. Heh. So Mo Li says with a bow, “Hi, biao jie.” Xi Hui icily replies that she’s Gao Zi Yi’s biao jie, not hers. Ou. Mo Li apologizes and says she just finished with her IV drip, so she’s a bit muddle-headed. She then says that she’s being discharged and says goodbye. She turns to walk away, but Xi Hui stops her from leaving and tells her to let her know the total hospital expenses and the compensation she thinks she deserves, and she'll have their finance department handle it. Mo Li looks at Zi Yi who isn't saying anything. Xi Hui says that Zi Yi is leaving with her. He says he isn't. Mo Li asks him if something happened in the family, and then says to not worry about her and to leave with Xi Hui. He says he can't explain it to her in one or two several sentences anyway. He repeats that he won't be going home, but Xi Hui pushes him and then drags him away with her. 

As they're walking through the hospital, he says that he won't run away, so she lets go of him and calls for her driver. A group of people rush into the hospital and Zi Yi uses the distraction to escape. She looks for him in the immediate area but gives up as she knows it's impossible to find him now.

Outside the hospital, someone wrapped in a blanket over their head is being pushed in wheelchair by a nurse. The person gets up and removes the blanket, then their face mask and pulls down their hoodie it's Zi Yi. He profusely thanks the nurse before running back into the hospital. How'd he convince the nurse to do this?
He runs back through the gynecology ward and runs into the elevator, but he almost knocks over Mo Li who’s inside it. He manages to catch her in his arms, and her heart starts thumping very loudly. (~15:30, Such a cute way of redoing that tripping trope.) They stand there looking at each other for a while, until the elevator door re-opens and a nurse smiles at this display. Me, too! She finally pokes him on the chest and asks him what he’s doing back already. He replies, didn’t he say he’d be back. He did tell her to wait before he left her room. Someone presses the elevator button, and the door re-opens. Now there's a crowd of people waiting for the elevator who are watching them. Hehe. 

On their walk back to the dorms, she asks how much she owes him for the medical fees, and he says not to bother. She asks if his biao jie misunderstood something and thought she was blackmailing him. He says to not listen to her nonsense. Then she asks if she's angry about being called ayi. He laughs, and tells her with a smile that she'll be furious. She says it wasn't intentional and he says it'll be okay. I love his smile. She points out that she was in a hurry to get him home and asks if something's wrong. He replies that she wants her to take over the family business. She asks if it's the mines and what not. He says that's only part of it. She asks really? He says yes. She says that she doesn't believe him. lol He says it doesn't matter if she believes it or not as he's a pastry chef and he won't go back home to work. She points out that they've arrived at her dorm. He tells her to visit White House whenever she's free and he'll make her desserts. She asks how she can thank him for today. He replies that the shop uniform at White House is hideous and suggests that she could design another one for them. She agrees, and he says that he'll wear the clothes that she designs and let the world have the best desserts. Aww. They say good night and he watches her go inside. 

She goes into her room and she stays alone in the darkness. She looks out the window. 

QM's thoughts: The past few days have been like riding a rollercoaster. I'm confused and disoriented. I've lost Yao Yao and Pei Jing.

She then receives a text message from Zi Yi: “There is no medicine for hypoglycemia. Remember to have candies. Good night.” She then drafts a text message to Pei Jing that she misses him, but she deletes it. Then she drafts one asking if she can talk to him, which she also deletes and doesn’t send anything.

Pei Jing is at the barbeque place and drinking by himself but Ye Nuan Yu finds him there and joins him. Is she stalking him?

Yao Yao is busy with live streaming. At the end of her day, she goes into Ouyang's office to complain about being so tired. He tells her that he's taking her out to the most delicious midnight snack place. Her phone rings and it's Mo Li asking if she's found a rental place. Yao Yao invites her to join them for midnight snacks, but she passes on it. Mr. Wang drops by to praise her and introduces her to the biggest and best partner, Mr. Chen is with him, who is really eyeing Yao Yao. Gross. Ouyang looks uncomfortable and tries to intercept by saying they need to talk about work, but Mr. Wang prevents him from doing so. Yao Yao leaves with the two men, as Ouyang stays at the office to watch her live streams and he's remembering the first day he met her. He receives text messages from Yao Yao: "I only joined them because of Mr. Wang. We're still going to have the midnight snacks. I will slip away in a while. Wait for me at Yipinxuan." He finally leaves the office and he waits for her outside the hotel. He continues receiving texts from her but she doesn't appear. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen are now both drunk one is dancing and the other is singing awfully. Yao Yao looks miserable to be there. She tries to make an excuse to leave but Mr. Chen says that she's not allowed to leave. He pours her a drink and she says she’s unable to drink. He then grabs onto her shoulder and touches her hair. She shrugs him off and spills alcohol on him. Mr. Chen tells her that she can leave if she can drink the shot. Even Mr. Wang can't stop him. Gross. She leaves after she downs the shot. Mr. Wang continues trying to appease him, and continues with the brown-nosing. 

[Ep6I am not the one you want.”

Yao Yao finally leaves the hotel and is quite upset as she gets into Ouyang's car. He asks if she's okay but she just puts on her seat belt and says let's go. He asks where they are going, and she replies the school. After driving in silence, she finally asks if every host has to go through this. He says that's why they need to be stronger. She asks what does it mean to be stronger - more popular? He says maybe, but he doesn't look sure. 

Zi Yi is outside White House but sees Xi Hui's car so he stays hidden until she leaves the premises. When he finally goes inside, Wan Zi tells him that his jie has been looking for him. He asks what she wanted. She says that she was worried the first time, when she came looking for him and found out he was at the hospital. The second time, she appeared more relaxed and waited around and then left with baked goods. He offers to close up the shop for her. 

Xi Hui looks at the desserts that she bought. Earlier that day, she had spent some time at the bakery. She had looked at the board and asked Wan Zi if everyone was there for Zi Yi's desserts. She had told her that they're now a popular place on the internet. She had also said that Gao Zi Yi was handsome and the star of this cafe. Now, she tries the puff pastry and smiles after taking a bite. She's impressed by it but wonders when he'll realize that she's done these things for his sake.

Zi Yi receives text messages from Xi Hui: He can't simply run away from certain responsibilities. She hopes he understands that his family only wants what's best for him. She'll be back in a month. He smiles at the text messages and then listens to the voice message - she’s angry about Mo Li calling her “Ayi” and tells him to take care of himself. He laughs and then he texts her 😘 and thanks her. Hehe.

Yao Yao returns to the dorms but is subdued. Mo Li asks if she's been drinking for a business dinner and gets quite upset for her. Yao Yao tells her to stop worrying and that she'll look for a new place tomorrow. 

At Haibei Group, Pei Jing is going to the Yongzhou branch with Ye Nuan Yu. Guess he took that job opportunity after their talk.

Mo Li gets a call from her father asking her why she didn't call him after receiving the money. He then tells her that he's planning to see her in a few days, and he wants to meet this Pei Jing she talks about. They've dated for about two years and her parents haven't met him ever? She says it's not necessary but he just hangs up on her. 

After her live stream, Yao Yao gets ready to go look at a place for rent. Ouyang says that he has a friend who is abroad and asked him to look after the place. He promises that it's not expensive. Mo Li loves the place and is already thinking of setting up her workshop there. He says the place belongs to his designer friend, so the first floor is a work studio and the bedroom is upstairs. He also says that there is no need for rent or bills. He had originally planned to stay there but he moved to a place closer to work. (I think he's just being extra nice to them - or rather to Yao Yao.) Mo Li insists on paying for the utilities and Yao Yao agrees. Mo Li says once they're settled in, he's invited to dinner - cooked by Yao Yao. Yao Yao looks surprised at the offer of her cooking. lol Ouyang also offers to help Mo Li with her online shop. Once Ouyang leaves, Yao Yao finally stops acting so reserved and starts freaking out excitedly with Mo Li over the place. Haha. They start fighting over which side of the bedroom and closet is whose but are interrupted by Ouyang who had returned to drop off the keys. XD

Mo Ling is moving out of the dorms and gives Ms. Su some clothes that she made for her and her husband. Ms. Su then runs inside to bring her a hot pot that she last confiscated from her. LOL! 

At DTIE, Yao Yao notices Tommy's (a designer) latest dress - a red dress with white polka dots - that looks very similar to Mo Li's new autumn design. Yao Yao calls her to tell her that her design's been plagiarized. Mo Li hurries to the new place with the mover and Yao Yao shows her the pictures of Tommy's dress. 

Mo Li goes to see Mrs. Liu and asks how someone else has her design. She also notices that the material for her dresses are of inferior quality. Mrs. Liu gets angry that she's being accused of selling her design. She tells her that she pitied her as a poor student and was only trying to help her. She can’t get a break. Mo Li drags out the large bags full of dresses with her. As she’s walking, she thinks about Mrs. Liu yelling at her, and how Pei Jing has been unsupportive. Her bags break open on the stairs and the dresses fall out. But then she receives a message from Pei Jing asking her to go to dinner tonight. He says that he'll wait as late as he needs to and he says that he was wrong before. 

At home, Pei Jing is looking at the sleeve of a sport jacket with a unique row of stitching on it.

Three Years Ago: They had met when Pei Jing had had his sleeve ripped by accident at the theatre. Mo Li had offered to repair it by stitching up the sleeve by hand. It's a black sport jacket sleeve with gold thread. 

Currently, they're meeting at a nice restaurant and he's wearing that exact jacket. She greets him with a peck on his cheek. She then drags over the bags of dresses to her seat. She tells him about her problem that the dress that she's been designing since undergrad has been plagiarized. He asks if she had a patent (no) and posted her design on public platforms (no). She tells him if she was able to consider all of this, why would she need him around. He asks if she still thinks that she can start her own career, and she says it's just a small setback. I have a bad feeling about this dinner.*

He then tells her that he's going to Yongzhou. It's not a promotion but a horizontal move. He'll be in charge of the new branch and he'll be there for five years. He asks her to go to Yongzhou with him. He says that she's always been an indispensable part of the plan for his future. He says that it might be at least five years if not longer, and he wants her to be by his side. Does he even like her? She says this is quite sudden and she's never considered leaving this city. He then brings up how hard it is for her to have her own business, and this plagiarism issue - what can she do about it? He trivializes her dream again - by saying it's not a career as she's only devoting herself to this hobby. He asks her to listen to him: when they are in Yongzhou, she can work at his company, as she majored in ecommerce and he can find her a perfect position. He's also already asked people to look for a place to stay. He has it planned all out. But she interrupts and calmly says " Pei Jing. We should break up". 

He doesn’t quite believe it and asks if she's joking. She asks him, if she doesn't agree to go to Yongzhou with him today, then he'd break up with her, right? He just looks at her and says she hasn't changed at all as she's exactly the same person he met back at university. He said that while they had arguments and not-so-happy moments, he didn't think they were problems. He thought if they worked together, they'd have a fantastic future. She interrupts him to say that she's never become the person he wanted. They both look sad. She sets down her fork and tells him that maybe without her, he will be happier. Then she takes her stuff and leaves. He’s left sitting there by himself looking lost. 
*This picture shows the stark contrast between Pei Jing and Mo Li (clothing, outlook, attitude, values, etc.). Well, my bad feeling about this dinner didn’t go the way I thought it would but the end result is better. And this ep was the first time I saw him actually looking happy to be with her but it was short-lived as evident in the above conversation.

[Ep7“Happy breakup to me.”

Mo Li is walking to the metro and thinking about her happier moments with Pei Jing. She starts crying on the train as she recalls their more recent conversations. She arrives outside her home and just sits down in the swing. Yao Yao comes home and finds her this way. Mo Li tells her that they broke up. Yao Yao offers her a shoulder for her to cry on.

The next morning, Zi Yi brings some new cream puffs for them to try. Yao Yao asks why he's always giving them cream puffs. He says that he was just passing by. Yao Yao tells him that he's come at the right time but even the sweetness of his cream puffs won't be enough to mend Mo Li's broken heart. He asks what happened to her. She tells him that her relationship ended, and she cried all night long and is probably still asleep. He looks sad about it and she tells him to not worry about it too much as the Mo Li she knows isn't that fragile. Then she says that Mo Li has a bigger problem - someone stole her design. She tells him that she's found the address of the manufacturing factory but she's afraid to tell her as she might do something rash. He agrees. Of course Mo Li overhears them and asks where it is. 

Now Mo Li and Zi Yi are outside the factory. Zi Yi appears to be stretching outside the gates and he's being watched on surveillance cameras. lol But the security guy falls asleep and the guard dog just looks at them happily, so they just walk inside the factory. Ha. Failed security.

She confronts the factory owner, Mr. Sun and asks if he knows Mrs. Liu. He denies it but he’s lying. In a flashback, it’s apparent that he knew about the design being stolen from a college student. Mrs. Liu convinced him that a college student wouldn't have the money to sue them. She also bribed him with more money to take care of this project. As he continues denying any knowledge of this, Zi Yi has been recording the entire conversation. Security guards arrive to restrain him and take the phone away from him. Mo Li tries to help him but she gets thrown off and ends up hitting her on a cabinet and isn't conscious. Zi Yi yells for them to call an ambulance. 

When she wakes up later, she’s in a hospital bed, and sees him paring an apple for her. He tells her that the doctor says that she's fine, and that once she woke up and felt all right, she could go home. She says that she feels embarrassed. But she's still pretty upset about the factory owner. He says that he didn't expect her to wake up so angry. Hehe. See, she's feisty. He hands her a bowl of cut apples. He tells her when he ran into trouble that he didn't want to face, he'd lock himself in the kitchen and keep on baking until he felt happier. He once made over 200 cream puffs. O_o He tells her that running away can be embarrassing but it's effective. She vows to work harder, live well, and make them see her in a new light. So he asks her what the first step is. She eats a piece of apple. That's the correct answer and he tells her to eat more. :) Then her phone rings - it’s her father. He says that he’s on the train and can't wait to see her soon. She realizes that she forgot about her father’s visit and starts moving around. Zi Yi starts fussing at her and tells her to not move around too much right now. She then asks him for a favor.

Zi Yi meets Qu Dad at the train station. He’s there to pick up Dad on his motorbike, which he promises to do so safely. They're going ever so slowly that her father asks if he's perhaps driving too safely. Heh. Then he asks him about what he thinks of his daughter. Zi Yi says that she's so nice, kind and cute. Her father agrees and says she is all those things except for her quick temper. He tells him to please bear with her in the future. Zi Yi tells him to not worry, as long as she needs it, he'll do everything to help her. Dad says everything is great with him, too, except that he drives too slowly. LOL He says it's fine as he's reliable. Then Dad says they're not getting any younger, so they should get married first, and then establish their careers. Zi Yi tells him that he's misunderstood as he's not her boyfriend. Dad asks if his last name is Pei, and he replies that it's Gao, and his name is Gao Zi Yi.  He cleared that up quickly. Very good boy. 

They arrive at Mo Li and Yao Yao's place, and she goes to greet her father. Yao Yao then mutters to Zi Yi why he didn't drive any slower. Zi Yi said he was driving so slow that even the pedestrians were faster. Hahaha. The girls don't want Dad to snoop around so they try to get him to sit down and eat. But then her mother calls and wants a tour of the place. While Dad is upstairs on the call, the cleaner hiding in the courtyard comes in and they hurriedly try to get him to leave but he wants more money for his waiting time. Zi Yi offers to send him to his next job. 

The girls finally have Dad sit down at the table, but he tests them on their preparation of these dishes. They’re clueless, and he knows that neither one of them made these dishes - it's all takeaway. lol He scolds her for spending money on takeaway and says what will happen when she gets married and has kids and they spend money in this same manner. She says that marriage is still far away and she's still young. He says that in a few years she'll be 30. Yes, because 30 means one foot in the grave or something. He tells her that he came this time to meet Pei Jing. She lies and says that he's working overtime and won't be available. He says that he won't leave until he meets Pei Jing. Mo Li goes to explain but Yao Yao interjects and tells him to eat before the food gets cold.

At White House, Pei Jing recognizes Zi Yi as the person who delivered the cake for Ye Nuan Yu's dinner party. He asks for his recommendation as he has a friend who really likes his desserts. He means Mo Li. Pei Jing sits down at a table and Zi Yi brings him a cream puff. He sits there and eats the pastry as he thinks about Mo Li. Where was this care before?

Mo Li is working late at night on her computer. Her father interrupts to bring her a glass of milk. Before he leaves, tells her to not do this every night.

Mo Li’s Weibo post: When I first started designing this dress two months ago, I imagined how I would feel during the first fall of my graduation. I hoped to have a proper and useful dress, which has the warmth for fall but still feels light and airy to wear as I face the unknown future. Every girl should have this dress. This dress was slowly born in my journal. It was like a child that I constantly revised and anticipated. As I waited for its birth and repeatedly chose materials, did pattern making, and made edits, it appeared in Tommy's new arrival livestream. I don't know how this happened. But I want an answer. Every famous designer is born from a transparent bubble. I hope that pioneers in the industry won't reach out and burst the bubbles that are waiting for birth only for short term gains. 

She closes her laptop. Then she looks at her phone to look at Pei Jing’s last text messages to her before their breakup, and then drinks her milk.

The next morning, her father tells her to come eat breakfast. Yao Yao just grabs some of the food on her way out. Her father tells her that he’s hidden everything from her mother. However, he says that if she knew, she’d come here and drag her home. They think her going into fashion is a waste of time. She tells him that she wants to build her own business. He says that she knows why he’s here this time. She tells her father that she's busy with her business and doesn't have time for relationships. He says the saying goes "build a family and a career" - so she needs to build a family first and then a career. Especially for her, a girl. She then accuses her father of being sexist and leaves the table. 

At Haibei Group, Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu are leaving for the new branch. She's going to be his new assistant. Mr. Hai asks Mr. Li to help him more in the future. En route to Yongzhou, Ye Nuan Yu brings up the Infinite proposal. 

[Ep8“Tackle the challenge head on”

Mo Li is hanging out at the bakery and Zi Yi is watching her as he's wiping down the counter over and over. Just look at his cute little expression here. Nan Zhi startles him and takes the towel from him and says that this is limited. Then he shows him the broom and says that this is versatile - exercise flexibility and multi-angle observation. LOL! Zi Yi thanks him and happily takes the broom from him. But Nan Zhi wants something - he tells him that a lady (customer) loves to eat the egg tarts made by him, so he asks him to let him bake them from now on. Zi Yi agrees to that. Suddenly, Mo Li calls his name and he goes to her table. She tells him that she posted to Weibo last night and it has just been reposted by an internet celebrity and it didn't take long to get thousands of likes. She checks her private messages and finds out that Tommy's a repeat offender for plagiarizing. Zi Yi has a little smile on his face as he's watching her get passionate and ticked off about this. She receives a call from CC who tells her that there needs to be hard evidence for this plagiarism case. She says she'll go home and get the evidence. She just leaves without saying anything to Zi Yi, who looks disappointed for a second but then he just smiles after her. He’s so smitten. 

The negative comments are coming in and Ouyang is working on it. Yao Yao comes in and Ouyang tells her that the netizens are saying that she's supporting Tommy's act of plagiarism. She scoffs at this as it’s not even close to the truth. He tells her that no matter what happens, she needs to hang in there and give them the chance to collect public opinion. In other words, ignore any negative comments. 

Mo Li listens to Yao Yao's messages about what happened. She calls Ouyang who tells her that he's working on it. He warns her to be careful about the netizens' opinions because they were classmates and it might look like they're doing this as a publicity stunt. She asks him to take care of Yao Yao. Mr. Wang comes by to see Ouyang about suspending Yao Yao for at least a month. She agrees with his decision but Ouyang isn’t happy about this. 

Zi Yi delivers some desserts to Mo Li as he's worried about her and he's aware that Yao Yao's been implicated as well. She takes a bite of the lemon tart and thanks him for it. She's quite worried about all of these issues. He tells her that she doesn't have to be afraid when she encounters difficulties in the future, as he will always be there for her. She smiles but then teases him since he’s been here so long if he’s going to pretend that he lost way back to the bakery. XD He says he’d forgotten and he's leaving now. He always remembers her. He also tells her to call him if she needs anything. 

When Yao Yao comes home, she tells Mo Li that she’s been suspended. She sees the desserts and asks if Chef Gao was just here. Mo Li stammers that he was just – Yao Yao says “just passing by”. XD Mo Li receives a call from CC (attorney?) asking if she’d seen Tommy's apology video. The girls watch it and it's not much of an apology as he says all these ideas were in his mind. There’s no apology about stealing others' works. Instead he says that he's not going down without a fight. 

Qu Dad is going home this afternoon. He says that he won’t tell her mother about her staying to start her own business. He knows that he won’t see Pei Jing but he says that he doesn’t know what to tell her mother. He knows that she’s a grown-up now and tells her to be cautious. Aww, her father loves her.

Pei Jing and his team arrive at their new office, which is empty of everything. Ye Nuan Yu brings out his bottles of wine to celebrate their new chapter together. 

Ouyang goes to see Yao Yao and brings her a present - a bottle of perfume. He advises her to be careful of how the industry may affect her life. Guy, you’re the one who put her here.

Mo Li is out sketching people and looking at makeup (testing for colors). Later she’s at a shop trying on clothes and asks the salesperson to help someone else. The salesperson asks if she intends to purchase anything or wants to try on more clothes. An upset customer starts yelling at the salesperson for more assistance with her boring work outfit. But she isn't that helpful. Mo Li helpfully suggests a black and white flower patterned top for her so she can dress up her usually boring outfit with a bit of femininity. The customer comes out in the outfit and asks for her opinion. Mo Li then grabs a pair of boots to go with her outfit. The salesperson comes back, thanks her for her help with the sale, and then apologizes for being rude earlier. Mo Li admits that she is trying to figure out what material to use for her next design and apologizes for wasting their time and effort in selecting clothes for her. The salesperson says that it was not a problem as it was just grabbing more clothes.

At home, Yao Yao tells her that she [Mo Li] has gone viral. 

[Ep9“Am I about to see the light at the end of the tunnel?”

Mo Li checks her phone and sees that she has people requesting custom orders now. Yao Yao posts that she will be accepting 50 custom orders, if anyone is interested. Mo Li panics at the thought of not having enough material for 50 orders, or the alternative, of purchasing all of the materials and having no orders. Yao Yao wants to be a customized live streamer - as in being her true self, a friend that her fans would defend in a critical moment, instead of everyone following the herd and being so easily swayed. 

Mo Li works on her designs as Yao Yao tests out makeup products. Later, Zi Yi drops by with cupcakes for them. Mo Li asks why he's there. Yao Yao interjects and says that he's just passing by. The girls giggle at this. Heh. He says that when he passed by earlier, he knew they were working overtime so he wanted to drop off something for them.

Yao Yao continues being groomed by Ouyang and his team to be the next big star. Mo Li has started fulfilling her custom-orders and is working late hours. 

Pei Jing is at a work dinner and is being forced to continue drinking. Ye Nuan Yu steps out of the restroom and is stopped by Qiu Fu Gui who asks if Mr. Pei will be approving the investment as he’s done everything that she’s asked to guarantee his approval. Fishy business. She says that she’s given it to him. Xiao Wang interrupts to tell her that Pei Jing has reached his alcohol limit. She walks into the room and takes the cup from his hand and drinks it instead. Then Xiao Wang takes out Pei Jing as she stays to drink with the businessmen.  

It's raining out and Zi Yi drops by Mo Li's place. She's asleep on the sofa but it's noon. She's been busy with the custom orders. He tells her to take care of her health or else she'll be in the hospital again. He's brought her a cake but she’ll pass as she’s worried about gaining more weight. He's sweeter. ;) He says that he specially made the low-sugar and low-calorie cake for her and then goes to take a bite, but she takes it from him and eats it. He smiles while watching her enjoy the cake. 

She then receives a request for a refund for an order. She goes to take care of it and Zi Yi goes to make her noodles. She also notices that there are tons of negative comments for her shop. Then the courier returns every single one of her orders just as Zi Yi brings out a bowl of noodles for her. 

At the same time, Mo Li's mother notices that her shop's been closed due to all the negative comments. Zi Yi says that she's being targeted. She says she’s okay and makes him leave to go back to work. Her worried parents call to check on her. Her father says that if she has problems she should tell him but he won't press her. Her mother doesn't feel that way and goes to take the phone from him but he won't let her. He tells her that as parents, they will always be there for her and then hangs up. Aww. Her mother wants to help her but her father tells her that she’s a grown-up now and she needs to be independent sooner or later. Now she’s crying as she’s eating the huge bowl of noodles. :( Zi Yi is standing outside watching helplessly. (She can't see him.)

Yao Yao arrives at White House in a huff. She tells Wan Zi that Mo Li has been so unlucky lately - her relationship and career. She just broke up with Pei Jing and is barely recovering from that sadness and now her online shop is closed. She says that she's not eating or drinking and does nothing at home. Yao Yao then notices Zi Yi on the phone happily talking to someone, and she's wondering why he's acting like nothing's going on. Wen Zi says that he’s been on the phone all day long. It sounds like he's on the phone with Mr. Zhang from the theatre club. 
Wan Zi and Zi Yi
Later, Yao Yao takes her to the theatre and she's the only person in the audience. Yao Yao just tells her to stay and then leaves. On stage, Nan Zhi gets pushed out by Wan Zi. Nan Zhi walks down the center of the stage and then strikes a funny pose which makes Mo Li laugh through her now teary eyes. Wan Zi comes out and forms a heart shape with her arms. Cute. Her delivery friend (unknown name), Mr. Zhang and Ms. Su, all walk out onto the stage. She's remembering every person and how they’ve been supportive this whole time and she’s crying now, as am I. T_T Last but not least is Zi Yi who walks out wearing her duck logo t-shirt (the one she gave him) and just smiles at her. Then she starts seriously sobbing away. Yao Yao reappears near the rear doors of the theatre. Mo Li finally stands up and thanks them. Then she says that she’ll keep fighting and work hard. She ends with a deep-bow. 

Xi Hui goes to see her uncle, Zi Yi's father. He asks about his son, and she says that she made a deal with him, if he's not able to show achievements in his career within a year, then he needs to return to Fugao Group to work. She tells him that he's quite determined. She says that she'll go and try to persuade him again. He curtly says no need. She just needs to make sure that he can't reach his dream. Uh oh. She protests but he interrupts her and tells her she needs to bring him back.

Yao Yao and Mo Li go to Yao Yao's office to start the live stream together. (Her suspension is over.) Yao Yao introduces her as her best friend and brings up the topic of dreams. Yao Yao asks her when she decided that she wanted to be in fashion design.

QM: Fashion design. Let me think about it. It can date back to the time when I was in kindergarten. I remember that...Some time ago, it could be said that... I suffered from a big blow and I almost lost everything. But the big blow made me realize that I still have a lot to learn and I need to improve myself. And more importantly, I also found out that the people around me have been supporting me, encouraging me, and keeping me company. So I decided to cheer up and start over. I will learn from them and work hard together with them. 

Her parents and friends (including Wen Zi - yes, there's a Wan Zi (from the bakery), too), Ouyang and Zi Yi are all watching this. Wen Zi and Zi Yi are smiling the most. Yao Yao ends the live stream and the girls say goodbye. Ouyang swings by and asks if the two of them want to work together every day. Mo Li says not this again as she is not suited for live streaming. 

[Ep10“The workplace is like a battlefield.” 

Mo Li is interviewing with fashion-related employers but they find her as an unsuitable fit as her major was in ecommerce. 

At Infinite, a happy Mr. Qiu is having his office redecorated. This is the guy who had seen Mo Li’s design in Ep3. He also sneaks a sip of coffee from a prettily-made-up-but-mean-looking girl, Yue Yue’s cup and they discuss meeting later that night. Ugh. Work romance? Affair? Ye Nuan Yu pays him a visit and he tells her that he's spent all of his money on decorations and will be happy to change it if she requires it. She explains that if he wants Haibei Group's investment, it's not about the superficial things but talents. She noticed that his company doesn’t have very many employees yet they were not working hard. She asks if he can make his company prosper, which he readily assures her is very possible. He reminds me of a skeevy used car salesman.

Mo Li is offered a job at Infinite, which she accepts as they promote clothing brands. For her first day, she fails to set an alarm and arrives late. Girl, really?? She is told to sort out data by the mean Yue Yue. She sits near a monotoned girl who tells her to do her work and gives her a hint as to which folder on her computer she'll need to complete her task. A more pleasant colleague, Qian Qian comes by to see if she needs any office supplies, and then invites her out to lunch. Yue Yue interrupts with a cough and Mo Li is forced to decline. Qian Qian quietly tells her to come see her if she needs any help at all. Mr. Qiu arrives and introduces Qu Mo to the team (only her name, and doesn't actually say anything else about her) and then tells them all to get back to work. 

Ouyang is giving a presentation on L Brand holding its largest opening ceremony of a flagship store in Zhijiang. Three beauty partners of their company have been invited to join hands with live streamers of other companies. L Brand wants to open up the market of caviar eye cream for young people through this event - "early prevention, no wrinkles". Their target audience is people in their 20s. Jamie, Banana and Jiuyue are given the opportunity to participate in this event. Abbie and Banana make snide comments about Yao Yao not being a part of it (as they know of Ouyang's favoritism towards her). Ouyang mentions an opportunity for the remaining live streamers - if they can double the number of viewers on their own channel this week and can maintain it until ten minutes before the live streaming ends, then they can participate in the event with the three partners as well. Ouyang clarifies that he is not asking them to increase their sales; they need to increase their popularity. 

Mo Li is working late and the monotoned girl, Pi Ke Xin (“Ke Xin”) decides to stay to help her. Mo Li tells her that she doesn't have to help her. Ke Xin says that she can't stand seeing the newcomers being bullied and helps her with the data compilation by dictating what needs to go into the report. When they're done, Ke Xin leaves to take the bus but Mo Li insists on sending her home in a cab for her help today. In the cab ride, Mo Li checks her phone and tells Ke Xin that she sent the data to Yue Yue, but she doesn't even thank her. Of course not, otherwise it would imply she was a decent human being. Ke Xin says that she's always like this, and then she cautions her to always be on guard. Mo Li asks Ke Xin if she's always been this way - thoughtful, helpful and able to stick to her principles? She tells her that she's not this way. She just thinks that she was like her when she first entered the industry. Mo Li happily says then they can be - and Ke Xin ends the conversation by telling her to not be emotional and to go to sleep. 
Mo Li arrives at home and is startled by a tall someone inside wearing a charcoal mask and a pink bunny headband. She asks who they are. He looks over with squinted eyes and says Ouyang and then puts on his glasses. lol She asks why he's at their place. He replies that he's a guinea pig for testing products. The coffee table is full of various beauty products from the manufacturers. Then Yao Yao walks in while testing lipstick colors on her arm. 

Yao Yao explains that there's a problem with her live stream - she hasn't used all of the products that she's promoted. So she's planning to test all the products that she promotes on her live stream. Now Yao Yao asks her to be a guinea pig, too. 

At White House, Zi Yi is taking a picture of a plate with a slice of white cake. Nan Zhi points out to Wan Zi that he's longing for love and laughs at him. She tells him that he wants to be like him [Zi Yi], and asks if he's as capable as him. He asks why is she defending the outsider, and what's wrong with him? She says that he knows the answer already - not as handsome and not as skilled. One tough aunt. lol 

At home, Mo Li is practicing for her presentation and is having issues remembering the words. Zi Yi sends her the picture of the cake, and tells her to come by and taste the new product some day. She happily replies that she'll be his taster on the weekends. She is suddenly able to remember the words for her presentation. She just needed a sugar boost. ;)

Zi Yi happily looks at his phone and then sets it down to start eating the cake. He’s smiling and savoring with every bite. He has the cutest little smiles! 

A Japanese man named Miyazaki is on the phone informing the president of Jiegeng Group that he’s in Zhijiang now. He's thinking about expanding in China and is looking for some Chinese designers, and wants to change his designs to include Chinese elements. 

At Infinite, they're having a meeting about the upcoming event. Ke Xin explains what needs to be done and who is assigned to what. Yue Yue is responsible for contacting the brand and all command and dispatch on the day of the event. Ke Xin is in charge of all lighting, sound and all logistics in the background. Mr. Qiu looks bored by all of this but he mentions the main point: The case of Feel Plus is very important to their company. He explains whether they can make money in the second half of the year depends on this order. Ke Xin tells him that this is a very detailed plan but tells everyone to check the procedures and let her know if there are any issues. Mo Li asks to offer to share some ideas with everyone and he allows it. She gives everyone a print out and then she gives her presentation with a slideshow. She's suggesting a new layout for their venue and it would require the use of autostereoscopy (glasses-free 3D), a large LED screen and a large model above the stage to attract the attendees' attention. Yue Yue says that this will go above their budget by at least tenfold and asks if she's trying to make their company lose money. Xe Kin says that her ideas are not realistic, however she offers to let her join the project so she can gain some experience. Mr. Qiu says that he can't afford autostereoscopy but suggests that they combine their plans together. Kind of a win?

[Ep11]  “Chance favors the prepared mind”

Mo Li is taking a selfie outside of White House. She messages Zi Yi: “I'll come to support you off-peak. Wait. Chef Gao already has enough supporters.” She stays outside but is a bit blinded by the sunlight (no one wears sunglasses in cdramas, unless they’re rich and snobby, lol) and raises her hand to block it from her eyes.

But then a bag shows up to block the sun from her eyes - Zi Yi is standing behind her but has lifted the White House bag in front of her face to block the sun. 
She turns around to see who it is and then she smiles at him and looks away shyly for a second and then looks back up at him. She’s sooo cute here.

GZY: Xiao bai shu (lab rat), you said you would try my experiment. Then he smiles. Are you running away without dessert now? Are you scared of me? 
QM: Of course not! Then she reaches for the bag. I need to go to work now! He smiles a tiny smile. All right, go ahead with your work, or your fans will be upset. Girl, he doesn’t care about those fans - he wants you to be his biggest fan. 
QM: I’m leaving. She turns around to leave but then she turns back around. He’s just looking at her and waiting. Thank you. And then she hurriedly walks away with a smile on her face. (~1:28, about two minutes. Ahhhh, they’re so cute together.)

He smiles after her and turns around with a huge grin on his face but is startled by Wan Zi standing behind him. XD He asks her why he didn’t hear her at all. She replies with a smile that she didn’t want to interrupt this beautiful scene. I’m all heart eyes here! He just smiles. She then shows him the poster for the Five Star Dessert competition which is held once every three years and the judges are renowned people in the industry. She says that she wasn’t confident about it before and gestures with her eyes - because of him [Nan Zhi], but now she’s quite confident with him [Zi Yi] here. He agrees but they’re interrupted by Nan Zhi banging on the glass from inside and asking them if they’re done chatting and then points to all the people inside the bakery behind him and continues yelling at them. XD Nan Zhi has a good point…for once.

At work, Mo Li is sitting at her desk and grinning about this morning's interaction with Zi Yi. *cheers* Later, at the mall (where the event is being set up), Ms. Yo Yo (from Feel Plus) is very unhappy with Ke Xin and throws the plan at her and says that it’s not the same as what they agreed on previously. Ke Xin asks to explain it to her but she walks away. Mo Li asks Ke Xin what’s going on and she says that it’s because of Mr. Qiu, who said her plan was too expensive and changed it at the last minute. Yeah, I had him pegged to be an idiot but he’s definitely a jerk, too. Mo Li tells her to not panic and to let her try to help. 

Zi Yi shows up at Infinite and asks Qian Qian where - but she interrupts him and gets really excited as she recognizes him. She grabs his hand and says that she's a fan and really likes him. He thanks her and then says that he's looking for Qu Mo. She looks disappointed. He then announces to the room that Qu Mo had asked for desserts to be sent to everyone and it’s their latest item (the white cake). He lets everyone take their cakes and looks around for her desk. He finds it - the one with her duck logo - and he puts the competition poster in her inbox and then tidies her desk. He just wants to be closer to her. Yue Yue approaches him for a picture with him, which he agrees to. He’s too nice.

Mo Li apologizes to Ms. Yo Yo for changing the plan without notice. Then she asks for five minutes to guarantee that she will be happy about the change. Ms. Yo Yo says she has three minutes. Mo Li starts telling her about the new highlight in their revised plan: at the end of the event, they can invite someone from the audience, an ordinary person – such as – pulls over Ke Xin who gives her some side eye – and will provide them the clothes and then do a live makeover which will get the desired effect. It would be better than using models as it'll be more compelling and relatable. Ms. Yo Yo doesn't seem happy about letting an ordinary person put on her clothes. Mo Li said it's not just an ordinary person, it's their targeted clientele. The brand is trying to convey an energetic and positive life attitude. And she also says that she and Ke Xin have spent two nights working on this. Ms. Yo Yo explains that she's concerned about being short on people for the live makeover and it could become a mess. Mo Li offers to help and Ms. Yo Yo asks if she knows about fashion design. Ke Xin explains that she had an online clothing shop before. Ms. Yo Yo says that she'll think about it and leaves. Ke Xin compliments her for being very clear. Mo Li says it was to help her, and then admits that she was so nervous and is very thirsty now. Ke Xin then points out that she said she was ordinary and hurriedly walks away. LOL Mo Li denies it and follows her out. 

Mo Li returns to the office and receives text messages from Zi Yi: “Xiao bai shu. I've decided to join the dessert competition. Wish me luck! I've left the poster on your desk." Why is it that I’m happy he’s calling her a lab rat? XD She searches her desk and finds it and she looks so pleased for him. Then she sees her piece of cake and happily hugs the box.

Ouyang brings lunch to Yao Yao. He tells her to not worry too much about the L Brand opportunity. She says he should tell her to work harder and she will get there. He says as an employer that's what he wants. But then he says as a – he pauses and looks at her – as a friend, he wants her to take care of herself. (He likes her but...there’s this conflict of interest with work, too?) She then thanks him and says she’s going back to live streaming. 

Back in her studio, she asks if he's looked at her proposal. He says he thinks it's good. She likes telling stories with her beauty product but she's worried about it not being interesting for her audience. He says if it's interesting for him, then there are others who are interested. He also says that all the successful live streamers are simply being real, normal people so they can relate with the audience. 

Mo Li and Zi Yi are having dinner at the barbeque restaurant (yes, the same one she frequented with her ex). Mo Li asks if he’s enjoying the food and he says he’s never dared to eat such things before and it’s quite delicious. The owner drops by and tells him that all the ingredients are well-selected, clean and fresh, and Qu Mo is their loyal customer. Mo Li pulls out the poster and shows it to him and he smiles and nods. She’s excited for him and amazed that he’ll be representing White House. He says that since Wan Zi has such faith in him, then he definitely needs to give it a shot. She asks how he's able to come up with so many kinds of new desserts in such a short time. She excitedly asks for him to share so she can learn from it. He just smiles and nods in his usual modest way. She then says why is she acting like it's 3000 Whys of Blue Cat. He asks what is 3000 Whys of Blue Cat. She says to not tell her that he's never seen the animation 3000 Whys of Blue Cat. (It’s an animated series with an emphasis on science. The Blue Cat is always curious.) He says no, so she says forget it and just go on. So he tells her that all those new desserts were all in his head a long time ago. This time he's going to make a collection of desserts of different flavors and styles but he's not sure if it will work. She tells him that she trusts him and he can do it. He replies that he doesn't have 100% confidence to win but it won't hurt to dream a little bit. She just smiles at him. 

Then he says "If I win it this time, I'm going to pursue an even bigger goal." She asks what it is, and he just looks away and takes a sip of his drink. She asks him to tell her and not make her guess. He says it's a secret for now. Definitely her. He says if she really wants to know, then she'd better pray for him every day. She suggests that he should report the progress of his new collection to her every day. So she'll check on him and make sure he doesn't slack off. He wouldn’t dare. He says "So xiao bai shu is going to be the master now." He continues with okay, he'll count on her now. They clink their bottles to that. 

Pei Jing is shooting pool with Ye Nuan Yu but he's terrible at it. So she gets behind him and guides him. Interesting. She then says she has a trip to Zhijiang and asks if he needs her to bring anything to Qu Mo. He loses the look of ease and tells her that he already broke up with her. He asks if she really asked him there to teach him how to shoot pool. She says he needs to relax once in a while. Suddenly, a client, Mr. Wang (a different guy), comes in and says that Ye Nuan Yu says that he plays well and walks away to get ready. Pei Jing gets this look of panic and whispers to her that he really can't play. I’m laughing because she totally set him up. She tells him that this is a fine opportunity and not to waste it. He gets ready to play. 

It's the day of the Feel Plus event. It's a low turnout and no one is interested in the makeover. Mr. Qiu and Ms. Yo Yo are both getting upset but then a woman finally shows up interested in a makeover. The participants of the makeover walk down the runway and Miyazaki shows up in the audience. 

At White House, Zi Yi is grinning at his phone. Nan Zhi mutters “love is corrupting the man.” lol Zi Yi sends her a text message that he watched the event's live streaming and thought it was great. So supportive. Later, Mo Li finds out that the people who participated in the makeovers were actually shills hired by Ke Xin to ensure that the event went well. Mo Li looks disappointed but Ke Xin explains that there were shills in the beginning as people are usually nervous about participating. The people who showed up later were real people who were genuinely interested in the outfits that she had matched for them. Mo Li grabs onto her arm and thanks her for saving her today. Ke Xin looks at Mo Li’s hand touching her and removes her hand from Mo Li's grasp and says that she has more experience than her, but she doesn't have her talent. Aww, they're a good team together.  

At their celebratory dinner, Yue Yue gives accolades to Mr. Qiu for today's successful launch event and the employees all chime in the same. Ke Xin and Mo Li just look at each other. However, Mr. Qiu actually says that they need to thank Qu Mo and toasts to her. Mo Li thanks everyone, and Ke Xin is surprised by this but doesn’t say anything. Mr. Qiu then suggests another toast to Qu Mo. He continues complimenting her, and she's a bit uncomfortable by this. Ke Xin is trying to not glare at him. lol I love this woman. Eventually, Ke Xin and Mo Li look at each other and can only smile at this moron. He continues to toast to Mo Li. Suddenly he announces that he'll give the best employee award to her. Yue Yue doesn't say anything but just blinks. Ye Nuan Yu shows up as Mr. Qiu leads the charge in chanting their motto: “No eating, no sleeping. All we do is make money!” Toxic work culture. Then he announces that they can have the day off tomorrow and everyone cheers. Not long after, Mr. Qiu and Ye Nuan Yu leave for a private meeting. Mo Li sees her and Ke Xin asks her who she is. Mo Li only says that she's met her once and doesn't know her very well. Ke Xin asks how much her bonus is. Mo Li shows her two fingers – and Ke Xin says in shock that it’s 20,000. Mo Li corrects her – it's only 200 yuan. Cheapskate.

Ye Nuan Yu looks very unhappy and asks Mr. Qiu if he knows who his best employee is. She informs him that she's Pei Jing's ex-girlfriend. He's not sure what she means by that. She tells him to keep her in the company. She also reminds him that the most important thing is to improve his company's image. He says that the event was a success, and she says that these little events are not going to get him the investments from Haibei Group. Her placid smile here is so creepy somehow. She then hands him an envelope and tells him that she got this from a friend and it wasn't easy. As long as he accomplishes this, then he's not far from the investment of Haibei. After she leaves, he pulls out an Event Organizing Agreement with Jiegeng Group from the envelope.

Mo Li runs to catch the elevator and Ye Nuan Yu opens the doors for her. Ye Nuan Yu comments that she's interested in fashion design and this company is about design so it suits her. Mo Li tries to clear up the misunderstanding from the interview before, but then the elevator door opens and Ye Nuan Yu dismissively tells her that she needs to go and just gives her a fake polite smile as she exits the elevator. Viper.

The next day, Mr. Qiu announces that the local campaign and public relations management of Jiegeng Group, the leading fashion group in Asia, are now in their charge. He makes Mo Li the leader of this project. She is happy about this but finds out that the budget is low (200,000). She asks for one condition – that if the proposal goes through that he doesn't alter it later. He says he won't step on it. He goes over Infinite’s motto: “A man being used cannot be suspected while a suspected man cannot be used.” What kind of utter nonsense is this for a business motto?! Then he says honesty is his priority. I'm not sure how he can say this with a smile, the fat liar. 

Mo Li is happy starting research for her project as this exceeded her expectations and she’s living the dream. Ke Xin says she'll help her if she needs it. Mo Li says okay but goes back to excitedly doing research. 

The odious Mr. Qiu is in his office watching a video of some young female vloggers. Yue Yue shows up behind him which startles him. He's asked her to come into his office to invite her to go with him to a drinking party later. He holds onto her hand and she says in this whining voice, "So now you think of me. Why don't you ask Qu Mo?" He says that he senses some jealousy here, and says that she is the only one who can do this. She says that she can't. He's at least 20 years older than her. Vomit. He then says he'll get her a bag after this dinner. She replies that they can talk about it later as she needs to go back out before people talk about them. Please. I doubt anyone cares about your relationship - they're just happy to be away from both of you. He says then it’s a deal and he’ll call her later tonight. She coyly shrugs off his hand and leaves. He just laughs boisterously. Before she leaves, she says he can watch all the videos but he can’t buy them gifts. Gag.

Mo Li stays late at work to work on her project. Ke Xin watches her and notices the lateness. She brings her a cup of coffee and says that she's leaving first and tells her to not stay too late. 

At White House, Zi Yi is watching video tutorials to learn about new techniques/desserts. Wan Zi brings him a cup of coffee, and he asks her about how to impress the judges as they've probably tried numerous desserts. He feels that all of his ideas are too traditional (nothing innovative) right now. Suddenly, Xi Hui shows up and angrily slaps down a poster on his table.

[Ep12“Inspiration comes when it’s the right time”

Zi Hui and Xi Hui are sitting outside the bakery now. He asks how she knows he's participating in the contest. She asks when he'll stop this. She goes on about him working so hard for this tiny place. He asks if his father is pushing her again. She raises her hand and says that she did all she could to help him including their one-year promise. But it's hard for her to be in between his father and him as his father is her boss and superior, and he's her cousin. He asks why she doesn't make him believe that she's carrying out his order. She glares at him and says what a father and son. This poor woman is stuck between them. He says if he is approved by the judges for the Star Dessert competition, then it will be the best promotion for him. She says that he's being selfish and isn't considering her difficulties. She warns him that the more he resists, the more fiercely they'll treat him. And they (the two of them) are stuck in the middle and are the real victims. She leaves and he crumples up the poster in his hands and his eyes look so pained. :(
He then receives a call from Mo Li and changes his expression before answering the phone in a more eased tone. She tells him that she has a new project and she's in charge of it. He's happy for her and congratulates her. She says she feels like her talent has been discovered. She wonders if it's because kept on trying and never moved on. She then tells him to try harder and believes that he can make it. Then she says that needs to get back to work and hangs up. 

Zi Yi sits there feeling reinvigorated. He stands up, grabs the crumpled poster on the table and goes into the kitchen and puts on his apron. He straightens out the crumpled poster and thinks about what to do next. He needed her words. :)

Zi Yi drops by Infinite later that night and smiles when he finds Mo Li sleeping at her desk. He's just happy to see her. He removes his jacket to cover her with it. He’s so precious, and how'd he get in? He then pulls up a chair next to her and just looks at her as she sleeps and moves in her sleep. As if he couldn’t help himself, he lightly touches her face. But she wakes up and finds him very close to her. She asks why he's there. He says he's brought her desserts. (I thought he'd say he was passing by, hehe.) They’re interrupted by her phone - it’s Mr. Qiu calling her to press her to hurry up with the project. 

She hangs up and Zi Yi hands her his new desserts. He asks what she thinks and she says it's good. So he asks what she thinks about him submitting it for the competition. She hesitates and he says it's not good enough. She corrects him and says that it would sell very well at the bakery but it's not distinctive enough for the competition. He nods and tells her that he's thought about it for a long time but it's hard to come up with new ideas. She agrees and says that Jiegeng Group wants Chinese characteristics but aside from Han Chinese clothing and qipao, what else is there. He tells her to forget about it and go home and relax, and he’d take her somewhere tomorrow. 

The next day they're walking around some quaint little area, eating different foods, taking photos, and enjoying the scenery together. They’re so cute together on their not-a-date outing. Now they’re watching a little girl put a flower crown on her mother's head (flower seller). She asks if he knows what jasmine represents. He doesn't, so she tells him: simplicity, purity and loyalty. He asks how she knows that and she says her mother told her and then hands him a bouquet of jasmine and walks off. He smiles and goes to follow her.   
They're sitting by the water and Zi Yi is eating some Chinese pastries. He says they're quite delicious and she says she knows as she's had them growing up. He says that he's never had such good Chinese pastries while abroad. She teases him and says that she’ll take him around China. lol He says that he’s been learning how to make Western desserts and studying Western desserts. Today's the first time he's learned how good Chinese pastries are. He's eating Longjing fried glutinous pudding - but they don't look fried to me. He asks if he should add Chinese elements for the competition - such as making Longjing cha puffs. He says he should have thought of this sooner. Now she's reminded of something, that she grew up in this environment and is used to Chinese things so she fails to notice it - such as tea, traditional opera, folk songs, street food, Chinese knot, sugar-coated figurines and paper cutting. They agree that it’s a great idea. They just inspire each other.

Ouyang takes Yao Yao to meet Kevin, a famous Hong Konger originalism designer. Kevin's been invited by Jiegeng Group for the originalism designers' exchange. (This guy speaks Cantonese and Mandarin interchangeably and it makes my brain go crazy trying to decipher both.) Kevin agrees to let Yao Yao join in the show, and the three go out drinking together. 
Both Mo Li and Zi Yi are both working hard on their latest challenge. Zi Yi creates his Longjing cha cream puff. Nan Zhi looks at it and says that’s it - a green tea cream puff? But then he tries it and asks him what the flavor is. Zi Yi hands him the jar of Longjing cha. He texts Mo Li that he's decided to make the Longjing puff like Leifang Pagoda (it’s stacked high) for the preliminary round, and let's work hard together. 

Next, Zi Yi blindfolds Nan Zhi to have taste different creams but he makes arbitrary guesses about the differences - less or more sugar. Zi Yi says that he hasn't even added the sugar yet. Nan Zhi starts making a fuss yammering about him driving him crazy. lol Mo Li sneaks in for a peek and breaks up the bickering. She tastes the cream puff and says it’s delicious. He takes her approval to mean he can enter it into the competition. Then she takes the blindfold from Nan Zhi, thanks him and then leaves. Neither guy knows what she thanked him for.

After the drinks with Kevin, Ouyang is surprised that Yao Yao could drink as much as she did and the fact that he didn't need to help her drink. She then asks how many girls he's dated and he looks away and says he's never dated. She doesn't believe him and asks him if he treats all girls the same way he treats her. He looks away and doesn't say anything. She tells him that she's going home and leaves, so he just looks at her longingly and then shakes his head. Yao Yao comes back and goes to peck him on the cheek but he turns his head and they almost kiss on the lips. She tells him that it’s a long night, so go save other girls, and turns to leave and skips away as she's waving good bye. He continues watching her go with longing. He finally turns to leave and then jumps up into the air in joy.
Back at home, Mo Li seems to be writing in her notebook but is actually looking at a photo of Zi Yi holding a stick of hawthorn sweets from their last outing. Yao Yao comes home and catches her looking at this photo and snatches away her phone. Mo Li asks her if she's been drinking. Yao Yao says just a little bit. Then Mo Li asks with who, and she replies with Ouyang. Then she realizes that Mo Li changed the subject. Hehe. Yao Yao says that she was looking at Zi Yi's photo. She denies it and says that she was looking at the hawthorn stick. Ha. Her friend doesn't believe her. Neither do I. She tells her that she's making a planning scheme for Jiegeng Company. Yao Yao tells her about meeting Kevin, and now both girls are excited that they’ll be there together. 

Mo Li is working on her project on her computer and submitted it for the first round. Mr. Qiu is reviewing it. Ke Xin gives her a shoulder massage for her efforts. But when Mo Li gets a text message from Zi Yi, she makes her stop and looks at her phone in private. Hehe. 

GZY: Xiao bai shu, how's your programming going? (I just love his tone when he calls her that nickname!)
QM: I've already submitted it. I hope they'll be satisfied. 
GZY: Relax! We've seen you working so hard these days. It will be rewarded.
QM: Thank you for your kind words. I'll treat you to dinner if things go well. 

GZY: 👌

Zi Yi then receives a call from Dai Anni. 

Mr. Qiu tells Mo Li that she did a nice job, and tells her to take the rest of the day off and don't come until tomorrow afternoon. Ke Xin shakes her head at this. Mo Li tells her to come with her, and then teases her that she's got work. 

Yao Yao is worried that she's gained weight, but then Mo Li comes home and invites her to dinner, and Yao Yao chooses to go out for barbeque over hot pot. They stop by White House to invite Zi Yi to join them but he has a female friend there, Dai Anni. Mo Li invites them to join them but Dai Anni says that she's leaving and leaves the cafe. Zi Yi then runs after her, calling her "Anni" and offers to take her home. Anni tells him that the girl is nice and she'll be fine. After she leaves, Yao Yao asks him who the beautiful lady is and he says she's just a friend. Mo Li says let's go as she's hungry. 

At dinner, he puts a vegetable skewer on Mo Li’s plate and says that he remembers that she likes vegetables and to eat more. Yao Yao teases him saying that she didn't know he could look after somebody, and then asks about him taking care of Anni. He says of course, as they grew up together. She asks if they're just friends, and he repeats that they are. Then she says Mo Li – and Mo Li covers her mouth with her hand to keep her from saying anything else. Mo Li tells her that she thinks she's drunk and changes the subject to talking about their future. Zi Yi just smiles at this. She goes on about realizing herself as a fashion designer, Yao Yao as a top model and Zi Yi owning his own dessert shop. She then offers a toast to their future and seeing their dreams come true. She chugs her beer while the other two take a sip. She then says that she's thankful for meeting both of them and she hopes that they will stay together. She touches Yao Yao on the chin, and says her best friend. Then she reaches over to touch Zi Yi - pauses - then taps him on the arm, calls him her - pauses - "xiong di". She hopes they can share their joys and sorrows so they can figure out things together. Yao Yao says of course. Zi Yi says “Qu Mo, actually…” She asks what’s going on. He says “nothing” and then “tomorrow's another day and jia you!” The three clink their glasses to jia you. Mo Li and Zi Yi sneak glances at each other without the other knowing, and he looks like he definitely wanted to say more. I'm all ears.

Mo Li returns to work the next day. Ke Xin looks surprised to see her and asks if she didn’t have the day off. Mo Li says that she wanted to come in and continue preparing for the upcoming deadline. Mo Li walks in with Ke Xin right behind her as Mr. Qiu is making an announcement that Jiegeng Group appreciates Yue Yue’s hard work and it’ll be her project now. I knew it - he’s really a piece of garbage and Mo Li did all of the work and none of the credit.

[Ep13“Any port in a storm”

Mr. Qiu pulls Mo Li over and announces that she can be the chief receptionist for this proposal. (So she can be the evil witch's punching bag?) Mo Li asks to speak to him. In a private area, he asks if she feels aggrieved. No kidding, you turd. He tells her that she's young and she'll have other opportunities later. She says she only has one condition: that all of the desserts be provided by White House. He allows her to take care of that. 

Ye Nuan Yu is on a call with Mr. Qiu, and she asks him about Jiegeng Group. He says that he's sent over the materials already. She says that it looks good but not to relax until the last moment. Later she hands Jiegeng Group invitation to Pei Jing. She informs him that Infinite is executing this event. He recalls that it's the company that she's mentioned to him before. Then she tells him that Qu Mo works for Infinite as the event planner. She is purposely manipulating him. Her little evil smile. He asks her to have Xiao Wang make the arrangements. 

Zi Yi is working with an agitated Nan Zhi who's been kneading the dough for over an hour now. Wan Zi comes in with the news that Mo Li got them a big order for her event. She excitedly praises Zi Yi and says that he can now show off his capabilities. Nan Zhi throws the dough and Wan Zi quickly tells him that he is going, too. lol

At DTIE, Abbie receives the Jiegeng Group invitation and makes sure everyone knows this. Yao Yao wonders why Abbie received it from Kevin. Yao Yao barges into Ouyang's office to ask why Abbie received the invitation from Kevin as she hasn't received hers. He calls Kevin who says it is what it is. Kevin explains that the sponsor wants to work with Abbie, so it's out of his control. Yao Yao asks him if he knows how long she's been preparing for this event and says she's so disappointed in him. 

At White House, Mo Li is sitting at the counter, but she’s jabbing at a flower in her drink with a skewer and muttering about Mr. Qiu and Yue Yue and accidentally jabs herself with it. She puts it down and clutches her head. Zi Yi drops off some fresh cream puffs for her and tells her to calm down. He then tells her to try the puffs and she’ll feel more at ease then. She says that it's all her hard work. She doesn't want them to mess it all up. She says that she’s very angry.
He puts his hand on her head and quietly tells her to not be angry. (~9:33) She looks up at him and he continues patting her head. She begins looking more relaxed and even smiles at him. But their sweet moment is interrupted by an angry Yao Yao who slams her purse on a table and then loudly complains about Abbie getting her invitation. Yao Yao then asks her if she can get her into the event as she's the chief planner. She doesn't say anything so Zi Yi informs her that Mo Li is not the chief planner anymore. Yao Yao knows it's because of Mr. Qiu. The proposal passed but the chief planner isn't her. Zi Yi explains that Mo Li isn't in any better mood than her. Mo Li comes up with a plan - have her pretend to be a staff member of White House and she can at least take photos. Mo Li asks what Zi Yi thinks and he agrees. Nan Zhi interjects and says he doesn't agree. After a neck massage, plenty of praising, including saying how his desserts are better than Yi Zi's (who is out of earshot), she convinces him to let her go instead. She also promises to recommend his desserts on her live stream. 

Flashback: Pei Jing waited on a bridge for Mo Li. When she arrived and told him to close his eyes and then she pulled out a stuffed version of her Jia You Ya (Fighting Duck, her logo). It’s her original design. She gave it to him for his new promotion at work, moving into a new place and starting a brand new chapter in his life. He hugged her, spun her around and then they shared a kiss. 

Pei Jing is remembering this happy memory of Mo Li, when his doorbell rings. It's delivery for takeaway but he didn't order it. He accepts it and then receives a call from Ye Nuan Yu who asks if he's received the delivery. 

The next day, Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu show up at the Jiegeng Group event. Mo Li is stuck working at the reception table. Ye Nuan Yu makes sure to ask her about being the main planner (even though she knows better), and Mo Li doesn't say anything to Pei Jing. Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu are getting their photo taken together and Mr. Qiu arrives to introduce himself to Pei Jing. The three are having a photo taken together, but Ye Nuan Yu purposely fixes Pei Jing's collar in front of Mo Li. Mo Li receives a call to go inside, and Pei Jing decides to leave the other two, to go inside.

Mr. Qiu follows him and points out various things, and won't stop talking to Pei Jing. Ye Nuan Yu tells him to tend to his work as she needs to speak to Pei Jing. Yao Yao spots Pei Jing and calls him a jerk. Zi Yi reminds her that she's a pastry chef right now and needs to be in a good mood to serve the dessert. Two women show up at the pastry station, who comment on his good looks and then ask for low-fat desserts. He says that he doesn't have any today, and one of the women just hands him her card. After the women leave, Yao Yao snatches it from him and tears it up. lol Zi Yi asks what she's doing, and she says this through her faux smiling teeth, "if you want to date my best friend, you should keep –" Mo Li suddenly pops by and interrupts them to asks what's going on. She asks to have something to eat as she's starving, and stuffs her mouth with a bite of something, but then she stops eating when she sees Pei Jing again. Yao Yao asks if she wants to battle her ex-boyfriend. Mo Li says that she just met him at the entrance a few moments ago. Mo Li gets a call on the radio and ends up leaving. Zi Yi now takes notice of Pei Jing but Yao Yao is watching Zi Yi. He asks why she’s staring at him. 

Mr. Miyazaki arrives and Ye Nuan Yu introduces Pei Jing to Mr. Miyazaki and her classmate who is PR person for Mr. Miyazaki. Pei Jing says that he hopes to work with Jiegeng Group. Both Zi Yi and Yao Yao are watching Pei Jing now. Mo Li is also watching their conversation. 

Mr. Miyazaki is introduced as the chief fashion design consultant and brought up for the opening statement for the show. There are five designers participating in today's event, including Kevin as Yao Yao is shooting eye daggers at him. Zi Yi asks her what's wrong and she explains that that's Kevin. He tries to tell her that she needs to be in a good mood as a pastry chef today but she tells him to shut up. Abbie shows up to ridicule her and the two exchange insults. Yao Yao stays in a bad mood and Zi Yi attempts to repeat his mantra, but one look from her and he says that he’ll just shut up. lol

Yao Yao disappears from the pastry station and goes to see Ke Xin who is in charge of the lights/sound. 

[Ep14“The first dream”

Yao Yao walks out onto the stage in one of Mo Li’s original creations (a Chinese-influenced jacket in shades of green and grey) as the sixth participant. Mo Li and Zi Yi are happy to see her on stage. The MC says that she’s not one of the planned contestants. She apologizes for the inconvenience but says that as a model, she believes that this outfit demonstrated the Chinese characteristics well. The MC asks who the designer is and she points at Mo Li, and is then asked to bring her up. Mo Li looks nervous so Zi Yi tells her that she can do this, and she goes up onto the stage. She admits that this piece was not designed for this show as it is missing some of the Chinese characteristics. Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu are now paying attention. She says that she had created it for her mother, or rather for all mothers of this world, with maternal love as the inspiration. She mentions looking for inspiration with a friend, and she noticed a little girl who was selling flowers with her mother. It was her mother’s birthday and the little girl was working so hard for so long to create a flower crown which she placed on her mother’s head. Her mother's happiness-filled smile had left a deep impression on her. Zi Yi is watching her proudly and Pei Jing is watching her with what looks like longing (regret?). 

She then quotes a Bai Ju Yi poem: 

Spring silkworms spin till death, running out of yearning thread;
Burning candles weep, till no more years they can shed. 

Part of a Li Shang Yin poem used to reflect on a mother's love, or alternatively, a teacher's service.

QM: It is a perfect reflection and admiration for the greatness of a mother's love. At that moment, I realized that after making so many pieces of clothes, I have never thought about making something for my mother. Similarly, this industry mostly focuses on white-collars in urban areas. Therefore after I got home that day, I decided to design an outfit for my mother, something that is both easy to wear and beautiful, which is what Yao Yao is wearing right now. I combined silver grey and dark green together, with agate as decorations. I chose velvet as the material. It’s soft and comfortable with a slight sheen, making it simplistic and elegant.

She then explains that due to time constraints, she still has other details to revise but she didn’t expect to present it in this way. Mr. Miyazaki gently tells her that the poem was written by Li Shang Yin. There's an awkward pause, but then she laughs and admits that she was wrong. Upstairs Ke Xin is dancing in place, and then she stops and adjusts the lights. Ha. 

Mo Li glances at Zi Yi briefly. Pei Jing notices this and looks pained by this and walks away. Ye Nuan Yu notices him leaving but is caught by Mr. Qiu, who asks her for her thoughts on the event, and she just gives him a look. He says what’s with the look. Then the snake-oil-salesman says there was a minor flaw, but judging from Mr. Miyazaki’s reaction, it was only better and not worse. He explains that the budget was only 500,000 and he put in a lot of his own money. She praises him and then leaves. He follows her out.

Abbie complains to Kevin that she knew Yao Yao would mess things up and asks if he agrees. He says that he thinks that Yao Yao did quite well today and walks away from her. 

The girls continue standing on stage, holding hands and laughing while everyone continues applauding them, including a happy Zi Yi. 

In the car, Mr. Miyazaki is asked by his assistant if he’s found his designer yet. He says that he thinks they were all great. But he needs a designer that designs not only for one show, but can incorporate Chinese characteristics into everyday clothes and still leave an impression. She asks what the female designer [Mo Li] and he says while he was touched by her, he’s not sure that she incorporated the Chinese characteristics. 

Pei Jing is standing outside the venue and looks like he’s about to smoke a cigarette but then stops to listen to two women walk by commenting about Yao Yao being crazy and stealing all the attention, and that the designer was more impressive. Ye Nuan Yu finds him, with Mr. Qiu trailing not far behind her, and he asks to treat Pei Jing to dinner. (Mr. Qiu is so obnoxious.) Pei Jing agrees to go to dinner which annoys Ye Nuan Yu. 

Mo Li is still dealing with the closing details when Yue Yue approaches her from behind and tells her that she can’t suddenly be a designer, and she remains her subordinate. She also tells her to tidy everything up. Yue Yue is a witch. Moments later, Yao Yao and Zi Yi return with snacks from the store. 

The trio are sitting on the empty stage now. Zi Yi tells Mo Li to make sure to eat as she’s barely eaten all day. Yao Yao teasingly says that no one is worrying about her. Mo Li tells her to not plan any more surprises like this. Yao Yao says if she had told her in advance, would she have gone along with it? Mo Li says no, and Yao Yao says this is why she didn’t. She tells her to stop hiding her designing talents. Zi Yi says he agrees with Yao Yao and then he asks Mo Li how she felt standing on the stage earlier? She says it wasn't bad and then laughs. She admits that the two of them are her benefactors as Zi Yi took her to the outdoors to look for inspiration, and Yao Yao made the right decision. She thanks both of them and they clink their beers together. 

Zi Yi tells her that although she is doing well at this time, he feels that this isn't really what she wants. He asks if she's considered becoming a fashion designer again. Yao Yao agrees, and says when she was walking on that stage, she wondered if she should stay as a live streamer or carry on her dream of being a supermodel - and then amends it to being a superstar. Mo Li admits that she joined Infinite to achieve her dream in a different way. She wants to say more so she chugs her beer and then yells that she really doesn't like the glass ceiling in the workplace. Then she eats something and says that she feels better now. Yao Yao tells her that all of this is temporary. She says that Mo Li will definitely become a great designer, she'll become a superstar, and Zi Yi will be a great pastry chef. They all agree to never be bullied again. 

At the dinner with Mr. Qiu, Pei Jing tells him frankly that as it's a newly established company, it doesn't meet the investment requirements at Haibei. However, with the recent success with Jiegeng project, it's allowed him to see his potential. He asks him to prepare another proposal and he'll review it. Mr. Qiu toasts him with a glass of wine. Mr. Qiu tells Pei Jing that he's made special arrangements for later, and they're all pretty ladies. Ye Nuan Yu says this is for tonight. Pei Jing says that he'll go. She looks peeved. Now they're at a bar, and Pei Jing is drinking and dancing with the women. Ye Nuan Yu leaves and Pei Jing follows her and asks if he's allowed her to leave. She asks who he thinks he is and he pulls her in for a long kiss. She stops the kiss and asks if he wants to stay beside her. That's fine but he needs to really think about what he wants. Then she tells him to not drink too much and leaves. He just watches her go. 

At Haibei, the next day, Pei Jing says that their main project right now is Infinite and tells Xiao Wang that they may be looking at overtime. Ye Nuan Yu comes back into the office with treats from Zhijiang. Ye Nuan Yu receives a call and goes to a private area. She asks about the altered files and tells the caller to be careful. Pei Jing sees her on the call and hands her a drink. He sounds like he wants to discuss last night but she says what happened yesterday was yesterday, plus they're at work. More subterfuge? 

At Infinite, Mo Li turns in her resignation to Mr. Qiu, who thinks that she's messing with him. He offers to double her salary and she says that she's not interested. Then he offers to triple it, and she says it's not about the money. She tells him about her dream of being a fashion designer, and even if she stays, she won't be working towards her dream. He thanks her for her hard work and tries to convince her to stay. She insists on resigning and then he starts yelling that she will regret it. She leaves his office and returns to her desk to grab her stuff. Yue Yue tries to belittle her. Mo Li says that she's already quit. Yue Yue asks where she can go. Mo Li says she can go anywhere that she wants to, unlike someone, who can only stay here. Hehe. Yue Yue asks what's wrong with this place? She demands that she tell her. Ke Xin replies that "this place is suitable for only those with good looks but no talent." Hahaha. Ke Xin then tells a smiling Mo Li, let's go and they leave together. 

At DTIE, a large sign with Abbie's face is being taken down, under Mr. Wang's orders, and is being replaced with Yao Yao's sign. She angrily barges into Ouyang's office and interrupts an ongoing meeting with Yao Yao, Ouyang, Mr. Wang and two people from NK. Mr. Wang gets up, makes excuses for the intrusion and takes Abbie away with him. NK (skincare products) wants a collaboration with her for a live commerce event for their newly launched lotion and popular products. Yao Yao says she will review all of their products and then send her list of choices and then they can discuss the structure of the live commerce event. The guy tells Ouyang that her work ethic is incomparable in their industry, and then they exit Ouyang’s office.

Yao Yao then complains about being called into the office so early and that she’s starving. She said that she wished that the box of products from NK were a box of sandwiches. She starts eating a snack item, but he hands her a drink and a sandwich to eat. 

He tells her that her photos have been trending on Weibo ever since last night. He tells her that she's gone viral. She looks happy. He also tells her that all resources will go to her, mostly live commerce events, and they will be promoting her in every way, and her share of the profit will be higher. From now on, Ouyang will participate in the product selection of all of her live commerce events. She'll have full control over the product selection. Now she looks bored by all of this. She tells him that she doesn't want to do live commerce of NK's products and she doesn't want to do anymore live streams. Ha, what does she think they do there? She says that she wants to be an actress or model or anything else but live streams. He explains that he understands that she wants to go higher but it will take time, and based on his experience, if she climbs too quickly, it will end badly. He tells her that she needs to do the live streams to gain the status first. She relents and says she'll look over everything. She then asks him to make sure to let her know about any modeling opportunities. 

[Ep15] “We walk at different paces”

Mo Li and Ke Xin walk into White House, and Mo Li is all smiles. (Ke Xin doesn't smile anyway. lol) She announces that she quit her job, even though her boss suggested tripling her salary. She wakes up Nan Zhi from his nap. Zi Yi says so soon, and Wan Zi asks if she's decided what she wants to do next. Mo Li says she'll think about it later. She then introduces Pi Ke Xin as her friend who left the job with her to everyone, and Nan Zhi just stares at her with an open mouth. Nan Zhi then offers to make some fresh egg tarts as he continues staring at Ke Xin. Ke Xin is the egg tart lady that Nan Zhi remembers from before, who said that she liked his egg tarts and that they were the best. 

Later he brings out a single egg tart on a plate as Ke Xin is going over the plan for Mo Li's designer career. She needs to open a new Weibo account to establish an online presence. Mo Li reaches over to grab the egg tart but Nan Zhi slaps her hand away and glares at her. Ha! Then they start talking about getting investors for her business, and the need for a brick-and-mortar storefront. The entire time, Nan Zhi just grins at Ke Xin. And when she sits down, he pushes the egg tart to her, who then pushes it towards Mo Li. A quiet Zi Yi looks a bit pensive during this meeting. 

Mr. Miyazaki is still looking for a Chinese designer for his next project. The president informs him to get this done sooner than later, before they're too late in the market. 

Yao Yao is meeting with Mr. Xing, who asks if she wants to join 54 Studio. She says that she's doing well at DTIE. Mr. Xing says that DTIE is a new company, only two years old. Mr. Xing says that 54 Studio is well known and can offer her more opportunities. She explains that she's signed a 5-year contract with DTIE and if she leaves now, the liquidated damages – he says that they'll pay for the liquidated damages. He then slides over to her and says that novices are usually required to sign a 5-year contract but at 54 Studio, it's only for 3 years. The profits are usually split 80/20 but they're offering her 60/40. The annual income will be at least 2M yuan. She says that she will think about it.

Back at White House, Nan Zhi is describing how the boba molten lava tiramisu (I found a recipe! lol) which uses the egg whites of germ-free eggs from Hokkaido, Japan, and then how about the sugar was added 12 separate times weighing at 2.8 grams. After being whipped to stiff peaks, it was then added to the dough. And then he says that the credit goes to Gao Zi Yi, who says it has to be exactly 380 grams of imported low-gluten flour from the Vatican and cornstarch from Dougezhuang in Beijing. Three circles to the left and three circles to the right, over and over again. And then they will have dough like this (it's in Zi Yi's hand) and it goes into the oven and all the credits go to Nan Zhi. The two guys are presenting this to Wan Zi. They then pitch the idea of adding fashion elements to their bakery (instead of only serving coffee and desserts), as it would help them win with the Five Star Dessert competition. This must’ve been what Zi Yi's thoughts during the earlier meeting about Mo Li’s business. She figures out that they're wanting to use the second floor for Mo Li and the guys try to play dumb at first. lol She says she'll think about it. Zi Yi gets up and gives her a shoulder massage and tells her to think about it.

At home, the girls each have news to tell each other. Mo Li goes first and says that she quit her job - so no income for a while. Yao Yao explains that she got a pay raise so she can take care of the bills for the time being. Yao Yao gives her a surprise to celebrate their good news - a cake. Yao Yao lights the candle and they both make a wish that their dreams come true.

At work, Mr. Wang asks to see Yao Yao. He asks if someone from 54 Studio came to see her. He hands her the revised DTIE contract. He explains that he plans to make her the leading artiste in their company, and not just a live streamer. He will provide her with more higher end commercial activities - film, television and variety shows. She will also receive 60% of the profits now. He asks her to tell him in the future if she has any issues. He asks her to help bring Mo Li to join their company. He explains to her that if Mo Li doesn't join the company, then she and Mo Li won't be able to work together in the future. He's also arranged for a photoshoot for her tomorrow. He asks her to think about this. Geez, that was quick.

Mo Li gets a surprise from her friends at White House. On the first floow, there’s a new area designated as an exhibition area for her clothes. And then they show her the second level, which has been cleaned up and overhauled into a work studio for her. Mo Li hugs Wan Zi and kisses her cheeks fervently. Wan Zi tells her it wasn't her idea but Zi Yi and Ke Xin's. She just looks at Zi Yi and smiles. Suddenly a woman calls out his name – it's Dai Anni. He goes downstairs to see her, and Mo Li watches them but doesn't say anything. Zi Yi and Dai Anni are sitting outside and she's complaining about her mother nagging her. Zi Yi is looking inside at Mo Li, who is celebrating her new workspace with Wan Zi, Ke Xin and Nan Zhi. Meanwhile, Mo Li is sneaking some glances at him. Zi Yi has been watching Mo Li the entire time and hasn't been listening to Dai Anni but he just agrees to do something with her. 

Yao Yao returns home and both girls have news for each other again. Mo Li says that her Weibo post is almost ready, but she needs to take some photos – with Yao Yao as her model. Yao Yao explains that Mr. Wang wants to sign a new contract with new plans for her. She tells her that Mr. Wang wants her to sign with the company. Mo Li says that she doesn't think she could work with Mr. Wang again. Yao Yao explains as the leading artiste of the company that she won't be her model anymore. Yao Yao admits that she has already signed the new contract, and Mo Li is understanding about it. Yao Yao teases her that she can see Zi Yi every day then. Mo Li doesn't seem happy about the mention of Zi Yi. She asks if only Miss Fair-Skinned-Rich-and-Beautiful deserves Mr. Tall-Rich-and-Handsome. Yao Yao asks why she's asking. She doesn't say why but Yao Yao realizes that Dai Anni is back. Yao Yao's advice: Get rich first before dating Zi Yi. She then teasingly tells her to not date him anyway because they're partners in business now. Girl, he doesn't want your material goods.

The next day, Mo Li’s shop is open but hasn't received a single order yet. Zi Yi finds a way to get her an order. He tells two female customers, if they order tailored clothing from Mo Li, then he'll give them a free eclair. The two customers take a look at her clothing and are impressed, so they both place an customized outfit from her. 

Soon White House becomes quite busy with customers clamoring for baked goods and for Mo Li's clothes.

[Ep16“The warmth of silent companionship”

Yao Yao has an assistant now. Abbie and Banana are talking about her again. Abbie is very obviously jealous and angry about her top dog position at the company being usurped by Yao Yao. 

Zi Yi is at Dai Anni's parents' home and having dinner with three of them. Her mother wants Dai Anni and Zi Yi to finalize their engagement. Dai Anni tries to explain her relationship to her mother but they don't allow her to explain, which forces Zi Yi to agree to the engagement.

Afterwards, Zi Yi is having tea alone with Dai Anni's father, and tells him the truth that he's not dating his daughter. She's worried about the pressure from her mother, so they've been Dai Anni's father interrupts and says that it takes a good man to admit the truth, and he's already known about the truth for a long time. He then says that he's noticed a difference in his gaze today and asks if he's in love with someone. Zi Yi nods and her father says that it must've been tough for him to put on the act with his daughter for so long, and asks for him to drop the act from now on. He then says that he will have a talk with his wife and daughter. He asks if Zi Yi and his father are still not speaking. (He’s friends with Zi Yi’s father.) Zi Yi nods and Dai Anni’s father tells him that the two of them have similar temperaments but they can’t fight forever as they are father and son. 

Back at White House, Zi Yi is baking something for his father after his conversation with Dai Anni’s father advising him that one of them has to give way first and suggesting that he bake something for his father and bring it to him. Zi Yi drops off the baked goods for his father, but they don’t meet. From his hiding place, Zi Yi watches his father give away the baked goods to an employee. Dad rejected him. :(

Pei Jing is working overtime with plans to eat instant noodles. But Ye Nuan Yu takes him out to have noodles, and then he finds out that today's her birthday. They have such a good time together at this dinner that it’s as if everyone else has disappeared. He offers to drive her home and as she’s waiting for him, she exchanges messages with Mr. Qiu about his investment passing the first round of checks. He gets her a dessert for her birthday, and she mentions that this is the first time she’s celebrated her birthday with someone in five years. She thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and tells him to not take it to heart and then walks away. I don’t trust her. 

Zi Yi meets his father at the cemetery, at his mother's tombstone. His father doesn’t say anything to him, and only turns his back on him. However, when Zi Yi puts down a cake for her, his father orders him to take it away. Zi Yi tells him that while he may have thrown away his baked goods previously, this is for his mother. He has made it from her as it’s from his heart and he refuses to take it away. His father says that because of the baking, he’s given up the family business. His father asks him if he thinks that his mother would be happy with this. Xi Hui is standing nearby listening to their conversation. Zi Yi tells him that because this is the career that he wants, he believes his mother would understand. His dad just scowls and leaves with Xi Hui. After his father leaves, he asks his mother if he was wrong.

Mr. Wang wants a studio set up for Yao Yao so she can become a versatile artiste. Ouyang is now in charge of her studio, on top of his normal live streaming duties. He will also be handling all of her commercial deals and publicity. Mr. Wang has the resources to provide her opportunities in films, television and variety shows, which the company will oversee. Ouyang doesn't look too happy about the divided duties.

An older woman holding a tiny dog in her arms shows up at White House asking for sugar-free puffs as she is diabetic. Nan Zhi tells her that she shouldn’t have any desserts and suggests that she not come here. He knows that Zi Yi makes sugar-free pastries! lol This woman gets upset with him and starts raising her voice. Zi Yi deescalates the situation by telling her that he’ll be making them right now. 

This woman continues being upset with Nan Zhi until Mo Li arrives to have her take a seat and relax. Mo Li then plays with the dog, whose name is Mao Mao. The woman looks around and asks about the display. Mo Li explains that it's the showcase for the shop's clothing store. Then she asks if she can bring Mao Mao upstairs to put him in an outfit that she’s made, and the woman allows it. The woman looks at the exhibition as she waits for her cream puff. Zi Yi brings out the cream puff and as she's tasting it, he explains that it's made with xylitol (a sugar substitute). This woman is cutting the puff pastry and examining the texture, but doesn’t respond to him. He walks away and Mo Li returns with Mao Mao in one of her outfits (it's a dog shirt with a faux romper on it). She offers to gift the outfit to him, which the woman thanks her for. The woman looks happy now.

Infinite got the funding it needed. Mr. Qiu thanks Pei Jing, and then claims that all the women would like a photo with him. It’s mostly for the benefit of the snide Yue Yue who pushes everyone else out of the way for her photo with him. At Haibei, Mr. Li is being reprimanded by Mr. Hai for making some mistake. Pei Jing interrupts as he was summoned by Mr. Hai. Mr. Li leaves and closes the door but stays to eavesdrop on their conversation regarding Infinite and Jiegeng Group. Mr. Hai is very happy with the investment in Infinite and wants him to keep monitoring the project with Jiegeng Group. 

Yao Yao starts working out of her studio with Ouyang on site. She's busy with training, photo shoots, but manages to find time to play video games with him as well.

During closing time at White House, Zi Yi tells Mo Li that Nan Zhi has been distracted ever since he met Ke Xin. He left his door scraper by the front door. Mo Li tells him that a man in love has a negative IQ. lol Zi Yi says he’ll have a chat with him tomorrow. Mo Li then asks to take his measurements for the new uniforms (he'd asked her to make them new ones a while ago). He becomes a bit uncomfortable as she's standing fairly close for these measurements and touching him. He says he's surprised that she remembered as he thought that she'd forgotten. As she continues with measuring his chest, they're both suddenly very aware of each other's proximity. She finishes the measurements and now they’re awkwardly in each other’s way. She then receives a call from Yao Yao. She tells her that she isn't coming home as she has another photo shoot. She also admits that she grabbed Mo Li's set of keys by mistake. She hangs up and Zi Yi asks where she's staying tonight. She says that she can sleep on the sofa upstairs at White House. He offers to keep her company and she gives him a curious look. He explains that he's just worried about her staying there alone. 

Now she’s laying on the sofa upstairs while Zi Yi is downstairs stretched out across three chairs. She apologizes for keeping him there, and he says that he would've been worried about her staying there alone. Mo Li then mentions that Xi Hui came looking for her. He asks what she wanted. Mo Li says she wanted her to ask him to go home. Mo Li now knows that his family business is Fugao Group. He says that he's just a tool to inherit the family business, and nothing else beyond that. She asks if that's why he won't return home. He says what home. He explains that after his mother died, his father sent him to study abroad but never visited him. It was always Xi Hui who visited him, and she only visited on her work trips. His father has arranged his education and never asked what he liked or wanted. He tried to chat with his father during holidays but his father always left after a minute. His father finds heart-to-heart talks to be a waste of time. Zi Yi says while he doesn't expect them to understand, he doesn't want to be their puppet either. When he returned to China, he started studying desserts. So even if he is cut off financially, he can still support himself. 

Mo Li says in the beginning when she decided she wanted to be a fashion designer, no one supported her, but she refused to give up. She wants to show them what she can achieve and won't let them look down on her. Zi Yi agrees with her so that's why he must win the Five Star Dessert competition. They encourage each other to achieve their dreams. Aww. 

Zi Yi is dreaming that his father is asking why he is not coming home. In reality, it's Nan Zhi waking him up and asking why he didn't go home. This also wakes up Mo Li who says good morning from upstairs. Nan Zhi looks up at her and then down at him and then again, and heads for the front door, saying that he needs to buy bread. lol It's a bakery and he’s one of the bakers! Zi Yi says that they have bread. Then Nan Zhi says that he's going to get milk and Mo Li says they have that here as well. Nan Zhi says he's going to use the bathroom, and both Mo Li and Zi Yi say in unison that there's one here. He finally says to let him go as this is too awkward. XD He leaves and the two just look at each other for a second and then quickly look away. 
She lays back down on the couch and smiles. Zi Yi looks at the sweatshirt that he's been using to cover himself with – it has a pin with Jia You Ya (Mo Li's duck logo). Then he smiles and closes his eyes, too. Oh, these two…

[Ep17 “I have some good news to tell you”

Mr. Miyazaki comes to White House to see Mo Li. Everyone's trying to eavesdrop and speculate on Mo Li and Mr. Miyazaki's conversation. Wan Zi finally tells everyone to get back to work. Mr. Miyazaki asks about the outfit she had made for her mother. She explains that her mother hasn't seen it yet as she hasn't finished working on it. He offers his assistance with it in the future. Then he asks if she's not from Zhijiang. She confirms that she's from Zhuji, known as Xi Shi's (one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China) hometown, the city of pearls, and the capital of textiles and sock-making. She says that in her heart, her hometown is the most beautiful place. Mr. Miyazaki says that he knows of Xi Shi, but he didn't expect that Mo Li's hometown is the capital of textiles and sock-making. From what she said, he understands that Zhuji has both historic beauty as well as the soul of the textile industry. He then asks for her to be his guide, and to take him to her hometown. She agrees enthusiastically, but then she tells him about the dessert competition, as she will be busy for the next few days. She'll contact him when she's available. 

Ouyang tells Yao Yao that she has the opportunity to replace Bing Bing (some other artiste). Yao Yao tells him she doesn't want to replace her, but to surpass her. He then gives her an interview outline for an upcoming interview that day. When they meet up later, she informs him that she received a call from Mr. Wang to go to a gathering as she wants to meet the Director. So she has to cancel the interview that he's arranged. So he takes her to this gathering and she meets this Director Andy, casting director and producer. Ouyang tries to help her but they seem annoyed at him. She excuses herself to use the restroom and runs into Kevin in the bathroom, who happens to know the director. He wants to make it up to her for blowing her off before. (Giving the Jiegeng show to Abbie instead of her.) So he greases the wheels for her with the Director. Ouyang leaves as he knows that he's no longer needed. Yao Yao goes looking for him, and he uses the excuse that he’s not drinking as he’s driving. So she tells him to wait for her in the car. 

Yao Yao returns home quite drunk and Mo Li takes care of her and tells her to take care of herself. Yao Yao starts babbling but then she passes out. Mo Li wants to tell her about her good news but Yao Yao has already fallen asleep. 

At Infinite, Mr. Qiu is driving his employees crazy and people are resigning left and right. 

The next day, the judges for the Five Star Dessert Competition arrive at White House when Mo Li arrives. Nan Zhi points out one of the judges - it's the diabetic lady with the dog to Mo Li, and Zi Yi is holding Mao Mao. They're tasting the Longjin cream puff (sugar-free), which was actually made by Nan Zhi and not Zi Yi. Aww. His sense of taste has actually gotten better, too, with help from Zi Yi and Wan Zi. 

The diabetic lady asks Zi Yi if he made the cream puff. Nan Zhi admits that he made it but he learned from Zi Yi. She is very pleased with their forthcoming information. She says after 18 years, the Five Star Dessert Competition has a very strict set of criteria: reputation, service, creativity. She says honestly, there are still many areas that they can improve in. 
Then she congratulates them on becoming a five-star business in Zhijiang City. She also tells Zi Yi that she won’t let them keep Mao Mao. lol He hands the dog back to her. She tells him that he didn’t do too bad and encourages him with a jia you.  

After the judges leave, everyone reminds Wan Zi that she promised them three days of vacation if they won the competition. She happily confirms this. The other three run off discussing what they'll do for vacation, leaving Mo Li and Zi Yi alone for a moment. Mo Li comments that someone who appeared so early was someone so important. She was so nice to her, too. Zi Yi tells her that it was accidental, but also inevitable. Like their first meeting? She pokes him on his name tag, which is over his heart, and then runs off telling Wan Zi that she has a place in mind.

Yao Yao is going through dance training and Mo Li comes in to take photos of her and is asked to not interrupt. Later, Mo Li has fallen asleep waiting for her. Mo Li has brought her a Longjin puff but Yao Yao says it's too many calories. Mo Li tells her it's sugar-free, but she still won't eat it. Mo Li tells her about the Five Star certificate and they're going on a team-building trip. She invites her to go with them but Yao Yao says that she doesn't have time. They're interrupted as she has to return to class. She’s too busy being a star now to bother with friends. Mo Li is disappointed.

The five of them, plus Mr. Miyazaki are on the road to Zhuji. Nan Zhi is sitting up front with Ke Xin who is driving. He offers her fruit (no) and water (no). She says everyone's asleep so why isn't he. He says that he wants to keep her company, and offers to tell her a joke. Wan Zi tells him if he doesn't quit babbling, she'll kick him out. Don’t forget she’s his aunt. Heh.

They arrive in Zhuji and Mo Li takes them to a waterfall. As Mo Li is talking to Mr. Miyazaki, Wan Zi, Ke Xin and Zi Yi are preparing to cook some food. Ke Xin asks him if he's dated before. Zi Yi shakes his head. She threatens him with the basting brush and says to tell the truth. He says no. Wan Zi offers to introduce him to someone. He says no need. She asks who he is waiting for. Oh, she knows. Wan Zi then says it must be Dai Anni, right? Zi Yi looks uncomfortable and makes the excuse that he'll go watch Nan Zhi fish and leaves. The two women exchange a look. Zi Yi is actually watching Mo Li talking to Mr. Miyazaki about the designs in his sketchbook. 

At home, Qu Dad is complaining to his wife about her family's cooking demands and that his wrist hurts and how he feels sick just looking at fish right now. She says they want certain dishes because he's such a good cook. Suddenly, Mo Li shows up which her parents are happy but are surprised to see her. Then she casually brings in her group of friends. Zi Yi holds up a fish while Nan Zhi holds up a small frog. Heh. That guy would catch a frog. Now, Qu Dad is cooking yet again and his wife teases him about how he was complaining earlier about his wrist. He says how can his precious daughter be compared to his brother-in-law. Haha. Dad really loves her.

Ouyang shows up on Yao Yao's set with milk teas but Director Yang is a bit busy. Ouyang overhears that they only have filming at this hotel for another thirty minutes. He waits around for her to finish up and she thanks him for the milk tea. It was her first day of filming. Director Andy thanks Ouyang for his help in using his connections in helping them extend their time at this hotel. Director Andy leaves and Ouyang admits to Yao Yao that he paid 5000 RMB to settle the issue with the hotel. 

At her parents, they're sitting down to dinner. Nan Zhi asks about the frog he caught. Qu Mom says that she set it free. He says that he thought it was a bullfrog. Mo Li officially introduces Mr. Miyazaki and her friends to her parents. She leaves Zi Yi for last and Qu Dad remembers him picking him up from the train station. Her mother asks if he's still delivering food. He says no, and her father says it's best if he didn't as customers would complain because they would be so hungry. Haha. Then her parents thank them for taking care of their daughter. Nan Zhi says that Mo Li always comes to the bakery for food and drinks, and now it's his turn. He then lets it slip that she quit her job, and Ke Xin elbows him. Mo Li explains that she has a clothing store inside the bakery now. Her parents are upset that she's pursuing fashion design again. Mr. Miyazaki asks why they don't want to support her as a fashion designer. They explain it's because she didn't get into the program, as she didn't meet the current fashion trends. Mr. Miyazaki confirms that her designs are indeed different but that's her strength. Zi Yi is nodding at this. He continues that if she works harder, she will have no problem making this her career. Mr. Miyazaki suggests that she bring out the outfit she made for her mother. Mo Li tries to find an excuse but Zi Yi encourages her to do it, as do the rest of her friends. Mo Li asks her mother to go with her. 

[Ep18“Go left, go right”

Mo Li's mother returns in the jacket and everyone exclaims that it looks beautiful. I find it to be okay. lol Qu Dad can only stare at his wife and after a long pause, he finally says that he has a new wife. lol Mo Li asks her mother what she thinks and she says it's pretty. Mo Li looks happy and Zi Yi is happy for her, too. 
Later that evening, Zi Yi finds Mo Li skipping rocks over the water and asks if she isn't sleeping yet. He asks what she’s thinking about. She explains that when she was young, she had lots of fun here. But after becoming a university student, she rarely came home. But this time, she feels good about being here, and then she thanks him. He quietly places an earbud into her ear, and now they're listening to the same song. He just looks at her for a moment before he moves even closer to her. She then asks him what the name of the song is. He says "Because I Have You". She turns to glance at him and then smiles. She asks who sings the song and he replies that he doesn't know. (It’s actually sung by our ML, Wang Bo Wen!)

Mr. Miyazaki and Zi Yi are sharing a room with Nan Zhi and the two are unable to sleep because Nan Zhi is snoring so loudly. Mr. Miyazaki asks Zi Yi about his thoughts on Mo Li. He says that she's nice. Mr. Miyazaki says there's an old saying in Japanese: "A man loves with his eyes." He says that when he looks at Mo Li, he can see love in his eyes. We all do! Mr. Miyazaki looks at him, waiting for a response. Zi Yi then asks for his opinion on them being together. Mr. Miyazaki says that Mo Li is a very cute girl, and if he were thirty years younger, he'd like her and tell her his feelings without any hesitation. Hehe, I think he's just trying to nudge him. Zi Yi smiles and then says he doesn't think he's ready. Mr. Miyazaki lays back down and says "People are always preparing throughout their whole lives. Be brave to love. Even if you fail, it would be better than nothing." Zi Yi smiles and nods. Suddenly, Nan Zhi bolts right up in his bed and says that they're still awake, it's late, and to go to sleep. He complains that he can't sleep when they're chatting, and mutters about the old and young talking about love at midnight. LOL Dude, you were snoring so loudly! He gets up and walks out. Zi Yi sighs in disbelief at this, but Mr. Miyazaki tells him to go to sleep quickly. lol Zi Yi lays down and mutters how he is to blame. Heh. Nan Zhi walks out of the room and overhears Mo Li's parents talking about setting up their daughter on a blind date. Her father wants to discuss it with her first but her mother wants to just have her go without knowing ahead of time.  

Mo Li is sharing her bed with Ke Xin and Wan Zi. Nan Zhi is outside telling Ke Xin where he put her mask. Wan Zi says that her nephew is careful and persistent, with a soft heart. Ke Xin says she isn't angry with him. Mo Li says that she shouldn't let him hear her say that, otherwise he'll think it's a sign of encouragement and he'll be even more stubborn. Wan Zi asks, isn't her Zi Yi the same? Mo Li says Gao Zi Yi isn't - wait, when did he become hers? Both women laugh at this because he's definitely hers. She denies it. Ke Xin asks who was the person who came by to give her desserts every day? And who spent a whole night at the shop with her? Wan Zi mentions who was the person who went to the hospital with her twice? His intent is known by all. Mo Li tells them to stop talking nonsense.

Wan Zi asks then why did she take everyone's measurements (for the new uniforms) in the daytime, but his in the evening? Ke Xin also says that she told them that her keys had been taken. Mo Li says her keys were really taken by Yao Yao. Wan Zi asks her if she has feelings for Zi Yi and to tell the truth. She says that she doesn’t want to talk about it and wants to go to sleep and then pulls the covers over her head. Wan Zi mentions that they have all met his sister and that hot female friend who is rich, Anni. Wan Zi continues saying that all the females around him are fair-skinned and rich beauties like them. She advises her to think it through. Mo Li says that she can't be like that, as they're truly better than her. Aww. Don’t be so low. Ke Xin tells her that in their minds, she's the cutest. She then tells Wan Zi that Mo Li can't be considered perfect - she's short, has a big head, and actually looks like a bean sprout. lol Mo Li puts her in a headlock. Haha.

The next day, Zi Yi, Wan Zi, Ke Xin and Nan Zhi are exploring around town. But when Wan Zi sees this place "rooom" she runs in ahead of them. It looks like a café with old music. Wan Zi and the owner bond over the lyrics of a song. He then gives her a Xu Wei cassette tape. The group leave after this. She decides to returns back to the shop and tells them to not wait for her.

Ke Xin walks up ahead of Nan Zhi and Zi Yi. Nan Zhi asks him if he knows where Mo Li went. Zi Yi answers with didn't she and her mother go visit relatives? Nan Zhi says if this meeting is successful today, the next move is to get her married. Zi Yi looks surprised and upset by this. Nan Zhi says that she went a blind date. Well, that’ll add some pep to his step.

At the blind date, Mo Li is drinking tea and opening a seed with her mouth and then spitting it out in front of her date. Ha. The mothers are sitting outside the private room, waiting to see if their date is successful. The guy finally asks Mo Li if she was forced to come, too? She nods and he says he was, too. He asks if she wants to leave. She says their mothers are out there like goalies, how are they going to leave? Haha. The guy says that they need to work together, and then slams down his cup of tea. The mothers think as it's so quiet, that it's going well and talk about setting the wedding. Moments later, Mo Li starts yelling at him, and the guy comes running out. He asks if she wants to start a fight. (~17:14) They start arguing about wasting each other’s time. Then he complains to his mother that she hit him. Her blind date leaves as his mother protects him from Mo Li’s attack. lol As they’re exiting, Mo Li calls him an idiot from upstairs, and he turns around to wink at her and then calls her “leftover” before following his mother. Hahaha. Spectacular escape plan!

Meanwhile, Zi Yi is skipping rocks at Qu home. Mo Li returns but is arguing with her mother, who is scolding her for ruining the date, staying single, etc. She tells her that she didn't want to go and her mother continues scolding her. Mo Li turns and notices Zi Yi. Mo Li walks away to go inside the house, and her mother runs after her. They continue arguing and her mother says that she'll find a better one next time. Mo Li says there is no next time, and if she does it again, then she won't come back home then. Zi Yi overhears all of this. 

Mr. Miyazaki and Qu Dad are being shown socks by the Chairman., and the Chairman tells them that many OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) have a hard time transforming into OBMs (Original Brand Manufacturers), as they are having a hard time finding designers, which is something that is affecting Qu Dad's textile factory (OEM) as well. Mr. Miyazaki suggests to Qu Dad to go to Mo Li for design help for socks. The Chairman asks Mr. Miyazaki to stay and provide advice. 

As they're leaving, Mo Li's mother hands her several bags of food but she's still annoyed with her mother. Her mother tells her that she won't arrange any more blind dates for her, and she can be with anyone she wants. Mr. Miyazaki says that he's staying longer to take a look around. Mo Li then says goodbye to her father, who wants to say more, but her mother drags her away. She hugs her mother before she gets into the car. But when she goes to close the door, her mother makes a pointed effort to look at Zi Yi and tells him jia you. Mo Li is confused by this. She wonders what's going on. Nan Zhi is watching this with interest until Ke Xin swats him to put on his seatbelt. He struggles with the seatbelt so she does it for him. Haha. She doesn’t like his expression, so she turns his face in the other direction. He's got an even bigger grin on his face because she touched him. lol It's the goofiest-looking happy smile.
On the drive back, Mo Li asks Zi Yi what he did to her mother as she was smiling at him. Zi Yi pulls down his eye mask, and with smiling eyes says that maybe she just likes him. She threatens to throw her snack at him so he pulls his eye mask back over his eyes and just lays there. Haha. She mutters about her mother liking him, and turns back to the front. Zi Yi just smiles. Wan Zi laughs at them.

What really happened: That day after the failed blind date, Zi Yi told her mother that he really liked Qu Mo and he wanted to be with her. Qu Mom asked why they weren’t together yet. He admitted that he was not ready to confess. She said that he looked honest. She then asked if he was lying for her daughter. He said how could he lie to her about this. She asked him to prove it. He said that he would start preparing now, and to give him a few more days and he promised to confess. She then looked at him for a long moment and then agreed, and asked him to keep his word. She had told him jia you. Mom approves!

Currently, Zi Yi is practicing his confession, "Qu Mo, I like you" with Nan Zhi, who is the worst person for this. lol He tells him to put more feeling into it. Zi Yi asks him what the plan is. Nan Zhi says he's already told him several times: Look deep into her eyes and say it to her with affection. Nan Zhi demonstrates with his eyes half-closed like he's drunk or something. Haha. Zi Yi isn't impressed and seems skeptical. Bwahaha, look at his face! Nan Zhi then asks him to do it again. Zi Yi looks like he's going to try it his way, but then says no, no, no, he can't. Hehe. Nan Zhi says as an experienced man, he is guiding him, a newbie. Zi Yi asks him if his confessions have always been successful. Nan Zhi replies that he can only say that he has never failed and tells him to do it one more time. So no? lol

The next day, Mo Li receives a call from Wen Zi (her friend/former roommate), who is getting married. Wan Zi and Zi Yi overhear the call, and she asks if he’s been to a wedding before. He says no. She then says that Mo Li must be the bridesmaid, and where there is one, there is a best man, and they play games. Zi Yi asks what games? She tells him if he wants to know, then he should go with her. lol

Mo Li ends her call and goes to leave but Wan Zi stops her. She asks if her girlfriend is getting married. Mo Li excitedly tells her it's Wen Zi who used to come here all the time with her. Wan Zi remembers her and generously offers to provide all the desserts for Wen Zi's wedding. Mo Li is ecstatic about this. Wan Zi then says there's another surprise and looks pointedly at Zi Yi, who has a confused look on his face as he has no idea what she's referring to. lol (~27:33) Confused silent conversations are the best. He finally says that he'll make the cake. LOL Oh, Gao Zi Yi... Mo Li looks at him and finally says that her friend likes strawberries before leaving. Wan Zi just laughs and tells him to go on about his work. He offers to go buy strawberries. Hopeless boy.

Mo Li, Wen Zi and Yao Yao are now hanging out together. Mo Li asks about Wen Zi's groom-to-be, and her friend says that he's good-looking. She shows them a picture of him on her phone. Yao Yao asks how they met. She says that they met at work and eventually, they got together. Wen Zi then asks about Pei Jing, and Yao Yao says they broke up a while ago. Mo Li admits that she broke it off with him, and that it wasn’t any specific fight, plus he had moved away for his job. Both girls plan to go to the wedding. 

Pei Jing is worried about their investment in Infinite as they have a lot of customer complaints. Ye Nuan Yu offers to look into it. 

Yao Yao is at a KTV with Director Andy, his underlings and a few other women. The Director asks her to sit closer to her and keeps plying her with drinks. Ouyang is waiting outside for Yao Yao but he hasn't heard from her. He goes inside to use the restroom and overhears two ladies complaining about her touching Director Andy, and he asks them where they are.

When he finds her, she’s sitting right next to the Director, and his hand is on her bare thigh. He sees red and starts punching the Director. Afterwards, they're in a hallway and Yao Yao is livid with him. He points out that the guy was touching her thigh. She says what's the big deal, and says that it was just touching. He yells that it'll lead to more - as in going to bed! She then starts yelling that he's her agent, and not her boyfriend!! (This is also a departure from when Mr. Chen touched her hair/shoulder and she vehemently shrugged him off then.) She then tells him to stay out of her way. So he leaves to go back to the room, to apologize to the Director and downs an entire bottle of alcohol. This jerk isn’t done humiliating him though. He tells him that he forgot his glasses, so Ouyang grabs them. Then this jerk tells him to put them on before he leaves. Ouyang puts them on and turns around (the lenses are cracked) to look at the jerk, and asks if this is okay. The jerk says yes, this is how it should be. Ouyang walks past Yao Yao. Poor Ouyang. He walks out into the heavy downpour of rain and thinks about the Yao Yao from before. I think he's created this monster though.

[Ep19“A light in the heart”

Pei Jing doesn't want to include Infinite for the debriefings to Haibei but he wants the post-investment management for Infinite to be strengthened. Ye Nuan Yu offers to take care of it for him.

At work, Mr. Wang has cleaned up last night’s mess. He's secured Yao Yao a role in a movie with Director James. The shooting starts next week, but she hesitates because of Ouyang and whatever he's arranged for her. Then he tells her that Ouyang's already resigned. He'll look for another manager for her. Before he leaves, he tells her that he'll have someone clean out all of the useless items in this office - gesturing to everything left behind by Ouyang - for the new director. She looks saddened by this as she remembers his promise to make her famous. She wonders how things have become like this. Gee, I wonder how, too. *rolling eyes*

Ye Nuan Yu goes to see Mr. Qiu at Infinite and finds him berating some poor female employee and telling her she’ll be fired if she doesn’t submit the proposal already. Ye Nuan Yu tells Mr. Qiu that his company is creating problems for her company. He complains that the young people won't do anything these days and complain about 996 and 007 work schedules being inhumane. (996 = Tech company employees work from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 6 days per week (72 hours); 007 = 0:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m., 7 days per week (working online 24 hours a day).) He complains about having issues with hiring staff. (Ha, try keeping the ones he has.) She notices that he's planning to expand his fashion-related company and go into the safety deposit box business. She explains that there’s a problem with their most recent financial report which Pei Jing knows about. He asks if Pei Jing will withdraw the investment. She says he won't give up so easily but Mr. Qiu needs to work harder to fix the issues. 

Mo Li is trying on different makeup, jewelry and outfits to go to her friend's wedding. Ke Xin doesn't like any of her choices (and makes fun of her) until she's in a simple white dress with her normal makeup. 

Ye Nuan Yu calls Pei Jing to tell him that Infinite is just going through a periodic decline in performance as it’s the off-season for brand activities. I’m curious to know why she has such a vested interest in this company with this idiot at the wheel.

Qu Dad is at home and drinking. His wife asks him why he’s drinking again as he’s been sober for so long. He asks if they have enough money to pay the workers (his OEM textile factory) one last time. She says minus the payment to the texture mill and shipping fees, they are still a bit short. He asks how much money they need and she says around 30,000. He tells her to withdraw from their account. She says that's their retirement money. He says that the workers need retirement money, too and then drinks some more. 

Yao Yao is working out at the gym but a fan asks for her WeChat information. She refuses to give her WeChat information and the guy gets nasty with her. Another guy intervenes and tells the guy that she doesn't want to add him to her WeChat and removes the jerk's phone from his hand and tosses it. Jerk tells him to mind his own business, but this guy says if he continues harassing her, he'll call the police. The jerk asks if he knows who he is and says to try calling the police. The guy dials the police and the jerk finally leaves. This guy introduces himself, Bai Xi Zhou, and tells her if this happens again, she can call him anytime. She thanks him and says that she doesn't think that she'll return to this gym. He offers to have her transferred to another gym as he's familiar with the owner there. Then he asks for her WeChat information, and she pulls out her phone this time. He scans it and then adds her but then deletes her. 

At Haibei Group, Mr. Li receives an envelope with documents about Infinite that appear to shock him.

Mo Li is at Wen Zi's wedding by herself and receives a text message from Yao Yao that she's got a shoot and is already on set. Moments later, Gao Zi Yi, in a black suit with a black tie, sits down next to her on the pew. She asks him if he wasn't there to just deliver the cake and asks why he's dressed up. Because he's there for her. Always. He replies that he must take her friend's wedding seriously and just watches the couple exchanging vows. 
The couple exchange rings and when the officiating priest says "Hope it will be a token of your love and loyalty." Zi Yi, who is looking straight ahead, moves his hand over to grab hers on her lap, and continues holding her hand and rubs his thumb on her fingers. (~16:26, sweet and simple.) Mo Li looks down at their hands and then looks at him. Mo Li smiles happily watching the bride and groom kiss. Zi Yi finally looks over at her and smiles at her joyful expression. 

After the ceremony, Mo Li is having a chat with Wen Zi. She tells Wen Zi that she looks so beautiful today. Then she mentions receiving a message from Yao Yao saying that she just took on a shoot so she can't come today, and she sends her apologies. Wen Zi understands and says it's important to work. Mo Li wishes her to be happy. Wen Zi asks if her happiness is here, too. Mo Li is confused. Wen Zi tells her to not pretend, as she tilts her chin towards Zi Yi who is still sitting with his back to them, waiting for Mo Li. She says that she saw everything as they were holding hands, and asks what she's waiting for. Mo Li gets a little smile, and Wen Zi says that guy looks nice, handsome and tall. She also comments that she can tell from the way he looks at her, he must really like her. Wen Zi tells her to go for it if she likes him. Mo Li says that she's never thought of that. Wen Zi's new husband comes back for her as his parents are waiting for them. Before she leaves, she tells Mo Li that she must invite her to her wedding. Zi Yi hears this and smiles. 

After her friend leaves, Mo Li pulls up Zi Yi by his hand and drags him to the pulpit. Gao Zi Yi and Mo Li are standing facing each other (as a groom and bride would). She then knocks on the pulpit and the priest stands up and asks what they want. lol Why is he hiding behind it? Mo Li tells him to say it. He asks to say what. She says what he just said earlier. He then notices how they're standing and so he asks for their names. They give him their names. 

Priest: "Mr. Gao Zi Yi. Standing in front of you is a gentle, cute and beautiful girl. For richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, would you like to –  
GZY smiling: Yes, I do! This is his confession…I think.
QM: Gao Zi Yi, are you serious? He nods.  

She walks forward and lifts his right hand to put it in her mouth and bites down hard on it. LOL (~19:28) He yelps in pain and the priest looks confused by this. She stops biting him and looks into his eyes and tells him seriously that he can't lie to her. 
He smiles, and then she gets on her tiptoes and puts her arms around his neck and puts her lips against his. (~19:48). He's surprised at first but then he closes his eyes and they’re kissing. They continue kissing as the priest continues with the vows: "May God bless this young couple, bless their love and their future. May they never give up their dreams now matter how difficult things get.” So they're officially committed to each other now? lol

Yao Yao is at her movie shoot. Director James is watching the scene when Bai Xi Zhou shows up and appears to know him, and sits down next to him. The scene ends and Yao Yao asks to redo the scene, and then she notices Bai Xi Zhou seated next to Director James. They just nod at each other. She goes back to redo that scene and her improvisation and delivery impresses Director James and Bai Xi Zhou. Afterwards, Bai Xi Zhou brings her a coffee and she learns that he’s the producer for this movie. He tells her that he had a problem with the WeChat app last time so he asks for her information again. My jerk radar is going off here. He had deleted it!

At White House, a customer asks for a photo with Zi Yi. He agrees and Mo Li sees this and teasingly says that she would like a photo with Chef Gao, too. He happily tells her that she can take a picture anytime she wants. She says right now, so he pulls out his phone.
He puts one arm around her and their heads are touching slightly. But before he takes the shot of them together, he puts his hand on her head, and fits her head closer to his shoulder and puts his head on top of hers. (~23:30, Aww, so cute!) He takes the shot and right after, she mentions that her bangs have been messed up and adjusts them and he just looks at her. (~23:38, that look of love on his face!)
As if he couldn’t help himself, he then gently kisses her on the cheek. She looks at him in surprise, and they then lock eyes. The camera shutter goes off a couple of times. In the photo because of the angle, it looks like an even more intimate kissing photo. Suddenly, a third head pops up in between them, it’s Wan Zi. XD She yells for them to stop being so lovey-dovey in her doorway. She complains that she can't stand it as she's been single for so many years and then stomps her feet. LOL The couple run away as Mo Li tells her that her Prince Charming will ride colorful clouds to find her. Wan Zi is still pouting but then she happily wonders if colorful clouds do exist. Ha! 

At Pei Jing’s office, two employees are discussing some insider information that has been tipped off to the main office, and speculate that there’s a mole. Xiao Wang gets annoyed with all of the overtime being spent on this one project, Infinite.

Pei Jing is in the main office and Mr. Li gloats about him being unable to hide his mistake now. Pei Jing isn’t aware that headquarters knows about the issues with Infinite. Mr. Li continues gloating and tells him to have a good meeting with Mr. Hai. Pei Jing goes to Mr. Hai's office and says that he wants to speak to him about something. Mr. Hai asks if it's about Infinite. Mr. Hai says that Infinite is a small investment but they're related to Jiegeng Group's attitude towards their entire company. Jiegeng Company is no longer willing to cooperate with Haibei due to the influence of Infinite. Pei Jing apologizes. Mr. Hai asks if he knows what he's apologizing for. He then tells him that he should take some time off, and then he should train some of the new employees at Haibei. And he's told to hand over all of his projects to Mr. Li, who is now no longer in HR but in Investments. No wonder that toad was gloating. 
Mo Li and Gao Zi Yi are at a temple and walking around while holding hands. Then together, they put a red ribbon on a wishing tree and he kisses her. (~29:57) 

As they're exploring the Temple together (more hand holding and cuteness!), he then says he needs to make a phone call. He pulls out his phone to do a video call with Qu Mom. She's confused and surprised that he called her mother. Zi Yi says he has something to tell her mother – he says that he and Mo Li are together now. (~31:11, He's keeping his promise.) Mo Li reaches over to cover his mouth. lol Her mother is happy for them. Mo Li asks where her father is. Her mother says that her father went fishing. Zi Yi tells her mother that he'll take care of Mo Li. Hasn’t he always since day one? :)

When they hang up the call, Mo Li asks him when he became so close to her mother. He admits that the last time he was at her parents' house, he had told her mother he likes her. She smiles at this and says no wonder he was making eye contact with her mother when they left. She admits that her mother stopped trying to persuade her to go on blind dates. Suddenly she asks why it feels like she's been tricked by the two of them? XD Tricked, my foot. She likes him very much, too. He smiles and admits that he had told her mother because he did not want her to go on blind dates. She smiles happily at this. Aww. He then says that she must be tired so they should head back. He goes to leave but she keeps him there and asks for him to take her to his place for a visit. He looks bashful and quietly says, isn't it too soon? She asks him what he is thinking about as she just wants to get to know him better. They have a cute, slightly awkward pause, but then she walks around him and tells him let's go. 

He takes her to his father's house. He leaves her in the living room as he goes to get her some water. A woman appears and asks her who she is. Mo Li stammers to get out that Gao Zi Yi is her – and the lady says that she must be Anni, right? The lady says she’s grown up since she last saw her, even though Mo Li is trying to tell her that she isn't Anni. The lady then asks where Zi Yi is. He walks back into the room with a glass of water, and calls her Chen Ayi, who hits him and asks him when did he come back? lol, The way he stumbles after that push (~33:30). She mentions that he even brought back Anni and didn't even tell her. Zi Yi quietly tells her that this isn't Anni. He reaches for Mo Li's hand and pulls her closer and tells her that this is Qu Mo, his girlfriend. Chen Ayi tells them to sit down and goes to get them some fruit. 

She leaves and Mo Li removes her hand from his. She takes the water from him, takes a sip and then asks him who Chen Ayi is. He says Chen Ayi is like family as she has watched him grow up. Then she asks if she looks like Dai Anni? Zi Yi just looks at her, and before he can say anything, Chen Ayi is back with the fruit, who says that he's looking more and more like his father. He asks her if his room is okay to live in. Chen Ayi says yes, as his father asks her to clean it every day, waiting for him to return home. Then she gestures with her eyes for him to come over to talk to her, away from Mo Li. She then quietly asks if his girlfriend is planning to stay here. 

Flashback: Xi Hui had visited Mo Li about Zi Yi. She wanted her to convince him to go home and see his father. She thought that Mo Li was the only one who could convince him to do so. She explained that Zi Yi should have returned to Fugao Group after returning from studying abroad for succession training. She said that she's tried and she can't get him to give up what he's doing. Mo Li asked why he has to give up what he's doing. Xi Hui had said that it’s a strange question: inheriting the Fugao Group or being a pastry chef, which one did she think was better for him? Mo Li had said isn’t it up to him to decide what's better for him? Xi Hui smiled and said it’s no wonder they're friends. 

Currently, Mo Li is sitting outside looking at the night sky. Zi Yi joins her and asks her what she’s looking at. She says the stars. She then says, Zi Yi, there's one thing that might be a bit cheesy to say. He laughs and asks what it is. She asks, with his family, if the two of them are not well-matched. He asks if she is scared of that. She says of course not. She then says, with a huge grin, after all, it's him she likes, and not his family. Hehe. He explains that she doesn't have to think about it so much. He then says that she is richer than he is in some ways. She asks in what ways - is it because she likes him so much? He smiles at this and says that he must be richer in that aspect. Aww, these two! She smiles broadly and says that she won't compete with him in this. He admits that he's envious of her, for having parents who understand her. She tells him that he wouldn't envy her if he saw her mom forcing her to go on blind dates. He says he's already helped out her mother, didn't he? Hehe. She smiles and he says she doesn't have to worry about that anymore. She doesn't say anything so he teases her for not thanking him. She nudges him and says he wishes. 

She then asks him about what happened between him and his father, and what was so serious that he ran away from home. He says nothing happened. He just wants to do what he likes –  making desserts and opening up a shop. But his father wants him to come back and take over the family business. And he's never cared about his feelings. He goes on about his father forcing him to do things that he doesn't want to do. Then he says they should stop talking about it as it's giving him a headache thinking about it. She tells him that they'll stop talking about it. 

She notices that he has something in his hand and asks what it is. He says it’s a laser pointer and then points it towards the night sky. He says that whenever he misses his mother, he points it towards the moon as it's like he's having a conversation with his mother. She takes the pointer from him, and asks if it really goes to the moon. He laughs and says that it should be possible theoretically. The distance to the moon, divided by the speed of light, should be one or two seconds. Then she asks how much light is left after such a small light passes through the atmosphere? He says it's hard to know as light waves will scatter and diffract. Maybe only a few photons make it, or none make it. She says she thinks it can. He asks why. She says she didn't know, but it's enough because she believes it can. She then sings peppily “If there is a little light in your heart, it can reach far away.” He asks what song is this. She says she just made it up and they both laugh about it. She explains that some things just need to be believed, not explained. He thinks about this and then asks her what else she believes in. She tells him that she believes no father and son cannot reconcile. He smiles and pats her on the head. They snuggle and continue watching the stars.
Their smiles here!
Later, in his room (filled with pictures of him), he tucks her into bed and tells her to get some rest and not miss him too much. She beckons with her fingers for him to get closer. So, he leans down to kiss her but then she slips her fingers in between their lips to stop him. She laughs and then tells him to remember to cover himself at night so he doesn't catch a cold. He smiles against her fingers. (~40:45) They're too cute. He lifts his head, and she strokes him on the nose and says good night. He smiles, and then says good night, turns off the light, and closes the door behind him. She giggles in the darkness and then tiptoes out of the bed and cracks open the door. He's still standing there, and they share a laugh before telling each other to go to sleep. Aww. She then closes the door and runs back to her bed and grins underneath the covers. She then pulls out the laser pointer and points it at the ceiling.  

[Ep20“Just because of the tenderness of that moment” 

The next day, as Gao Zi Yi is driving them to work, Mo Li feeds him candy. They don't need sugar to sweeten this up. They're all smiles when they arrive at work. They are even holding hands as he fixes her hair from the helmet. He's always so sweet. Wan Zi asks if they had fun and they said they did. Then they see that Nan Zhi and Mr. Miyazaki are both blindfolded and about to hit each other with baguettes. Although Mr. Miyazaki cheats by pulling down his blind fold at the last second to look and then thwacks Nan Zhi with the bread. Mo Li asks why he’s here, and he says that he’s actually here to see her. I want to know why they were hitting each with bread.

He reminds her that the reason why he was in China was to find a designer who can demonstrate Chinese style the best. The outfit that she made for her mother touched him the most. And after visiting her hometown, he got to know her better. He thinks that she has the potential to become a good designer. He then asks if she is wanting to learn from him as he is willing to teach her. Mo Li very happily accepts as his apprentice.  

Pei Jing is teaching investment basics to some new employees. There's one guy who is rudely looking at his cellphone and ignoring his request to put down his phone. This guy goads him about why he invested in Infinite. They all know that this is his failed investment project. Ye Nuan Yu offers him the opportunity to leave Haibei Group and start a business with her back in Zhijiang. He thanks her but he wants to stay at Haibei Group, as he is willing to own up to his mistake. He tells her that she has her dream but it's not his. Rich coming from the man who refused to listen to Mo Li at all. She then admits that she's the one who sent the report anonymously to Haibei Group. WTH. She admits to knowing about Infinite's decline. She admits that she did this so he would know what kind of person Mr. Hai was. So she’s manipulated him the entire time for her own gain. Pei Jing goes back to work and goes through the motions of teaching, sharing a desk with the other employees, and being just another cog in the wheel. He soon decides to join Ye Nuan Yu. It’s official, this guy is dumber than a bag of rocks.

Yao Yao is getting ready for her date with Bai Xi Zhou, but she denies it when Mo Li asks her. Mo Li sees the guy outside, in a loud yellow animal print shirt, standing  across the street from their place, by an expensive car. Mo Li then teases her about the guy being the same height as her and how he doesn't really look like her type (he’s not full of sunshine). Yao Yao makes her go get ready for her outing with Mr. Miyazaki, and then she leaves for her date. 

At the exhibition, Mr. Miyazaki asks Mo Li about a painting. It's a semi-abstract painting of a girl with yellow hair, in a red and white plaid dress, holding something in her hand. He asks her how she feels about the painting. She says it looks comfortable and beautiful. He tells her that the colors and style of a painting are like the colors and styles of a dress. She says that the first thing she notices is color. He says that every color has a mood, and the colors of someone's clothing also expresses part of the person's personality. He asks her to analyze the color characteristics and color application methods of this painting, and then combine them with the current cases of major brands, and analyze the performance of the colors when applied to modern fashion design – use this for inspiration and make a sketch. 

Then Mr. Miyazaki brings her back to Mrs. Liu's shop. He knows about the theft of her design, but he says that her greatest weakness has been the fabric, and they are the ones who know about fabrics best. She goes inside the shop to ask Mrs. Liu about the fabrics. Mrs. Liu is very excited to tell her about the different types of fabrics. Mo Li pulls out her notebook to jot down notes. Mrs. Liu then apologizes for what she did before and says that she's been punished for it already. Mo Li tells her that it's in the past and Mrs. Liu goes on to show her the different fabric materials. 

Finally, he takes her to see his friend, Mr. Ming, a qipao maker (dressmaker). Business first, he wants the comic book "One Piece Romance Dawn" Vol 1. from Mr. Miyazaki first. lol Mind you, this is a 60-plus-year-old-man. Later, Mr. Ming explains that the key to making qipaos is to make them flirtation and seductive, but not overly so - they need to look like water when they are worn. (Ah, makes me want to get a qipao again.) Mo Li is happily looking at the dress and taking notes of his instructions. He explains how to measure for the dress by holding the tape measure between the thumb and index finger and then stretching the middle finger out so there's extra room for the dress. He goes on to explain that the most important measurement for the qipao is the chest - keep the tape horizontal to the chest and measure the fullest part of the chest. 

Yao Yao is at Bai Xi Zhou's art gallery. They have a conversation in front of a print of Pablo Picasso. He says that he really likes Picasso and she says that she doesn't know much about art.  Hm. This is telling. Later they're both using a pottery wheel (separately) and he comments that he's surprised that she's willing to play with the clay. She comments that she's seen the movie "Ghost” and wanted to try this. *rolling eyes* He then asks if he can call her Yao Yao. She messes up hers and gives up. He laughs and then explains to her that the most important thing in learning ceramics is to be patient. Then he says that he has always been patient with the people or things he likes, as he writes her name "Yao" onto the cup that he's made. She tells him that it's ugly and they both laugh and start over. Later, they're at a Japanese restaurant and he's ordered a table full of food for them. He also adds an order of her favorite fish, shishamo. She comments that he likes it, too. He admits that he saw it on her WeChat Moments and whatever she likes, he'll like. I'm not liking the way he says this. Later when he drops her off, he pulls out a bouquet of roses from the backseat of the car and she gives him a look. He laughs and says, too old-fashioned and puts the roses back into the backseat. She thanks him for the day, gets out and goes inside. Once she’s gone, his eyes get hard and he looks quite angry. Jerk radar is on full alert.

Mo Li asks her about the guy, as she had noticed his expensive car. Yao Yao mentions that he's not one of those rich kids who just loafs around. He has his own business, has an art gallery, and invests in movies and such. Mo Li asks if she's agreed to date him. She denies it as she wants Mo Li to check him out, too. Mo Li says that she needs to observe him and test him, so she can't just agree to date him. Mo Li is worried because something doesn't add up. 

Mo Li is looking at more fabric, qipaos, purses, etc. for inspiration. She goes to an art gallery and sees Xi Hui, who is there to meet Bai Xi Zhou. He shows up with another woman, who he puts his arms around (she looks like another version of Yao Yao - long hair, pretty, and young). Mo Li sees this and turns around but then decides to secretly take a picture of him with his arm around the woman while they're talking to Xi Hui. 

Back at White House, she shows the picture to Zi Yi and asks him who the man in the photo is. He tells her that his name is Bai Xi Zhou and he seems to have a business relationship with Xi Hui. Then she asks him what he's like. He says that he's only met him a few times over dinner before. He then says that he brings a different girl every time. Mo Li says that he's a playboy then? Zi Yi says he's not sure as he doesn't know him well. He asks what's going on, and she starts tapping her fingers on the table, looks pensively at the table but doesn’t say anything. He moves her phone out of the way, slides a plate towards her and says he's just created this sweet cookie for her. (~35:10) 

QM uninterestedly: What kind of cookie? 
GZY: 甜甜蜜蜜曲奇 (tian tian mi mi qu qi = A sweet cookie, and this just sounds better in Chinese). Then he strokes her on the nose. She jerks away from him. 
GZY: What is it? She looks up at him. What is it? 
QM looks him straight in the eyes: Are you a playboy, too?!? 
GZY laughs: How could I be a playboy! Nope, he’s too good for that.
QM interrupts: How can you prove it? He raises his hand. 
GZY: I swear —
QM: Put it down! She grabs a cookie. Say good morning and good night to me every day. She then shoves the cookie into his mouth and he obediently starts chewing. 

QM: Never say that I’m fat. She puts the cookie by his mouth and he’s looking at her with his now-wide eyes and opens his mouth full of cookies, but then she pulls back. Even if I’m really fat, you can’t say I’m fat! Then she shoves this second cookie into his mouth. She picks up a third cookie and looks at him. 

QM yelling now: Don't ever contact Dai Anni again! At this point, Zi Yi stands up and reaches across the table to cup her face and kisses her. 
He ends the kiss, pulls back to look at her and they lock eyes.

QM shouting: I’ve put a seal on your mouth! He continues holding her head in his hands and just looks at her. If you lie to me, your mouth will explode! She makes a loud clapping sound with her hands to emphasize her point. Then she removes his hands and gets up to run away. XD The cookies = seal?
Zi Yi just sweetly smiles at this. Hehe. Then he continues chewing all those cookies as he watches her go. XD There are crumbs on his lips!

At work, Mr. Wang introduces Yao Yao to Bai Xi Zhou, the owner of Fa Ke Company (Ha, in English it looks like "fake", but it's not in Chinese) who has just bought 20% of shares in their company because of her work with Jiegeng Company. She thanks him and Mr. Wang invites him out for dinner tonight. Bai Xi Zhou says that he needs to take a rain check and Yao Yao walks him out. He also gives her a shiny new red Ferrari. She asks him to take back the gift. He says that it’s actually from the Board of Directors. I don’t trust him either way. He then asks her to go to dinner with her tonight. She points out that he said he was busy tonight. He tells her to not expose him and then he drives off in the Ferrari. 

Yao Yao goes to dinner with Bai Xi Zhou, and says that she’s there because her boss (him) asked her to. He asks her to stop calling him her boss, as he didn’t really invite an employee out to dinner. She asks what their relationship is then if she’s not an employee. He asks what she thinks they are then. She tells him that she thinks that he needs to stop bothering as they're not from the same world, and she's an ordinary woman. She says that the circle he lives in is completely out of her reach. He says aren't people from different worlds allowed to eat together? She concedes and says that she's hungry. 

Back at home, Mo Li is fretting over what she needs to tell Yao Yao. 

[Ep21“Mental breakdown”

Yao Yao returns home and Mo Li says that she wants to tell her something. She asks her to promise to remain calm first. Then she shows her the photo of Bai Xi Zhou on her phone. Yao Yao asks where she got the photo from. Mo Li explains that she was in the art gallery and stumbled upon them and she had asked Zi Yi about him. Yao Yao turns off the phone and asks her if she believes everything Zi Yi tells her. Yao Yao asks why she doesn't believe what she is telling her. Uh oh. Deflecting. Mo Li asks if she's mad at her. Yao Yao says this is her relationship and she wants to make her own judgment. She wants to find out what kind of man he is on her own. She tells her that she and Zi Yi have no right to speak poorly of him. WTH. Mo Li says that she's just worried about her. Yao Yao says what is she worried about - that the silver-spooned man is out of her league? So she can have Zi Yi but she doesn't deserve Bai Xi Zhou? I doubt I could even trust Bai Xi Zhou as far as I could throw him - it's not that far. Yao Yao says that Mo Li has been looking down on him since she first saw him. She asks how would she look at her if they were together one day? Mo Li asks if she’s lost her mind and asks how she can think of things like this. Mo Li says forget it, and says she’s in a bad mood and won’t pick a fight with her. Mo Li goes to leave.

Yao Yao says oh, now she doesn't want a fight with her? She's the one who showed her the photo and now she doesn't want a fight. She accuses Mo Li of taking the moral high ground, and she (Yao Yao) is the only one acting unreasonable. Mo Li turns around and tells her that she's her best friend and all she wants is for her to see that this guy is a scumbag. Yao Yao asks her if it's any of her business. 

Yao Yao then asks her when she first saw Dai Anni if she thought Zi Yi was a scumbag. Yao Yao replies for her - she didn't but she (Yao Yao) thought he was. She then says that she didn't say it then because she knew that it would hurt her if she did. She's deflecting so hard. She says she is facing the situation now and Mo Li isn't considering her feelings. Both girls are crying. Yao Yao points out that she's doing great with work, has a tycoon like Mr. Miyazaki helping her, and has a perfect relationship with the heir to Fugao Group by her side. She says but she has no one to fall back on but herself. Really? What a load of crock. Yao Yao continues attacking her for being so self-righteous, for not wanting to see her be happy, etc. 

Mo Li protests and asks how she's being so hurtful when she only had good intentions to warn her. Mo Li asks her if she knows that she's become completely different since she's gained popularity. Does she even treasure her friends? Whenever she needs her help, she's always unavailable, but she's fine with that. Then she asks about Wen Zi, and their four-year-long friendship and how she couldn't go to her wedding. Then Mo Li brings up Ouyang, and says she doesn’t care about Bai Xi Zhou but Ouyang has been so good to her. She says if she doesn’t like Ouyang, she could just tell that directly, especially as they’re living at his place and she’s not sure how she can face him right now. Yao Yao gets up and shows that it’s all her fault, as everyone’s an angel except for her - she’s the only bad person. She then suggests that they go their separate ways ash she’ll move out tomorrow and Mo Li can return the place to Ouyang. Yao Yao then storms out. 

Pei Jing goes roller skating with Ye Nuan Yu. At the end of the night, they end up kissing. And maybe more? I don’t really know or care.

Yao Yao is drinking at a bar. A guy goes on stage to sing a song for a woman he's with. Yao Yao hears the song and looks at the singer and realizes it's Bai Xi Zhou. She notices that he's there with another girl. She sits down at their table and he tells the other woman that she's his friend. He tries to explain and she dumps a drunk on his face. He wipes his face and apologizes for upsetting her. He says that he's tried to become closer to her, to be a part of her life but she refused him. He did what he thought she wanted. Then he says that the woman he was talking to was his cousin. He admits that he's dated a lot of different girls but he thought he could forget about her. He can't and he admits to liking her. She says she needs to go and he pulls her back to kiss her. She tries to resist at first but stays. Hook, line, and sinker. He's reeled her in. She then tells him that his singing was terrible. 

The next day, Zi Yi is waiting for Mo Li and sees Bai Xi Zhou outside the girls’ place, waiting for Yao Yao. Yao Yao takes her luggage and then leaves without saying a single word to Mo Li. Everything in their place is already in boxes. When Mo Li moves to go towards her, Yao Yao purposely avoids her and gets into the car and Bai Xi Zhou starts driving them away. Zi Yi sees how sad Mo Li is. 

Our sad girl. :(
Zi Yi takes Mo Li to work on the motorbike, but she isn't saying anything as he’s silently crying behind him. :( Zi Yi says he will ask Wan Zi if she can stay at the shop. She makes a sound in agreement and just hugs him even more. Then he says that he’ll move her stuff to the shop over the next few days. She nods her head against his back and makes a sound in agreement again. She’s thinking about Yao Yao and their good moments and bad moments together. She starts crying even harder and tightens her arms around Zi Yi. He looks like he hurts for her. 

Yao Yao is quiet in the car ride with Bai Xi Zhou and thinks about the times that Mo Li has always supported her and how they shared their dreams with each other. Bai Xi Zhou says that he’s booked a hotel room for her. He tells that she has a shooting in two days so she doesn’t need to worry about housing, and he’ll make arrangements when she returns from filming. She just quietly thanks him. 

Zi Yi and Mo Li get to work and Mo Li is greeted by Ke Xin and Wan Zi. Ke Xin takes her upstairs to sort out her stuff. Zi Yi then apologizes to Wan Zi for the inconvenience. Wan Zi asks what he is talking about, as she thinks of Mo Li as her sister. 

Mo Li asks Ke Xin how it could have become this way for her and Yao Yao and blames herself for getting into a fight with her. Ke Xin says that it’s not really either one of their faults. She says that Yao Yao just got carried away, and when she straightens it out, they’ll go back to the way they were. She then tells her to get some sleep. Mo Li texts Ouyang to let him know that she and Yao Yao have moved out from the apartment and thanks him for helping them out when they were in distress. 

Ouyang is applying for a photographer job. He's asked if he isn't wasting his experience by being just a photographer. He says that having experienced a lot, now he knows what he really wants. He wants to stay true to himself. So he gets hired on the spot. 

At the end of the day, everyone leaves White House except for Mo Li and Zi Yi. Mo Li asks if he's not leaving. He says that he wants to stay to work on a new puff. He's staying nearby. She just tells him that she's going upstairs, so he goes into the kitchen.

She starts working upstairs. Later he shows up and sits down next to with a plate. He says as she’s not feeling well, to get some rest. She doesn’t say anything. So he tells her to have the dessert that he just made for her. 
Be Happy Every Day Puff
He sets it down in front of her but she doesn’t even look at it. She looks at him and tells him that she's not hungry. Do you know how much this girl loves desserts, especially his? On the plate: It’s a cream puff surrounded by blueberries, raspberries, and little puffs with pink icing and white flowers inserted into the smaller puffs. He says that he created it just for her. Always just for her. 

GZY: Guess what its name is?
QM: What's its name? 
GZY singing quickly: Mo Li, Mo Li. Be happy everyday. Study hard and make progress! She is smiling now. I used Panggezhuang flour and Dougezhuang cake flour – moves his hands around – to make the most magical – claps his hands together – "Be Happy Everyday" puff. 
QM: Who coined the name? She looks at him. It sounds terrible. But she’s still smiling.
GZY: Nan ge brought it up. I knew the name was terrible. He tilts his head and gestures with his hands. But he said it wouldn’t be a problem. 

She’s now quietly laughing and smiling as she continues her work. He looks over at her smiling face. Aww. 
He then grabs her face between his hands and turns her head to face him. He's literally squishing her face. lol (~33:20)

GZY: Mo Li. I want you to be happy. He's laughing and so is she. You look so cute like this. Then he shakes her face a little. Hmm?
QM smiling and pulling on his hand: Okay, okay, okay.  

QM sadly: How can I be happy after the fight with Yao Yao? He then holds her hand.
GZY: Mo Li. Fighting is just a part of friendship. Your lasting friendship with Yao Yao will survive the argument. She nods. Give her some time to straighten things out. She nods again. No matter what happens, you still have Nan ge, Wan Zi, Pi Ke Xin. He caresses her head and his hand stays at the nape of her neck. He remains grinning at her. And you have me. She looks at him and goes to hug him. 

QM: Thank you for being by my side this whole time. She continues snuggling her head against his neck. He hugs her back with a smile on his face. Squeee!

Yao Yao is on the phone with Bai Xi Zhou asking him why they're not going to dinner but meeting in the gallery again. She's walking through the gallery and following his instructions to meet at the corner of the place. He's standing next to a covered painting. When she gets there, he pulls off the cover and reveals a painting of her holding an umbrella in the rain (it's from the set when they met the second time). He asks if she knows that he's had this drawing prepared for a long time now. But he never had a chance to give it to her. (Exactly how long ago could it have been?) He then says that when he picked her up from her place (her move out day), he had noticed how she looked at Qu Mo. He realized then how hard it is for her to trust him. Then he says that he loves her. I still don’t trust him. She finally turns away from the painting to look at him and she slaps him. Then she says that he mustn't lie to her and then she goes to kiss him. WTH. So dramatic of her. They continue kissing in front of the painting. Ick.

Mo Li is working on a design for Mr. Miyazaki. He sees what she's working on and says it'd be better to cut half a centimeter off the shoulder. She mutters shoulder, and says it'd be better that way and then realizes that he's actually there. He's standing there holding a plate with a colorful slice of cake on it. He says that she's improved. He tells her that Jiegeng Group is going to hold an online contest for new fashion designers. All contestants will be required to submit three fashion design manuscripts. The topic is "rebirth" and Jiegeng's top fashion designers will be scoring the manuscripts. She nods and he tells her to go sign up. She asks if she's ready to manage that. He says that she'll never know if she doesn't try. If she wins, she can join Jiegeng Group and become his assistant. He asks if she’d like to try. Now she’s very happy to have the chance to be his assistant. She agrees to try. 

It's nighttime as Mo Li is looking at the brochure for the contest. Zi Yi quietly shows up behind her and teasingly asks her if she hasn't read it enough times. He’s also holding a glass of milk in his hands. She’s startled by him, asks what he is doing and swats at him. XD He’s rarely this playful. (~39:09) But then she grabs his hand and tells him to sit down and says that she'll tell him about it. 

She explains that not only is this contest being held by Jiegeng Group but it is also recognized by all designers as a high-level contest. He nods. She turns around and mopes that she's not so confident now. He rubs her backs and says "We need to challenge ourselves. I believe you will become one of the best and famous fashion designers in the world.” She says really, and then asks about him - what's his goal? He smiles and tells her to wait. Then he gets up and says he has something to show her. 

He comes back with a rolled up piece of brown kraft paper. He says that originally he wanted to open up his own dessert shop. He explains that when he left home he surveyed all these dessert shops, and then unrolls the paper - it’s a map with his notes and pictures all over it. (This was shown, in part, in the much earlier eps but was not fully explained. I’m calling it a dream board.) He asks what she thinks. She excitedly responds with "WA!! Good job. You worked really hard." She seems impressed and is happily looking at all of the detailing. He says that he has to fight for his dream. 
QM: I have a question for you. You added me on WeChat when investigating White House because you had run out of money, right? She looks at him and he nods. 

GZY: Yes.

QM yelling: Why didn't you add me when you first met me?!?
GZY: I… She points a finger at him
QM: You hesitated! He smiles and then sighs.
GZY: I wanted to get to know you gradually. Now she grabs him by the chin, pinched between her fingers. 
QM: Why are you such a talker? She shakes his head. XD (~40:23)

He looks over at the desk and grabs the glass of milk and hands it to her. So she lets go of his face and drinks the milk. She ends up with a milk mustache and he wipes it off with his thumb. Not a big talker but a do-er. :) He just smiles at her and she smiles back and looks at his dream board. 

QM: So you're going to open your own shop? He nods. If you have your shop, you won't stay at White House anymore? 
GZY: I haven't thought about that yet. She nods at that. 
QM: Tell me about your future shop.
GZY: My shop is going to have the tastiest desserts in the world. Then he strokes her head. And you'll be there, too. 

Downstairs, Nan Zhi makes a loud “hng!” as he's glaring up at them. He's been listening and then walks away. Uh oh. I did not expect him to be there as the place looked closed.

The next day, Zi Yi is questioned by both Wan Zi and Nan Zhi about when he was leaving. Zi Yi is confused by this and asks where he is going. An upset Nan Zhi says that he overheard him telling Mo Li that he wants to open his own shop. Zi Yi just smiles at this. Wan Zi calmly tells him that Nan Zhi told her that he wanted to open his own shop. She then says that he doesn't need to be embarrassed. She also says that judging from his current skill level, she thinks that he has what it takes to open a shop. Nan Zhi looks over at her, as this isn't where he thought this was going. The hot-headed fool. lol Wan Zi tells Zi Yi to let her know when he decides to leave. Nan Zhi protests at his aunt and says that they can't let him leave. He then says if he leaves, then who will he learn from. Then he says if he leaves, then Qu Mo will leave, and then Ke Xin... He just says he disagrees. lol Zi Yi tells them that they've misunderstood him. 

He says that he did say that he was going to open a shop, but that was the plan from long time ago. He says that he's been here so long, and they've been so good to him and helped him so much, that he started thinking of them as family a while back. Wan Zi smiles at this as Nan Zhi still looks miffed. He continues that he is still going to open his own shop - Nan Zhi interrupts and says that he's still leaving. Wan Zi tells him to be quiet as Mo Li is upstairs. Zi Yi finishes saying that the plan has changed, as he plans to open a chain of White House and Lucky Duck dessert shops with them. Every shop will be characterized by dessert and clothing. He asks them if they're interested. Wan Zi looks happy. And Nan Zhi asks really? Zi Yi says really! Nan Zhi then says so he’s not leaving? Zi Yi laughs and says that he never said that he was. Nan Zhi then tells his aunt that he knew Zi Yi wouldn’t betray them. She says he’s the one who told her the fake news this morning. XD And she wasn’t worried at all. Nan Zhi suddenly gets up and says that he needs to go knead the dough. Wan Zi asks Zi Yi about his plans and ideas. 

[Ep22] “This is the way I love you” 

Upstairs, Mo Li is working on draft after draft after draft but keeps balling up each one and tossing down the rejects. Downstairs, Ke Xin catches one before it hits the plates of food on the table. She yells that the food is already cold and why hasn't she eaten any of it? Mo Li replies that she knows and to leave her alone. Ke Xin yells that she can't starve herself, but Wan Zi makes her stop and moves her away. Nan Zhi tells her that he - gesturing at Zi Yi - couldn't get her to eat either. They've all tried many times and are all worried about her. Later, Zi Yi asks what she wants to eat but she's too busy running around to bother answering. When Mo Li sits down inside, Wan Zi asks if she wants something to drink, which she refuses and just goes back to working on her drafts. Zi Yi looks quite worried. Mo Li continues working into the night. 

The next day, Zi Yi brings her a bowl of food and sets it down on her desk. He tells her to eat first and then keep going. She says nothing at first, but then she says okay, just leave it there and she’ll eat later. He doesn’t look happy but he tells her to not forget to eat and leaves her to continue working. 

As she continues working, that bowl of food remains untouched, she then receives a call from her mother. Her mother asks if she’s busy, and she tells her that she is busy as she has to prepare the design draft ASAP for Mr. Miyazaki's review. So she says bye to her mother and abruptly hangs up without letting her say anything else. She starts to lift up some papers and knocks over a glass of milk on the table , which spills onto her drawings. Zi Yi hears her and comes over to help her clean up the spill. She just carries out the wet papers with her and groans about it as she’s walking away. Zi Yi watches her walk away (she didn't say anything to him, not even a thank you) but he just continues wiping up the table and trying to keep the rest of the papers from staying wet. Mo Li is back at the drafting desk and works through the night again. 

The next day, she submits her design to Mr. Miyazaki, who looks at it and asks her to explain her creative concept. She explains that she's been looking at the latest designs from the big four fashion weeks. And all the various fashion trends, she wants to combine them together, and layer them to create a complex, sophisticated and elegant look. He says that every brand's designs for fashion week are different. He asks if she thinks it's possible to borrow them all. She says these are the future trends for the next season. He says perhaps it's his own problem - letting her come up with this design might be too difficult for her. She says it's not, as she's shown her manuscript to a designer from Mengli Clothing and she thought it was beautiful and the draft he's looking at has been refined many times. He looks disappointed and tells her that if her judgment of something only relies on the judgment of other designers then she has failed him deeply. Mental block? He explains that the reason he wanted to take her on as his pupil is that she can make the flavor perceived in life a part of her design. It would be her own style, something other designers can't do. He asks her if her design is different from what the other designers come out with. He reminds her that the theme for the competition is "rebirth" and her work just shows him "replication." He tells her that she's lost something that belonged only to her. He hands the draft back to her and tells her to think about it. 

She walks aimlessly around town and looks quite depressed as day becomes night. A car pulls up beside her and the driver honks at her. She looks over and is startled to see Pei Jing. She gets into his car and it's silent until he asks where to. She says White House. He says it's so late, why isn't she going home. She replies that she moved out and she's been staying at the shop lately. She looks at him and asks him if he isn't supposed to be in Yongzhou. He says that he's left Haibei and came back to Zhijiang and started a business with Ne Yuan Nu. She says that she never thought he would leave Haibei. He says that it was a surprise for him, too. Then he says that maybe life is just full of uncertainties.

He then asks how she's been. She says that she's been fine. He says he's heard that she's Mr. Miyazaki's pupil now and congratulates her as she has finally become a real designer. She just looks out the window. He continues saying that now that he thinks about it that she was right. He was too stubborn. She asks him a question: "What is the difference between me now and the person I was before?" He says that he hasn't seen her for so long, so he doesn't know what she's been through, so he can't say. But since he's known her for a while, it's the first time he's seen her alone on the road this late and looking so sad. He's always remembered her as an optimist. She looks at him. He says that nothing could bring her down. She asks why, and he says because she's never changed. He looks at her for a moment and then turns back to watching the road. She finally asks him to put on a song as it's too quiet.

Later, he drops her off outside of White House and they see Zi Yi tidying up inside. Pei Jing tells her to go inside as he's waiting for her. She thanks him and tells him that she hopes all goes well with his new company. He just smiles and nods. He tells her jia you before she walks away and she repeats it back to him. He sits there for a moment to watch her walk towards White House before finally driving away. 

She goes inside White House and Zi Yi is happy to see her and says that she's back. Then he asks if she's eaten yet. She grabs his hand and tells him to sit down first as she has something to tell him. She puts down her stuff and then she grabs his hand. (~12:30) 

QM: Zi Yi, I'm sorry. Have I been too reckless these days? 
GZY: It's okay. He has her sit down across from him. 
QM: I really didn't mean to be mad at you guys. 
GZY: I know. But Wan Zi and the others seem to be hurt this time. She grabs his hand with both of hers.
QM: I'll go and apologize to them tomorrow. I'll do anything they want. All right? He smiles and strokes her hair with his other hand.
GZY: Silly girl. Did Mr. Miyazaki say something to you? She looks down and nods her head. 
QM: He said I lost something in me that only belonged to me. She shakes his hand in agitation. I don't know what it is. But when I look back at myself these days, I did get very reckless. I really want this opportunity with Jiegeng Group.
GZY: It's all right. We could improve on that. Mr. Miyazaki saying that to you proves that he still has expectations of you. She nods. We're all here to help you. Then he winks. (~13:58, it’s a tiny wink.) Jia you! Then he bops her on the nose. She smiles.
QM: I won't let you down again.
GZY: I believe in you. He then takes a closer look at her hands. Your hands – 

Her phone rings - it’s a call from “blind date Xiao Zhao”. She shows it to Zi Yi and says that she hasn’t contacted him since they last met. He tells her to answer it. She answers it on speakerphone and a bit rudely says, "what do you want?" lol He asks if she's talked to her family lately. She says yes as she talked to her mother earlier. She asks what's wrong. He tells her that her father's been hospitalized. She's surprised to hear this. Uh oh. 

Mo Li and Zi Yi are back in Zhuji, at the hospital where her father is. She looks quite mad and her father tells her to not be mad and says that he was wrong. She's angry that they didn't tell her anything. He says that he was just going to call her, and she says that he's lying to her. They continue arguing and Zi Yi wants to go over and intervene but her mother stops him and says to let them talk. Mo Li tells him that if something like this happens again, like him getting sick, and if he doesn't tell her, then she's no longer his daughter. He calls her his baby girl and says that he won't ever do it again, never again. He promises. She asks how he can promise. Now her mother intervenes and says that they need to get some water, and grabs her to go. They leave and Zi Yi is left with her father. Mo Li is upset with her mother, too. Her mother says it isn't a big deal and they wanted her to focus on work. Mo Li asks what's wrong with her father, and she says it's an old problem - he's bleeding in the stomach. Mo Li says wasn't he fine when she left and asks what's going on at home. Her mother doesn't answer her and goes to get the water. She pesters her mother for an answer. Her mother admits that there is a problem - the factory has been closed and he's been so upset so he's been drinking again. Mo Li apologizes and says that she should have cared more when her mother called her earlier. Mo Li offers to stay here but her mother tells her to not worry. She hugs her mother and says that she should spend more time with them. 

Back in the room, Qu Dad asks Zi Yi to get him a banana. He peels the banana for him and then hands it to him. Dad asks him why he's here, too, and if the shop isn't busy. He says that he'd worry if Mo Li came back alone. Dad laughs at his response and says thanks to his sickness, he now has a son. He takes a bite of the banana and then says that working away from home isn't easy for him and Mo Li. He tells him that inevitably, many problems will be there for them, so they need to be there for each other. He says that he and his wife were around his age, when the factory had just opened up and they had faced a lot of problems. He says his wife is a hothead and they argued a lot, but no matter how they argued, they always stuck together and supported each other to this day. He says that he has only one daughter. She's been spoiled since childhood, and she is like her mother, also a hothead. Zi Yi smiles at this and just nods. 

Zi Yi says that he knows what he wants to say. He says that Mo Li can be a bit impetuous sometimes but she is the kindest girl he's ever met. Dad chuckles at this and continues eating his banana. Zi Yi tells him that she can keep her temper better now, and she's not as rash as before. But then Mo Li returns yelling at her father that the doctor said no bananas for stomach bleeding. Then she asks who gave him that and yanks it out of his hand. Zi Yi looks so uncomfortable about this situation. XD Her father just smiles at this. Now Qu Mom takes Zi Yi out of the room with her to do her a favor. 

They close the door (to block in Mo Li’s yelling? lol) and stand in the hallway right outside the room. Her mother tells Zi Yi that she's happy that he came back with Mo Li this time. She's happy that he kept his promise (to confess to Mo Li and they're together now). She looks at the room behind him and says that Mo Li is hot-tempered - just like her father. Poor Zi Yi looks confused by this statement. LOL He just smiles and says yes. She grabs him by the arm, links her arm with his and they walk away as she tells him that she can’t indulge her all the time if she gets mad. She tells him to point it out in time. XD I can’t picture him doing this at all. He starts slumping, and she slaps his back (~20:13) and says that he has a slump, so he straightens up. She continues scolding him and slapping his back until his posture is her liking. He starts walking around a bit robotically. She says now he looks like a proper young man and he laughs at this. Such a mom thing to say and do. XD 

Back in the room, Mo Li asks her father if his stomach still hurts. He says that the pain is long gone and the doctor says he can go home in two days' time. She then holds his hand in hers and says that he can't ever do that again - not tell her when something happens. He says that he promises her. He then gleefully says that he's already promised Zi Yi. She gets a little embarrassed about the last part. Heh.

Zi Yi and Mo Li are meeting with the Chairman. He asks if her father's been discharged and she says yes. He can't believe that he's in the hospital because the factory closed. She explains that the factory is her father's life work so of course he's upset. The Chairman explains that OEM factories are having a hard time. With fewer orders, it's hard for small factories to survive. She asks him how they can keep the factory open. He says that there are ways but it'll be hard. She asks for him to tell her. He says that the fate of OEM factories is in the hands of others. One can only survive if there are orders. He advises her that if they want to keep the factory open, they'll have to break out of the OEM business and make their own brand. He explains that to make their own brand, they need to have their own designers first. He says that they can't compete with the big cities because designers don't think they have a future here. She asks for an example of a local company that has had a successful transformation or a brand. He takes them on a tour of the best sock maker in the region. He says that she can learn from this business and combine branding and production. He suggests that she do the designing and her father could do the production. Zi Yi asks what else they would need besides the designer. He replies that they need a lot of money for production and brand promotion. Mo Li shares a look with Zi Yi. The Chairman says that he can apply for grants and loans from the government for her. She says that she's best at clothing design, and she's worried that she can't find the right direction when designing socks. He explains that Zhuji is very good at light textiles and names off a few brands and says that her father would be pleased if she could make it. Mo Li says that she will think about it. He advises her to really think about it and not rush into it. 

Back at her parents' house, Mo Li is looking at the sky with an imaginary telescope (she's cupping her hands) and Zi Yi brings her a warm bottle to warm up her hands. He sits down next to her and she immediately snuggles up to him. She then holds onto his hand and apologizes for being so impetuous recently. She admits that Yao Yao was correct in saying that ever since Mr. Miyazaki agreed to help her, she's been overlooking people and hurting them as well. He smiles and then pinches her cheek and admits that when she scolded him for bringing her cake, he did feel a bit sad. But he knew she was in a bad mood and in a hurry to finish her work. He tells her to not worry, as he likes every side of her, even when she's angry. Yes, he does. She taps him on the chin and asks when did he become such a talker. XD I love how she tells him this anytime he tells her anything extra sweet. She can't handle it. She goes back to snuggling him and says that her father has spent a lot of time and effort on this factory. Even though her mother told her to not worry, she knows how important this factory is to her parents. She says that all these years she's been away at school, she hasn't had time to take care of her family. She wants to help them reopen the factory. He nods and asks her if she's figured out how to do it. She says that she doesn't know but she wants to learn and give it a try. He says that he'll stay with her, and she looks at him and then gives him a quick buss near his lips which startles him. (~27:27, they’re so sweet!)  He leans down to kiss her but she shyly turns her head away. He smiles and they just continue snuggling. They’re two peas in a pod.

The next day, her father is back home and they're sitting down for a meal. Her father mentions that the children are back to visit only to have congee and pickled vegetables with him. Her mother says he's to blame as he was the one drinking. Mo Li asks her mother to spare her father as he was drinking away his sorrows for closing down the factory. She tells her mother that she didn't tell her about any of this either. Her mother says that she's really looking out for her father, as she's being blamed now. lol She looks over at Zi Yi who hasn't said anything. Her father says that's his good daughter. She says that his good daughter, she's making a rule: no more alcohol in the future and he promises to not drink anymore - except for her wedding wine. XD Her mother looks at Zi Yi and smiles. Mo Li and Zi Yi exchange a look but she tells her father that she's being serious here and stammers that he needs to be serious, too. Both parents smile at this.

She then announces to her parents that she's staying here to help them reopen the factory. Her parents don't look very happy about this. Zi Yi chimes in that he and Mo Li will stay here to help reopen the factory. Her parents share a look, and her mother says this won't do, as it's a small town here and there aren't many opportunities here. Her mother tells her to not worry about them, as her father's promised to not drink in the future, and they are to go about their own business. Her mother explains that before she wanted her to return home as she was afraid that she would be bullied, but since she gave her that outfit, she can see that her daughter can do it. She tells her to go and make her way, and as her parents, they'll support her. Mo Li protests and says that she's not leaving but her father insists that she needs to listen to them. He tells her to go back to Zhijiang tomorrow. Mo Li objects and Zi Yi tries to say something but her father interrupts and tells him to not speak for her. Her father says that if the two of them stay, he won't be able to eat or sleep well. He tells them to listen to him - leave tomorrow morning. End of discussion. Her parents urge them to eat. 

The next morning, her mother gives her various bags of food for her friends. She tells her mother that she loves her. Then she goes to say goodbye to her father, who tells her to not make him worry and hands her a container of snacks. She thanks him and he pats her on the cheek. She gets into the waiting taxi cab. Then Zi Yi says goodbye to them and her father stops him from leaving. He tells him that when they get back to Zhijiang to work hard and not to mess around. Zi Yi tells her parents to not worry, and he'll be back with Mo Li to visit them more often. They both smile at him and finally let him go. Her parents watch them leave in the taxi cab. 

Back at White House, Zi Yi brings by a box of her design drafts and is looking through it. She says there are so many of them but they're useless. He continues looking through them and she asks if they aren't all very soulless. He says that he thinks they're pretty good. Although he doesn't know much about fashion design, he just knows that she's going to make it. She replies that she knows he just wants to make her happy. He sets down the papers and tells her that he meant it. He then says that she told him before - and he starts singing "one can get anywhere if there is hope in one's heart." He's so cute at emulating her. She laughs and says that was just something random that she said and he still remembers it? She then says that she believes what he just said and that she's definitely going to make it. He smiles and strokes her hair and says "This is the girl I know. Mo Li is invincible." She nods in agreement. Then he asks her if the registration period for Jiegeng's contest is almost over. She looks pensive and says that her mind is blank right now. He continues looking at her drafts and tells her to not be anxious and to take her time. 
He then finds a design that makes him smile, and shows it to her. It's her Jia You Ya. She says that it's just a logo that she designed randomly. He says that he thinks it's pretty good. (~34:30) 

GZY: Do you know how much this little grey duck means to me? She looks at him curiously. I still remember the first time I saw it. Do you remember that? 
QM shaking her head: When was that?
GZY: The fountain? The camera?
QM: The camera? She laughs. You still remember the camera?
GZY: You gave me a T-shirt with this little grey duck on it. [He had scanned the tag with her t-shirt back then.] Seriously speaking, I was pretty desperate back then. You and your little grey duck helped me. It was also this little duck that led me to you. She smiles and then she seems excited by an idea.
QM: Jia you.... Jia you ya. Could there be ducks with other kinds of emotions? She starts sketching. He smiles and leaves to let her work. 

The next day, Zi Yi asks Ke Xin about making slides (PPT) as a favor for him. He hands her Mo Li's notebook, which she looks at and says she'll take care of it. 

Later, a proposal lands on Pei Jing's desk - it has Mo Li's Jia You Ya on it. He recognizes the logo and looks at it. Later, at home, he makes a call to Mr. Liu about a clothing project. Ye Nuan Yu sets down a glass of milk for him and sees the PPT on the table. Guess they're together now. She walks away looking upset. *rolling eyes*

[Ep23] “Meet again, but never again!”

Yao Yao is now driving that flashy red Ferrari. A very pregnant and haughty-looking woman is walking through DTIE demanding to speak to Mr. Wang. Banana asks Abbie who that woman is, and Abbie says that’s a person more difficult to handle than herself. 

In his office, he addresses her by Hei Mei and asks if she'd like to return to the industry. She says that she has long ago left the industry and to never mention that name again. She sounds so delightful. Not. She says her fortune teller gave her a name: Huang Xuyu (Huang = gem, xuyu = warm.) Mr. Wang scoffs at the word "xuyu", and says that it's not a very good name. He says that it sounds the same as the word that means "time flies." Heh. She glares at him and asks him what he knows, as this name will boost her husband's fate. 

He asks what she wants. She requests that he terminates all contracts with Cao Yao Yin or the company won't receive that 20% of Bai Xi Zhou's shares. He asks what she means by this. She says she means what she says. Then she says that she is Bai Xi Zhou's fiancée and the baby she's carrying is his. She knows that he's a playboy, but she has his mother's backing. She advises if they still want the shares, he will need to listen to her. He asks if she can let Yao Yao off the hook, and Bai Xi Zhou had very been specific in requesting that the funds had to be used exclusively for Yao Yao. He asks if she would like to discuss this with Bai Xi Zhou. She glares at him and haughtily tells him that she came today to give him face and asks if he thinks that she's the same person as before. Bai Xi Zhou has no right at all, as the money is controlled by his mother. Gee, sounds like Bai Xi Zhou is going to have such a pleasant life. Then she turns around and leaves without letting him say anything else. 

Yao Yao arrives at work and is complimented by Abbie. Yao Yao doesn't say anything and continues walking but she notices that everyone is watching her. She sees Mr. Wang walk out of his office with Hei Mei, who glares at her. He has her come into his office, and she asks what's going on as everyone's acting so weird at work today. He asks how her work is going. She says it's going well and Director James just finished the movie, and hopes that they work together again. He says that Bai Xi Zhou is the producer of that movie, so he invested in their company after that. He just asks her if she's in love with Bai Xi Zhou. She says yes and asks what the problem is as there's nothing in the contract forbidding her from falling in love. He starts yelling that it's in the contract that if she does something disreputable that affects the company's project, they can fire her and ask her to compensate for the damages - all losses and liquidated damages! She asks what kind of disreputable things? He asks what she loves about him - handsome, rich? She gets up to walk away and he tells her to stop. 

He tells her that the woman who was just here is Bai Xi Zhou's fiancée and Bai Xi Zhou's mother has recognized her as the daughter-in-law. She turns to look at him in surprise. He says even if she's with Bai Xi Zhou, she's just a mistress. She asks why she should believe what he says. HA, every time anyone says anything bad about that playboy she refuses to believe it! He scoffs and says that the woman is carrying Bai Xi Zhou's child - is that enough proof? He then tells her that he thought she was very smart and sensible so he doesn't understand why she likes Bai Xi Zhou, as she's seen many people like him. He explains that that woman came today to threaten him and the company with the power of the Bai family, so he has no choice but to drop her. She leaves. 

Zi Yi goes to see his father at work. He overhears the meeting about the charity work that the company is promoting. (They're building a school.) His father says that he hopes to increase the company's reputation and soft power by doing charity. He says that they are businessmen, and profit comes first which is perfectly justified. So even if they do charity, the public will say they have an ulterior motive. He says that he doesn't believe this as he set up this charity chamber to do a thing as simple and pure as possible - no commercial purpose and no commercial activity whatsoever.  

Zi Yi meets with his father over tea. He admits to his father that he didn't expect that he does charity work as well. His father asks him if he only sees him as a profiteer. He goes to answer but his father cuts him off and tells him to cut to the chase. Zi Yi tells him that his friend's clothing factory went bankrupt, and they want to start up again and build an original clothing brand. He hands him an envelope and tells him that her design is good. His father asks if it's Qu Mo's. He only nods. His father asks if they're together. Zi Yi nods and says that right now is not a good time to invest in clothing brands but they're just a small factory and don't need much money, which is not worth mentioning for Fugao Group. His father asks how much he wants. He says 3 million yuan. His father takes a sip of his tea and then says, he'll give him 5 million yuan. Zi Yi looks at him and then says he'll go back and do the handover and he'll be back soon. :( Noooo. He gets up to leave and his father tells him that he's thought about why they'd met but he never expected that he'd be there for a girl. Zi Yi stops in his tracks and says because that's what she loves - and then he smiles - and what she dreams of. 

Yao Yao is waiting in a parking lot for Bai Xi Zhou. When she spots him loading stuff into a car, she moves to get out of the car. But then she stops when she also sees the very pregnant Hei Mei with Bai Xi Zhou's mother who is talking about taking care of the child when it’s born. Then Bai Xi Zhou walks around to take Hei Mei from his mother and helps her into the car. When he finally spots the parked Ferrari, the car is now driverless. 

Mo Li goes to see Mr. Miyazaki and admits that she's not capable of doing the design for Jiegeng Group. He says that he knows what she is capable of but she can't do the design with their criteria, as she has found her direction. He says that she still has a lot of work to do so go on. She thanks him and he wishes her jia you

At White House, Xi Hui is meeting with Zi Yi and Mo Li. Mo Li says that she knows Zi Yi asked for her help, but she thinks that 5 million yuan is too much. Xi Hui confirms that Zi Yi did ask for the help, but she is actually quite interested in the project. She says business is business, and it's just a normal investment. Mo Li looks over at Zi Yi and he nods, so she agrees to accept the investment. She grabs his hand and says that she won't let him down. Xi Hui reminds her that they have a three-year contract, so her business has to pay for itself and start to make a profit within three years. Mo Li says thank you, Xi Hui biao jie. Xi Hui smiles and tells her to call her jie. Ah, now she is her jie, too. :) Mo Li says thank you, jie

Xi Hui says that she's said all the important things and needs to go. Before she walks out, she looks over at Zi Yi and says "get ready." After she leaves, Mo Li asks what she meant by that. Zi Yi tells her that when he went to see Xi Hui, he ran into a friend who happens to work in investment banking who is interested in his chain of dessert shops and is willing to invest. Oh, Zi Yi, why are you lying to her? She looks excited for him. He says that there is a condition - he needs to carry out market research on dessert shops around the country. His friend can't decide until he turns in a detailed plan in a month's time. She says a month seems too short of time. She asks if he's leaving soon, and he says he's leaving today or tomorrow.

She suddenly leans against him and looks sad. He asks what's wrong. She says "I missed you already even before you leave." He looks down at her and smiles and strokes her hair and ear. But then he gets a pensive look. I know he doesn’t want to go but he has to keep his promise to his father.

Yao Yao is at a bar drinking a dozen shots by herself. The bartender says maybe she should stop drinking the shots and suggests a cocktail but she insists on another bottle. He goes to get the bottle, and a guy sits down next to her and asks if she'd like to drink with him. The bartender brings her the bottle of alcohol, and she tells the guy if he drinks the bottle, she'll go with him. He doesn't say anything. She says that she'll drink the bottle and go with him but the guy says he made a mistake and gets up to leave. She then starts a fight with some guy at a nearby table (because his words reminded her of Bai Xi Zhou). 

At work, Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu's client no longer wants to stay as a client, as they've already put in 300 million yuan and have seen no returns. She is trying to convince the client to give them more time for the background check (and some other excuses). Pei Jing asks why the client suddenly has doubts today. He believes that mutual trust is the basis of business cooperation. He asks the client to seriously consider their partnership. This ticks off Ye Nuan Yu and the client. Ye Nuan Yu says that Pei Jing was just making a little joke and suggests that they take a break. 

Pei Jing and Ye Nuan Yu have an argument during this break. Pei Jing wants to drop them as a client as this will become an endless problem with this client. She asks if he has the wrong attitude about this. They argue and finally he tells her that he'll drop the project and let it be hers. He goes to leave and she yells after him to save his rules and dignity. She goes on to say that no one wants to do dishonest things under the table but someone has to. Viper. She suggests that he go in there and apologize to the client. He looks like he really doesn't want to and doesn't say anything. So she goes back into the conference room first. Not long after, he appears with a new cup of tea for the client. He puts it on the table in front of the client, but the client does move to grab the glass and just looks at Pei Jing. Pei Jing is forced to reach across the table and push the glass even closer to the client before he finally accepts the tea and they resume their meeting. 

Mo Li returns to Zhuji without letting her parents know. Her mother is surprised to see her and Mo Li asks where her father is. Her mother says that he's fishing and points him out to her. He looks bored and pensive. She tells her parents about the investment to reopen the factory. She explains that Zi Yi's cousin is the investor and they've already signed a contract. Her parents say that they can't accept this money. She asks why. Her mother says that they both like Zi Yi but once they accept this money, her and Zi Yi's relationship may become complicated and they can't do that. She explains that once the business is making profits, they can provide Xi Hui with dividends. Her father says he agrees with what her mother said and they're not accepting the money. He gets up to leave and she asks why. He says that he'll never agree to it and tells her to return the money to Zi Yi's cousin. 

Later her parents are discussing the investment. Her father admits that he's concerned about Zi Yi's family looking down on Mo Li. Mo Li sneaks in and asks if she can sleep with them. She hands him a stuffed version of her Jia You Ya. She asks if he remembers when she was a kid, and he had told her a story. When she was in first grade, she had failed an exam. She was afraid to go home, so she wandered around by the river. He had found her in the middle of the night and sat by the river with her. He had shown her a duck in the river. She says this is that duck, and it's been with her ever since. She says every time, when she is met with any difficulties, she tells herself that she should be like the little duck (ya) and keep fighting (jia you). She tells him he's in trouble right now and maybe he should learn from it as well. She asks if he doesn't trust his daughter, and he replies that he's always believed in his daughter. So he'll listen to her this time. She thanks him and he tells her to not be competitive. She leaves him with the duck. Awww. 

Mo Li is at the factory and there's no one there. She calls Zi Yi and tells him that she hasn't had any luck recruiting workers. He tells her to not worry and to give it some time. I think he's wearing a suit. He also says that running a factory is very hard work. She says that she felt that she was ready when the factory reopened, but when things go wrong she feels like she isn't prepared enough. Aww, that's normal. He asks what she is going to do then. She says that she'll adopt flexible responses according to the circumstances. There's our girl! He tells her jia you and he believes that she can do it. She says that she's just complaining to him for a bit. She tells him to not delay his business because of her. She asks him how his market research is going. He says that today he went to a French dessert shop - but he's wearing a suit and standing outside a high-rise building - and had a crepe which was quite delicious. :( He says that he'll take her next time. She says okay, when they've settled everything, she'll follow him to taste all the delicious food. I feel sad for both of them. Then she says that she looks forward to his dessert shop the most as he makes the best stuff. He says okay, then he'll make stuff only for her and not anyone else. He asks if there's anything else she'd like to say. She says that she misses him. He says he does, too. She says she needs to go back to work as does he, and the call ends. 
Now we see that he is wearing a suit complete with a tie and his hair is so neat and tidy. He doesn’t look happy but he goes back into the meeting at Fugao Group. :( I miss our boy’s light.

Two men are discussing the footage of Yao Yao's bar attack and she is under administrative detention. They say that she's not very famous but she's killing her career. Ouyang walks by and tells them it's time for class. The two guys get up and mutter that they hope he didn't hear them. I’m sure that he did.

Pei Jing is at home and pacing in his living room. He's replaying Ye Nuan Yu's words over and over in his mind. He receives a text message from her saying that she won't meet him at his place tonight and only mentions work to him. 

Back at the factory, Qu Mom tells her that they've been open a few days but haven't hired any workers. Her mother is worried as they've already accepted the money from the investor. Mo Li tells her to not worry, and offers various solutions on where to go next to look for workers, offer higher wages, etc. Her mother says she's as stubborn as her father. Her father shows up with a smile, and calls for his daughter. She turns around and says that he's back. He says that he's not alone, as he's brought soldiers with him. Several workers show up behind him. They're creating a clothing line with her varied Jia You Ya designs.

A makeup-less Yao Yao exits the Chengdong Police Station in jeans, hoodie and a baseball cap. She just looks up at the sun.
[Ep24“Big dreams in a small world”

Yao Yao goes to see a movie, "Spirited Away" by herself. She's thinking about Mo Li, their ups and downs, and the last time she saw her. The movie ends but she's fallen asleep in the now empty theatre and wakes up to the movie replaying.

A guy sits down next to her. It's Ouyang! He tells her that watching a movie without popcorn would be too boring and offers her the cup of popcorn. He says it's durian cheese flavor. I like both of those things but not together. Eep. She takes the cup from him and starts shoving it into her mouth. He just laughs and says it seems like with gaining 15 kilograms and becoming a mukbang, she'll be totally revived in three months. She just continues shoving popcorn into her mouth and starts choking and coughing and stops shoving popcorn into her mouth. He tells her that he's contacted two live streaming companies. They aren't large but they are reliable. The bosses are his friends and he used to help them a lot. He says that he's contacted the media and they will release an apology statement. She finally asks why he still cares about her business. 

He says that it was he who brought her into the business so he doesn't want to see her just fall like this. She asks if she still has a future. He tells her that life is a long journey and everyone may meet difficulties. So long as she believes in him. She asks what if this time he's misjudged? He tells her that he'll pick her up tomorrow and leaves. She's left crying and stuffing her mouth with popcorn, all alone in the theatre by herself. 

It's nighttime and Zi Yi is still working at the office. He receives a message from Mo Li - it's a picture of her with her new duckling pajamas and she asks if it's cute. He smiles and goes to answer but she calls. He sighs and puts on a smile, as he answers the video call. She asks where he is and why he's still at work so late. He says he went to see a friend today and now he's writing a research report in his office. She realizes it's been about a month and asks if he'll be back soon. He says that he'll be back after he finishes the report. However, he then says that he's met some problems so he may have to stay for a while. Oh, Zi Yi... He says there are more dessert shops than he expected and he's unable to go to all of them. He says she won't be angry with him, right? She says no, of course not. But when she finds out he's been lying… She says that he's fighting for his dream and she will always support him. 

He smiles and laughs at this and asks how everything is going at the factory. He says by looking at her, he guesses that everything is going good. She excitedly says that everything is very, very good. The whole business is thriving and booming. She is waiting for the launch of the new products to amaze everyone. He laughs and says that she must leave the first one to him, and he'll be her No. 1 fan. He’s always been! She says absolutely, she'll definitely save the most special clothes for him. She tells him to go on with his work and not to stay up too late, and then she gives a kiss at the camera. He says that the factory is important but her health is more important. (I am reminded of his question to her in Ep4 - her clothes or her health.) And then he gives a kiss at the camera and waves at her before hanging up. When he hangs up, he sighs and goes back to work. Our poor unhappy boy. His father was standing a distance away from his office but appears to have heard this call. 

Pei Jing arrives at work and finds out that Ye Nuan Yu is meeting with that irate client again. She sees him and gets up from the meeting to catch him. She explains that she didn't want to change his plan but the client is hard to deal with and didn't there to be conflict, so she asked Xiao Wang to do the presentation. Pei Jing says it's okay and tells her to go back to the meeting.

Yao Yao is issuing her apology to the person she attacked, and apologizes to everyone. 

CYY: This whole thing made me have a thorough understanding of myself. Turns out I've been living in a cage I built myself. It was my overconfidence and paranoia that has caused all of this. I hurt those people who have been protecting me, caring about me, and supporting me. So, today, I'd also like to say sorry to my best friend and also my former agent. She's looking at Ouyang. I let you down. He smiles. 

A member of the media asks her what's her plan for the future. Abbie, Banana, and Mr. Wang are watching this part and they’re all scoffing at her. She says that she wants to start over and keep her feet on the ground and start with the basics. She also hopes there can be a chance in the industry that allows her to start over. Someone then asks her about losing control over Bai Xi Zhou. She admits that she was headstrong and blinded by emotions. But when she knew the truth, she ended the relationship as soon as she knew, as she has her own moral boundaries and principles. Bai Xi Zhou is watching this part and asks to have her painting taken down. She continues saying that she definitely won't allow herself to do anything unethical. Ouyang looks proud of her. 
After the media leaves, Yao Yao waits to speak to Ouyang. He brings her a soda. She tells him that she's here to thank him. He says there's no need to say thank you between them. She says she certainly needs to thank him. If he hadn't been there for him all this time, maybe she would have – He tells her that as her friend, he just did what he should do. He says that he's not the person she should thank the most. He just looks at her, and she says that she understands and then drinks her soda. She asks if he's free for dinner tonight. He says that he can't as he's going on a business trip. She says then maybe next time when he's back. She says then she's going now. He tells her to have a safe trip home. He just looks up at the ceiling and sighs. A few moments later, she returns and says his name. He asks what is it? She looks like she wants to say something but she only wishes him a safe journey. She leaves and he continues watching her. But he doesn’t go after her and goes back inside the studio. 


After her meeting ends, Ye Nuan Yu finds a letter from Pei Jing. It's a goodbye letter. He says in thinking about it, he understands Qu Mo's sadness now. "Even though two parallel lines come infinitely close, they will never have an intersection." He already handed over everything to Xiao Wang. He says to contact him if she has any questions, and wishes her the best. Shrouded in darkness, she’s crying copiously.  

At Fugao Group, there’s a meeting about whether Fugao Group should continue to invest in Jiahuang Hotel. Gao Dad says that he's read all of the analyses and opinions about it, and most people are against it, which makes sense and seems reasonable. He then asks Zi Yi what he thinks. Zi Yi says that he supports investing in this hotel. Everyone else seems surprised. His father says that hotels are not the main business of their company. Zi Yi replies that the purpose of this investment isn't about the current earnings but the long-term layout. He then says that before the start of the meeting, he provided everyone with a document and asks they look at it now. It's a data analysis report that he's been working on recently. He says that the cost of the investment is a bit high but it's still within their control. If successful, they can get a fixed rate of return of about 15% to 20% per year. He asks a person from the risk control department to look over this document and let him know of any inaccuracies. This expert says that the report is very complete, and the conclusion is referable. 

At the factory, Mo Li is doing a live stream of their newest arrivals. They're slowly receiving orders from their live stream. She's a bit discouraged by the low viewership (60 viewers), and with only 20+ orders. Her parents encourage her and tell her that their product is of high quality and they can build up their reputation this way. 

Back at Fugao Group, a guy is saying that the ROI is only 15 to 20%. And what if something goes wrong, as so much money goes into the investment and once they can't get it back, it'll be a huge loss for them. Zi Yi looks disappointed. His father says that investing is always risky. It's hard but that doesn't mean that they don't do it. He says that investing in the hotel does require a lot of money but it wouldn't be a huge loss for them. He also says that he has confidence in this project and is willing to use as many of their resources to support the hotel. He says that sometimes he's a bit conservative and should listen to the young. He suggests that they do a vote by a show of hands. Everyone raises their hand, including his father, so Zi Yi raises his hand as well. 

Yao Yao goes to see Mo Li at the factory. Mo Li asks why she's there. Yao Yao says that she's there to be her model. Mo Li asks what about her contract. She says that she doesn't have one now, and she'll tell her all about it later. Both girls have tears in their eyes but they're smiling at each other. Mo Li asks if she's ready and Yao Yao smiles. 

The next day, Yao Yao and Mo Li are doing the live streaming together at the factory. Yao Yao shows them the products that they're wearing, and explains that she really admires her best friend. She also explains that these workers were facing unemployment but are receiving another chance because of the Jia You Ya brand. Then she hands the camera over to Mo Li to introduce the products. Wen Zi is watching the live stream. At the end of the day, Mo Li asks her how things are going with her and him. Yao Yao admits that he has a fiancée and she's pregnant. Mo Li just looks at her, and Yao Yao says that she didn't find out until later and she broke up the second she knew. She explains that the company canceled the contract with her. Mo Li doesn't say anything, she only hugs her. Yao Yao says it's not a bad thing. At least it made her see through many things and gain a lot. And they've reconciled, so they'll get better and better. Mo Li says that she's not reconciled with her. Yao Yao says didn't she say that they'd reconciled after eating ice cream? Yao Yao just hands her her cup of ice cream, so Mo Li is eating both containers now. (Mo Li has always eaten more than her fair share of their desserts. :) The tradition continues.) Mo Li asks how she found this place. Yao Yao says that Ouyang had told her that she was here. Mo Li asks about Ouyang.Yao Yao says that he's a photography teacher now, and he's doing what he loves. Mo Li then asks what about her and him. Yao Yao says that he's good, very good. He always helped her even when she was at the bottom. She admits that there was actually a moment when she almost asked him to stay with her all the time. Ahhh, that's what she wanted to tell him earlier! But later she realized that she was just moved, and she doesn't love him. So she couldn't do the same thing to him like before. She sniffles and says, in the end, she only thanked him. Mo Li asks if she might not regret it in the future. Yao Yao says maybe she will regret it and continues sniffling. 
Mo Li tells her that she has changed. Yao Yao agrees but says there's one thing that's never changed and looks at her with tears in her eyes. Aww.

At White House, a customer asks Nan Zhi why she hasn't seen Chef Gao recently. He says that Chef Gao quit and has started another job. Mo Li arrives to overhear this. The customers leave and Mo Li immediately asks him about what he just said about Zi Yi not coming back. He makes some excuse about his bread and turns to walk away but she pulls on his arm and says that she heard him. She asks him about Zi Yi and he says it was nothing and she had misheard. Ke Xin interrupts and says Zi Yi went to work at his father's. Ke Xin tells Nan Zhi that she told him that he shouldn't hide this from her. Mo Li asks Ke Xin if it's because of the 5 million yuan for her. Neither one of them says anything but their faces say it all. She goes to leave and runs into Wan Zi. Mo Li asks if she's going to stop her. Wan Zi tells her that even if she rushes there, she can't change anything. They need to think of a way to help him. But if she insists on going there right now, it will only make things more difficult for him. Mo Li still leaves and Wan Zi tries to stop her. Mo Li stops only to say thank you to them and then leaves. 

Mo Li goes to Fugao Group and asks to see the Chairman (Gao Dad). She is asked if she has an appointment. She says no, so the woman offers to register her for an appointment, and asks for her name. Once she says her name, the woman tells her to go with her. Mo Li asks if she doesn't need an appointment to see him. The woman says that the Chairman says that she does not need to have an appointment. Mo Li goes to meet with Gao Dad. He tells her to sit and says that he knew that when Zi Yi came back, she'd be there for him sooner or later. He asks if Zi Yi hid it from her. She just nods and says it's fine, as she understands his decision. He says that she's a good girl. He then says to tell him what she wants, and cautions that it won't work, but he'll listen. Mo Li gives him an envelope with a list of the factory's assets and the financial statements. She then says as soon as the holiday promotion is over, she's going to sell them all and repay the money to him. He asks if she wants to give him his money back so Zi Yi can come back to her. She says that she knows that Zi Yi is quite unhappy during this period. She doesn't want him to give up his dream because of her dream. He asks about his dream – desserts? She nods yes. He says that Zi Yi likes it now, but he may not like it in the future. She reaches into her bag and pulls out Zi Yi’s dream board. She unfurls it and presents it to him.

QM: This is his plan for the next few years. He toured and studied every dessert shop in this city, aiming to make his dessert better. And as his wish, his desserts did attract many loyal fans. Moreover, he also told me, he hopes in the future he could have his own dessert brand with diversified products with branches all over the world. He hopes everyone can taste his desserts. His father is looking at the dream board. Shu shu, Zi Yi wasn't just doing these things for fun. He really takes making desserts as his life career. He looks at her now and sets the dream board to the side. 
GZY's father: Young lady, the Fugao Group that you're in now has a market value of 100 billion yuan. Compared with the livelihood of tens of thousands of employees, desserts are nothing but desserts. 
QM: But desserts are Gao Zi Yi's dream. There is no such thing as a good dream or bad dream. 
GZY's father: I'm not talking to you about dreams. I'm talking to you about reality. Letting my son be a cook is ridiculous. I can't accept it. 
QM: I know whatever I say can't change your mind easily. But I think you should also try to understand your son. He just looks at her. 

Afterwards, Mo Li is walking around and ends up by the fountain, where she and Zi Yi first met. She's watching the fountains go off and hears Zi Yi call her name. (~35:14) She sees him in a blue suit and they walk towards each other. She walks right up to him and shoves him. Heh, I expected this! 

QM angrily: Gao Zi Yi, how dare you? Who do you want to be? She continues hitting him on the arm. Be a hero? He just looks at her. Who gave you permission to do that? You cheated me. He reaches over and pulls her in for a kiss. The kiss lasts only until she bites him on his bottom lip and he yelps in pain. 

GZY: You...why did you bite me?? 

She looks at him and pulls him down to gently kiss him. She ends the kiss and looks at him with her hands on the sides of his face.

QM: Don’t ever lie to me again! He forgot his promise from their mock wedding. lol 

He removes her hands and makes a sound indicating his agreement. 

GZY: Mo Li, stop being angry. Isn’t it good now? The factory is in operation and profitable. How good is that? She gives a small smile.
QM sadly: Then what about you? Didn't you want to open a dessert chain store? Now you can't even make desserts anymore. How can you open one? 
GZY: We'll talk about it later. Don't worry. I'll still make desserts. But only for you. She smiles at this. 
QM: Didn't you say desserts can warm people's hearts? You want people who are unhappy to be happy by eating your desserts. That's what you want to do. He looks at her so sweetly. I don't want you to sacrifice so much for me. 
GZY smiling: Desserts can warm people's hearts, but the person I only want to warm now…- looking intently at her - is you. She smiles but then she shakes his hands off of hers. (~37:30, Gao Zi Yi!!!)
QM: Gao Zi Yi!! Since when have you become so honey-lipped? She starts poking at his chest. You've gone bad. 
GZY: I'm always like this. You just didn't find it out before. She brings it out of him? XD
QM loudly: Then later, you – 
GZY: I will only be honey-lipped to you. She smiles. Mo Li, we have a lot of work to do. 
QM: I know. And so do you. If you feel unhappy in your job, you can tell me. If you want to have a jailbreak, I'll help you.
GZY: Jailbreak?
QM: Yes.
GZY: You've watched too many American dramas, right? lol She laughs. Okay, I have to get back to work. She nods. Take good care of yourself. She nods again. I have to go. 
He looks at her a moment longer and then turns to walk away. She goes to follow him and gives him a back hug with a huge grin. Cute not-couple-to-couple montage here. And they're caught in the fountain again – because of her. :) 

Elsewhere, Yao Yao is starting from scratch as she's auditioning for a role in "Fighting! Girl".  So meta.

CYY’s audition: My best friend used to tell me that I can change my life through hard work. But later, I found that all of my hard work was just to make myself ingratiate with others. I ended up living with a mask on and got lost in other people's stories. But now I want to let go of all of this. Although I still love you, but – bye. 

The casting directors decide to think twice about letting her have a role because of her recent negative social media impact. They only tell her that they will let her know later.

Ouyang is dealing with Bing Bing, that difficult model, who wants him to make her look good, and not the jewelry that she's supposed to be showcasing. Dai Anni seems to have her eye on him. She introduces herself to him as a jewelry designer. Please give this guy some real love.

Ye Nuan Yu arrives with her team at Haibei Group and curtly tells Mr. Hai to start negotiations soon. Pei Jing is leaving for Frankfurt.  
Gao Dad is looking at Zi Yi's dream board. Later he walks by the meeting room and hears the announcement that the new energy vehicle acquisition project by Vice President Gao (it's Gao Zi Yi) has been approved by the Board of Directors. Everyone surrounding Zi Yi is cheering and rejoicing but Zi Yi just sits there without much emotion. He looks miserable. It's nighttime and Zi Yi is working in his office when he hears a knock. He tells them to come in and one of his colleagues asks him if he'd like to join them for dinner. He thanks him and says to go ahead without him and don't drink too much. The guy tries to coax him to go with them but Zi Yi says to go ahead. He then notices his father waiting by the door and the guy leaves after seeing him. His father asks why he won't go. He says that he has work to do. His father tells him to not work too late, to go home early and then he leaves. Zi Yi goes back to work. The statue in his office is quite symbolic of his current state. He’s usually a quiet guy but he’s even more subdued in this environment.

At home, Zi Yi is having dinner with his father with food prepared by Chen Ayi. His father asks him about the real estate project in Shandong, and how many shares he's decided to acquire. He says 33.8% and his father says it's too conservative and to ask for 40%. Zi Yi says that the surroundings of the real estate is not ideal so 33.8% is safer. His father tells him to be bolder, so he agrees and will tell them to adjust it to 40%. His father asks if he's not going to insist on his decision. Zi Yi says that since he's said so, they'll follow his [Gao Dad’s] command. His father replies that he's right. If they take more than 35%, there will be risks and they may lose money. His father tells him that he knows that he's always against him but actually appreciates his attitude which is neither servile nor overbearing. His father says that he's worn out the last bit of momentum that he had and that's not what he wants to see. He asks him to tell him the truth. He hasn't forgotten about desserts, has he? Zi Yi makes a sound indicating yes, and says that he's not the same as before. He realizes that he used to be self-centered and simple-minded. He didn't know that the business was so complicated until he came back to work. He realizes that his father deals with so many things every day and that he didn't understand his father before. 

His father says that he's grown up as he's learned to put himself in other people's shoes. His father says that he's better than him and then tells him to eat. He says that Qu Mo came to see him. Zi Yi smiles and says that he knew that. She thought she could persuade him. His father says that he's just a stubborn and cold-hearted man in his heart, right? Zi Yi doesn't say anything. His father says that it's the first time that he's seen him smile since he's been back. Aww. He admits that he's been watching him since he came back. He says that he's like he was when he was young – calm and devoted to work. Zi Yi looks sad here. His father says that he's not completely like him though. He says that he lacks passion. He wanted him to work in the company because he had hoped he would be like him. He thought that he'd get used to it gradually but now he sees that his heart is not here. Zi Yi doesn't say anything but looks pained. 

His father then points out the plate of puffs on the table - he had asked Chen Ayi to make it for him. His father tries one first and then Zi Yi tries a bite. He asks for his opinion, and Zi Yi says there's too much sugar. His father laughs and says that the girl is not bad. He then says to stop meeting her at the company and to bring her home. Zi Yi looks at him with surprise and then he really smiles. His light is back!

Some time later.

He's thinking about kissing her.
Outside of White House, Zi Yi and Mo Li have just installed a new Jia You Ya sign, and they've just turned it on. Zi Yi says, “Jia You Ya! The future is bright.” Is he being funny here? Then Zi Yi goes to kiss her but they're interrupted by the bright headlights and rumblings of a motorcycle. Zi Yi recognizes him as the guy from rooom (the one who gave Wan Zi a cassette tape). Wan Zi walks out in a black leather jacket (which is so unlike her usual outfits) and says that she'll be gone for a while, and she's leaving the shop to Zi Yi. Then she climbs onto the back of the motorcycle behind the guy and they take off. Mo Li wonders in amazement as to when this happened. Guess she found her colorful clouds. :)

Zi Yi goes to kiss her a second time and they're interrupted by Nan Zhi and Ke Xin, who is wearing a white dress (instead of her usual black pants suits!). Nan Zhi says that he's leaving the shop to him and the keys are on the counter. They’re going out for a late night snack, and they leave on the motorbike with Ke Xin helping him with his helmet. Mo Li squeals over how sweet they are and can't believe how Ke Xin could be so gentle and cute. Hehe. Zi Yi says that he didn't expect Nan Zhi to have finally won Ke Xin's heart. Haha. I thought she'd beat him up. Mo Li says that everything comes to one who waits, and then she tells him to look at the new sign. 

Zi Yi asks her about the story behind the duck logo. She tells him that when she was little, she and her father were sitting by a river and saw a duckling in the water. Her father told her “Although it seems that it's floating easily on the river, in fact, its feet are paddling so hard under the water so that it can go to the place it wants to go." So she drew the duckling at that time. Zi Yi says, so it’s like that saying "You must work really hard to look effortless." She happily agrees, yes, exactly. He says that she's pretty awesome now. She has the Jia You Ya, and so many cute ducks. She asks if he has a duck that he likes. He considers it and says yeah, he kind of has one. She asks what is it? He says, "Kiss Duck" Hahaha! Third time’s a charm?
They finally kiss but then her phone rings. XD She looks at her phone and says that Ling Ling (from Tibet) is calling on video. 

Ling Ling shows her the kids at school, who are all wearing Mo Li's different duckling shirts. The kids thank her. Then they say they will study hard and make progress every day. They end it with “Jia You Ya, Mo Li!” She's so happy to see and hear this, as is Zi Yi.

QM’s thoughts: Maybe I can't be a well-known designer in my whole life, but at least I will always walk on this road. I like to see people's smiling faces when they are wearing the clothes I design, just like these kids. They are simple and beautiful. When I bring warmness and happiness to them through clothes, I also feel warm and touched by their smiling faces. I’m Qu Mo, a designer on the way towards my goal. I hope you can find your passion, too. 

QM: Jia You! There’s a fat duckling constellation in the sky. 🦆

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-6)I'm enjoying the story of our two leads, who are only new acquaintances. They are both working towards their goals and have now crossed paths several times.

Our small-but-feisty Mo Li has reached the crossroads in her relationship with her stuffy boyfriend, Pei Jing, and dreams of being a fashion designer. 

The ever-so-sweet Zi Yi is her new friend, who dreams of being a top pastry chef but his family isn’t happy about it. He seriously (and quietly) goes out of his way to help her and this is only the beginning.

Mo Li's best friend, Yao Yao has a dream to be a model but crosses paths with Ouyang who sees her potential of more than just being a print model. He wants her as a live streamer. He also appears to be sweet on her but it seems to be a strictly work relationship right now.

Pei Jing's colleague Ye Nuan Yu seems very interested in him. At this point, Mo Li just broke up with him. (It's not like he gave her a real choice.) While it’s heartbreaking for her (and to some extent, him), I think it’s the wisest decision. She has a father, so he doesn't need to be one to her. (Yup, I said it.)

[Actors/ActressesLet’s be honest, I wanted to watch this series initially because of Wang Bo Wen. I really loved him in A Little Thing Called First Love - and he is one of the few reasons that I even enjoyed remembered that series.

Back to this series, Wang Bo Wen doesn't have many snappy lines here, but his gentle soul, sweetness and genuineness is very apparent in this.

Li Mi Er (Miranda Li) is the embodiment of a young woman with a big dream more than her small stature can contain. I love how sassy she can be yet so vulnerable at times.

I like the actress for Pi Ke Xin. I only wish I knew what her name is so I can watch anything else she’s been in/will be in. She was so edgy and such a contrast to FL’s bubbliness but they have a wonderful kinship.

Note: I am not satisfied with the lack of information for this series. My understanding is that this series was produced sometime in 2020 and then released in January 2022. There has been very limited information, including the full cast for this series. I had a bit of a difficult time trying to pin down the characters’ names as I wanted to give credit to some of the supporting cast but am not able to do so outside of this recap/review.

The director for this series, Lin Shui Jing, is Wan Zi’s boyfriend.

[Behind the ScenesThere isn’t much except for several videos with Wang Bo Wen, which no one but I want to look at so I’ll spare you. (And be careful about typing in “Fighting Girl” into YT, lol, all sorts of stuff comes up…)

Ep4. Clothes or Life? Wang Bo Wen struggled to carry her and/or remember his lines. Haha.

[OSTIt’s so scattered so this is what I was able to find for the OST.

Shimmer (微光) & What the Person You Like Likes (喜欢的人喜欢的事) | Li Mi Er (李觅尔) Shimmer is one of my favorites by our FL.
Dust (尘埃) & Slowly (慢慢) | Song Yi Jie (宋一杰)

Ep18, that song that Gao Zi Yi “doesn’t know" the artist for?
Show is trying to be sneaky, but I recognized his voice.

[Ending] Happy as a fat duck. 

1. [Ep2] flash2351 translated the text messages from Gao Zi Yi, and clarified what he was doing with Mo Li’s t-shirt before then.

[Review & Rating]
The series starts with Gao Zi Yi, a kind, sweet, diplomatic, and quiet boy who is on his way to becoming a dessert chef. Zi Yi’s family is not supportive of his decision as he is faced with constant pressure to return to the fold and run the family business. He’s so sweet but not spineless. 

And then we meet the girls, Qu Mo and Cao Yao Yin who are best friends and polar opposites - in terms of height, fashion sense, and personality (effervescent v. snarky). They are on the verge of graduating from university and then they meet some new people at a fashion event and their lives take a strange turn when they meet Ouyang Liang Liang and Gao Zi Yi in two separate incidents on the same day.

Mo Li is an optimistic girl (with a temper) trying to make her mark on the world as a fashion designer but life keeps putting opportunities and obstacles in her way, one after the other. She gets some help from her friends at White House bakery, including her new friend, Zi Yi. And if a girl wants to have the best not-boyfriend-but-secretly-wants-to-be-your-boyfriend- friend, Gao Zi Yi is the one to fill those shoes. Their romance is a slow one, as she a) already has a boyfriend, b) is hyper focused on work and c) Zi Yi is the sweetest-but-slowest-moving boy. They have such a great relationship with each other as friends, and he’s so supportive of her as she is of him. Who knew being called a xiao bai shu (lab rat) could be so cute? (It’s the way he says it.) 

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that there are some fun side characters in this. There is a sense of family (however one defines it) and community threaded throughout the storylines. I love Mo Li’s relationship with her father, which is a stark contrast to the one Zi Yi has with his father. They have a little family of friends that surrounded her and him in various situations. 

As for Mo Li’s best friend, Yao Yao, her model-superstar career takes off at a high-speed upward trajectory, and you’re initially happy for her until you notice the personal cost for this “happiness”. Ouyang is her agent who goes above and beyond as he has a crush on her. However, Yao Yao has other issues in her love life.

Luckily, there are no real love rivals in this series. 

How this series falters:

  1. Meandering storylines. There were a few storylines started and even developed but then petered out into nothingness. Example: Did Mr. Miyazaki ever find his Chinese designer? 
  2. The continuing focus on Pei Jing, Mo Li’s boyfriend, and the ups and downs of his work. Then throw in his colleague, Ye Nuan Yu who seems quite interested in him and is always three steps ahead of him on everything. I seriously wish there would’ve been less time spent on this storyline.

  1. I’m not a fan of how Yao Yao was such a strong character who became more of a coward as time went on. 

  1. Some of the scenes are noticeably shot/edited in such an awkward way that it’s jarring at times.  

I truly stayed for the leads and their much-slower-than-a-sloth’s-pace romance, which I found to be organic, sweet, funny and heartwarming. Jia you!

Random RecommendationBe My Cat When a cat prince falls for a girl. It's relatively short at 16 eps, and quite fun.

Rating: 2/5