A 2021 girl travels to 2010 to find the “world” she left behind, the boy she forgot.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Notable Actors/Actresses
Qu Chu Xiao: Zhang Wan Sen
Zhang Jia Ning: Lin Bei Xing
Wu Xi Ze: Zhan Yu
I know it that everyone is curious why I chose the blossom cover photo. Here’s why: our drama started in summer, ended in winter, and so I was thinking if we ever get an epilogue or a special, it has to be set in spring, right? Right?
Table of Contents
Lyric Translations
Episode Title Translations
Rewatch Highlights
(If you don’t like reading long text, at least read the bits on Prime Numbers!)
[Lin Bei Xing (林北星) & The Theme of Stars] Lin Bei Xing’s name 北星 may mean North Star (Polaris, formally 北极星), but she can be lost too. Who’s there to be her compass? Zhang Wan Sen. He’s her Big Dipper (北斗七星, which translates to Polaris’ Seven Stars). He is an existence that will always point to the North Star and light Lin Bei Xing to the right direction in the vast galaxy.
[Zhang Wan Sen (张萬森)] 森 (Sen) means Forest, which reminds me of the common saying: “One cannot see the forest for the tree”. 只見樹木不見森林. Lin Bei Xing only saw her tree (Zhan Yu) and not her forest (Zhang Wan Sen), the man who gave her the world. The second character in his name is 萬 (Wan) which means ten thousand. How did Lin Bei Xing not see ten thousands of forests! How could she not see all that he’s done for her!
Lyric Translation
There are two OSTs in the soundtrack that have the same melody but different lyrics. But the lyrics aren’t that different. They’re interrelated and it’s poignant how the lines interplay. The Whole Word is Behind Me by Fu Jing is from Lin Bei Xing’s perspective. The lyrics are about missing Zhang Wan Sen. Interesting fact: Fu Jing is the actress for Gao Ge (2FL). The Whole World is Behind You by Dou Zhi Wen is from Zhang Wan Sen’s perspective. The lyrics are about his yearnings for Lin Bei Xing to turn around, but even if she doesn’t, he’ll always be there.♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♪
The Whole World is Behind Me
The Whole World is Behind You
Her Perspective & His Perspective
Those years
That moment
你的光 / 早已封在心裡啊
Your light / Has already been sealed in my heart
被停格 / 早已落在心里啊
That was suspended / Has already fallen (to the depths) in my heart.
Yet where in this world are you now?
But will you still remember me?
還是會 / 輕喚著
Still, / (Will you) gently call out (to me)
雨傘下 / 輕喚著
Under the umbrella / (I will) gently call out (to you)
The words engraved on my body
Those words engraved in my body
Your light / Has already been sealed in my heart
被停格 / 早已落在心里啊
That was suspended / Has already fallen (to the depths) in my heart.
Yet where in this world are you now?
But will you still remember me?
還是會 / 輕喚著
Still, / (Will you) gently call out (to me)
雨傘下 / 輕喚著
Under the umbrella / (I will) gently call out (to you)
The words engraved on my body
Those words engraved in my body
*A lot of lyrics miss the difference between these lines:身體里 vs 身里. I may also be overanalyzing. It may be a case of the girl singing an extra word or the guy forgetting a word. And actually, I think “‘on’ my body” fits Zhang Wan Sen more (i.e. star scar)
想見你 / 是我啊
Wanting to see you / Is me
喜歡你 / 是我啊
Liking you / Is me
Can you still be there
I’ll be always there
Tell me you’re with me there somewhere
Tell me you know I’m there somewhere
The whole world is behind me
The whole world is behind you
是你的手 / 默默守候
It’s your hand / Secretly protecting (me)
陪著你走 / 默默守候
Accompanying you / Secretly protecting (you)
Exchanging (your) regret for my future
Exchanging (my) remaining life for your future
Tell me how can I get you back
Tell me how can I get you back
If I could turn and see your eyes
If I could turn and see your eyes
I will wait
I am ready to wait
“願”– When a Chinese character has a ‘心’ (heart) root in it, there’s an emotional attachment to that word. Zhang Wan Sen's “willingness” and “readiness” to wait has a deep emotional yearning.
雨落下的時候 / My love,I miss you much
When it rains / My love, I miss you much
雨落下的時候 / I’ll be your umbrella
When it rains / I’ll be your umbrella
現在的我 / 你看見了嗎
The me now / Do you see
現在的我 / 你看見了嗎
The me now / Do you see
沒讓你覺得失望吧 / 可是輕易 / 就想你了
I didn’t disappoint you, right / But I still easily / Miss you
沒讓你覺得失望吧 / 可是輕易 / 就想你了
I didn’t disappoint you, right / But I still easily / Miss you
Can you still be there
I’ll be always there
Tell me you’re with me there somewhere
Tell me you know I’m there somewhere
The whole world is behind me
The whole world is behind you
是你的手 / 默默守候
It’s your hand / Secretly protecting (me)
陪著你走 / 默默守候
Accompanying you / Secretly protecting (you)
Exchanging (your) regret for my future
Exchanging (my) remaining life for your future
Tell me how can I get you back
Tell me how can I get you back
If I could turn and see your eyes
If I could turn and see your eyes
I will wait
I will wait
雨落下的時候 / 回來
When the rain falls / Come back
雨落下的時候 / 回來
When the rain falls / Come back
雨落下的時候 / 我在
When the rain falls / I’m here
I will embrace you in the past and in the future
I will embrace you in the past and in the future
The me in every parallel world
The me in every parallel space
(When we) Reunite in the rain again
(When we) Reunite in the rain again
全世界回到身後 / 北極星的等候
(When we) Reunite in the rain again
全世界回到身後 / 北極星的等候
The whole world returns behind me / Waiting behind the North Star
全世界在你身後 / 為你步步停留
The whole world is behind you / Staying with you every step of the way
A few interpretations: 1) When they reunite in the rain again, Zhang Wan Sen (Big Dipper) will return behind the North Star; 2) The North Star will always be waiting for the world to return.
Can you still be there
I’ll be always there
Tell me you’re with me there somewhere
Tell me you know I’m there somewhere
The whole world is behind me
The whole world is behind you
是你的手 / 默默守候
It’s your hand / Secretly protecting (me)
陪著你走 / 默默守候
Accompanying you / Secretly protecting (you)
Exchanging (your) regret for my future
Exchanging (my) remaining life for your future
Tell me how can I get you back
I will be always by your side
If I could turn and see your eyes
If I could turn and see your eyes
I will wait
I will wait
When it rains
The next time when it rains
My love,I miss you much
I’ll be your back
“I’ll be your back” is clumsy English meaning I’ll be behind you. Zhang Wan Sen is making a promise at the very end of this song that “next time” when it rains, he’ll be back.
♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♪
Episode Title Translations
[Ep1] [The 18 Year Old You 十八歲的你]
[Ep2] [Beat This Gaokao Devil 打敗高考這個妖怪]
[Ep3] [Do(es the Light in) His Eyes Forsee the Future? 他的目光能目及未來嗎] Zhang Wan Sen, Lin Bei Xing’s light, can your eyes see the future?
[Ep4] [The Unshakeable Shadow of (My) Knight 甩不掉的影子騎士] ’Tis the episode Lin Bei Xing is persistent on being Zhang Wan Sen's guardian angel when he was her secret knight all along.
[Ep5] [1, 2, 3, Wood Man (= Red Light, Green Light) 一二三木頭人] When will Lin Bei Xing finally catch him moving behind her?
[Ep6] [Clearly, I Was First 明明是我先來的]
[Ep7] [The Secret of the (-^-)-shaped Heart Rate -^-型心率的秘密]
[Ep8] [Just Friends 只是朋友啊]
[Ep9] [Does A Late Promise Still Count 遲到的約定還算數嗎] Is it too late for Lin Bei Xing to support Zhang Wan Sen's dream like she did 11 years ago in 1999? (No.)
[Ep10] [Words That Cannot be Spoken 開不了口的話]
[Ep11] [My Dream is Your Future 我的夢想就是你的未來]
[Ep12] [Hearing Your Voice 聽見你的聲音] ’Tis the episode Lin Bei Xing was kidnapped with Yang Chao Yang and Gao Ge. Zhang Wan Sen can hear Lin Bei Xing's voice anywhere.
[Ep13] [Grow Up Before the Summer Ends 長大吧在夏天結束之前] ’Tis the episode where Zhang Wan Sen survived gaokao. Will he continue to live on beyond this summer?
[Ep14] [The World’s Other Me 世界上另一個我] The moon will be a reminder of this Zhang Wan Sen who existed in Lin Bei Xing’s world.
[Ep15] [He’s the Summer of Summer 他夏了夏天] 他夏了夏天 is a song by 蘇打綠 (Sodagreen). I don’t have a proper translation of the title. Contextually it means “he’s the best of the summer”, or “he ended summer because he is summer.” Some related lyrics:
默默在崗位戰鬥的每個小小英雄Every little hero who silently fights at his post(Zhang Wan Sen is the hero secretly protecting Lin Bei Xing)他從不擔心自己被世界折磨He never worried about being tortured by the world(Zhang Wan Sen only worried about Lin Bei Xing’s future)在他夢中一口氣走上了星空In his dream, he walked to the starry sky in one breath(Zhang Wan Sen, in Lin Bei Xing’s dream is he starry sky)按下了鬧鐘開啟另一個夢Pressed the alarm clock to start another dream(Or just give us the real Zhang Wan Sen T_T)
[Ep16] [The Stars and the Moon Are All Lonely Prime Numbers 星星月亮是孤獨的質數] (Read more about Prime Numbers in “Rewatch Highlights” in Ep1)
[Ep17] [The Arrival of Love is At an Unlimited Distance 喜歡送達是無限遠點] There is no limit (whether in distance or in time) to Zhang Wan Sen's love. His text message finally reached Lin Bei Xing.
[Ep18] [Superman Cannot Fly 超人不會飛] The superman is Zhang Wan Sen who cannot fly after he fell from the lighthouse.
[Ep19] [My Secret is That I Like You 我的秘密就是喜歡你]
[Ep20] [The Harmonica Sounds So Pretty So Why Play “Farewell” 口琴那麼好聽為什麼要吹《送别》] It’s the farewell voyage from Lin Bei Xing to Zhang Wan Sen.
[Ep21] [150 Million km Distance 一點五億公里的距离]
It’s the approximate distance from the Sun to Earth, the distance the light reaches the Earth. It’s as if that’s the distance between Zhang Wan Sen and Lin Bei Xing because she keeps pushing him away. But even if she keeps him at a distance, his light will shine and warm her heart.
[Ep22] [Separated By the Equator 赤道分界線] (See Ep10 Notes in Rewatch Highlights)
[Ep23] [The Milky Way Galaxy Without the Milky Way 銀河海沒有銀河] The sea that isn't bioluminescent anymore. The Zhang Wan Sen who’s no longer here. The North Star without the Big Dipper.
[Ep24] [Are You Still Okay? (How Are You?) 你還好嗎]
The reply from Zhang Wan Sen from the lyrics in ♪ The World is Behind You ♪:
現在的我 / 你看見了嗎 / 沒讓你覺得失望吧 / 可是輕易 / 就想你了
The me now. / Do you see? / I didn’t disappoint you, right? / But I still easily / Miss you.
Lin Bei Xing has the same reply in ♪ The World is Behind Me ♪
現在的我 / 你看見了嗎 / 沒讓你覺得失望吧 / 可是輕易 / 就想你了
The me now. / Do you see? / I didn’t disappoint you, right? / But I still easily / Miss you.
Both of them are fine. They just miss each other.
Rewatch Highlights
I’ve only rewatched the first 6 episodes. The rest of the notes are based on my recaps and memory. If you have rewatch highlights, please share! (:
[Ep1] [OST ♫] Below is the scene everyone who loves the drama needs to rewatch for the poignancy. It’s the “first” time Lin Bei Xing met Zhang Wan Sen – the first time she turned around and noticed the ‘world’ was behind her.
The scene: Suddenly it stopped raining. But surely, it's still raining. Lin Bei Xing looks up at the umbrella shielding her from the rain. Could it be Zhan Yu? She turns around and finds a pair of eyes gazing into hers. He stood still. This man isn’t Zhan Yu. Nervously, he clutched his bag tighter and gulped. Why is he nervous? Lin Bei Xing asks, “Who are you?”
It’s impossible to grasp the emotional depth on the first watch. None of us knew how much Zhang Wan Sen yearned for her to turn around and when she finally did she asked for his name!! She didn’t even know he existed. But even then, he’d continue to protect her. His unrequited love is rattling.
Do notice that a modified instrumental of ♫ “The Whole World is Behind You” ♫ (Zhang Wan Sen’s song) is playing in the background. Even without the singing, you can almost hear the lyrics fill in each note because of how fitting the song is to this moment. Exquisite storytelling.
[Umbrella] Zhang Wan Sen always had an umbrella with him, but the real umbrella that was overlooked was Zhang Wan Sen, the man himself. He is her umbrella, always protecting every step of the way. Is it a coincidence that his name (Sen) sounds similar to umbrella 傘 (San)?
[The Whole World is Behind You] All the times Lin Bei Xing travelled back to 2010, Zhang Wan Sen always appeared from behind. Metaphorically, he was the world that she left behind. However, it’s more meaningful to know that he was there to protect her. He was guarding her on the bus, at the convenience store, at the firework event, after school, and after gaokao. He was her guardian angel.
[Prime Numbers] The hidden theme that I really love! In Ep16, Lin Bei Xing found a book that “Zhang Wan Sen” borrowed. It’s called the "Loneliness of Prime Numbers". I now know why there’s so many 11’s in the drama (e.g. the bus is 11, the difference between the years 2021 and 2010 is 11, Zhang Wan Sen’s jersey is 11). There’s also 11 OSTs for the drama.
Tangentially, there’s another prime number related to Zhang Wan Sen: 7. Remember, there’s 7 stars in the Big Dipper (北斗七星).)
Zhang Wan Sen, our prime number guy, was a lonely boy. If Lin Bei Xing never went back for him, he would have always been forgotten.
I also really like the choice of ‘11’ among the prime numbers. At least it’s two 1’s which means the 1’s have company. 11 isn’t lonely! I firmly believe in that.
[Ep2] When Zhan Yu mocked Lin Bei Xing whether Zhang Wan Sen even knew her name… oh man, it was HER who didn’t even know he existed. He was already protecting her! Even in the Ferris wheel, he was already protecting her.
[Ferris Wheel] Do watch this scene again! All his reactions, his aversion to her gazes, and the way he’s silent make so much sense now! The scene:

...but when he realized his hand was on her shoulder, he quickly retracted. I never understood this. Why is he avoiding her? Is he that nervous around her?
[Ep7] [Star Cookie Cutter] There’s this annoying couch that on it, Zhang Wan Sen and Lin Bei Xing never kiss! Get rid of the couch, please.
Lin Bei Xing: Am I annoying?Zhang Wan Sen (instantly looks up at her, surprised. ‘No.’ But he doesn’t say that, instead he asks): Why do you say that?Lin Bei Xing (whispers): Nothing. If you ever like someone in the future, don’t always chase her from behind. If you keep chasing him/her, it will be a burden. Just like me.
Zhang Wan Sen blinks and looks down. He can’t say anything (because he’s always been chasing after her!)Then the fireworks colour the sky. Just as Lin Bei Xing exclaims at the prettiness, Zhang Wan Sen is looking at her, the girl whom he finds more beautiful than any firework. He catches himself staring and quickly turns away, as if controlling himself from falling in love even more.Lin Bei Xing: Zhang Wan Sen! If there’s a chance for you to restart your life, will you take it?He doesn’t. I finally understand Zhang Wan Sen’s reactions leading up to that answer. He looked down at the Ferris wheel that he’s in. Then he looked outside at the fireworks. Finally he looked back at her and determinedly shook his head. T_T. For this precise moment (being in the Ferris wheel and watching the fireworks with her), he doesn’t regret any of his sacrifices. He would never restart his life. Everything for Lin Bei Xing is worth it.
[Regret] Every time Lin Bei Xing returns to the past, it’s one of Zhang Wan Sen’s regrets. The graduation photo is one of them. I will always love how Zhang Wan Sen looks at Lin Bei Xing during every picture. I just never knew how sad he was and how much he yearned to have a picture with her.
[Ep21] I really appreciate Show for letting Lin Bei Xing mirror Zhang Wan Sen’s action. It’s her turn to experience this heart-wrenching love. |
[Ep3] [Title] The title of the episode is “The Unshakeable Shadow of (My) Knight”. How funny is it that we all thought Lin Bei Xing could protect Zhang Wan Sen?
In Ep6, Lin Bei Xing had said this line when Zhang Wan Sen kept hanging out with Mai Zi: “I can protect you, but I can’t protect you for 24 hours a day.” But Zhang Wan Sen did!! He’d guard her at her home while she was sleeping.
[Ep4] When Zhang Wan Sen taught Lin Bei Xing the chemistry experiment, he instinctively protected her...
[Ep5] [Light] Zhang Wan Sen gives a speech for the school. His topic: “Cherish time*, Live up to youth.”
*He used 時光 (shiguang) to say time. 光 (guang) means ‘light’ – time in the form of light. It ties in beautifully with the metaphor that Zhang Wan Sen is Lin Bei Xing’s light. Lin Bei Xing ah, cherish time, cherish the light ~
This is also a message to us. These simple scenes of him being able to study with Lin Bei Xing are precious. In the original timeline, he could only watch from afar. This time he can do everything with her. Cherish these moments.
[Prime Numbers] Lin Bei Xing introduces a girl to Zhang Wan Sen. Her name is Li Shuang Shuang (雙雙), meaning “double double”. Just from the name alone, we know she is so wrong for our prime guy.
Lemme tell you why. Prime numbers are numbers that have only 2 factors: 1 and themselves. Zhang Wan Sen is 11. Lin Bei Xing is 1. Because she’s the North Star, and there’s only one North Star. Only Lin Bei Xing is right for Zhang Wan Sen. Guys, I think I just aced math.
[Ep6] [Star Cookie Cutter]
Scene 1: Zhang Wan Sen calls Lin Bei Xing by “Xing Xing” to aggravate Zhan Yu who then provokes Zhang Wan Sen that he knew Lin Bei Xing first. Zhang Wan Sen assertively fires back, “How do you know that you were first?”
That question – the resolute tone, the undaunted gaze, everything makes sense now. He may lack confidence in confessing his love, but his love is unshakable. He knew that he was first. He won’t relinquish that.
Scene 2: Lin Bei Xing recalls the time she was blind and fell in love with Zhan Yu in elementary school. (Blind indeed to not have noticed Zhang Wan Sen!) Zhang Wan Sen was particularly interested if it was because Zhan Yu was good at basketball.
For all these years, Zhang Wan Sen thought Lin Bei Xing fell in love with Zhan Yu because he was good at basketball!! He finally learns now that it wasn’t because of that at all. She thought Zhan Yu saved her. (It turns out where Zhang Wan Sen lost wasn’t being benched... he didn’t run fast enough from the school infirmary D:)
The way Zhang Wan Sen unconsciously looked down at his left shoulder at the mention of Zhan Yu saving her was a hint that it was Zhang Wan Sen all along. The star (heart-rate) engraving on his skin is as if his entire body – inside and out – is Lin Bei Xing’s.
Imagine that after 11 years, Zhang Wan Sen finally has Lin Bei Xing’s undivided attention on the basketball court. She cheered for him and only for him. Zhang Wan Sen never cared about winning against Zhan Yu. It was always about Lin Bei Xing and who she had eyes for and in this dimension, he finally got it. Just how happy was this guy?
11 Jersey (same as when he was a kid) |
Scene 3: Lin Bei Xing turns around to ask Zhang Wan Sen, “Did we know each other in the past?”
Notice Zhang Wan Sen is wearing #11. He was also wearing the same numbered jersey in elementary school when he wanted to introduce himself that he was the boy at the zoo. This episode, she’s finally popping the question! Lin Bei Xing ah, please remember! I understand why he doesn’t want to tell her, though. He yearns for Lin Bei Xing to remember him on her own. He wants her to find him.
[Prime Numbers] Did you by any chance notice the first time they met was 11 years ago? It was in 1999 at the zoo. “2010” is the year Lin Bei Xing remembered him. Will another 11 years be the magical number for them to meet again?
Ep7 |
Ep21 |
There’s another parallel between these two scenes: the focus on his star (heart-rate) scar. This episode (Ep7), she’s looking for her ‘star’. In Ep21, she found him, but she can’t find him. She’s leaving him to protect him. “Let this (star) protect you for me.” (The cycle of sacrifices is killing me.)
Lin Bei Xing looking at her world |
[Ep10] [Prime Numbers] 11 years ago, they met at the zoo; 11 years later, they had their first date at the zoo. 11 years ago, she protected him from bullies; 11 years later, he protected her from tigers. The one thing that stayed constant: Lin Bei Xing is still the one who supports Zhang Wan Sen’s dream. She’s the only factor who matters to him. Pun intended.
[Episode Title] Lin Bei Xing walking on clouds after she learns who her world is. I LOVED it when she kept turning around to check behind her.
[North Star & Big Dipper] With Big Dipper around, our North Star will never be lost.
Scene: Zhang Wan Sen tells Lin Bei Xing that although there’s no physical connection between the Big Dipper and the North Star, the former will always point to the latter. Lin Bei Xing asked what if the Big Dipper was covered by clouds. How can she find her own North Star then? Zhang Wan Sen joked that he will be her personal Big Dipper. (It’s not a joke.) With him around, she’ll never be lost. The next question is then what if Zhang Wan Sen isn’t around? T_T
Then the answer is he’s in her heart, shining brightly. Zhang Wan Sen gave her warmth and light, which has imprinted in her heart forever. (Quote from Ep16: “It’s him who allowed me to see this world more clearly. He’s like a ray of light that warms me.”)
[Ep15] [Light/house] The lighthouse was taken down but Zhang Wan Sen couldn’t escape his fate. There’s two things about this scene that I find meaningful. 1) I finally realized why of all the buildings possible, the drama chose the lighthouse. Zhang Wan Sen is Lin Bei Xing’s light, forever. It’s fitting that he fell from a lighthouse. 2) But at the same time, no matter what has changed (e.g. the collapse of the lighthouse), Zhang Wan Sen’s light will always be there for Lin Bei Xing. This will never change.
[Ep16] [Star and Light] The bookstore owner explains that physical stars can die, but “light” doesn’t. My heart dropped at this. It’s as if saying Zhang Wan Sen died and only the light he left behind lives on in Lin Bei Xing’s heart. I was so sad when the tutor turned around and it wasn’t Zhang Wan Sen. I was even sadder that the book was called “The Loneliness of Prime Numbers”. And as if I couldn’t be sadder, Show made her go to the planetarium to learn that real stars were dimmer than she thought. Everything was pointing to Zhang Wan Sen's lonely death.
The little bits of hope: The book that Lin Bei Xing found was borrowed by Zhang Wan Sen on May 20 (520 = I love you). And that no matter how slim the chance is (0.001%), Lin Bei Xing will continue to search for the source of her light. And also, Zhang Wan Sen isn’t simply Lin Bei Xing’s star, he’s her light. The light never dies.
[Ep17] [Parrot] Time and space isn’t a limiting factor for Zhang Wan Sen’s love. He may not physically be here but everything he left behind carries his overflowing love. Through the parrot, Lin Bei Xing can hear his confession! [Phone] Through the phone, Lin Bei Xing can read his real confession too. T_T. This is also the episode Lin Bei Xing replied to his confession. And officially, this has become the drama that breaks my heart with confessions ( ⁍᷄⌢̻⁍᷅ )
[Ep19] [The World is Behind You] In 1999, Lin Bei Xing entered in a speaking contest and so Zhang Wan Sen joined because of her. She was smart in class and so he studied to catch up to her (!!!!!). She scored 99 on the test, and he smiled that he scored 98. He was always chasing behind her. His biggest regret was that he never said, “Nice to meet you, Lin Bei Xing, I am Zhang Wan Sen.”
[Airplane/Diary] Another confession. I didn’t realize how many there were. I particularly like this line: “Even if the stars and rivers change, I still like you”
In a way, this line is a direct response to Ep16 when the bookstore owner said that stars will die. But Zhang Wan Sen’s love will not. His light will never dim. Zhang Wan Sen will stay constant in this ever-changing world.
[Tree/Forest] In the original timeline, Lin Bei Xing ditched Zhang Wan Sen’s harmonica band to be Zhan Yu’s tree. 只見樹木不見森林. Not only was she blinded by that one tree, she’s even being the tree! Omg. Look at the forest (森; Sen)!!
[Ep22] Lin Bei Xing took up the habit of writing a diary because of Zhang Wan Sen.
[Ep23] ’Tis the episode Zhang Wan Sen sacrifices for Lin Bei Xing AGAIN. They have one regret left to rewrite: experiencing the first snow together. Will he be alive for that or will it always remain as a regret?
1) “‘Top Students’ Crash Course’ Find us.” Is this Zhang Wan Sen’s advertisement for Lin Bei Xing to find him? :O2) “Win At The Starting Line” Zhang Wan Sen always regretted not running fast enough, but “Clearly, [he] was first,” right? Did he win? I think he did ):
[Ep24] ’Tis the episode without Zhang Wan Sen appearing at all...or is it? I think that even if it’s not him in the end, his imprint on Lin Bei Xing is sealed in her heart. His presence is omnipresent.
[OST ♫] Lin Bei Xing looked up to the vast sky and said, “Zhang Wan Sen, it’s snowing. Are you still doing well? I miss you. I really miss you.”
Lyrics ♪: If I could turn and see your eyes / I will wait / When it rains / My love,I miss you much
The scene: Suddenly it stopped snowing. But surely, it's still snowing. Lin Bei Xing looks up at the umbrella shielding her from the snow. Could it be Zhang Wan Sen? She turns around and finds a pair of eyes gazing into hers.
Who is he? Can he be Zhang Wan Sen? But who else can it be carrying that umbrella? Who else can it be other than Zhang Wan Sen, the umbrella of her life?
Is the cover photo a hint for the ending? Maybe Zhang Wan Sen did come back to see the first snow with Lin Bei Xing...but I gotta say this too: he’s wearing a different coat in the ending scene :(
There’s a silver lining, though! A movie is in the works!
Run faster Zhang Wan Sen! Catch up to Lin Bei Xing this time! Please watch the first snow together. 白頭偕老 :') |
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