December 3, 2021

Delicious Romance | Recap and Review

Delicious Romance
A trio of girls daring to eat and daring to love
Notable Actors/Actresses
Li Chun: Liu Jing
Zhang Han Yun: Fang Xin
Wang JuXia Meng 
Chinese Title
Love Is Very Delicious
Episodes: 20
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 4.25/5

Mini Recaps

L-R: Fang Xin, Liu Jing, Xia Meng
[Ep1] Our drama is about three girls. 

In School: 

Fang Xin is the pretty girl, the quiet one, the polite one. She’s born with the appearance that looks like the world doted on her, and is exactly the type of girl who boys love. Ever since young she was given an array of choices and perhaps because of that, she is prudent and cautionary with each decision. 

Liu Jing is the type who was invisible in class. She had good grades and peculiar hobbies. If there was a chance to show off her talents, she’d always retreat. You’d think she’s shy but she’s just waiting to passively show off her intelligence. 

Xia Meng is best described as Hermione from Harry Potter. The “me, me, me” girl in class. She’s a keener to the point that it’s overbearing. No one wants her as their teammate. She loves to order people so much that in the end she has no one to order around because she’s got no friends. 

Currently our girls are ~30yo. I think they’re 30/31, but Liu Jing’s mom would say to her friends that her daughter is still 29 because the year isn’t over even though her birthday already passed, ha

Xia Meng has found a man (since uni) who loves her assertiveness and her intelligence. He’s Wang Ji Chong. She rambles on about their work while having sex with him. Poor guy is working below but she’s not feeling it. He pants that he’s had enough and she’s like, “I’ll do you instead.” No. He has had enough. LOL. HAHAHA. And I mean, he’s really had enough of her. She’s his superior at work and won’t hesitate to single him out on his inadequacy during a meeting (and everyone knows they’re dating). He’s also a slacker so... They quarrel and it's caught on webcam. Now, the whole company knows she yelled at him to man up and he hollered back at her to be woman-like. Out of anger, he calls her fat too (for the record, she’s adopting all these weird diet ideas and he had told her he liked her body the way it is. Calling her fat was to annoy her and not that he meant it. At least that’s my interpretation)

Fang Xin is married. Her husband is Ma Zhen Yu. He is the perfect husband who buys his wife take out, which actually requires a lot of effort because of her laundry list of allergies. This perfect husband is also cheating on her with another girl in the same condominium and what worse way to find out then being informed by the COVID-19 squad that her husband had an intimate relationship with a positive patient. 

Liu Jing is single. Her parents are rushing her to marry (like all Chinese parents with a daughter her age). One afternoon, to avoid her mom’s nagging, she receives a random call on her dad’s phone to help a neighbour take care of his 10yo daughter who’s home alone. Jiang Wen Wen (the daughter) becomes her confidant. The little girl complains about parents: pre-18, they don’t permit their children to date; post-18, please get married. Like where is the time? The girls toast to their woes. LOL. Now that they’re closer, Jiang Wen Wen tries to introduce Liu Jing to her father. Liu Jing is like No, I don’t want to marry uncles. However, her father (Jiang Shan Mu) is anything but an “uncle”. They meet awkwardly. She thought he was some pervert and confronts him while he’s showering in his own home. Holding a mop to his neck, she interrogates him. They learn each other’s identity and their age. He’s 29 and she’s 30. She mutters that she’s actually older than him. Pft. Is that what matters right now? He’s still naked, and she briskly leaves. But he stops her (with only a blanket hugging his torsos). And so our episode ends in this cliffhanger: Liu Jing and Jiang Shan Mu kiss; Jiang Wen Wen catches them in the act.

I think this episode’s theme is sex or the prelude of it, or the sex that shouldn’t have happened, or the sex that never happened, lol. Whatever

[Ep2] That cliffhanger was a dream by Liu Jing. The kiss never happened, no matter how much she wished it did. 

Fang Xin has been isolated for two weeks and has another COVID-19 test. We get to see the swab enter deep into her nostril. Ah I never thought the physical pains of a cheating husband could be so deep in such a way. It gets worse. Fang Xin learns all the takeouts her husband has been ordering for her every day were prepared by his mistress. Retching. Ma Zhen Yu drops to his knees, begging for forgiveness this one “last" time. However, this time it’s different. This mistake was too grave. He cheated and spread COVID-19. How dare he. Fang Xin wants a divorce. She’s resolute. No more chances. Ma Zhen Yu looks devastated.  

Xia Meng is lectured by her parents for being so domineering. Is it her fault that she’s successful and better than Wang Ji Chong? Lol. I think it’s her attitude that’s aggravating the problem. Honestly, one person in the relationship has to be doing better than the other, right? Out of probability, how is it possible it’s always the guy? Meanwhile Wang Ji Chong’s parents are lecturing him for being petty. How is he going to find a girl like Xia Meng? In a condescending attitude, his father tells him that if he cares so much then stop slacking, but even his parents doubt he can ever surpass Xia Meng. Oof. Guy has it tough

The three girls are together. Xia Meng and Liu Jing are accompanying Fang Xin to the city hall to divorce Ma Zhen Yu. They’re late, but it’s okay, he got them the number and it’ll be them soon. He looks very eager to divorce her. 

Xia Meng: Oh, aren’t you considerate. You’re divorcing and you’re so eagerly prepared. LOL.
Safety Distance!
The girls sit down together but the security guard reminds them to keep their two metres distance. COVID-19! Ma Zhen Yu tries to spark a casual conversation with Fang Xin, but Xia Meng shoots him down with her sarcasm, lol. He’s mainly trying to get Fang Xin to fill in the divorce papers so the process is quicker. The girls slide down the chair towards Fang Xin to examine the papers. Cue security guard: “Safety distance!” Obediently, the girls return to their seat. Then Ma Zhen Yu gets a call. Fang Xin realizes the phone call is with the mistress in the lobby! Everything clicks. He is rushing the divorce because he’s got a marriage to follow up with the takeout lady! Talk about efficiency!! Fang Xin confronts Takeout Lady (Huang Meng Li) and we’ve got ourselves a crowd. The security guard is hard at work and reminds them of the safe 2m distance. LMAO. No one hears him, though. The husband explains that it’s just convenient. Puke. He tries to explain to Fang Xin but...

Fang Xin: Safety distance! 
More arguing (by Xia Meng)
Security Guard: Stop stop stop! You can argue here, but keep a safe distance! LOL. Golden.

Liu Jing calmly intercepts. She’s just curious about one thing. Fang Xin contracted COVID-19 from Ma Zhen Yu, and he got it from Huang Meng who did she get it from? Liu Jing advises Ma Zhen Yu to reconsider his current relationships. Our girls decide to adjourn. It’s too busy of a day to divorce. 

Fang Xin is back home trying to order food for herself. Her allergies are such a nuisance that restaurants rather not do her business. They don’t want to take responsibility for anything that happens to her delicate body, lol. Then there’s a knock on the door. A man is handing out flyers for his bakery. It’s closed because of the infection but take out is available. She says she’s allergic to X which means she can’t eat bread. He offers dessert. She’s also allergic to Y, which means she can’t eat dessert either. The guy looks defeated. She apologizes and rambles about her allergies and being denied by restaurants. She also apologizes for rambling. Later at night, he’s back with bread for her! Aw. He also wrote a detailed list of ingredients not included in the bread. 

Liu Jing is laid off. She doesn’t understand why it’s her. She has always performed well. HR explains that after considering the other colleagues who are married and have a family to support, she, who is single, can be sacrificed. Also in consideration of Liu Jing’s future, she may get pregnant which is a liability for the company. 

Liu Jing summarizes: I’m a girl, single, and old, so it’s only logical to sacrifice me, is that right? Society says yes.

She may be jobless, but there’s suddenly two men in her life. Sort of. There’s Song Chao, who mom is eager for her to meet. They’re childhood friends. Then there’s Jiang Shan Mu but she overhears his webcam conversation with a girl, “Stand back...turn’re too thin.” Liu Jing calls him a scum. 

Each of our girls are faced with a new chapter in their life. Even if they’re in their 30s, I can clearly see the child in them still. Liu Jing who’s proud of her own intelligence ends up losing her job and keeps it to herself. Fang Xin, who prudently makes her choices, chose the wrong man to marry. Xia Meng who’s headstrong and found a man who loves her for who she is but ends up losing the man because of her personality
BFF Moment
[Ep3] Prologue – School: 

Liu Jing is exceptional at finding fault in others from only one move or one word. Really, she just needs an excuse to hate someone. Shoot, I find this way too relatable xD.

Xia Meng would always want to win. It doesn’t matter what the prize is as long as she wins. However, sometimes losing suitably might be more rewarding than winning at all cost. 

Fang Xin is always the centre of attention. It’s a double-edged sword. She earns love from the boys and disdain from the girls. 

A track relay at school turned these three girls into friends for life. Xia Meng gave up winning to help the injured Fang Xin cross the finish line. Then Liu Jing, who always came off aloof and conceited, brought the first aid box to treat Fang Xin’s ankle. Fang Xin finally has some female friends. One simple scene and I am convinced these girls can be friends even with their polarizing personalities. In a sense, they’re very similar. Quite lonely and ostracized, I would say. 

Xia Meng’s voiceover: Sometimes we only see someone’s arrogance, unable to see that she’s desperately hiding her low self esteem. 

Fang Xin’s voiceover: Sometimes we only see someone's sweet appearance, but unable to see that deep within, she was already riddled with scars. 

Liu Jing’s voiceover: If our outwardly faults represent a type of darkness within our hearts, then whenever you find a merit from within that fault, then it’s like finding a strobe of light within the darkness. You can’t help it but walk towards this light. And that’s how our girls walked towards each other
Omg, the dish! It’s cow-shaped and the raw beef is organized by position :O
And how much meat is that? I may need 5 plates. Don’t judge.
But do I want to be reminded of the animal I’m eating? Questions with answers I’ll never get to confirm.
Our girls are having hotpot. Society isn’t very friendly to two of our girls. Fang Xin returned to work for the first time after five years since her marriage. The team leader casts her aside, doubting her skills. Liu Jing can’t find a job because she’s only done IT banking. It’s too specialized of a field that’s currently not hiring. She also can’t compete against new grads. Xia Meng has her problems too, but it's romantic and it’s related to Wang Ji Chong. She wants to buy a better house for their marriage but he’s anal about the budget. She can afford more and he can’t, but he wants equal contribution. This is a tough one, lol. I can see where the guy is coming from but for practicality, the girl’s decision makes more sense. Anyway, I really like that all girls have very real problems. The other two girls beg Xia Meng to control her attitude and give her guy a break. Xia Meng whines that she’s tired of compromising at work with her boss and her clients. At home, she doesn’t want to control herself at all. 

Liu Jing: For beef to taste better, we’re willing to control the heat. For a harmonious family, why not control your attitude? Ding ding ding! It’s for this line that we’re having hotpot 👏 Clever show. (Speaking of hotpot, I love how Xia Meng is openly disgusted when Fang Xin demurely spits out her food and yet they’re the best of friends, haha). 

Xia Meng doesn’t even have time to consider her friend's advice when she and Wang Ji Chong are summoned to the director’s office. The team thinks Wang Ji Chong received special privileges from Xia Meng to make his drama an S level which is undermining their work environment. One of them will have to leave the department. Wang Ji Chong assures there won’t be any more problems. They will break up. After work, she’s home, and Wang Ji Chong has finished packing his bags. He doesn’t want either of them to leave the department. His project has just set sail and she climbed her way up to her position. He doesn’t want either of them to give up their career. Xia Meng asks, "But does that mean we have to break up?" He replies with a question, “Is there another way?” No

Fang Xin is taking a taxi. The driver thinks she’s a prostitute after hearing that she’s in “public relations” . He keeps asking for “services” and not paying attention to the road. He slams the break and the pedestrian's trolley that’s full of ingredients tumble over. The arrogant driver wants the pedestrian to compensate. Fang Xin offers to call the police. The driver thinks she’s on his side but she’s reporting him for disobeying traffic and driving distracted. The driver points fingers at her and calls her a prostitute.  To calm the two down, the innocent pedestrian pays (a little bit) for the driver to leave. Fang Xin complains that he didn’t have to. Then she finds him familiar. He’s the bread guy! Zhang Ting. She continues to explain her point that he was scammed. The driver had a dash cam, recording his lawless driving. Fang Xin is trying to smarten him up but Zhang Ting had a reason to pay. The driver knew her address. If she pressed the matter too far, who knows what the driver would do to harass her. Aw! That’s wise. Surprised and grateful, she offers to pay him back. He doesn’t want it. Then she offers to at least pay for the bread. He accepts that (at a very low price). This way, they both add each other on WeChat ~  

Liu Jing is at her arranged date and reunites with Song Chao, the childhood friend that Mom wanted her to meet. Song Chao is busy taking the mic at a KTV. He gives a quick intro of her to his friend (Lao Gao) that her nickname is “Nail” because her head is big and her body is small. Way to go, man. He finally sits down next to her, but first he replies a message (looking like a busy lad). “Nonchalantly”, he squeezes in a compliment that she’s prettier. Then he snipes her with an insult that she used to have buck teeth. Liu Jing glares at him and tells him she had her teeth fixed. He replies that all girls say that when they’ve become prettier, as if hinting she had plastic surgery. Way to go, infant. Is it so hard to say “You look pretty” and leave it at that.  She changes the conversation to his work. He’s not working because (he’s rich and) he finds working a bore. He thinks she must be the same to which she replies that she’s fired. And the conversation hits another snag. He leaves to sing with Lao Gao. Well, Romeo has lost Juliet. Liu Jing sneaks out of the KTV. Later that night, he joins her live broadcast where she teaches cooking as a hobby. He apologizes for being rude at KTV and buys her a lavish race, multiple race cares (=$$). It was his first time having an arranged date and he types to her that he was really nervous. Aw...

The two girls who are newly single have a hard time adjusting. Ma Zhen Yu is rushing Fang Xin to find a new home. He wants the house and he wants her out. Fang Xin won’t back down. She wants to split the house given his nasty attitude (when she was willing to give up the house as long as she got her down payment. Fang Xin also has to learn to cook for herself. She’s never done it and it tastes horrible. She ends up eating the bread from Zhang Ting. As for Xia Meng, she can’t find her hairdryer and habitually calls out to Wang Ji Chong, but he’s no longer there. 

I really like that the girls are having hotpot. It’s a mix of all sorts of ingredients in one boiling pot, the perfect metaphor for our girls. They're a mix of personalities that youd think would never exist in one dish, but they’re deliciously harmonious in hotpot. 

[Ep4Our three girls attend a group blind date event (Liu Jing dragged them there because her mother signed her up). And it’s so embarrassing, lol. They sing children’s songs to break the ice. If you’re happy, then clap your hands! *Clap clap!* Yeah, our girls are grumpy. Liu Jing tells the girls to think of it as her treat for food. Xia Meng is derisive. Who would pay money to buy this sort of punishment. Lol! Fang Xin points over at another girl who’s reaping the benefits from this event. 

The girl (who’s 24yo): I’m not young anymore. I think it’s best for girls to be pregnant at 25 and have two children before 30. 

Xia Meng mocks at how they missed all those milestones. 

The event organizer separates our girls, pulling Xia Meng away, which evacuates the middle seat for this man. He asks Fang Xin if she’s Liu Jing. When she’s not Liu Jing, he ignores the real Liu Jing (lol) and asks Fang Xin more questions. Fang Xin smiles politely and tells him she’s 31 and currently in the middle of a divorce. LOL. The man very reluctantly turns to Liu Jing. The busy event organizer is back and lifts Fang Xin away from the potential (never-happening-)couple.

At the event, Fang Xin meets Zhang Ting who’s late. She jokes with him that he can consider her. He laughs at the joke, muttering that of course she’s just joking. When he’s gone, Fang Xin looks at his profile. He’s 29yo. His ideal partner is someone he can eat with, and someone he can talk with on a walk. Ah, so simple ~ Fang Xin laughs and takes a selfie with his profile pic. 

Xia Meng is eating elsewhere. She overhears a conversation with another girl (Li Juan) and this man. He’s 35 and she’s 34. There’s disappointment when he hears her age. So triggered. I hate how this is the way society works. A guy at 35 is not equal to a girl at 35!!! For pete’s sake, she’s one year younger. AHHH. She’s elusive about her career until the guy figures out she’s a CEO in this fledgling investment company! The guy practically runs away. Then he comes back. He apologizes. He’s her big fang. Then he gives her his card in case she’s ever looking to hire someone!! LMAO. Omg, and so sad!!!! 

The event is over. Thank god. The guys are to give roses to the girl they like. Fang Xin receives enough to make a bouquet. However, the guy she’s curious about (Zhang Ting) gives it to Ms. I-Want-To-Be-Pregnant-At-25, who received quite a few roses too. 

Xia Meng has a crush on Lu Bin, her buff fitness instructor. She pretends to be meek in front of him but she's easily working that overhead press (for her BMI). He reveals he likes women with a bit more meat to them. He assures Xia Meng, who’s self conscious about her weight, that everyone has different body types and preferences. Everything he says is music to her ears. He asks her about her career to which she lies that she’s a waiter (still pretending to be meek). He says he knows that restaurant so now she has to lie that she quit that too and she’s currently unemployed due to work shortage. He takes pity on her and gives her free lessons. 

Fang Xin meets with her lawyer. She discloses how she has proof that her husband cheated. “The lawyer" sympathizes with her until we find out he’s not a lawyer. She was speaking with another client looking for a divorce too. He’s Mr. Huang. He tried to tell her sooner but she wouldn’t let him speak and then he was engrossed with her story. This episode, Fang Xin also reunites with an ex-colleague who is now their office’s client. He’s Zhao Qi who is (annoyingly) interested in Fang Xin and is asking for a chance to date while wearing a wedding ring. !!!!

Liu Jing is still job searching. She calls for an update. The guy on the phone is like At your age, you should be married already and will probably be busy with house chores. Liu Jing flatly replies that she’s not married. The guy is now like Not married? Then you won’t even have time to date at our office, and then if you do get married or pregnant, it’ll be hard to accommodate for mat leave

Liu Jing intercepts: Basically, you’re not hiring girls, are you? 
The guy laughs: I never said that. 
Liu Jing: Isn’t that what you mean?
The guy: *Dood dood dood* (He hung up)

Liu Jing realizes she misunderstood Jiang Shan Mu’s occupation. He’s an assistant director, and actresses are always asking to act in his dramas. She apologizes for giving him the cold shoulder. He smiles and casually calls her “jie”, pulling their relationships closer. They look like a happy family as she cooks for them. He also gives her advice about her career.

Jiang Shan Mu: Don’t be afraid of setbacks. Sometimes setbacks are turns for the better. 

Liu Jing is engrossed in listening to him. Jiang Wen Wen notices she’s got a weird expression on her face while staring at her father. It’s love

This episode is about insecurities. 
  • Every time Liu Jing attends a(n unsuccessful) blind date, she will develop side effects: self doubt. I think that applies to all girls (and guys). Then as she’s job seeking, she’s constantly discriminated because of her gender. Being Liu Jing right now kind of sucks. Gotta marry because she’s a girl; can’t find a job because she’s a girl. 
  • Fang Xin, who has the love of so many boys, is habitually harassed by men. And it’s normalized for her just because she’s pretty. 
  • Xia Meng is insecure about her body. She’s also insecure about outperforming men. We get an extreme case this episode: Li Juan (34yo CEO) who has to downplay her specs to attract a guy. Ugh.
[Ep5] Prologue (in school):  

Whenever Xia Meng does well, she will reward herself with sweets. Whenever she has a setback, she will motivate herself with, you guessed it, sweets. That is, until she realizes sweets only bring her momentary false happiness that comes with heavy, heavy baggage. From then on, she controlled herself and quit sugary delights. No, she didn’t

Fang Xin doesn’t have many chances to savour dessert because of her allergies. For her, whenever she eats desserts, it’s the meaning behind it that she cherishes. For example, she loves her birthday cake because it brings her family together. However, on her birthday, her parents tell her they’re divorcing. From then on Fang Xin never associates sweetness in food with sweetness in life. There is no correlation. 

Liu Jing doesn’t have a sweet tooth but she’s always curious when the treats look pretty. For example, there’s this pretty chocolate strawberry mochi but once she takes a bite, she spits it out. The strawberry without the mochi tastes better. LOL. Mom is upset she’s severing the dessert. Liu Jing whines the skin is too dry and the cream is too fat. Mom complains she should have just bought strawberries instead. Then Liu Jin sulks that she doesn’t like strawberries either. Actually, Liu Jing isn’t sure what she loves or wants. She’s always attracted by appearances but the content always disappoints her. Oh, is that supposed to refer to Zhang Shan Mu? 

All of these girls are so relatable! 

Xia Meng is a producer and her job is to assess dramas. She’s so pissed off at all the trashy romcoms with 傻白甜 (silly-fair-sweet) as FLs and stupid vixens as 2FLs. The other producers ensure that the episode gets better. It gets worse, hahaha. We move onto a scene with the FL crying in the bathroom because her colleagues are gossiping about her. Xia Meng is exasperated. Why must there always be a bathroom scene? Show is so meta, lol. Fang Xin had a bathroom scene like this in the previous episode, but at least she didn’t cry in the stall. Xia Meng is told to not care about the tropes too much. The selling point is the addicting romance. LOL. The clip continues. The FL trips. 

Xia Meng: Aiyo. She can trip on flat ground too. LOL. This sounds so familiar

The coworkers promise the highlight is here: the real ML stands up for the FL. He says his “swoony” line and then the camera pans to the floor where he belatedly finds the FL scattered on the ground. LMAO. This is too funny

Xia Meng: Is the ML blind? The girl was on the floor the whole time. 

The film continues. The FL is asking for water (???). Xia Meng scratches her temple. Can this get worse? The ML tries to feed her but then realizes she can’t swallow so he mouth-feeds her. By the way, this is a modern drama!. The producers squeal at the kiss and ask for Xia Meng’s opinion. 

Xia Meng: I think that was disgusting for my heart. 

Xia Meng lectures the team. What is the FL’s merit? To meet a better CEO to win over her old CEO? How is that her strength? Xia Meng complains that sweet dramas may be popular but must every drama be so sweet? Writers aren’t writing good stories; actors aren’t acting well; all everyone does is pile on the sugar. The team whispers that Xia Meng just broke up with Wang Ji Chong and they should have pushed for revenge dramas, pft

Xia Meng shares her woes with the girls over dessert. Why don’t we have female CEOs romancing their male secretaries? She simulates with Fang Xin, “Little fella, I like you. Follow me and you won’t have to work for the rest of your life.” Fang Xin is not liking the lines especially when Xia Meng is sounding slimy, but Xiao Meng continues. “Shh. Kiss me.” LOL. Liu Jing is the practical one: the audience doesn’t like that stuff. Imagine if she said it to Wang Ji Chong and what his reaction would be. Xia Meng questions if all girls like it when a guy says that to them. Fang Xin eagerly nods. 

Please notice their eating habits! Fang Xin is obviously picking away all the food she can’t eat. Liu Jing is dissecting her food, lol, looking for the edible parts suitable to her taste buds. Xia Meng didn’t order cake, but she’ll steal from Fang Xin’s plate. She ordered herself a chicken sandwich.

Liu Jing’s mother has stitched up a grand romantic story for Liu Jing in front of her friends to show off. According to Mom, Liu Jing has dated CEOs after CEOs. LOL. CEO is the theme. Mom should write scripts. One of Mom’s friends arrives late and curiously asks how Liu Jing was for the past year (it’s the first time everyone has met up since COVID-19). Mom’s mouth dries up. How will she repeat the outrageous story that she doesn’t even remember? Liu Jing who has just learned of her history begins to narrate. 

Liu Jing: I betcha didn't know (Cause Liu Jing doesn’t know either, hahahaha) but this year was so colourful! I first dated a man from abroad and so I went with him to America to work for a few months. Then for some reason I went to France – Mom nods sheepishly – and I didn’t even buy a bag for myself!! But I was in love, who has time for bags! Then I dated 3-4 guys but none of them worked out. Then I met a CEO! Oh wait Mom, what was his name again? Oh right, Xiao Liu, but there was an age gap between us so we split. Then I went to Australia and reunited with Song Chao. He’s tall and handsome. His family has money and his character is good. I swear there was an emphasis on the “money” part, haha. After that we returned together and if all goes well we should be getting married. *Breathes*

Liu Jing collapses from the storytelling. Mom gives the final ending: “Although Liu Jing has dated around, she’s still a virgin!!” Ahaha. When they’re alone, Mom apologizes to Liu Jing for fabricating her story but Mom says she's bored at home and whenever she talks to her friends they always ask about Liu Jing. Mom felt helpless too but Liu Jing is like If you’re going to lie, could you try to lie modestly? Aw, Mom is kind of cute. Liu Jing tells her she’s going to update her friends a few days later that she broke up with Song Chao. Mom looks so disappointed and reveals it was Song Chao who wanted to meet Liu Jing. He likes her. Liu Jing is in disbelief. He wouldn’t even look at her the last time they met. Aw! He was too shy to look at her!! 

Xia Meng is back at her gym. Lu Bin is lectured by his manager for giving her free lessons. Xia Meng says she can pay because she found a new job. She’s in food delivery. We’ve got ourselves the real habitual liar. The manager feels bad for her because food delivery is hard these days. He offers another part time to help out, which is handing out flyers. Xia Meng just got herself a real new part-time job. Lol. The price to pay for lying ain’t cheap.

Fang Xin is (limitedly) in charge of a project. She needs a champagne flavoured cake. It’s rare because champagne is too alkaline (or too bubbly, I’m not sure). Her last resort is Zhang Ting. He tells her he’s never heard of it either. She sighs, thinking it’s another rejection, but he’s putting on his apron! What a sweet guy. Perfect that he’s her dessert guy! :D They try one recipe after another but the cake is either exploding in the oven or just tasting plain awful. 
Liu Jing has another date with Song Chao. They’re having really good cake (nothing that explodes in the oven, cough). This date is for Liu Jing to apologize for the other date and also to grab pictures of Song Chao for Mom to complete the lie, lol. He digs in at the dessert but Liu Jing stops him. How could he ruin such cute little cakes? He’s like Uh..should I order another one so you can take this home, lol. She wanted a picture of her salted egg yolk cheesecake (and the cake does look pretty in a classy, simple way, and am I weird for thinking that sounds good?). He explains there’s also this special honey on top (to look like oil on the egg! Clever.). She’s a little disgusted at the fusion though and so he gives her the plain looking one instead. Still, she thinks it tastes mediocre. So picky! She also tells him to stop buying her presents on her livestream. The company takes 60% of it why not just give her the money directly. He grabs his phone ready to transfer. But she’s just kidding. She takes this moment to apologize. He’s sorry too – he must have been annoying. He doesn’t know how to control his mouth sometimes and he just blurts things out. She tells him to think before he talks (easier said than done). He’ll try right now but he ends up not talking (lol) + some awkward glances here and there. He gets a message from Mom Liu for that selfie. He wants to tell her but after a second thought he stops himself. 

Liu Jing smiles: See. You were quiet for a minute and I already think you’re much better. Is this a compliment? xD
Song Chao: Really? Hey, if I didn’t study overseas, then do you think we’d have kids by now?? 
Liu Jing’s smile flattens
Song Chao quickly tucks his chin: Sorry. I better shut up. 
Liu Jing smiles with her eyes crinkling tooShe’s meeting a lot of good guys!! Who to choose

Fang Xin wakes up at the bakery after staying over. The cake is all done! The door chime rings and she thought it was Zhang Ting but it’s his girlfriend. It’s Ms. I-Want-To-Be-Pregnant-At-25 from the blind date event! Zhang Ting returns with two cups of coffee. He offers it to the girls but gf doesn’t want it. Fang Xin feels awkward but Zhang Ting doesn’t sense anything. He’s just engrossed in explaining the cake to Fang Xin and ignoring his gf. The champagne cake was successful because he didn’t put champagne in the batter. He used it in the icing/cream. The cake is so good, Fang Xin takes one bite after another. Ms. I-Want-To-Be-Pregnant-At-25 makes her presence known by massaging Zhang Ting’s shoulders. Fang Xin retreats to the washroom. She can hear the couple argue. Ms....omg name so long asks Zhang Ting if he’s cheating and if Fang Xin is prettier. He half-heartedly replies no but he doesn’t deny that Fang Xin is pretty, which just agitates Ms.24yo. 

Zhang Ting: Like you said, she’s so pretty, you think she’d like me? Ou. Bad answer, boyfriend. But good answer for Fang Xin!

Did Fang Xin understand? 

Our episode is so meta, I love it. It’s a drama within a drama. Xia Meng is watching CEO dramas and Liu Jing’s mother is creating CEO dramas, meanwhile Fang Xin is actually involved in dramas (with the dessert guy’s vixen-like gf and avoiding the CEO-like client).

Our food theme this episode: dessert. 
  • Xia Meng is fed artificial sweeteners in dramas. It’s disgusting (for her; I’m still immune! Ha!). Will that be an indication of her artificial romance with Lu Bin that’s based on lies? 
  • Fang Xin’s dessert guy might just be the direct correlation for Fang Xin to associate sweetness in food to sweetness in life <3
  • Liu Jing seems to always fall in love with the appearance but hates the content. Always unimpressed (for the sake of being unimpressed, lol). I can’t tell who she will choose and who’s the one that tastes better. 

[Ep6Fang Xin presents her champagne cake during the meeting. Her pitch is this: a good portion of their guests are influencers and to attract their attention, they'll need to pay attention to the small details such as the dessert they serve with the champagne they're marketing. What's-this-douche's-name, ah right, Zhao Qi approves. He eats the cake with his slimy mouth and pukes some words: "This cake looks like it's made by Fang Xin, indeed. Exquisite, stylish, detailed. Mmm~” EwOh and Fang Xin is allergic to the cake but she ate it anyway. She must really like it

The girls are having dessert. Xia Meng reveals she lied to Lu Bin yet again. This time she told him she lives in this rundown apartment. Meanwhile Liu Jing receives a call from Jiang Wen Wen. She’s a fan of this celebrity who’s filming her father’s drama. She wants to go but Dad is busy and so Liu Jing promises to take her. The girls are awed at how handsome this Dad must be for Liu Jing to volunteer herself as nanny. Liu Jing admits the Dad is a bit handsome but not very dependable. “History has repeated itself.” Apparently, Liu Jing always has this habit: she’d compliment the guy for his appearance but after a while she’ll complain about them and realize the guy isn’t that good looking. Xia Meng and Fang Xin wonder how Liu Jing dated her ex for so long. She honestly answers that they were compatible in that. The girls turn shy but Liu Jing isn’t. “I just want to fall in love! It’s not like I’m lying about it.” A perfect shot at Xia Meng, hahaha

Liu Jing is on set for Jiang Shan Mu’s filming. She’s very curious about everything. The FL calls cut on herself because she can’t get into the mood (she’s supposed to cry for her ML who’s dying). Jiang Shan Mu walks over to guide her. She doesn’t understand her character's sadness because the dialogues clearly say they’ll meet again in their next life. So what’s there to be sad about? LMAO. Don’t attack my xianxia dramas!! xD. Jiang Shan Mu changes her perspective. He asks about her dog, which she loves. Well, imagine if that dog is the ML. She cries for the dog. LOL. Dog > Men. Always xD. The cameras are rolling, but then Liu Jing snaps a picture with flash! (Later we learn that Liu Jing wasn’t taking a picture of the actress, but of Jiang Shan Mu hard at work. Aw!! What a sweet reveal)

Fang Xin visits Zhang Ting’s bakery. She thanks him for his help and asks very awkwardly if he explained to his girlfriend nothing happened that night. He assures her it’s nothing. He invites her inside to chat but she says it’s better for her to go. She’s trying to draw a line (though I don’t think she really wants to). He lingers at her leaving and almost trips over. 

While Xia Meng is running around lying to Lu Bin, Wang Ji Chong has OT. He’s using the iPad that Xia Meng gave him for his birthday and complains about her pictures popping up (awesomeness of iCloud). He finds her birthday video message. He doesn’t want to delete her pictures/videos anymore. Oh, this boy still has a chance! Or not? → The next day at work, Xia Meng, who’s having another meeting on which dramas to approve, and it’s another romance. The team is dreading her reaction but she swivels around and approves of the sweetness. LOL. Confirmed. We get crappy dramas because of the producers’ mood swings. 

Maybe it’s a sign that our girls will ultimately choose guys who are hard at work – the “desserts’ that don't just look good, but are good.  
  • [Fang Xin] Zhang Ting is a diligent patissier unlike what’s-this-douche’s-name
  • [Xia Meng] Wang Ji Chong is OT-ing. He’s no longer a slacker but Lu Bin is a hard worker too. Hm. 
  • [Liu Jing] Jiang Shan Mu is more responsible than he looks and Liu Jing couldn’t help but capture that moment. (Aw, what about Song Chao!)
[Ep7] Prologue (School): 

Xia Meng is the type who will always advertise what she thinks is good as if she wants to influence everyone to love it with her. There was a time she really loved durian. 

Fang Xin is the type who is easy to influence. As long as someone says it’s good then she will try. Commercialist loves buyers like her and Xia Meng has convinced her to join the durian gang. 

Liu Jing is a natural dismisser of the naturalness of the world. Whatever you say, she won’t believe it unless she sees it, hears it, and it’s best she "whams her head against the south walls” then she’ll have her own opinion and once she has one, she will defend it with her life. The actual saying is 不撞南墙不回头 = “I won’t look back unless I hit the south walls – the epitome of stubbornness. Liu Jing is just plain stubborn and prefers not making a choice until she has to.

Liu Jing refuses the durian with her life and takes Fang Xin for some stinky tofu instead. The girls try it. Their condiment choices is another lengthy topic, lol. I can generally summarize it like so: Fang Xing wants none (allergic), Xia Meng wants all, and Liu Jing only wants some. Xia Meng is back at it in promoting her condiment combo (which is mostly everything). Fang Xin is tempted by Xia Meng. Liu Jing is unreceptive. She only wants one kind (cilantro). She tells Fang Xin that it’s aromatic and improves taste, and it’s good for her health too.
When Fang Xin grew up and was studying marketing, she realized Xia Meng, who’s always in your ear promoting this and that is like a mass commercial. Liu Jing will speak from a spectator perspective in that the things she likes are not only excellent but also in fine taste. In marketing this is PR. Marketing analogy on top of food analogy! Everyone’s careers are tied in now. Brilliant

Mixed voice-overs: No matter how much we influence each other, there are habits that are hard to change. This might just be the 蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛 (= to each their own; lit: radishes or cabbage, each have their fans). In “taste” there is no right or wrong. 

The girls gather at Fang Xin’s marketing event. She's lacking audience members to fill up her venue. She asks her friends to call their friends. Xia Meng says she has no time for friends and they’re all here (the three of them). Aw and lol. Fang Xin bugs Liu Jing to invite her assistant director “friend” and Song Chao. It turns out Jiang Shan Mu hasn’t replied to any of her messages! However Song Chao gives her millisecond replies and invites her to an event which happens to be the one Fang Xin is hosting. Liu Jing was still in the middle of typing her one line and he had already sent her five messages. Lol

And so everyone is at the event (hosted at a bar). 

Xia Meng pretends to be a waiter to fool Lu Bin. She grabbed a random waiter’s name which says Rocky, and so she is now Rocky, lol. She becomes jealous of Fang Xin who Lu Bin and his friends keep talking to. The boys just want to know more about Xia Meng. 

Liu Jing is sad. Song Chao notices. She confides in him that there’s someone who isn’t replying her. Song Chao passes the problem to Lao Gao because he’s an expert when it comes to relationships. Liu Jin gives more details that it’s a man who’s not replying her. Aw, Song Chao looks sad now, but dude, how could you not know she was talking about a man?  Lao Gao is truly an expert. Now I know why he’s called Lao Gao (老高) because 高 is for 高手 (expert). He says he uses this tactic all the time. As a jerk, he can think of a counter plan, lol. To confirm if the man likes her back, then she’s got to make him feel in danger of losing her. “You give yourself to him, but he doesn’t care. There must be a rival, and then he’ll want you.” Liu Jing asks if all men are such jerks. Song Chao denies that. He’s a sincere guy. The woman he loves, he doesn’t want anyone to fight with him. Song Chao rambles on how his advice got him in trouble last time at KTV. It was Lao Gao who taught him to be aloof. Lol! 

Lao Gao helps Liu Jing make the man jealous. He takes Liu Jing’s phone to snap a picture of her and Song Chao. Then he posts it to attract the man’s attention. The man likes the photo but that’s it. As for Song Chao, he asks for the picture, lol. They didn’t get the reply they wanted but Jiang Shan Mu finally appears. Lao Gao says their tactic worked and offers even more schemes. It’ll require Liu Jing to act a bit. Liu Jing tells him to quit it. Jiang Shang Mu is an assistant director. He’ll see through her. 

Lao Gao: Nowadays, how many actors truly know how to act? The burn
Xia Meng (the PD exec): That’s true. Female idols are starting to act now too.  Savage, lol. She (the actress, Wang Ju) was in Produce 101 and she sings.

Liu Jing is convinced. She follows Lao Gao’s every instruction like whispering by Song Chao’s ears and hitting him on the chest, but Liu Jing smacks the guy. Lao Gao was asking for the playful and light hits. Does she want to murder him? Pft. Liu Jing readjusts and it looks like she’s giving him a massage, haha. But it works! Jiang Shan Mu is anxious enough that he walks over to their table. Xia Meng and Lao Gao evacuate the area. Song Chao wants to leave too, but Lao Gao, our expert, makes him stay. And now our table has three people in this seating arrangement: Song Chao, Liu Jing, and Song Chao. It’s awkward and Jiang Shang Mu offers to toast. Each of the boys give her a glass. Whose does Liu Jing pick? She takes one glass and pour it into another glass. Then they agree to play a game of Truth Minus the Dare. Anyone who lies will stay single forever. 

Song Chao: Since you’re an assistant director (fudao), have you ever done any “hidden deals” (vague term; includes using his powers to coerce actresses for sexual favours would be the go to example)
Jiang Shan Mu: I’ve never done it. Not in the past, not in the present, and – stares at Liu Jing – never in the future. 
Song Chao: Ah, you’re just an assistant director and must not have enough power, right? 

It’s Jiang Shan Mu’s turn

Jiang Shan Mu: So I hear you’re a 富二代 (fuerdai; children who are rich because of their parents), how long is it until you switch up your girlfriend? All these stereotypes, lol. And both their titles are “fu” xD
Song Chao: I’ve never dated. 
Liu Jing is surprised. 
Jiang Shan Mu: So you’ve only 約炮 yuepao (slang for one night stands)   
Song Chao: W-what. I never – 
Jiang Shan Mu: It’s okay, I get it – whispers loudly to Liu Jing – he’s still a virgin. 

Jiang Shang Mu smirks. It’s K.O. Liu Jing wants to change the game. The boys in concert: “Why!” They’re in the middle of a competition (for her) and neither want to lose. 

Fang Xin and Xia Meng are in the washroom. They spot a drunk girl on the bench. A guy makes a move on her. Fang Xin wants to help but Xia Meng says the girl is baiting guys. Fang Xin finds her familiar and realizes she’s Zhang Ting’s girlfriend (Ms. 24yo). Xia Meng smirks and pretends to snap a selfie with Fang Xin to take a picture of Ms. 24yo. 

Xia Meng’s ending voiceover: The show has just started.

This was the episode that I knew I had to recap and went back to rewatch all the episodes xD. 

The theme: “In taste there is no right or wrong.” You do you. Maybe that’s why we’re in a gay club. I saw some Douban comments about it. I did not notice. And the girls stick to their personality. Them being them. 
  • Fang Xin: There was a segment where her friends were asking about Zhang Ting and saying how he looks like a good guy. Fang Xin had to beg them to not influence her. She knows she’s too easily influenced. 
  • Xia Meng: She knows she likes Lu Bin and hates it that he seems interested in Fang Xin (when he was interested in her). It’s written all over her face. 
  • Liu Jing: She really hates choices! She likes Jiang Shan Mu but when both boys give her wine, she didn’t pick his but chose to drink both. 
[Ep8] Lao Gao, our expert, analyzes Ms. 24yo. She’s faking drunk to attract men. Once they’re baited, she checks their watch for the time but actually she’s checking its cost. How expensive your watch is, is how rich you are. How cheap your watch is, is how cheap you are. Pft. Xia Meng wants Fang Xin to send the picture to Zhang Ting but she worries if they’re accusing her. What if she’s really drunk? Lao Gao proves it to them by dragging Song Chao (the man with the best watch). 

Song Chao: Miss, are you okay? 
Ms. 24yo: Excuse me, what time is it? Can I look at your watch? Oh wow this watch looks so complicated. How do I tell what time it is?
Song Chao: Our phones. Who looks at watches now? LOL. Who's wearing the watch? 
Ms. 24yo flirts and tilts her shoulders here and there: You’re so funny. Oh, this is funny. LOL.
Song Chao escapes that woman. 

Xia Meng helps Fang Xin hit that send button. Zhang Ting replies in a millisecond. He must be holding his phone or something. Another guy who replies in a millisecond. He so likes her. Fang Xin explains in text that his gf is drunk and he should probably pick her up. 

Jiang Shan Mu (the guy who didn't reply in a millisecond) says he read Liu Jing's texts and wanted to explain but before he can explain, Song Chao trips from nowhere and falls over Jiang Shan Mu and perfectly squeezes right between them. They continue their Truth game. Liu Jing wants to play too. Song Chao asks if she’s stuck on an island, who would she choose to live with. Now Liu Jing doesn’t want to play anymore. Her dilemma of choosing, lol. But if she likes Jiang Shan Mu, isn't the answer obvious? The boys want to know her answer, though and remind her of the consequence: single forever. Liu Jing answers on a whim that she won’t choose Song Chao because he’s too loud and she won’t choose Jiang Shan Mu because he’s such a scum. Liu Jing concludes: “I’ll just be single forever then!” Since she didn’t choose either. Lol. The boys can’t allow that. Song Chao revises the condition that he is mute and Jiang Shan Mu isn’t a scum. Automatically, Jiang Shan Mu has to admit that he is a scum, hahaha. Liu Jing fires back that this is a second question. It doesn’t count. It’s her turn to ask but she doesn’t know what to ask. Song Chao asks for her. It’s a question for Jiang Shan Mu. “Do you have a girl you like?” He does. “Is she currently here?” She is. “Is she pretty?” Very pretty. “Who is she?” Jiang Shan Mu hesitates and looks at Liu Jing. However, Actress Jia Wen Yi guides him away. Then Song Chao starts to cry!!!!!!! He’s trying to hold it back but his eyes are dewy. D: OMG. Boy, come here!! He says he’s not feeling well and leaves for the washroom. He tries to regain his smile in the mirror. I am now team Song Chao!

Song Chao is making his way back to Liu Jing but he’s stopped by Ms. 24yo who’s hitting on him – boy doesn’t even know it until she spells it out. This leads to a brawl on the dance floor!! How it all happened (and omg, so complicated so juicy!):
  • Ms. 24yo takes Song Chao to the dance floor and clings onto him. 
  • Zhang Ting (bf) is on the way. He stalls at the taxi to protect a drunk girl from being taken away by a lewd man. I like this detail. Not necessary, but adds character development in like <1 min. He’s also on his phone, trying to contact his gf who’s busy dancing and ignoring his calls. 
  • Jiang Shan Mu was about to confess but Liu Jing is distracted by Song Chao who’s (unwillingly) tangled to Ms. 24yo
  • Fang Xin tries to untangle Ms. 24yo from Song Chao (because she doesn’t want Zhang Ting to see this) 
  • Song Chao manages to untangle himself with a bit of requisite force which sends both ladies off balance 
  • Zhang Ting thinks Song Chao hit the girls and so he throws punches at Song Chao. Ah, the calm guy in the taxi. Where’d he go? Is it because he saw Fang Xin being knocked down?  
  • Actress Jia Wen Yi’s speech is upstaged but she finishes with this line: “What an unforgettable night. Let us toast!” Cheers!
Ms. 24yo explains to Zhang Ting that she's drunk (but not drunk enough to explain she doesn’t know what happened!). Song Chao is like wtf. Zhang Ting is like Didn’t you say you were sleeping at home? Then Ms. 24yo accuses Fang Xin of ruining her relationship. Zhang Ting calms her down. Ms. 24yo yells at him to break up and walks away. Zhang Ting approaches Fang Xin, who takes a step back, afraid. He apologizes to Fang Xin instead of chasing his upset girlfriend

Lu Bin sends Xia Meng home. He reveals the truth that he was asking Fang Xin to learn more about Xia Meng. She doesn’t need him to apologize. It’s her problem – her self esteem. Xia Meng summons courage to tell him the truth but he asks her first, “If I kiss you now, would it be weird?” No. Kiss. He says he loved her the first day she worked out at his gym. She’s like Really? He’s like Yeah, I hate it when people lie so I won’t lieLOL. Whoops, the mood is ruined. When he leaves, he calls her Rocky because that way they sound closer. LOL

Liu Jing is treating Song Chao’s injuries (I think Lao Gao was being rough on purpose for his chance) while Fang Xin offers to treat Song Chao some food because she's partly at fault. They decide on pig brains. Liu Jing doesn’t like pig brains and refuses to go. 

Fang Xin, Song Chao, and Lao Gao are enjoying some brains. Song Chao and Fang Xin sigh together. She’s stressing about work (the event didn’t go well) and he’s stressing about Liu Jing. If he didn’t attend the event and met Jiang Shan Mu, he would have at least thought he had a chance. Lao Gao and Fang Xin turn silent on cue. LOL. They think he never had a chance. Aw! Am I on the wrong ship?

Song Chao casually asks: Am I really annoying?
Lao Gao: Mm! 

But Song Chao might actually have a chance! Liu Jing is back. She’s worried about his injuries and brought first aid for him. They tell her to try some brains and so she takes an unwilling bite. She’s looking like she loves it, but she spits it out. Still nasty. Fang Xin expected that reaction. (Fang Xin’s comment makes a lot of sense if you remember Ep7 prologue)

Cliffhanger: Fang Xin learns Zhang Ting has a criminal record for physical assault. :O

[Ep9] School Prologue:

Xia Meng is the type to do anything (不擇手段) to achieve her goal. Actually, 不擇手段 is too harsh of a description (it means to pull any tricks and sabotage her opponents if she needs to). To satisfy the itty bitty greed in her heart, occasionally, she will tell little white lies. 

Liu Jing is the type to research anything before she makes a decision. She’s always balancing her objectivity and logical reasoning. However, when she meets the boy she loves, all logic will be thrown out the window. 

Fan Xing is the type who really cares about her reputation (because people are always looking at her). She doesn’t want to ruin her image, for example, she’ll never do a #2 in school, but if she has to choose to lie or to embarrass herself, she embarrasses herself. She couldn’t lie to the teacher and admitted she had to poop in front of the entire class. Aw! So cute!! 
The three girls are at a low glycemic index (GI) themed restaurant. Liu Jing and Fang Xin are served 'Lowering GI Chicken with Rice' (= skinless chicken breast) and Xiao Meng ordered hamburger which is served with lettuce as buns. LOL. Hm. Would I want to pay to eat this? But if you’re going to stuff four patties in there...I dunno. Fang Xin is confused about GI. Liu Jing digs out her phone to search it up (and starts reading up about GL too, lol, which stands for glycemic load). Xia Meng gives a simple explanation that low GI food leads to less weight gain. Essentially low GI means low carb. GI is more of a measure for blood glucose and I would say indirectly for weight loss. The girls find the food tasteless as expected, like what do you want? Good body or good food? :D 

Xia Meng still has her gym part-time job (!!) where she’s gotta secure three new memberships each month. Liu Jing and Fang Xin are out of referrals and so Xia Meng has to pick and choose among her employees that look like they would never step foot in a gym, lol. She’s paying for their membership too, haha. What an expensive lie! 

Liu Jing and Jiang Wen Wen are eating ice cream together. Wen Wen shares that her dad is gloomy all the time. He must love someone, but it’s okay, he’ll move on quickly because he always attracts girls. Wen Wen advises Liu Jing to not fall for her dad. The girls who fall for him are like divas; they overact all the time. “They must be sick." This is her punch line, lolSong Chao is in the neighbourhood and joins them for dessert. She realizes he’s online ID is 超(Chao)好看 (which means super good looking), “And here I thought how good looking can he be.” Pft. Song Chao is defeated (by father and daughter, oof) but he helps Liu Jing find her career path. She doesn’t know what she likes. 

Song Chao: You really don’t know? You always loved to make food. Why not be more daring and say it out loud? 
Liu Jing is just about to answer what she wants to do but he cuts her off. 
Song Chao: You want to be a housewife! You can be my wife and cook for me. 
Liu Jing shouts: I want to open a restaurant! Ahh, Song Chao made her say it out loud
Song Chao: What did I say? You clearly know what you want to do. 

Jiang Wen Wen is feeling uneasy and takes a selfie with them in the background. Song Chao thinks it’s a friendly picture and smiles for the shot. Jiang Wen Wen glares at the love rival and sends the picture to her dad. This little girl .Who is the little diva overacting and telling Liu Jing about all the girls who like her father and advising her not to fall for him? She’s baiting Liu Jing too. This father and daughter combo is dangerous! 

Fang Xin is scared of Zhang Ting after learning about his criminal record. She thinks he might be targeting her and ignores his calls. 

Jiang Wen Wen lectures her father, Jiang Shan Mu. She helped him bring Liu Jing to his set, and invited her to their place for dinner. She did all that but he did nothing! Now he sees her with Song Chao and he’s jealous. “Are you sick?!” Ha. Jiang Shan Mu is like “Who are you? Give me my daughter back!” Jiang Wen Wen promises to help him one more time but it’s a secret how she’ll do it. When Jiang Shan Mu leaves, it’s revealed that Jiang Wen Wen was in a video chat with Liu Jing all along. Our little drama queen. Actress material! 

[Xia Meng] After a company employee commits suicide from overwork, all the referrals Xia Meng gave to her employees are being used. Even Wang Ji Chong applies for the gym membership! His trainer is none other than Lu Bin.

[Ep10Fang Xin quivers in fear when there’s someone trying to open her door lock. Then Zhang Ting calls. Fang Xin hollers at him that if he continues to harass her, she will call the police. It turns out the person at her door is her (ex)husband, Ma Zheng Yu. He wants to discuss their divorce. The talk is cut short when Zhang Ting hauls at the man disturbing Fang Xin. When she mentioned “police” he was worried for her. Fang Xin explains everything was a misunderstanding. She also realizes her own misunderstanding about Zhang Ting. He’s no predator. He’s your prey, girl (:

Wang Ji Chong is working out to impress Xia Meng. He tries to help her with the water for the dispenser. He’s struggling when it was so easy for her. Omg, she’s even stronger than him, lol. Meanwhile, Xia Meng is still lying to Lu Bin. He now thinks she’s in debt and living off a friend. 
Jiang Shan Mu accompanies Liu Jing on restaurant hunting. She’s planning to open her own and trying all the high rated ones. They visit a gimmicky restaurant where the plate is floating in the air!! The waiter serves the fried omelet rice. So fancy for omelet rice, lol. The waiter asks if she wants a picture. Liu Jing doesn’t. Lol. Didn’t she want the picture with Song Chao’s cheesecake? After squirting the ketchup as if wine was being poured, the waiter steps back. Bon appetit. Boom. The plate drops once Jiang Shan Mu digs in, lol. Hahaha. I love how practical this drama is. She eats it and doesn’t think it tastes any good. Jiang Shan Mu isn’t surprised. That’s what pictures are for – so that other people think it tastes good. LMAO!! Epiphany. The second restaurant they try, Liu Jing learns about membership deals and how they’re basically a scam. Then it’s time for dessert and there’s a story behind their ingredients. Their special milk is kept at some gibberish latitude and their cows are raised in this all natural land that has been kept sterile for ten years. Jiang Shan Mu tastes the milk and it’s average. For Liu Jing’s dessert, there’s a bird-nest story. Apparently many men sacrificed to retrieve it. Our gullible Liu Jing stares at the food and feels guilty. 

Liu Jing: It’s like I sinned gravely. I can’t eat. I never saw her as the gullible one.

After eating, Jiang Shan Mu finally clarifies to Liu Jing about his feelings. He doesn’t want to ruin their current relationship because Jiang Wen Wen really likes her. However, if he never tries, he’ll never know. He wants to be with her. They hold hands. They’re together! 

Did my Song Chao ship just sink? 

Zhao Qi preys on Fang Xin. First he threatens to cancel their contract, but actually whether or not she will listen to him, he’ll still choose another PR company. He wants her to quit and choose him. He can open a PR company for her. At this point, his hands are all over her shoulder. Then he smacks her butt. He reminds her she already failed once, she can’t make the wrong choice again. After Fang Xin is alone, she brushes herself everywhere that he touched, disgusted. Crying, she calls Liu Jing but she’s showering. She calls Xia Meng but her phone is off. Then Boss messages her on the update with Zhao Qi. Ah, so upsetting. The real predator was Zhao Qi and not Zhang Ting
“Let’s make the world smell better”
Fang Xin finds Zhang Ting to share her problems. He has his head down. She apologizes for boring him. He’s listening! He just thinks it’s complicated but he knows she can’t accept his request because it’ll only be more preposterous next time. He has experience. He tells her his stepfather was that kind of man. He’d hit his mother and so Zhang Ting hit him. He suffered the consequences, which explains his criminal record. He doesn’t remember telling her. Fang Xin reveals his “gf” told her. He knows that violence won’t solve problems and if he relies on his fist, he’ll be no different from his stepfather. Now that she’s reminded of his girlfriend, she asks him if he really likes her. His answer is this: “What is like? You can’t see it or touch it.” You can see the girl, and touch the girl.... To him, it’s about finding someone suitable and to settle down. She thinks perhaps if he slows down then maybe he’ll find her faults. He says he has a lot of faults too. If she can accept his, then he can accept hers. I just noticed the motto on his store front: “Let’s make the world smell better” AW. This matches Zhang Ting so much

Zhang Ting changes the conversation back to Fang Xin. She cannot give in to the predator. She also cannot hit him (Just a little tease for the future episodes, she does something way better than hitting him, heh). Fang Xin laughs at his joke and amusingly says she’s going to hit him but on a dark, dark night, with a mask on and everything. He laughs at her silliness. 

Cliffhanger: 1) Liu Jing reads an article that has Jiang Shan Mu photographed with an actress. I don’t see this relationship lasting... 2) Xia Meng receives a text from Lu Bin who says she can’t be living off her friend for too long and offers his place 2)  be lying about living friend anymore. 3) Fang Xin had a recording of everything. Smart girl! 

[Ep11Prologue. Our three little girls are assessing their future selves. They complain that people are always criticizing their past for stupid mistakes but why doesn't anyone assess how ashamed they will be of their current selves in the future? Our kids are ashamed of their future selves, haha.

Xia Meng (teens/twenties) loves using Douban. She complains about every movie she watches and habitually rates 1-star. LOL. However, when it comes to her dramas, she always compliments them. Omg a liar and a hypocrite! xD. Even if it’s rated poorly, she’s like, It’s at least popular! Their boss will be happy. Hahaha

Liu Jing is an epicure. She’s particular about her food and will complain about almost every restaurant. She also won’t hesitate to rate it a 1-star. However, when it comes to her own food, she can’t take criticism. She calls them picky. Alright, everyone’s a hypocrite, haha

Fang Xin is an expert in romance. She can analyze everyone's relationships. However, when it comes to her own, she loses her compass, and quits her job because love is all. 

Little Fang Xin: You girls, so hypocritical. Aren’t you all ashamed? 
Little Liu Jing: We don’t want to grow up into you. 
Little Xia Meng: I beg you girls, please do well! 

Xia Meng and Liu Bin have sex. She wants to close the lights but he wants it on. They switch it on and off until Xia Meng sits up, “My body isn’t beautiful, I don’t want you to see it.” He loves her the way she is. The night is sweet and intimate but in the morning, when his home is under the bright light, she hates the bed and particularly the toilet where you have to squat to pee. He’s outside the door, which surprises her. She slips and her foot dips in her pee. Oh noooo. He asks her to live with him. Uh...foot is still in pee...xD 

Fang Xin had recorded the conversation with Zhao Qi. She lets her boss hear it. Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do but the boss appreciates Fang Xin. 

Liu Jing is at Song Chao’s to use his kitchen. Lao Gao and Jiang Wen Wen are there too. Lao Gao is asked for tips since he invested in multiple restaurants His honest advice: Don’t. It’s most likely a failure. Lao Gao and Song Chao argue. Meanwhile Liu Jing excuses herself to receive a call from Jiang Shan Mu, her boyfriend. He’s jealous that she’s at Song Chao’s home. Liu Jing doesn’t want Jiang Wen Wen to find out about their relationship until they find the proper time to tell her. Jiang Shan Mu also asks her when she’s planning to tell Song Chao. She’s looking for a sensible time for that too.  

While Liu Jing is on the phone, Lao Gao congratulates Song Chao. He thinks the assistant director is “Bye-bye, Out, Game Over” otherwise Liu Jing will be using his kitchen and not Song Chao's. Jiang Wen Wen quips that Song Chao's kitchen is also better equipped. This is when Lao Gao asks who this cute little girl is. She replies, “I am the ‘Bye-bye, Out, Game Over’s assistant director’s daughter.” xD

Jiang Shan Mu is working on set. Actress Jia Wen Yi has cooking scenes to film and she can’t cook for her life. They need a hand substitute but they find a lady whose hand is too ugly for Jia Wen Yi’s standards. The actress complains that this will ruin her image. Liu Jing whose on set with bento lunch is asked to fill in. Drama is once again so meta. I swear the scenes of Liu Jing cooking are using hand substitutes too, hahaha. It’s a hand substitute within a hand substitute within a hand substitute. Actress Jia Wen Yi looks down on Liu Jing by asking her if she's Jiang Shan Mu’s house maid. Jiang Shan Mu clarifies that Liu Jing is his girlfriend. Is Jiang Shan Mu really Mr. Right for Liu Jing :[ Jiang Shan Mu also helped Liu Jing too. He simplified her problems. When she was asked to list out all the barriers to her restaurant, she lost track of counting. There were fewer problems than she had imagined. 

Wang Ji Chong wants Xia Meng back. He’s having a drink with Lu Bin and shows him the birthday video from Xia Meng. Uh oh
[Ep12] The girls are cooking at Xia Meng’s. Liu Jing wonders why Xia Meng isn’t hanging out with Lu Bin tonight. Xia Meng complains she needed a good night's rest. She couldn’t sleep well yesterday and so today she was completely out of it. Liu Jing is like, “No wonder you like him so much.” *Hands her a cucumber* Pft. Xia Meng is bashful; that’s not the reason. Liu Jing wanted her to wash the ingredient, not whatever she was thinking, ha. Xia Meng clarifies that it was his bed not being full cotton that bugged her. Liu Jing understands and snaps the cucumber in half with her bare hands. Later at night, Xia Meng is in her comfortable bed, but she can’t sleep a wink.

Fang Xin shows up at work looking hot – hot in revenge against Zhao Qi. She lets him hear the recording. He’s not afraid of it. He's confident he will look like the victim. It will be her who’s trying to harass him for more benefits. Oh, gross. Get out. But she’s got more recordings. It’s him slandering Actress Jia Wen Yi, which is clearly his weakness because he could potentially be fired. Fang Xin slips the recorder into his pocket. As his PR, she would never let this recording be exposed. A threat that he's gotta keep their contract. Revenge is sweet for Fang Xin. Zhao Qi can’t cancel their contract. She even hits butt, harassing him back. LOL. Zhao Qi tells her to not cross the line. 

Fang Xin is cute: Oh, are you mad? So mean looking~!

Then Mr. Huang is here. He’s the CEO. He recognizes Fang Xin. Ho-ho, Zhao Qi, the slime, looks even more defeated. Fang Xin knows his boss~  

The girls are having drinks together. Xia Meng exclaims that CEO dramas can be real. Fang Xin, the FL, won by meeting a better CEO! Lol, but the show made sure Fang Xin won on her own first. The girls motivate her to go for the CEO but Fang Xin isn’t very excited about that. She’s thinking of another man~ She’s happier about the newfound respect she’s getting from her colleagues and boss. Btw, is Xia Meng eating dessert? Her diet is all over the place. She might as well not be on a diet, lol

Xia Meng is at a meeting. She bans the idea for the exes to reconcile in their drama (and our drama? Lol, and aw.). Wang Ji Chong is much more confident at work and convinces her the ex is Mr. Right. Meanwhile Lu Bin is always busy and rejects all of Xia Meng’s invitations. At night, Xia Meng tries to do her yoga, but her mind is so distracted, she quits to find Lu Bin but his home is under renovation. He’s renovating for Xia Meng. He also tells her he met her ex (Wang Ji Chong). 

Liu Jing prepares a grand feast for her parents. She wants to tell them about opening a restaurant (and being fired from work). Song Chao shows up unannounced (actually, Mom invited him). They start eating and the food isn’t that good, though lol. Once the parents hear of Liu Jing’s plan, they ban it. Clueless Song Chao is busy stuffing himself. Liu Jing steps on him each time to get him to say the right words (or to shaddap, haha). Mom is particularly against it because the market is unstable (= COVID-19). Then Song Chao slips up and reveals Liu Jing was fired. Then Liu Jing slips up that she’s dating Jiang Shan Mu. Hell has broken loose. Furious Dad barges over to Jiang family and that’s when Jiang Wen Wen finds out they’re dating. Heartbroken Song Chao is so depressed! He accuses Liu Jing of playing with him. 

Fang Xin is going through with her divorce. She learns from the divorce lawyer that Mr. Huang had indirectly asked for her contact. Then at night, she finds her house is locked. She looks for Ma Zhen Yu but he’s not at his mistress' place and he has blocked her. 

[Ep13] Prologue (no school): 

Boys. They don’t like to talk about their past. Perhaps it's because they love their current adult image too much, but really, men haven’t grown up at all. They only conceal the child in themselves, which can be exposed in two conditions: when they’re in love and when they’re intoxicated. Alcohol doesn’t only turn adults into children, but also children into adults, or what they think adults are like.

Liu Jing narratesSong Chao, before he knew what 酒肉朋友 meant, he already had these friends. 酒肉朋友 means 'alcohol and meat friends', slang for drinking buddies. They’re friends who will ditch you in times of difficulties. He bought alcohol for his friends during grade school but when he got in trouble for it, his 'friends' abandoned him. Thus, at a young age, Song Chan is used to people revolving around him and knows exactly why they revolve around him. 

Liu Jing narratesJiang Shan Mu hated the term 會來事 and drinking alcohol is when one needs to be 會來事 (which is being intuitive, saying the right things, doing the right things in front of their colleagues and leaders). This is why Jiang Shan Mu will lump alcohol into something he hates. I’m a little confused though. I thought he was good at it. But I guess that doesn’t mean he loves it

Xia Meng narratesLu Bin has no guard up against anyone, which is why he hates it when people lie to him because he always falls for it. His grandfather pressured him into drinking alcohol and from that awful experience, he barely drinks. 

Xia Meng narratesWang Ji Chong loves watching people drink alcohol on TV. It’s not that he’s interested in alcohol but it's the positive meaning behind it: successful people drink. Well

Fang Xin narratesZhang Ting’s association with alcohol is fear. It will turn humans into monsters. His drunk step father would abuse his mother. I love that Fang Xin only narrates one guy!! 
Liu Jing visits Song Chao to apologize, but he’s hosting a drinking party. He’s half naked with a bunch of girls on the bed. How does he still look so innocent in this scene? He asks the reason for her apology, “Because you don’t like me? Or because you lied to me?” Liu Jing can't answer. 

Song Chao emptily laughs: It’s okay! Without you, I can be just as happy. ... I-I didn’t mean it like that. I have a lot of friends, you know! 酒肉朋友. I have so many friends. I’ll still be happy. I really have a lot of friends! :(

To prove it, Song Chan invites his girls back in the room and asks Liu Jing to join. Liu Jin hasn’t spoken a word since. She's upset at the girls and the party, it's like she wasted her feelings to worry about him. How does she not see the pain on his face? Right after she leaves, Song Chao apologizes to the girls and asks them to leave too. 

Lao Gao tells Liu Jing he has never seen Song Chao this sad. The size of the party reflects the depth of his sadness. When he had to stay an extra year for uni, he had a party of about ten. When his parents divorced, he had a party with twenty people. When his dog died, there were thirty people. Today, there’s about a hundred. Liu Jing thinks these are all excuses from Lao Gao. 

Lao Gao: Hey! Who are you to be angry? Were you fair to him? Reflect on yourself.

Of all the girls, I love Liu Jing the most. Even so, she was completely in the wrong. She should reflect

The girls sleep over at Xia Meng’s. They're drinking champagne. 
  • Fang Xin shares with the girls that Ma Zheng Yu broke up with the mistress. But there’s something else making her smile. Fang Xin doesn’t realize it herself but she’s happy because of Zhang Ting. She begins her story with how she was telling Zhang Ting about slapping Zhao Qi’s butt and ends her story that Zhang Ting broke up  the reason she’s happy, lol. But the ultimate conclusion from Fang Xin is that she’s happy for Zhang Ting as a friend only. 
  • Liu Jing can’t sleep at home because of her argument with her parents. She can’t sleep over at Jiang Shan Mu because of Jiang Wen Wen. Plus, she’s uncertain about taking their relationship to that level. Fang Xin pities Song Chao. I like Fang Xin because she’s supporting Song Zhao and she likes Zhang Ting! xD
  • Xia Meng will move in with Lu Bin tomorrow night. Lu Bin felt insecure about Wang Ji Chong because he earns more, but Lu Bing thought it through. He loves Xia Meng and will compete against her ex, which is why he renovated his place. He wants this to be their home. And Xia Meng is still lying!
Our girls are a little drunk and argue, revealing their truest thoughts on each other. Xia Meng calls out Liu Jing for two timing and treating Song Chao like a spare tire. Liu Jing rebukes Xia Meng for lying to Lu Bin. Liu Jing’s not done. She criticizes Fang Xin for wanting Zhang Ting to break up and not admitting she loves him. 

Fang Xin slurs: I’m not as 绿茶 as you (green tea bitch).
Liu Jing: I’m 绿茶, then you’re a 白蓮花 (white lotus; similar to green tea bitch but this person appears pure and weak but her heart is dark, and mind is corrupted). You were always like this, pretending to not know why people love you. Well, now you’re dumped by Ma Zheng Yu and you can’t even return home. 

Fang Xin starts to cry. Xia Meng orders her to stop (and Fang Xin stops, lol). Like a leader, Xia Meng calms everyone (when she started everything). She reminds them of their rule: each person is to say where they went wrong. Liu Jing goes first. She likes Jiang Shan Mu but she’s always accepting Song Chao’s kindness. It is very 绿茶. Fang Xin is next. She likes it when people are nice to her and only wants to hear nice things. She’s the avoidant type and if Ma Zheng Yu coaxes her, she’d forgive him. In their marriage, she had faults too. And then there’s Zhang Ting. The way she cares about him does cross the friendship line. Then Xia Meng announces she’s going to bed. Lol. Liu Jing and Fang Xin whine and so Xia Meng shouts back that she was wrong to lie, but she’s a woman who loves lying. Embrace the hypocrisy, embrace yourself, lol xD 
...and embrace each other (:
The girls sleep together on one bed. They make their confessions.

Xia Meng: I’ve decided. Tomorrow, I will tell Lu Bin the truth
Fang Xin: I like Zhang Ting. 
Liu Jing: I will have a talk with Song Chao. It’s about Song Chao and not Jiang Shan Mu eh

Fang Xin gives Zhang Ting a case of champagne. He refuses because he doesn’t like alcohol but she says she can use it for ingredients. She asks him if he’ll go on another blinddate. They’re interrupted by aunties who are here for their baking lesson. He introduces Fang Xin as a regular friend, but the aunties are gossipy. One of the Aunties comments on how pretty Fang Xin is. What would she see in him anyway? Fang Xin awkwardly leaves. Zhang Ting’s eyes lingers on her as she exits the door.  

Liu Jing is at Jiang Shang Mu’s place. He lifts her onto the table to kiss her but Jiang Wen Wen is home! They manage to pull apart in time but when Liu Jing prepares food, Jiang Wen Wen has a comment to share, “I want a brother!” Haha. “Unless, you want a daughter.” I expect nothing less of Jiang Wen Wen

The prologue is about the boys. The episode is about the girls when they’re drunk. Girls turn childish too! 

[Ep14Xia Meng tells her parents she broke up with Wang Ji Chong and there’s no turning back. She met someone new. Her parents holler at Xia Meng that she must have been at fault and force her to reconcile with Wang Ji Chong. Her parents are weird

Liu Jing and Song Chao are looking for potential restaurants. She apologizes to him (again). She’s always apologizing. She accepted his kindness while knowing it was leading him on. She was selfish. He wants to know if he was her spare tire. Yes. Did that mean he had a chance to be used? No. Our Song Chao looks gloomy because it turns out he doesn’t even have the right to be a spare tire. Now that it’s all out, he asks if they can still be friends. Liu Jing nods. Of course. He accompanies her for the rest of the day in shopping for stores. She really likes this one place but the rent is out of the question. Song Chao says he will invest in her, but Liu Jing refuses. They’re friends and because they’re friends, she can’t accept his money. In one way, this can be interpreted as her drawing the line, setting the boundary. In another way, it’s her respecting him and not treating him like a 酒肉朋友. I think Song Chao appreciates this.

Xia Meng is at work, convincing a client (Liu Dan cameo) to keep their "bad ending” in the drama. Wang Ji Chong persuades the client that they’re aiming to show a breakthrough in female characters. It doesn’t always have to be a happy ending. The client is convinced. Xia Meng is proud of Wang Ji Chong. 

Fang Xin meets Mr. Huang coincidentally. He treats her to dinner. Fang Xin wanted to ditch, thinking he’s trying to make a move on her. He’s not. He tells her to enjoy the (drag) show first. Fang Xin looks around and realizes she’s in a gay bar. Is that why the lawyer left? xD And it took me so long to realize that the couple is two girls. She perks up and asks Mr Huang, “Could you be...?” He shushes her with a smile. This confuses Fang Xin because he married (well divorced). No wonder his ex wanted so much compensation. He ruined her life. He says it’s not like that. He married out of responsibility (for his parents and for his relatives). He had a contract with his wife. However, she changed her mind and her "bestie" made such outrageous demands, which led to the lawsuit today. Ah, his wife is a lesbian. So much drama in like 5 minutes!! Fang Xin is now delighted to have a new friend. He’s also thankful for her in exposing Zhao Qi. He can finally fire him (a parasite in his company) with a proper reason. 

[Liu Jing] Jiang Shan Mu (another divorcee, lol) visits Liu Jing’s father. He brought wine to bribe dad but it’s not working. Dad has multiple questions. What are his plans? As someone who is divorced will he marry again? As someone who has a child already, will he want another one?  He fails to answer. Now he’s back at home, in bed, wide awake and defeated. Jiang Wen Wen encourages her father. She likes Liu Jing the most out of all his previous girlfriends. Dad says just because two people love each other it doesn’t mean they’ll end up together forever. Wen Wen only has one question: “Do you like Liu Jing?” He does. “Then work harder! I seriously don’t get why you must make something so simple so complicated.” Jiang Wen Wen doesn’t want to be the excuse for their relationship. If he loves Liu Jing, then he should go for it. Jiang Shan Mu hugs his daughter, grateful for her sensibility. He asks for more advice but our Jiang Wen Wen snaps back, “Do you think I’m a psychologist? Why are you asking me?” Jiang Shan Mu laughs. “Who are you? Return my daughter.” 

Xia Meng and Wang Ji Chong are having dinner together. He received an offer from another company. It’s a little risky but he wants the challenge, especially when there isn’t a lot of space for promotion in their company. He also takes this dinner to ask for a chance to reconcile. No chance. She loves someone else.

Xia Meng is at Lu Bin’s newly renovated place. She receives multiple calls from work, from her nagging parents, and from Wang Ji Chong, which she takes them all on the balcony. Lu Bin is sad about it but he doesn’t ask, knowing the calls are stressing her out. He steps out to give her privacy. What a sweet guy. I almost think Xia Meng doesn’t deserve him.

Mr. Huang drops off Fang Xin. Zhang Ting is around the area and asks, "Oh you’re only returning now?” Fang Xin quickly explains they’re both divorcees and regular friends. Mr. Huang offers a handshake. Zhang Ting refuses; he just threw out the garbage. Hm. Is that really why he’s refusing? (: After he leaves, Mr Huang is like "I think he likes you too.” He must have felt it from the non-handshake too. Fang Xin doesn’t believe it. He never takes initiative. Mr. Huang questions why she can’t make the first move. Then she doubles back and asks him how he knew she liked Zhang Ting. Mr. Huang clears his throat at the obvious question. This friendship is cute

Drama has taken an atypical route from the regular tropes (as expected but also unexpectedly). 
  • [Fang Xin] The CEO is our FL’s new gay best friend. She’s going for the bread guy :D (Fang Xin and Zhang Ting are the one couple I’m certain of and happy for)
  • [Xia Meng] Her ending might not be a happy ending! It’s as if the meeting at work was alluding to her ‘BE’. Just guesses! 
  • [Liu Jing] The daughter is more sensible than the bf; the guy who’s dumped stays nice and still so sweet! 
[Ep15Xia Meng defines ‘Lie' in a presentation: 

It’s what living objects do to live. Now then, how do we define a lie? For example, “Loving you for a million years” is the iconic line in romantic movies. Whenever it’s said, thousands of girls will be moved, but can humans live for a million years? Clearly not. There’s a bug in this line. Therefore not all lies are negative, not all lies are with bad intentions. There are lies with good intentions. I think there are three conditions for this. First, self protection. I think a lot of successful labels for a woman bring a lot of complications so I concealed my identity. Secondly, I’m afraid of hurting the other person’s feelings, so I ended up lying to cover up another lie. Finally, I don’t know how learning the truth will affect our relationship. In conclusion, lying to you was to benefit me. I apologize to you, but please believe me that I meant no harm. I value our relationship and look forward to our future. 

Liu Jing evaluates the presentation. “I really want to invest in you, but I don’t want to forgive you.” There’s no sincerity. Her apology is very systematic. I don’t want to forgive her either. Each line has the purpose of packaging herself

[Liu Jing] Jiang Shan Mu is jealous when he learns Song Chao had tried to pay for Liu Jing’s rent. He finds Song Chao at home and confronts him man to man with some booze. Song Chao is defensive. She needed money and as her boyfriend, how could he not know?Does he even love her? Jiang Shan Mu answers with a story. He was an introvert when he was a child. He liked to please himself and not others, which is why he quit school, married early, but then divorced and realized he didn’t have the ability to support himself. He can’t be such an introvert and so reckless anymore. He loves Liu Jing because she is living the way she wants and the way he wants. She doesn’t envy others nor does she pity herself. A reminder: this guy is younger than Song Chao....! His childhood makes sense now, from hating socializing to being an expert at it. He was forced to grow up and mold into society

Song Chao shares his love story too. He lived abroad and he didn’t have family or friends there. “Did you know, I really hated western food?” Jiang Shan Mu laughs, “How am I supposed to know?” Lol. Annoyed, Song Chao orders him to listen. Since he hated Western food, he would browse videos on Chinese cuisine. Then he was recommended Liu Jing’s videos~ “Sometimes fate isn’t something god gives you, it's statistical!” Ha! Jiang Shan Mu scoffs, “Fate? Please, stop adding screen time for yourself!” Please add more screen time for yourself, Song Chao! Song Chao continues his story. At first he didn’t realize the girl was Liu Jing. Jiang Shan Mu catches on. This means Song Chao wasn’t in love with her all these years! The childhood love thing was bogus. He lied at the Truth game. Oh no, the consequence was “single forever”. Song Chan ignores him. He gets to the point that he loves Liu Jing too. In front of her, he doesn’t have to guess whether she’s around him because of his money. Song Chao also tells Jiang Shan Mu that confronting the rent is pointless. Liu Jing already rejected him and he’s feeling guilty for even asking. She must hate him now. 

Song Chao is dolefully reminded of a song with the lyrics, “Love isn’t something you can buy when you want to buy it.” Then the boys sing together. They even hold hands. If not for Liu Jing, they could be really good buddies. Jiang Shan Mu drunkenly asks Song Chao if he can stop liking Liu Jing. Did Song Chao nod? Noooo ): But then Jiang Shan Mu says it’s ultimately Liu Jing’s decision. Song Chao asks, “Then why are you here?” Jiang Shan Mu flies back on the couch, “Nevermind, we can’t be friends.” Song Chao takes a moment and lifts a cup, “Lao Jiang, will you always treat Liu Jing well?” Jiang Shan Mu answers, “I will love her forever.” They drink. Aw. No more Song Chao? Show keeps teasing me!!

Liu Jing picks up Jiang Shan Mu who passed out. She tells Song Chao that she’s feeling pretty good to see two men fight for her. “Am I too thick-skinned?” He laughs at her, Yeah. He also tells her of another shop that’s from his uncle with amazing perks but Liu Jing can’t accept that. Song Chao had a feeling he’d be rejected again but acknowledges that’s the only way he can be nice to her. From now on, he will draw the line between them. He won’t cross over. 

[Xia Meng] The truth is out. Wang Ji Chong and Lu Bin know their identity as ex and current boyfriend respectively. Lu Bin hates being lied to. He tells her to leave his home that he just renovated for her. When Xia Meng is back at her home, Wang Ji Chong is there. He apologizes and it’s via a PPT. It's 8 reasons that men fail in a relationship and he’s committed four of them (meaning he only has 50% of the blame? LOL). The ending of the PPT is “I’m sorry.” Xia Meng cries in his arms. 

Fang Xin is kicked out of her home too because Ma Zheng Yu is in debt and their condo is the collateral. She has nowhere to sleep. Zhang Ting is in the area. He adopts her into his bakery. It’s late and she’s drinking (and allergic). He nonchalantly asks about Mr. Huang and comments that he seemed pretty good. She’s like he is, but it’s impossible between them. He’s gay. Zhang Ting thinks he knows why. It must be because Fang Xin has someone she likes. Well, that’s true too, lol. Zhang Ting knows because he recently experienced the same thing. He broke up with Ms. 24yo because he knew what love was and it wasn’t Ms. 24yo. "Once you truly love someone, you will know what you don’t love.” I like that when Fang Xin asked if he loves someone, he nodded so earnestly. It really looked like it took courage for him to make that small sign of acknowledgment. Fang Xin drinks some more. She admits her tolerance is low, but it gives her courage to do anything and if she regrets it, the next day she can just pretend she doesn’t remember. What could she possibly need courage to do? This: 
It’s a light peck. He could have rejected her but he stayed motionless. She apologizes for kissing him and turns away, but he reaches out to her, caresses her cheek, and kisses her again, deeply. 

Liu Jing: So my ship sank. I’m sad for Song Chao, but now I can see why Jiang Shan Mu likes her. 

Fang Xin: So happy for her and Zhang Ting! 

Xia Meng: Um. I dunno. I don’t like it. She’s crying in her ex’s embrace after her heartbreak with another guy. It’s not fair for both guys. I get she’s sad and that she needs some comfort, but this isn’t right. I can also see how Wang Ji Chong might be the right guy for her, though. Using PPT to logically apologize? Yea. They’re a pair

[Ep16] Prologue 

To Xia Meng, the existence of hot water was mystical. Whether Xia Meng is healthy or not, hot water is the cure for all. When she was exercising in summer to lose weight, her mother gave her hot water to “cool off” because it’s the humidity within her body that’s making her chubby. Hot water can fight off heat too. Aight. When her nose was bleeding (from too much AC), her father gave her hot water because she was too cold. Alas, we see how hot water is the cure all. Xia Meng listens to everything and drinks her hot water. 

To Liu Jing, she never believed in the science of hot water – it’s all pseudoscience. One day Liu Jing sprained her ankle and her mother blamed her for not drinking more hot water because hot water makes the body more active and therefore less prone to sprains? LOL whatever. Liu Jing will always argue with her mom on this. 

To Fan Xing, she never had these problems. Ever since her parents divorced, no one ever nagged her to drink hot water. (She lived with her father.)

The first time Fang Xin had her period, she was too scared to tell her father. It was Liu Jing and Xia Meng who comforted her. Liu Jing already had her period. Xia Meng didn’t yet but she knows it’s the way girls can be moms. She’s curious what it feels like. Fang Xing doesn’t feel like anything but her stomach will be uncomfortable. Liu Jing is like a mini-mom and gives Fang Xin hot water. LOL. Xia Meng envies them. Liu Jing gives her hot water, joking that it’ll make her grow faster. Xia Meng is quite gullible! and asks if it’s true. 

Liu Jing voiceover: We don’t know if hot water is of any use, but sometimes it does make you feel better. Just like in life, we don’t know what the future is like: some will be excited, some will waver, and some will fear. We just need a little bit of warmth to know that at this moment, you’re not alone in feeling uneasy. 
Our episode starts with a triple wedding scene. Fang Xin’s groom is Zhang Ting. Xia Meng’s groom is Wang Ji Chong. Liu Jing’s groom is Jiang Shan Mu. 
  • In Fang Xin’s speech, she pokes at the saying “bread or love”. Should girls choose wealth or happiness? But the saying doesn’t really make sense. Bread isn’t that expensive. What she likes about Zhang Ting is his bread-like warmth. Marrying him isn’t a choice between bread or love. She’s choosing him, Zhang Ting. Who is both her bread and love (and warmth)
  • For some reason the other couples look a little constipated during the speech. When it’s Xia Meng’s turn, she can’t do it. It’s a vow. She can’t lie. She’s looking at the door, waiting for Lu Bin and here he is! Lu Bin is crashing the wedding. She lived 30 years competing and now that Wang Ji Chong has just caught up, Xia Meng realizes she no longer wants to compete. She knows what she wants and it’s Lu Bin. 
  • Then Ma Zheng Yu pops out of nowhere with a document that clearly says Fang Xin is still married to him. Fang Xin explains to Zhang Ting they can complete the ceremony and then register their marriage after she deals with the divorce so that she gets what she deserves. Zhang Ting finds it ridiculous. 
  • Liu Jing hasn’t made her speech yet but she’s determined to marry among the chaos, which includes two separate fights and one wedding dress ripping. LMAO. After she makes her speech that no one is listening to, she turns to her groom and he’s changed to Song Chao. Ah, our indecisive Liu Jing
  • It was a bad dream for all the girls. I’m so happy this is a dream. I thought I spoiled myself early on by seeing the posters. Phew!
The girls have breakfast together. Fang Xin’s nightmare is Ma Zheng Yu haunting her. The lawsuit - shortest will take months, longest can take years. Xia Meng doesn’t think it’s fair to let Ma Zheng Yu go, but Fang Xin wants to free herself. She doesn’t want to miss the opportunities she has now with her Mr. Right. She admits to the girls that she likes Zhang Ting. The girls also teased her about her late nights at the bakery. 

Fang Xin: We were making ‘bread’ [read: love xD]
Liu Jing at a higher pitch: Oooooooh making bread, was it good? 
Fang Xin: This car ride of yours, I’m not riding.  
Liu Jing: Ah, it seems like the car drove well. Car ride wasn’t bad eh. 
Xia Meng: Are we talking about bread or cars? 
Liu Jing: Neither. We’re talking about Zhang Ting who’s driving the bread car. 
Fang Xin screams: Ah! Stop the car! Stop the car! 
Whatever this conversation is making you think of, you’re right

Xia Meng doesn’t know what to do. She hurt Lu Bin but she cried last night because of Wang Ji Chong. Liu Jing says whoever she dreams of is the person in her heart. Well, Xia Meng dreamt of both. Liu Jing calls her a “Bitch.” Lol. Then it’s Liu Jing’s turn to tell her dream. It was Jiang Shan Mu at first but then it turned to Song Chao. Fang Xin nods, “You’re a bitch too.” Xia Meng is smug. Liu Jing gives up and pours everyone hot water. “It’s good for our body.” LOL. I love her for being such a hypocrite! Haha

Liu Jing to Fang Xin: So when are you treating us to bread? 
Fang Xin laughs and looks around: Drink your hot water! 
Was this an adlib from Liu Jing? 

[Liu Jing] Jiang Shan Mu is busy and tells Liu Jing to eat alone with Song Chao (they had planned for a lunch get together). Jiang Shan Mu says they’ve been through so much, he trusts....Song Chao! Ha. Nah, he trusts her too. 

Xia Meng’s coworkers all know about Lu Bin. They think he fooled Xia Meng into signing up clients for his gym. That’s not the case. She fell in love with him. Wang Ji Chong is listening. Awkward

[Ep17Liu Jing's agent takes her to another restaurant that’s for rent. It’s not that great. The agent explains the contractor used the best land to build the crappiest building. As a result, no one shops here and therefore rent is very cheap. However, Liu Jing loves the feel of the restaurant, even if it’s on the 4th floor (which is like the #13 in English = bad luck; 4 sounds like death). She stays a little longer to look at the place. The agent leaves to make some phone calls. Once alone, Liu Jing enters simulation mode, imagining the shop is hers. 

Soprano Liu Jing: Welcome to Jing's Cuisine!
Alto Liu Jing: Welcome to Jing's Cuisine!
Regular Liu Jing: Welcome to Jing's cuisine. This is [insert dish name]. Please enjoy! 
Song Chao: Okay. 
Liu Jing is startled: Since when were you here? 
Song Chao: Just now when you said *soprano* “Welcome”, *alto* “Welcome”. 
Liu Jing snaps at him. This atmosphere! Does my Song Chao still have hope?! He can tell she likes this place. She does. In fact, she used to love this mall and can spend the entire day here, especially when Xia Meng was busy with work and Fang Xin was a newlywed. He thinks she must have been a little lonely. Nope! On the contrary, she liked her alone time. She'd treat herself to some fine dining. Song Chao relates. He likes expensive restaurants too. LOL. That's not the point! Ah! Song Chao don’t ruin your chances (even if she has a bf...ahem). Liu Jing clarifies she didn’t have money. She wanted to have a taste, to learn. Expensive food have their expensive reasons. Song Chao quips, “No wonder you don’t have money to start your business.” A glare is shot his way. Ah, stop talking! I love you boy, but zip those lips. Although, I think Liu Jing is used to him. Liu Jing continues to share her story, ignoring his side remarks. She likes the smaller restaurants too, as long as it’s good. Food makes her happy, expensive or not. She remembers a noodle restaurant she used to love in this mall (which may be closed by now). She used to go there whenever she felt lost or more specifically when she started her job. She didn’t love her work. She didn’t want to waste her time in the company but at the same time she didn’t want to give up her stable income. Thinking back, she’s a little grateful they fired her, otherwise she’d still be lost. As annoying as Song Chao is, Liu Jing finds him comfortable enough to share her story

Xia Meng barges into the men's locker/shower room to find Lu Bin. She tells him she wanted to tell him the truth. That won’t work on Lu Bin, He lists all the chances she had to tell him but in the end, she still lied to him again and again. 

Liu Jing and Song Chao are still at the mall. It’s time for Song Chao’s story. He’s upset today. He argued with his father who reprimanded him for not working and for wasting his life. Dad had told him he was an eyesore. Song Chao sighs. Then they both hear some girls recommending a really good noodle shop. The pair head there and it’s the same noodle restaurant Liu Jing loved. The place also looks nicer and it’s bustling with business. She recognizes the owner immediately. There’s tears in her eyes as she looks around. She orders her food and it’s served with an extra sunny side-up egg. She's the type to poke her yolk. The owner recognized her too! Aw! He always gave her an extra egg. She cries while eating it. Then she looks up at the owner and they give each other a nod. Oh my, this is so emotional. Why! She's just eating noodles! 

Fang Xin is ready to divorce; no lawsuit; just a clean break. She doesn’t want his money either. Ma Zheng Yu asks her to sit down to talk. He tells her that last year his company ran into problems and he borrowed money from his parents. His parents took his home as collateral. He had begged his parents to give Fang Xin the condo because that’s the least he could do for her, but his parents wouldn’t. Ma Zheng Yu apologizes. Fang Xin forgives him and holds his hand. NOT. She flicks his hand off, rids the fake sympathy from her voice. LOL That got me. Was not expecting this reaction. She exclaims that it’s been so long since he’s done this to her. He doesn’t get it. 

Fang Xin rolls her eyes with sass: When we dated, when we were engaged, when we were married, time and time again, you’d play me in circles. Just now you bala-bala spewed so many words, let me just summarize it for you. Basically we're divorcing and your parents want to fight for that money for you and take back the condo for yourselves. I just never thought you'd use such a beautiful way to say it. I want you to understand, though, in the past I believed you not because I was silly but because I really did love you. Now I believe you definitely not because I'm silly but because I'm lazy to care about you. I've thought it through now. You aren't worthy of me. So please from today forward don't associate yourself with me or contact me. *Perfect swivel

[Xia Meng] Wang Ji Chong apologizes to Lu Bin for accusing him of scamming Xia Meng. Lu Bin, currently his trainer, increases the speed on his treadmill. Not forgiven, ha. Wang Ji Chong explains he still loves Xia Meng. *Grumpy Lu Bin hitting that up arrow* He didn’t think she’d fall in love with another guy right after breaking up. *Up up up* Wang Ji Chong is out of breath and stops the treadmill. He sincerely apologizes. Lu Bin accepts it and admits he’s jealous and apologizes for his behaviour. As a fitness trainer, that was dangerous and unprofessional. Aw. Lu Bin is cute and all, but I feel like a few years later, he’ll be another Wang Ji Chong to Xia Meng

Fang Xin is divorced! This might be the first time I’ve typed this kind of sentence so happily. The first person she visits is Zhang Ting. She thought he bought her flowers but the roses are his ingredients and he snatched it from her hand because the thorns haven’t been removed yet.  Not embarrassed. She asks if maybe he has another present. He does. It’s a box of all natural pomegranate drinks with benefits of forever youthfulness with anti-ageing properties. The slogan took it a little too far and Fang Xin asks if she’s old or something. He didn’t mean that. I actually like the present. It’s more practical than flowers and it’s the kinda guy Zhang Ting is. He changes the topic to the happy news she has to share. Shy and yet confident, she reveals she’s single and is open to all possibilities. 

Fang Xin: Do you understand?
Zhang Ting nods: I do.
Fang Xin: You do? 
Zhang Ting: Ms. Fang, right now, it’s about 4:25pm.
Fang Xin: I will remember this time as the time of your embarrassment 
Zhang Ting: Meaning...Auntie Wang and them will be here soon

The aunties are here. Fang Xin lies to the giggly aunties that she’s here to buy bread. Zhang Ting flies to grab some bread for her. “Is two enough?” He asks. Not enough to hit you with
Fang Xin snatches her bread: I forgot to tell you that one pomegranate is equal to 39 cubes of sugar. Not only will it not make me youthful, but it will make me gain weight. But. I’ll still thank you for it. 

Zhang Ting watches her leave with a small smile. 

I think it’s neat that the guys in this drama have chances to talk to each other like regular guys.  

[Ep18] Prologue: 

Our girls are having hotpot (with rice – a fusion introduced by Liu Jing) and watching Pearl Princess on TV. I was surprised to see Huang Yi's version over Zhao Wei's and realized, oh right, Zhao Wei is a person non grata in Chinese entertainment

Fang Xin asks who the girls would want to be if they get to time travel. Fang Xin wants to be "Xia Zi Wei" (2FL). Xia Meng thought she wanted to be the FL because she liked ML. It's true, but now she thinks 2ML is cuter. Meaning she thinks the second male lead of her life is better (e.g. Zhang Ting). Yes?

Xia Meng doesn't want to choose anyone nor be bullied in the palace. Liu Jing jokes she should just be "Rong Mo Mo", the sinister nanny who bullies everyone. Xia Meng whines that she’d rather be the Empress. So...meaning, she won't choose anyone?

Liu Jing wants to be Concubine Ling, the gentle, kind and calm one. Plus, she has the Emperor's devoted love. Is this Song Chao?! Jiang Shan Mu is way too flirty

Xia Meng asks Liu Jing why she would want the Emperor's love, which reminds Liu Jing that it's not fair that the Emperor has so many wives. Fang Xin reconsiders it's better not transporting back in time. Liu Jing agrees. She'd rather choose the man she loves. Aw...this might mean she’s choosing Jiang Shan Mu. This Show and the way it teases me! 

The girls are trying Liu Jing's new fusion dishes. She likes to combine specialties from different places. It's something she always liked when she didn't like other restaurants' fusion ideas!!!. Liu Jing pours everyone pomegranate juice – Fang Xin's pomegranate juice, ha. Fang Xin doesn't want it. Liu Jing thinks she's too sensitive. Pomegranate is the new healthy trend. Xia Meng and Liu Jing conclude Fang Xin is spoiled with a princess's disease. Fang Xin glares at her friends who have converted to Team Zhang Ting. Jokes aside, the girls ask Fang Xin about her relationship status. She doesn't know. He hasn't confessed to her. The girls don't get why it has to be so complicated. She kissed him and he didn't reject her. Aren't they set? Fang Xin sighs and admits to being spoiled, I am princess! Ha. Xia Meng gives her heartfelt advice that if she's certain Mr. Right is Zhang Ting, she should make a move. 

Xia Meng: Don't wait until you've lost him and then regret it. 

[Xia Meng] That was very heartfelt advice from Xia Meng because Lu Bin hasn't forgiven her yet. The next day, Fang Xin visits Lu Bin to ask him to be her personal trainer. He examines her BMI and says it's not good. She's too skinny. Fang Xin thinks skinny is good. Lu Bin thinks being healthy and confident is better. Fang Xin opportunely teases, "Like Xia Meng?" Lu Bin looks away, annoyed. Then during exercise, Fang Xin breathlessly asks if he's this strict with Xia Meng too. He's annoyed again. However, when Fang Xin is seriously struggling, Lu Bin tells her to persist like Xia Meng. Fang Xin laughs at him for mentioning Xia Meng this time. After exercising, Fang Xin has a proper chat with Lu Bin on why Xia Meng would put in so much effort to lie to him. Fang Xin doing this for Xia Meng is pretty cool of her. Besties <3.

Liu Jing's parents have secured her old job. She can return to her original post. Liu Jing rejects. She wants to open her restaurant. She never liked her job. Mom yells at Liu Jing, "How many people out there love their job?" True. But Liu Jing is serious about her passion. She has it planned out and she has enough money to rent it for six months (not including profit). Dad has very practical questions. What happens when there's another wave of covid? Other well established restaurants are bankrupt, why does she think hers can succeed? Then Mom lists everything Liu Jing gave up: skating and drawing after just a few lessons, studying MBA, etc.

Mom: Look at your friends. One has a stable job. The other one married well. [Liu Jin interrupts: She's divorced]. Divorced now but at least she married well. Look at yourself. You're the only one left. You're not good enough to reach the high post, and too proud of yourself to take the low one, always giving up halfway. At home you're whining about this and that –
Liu Jing: Mom! Can't you support me a little?!
Mom: If you are worth supporting, why were you even fired?! Oof

The family turns silent. Mom said it – a truth that hurts them all. Dad speaks first. He tells Liu Jing that he rarely begged anyone but for her – he starts tearing up too – he made a lot of phone calls to recover her post. He takes Liu Jing's hands and tells her to not bring up the restaurant for now and go to work on Monday. Liu Jing cries. She can't utter a word. Mom has her back facing the two and says that after she settles in her job, she should marry. Dad annoyingly asks who she will marry. Mom's expectations of Liu Jing are so low that she'd accept Jiang Shan Mu. Dad sighs. Liu Jing's is sniffling and whimpering; she still hasn't said a word. Mom is crying too. 

This conversion is so real, it hurts.

[Xia Meng] Wang Ji Chong hasn't told his parents he broke up with Xia Meng. He thinks there's still a chance. She takes it upon herself to explain to his parents that the marriage is off. She loves someone else. This is an explanation for his parents and for Wang Ji Chong. They're not getting back together. 

Liu Jing is at Jiang Shan Mu’s condo. He comforts her. He will support her. Liu Jing shifts her perspective to appreciate one good thing: her mom isn't against their relationship. 

Fang Xin hangs out with Mr. Huang at another drag show. She complains to Mr. Huang that Zhang Ting is too passive. She already made the move to kiss him and if she continues, it's too shameless. Mr. Huang points at the inconsistency. It's okay for men to take the initiative and it's not okay for the girls because it's shameless. Fang Xin sighs. She understands the logic but putting it into action is hard! Mr. Huang directs her attention to the stage, our drag queen took a lot of courage to present his/her true self. 

Mr. Huang: Can't you be more courageous too? ♪ I am tiTAYnium!! [Sia] ♪

Fang Xin takes the advice! Being active it is. She walks into Zhang Ting's bakery when it's closed. He's mopping and asks why "Ms. Fang" is here. Fang Xin demands him to call her by name. Our doofus, clearly clueless, nods. He still doesn’t get it. Fang Xin asks him about that night. The block is still a block! She gets to the point that she kissed him because she liked him and wanted to deepen their relationship. He turns around to wash his hand. Ah!!! Dude! Fang Xin accuses him of remembering it but not saying anything. It’s his turn to be frustrated. He was being considerate of her. That night, he thought the kiss was an accident. She had clearly told him that she can use alcohol as an excuse to forget it. 

Fang Xin whines: But I already love you this much, can't you tell!
Zhang Ting is still frustrated: Ms. Fang – no, Fang Xin. You said you were very sensitive, right? You always knew who liked you. But I'm different! I never pursued anything [outside of what I can achieve]. I even thought that night was like a dream [that I could never have] so I can't cling onto you because of that one kiss. I thought it would be inconvenient for you. I was giving you a stage to step down from. If you regretted it, I could pretend it never happened. I'll never bring it up because that way we can still be friends. 
Fang Xin is quieter now: I admit that night I purposely drank a lot. I was afraid that after I kissed you, you didn't feel that way about me then I could pretend to be drunk. 
Zhang Ting looks down and shuffles his feet
Fang Xin: But I'm sober now. So no matter what happens, I won't regret anything and I don't need any stage to step down from. 
She takes a step forward
Fang Xin: Zhang Ting, do you like me?

Zhang Ting looks her in the eye and moves in to kiss her. Yesss!! One couple down! 

I really like this episode’s theme in how women view women. Our girls have flaws. They have their inconsistencies. It’s easy to say that it sucks being women of the past when they're objectified by men (e.g. concubines wanting the Emperor's love). But there will be a lot of girls (e.g. FangXins) who will wait for their Mr. Right to make the first move as if they’re merely objects of men's love rather than an equal partner. As a girl (i.e. my thoughts), I think that we all want the good things that is a guy and none of the bad things that is a guy (and perhaps vice versa). Show has made me feel that this is normal, and that there’s a hypocrite in all of us. We’re not perfect. But we do want to improve

[Ep19Everyone is on set for Jiang Shan Mu’s palace drama. Liu Jing and Fang Xin are filling in for consort bit-parts. The scene they’re filming is the death of the Emperor. It’s just a tad funny that of all the scenes, it’s the Emperor dying. Jiang Shan Mu needs more girls and asks Xia Meng, who flatly refuses. Even the girls that Song Chao and Lao Gao brought aren’t enough. 

Xia Meng is here as a PD to entice the director to choose her drama for her next project. Wang Ji Chong, who’s working for another company, is battling her head on. They sort of have chemistry here. Jiang Shan Mu, the assistant director, supports Xia Meng’s project and then brings up how if Xia Meng loves the director’s work, she should cameo! Ahaha. Clever guy. Wang Ji Chong smirks. Xia Meng smiles brightly and asks if they’re missing a eunuch because Wang Ji Chong would be perfect. LOL. Apparently, there’s enough guys. Also, Xia Meng got the role of the evil nanny. Haha. The prologue predicted it. Also this Director does absolutely nothing but sit there for every scene she’s ever been in. Jiang Shan Mu does everything.

After the nth cut of the distractors filming, there’s finally a good take. Not. Xia Meng’s hair dye melts and she’s dripping black sweat. Fang Xin laughs out loud. The director hollers at Jiang Shan Mu for the unprofessional actors he’s found. She demands him to apologize to Actress Jia Wen Yi in front of everyone. Director, where have you been in trying to solve this problem? 

It’s lunch time and it’s a shrimp feast. Jiang Shan Mu is too busy to eat. Meanwhile, Fang Xin is allergic. Guess who’s here! Zhang Ting with her allergic-free food! Liu Jing empties her spot for him; she sits next to Song Chao. Show keeps teasing me. It’s horrible. Wang Ji Chong joins the table too. Then Jiang Shan Mu is here to describe the scene to the girls and how they should act. Song Chao interjects that he's upset for Jiang Shan Mu; it’s not his fault for the NGs. Jiang Shan Mu says it is his responsibility and that he deserved to be reprimanded. Lao Gao whispers to Song Chao that Jiang Shan Mu is the real man. Song Chao looks pensive. 

Jiang Shan Mu to Liu Jing: Although you are a concubine, you’re really just a maid with status. You may think you’re special but in the palace, no one cares about your existence. Today, the Emperor died, which means your life hasn’t even started and it has ended. Sounds a bit like Liu Jing

Jiang Shan Mu to Fang Xin: You love the Emperor. You want to grow old with him.  Sounds a bit like Fang Xin

Jiang Shan Mu to Xia Meng (only because she asked, lol): For you (as the Nanny), you’ll need to understand your social status. Do you get it?

Wang Ji Chong is at Xia Meng's side: I understand. Totally understand. Heh.

Xia Meng wants more acting tips because she’s our keener! She asks if she should do this and that. Jiang Shan Mu just tells her to tone it down. Xia Meng isn’t satisfied with that. Wang Ji Chong smiles at her. Omg, I actually think Wang Ji Chong isn’t that bad...  

[Liu Jing] While Jiang Shan Mu is explaining, Liu Jing stares at him with admiration. He’s so devoted to work. Even Song Chao is motivated by him. Song Chao has decided to go to Beijing as his father wishes. He knows the difference between him and Jiang Shan Mu. Maybe when he returns, he’ll be a different man (someone who can stand next to Liu Jing? Yes?)

Fang Xin reveals to Zhang Ting that she's a little disappointed she had to initiate. She wants to hear him confess. He tries, “I like you.” Done. I mean, he sounded sincere, right? xD. Before she leaves to film, he does remember a love line he heard from a wedding. She’s excited to hear it. A copycat confession makes her this happy, eh. Her standards are this low for this guy, lol. He starts, and omg it’s a wedding vow. He ends it with, “Will you marry me?’ Because that’s how it ended. Haha

Zhang Ting stutters: Wait no, I meant I was only repeating those words. I don’t mean to ask you to marry me. Wait no! I don’t mean that I don’t want you to marry me. I just – Please stop talking, lol.  

Fang Xin gets it, but she’s got to leave to film. 

Good take! Filming has wrapped! The director makes her closing speech. She doesn’t really know how she ended up being a director. Right...I don’t know how she did it either -.- She gave up a lot of things like drawing and music. Then when she graduated, she wanted to be a director. Everyone told her it was impossible. She now realizes that everything she learned (and gave up learning) was to prepare her for today. 

Liu Jing listens to the speech with tears in her eyes. She remembers loving cooking from a young age. The director’s speech motivates her to chase her dream, her aspirations. She immediately makes a call to her agent. She will rent the restaurant on the fourth floor. 

Xia Meng struggles to remove her wig. Wang Ji Chong helps her. He says to take it as his lesson fees. He has learnt a lot from her. When he barely knew the names of everyone in the company, Xia Meng was already leading a project. She never gave up. It’s her who’s inspiring him. He won’t give up easily on the things he wants to achieve (including Xia Meng?). Just a wig and he wants to clear his debt? That’s too cheap for Xia Meng. She whispers to his ears what she wants: the director. No way. And so she headlocks him. Guess who sees this? Lu Bin. 

[Ep20This episode is an hour!


Our three girls are admiring rings. Xia Meng wants to grow up faster so she can wear one. 

Liu Jing: It isn’t that simple. You have to find someone you love. 
Fang Xin: And that person would have to want to marry you. 
Liu Jing: And be able to afford this expensive diamond ring. 
Xia Meng: Can’t I buy the ring for myself? 

Liu Jing is preparing dishes for her restaurant. She asks Song Chao for help with inviting her parents. Fang Xin and Xia Meng are there as well as waiters. Thanks to everyone’s help, Mom and Dad finally sit down and try their daughter’s cuisine. Mom is crying and so is Liu Jing. They’re slowly accepting Liu Jing’s aspirations, especially when she's fully prepared down to every dish and every budget. She’s not budging for her passion and her parents can feel it. They’ve decided to invest in their daughter in this unsteady economy with the money they saved for her marriage. T_T The parents made a huge decision here. For Liu Jing – when you’re confident in yourself, you have a reason to go all in. But others who are not you, it’s a risky bet and what they’re risking is their precious daughter’s future

Fang Xin is touched by Zhang Ting’s kind heart. He’s making dessert for free for a photographic exhibition which is a charity event. All proceeds will go to the hospitals. The pictures are taken with phones during the outbreak of frontline healthcare workers who risked their lives to save others. Fang Xin takes off Zhang Ting’s mask and stares at the man she’s in love with. She’s even more in love with him. I say it’s a nod to Ep2 – where Ma Zheng Yu failed is where Zhang Ting shines. But omg the mask hygiene is so bad in this scene! She’s touching the outside of the mask and then his face. Later, at the exhibition, she asks about the couple in the photo and if they’ve married. They’re doctors who were supposed to marry but because of COVID-19, they signed up to be in the frontline. Unfortunately, the male contracted the virus and passed away.  

[Xia Meng] Lu Bin visits Xia Meng’s work place. She’s rather admirable. Lu Bin leaves without speaking to her. 

Fang Xin and her colleague are competing for a project that’s promoting black wedding dresses. Call me traditional, but I don’t see this working at all. Their client is CEO Zhang (Ni Hong Jie’s cameo). The colleague goes first and her presentation's slogan (“Black is the new white") is exactly the same as Fang Xin’s. Isn’t this scene in Xia Meng’s drama that she banned in Ep5? LOL. But hey, our CEO is a woman! Fang Xin improvises on the spot. She shares her childhood fantasies about marriage but then her mother divorced. The evil 2FL colleague interjects that this is pointless. Both Fang Xin and CEO Zhang shut her up. Thank you! Fang Xin then shares her own divorce and how she understands the difficult decision her mother made. CEO Zhang seems to be touched. This woman is such a scene stealer. Not a word and all her emotions are in her eyes. Fang Xin recounts that her mother remarried without a wedding. Fang Xin was disappointed to not see her in a wedding dress but Mom says it’s the second marriage for herself and her husband. She doesn’t want to make it a commotion nor is she that beautiful in a wedding dress anymore. 

Fang Xin: [It’s true] my mother is aging, but I don’t think that she’s only the most beautiful when she wears a wedding dress. For example, when she decided to divorce, when she returned to school to get her law degree, when she graduated as a lawyer, when I told her I was getting married and she sent me all her savings without another word. Us women, it’s not possible to have a smooth life forever, we have to make a lot of decisions. However, I do believe that all girls will dream of wearing a wedding dress because we all think that it’ll be the day we’re the most beautiful, but it doesn’t mean that all women will dream of marrying [...] because in life there’s a lot of moments that are just as important as marriage. We need to have the right, the courage that on the day we’re supposed to be our prettiest to make the most important decision.

Fang Xin’s proposal is to host a dance party and to invite 100 ladies at various ages with various jobs (police officers, nurses, single girls, single mothers, housewife, etc.). 

Fang Xin: As girls, we can decide that if today is my most beautiful day, then I can wear the wedding dress that I love. On the day that a woman makes a decision in her life is the day she’s the most beautiful.

CEO Zhang has a request. Can she be invited to her dance party? CEO Zhang has chosen her Fang Xin. 

Xia Meng visits Lu Bin with a new straightened hair style. He speaks first. He likes her perseverance, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t mad. There’s another layer to his anger. Through all the lies, is she still the girl he fell in love with? The one who worked two jobs to support herself, to survive in this busy city. This is why he’s been visiting her at work – to know who she is. He realizes she is still the girl he loves and even more passionate. Now he thinks he’s not worthy of her. Wang Ji Chong 2.0?? 

It’s Xia Meng’s turn to speak. She tells him about her two friends: Fang Xin and Liu Jing. Classmates would say Fang Xin is the pretty and sweet one, Liu Jing is the quirky and fun one, but when it comes to herself, they’d say she’s the one who studies well. That’s it. No more. This is why she works hard. If she doesn’t, then she won’t have anything worthy of being praised for. This hurts ): She tells Lu Bin that he’s different from everyone around her. She wants to live like him, simple and pure. He’s also the first one who made her realize that she doesn’t need to strive to improve herself and she can still be loved. He told her she was beautiful the way she is. She never thought there would be someone who would love her physical appearance. She works non-stop because she’s afraid if she doesn’t, she won’t be loved. Now she thinks that as long as Lu Bin thinks she’s important, then that’s enough. Lu Bin cries. He stands up and offers a handshake. “Nice to meet you, I’m Lu Bin.” He’s accepting her. She smiles and introduces herself and asks her trainer for a schedule to work out. He has one and it’s to follow him home. 

Everyone is at the Wedding Dress Dance Party (in white dresses). I thought this was a black dress event? Woah, and Liu Jing is in a wedding jumper. There are little girls, and there are big little girls with beautiful white hair in white wedding dresses. Fang Xin makes her speech and she showcases the pictures from the exhibition. The female doctor whose husband died during the outbreak is Zhang Bo Jia’s cameo! So hidden. Fang Xin invited Dr. Zhang, who’s wearing a black wedding dress. She shares her story about volunteering and her husband’s passing. Her husband didn’t regret their decision. As for her, even though he’s not around her anymore, she is surrounded by (his and everyone's) love. For herself, she will dress prettily. Cheers to girls! 

As Fang Xin, Liu Jing, and Xia Meng are dancing, they meet their younger selves. Liu Jing asks if they met their expectations. Aw.

Little Liu Jing: You’re too indecisive. 
Little Xia Meng: You’re working yourself too hard. 
Little Fang Xin: You’re too weak. 

Fang Xin asks if they disappointed them. 

Together: No. 
Little Liu Jing: You lived very courageously. 
Little Xia Meng: You lived very passionately 
Little Fang Xin: You lived very beautifully 

Little Fang Xin: You all make us look forward to growing up, to experience everything. 

Our show is ending!! 

Liu Jing’s voiceover: Nowadays, people know what they love to eat and what their dreams are [Scene: Liu Jing and Jiang Wen Wen are on set with Jiang Shan Mu looking like a family
Xia Meng’s voiceover: But towards love, we can’t treat it like food or our dreams, [when love] comes towards us with such purity and such simplicity. [Scene: Song Chao packing his bag to leave his home to Beijing
Liu Jing’s voiceover: Perhaps love is something we have to face within ourselves in order to love another and hoping that person will love you back. [Scenes: Fang Xin and Zhang Ting hugging; Xia Meng and Liu Bin hugging; Wang Ji Chong swiping pictures of Xia Meng]
Fang Xin’s voiceover: You have to believe that at each turning point in life, as long as we make a sincere decision, everything will turn out well. 

The event is winding down. 

Liu Jing shares with the girls that Jiang Shan Mu proposed to her. She accepted, but she’s also regretting it. Girl, what? The girls sigh. 

Xia Meng won’t be buying a house anymore. She’ll be living with Lu Bin. She doesn’t know if it’ll work out between them but she wants to try and love him until she doesn’t. Realistic

Fang Xin received an offer to be a vice director but it’s in Shanghai. Zhang Ting doesn’t know yet. Zhang Ting also doesn’t know Fang Xin is pregnant. UHHHHHHH Drama is just dropping a few bombs like it’s nothing. 

Liu Jing and Xia Meng rest their heads on Fang Xin’s shoulders. There’s a collective sigh. Our ending music that was always a little mischievous plays. Our girls smirk at the screen.


I’m down for season two

The end. Gawd.


[First Impression (Ep1-7)] The three unwonted girls have wholly enraptured me. They’re peculiar, picky (so picky!) and so darn relatable. Each episode bursts with witty social commentary. It's also laden with food, drama(-making) and marketing analogies – what a flavourful combo! By the way, each of our girls work in one of these fields (Liu Jing in cuisine; Xia Meng in drama production as the head producer; Fang Xin in PR). 

I love the girls for being a trio of social misfits. How lonely would they have been if they hadn’t found each other? I love that Show thoroughly convinced me this friendship clicks despite their polarizing and unyielding temperaments. 

The guys are supporting characters but they’re faceted with understated charms, which I find surprisingly well done given that this is a female-centric drama. 

The romance is a mystery, each of the girls have at least two potential partners. They’ll most likely each find a Mr. Right. I thought I could guess the final pairings but by Ep7 I’m torn about Liu Jing’s. I think the childhood friend is slightly edging out.

I am relishing the recapping process for this one. I have to do a proper second rewatch to pick up a lot of the hidden themes, scene transitions, trinkets etc. Every odd numbered episode starts with a prologue from their school days, That prologue then sets the theme for the following episodes. I hope this will be a consistent pattern for the drama. 

The most predominant theme is food (duh). It’s in the analogies, it’s in the dialogues, but it’s also deliciously seasoned in the characterizations and even down to their eating habits. Not only am I paying attention to what they’re saying, I’m entertained by the way they eat (if you haven’t paid attention to the eating scenes, you’re not missing out much, but it’s one of those extra little details that makes this show extra little special). 

[Our Girls and Food]

First of all, eating isn’t easy for our girls. 

Liu Jing is one picky, picky eater who thankfully loves cooking(!); her taste in men is equally demanding in terms of appearance and content. She just wants to find someone she truly loves, and is it so bad, she wants him to be appealing inside and out? 

Fang Xin is allergic to all sorts of food, making her very prudent about the ingredients in her dishes. Her personality is prudent as well, but even then she chose the wrong man to marry. Will she be willing to choose and accept another man? Hopefully one that can cook because she can’t. 

Xia Meng is dieting or trying to diet and ultimately cannot resist food just as she cannot resist men who show interest in her. But which dish (man) is truly her favourite, one that she can savour without the need for control? 

Our drama’s motto: “Dare to eat; Dare to love.” Our girls are such selective eaters, will they have the courage to try a dish they’re not confident in and love a man out of their comfort zone? 

[Actors/Actresses] Of the whole cast, I’m the most familiar with the kiddo: Wang Sheng Di as Jiang Wen Wen. She’s got the touch of Midas. Almost every drama she acts in exceeds expectations. 

The drama is helmed by the crew (director and producer) of A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower. At a glance, they’re completely different dramas but underlying both dramas, there is mystery (for this drama, it’s in the romance), a gradual/gripping reveal of plot and characters, and rooted at the centre is friendship and love. 

I glimpsed at the cast and noticed there will be quite a few cameos by the AMAiHT cast including Liu Dan, Ma Liang, Ma Xiao Yuan, Ni Hong Jie, and Zhang Bo Jia, as well as Wang Sheng Di. 

傻白甜 Shǎ bái tián – Foolish/stupid, pure/white, sweet. This is a derogatory term to describe most romcom FLs. (Ep5)

不撞南牆不回頭 Bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu – Stubborn / Not looking back until hitting the south walls. (Ep7)

蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛 Luó bo qīng cài, gè yǒu suǒ ài – To each their own. Literary: Radishes and cabbages, each have their fans (Ep7)

高手 Gāo shǒu – Expert (Ep7)

富二代 Fù èr dài – Rich second generation (individuals wealth because of their parents) (Ep7)

約炮 Yuē pào – To hook up for a night stand. (Ep7)

不擇手段 Bù zé shǒu duàn – By fair means or foul (i.e. whatever means necessary). (Ep8)

酒肉朋友 Jiǔ ròu péng yǒu – Alcohol and meat friends  Drinking buddies. They’re friends who will ditch you in times of difficulties. (Ep13)

會來事 Huì lái shì – Being intuitive, saying the right things and dong the right things in front of colleagues and supervisors (Ep13)

不惹事,但也不怕事 Bù rě shì, dàn yě bù pà shì – I don’t cause trouble, but I won’t be afraid of trouble. (A popular saying) 

绿茶 Lǜ chá – Green tea (bitch) 🍵 → Derogative term directed at girls who pretend to be innocent and charming but is actually manipulative (Ep15)

白蓮花 Bái lián huā – White Lotus 💮 → Derogative term directed at girls who are pure but their hearts are dark. Similar to Green Tea Bitch. (Ep15)

[Ending] There isn't one simple sentence I can summarize this ending. I loved it, though! It’s mischievously optimistic for everyone. It showcases the possibilities in a girl’s life. It’s relatable and the girls become very real and living in my heart. It’s also fun enough of an ending that wraps up a story that almost seems impossible to end without disappointing one set of the audience. My ship didn’t entirely sink! I think. But it sank a lot...just saying. It’s complicated! But it works, because our girls are complicated. And it’s okay to be like that. 

Liu Jing opens her restaurant. Jiang Shan Mu proposed. Liu Jing accepted but she regrets it (and the girls aren’t surprised at hearing this; she’s always been indecisive). 

Xia Meng won’t buy her house because she’ll be living with Lu Bin. She isn’t certain she will choose him to the end but she will love him until she no longer loves him.

Fang Xin has an amazing job offer in Shanghai and she’s also pregnant. Zhang Ting knows neither. We have no idea what her ultimate choice is. We do know she just came out of a divorce where she was a housewife and she probably doesn’t want that life anymore, which makes her choice more confusing. 

Song Chao is going to Beijing (to become a new man! I’m rooting for ya! Still!). 

Wang Ji Chong still loves Xia Meng. It wasn’t just Xia Meng who needed to learn to love herself, Wang Ji Chong needed to overcome his weaknesses and insecurities as well. Once he became comfortable with himself, then he realized he still loves Xia Meng. Did he lose his girl or will he win her back? 

Jiang Shan Mu proposed! Jiang Shan Mu seems to be the compass to Liu Jing’s indecisiveness, but in the end, she’s still indecisive! (I’m very surprised he has fewer scenes in the finale than Song Chao.) 

Zhang Ting loves Fang Xin from beginning to end. Still shy. Still kind. Still making the world smell better~

It’s definitely not a bad ending, but to say that it’s a happy ending isn’t quite right. I think Delicious Romance has an ending that means their life continues. They will face more choices. They will be more beautiful with each brave decision they make. 

[Review & Rating] Mm-Mm-Mm! I’ve never felt so drawn to all three main characters. Usually, there’s one I’d skip, but not this one! Their stories converge and diverge so smoothly. It’s done with taste and invigorated with humour and wit. I want more! So clever, you little Show, with all the metaphors, the revelations, the choices, and the logic behind every decision. Show also touches on heavier topics (sexual harassment, annoying parents, divorce) and can be emotional, but it never feels heavy. 

It’s a drama where I love the girls first and the romance second, and then by the end, I love everyone anyway. Each prominent character is attractive because they strive to improve, be it the girls, the guys who got the girls or the guys who didn’t get the girls. These characters are written so well, there has to be at least one character that resonates with you (I would think). I resonate with at least three, ha and even some of the guys. There are so many moments that make me feel this show really gets it, gets me, my nuances, my ticks, my hypocrisy, and that it’s okay, and everyone else has the same insecurities. (A warning! The girls have flaws. You may hate them for it.) 

The romance is the biggest tease. You have no idea who the girls (2/3) will end up with, and I was addicted to that. At Ep19, I’m still hanging onto a thread that feels like it’s about to snap, but it’s still there! 

On the ending that I love: it’s a little open. I love the shock factor. It’s the good kind, and full of mischief. What can I say? Our girls are hypocrites, haha.

I find the theme at the end a little sudden, but it’s still thoughtful. My takeaway:
  • The most delicious romance is the one we choose; 
  • The most beautiful moment is the one decided by us 
In the finale, our girls' most beautiful romance is the one where they learned to love themselves and met people who love them for who they are. 
  • Liu Jing’s beautiful moment: when she sincerely convinced her parents to open her restaurant. How could I not cry with her when her love for her dream was so pure and so resolute? 
  • Xia Meng’s beautiful moment: when she decided to come clean about her vulnerabilities. It’s the first time she’s ever been truthful, truthful to the point that it’s her weakest moment but also her prettiest moment. 
  • Fan Xing’s beautiful moment: when she improvised her presentation so brilliantly and so touchingly. (How could CEOs not love her?)
The romance had me hooked, but the ending reminded me it was always about the girls.
  • Liu Jing is indecisive about love and everything else but not when it comes to food and her dream. 
  • Xia Meng is confident about everything but herself and in the end she learns to face her insecurities. No drama, no lies, just her bare self. 
  • Fang Xin is always prudent, ponders on every move, but gradually, almost unnoticeably by me, she transforms into a woman who’s independent and confident. I love that her romance was always simple and pure and only with one man, but ultimately, the choice that stresses her the most is between her career and her man. She’s no longer the woman who turns silly when in love. It’s not because she loves Zhang Ting less, she just knows how to love herself better. 
P.S. I am so team Song Chao. Not because he’s rich (maybe. LOL. No!). I really think he has chemistry with Liu Jing, she’s comfortable around him, and I truly believe he’s on his way to becoming a man worthy of her. Liu Jing being indecisive about Jiang Shan Mu gave me that bit of hope, which may have annoyed the Jiang Shan Mu and Liu Jing shippers, haha. Join me ~~

Rating: 5/5