A man is on a mission to find the whereabouts of his third uncle. From there our party of three embark on perilous tomb raiding missions.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhu Yi Long: Wu Xie
Chen Ming Hao: Wang Pang Zi
Huang Jun Jie: Zhang Qi Ling
Chinese Title
[Ep1-2] Wu Xie is diagnosed with cancer and only has three to six months to live. His only regret in life is not knowing where his third uncle went. He calls up his "Little Big Brother" and tells him this. Thus, he reunites with his two soulmate like brothers on tomb raiding missions to find his missing uncle.
[Ep10] Wu Xie goes crazy after learning about the possible evil deeds of his third uncle. He almost kills Pang Zi.
[Ep13] Romance is up a notch for Ya Nu and Hei Yan Jing. They both like each other but they just need that one push.
Network: iQIYI
Recap Grade: D
First Impression: N/A
First Impression: N/A
Mini Recaps
[Ep1-2] Wu Xie is diagnosed with cancer and only has three to six months to live. His only regret in life is not knowing where his third uncle went. He calls up his "Little Big Brother" and tells him this. Thus, he reunites with his two soulmate like brothers on tomb raiding missions to find his missing uncle.
[Ep3] Zhang Qi Ling, the Little Big Brother, shows off his body.
[Ep4] Wu Xie is sentimental with Zhang Qi Ling. If he is to die he wishes it's on the road risking his life with them. Oh. Is this another BL drama?
[Ep5] So many good looking men playing cool roles this drama. Adding to the list of Zhu Yi Long and Huang Jun Jie, now there's Liu Chang as Liu Sang. His hearing ability is out of this world. Does Liu Sang perhaps like Zhang Qi Ling?. The four men are stuck in an underground tomb. There's a disgusting cockroach infestation going on here. Liu Sang and Zhang Qi Ling are stuck together. When Liu Sang hears the Morse code Wu Xie sent, he purposely hides it from Zhang Qi Ling. Not long after Wu Xie meets up with Wang Pang Zhi, he dies 😶 It's a very cruel death: hung and then burnt.
[Ep6] Zhang Qi Ling dies protecting Wu Xie from a fire man. Fortunately, everything was a nightmare instigated from the eerie cravings on the wall. Liu Sang gets his share of hallucinations as well. He's about to be burnt to death by his father after his step-mother convinces him he's not his son. None of this is real. Everyone's alive.
Wu Xie is making a contraption to listen to a recording left by his uncle. However, Pang Zi gives him a weird facial signal. Wu Xie understands the signal and looks to his left. A corpse has risen alive.
[Ep7] Pang Zi and Wu Xie prove that they have years of teamwork as they work together to distract the corpse so Wu Xie can gather his knife to kill the undead corpse. They're not free from danger yet. Liu Sang guides them to the wrong direction and they end up being snatched by an unknown force. Their limbs are bound by thousands of zombie hands growing out from the cave. Ew. Wu Xie sends a morse code with his head for help. Liu Sang finally updates Qi Ling on Wu Xie's whereabouts. Qi Ling flies to his rescue. With one fiery move from his sword, he burns down the zombie hands and saves his friends.
Hei Yang Jing (literally ‘sunglasses’) meets Ya Nu (literally ‘mute girl’). He confiscates her SD card when she was secretly filming a weird tribal ritual. He thought she filmed him peeing.
[Ep8]Ah so it’s the blind who met the mute. Hei Yang Jing is blind but then how did he see her sign language? Someone explain this.
So many hallucinations in this tomb, I don’t know what’s real. Pang Zi is blind and Qi Ling’s soul is gone.
So many hallucinations in this tomb, I don’t know what’s real. Pang Zi is blind and Qi Ling’s soul is gone.
[Ep9] All three men in the tomb are blind now.
[Ep10] Wu Xie goes crazy after learning about the possible evil deeds of his third uncle. He almost kills Pang Zi.
→ That entire anesthetic moment between Pang Zi and Wu Xie... That kiss... That poor guy...
→ Wu Xie is much safer in Qi Ling’s arms.
→ Pang Zi is mad Wu Xie didn’t tell him about his cancer.
→ Second uncle will not let Wu Xie participate in anymore missions.
→ Is mute girl no longer going to be mute?
→ Bai Hao Tian, who looks like a regular warehouse employee, cheerfully asks her idol, Wu Xie, for his signature instead of exposing him in her warehouse. Her big bright eyes are creepily suspicious. She wants Wu Xie to write, “Bai Hao Tian, hope you have a boyfriend one day.” Wu Xie is cutely smug, he turns around to talk to an imaginary Qi Ling that he too has fans now. Ha.
→ That doll Wu Xie stoke from his second uncle is so creepy. It's a real person...?? Can we please stop looking into her head...
→ Ya Nu's voice is slowly returning.
→ Wu Xie is mysteriously recruited to work in warehouse #11
[First Impression (Ep1-6)] It is a quality production with BL vibes. I'm casually dipping my feet into this because I honestly don't know if I'll stick around. I've never tried The Lost Tomb Series because it's not my type of genre. However it is the big production of 2020 so I'll try it out.
[Dropped] Confirmed. Not my type of drama. The more I watch this, the more distant I feel. When I see reviews of people who love the story, I just can’t feel the same. This just isn’t a series that’s friendly to newcomers. The teams are already formed, every character already knows each other. There are inside jokes that go over my head. I wanted to see if I can join the Zhu Yi Long fanboat but I’ll have to wait until the next drama for him.
[First Impression (Ep1-6)] It is a quality production with BL vibes. I'm casually dipping my feet into this because I honestly don't know if I'll stick around. I've never tried The Lost Tomb Series because it's not my type of genre. However it is the big production of 2020 so I'll try it out.
[Dropped] Confirmed. Not my type of drama. The more I watch this, the more distant I feel. When I see reviews of people who love the story, I just can’t feel the same. This just isn’t a series that’s friendly to newcomers. The teams are already formed, every character already knows each other. There are inside jokes that go over my head. I wanted to see if I can join the Zhu Yi Long fanboat but I’ll have to wait until the next drama for him.