July 20, 2020

Swing to the Sky | Recap and Review

Swing to the Sky
A mermaid becomes her admirer's stepmom. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Fan Shi QiLing Kong
Hu Bing Qing: Yu Xiao Yu
Chinese Title
Episodes: 4/18
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 1/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] After a night of too much alcohol, Yu Xiao Yu and Ling Kong accidentally kiss. After that kiss, her "Dragon Pearl" has gone missing. This Dragon Pearl allows her (a mermaid) to return to her home when there's a full moon. The next morning, she kisses him again and again to find her "Dragon Pearl". He thinks she's making a move on him and becomes bashful at their kisses. 

She soon becomes his step mother. 

Yu Xiao Yu reminds Ling Kong's father of the woman he loved who was a mermaid. Gosh, this story is getting weirder as I type this. Thus, the father helps his son, Ling Kong, help Yu Xiao Yu escape the mental health ward. Technically, it was Ling Kong's fault she was admitted to the hospital in the first place. Ling Kong needs her out of the hospital because the diving coach, Chen Tian. is only willing to stay on the team if Xiao Yu is on the team. Dad helps both of them escape the hospital by claiming Yu Xiao Yu as his wife and therefore Ling Kong's stepmom. 

[Ep2] The entire Ling family knows she's a mermaid. Yu Xiao Yu tells Ling Chen, step brother of Ling Kong, how her mermaid tail has evolved. Mermaids no longer have tails in order to live in the human world. The brothers help her study to pass the test to be accepted into the diving team. They start with teaching her how to write her name. How has she been living on earth? Anyways. She passes the test. However, the professor who accepted her seems to have an ulterior motive (related to her mermaid background). 

Ling Kong is upset he doesn't know how to swim. He wants to impress his father who's obsessed about diving. Xiao Yu hugs him and comforts him that she'll teach him how to swim. She pretends to drown and he saves her. Now he knows how to swim. Huh

Then there's a physical test for her to be accepted into the diving team but a jealous girl cuts up her swimsuit making her diving a failure. Chen Tian is the hero who saves her and carries her. 

[Ep3] After being harassed, Xiao Yu faints over. She doesn't wake up until a whole bucket of water is dumped on her face. Poor Hu Bing Qing... She's amnesiac every time she faints – so she forgets whatever happens before she faints – and thinks Ling Kong was fighting for no reason, not knowing he was fighting to protect her. 

[Ep4] Ling Kong and Xiao Yu strike a deal. She helps him improve his diving (and continue to be on the diving team) while he helps her pursue Chen Tian. He motivates her to confess her love via the the school's public announcement system. The next time Chen Tian sees her, he asks her out on a date at a fancy restaurant. 

Xiao Yu faints again. Ling Kong finds water bottles from the trash can and pours it on her face. Hu Bing Qing must love her role. She wakes up but is amnesic again. Ling Kong takes advantage of this and makes her sign a contract so that she's stuck on the diving team to help him. While the bothers are helping her recover her other memories, Ling Chen purposely avoids telling her about Chen Tian. 



[First Impression (Ep1-4)] I usually have patience for weird stories but this one is way out of left field. She's a mermaid who became the male lead's step mom. When the FL dives in the water she flies straight into the sky first. There's way too many plot holes that I cannot unsee within the first two episodes. Yu Xiao Yu, the poor girl, has water dumped onto her face each time she faints and she faints quite a bit in the first four episodes. I also don't like the main leads: she's very cute but very dumb; he's slightly arrogant and very dumb. I cannot. 

The title change is interesting. It was initially "Swin to the Sky". I'm positive they spelled "Swim" wrong but instead of admitting that they rather say they accidentally left out a "g" for Swing. I get it – a careless mistake is better than embarrassingly spelling Swim wrong.  

[Actors/Actresses] Despite Ren You Lun having a small role in this, he's one of the reasons I'm checking out this drama. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait until he had a more significant scene (not sure if he ever will in this drama). As for Fan Shi Qi (Kris Fan), that blond hair needs to go. I like his acting a lot in his previous dramas but not this one. Hu Bing Qing does her best in this cute role but I'm not into such a bubbly (and dumb) character at the moment. 

[Dropped] I wrote this post with the intention of dropping this drama. It was fun to talk about the absurd story. If I continue to watch this, I'd just be making fun of it.