Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Ya Qin: Xing Yue
Ren You Lun: Gao Zhen He
Chinese Title
The Man Who Belongs to the Tribal Chief
Network: Tencent Video
Mini Recaps
[Ep1] Gao Zhen He suffers a car accident and falls into a primitive society. It's a secluded village that's off the maps. A girl introduces herself as Xing He Bian Luo's (Galaxy Falls) Su Li Xi Xing Yue. It's one heck of a long title so I'll just call her Xing Yue. "Su Li Xi" in their language means Queen. She is the leader of Galaxy Falls' Tribe. This is a matriarchal society. Women go hunting and men do housekeeping. They know nothing about technology. Xing Yue is interested if he's a good person. He tells her that if she takes him to his car, he can prove it. He takes advantage of her gullibility and tells her his car is a ferocious monster and only this weird dance can tame it. She naively learns the dance. In the process, she's injured and he runs away but there's nowhere to run to. His compass and GPS don't work here. When he learns there's a fire where he left Xing Yue, he runs back to save her. His heroism impresses her and now Xing Yue has fallen for him. As the tribal chief, she declares him her man.
[Ep2] She's fascinated by the music playing from his phone while he's fascinated with her Xing Xing stone ("Starry" stone). He's a junkie for minerals (he's a mineral collector/hunter). In his world, her stone is called "Xing Guang Nan Yue". An extremely valuable sapphire. It's because of her sapphire he's set on staying with her until he finds more of it or at least gets his hands on hers. However, he's too unaccustomed to their rules that his top notch seductive skills don't have the same effect on her.

The next day she decides to "confess" to him the way he had taught her. She brings him to the wood, stands in front of him and tells him she's about to confess. He smirks and tells her he's ready for it. She suddenly pulls a string and from above a pot of blood pours on him. "Blood" and "Snow" sound the same in Chinese. Hahaha. He's baffled and accuses her of playing with him. She doesn't understand and says she is playing with him. She loves playing with him, ha. He then calls her "Zha Nan". My closest translation would be "scumbag". It's a term reserved for awful cheating men. He walks off on her and is caught in another one of her traps. He's now hanging upside down above the ground. He begs her to let him go.
Xing Yue: Then do you want to watch stars with me?There's a reason why Gao Zhen He must return home. He signed a hefty contract with Li An that he has to call her every seven days and physically meet up with her every fifteen days. It's currently Day 13. Tomorrow is also his wedding with Xing Yue. After finding out that a cave entrance is his exit to this world, he drugs the drinks so that he can escape the wedding night.
Gao Zhen He: YES YES YES. I'll watch whatever. LOL.

Gao Zhen He: In everyone's heart there is a small fox. It hopes to be tamed by the person they love.She's listening to the story and tells him that he's a prince and she's Miss Rose. He disagrees and calls himself a fox (a liar). "Mr. Fox and Miss Rose". She also gives him her Starry stone while he gives her his (worthless) book. During the wedding night, she organized an event for him. She gets her whole tribe to sing him his favourite song. Aw. Still, he's set on leaving her. That night he escapes Galaxy Falls and returns to his world. The next morning, Xing Yue realizes she's been betrayed. Instead of being angry, Xing Yue is heartbroken. Yun He (the lady who seems to know a lot about the other world) takes Xing Yue to the cave entrance that will take her to Gao Zhen He. Yun He reminds her that if anyone asks her about the Starry Stone, it's her signal to come back home. Xing Yue agrees and off she goes to find her love.
Xing Yue who's still in her tribal outfit meets Yi Tian, he's a social media star “famous” for telling horoscopes. Yi Tian happens to be hiring and sees her potential to rise to stardom. It all started when she tried to tame his car. Yi Tian finds her odd but takes the time to teach her the real deal with cars and not the bogus lie that Gao Zhen He made up. This whole scene of her attacking and taming his car was funny.
[Ep4] Yi Tian drives her to Gao Zhen He. To prevent her from screaming in his car, Yi Tian gives her a sleeping mask and headphones to block out the sight and sound of traffic. She looks so funny in the passenger seat wearing everything. Xing Yue passes by Gao Zhen He without realizing that he's in a clown outfit. However, because of his sneeze she instantly recognizes it's him. Unfortunately, she still wasn't able to catch him. Gao Zhen He could have escaped from her but when he sees her being friendly with Yi Tian, he swerves his car to pick her up. Aww. The moment she sees him, she raises her fist but he lies that she can't hit him when it's raining. When he takes her back home, he walks in confidently telling her that this is his turf but before he can finish his sentence her fist is already aimed at him. You would think she'd hold back but she's not of this world. She punches him until he sees stars.
Gao Zhen He has developed an interest in fooling her. Well, that's also the only way to keep her calm and ask about the Starry Stone. To distract her, he lies to her that the cake he bought is for her (it's actually to celebrate with his friends). The message on the cake says "To celebrate our beautiful ten years" but he tells her it says "To celebrate Xing Yue's arrival". However, as she's counting the number of characters, it's a short one. He quickly adds an "AHHH" to make it up. LOL.
Xing Yue accidentally turns on the TV. A cartoon starts talking and she takes a slingshot at it. Gao Zhen He's large screen television is a goner. You just can't leave the girl alone. He pulls her aside and sits her down to have an adult chat with her about this world of his. He stops her from using her sling from now on but she refuses to because she needs protection.
Gao Zhen He: Being with me, no one will dare hurt you.

[Ep5] Gao Zhen He turns uncomfortably red when he gets too close to her. She on the other hand continuously pokes at his red cheeks finding it very amusing. It's Gao Zhen He's turn to tease her when she accidentally exposes her feet to him. She just came out of the shower and is wrapped in a towel but the first thing she covers is actually her feet. Gao Zhen He had given her the advice of covering her face that way you wouldn't see the other person's reaction to your naked body, lol. Xing Yue sheepishly hides under the cover telling him that he still isn't her man yet therefore she cannot expose her feet to him. I think I can understand the logic behind hiding her feet. It's considered one of the ugliest and dirtiest parts of the human body. A girl wouldn't want to show that to anyone let alone the man she loves. He counters that he was practically her man. She says that nothing counts unless they've watched stars together. He regrets saying anything and cuts the conversation short. Hehe, I love this star joke. He gives her pyjamas and leaves her for the night. It's not long after she starts finding everything in her room interesting. She has an incredible sense of hearing and she's able to pick out the entire conversation of her neighbours. She also finds out that the lights react to her voice. Excited, she jumps to Gao Zhen He who's trying to sleep to share all her new discoveries. He's annoyed but he takes her on a car ride anyway to make her happy.
Xia Na finds out about Xing Yue's background from Gao Zhen He. Unlike Gao Zhen He who wants to return Xing Yue her stone so she can return home (without him), Xia Na has an ulterior motive. She wants to use Xing Yue to locate more of the Starry Stone hence her approval of Xing Yue's residency.
Yi Tian drops by for a visit but Xing Yue doesn't know how to open doors. She takes the doorknob right off its holster. Ha. If the normal way wasn't going to work, Xing Yue will just go her way. She kicks down the door. Nothing is safe in his home. First his TV, now his door, haha. Thank goodness he's rich. With Yi Tian's short appearance, Xia Na is able to deduce that Yi Tian likes Xing Yue.
Gao Zhen He takes Xing Yue shopping to normalize her. She gets a new haircut and her cuteness throws him off. He takes her bra shopping and he's able to guesstimate her size so accurately even the salesperson heeds to him. The salesperson had called her an A but he's confident she's a B. Lol. The hardest thing to shop for is actually shoes. They've been through so many stores that he knows all her requirements; the shoes must cover up the front, the back, or the side. No skin on her feet must show. Hahaha.
[Ep6] To stop Xing Yue from talking to Li An, Gao Zhen He grabs Xing Yue for a kiss. Her reaction is far from normal, as expected. After the kiss, she asks him if she's pretty. He nods to appease her and brings her out of the mall. They're separated after he went to chase down a thief. She climbs the tallest thing she can find in order to locate him. The surrounding people thinks she's committing suicide. Using a megaphone, Gao Zhen He hollers her to come down. With that, he's become notorious on social media for being the reason she's committing suicide.
Gao Zhen He doesn't have time to babysit Xing Yue (he's got a mission and he can't let his identity be tarnished) and with the added social media incident, he's set on throwing her away leaving her by the entrance to the cliff. He tells his friends that she's like a bomb; he can't have her around, it's too dangerous. I don't know whether he meant it's dangerous for him or for her. Xia Na had put a tracking device on his car so she and Qin Shu were able to find the place GZH dumped Xing Yue but she's no longer there. Gao Zhen He goes on the search for her. I think he already was searching for her before he received Xia Na's call.
Xing Yue is almost molested by a creep and that's when GZH saves her. His punch sends the man flying. Xing Yue, though, had no idea she was in danger. She's just happy to see him. Meanwhile he's so angry with her, he barely even talks or looks at her. His friends have never seen him that angry either. He locked himself in his room refusing to see Xing Yue so she climbs her way up to his balcony to find him. It seems like his worry for her safety has made his anger simmer down a bit. He explains that he didn't dump her, he was training her abilities to locate him. She believes it. The next day he gives her a phone, an expensive one. He doesn't want to lose her again; he also doesn't admit he bought it purposely for her.
This episode we also discover more of her special abilities. She doesn't get drunk no matter how much she drinks. She has the ability to climb anything. She's able to tell if a rock has a mineral inside by just looking at its exterior. Her otherworldly hearing abilities allow her to hear human fears. She had asked Gao Zhen He what he was afraid of. He tells her it's her. She doesn't understand but she tells him she can take care of him from now on. She also knows he's afraid of the dark. He admits it; he also admits that he finds her scarier, heh.
[Ep7] Xing Yue catches Gao Zhen He stealing from Chen Wen Quan's room. GZH begs her to help him out so CWQ won't catch him. She really doesn't like lying but she did it anyway to protect him. CWQ doesn't catch them but he is suspicious. However, in front of Gao Zhen He and his friends, CWQ appears friendly. He even gifts a pair of rings to Xing Yue and Gao Zhen He because he can tell she likes GZH. When they're back home, GZH makes an impromptu necklace of the rings; one for her and one for him. He puts hers on for her. Her heart stops for a second when he is close. He also reminds her to not trust anyone except him. She questions him back why he was stealing from CWQ's room but he won't tell her his reasons.
Xia Na finds out about Xing Yue's background from Gao Zhen He. Unlike Gao Zhen He who wants to return Xing Yue her stone so she can return home (without him), Xia Na has an ulterior motive. She wants to use Xing Yue to locate more of the Starry Stone hence her approval of Xing Yue's residency.
Yi Tian drops by for a visit but Xing Yue doesn't know how to open doors. She takes the doorknob right off its holster. Ha. If the normal way wasn't going to work, Xing Yue will just go her way. She kicks down the door. Nothing is safe in his home. First his TV, now his door, haha. Thank goodness he's rich. With Yi Tian's short appearance, Xia Na is able to deduce that Yi Tian likes Xing Yue.
Gao Zhen He takes Xing Yue shopping to normalize her. She gets a new haircut and her cuteness throws him off. He takes her bra shopping and he's able to guesstimate her size so accurately even the salesperson heeds to him. The salesperson had called her an A but he's confident she's a B. Lol. The hardest thing to shop for is actually shoes. They've been through so many stores that he knows all her requirements; the shoes must cover up the front, the back, or the side. No skin on her feet must show. Hahaha.
[Ep6] To stop Xing Yue from talking to Li An, Gao Zhen He grabs Xing Yue for a kiss. Her reaction is far from normal, as expected. After the kiss, she asks him if she's pretty. He nods to appease her and brings her out of the mall. They're separated after he went to chase down a thief. She climbs the tallest thing she can find in order to locate him. The surrounding people thinks she's committing suicide. Using a megaphone, Gao Zhen He hollers her to come down. With that, he's become notorious on social media for being the reason she's committing suicide.
Gao Zhen He doesn't have time to babysit Xing Yue (he's got a mission and he can't let his identity be tarnished) and with the added social media incident, he's set on throwing her away leaving her by the entrance to the cliff. He tells his friends that she's like a bomb; he can't have her around, it's too dangerous. I don't know whether he meant it's dangerous for him or for her. Xia Na had put a tracking device on his car so she and Qin Shu were able to find the place GZH dumped Xing Yue but she's no longer there. Gao Zhen He goes on the search for her. I think he already was searching for her before he received Xia Na's call.
Xing Yue is almost molested by a creep and that's when GZH saves her. His punch sends the man flying. Xing Yue, though, had no idea she was in danger. She's just happy to see him. Meanwhile he's so angry with her, he barely even talks or looks at her. His friends have never seen him that angry either. He locked himself in his room refusing to see Xing Yue so she climbs her way up to his balcony to find him. It seems like his worry for her safety has made his anger simmer down a bit. He explains that he didn't dump her, he was training her abilities to locate him. She believes it. The next day he gives her a phone, an expensive one. He doesn't want to lose her again; he also doesn't admit he bought it purposely for her.
This episode we also discover more of her special abilities. She doesn't get drunk no matter how much she drinks. She has the ability to climb anything. She's able to tell if a rock has a mineral inside by just looking at its exterior. Her otherworldly hearing abilities allow her to hear human fears. She had asked Gao Zhen He what he was afraid of. He tells her it's her. She doesn't understand but she tells him she can take care of him from now on. She also knows he's afraid of the dark. He admits it; he also admits that he finds her scarier, heh.
[Ep7] Xing Yue catches Gao Zhen He stealing from Chen Wen Quan's room. GZH begs her to help him out so CWQ won't catch him. She really doesn't like lying but she did it anyway to protect him. CWQ doesn't catch them but he is suspicious. However, in front of Gao Zhen He and his friends, CWQ appears friendly. He even gifts a pair of rings to Xing Yue and Gao Zhen He because he can tell she likes GZH. When they're back home, GZH makes an impromptu necklace of the rings; one for her and one for him. He puts hers on for her. Her heart stops for a second when he is close. He also reminds her to not trust anyone except him. She questions him back why he was stealing from CWQ's room but he won't tell her his reasons.
With Xia Na's help, Yi Tian gets a date with Xing Yue to a zoo. Omg I hope she doesn't set them free or "hunt" them... Yi Tian also invites Xing Yue to join his social platform. When Gao Zhen He sees her streaming live he drops everything (his very important business trip that means life or death) to find Xing Yue. Gao Zhen He is afraid her identity will be exposed once the audience asks her where she's from, especially because she can't lie. His fear for her safety sends him ballistic and he throws his anger at both Xia Na and Xing Yue. Xing Yue doesn't retaliate against Gao Zhen He; she recognizes that he's incredibly angry because he won't look at her at all. This is also the first time Xia Na is on the receiving end of his anger. He's about to leave on his trip again but Xing Yue can't let him leave angry. She goes with him and conveniently, Xia Na has organized a private plane for him and Xing Yue so that they can catch up to Dong Yun Xi. Xia Na acknowledges that Xing Yue might be more useful to Gao Zhen He because Dong Yun Xi plays dirty.
I have no idea what this mission is, just that it involves fighting, protecting this suitcase, and this other package. Xing Yue also gets in the wrong car. But it's okay because it's Xing Yue. Xia Na was right about her. Xing Yue is the best partner for him; she recognized the driver was suspicious and hit him unconscious with one move. In the trunk, Gao Zhen He finds another man who's tied up in the trunk. He sends an accusatory look at Xing Yue. Poor Xing Yue has no words to explain that. Hahaha.
[Ep8] The driver in the trunk testifies to Xing Yue that it was the other man who stuffed him in the trunk and off they go on their mission again. They have to reach the destination before Dong Yun Xi. The only shortcut is through the notorious "death route" in the woods. Without a choice, they decide to take the route. The driver thinks it's dangerous having his girlfriend with him. He denies she's his girlfriend but Xing Yue honestly tells the driver that he's her man. Gao Zhen He smiles. This time instead of holding her wrist, he takes her hand to take the death route. I really like how Gao Zhen He takes her arm/hand every time. It's not the controlling type of grabbing but the protective type and, honestly, Xing Yue needs it. He walks in front of her appearing manly and everything but when a snake slithers through the grass he cowardly jumps towards Xing Yue, heh. It's now Xing Yue's turn to take the lead. GZH shouts after her but she yells back, "I'm not afraid of snakes!" Such confidence of hers, haha. Snakes aren't what they should be afraid of though, this death route is dangerous because of its landmines. Xing Yue steps on one. Gao Zhen He steps on it for her and frees her. He sends her away, asking her to find stones. Not long after Xing Yue leaves, she hears an explosion behind her. So he didn't lie about protecting her.
They're in a hotel now. After Gao Zhen He steps out of the shower, he's ambushed by Xing Yue who touches her forehead against his. She tells him she needs to recharge and he's her powerbank ("powerbank" was something he just taught her; she's a quick learner). She interlaces her fingers with his and pulls him up. While sitting on his lap, she faces him and tells him that she's sleeping here with him. GZH literally has to carry her to make her leave his room. When she complains that she can't sleep, he stays up and talks with her, albeit there's still a door between them. How is he going to get used to normal girls now that Xing Yue has casted her spell on him xD.
Second couple: I like the scientific nerd (Qin Shu) and how his unreasonable reasonable logic drives Xia Na mad.
XY wails: Gao Zhen He, I don't want the Starry Stone anymore. I don't want you to exchange your life for it. I won't force you to go home with me either. As long as you don't die, I'll promise you anything.He's not dead! Although he just escaped death, what she said is more important.
GZH slightly smiles: You said so just now. I don't have to give you the stone and I don't have to go home with you. You better keep your word.Despite making it through safely, it's still too late to catch up to Dong Yun Xi. However, Gao Zhen He realizes there is no mineral to retrieve. It was all a lie. That's also when Gao Zhen He learns Xing Yue can read stones.
XY sniffs and retracts all her tears: Since you're still alive, you still must return the stone and you still must come home with me. LOL.
GZH is in disbelief: You just said it and now you're denying it?
XY changes the topic: This landmine sure is powerful!
GZH replies in an instant: Yes, so amazing! Eh. Don't change the topic.
XY is back to normal and stares him down: You didn't die so you must return home with me.
GZH cannot retaliate anymore.

Second couple: I like the scientific nerd (Qin Shu) and how his unreasonable reasonable logic drives Xia Na mad.
[Ep9] Gao Zhen He wins the competition against Dong Yun Xi. Although DYX returned with the rock, it's GZH who figured out everything was a scam. It's Li An's test to examine their IQ. She also wants to polish Gao Zhen He by pitting him against Dong Yun Xi. Her motive is to find the lost mineral mine using one of these men and her hopes are on Gao Zhen He.
Xia Na realizes Xing Yue has reached an irreplaceable position in Gao Zhen He's heart because he'd rather give up the mission (i.e. his life) for her and not board the plane. All the mishaps that happened along the way could have been prevented if he hadn't gone back for her. Xia Na is determined to send her away by using a fake rock to fool Xing Yue that it's her Starry Stone. It doesn't work on her so Xia Na reveals that GZH doesn't care about her at all, he sold her rock for money.
Heartbroken, Xing Yue calls Yi Tian to tell him that from a hunter she became the hunted. She's Gao Zhen He's prey. Before she can tell him anymore, GZH appears in her room (he climbed the balcony for her). He hangs up her phone and pulls her in for a hug. He apologizes to her (about the stone) but she tells him that Yun He had once told her that if a person isn't afraid of anything then that person is the world's most heartless and ruthless hunter. GZH is unable to explain to her so he tells her to kill him. She takes on the challenge and that's when the lights go out. GZH is afraid of the dark. He cowers into a corner remembering the scene of her mother's death in a bathtub. Even when the lights turn on again, Gao Zhen He hasn't recovered from his emotional trauma. Yi Tian arrives and drags Xing Yue away.
Xing Yue thinks that money will solve Gao Zhen He's problems. Thus, she decides to become a social media star with Yi Tian so that she can earn lots of money to cheer up Gao Zhen He. As long as she avoids lying and answering questions about her origins, she'll be safe. Meanwhile Gao Zhen He thinks she's still angry at him for the rock as he sulks at home. Everything at home makes him think of her. He's really not going to get used to it without her annoying him everyday.

[Ep10] On the social media platform, Xing Yue's popularity rises exponentially after instantaneously catching a falling flower pot to save Yi Tian. Gao Zhen He streams her video for the nth time, and makes a call to Yi Tian threatening him to not use Xing Yue to make money. By the time he hangs up, he's already at Yi Tian's home. He hasn't thought of a good excuse to see Xing Yue yet but there's no need. She spots him. He instinctively reverses his car but she hangs onto his car preventing him from leaving. Sighing, he gets off and she quickly embraces him with a load of cuteness. He smiles. Awww. She also gives him the money she just earned. He thought she was still angry with him. She tells him she is but earning money for him is another issue because that will make him happy. He tells her frankly that if she's mad she should hold onto that anger longer otherwise the person who made her angry won't learn from his mistakes. I like how he’s always patiently explaining everything to her.
Yi Tian rushes over thinking Gao Zhen He is bullying her again. He's actually here to tell Yi Tian to be her temporary guardian. Gao Zhen He has another mission to handle and he can't have her around this time. He stresses to Yi Tian that it's only temporary. Yi Tian though is ecstatic even if it's only temporary. Things don't go so well though because after the livestream, Xing Yue's popularity has exploded. She's so popular she can't eat or walk outside normally. She hates it and asks Gao Zhen He for help. He has a solution. As long as she can turn into a normal girl, people won't be interested in her. The near impossible responsibility now lies on Xia Na to change Xing Yue into a normal girl. Xia Na gives Xing Yue a makeover and Gao Zhen He is stunned into silence. He can't even look at her directly. When he does catch a glimpse of her he has to keep his lips from smiling. Hee.
The reason why Gao Zhen He can't return the Starry Stone to Xing Yue is because it's already been processed into a sapphire. It's no longer her Starry Stone. They've also conducted research that there is no sapphire mine in Galaxy Falls. Xia Na advises Gao Zhen He to return the sapphire to Xing Yue and ditch her because she's no longer useful to them but Gao Zhen He has other plans. I'd say he just doesn't want to get rid of her.
Gao Zhen He's mission is to continue to befriend Chen Wen Qian in order to open his safe. However, CWQ might just be the man who turned his family upside down and killed his father.
[Ep11] Xia Na asks Gao Zhen He what he would want to do after all their missions are over. He wants to go to a quiet place and live happily there. Galaxy Falls? With Xing Yue?? :D.
Yi Tian streams on his platform that he's going to make a public confession to Xing Yue. Gao Zhen He's annoyed and he won't let that happen. No one but him can touch his girl. He hides Xing Yue to prevent the confession and takes the confession for her, lol. Too bad this scene is cut short. Chen Wen Quan is in danger and Gao Zhen He needs to save him.
Yi Tian streams on his platform that he's going to make a public confession to Xing Yue. Gao Zhen He's annoyed and he won't let that happen. No one but him can touch his girl. He hides Xing Yue to prevent the confession and takes the confession for her, lol. Too bad this scene is cut short. Chen Wen Quan is in danger and Gao Zhen He needs to save him.
Once again Gao Zhen He has placed Xing Yue before his mission. This makes Xia Na angry. She pulls Xing Yue aside and demands a duel against her for Gao Zhen He. Xia Na tells her a story about how GZH saved her and how he's her prince. Xing Yue doesn't understand the point of her story and asks Xia Na back whether city people think telling a story is a duel. Irritated, Xia Na drives her to an isolated location and preps herself for a fist fight. Xing Yue allows her to attack first and so Xia Na holds out her fist ready to give the first blow. She taps her shoulder, lol. The effort is commendable. Xing Yue pities her and walks away but Xia Na still wants a fair battle. With one swing of Xing Yue's leg, Xia Na realizes she's not a match. She crouches down and cries. Xing Yue hugs her and tells her she won't take Gao Zhen He's "love". (At this moment, Xing Yue doesn't quite understand the term "love" she just wants to make Xia Na happy)
Xing Yue goes to find Gao Zhen He at his home but he's busy with Chen Wen Quan. He calls over Xia Na to drag her away but Xing Yue won't leave. Gao Zhen He needs a breather room so he enters his vaulted room where the processed Starry Stone is. He depressingly mulls whether Xing Yue would leave if he returned her what's left of her stone. By chance Xing Yue enters the right combo to his vaulted room and finds the processed version of her Starry Stone.
Second couple: Qin Shu drowns himself in alcohol ready to give Xia Na either a confession that he loves her or that he'll stop loving her. However, when he sees her, he chickens out again. Instead of spewing out insults like he wanted, he calls her beautiful, heh.
Xing Yue goes to find Gao Zhen He at his home but he's busy with Chen Wen Quan. He calls over Xia Na to drag her away but Xing Yue won't leave. Gao Zhen He needs a breather room so he enters his vaulted room where the processed Starry Stone is. He depressingly mulls whether Xing Yue would leave if he returned her what's left of her stone. By chance Xing Yue enters the right combo to his vaulted room and finds the processed version of her Starry Stone.
Second couple: Qin Shu drowns himself in alcohol ready to give Xia Na either a confession that he loves her or that he'll stop loving her. However, when he sees her, he chickens out again. Instead of spewing out insults like he wanted, he calls her beautiful, heh.
[Ep12] Lucky for Gao Zhen He, Xing Yue doesn't recognize her Starry Stone anymore. She does promise him she won't reveal his motives to Chen Wen Quan as long as he promises her to not lie or steal. He reluctantly promises. They all have dinner together. I like how Gao Zhen He naturally picks food for her. Chen Wen Quan peels shrimps for Gao Zhen He which reminds him of his father. Before his father abandoned him, he left a bowl of shrimp and a letter telling him to never believe others. After dinner they play and dance to music. Gao Zhen He's favourite song plays and we learn that it's the song his parents love dancing to. It’s also the song Xing Yue sang to him at their wedding.
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I like how they're both wearing the ring, especially Gao Zhen He |
Yi Tian brings food (at Gao Zhen He's orders, heh) for the team. He wanted to confront Gao Zhen He about why he ruined his confession to Xing Yue. Gao Zhen He lists out his reasons except the one Yi Tian wants to hear: Gao Zhen He likes her but doesn't want to admit it. Yi Tian's psychological expertise finally shows as he reveals GZH's personality. He appears strong but is afraid of loss and betrayal. He appears cold and heartless but he's afraid of having his feelings shaken. GZH denies all of this.
Gao Zhen He needs Xing Yue off her back so he returns her the Starry Stone but she doesn't want it. She wants him. He tells her that unless he loves her he'll never return to Galaxy Falls with her. Thus her new goal now is to make him fall in love with her.
GZH: You do know that love and like are two different things, right?
XY smiles brightly: I don't care. I'm going to make you fall in love with me.
Since she won’t leave even with the stone returned, Gao Zhen He changes his tactics and convinces her to live with Yi Tian. She refuses and snuggles right up to him telling him she'll be with him so that he won't be afraid of the dark anymore. Taken aback, GZH slowly rests his arms on her. He admits to losing. Hee. He tells her that if she continues to be like this he might really fall in love with her despite his love not being worth much. I think they were about to kiss but she suddenly remembers something and backs off. Girl. She had promised Xia Na that she would only want his body and not his love. Hahaha. No wonder she was so lenient on giving him to Xie Na. Xing Yue wails. Gao Zhen He is very confused and very amused. LOL. He grabs the very devastated Xing Yue and puts her cheeks between his hands and asks her, "Am I cabbage? Something you can just give?" Xing Yue cries: "No." :D.
Second couple: Xia Na heard all of Qin Shu's confession and it was pretty cute. He truly adores her. She feels his love. However, she doesn't let him know she heard it.

Qin Shu, our scientific nerd, relies on Yi Tian to tell him his horoscope with Xia Na. Yi Tian's whole A= B=C comment made zero sense but it made me laugh.
Xing Yue is watching TV with Chen Wen Quan who's sleeping. The woman in the drama talks about how she doesn't need to watch the stars as long there's "Da Shu's" eyes. Da Shu means "uncle". She turns to Chen Wen Quan (an 'uncle') and stretches his eyelids apart to look into his eyes wondering what could be in uncle's eyes that can replace stargazing. Gao Chen He frantically runs to them and pulls her hands away from Chen Wen Quan and yells at her for watching stars. This whole star joke will forever make me giggle. Gao Chen He running in made me smile. Chen Wen Quan then tosses the ball to Gao Zhen He that the stars are in his eyes. It's in the person who loves her. Naively, Xing Yue hovers over him to closely examine his eyes but she doesn't see stars, she only sees herself reflected in his eyes.
Xing Yue is trying to figure out what love is. While watching TV ("Put Your Head on My Shoulders") Chen Wen Quan tells her that love is like being shocked by electricity. She takes his words seriously and gets electrocuted. Chen Wen Quan touches her and they both get electrocuted together.
Li An confesses to Gao Zhen He. He's indifferent. He tells her he'll never give "roses" to any girl because he finds roses pretentious. He's rejecting her. When he returns home, everyone is having a drinking party without him. They even ignore him. When Xing Yue finally talks to him he throws her a temper tantrum. She jumps on his bed to get him to talk to her. She asks him, "Do you want to love?"
[Ep14] Xing Yue teaches Gao Zhen He how to love. She tells him that she and Chen Wen Quan had experienced "love" in the afternoon because they were electrocuted together. She now wants to share this feeling of being electrocuted with Gao Zhen He. LOL. Gao Zhen He shakes his head and explains to her the electricity felt in love is very different from the electricity in outlets. Her eyes glitter as she asks him for the difference. His eyes change too as he pushes her down on the bed and kisses her. He backs off and awkwardly asks her if she felt the electric shock. She sighs and tells him this isn't electrifying at all. Gao Zhen He rolls his eyes, wipes his lips of the kiss and rolls her off his bed. LMAO. He found it electrifying though as he smiles after she leaves.
Xing Yue is still confused about love so Gao Zhen He sends her a voice message: "We don't love each other. You also have no right to give me to someone else. Only unless we love each other then you have the right to say you'll give me to someone else. Once you say that then it means you don't want to love me anymore. Do you understand now?" Did I mention how much I like it when he takes his time to explain every tiny thing to her?

Gao Zhen He doesn't like it when she's shopping with Yi Tian nor when she's leaving his home without telling him why. She wants to secretly buy the outfit she thinks he likes which is a nurse outfit. She doesn't know nurses look like that so Yi Tian is having difficulty helping her. When he asks her why she's looking for a white outfit, she says she needs to wear one in order to watch stars with Gao Zhen He. xD.
[Ep15] Xing Yue is in her nurse outfit determined to stargaze with Gao Zhen He. Unfortunately, after everyone hears her plan with him they all join to watch stars. Xing Yue is flabbergasted at the cultural difference (for once). There's also another first for her. She's introduced to fireworks. Gao Zhen He brought it just for her and teases her with it. These two play like children and it's Xing Yue who brings out the child in him.
The starry night turns into a dangerous venture. Chen Wen Quan's belongings are snatched by Dong Yun Xi but they've met the wrong person. Xing Yue is Tarzan Lady and can run faster than any car. She had wanted to tackle it but Gao Zhen He held her back. He's worried for her tiny body. The car flees with Chen Wen Quan's belongings but Xing Yue has memorized the license plate. Gao Zhen He delightfully kisses her and squeezes her cheeks. Poor Xing Yue has to rub her cheeks because they're in pain after he squeezed too hard. Lol, I love her painful reaction to this.
Chen Wen Quan teaches Xing Yue another tidbit about love. Once someone is jealous, he's in love. Xing Yue had complimented Yi Tian's photoshoot. Hearing that, Gao Zhen He automatically called it ugly. Chen Wen Quan tells her that GZH’s jealousy is proof of his love.
Chen Wen Quan discovers the vaulted room but now it’s transformed into a wine cellar. Gao Zhen He needs to distract Xing Yue from telling the truth to Chen Wen Quan so he confesses his love to her. She doesn't believe it because CWQ told her that since GZH had an emotional trauma there's no way he would easily admit to loving someone. To make the "lie" more convincing, Gao Zhe He takes her hand and puts it to his chest to let her feel his heartbeat. He tells her these are hormones. She can't feel it with her palm so she glues her ears to his chest. Now he's definitely feeling the hormones and she can definitely hear it.
GZH: Shoot. I think I feel the electricity.He's moving in to kiss her and this time this kiss is truly 'electrifying'. When they're discovered, they're both flustered. She suddenly remembers that he mentioned "hormone" when they first met and immediately she connects the two and concludes that he fell in love with her when they first met her. He tries his best to deny he loves her and distracts her that there's many different types of electricity. There's negative electricity, and static electricity, etc. Basically he's saying that his electricity to her is not the love type.
XY: I think I'm feeling the electricity too.
Gao Zhen He steals back Chen Wen Quan's box and leaves Xing Yue in Yi Tian's care. When Chen Wen Quan learns of this, he's immediately suspicious of Gao Zhen He. Fooling Xing Yue, Chen Wen Quan manages to steal back his box. In the process, Xia Na suffers a head injury to protect Xing Yue. Gao Zhen He is absolutely furious at Xing Yue for putting Xia Na in danger and coldly yells at her to disappear.
[Ep17] Xing Yue visits Xia Na. Xia Na tells her the best apology she can give is to leave Gao Zhen He but Xing Yue doesn't want to. She now understands she loves Gao Zhen He. Xia Na reminds her that she doesn't belong in their city and that she has no value here to be compatible with Gao Zhen He. That's when Gao Zhen He and Chen Wen Quan walk into the hospital room cutting their conversation short. Xing Yue looks up at Gao Zhen He but he refuses to look at her or acknowledge her presence. She leaves and CWQ asks her where she's going. She replies that she doesn't know either. Aw.
That night she didn't return to Gao Zhen He. She's staying at Yi Tian's. She wants to look for a job on her own, find value in herself, learn to love herself, so that she can love Gao Zhen He. Her thought process has arrived to this conclusion: since women need to work, make money, make food, clean the house, care for their husband, and raise children, doesn't that mean men are a waste of space? Pft. Yi Tian cannot disagree.
Xing Yue is true to her words. The next day she is job hunting but the girl doesn't even know how to pay the bus fare. A little girl helps her out and also reads a note for her that's in her jacket. It says, "This girl only has $100 RMB backup money. If it's not enough, then please give whatever she wants to her first and then call me. If she's lost then also contact me. Gao Zhen He. Below is his number." We get a flashback of Gao Zhen He stuffing notes in each of her shirts. AWWW. When Xing Yue had caught him near her closet, he had distracted her with a candy magic trick. Too sweet.
[Ep18] Gao Zhen He sheepishly asks Qin Shu for an app to track someone. He doesn't want to straight out tell him it's Xing Yue he wants to track but Qin Shu is such an idiot that he has to know who it is before helping him. The app works as long as there's signal on her phone. He finds out she's at a hospital and he immediately calls Yi Tian to confirm if she's okay.
Xing Yue has found a job. She's a hospital porter and finds value in her career because she can save lives. Gao Zhen He finds her there after Chen Wen Quan is hospitalized (GZH saved him from a passing motorbike). Gao Zhen He wants to take her home immediately but she refuses to. He was still okay with her job when he saw people compliment her but when he sees her carrying a man on her back and the injuries on her hand, he's annoyed.
Chen Wen Quan is using Gao Zhen He's kindness to gain his trust. He had planned the motorbike accident to fool GZH. Now that he's injured Gao Zhen He no longer wants to investigate him.
[Ep19] Gao Zhen He demands the hospital's customer service to fire Xing Yue otherwise he'll file a complaint about her everyday. After she's fired, Gao Zhen He pretends to coincidentally walk by her in the hospital, lol. I get that he's worried about her job but can he not break Xing Yue's heart in the process. He secretly slips her more money in her pay and casually asks her out for dinner. However, she's already promised Yi Tian's mother for dinner. That's not all, she's also wearing a diamond ring from Yi Tian. Gao Zhen He questions her whether she knows the meaning of the ring and of course she does. It's a proposal ring. She clarifies that Yi Tian has told her she doesn't have to accept the proposal but she can still wear it. Gao Zhen He is like I have a ton, do you want mine instead. He's so jealous he calls her "渣". It's an exclusive term that I'd like to think is reserved for men who are just plain awful but when he uses it on her, I just laugh. He calls her out for letting Yi Tian massage her and making breakfast for him when she already had "electricity"with him (Gao Zhen He). Our boy is jealous and making a fuss on her “cheating”. Xing Yue argues that he called their electricity "static electricity". She's too busy to even think about him because she has to sort out whether it's hormones or static electricity between them. Gao Zhen can barely sit still listening to her illogical logic. He decides to test it out with her whether there's hormones between them with a kiss! But Xia Na interrupts them on purpose.
They go to a bar. Gao Zhen He is on a mission to win Xing Yue back by flirting with other girls to arouse her jealousy. He challenges Yi Tian on who can win a girl's contact number first. Surprisingly Yi Tian wins because he's rich. Xing Yue doesn't understand why the men are fighting over this and Chen Wen Quan tells her it's because Gao Zhen He loves her. Xia Na sees this too. It's the first time she has seen him be so real and so fake at flirting. She sees his love towards Xing Yue and his fake flirting to arouse Xing Yue. She walks out crying. Qin Shu follows her to comfort her and motivates her to confess.
Gao Zhen He doesn't win against the girl he tried to flirt with but another girl pounces on him. Taking the chance, he flirts back and sings a duet with her. The entire time he's singing, he’s staring at Xing Yue. When Gao Zhen He was about to exit the bar with the girl, Xing Yue grabs him back and calls him her man. Then she crushes a glass cup with a single hand. There's blood all over her palm. Worried for her (and scared of her lol), Gao Zhen He quickly admits to the girl that Xing Yue is his girlfriend.
Poor Yi Tian faints from the sight of blood.

[Ep20] Gao Zhen He rejects Xia Na, and Xing Yue rejects Yi Tian. Xia Na disappears and Qin Shu throws a fit at Gao Zhen He. Thumbs up to Jiang Peng's (Qin Shu) acting. I really like him this episode. It's too awkward for Xia Na to continue working with Gao Zhen He so she decides to step out.
Gao Zhen He won't leave his room after the fallout with his friends, even if it's Xing Yue visiting. Thus, Xing Yue climbs down to his balcony and gives him a fox stuffed animal. She also tells him about a game she's playing where she has to match fruits to win. Yi Tian taught her that only apples can match with apples. Thus she tells him, "I am your little apple." Everyone else is a different fruit and only she and Gao Zhen He are apples and only they can match. There was a viral song in China "Little Apple" by Chopstick Brothers. It was everywhere. It was impossible to not be addicted to this song. Now that I'm watching this MV again, I never knew it was Park So Dam in the beginning! Anyway, Xing Yue's line here is essentially a pick up line.
Gao Zhen He is sitting there playing with his new toy fox while Xing Yue is laying out her illogical logic to him once again. Her conclusion is this: she cannot give Gao Zhen He to Xia Na. He has an evil grin on. To him, this is the funniest confession he has ever heard and the only confession he wants to hear. He's accepting her confession but he wants to be considerate to those they've just rejected so he tells her that no matter how much they want to kiss or hug each other they must hold back. She asks him what if she can't hold back. His solution is if she ever wants to kiss him then give him a forehead flick and if she ever wants to hug him then poke his hip. This is so cute. He also gives her a heart with the fox she gave him. She doesn't quite know what it means but she replies with a heart of her own.
[Ep21] Yi Tian gets a bit of love (Zuo Xiao Jia). Meanwhile our new couple is holding back. When Chen Wen Quan tells them he's leaving, Xing Yue isn't happy about it. Gao Zhen He flicks her forehead to distract her. She looks at him after he flicks her and he flicks her again. She smiles knowing what it means.

[Ep22] Li An captures Gao Zhen He. She physically abuses him to threaten him to do his job properly. Yi Tian and Xing Yue use their brain (which I honestly never knew they had) and minimize Gao Zhen He's abuse. Gao Zhen He assures Xing Yue that he's okay. She's worried about him but because Yi Tian is there she flicks his forehead instead. Their flicking is supposed to hurt Yi Tian less but it's so obvious they're flirting. Yi Tian is still hurt. Gao Zhen He smiles knowing exactly what the flick meant.

Gao Zhen He is fatigued from his missions (he found out Chen Wen Quan is somehow related to his father). Xing Yue visits him at night to make sure his injuries are okay. She was about to leave but he grabs her back and hugs her. He tells her that way his pain is less. Sensing his fatigue, Xing Yue recharges him. She puts her forehead to his and he's recharged. This drama has so many connotations. I love it. They watch stars that night. Our understanding of stars, not Xing Yue's. The next morning, she's asleep in his bed and he's watching her sleep. He looks at her and hopes that time can stop. He ignores the pain in his wrist from supporting his head just to stare at her. His peaceful time comes to an end though. He learns that Chen Wen Quan is Xu Li, the man who destroyed his family. Gao Zhen He hates him so much he's about to kill him (with a fruit knife) but Xing Yue unintentionally stops him.
Gao Zhen He wallows in his sadness in his old home. He recalls how his parents died because of Xu Li. Xing Yue holds him in her arms and tells him she loves him and she won't leave him. She repeats it until he calms down. In her arms, Gao Zhen He feels warmth and smiles at her. Xia Na watches them and approves of Xing Yue because she can tell it's Xing Yue who brought Gao Zhen He out of his darkness.
[Ep23] Backstory: Xu Li stole the mineral and that's why Gao Zhen He's father didn't have money to pay for his mother's (cancer) surgery. Without money, his mother thinks she's a burden to the family and commits suicide. His father became an alcoholic and soon passed away as well. Gao Zhen He's real name is Gao Yun Tian.
Xing Yue tells Gao Zhen He to shout all his woes to the sky. He thinks it's childish and refuses. She grabs him in for a manly kiss on the cheek. He's happily surprised. She reminds him of the last time she asked him for a kiss so that she'll listen to him (the purse day). Now she's kissing him so that he'll listen to her. He smiles and listens to her. He shouts to the open sky to tell his parents not to worry about him. He also introduces Xing Yue to his parents as his "Prince". Xing Yue is the trusting, genuine prince who saved him from darkness. Gao Zhen He has healed because of her. He can now sleep without the lights on. He's no longer afraid of the dark.
Chen Wen Quan is forcefully abducted by Dong Yun Xi. Xing Yue jumps down like Tarzan to save Chen Wen Quan. The next morning he wakes up from the hospital and asks Xing Yue about her hometown. He's suspicious of her origins. There's probably a backstory with him and Yun He.
Gao Zhen He rushes to the hospital to make sure Xing Yue is okay. She's okay, she just misses him, that's all. She wants a hug from him but he's shy because they're out in the public. He pokes her hip instead. However, she wants a real one because she misses him that much. She tightly hugs him and he snuggles his chin in her hair.
[Ep24] Gao Zhen He confronts Li An for using him to approach Chen Wen Quan and threatens her by almost running his car over her. He returns home fatigued so he drops by Xing Yue's room to ask her for a recharge. She's sleepy but she automatically puts her forehead to his. He's fully charged.
They're sleeping in her room but they can't sleep. Her stomach also grumbles and so they go out to have some midnight snack. The way he carries her off the bed is so cute. She has her legs wrapped around him so that she doesn't even need to walk. Eating isn't the only thing they do. They come across a guitarist performing and Xing Yue requests to sing. She's singing the song at the bar, the one he sang with another girl. He's watching her sing and can't help but duet with her. As they're walking back home, he tells her that love will make the other person shine regardless of what they do (e.g. eating ramen) and that no matter what they'll always stand by each other. Xing Yue understands and tells him that love is the sweetest cake. Is this their first official date?
Yi Tian investigates Gao Zhen He's career. He thinks Gao Zhen He has ulterior motives and warns Xing Yue about it. However, she chooses to believe Gao Zhen He unconditionally.
It's Chen Wen Quan's supposed birthday. He just wants to test if they opened his box. The group plays a game of truth and dare. Xing Yue misunderstands that this is a game of kissing and spins the bottle hoping to make Gao Zhen He kiss her every time. He smirks at her.
[Ep25] Chen Wen Quan finds the picture of Gao Zhen He's father. He runs away at night thinking that Gao Zhen He would definitely avenge for his parents. Gao Zhen He catches him. Chen Wen Qian tells his story. He met Yun He and found her Starry Rock. He had wanted to sell it and asked Gao Zhen He's father to assess it because he's the mineral expert. He promises to split the money with him. However, Yun He overheard his plans and disappeared with the rock. Chen Wen Quan convinced his father to use a fake one to scam money. Chen Wen Quan was momentarily taken over by greed and ran away with the fake mineral leaving Gao Zhen He's father penniless. When he tried to return he was chased by men who were after his mineral. Now that decades have passed, Chen Wen Quan's motives remains unchanged. He convinces Gao Zhen He to work with him to find the mineral mine by using Xing Yue. He makes Gao Zhen He doubt himself that he's just the same. He approached Xing Yue with the very same intention of stealing her stone.
Chen Wen Quan manages to escape. He calls Xing Yue to secretly meet up with him alone. Sensing that something's off, she calls Gao Zhen He but he doesn't pick up. She's about to meet up with Chen Wen Quan but, luckily, Xia Na is around the area also looking for Chen Wen Quan.
[Ep26] Xing Yue wants to find Chen Wen Quan but Gao Zhen He won't let her and throws their ring necklace away. She's stubborn and insists on finding the ring. They return home without finding the rings nor the person. Xing Yue is upset. Gao Zhen He apologizes but is relieved to know that she's more mad about him throwing the necklace. He assures her that the ring is lost but their feelings remain. She temporarily forgives him. To make up for the lost necklace, he designs one for her and plans to use her Starry emerald. He tells her that this necklace is the one she should cherish. She gives him a peck on the cheek but Gao Zhen He wants to kiss her. For once she resists him. It's because she has a cold. He teaches her that the quickest way to recover is to give the cold to someone else. He kisses her.
Xing Yue is targeted by Li An. Chen Wen Quan has formed an alliance with Li An to find Galaxy Falls (Xing Yue's home). Thus, Gao Zhen He has plans to send her away from him to protect her. That night, he asks her if this was the last day of her life what would she want. She wants to celebrate her birthday with the person she loves. She also wants to spend a day shopping with best friends. Those are all things people tell her to enjoy but there's one thing she truly wants. She wants a confession from Gao Zhen He, especially on a snowy day because he told her that would mean they would be together until old. Gao Zhen He promises he will confess to her.
Gao Zhen He completes her wishes one by one. Xing Yue goes on a shopping spree with Xia Na and Zou Xiao Jia. Meanwhile the men are waiting outside enjoying tea. Gao Zhen He also informs everyone tomorrow is Xing Yue's birthday. Xing Yue has an ominous feeling and confronts Gao Zhen He why he's so nice to her. She knows he wants something. He denies it though. The next day they celebrate her birthday. She makes a wish that Gao Zhen He will love her forever. Yi Tian shouts that wishes can't be said out loud otherwise they'll never come true. Gao Zhen He glares at him.
Second couple: Qin Shu creates a starry sky for Xia Na. She's touched but not touched enough.

Xing Yue confidently asks him: If I'm always waiting, what if I miss the chance? I don't care (about who initiates). I want to kiss you. I want to hug you. I want to be with you. - she takes his hand - Gao Zhen He, are you willing to be my man?Gao Zhen He bends over to her: I am.
The next morning his attitude takes a 180-degree turn. He pretends to make out with Xia Na to make Xing Yue angry. He wants her to leave because he can no longer protect her, especially with Li An after her. He also gives Yi Tian a 90-degree bow to beg him to take care of Xing Yue. Aw. However, sending her away was the worst decision. Yi Tian doesn't make it to her in time. Instead it's Chen Wen Quan who got to her first. He's after her or more specifically her hometown for the mineral mine.
Xing Yue isn't your silly girl. Although she's heartbroken, she comes to realize Gao Zhen He's plans. If he wants her to leave, then so be it.
Second couple: Qin Shu uses Gao Zhen He's killer method: when a girl is talking, unexpectedly rearranges her hair. He does it at the wrong time and wrong place. His results are hilarious. How did I not notice how cute Qin Shu is?
[Ep28] Gao Zhen He bows to Li An to beg her to release Xing Yue. He even gets down on his knees. He's willing to exchange his life for hers as well but Li An won't budge.
Chen Wen Quan escapes with Xing Yue convincing her to return home. She makes one call before she leaves. It's to Yi Tian. She bids farewell but he tells her to wait ten minutes. He immediately calls Gao Zhen He, telling him that he can no longer protect Xing Yue. He hands back that task to Gao Zhen He because he has a girl he needs to care of now. It's Zuo Xiao Jia. However Gao Zhen He doesn't find Xing Yue in time.
Chen Wen Quan successfully arrives in Galaxy Falls. However, Xing Yue isn't that gullible. She didn't take him into her home as a guest but as a prisoner. Go Xing Yue! She tells him that if Gao Zhen He wants her to leave, she'll leave. If he wantes to protect her, then she will protect him too. That's why she's taking Chen Wen Quan away from Gao Zhen He. She admits to lying to Chen Wen Quan but she reminds him that she had warned him before that if he chose to hurt Gao Zhen He then she would stand by him no matter what.
[Ep29] We learn from Qin Shu that Gao Zhen He had valued pride over anything. The fact that he gave it all away for Xing Yue meant how much more he valued her. Qin Shu admires his love and vows to do the same for Xia Na. Except he's drunk and confesses to the wrong person: Yi Tian. Qin Shu keeps getting caught by Xia Na sleeping with different men on his bed. First it was Gao Zhen He now it's Yi Tian. Ha.
Qin Shu has learned to drive and it's put to the test as he drives alone to save Gao Zhen He who's captured by Li An. He's alone without Xia Na because he drugged her ramen. He doesn't want her to be in danger. When Qin Shu saves Gao Zhen He and gets in the car, Gao Zhen He has the time to complain about his sissy car, lol. Qin Shu is unable to run over Li An's people with his car; he's too scared. Instead, he gets out of the car and throws grenades at the bad guys. If I had to choose I think throwing grenades is scarier than driving over people. At least I'm safe in a car. Qin Shu's growth from cowardice to bravery impresses me. Jiang Peng is the hidden talent in this drama. I was so close to dropping a tear for him if only he wasn't whacked so suddenly by the bad guy, ha. Xia Na finds him unconscious and quickly drives him to the hospital. Before entering the surgery room, he leaves a bunch of instructions for her to take down Li An's company. He also gives her a finger heart, lol. Qin Shu isn't forgetting to seduce her at any moment.
Yun He is back in the village and sees Chen Wen Quan locked up. She was just about to pull the trigger to kill him but Xing Yue blocked. She doesn't want Yun He to live with regret her entire life by killing the man she still loves. Chen Wen Quan says he'll change for good. He meant it. He also warns them that Li An will definitely find it here so they must hide. Yun He takes everyone to hide. That's when Gao Zhen He finds his way to Galaxy Falls hoping to protect Xing Yue but he's being tailed.

Chen Wen Quan apologizes to Gao Zhen He but he won't accept it. I like how Xing Yue is naturally wiping the water off him. Their reunion is interrupted when Li An and Dong Yun Xi demand for the mineral mine location. A fight ensues. It's three against infinity but Xing Yue still fights them all, except she's no match for a gun. Yun He is staking out behind a tree and strikes her arrow at Dong Yun Xi. However, he still fires. Chen Wen Quan flies out to take the bullet for Gao Zhen He. With his last breath, he asks for Gao Zhen He's forgiveness and tells Yun He he owes her.
Dong Yun Xi still has a gun and threatens them to bring him to the cave. That's when army troops appear. It's Xia Na and Yi Tian bringing the police to rescue them. Everyone is now safe. The mission is over.
Gao Zhen He gives Xing Yue the necklace he promised her. It's a huge necklace. He tells her that she tamed the fox in him. It's a throwback to the first few episodes of the drama where he said every fox wants to be tamed. However, she takes off the necklace telling him she has to go to work and this thing is just too big. Before she leaves, he grabs her for a kiss. She's working as a medical assistant of some sort. Paramedic? I don't quite know.

Now it's time for our last couple. Gao Zhen He gets down on his knees. This time it's to propose to Xing Yue. She's the only reason he'd ever kneel for.
GZH: Xing Yue, will you let me be your man?

All three couples are stargazing together. Xia Na asks Xing Yue what star gazing actually means to her. Xing Yue explains that just as planting roses, watching stars with the person you love, meeting a little fox and taming it, what matters is that you do it with your heart. The last scene is our three couples dancing that awkward dance Gao Zhen He had taught her to tame cars with. It's a happy ending.
[First Impression (Ep1-10)] Gao Zhen He is the fox (the liar) that wants to be tamed by Miss Rose (Xing Yue). I love how the drama sets up the matriarchal society and how it's ingrained in Xing Yue's every action. Her forthrightness in claiming her man makes her lovable. Her courageous pursuit of Gao Zhen He might be the only reason why this man who hasn't fallen for any women has fallen for her. I'm really looking forward to how her abilities can help him with his missions. As for the chemistry, it's been bubbling since Episode 2 and it's only been growing stronger.
[Actors/Actresses] I'm new to both the main leads but I love them already. Ren You Lin has great comedic timing. His reaction to Xing Yue's absurdity makes me laugh out loud. Zhang Ya Qin's cluelessness to the modern world is also believable.
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Happy.
1) Gao Zhen He gets to see her feet!
2) Qin Shu and Gao Zhen He needed more interactions. My favourite scene of them was when Gao Zhen He called his car sissy and the crazy bomb that followed.
3) What are the chances that Chen Wen Quan is Xing Yue’s father? The Starry Rock is her mother’s...so isn’t Yun He her mother?
[Review] This is the perfect example of a drama that objectively I know is not perfect but is perfect in my heart. The CP has such cute chemistry! There are so many unique connotations: electricity, static electricity, hormones, roses, thorns, foxes, princes, forehead-recharging, feet-showing, star-gazing, etc. In particular, forehead flicking and stargazing won’t feel the same anymore.
[Review] This is the perfect example of a drama that objectively I know is not perfect but is perfect in my heart. The CP has such cute chemistry! There are so many unique connotations: electricity, static electricity, hormones, roses, thorns, foxes, princes, forehead-recharging, feet-showing, star-gazing, etc. In particular, forehead flicking and stargazing won’t feel the same anymore.
I have a soft spot for dramas that discover talented upcoming actors and are silly with heart. It was episode two that sold me when they were stargazing, then he ends up almost raped, then he was locked in a cage and then hung upside down to be confessed to. I was wheezing. Then the drama’s sincerity kicked in when he told her the story about the Prince/Fox/Rose.
Theme: Princes, Foxes and Roses. The Prince in this drama is Xing Yue. She’s the knight in shining armour saving Gao Zhen He from the darkness in his heart. It’s not just dark in his heart, there’s also a lying fox, but this fox is crying for help and only Xing Yue can hear him. Gao Zhen He is also the Rose. He's thorny and piercing. It’s his barrier, forbidding anyone from entering. Xing Yue is the tribal-prince-charming who rescues him.
Ren You Lun is talented! His comedic beat is spot on. His emotional scenes are moving. His range of expressions are magnanimous. I love seeing the progression of him being really annoyed to being happily annoyed to being downright in love. The shocked faces he makes at Xing Yue's absurdity is golden. I really really hope he can succeed in this field saturated with good looking men. Jiang Peng (Qin Shu) is also a hidden gem. Very talented. His zany act during the bomb scene had me tearful one second and laughing the next. The actress for Xing Yue, Zhang Ya Qin, isn't nearly as funny but I love how sincere she is at being weird. She has adopted a personality where she believes she’s normal and everyone else is weird. Because she stayed grounded to her character it made this drama believable. Honestly, a tribe in the middle of a city that no one knows about...how is that even realistic? But I was willing to believe it.
Random Recommendation. Try Let's Shake It!
1. Rating updated in 2023. Was a 5/5 ♥, but knocked it down to a 3/5. I always knew I was irrational about this, but as I add more dramas to my ratings, this one kinda sticks out like a sore thumb if I kept it a 5 xD.