March 12, 2012

Chen Zhe Yuan

陳哲遠 / 陈哲远

陳 = Chén
哲 = Zhé –– Wise
遠 = Yuǎn –– Far (e.g. to look far and beyond)

A Subjective Biography 

(Last updated: July 2023)

  • Year: 1996
  • The face of Mr. BIO (a boyband created from a variety show. It's his dark history that will forever haunt hm xD)
  • A regular member of Youth Periplous S4 (He's a total dork here. "Losing isn't in my dictionary!" Then proceeds to lose every round.) 
  • His guest appearance in Keep Running S11 Episode 2 was charming, clever and hilarious. (I'm not being biased. It really was a good episode for the show and him)


Hello Dear Ancestor:
Zhen Jun
Jiang Xiao Yu
Ye Jun Qing
Zhou Si Yue
Mr. Bad:
Xiao Wu Di
Hidden Love:
Duan Jia Xu
The Princess & Werewolf:
Kui Mu Lang
Sword and Fairy:
Yun Tian He

Dark Night and Dawn:
Lin Shao Bai

Recommended Variety

(Last updated: June 2024)

Keep Running S11 [E2]

✻ Ma Bo Qian ("Sang Yan") is also in this episode
Youth Periplous S4
(Regular Member)

✻ There's a cute bromance with The8 from Seventeen

✻ Shen Yue is a regular member too (no chemistry, though)
Game of Cubes
(Regular Member)

✻ Can you believe it? Chen Zhe Yuan is smart. 
Random Tour
(Regular Member)
The Great Escape
(Regular Member)

✻ He's got the brain for this, but not the gut.