Someone dies and someone revives. Things are forgotten and things are revealed. Relationships are amended and then they're broken.
Ran Ran wakes up, she has forgotten everything again. She does, however,
remember she was kidnapped and 9th-Shi-Xiong was there. She asks for
9th-Shi-Xiong but no one has the heart to tell her the truth that he
died for her so instead 5th Bro lies to her saying he left for three
years. That's actually the last we ever hear about 9th-Shi-Xiong.
Other than 9th-Shi-Xiong’s presence, Ran Ran remembers nothing else,
including the fact that she is Yue Ying, Ri Xuan’s lover.
Lou Xuan
stops by at Ran Ran’s place and casually says he's just visiting a sick person.
She warns him not to be too flirty with her.
Lou Xuan picks up her earring for her, she gets a chance to look at him up
close and for some reason his eyes remind her of Ri Xuan. Realizing she's
staring too closely at him, she runs off, leaving a very confused Lou Xuan.
Ran Ran reconfirms to her entire family she will marry Qin Lang. Her logic is
this: he saved her so she's grateful and will settle on marrying him. But the one who always saved her was
Ri Xuan; Qin Lang just scoops up all the credits at the end when Ran Ran is
already away from danger.
Xuan is still hurting from the injury, at least Mu Chen is there to care for
him. He tells Lou Xuan about a new breakthrough in treating Ran Ran's poison
but he needs to go find Shi-Nu-Shi-Fu. Instead of personally going, Lou Xuan
sends Biu-Jie to go. He also exposes his alter ego to her. The reason why he
has two names is because Ran Ran misunderstood his name the first time around and
he went with it. Lou Xuan permits her to tell 3rd Bro since he would
want her to have a companion on this long journey.
so together Biu-Jie and 3rd Bro head to Tai Yi Shan to find
Su-Nu-Shi-Fu. Why Mu Chen
couldn't have done it himself when he lives at Tai Yi Shan and is
Shi-Nu-Shi-Fu’s disciple beats me. Before she leaves, she asks Ran Ran
who she loves and the first person that came to her mind was Ri Xuan. But she
claims it's hopeless because he loves Yue Ying. Yup, here we go again.
Tian’s flashback shows us Ri Xuan had fulfilled her wish of making her the
leader by succeeding in locking up Laughing Lady in the dungeon. When Ri Xuan
visits her, he desperately asks her for the mushroom but she won't provide it. And
so the crazy laughing lady remains locked up there.
she won’t be locked up for long. Ling Lang’s real motive all along was to
locate Laughing Lady, her master, and she manages to follow Qing Tian into the
dungeon. Ling Lang even willingly sacrifices her life to Laughing Lady by
letting her suck her blood which gives her enough energy to escape. When Ri
Xuan discovers she had escaped, he's heading to Yuan Zhou because Laughing Lady
is going there to capture Ran Ran.
heading to Yang Zhou, Red Lady makes a pit stop at Tai Yi Shan and visits
Su-Nu-Shi-Fu. She had tried to convince Laughing Lady that Wu She had lived on
to protect her and died because of her. Laughing Lady believes none of it and
kills her. I guess Biu-Jie’s trip to visit Su-Nu-Shi-Fu will be ridden with
Lang knows Ran Ran doesn't love him. The night before their wedding, he's
gotten himself so drunk he sneaks into Ran Ran’s room and embraces her. To
break his heart even more Ran Ran had thought the intruder was Ri Xuan but
after she realizes it wasn't, she pushed out of his embrace. He tells her he's
not afraid of anything except when she apologizes to him. Ran Ran: I'm sorry. Nice,
lol. He tells he wants her to be happy but he had wished her happiness
could have come from him. He leaves even more heartbroken than before. Ran Ran
apologizes to him in her head.
Multiple levels of heartbreak.
next day is there big wedding day but Qin Lang never shows up. Ah, another guy who decides to be
selfless. Poor dad though, he was really looking forward to having Ran Ran as
his daughter.
doesn't stay free for long though because when she decides to go out and search
for Qin Lang, she gets “captured” by a Jing Ci Dao-Zhang (a priestess). She had
appeared in Episode 4 when Ran Ran had spared her some food. And captured isn't
the right word with how safe Ran Ran is in her care. Jing Ci tells her she wants Ran Ran to be her disciple because it's fate.
she's very powerful and despite 5th Bro and 7th Bro doing
their usual stuff of stalking, they're no match for the Jing Ci even though
she’s asleep most of the time. The lady tells Ran Ran she knows Mu Chen. She
recalls that he had given her three cents in exchange for the Yue Ling flower.
It wasn’t that the flower costed three cents, it was more of his act of good
will that persuaded Priestess Jing Ci. But still. That important flower was only worth three cents… Ran
Ran also gives her money (way more than three cents) and off they travel some
more. Priestess Jing Ci tells her they're headed to Yang Zhou because fate will
bring everyone there. If I
ever write a story I'm going to put a priestess in there just so I always have
a way to explain the unexplainable.
the way to Yang Zhou, Ran Ran finally manages to escape from Jing Ci and her
brothers are there to ensure her safety.
freedom is once again short-lived. Priestess Jing Ci finds her again when she’s
being fed by her brothers. This time Priestess Jing Ci is with Yao Bing and
Qing Tian. Alright, so why are they all here? It all started with Mu Chen,
through some telepathy, discovers Ran Ran will be at Yuan Zhou so he informs
Yao Bing to meet there as they go their separate ways. Meanwhile Qing Tian was
with Yao Bing because she needs a friend to talk to after having her heart
broken (like always). But she does have an ulterior motive, she wants to see Ri
Xuan, and the quickest way to find him is to find Ran Ran. When Priestess Jing
Ci and Qing Tian see each other, they immediately sense the discomfort.
onlookers flirt with Qing Tian so Yao Bing hollers them away. 7th
Bro makes a comment that girls should just stay home and not be out and about
which infuriates Yao Bing. 7th Bro attempts to retaliate but 5th
Bro tells him sophisticated people shouldn't be bothered with such petty
♦ ♦ ♦ Comments ♦ ♦ ♦
I’m so glad to see Yao Bing and Ran Ran appear on my screen together.
The scenes are just so much brighter with both of these bubbly characters
together. I’ve been meaning to say this for a really long time but I never had
the chance to because she appears so little in the drama but I find Yao Bing reeeeeally
pretty. I want her dimples! And by the way she’ll get her romance too, which
happens to be really cute.
When Qin Lang went to visit Ran Ran in her room in the middle of the night it hit me how
superficial I am. Ha. When he does it I found it creepy but when Ri Xuan ventures into her room every night I found it romantic. It’s a thin borderline. If the girl loves the guy back,
everything’s okay but if the girl doesn’t love the guy, he’s in stalker