May 1, 2015

Murphy's Law of Love Episode 7 and Preview for Episode 8

See, I told you guys unforeseen trouble will be coming! BUT let’s embellish on the good and galore for now and fret later.

Guan Xiao Tong’s best girl buddy recalls how worried Ji Jia Wei was about her disappearance to the point that he completely neglected his important meeting and pushing aside all his work. And we all know how important work is to this guy; it was his love replacement but now he’s certainly got a legit love interest. Learning of his overt concern, Guan Xiao Tong personally deliveries food to our workaholic because that’s a huge thing for Taiwanese leading ladies to show due gratitude to the guy they deny they love. Before Guan Xiao Tong even enters the office, Polo comes running out to greet her. I’d like to say it’s not you, Guan Xiao Tong, it’s the food. Ji Jia Wei’s surprised that Polo likes someone else other than him and even more surprised that she’s here for him (actually, he was going to yell at her for being out so late until he found out it was all for him). He’s so dazed that he can only stare ogle at her when food is right in front of him. This guy’s neglecting his livelihood for you, from ignoring his work and now his food.

While eating, Ji Jia Wei denies dropping down all his work to haphazardly search for her. Guan Xiao Tong comments on Ji Jia Wei’s workaholism, but she’s not much better herself. He takes this opportunity to console her about the incidence with Chen You Wei (who was conned of love and blamed it on Dr. Love). Ji Jia Wei explains why he’s so diligent: he’s doing what he loves. Just like Guan Xiao Tong. Plus, if he doesn’t show any profitable result, his dad would force him to close down his firm. Guan Xiao Tong wasn’t too happy to learn Ji Jia Wei’s got a rich daddy.

Comfortable enough with him now, she reveals her insecurities to him; she doesn’t know whether doing what she loves is within her capability anymore. Seeing the confidence zapped out of her, Ji Jia Wei makes an offer to her.

Ji Jia Wei: It’s almost morning, if you’re not tired, there’s somewhere I want you to accompany me with. I thought he was going to say, “Let’s go watch the sunrise.”

Guan Xiao Tong gets the honour of being the first single, never married client to experience his Cry-All-You-Want Movie Theatre. The creativity dramas conceive to explain why an OTP ought to enjoy a movie date other than for a date amazes me. And it works, she cries. But the cute part is that he’s sleeping. Despite how tired he is, he goes out of his way for her.

Ji Jia Wei’s care for her doesn’t end there; he invites her to his clients’ divorce party in hopes of her understanding that she can’t predict and decipher everything, even if she’s Dr. Love.

Ji Jia Wei: Guan Xiao Tong, have you ever lied? In your opinion, how many people out there don’t lie?
Guan Xiao Tong: There should be a lot? And you really a psychologist?
Ji Jia Wei: According to statistics, one girl lies three times a day while men lie twice as much a day. So, the amount of liars out there way exceeds what you may think. You’re a love doctor, not God. It’s impossible for you to see though everything, just like with the reason for why that couple divorced.

It turns out he had already settled the issue with Chen You Wei and got him to sign up for her agency as a client willing to try love once again. In the flashback, Chen Yo Wei was wary of being lied to again but Ji Jia Wei encourages him with the same words Guan Xiao Tong encouraged himself with (his Wayne self, that is): There’s nothing in life you can be certain of, but don’t worry, once you start to consider “when you can start loving again” you’re already taking your first step forward.

And you made her cry, Ji Jia Wei! But I’ll forgive you since they’re happy tears. Now, she’s all set to delve herself into the career she loves once again. That night, she reopens her website and replies Wayne message of finally being able to slowly forget his ex. Guan Xiao Tong types: What you need right now is a friend you can trust to share your inner thoughts with and to find the courage to move forward. You mean you right, Guan Xiao Tong?

Reflecting on herself, Guan Xiao Tong finally deletes the pictures of her ex on her phone, which is the last of his existence in her life. On the other side of the screen, there’s Wayne who’s imaging Dr. Love is right beside him. He happily learns from his imaginary Dr. Love that Guan Xiao Tong probably doesn’t hate him. Now he asks whether she likes him.

Dr. Love returns the question back to him: Do you like her? If you like her, why care if she likes you? If she doesn’t like you, then why like her? Unless you’re hope that she also likes you. Then is your heart ready to accept someone new?

And coincidentally, they both decide to formalize their ending with their exes (without the presence of their ex) at the restaurant on the same day at the same time. Again, the restaurant is completely empty except for them. He calls a no longer available number to formally declare his ending with his ex. While she talks to the ring she’s holding. It turns out the ring she forcefully threw away that one fateful night bounced back from a tree and landed right back next to her red heels. And let’s be reminded that it was this scene she declared her dislike for rich men… or at least men that exceed her status.

Guan Xiao Tong: Through this ring, I realized that things once lost can return to you at unexpected times. So although you (her ex) left me, I believe that love can return to me just like this ring did.
And Ji Jia Wei returns to his spot of standing right behind her just like that fateful night but this time he goes to sit right in front of her. Ji Jia Wei tells her that she was right all along: he was running away from love. He thought he could never love again and was fine without it. He thought he could never return to the restaurant. But he did. And now he has the courage to love once again. Right now all he needs is a friend he can trust to share his inner thoughts with and to find the courage to move forward. Well, gee that sounds familiar.

He gets up to take her hand in his and reveals he’s Wayne. I don’t get why we’re doing the hand part, but heck I’m fine with it. He asks her to give him courage.

They leave together and for whatever reason her heels get stuck in the gap on the sidewalk; either its Murphy’s Law #8 (The day you wear heels, the road must be uneven) or she’s too love-struck to look where she’s going. While Ji Jia Wei struts his usually pose: head angled down, hands held at the back. He’s not willing to budge until she asks for help. Aiyah this man! When she does plead for help though, he can’t help but smile. I smile with you but I’m also shaking my head at you.

Ji Jia Wei: When you need me, you just need to tell me.

And he goes to her but he doesn’t free her heel, at least not immediately. Instead he carries her. I was a little surprised here and yelled ‘You left her bag!’ but he seats her on his car while he goes back to the heel and unstuck it. Well that was new and refreshing.

You’ve got a pretty nice butt there, Ji Jia Wei. (:

Ji Jia Wei helps her wear her heel and says: High heels are very dangerous. How many times have you gotten hurt from them? You once said that to find the right heels, you’ll need to spend time on trying them first. So before you find that right heel, please take good care of yourself. Okay?

It’s the next day and we’ve moved on to lunch now. At the prospect of Guan Xiao Tong joining him and his buddies for lunch, he was internally ecstatic but she refuses the invitation. Thus, he employs another tactic to get her to eat with him: he claims a problem exists in the contract that needs to be resolved at lunch hour. When Guan Xiao Tong sees the lunch he ordered, she knew it was for her (and I really don’t see how that’s only a two-person meal). He tries to deny, but fails. Guan Xiao Tong chirpily takes her spot and dive into her food, but is soon interrupted by work. He knocks on the table to reveal her dissatisfaction and Guan Xiao Tong immediately tells the guy on the other end of the phone that she’ll get back to him in ten minutes.

Ji Jia Wei: How come you never listen? If you don’t know how to take care of yourself, then I’ll take – coughs – I’ll t…. tain – obtain another way….

Luckily, she wasn’t listening.

Ji Jia Wei gets fed up now: Our next project will be even more complicated, so your time will be all mine.

She’s about to leave for work but he stops her because he needs to wipe her mouth.
Ji Jia Wei: You’re such a mess. Can’t you slow down to take care of yourself? It’s weird how you didn’t eat that much but your face is so round. Although I’m a girl, I have to admit her cheeks really make people want to squeeze them.

After she leaves Ji Jia Wei finishes his thoughts: Don’t know how to take care of yourself? Must you make me find a reason to take care of you?

Ji Jia Wei decides to talk to his dog about it: She’s just like you, needing someone to take care of you. What? – the dog said something, obviously – You like her too? If it’s like that then I’ll come up with a plan. So he’s got his “reason” now. Lol.

Behold, the highlight of the episode: Commence the Confession Time!

Ji Jia Wei: Are you not coming? Or do you want me to go over and carry you here?

Guan Xiao Tong gets conned to this romantic candlelit dinner. He lies to her that they’re just testing the atmosphere for their next event. In the bouquet he gifts her, Guan Xiao Tong finds his application to join her love agency.

Ji Jia Wei: But you don’t need to help me find a partner because I already have one in mind. So what you need to do is to relay her thoughts to me.  
Guan Xiao Tong reads out his application requirements for his partner: She must be shorter than 160cm (I like how that’s the first requirement of all things), weigh less than 55kg, loves gourmet food; logical but loves to bicker, skillful at solving love problems and must be a licenced psychologist.
Ji Jia Wei: If there’s anything unclear or more that you like to know about in my application feel free to ask me. Ah, I also attached my daily schedule in the application so other than the times I’ve set for work, the rest can be all given to her. What happened to you wanting to hog all her time eh? And also, please tell her, I’ve researched it: Guts, Giver, Gentle, Guarantee. As long as I want to do them, there isn’t one I can’t do.
Guan Xiao Tong: You have such obscure ways of talking.

Ji Jia Wei: Remember I told you that woman lies three times while men will lie twice that amount a day. So that’s 6 in total.
First lie: I don’t love you.
Second lie: I never thought of constantly wanting to see you.
Third lie: And never constantly thought of you.
Fourth lie: I don’t worry about you.
Fifth lie: And especially don’t want to take care of you.
Sixth lie: To the point of not wanting to be with you at all.

Ji Jia Wei continues: I’ve just used up all my lies. Now I’ll just be frank. So what I say next, you must listen well. Guan Xiao Tong, the girl I love prefers to care for herself but always puts others first while neglecting herself; workwise, she puts in so much effort that it makes me worry for her. She’s generous, and easy to bully, and an idiot. That’s why I think if there isn’t someone to protect her, to take care of her, I’m worried she’ll hide herself to cry alone. Although she looks smart, strong, brave, and capable of teaches others how to love, but in my eyes she’s the one that needs to be loved and taken care of.

He gives her a charm bracelet.

Ji Jia Wei: Take it.
She hesitates.
Ji Jia Wei: Okay, if you don’t’ want it, and since I won’t be giving it to anyone else either, I’ll – looks around for a place to throw the ring

Guan Xiao Tong gets up to stop him but ends up making him actually throw it. LOL.

Guan Xiao Tong: Ji Jia Wei! Why are you so domineering! You won’t even give me the time to decide!

Then she doesn’t hesitate to step right into the pool to find it.

Ji Jia Wei finds the charm bracelet first and puts it right into her hands. He declares that the Couple Event has ended successfully now that she accepted the present.

Guan Xiao Tong: What do the charms mean? One dollar? High Heels?
Ji Jia Wei: Must you make me actually say it out loud? Yeah.
Guan Xiao Tong obviously doesn’t get it.                                          
Ji Jia Wei: It’s…. to walk with from henceforth. (I think he meant to say he’ll be the right heels for her to walk with from now on, but did I miss the dollar part?)
Guan Xiao Tong: O_O?
Ji Jia Wei: Although there was a little mishap, but if you don’t say anything now, I’ll take it as you accept?
Guan Xiao Tong hesitates but wants to say something.
Ji Jia Wei: Ah! Wait! It’s okay, you don’t have to rush to answer me but don’t make me wait too long either.

Since her clothes are wet, he provides her a set of clothes to change at his cycle polo club which he intends for her join. She doesn’t give an answer yet and he uses the exact same words as before: “You don’t have to rush to answer me but don’t make me wait too long either.” He also invites her to his friend’s wedding and he won’t accept no for an answer. What happened to waiting? In the club room she also finds a picture of his ex-girlfriend. He gets happy at the thought that she might be jealous.

The next day, she consults her friends about a friend of hers who was recently confessed to. However, her friends already know Ji Jia Wei confessed to her. They complain that she’s a love doctor, so why can’t she handle her own problem?

Guan Xiao Tong: Have you seen a barber cut their own hair, or a doctor do their own surgery?

But her friend warns her that there’s a difference between love, compatibility and actually being together. Her buddy also reminds her: “You were unlucky when you got hurt once; the second time you’re hurt, you’ll just be dumb.” With of these thoughts, Guan Xiao Tong hesitates to reply him.

On Ji Jia Wei’s end, he’s feeling grim because he caught her leaving with Zi Yan and even his buddies are pouring cold water on him. They tell him when a girl takes longer to reply to a confession, the guy basically has zilch hope.

Episode 8 Preview:

She says to Zi Yan: Have you ever had the feeling of staring at something – a pair of meat – and being reminded of someone?

Zi Yan: So you’re saying this frozen meat is Ji Jia Wei?

In the next scene at his home, Ji Jia Wei tells her: I will be here, waiting for you to understand me. (I think that’s what he says)

At her home now, Guan Xiao Tong says to herself: Ji Jia Wei, what should I do with you?
And Ji Jia Wei is home alone wondering whether he can send her messages.

At the wedding, Guan Xiao Tong asks him: Is it really okay that I came? You’re already there.
Ji Jia Wei replies: If you don’t come then I’m completely not okay. – He says this while taking her hands in his –

And then his two buddies spot his ex at the wedding. They’re worrying about Guan Xiao Tong and them encountering each other.

But in the next scene we cut to, Ji Jia Wei pulls Guan Xiao Tong to his side and says: Today, all she (Guan Xiao Tong) needs to do is be with me.

Ji Jia Wei takes her hand in his as he uses this excuse: You’re going to break your bag (because she’s holding it too tightly). Didn’t I tell you before? When there’s a hand for you, why don’t you grab hold of it?

And we zoom into a picture of his ex-girlfriend, proving her attendance at the wedding. Fun.


I was actually quite bored in the former part of the episode because last week’s preview basically covered the entire first half and it was jumping all over the place with no proper transition whatsoever. However that confession with the six lies reeled me right back into smiling mode. Ji Jia Wei's got soooo much gooey lines that I ended up translating almost the entire episode. 

One thing the show needs to tone down on is the reverse Cinderella motif where instead of Cinderella losing her heel for Prince Charming to find her, she’s going to find the right Prince Rich Charming to be her heel. Lol, you know what I mean.  Let’s not mention about heels for the next episode okay, show? Nothing too excessive is good. 

And how I dread his ex being back. I hope the drama doesn't dwell too long on the angst.

Murphy's Law of Love Episode 8
Murphy's Law of Love Episode 6