April 28, 2022

Decreed by Fate | Reviews

A princess flees from her marquis groom.  
Chinese Title
The Princess Can’t Escape
Episodes: 16


Li Jiu LinLu Tian Xiao / Yin Si Shen
Chen Fang TongYe Rong’er / Wen Ren Jing 
Wu Chong XuanFang Xian Xun / Lin Xie
Cheng Yu FengLiu Zhan 
Li Jia YiAh Ling


(Updated as of May 2022)

DirectorLiu Chun

ProducerXiang Qiu Liang

ProducerXiang He Sheng


Five (5/5)

Four (4/5)

Three (3/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn 
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
Low budget drama delivering the charm! But because it's low budget, the editing.... Well. The editing isn’t something I’d call choppy because there has to be editing for that. Seriously. It’s obvious an entire arc is lifted from some episodes. I don’t know why this had to be trimmed to fit 16 episodes. The story isn't that bad. 

For the kind of drama this is though, I love it. Straightforward. Cute. Show knows how to please its audience. Those suggestive scenes, yum! The couple is romantic, the trio is hilarious, and the guys are both so wholesome. The female character is written well too. She’s unvarnished in expressing her love (once she’s in love). And of course, Li Jiu Lin is alluring. 

Random Recommendation: Oh! My Sweet Liar

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Apr 2022
Finally! Li Jiu Lin is the ML that I've been waiting for since Youth. And he's been in so many other series as the pitiful 2ML who rarely ever got the girl, or any girl. (I see that he's in another series as ML - hopefully that'll come out this year?!) He’s quite alluring as the quiet but forceful Lu Ting Xiao. 

Ye Rong Er is just so cute and silly, who is the perfect foil for Lu Ting Xiao. She’s a tad immature but she’s not unlikeable. She’s also in the middle of a love triangle with him and the funny Fang Xian Xun. Our trio get along, although it’s a bit forced for the two guys. (Ha!) There are a few misunderstandings but they don't really last that long. Oh, our girl Ye Rong Er is married for most of this series. Did you figure out who her groom is before she does? 

This is a cute and funny series with some of the steamiest kisses and suggestive scenarios! And you have to admit that the scenes with the trio, or just the two guys are knee-slapping funny. A short series at 16 eps, with Li Jiu Lin in every episode! 

Need a quick popcorn filler of a costume romance? This is a good one - if you can get over some of the awkward editing/lack of proper segues. It’s very high on romance and laughter. Definitely check it out, if you want to enjoy Li Jiu Lin in every single episode! I did mention that, right?! 

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)

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