Purpose: This is a place for you all to comment or vote on anything that you’re watching. It's interesting for me (it really is) because I get to be on the other end of knowing what you guys are watching instead of it all being one-sided. Also, I don’t want to be participating in the comments section unless I’m prompted to answer a question.
Trial: Still on trial~ If it’s used by a number of you, I’ll keep it. If not, I'll scrap it (until next time!).
I am using Google Forms for the poll. Disclaimer: If you fill it in, I have no access to information about your google account/gmail; I only know there is a vote.
The poll will be continuously updated throughout the two weeks to include new drama which will be indicated like so: ***. The poll I uploaded in the beginning will only include Cdramas that are currently airing (that I am aware of ^^).
You can still submit your own answers by filling in "Other". Submit any drama that you are currently watching whether or not it's ongoing or completed. Notice everything is in lowercase except the first letter. The reason I do that is to ensure when multiple people submit the same drama, it'll be tallied together. Google Forms doesn't recognize that "Truth and Dare" is the same as "Truth and dare". The first letter is capitalized because I notice it's automatic if I type anything on my phone and laptop. If you make a typo, that’s fine too. I cannot fix it on my end, but oh well. (:
- In the case that I do get two or more of the same answers (e.g. "Truth and Dare" and "Truth and dare") I will go with the first submission or the one that is submitted the most. Once I add it in, it'll show up as an option and others who vote afterwards don't have to type it in again.
- Submit one drama at a time when using "Other"
- *Oh yes, someone in the previous poll asked where s/he can find eng subs of behind-the-scenes. ^^" That's not the place to ask, but that's okay! My best answer is YouTube on the official accounts unless some kind soul has subbed it.
To see poll results, after you vote, click “See previous responses”. It will be a pop up window. If you want to see results without voting, simply click “Submit answer" (without voting) and you can then select “See previous responses”.
[Non-Airing-Drama Highlights]
I just wanted to talk about three things from earlier this week:
Love and Redemption fans, have you heard about the newly announced drama "Love Never Fails" with Yuan Bing Yan and Liu Xue Yi? Just reading the English title of the names makes me think if it's supposed to be a continuation. The Chinese titles are nothing like that. Anyway! I like both actors but I feel weird about the combo... What is up with LaR doing so much intra-coupling? Although I'm ambivalent about it now, when it airs, whenever that is, I'm sure I'll be excited for it.
Running Man fans, ah, well. It's here. There has never been a time I dreaded watching Running Man until this week. Even if tears are blurring my vision. I had to watch this to the end. I'm grateful for the tiny laughter Song Ji Hyo's illegible letter gave me but after that... let's just say I emptied out my tissue box and had to grab a toilet paper roll from the closest washroom. Lee Kwang-soo ♥
On a happier note, After School fans! They had a reunion!! My YouTube feeds have never been so random and so accurate. The girls look gorgeous and their happiness is contagious. I am amazed Bang! still sounds so good.
[New Drama Updates]
(I will be copying and pasting little blurbs I make on new dramas from "Airing Schedule")
To be continuously updated when there are new dramas when I watch the new dramas.
[June 23]
This week feels like we're digging dramas from the stone age.

Reset in July [2/26]: Stars Xiao Yu, Zhang Yao (Gala Zhang) and Zhou Ye. This ended filming back in 2017. The story revolves around Xiao Yu's character and how she acclimatizes to a lower class while harbouring love for Zhang Yao's character.

Never Say Goodbye [4/47]: Stars Ren Jia Lun (Allen Ren) and Janine Chang. Correct me if I'm wrong: this was filmed in 2018, which would make this the first modern drama Ren Jia Lun acted in. He still has the same styled bangs...I don't like it! Anyway, he's an undercover agent investigating her father and somehow becomes her bodyguard. And so this is a Chinese drama about crime, spy, and star-crossed lovers. Snickers. Ren Jia Lun is one of my favourite actors but this one reeks. It's not the genre I like nor the episode length I can accept. However! I just want to say the first few episodes are surprisingly watchable. It's not overly dramatic or pretending to be cool.

Tears in Heaven [1/41]: Stars Li Qin, Dou Xiao (Shawn Dou), and Zhang Yun Long (Leon Zhang). This one is even older: 2016! I only caught one episode but – omg! – there is chemistry between Zhang Yun Long and Li Qin already! It's the old school kind of chemistry, you get me? But he's the second male lead!!! As for recapping this, it feels like a bad gamble. 😳