October 19, 2020

Living Toward the Sun | Recap and Review

A girl finds hope in life after being diagnosed with cancer.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Jiang XinXiong Dun
Gao Wei Guang: Lin Zhi Heng
Chinese Title
Episodes: 8/40
Recap Grade: D
First Impression: 2.75/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep2] After an accidental picture with a famous supermodel, Xiong Dun finds a boom in her manhua viewership. She aspires to be a popular author but life hasn’t been kind to her. Xiong Dun gets a once in a lifetime opportunity for a press conference where she’s the star. However, when her press-con is scheduled back to back with Xia Meng’s (the supermodel), she’s immediately relegated to the side. Even if the reporter has time, he’d rather sit and do nothing than interview her, a nobody. 

Xiong Dun has hit the lowest point of her life. She had just split with her boyfriend who cheated on her (because his mother is against his relationship) and now this. She’s had enough. When Xia Meng is late for her press conference, Xiong Dun barges her way up on stage and demands to be interviewed. There are dozens of reporters and fans (of Xia Meng) staring at her. In the crowd is also Lin Zhi Heng. He’s a doctor and he’s here to find his patient which is Xiong Dun’s ex-boyfriend’s grandfather. 

Xiong Dun is hustled off stage after embarrassing herself in front of everyone. But she doesn’t find it embarrassing at all. She wants what she deserves. The reporters are about to leave but Xiong Dun calls back that one (rude) reporter. She tells him to finish his job. She promises it’ll only be 5 minutes. Exasperated, the reporter sits back down to listen to her. There’s no one else in the audience but actually, there is one. He’s Lin Zhi Heng. He’s hiding. Before the conference starts, Xiong Dun takes her sweet time applying her lipstick. Annoyed, the reporter tells her he isn’t taking any photos. Xiong Dun scoffs that applying lipstick is to please herself. You go girl. Five minutes starts now. She won’t let him go for a second less nor will she give him a second more. At the end she uses the last minute to draw a picture of the reporter. She drew a monkey butt on fire. Lin Zhi Heng goes to pick up the picture after she leaves and smirks at it. 

Xiong Dun goes back to her ex to retrieve her old manhuas. Her boyfriend gives her a dose of reality to stop living in her manga world. 

[Ep3] Xiong Dun experiences one of the worst and loneliest birthday ever. 

[Ep4] This episode is a tearjearker. Xiong Dun learns she has lymphoma. Amy (her best friend) calls her and when Xiong Dun updates her, tears immediately well up in Xiong Dun's eyes for the first time since learning her diagnosis. The same with Amy.

[Ep6] Xiong Dun hasn’t thought of how to tell her father but he suddenly shows up. 

Xiong Dun: How did you know I was thinking of you? 

She cries just seeing him. Time for some tears myself. 

The supermodel, Xia Meng, also has cancer. That’s why her mood has been so hostile. She shaved her head because of chemotherapy. Her doctor insists on a surgery but for her career, she rejects it.

Xiong Dun is motivated to love after Lin Zhi Heng gives her hope that she can be cured and she can find love (in him). 

[Ep7] The patient in the next room has a pitiful situation. The patient is an old man. He wants to live. He’s already fought cancer for a few years now but he hasn’t given up. It’s his family who wants to give up. They’re tired. It’s caregiver burnout. Both sides deserve sympathy. Xiong Dun empathizes and asks her father if she’s a burden. Dad is like of course not. 

Amy’s boyfriend (Jason) isn’t that great of a catch. He doesn’t like Amy for neglecting him for Xiong Dun. Amy is speechless. Her friend has cancer and he’s here telling her to care about her best friend less. 

Onto the good stuff now. At 33 minute mark it’s hilarious. Xiong Dun’s neighbour is this grandmother (Grandma Wei). She hired a god like doctor (more like a liar claiming to be a doctor) who sends a magical force to her stomach. He asks her if she feels warmth there now. Grandma Wei nods. Pft. Grandma Wei assures Xiong Dun that once she’s cured, she’ll introduce this doctor to her. Grandma, whatever makes you happy is fine just as long as you’re not being scammed too much money

Nurses have noted that Lin Zhi Heng has changed. He’s particular nice to Bed 12 (Xiong Dun). The other nurse corrects her that it’s more like he’s working a lot more hours. I’d say he’s pulling all-nighters to research a way to save Xiong Dun. He’s also accepting all of Xiong Dun’s little gifts. She gave him a plant that she grew on her birthday. The plant sprouted all on its own without her caring for it. It’s a tough plant just like her. This plant is also a tiny bribe for him to lie to her mother about her diagnosis if she calls. Lin Zhi Heng accepts the request. However, mom isn’t just going to call, she’s actually going to visit. Xiong Dun scrambles to ask everyone to help her lie to her mother. She teaches Grandma Wei to tell her mother she has another diagnosis that’s nonmalignant. Xiong Dun even uses a cute chant to help her remember it. Xiong Dun also gives soup (her father made) to thank Lin Zhi Heng for secretly helping her too by temporarily changing her diagnosis label on her bed to fool her mother. 

[Ep8] Xiong Dun finds out Lin Zhi Heng was there at her press conference. He compliment her that the girl he saw was ordinary but courageous. There was nothing embarrassing about it. She throws him a big hug. 



[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I haven’t seen the movie (Go Away Mr. Tumour!) which this drama is based off of but I know it’s supposed to be a tragedy. Precisely because it’s a tragedy, I was absolutely hesitant on trying this. I cannot stomach tragedies. To this day I cannot finish One Litre of Tears. That drama is the end of me. 

To my surprise, Living Toward(s) the Sun is not that sad. Contrarily, it feels sunny, just like it’s name suggests. It’s bright and hopeful despite its content. Xiong Dun, our female lead, is diagnosed with cancer after losing her job and boyfriend. During her hospitalization, she meets various others with similar dire circumstances. But everyone is optimistic. There’s laughter and humour. Each patient has a quirk to them. Xiong Dun is on a path of recovery, discovery of herself and others, and perhaps exploration of new love. 

[Actors/Actresses] Jiang Xin makes her character inspiring. There’s a sunniness to Xiong Dun despite all that she’s gone through. But when sadness hits her, oh man, you feel it. I think it’s Jiang Xin’s sole performance that sold me this drama. Gao Wei Guang’s Lin Zhi Heng suits him. I much prefer him playing a serious role over whatever he did in Miss S

[Dropped] This is a watchable (light and hopeful) drama but I don't have the time.