Showing posts with label Kubota Masataka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kubota Masataka. Show all posts

March 21, 2015

N no Tame Ni Review

This was my second attempt at watching this drama. The first time, I didn’t like the opening because it was too dark for my liking at that time. The second time, I still didn’t like the opening but trudged on through because of all the year-end awards it got.  I mean there had to be something about that drama that got mass attention, right? Otherwise, I would have missed out on Kaseifu no Mita

N no Tame Ni was a pleasant surprise for how light it actually was contrary to its dark premise and dark undertone. I was happy that my ship never sank. More into the narrative, it wasn’t as brilliant as I had hoped but the interconnection between each scenes and the intricateness of each character’s resolve was tied neatly to one another making this an interesting watch that reeled me in one episode after another. I will definitely be keeping tabs on Kubota Masataka’s and Eikura Nana’s future projects.

One more thing! For those looking for an alternative ending, this review might give you a little hope.